forestwater87 · 4 years
Do you think Gwen ever had ship names for her fanfics? Because I bet she came up with some wild names. It would be even better if she sought approval indirectly, like asking David if he thinks "X is a good name" but never specifying what for. And I bet Jasper would be 10,000% on board with helping her make names.
I don’t have a response because my brain is pudding, but I love this so much and I need the rest of the world to see it.
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vulpixen · 5 years
You know I had to do it: Jasper/David/Gwen. I know it's not a P, but it's definitely OT :)
Say no more. Jaspvidwen belongs to my enormous heart, too, that houses all the otp’s and 3′s of mine. This is gonna be a lengthy one on my end as I have a lot to say.  
From the OTP Ask Game
4. Naturally, David and Jasper have known each other the longest so they would be close before meeting Gwen and taking a liking to her. Gwen finally having understanding from Jasper’s perspective and knowing what to expect from David through him and how to handle the chaotic mess that goes on at Camp Campbell. Jasper helped Gwen feel more at ease with what he could do to help; an extra hand going a long way. And David had to overcome his jealousy, definitely, with how close Gwen and Jasper grew. And soon after, feelings began to show with Jasper confessing he loves David and Gwen, both. Gwen and David’s feelings being mutual. They find a way to have it working out and their bond growing stronger than before. 
5.  How Gwen sees Jasper, she sees him as being the most sane one between the three of them and being one she can confide to when it comes to her stressful days. Gwen finding Jasper’s paranormal encounters (since I headcanon Jasper with the ability to see, commune and sense ghosts and who wholly believes Quartermaster) to be so interesting to listen to him go on about made her an even firmer believer in the supernatural. I can see why Gwen would often be annoyed with David’s optimistic demeanor is because he reminds her of her dad sometimes, in also positive ways, too. David is also a good supporting beam in her life as well. 
Jasper of course sees David as his best friend for the longest time, and does his best to keep him grounded when he tends to go too far with his antics. But he knows he can’t always protect David, and it hurts him sometimes and especially can’t stop him from having looked Cameron Campbell so highly for a long time. Jasper may not entirely like his job for multiple reasons, but he worked because he wanted to be there for David, grew to like the kids (I have an au where Jasper’s niece named Harper, who attends Camp Campbell, too, so he’s also there to look after her, too), and expose Cameron Campbell for the criminal he was for that sweet vindication he’s wanted for years for having ruined his camping experience as a child. With Gwen, he took a liking to her from the start in that they have a lot of things in common such as disliking their job they later come to appreciate more, being into fanfiction and watching trash tv together. It was Gwen who learns first about Jasper’s side of the story of how he got the scars on his chest and back, knowing she’d wholly believe him. Jasper is the glue that holds the three together. 
On David’s end, he freaking loves Jasper and Gwen dearly and also considers them to be his CBFL’s. He doesn’t mind Jasper calling him Davey since they were kids. David and Jasper did manage to patch things up, not knowing about how Jasper found condemning evidence of Cameron’s crimes and how he managed to escape in the nick of time and came out with burn scars on his back. David felt terrible Jasper couldn’t tell him about it until years later, but he aims to do better to Jasper from then on. David has always deeply cared about Gwen, despite her seeming more cynical to him in the beginning. And over time, David and Gwen grew closer and will always have each other’s backs, no matter what life will throw at them and Jasper included. 
6. Gwen loves how David can handle most anything thrown at him with all the hectic antics that go on in camp and for how close they’ve become over the time knowing each other. She loves Jasper for how he’s more grounded and willing to listen to her and to be her shoulder to cry on often. 
David loves how strong and resilient Gwen is and how she’s able to put her foot down to take no nonsense from anyone and acting like the mom-figure to the kids at times. He loves Jasper for always being there for him since they were kids and would gladly do the same for him in turn, having saved him more than once throughout their time together. 
Jasper loves how Gwen makes him feel less lonely about his true feelings he couldn’t tell anyone else before. Jasper doesn’t expect Gwen to be her therapist by far, and doesn’t want to burden her with his emotional baggage, so he just tells her enough and appreciate the comfort she gives. With David, Jasper loves how self-driven, positive and hopeful he’s become in contrast to how he was before, thankful he stayed in touch with him over the years and slowly but surely developed feelings for him. 
21. The most significant event that’s happened between Jasper, David and Gwen’s was coming to the conclusion they all love each other in not only different ways, but romantically as well. And they’re happier and healthier for it. 
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ghostboylove · 7 years
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(Art by @itsnotadog)
Late night.
   The soft blue light of the TV covered the trio like a blanket. With the sound long since muted, jasper was wholly focused on the the two sleeping soundly on top of him. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched his son gently rise and fall with every breath his husband took. Husband, son, wife; he was never more proud than when he had a  chance to say those words  He Truly was the luckiest man in the world.
   It seemed like only a moment passed until the sound of a dead bolt made him look up at the TV and realize he was already halfway into a new program. He could tell gwen was trying to keep quiet as she stepped inside. When she came into the living room jasper smile and waved with his free hand. “hey honey welcome home’’
“oh my god jasper what is this’’ she had to contain her gasps as not to wake the boys. But she quickly set down her luggage and knelt down beside the couch.
‘’ when we found out your flight was delayed Max wanted to stay up to see you’’  jasper whispers .
‘’what a sweetheart ‘’ Gwen bent over and  placed a kiss on max’s forehead, which earned her a nocturnal smile from young boy.
‘’ sorry we couldn’t pick you up from the airport’’
   ‘’ shut up if you’d  have done that you would have fallen asleep at the terminal which would have been far less adorable’’ she assured him
   ‘’OK’’ jasper agreed. Then without needing to say anything Gwen carefully scooped Max up into her arms as softly as she could in order not to wake him. Jasper quickly followed suit and cradled David in order to carry him back to their bedroom. Once he was on his feet and before he could start down the hallway Gwen stepped closer to deliver a warm but brief kiss to her husband’s lips.
‘’it’s good to be home’’
This is my first time posting something like this i hope you like it. Also big thanks to @itsnotadog for there amazing art that inspired this. Please go follow them
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campcampman · 7 years
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Have some domestic Jaspvidwen 
This was supposed to be a quick doodle but it got away from me whoops
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derezzedstar · 7 years
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local camp counselors sacrifice their boyfriend to the ravaging children they’re supposed to be watching
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forestwater87 · 5 years
Sometimes, Ch. 4
Read the first three chapters here
Safety Net
David doesn’t mean to worry anyone. He never does.
He always tries to be the most helpful he possibly can; he tries even when the campers or his coworkers don’t always want it. He can’t help it, though -- his mother always taught him to lend a hand, because everyone has struggles and he has a gift for seeing the bright side, and he’s always worn that as a badge of honor but sometimes it feels a bit more like a burden, when no one around him will try to see the bright side and he’s forced to hold the silver lining onto every dark cloud when the glue’s coming loose and no one seems to see it anyway and he’s --
He’s just tired, sometimes.
But while people never seem to notice his attempts to stay positive, they sure can tell when he stops, even for just a second.
“Mr. David, where are you?”
“The fuck’s up with camp man?”
He takes a deep breath and draws his legs up to his chest, resting his forehead on his knees and blocking out the distant babble of voices.
They’ll be fine.
He’s allowed to need a minute.
Suddenly there’s a knock on the door to the shower stall, making him jump. “I, uh, know this isn’t appropriate, but you aren’t like . . . jerking off in there, are you?”
David sighs, lifting his head and tilting it back against the water-softened wood. “No, Gwen. I’m not.”
“Okay.” He hears the scuff of her boots on the dusty floor, and the corners of his mouth twitch because he can picture her perfectly. “I’ll just, um, go get Jasper for you.”
He wants to tell her not to bother, but he knows better. Knows that telling Gwen to do anything is an exercise in futility, and knows that it’s impossible to keep Jasper away if he has even the tiniest inkling that something might be wrong, and knows that he can’t spend the rest of the day in the showers anyway, because he has a job to do and people depending on him.
He hears the door to the bathrooms open, the unintelligible murmur of Gwen’s voice. Then there’s a gentle knock, and a pair of pristine white sneakers with neon shoelaces appear under the stall door. “Hey, Davey? Having a shower party with the spiders?”
(He also knows that Jasper’s voice is a cup of tea, warm and comforting, and just a few words have the knotted muscles in his shoulders unwinding. He knows better -- knows that Gwen knows him well enough to realize his boyfriend is exactly what he needs.)
David reaches up and unlatches the door, his arm dropping to his side like a rock into the lake. Everything feels heavy, even his tongue, but he doesn’t have to say anything as Jasper slips into the narrow stall -- too small for two people to fit in comfortably; they’ve tried -- and plops down onto the grungy tile next to him. “My butt is gonna be soaked,” he says, no real complaint in his voice as David turns his face into the warm, sweet-smelling dip where Jasper’s shoulder meets his neck. He wraps an arm around him, tugging him closer, and they’ve snuggled like this a hundred thousand times and David is always a little awed by how well they fit together, like the crook of Jasper’s neck was made specifically to accommodate his bony face.
Ever since they were kids, when Jasper was still the camp darling and Davey was the resentful brat who too frequently stained homesick angry tears into the shoulder of his tentmate’s pajama shirt by night and refused to acknowledge him by day -- before they were even friends, they slotted together neatly like this.
He’s not sure their relationship makes sense, but he’ll never stop being grateful for his constant, perfect Jasper.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Jasper asks, rubbing soothing circles between his shoulder blades. “Or about something else?”
He shakes his head, not sure to which part of that question. “The Millers called,” he said, sniffling. “Th-there’s a lot of paperwork to . . .” His throat closed, a painful golf ball lodged behind his adam’s apple, and he took a raw breath that scraped past the lump, just enough space to force the words out. “Transferring Mr. Campbell’s . . . everything. To me. I have -- have to go into the ci-hhity t- !”
A thousand words build up behind the golf ball, things about setting up a low-key camp for his CBFLs to run while he’s gone and how he needs two separate forms of identification and whether the campmobile will survive the trip to Camp Corp. (who are generously supplying a meeting place in order to facilitate the relinquishing of Camp Campbell as quickly and smoothly as possible), and how they have to scrape together enough money for an overnight stay if it goes too long because his eyes aren’t very good in the dark anymore from staring at too many campfires and how lonely he’ll be without them, how he hasn’t had to fall asleep without the weight of Jasper’s arm across his chest or over his side and he’s wanted the camp back but it’s too much -- too big and too scary and too much, and this is what Gwen and Jasper are good at and so he just wants to leave them to it so that he can play in the dirt and teach the campers about the forest and sleep --
He . . . hasn’t been sleeping well, the last few nights.
“Oh, Davey.” Jasper sighs, turning his head to press a stubble-scratchy kiss to his forehead (David feels a pang of guilt; he must’ve been getting ready when Gwen found him).
Heat prickles at his eyes, and he squeezes them shut, taking a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be bogus.” He snorts softly, his hair bouncing against David’s temples as he shakes his head and mutters, “Nah, I can’t pull that off.”
“Sure you can,” he replies automatically, because his boyfriend can do anything he puts his mind to.
Jasper kisses the top of his head again, and David can feel the way his mouth is curved into a smile. “Radical, dude.”
There’s a knock at the door and they both jump, causing the wobbly shower head to jolt and cascade a handful of cold droplets onto their heads. “You guys okay in there?”
David starts to wriggle out of Jasper’s arms, opening his mouth to tell her they’re fine and will be out in a minute, but Jasp tightens his embrace and says, “Get in here, Boss Santos. It’s an emergency.”
“Oh, that’s not nece --”
“It’s very necessary,” Jasper says, louder. “Ignore him.”
If Gwen’s surprised to see them sitting in a small puddle of water on the floor, she doesn’t show it. Jasper graciously -- if clumsily -- tugs off his dark blue hoodie and drops it onto the ground for her to sit on, waggling his eyebrows.
She rolls her eyes and slides down to sit across from them, her back against the shower wall opposite and her feet awkwardly splaying to fit between their bodies. (This shower is even less suited to three people than it was two.)
There’s a moment of silence, where David tries to avoid Gwen’s piercingly curious gaze. Jasper, of course, breaks it after only a few seconds.
“So . . . this is nice!” He sounds a little bit like David when he puts on that falsely chipper voice, though he insists he’s not doing it on purpose. “When’s the last time the three of us hung out in a cramped, unhygienic space like this?”
“Literally every day, Jasp.”
“Sure, but there’s usually fifteen screaming kids as well. If we tried that here it’d be a regular phone booth challenge. Speaking of which . . .”
“I’m using my daily veto on that.”
Jasper grins at her, a smile that never fails to make David’s stomach flutter. “You sure about that? Breakfast isn’t even over yet. I could have a lot more bad ideas you’ll wanna shoot down.”
“I’ll take the risk.”
David snuggles into Jasper’s shoulder and lets his eyes fall closed. For the first time in what feels like weeks, he’s actually sleepy. Warm and surrounded on all sides and soaking up the voices of his two favorite people in the entire world, he suddenly wants nothing more than to block out everything else.
He’s almost dozed off when he hears a change in Gwen’s tone, softer and more serious. “Is he okay?”
“Yeah.” Jasper’s fingers comb through his hair, and David tilts his head into the touch. He’s too tired to open his eyes, but that’s okay. “Just stressed about the whole camp thing. And going into the city tomorrow is freaking him out.”
She snorts -- louder than she intended, he can tell, because her next words are almost a whisper. “That’s fucking stupid. Why is he going alone?”
Jasper shrugs, the movement almost jolting David out of his drowsy half-aware state. (He shifts, tucking into the crook of Jasper’s neck so he won’t be jostled as much.) “You know what he’s like.”
“Fucking stupid,” she says again, and David wonders if he’s just imagining the warmth in her voice.
They’re quiet again, the soft drip of the shower and the distant shouts of the campers the only sounds in the muggy air. It wraps like a damp blanket around them, heavy and cozy.
“Why don’t you go with him?”
“To the city?” He hums thoughtfully, and David knows that if he was still wearing his hoodie he’d be playing with the drawstrings on it. “What about you?”
“Please. I’ve been running this camp before you started here,” she says, the disdain in her voice making David smile even in his barely-awake state. “If I have to, I’ll get QM to scare the shit out of ‘em. They’ll be good.”
“They’ve never been good.”
She sighs, long and heavy, like she’s just barely holding back her irritation. “We’ll be fine.”
“If you say so. Just let me ask him.” Jasper lightly shakes David’s shoulder. “Hey, Davey? I’m gonna come to the meeting with you tomorrow. If that’s okay with you, just keep sleeping.”
He should say something; it isn’t really fair to leave Gwen with the campers all day by herself. But opening his eyes feels like too much work, and so does the thought of pretending he doesn’t want Jasper there.
So a few seconds later when Jasp murmurs, “There, all settled,” David allows himself to let go of his guilt, just this one time.
It’s okay if he’s not ready to run things alone, because he’s not alone.
He has a safety net.
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ghostboylove · 7 years
Jaspidwen famliy head cannon
Max is very specific on how he refers to which of his parents.
David is always David
Jasper's usually dad
And he'll go back and forth on whether he calls Gwen by her name or just Mom
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vulpixen · 7 years
I decided to make another chapter to possibly conclude this. 
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forestwater87 · 3 years
I'm still a jaspvidwen shipper to this day. :)
Hell yessssss where my jaspvidwen shippers at????
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forestwater87 · 3 years
what is your fav Gwenvid but there is camp AU's/ occupation IE my Fav is Soldier David and Teacher Gwen (you can thank aboyandhisstarship for that)
That’s a cute one!
Some that I think would also be fun include:
-monster au where Gwen is a monsterfucker hunter and David (and Jasper??) is the least sexy vampire/ghost/werewolf/alien ever
-monster au that’s more like monster high. Now, I’ve never seen monster high (is it a show? I thought it was a show), but I’m pretty sure it’s where everyone is monsters and there are hijinks. I like hijinks.
-Gwen the marine biologist and David is a mermaid
-literally any “gwen is someone constrained by reason and David is a fantasy creature who tears her worldview apart but also is hot”
-mafia/crime/heist aus, where David and gwen are criminals with very different attitudes toward murder and other crimes. I know I wrote this but I wanna see versions I didn’t write
-professor/TA au, boss/secretary au, or any of those power imbalances that’d be super fucked up in real life but are fun in fiction. I just am a slut for the idea of David saying “no we can’t it’s not allowed” and Gwen like “I don’t see a fucking sign anywhere”
-can we do a buddy cop au without cops? Because acab, but also buddy cop dynamics are so fun
-rival anything. Especially rival camp counselors. Gwen the flower scout leader who hates the grubby nature peasants and their stupid cheerful obnoxious classless sexy owner
-fashion designer and model (either direction). Mostly because I like the idea of putting gwenvid in pretty clothes
-princess/knight au (either direction). Because it’s the pretty dressed thing plus like, bloodshed and shit
90% of these also can have kevdan or jaspvidwen variants, which makes them perfect bc I am shipping trash
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forestwater87 · 4 years
So, um, I feel terrible for asking this, but would you consider writing more Gwenvid smut? Totally fine if no, and if you feel uncomfortable, but uh, I am running out of things to read. If you don't want to write or anything, totally good, just wanted to ask.
SO, here's the thing: I have TONS of Gwenvid smut in the works, or at least in the ideas stage. Gwenvid (and Jaspvidwen, and Kevdan), enough to publish like 1-2 a month for the whole year.
There are only 2 pretty significant roadblocks to making it actually happen:
1. I do all my best writing at work (which, yes, makes me not the best employee, but in my defense I get all my shit done and capitalism is a sham). I'm sure you can imagine why I don't feel like writing about dicks at work. Which leads to . . .
2. I haven't written Gwenvid smut in . . . uhhh, 2 years? I hadn't written ANY smut until I did a nice dirty lil Kevdan a few months ago, and it turns out writing erotica isn't at all like riding a bike. You do NOT pick those instincts back up after a long hiatus, so I'm basically having to teach myself from scratch how to write the sex stuff.
At work.
So, not going fabulous.
BUT! The next chapter of t&e will have a hefty bit of smuttiness, and hopefully by then I'll have something resembling confidence to go into my many kinkantine prompts and get some shit done. That's the dream, anyway!
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forestwater87 · 5 years
What is your fav camp camp/gwenvid au (if you have one?)
Oh man, that’s hard . . . Jasper Lives!AUs are always choice, especially if you pair them with the OT3 of dreams (that’s Jasper/David/Gwen, or jaspidwen, jaspvidwen, and/or gwenjaspvid, depending on your preference but the first one is the best fight me). I love the idea that Jasper grew up to be a combination of his admittedly slight canon characterization and just . . . like, Griffin McElroy but gay and more into memes; it’s very cute and lovely.
Any sort of fantasy/scifi AU is also very appealing, and I feel like there aren’t enough of them -- especially the “everything is the same except dragons” or whatever types of AUs, because they’re just excuses for fluff and cuteness. We need more of these!
Grimdark!AUs -- like hitman dadvid, gangs/assassins, military, serial killer, etc. -- are very fun, though I do feel like they’re a little heavily represented in the fandom atm. But to be fair, I think that’s because the Hitman Dadvid AU was so goddamn good that everyone decided they wanted to take a shot at it, and I can hardly blame them for that. Good places for some non-cartoon violence and angst, so that’s always enjoyable. Also literally I have two of these so like cannot judge.
Soulmate!AUs are underrepresented, and always will be, no matter how many of them there are or how identical they all are. I love soulmate AUs and will die defending every single silly, contrived one.
HEY WHERE ARE MY TIME PERIOD AUS AT?! Old West, Victorian era, Ancient Greece, Roaring 20s, the hippie revolution, LITERALLY WHATEVER . . . they’re so great! Maybe it’s just that I’ve been enjoying too much Good Omens husbands-through-the-millennia fic, but I want more of this. (I do know there are some in existence -- and one off the top of my head is really quite excellent -- but they tend to heavily feature my particular nOTP, so it’s hard for me to get all that excited about them.)
Also: other people’s AUs. I want to see/read them all. Send me your AUs so I may look at them like a dragon hoarding eggs. They don’t have to be Gwenvid, but they should heavily feature Loving Gwen Hours because she deserves it and Loving Gwen Hours should be a requirement for this fandom.
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ghostboylove · 7 years
Jaspvidwen family HC
Jasper works graveyard shift as a Millwright at a steal mill. He loves the work but hates having to sleep all day. He only really sees his family on the weekend.
David of course still works at tbe camp in tge summer but he's a stay at home dad the rest of year.
Gwen is the major bread winer as a sales manager at the same company Jasper work for.
Max is in the school band. He plays the marimba and xylophone.
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campcampman · 7 years
So, what are your thoughts on davidXgwen? ouo
Hmmmn for me personally I'm not the biggest shipper of Gwenvid. Saying that though, @forestwater87 writing gwenvid makes me.....FEEL things. Also Jaspvidwen is a very nice dynamic I can get in to :D
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vulpixen · 6 years
For the fanfic meme, how about 16-18?
16. Describe your WIP that currently has the highest word count.
It’s a chapter for a collaborative Gravity Falls fic with @sailormew4 called, “One Big Weird Happy Family,” and so far it only has 2,309 words and there’s more to come. 
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
I do have an idea for a Camp Camp AU fic involving an grown, alive Jasper as helps run Camp Campbell with David and Gwen (possible Jaspvidwen. I also like shipping grown/alive Jasper with Cute Waitress), and a camper OC of mine included named Harper, who I headcanon to be Jasper’s niece. Still in the idea stages but I’d like to write about it sooner or later. :)
18. Do you have a fic reading/writing routine?
I don’t have much of a routine, more like when I get to thinking, “I should stop procrastinating to get this chapter done!”
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