thedragonholder · 7 days
Mk college au shenanigans!!
The order of light.
Hatsune: I am bored.
Jatakaa: me too.
Kia: girls you will not belive what just happened!!
Hatsune: Kia I swear to God if this is something-
Kia: erron was just caught cheating on scarlet with nitara!!
Jatakaa: WHAT!?
Kia: yeah and scarlet used her blood magic and almost destroyed his balls off!!
Hatsune: where Did this happen exactly?
Kia: oh it happened in the non binary bathroom.
Hatsune: we have a non binary bathroom?
Sareena: guys cyrax and Kia are dating!!
Hatsune: since when!?
Sareena: since last week. The principal caught them eating each other's faces off!!
Jatakaa:...who's the top?
Ashrah: jatakaa your sister is in detention and you care about who's top!?
Sareena: it was cyrax.
Hatsune: jatakaa you owe me money.
Jatakaa: stupid Kia..*gives hatsune money*
Suchin: *looking at kenshi* is your bother always this hot?
Hatsune: in what universe is he this hot!?
Suchin: he makes me want to pin him down and make him scream my name-
Hatsune: That's my brother!!!
Syzoth: hey um hatsune. Can you chaperone mine and ashrahs date?
Hatsune: again!? Seriously!!-
Syzoth: I'll give you free pass to pet co for foxes.
Hatsune:....so when is this date and it better not be mexican food again!!
Hatsune and bi han.
Hatsune: objection your honour are you sure you want to belive this guy!? *points at bi-han*
Judge: um yes he is your competitor
Hatsune: but he hasn't fed his brother's for three days!!
Judge:...objection over ruled.
Bi-Han: you stupid bitch!!
Hatsune: *smirks and flips him off*
Hatsune: scooch over jack frost.
Bi-han :*sitting alone at his lunch table* excuse me!?
Hatsune: you didn't hear me scooch over I need to eat!!
Bi-Han: *has spicy won ton soup* ugh I switched my lunch with kuais.
Hatsune: I got cold mochi again!!
Bi-Han: want to switch?
Hatsune: I would like that...
Hatsune: here I bought you cold mochi.
Bi-han: I couldn't make spicy wonton soup so here you go *gives her fried tofu in hot chicken soup*
Hatsune:*smirks and leans back on chair* well you finally know your place mortal!!
(Tofu is often given to as offering to the goddess inari and they are also foxes favourite food so bi-han gave hatsune a fried tofu which technically meant he gave her an offering.)
Bi-han: where were you?
Hatsune: at pet co and they have these really cute kittens!! I even held one of them!!
Bi-Han:...*looks at the won ton soup*
Hatsune: bi-han what-
Bi-Han: *throws shard of ice in there* never go to pet co without me.
Hatsune: bi-han this is sareena. Sareena this is bi-han
Sareena: hi nice to meet you!!
Hatsune: Don't mind his rudeness he is-
Bi-Han: it is really nice to meet you too...
Hatsune:....What the fuck!?-
Bi-han: you got the stuff?
Hatsune: *opens her coat showing a collection of kittens.*
Bi-Han: perfect...
Now introducing the college horror society!!
Kitana: so this is the first meeting of the horror society anyone has any questions?
Hatsune: yeah when can we get into actual horror stuff?
Kitana: we are still planning those events we don't have a good budget-
Hatsune:*takes out black credit card*
Jade:*takes out black credit card as well*
Kitana:...so we now have a High budget.
Tomas: okay for the first event how about this? Haunted house?
Liu: that's too common and where can we even get real ghosts?
Hatsune: I might have an idea.
Hatsune: Please do this for me!!!
Hanzo: okay fine I'll call my wraith friends to help with this but what do I get in return?
Hatsune: I can hook you and kuai liang up for a date at Madam bos.
Hanzo: I am in.
Jade: No!!
Kung lao: but-
Hatsune: look we can't use mileena to chase people around using her tarkatan shape shifting!!
Kung Lao: oh come on its a really cool idea.
Kitana: so since we are making this horror movie who will be the villain?
Kung Lao: no I will rather be the sidekick
Hatsune: that's too bad I find the villains hot.
Kung Lao:...kitana I change my mind!!
Tomas: I am scared to go in the haunted house.
Jade: do you want me to carry you?
Tomas: yes please.
Hatsune: ugh god why do all my friends have dates.
Kung Lao: well I can go with you for you want.
Hatsune:...that'll actually be really nice.
Horror society club.
President: kitana
Vice president: kung Lao
Cultural head: Liu kang
Treasurer: Tomas
Club advisor: jade
Content head: hatsune
@laismoura-art , @rasta-bot , @running-with-the-feels , @charlotte-family-apologist , @angelbroad , @den-kunn , @jentasticart , @theelderhazelnut
How is this?
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
A moment in the Netherrealm.
Kia: *slams down an absolute doorstopper of a tome* I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading.
Jatakaa: This is light?!
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laismoura-art · 13 days
I have been unwell but let's just say. I have fully have thought out my headcanons
Hatsune and kenshi had gotten into the university using their mothers money that had been left behind. Hatsune works a part time job as a tutor to earn money for expenses and kenshi works at a coffee shop.
Sareena, jatakaa, Kia and Ashrah were foyr orphaned girls who had by chance gotten adopted into the same family. The father was Shinnok.
At first everything was going nice and well for the girls but after seeing their father's true intentions into using them the four girls had ran away from home when they were eighteen.
Hatsune first meeting was with Ashrah during their first day of classes. The classes teacher was biased more towards the boys and had told them that mostly boys get the best privileges. Ashrah had found hatsune ranting about it angrily to herself and had asked her what was wrong. Hatsune had told her it was unfair to all the girls in this college that the boys get these privileges.
Ashrah even though exactly the same thing that both girls abd boys should get equal privileges in this college. The two hit it off and hatsune gets introduce to the others
Hatsune and jatakaa had become quick friends out of the others because they both share the one single braincell in the group.
Kia was pretty much the gossiper of the group. If there was even one single rumour Kia would be the first one to hear it. Hatsune was pretty intruiged and mentally noted to be careful around Kia.
Hatsune didn't get along that we'll at first with sareena because they were both polar opposite sareena was pretty sunshine while hatsune was closed off but they shared one thing in common if anyone hurts their group they hurt them back.
The five were pretty inseparable and were pretty chaotic
Hatsune even gets the opportunity to use her farhers credit card on the girls and spoil them most of the time. They see something they want she buys it for them. But Hatsune uses her money wisely.
The order of light meeting kenshi and syzoth:
Kenshi was really happy when he found out his little sister had made friends in the university
He was friends with Liu Kang, kung Lao, syzoth, Johnny and Hanzo so he couldn't spend more time with his little sister.
He always gets worried thinking that she won't have any friends.
The sisters met kenshi when he had invited them for dinner in his apartment. The dinner went really well as they talked, ranted and gossiped about people in the university
Syzoth was roommates with hatsune and kenshi. He was also included during dinner and had met ashrah. He fell for her immediately not because of her looks but because of her personality.
Hatsune was the first one to notice and she had started shipping them. She even third wheeled sometimes because syzoth asked her to.
Jatakaa was always the protective one of the bunch but syzoth had already proved his love abd devotion to ashrah that he got her approval.
Sareena and Kia were really happy for their sister but they did threaten syzoth that if he hurt ashrah the two will stab him.
Hatsune introducing sareena to bi-han:
Hatsune and bi-han were always at each other's throats
They would compete for everything in class If bi-han wanted a challenge hatsune would definitely give that guy a challenge
In the classroom they were rivals in the court but outside they were pretty hood friends.
Hatsune usually sees bi-han eating alone during lunch so she usually sat down beside him. They would exchange recipes and cooking styles from their culture. Hatsune would bring cold mochi while bi-han would bring her spicy wonton soup.
One day hatsune and sareena both had been free for lunch so hatsune introduce bi-han to sareena as the three sat by the lunch table.
When bi-han saw sareena he felt pretty warm in his chest he could listen for hours hearing her talk.
Sareena even managed to slightly warm up bi-han heart. Hatsune was glad to bi-han being friends with sareena.
The three would usually sat together at their lunch table and best part of all bi-han finally gave his wonton soup recipe and hatsune finally gave her cold and sweet kochi recipe.
More headcanons coming soon!!
I hope you're feeling better now, Dragon!💕💕💕
I wonder if Kuai and Hatsune bonded over their tutoring jobs!
Oh! Imagine if that's how Hanzo and Kuai met! Kenshi recommends Hatsune for tutor but because their schedules don't match she recommends Kuai!
I bet Kenshi invited Suchin to visit the coffee shop so she could help him fact-checking! Imagine something like, "You help me, and I make you the best coffee you'll ever taste." "Free coffee? Deal!"
Hatsune and Suchin could've met through one of these fact-checking coffee dates!
Keep Shinnok’s old ass away from the Sisterhood!!!😤😤
Where are they living now?? Do they also have jobs so they can afford an apartment? (I can picture Ashrah working at the College's library)
Ashrah and Hatsune fighting for gender equality feels so right!
YES! Jataaka, being the beholder of the braincell, is the only correct answer!
I didn't know I needed gossip queen Kia in my life, but now I can't live without her!
I ADORE Sunshine Sareena!! Her style being "💣🕷☠️⚔️🪦" while her personality is "💕🥰💫🌈🎀" is just absolute perfection!
I can even imagine Hatsune being taken caught by surprise by Sareena's personality!
Suchin would look at Sareena and be like "Oh, so you're Harumi in goth skin, huh?"
Aww, Hatsune spending money on them in so precious! I love cool, rich kids who spoil their friends🥹
Jade is the cool, rich kid from her group!
Fun fact, she usually spoils Tanya the most (cause she's the one who struggles the most with money).
Mileena used to think because of the constant gifting the two of them were dating and was very confused when Tanya told her about her feelings, lol!
I love to see Syzoth being head over heels in love with Ashrah (as he should😌💅🏾)!!
Lol, imagine Jataaka just staring at Syzoth, frowning with her arms crossed, straight up pressing him against the wall while he just stares back, utterly confused but not daring to blink! And then she just goes, "Fine, I'll let Ashrah keep you."
Lmao, Sareena threatening him! "You're so cute!😊 hurt my sister and they will never find your body🙂"
I loved Hatsune and Bi-Han’s dynamic! In class: "Ugh, my one true rival!😤😒" outside: "BESTIEEE🥰" (not literally like this, but their gothic equivalent🤭)
I'll never get tired of Bi-Han being mesmerised by Sareena by first glance!!
It would be funny if Bi-Han had this one recipe that he would NEVER share with anyone, but then Sareena says she loved it and asks him the recipe, Hatsune tries to tell her there's no way Bi-Han would share it but before she can even finish the sentence Bi-Han goes "sure, no problem" and Hatsune is just "BETRAYAL >:O"
These were so good! I'm looking forward for more!!👀💕
@mikka-minns @madamealtruist @orbitinytheworld
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thedragonholder · 9 months
Mk mob au:
The shirai ryu mafia:
Tsukuyomi: the father and the boss.
Shinnok: the personal bodyguard.
Hanzo: the boss's son.
Hatsune, Jatakaa: personal assassins.
Sareena: hit woman
Kia: hacker.
Ashrah: mentor and retired assassin.
The shirai ryu mafia was started by tsukuyomi who was a banished prodigy of his family and he has seen every corruption the rich people have. He started the mafia to remove every corruption from the city so that the citizens can live in a peaceful country. He has a child by the name of hanzo who was the oldest and the precious member in the mafia. But before hanzo he had adopted five girls ashrah, Hatsune, sareena, Jatakaa and Kia all result of a corrupted background with powers that everyone thought would be villainous for the society.
Shinnok was his personal assistant and bodyguard who helped him become the man he was destined to become and raise his empire.(he's basically Alfred)
Ashrah had retired after she had met reptile and tsukuyomi had approved of syzoth who was a good kid but the sisters didn't approve yet for ashrah they were happy.
Hatsune was the new leader of assassins along side Jatakaa the two were trained by tsukuyomi since children he had found Hatsune in an alley way left to be killed and he found Jatakaa after she stole his car both of them resulted from the rich people corruption and wanted revenge not only for themselves but for other people who they destroyed.
Kia was the hacker she had accidentally hacked into tsukuyomi's computer causing him to find her at her parents funeral.
Sareena used to be a happy kid until the death of her family which was caused by another rich group because they wouldn't give them the land and tsukuyomi found out he adopted the young girl in making her a hit man.
Hanzo was his biological son left at his doorstep after his mother abandoned him tsukuyomi cherished and raised hanzo like a son and he even trained him his ways on spying and collecting information on everyone.
The lin kuei artika:
Fēng xuě: the boss and father
Míngxīng : the mother and assistant
Bi-han: the oldest and the heir of the business and is a golden child.
Tomas: the middle and the second heir and a vigilante he's also a vigilante.
Kuai Liang: the younger twin and the second last heir.
Sektor: the hacker
Cyrax: the hit woman .
The biggest company in the city of earthrealm and China is the lin kuei artika they have sold many stocks and have success in everything but because of that the minds of the Boss Fēng xuê has been dealing with people and one of those persons he dealed with was tsukuyomi's family. This resulted in a huge war between them both.
Bi-han, Tomas and kuai Liang were his heirs even if Tomas was his half son he was still considered family and fēng personally trained Tomas into taking over his mother's company causing there to be a huge strain between bi-han and Tomas.
Bi-han was like his mother he always was six steps ahead especially as the first heir of the company his work always had high expectations and he always excelled.
Tomas was a result of an affair between feng and his mother causing him to be despised by Mīngxīng but that didn't let him disappoint his father he was a quickly learner and a strategic person but ones he realised what was happening outside he had switched his ways and with the help of cyrax and sektor he became a vigilante to help the victims.
Kuai Liang had a good relationship with both of his brothers and always had a positive view of the world despite not knowing what was happening he always kept his cool and help the ones in need.
Cyrax and sektor were two prodigy who had witnessed the corruption before hand they came to the lin kuei artika with bad intentions but after meeting Tomas they decided to help him instead.
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laismoura-art · 5 months
How about some avatar au for your atla fan heart.
Mortal Kombat avatar au with our ocs.
🌊🪨The avatar au 🔥🌪
Water tribe:
It's obviously the lin kuei but with bi-han being more of the master at water bending and kuai liang, Lisa making fun of him while he's practicing the other students.
Bi-han: what type of whining is this!? Back in my day we trained in the cold winter's at night and no matter how cold it got I never stopped training.
Lisa: yea you just cried and begged father to let you in-
Kuai liang: I need jasmine tea, for this..
Earth kingdom:
The Edenians, special forces , harumi and Johnny and kenshi from the earth nation it's all out order and chaos maybe the umgadi could be like the dai lee.
Harumi: has the war really stopped in ba sing se?
Kenshi: I don't know if it's pretty peaceful there. Tanya do you know anything about it?
Tanya:*visibly sweating* um maybe..
Sindel:*the tea is exceptionally good today. I hope no fire nation are here.
*two fire nation run aways: yea.. It's fire nation free. Would you like some moon cakes with that?
Sindel: oh you know me so well.
Fire nation:
The netherrealm, suchin and the shirai ryu together being in the fire nation except they aren't demon's and such. The avatar is to be from the fire nation in the avatar cycle. People are expecting asmodeus to be the avatar and this got hatsune banished and settled with hanzo hasashi in the earth kingdom.
Asmodeus: make way for the avatar fire Lord people the strongest in the world
Sareena: is he always this much full of himself.
Jatakaa: careful you might get banished.
hatsune: hey master i made you some tea.
Hanzo: *drinks tea and spits it out* Ugh this tea is nothing but hot leaf juice!!
Hatsune: master hansi that's what all tea is..
Hanzo: how could my own apprentice say something like that!?
Air nomads:
The white lotus plus Raiden and fujin in the air nomads. Liu kang is a, fire nation adopted by raiden and learning air bending not knowing he is the actual avatar. Kung Lao is a air nation prodigy like Liu kang but kung Lao is, hoping to go through greater lengths and be the best air bending master in the world.
Kung Lao: geez I hope asmodeus isn't the avatar.
Liu kang: yea it's not like he'll cause a war if he isn't.
Kung Lao: say what would happen if you became the avatar?
Liu kang: I won't be the avatar and besides I am not that responsible he monk raiden never let's me feed the baby bisons.
Kung Lao: true, want to play air ball?
Liu kang: sure!!
Liu kang:*avatar state after some shit asmodeus did*
Kung Lao:.... The world is either in peace or doomed....
Yoo Dragon!!! This looks sooo cool!!! :O 💖💖💖
Sorry it took me a while to reply, I actually wanted to gather and develop some ideas that came to mind! And it turned out ENOURMOUS!
So I hope you enjoy:
💦For the Water Tribe:
I was wondering, since this is the Lin Kuei, I imagine the previous chief was involved in some pretty shady stuff, imagine he even made a deal with the fire nation at some point in an attempt to hold some of his remaining power? Imagine if he even sent some of his men to war to fight by the Fire Nation? Of course his plans backfire (literally, lol) and he ends up dead and Bi-Han ends up as the new chief!
I imagine that after years of shitty decisions from the chief, this Water Tribe ended up a mess and on the brink of destruction, so Bi-Han took it upon himself to make things right and return the Tribe to its previous glory!
The only problem is: He is the youngest chief they ever had and he is painfully inexperienced! So he is hardly taken seriously. He also doesn't trust the elders of his Tribe, given how they didn't do much to prevent the previous chief to mess up, so he relies on the youth, his twin siblings and friends, Hydro, Cyrax and Smoke (he's still deciding if Sektor can be trusted, as he is related to the previous grandmaster)
Though Kuai and Lisa often tease Bi-Han (as siblings do) they are his big supporters and do everything they can to be good advisors! Bi-Han is happy to have them around, even if he has to hear a joke or two at his expense...
🌿For the Earth Kingdom:
I like that Harumi is part of the Earth Kingdom, and you know she's my flower girl, so I was thinking: What if she was originally a waterbender from the Swamp?
Imagine, she was born in the swamp and learned to waterbend the flora around her, when she grew up she wanted to leave to explore the world (or at least the Earth kingdom, she was particularly curious about Omashu and Ba Sing Se (surely none of these cities will disappoint her… lol))
Imagine if people sometimes mistake her for the Avatar cause she is a waterbender born in the Earth Kingdom, lol!
Also, I LOVED the idea of the Umgadi being the Dai Lee!
Imagine this: Li Mei was once a Dai Lee soldier who got promoted and then learned what the Dai Lee was actually like (means to conspire against the kingdom and manipulate the royal family) Li Mei couldn't stand to be part of it and tried to leave, reveal the truth, only to be taken to the Lake Laogai. It was years ago and now her memory is coming back, but she still struggles to show everyone the truth.
Lucky for her she's not alone! The young earthbender Tanya was promoted just as she was and upon finding out the truth, she also could not stand to be part of it (it also helped her decision the fact that she is secretly dating the Kingdom's elder princess, Millena), but instead of trying to expose the truth, she tries to stop the Dai Lee from the inside with the help of a few trusted teammates and Li Mei as their coordinator. Together, they will bring the Dai Lee down!
🔥For the Fire Nation:
Damn, your girl Hatsune just can't catch a break when it comes to her shitty brother, can she?
Well, at least she's with Hanzo! I imagine Hanzo was once a soldier, one really mean and scary, maybe? the type that would almost burn the Earth Kingdom's capital to the ground? But pulled back after say... a family tragedy?
So now he seeks a more peaceful life for himself, hidden in the Earth Kingdom and taking care of this fellow Fire Nation girl who was just so wronged by her own family? 
I wonder if Suchin is so confident in talking shit about Asmodeus cause she knows she's one of his top girls and the moment she leaves his side he will get killed! (Little he knows, Suchin and the girls would rather get the job done themselves, lol)
🍃For the Air Nomads:
Ok, I absolutely ADORED the idea of the Avatar being from a Nation but being raised in another one! Cause it's such a fun concept, like, Liu is raised by the Air Nomads and is taught to live by the air nomads beliefs and the first attempt at bending from him will be at air bending, and as the Avatar he WILL succeed, so just imagine how it would be for this kid who is a airbender through and through who will one day find out not only that he's the Avatar but also a firebender by birth! That would be a WHOLE LOT to take!
Through the dialogues I can see that Liu already knows he's a firebender and Avatar, but I wonder how he found out. The idea of this coming as a shock and a big reveal is just soooo cool!
Also makes me wonder when did Raiden learned all this, if he knew from the start, if he had some suspicions as Liu was growing up, or if he found out just as Liu did (My bet i on the second one)
PS: I love that whenever there's an Avatar x MK AU, Liu is ALWAYS the Avatar!🤭 I think it's suiting for the "Chosen One", lmao!
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
I thought of another MK mythologies scene for my hypothetical adaptation.
So Bi-Han’s in the netherrealm and Quan Chi sends out Kia, Jatakaa and Sareena to deal with him. Bi-Han fights them and wins, Sareena is the only one still conscious but she’s not in any shape to fight on. She’s on her knees, maybe she says something like “Go ahead, I deserve death.”
Bi-Han raises his hand, ready to freeze her solid, but shockingly, he drops his hand down and walks to the next room without a single word or glance to the life he just spared.
And Sareena is left wondering for what it all means.
This is just a concept, but what are your thoughts?
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
A moment in the Netherrealm.
Sareena: Thanks for not telling Kia what happened.
Jatakaa, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 3 years
Thursday Thoughts part something.
Out of his three assassins, Quan Chi found Sareena the most interesting. The other two were puppets, would throw themselves onto spiked pits and burning magma if it meant they would please their master.
But Sareena was different. There was something bright burning inside of her, something that would drive her to defy not only Quan Chi, but Shinnok himself. It was quite fascinating.
Kia and Jatakaa noticed and were jealous of the attention Sareena was getting. Little did they know that Sareena would happily give it all to them.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
So, what if Kia and Jatakaa had personality? I like to see the “Quan trio” as the three sections of devotion to Quan Chi. Sareena is on the far end of “God, just get me out of here.”
As for the other two?
Kia: Is fanatically loyal to Quan Cho because of him granting her a beautiful human form. She craves his attention but since Quan Chi only sees his followers as puppets to command she’s never going to get it. Perform Mercy to pay respects.
Jatakaa: Loyal to Quan Chi and thankful for his gift, but not to the extremes of Kia. Quan Chi’s her master, she does what he asks, he keeps her around. A simple arrangement and everybody wins. Everybody except his enemies, but that’s obvious.
Also, Kia makes it her mission to insult Sareena, Jatakaa doesn’t do anything because she doesn’t give an imp’s burning tail about it.
That’s all I’ve got. Hope you enjoyed.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Hi! So, recently I was thinking, what actually happened to Kia and Jataaka after Mk Mythologies? Like, I saw that you inserted them in your fanfic, but I had read on a blog a while ago that Sub Zero (Bi Han) had killed them in the game. Did Quan Chi resurrect them and continue to use them as servants, or was the article I read wrong? I would really love your answer! 🥰🤗😚
First of all, thank you. To answer your question, through use of the Mortal Kombat wiki, it says that Kia and Jatakaa were defeated by the Elder Sub-Zero. They return in Mortal Kombat Armageddon working for Quan Chi, and while you could say he just tracked them down and brought them back, I feel like Quan Chi is very choosy with resurrection.
So, in my belief, Bi Han took them out, but didn’t kill them. Probably because he was in a rush or something.
Hope this helps.
(I tried to look for the Kia and Jatakaa boss fights but I couldn’t find anything.)
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
Today on answering questions that nobody asked, what if MK: Mythologies had death screens like the Batman Arkham games?
Vs Scorpion (first time)
“The Lin Kuei need better assassins.”
*Scorpion holding the map* “Time to leave.”
“This is the end of our rivalry.”
Vs Fujin:
“May you find peace.”
Vs Earth God:
Vs Water God:
“Intruders will be dealt with.”
Vs Fire God:
“You cannot freeze an eternal fire!”
Vs Scorpion (second time)
*POV of Bi Han being strangled by Scorpion* “Look into my eyes, Sub-Zero. Look. At. Me.”
“Vengeance is mine!” *peels of his face and breathes fire at the screen*
“May you burn forever.”
Vs Prison Keeper:
“None escape the netherrealm.”
“You don’t get out that easily!”
Vs Kia:
“Quan Chi will be most pleased.”
“Really, that’s it? *groan*
“I wonder what Jatakaa would say about you.”
Vs Jatakaa:
“Another target dead.”
“Kia would appreciate this.”
Vs Sareena:
“A shame… I hoped you were stronger…”
“None escape Quan Chi.”
“Be thankful it was I who killed you.”
Vs Quan Chi:
“I expected better… Ninja…”
“This is where you belong.”
“The netherrealm welcomes you.”
Vs Shinnok:
“Foolish mortal…”
“Fear not, you will be welcome in my service.”
“Soon, you will embrace death.”
Hope you enjoyed, might do another one for Shaolin Monks depending on how this performs.
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