#jasper badun fanfiction
Fanfic Friday - 3/17/23
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Puppy Jewelry- Jasper Badun x OC
Description: After a fight with Angela over a necklace, Jasper has to think about how to make it up to her. Luckily, there was a four legged animal there to aid him. 
Word Count: 1.6k
Note: The title sucks but I did my best
Today was just not Jasper’s day. Well, that may have been an understatement. This was just not Jasper’s week. He didn’t even know what started it all, but he was ready for the week to end. Cruella had been stressing out for the past month over an upcoming summer show, which meant that she was a lot snappier than usual. Horace hadn’t been much help, as usual he wasn’t understanding social cues so he didn’t know when to stop talking. That made Cruella snap at him more, to which Jasper defended him, which in turn would cause them to get in a small fight, makeup before the day ended, then repeat the next day. It was like a vicious cycle that made Jasper more irritated as the days went by and today it had all come to a head for something completely unrelated. 
“I’m back,” Jasper called as he walked into Hell Hall, Horace by his side. 
“About time,” Cruella grumbled as she walked over to them. “Do you have it?” She held out her hand expectantly, to which Jasper placed the handle of a bag in. 
“200 white pearl beads, just like you demanded,” he muttered. 
“Great,” Cruella chirped before her smile dropped. “Now move along.” She left no room for discussion before walking away to where the dressmakers were. Horace and Jasper watched her go, and the latter’s eyes narrowed a bit. 
“You’re welcome Cruella,” he grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Wasn’t like it was hard to get those or anything.” 
“Thank you boys,” a soft voice came from behind them, making the two turn around. Angela was walking towards them as she tied her sewing apron around her waist, suggesting that she had just come back from lunch. 
“I was the one who asked for them, I didn’t realize that they were hard to retrieve. I would’ve asked for something else if I had known,” she informed them apologetically. Her words made a smile form on Jasper’s face. At least she was grateful. 
“S’alright,” he brushed off. “We got them easily enough. Just promise you’ll make something pretty out of them.” 
“You have my word,” Angela giggled. Jasper nodded with a small laugh then perked up, digging in his pocket. 
“Oh hey, I got something for you while I was out,” he mentioned. Angela’s eyebrows knit together and she stared at him curiously, only to gasp when he pulled a diamond necklace out of his pocket. 
“I know you don’t like extravagant things, so I thought this one would do just nicely,” he explained, holding it up for her to see. The necklace itself wasn’t much, it was a gold chain with a diamond in the center of it, but it was the fact that he saw it and thought of her that made it sentimental. He was right, it was perfect.
“It’s gorgeous,” she said, awe in her tone. “Will you put it on me?”
“Of course.” He grinned as she turned around and moved her hair. He wrapped the chain around her neck then clasped it as carefully as he could. Once he was done Angela looked down at it before facing him with a toothy grin. 
“Thank you, Jasper,” she muttered, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Jasper returned the hug then kissed her cheek. 
“Anything for you.” Their sweet moment was interrupted by the socially unaware Horace. 
“Easiest grab we’ve ever done,” he added with a proud smile. Jasper felt Angela still in his arms, and he knew that Horace just said something he shouldn’t have. Angela slowly pulled away from her boyfriend and looked at their friend. 
“Grab?” She repeated. “You mean, like steal?” Horace nodded, none the wiser to the seriousness of her tone. 
“Yeah, it was just sitting out in the open in the shop. No cameras or anything,” he responded in the same proud tone. 
“Horace,” Jasper whisper-yelled, annoyed. “Zip it.” Horace stared at him confused, but Angela spoke before him. 
“You stole this necklace? Why would you do that?” She questioned firmly. Maybe Jasper spoke too soon about her being grateful. 
“Yeah,” Jasper responded as if it was nothing. “What’s the big deal?” He realized his mistake as soon as the question left his lips. Angela’s eyes widened at him. 
“Jasper!” She exclaimed. “You can’t just steal things and expect everything to be okay!” 
“It’s never done me wrong before,” the man defended, trying to keep his cool. “I don’t understand what the problem is, I did something nice for you.” 
“I appreciate that you got this for me, but I don’t want it if you’re just going to steal stuff like this for me,” she retorted. “I know that you got used to shoplifting in the past, but you have money now. It’s time to let the habit die because if you don’t you’ll end up in trouble with more than just me.” Jasper felt his anger boil over at her words.  
“Give it back then,” he demanded hotly. “If you’re going to complain about every little thing then maybe I just shouldn’t do nice things for you.” Angela stared at him surprised. 
“Jasper that’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“I don’t care. Give me back that stupid necklace. I’ll just give it to Cruella, at least she’ll appreciate it.” Angela’s jaw dropped and she felt herself tearing up from frustration. 
“Fine,” she snapped, then practically ripped the necklace off of her neck. She threw it at him, not caring when it just bounced off his chest. 
"I’m leaving,” she stated, marching over to the dressmaker's room to grab her bag. She called a bye to Cruella, Artie and Horace before leaving, not sparing even a glance at Jasper. It wasn’t until she was outside that she realized 1. She and Artie had taken a cab to get here and 2. It was bloody cold outside and she left her jacket in the house. However, her pride and stubbornness refused to let her go back so she lifted her chin and began walking home. 
It was a long walk home. The spring winds blew harshly against her and her lack of a warm coat was not helping in the slightest. The fact that she was also crying made it worse as her tears would become cold immediately and slide down her face. She took a hot bath upon arriving at her house in an attempt to warm up. During her bath she went over their entire fight, and she became upset once more. Even if she had gotten mad quickly, that didn’t mean that Jasper should’ve compared her to Cruella. Of course Cruella would’ve appreciated it, she’s known Jasper and Horace their whole lives. That was the difference between them, and apparently that meant a lot to Jasper. 
After her (admittedly long) bath, she decided to make tea and watch tv. It was her favorite way to unwind, that’s why she was a bit annoyed when someone knocked on the door. She took a look at the clock on the wall nearby, wondering who would be at her door at 8:00., before making her way to said door. She didn’t look through the peephole before opening the door and regretted it almost immediately. Jasper stood on the other side with an apologetic smile on his face. Before she could close the door or say anything, Jasper held up his arms to reveal a Dalmatian puppy. 
“Say hello to Penny,” he said softly. Angela gasped at the sight of the puppy and her gaze softened. Carefully stepping outside, she picked up the Dalmatian as if she was holding a baby. 
“She's so cute,” Angela cooed, petting Penny behind her ear. “I didn’t know the dog had her puppies already.” Jasper nodded with a small smile. 
“She’s yours. If you want her, that is.” Angela nodded immediately with a bright smile before looking at him. 
“Thank you,” she responded softly. The man nodded once more. 
“Check her collar,” he instructed. Angela furrowed her brows but did as she said, almost immediately finding the diamond necklace from earlier attached to it. Right beside it was a receipt. 
“You paid for it,” she muttered, looking at him with surprise. 
“I also wanted to apologize,” Jasper added. Angela’s shock wore away and she offered him a small smile. 
“How about you come inside and we can talk?” She suggested. The man smiled gratefully at her then followed her inside. 
             The next ten minutes were spent on the couch with Jasper telling Angela all that had been on his mind the past month and how it was affecting him negatively. Angela listened silently, continuing to pet Penny. 
“I wish you would have told me this instead of letting it manifest,” she commented once he was done. “Maybe you wouldn’t have gotten so mad and compared me to your friend.” Jasper looked down, ashamed as his earlier words ran through his head. 
“I know, it was a bloody terrible thing I did. I never compare you to Cruella, that was the only time. That doesn’t make it any better but I want to make up for it,” he responded earnestly. Angela hummed softly, glancing down at Penny. 
“Well, getting me gifts won’t get my forgiveness, but it’s definitely an adorable start.” Jasper grinned when the girl giggled at her own words then nodded. 
“I’ll do whatever it takes.” 
“How about you help me make dinner and stay over,” she suggested with a playful smile. “Depending on how good you cook, I may just forgive you tonight.” Jasper mimicked her smile. 
“You’re on,” he said before standing. Angela took his hand when he held it out for her and they walked to the kitchen together.
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january31st · 3 years
...Who have you become? (Pt2)
Cruella (2021) x reader
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A/N: Angst, it’s all angst, and I would love to leave this on a bitter terrible ending because i’m an agent of chaos, but i won’t be doing that to you yet <3 as for the request…. I may or may not have gone completely off the tracks, the story just brought me here.
i haven't really had the patience to proofread this (it would take even longer to post, so there's that) forgive me for repeating some stuff or just inconsistencies.
In my head the inside of Hell Hall has mixed together with the rooms from The Favourite, it’s giving royaltycore yall.
On a more personal note, I did test positive for Covid, that is also why I was able to upload at all. My symptoms aren’t bad at all, I’ve had worse colds, thank goodness, guess I just have a couple of days to clear my mind a bit, since I can’t really study with this sick brain.
Warnings: Homophobia! Sexism. Alcohol and drug abuse.
|| Masterlist || In coming and going (Part 1) || Wattpad Link || AO3 Link ||
~5800 words
Someone else. That was who you’d become. Both of you. Though you didn’t really know her part of things until the day you met, yet again. And it was another one of those days, impossible to forget. But this wasn’t like the first reencounter, it had a bitter taste to it.
You knew who she was, there was no mistaking it, you knew her hair colour from childhood and no one else would dare to make a brand quite the way she did. You had read a couple magazines while you were away, sitting in your apartment in Paris, your cup of tea cold and forgotten as your mascara ran down your face. She made it, she had her brand and you knew this was only the beginning.
Cruella. You wondered why she went for that name her mum used to say to her, the one part of her she had to avoid. It was just impossible to imagine that she could have changed who she was, though it didn’t surprise you to imagine that life had its ways of damaging even the kindest of people. That’s why it was so shocking to come face to face with her, to have her treat you this way at first.
And it was fair that she didn’t recognize you, but it didn’t hurt any less. Almost a decade had passed. Your hair was now dyed too, the stark opposite of its natural colour. Your clothes were that of a grown up for the times, a high-society lady, just like the ones you’d talk shit about. You were forced to change who you were completely, even the way you walked and the way you talked, all of your liveliness was gone, replaced by a cold demeanour, a lack of response to show you didn’t care. That was who you had to become to survive.
Christian Dior. A name that made people think about fashion, about perfumes, about high society and expensive things. To you that name had meant so much more. He was not only your boss, but he saved you.
You took it very seriously when you had to leave, you couldn’t bear to put them in danger, they were the people you would always love the most. So you ran away, pretty far away for a kid. You found yourself crossing the way to Europe, not even knowing when you were in what country, just roaming around clueless, lost and afraid. The perfect recipe for disaster.
In Germany there was a bar that made you think of your Estella, the black and white decorations, the red details and the general punk aesthetic. In your state, that was the only place where you felt remotely safe.
Not that a bar is a particularly safe place at all, let alone for a teenager. But you begged to work there, barely even knowing how to speak the language, and they took pity on you.
At first it was just that, a job, a place to stay. But eventually all the alcohol around you made you cave in, and since you didn’t know any better, and no one cared to help you, it became your companion. That was when things started getting blurry. Drunk nights, drunk days, and eventually they fired you. You couldn’t stand being sober. It made you think about her, about the way you left, about the way she felt.
And with it being the transition between 60s and 70s, the drugs on the streets were all but normal, the easiest thing to find and use, no one would bat an eye, and no one cared that you were always angry and that all you felt was guilt. You stayed on the move, travelling from high to high, trying everything and anything, just as long as she was out of your mind. The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Belgium, Switzerland, you’d been as far as Hungary.
An overdose was never a worry for you. You didn’t really care anymore. And with the tolerance you’d built you started believing that it was just something that would never happen to you.
Until you found yourself in northern France, in some exclusive bar that you somehow got yourself into, having a fashion argument with some pompous asshole about how the A line conveyed an objective message, as did any fashion choice. You had gotten so mad that you had to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and take an excessive dose of something that you couldn’t even recall the name of. That, along with the fact that you were already high off your mind before, resulted in that big overdose you had to know was coming. To your luck, there was someone in that bar that had kept his eye on you, his attention caught by your loud arguing. That was your soon to be boss.
He went into the men’s washroom just as you were coming out, his attention landing on you again as you hit the floor, unconscious already.
And from then on he took care of you, he was moved by the air of tragedy that clung around you, he became determined to “fix” you. A year or so had passed and you were completely clean, working for him. At first it was hard, you didn’t agree with any of what he thought, his mindset felt all backwards, but soon you learned to pretend to agree with him, you learned to keep your mouth shut, because your opinions only mattered when it came to fabrics and colours.
You owed him your life, it was all you could do to shut the fuck up and be grateful, he kept telling you. He had put up with your outbursts, making you believe they were childish, telling you that when you grew up you’d learn to behave. And you sure did. Not because it was true, but because that was how he manipulated you to act. To be the face of what he believed in, to be the example of his brand, a perfectly beautiful and composed lady, the image of true femininity according to him. You had to comply, because that was the only way you’d survive, that was what you believed.
And you did put up with it, until he struck you on your last nerve. From the second you saw her in that magazine you wanted to fly back and congratulate her, run away from him and stay close to her, tell her everything you had to say, and then, only then would everything be alright. But when he made that supid comment, you just waited until the end of the day to pack your things and buy the tickets.
“Lesbians are the very thing corrupting our society. If it weren’t for those brutes then our women would remember that they belong at home, serving their husbands gracefully. But now that the lesbians are out there, they keep convincing girls that being masculine and working men’s jobs is an appropriate goal.” Was what he said, the words flowing from him with that coolness of someone who just thinks they’re right all the time. This along with the comments on Cruella’s brand, it infuriated you. You knew he was scared of her, you knew she would continue to overshadow him, because that was who she was, that was your girl. Along with the magazines saying that was her plan, to run Dior out of business. And in knowing him, you also knew he was planning something to sabotage her instead, make a scandal. You’d overheard him more than once, but though he had no idea that you knew her, he knew her style was your favourite, he knew that was who you were when he “saved” you, so he didn’t trust you to know his plans.
And so at last you left, you flew back to her. Drunk on the idea that not even time could change what you had.
It was so dumb of you, proving yet again how naive you could be, that you didn’t expect her to welcome you with anything but open arms. So when you asked to see her, and when she treated you with nothing but disdain, your soul was ripped to pieces yet again.
“You must be mistaken, this is no longer the Baroness's kingdom. This is no place for you, precious. If you think you’re getting a job with me you should return to wherever you’re from.”
It was too late to prepare, but you should have expected it. You looked different, you dressed in the staple Dior style, hell, even your accent had changed, sounded like you weren’t from one country in specific, just a vague foreignness. It took you a little too long to react to her, you froze for a second too long, looking at the sketches she had up on a wall. Her perfume was making you dizzy, it was still her, but now instead of the fruit notes, it was just intoxicatingly sweet. You could smell her before you got in the room and long after you left.
“Darling.” she said, a fake niceness wrapping around her words, and you turned to her again, to those eyes you had missed more than you could have imagined to be possible.
“Please leave, I’m sure you remember the wa-”
“It’s me.” You meant to exclaim, but instead of confident, the statement came out sounding something like disappointment. Because yes, it was you, but right then it wasn’t her you.
She looked at you with a face you’d never seen on her, she looked confused but also annoyed at you, silently asking for you to be quick with your explanation.
“I’m… “ Your chest tightened, remembering your actual name, you had to change it, to leave the past behind, it was coming to you all at once. But yet again, she misread your uneasiness.
“Well Darling if you can’t even remember your name what do you suppose I must do with you?” she said, with that fake tone again, and that was enough to make the feelings spill out of you.
“Estella! What the fuck, it’s me, Y/N! I literally just got out of a goddamn plane and ran here to talk to you and you treat me like this?” you almost screamed, and her acting all went away, her expression changing completely, but you were already too angry to shut up. “I’ve been working for fucking Dior, he’s been making me nuts for years, and- and now that you have a brand! And you’re- well, of course you’re doing great- he’s plotting against you, I just know it. I had to come and warn you.” The fight came all out of you along with the last sentence, your face was stained with tears and you felt so, so tired. You leaned against a table and covered your face with your hands.
For a while that was all there was, your faint sniffles echoing around the tall room. She didn’t seem to move or say anything.
“You’re clearly very tired from your flight.” she said at last, almost mechanically “I’ll get someone to take you home. We’ll catch up later, I have loads of work”
Home? Did she say? What was home? You’d wanted nothing but to step on that warehouse again, feel that familiar smell and trace your fingers along the sketches she had up on the walls. But you knew better, you’d been paying close attention to any magazine that mentioned her name, and you knew that the building, your home, had burned to the ground.
Home. You clung to that word like it was the last bit of oxygen left in the universe. Where could that be? Did it even matter? Not really, you just knew home would be wherever she was, whether it was sweet and tender or just bitter and cold.
You didn’t even bother to check into a hotel, because all you cared about was seeing her. There was no second plan, nothing else you could do in case she had shut you off, but luckily she didn’t, not entirely at least.
After a while of her staring at her corkboard, there was a knock on the door and Cruella, with her back toward you and the source of the noise, answered “That’s your ride, Darling”
You grabbed the small travel handbag you’d brought, and impulsively lingered your gaze on her, waiting for her to turn around, tell you goodbye, but there was nothing. She was probably too caught up in your sudden appearance, but this harshness was new to you. So there you stood, rooted to the ground, petrified until a familiar voice broke your trance.
“Oi lady, I don’t got all day” he said when Wink started barking happily at your feet.
“Horace!” you exclaimed, and the shock of seeing him was too much to contain, your smile grew along with his hesitation.
But before he could guess that it was you, or you introduced yourself, Cruella, still supposedly focused on her work, said “Well our precious Y/N must be so tired from her flight, we should get her home right away.”
“Blimey!” he said when he understood what she said “Ah dear! I would have never thought it was you” he croaked as he met your hug halfway.
“I know, can you believe this? It’s because I lost the angle. But you haven’t changed a thing, just as charming as always” you answered before the both of you said your “see ya” to Cruella and left.
“I can’t wait to see the face on old Jasper! He’ll never see it coming” he said, grabbing your suitcase for you.
You hadn’t even been paying attention to the road, with all the questions the both of you had, but soon enough you realised that the wheels were on gravel now, and you looked up to see the gateway and it’s big letters.
It all hit you at once, the things you’d read about the baroness, and the night of the charity ball. It all seemed confusing to you in the papers, a girl was pushed off a cliff, and in some papers her name was listed as Estella, the baroness's daughter. You thought maybe they’d confused Cruella’s real name, since she did her big entrance and claimed to have been trusted with the inheritance, because you didn’t know that Estella was a name she was hiding from people.
But as quick as your thoughts came in, they were washed away when you saw Jasper at the door, waiting for Horace.
“Okay don’t tell him a thing, let’s see if he notices” he told you before the car stopped. He went to the back to grab your things as you walked toward Jasper. You didn’t miss the way he studied you, probably intrigued that Cruella would have even agreed to talk to someone who dressed the way you did now.
“We don’t usually have guests stay over here, the boss must really-” you tripped on your feet and grabbed his already extended hand, cutting him off.
“Oh I’m sorry, it has been a lot of travelling.” you said, hiding your smirk as best as you could.
“No worries, of course, you must be tired Mrs…?”
“Ah Jasper, grab these while I put the car away” Horace interrupted as he shoved your bags into his hands, giving you the perfect opportunity to avoid telling him your name yet.
“Oh yes, so tired, I would just ask you to show me the corners of the house, just in case.” you said with an imposing manner.
“Well, of course.”
And following your request, he made a quick tour of the place, the main rooms that you could need to get into, all of them with high ceilings and windows that covered the walls, filling them with the gleam of golden-hour, which bounced off the metal decorations and rich woods.
At last he opened a door and gave you the key “This will be your room” he said, eyeing you curiously.
You looked around: the room was just perfect for you. On one side there was an enormous four poster bed and two open doors: one to a walk-in closet, and another to a spacious bathroom. On the other was a sort of “working space”, with a large table surrounded by walls that were covered in books, a small library just for you. In the middle was a living space, with a comfortable looking set of armchairs and sofa around a glass coffee table, each of them topped with cushions and a blanket in each. On the table was a tea tray ready to be consumed. Jasper left your things on the sofa.
As you took the room in awe he seemed just as impressed as you “Yeah, this room hasn't had anyone in it since Cruella’s gotten the place and changed things her way. I mean, I didn’t even think she would ever let anyone stay here, it’s very... “
“Personal” you said, still looking at the room.
“...Yeah. And her room is next door, there’s a passageway in between the books, I should just tell you.”
Before you knew what to answer, Horace came up behind the both of you. “Ah, M’lady, hope this old shoebox of a place suits ya needs!”
“It sure does my fair Gentleman” You answered, barely containing your laughter.
Jasper furrowed his brows further, the engines clearly turning hard in his head as he stared in between you. After a moment he started to turn around and said “I’ll leave you to rest, dinner should be around eight.” But before he could leave you asked him “Haven’t you forgotten anything?”
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around very slowly. When he saw that you were holding his wrist watch in your hand, and had a mischievous smile on your face, a light seemed to turn on in his head.
“Is… is it really you?” he asked, and your only answer was a tight hug.
“I hadn’t done that in a long, long while, glad it still works, even on the person who taught me how to do it.” you said, and when both of you let go, he said “I must admit, it was very smooth, I didn’t notice it was gone at all.”
He put his hands on your shoulders, as if studying you, while a thousand questions stumbled from him. As summarised as you could, you told him why and how you got away, letting the details of the past years to be told over dinner, the three of you talking well into the night and well after the food was gone.
You wanted to wait for her to come back so all of you could talk, but they told you that she didn’t usually dine at home, was always too busy at work, putting fashion ahead of her basic needs, just like she always had.
However late or early it was, you were at last in your room, sitting on an armchair you’d pulled next to the window, letting yourself be bathed in moonlight while reading a random book, hoping it would make you fall asleep. You’d forgotten to bring pyjamas, so Jasper lended you one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts, and at last, you did indeed feel at home, the lace and silk nightgowns forgotten in Paris, and your old self showing it’s colours for the first time in too long.
After a while the lines started blurring together, as you pulled the blanket taught around you, when there was a low squeak. The big, heavy door to the room had opened just a fraction, letting a white bit of curls peek in, and you squinted at them.
“Oh, you’re still up.” she half whispered.
“I suppose, not technically up, up” you answered, your voice scratchy from disuse. You tossed the blanket aside and stretched a bit.
When you opened your eyes you noticed that she was staring. “What?”
“Maybe you haven’t changed that much after all.” to which you answered with a giggle.
She stepped closer and paused again, looking at you as if trying to write down the differences, a warm silence settled around you.
Then in a swift motion, her hands grabbed your neck and her lips encapsulated yours, and all you could do was kiss her back. She let go to look at you, evaluate your expression, but you grabbed her lapels and pulled her back in, making her stumble and grab for the armchair, sitting on one of the arms, still above you.
“Oh I’ve missed yo-” you tried to say, but she just told you to shut up and went back to what she was doing, effectively silencing you.
Without breaking apart, you took off her jacket and started undoing her shirt when she stopped you.
“Let’s get somewhere comfier” she rasped, guiding you with your hands laced together. When you got to the edge of the bed, she pushed you into it, not skipping a beat before getting on top of you.
A week and a half passed like this, Cruella staying at work for most of the day, your time consisting of wandering around Hell Hall or the occasional visit to House of De Vil, where you looked at people’s work or just sat in silence in Cruella’s office. She didn’t have much time to talk to you, always busy it seemed, but you had a feeling that that wasn’t all of it. The only thing she would say was something along the lines of how great destiny was to have put you in her path again, and whenever you tried to tell her about these years, about why you ran away and why you stayed away, she would cut you off and take the conversation elsewhere, or end it completely.
But there was always something off in her tone, and at night she would hold you so tight you thought you’d melt into her, and she would touch you with such fierceness, writing her own name all over you, just to make it clear how much she wanted you. No one could as much as look at you wrong, she would get jealous, possessive, like you were hers and hers only.
But eventually this got tiring for you, because you never had secrets between you, and now there was a very clear concrete wall, low enough that you could touch her, but not so you could really see much of her.
Now it was the two of you having dinner alone, the boys had eaten already. She looked calm enough, and her plate was nearly empty, so you tried to talk to her.
“Hey” you said, touching your hand to hers, to which she only answered with a look.
“We haven’t really talked much”
“What do you mean? We talk loads, what else would we talk about?” she said, playing dumb so you might drop it.
“Well, the first thing I talked about with the boys was why I left, and you don’t seem very interested in that”
“Why should I be? You’re here now, why dwell on the past?” she said while swirling her blood red wine in her cup.
“Because, you seem mad. I’ve spent all these years thinking how hurt and betrayed the three of you must have felt, how mad you must have been.”
“Oh, well I…” and she took a sip of her wine, looking into the bottom of the cup as if making sure that the notes she tasted were right.
“If you’ll just listen to me then I know you’ll understand that I had to do it”
“Had to? Oh Darling I know you didn’t have to, and I don’t care to know your excuses for running away from me.”
“I didn’t run away from y-” you said while she got up from the table.
“That is enough Y/N. I’m off to sleep now.”
“It’s barely 9 PM!”
“Work awaits.”
“Yeah right, and it didn’t await you for these past days?” you said, crossing your arms.
“Don’t act like this Y/N, it doesn’t suit you.”
You also got up and followed after her, into a corridor that led to the stairs and into your rooms.
“Look I know I hurt you guys and I don’t want you to have the wrong idea of things, can we just talk for a second?”
“About how you ran away from me and came back now that it was convenient for you?” she said, opening the door to her room. You took a step back. Noticing how she’d affected you, she took advantage of it and went on, still walking deeper into her room so that you had to follow her in to still hear her.
“Tell me, does your dear Christian not spoil you enough that you had to run to me? Because you just know that I'm better than him.” with the last sentence she turned to you, her long red nail pointing ahead of her. By now a strong itch was building in your throat, you blinked again and again to try to clear your vision.
“So you came back to leech off me.”
“Estell- “
“It’s not! Estella! You know it!” She screamed, making the tears pour at last.
“You know none of that is true- I haven’t asked a single thing from you.” you said, your voice small.
“Then maybe you’re spying for him! I think I just understood your game, you’re a double agent! You come here and strike right into my heart because you know I love you, you know you’ll be able to manipulate me, and then what, you ruin my brand and run away? Go back home as if nothing ever happened between us? You’re mine Y/N, it doesn't matter what you tell yourself, you can’t run from me again, you can’t betray me!”
“You’re not making any sense.” you said, and she only raised her eyebrows at you.
“I can’t figure out if you want me to leave or if you don’t? But I think that might be exactly what I’ll do. Cruella” you said with a mocking tone ”I’m flying home, I’m done with this.”
“Home?” She laughed, throwing her head back “Where is that? Is it in Paris, is that what you’ve told yourself? That home is the place farthest from me that you could find?”
You huffed heavily “I didn’t want any of this! Do you think I ever, for a second even thought about leaving? You think I wanted to leave? That life was perfect, and I’ve never felt anything that even came close to feeling safe after that, I fucking had to run. But right now I wouldn’t be putting you in danger anymore so I came to you to warn you, and to help you, because lord knows I never wanted to leave.” She only listened to you with her arms crossed, so you went on.
“I wanted nothing more than for things to be the way they were, but that just won’t happen, will it? I might have also changed everything about the way I look, but I haven’t changed who I really am, and I didn’t become the sour angry bitch that you did.” you spat, but she still didn’t snap back.
“I understand that you don’t want to trust me, I get it, but if you don’t even want me to explain things then there’s nothing I can do about us. I’m leaving.” you said, hoping she’d stop you, but you went to your room, grabbed your things and left, in true thief fashion, you knew where the car keys were, and you took one of them. And she didn’t stop you. The whole drive to London was foggy. Either from the cold night outside, or just the tears swimming in your eyes. Why hadn’t she stopped you?
Eventually you got to London, parked the car at the House of De Vil, leaving the keys inside. And if someone stole the damn thing, good for them.
You called a cab, got in, and he dropped you off at the airport. And now here you were, looking up at the next flights, biting your lip as your mind raced nonstop. Where were you even going? Not to Paris, that’s for sure, Dior must have a price on your head. Why the fuck didn’t she stop you!?
And something turned in your stomach as you imagined her face when you walked out of that room. How her lip must have trembled and how hard she must have fought the tears. How she fell to the floor, helpless because you’d left her again, paralysed. And this new façade of hers, you knew how hard she was trying not to break it. But you couldn’t just stand here and let her use you only when she wanted to, her coldness was too much to bear, even though you loved her and you knew she did too. You’d hurt yourself enough for this lifetime.
Knowing her past, of course it pained you to have to leave, just like everyone else did in her life, and unfortunately that included you, all those years ago, twice. And now you sat here contemplating your options, and leaving again was the most likely outcome.
The sun was coming up already, and you’d sloped into a chair, thinking about what to do next, when you heard the clink of a cane coming up to you.
“You’re not leaving me, not again darling.” she said when you looked at her. She was trying to intimidate you, to get you to do what she wanted, but you knew her too well. You were more than happy that she came to stop you, but you couldn’t just let her have her way without fixing things.
“You won’t get me to stay by being a bitch to me. I got the tickets already” you bluffed.
“So you were just going to leave me again? What did I do all those years ago?” she said, her shoulders slumping.
“It was never about you! If you could just listen to what I have to say!”
“Can you please come home with me?”
“I can’t do this if you won’t listen to me. Because you just don’t seem to care about me anymore”
She bit her lip, looking away from you, thinking about what to do.
“I… Of course I care about you” she said, closing her eyes. “You have no idea.”
“But you’ve just been away for so long, and so much has happened, Darling, I’m having a hard time dealing with this. But please don’t leave me again.”
“Then just tell me… all of what’s happened. I saw the news, but I’m sure there’s more to it”
“Let’s go home please” she whispered.
You agreed and followed her out of the airport. Once back at Hell Hall, she took you to a covered patio, with chairs and a table overlooking the cliff. There she told you how things unfolded that year, from working at Liberty to the charity ball when she fell down that very cliff. She told you about her birth certificate and how Katherine wasn’t her real mother. Jasper and Horace had told you parts of it, just not that one last bit, which shocked you beyond belief.
“And that has been me.” she said at last.
“That was a lot. And there would be no one in this world more capable of dealing with it.” you answered, to which she turned her face away to hide the colour in her cheeks.
“Well, you’ve been dying to tell me your part of things. Now’s your time.” she said.
You took a deep breath as you relived that day yet again. Finding yourself feeling the same way you had, looking at the sculptured bushes of her garden but seeing the golden displays of watches instead.
You were supposed to transfer the bag with the goods into the one you held in your other hand, a big one with a closure and that was made of a thick metal on the inside. Whatever was inside it wouldn't trigger any security system.
Except you forgot to do that. Of course. You just walked out, looking very shaken and not at all like someone who didn't just commit a crime. The costumes the four of you had were, as always, exceptional, and made you look far older than you were, but it was also the attitude that was selling your act. Right now you did look your age, given that the one thing on your mind was the way her skin had felt on yours, but not like all the times it did before, because it didn’t make you feel the same.
The alarms went off and instead of keeping a cool, nonchalant air, you decided to run off.
Well, decided isn't really the right word. The case was more of a fight or flight response, where you would choose the latter.
But that also didn’t help you much. You barely turned the street before two policemen caught you and spilled the contents of the bag onto the floor.
They dragged you into the station for an hour and a half of scolding, but, to your surprise they let you go. Not before threatening you of course, of calling your parents, and making a particular remark that chilled you to your bones. If they caught you again with some pesky group, they wouldn’t be so merciful.
They never checked your background, because if they had, you would spend the next months in an institution for troubled children, for running away from the orphanage system. You walked out as shaken as you would ever be in your life, and some part of your brain made the decision that you couldn’t go back to Estella and the boys. You convinced yourself that you did it because you couldn’t risk them getting caught because of you. You sported a target on your back, there was no way you could just walk like that into that warehouse. Bring a ticking bomb right into their lives.
So you ran off. Not to run from your feelings of course. For the following months you couldn’t think about anything else. How confused, how betrayed they must have felt, to not have you come back. Maybe they even thought you just grabbed the riches and left.
“How long did you sit at the meeting spot? When did you realise that I wouldn’t come back? And the next year was hell, because I couldn’t shake the guilt away. I wish I could have at least warned you.”
“I always knew I’d get you back” she answered with a smirk.
Notes!! I do not claim to know anything about Dior's behaviour, I would have put reader working for any designer, I chose him because his signature style fit with what I had in mind for the plot.
|| Masterlist || In coming and going (Part 1) || Wattpad Link || AO3 Link ||
Taglist: @padmeswife @ilovewinter101@cosmicbrownies7
if want to be added to a taglist for future works please let me know!
don't forget to eat today and drink water :)
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odd8ball · 2 years
Should I Start Calling You Dad? (Next gen au)
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Saul took a deep breath and walked into the Badun's boutique, it had been one hell of a week. His mom had been lying to him for years and he figured out who his dad was while doing a job together. Jasper was at the counter looking deep in thought. "Hey...Jasper." Saul said with hesitation. Should he start calling him dad now? He liked Jasper but he wasn't sure if the former crook would really like that.
Jasper looked up at him with frustration. "Have you come here to tell me I'm a deadbeat? Because it ain't my fault I didn't know about ya." Jasper said. "No I already knew that! she told me my dad was a shitty business man she ran away from to keep me safe, I also didn't know you were being blackmailed into working for her." Saul explained trying to cut the tension a bit.
Jaspers expression softened a bit but not much. "I suppose I should've expected that, she always was sour unless she wanted something. So why are ya here, a message from miss fire and brimstone?" Jasper questioned with a bitter grin.
"I wanted to know...if I could start staying with you for a bit." Saul said bracing himself for Jasper to laugh in his face. Instead the former bandit looked at him like he was crazy. "What in the hell made you want that?" Jasper asked. "Lesser of two evils? Mom isn't exactly...there...unless she needs me for something or wants to yell. Some of the most fun I've had was doing Jobs with you guys...even if you didn't want to go back to working for my mom." Saul said.
Jasper got up from behind the counter and walked over to Saul. "Long as you pull your weight around here I don't see why not." Jasper said putting a flat cap on Saul's head much to the surprise of the teen before him. "Really? Should I start calling you dad now?" Saul asked a bit more playful as the energy in the room relaxed a bit.
"Call me whatever ya want, I've been called worse things than Dad." Jasper responded also in a playful tone. With that Jasper put him to the task of designing outfits for the boutique. It was definitely an awkward start but there was hope things would eventually get comfortable.
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estella-and-co · 3 years
Cruella and Jasper attempt to navigate a hopeless conversation.
Another fic rec for you all :) This one partially has to do with Jasper’s heroin addiction
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impossibleclair · 3 years
When the dust settles and the world is quiet and comfortable again, Cruella finds herself weighed down by the past. She owes a debt to the people who got her here, and she intends to make it up to them. They’re her family, after all.
A little look at some soft post-movie moments between Cruella, Jasper, Horace, Artie and John.
Partially inspired by a post made by @estella-and-co 
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Lunch- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Jasper takes Angela to lunch, where they learn something interesting about each other. 
Word Count: 2.3k
“The full moon's bright. And starlight filled the evening,” came Elton John’s smooth chorus from the radio hanging on the wall of 2nd Time Around. It would have brought a smile to Angela’s face if that hadn’t been the sixth time she heard it in the past two hours. Artie had recently purchased Elton John’s latest album “Captain Fantastic and the Dirt Brown Cowboy” and he brought it into the shop so Angela could listen to it as well. Only problem is their radio seemed to be having problems with it, that song after every other one. At first Angela thought it was just a hiccup, but this was starting to get ridiculous. 
“Artie, it’s playing that song again,” she complained, leaning against the counter. 
“Hitting it seems to help,” came her boss’s voice from the back room, where he was putting price tags on some new stock. “There’s no one here, just hit it until it skips.” Angela looked around, noting that he was right about both things. She was glad that the store was empty, ever since Cruella revealed that Artie and Angela worked for her at the party she threw, people were more eager to visit their shop. Today was Sunday, no one usually shops on Sundays so today was the first day that Artie and Angela could relax and sort of restock. 
Still, that didn’t make her want to do this any less. The girl groaned internally and grabbed the stepladder, setting it up under where the radio hung on the wall. She carefully climbed the steps until she was face to face with that stupid machine and began hitting it in an attempt to make it work properly, trying to ignore the blaring music going straight into her ears. 
“We wrote it and I played it, Something happened it's so strange this feeling, Naive notions that were childish,” Elton continued to sing, successfully covering up the sound of bells jingling, signaling that someone had walked in. 
“Just skip already you stupid radio,” she grumbled, annoyed. The radio didn’t care about the insult, continuing to play that infernal song. 
“Simple tunes that tried to hide it, But when it comes, We all fall in love sometimes.”  She groaned loudly, getting ready to hit the machine again when a voice came from behind her. 
“I don’t know, I actually found that song quite good,” Jasper spoke, hands going into the pockets of his jacket casually. Angela nearly fell off the ladder, having not heard him enter the store, then faced him. 
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,” she greeted, climbing down the ladder and straightening out her dress. “Welcome to 2nd Time Around. I’m Angela, or Angel as in: sent from above.” She gestures to her body with a bright smile. 
“That was cute,” Jasper commented with a small smile. “Did Artie come up with that one for you?” Angela nodded. 
“I felt a bit left out since he had that ‘Art, as in: work of’ line so he helped me out,” she explained, moving the ladder. “What can I help you with? We just got new stock from Dior, Chanel, and even Saint Laurent. From casual looks for lunch or suits for going out on the town, we have it all,” she explained, gesturing to several racks around them. Jasper let her do her whole spiel, knowing how much she loved coming up with stuff like that, before shaking his head. 
“Well I didn’t originally come here for clothes but it seems that your customer service has changed my mind,” he said, making her giggle. “That can come later though. It’s nearly time for your lunch break so I figured I’d take you out to lunch.” Angela smiled internally, touched that he remembered such mundane things in her schedule. 
“Well, let me just go click out and I’ll be ready,” she responded happily. He nodded and waited patiently as she walked to the back room, informing Artie that she was going on her lunch break, before clocking out and grabbing her coat. She slipped it on as she walked out. 
“Wow, nice coat,” Jasper complimented, making her blush. 
“Well thank you, I designed it myself.” She spread her arms out and turned to show him the entire thing. 
“Beautiful,” he spoke softly before holding out his hand. “Ready to go?” She took his hand with a nod then called a bye to Artie as they walked out. 
“So, how has it been living at ‘Hell Hall’?” She asked as they began walking down the sidewalk. Of course Artie and Angela stopped by Cruella’s new estate for work, but that’s just what it was. Jasper and Horace didn’t like to interrupt the dressmakers while they were working. There was a fashion show coming up so they had to get everything done as soon as possible. With all the chaos at the shop and at Hell Hall, the new couple had no time to see each other. It was surprising to Angela that her boyfriend had come by in fact. This was the first time in a week and a half that they truly got to see each other, and Angela wanted to make that time count. Jasper wrapped the arm closest to her around her shoulders and his other hand went into his coat pocket while hers went into her jacket’s pockets. 
“Strange,” he answered honestly. “I lived in that cramped house for 23 years, I had the chance to get used to it. Now, I could get an entire floor of this huge mansion to myself if I just say the word. And yes, Cruella has tried.” 
“You’re not used to having so much space,” Angela clarified. The man nodded. 
“Exactly. Horace and Estella were always within arm’s reach in case something happened,” he continued. “Now it takes a commute to find either of them. I just- I don’t know…I kind of wish things were how they were. Before I got Estella the job at Liberty, before Estella became Cruella.” He looked at his girlfriend once he finished his rant. She hummed then gave him a patient smile. 
“Things like this take some getting used to Jas. You’re a creature of habit, of course you’re not going to get comfortable right away. And that’s okay, I know that Cruella and Horace understand. And about Cruella, she’s always been there from what I understand. She was going to come out no matter what, it was only a matter of time when. She was like a ticking time bomb, but we all still love her either way. That’s what matters, right?” Jasper sighed, he had a love/hate relationship with her logical thought process. 
“Besides,” she added. “If you hadn’t gotten her the job at Liberty, she wouldn’t have met Artie and I. Then you would never have met me.” That was enough for Jasper to look at her once more with his usual adorkable smile. 
“You’re right. I’d rather die than to never have met you,” he muttered sincerely. Angela smiled and stretched just enough to kiss his jawline. 
After walking a few more minutes Jasper finally opened the door of a small restaurant in a shopping strip for her and led her inside. Lunch went by rather quickly, and before they realized, the check had been placed in front of them. Angela went to grab it but Jasper handed the money to their waiter without hesitation. Their waiter thanked them and walked away to put it up, leaving Angela to jokingly glare at her boyfriend. 
“Jasper I could have paid, you know,” Angela scolded softly. 
“I wanted to wait for us to go on a date so that I could be the one to pay for it, Angela. Like a gentleman, you know. I have the chance to do that now, so please let me.” The girl quieted immediately. She hadn’t thought about that. Rather than responding, she only thanked him and switched the conversation, much to his relief. 
“Well, I still have twenty minutes left of my lunch break. What do you say to a small stroll?” She questioned as they stood in unison. 
“Sounds great love,” he responded, taking her hand and walking out. They walked a few minutes until they ended up in front of what both of them recognized as Liberty, where a worker was setting up the new display case.  
“Oh man, this reminds me of a few months back before I met you guys,” Angela reminisced with a smile. “I was passing by here on my way to work and there was a girl who got drunk and messed up the display case with trash. Man, did the manager look mad.” She laughed, harkening back to that day. 
It had seemed like a normal day, since Angela lived so close to 2nd Time Around she usually just walked there everyday. She remembered how hot it was, so she wore short overalls on top of a yellow shirt. On her way there, she passed by the Liberty store, but paused when she noticed a few people crowding the display. That, of course, piqued her interest and she pushed her way to the front, apologizing every few seconds. 
There was a woman with red hair who seemed to be asleep on the floor of the display case, empty trash bag in one hand and an almost empty bottle of what looked like whiskey in the other. The man beside her stepped forward and knocked on the window, jolting her awake. 
“Why’d you go and sleep in a window?” Someone on the other side of the knocking man questioned dumbly. Oh, Angela had to show this to Artie. Carefully, she took her camera out of her bag and snapped a few pictures shortly before the manager walked out and grabbed her. Angela took the time to check her watch, and her eyes widened. She was going to be late! Before anyone could do anything else a car came screeching to a halt just outside the store, making everyone turn around. And, that was Angela’s cue to leave. She began pushing past people, knocking someone over almost immediately. 
“Ah! Bloody hell!” The man groaned out upon hitting the ground.
“Sorry!” She called apologetically, though she didn’t turn back as she ran the rest of the way to work. 
While she reminisced, Jasper stopped in his steps, thinking back to when Estella had done that. 
“Wait, were you wearing denim overalls that day?” He questioned. Angela was confused by this, but quickly understood where he was getting at and looked at him with wide eyes. 
“Oh my god, you’re the guy that I ran into after the Baroness arrived!” She exclaimed. 
“You’re the one who snapped a picture of Estella then fell into me!” He responded in the same tone with a toothy grin. 
“Did we seriously meet before we actually met?” She asked with amused disbelief.  Jasper shook his head, feeling the same way as her by the looks of it. 
“I cannot believe this,” he chuckled as they continued their walk. 
“I still have the picture of that,” Angela mentioned. “It’s in my camera roll, I haven’t gotten the film developed though.”
“You know what, I can and will personally go with you to get it developed. That would be wonderful blackmail.” The girl shook her head at that. 
“You’re bad,” she answered, though she couldn’t help but smile. 
“I guess so.” They walked back to the shop, making pleasant conversation. That stopped when they stepped inside and saw Artie talking to someone very familiar. 
“Hello Cruella,” Angela greeted chirpily, unlinking her arm from Jasper’s. “I didn’t know you were coming by. Lots of surprises today.” She took her coat off and began walking to the back room. 
“Thought I’d come see how 2nd Time Around was doing now that you guys have publicity. Artie tells me you two have been working overtime,” Cruella responded, resting on her cane. “You could have told me, I wouldn’t have worked you to the bone after work every night.” 
“Yes, almost two hundred customers a day,” Artie added. Jasper’s eyes widened as Angela walked back out. 
“Two hundred? How are you two still alive?” 
“Lots of determination,” Artie responded simply. 
“And our new coffee machine,” Angela added, leaning against the counter. Jasper rubbed her back soothingly. 
“Well, you guys are closed on Mondays, right? Why don’t you two come over, we’ll have a small sleepover and you guys can sleep in luxury. No offense.” Angela pursed her lips. 
“None taken. I think.” Cruella’s usual smirk settled on her face once more. 
“Great. I’m sure Jasper doesn’t mind driving down here once you close. Until then I have a few more stops to make. Come on Jasper.” She began walking out, pausing in the doorway to wait for him.
“Come back soon,” Angela spoke softly. 
“Of course,” he responded with a sincere smile. “I still have some shopping to do and I heard there was a very cute worker here.” 
“I would say that you’re referring to me, but I think that would ruin the moment, huh?” Artie joked, making the others laugh. Jasper shook his head amusedly and leaned down a bit to give Angela a quick kiss goodbye then began following his friend. The two waved as they watched them walk out, then they heard Elton John’s voice ring out once again. 
“Wise men say, It looks like rain today,” the same song started for the seventh time. 
“Want me to have a go at it?” Artie questioned knowingly. 
“No,” Angela shook her head, surprising Artie though she couldn’t see it as her eyes were still trained on the door her boyfriend just left though. “It’s starting to come around for me.”
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Alive and Well Part 2- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Cruella enlists Artie and Angela’s help to put the Baroness away from good, but once it’s all over, Angela and Jasper are left with only their feelings for each other and no way of knowing how to go about it.
Word Count: 2.8k
Work had been almost nonstop since the plan was set in motion, but Angela didn’t mind. She loved the adrenaline that ran through John’s house at all times. Everyone was excited to be on board and they wanted to make it perfect just as much as Cruella did. That’s why Angela was confused when Jasper came into her room while everyone was on a lunch break. 
“Hey Jas, what’re you doing here? I thought you’d be eating with Horace and Artie,” she greeted the man, trying not to show her confusion. He shot her an almost cutely awkward smile and took a seat beside her. 
“Well, I wanted to keep you company, and check on your dress for tonight,” he responded before looking it over. “It looks amazing.” Angela blushed. 
“Thanks, I can’t wait for you to see the finished product.” 
“I’m sure you’ll look beautiful in it,” he said softly, staring at her with a look she couldn’t quite explain. Her blush deepened, but she couldn’t find words to respond with the way he was looking at her. She noticed his eyes flicker down for a moment before looking into her eyes. 
“Angela, I-” he never got to finish his thought before he was interrupted. 
“Hey guys, Cruella says it’s time to get back to- oh,” Artie stopped mid sentence when he stepped in the doorway. “Uh, sorry to interrupt. I’ll just uh… be out here when you’re done.” 
“Uh no, it’s okay,” Jasper said quickly, standing and dusting himself off. “I should probably go help Horace fix up that car.” With that, he left without looking at the girl. Angela only watched helplessly, dying to know what he was going to say. Unfortunately, she didn’t get the chance as she had to help a few others with last minute details then had to get ready herself. 
She didn’t even see him again until they arrived at Hellman Hall for the charity event. She arrived with Artie, showing their “invitation” to John, who let them in with a knowing smile. They gave him their coats then headed to the ballroom filled with black and white wigs in memory of Cruella. The duo split up to make sure that everything went according to plan, then John instructed her to get an earpiece from Jasper. It didn’t take her long to find him. 
“Excuse me sir, could you direct me to the champagne?” She questioned innocently upon reaching him. His back had been turned when she walked up, but he turned after hearing her voice with a bright smile. 
“Yes ma’am I-” he paused when he noticed her outfit. She looked, in the simplest terms possible, absolutely stunning. Her dress made her look like a literal goddess and her hair all done up framing her face added to the look. 
“Yes ma’am, I?” She prompted him with a teasing smile. He seemed to come back to his senses, only for his eyes to widen. 
“Oh no miss, you’ve dropped your earring,” he informed her urgently. That made her look around and crouch down. He followed suit and pretended to look down, only to hold something out for her a second later. Upon looking at it, she realized that he was holding an earpiece. 
“Oh, you sly dog,” Angela whispered with a giggle, which made him chuckle. As they stood, she placed the device in her ear then covered her hair. 
“Thank you sir,” she spoke openly now. 
“Of course,” he nodded and held out a champagne flute for her. “Enjoy the party, miss.” With one last nod to each other, Angela sent him a wink and continued to walk around. Once it was time to get everyone outside to the cliff, Angela went arm in arm with Artie to see why was happening. The Baroness was talking to Estella right beside the railing between the property and the cliff. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched the Baroness hug the girl, then gasped in horror after the woman promptly pushed her over the railing. Angela’s knees buckled under her, but Artie was quick to catch her. 
“Come on, we have to go,” he muttered in her ear, leading her off as the Baroness continued to claim that Estella had jumped. John, Horace and Jasper were waiting outside the entrance of the building, looking unphased. Upon noticing Angela’s distressed state, Jasper walked over to the duo and hugged her. 
“It’s okay Angie. Just trust us,” he whispered. That confused the girl, and she looked up at the man. He didn’t acknowledge the look as he led her to the circle of gravel as a car sped towards them. Angela gasped and she plus the men with her stepped back once the car skidded to a stop just a few feet away from them. The girl’s mouth dropped open as Cruella de Vil stepped out of her car. 
“No way,” she breathed out with a small laugh. Jasper’s hand went around her shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. 
“Didn’t I tell you to trust us?” He muttered as everyone surrounded the car. She couldn’t help but laugh and she pulled him into a tight hug that he didn’t hesitate to return as the police led the Baroness to their car. 
“Can’t you idiots see!” The woman shouted. “That Estella person, that’s a trick! She’s really Cruella!” 
“Cruella de Vil,” Cruella announced with a triumphant smirk. 
Just a few days later, “Estella” was laid to rest, finally with her mother once more. Cruella, Jasper and Horace moved into the newly named Hell Hall, but Jasper was quick to notice that there was one person missing. 
“Hey, Artie? Where’s Angela?” He asked his flamboyant friend. The man shrugged absentmindedly as he stared at the ornately designed wall pieces. 
“She was outside by the cliff last I saw her,” he answered distractedly. Jasper thanked him then headed out where everyone had seen the Baroness murder Estella Miller just a few days ago. She was sitting on a bench not far from the cliff, just listening to the waves miles below by the looks of it. 
“Beautiful view, huh?” He asked softly as to not disturb her. Her head turned just a bit to look at him and nod. A serene smile graced her face that made her look even more beautiful than the night of the gala in Jasper’s opinion. She patted the space beside her, to which he sat down. It was a rather peaceful silence, and it was the calmest both of them had been in a week. Cruella allowed the guys all a small break to get settled into the mansion and Artie and Angela were given a break from designing to relax. 
“What were you going to say?” Angela interrupted the silence. Jasper’s eyebrows knit together and he looked at her. 
“What were you going to tell me the day of the charity gala?” She elaborated. “When everyone was at lunch.” Jasper now blushed and looked down shyly. 
“Ah, that,” he started, his tone matching his mood. 
“Oh please, no need to act bashful now,” Angela teased, resting her head on his shoulder affectionately. Jasper didn’t laugh like she expected him to, which worried her. 
“Hey,” she nudged him gently. “What’s wrong?” The man stayed silent for a minute, but was yet again interrupted for the third time in the past three days. Horace walked out with Winky by his feet. 
“Oi Jasper!’ He called despite being only a few feet away from the duo. “Cruella wants you back inside to help her with a few,” he paused and glanced at the palm of his hand. “Executive decisions to maximize the space of the house,” he finished slowly, obviously reading off his hand. Angela couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head at the innocence in his tone. Jasper smiled a little then looked at her. 
“Duty calls, I guess,” he muttered apologetically. Angela brushed him off. 
“Go ahead. I’ll see you later.” The man nodded and bid her a quick goodbye and followed his friend back inside, leaving Angela to sigh and continue to look out over the cliff. 
A few days later. Cruella decided to have a party to introduce herself and all of her workers to the world, not wanting to not give everyone their due credit. Everyone who was anyone was going to be there, so everyone had to make a good impression. 
Angela dressed in a form fitting burgundy gown with off the shoulder short sleeves and pulled her hair up into a bun. Once she was happy with her look, she decided to go around and help anyone who needed help getting ready. The first door she happened upon was Jasper’s, who had opened it a crack. She knocked twice on the door, waiting for him to call her in before entering. 
The man in question was standing at a full length mirror fully dressed, aside from his tie. He looked wonderful, Angela thought. The suit really did him justice because it was like him: simple. Jasper never cared for extravagant outfits, and that opinion has stayed with him to this day. He was just wearing a simple tux, nothing added, just the suit. He seemed to be focused on his appearance though, as he hadn’t greeted her, or noticed her at all. Upon closer inspection, Angela realized he was having trouble with his bowtie. 
“Turn around Jas,” she instructed gently. The man sighed, but turned around upon realizing that it was Angela’s voice. He paused, staring her up and down in shock, which made Angela smile as she recalled the night of the charity gala. 
“Wow, uh, you look incredible,” he complimented, still looking blown away. She blushed in response and absentmindedly smoothed her dress down. 
“Thank you, but that’s not why I’m here. Bowtie, please,” she instructed, holding her hand out for the piece of fabric. Jasper looked like he wanted to protest, but gave in without a word. Angela thanked him and stepped closer, wrapping the tie around the back of his neck. Her eyes stayed on his neck as she tied it, too shy to look into his eyes with how close they were. Meanwhile, he couldn’t find it in himself to look away from her. She looked so cute when she concentrated, usually she hit her lip but not tonight unless she wanted to risk ruining her lipstick. 
Once she was done, she straightened out his tie then slid her hand to the collar of his nice shirt and folded it down. Only then did she finally look at him.  
“All done-“ she broke off, noticing the look he was giving her. What was that in his eyes? Longing? Affection? Love? 
“I- uh,” she started, but she had no words to finish her thought. Not like she had the chance anyway. 
“Guests are arriving!” Artie called down the hall. Both their heads snapped to the doorway, then to each other. 
“Right uh, I should be going,” Angela muttered quickly, stepping away from him and ignoring the loss she felt from not being so close to him anymore. “Cruella requested that Artie and I go down together,” she explained, as if he didn’t already know. 
“Right,” he repeated with an awkward smile. “Uh, good luck.” His hands went into his pockets as she shot him a dazzling smile. 
“You as well. See you out there,” she responded before walking out of his room, closing the door behind her. Jasper was really starting to get annoyed with all the interruptions. 
The party was almost in full swing when Cruella announced that it was time to make their entrance. She  had everyone separated into groups by their importance to her: all of Artie and Angela’s tailors would go down first separated by their part in the dressmaking process, then once they were at the bottom of the stairs Artie and Angela would walk down, they were the ones who got all the fabric and such after all. Then Horace and Jasper walked down side by side, no reason to explain the obvious reason. Then finally, the queen herself at the top of the stairs, completing the pyramid. The applause was almost deafening, and Jasper noticed Angela squeeze Artie’s arm. She had done that before the flash mob at the park, so it didn’t take long for Jasper to realize it was a stress reliever, a way to sort of ground herself around so many people. 
Cruella gave a short speech welcoming everyone then saying what would go on tonight: there would be a sort of q&a for anyone who had questions about them as well as showcasing all their previous designs on mannequins that lined the side walls. But first, there were introductions that needed to happen. Cruella went through all the dressmakers by name and what their specialty was, and as she said their names they walked down the steps as rehearsed. It went by rather quickly and soon everyone was encouraged to mingle until the q&a started. 
Jasper looked about the room, searching for someone in particular, and he found her just moments later. Angela was in a small group that surrounded Cruella’s rubbish dress discussing how long it took to make and such. He had a plan, and no one was going to stop him this time. He made his way over to the group, coming up behind the girl as she listened to Artie talk. She nearly gasped when an arm went around her waist and someone’s lips practically touched the shell of her ear. 
“Meet me outside when you’re done here. By the cliff,” Jasper whispered, which made her relax now that she knew it was only him. She turned just a bit to nod, a sign that she understood. With one more nod, Jasper’s hands went into his pockets as he headed outside to their agreed meeting spot. Just a few minutes later he heard the clacking of heels walking towards him and he turned around. Angela smiled at him upon reaching him. 
“You wanted to talk?” She inquired, just loud enough to be heard over the water below. Jasper nodded nervously. 
“I want to tell you what I’ve been dying to tell you since before the whole fire incident,” he explained, which made her perk up. Finally. 
“Go on, then,” she responded, leaning against the railing beside him. He stayed silent yet again for a few minutes. 
“Jasper,” she called, making him look at her. “I know you’re probably thinking of the right way to put things, but you might want to hurry because we don’t know the next time we’ll-“ 
“Jasper! Angie!” Artie called, stepping outside. “Cruella wants us inside for the q&a!” Jasper watched as Angela’s shoulders slumped in defeat, attempting not to show her disappointment. 
“Nevermind then,” she muttered softly, straightening out her dress as she stood straight once more. Jasper shook his head quickly. No. Not this time. His hand shot out to grab her own as she began heading inside. Angela barely had time to turn and question him before he pulled her close to him. His hand left hers and instead moved to cup her face with both hands and bring his lips to hers. Immediately her hands reached up to cover his and her eyes closed, her lashes looking like a Morning Glory at dusk. This wasn’t just a kiss, it was something that they could get addicted to if they weren’t careful, but neither of them cared about that. All they focused on was each other until Angela was forced to pull away for air. 
“I love you,” Jasper whispered, not wasting a second before pressing another kiss to her lips, this time much more delicate and much less urgent. “That’s what I’ve been wanting to say.” Another kiss. “And bloody hell has it been hard to get a moment alone to tell you that.” Angela couldn’t help but giggle as their lips met yet again. 
“I’m afraid with our line of work we don’t have a lot of time to wait,” she responded simply, her hands now resting on his shoulders. “But for you, I would make time.” 
“There’s no need now that it’s done,” he spoke with a wide smile that she just couldn’t help but copy. “Just stay with me, forever.” 
“I would like nothing more,” Angela answered, wrapping her arms around him in a hug that he returned. 
“Wow,” they heard another voice from behind them, which made them turn around. Cruella stood there with a knowing smirk. 
“That was touching,” she continued. “But now that you’ve professed your undying love for each other, we have a q&a to do so let’s go. Please?” She added after Angela raised her eyebrows at her. Jasper chuckled at the interaction then held his arm out for Angela. 
“Shall we?” The woman grinned at him then linked their arms together. 
“We shall.” With that, they followed Cruella inside to the rest of their lives. 
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Alive and Well Part 1- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Angela reads the morning news and discovers that Cruella is dead, and Jasper and Horace have gone to jail for it. It leaves her with unresolved feelings for Jasper, but after getting a call from Artie, she realizes that they may not actually be unresolved.
Word Count: 1.8k
“You’re sure that it’s okay if I stay home today?” Angela asked hesitantly, twirling the phone cord around her finger. 
“Of course,” Artie responded earnestly. “In fact, I think I may just close the shop a bit early today, business has been a bit slow, you know?” Both of them knew that that was a lie, but Angela was thankful that he made an attempt. 
“Thanks Art, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” She questioned hopefully. 
“I can swing by later tonight if you’d like,” he suggested. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it,” she brushed it off. “Have a good day, lots of love.” 
After setting the phone down, Angela took another look at the very reason she wanted to stay home. She picked up the newspaper carefully, as if it would bite her, and tried not to tear up as she read the headline. 
                                      Cruella Up In Flames
A few hours earlier, the fire department received a call about a large house fire in the warehouse district of London, where it was discovered that it was the upcoming fashion icon Cruella’s lair. Just an hour before that, she had a flash mob showcasing her new work in Regent's Park, only to get run out by the police.   
Angela’s heart broke as she read it over, and the next line didn’t help her in the slightest. 
Police caught and arrested Jasper Badun and Horace Ethan for conspiracy to murder, though there was no body discovered among the wreckage. 
She set the paper down, not being able to read anymore of it. It just didn’t make sense, just last night everything seemed fine. Everyone had a blast with the show and even discussed getting drinks to celebrate the occasion. Plus, that didn’t even sound like Jasper and Horace. They loved Este -or actually- Cruella, from how they talked about her, she was like their sister. Sure she had been very pushy before the show, but that doesn’t mean the boys just jumped to murder. That wasn’t them. It was the Baroness, it had to be. But she couldn’t prove that, besides, Cruella was dead and that was the end of it. And yet, how was she supposed to just move on as if the past few months of helping the icon meant nothing, as if they weren’t the best days of her life? She had no idea. 
Just a few hours later she received a call from Artie. 
“I need your help,” he spoke rather excitedly. 
“Hello to you too, Art,” she responded amusedly. She heard the man laugh on the other end, and she could just imagine him shaking his head at her. 
“Hello Angela. How are you doing? How’s the family? Is your garden coming in nicely? I need your help,” he retorted in the same tone as before. 
“I’m as well as I can be. My mum got over that nasty cold and dad said hi. It is, but I’ll need more fertilizer soon. How can I help you?” Artie then gave her an address, telling her to meet him there for something important. 
“What is it? I’m not going to get killed, am I?” She joked, smiling when she heard him laugh once again. 
“Oh no, nothing like that love. Just get here as soon as you can. Lots of love!” He gave her no time to respond before he hung up. Angela only stared at her phone, confused. After a minute she shrugged and set it down, she had no reason not to trust Artie so she would have to get ready for the secret location. 
Just an hour later she stepped off the bus and arrived at a nice looking house. She double checked at the address she’d written down then walked up to the doorstep, knocking nervously. After only waiting for a few seconds the door opened to reveal a bald man in a nice suit. Her eyebrows shot up a bit and she messed with the hem of her rust colored parka. 
“Uh, hello. Is Artie here?” She greeted him awkwardly. 
“Are you Angela Young?” The man questioned in a deep voice, to which she nodded. A small smile rested upon his face and he opened the door wider for her. 
“Come in, my name is John. I am the owner of this house,” he explained as she stepped inside. “May I take your coat?” 
“Oh, uh, yes please.” She, with John’s help, took her parka off and she waited while he hung it up in a nearby closet. 
“Angela!” She heard Artie call from down the hall. She barely had time to turn before he hugged her. 
“I thought I heard your voice love. We’ve been waiting for you.” 
“We?” Angela repeated confusedly. 
“I’ll go make you some tea,” John spoke before walking off to what Angela assumed was the kitchen. 
“Come on,” the excited boy instructed, linking his arm in hers and leading her down the hall. 
“Artie, what’s going on?” She questioned as she followed him. “Why are we here in a stranger’s house?” 
“Just wait and see,” he responded before stopping in front of the doorway of what seemed to be the living room. She stared at him curiously for a minute before walking inside, then gasped. 
“Jasper!” She cried out in surprise. The man grinned widely at the girl. 
“Angela,” he exclaimed as the girl practically ran over to him. The two embraced, Jasper’s head lowering a bit to rest on top of her head. 
“You’re okay,” she breathed out, now sounding relieved. 
“You are too,” he responded in the same tone, squeezing her tighter. Angela wanted to cry, this time with happiness, but that would come later. 
“I am too,” she heard Horace speak up from the sofa. That made Angela giggle as she (very hesitantly) pulled away from Jasper and faced him. 
“I’m glad,” she responded kindly as she offered him a quick hug. “But what happened? I thought you two had gone to jail?” She questioned, looking around. 
“Well, we were in prison, but then we escaped,” Horace explained. 
“We had some help though,” Jasper added, now looking past Angela. That made her turn around, and her eyes widened. 
“Cruella,” she exclaimed. “You’re alive.” Though she was happy, she found her feet were stuck in place. She was still rather upset about Cruella’s treatment of not only her, but Artie, Horace and especially Jasper. That made her smile fade, and the woman seemed to understand why. 
“I know you’re probably mad,” she started, making Angela cross her arms. 
“That’s a bit of an understatement, don’t you think?” She cut her off rather coldly. She could see Artie frown out of the corner of her eye, but she didn’t exactly care at the moment. Instead, she shrugged and began walking around the living room. 
“I mean, now that I know what the Baroness is capable of, I want to take her down. Believe me, I do. But that was your goal before your ‘death’ and look what happened. You treated everyone like they were trash and beneath you, you acted as if Horace and Jasper hadn’t been there for you since you were children, and yet you still were ready to throw them under the bus to reach your goal. Hell, you almost fired me from a job I technically didn’t have! None of us were being paid for helping you, we did it because we cared about you. You didn’t care then, though. Tell me, what difference does it make this time around?” She stopped when Jasper reached out to rest a hand on her shoulder. 
“Just hear her out, Ang,” he pleaded softly. “She’ll explain everything.” She stared at him for a moment going over her options. Eventually she sighed and faced the woman across from her expectantly. After a few minutes of Cruella staying quiet, Angela breathed out a laugh and shook her head. 
“I’m leaving. Good luck with whatever you guys are trying to do but I’m not about to be a part of it.” She grabbed her bag, ignoring Jasper when he called her name. Just as she reached the door, she was stopped by Cruella finally speaking. 
“I almost died,” Cruella started. “If it hadn’t been for John, I would have. It’s quite the eye opener, though I don’t recommend you try it,” she stayed quiet for another minute before looking down when Angela faced her once more. “There’s no easy way to say this. The Baroness is my birth mother, she gave me away to die. And then killed the sweetest woman, albeit a liar, who ever lived.” Angela’s eyes widened, and her shoulder slumped enough that her purse fell from her shoulder and hung from her elbow. 
“We are in a kill-or-be-killed situation here. I can’t run, she’ll find me. You know she will, Angie,” she paused yet again then took a deep breath before looking at her. “I went a bit mad. I’m sorry. After all that’s happened with us, I can’t help but view you as my sister, and I know you’re the same way. Well, at least you were before I blew up. The point is, you’re my family. You guys are all I have.” Cruella gave her a desperate look, which made her close her eyes in thought. After a minute of silence Angela crossed her arms and exhaled deeply. 
“God, you’re really hard to say no to sometimes,” she finally spoke, opening her eyes once more. A smile appeared on Cruella’s face and she stood. The two met each other halfway in a hug. 
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” She questioned, which made the girl laugh. 
“Yeah, why not,” she responded as they pulled away. “So, what now?” Cruella’s sincere  smile melted into a mischievous one. 
“I have a plan,” she spoke. 
“Of course you do,” Artie responded teasingly. 
“And you two are going to help me,” Cruella continued. Angela and Artie gave each other a look before facing the woman. 
“A night full of fabulous and mayhem and possibly death.” Angela hummed in thought.
“Hmm. Check, check, I’m not quite sure about the death though.” 
“It won’t be any of you,” Cruella retorted. Artie grinned. 
“The Baroness’ charity gala is this weekend. We’re going to need the home addresses and measurements of all the guests.”
“Easy,” Horace responded, petting Winky. 
“You and Artie’s tribe of dressmakers, of course,” Cruella continued. 
“Of course,” Angela repeated with a grin. 
“A black cape, pots of paint.”
“Oh, yeah?” Jasper questioned with a laugh. 
“Several boned corsets…” Angela turned to face the others with a playful smile. 
“Should we write this down?” John walked in with tea for everyone, and Cruella’s smile widened as she looked around. 
“Let’s get started then.”
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Confidence- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Angela turns into a replacement model when one of them gets sick, and it’s up to Jasper to give her a confidence boost.
Word Count: 2.7k
“Bad news Cruella,” Artie called as the lift reached the trio’s living space. The woman in question looked up from her designs as he made his way over to her.
“Laura just called, she caught the flu from her boyfriend. She’s out of commission at least until next week,” he informed her.
“What?” Cruella exclaimed. “There’s only two days left until the show and she chooses now to get sick?”
“I’m pretty sure you don’t choose to be sick,” Horace pointed out distractedly, watching a football game with the Dalmatians.
“Not the time you goon,” the woman snapped back before putting her hands to her head, exhaling deeply.
“Hey, don’t talk to him like that,” Jasper demanded as he sat down beside his friend, but Cruella didn’t pay him any mind as she began mumbling to herself with her eyes closed. After a minute her eyes suddenly popped open and she whirled around.
“Angela,” she called, making the girl look up from her current project of cutting off excuse fabric. “You’re taking Laura’s place in the show the day after tomorrow,” she commanded, leaving no room for question.
“Wait, what?” The suddenness of her demand is what caught the girl off guard, and that ended with the scissors gliding over the fabric and cutting her hand. She hissed in pain and dropped the scissors, cradling her injured hand.
“Don’t get blood on the fabric, it probably costs more than you,” Cruella instructed nonchalantly, heading towards the lift with Artie in suit. “We’ll be leaving now. We have to check the runway’s construction progress, won’t be long. Ta-ta!” She called just before the lift began lowering to the ground floor. Jasper watched the interaction in disbelief, then looked at Angela, who was still examining her hand and looking like she was about to cry.
“You okay, Angie?” Horace called.
“I’m fine,” the girl very clearly lied, but Horace didn’t notice it as his attention went back to the game. Jasper shook his head amusedly at his friends then stood, walking over to the girl.
“Let me see it,” he instructed gently. Angela looked at him, then at her hand and shook her head.
“Seriously Jas, I’m okay,” she brushed off, refusing to look at him. “I just need a bandage.”
“Hey,” he called softly, resting a hand on her shoulder. She finally looked at him, and he could immediately spot the tears in her eyes.
“Horace, the dogs ate not too long ago. I think it’s time to take them out,” he called, keeping his eyes trained on Angela. He was silently thankful that Horace didn’t question him for once and put the leashes on the Dalmatians that sat around him, taking them outside.
“Let’s go get you that bandage, yeah?” He coerced her to the kitchen area and sat her down at the table, looking around for a band aid. After finding one, he grabbed a rag and pulled up a seat. Angela said nothing as he cleaned the cut on her hand.
“Looking better already,” Jasper muttered with a kind smile that she weakly returned. He carefully placed the band aid on her hand then patted the top of it.
“All done,” he concluded, not missing when Angela looked at her lap yet again. “We’re alone in her, Ang,” he pointed out, catching her attention once more as she lifted her head just a little. “If you need a minute then you’re more than welcome to take one.” Angela sat unmoving for a short while, then Jasper noticed her shoulders begin to shake. He finally pulled her into a hug when he heard a sniffle, a dead giveaway that she was crying.
“Let it out,” he muttered. Angela shook her head and pulled away once her crying calmed down a bit.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, wiping her face. Jasper dismissed it and leaned forward to look at her since her hair was blocking his view.
“Talk to me Ang.” The girl sighed, sniffling once more before pushing her hair behind her ears.
“I’ve just been a bit stressed lately,” she explained. “The shop’s been rather busy, then when I’m not working I come here to make the dresses I’m not even sure Cruella would like. She’s been a bit moody the last few days and I’d hate to get on her bad side, you know? I’m pretty sure this is the first time in the last three days that I haven’t had a proper break where I’m not doing anything but sitting. Then, Cruella said that I was to take Laura’s place when I’ve never modeled in my life. I guess this was just the cherry on top of it all.” Jasper listened intently, becoming more annoyed at Cruella for the stress she was putting on everyone.
“You won’t have much more time to stress, the show is two days away and from the look of it your dress is already complete. I’m no designer but I think it looks amazing. And who cares if you’ve never modeled? All you have to do is strut that runway with all the sass you can manage and pose like there’s no tomorrow.” That got a laugh from Angela, which made him smile. “There’s that pretty smile. Now, I’ve seen the way you hold yourself, you have the confidence and you know it. The day after tomorrow is the perfect time to show not only that off, but your amazing dress. And it’ll feel good to see everyone gawking at you because you are the only one who has the ability to do what you’ve done. You’re the one who designed that dress, no one else.” Angela stared at him with a small smile, then finally nodded.
“Thank you Jasper,” she muttered, looking like she felt much better. Jasper only nodded then wiped away any stray tears that were left on her face.
“No necklace yet,” Horace called loudly, making the two jump apart from each other. Their heads snapped to his direction to watch him take the leashes off the dogs, who immediately ran back to the couch. Angela shook her head with an amused smile before facing Jasper once more.
“I should get back to work,” she informed him softly. “See you later.” She waited for him to respond before standing once more and walking back to her station to continue cutting away the excess fabric from her dress.
“Hurry up boys,” Cruella called poshly. “The Baroness’ collection should be revealed any minute now, we must make sure we are on time.” Jasper rolled his eyes with a small huff. The woman had only been here for ten minutes and her haughty attitude was already beginning to annoy him.
“Can’t rush art, Cruella,” Horace called back in response, continuing to set up the temporary stage for their flash mob. Cruella smirked but shook her head at him.
“Models are here,” Artie called, leading the group over to her. Cruella clapped excitedly and examined each person individually.
“Well, don’t you all look marvelous,” she complimented. “It seems that you had an excellent designer make your outfits.”
“Designers,” Artie corrected airily, though he didn’t stay long enough to see her brush it off before he headed to the dj booth where Horace now stood, doing a sound check on his board.
“Showtime in ten minutes everyone. If you have any last minute touch ups, I suggest you either go to Artie or Angela,” Cruella instructed, clapping her hands twice as a way to say ‘chop chop’ before walking off. Jasper’s ears had perked up when he heard Angela’s name, and he looked up from his guitar.
“Are you ready for your debut as a guitarist?” He heard the girl in question ask from behind him. A smile appeared on his face and he turned to face her.
“Woah,” he breathed out, eyebrows raised. “You look incredible.”
“Ah, well I’ve heard it so many times I’m starting to think it’s true,” she joked, but she didn’t look like she put a lot of effort into her response. His brows furrowed.
“Is everything okay?” He asked worriedly.
“Oh, just a bit nervous,” she responded, wringing her hands awkwardly. “I’m not really used to this kind of scene before.”
“What do you mean? I thought you worked shows before?” His genuine confusion made Angela smile internally. He’s so cute. She would have smiled externally if her nerves hadn’t been off the wall.
“Yes, I’ve worked shows. Behind the scenes,” she explained. “I’ve never been out on the runway. Completely different scenarios. Backstage, I have the safety of not being known. I doubt that I’ll get that luxury onstage.”
“But you’re practically full of confidence!” Jasper pointed out. “For as long as I’ve known you, which granted is only like a few months, you’ve been self-assured.”
“It’s mostly because Artie’s confidence always rubs off on me, but he won’t be right by my side for this,” she explained, growing more nervous by the second. “I think this was a bad idea, I’m going to see if I can find someone else to model this.” She didn’t have time to walk away before Jasper grabbed her wrist, pulling her off to the side.
“Come on, no second thoughts now,” he instructed softly, hooking his finger under her chin when she looked down. “You’re better than that.” Angela breathed out a laugh and shook her head dismissively.
“I’m serious! Angela, I’ve seen the way you are when you work. That confidence doesn’t go away with Artie, it’s still in you. You have to channel that tonight. Remember what I told you the other day? You have the confidence and tonight is the perfect time to show off not only that, but your amazing dress. And it’ll feel good to see everyone gawking at you because you are the only one who has the ability to do what you’ve done. You’re the one who designed that dress, not Cruella, not Artie, not anyone else. So get up there and show them how amazing you are,” he encouraged. A bright smile appeared on her face and she gave him a firm nod.
“You’re right,” she said, straightening out her dress.
“Of course I am,” Jasper joked, adjusting his guitar strap on his shoulder. Angela shook her head with a giggle.
“Places, everyone!” Cruella yelled, clapping her hands loudly. Jasper huffed at her attitude, only to pause when Angela leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“Knock ‘em dead Jasper,” she cheered him on before following the other models to their places around the fountain. The man called out a response then headed to the fountain with Artie in tow.
“I see the moths,” Artie called. “It’s now or never!”
“Places,” Cruella yelled much louder than before. “Lights off!” Upon seeing all the Baroness’ guests run out of the building Angela stood in her beginning pose while the multi-colored lights faded in. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Jasper played the first cord of his guitar.
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I PRESENT TO YOU,” Horace yelled into his microphone as Jasper continued to play. “CRUELLA!” The crowd that had formed around the makeshift runway cheered loudly as the music began picking up and Jasper walked to the end of the runway.
The show went a lot smoother than Angela expected. She was one of the last models to walk before Cruella appeared on stage, which meant she was close to Jasper. She fell to her knees by his feet and leaned back on one hand, facing the fountain like the other models and began head bobbing to the music as Cruella walked down the runway. Just before she got up, she noticed an irritated look on Jasper’s face and figured out that it was directed towards Cruella. She hated to see him so angry, so she figured she’d cheer him up.
After standing up, the models were allowed to do one last dance or pose before heading back to the fountain, and Angela wasn’t about to waste the opportunity. She stood and moved so she twirled around Jasper, making sure that she didn’t mess with his guitar cord. As she did so, she swung the skirt of her dress in a dancing fashion. That obviously caught Jasper’s attention and when she was sure that he was watching her, she shot him a subtle wink then blew a kiss to him before following her fellow model back to the fountain. Right before she went to her place she twirled one last time to let the audience see her outfit and check on Jasper’s mood. She cheered internally when she noticed a smile on his face as he watched her. She threw up her hands in one last pose then walked around the fountain to her place.
Her eyes widened and she looked around when police sirens were suddenly heard. She heard someone shout that the cops were here and Artie instructed everyone to run to safety. Without another thought, Angela ran out of the fountain, then quickly realized in all the panic she didn’t know which direction she was facing. People fled all around her, pushing her away. Before she could fall though, she felt a hand grab hers. She screamed at first, thinking that a cop had grabbed her, then Jasper appeared in her sight.
“Come on, we have to go!” He called, not waiting before he began running while dragging Angela behind. She was quick to find her feet and began running with him, though her legs were much shorter than his so he had to slow down a bit. Eventually they got far enough that they felt safe to slow down to a walk, keeping their hands together if they were wrong. After a minute Jasper let go long enough to take off his jacket and hold it out to her.
“I’d hate for you to get sick because you didn’t have a proper coat,” he explained. “Besides, the police won’t spot you if you cover your dress.” Angela wanted to point out the flaw in his first point that he would probably catch a cold without a jacket, but she decided against it. After putting the jacket on, she grabbed his hand once more after he held it out.
“That was,” Angela trailed off slowly before perking up. “Awesome! I've never been a part of something so exhilarating!” Her happiness made Jasper chuckle.
“We just stopped running from the police and you’re talking about the show?” He pointed out, but Angela just smiled at him.
“That was the exhilarating part,” she explained. “But the show was amazing. It felt fantastic to see everyone admiring my dress firsthand.”
“See? Didn’t I tell you so?” Jasper teased lightly. Angela rolled her eyes playfully then gently shoved his arm.
“Yeah yeah, don’t get too hung up on it,” she muttered before looking up at him once more. “You were amazing out there tonight,” she added. A blush settled on Jasper’s face and he shrugged in an attempt to look nonchalant.
“It was nothing really,” he brushed off, but she wasn’t having it.
“Well I think it was phenomenal,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Maybe you could teach me to play sometime.” Jasper smiled brightly then looked down at her.
“I’d be honored to.” Angela grinned then stopped upon reaching a small Victorian esque house.
“Oh, this is me,” she muttered surprised. “I didn’t even realize we had run this way.” Jasper stared at the house then let out a low whistle.
“Nice house,” he mumbled, still looking at it.
“It’s not much, but it’s home,” she shrugged before facing him. “Did you want to come inside? I know we’re pretty far from the park but I’d hate for you to get caught on your way home.” Jasper shook his head then hesitantly let go of her hand.
“Nah, I’ve gotta make sure Horace made it home alright. But I’d be happy to come another time,” he added quickly when he noticed her disappointed look. She giggled then finally nodded.
“Then I guess this is goodnight,” she said softly. Jasper nodded then leaned down a bit. Angela’s cheeks burned red when Jasper placed a kiss on her cheek.
“Goodnight Angela, sleep well,” he whispered before standing straight once more. She was flustered as she watched him begin to walk towards his house.
“I’ll be by tomorrow to drop off the dress,” she called softly, to which he nodded. After a minute she walked up the stairs to the front door and stepped inside with a joyful smile. Tonight had been quite possibly one of the best nights of her life.
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Unpaid Therapist- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Jasper takes Angela up on her offer of being his unpaid therapist.
Word Count: 2.1k
After meeting him for the first time, it didn’t take long for Angela to realize that Jasper usually kept to himself. She was an introvert compared to many people, so she had more time to notice his mannerisms. He didn’t talk to either her or Artie much after their first meeting, but the more they came around and conversed with both him and Horace, the more comfortable he became with talking to them and even starting the conversation sometimes.
Of course because they still didn’t know each other that well, Jasper often kept his thoughts and feelings to himself unless questioned. Even then he still seemed to hold back. Angela didn’t mind though, she knew that people opening up took time. And for Jasper, she’d wait until the end of the world if it meant becoming closer to him. That didn’t stop her from offering to be a shoulder to lean on. Every time she noticed him look rather frustrated or annoyed, she offered to let him rant to her.
That’s exactly what happened today. Angela, Artie, Horace and Jasper watched Cruella make her dramatic exit from the trio’s humble abode. It had been a pretty nasty miscommunication that ended with Cruella calling Horace and Jasper idiots then leaving. The entire fight made Angela want to just leave as well, but she didn’t like being angry for long. She had come to realize it’s better to not internalize it, and instead move on with things. Out of the corner of her eye though, she noticed Jasper huff then leaned his hands on the counter in front of him, trying to control his annoyance. She shared a sympathetic look with Artie before walking over to the man.
“Don’t let her get to you,” she instructed softly. “You’re strong enough to let the argument go and move on with your life.” Jasper’s closed eyes opened again upon hearing her speak, and his head moved just enough to look at her, offering her a small smile.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he muttered before taking a deep breath and standing straight, attempting to do as she said. “Thanks.” The girl gave him a patient smile.
“You know, my offer still stands,” she continued. “If you need someone to talk to, I’m always here for you. If you need to rant about something, I can be there to listen. Not to brag or anything, but I’m very good at helping people through their emotions, that’s why I call myself Artie’s unpaid therapist.”
“That’s also why we’re both mentally unwell,” Artie teased, leaning his elbows on his workstation. Angela rolled her eyes, but grinned when Jasper chuckled.
“Ignore him, he’s an idiot,” she muttered.
“Alright then,” Jasper responded amusedly.
“Anyways, you know where to find me if ever you needed to talk,” she reminded him one last time before heading back to her workstation while Jasper watched. Cruella didn’t come back at all while Angela was still there, which sort of annoyed the girl a bit as she wanted to go over a few things with her. Nevertheless, when she finished cleaning up her station downstairs, she turned off the light then went upstairs to grab her things and tell the guys goodbye.
“Don’t forget to tell me how the game went tomorrow,” she reminded Horace as she slipped on her coat. The man agreed, only half paying attention as his focus was on the game that was about to start. She shook her head with a small grin then walked over to Jasper’s sleeping area, where he was sitting on his bed.
“I’m leaving,” she informed him softly as to not disturb him. Jasper, who had previously been staring out the window of his “room,” faced her, grinning politely.
“Alright, will you be okay going on your own?” Angela smiled at his concerned expression, then nodded.
“Yeah, it’s just a bus ride away. Don’t worry about me,” she responded. When he nodded then looked at his lap, her smile turned into an empathetic one.
“Don’t forget about what I said earlier,” she reminded him. “You’re stronger than that.” He nodded once more, this time looking at her as he did so, and a more genuine smile graced his face.
“Goodnight then,” he responded. “See you tomorrow?”
“You know it,” she responded with a wink before beginning to walk to the lift, hearing the man laugh in her wake.
She ended up seeing Jasper much sooner than she expected. It was just after dinner, and Angela had been washing dishes when she heard her doorbell ring. Of all the times to knock, it has to be when I’m doing something, she thought to herself, drying her hands as she walked to the door.
“Jasper?” She questioned, obviously surprised to see the man on her doorstep.
“Hi,” he greeted with an awkward grin.
“What’re you doing here?” She inquired before quickly adding. “That sounded rude. I’m happy you’re here, but what are you doing here?”
“Well uh,” he started nervously, glancing around once before looking at her again. “I was wondering if that offer was still on the table.” Angela instantly understood what he asked and a gentle smile replaced her confusion.
“Of course it is. Come on in.” She stepped aside to allow him entrance and he stepped inside with a grateful look.
“Tea?” She offered as she led him into the living room. “I was just about to put some on.”
“That’d be great, thanks.” The girl nodded then walked into the kitchen. It didn’t take long for her to make it and she was walking back into the living room just a few minutes later.
“I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything,” he mentioned, looking rather worried, but Angela waved a hand dismissively.
“I was just doing the dishes, nothing big,” she responded simply as she sat down on her couch, setting the two mugs on the coffee table. “Have a seat.” He obeyed without hesitation, sitting a comfortable distance from her.
“Now, tell me what’s going on,” she instructed gently, picking up her mug. Jasper stayed silent for a minute, getting his thoughts together. The girl waited patiently for him to start, telling him that there was no rush as she had nowhere to be.
“It’s Cruella,” he finally began.
“That’s a shocker,” she teased, which made him laugh.
“I know right? Very unexpected,” he played along which earned a smile from the girl.
“Sorry. Anyway, proceed.” The man nodded and sat back in a more relaxed state.
“I don’t know, it’s just… the more she got wrapped up in all this Baroness business, the more passive aggressive she became. The more… antagonistic, if you will. For the last ten years it’s been the three of us: me, Horace, and Estella. Now, it’s Cruella and her workers Jasper and Horace. I don’t think she even sees us as her friends anymore. I still love her to pieces and I know Horace feels the same way, but ever since I got her the job at Liberty, it’s getting harder to deal with her now.” As he spoke, he leaned forward again, resting his elbows on his knees. Angela hummed thoughtfully once he finished his rant, then set her mug down to face him fully.
“You know, they say that love is unconditional if you really love them,” she started slowly, which made Jasper look at her curiously. “But people often forget that there is a fine line between unconditional love and conditional treatment. It’s a very thin line, granted, but it’s still there. Revenge can make people do crazy things, just like love can. I’m sure deep down Cruella still has a soft spot for you two, but her need for revenge against the Baroness is overriding her judgement. That doesn’t mean she’s allowed to treat you like dogs, of course. You guys don’t deserve that. But things like this are a learning experience, she needs to realize that you’re not just a worker, you’re her friend. The best thing you can do is help her down the right path. If that means having to step back and let her fall, then so be it. Once she falls, she’ll realize that you were right, and you can help her back up then go from there.”
After she finished speaking, Jasper sat there for a small while, taking in her words. Angela continued to drink her tea while she waited, and after a few minutes she could tell that he understood that she was right.
“You have a point,” he said softly. “It’s not like she doesn’t love us anymore, but it’s still difficult to be around her at times.”
“Well, if you’re ever feeling like you want to get away, my door’s always open,” she offered. “Aside from working at 2nd Time Around and with Cruella, I don’t really do much else so I’m usually home.”
“That’s very kind of you,” he spoke. “Do- uh, would it be a bother if I were to stay? It’s just for the night but I really don’t feel like going back just yet.”
“Of course,” she exclaimed, grinning at him. “Though I hope you don’t mind sleeping on the couch, I’m afraid the guest room is too messy to clean all in one night,” she added. Jasper waved it off though.
“That’s alright, I don’t mind.” Angela sighed in relief internally then stood.
“Well, I have some leftover spaghetti if you’re hungry.” She began walking to the kitchen, hearing Jasper get up and follow her, telling her that that would be great. She sat with him while he ate (even stealing a few bites herself), then went to the guest room, pulling some clothes out of the dresser then walking back to the living room where Jasper was.
“These are some pajamas my dad left last time he and my mum visited, they’re all I have in your general size,” she explained, handing them over. Jasper shot her a grateful smile then walked to the bathroom after she pointed it out. While she waited for him to change, she grabbed some pillows and blankets for him to sleep with. After he had walked out with his clothes now folded, Angela began turning off the lights in the kitchen and hallways.
“I think I’m going to head to bed myself,” she informed him. “If you need anything at all, my room is the first door upstairs on the left.”
“Thanks for all this Ang,” he offered softly, situating the pillows so he wouldn’t look at her while he gave her a new nickname. Angela, however, blushed at it then grinned almost comically wide at him.
“It’s no problem. Goodnight Jas,” she responded, turning away for the same reason he previously had. Now it was Jasper’s turn to blush, and he could only get one last fleeting glimpse of her before she began walking down the hall to the stairs.
The next morning, Angela awoke to an empty house. She walked downstairs still in her pajamas as it was rather early, and was disappointed to see the blankets neatly folded up with no Jasper in sight. Though she knew that he was just staying for the night, she rather liked his presence, it was nice having him around. Just as she prepared to walk back upstairs, she heard the front door open.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were already awake,” Jasper said, mildly surprised at her standing in the living room. She offered him an awkward smile then crossed her arms.
“Yeah, I probably should have mentioned I’m an early bird,” she responded, the two of them sharing a small laugh at that.
“Well, I wanted to surprise you when you woke up, but hey, at least they’re still hot this way,” he spoke, walking over to her and holding out a paper bag. “I remember Artie saying something about you liking the cinnamon rolls on Dunnway Street.” Angela looked between the bag and his face, shocked.
“Jasper you didn’t have to do that,” she muttered, though she took the bag anyway.
“I know, but I wanted to thank you for letting me stay last night. What better way than to get you breakfast?” The girl laughed at his answer and began walking to the kitchen.
“Well I hope you got enough for the both of us,” she commented as she took the food out of the bag and set it all on the table. Jasper couldn’t help but chuckle while he nodded, then pulled her chair out for her. She sat down after thanking him and he took the seat across from her. They spent the rest of the morning eating cinnamon rolls and talking about whatever came to mind. This had been the most relaxed Jasper had been in a while, and he knew for sure that he would be coming back very soon.
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Trouble- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Agnela finds herself in trouble when she and Cruella are trapped in Cruella’s on fire warehouse. She’s in for quite the surprise when she wakes up.
Word Count: 3.3k
When Angela first arrived at Cruella, Jasper and Horace’s house, she suspected nothing wrong. Jasper got her out of the flash mob once the police arrived at Regent’s Park and dropped her off at home, everything seemed normal from there on. Angela was still chasing the high from the excitement of the show, so she couldn’t exactly fall asleep. She wanted to see the trio, maybe even celebrate their success. So, she grabbed a bottle of wine and the costume she had since changed out of then began her considerably short walk to the trio’s humble abode.
She walked in without knocking, a normal occurrence at this point, and walked to the lift. As the lift began going to their floor, she leaned against the wall. Once she had just about reached their floor, she called up to them.
“Hope you guys missed me because I brought drinks,” she said as the lift stopped. A foul smell hit her nose,and she scrunched it up in disgust.
“Christ what cologne do the guys use Cruella?” She joked. She pushed the gate of the lift open then stepped in, setting the wine bottle on a nearby table. It was only then that she took a look around. Cruella was tied to a chair looking a little worse for wear, Jasper and Horace were also tied up but off to the side with gags in their mouths. Her eyes widened, but before she could do anything she was grabbed from behind. Her attacker covered her mouth and kept a tight arm around hers so she couldn’t get away. She screamed against his hand, but it came out as muffled nonsense.
“Well, well, well, who do we have here?” A voice asked from off to the side shortly before the Baroness herself stepped out of the shadows, her lackeys behind her.
“She’s no one of importance,” Cruella responded, attempting to look nonchalant. That ended up being in vain as John, who was holding Angela captive, began moving her away to another chair by Jasper and Horace.
“She has nothing to do with this Baroness. Just let her go,” Cruella said urgently, attempting to move closer to the girl only to be stopped by the chair she had been restrained to. The Baroness raised her eyebrows, very visibly in disbelief, and walked over to Angela as she was tied to a chair like Cruella was. The older woman hummed thoughtfully and tilted Angela’s chin up a bit, examining her.
“She doesn’t look like the type to commit arson, does she John?” She inquired, not looking away from the younger girl. John shook his head as he tied a towel around her mouth.
“No ma’am, she doesn’t,” he responded simply. Angela flinched when the Baroness dropped her chin, her nails scratching against her face.
“Seems unlikely that three people would commit arson anyways, it’s more of a man’s thing,” the older woman said as she walked in front of Cruella. “I guess you won’t be dying alone after all.” Angela’s eyes widened in fear and she looked at Jasper, who could only stare at her helplessly.
“No one will believe that they did this,” Cruella said spitefully. The Baroness didn’t look deterred by the girl’s words.
“Well, we have to add your charred bodies to the mix to help the believability factor,” she responded nonchalantly. She gestured to her goons, who yanked Jasper and Horace up. Jasper attempted to get to Angela, who had begun crying at this point. Both men grunted as they were dragged to the lift.
“You’re going to kill me because I upstaged you?” Cruella asked while John lit a match.
“Uh-huh,” Baroness spoke, which made Cruella huff. Angela’s eyes widened as Cruella began talking about how the Baroness killed her mother. The woman still didn’t seem surprised about this, and instead began walking to the lift, tossing the match to the side. A horrifying realization hit Angela: that foul smell was gasoline that the Baroness’ guards had poured around the room.
“I’m gonna kill you. And your dog,” Cruella hissed as the room began going up in flames. Angela couldn’t focus on the Baroness’ response as the smoke entered her lungs.
“Goodbye Cruella,” the older woman called as the lift began lowering to the ground floor. The flames grew higher, causing more smoke that made Angela cough through her towel. The realization seemed to hit Cruella hard because she turned around to face the girl.
“Angela, I-I’m sorry” she called, her eyes widening when she realized that Angela looked like she was on the verge of passing out. She attempted to call out to the girl once more, but Angela’s head fell back as the smoke became too much for her. She had blacked out before she could even process it.
Angela awoke with a start to a teapot whistling. She was on some sort of couch, she quickly processed, in someone’s home. But who’s home? Upon looking around the room, she realized that Cruella was on the couch beside her, and her heart soared with joy. They were both alive! And there was Winky and Buddy, sitting on top of her. She had to hold back a giggle when Cruella woke up to Buddy licking her face. The whistling stopped, though neither of them focused as Cruella sat up. After noticing Angela sitting nearby, the woman perked up.
“Angela, you-”
“Tea, Miss Cruella?” A familiar voice asked. The girls’ heads snapped to the source. John stood in the doorway with a tray of tea. He didn’t wait for an answer as he stepped in, setting the tray on the coffee table.
“Why are we alive?” Cruella questioned suspiciously.
“Because I dragged you out of the smoke and flames before they consumed you,” he replied simply before holding something up. “I have something for you as well.” It was Cruella’s necklace!
You found it?” Cruella asked, shocked. John nodded, stating that he found it in the fire then assuring her that it had been thoroughly bleached. Angela couldn’t help but giggle at his expression when he said it.
“May I show you something?” Cruella gestured for him to do so and he pulled out a box, revealing a key in the necklace.
“I didn’t know it had a key,” Cruella said softly, receiving a hum from John. “What’s it to?”
“This,” he gestured to the box. He used the key to open it and Angela watched as Cruella looked through some documentation for a minute before looking at John with wide eyes.
“The Baroness has a kid?” She questioned, shocking Angela. She became even more surprised when John said that Cruella was her child.
“May I walk you through it?” He inquired, not waiting for an answer yet again before continuing. The Baron was a sweet old guy. The Baroness, on the other hand, was a true narcissist. So when she found out she was pregnant...she wasn’t exactly thrilled. The Baron was delighted, so much so that he surprised her by giving her a family heirloom.
“She took the necklace, but she had other plans for you,” John continued.
“Stop,” Cruella instructed. “You keep saying ‘you.’”
“You are her child,” John reminded her patiently before proceeding. Angela listened intently as he explained that when the Baroness gave birth, the Baron was away on business so she told John to get rid of her. He then told them about how he saw Catherine (the woman Cruella thought was her mother) and gave the baby to her to take care of. The Baroness told the Baron that the baby had died, and the Baron wasted away.
“The point I’m making is, you are the rightful heir to the Baron’s entire fortune,” John concluded. “The mansion, the title. Everything.” Cruella shook her head vigorously.
“That psycho cannot be my mother,” she stated firmly, standing up. “No.” Angeal attempted to reach for her friend’s hand, but Cruella stormed out of the house. Angela got to the door in time to see Cruella driving away on the mailman’s moped.
Cruella returned nearly an hour later with a plan in mind. She needed to get Jasper and Horace out of prison, but she would need help. Angela was more than happy to help, and Cruella’s plan was set in motion within minutes.
“Cruella, do you know how to drive this thing?” Angela asked nervously after watching Cruella scrape yet another car while driving the garbage truck they were in.
“Nope,” the woman answered without hesitation. That made Angela even more anxious.
“Do you know how to drive at all?”
“You don’t need a license to do what we’re about to do,” she laughed, honing the horn loudly as they headed straight for the police station. Angela’s adrenaline began pumping and she braced herself for impact as Cruella ran tail first into the police station.
“Now, Angie!” Cruella called. Angela nodded then opened the door to let Winky out. They waited a few seconds for him to get inside the station then Cruella pulled away from the station and began driving around as fast as she could. Angela held onto the door for dear life.
“It shouldn’t take long for Jasper and Horace to get out, we’ll circle the block then come back for them,” Cruella informed her friend, who only nodded. She was still wrapping her head around the immensely illegal act they just committed and hoping they weren't caught. Thankfully, they weren’t, and circled back to the block where Horace and Jasper were walking with Wink in the former’s arm. Cruella honked the horn, this time more gently, then stuck her head out the window.
“Want a ride?” She questioned. Jasper didn’t look back as he answered for the both of them.
“Yeah, we’ll walk, thanks,” he responded without emotion, which made Angela frown.
“You’re alive,” Horace exclaimed, earning a glare and nudge from the man beside him.
“Yeah, I’ve had enough of being treated like a dog, thank you,” Jasper continued, only glancing back for a second before looking at Winky. “No offense, Wink.”
“You’ll get caught by the cops,” Cruella pointed out, but Jasper only shrugged.
“We did fine before you showed up, we’ll do fine without you.” Horace nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, exactly,” he stated.
“I fancy a fry-up,” Jasper mentioned, attempting to ignore Cruella, who still trailed after them.
“Yeah, I fancy a fry-up without her,” Horace added, his friend nodding along.
“Yeah, me too.” Cruella sighed as her head went back inside the truck. She then looked at Angela.
“Can you help me?” She asked desperately. Angela gave her a kind smile then leaned her head out the window, having to lean over Cruella.
“Come on guys, just hear her out. Please?” She inquired sweetly. At the sound of her voice, the two men whipped around. A smile instantly appeared on Jasper’s face.
“Angela!” Horace exclaimed happily. “You’re okay!” The girl couldn’t help but giggle at their change in demeanor, and she looked at Cruella hopefully. The woman seemed to understand what she was asking for because she stopped the truck, allowing Angela to climb over her and jump out. Instantly she went to Jasper’s open arms and hugged him tightly.
“I can’t believe it,” he whispered breathlessly into her ear as he returned the hug.
“You better believe it ‘cause I’m here to stay,” Angela responded simply before pulling away to smile at him. “But Cruella and I need your help. Please, at least just listen to her.” Jasper hesitated when she said that, glancing at Horace to see what he thought. The man shrugged, then, with a sigh, Jasper agreed and they piled into the truck, heading back to John’s house.
“The Baroness is my birth mother,” Cruella started once they got to the living room of John’s house. Jasper and Horace sat on the couch while Cruella sat on the coffee table. Angela sat on the same couch she was on when she first woke up after the fire.
“You just blew my mind,” Horace responded, eyes wide with shock.
“That does explain a lot,” Jasper added with a sigh.
“She gave me away to die,” their friend continued. “And then killed the sweetest woman, albeit a liar, who ever lived.” She sighed and looked down. Jasper didn’t look particularly moved by Cruella’s explanation, and stood.
“Well, thank you for the crumpets and the crazy story,” he said, adjusting his jacket. “Good luck with that”. Horace also began standing, and took a few crumpets.
“I might take a few of these.”
“Jasper!” Cruella exclaimed desperately. “We are in a kill-or-be-killed situation here. Angela forgave me.”
“Yeah because Angela is sweet and a naturally forgiving person,” Jasper shot back defensively. “Besides, the Baroness is a homicidal maniac, and you’re not.” Cruella scoffed.
“Well, we don’t know that yet. I’m still young.”
“Don’t say that,” Angela demanded softly. “Please, don’t say that.” As much as she hated to admit it, the fire truly did scare her. She really thought she was going to die there, and hearing Cruella say something like that didn’t sit well in Angela’s spirit.
“Angela I’m only joking,” Cruella attempted to comfort her, but she only sighed and pulled her blanket closer to her. Jasper rested a soothing hand on her shoulder, allowing her to rest her head on his arm now that he was standing beside her.
“The point is, I can’t run,” Cruella hesitantly continued. “She’ll find me, Jasper. You know she will. She almost killed Angela just for being close to us for Christ’s sake.” Angela let out a small squeak at her last sentence, and Jasper wrapped an arm around her protectively. Cruella watched the interaction with a small sigh.
“We have to stop her,” she digressed. “I went a bit mad, I’m sorry. You’re my family, you’re all I have.” Jasper exhaled deeply.
“She used the family card,” Horace muttered.
“Yeah, she did,” Angela smiled a bit then looked at Jasper. “Is it working?”
“Yeah,” Jasper sighed. “Alright, fine. So what’s the plan?” He questioned, taking a seat beside the girl. In retaliation, Angela leaned her head on his shoulder.
“The Baroness’ charity gala is this weekend,” Cruella said. “We’re going to need the home addresses and measurements of all the guests.”
“Easy,” Horace responded, petting Winky.
“Artie and Angela’s tribe of dress makers, of course,” Cruella continued.
“I like them,” Horace stated, which made Angela giggle.
“Of course,” she joked.
“A black cape, pots of paint,” the woman added.
“Oh yeah?” Jasper laughed.
“Several boned corsets…”
“Should we be writing this down?” Angela inquired playfully, looking at the others. No one could say anything else before John walked in.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize there’d be company,” he said, only showing mild surprise at the new guests.
“John, this is my family,” Cruella introduced them. “They’ll be staying a while.” Jasper offered him an awkward wave.
“You’re out of crumpets,” Horace stated, also waving. Cruella grinned as she looked around.
“Let’s get started.”
“Tomorrow,” Angela responded. “Everyone’s had a long day. We’re all tired, I know you are especially.” Cruella considered her friend’s words then nodded.
“You’re right.” Angela nodded as well then looked at John.
“You don’t mind if I stay just for tonight, do you?” John waved a dismissive hand.
“Of course not. I’ll show you your rooms.” With that, everyone stood and followed John up the stairs and to each room. Aside from the master bedroom, there were only three bedrooms, which was a problem considering there were four guests. Angela immediately offered to share a room with someone, and after some small debate, Jasper decided to just share the room with her.
No one really had any pajamas, so after eating something small, everyone went to their designated rooms. When Angela got into the room, she noticed Jasper putting some pillows on the ground.
“Jasper, what are you doing?” The man looked at her, confused.
“Uh, making my pallett?” He answered, though it was more as a question. Angela couldn’t help but giggle then shake her head as she stepped inside.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she stated, closing the door behind her. “We’ve shared a bed before. What makes this time different?” She paused when Jasper didn’t answer. “Is it different for you this time?” Angela desperately hoped that he hadn’t heard the hope in her tone. Of course she fancied him, probably ever since they met. The fire scare really made her realize how mortal they were, and how she probably shouldn’t keep her feelings from him. Yet, here she was, chickening out.
“No, of course not,” Jasper answered quickly while shaking his head. “I just didn’t know how you felt about sleeping together again.” Angela smiled awkwardly as she sat down on the edge of the bed, watching Jasper begin piling the pillows back onto the bed.
“After all that’s happened, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stand sleeping alone,” she admitted quietly. She watched as he faced her once more with a sympathetic look. He walked over to her, opening up his arms. In an instant, she was up and hugging him like she had when they were outside the police station. She had no idea how long they stayed like that, but she didn’t quite care. As it turns out, she loved being in his arms, and she wasn’t about to let go first. Her head fell to his chest, smiling when it rumbled as he spoke.
“I lied,” Jasper muttered softly. Angela’s brows furrowed and she looked at him confusedly.
“What?” A blush settled on her face when their eyes locked together.
“It is different for me this time,” he clarified. “When I was in jail, I had some time to think. I realized that I’d been thinking of mostly you, and I began to wonder how long you would stay in my mind. Then it occurred to me: since I’ve met you, you’ve never left. The night of the fire, I was terrified at the thought of losing you, and now that we’re both okay, I don’t want to waste another second not telling you that I love you. I love you, Angela Young.” Angela’s mouth dropped open at his words. There was no way this was real. Maybe she really had died in the fire and now it was just showing what would have happened. No, she could feel Jasper’s arms around her. She could feel his breath kiss her face every few seconds. She was here. It was real.
Jasper was ready to pull away from her and tell her just to forget he said anything, but her arms went to the nape of his neck and she pulled him down to her height. She kissed him with all the passion she could portray without words. Her eyes fell closed when he returned the kiss and pulled her closer to him. When they finally pulled away, they could only stare at each other while they tried to catch their breaths.
“Well,” Angela breathed out. “If it wasn’t obvious, I love you too.” Jasper chuckled and rested his forehead against hers.
“Yeah, message received.” That made her giggle and she pressed one more chaste kiss on his lips before moving away.
“Come on, let’s get some sleep. We’ll talk more in the morning,” she instructed as she pulled back the covers. While she slipped into bed, Jasper took off his jacket and hat. He turned off the lights then crawled into bed beside her. They wordlessly got into a cuddling position where their arms were around each other and their feet were tangled together. Within seconds Jasper heard Angela snoring quietly, and he grinned. After months of mutual pining, they were finally where they were meant to be: together.
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Occasions- Jasper Badun x OC
Jasper Badun x Angela Young
Description: Goes through the years of Jasper and Angela’s relationship.
Word Count: 3.2k
1. Meeting
Cruella opened the gates door of the lift and stepped out nonchalantly while Angela and Artie just stood there shocked as they watched Horace and Jasper attempt to grab what looked like a shoe from the Dalmatians. When Cruella noticed that her new friends weren’t following her, she turned around.
“Oh come on in, they don’t bite,” she spoke, gesturing them closer.
“The dogs or your friends?” Angela questioned as she and Artie stepped out with their sewing supplies in hand. The woman shot her a smirk before turning to face Horace and Jasper.
“Artie and Angela, meet the boys. Boys, this is Artie and Angela. They will be working downstairs, they actually know a thing or two about fashion.”
“Dogs are very aggressive,” Horace informed her, attempting to get one of the dogs to let go of his shoe.
“Well, you have to walk them, feed them, get that necklace out,” the woman responded boredly.
“Yeah, well, can’t you walk ‘em as well?” Jasper questioned. “There’s no ‘I’ in team.”
“Well there is an ‘I’ in imbecile,” Cruella shot back. “Now go!”
“Hey! No, no, no, you can’t talk to us like that,” the man exclaimed.
“So don’t.” Everyone became silent at her response, then Angela noticed Artie look around out of the corner of her eye.
“Oh,” he chuckled almost as if uncomfortable. “Mummy and Daddy are fighting.” Angela nudged his side with her elbow, giving him a ‘not the time’ look before looking at Cruella with an awkward smile.
“We’ll uh, just go set up downstairs,” she started, already beginning to walk off. “Lovely meeting you,” she offered to Jasper and Horace, though Jasper didn’t really pay attention. He was rather upset at Cruella for what she said.
Jasper later walked up to her and Artie and apologized to them for making them witness that. Angela shrugged it off and reintroduced herself, Jasper doing the same and shaking her hand.
2. Asking Her Out/First Date
Jasper had actually asked her on a date after work one day. They’d known each other at least a month and a half by now, and Jasper was able to memorize her schedule. That meant he knew that after she got off work at 4:30, she’d take a bus (she didn’t like to waste gas since it was all so close) to Cruella, Jasper and Horace’s house and arrive at 4:45 in order to start working on Cruella’s designs. Then at 8:00, she started turning off the lights and getting ready to leave. Because he knew her schedule by heart, he had the pleasure of being there to greet her everyday and see her out every night.
“So, Angela,” Jasper started one night as he waited for the bus with her. Angela was staring at the setting sun, but looked at the man sitting beside her when he said her name. Her eyebrows furrowed as she realized he looked anxious.
“Yes?” She answered confusedly.
“I was- well, that is to say…I was wondering if…you were doing anything tomorrow?” He asked, trying not to get his hopes up, just in case. Angela was surprised at the seemingly out of nowhere question, not knowing that Jasper had been thinking about asking it all week.
“Well, tomorrow is Saturday,” she thought aloud. “Which means the shop is closed. I don’t think I’m working on anything important enough for Cruella, so she’s out of the question,” she hummed then looked at him. “Nope, not that I can think of.”
“Great,” he perked up, then blushed and sunk into his seat a bit when Angela giggled. “So uh, would you maybe want to hang out?”
“Jasper Badun, are you asking me on a date?” The girl questioned teasingly, which made Jasper’s face redder.
“Depends on if you say yes or not,” he muttered in response. Angela smiled kindly at him then nodded.
“I would love to go on a date with you,” she responded shortly before standing up as her bus came into view. “I can come by around 2:00.”
“Make it 3:00,” Jasper said, standing as well. “Cruella and Horace will be out of the house by then. It can be just us.” Angela grinned then nodded as the bus screeched to a halt in front of them.
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow at 3:00,” she confirmed. Without a second thought, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek, wishing him a goodnight before stepping into the bus. As Jasper watched the bus drive off into the distance, his fingers brushed over where her lips had met his cheek. A stupid grin stayed in his face as he walked back inside. Not even Cruella's bad attitude could ruin his mood.
Angela showed up in the lift at 3:00 on the dot, and Jasper was there to meet her. He was in a brown shirt and dark trousers. His jacket was nowhere to be seen and the fedora he always wore was off, revealing his thick and curly brown hair.
“Hey, you look great,” the man greeted with a wide smile, looking her over. Angela wore a long sleeve black shirt under a corduroy overall dress with a corduroy scrunchie holding her hair back into a ponytail.
“Not too bad yourself,” she joked, setting her purse down and taking off her shoes.
“I was just about to make lunch, did you want to help?” Jasper offered as he pointed his thumb towards the kitchen, which elicited a nod from the girl.
“Sure, I’m starving.” Jasper chuckled and led her over to the counter. They ended up making just some grilled cheese sandwiches and some tomato soup, but Angela never had more fun in the kitchen. She and Jasper talked the entire time (almost burning the sandwich once or twice) and continually made each other laugh. After
3. First Kiss
It took a long time for them to actually have their first kiss. Of course there was the occasional nose or forehead kiss, sometimes Jasper would kiss her temple before she left for the night and more often than not Angela would kiss his cheek when she arrived at the house. Jasper and Angela went on a few more dates, but never had the chance to have a proper kiss before things began picking up. Before they knew it, Cruella was wanting more outfits to sabotage the Baroness. Then she began acting rudely to everyone, not giving anyone a moment to rest. After that came the flash mob fashion show at Regent’s Park.
Then Cruella was allegedly killed by Horace and Jasper in a massive house fire (though she knew it was a lie). Angela remembered the immense relief she felt upon not only seeing Cruella alive, but Jasper and Horace out of jail. Finally, the Baroness’ charity gala at Hellman’s Hall was being held, and Angela could only watch in horror as the Baroness pushed Estella off the cliff. Artie gave Angela no time to mourn the (technically) second loss of her dear friend before he was practically dragging her to the driveway in front of the house, where Jasper and John looked like they were waiting for someone. Upon hearing the girl’s sniffle, Jasper turned to the approaching duo.
“Jas, sh-she- I…Estella-“ she attempted to stutter out as she cried, but she couldn’t get a full sentence out. She barely registered the man’s arms wrapping around her in a tight embrace.
“Shh shh shh, it’s okay Angie,” he muttered soothingly, kissing the top of her head. “You need to trust us.” That confused Angela. Surely he saw the Baroness push Estella, why was she the only one distraught?
“Here she comes,” John informed them, effectively cutting off Angela’s question. She followed the man’s line of sight, and saw a vehicle driving towards them. Her eyes widened when she realized that it was a very familiar black and white Panther De Ville. The four of them went back a few steps as the car skidded to a halt in front of them. Everyone else surrounded the now parked car, and the girl’s mouth dropped open as Cruella de Vil stepped out of her car.
“No way,” she breathed out with a small laugh.
“Can’t you idiots see!” The Baroness shouted. “That Estella person, that’s a trick! She’s really Cruella!”
“Cruella de Vil,” Cruella announced with a triumphant smirk. Angela shook her head in disbelief at the sight in front of her as the Baroness was shoved into the police car a few feet away. Camera flashed practically blurred her vision, but she didn’t take notice as Jasper’s hand went around her shoulder and gave it a small squeeze.
“Didn’t I tell you to trust us?” He muttered into her ear. She couldn’t help but laugh and faced him. Before she knew what she was doing, Angela grabbed the folds of his suit jacket and pulled him closer to her, pressing an impassioned kiss to his lips. Though initially surprised at first, Jasper's arms went to her waist and he held her hips firmly in his hands. Angela was the first to pull away, her eyes opening just enough to look at him.
“I- um, sorry. That was a heat of the moment thing,” she tried to excuse, blushing profusely. The man in front of her only smiled a toothy grin and pulled her even closer to him.
“I don’t regret it,” he responded at the same volume, which in turn made the girl smile.
“Me neither.” They didn’t need to say another word to know what they wanted, so they wordlessly leaned into another kiss.
4. First Anniversary
“Coming!” Angela called upon hearing several knocks on her door. She stumbled her way out of the kitchen and to her front door, opening it.
“Jasper, you know you don’t have to knock anymore,” she scolded lightly as she opened the door wider for him to step inside. “You’ve been over enough times.” The man shrugged with a small smile as he walked in, his arm behind his back.
“I like to be respectful,” he answered simply, not giving her time to say anything before he continued. “Happy anniversary.” As soon as he said those two words, his arm came from around his back. Angela gasped delightedly when she realized he was holding roses.
“Oh Jasper, they’re beautiful,” she breathed out in awe, gingerly taking the flowers from him. Jasper couldn’t help but grin at her reaction.
“Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl.” Angela blushed at that, even after a year she thought she’d be able to not blush at his charm, but no. She shook her head at him but stood on her toes to kiss him before heading to the kitchen.
“Can you keep an eye on the popcorn while I find a vase for these?” She inquired, hearing him follow her.
“You got it,” he responded simply, walking to the stove. Angela dug around several cabinets, smiling when the smell of popcorn wafted through the air. She could hear it popping as she pulled out a clear vase, walking over to the sink. After filling the vase with water, she carefully cut each rose and set them in the vase, arranging them perfectly before setting it on the table.
“Popcorn’s ready,” Jasper called, setting the snack aside. Angela walked over and cut open the top, grabbing a few pieces.
“So, what movies did you get?” She inquired, grabbing another piece.
“Well,” Jasper said, digging through the bag he brought. “I got three. You like mysteries, so I got ‘Murder on the Orient Express,’ I’ve been wanting to see ‘The Four Musketeers’ so I got that, and something for both of us to watch, ‘Ginger in the Morning.’ How’s that sound?” He questioned, pulling the movies out and looking at her. The girl couldn’t help but smile at the thought he put into this.
“Perfect,” she responded happily, kissing his cheek then grabbing all their snacks and walking into the living room. Jasper followed, putting ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ into the vcr player before taking a seat beside her. Angela’s head laid on his shoulder and Jasper wrapped an arm around her shoulders as the beginning credits began rolling.
5. Moving In
Angela asked Jasper to move in with her on a whim. He had been talking about how uncomfortable he was with all the space in Hell Hall, he didn’t like being so far from the other residents. That’s when his girlfriend suggested that he just move in with her. Jasper was surprised by her offer, telling her that he needed to think about it. And think about it he did. They’d been dating for four years, Angela had the perfect amount of space in her house and Jasper came around a lot either way. He couldn’t really see any downsides to this aside from the fact that he wouldn’t be as close to Cruella and Horace everyday. But, it’s not like he wouldn’t see his friends by moving in with her. After a lot of thought, Jasper finally came to her saying that he wanted to move in with her.
It only took three days to get all of his stuff in her house. He didn’t have many things, he only liked keeping sentimental things aside from necessities. Artie, Horace and Creulla were happy to help the couple move things. On the final day, Jasper saw their friends out while Angela was upstairs. He waved to them shortly before they drove off then began searching for his girlfriend.
She was in their bedroom unpacking a box. After assessing it from the doorway, he realized that she was setting up his trinkets on a shelf she had cleared off specifically for him. They were mostly just some things that he, Cruella or Horace snagged for him during their pickpocketing days. There were also some things that Angela had gotten for him: guitar picks in a vintage ashtray from the 40s, a blue Himilayian salt lamp, etc. There was a Beatles record playing in her record player by her desk that she hummed along with while she worked. For a few minutes, Jasper just leaned in the doorway and watched her. His heart swelled with joy as he watched how delicately she handled his belongings, almost as if they’d break if she moved too quickly. He glanced at the record player as it began playing ‘Hey Jude,’ and an idea formed in his head. Carefully rolling up his sleeves he walked over and took her hand after she set down a vintage knick knack.
“Dance with me,” he instructed softly after catching her attention. She looked surprised by his request, but blushed and followed him to the middle of the room either way. As her left hand rested on his upper arm, Jasper’s hand went to her waist and they clasped their free hands. Wordlessly, they began swaying in slow circles to the music. As they did so, Angela’s head rested on her boyfriend’s chest and Jasper looked down at her. She looked so at peace, and he couldn’t help but feel the same way.
“I’m glad we decided to do this,” he whispered, careful not to interrupt the mood. She didn’t need to look at him for him to know she was smiling.
“Me too.”
6. Proposal
Cruella decided to throw a New Year’s party at Hell Hall. Of course Jasper and Angela showed up, they were her closest friends after all. Hell Hall was beautifully decorated, it seemed to be a starry night theme. Dark blue hues hung around the ballroom and fairy lights hung from the ceiling, making them look like stars. There were tables around the room covered with navy blue tablecloths and lanterns sat on top of them. A projector pointed towards a blank black wall on the right showcasing the time. The entire room reminded Angela of a prom theme if she was being honest, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
They spent the entire night mingling with the other guests. Angela stayed mostly by Artie’s side when she wasn’t with Jasper. Every so often Jasper would pull her onto the dancefloor when a song they liked began playing. Finally, someone announced that there was a minute left. Cruella insisted on having Artie, Horace, Jasper and Angela at the front of the crowd with her as everyone counted down.
“Five! Four! Three! Two! One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone yelled in unison as confetti fell from the ceiling. Angela looked around in wonder at the sight before her then turned towards her boyfriend. She barely had time to look at him before he pulled her into a kiss. The girl smiled against his lips and wrapped her arms around her neck. Once the cheering finally settled down, Cruella grabbed a microphone. Angela became confused when the woman handed the microphone to Jasper, who moved to where she previously stood in the center of their group.
“Can I have everyone’s attention please,” he called into the microphone, waiting for everyone to quiet down before continuing. “Before the party continues, there is something that I’d like to do real quick. Angela, can you come here real quick?” He held out an arm for his girlfriend and looked at her pleadingly. She hesitated but complied, moving so his arm was around her then smiled anxiously. Jasper took a second to kiss the crown of her head then looked around.
“So, many of you know my amazing girlfriend, Angela,” the girl smiled anxiously then looked at her boyfriend, curious as to where this was going. “She’s been with us since before Cruella became big. She is the most amazing person I’ve ever known and she has the kindest heart out of anyone I know. I love her more than anything in the world, which is why I can’t wait another minute to do this.”
Angela remained perplexed as Artie took the microphone then handed something to Jasper. He thanked their friend then faced his girlfriend, who gasped loudly when he lowered to one knee. Several gasps accompanied a few cheers as the crowd realized what he was doing. Jasper held up what Artie gave him: a red velvet box that was now opened to reveal a diamond ring that Angela couldn’t help but tear up at.
“Will you marry me, Angela?” Jasper asked, attempting to be loud enough to be heard over the crowd that had become rather excited. Now words could come out of her, so the girl settled for just nodding vigorously and stepping over to him. She leaned down and kissed him passionately. He stood as her arms wrapped around his neck and wrapped his arms around her waist. Angela pulled away to let out a squeal when Jasper lifted her enough to spin around once, hearing him chuckle as he did so. When they finally let go of each other Jasper slipped the ring on her finger. Angela couldn’t hide her admiration at the jewelry then pecked his lips once more. Jasper grinned then looked at the crowd, holding her hand tightly.
“We’re getting married!” He yelled, lifting their hands up. The crowd cheered even louder as Jasper dipped Angela then kissed her yet again. This was a New Year’s party they’d never forget.
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january31st · 3 years
In coming and going... (Pt.1)
Cruella (2021) x reader
This is a request from the lovely @cosmicbrownies7 “a cruella fic where she’s obsessed with the reader since the reader has been with her since they were little. And after Cruellas success the reader tries to leave but cruella won’t “let” her. Or something along those lines.”
yes i had fun procrastinating and making this cover, now look at it.
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A/N: I’ve already apologised a thousand times for how long it’s taken, but thank you for your patience as well as everyone who’s been waiting for me to drop something. Here it is! This is the first half of this fic, the second half is coming very, very soon, I promise, and it is considerably longer than this one. Also, I might have gone off the request a bit, but this was what I managed to come up with.
Uni has been keeping me busy and mentally unstable, as it does, and the holidays never fail to make me spiral, followed by the adorable, cute and lovely exam season for which I can only seem to be able to blink and breathe, AnD! to make things better right in the middle of exam season (had 2/4 exams done) MY ROOMMATE GOT COVID :') I'm still negative and I've switched rooms but we're always together so I do believe it's just the incubation period. fun! today i'm missing an exam that i'll take on the 18th feb instead (considering that my classes start on the 21st…..) and on monday i have calc (for which i am utterly lost and I have to study bc i've failed a subject already but I still don't know if I'm positive and get to miss it or if I have to take it on monday kdjjdksksdj). life rant aside, that is why things. yes. the tiny amounts of time i've had to write have been like little nuggets of sanity, so i very much enjoyed writing it, and very much hope you enjoy reading it <3
warnings: parent death, generally traumatic childhood, yall know me, i don’t do cute backstories. let me know if there's anything else i should add.
|| Masterlist || ... who have you become? || Wattpad Link || AO3 Link ||
~3000 words
Knowing her past, of course it pained you to have to leave, just like everyone else did in her life, and unfortunately that included you, all those years ago, twice. And now you sat here contemplating your options, and leaving again was the most likely outcome.
Third time would be the charm, she thought, and you knew it, you could tell by the sparkle in her eye and the way she held your hand. Her grip on you was always tight, and it got tighter every time you went away and came back.
It's destiny, she would argue. It's fate, that the two of you should meet again and again. But you knew it to be a coincidence, you knew you would always come back to London, even if for a short time, just like now. You had to be rational, since her feelings would always cloud reality. Because your own feelings couldn't mean that much. Of course you liked her, of course you cared about her, but you couldn't let her mean too much to you. As kids it didn't matter much. Later on things got a bit more complicated.
Your own mum worked at the bakery near where Estella and her mum lived, so, in your free time as a little kid (which was basically all of your time) you would go play with her on the street, in her house, in the kitchens of the bakery. Making clothes, drawing each other, and doing all the things kids do.
And of course time could not allow that to go on forever, so the tragic day came.
You didn't know the details of it, and you never cared much to do your research, because thinking too much about it felt like torture to you. But you knew that one day your mum died in an accident at the bakery, something about getting crushed after some of the heavier supplies fell down.
And then you were left to the world.
You could have stayed, you knew in your heart that Katherine would have taken you in, you could have lived with them, but you didn't really have much of a choice.
The orphanage came for you that very day, your mum's employers at the bakery knew that your dad was completely out of the picture, so they reported the issue right away.
You were little, you didn't know anything else. And it wouldn't be until you were both fifteen that you would find Estella again.
Well, let's say that she found you.
Or, Jasper did.
You had been rather unfortunate with your foster families. You weren't a particularly troublesome kid, in fact, you'd like to believe that you were perfectly normal. But your first family consisted of a drunk couple who wanted the money from child support. The second one was almost the same, only worse. They weren't drunks, they were drug addicts. And the years in between consisted of this unlucky sorting of families, until you ran away at last, now fifteen, and found yourself in London somehow, face to face with this boy who tried to steal a little plushie that used to be a pin cushion for sewing, and that you wore dangling from your backpack's zipper.
Jasper thought your watchful eye would be useful to them, since no one else had ever realised they stole something, and he also spotted right on that you didn't really have a family to go home to. So in his mind he offered his family, and his home, but he offered much more without even knowing. A couple hours later you would meet a red haired girl who claimed that she had a plushie like that as a kid. You told her a childhood friend gave it to you, her name was Estella. And that was when the two of you realised that you did know eachother, and even now, after all the time that passed, she never forgot that you kept the stupid plushie.
That was one of the days you would never forget. Finding her again. The way her face lit up and the way it felt to you, no longer being alone in the world. You took your time to study her, the way she had changed, or just grown, essentially, as you knew you had too, just not quite as much as her this time. Both of you explained what life had been like for the past few years, her story flowing out with the addition of your own tears. It warmed your heart that you had found her, it was a relief, a feeling of returning home, though you’d barely known what that word meant at all, but it also broke your heart to know what had happened to her mum, and to know (to know! oh you knew it too well) what she had to live through.
And you loved her, from her box dyed red hair, to her smudged eyeliner, to those small habits she shared with the boys, but you also loved how she was exactly the same person you had to leave before. With her gentle heart and caring soul, and how she always made sure you felt safe, and always listened to your rants about society and general social critique. You knew she got defensive sometimes, but never with you. All the trouble she had made in school seemed perfectly reasonable since you knew who she was in her heart.
The four of you lived along like this for almost two years. Passing each day through your little robberies. Jasper and Horace would roam the streets to see what places would be more profitable, getting Wink to sniff out small entrances to places, as you and Estella poured over the outfits. When the four of you were together, there wouldn't be a moment of quiet, each joke coming after the previous in rapid fire, reenacting the day's job, the warehouse was alive with laughter.
But you and Estella? There was no need for talking. You worked to the sound of whatever vinyl you'd stolen last, both of you too focused on your tasks to even bother with exchanging useless words. The right glance was all it took, and whatever the message was, it would be received. But it wasn’t always silence filling the room, because when you weren’t working there was plenty to talk about, how both of you viewed the world and wanted it to change, and that was something else you agreed on completely. Polite society was too dull, and it seemed a waste to just follow the rules when they did more harm than good. Making up your own rules always felt right, because you were kids, and there wasn’t much to keep you from it (how terrible it is that it all had to change- again).
And she stuck to her rules religiously, always had the plan in mind, she knew where she would look and what way to turn to. You worked best by feeling out the atmosphere, reading the people around you, observing their moves. You spent nights upon nights thinking about how she felt when you had to leave again. How she must hate you. You could have just followed the plan, any damn plan, and nothing would have happened that day. Did she even have any idea of why you left? Well she had to, she's the smartest person you've ever met! You were left with no choice but to swear to never see those three again.
Estella was always cautious about sticking to a good plan. The days before a big hit she would stay at home and study the place, think about all the outcomes. Jasper used to lend her some of his wisdom too, sketching out different paths to run off, debating what time was best to strike. Horace did sit around as well, suggesting things none of us could ever come up with, because he always had his mind on what Wink and Buddy could do. But you got stressed out looking at their maps and schedules and lists of things to do. And that was okay, because you were more of a hawk on the spots, quick to tell when something was off and when it was time to go. You were best at looking out, keeping your sacred watch as they did their craft.
Each day after the heists you would go out on your walk, check people out, get your news, eavesdrop on what gossip was going around town. It was how you kept your mind going, by keeping on the move as well. On most days you would bring one or both of the dogs with you, sometimes getting one of the boys to come as well.
She wasn't much of a walker, she had better things to do. When she did though, it was the fountain at Regent's park that she would always go to. And it pained you to know why. To know that someone as lovely as Estella had to live through something that terrible.
The two of you shared a room, with two beds on either side of the big table that was always cluttered with sewing supplies and magazine cutouts. On the chill nights when there was nothing to plan, the boys watched TV and you two spent your alone time doing all sorts of things. Playing cards, drawing things, talking about the most recent fashion show. Sometimes you'd be reading in your bed, lying to one side as you waited for sleep to catch on earlier than usual, and she would come up behind you, spooning you to try to get a glance at your book. She always fell asleep faster when she was next to you, and you would put the book down and follow after her, matching your breathing to the one you felt on your back.
Whenever either of you would have nightmares you knew you could join the other, despite the bed being too small. You would hold on to each other to keep you from falling off, her head on your chest, your legs tangled together.
You never thought much of it because it just felt right. Of course you wouldn’t mind her closeness. Her skin was soft and her perfume was sweet, fruit-like. Her embrace made you feel safe and content. Things stayed this way for those two years. To you this life was perfect, there was no need to change it because there was nothing complicated about it. Not the way you felt nor the way your days passed. But that was to you of course. And in your childish oblivion- more of a purposeful blindness really- both the boys and Estella felt this way as well.
While that might have been the case for Jasper and Horace, it wasn’t for Estella. She’d always been ambitious. And you couldn’t argue that she didn’t have the right to be either. Not with all her talent. But then there was the part you didn’t understand at first. Not until the day you left.
It had never occurred to you that a girl could feel that way about another girl, and it had certainly not occurred to you that she could feel that way about you. Or that what you felt for her, the way you never felt for any guy, could be that.
And it wasn’t until the day you left that you realised.
That day had started off as usual. A chaotic morning of getting ready, everyone getting dressed with their costume, yelling back and forth, disputing the one bathroom you all shared. A rushed breakfast as was also usual, Horace running after Wink with his crispies in hand, Jasper leaning on the kitchen counter with his tea, reading the news as his toast lay forgotten, you with your sandwich.
“Jasper, your toast is getting cold, don’t forget it.” you said to him as you went to wash your dishes.
Estella was still adjusting something, like she always did, a perfectionist through and through. You followed her into the “planning” room on the floor above with an apple in hand, like you always did.
“How many times do I have to tell you to not skip breakfast? We won’t be done with this one for a couple hours.” you said to her, tossing the apple her way when she looked at you from behind the mannequin.
“You worry too much darling. We’ll be having lunch at that nice restaurant today, we should get enough from our work to go there.” she said to you, smiling widely before taking a bite of the apple, then keeping it in her mouth as she resumed her task.
“I worry too much? Yeah, tell me about it” you said while laughing, and she answered with a furrow of her brows.
You had started to leave for the elevator, but then you felt the urge to look at her again. She looked a lot more stressed than usual.
“Is it because it’s the fancy watch store?”
“What?” she said, putting the apple down on a table.
“You’ve been messing with the cuffs on that shirt forever. You never second-guess your cuffs.”
“Well it’s because it’s satin. This one’s more slippery than usual” she answered without looking at you.
You stepped closer to her, taking her hands into yours to keep her from unpinning those cuffs again.
“It’s going to go just fine. Like it always does. This one’s just a bit more luxurious than usual, but nothing we haven’t done before”
She looked to the side as she huffed in frustration “But this one has a Police station right outside”
“We’ve done that too!”
“I don’t know, I just have a weird feeling about today.”
“The plan you guys came up with is just as good as the ones before, it’ll be fine!” you whispered the last part, tugging on her hand so she would look at you. Her jade eyes fixed on yours before she hugged you like she knew it would be the last time. Tight and long, and you hugged her back, naive as you were. Eventually she started to let go, only to stop and touch her forehead to yours. Your arms were around her waist, and hers had rested around your shoulders before she put one hand over your collarbone, and cupped your head with the other, just behind your ear. And then she leaned in to kiss you. Shy and sweet, her lips barely touched yours before Jasper shouted from underneath, making you two separate at once.
“Girls we should leave in five”
You looked at her, surprise etched all over your face, and she grabbed the apple and made for the elevator, not looking at you at all while it descended.
Then all of you left for the store, separating a couple streets before getting there. You would be the first to get in and the last to leave. Then Estella and Horace, and Jasper at last.
You'd barely paid attention to where you were walking, it was impossible with all those thoughts on your mind. If you hadn't slammed head first into some lady on the street you would have just kept on walking, not realising you'd missed the store already. You turned back around and got into the store, taking your sunglasses off as you did.
You tried very hard to keep a cool appearance, but distress was all you could convey. At this hour, the store was it's busiest, since it would be easier to get things done in the chaos. You tried to melt into the crowd until Estella and Horace walked in, their arms linked together.
You looked everywhere but at them. That was probably one of the reasons why everything went to shit. That and the fact that the Police saw you slam into the woman before getting in, they had an eye on you already.
They went on with the plan, started to talk to an employee the moment Jasper walked in. As Estella said her lines, as convincing as always, Jasper bumped into people to get their wallets, stole things from displays and what-not.
"Well, my husband here came to buy this watch the other day, but I just don't think it matches his eyes. I would very much like to see other options." she said.
You pretended to study a particularly ugly watch, just because it was the one that was displayed with the clearest view to where the pair of them stood.
"Oh absolutely not, that is the ugliest thing I've ever seen." and she went on, saying every watch was ugly, or wouldn't go well with his complexion, buying Jasper the time he needed for the employee to be distracted.
As it was getting time to leave Jasper went to you, as planned, dropped his findings onto your open bag and left. Estella said her last lines, ending the show with a banger.
"Well honey, you picked the lousiest watch store in England, I'm afraid this won't do."
"Ma'am, this company has been selling watches for nearly three centuries! We make watches for the royal family! There isn't any other company with comparable quality!" said the employee, offended.
"I'm afraid that the royal family's standards might be shamefully low. Now, I would like the money back for this watch. We are not keeping it, I might be ill if I have to look at it again."
And the employee begrudgingly gave them the money, so upset that there was no opportunity to check that the watch was real at all, and not a replica.
They left with no troubles, the mission had gone perfectly smoothly until then. And besides your twitchy behaviour, nothing else would have gone wrong if you hadn't messed up at the last moment.
You were forced to run. And so you did. It wouldn’t be until a few years later, under different names, that you would find her again.
|| Masterlist || ... who have you become? || Wattpad Link || AO3 Link ||
if you want to be tagged for part 2 or future works please let me know!(and tell me which) please don't forget to eat and drink water, and stay safe :)
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january31st · 3 years
Ablaze: Chapter 8 / Epilogue
Cruella (2021) x reader
A/N: well hello dearest ones, here we are alas. It has been a journey, but be not alarmed for more is on it’s way! (in other fics) also, if parts of this just make no sense, are written poorly, i would like to explain that i wrote this mostly on the mornings after going out (because if you go to sleep for two hours you might as well say goodbye to the rest of your day) so i’ve only been writing because of my wild party nights (or...almost that), yaaay!
Warnings: some religion talk (as in hate talk), might be a sensitive topic and I do not mean to offend anyone, these are not my opinions, just what i needed the character to feel. Religion and homophobia related to it (christianity i guess)
|| Masterlist || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Wattpad link ||
~2400 words
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“Tell me your story, Cruella De Vil.”
And with that, also with a little encouragement and some “pretty please”s, she told you about her. All of her. Both? Of her. From Estella Miller and her supposed mother, Catherine, to the way Cruella started out. She told you about how her mum died and how she met the boys, about the life they had for so long, and about the way it would change forever. Just knowing that first part made your heart ache so much you couldn’t help but shed a tear or two, you had no idea she had lived like that. But then of course, the second part, working at liberty, and then later on for the Baroness herself! She was the girl with the red hair! She conjured the brilliant idea to let herself be pushed off a cliff, just like her mum??? And the whole double life of being Cruella and Estella at the same time, you had suspected something like that, but nothing of this magnitude, no wonder she took it so seriously!
But then to blow your mind one last time, she told you she was the Baroness's daughter. She was, by birth, a Von Hellman. You stared at her dumbfounded. No reaction felt enough for the story she had just told you.
“What the fuck. How do you even- Wh- I mean. Just, how? You did all that!”
She sighed and leaned back on her chair, you stared at her without blinking, processing the whole story.
“Well, yes, after that it’s just been business things, the few collections of this past year until you also came along. That’s pretty much it.”
You scoffed at her jokingly “Uh yeah I was wondering if you wanted to add anything else to that, didn’t have enough twists”
She poked at your leg playfully and said “Well, now it’s your turn”
Your laugh quickly turned into a grimace “Oh, it’s not half as interesting as yours, not worth it. Just me and Artie, you know.”
She turned her head to the side, noticing how uncomfortable you became. “Well, it doesn’t have to be interesting, it’s just that I know almost nothing about you darling.”
“If you know about Artie’s past then you should know the gist of mine, not too much to discuss.” you said as you played with the hospital bed sheet.
“I know he’s been on the move with you, he’s just never explained the circumstances.”
“Oh, then there might be a bit more to tell” you took a deep breath as you decided what parts you would tell her, but as you looked at her, from the wave of her hair to the red of her lipstick, and given that she trusted you to break her character, she opened up to you like that, it only felt fair to do the same. Even though it hurt to think about your past, and even though no one aside from Artie really knew about it, you went on.
“So, well. Um- I don’t even know where to start really. I guess my family, that’s usually the start. So my father was an Anglican priest, or a pastor, just, you know, a church man, I never understood any of it. He and my mother were all about duty, and honor and being right by the eyes of God. Bunch of lies, all of it. Our family was of course always involved in everything that happened in the parish, because it was a community, or that’s what they decided to call it, another lie.”
“It was all appearances, from everyone. Just looking perfect all the time. The idea was to seem as devoted to God and His word as possible, but that’s all it was. Because when it came to following those ideals it was all shit. We just had to look like we followed them. Because a leather jacket or black eyeliner are things from the devil, no Y/N you can’t disgrace your family by looking like that!” you exclaimed, hands in the air, trying to replicate what little you remembered of your mother. Cruella merely shook her head in understanding, giving you the space to talk.
“But the way I wanted to dress was just the beginning of the mess. When I was about 14? I think? I don’t even really remember how most things happened. That was when I told them I didn’t want to marry a man. If I had to marry anyone, it would have to be a girl.” She placed her hand under her chin, looking at you through her lashes, though you were too busy talking to even notice.
”They lost their shit, threw me out on the spot. They said something along the lines of me being a sinner beyond salvation, and I get that it was the way they thought about it, but as a kid that’s a bit harsh to hear from the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally.”
“Yeah, so after that I ran to Artie’s. He lived a bit off town with his mum, he had moved in recently. I’m not sure if he’s told you this, I don’t want to tell his story for him but he’s just the main part of mine, I have to. It was just the two of them, Artie’s father was unknown, and well, his mum had an illness, it was complicated, and it was killing her slowly, so they came to our town because this old man was supposed to know the cure to her issue. And just a heads up, it was all bullshit, all lies, like everything else in that town.”
“We met by accident really, crossed each other on the street before I was kicked out. And in case you’re wondering, yes, he looked stunning. Not quite the way he looks now, but for the time, and for the town we were in, Artie stood up like a rose in a grass field. I knew right away he was the type of person I needed. And sure enough, when my time came, and I knocked on his door, he just opened it for me and let me in, no questions asked, to never really leave apparently.”
By now she had leaned in again, your hand in hers as she listened. “His mum was the loveliest person I’ve ever met. She was just so encouraging, she raised Artie to be who he was, and nothing else. She just poured her love onto people, she made you feel right you know? Like you belonged in the world. She was an absolute angel. It was her that made me realise what a parent was supposed to make you feel. Safe. Loved. My parents didn’t raise me out of love, they raised me out of duty. And our parish was supposed to be about communion. Yeah, love thy neighbour? All crap, the most devoted ones were the first to throw you under the bus. But with Artie and his mum? I could be whoever I wanted. The sky was the limit.”
“And then of course, the day came when we had to say goodbye to her. It would always be too soon but I only really had a couple of months. And then it was me and Artie driving the kingdom. Well, I did the driving mostly, between you and Artie I couldn’t say who would flip a car first”
She took her hand to her chest, acting offended, but failing as you both broke into laughter. When you caught your breath you continued.
“But the story doesn’t really end there. There’s a detail I can’t just not mention. So, after a couple months, two kids on the road, of course we would come back. It was Artie, he really insisted on it. I told him not to do it, but he just wouldn’t listen to me. He felt like he had to go digging about my family after I told him one too many stories. He was so mad, you’d never imagine. He was ready to flip the whole damn house, he thought it was unacceptable, the way they threw me out. So he went in alone to go digging, I wanted nothing to do with it, and all he found was the ashes of that house. Not weeks after we left town, there was a fire. My parents were both home that night.”
She put her hand over her mouth, and you shook your head in affirmation. “I can’t believe it! That this has to be one of the things we have in common. And I understand that they threw you out but I can’t imagine the feeling of knowing they’re gone gone” she said.
“Well yeah, both of them were home but also my little brother. His name was Pietro. The only thing I miss about my life before Artie is him. And I miss him more than anything. He never deserved any of that. Not that stupid family or what happened after I left. And for a really long time I felt guilty that I never went back for him. I could have taken him with us, raise him myself, you know? Because with Artie and his mum I found what love is, like, unconditional, consistent love. But I just never had the courage to do that, I was afraid of going back. Because I could see two scenarios and honestly I haven’t decided which would hurt more. I would either find him completely mistreated, I wouldn’t put it beside them to abandon him, because I was the one taking care of him, they didn’t do shit, they really sucked at being parents. The other option was that they would actually magically realise how that works. Parenting, I mean. I was terrified to go back and find him living what we should have lived before, because I would of course be angry that I never had that, because they thought I didn’t deserve it, but I would be mad at myself and feel guilty that I was the one stopping him from having that life. But either way, I never really forgave myself for not going back, even though I was still a kid essentially, and I couldn’t have done much, I was just surviving with Artie, and barely, just going from village to village, travelling the whole country. The reality is probably that I wouldn’t have been able to raise him at all that way. Living on the move like that was no life for a kid.”
“And how was it a life for you? You shouldn’t have had to live like that either. You know darling, I think you just explained why you always need to move on. You never stayed in place for long, of course you’re used to running away” she said, and you narrowed your eyes at her as you thought about it.
“I guess… Well, it’s all this guilt, I don’t know how to deal with it, I just ignore it and try to think about something else. Because the thoughts just start balling up and it gets really hard to breathe sometimes? And I- Well, I can’t even really remember what he looked like, it was so long ago, and I never kept any photographs, all there was got lost in the fire. But I tried and tried and I just can’t stop hearing him sometimes, I can’t forget about him, I can’t erase his laughter from my mind.”
You smiled sadly as you got to the next part “And he used to love singing. I only really picked up music because of him, to entertain him, because he loved it when I played. He used to sing all the time. Yeah, then for all those years when Artie and I were travelling I just put music in the back of my mind, to try and forget about him. And it worked, for a bit. A couple years ago was when we decided to settle down here in London. Artie opened the shop and I worked and tried to study something, just to try to find myself away from art, and music and all that reminded me of Pietro. I like the stuff I study, but it just doesn’t flow the same way, I can’t really be away from music or the rest of it.”
“And you should absolutely not be away from it.”
Even though she apologised and explained herself, she didn’t stop telling you how guilty she felt about ruining your chance with that record label until she found you a bigger and better deal. Being Cruella De Vil, of course she put you in touch with the best people in the field, and eventually you released your first of many successful albums.
The night was chilly as the two of you walked with your arms linked, going to Regent's park after the party that celebrated the first year of your first single. You could tell by the pink on her cheeks that she was quite drunk, but so were you. The walk was a bit more of a wobble, accompanied with giggles and knowing glances at each other. Once you got to the fountain, you both sat down, taking a few seconds to catch your breath, her head leaning on your shoulder.
“I have to tell you something” you said.
“What is it?”
“I can’t believe I haven’t told you yet”
She sat back up, looking at you with a serious face at first, but then softened when she saw the drunk smile you had.
“You wrote Ablaze”
“My single. You actually wrote it”
“No I didn’t darling, I’m a bit drunk but I think I’d remember”
“Well, that’s because you wrote it in my dream.”
She looked at you still confused.
“Yeah, remember that awful morning at the shop? After the spring collection? I was even drunker than now, and I had a weird ass dream, and you were singing the song in it. I never really got it out of my head.”
“Wow, I wrote a song so good in your dream that you couldn’t forget it? I really am a genius”
“That you are dear, that you are”
|| Masterlist || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Wattpad link ||
taglist: @witchy-o @follows-the-life-ahead @newtshairdryer @interstellarpumpkin
if you want to be added to a taglist for the other cruella things i have on the way, feel free to reach out however you prefer :)
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january31st · 3 years
Ablaze: Chapter 7
Cruella (2021) x reader
A/N: To the anon from the original request, no idea where this story went. This has gotten turned on it’s head but I’ve enjoyed writing every bit of it! Yes you might have realised we’re nearing the end here, there’s this one, then the next I’m still not sure weather to make it an epilog or just a normal last chapter, tying the last loose ends. (Also, if anyone has some divine insight on a part two for this I am open to it! Yes this is my child I love writing this timeline)
I’m kinda scared about this, endings are always the hardest part for me, that might have been why it’s taken forever (thousand apologies for that). If you hate the way this ends you can just hush because I might start hating it too, at least you got an ending, that would be the first in my writing.
And in other news, I have very much not forgotten the other requests my comrades, they’ll be coming straight up after this is done, as well as a new idea (!!!! those come once in a blue moon) I had that I’m super super excited for! I might publish that as one single part, I still don’t know but it’ll be longer than my long chapters.
But if any of you reading also read my AHS stuff, I’m sorry but I’ve lost some of the inspiration for it as of now, those might be dormant for a bit, it’s just that I don’t find the plot as interesting or well mapped out enough to write it over these Cruella ones.
Anyways, sorry for the long ass speech, please enjoy!
Warnings: hospital setting? but other than that nothing I can think of, if there’s anything I should add here please do tell
|| Masterlist || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 8 || Wattpad link ||
~3000 words
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Cruella had gone home for the first time without saying anything substantial to you.
The doctors said you would be kept in the hospital for extra tests, and also to monitor how your condition would progress. As soon as he got the notice that you had woken up, Artie flew to the hospital to see you and gave you a hug so tight that it made you squeal in pain.
“Oh love you can’t believe how happy I am that you’re awake! It’s been awful, you know you’re everything to me, life just isn’t the same when I know you’re not around.” he said, happy tears sprinkling his face.
“I know sweetheart” you cooed “I know, I hate to do this to you, I can only imagine how bad it’s sucked for you. You must have been thinking about your mum, I know Artie, I’m sorry and I know how you feel about hospitals”
“It’s okay babe, you’re back, no more of that. When you’re back on your feet we’re going travelling.” You tried to protest but he interrupted you “No- I don’t care. We’re doing it again. I miss being on the move with you. Those long drives when we didn’t have a destination? Late nights in the middle of nowhere under the stars? All those constellations you tried to teach me?” He laughed with tears still in his eyes “I can’t remember a single one, but I promise love, I promise I’ll learn them for you. You’ll be such a proud momma”
You smiled at him, your very own tears wanting to mirror his, but you tried to think of something else to stop them before they could. And of course that something else had to be Cruella, which wasn’t particularly helpful to your cause.
“What was up with her?” you asked after a bit, and he looked at you in confusion, also being woken from his thoughts. “Cruella”
“What do you mean?”
“She was here when I woke up. And I know she was there when it happened but why would she stick around?”
“Well babe you might know the answer to that already.” he said with a lift of his brows “She’s nuts for you. She barely stepped foot outside your room. She didn’t even eat for the first couple of days, she just slept on the chair here”
You didn’t plan on telling him about the kiss anyways, there was no need to feed this idea, especially not now that he was taking things that way. It couldn’t have meant that much. She was just relieved that you had woken up, nothing else. She hates you, the only reason why she did that was because your death wouldn’t be on her hands.
...But you were also a bit of an ass to her. Looking back, there was no need for you to act like that. And you couldn’t erase from your mind the face she had when she left. Though the world could never believe it to be possible, you might have managed to hurt Cruella De Vil.
You made a grimace “Oh.. So I was a jerk to her when I woke up”
“What did you say?”
“Well, I joked for a bit and then I asked why she was here. I insisted on that for a bit, because, well- Before I left for the warehouse we kinda had an argument. You know how I am, I just need to move on with my life when things get complicated, and I can’t understand what’s happening between us, because I do things that later on I can’t justify doing. And she said she owed me because I saved her, and you know I can’t stand that idea of a pay-back, be it in that ‘I owe you’ or just straight up revenge. And I want to move on but she won’t let me.”
He looked at you thoughtfully, and after a pause he said “So babe, here’s the thing. And I know, I know that’s how you are and how you have always been, and in other situations I never had anything against it because I trust your judgement of things, and the last thing I want is you getting hurt, but in this case I think you’re rushing away. I know she’s scary, anything involving her is complicated and takes a certain level of… getting used to? I’m not saying you should ignore your gut if you don’t like her at all, but I also don’t think that’s the case. Maybe try to hear her out, she’s got more to her than her brand suggests, she’s nothing like the Baroness was.”
“But it’s not like I didn’t try. Or- Well, she said something while I was out, but then I tried to make her say it and she just left, she looked really upset.”
“Babe, you and I both know what she must have said then”
“Nah….”you looked at him for a long second, shook your head in answer, knowing exactly what he was implying “Artie, that's just you acting like a cupid.”
“But then how would you justify the fact that she stayed? You know her, she’s all business first, she always has stuff to do.”
The guilt that had been building up was at its peak now, you didn’t want to believe it, you wanted to forget her since that damned morning at the shop, but it was impossible, she always came back.
Artie grabbed your hand and said “You might not want to hear this but we’re not supposed to run forever. Somewhere in our destiny there’s someone who’s impossible to avoid. And that might also be when you’ll realise that there are still safe places, and it’s okay to be tired of letting people get out of your life. The cycle seems endless but cycles do break”
You tried to swallow around your tears but they just fell instead “I’m not sure they do Artie”
“Oh, close the shades, of course they do!”
Artie tried to lift your spirits for a while but was mostly unsuccessful, you couldn’t stop feeling bad for not saying anything else to her and you also didn’t want to believe anything that didn’t come directly from her. Artie always had the habit of insisting that everyone fancied you anyways.
And then to really help with your mood, the doctor came in and told you about your last tests, how things weren’t looking too nice, there wasn’t much they could do to help you, it was all a matter of you being strong enough to recover. To help with the pain there was only really the morphine, which after the last dose had left you particularly drowsy and very susceptible to crying. There was a lot of falling asleep with weird dreams, to waking up paranoid about anything and everything for what would be the rest of the day.
“Artie I’m scared.” you said, the room dark around you. That and your drugged-up state made it so you didn’t notice that Cruella was standing by the door, waiting for the right moment to come in.
“Sweetheart I’ve known you for most of our lives, in that time you’ve never been afraid of anything for a single second. I know this is scary too but you’ve walked into a fire just a couple days ago, for heaven’s sake!”
“Yeah but I could walk out, running away was always an option. Actually, running away was the only option. Right now I can’t run anywhere. The road stopped Artie.”
“Nonsense, you’ll make it out like you always do.”
“How can I do that when I’m tied down here? I can’t do anything to get better, and neither can you, even the docs can’t”
“Hey listen, you may not be able to consciously fight it, but if you believed you could, it would be easier. Being in this wretched mood forever isn’t going to help. And you’re higher than a bat’s ass, you’ll be fine babe.”
“I’m tired of this. Nothing makes sense, I do everything wrong. I’m like, the biggest asshole ever! Like I can’t just fucking do the right thing, like, if the queen saw me she’d use that sword for the lords and chop my feet off.” He laughed at you, and you protested and cried some more.
He looked at the door and spotted her, and with that he made up an excuse to leave the two of you alone. “You need to rest sweetheart, and so do I. I’m going back home but I promise I’ll be back first thing in the morning okay?”
“Mkay, and bring me a bag of those crispies I like?” you asked.
“Of course babes” he said with a kiss to your forehead.
And then when he left she got back in, clearly in a better mood, she had put on her makeup again and chose a stunning outfit as always, and though you couldn’t know it, she did it only to try and gain some control back over herself. You smiled at her, you couldn’t help it, you were in awe.
Even though you wanted to move on from her, there was that part of you that wouldn’t let you. And it hadn't really happened before, usually it was easy to accept and move on, but she had a chokehold on you. Not only that, but this was also different from the other times because you had made the conscious choice of going after her, whatever your motive was. You were drawn to her like a magnet, and right now the distance you were trying to put between the two of you hurt so much more, and was so much harder to keep than letting her win you over.
“Hello darling”
“Hi” you answered through your smile.
She stood by the foot of your bed, keeping her distance and her ground, gathering the last bits of courage she needed to say what she wanted to say. But you didn’t know that, to you she just looked as imposing as ever.
“I’m sorry” you said before she got the chance to speak first. She lifted her eyebrows at you. “For what I said. I didn’t realise you stayed here the whole time. I was a total bug, like, not ace at all, insolent city. So uncivilised.” She chuckled at you and your drowsy state. “No! I mean it, don’t laugh, I wasn’t being funny this time! I shouldn’t have said all that”
Those terrible, nightmarish days, those days that melted and mixed onto each other, where she couldn’t tell apart her life before or after you got shot, nor the difference between an hour or the next, they only made sense when she stepped back into Hell Hall. In her hands the shards of both the timeline of events and her spirit.
With each of the steps she climbed, she took a piece and studied it, trying to make sense of things - of herself. When she reached her opulent bedroom she weaved each string of thought together to form a tapestry that could be held together, something that would resemble the ones surrounding her. Because in painting the image maybe she could also put herself together, make a plan.
And when she did, she walked back into the hospital determined to make a point, just to get to it and be done, whatever the outcome was. She would be objective and concise, no nonsense, so her life could continue.
But in her mind there could be no sight that would soften her heart more than the one before her. She expected to fight, to have an argument, to get frustrated, and for those she was ready. But you had nothing to offer to her other than your sweet apologies, and ones you shouldn’t have to make at all, you had just woken up from a damned coma. So she gave up on her plan, sat down next to you, grabbed your hand.
“I know darling, I’m laughing at the way you said it. They have you on quite some drugs huh?”
“Nah, I’m sound as a pound, feeling mint!”
She bit her lip in thought “Listen darling, these days were really scary. And I didn’t know… I didn't think I could feel like this because of someone. But after all that’s happened between us, maybe, I mean-” You gave her hand an encouraging squeeze as she exhaled deeply.
“You said that when you saved me from the fire you got us even, that I didn’t have to be around you anymore, and… Darling I don’t hate you. I never have, I don’t think I can. It’s just that- The waiting, not knowing if you’d make it, I realised my life just can’t go back to what it was before you came along.”
She broke eye contact and half laughed “And everything is ashes now, and everyone is waiting for me to put it all back into place, but how would I do that? What kind of miserable empire would I create if you took all the colour with you?”
“So what I mean darling, is that from now on I want you by my side. Always. And if what you want is distance, then we have to erase all of what happened, and you’ll have to promise me to never refer to me again. If I let you go I can’t have these memories haunting me.”
“I guess you’re never getting rid of me then” you answered, chuckling through your own drowsy tears. “I don’t think I can fight fate. If I couldn’t run from you before I don’t see the point in doing it now.”
She laughed in relief, looking down at your laced hands, placed in a way so hers wouldn’t shake so much. “I hope you’re not just saying that because you’re high. I can’t have you making a promise like that now and then giving up”
“I mean, I’m not that affected! I’m just sleepy, for real! Like… I’m being serious too. It’s really confusing but this feels different. You might not want to believe me because of my whole… people thing, but it feels impossible to run from you.”
“And I mean, it’s not just that I can’t run, that’s not it.” you went on “I don’t think I want to do that, I like you around. The times we didn’t spend fighting were actually some of the loveliest I can think of in recent times. And, I mean, I’m willing to forget about those bad things that happened if there’s better stuff to come. That morning in the shop was… it sucked, it fucking sucked dude, I don’t want that to happen again. I like having an argument with you, like, a normal conversation, exposing points of view, but I don’t think I have the energy for fighting anymore. I need to chill the fuck out a bit.”
“I agree darling. It’s hard for me to not get caught up in- well, trouble, but you live in such a beautiful way. I mean that you just seem to appreciate things so much. And I want to learn that from you.”
“And about that morning, I am so, so sorry for that darling, I wasn’t thinking straight, and you were right, I was afraid of being upstaged because it has taken everything in me to get to where I am. But I shouldn’t have done things like that.” she gave you a side smile before adding “And also, I had no idea how to bring this up. I was afraid of making things worse, but I also have to apologise because of your interview. I have to say though, it was going to be dangerous for you if you had gone and signed a contract with them. I searched up all I could to see who they were, and I’ll admit it, at first I just wanted you to work for me and nothing else, but I did find out that they had a history of using people, so then it seemed logical to do that. I probably should have just told you what I knew but I had already overstepped. I’m so, so sorry darling, but you are just too talented to accept anything but the best agencies working for you. And I promise you I’ll make sure that’s what you get.”
“You? I… you could have said that before.. I’m not saying you should have done it but I see how you thought that.” There was a bit of silence in which you studied her with tired eyes.
“I don’t know where your name comes from but cruel is just so far from who you are. I don’t mean to be rude, but it’s just a persona, you try to be so strong and put up this big bad image in the press, and I don’t think that’s who you are. It works, and for your sake I’m glad it does but does it work for you? You can take a break from being the best designer in the country sometimes.”
“Darling that’s… that’s a bit more complicated than it seems”
“Doesn’t seem complicated at all to me! And you should chill a bit. You deserve to, I know you’re tired. And for what that’s worth, you don’t have to be that around me. I love it, I do, you are so inspiring, and I wish I had half the strength you do, but you can be you. The real you. I know there’s someone in there who is sweeter than you want us to see”
She stared at you in slight surprise for a bit. “You read people a little too well.”
“What can I say, a mother has to know her kids before giving them what they need” you answered with a cheeky smile. “But though I get a feeling about people I’m still not a witch yet, I would love to know who you really are. So, tell me your story, Cruella De Vil.”
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