daezedglownut · 2 years
Fandom: Dragon Quest XI
Rating: Explicit
Word count: <300
Pairing: Sylvando/Jasper
Sylvando’s breath is hot in his ear, a delicate but strong hand pressing his own against the bed with laced fingers. Jasper can swear, if he listens keenly, past the panting and the moans and the squeaking bed frame, that their wedding rings clink with each thrust.
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chohouse · 2 years
Wrote fic for the first time in 2 years.... Feelsgoodman. Of course it's for a fandom from 2019 and also a rarepair, because that's just how I roll babeyyy ❤️❤️❤️
It's an au where jasper was sent to Puerto Valor with Hendrik, so they both get to meet Sylvando as a teen.
Please indulge my new hyperfixation ❤️😂
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cherryxmelo · 3 years
OTP(3) questions from this meme: the-moon-dust-writings.tumblr.com/post/179523994973/otp-questions. (I’m shy about participating in asks games so I’m just gonna answer them all myself LOL). Read on for silly Jasvandrik headcanons :P 💖
1. Who laughs at their own joke and who deadpans at the joke?
I will get the obvious statements out of the way first; Sylvia laughs at any thing and anyone, even things that aren’t funny because I suppose clowns are just wired that way. Hendrik laughs at nothing (minus puns involving horses) while Jasper also laughs at nothing save for his own rare jokes, usually ones he makes at Hendrik or Sylvia’s expense (to which Sylvia also finds astoundingly hilarious).
2. If they had a secret handshake, how would it go?
Jasper and Sylvia would have elaborate ones that go very poorly whenever uncoordinated Hendrik attempts to join. Plus Jasper would be a huge fan of offering his hand and then moving it quickly outta the way just to run it through his hair.
3. It’s movie night, what movies are they gonna watch together?
Romances, art nouveau, and horse films. Hopefully they’ll eventually find the perfect film that’s a combination of all three.
4. It’s time to name their pet they adopted together, who gets to name it? How do they come to this decision?
I wanna say Jasper propositions that his chosen names are the best, the most sophisticated… whether or not that’s actually true is up for debate. Think prominent historical figures, famous knights, expensive jewels and brands, etc. Any pet of his deserves a dignified name.
5. Who would they love to go on a double date with?
Obsidian and Margarita (alternatively Jade and Serena)
6. Who wakes the other up in the morning? How do they wake them up?
I like to imagine Sylv is the earliest riser (no coffee required, just their peppy spirit and some morning yoga). Definitely wakes the others up by jumping on the bed and bestowing an endless flurry of kisses. Whereas Hendrik sleeps like a log and sets his alarm to snooze at least 10 times before falling back asleep. Jasper is the biggest night owl between all of them, and possibly an even worse morning person than Hendrik, especially when his cat Diamond wakes him up screaming because she’s hungry—so with that and his other habits I imagine he sleeps the least.
7. How do they celebrate Halloween?
I will simply use this as an excuse to plug my Sylvendrik fic from Halloween right here.
8. Who is more likely to call their partner ‘dude’?
Sylvia (or Hendrik once Sylv teaches him that “Dude” is a formal way to say “comrade” in Puerto Valor).
9. During a thunderstorm how do they react? Is one scared? Do they both love it? Do they take pictures? ECT.
They stay indoors and drink wine (and cuddle up with a few books and each-other). Hendrik is ill suited for this kind of whether, so the other two tend to stay nearby even when he doesn’t vocally express any discomfort.
10. Who would looking lovingly at their partner and call them ‘idiot’?
Jasper and Sylvia for sure.
11. It’s time to get groceries, who likes to look at everything and who just wants to power through and get everything done so they can go back home?
Hendrik has a carefully constructed plan of action and the entire store mapped out and memorized complete with a handwritten essentials list, but Jasper is taking his time in the booze and cereal isles while Sylvia rides along in the cart and gossips with every employee he shares glances with.
12. Who is more likely to make a mess in the kitchen?
Hendrik, back from his organized grocery store operation, cannot cook anything to save his life. When he isn’t burning things or adding too much salt, their dinner ingredients are strewn about the kitchen.
13. Who likes to try to prank their partner?
I don’t think the answer to this one needs an explanation but can we say Sylvia please. Not necessarily a prank, but dragging the other two to perform a three-man circus act is definitely an idea floating around in my brain at the moment. Sylvia’s “turn Hendrik’s axe into a teddy bear” trick from the chara book lives on in my heart. …I also have notes on a pre-game fic involving two knights forced on a dignitary trip to the circus that could definitely lead them astray and straight into Sylv’s (completely innocent) hands… but shh shh that’s top secret.
14. When scrolling on their phone, who is more likely to show their partner a cute picture/video of an animal?
Random animals he spots? Sylv. Pictures of his horse? Definitely Hendrik, he has hundreds of them—mostly poor quality, out of frame, and blurry ones. And a fed up Jasper is currently scouting Erdrea for a competent pet photographer so Hendrik might finally have legible photos of Obsidian… mostly for Jasper’s own peace of mind but it is a rather sweet gesture.
15. Who causes the tomfoolery and who has to try and stop the tomfoolery?
My immediate response is Sylv of course—because duh, literal clown and certified pursuer or fun times—but if I’m being honest all three of them have their particular quirks that are an easy path to trouble. Sylvs has their fathomless energy, Jasper his intolerance for most things and (perhaps sometimes misplaced) grandiosity, and Hendrik is well… charmingly simple and bold. That’s probably at least part of why I enjoy them all so much: they have very distinctive traits as most characters tend to do, but writing them never feels boring, there’s just so many ways to shake things up. I LOVE MY OLD MEN. 💖
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"i didnt know you wore glasses and now I'm thinking Normal and Platonic things about you i swear" prompt with sylvando/hendrik or sylvando/jasper please (sylv swearing glasses) , because i also feel Normal about this
Jasper's finding out the hard way he's into glasses.
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sarunohadaki · 3 years
uh, a mother mother song w jasvando? ill let you pick the exact song
(I ended up just shuffling the playlist and picked “Oh Ana.” It's... enemies to... well, nothing, since it's just a scene, but I hope that's okay, lol)
Jasper’s shoulder burned. He reached up, his gloved hand gripping the patch of pierced chainmail. His white hand came away red.
His eyes lifted up and glared at his assailant.
The assailant who had no right looking so smug.
“Wipe that smirk off your face,” Jasper growled.
Of course, he ignored Jasper completely. The smile remained where it was.
“I wouldn’t be smirking in the first place if you weren’t so easy,” was Sylvando’s smug response.
Where had everything gone so wrong? Jasper had been so sure that he could defeat the jester easily, but here he was, all but supplicated in front of the clown who twirled the blood-stained sword in his hand with such a wide smile on his lips.
And here Jasper was thinking he could kill him when even a mere strike to Sylvando’s chest had proved difficult. Sylvando looked like a saint, hovering over Jasper with the sunlight striking his shoulders. That seemed to be the only thing that managed to touch him.
“Just… die… already!” Jasper growled and pushed himself back onto his feet.
But Sylvando was faster, darting away before Jasper could strike him with his saber.
Sylvando matched each of Jasper’s darts forward with a step back. Jasper panted, and his limbs numbly burned, his arm hanging while the other tightly grasped the sword.
When Sylvando struck Jasper again, the sword bounced off his metal armor and he staggered backward, regaining balance before he could fall to the ground.
“Admit it, honey, you’re no match for me!” Sylvando said.
“No,” Jasper spat. “Things were supposed to be different! I am a god now!”
“Darling, you are far from what I would call a god,” Sylvando crooned.
“Enough talk.”
Jasper would let his sword do the talking, bringing down an assault of swings upon Sylvando, who parried an attack and returned it with twice the ferocity. Jasper dropped onto a knee and scowled at Sylvando, who loomed above him.
“Just get it over with,” Jasper said and lifted his head to the sky.
He had lost. It was all over.
Jasper closed his eyes as Sylvando lowered his sword toward his head. Instead of feeling the searing pain of death, however, he felt something cold— magical. Jasper opened his eyes again as Sylvando finished casting the spell.
He felt the weight of exhaustion on him, forcing his shoulders and eyelids down.
“Coward,” Jasper grumbled.
“I’m not a coward, just kind,” Sylvando said, the words edging into near incomprehensible as sleep finally clung to Jasper, forcing him into unconsciousness.
(From this ask game!)
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stardust-lightning · 3 years
23 and jasvando
I hope this fits!
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daovihi · 3 years
Jasper frowns, glowering at Sylvando. "That is irrelevant. Now, are you going to force me to go with you, or do I have some semblance of choice?"
Now it's Sylvando's turn to be taken aback. "Wh-what do you mean, honey?"
"I am the Luminary's prisoner, am I not?" Jasper raises a brow. "I know very well what that entails."
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romijuli · 4 years
i emerge from my hyrule warriors and vicarious-theater-days to bring you: a gift for @daovihi‘s birthday!!! jasvando is a fun time.
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puffinpastry · 4 years
i hope you like demons and angels, cuz i request au 13 for jasper x sylv
I do like those.
Very much.
It wasn’t often that Jasper came down to visit the protectorate. But each time he does, he is immediately reminded why he prefers it so much up in the Observatory.
“I’m not supposed to partake in human vices.” Jasper muttered, knowing full well that now Sylv had their eye on it, there would be no escaping.
“Vices, he says!” Sylv laughed, “It’s only a circus, darling. There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun while you’re visiting.”
Jasper saw nothing fun about sitting in a tent for hours, watching a troop of ridiculously dressed fools dance around. Even after putting voice to these opinions, he found himself being dragged towards the show by a very over enthusiastic demon.
“Even the almighty’s blessed little soldiers like you need to have a good time every now and then, don’t you think? Or is that blasphemous to think so?”
“Bite your lip, you silver-tongue.”
Sylvando only laughed brighter.
And if he did enjoy the show, enjoy the demon’s arm slung over his shoulder, and the hand preening through his feathers, well, it wasn’t really anyone else’s business, now was it?
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finlands-beret · 3 years
jasvando for the ship ask
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Sylv.
Gets jealous the most: Jasper.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Sylv.
Takes care of on sick days: They both do.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Sylv - and then he playfully throws Jasper into the water for good measure.
Gives unprompted massages: Sylv. Jasper's usually more stressed and tense.
Drives/rides shotgun: They take turns driving.
Brings the other lunch at work: Again, they both do. Sylv doesn't have the heart to turn-down fruit sandwiches every other day.
Has the better parental relationship: Sylv.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Sylv tried once, and Jasper burst-out laughing.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Jasper.
Still cries watching Titanic: Sylv.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Sylv, though Jasper eventually gets into the idea, too.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Sylv, without fail.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Jasper. Sometimes Sylv pulls all-nighters
Remembers anniversaries: They both do.
Brings up having kids: Sylv. Jasper is rather reluctant in adopting, though...
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daezedglownut · 3 years
Sylvando: *has silver eyes*
Jasper: *has gold eyes*
Tumblr media
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vsmilodon · 4 years
jasvando for the ask thing please!
who’s the cuddler: sylvando for sure, jasper is the type who likes to cuddle but would rather die than admit that
who makes the bed: jasper mostly since hes the 1 who stays in bed for 5 million years
who wakes up first: sylvando, jaspers a night owl
who has the weird taste in music: sylvando for sure, jaspers the type who would only listen to classical music cause hes full of himself
who is more protective: theyre both over protective
who sings in the shower: sylvando
who cries during movies: also sylv
who spends the most shopping: they both spend a ridiculous amount on clothes
who kisses more roughly: jasper, hes in general a pretty rough dude
who is more dominate: sylv is just a tad bit more dominate than jasper is
who burns the dinner: both of them do, neither are top tier at cooking
who picks the restraunt to eat: jasper does since hes very picky about where they go out to eat
who forgets dates: neither of them, thats 1 thing both of them are generally pretty on top of
who has to remind the other to take their meds/pump/clean their medical equiptment: sylvando does since jasper does occasionally forget to take his testosterone
who has to remind the other to go to bed: sylvando since jasper will stay up until like 3 am if no one stops him
who makes breakfast in bed: sylvando attempts to for special occassions like valentines day or jaspers birthday but its a 50/50 chance that they will set the kitchen on fire
who will eat food no matter if it is under/over cooked: sylvando
who is more likely to get lost: jasper, sylv generally has a pretty good sense of directions
my raiting for the ship 1-10: like a 7, its a pretty good ship just not my fave for either character
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cherryxmelo · 3 years
Summary: As Jasper arrived in Puerto Valor, all he expected was a bit of sunshine to break up the snowy, gloomy study sessions he’d grown accustomed to while confined to the royal library up north. What he does not anticipate is the presumably gifted son of the Don, Norberto, and the makings of a newfound infatuation.
My first Jasvando fic, more of a budding romance/friendship than anything particularly shippy—but I like them and I want more of this rarepair. uwu Featuring young Jasper and Sylvia/Norberto bonding over their capacity to bully Hendrik. 💕💕
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(Jasvando) "please? for me?" Prompt 👀
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sarunohadaki · 3 years
for the ghibli prompts, jasvando and 18
Hiya! thx for the ask — still accepting more if anyone wanted... 👀
18. Encountering a mysterious creature that sends goosebumps across your skin
Summary: Sylvando and Jasper travel somewhere sacred in the name of love. Or more, Sylvando does. Jasper's just tagging along.
Word count: 875
Story under the cut!
Jasper’s shoes sank into the mud and left squelching noises behind. He grunted, pulling his boot once again from the muck and shook his leg, being careful not to accidentally snuff out the torch in his hand or splatter any on Sylvando next to him.
“Are you doing alright, dear?” Sylv’s voice echoed off the cave walls around them and Jasper sneered, trusting the darkness to cover the worst of his disgust.
“Just peachy,” Jasper responded.
He’d rather be doing anything else, particularly sleeping, instead of marching through marshlands in the middle of the night, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and trying to keep pace with his beloved’s excited traipsing ahead of him. Each hop and hum from Sylv’s lips brought along new concern for Jasper, who wished Sylv would stop straying so far ahead!
Jasper questioned why he was even doing this but then he reminded himself that although he was in love with a clown, he was the real fool.
“It’s said that if you visit the fountain in the deepest part of Grotto Della Fonte with your lover at midnight, your bond will be blessed forever,” Sylv had said, and say nothing of the rules they’d broken to get here, nor the danger they were potentially exposing themselves to.
Jasper could not help himself, not when Sylv gave him those big, gray puppy dog eyes. Damn him for jumping right for Jasper’s one unguarded weakness.
“Oh, look! It’s right ahead!” Sylv sang. He stopped in his tracks, excitedly pointing to the water in front of them.
Jasper could barely see anything except Sylv’s red and black jester’s outfit and the dim, blue glow of the nearby puddle.
As they approached, Jasper began to see white… blobs… on the ground. He reached for his sword and threw an arm out, keeping Sylv back.
The figures moved across the ground and toward the water. Sylv shifted closer, placing a hand on Jasper’s shoulder, as they watched the figures walking on the top of the water. The blue creatures had long arms and short legs, with little dots for eyes.
More began to emerge from the cave tunnels, converging in the center of the water, Jasper and Sylvando shifting away to avoid being touched by one of the small beings.
“What is this?” Jasper mumbled, tightening his grip on the sword.
“Oh, look at them! Aren’t they so cute?” Sylv sang. He turned to Jasper and pressed his hands against his cheeks, smiling.
“How could you find them cute? What if they injure you?”
“I’m fine, honey. Honestly, the way you fret over me…”
“I don’t—” Jasper began to protest, turning his head away when he felt a powerful wind pushing at their backs.
The white creatures gathered together like ants on an anthill, and the light shifted until one large copy of the mysterious being stood before them, with the long, blue arms and sesame seed-shaped eyes and mouth. It gestured to them, water rippling under its stubby feet.
Jasper stepped back, feeling goosebumps rising on his skin. He wanted to blame it on the cold of the cave at midnight but there was no denying the large monster that could swallow them up with one gulp from its… black chasm of a mouth.
“It wants us to come closer,” Sylv whispered through a gasp. He turned to Jasper and tugged at his hands. “Let’s get closer!”
“Get closer? Are you naïve? It’s a trap!”
“This is what we came for,” Sylv said, gesturing to the lit-up varmint still awaiting their approach. “You love me, don’t you?”
Why else would Jasper be out here risking life and limb for a little romance under the full moon?
Jasper sighed, lowering his sword slightly, and followed Sylv toward the unearthly creature. It held out one of its long arms and reached for Sylvando’s hand, which he eagerly offered. Sylv’s hand sparked when the tendril touched his tanned skin. Then the long arm of light gestured for Jasper to offer his hand next, and he did, albeit with a scowl and a hesitant shift of his feet.
When the same magical procedure was operated on Jasper, he felt a warm tingling sensation through his body, like spring water trickling down his back. He shuttered, squeezing his eyes shut for a brief moment, and when he opened them again, the otherworldly being was gone.
Jasper turned to Sylv and studied the stars in his eyes. He seemed to glow, either with love or the spell, Jasper wasn’t sure. All he knew was that Sylv was happy, and that made him happy, and when Sylvando reached to hold his hands, it made Jasper feel like he was back in their inn in Gondolia, cuddling in bed, not at the bottom of a murky cavern trying to make an eternal magical bond together.
“I love you,” Sylvando whispered, and Goddess, Jasper’s heart could not stand the way Sylv looked at him with those big saucer eyes. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“I love you too, forever and always,” Jasper responded.
“Oh, darling!" Sylvando whispered.
Sylvando took Jasper up into his arms and whirled him around, hearing his laugh, then sealed the joy with a relieved kiss.
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stardust-lightning · 4 years
8 or 9 for jasvando, please
Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other? 
I can definitely see Jasper playing bodyguard to Sylvia (Gonna stick to that at least for this post). Sylvia may be a former knight but Jasper is still gonna try to keep her safe from monsters and bad folks.
Is Jasper a good knight? In terms of grace and eloquence, not really but he does have the heart and that's what matters.
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