#jasper rant rq
jasperwocky · 8 months
dude trying to get a job while being visibly transgender and autistic is fucking killing me
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loserfurry · 6 months
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This Is Jasper and he's a prostitute and he's so traumatized😻so PTSD😻it's giving bipolar 1😻So silly😻
Anyways I'm gonna rant abt the design rq cuz there's some things I love, and some thing I hate
Starting with the hate. I rlly hate the fuckingf outfit🤢it's just not it! I always thought he was more of a burlesque dancer, or a jazz singer; But, this was super rushed and not very well thought out, so that's my excuse. Also, I rlly hate the ears, I'm not gonna lie, I just did that to give him more visible goat-like features, I think they could work if I changed the colors tho. Third, the body type; I used a picturd of Dr. Frank-N-Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show as a reference, cuz he kinda reminds me of Jasper, but his body type just doesn't match how I want Jasper's body type (That's why the corset is there cuz I was too lazy to change it to my liking)
Now abt what I love😻 I LOVE THE EYESSS! JASPER'S EYES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THIS GENERAL COLOR PALLETE, AND I LOVE IT!!! ALSO, LOVE THE FUCKING GLOVES! SO ELEGANT! SO BEAUTIFUL! SO COMPENSATING FOR HOW POOR HE RLLY IS😻 ALSO! THE PROSTHETIC HORN IS SO AHH!!! I used to draw Jasper with just a broken horn, but this boy is INSECUREEEEE!!! I used to draw him with his broken horn just visible, but then I realized, "hey, I made him insecure; that's the whole reason he wears gloves, the whole reason he wears a corset, why would he show off a 'flaw', as if he isn't super insecure about it?", and so I gave him a prosthetic.
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rambling-entity · 6 years
SU Season 5 Episode 18
You all know which one I’m talking about - A Single Pale Rose.
Bejesus this caused a shit storm in the fandom. My friend sent me a few links to some (really well justified) rants, which I know are just the tip of the iceberg. And I love this fandom for articulating all of their reasons for loving or hating this revelation. And damn is it a revelation.
I can’t remember my initial reason for disliking the “Rose is Pink Diamond” theory, it had a lot to do with either Season 1′s “Lion 3: Straight to Video” or Season 3′s “Greg the Babysitter” where Rose talks about change and I felt that the “Rose is Pink Diamond” theory undermined that for some reason. It was honestly just a gut feeling.
But on thinking about it more, I really feel divided on the issue.
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond is a liar, and remained a liar for thousands of years. She started a war that she could have stopped, caused every Rose Quartz to be bubbled, had all the other Earth Gems (from “That will be All”, Amethyst’s family) to be relocated to a zoo, and resulted in the corruption of hundreds of gems on Earth. But that first point is what gets me the most. Even having to fight her own Gems, even seeing the devotion they paid to her (Jasper!!!), she never let go of her guise. She wanted so badly to change like a human that she gave up everything, she let go of her entire identity, all to change. Her monologue about a Gem’s purpose in “Greg the Babysitter”, how they are born from the Earth fully formed and knowing what they are meant for, but she? Pink Diamond was born wrong. She was too small, just like Amethyst. And how was she supposed to feel, with her empathic abilities, her emotions controlling her powers, when every time she faced those who were supposed to be her peers, she was reminded that she was not enough. She is a child, certainly, the youngest Diamond, the smallest Diamond. And unloved.
In “Can’t Go Back”, when Blue is talking to Pink, I just rewatched it and realized. Pink was trying so hard to not make Earth into a colony. The excuses (too many organics, cities too hard to dismantle), they were Pink’s reasons. Blue was the executioner. When she said “as long as [Pink] is there to rule, this colony will be completed”, Pink knew. She had to ‘sacrifice’ herself to protect Earth. This wasn’t like Lapis, this was a contrast to Lapis. This was Pink giving up everything so Earth could remain Earth, because she might have been able to control her emotions (and thus her abilities) but emotions can only be controlled to an extent. She could not choose what she fell in love with, and she fell in love with Earth. With Earth’s seeming acceptance of her diminutive stature, of Earth’s ability to change and grow, of how Earth was a place where she could change and grow.
I get why someone argued that she left Steven to deal with her mess, but someone else also made the point that Steven was to be Earth’s saviour. Pink could never be Earth’s saviour, she’s just not strong enough - look at how she was treated by a child by Blue and Yellow. Pink was never taken seriously, and she knew that. Steven was not PD committing suicide, Steven was PD trying to become a part of what she loved. In “Lion 4: Alternate Ending”, where we discover Steven could have been a girl named Nora, that was Rose speaking through Greg. Steven was never born for some purpose, he isn’t meant to be the solution to Rose’s problems, he was born out of love. To say that he was born for any other reason just makes me wanna cry.
Rose was someone who wanted change, who accepted and celebrated it. When she first met Cotton Candy Garnet in “The Answer”, she said “Who cares how I feel, how you feel is bound to be much more interesting,” and that was like a sign of Garnet being accepted. Of their feelings being accepted.
And in “We Need to Talk”, when she laughs when Greg tries to fuse with her, and his reaction, and then her reaction - she just didn’t know. She didn’t understand that she was treating Greg like how the other Diamonds were treating her, she is still an alien and relationships are complicated. That moment is pretty much when she fell in love with Greg. And Pearl was so broken-hearted, (the mess, the ‘I’ve lost everything’ Pearl inside Pearl’s Pearl) that she lost her Diamond and her leader.
That was something I realized, when Rose says “my Pearl” in “Rose’s Scabbard”, that was a sign of such deep devotion. It’s usually “my Diamond”, and realizing that made me realize that Rose loves Pearl. Just likely not the same way that Pearl loves Rose.
Pearl’s face during her song “It’s Over Isn’t It”, when she looks at the rose and sings “reinvention”, I always wondered about it.
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It felt like a look of disdain, disgust, uncertainty. It didn’t feel like how she felt towards RQ, but with this new information, that explains this expression. PD ‘reinvented’ herself as RQ, and then again as Steven. As the one closest to PD, as Pink’s Pearl, of course she is the most affected. To the point where she nearly killed Steven in that episode, “Three Gems and a Baby”. She lost the most when Steven was born, because she was the only one who knew that RQ was actually Earth’s Diamond.
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minijenn · 6 years
[Long ask(s); you have been warned] CGB rant: Lapis needs to listen to Steven and let him finish before she runs off like that. But her voice... I got chills. ASPR Rant: This explains the PD visions!! RQ IS PD!? WTFFF?! I never believed that theory (bc how can a gem change her type?! And she had to have changed types bc Smoky and Rainbow are RQ and sumthin else fusions. Right? They can't be diamond and other gem and make those, right?! But the RQs at the zoo were the same front and back, while
PD has that pointy part), but it's true!! Why tho?! Was there EVER a RQ who fell in love with Earth, or was PD the real mastermind behind everything?! Was PD actually a bitch and changed or what?! I wanna find Rebecca and get those answers! I can't fucking wait til summer!! I need to know NOW! Also, I think if Jasper gets healed, discovering that her idol was her main enemy could lead to her redemption.
Promo Rant: And I'm SHOOK that Saph spazzed. I woulda thought it'd be Ruby, but Sapphire?! Summer can't get here fast enough
Honestly I feel ya on just about all of this. FOr reals those eps were wild and it looks like things are only gonna get more wild from here on out. 
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