#java Martin mystery
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llhg · 6 months ago
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Hi hello I bring you Fanart of a dead fandom that deserves more love.
Martin mystery is the main reason why I’m so invested into monsters and the paranormal.
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caw4brandon · 6 months ago
We Like, Are Totally Spies
When we think about shows that will appeal to boys. Action is the easiest to relate. Something like; Ben 10, American Dragon Jake Long, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Justice League will be on the list. It has drama, it has fights and it's cool!
However, there has been a movement in that era where specific cartoon shows aim to get girls into action. Kim Possible, Juniper Lee, My Life as a Teenage Robot, and The Winx Club are perfect examples of such shows.
There is an odd case for more girl-centric shows. Something about the need to balance femininity with action. The show needs to feel like an action that happens to have the main characters be girls. This is where today's topic comes in. We're talking about how;
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- How's the Mission, Spies? -
< Totally Spies > by Vincent Chalvon-Demersay and David Michel follows three teens; Sam, Clover and Alex from Beverly Hills living a secret life being Super Spies for WOOHP (World Organization Of Human Protection) under their boss; Jerry Lewis.
Their missions involve travelling the world. Fighting mad scientists and twisted outcasts who seek to dominate the world with style and gadgets that conceal themselves as fashionable equipment.
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The trio plays specific archetypes. Sam (green) is the brains, Clover (red) is the fashionista/ boy obsessive and Alex (yellow) is the athlete and occasional nerd. Despite their differences, they share several common interests such as their love for shopping and spy skills of agility, hand-to-hand combat and espionage.
Across six seasons, the girls matured from high school to university students. Confronting the daily struggles of homework, social lives and their petty arch-enemy, Mandy.
As a vibe, < Totally Spies > fully leans into the Beverly Hills lifestyle of fabulous fashion and some familiar pop culture names of that era. The show has a mix of the James Bond type of super spy world filled with dull henchmen, high-tech machines and some tacky villains.
- Time to go to Plan B! -
The episodes are condensed into their own episode. Although there have been some arcs that follow specific villains who have a bit of history with the main characters.
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Tim Scam is a former agent who went rogue against WOOHP and Terrence Lewis; twin brother to Jerry and a sore thumb to WOOHP. There also reoccurring allies as well. Brittney (cyan) who joined the team as a trainee, Dean from the three-part series < Evil Promotion Much? > and Blaine a freelance agent who dated Clover.
The conflicts, if we can even call them conflicts at all have aged rather strangely. Some of the villains commit petty crimes like kidnapping celebrities due to jealousy or act extreme. Like being anti-consumerist with the solution of destroying malls.
Yet, some are still relatable to this day such as a kid villain who is mad at his father for being busy as a commentary on how parental neglect can cause warped ideas in a child. Whatever, it's a pre-teen show. Let's not look into it too deeply.
The world of Totally Spies is also interconnected with several other shows; [The Amazing Spiez] and [Martin Mystery].
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< Martin Mystery > follows Martin, a paranormal investigator for the Center with Martin's step-sister, Diana Lombard and Java the Caveman. Fighting monsters, urban legends and aliens.
According to a special crossover episode. Martin's boss; M.O.M (Mystery Organization Manager) and Jerry know each other. Likewise, in Amazing Spiez; Jerry is also the boss of the Clark siblings. Lee, Marc, Megan and Tony. Sadly, these shows were short-lived and cancelled.
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It does raise an interesting point. Why is Totally Spies more popular? As a guess, I think it's because the chemistry between the characters is a lot more interesting and fun.
The three girls are best of friends and while they sometimes bicker over boys, responsibilities and opinions. They will always put their friendship and mission first above all else. It feels more real, in a superficial way.
That an actual girl would have a girlfriend group this tight-knit and if they ever become a part of something bigger than them. They would do it together.
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- Here We Go Again! -
Tacky villains, cute super spy girlfriends and awesome gadgets aside. The show has a few good jokes here and there. Its art style borrows a lot from Anime and its colors are groovy to the eyes.
For a show that was meant to attract girls into action. The show has also garnered a large following from boys as well. I think another secret to the success of < Totally Spies > can also be because of its approach to the subject. Like I said in my introduction.
There is an odd case for more girl-centric shows. Something about the need to balance femininity with action. The show needs to feel like an action that happens to have the main characters be girls.
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This show is a girl's show. The girls are unapologetic being girly. Doing girl things like shopping, manicure, dating and going on dream vacations but with their secret life as spies. The show balances it out with good action and is still using that girly theme to add to its gadgets.
Heck, some of the gadgets are stuff that I would personally want to have. The Jet Pack backpack, The Wind Tunnel 3000 Tornado Blast Hair Dryer, Lazer lipstick and the Compowder are on my list. Especially with its costume change function.
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It's a show that embraces both ends of the spectrum and allows it to show its respective strengths rather than shy away from the themes. With the announcement that this show is going to have a season 7/ soft reboot. It does look promising with several concerns.
But I am hopeful that for a beloved show such as this. The girls will have a proper return and inspire a new generation of girls (and boys) to be < Totally Spies >
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thestuffedalligator · 1 year ago
Heartbreaking: all the episodes of the thing I liked as a kid have been uploaded to YouTube, but the wild, wacky protagonist I liked as a kid is physically unbearable now that I’m an adult.
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mindful-mango · 5 months ago
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My tribute to Martin Mystery! Aimed for a movie poster layout featuring my favorite mini arc from the show. Original sketch from 2013. I heard they may be rebooting it, but it looks nothing like the old style :( If you haven't seen the show check it out! It's pretty fun.
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viralarcadian · 1 year ago
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what the fuck is this
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mask131 · 3 months ago
Well, well, well... I just learned that a new Martin Mystery cartoon will be released next year.
By Powerkids Entertainment (Singapore).
It will be a reboot. In 3D animation.
Here's the poster.
... I'll hold my thoughts until it actually comes out...
...except for one detail: they seem to have swapped the personalities of Martin and Diana based on their outfits? Which is... a very weird thing to do? But this entire reboot has a weird streak to it... We'll see next year
... and another: the Chronoscan is now some sort of glowing fake-sleeve? They seem to be going with a much more... high-tech vibe for this one?
... Again we'll see when it comes out. It's just a poster for now
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Headcanon #7
After Martin and Diana graduate Torrington, Java decides to go to Culinary school in France to learn how to make better Pastries and open his own bakery.
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super-hero-confessions · 2 years ago
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yelhsabanana · 1 year ago
Martin Mystery Webcomic Update!!
My Martin Mystery webcomic has been updated with page o3!!!
If you love Martin Mystery, wanted Martin and Diana as their original fiancé trope rather than that weird step-siblings garbage, than this is the comic for you!
I try to post semi-regularly and if you want better updates, merch, to support me and the comic or just to see the progress, behind the scenes and fun stuff like wallpapers please consider joining my Patreon!
Happy reading!
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haru-kuneko · 3 months ago
I just realized how the characters from Dungeon Meshi kinda reminded me of another show called "Martin Mystery."
This is just my opinion so kindly take them with a grain of salt. I mean, you have a goofy blonde protagonist who's obsessed with monsters, a neat-freak kind of girl, a gruff ol' man, and a cute tiny gremlin.
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I can imagine these guys camping somewhere as they feast on some weird food, hunt down alien creatures and play DND together. If they were to make a crossover of these two shows, I'd explode into confetti 'coz that'd be so cool!
Senshi in DunMesh is usually the cook in the party so like Java, he would be working at a school cafeteria or something. Martin and Laios both tend to be loud and obnoxious dudes who like monsters. Marcille and Diana would get along pretty well as they try to stop the boys from doing anything stupid. Chilchuck may find Billy creepy at first, but starts to warm up to him.
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bogbees · 1 year ago
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Melanie showed me the reboot Martin Mystery designs and I'm like crying blood. MARTIN ISN'T A SUIT GUY. WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO JAVA. WHY IS DIANA LIKE THAT!!!!!!
so. here's what I'd do if i had the power to reboot my beloved childhood show
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mysteryacademyhq · 1 year ago
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EVENTO I: sepultamento com honras do professor Java Cavemann
A atmosfera da academia estava carregada de tristeza e perplexidade naquela manhã sombria na Califórnia. O calor característico do estado contrastava com o céu nublado, tornando a volta às aulas ainda mais tenebrosa, especialmente sem a presença de alguém tão fundamental, o Professor Java. Rumores corriam pelos corredores sobre sua morte misteriosa, mas nenhuma explicação oficial havia sido dada até então. A surpresa atingiu a todos quando o sistema de som da academia, que estava em silêncio por quase três décadas, foi ativado para transmitir uma mensagem do atual diretor: Frederick Jones. Sua voz ressoava por todos os cantos, e os alunos e os funcionários se reuniram em silêncio para ouvir suas palavras.
“É com profundo pesar que informamos a trágica e inaceitável morte violenta do nosso querido professor, Java Cavemann, ocorrida nas dependências da nossa universidade. O Professor Java era um membro dedicado da nossa comunidade acadêmica, conhecido por sua incrível dedicação aos alunos e sua incansável vontade de ajudar aqueles que enfrentavam dificuldades. Esta perda é sentida por todos nós, pois o Professor Cavemann deixou uma marca indelével em nossa instituição e nas vidas daqueles que teve a honra de ensinar e orientar.
Para prestar nossas últimas homenagens e demonstrar nosso profundo respeito, convidamos a todos a se reunirem no sepultamento que ocorrerá no dia de hoje, a partir das 18:00 horas, começando a cerimônia no local favorito de Java no gazebo em nossos jardins. Pedimos que todos se unam em solidariedade neste momento de luto, lembrando e celebrando a vida e o impacto positivo que ele teve em tantas vidas. Nossos pensamentos estão com a família Caveman e todos os que foram afetados por essa tragédia e por isso estaremos suspendendo as aulas até segunda-feira. Que possamos nos apoiar mutuamente nesse momento difícil." - Diretor Frederick Jones.
Os alunos foram liberados de suas aulas, e uma tristeza profunda pairava no ar. Para muitos, Java não era apenas um professor, mas um verdadeiro herói, especialmente para aqueles que sobreviveram à batalha de Heavy Rain. Seu sorriso constante e alegria contagiante eram como um farol de esperança em um mundo muitas vezes injusto. Enquanto os boatos circulavam sobre a causa da morte do Professor Cavemann, a incerteza pairava sobre a comunidade acadêmica. Alguns acreditavam que um dos aluno monsters poderia estar envolvido, incitando ainda mais o ódio e a polarização, enquanto outros temiam que isso fosse um sinal do vilão Barok, conhecido por seus intentos malignos. A marcha até o gazebo, acompanhada pela música da banda estudantil, continuou de maneira solene e respeitosa. A família do Professor Java estava visivelmente desolada, enquanto a comunidade acadêmica se reunia para prestar suas últimas homenagens a alguém tão querido. A presença do fundador e antigo diretor, Martin Mystery, na cerimônia fora uma surpresa, entretanto era evidente a dor profunda que sentia pela perda de seu melhor amigo. A pergunta pairava no ar: quanto mais ele poderia perder?
Diana e a família Chang-Long estavam presentes, solidários nesse momento de tristeza e reflexão. Enquanto Jade fazia seu discurso, relembrando como Java a havia salvo na caverna há trinta anos atrás durante a Heavy Rain; as palavras dela tocavam os corações de todos os presentes, ressaltando a importância do legado do querido professor e como ele havia impactado positivamente tantas vidas sem qualquer ideia dos horrores que lhe aguardavam. Todavia o discurso emocionante de Jade foi interrompido por um estrondo ensurdecedor que sacudiu o chão. Um buraco se abriu, próximo ao gazebo, e criaturas horríveis e sedentas de sangue começaram a emergir dele. O choque tomou conta de todos na academia, enquanto o caos se desenrolava diante de seus olhos. Aquele momento, que deveria ser de homenagem e luto, rapidamente se transformou em uma cena de terror inimaginável.
O ar estava impregnado de tensão e adrenalina, enquanto os heróis se preparavam para o combate. Os estudantes, apavorados, contavam apenas com Fred, Diana, Martin, Jake e Jade para sua proteção, embora a esta altura não lutar parecesse impossível. As criaturas das sombras eram aberrações grotescas, com formas retorcidas e olhos brilhantes de um vermelho ardente. Suas garras afiadas pareciam prontas para retalhar qualquer coisa que se movesse em seu caminho. Eles se moviam com agilidade sobrenatural, deslizando pelo chão com grunhidos ensurdecedores. Os heróis se espalharam em equipes, cada uma enfrentando seu próprio grupo de inimigos. O diretor Frederick Jones e Jake Long lideravam o confronto, o combo da experiência do Jones e poderes superiores do Long servindo como um farol de esperança em meio à escuridão. Os Mysterys e Jade se preparavam para o combate, tentando parar e exterminar o máximo de criaturas possíveis para dar uma oportunidade de fuga aos alunos, entretanto era claro, aquilo era para o que estavam sendo treinados durante todo esse tempo.
O evento vai durar até meia noite do dia 09/10 (segunda-feira)
Vocês podem tanto começar as interações ou postar pov´s sobre o início do enterro ou sobre a batalha, não esqueça de taggear ou marcar apropriadamente!
A compra de itens na central encerra hoje à meia noite, mas peço que tentem interagir dentro do evento o máximo que conseguirem, isso é apenas o início.
Sintam-se à vontade para lutar ao lado de nossos heróis, Fred, Jade, Jake, Martin ou Diana, mas lembrem-se que para este evento esses personagens não sofreram nenhum ferimento grave que ocasione a morte deles!
Perdão pelo quão extensivo esse post acabou sendo e bom evento!
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thepoparena · 11 months ago
It only aired on Nickelodeon for a few months, but that counts for our purposes! We take a look at an episode of Martin Mystery! We learn the origins of Martin and Diana's caveman boyfriend, Java! Plus, slime dinosaurs, frog chasing and convoluted mad scientist plots!
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gone2soon-rip · 1 year ago
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ALFREDO CASTELLI (1947-Died February 7th 2024,at 76).Italian comic book writer and illustrator,best known for creating the Martin Mystery comic,featuring the titular mystery and supernatural investigator,his fiancee,Diana,and his Neanderthal companion,Java,which was later adapted into the 2003-2006 Canadian animated tv series ,featuring a much younger Martin and Diana,as siblings rather than husband and wife.Alfredo Castelli - Wikipedia
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thenixkat · 2 years ago
Martin Mystery gets hold of a morphing cube AU
The Mystery team gets called on to investigate a lot of strange happenings in California involving strange talking animals in places they shouldn't be, ufo sightings, and a freaky local cult.
while investigating the first site of the ufo sightings, Martin finds a strange blue cube in the rubble of an area that was clearly scorched with laser-based tech. While sniffing around Java reports that he caught the scent of multiple strange creatures.
due to the rules established in book 39, Martin is now morph capable due to touching the box. He gives it to Billy to have it analyzed by The Center. The tech itself is vaguely familiar to Billy but he can't quite place where he last saw the style. Martin accidentally acquires and morphs into Diana, which he is not happy about and almost immediately transforms back.
The and is from that point being stalked by the Animorphs crew. Unfortunately for the Animorphs crew, team Mystery have much more experience with a broader variety of weird and deadly shit than team Animorphs have ever had to handle.
Tobias gets captured because he fucking screams before he attacks. He gets grabbed out of the air by Java. And then wrapped in a towel to neutralize him.
Once, team Mystery figures out that there's a whole alien invasion going on with a shit ton of captives that need to be saved they get reinforcements from the Center.
The Yeerk invasion of Earth is ended within a week. Then the galactic Center bases turn their attention to the rest of the Yeerk Empire. And then to the andalites who are forced to pay reparations to the hork-bajir who get to go back to their homeworld.
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kariachi · 1 year ago
"thenixkat: Team Mystery and The Final Dreamers?"
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