#jason kingsley
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graphicpolicy · 11 months ago
2000 AD's Rogue Trooper Principal Photography has wrapped
2000 AD's Rogue Trooper Principal Photography has wrapped #animation #2000ad #comics
Duncan Jones’ movie adaptation of classic British comic Rogue Trooper has wrapped principal photography in the UK. Written and directed by Jones, Rogue Trooper  is an animated science fiction feature from Rebellion and Liberty Films. Shot at Rebellion Film Studios in Oxfordshire, breakout talent Aneurin Barnard (The Goldfinch, Dunkirk) stars as the eponymous Rogue Trooper, alongside Hayley Atwell

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thebeautifulbook · 7 months ago
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THE HEROES, OR GREEK FAIRY TALES FOR MY CHILDREN by Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875. (New York: Russell, 1901) Illustrrated by M.H. Squire & E. Mars .
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thevondoom62 · 17 days ago
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Not only does it look slimming, the black suit makes stains and damage less visible!
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fertileground · 11 months ago
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zal batmanglij
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cinemaslife · 3 months ago
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#153 Asylum: el experimento (2014)
El Dr. Edward Newgate (Jim Strurgess) se encuentra en los bosques alrededor del sanatorio Stonewood buscando como llegar hasta Ă©l, es pleno invierno y el frĂ­o te puede dejar congelado antes de llegar a la puerta.
Cuando por fin logra entrar se da cuenta de que el Dr. Silas Lamb (Ben Kingsley) director del sanatorio, tiene una visiĂłn de la salud mental totalmente diferente a la de la Ă©poca, ya que nos encontramos en 1899 y la crueldad contra los internos era demasiado comĂșn. Incluso con experimentos con electricidad o agua. En cambio, el Dr. Lamb deja convivir a todo tipo de enfermos mentales con otros, creando una sociedad que se mantiene unida y en equilibrio. Ya que para Ă©l los Ășnicos que no tienen perdĂłn son los sĂĄdicos.
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Esto sorprende al Dr. Newgate, ya que si un interno no quiere comer, el Dr. Lamb lo respeta y no le obliga a alimentarse por vĂ­as para que no muera. En la cocina trabajan enfermos que lo mismo comen gusanos que cocinan ardillas para comer. En la instituciĂłn es comĂșn ver al equipo mĂ©dico con los internos confraternizando, y el Dr. Newgate no puede creer esas metodologĂ­as. Aun asĂ­, Ă©l ha venido a por otra cosa, y lo sabe en el momento en el que se cruza con Eliza Graves (Kate Beckinsale) una interna enferma de histeria que no parece que debiera estar allĂ­. Se trata de una mujer de la alta sociedad, como el resto, de los internos, pero que mantiene su serenidad, su cordura y su necesidad de salir de allĂ­.
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El Dr. Newgate se siente atraído hacia la Señora Graves de una manera enigmåtica y magnética, y ella, por raro que parezca también por él. Pero se muestra desconfiada porque su marido la metió interna y ella sabe que ese no es su lugar.
Una noche por los respiraderos de la caldera, el Dr. Newgate escucha unos ruidos y con un candelabro sigue el sonido hasta las calderas del sanatorio, donde encuentra una especie de cårcel, donde se encuentran encerrados y muriendo de hambre muchas personas. Sorprendido y con pånico intenta salir corriendo, pero los allí encerrados le indican que no son locos, que son el verdadero equipo del sanatorio formado por médicos y enfermeras, allí, se presenta el Dr. Salt (Michael Caine) el verdadero director. Que le demuestra mediante alegaciones que son el verdadero equipo médico del sanatorio y que llevan un mes encerrados allí por los pacientes.
De alguna manera los durmieron y los metieron en los calabozos, sin comida y prĂĄcticamente sin agua para dejarlos morir. Y al ser pleno invierno y hacer tanto frĂ­o, no hay visitantes que puedan darse cuenta del cambio.
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El Dr. Salt tampoco era un ĂĄngel, era comĂșn sus creencias de que la electrocuciĂłn, los ahogamientos, los tocamientos a pacientes y otro tipo de tortura para poder investigar con el dolor de las personas que estaban allĂ­, por ello se formĂł la rebeliĂłn. Y le recuerda al Dr. Newgate que la convivencia de diversos pacientes con diferentes estados mentales acabarĂĄ en tragedia, ya que muchos de ellos necesitan estar encerrados porque son peligrosos socialmente.
Edward ha visto varios de estos, pero cree que conviven correctamente entre ellos, de todas maneras Ă©l ha ido hasta allĂ­ para rescatar a Eliza Graves y poder huir con ella para construir una vida juntos.
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Cuando el Dr. Lamb habla con el director, el Dr. Salt, le informa de que estĂĄn llevando todo lo mejor posible, pero el director los conoce y sabe que estĂĄn enfermando de frĂ­o porque las calderas estĂĄn apagadas y que como liberĂł a todos los pacientes estos arrasarĂ­an con la enfermerĂ­a abusando de todos los medicamentos buscando drogarse con heroĂ­na u otros calmantes (en esa Ă©poca era comĂșn la heroĂ­na para tranquilizar a los pacientes, pero generĂĄndoles dependencia).
El Dr. Lamb no lo admite, pero sus gestos determinan que es cierto todo lo que dice y que estĂĄn condenados todos a morir antes de que llegue la primavera. Ya que la gestiĂłn llena de buenas intenciones, no es una gestiĂłn correcta que tenga en cuenta todos los puntos de vista.
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Aprovechando el fin de año, Eliza y Edward intentan liberar a los encarcelados, pero son descubiertos. Eliza huye, pero Edward es apresado y atado a una camilla para poder darle electroshock y que olvide quién es y se quede en estado vegetativo. Justo como hace el Dr. Lamb con el Dr. Salt cuando se harta de él.
Eliza salva a Edward en el Ășltimo momento, pero descubre que Edward la conocĂ­a de antes y temiendo que lo envĂ­e su marido para matarla, huye de Ă©l. Edward la sigue huyendo de diversos pacientes y del Dr. Salt, y cuando llega hasta Eliza le cuenta toda la verdad.
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Que la vio en una de las clases magistrales y realmente creyĂł que ella no era una enferma, sino que habĂ­a sido errĂłneamente diagnosticada y que su sitio no era allĂ­, que debĂ­a reposar en un sitio mĂĄs tranquilo. Ella le cree y se besan, buscando la salida juntos, pero la Ășnica manera es deteniendo al Dr. Lamb y solo hay una manera de hacerlo, hurgando en su pasado para saber que le llevĂł a estar interno en la instituciĂłn mental.
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Gracias al Dr. Salt descubren los archivos del Dr. Lamb que resultĂł ser un verdadero mĂ©dico en la guerra, y que perdiĂł el juicio viendo a tantos jĂłvenes con miembros amputados y sufriendo por lo que decidiĂł disparar a todos los que se encontraban sufriendo con 6 balas, buscando que la Ășltima fuera para Ă©l. Pero, al chico mĂĄs joven que asesino era un simple tamborilero que perdiĂł ambos brazos y que su imagen lo persigue tortuosamente con flashbacks.
Edwards le enseña la foto del joven al Dr. Lamb y este se rompe, su mente se agrieta y se queda en estado vegetativo, incapaz de hablar o pensar, se queda en estado catatónico, y es guiado por Eliza cuando empieza el incendio que provocan algunos internos.
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Cuando Edward le pide a Eliza que escapen, ella le confiesa que sabe que estå enferma y que no se ha recuperado, y que su lugar es el sanatorio, quizås no ese, pero que no estå rehabilitada para estar en sociedad. Edward entonces le confiesa que no es médico, que en realidad es un paciente que la vio en una clase de medicina donde llevaron a ambos como monos de feria y que se enamoró perdidamente de ella. Ambos huyen a un sanatorio muy bonito en Italia, en la Toscana, y se quedan internos los dos. Recuperåndose.
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Cuando la primavera llega al sanatorio y pueden recibir visitas, vemos al Dr. Salt y al Dr. Lamb jugando al ajedrez, cuando llegan dos hombres, uno es el marido de Eliza Graves, y el otro es un doctor que asegura ser Edward Newgate, pese a la confusiĂłn este explica que uno de sus pacientes que tiene problemas de identidad se enamorĂł de Eliza Graves y que fue a buscarla pese a las inclemencias para poder escapar con ella. RobĂĄndole su identidad y todas sus cosas.
La pareja de Edward y Eliza bailan en la Toscana, donde se llaman el uno al otro Señor y Señora Lamb, ahora tienen una nueva identidad en un precioso sanatorio donde pueden amarse.
Ell Dr. Lamb reaccionan diciendo "jaque mate", cuando se enteran de la verdadera "identidad" de Edward Newgate.
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downthetubes · 1 year ago
Rogue Trooper principal filming wraps
As revealed exclusively by Variety today, Duncan Jones’ (Moon, Source Code, Warcraft, Mute) eagerly anticipated film adaptation of classic British comic Rogue Trooper has wrapped principal photography in the UK
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foundfamilyftw · 1 year ago
Kingsley: You're either the pretty sibling or the funny sibling.
Kingsley: Not me though, because I’m both. Y’all stay safe.
Jason: What the f-
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thefearfulheart · 1 year ago
writing practice i guess
“Got any alcohol?” Jason says as he roots around the kitchen’s fridge.
“Nope,” Jose hums as he flips through his book at the dining table, watching Jason from the corner of his eyes as he rummages around the fridge, and takes a drink of his water. “There’s soda in the cupboards if that’s any consolation?”
He rolls his eyes at Jason’s annoyed groan.
“We’re prohibited from drinking alcohol on facility grounds,” He huffs out. “You should already know this from the amount of times you’ve broken in here.”
“Not breaking in,” Jason easily replies as he closes the fridge. “It’s just
entering without permission!”
“Isn’t that just the same thing?” Jose says with a raised eyebrow as he places his book down.
“Well, no.” Jason quickly says as he looks through the cupboards near the fridge. “I’m just not asking permission to enter
and, anyway, you let me in!”
This guy, Jose thinks to himself annoyed as he watches him move around some of the canned food and packets of food in the cupboard. Seriously.
“So you wouldn’t break another window like last time,” Jose replies and points to the cupboard near the stove. “And the soda is in.”
“Schematics,” Jason says airily as he goes to where Jose directed. “Seriously could’ve told me that sooner.”
“Schematics,” Jose replies with a wave of his gloved hand. “You looked like you were having fun rummaging through Nadia’s cupboard.”
He hears Jason just snort at him as he grabs a glass bottle of soda from his cupboard.
“They give you cupboards?”
“Good to know then.”
Jason just shakes his head at that reply as he opens up the bottle of Dr Pepper and takes a sip of it, cringing slightly at the lukewarm liquid.
“Hey, icicle,” Jason says as he walks over to Jose and jams the bottle into his face. “Mind giving me a hand?”
“Seriously,” Jose mutters as he grabs the bottle from Jason’s hand and, using his ice abilities, blows on it until it becomes cold. “That good enough for you?”
“It’s adequate,” Jason chuckles as he grabs the soda back from Jose and has a drink from it, feeling instantly refreshed from the cool taste. “Ah, hits the spot.”
Jose just rolls his eyes at him as Jason pulls up a chair to sit beside him, his fingers tapping at his book, and looks expectantly at him.
“What?” Jason blinks at him in confusion.
“Don’t ‘what’ me, Jason. Why did you come here.” Jose snipes at him as he laughs.
“Eh, I’ve been caught.” Jason just says with a shake of his head. 
“Yep,” Jose says with a roll of his eyes.
Jason is quiet for a few moments as he takes a long drink of his soda before placing the half-empty bottle on the table.
“Callisto has been fucking me about,” He says seriously, all playfulness gone, and it makes Jose look at him with narrowed eyes. “Ended up outing my ass on a job that I was on.”
“He is an information broker,” Jose quietly replies. “Probably got a good price from the people you were hired to take down in the end
“Yeah, but man,” Jason just rubs at his scarred cheek. “I don’t fucking know how he knew I was there! It’s so fucking weird that he can get all this information but nobody knows who it is
like I’m not even angry on that but
Jason just rattles on about his job while Jose makes sympathetic noises and interjects when appropriate, storing the information in his mind. Cringing sympathetically Jason describes what happened when he was found out and
what he needed to do to escape.
“If only somebody could find him
” Jason trails off.
Oh, Jose understands now what Jason wants from him.
“You want me to find information on him?” Jose hesitatingly asks.
“I mean,” Jason chuckles. “If your offering that is.”
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aghostlydeer · 6 months ago
Time to have Morgan sloppily make out with Jason â˜ș
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wornoutspines · 10 months ago
3 Body Problem (Season Review) | A Visually Gripping Adaptation
Netflix's adaptation of Cixin Liu's #TheThreeBodyProblem is a mesmerizing new series that delves into China's Cultural Revolution and its unexpected impact on the present. #SeasonReview #3BodyProblem #SciFi #NetflixOriginal Read my reviewâŹ‡ïž
Netflix’s adaptation of Cixin Liu‘s The Three-Body Problem is the second live-action adaptation of the Chinese novel, David Benioff, D. B. Weiss (GoT) and Alexander Woo (True Blood, The Terror) took on the task for the streaming giant. I am aware that the novel is the first book in the Remembrance of Earth’s Past series and that the show might have pulled from later books that I have yet to read

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erikacousland · 1 year ago
What's the difference between medieval inns, taverns and alehouses? - YouTube
Jason Kingsley, the Modern Knight, discusses three very popular medieval institutions, the Inn, the Tavern and the Alehouse. Many people think these are the same, but they're not really. Each had it's own place in medieval society.
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alexfeelyx · 5 months ago
Also! This is a really good primer on what heraldry even is and why it came to existence, and I think it kind of shows how it's one of the precursors to branding and graphic design. And how the traditional rules for heraldry make for good branding guidelines to this day!
Ok I'm curious, what's special about the Bavarian coat of arms from a heraldry perspective?
I am horribly, horribly biased towards the Bavarian flag and coat of arms for personal reasons (visited as a kid, had a lion plushie with the flag pattern on its body), so I think it's probably more interesting or special to me than others 😅 but
the white-blue diamond pattern is called losengy. I can't find a source for how common it really is, but it's pretty striking and memorable imo. It certainly is memorable enough to be on every souvenir you can buy in Munich, lol. It's kinda like the checkerboard part of the Croatian coat of arms; it's not that nobody else has that, but if you had to remember what the Croatian coat of arms looked like, would the checkerboard be the first or the only thing you could remember? Because it certainly would for me!
the specific shade of blue to be used hasn't been officially designated. But the one you see most places is again kind of unusual — not unique by any means, but not typical. It's not really azure or bleu celeste, blue and sky blue in heraldry, it's somewhere in-between usually, it's another thing that kinda sets it apart.
So it's a strong design and a strong colour choice to double down on the memorability. None of the things that make it interesting are totally unique, but together I think they end up creating something pretty rare. There are lots of people with the first name Esteban or Ildikó, lots of people with the surname Nikolić or Watanabe, but I'd definitely remember an Esteban Nikolić or a Watanabe Ildikó, if I ran into them, you know?
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flamingpudding · 5 months ago
I have a new prompt idea and it's dark
So the Nightingale / Fentons are a pretty curse family and one of the curses is one where any Nightingale that tries to leave behind the family name will either greatly disappoint their family or Die because of being curious
It's a long curse starting all the way back to there great great great uncle Kingsley (Klarion) Nightingale because he was the sibling of the original Nightingale it started the The witch Hunt because he didn't get magic but Klarion he started killing which is one of them curses entire family not knowing that the rest of them were witches
Which cost to chain reaction to every Nightingale that tries to walk away from a family suffering a terrible fate like Thomas Fenton Nightingale who ran away and change his names in Thomas Wayne and was able to rebrand his entire but died with his wife after they got too curious of the Court Of Owls
Cursing his family for always being on the bad side of History cuz a few of his cousins were working with the court of owls
So when the original Nightingale started to finally pick off his family that was trying to run away from The Nightingales Kingsley was burned alive cursing the Nightingale Fenton name
Or Danny Fenton who died in the portal accident came back alive and disappointed his parents were setting with the ghost instead of hunting them
How this is all figured out is Constantine is checking over Batman for curses when he's like oh you have a family named curse and I like oh the lame one he's like no your father's real name he ends up finding out all of this information
Can you even affect Jason because he was adopted by Bruce making him technicality a nightingale and he died being mad at Bruce for not saving him and came back still cursing Bruce
So this could be a crack prompt or a really angsty one depending on how you view it because Batman is finding out that he's really into all of these people but he somewhat knows or realizing that he definitely affected all of his robins due to a family person to give no he actually had
Which continued
Interesting Idea... I like some of the premises... here and many ideas are really interesting!
> So i took a spin at this throughout several weeks. yes this has been sitting in my drafts for a long time and i added things slowly but in the end it still is a pretty short piece... sorry... writing really has been hard for me lately again...
Though I think i might have gone a little astray from what you originally had here though or didn't include it enough.
Hope you will still enjoy the following!
John Constantine sometimes really hated having to work with the Bat and not just because he was one of these spandex wearing goody two shoes heroes. Okay maybe goody two shoes was a stretch but Bats was one of the heroes that annoyed him still. There was also another reason. Something he had slightly noticed since the first time he had meet the man. But back then he had ignored it.
Like hell was he going to get involved more than necessary with the bat suit wearing hero.
Well with the passing years it more and more became something he couldn't ignore any more. Especially since whatever it was had a certain stink to it that John really hated right now. Not just because he was forced to sit in one of these many Boy Scout meetings because Zatana was busy. It tickled his mage senses, but not in a good way. No it was the way that really made him want to take a swing of his flask, he would take one if he wasn't running the risk of his flask getting taken away from him by one of these heroes.
"Yre fucking cursed to hell and back, mate." John decided to speak up instead anyway with a dead-stare at Batman and interrupting whatever else Sups was going on about. Okay so maybe in reconsideration, John should have waited until after the meeting to say anything at all, really. But in his defense, Batmans curse was stinking even more now. Like it had been freshly activated by something.
Great thing, whatever the meeting had been about before got completely forgotten as everyone focused on the fact that THE Batman apparently had managed to get cursed given his history with magic. Bad thing, Batman pressured John into investigating what kind of freaking curse stuck to Batman. And boy, can he say that explaining to Batman that he was stuck with a centuries old course that was pretty much affecting anyone he sees as family was not fun, nore was explaining that this wasn't a recent curse but one he had very much inherited from his father.
"Nightingale, the name ringing any bells Batsie? Curse is tied to that name apparently." Was what he ended is explanation with only to get a stoic stare and a grunt as answer. Sometimes John really wanted to wrangle that hero in particular.
"Can you trace it back?" John side eyed Sups who looked worriedly between him and Batman.
"Can you trace it back..." He repeated with a mocking mutter, who did they think he was? Of course John could trace it back, he wouldn't even need to sell his souls for the x-time to do that. Not like he would for Bats of all people, but then again, he had sold his souls for less before. "Of course I can trace it back, mate."
John took just a little bit of pleasure in the fact that he was in a position to demand something from Batman when he pestered the man for a bit of his hair or fingernail clippings to use as a medium to trace the origin back. It wasn't nice anymore when he traced it back to an area that was the magical equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle. Ground Zero. A No-Go. Do not Touch with a ten foot pole. The Do Not Enter of the magical world.
To say the heroes weren't impressed when they saw him taking a very needed swing from his flask was an understatement. Because seriously John needed a stronger Whiskey for this shit.
"What the hell do you have to do with Amity Park!?"
Danny meanwhile felt a shiver going down his spine, but he shock it off as he souped Skulker for the 3rd time this month. His eyes surveyed the area for a moment wondering what was going on before he once again choose to shrug it off. His legs turning into his ghostly tail as he flew back towards Fenton Works. Unaware of the storm brewing far away, while Clockwork was cackling in his tower contemplating if he should give his ghost child a heads up or not.
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thevondoom62 · 7 months ago
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No matter who's wearing this costume, one thing is always certain: they've gotta be pretty jacked up.
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eliaswoodt · 1 year ago
The Name List
Organized from A-Z (yes I will add more names whenever I find more I like, probably in reblogs)
I currently have 1035 names (and that’s only including the first names. I have a list of last names, too.)
Angel, Atticus, Atlas, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Achilles, Artemis, Adonis, Avery, Aubrey, Aubry, Aceline, Ashlynn, Aislinn, Anjanette, Arthur, Archer, Addison, Arrietty, Amity, Autumn, Alastor, Alastair, Alasdair, Alistair, Alison, Arren, Arin, Astra, Aoife, Adalyn, Adeleine, Astoria, Agnes, Angus, Abigail, Ann, Anne, Ambrose, Adeline, Avarsel, Agatha, Ari, Azariah, Aniyah, Armani, Anastasia, Annabelle, Adah, Adelaide, Avis, Amelia, August, Axel, Adelina, Amir, Amin, Ayala, Arne, Averett, Adil, Astro, Ava, Anti, Ailun, Akemi, Asahi, Akari, Asako, Atsuko, Azumi, Aka, Aren, Akko
Blossom, Bambi, Babs, Bo, Bella, Blair, Bea, Bonnabel, Badeea, Betty, Bailey, Boris, Bee, Bugs, Blaise, Benjamin, Bog, Buford, Beatrice, Bryce, Bryan, Bazil, Brutus, Bellamy, Brigitte, Bailee, Bailey, Bao, Belladona, Belladonna, Bell, Bill, Bishop, Bones, Boneothy, Benno, Behemoth, Barry, Bellynn, Bowie, Bunki
Clover, Canyon, Cleo, Cameron, Celestial, Celestino, Ciro, Camilo, Cain, Charlotte, Clara, Corey, Cin, Charlie, Cassidy, Chiara, Callista, Cisco, Cynthia, Casper Clinton, Celestina, Clement, Christopher, Cornelius, Clifford, Claudius, Carey, Carrie, Coatl, Cyrus, Cyril, Cecil, Caisus, Castiel, Calla, Cosmos, Cherry, Cheryl, Crowley, Crow, Cassius, Cliodna, ClĂ­odhna, Cliona, Conan, Cordelia, Calypso, Cas, Cillian, Chiyo, Chiaki, Chihiro, Calcifer
Danny, Darlene, Dex, Dot, Diana, Daphne, Demeter, Daedalus, Daeddel, Darphel, Dawn, Derrick, Derek, Dravan, Dravid, Drae, Dallas, Dimas, Dominic, Damien, Drew, Delilah, Dakota, Darian, Darius, Darwin, Devan, Darla, Dagmar, Daelyn, Dale, Dae, Dacey, Desmond, Dabria, Daniel, Daniela, Danialla, David, Davis, Donnel, Dennis, Demitrius, Delaney, Daiki, Daiyu
Everest, Emery, Ember, Elliott, Elliot, Earlana, Eliseo, Ezequiel, Emie, Evan, Eloise, Eric, Emmet, Elizabeth, Eugene, Ethan, Eret, Ester, Elias, Eos, Ellis, Edwin, Ebony, Elijah, Eliza, Enzo, Elissa, Edward, Eddalyn, Esther, Eda, Edalyn, Edalynn, Edison, Eddison, Estervan, Emma, Eden, Erfan, Eun-hae, Erytheia, Egan, Errol, Eiichi, Eiji, Eriko, Etsu, Etsuko, Eiichiro, Ezume
Flint, Finn, Fae, Fred, Fritz, Fang, Frankie, Frank, Fermin, Freddie, Freddy, Finley, Freya, Fai, Felix, Freda, Faolan, Frey, Feylynn, Faelynn, Failynn, Felipa, Febby, Febbie, Febie, Feby, Flynn, Fuji, Feiyu, Fukiko, Fumitaka, Fumito, Fuyuko
Griffin, Garnet, Gothi, Gertrude, Gabe, Grant, Giovanni, George, Gage, Gregory, Gabriel, Gabrielle, Guy, Gilbert, Guadalupe, Gerry, Grey, Gray, Gia, Grace, Gracian, Gracis, Gracie, Gretel, Gideon, Griffilow, Ghost, Ghazaleh, Gavin, Gryphon, Griffith, Goliath, Grayson, Greyson
Harmony, Hannah, Harlei, Harlie, Haritha, Haris, Harry, Harlan, Harvey, Hadrian, Harley, Hari, Harlow, Howl, Hank, Harper, Herbert, Humphrey, Hestia, Helios, Hephaestus, Hollis, Hunter, Hero, Henry, Helda, Hajar, Hasta, Hadis, Howard, Howie, Hannan, Haoyu, Hisako, Hachi, Hiroto, Hoshiko, Honoka, Hiroshi, Hiro, Haitao, Hamako, Haruhi, Harue, Hayate, Hide, Hideyo, Hidetaka, Hisaye, Hisayo, Heiji, Higari
Ivy, Ivey, Ivo, Ida, Iris, Ilyssa, Illy, Irene, Iren, Isaiah, Ira, Idelle, Ivan, Illaoi, Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle, Isobell, Isabella, Ismelda, Io, Ismael, Isolt, Icarus, izuru, Isamu, Itona, Ichiro, Ichiko, Ichigo, Isoko, Ishiko, Isaye, Inari, Ikuko, Itsuki, Itsuko, Inosuke
Juniper, Jupiter, Jinx, Jamie, Javier, Josiah, Joan, Jake, Julia, Jamil, Jamila, Jesse, Jessie, Jess, Jasper, Janus, Jordan, Joshua, Julian, Juilliard, Julius, Juliana, Jeremiah, Jace, June, Junebug, Jazzy, Jackson, Jackie, Jackalynn, Jodie, Johnnie, Jan, Jaime, Jason, Jorge, Justin, Justice, John, Jay, Janelle, James, Jennifer, Jillion, Jill, Jana, Jonah, Jaycee, Jaxen, Junpei, Jona, Jun, Jin
Kenneth, Kat, Kas, Kris, Keith, Kingston, Kaeton, Kingsley, Kent, Katherine, Kyle, Knox, Kristen, Kristin, Kristeen, Kylie, Kaylee, Kamila, Kehlani, Kendall, Kerry, Kry, Kenny, Kath, Kathleen, Krow, Kix, Kedrick, Kennon, Klaus, Killian, Korallia, Krank, Kaz, Kaede, Kirara, Katsuhiko, Keisuke, Kanako, Kenji, Kaemon, Kamin, Katsu, Kaki, Kazane, Kazuyuki, Kazushige, Kenta, Kei, Kimi, Kin, Kohako, Koichi, Kota, Koji, Koharu, Kosuke, Kuma, Kumi, Kuniko, Kuniyuki, Kideko, Kazuko
Lullaby, Lotte, Lapin, Lorelei, Loralai, Lorelai, Luna, Lily, Lucy, Lee, Liana, Lola, Lethe, Lance, Laurence, Luther, Luca, Lennon, Logan, Lennox, Ilias, Liu, Lui, Luis, Lefu, Liam, Lyall, Lowell, Luella, Leona, Leonie, Leon, Lev, Lincoln, Lin, Link, Laverna, Lazarus, Lewis, Louis, Louise, Levi, Leslie, Lesley, Leilana
Marley, Marlai, Mei, May, Mae, Marceline, Marshall, Marshalee, Millie, Mallorie, Marcela, Melanie, Maddison, Mary, Mirabel, Marsh, Murphy, Montgomery, Mildred, Memphis, Molly, Maverick, Maurice, Muiris, Morgen, Max, Moses, Marion, Merrill, Monroe, Melanthios, Maxwell, Matias, Melissa, Maëlle, Marlene, Meredith, Maybelle, Margaret, Maeve, Moss, Mara, Maria, Myrtle, Mona, Mark, Markus, Michael, Micheal, Michelle, Mahsa, Minoo, Mehdi, Mohammad, Matin, Morpheus, Marlowe, Monica, Marilia, Magnus, Malachi, Malachy, Maggie, Makoto, Megumi, Mio, Maemo, Maemi, Masa, Masaaki, Masashi, Michi, Midori, Michinori, Momo, Motoko
Natasha, Noelle, Noni, Neville, Nixon, Neda, Natalio, Ned, NausicaÀ, Noxis, Nova, Nathen, Newt, Noah, Nash, Nox, Nathara, Nathaira, Nathair, Nyoka, Nagisa, Nathan, Nate, Nik, Nick, Naohiro, Naoko, Nara, Natsu, Naoya, Nishi, Nobuko, Nori
Olindo, Ollie, Oliver, Ophelia, Odysseus, Orion, Osono, Oxen, Onyx, Otto, Ottoline, Otitile, Ottavia, Octavio, Olivia-Marie, Oakley, Omar, Olivia, Oscar, Octavian, Octavia, Oz, Octavius, Otta, Oisin, Orson, Orlos, Osiris, Owen, Odalis, Odell, Ozuru
Penelope, Patton, Paddy, Percy, Paulie, Page, Pazu, Phoebe, Phebe, Prairie, Porter, Parlay, Pally, Piper, Parker, Payton, Phil, Paul, Philip, Pyre, Piers, Phylis, Patricia, Payne, Payneton, Pip
Quinn, Quincy, Quil, Quinley, Quinstin, Quinlan, Quillen, Quavon, Quaylon, Quensley, Qing, Qrow, Quilla, Quianna, Quita, Qiao, Quinella, Queenie, Qaylah, Qailah, Qitarah, Quenby, Qadira, Qudsiyah, Quan, Qian, Quinby, Quella
Roseline, Raul, Rahul, Rafael, Roque, Rogelio, Remmy, Rei, Rey, Ray, Robin, Ro, Reika, Rowen, Rowan, Rose, Rosie, Ralsei, Riley, Remus, Rosalyn, Rosalin, Rosaline, Renata, Ron, Rat, Ratt, Reef, Roxy, River, Reed, Rufus, Robbie, Renee, Rivia, Ross, Rex, Ruth, Rosemary, Rosabe, Rosabee, Rosabell, Rosabelle, Rosabel, Rai, Rain, Rosella, Rosalie, Rhody, Robert, Raelinn, Rebane, Ren, Rollin, Ralph, Roxanne, Rox, Roderick, Reginald, Reggie, Rio, Ryu, Ryo, Ryoji, Rinmaru
Sage, Sam, Syd, Selkie, Storig, Sal, Sirius, Summer, Susie, Scott, Sunni, Sosuke, Sophie, Satsuki, Sheeta, San, Sulley, Sully, Savannah, Sappho, Selene, Shaw, Sean, SeĂĄn, Shaun, Sawyer, Sabrina, Sebastian, Shane, Stan, Socks, Snom, Stolas, Spencer, Sammie, Stevie, Samus, Sarff, Sullivan, Seth, Susiebell, Susiebelle, Sadreddin, Shellaine, Sverre, Saoirse, Sylvania, Sanae, Silas, Sumi, Shiori, Shinzu, Sile
Toby, Tobias, Teddy, Ted, Tomas, Thomas, Tomothy, Tyche, Taiga, Tundra, Tracy, Timothy, Troy, Tatum, Tommie, Tommy, Theia, Tae, Trix, Trixy, Thanathos, Tod, Todd, Toddy, Tora, Torie, Theodore, Theo, Theophania, Talos, Thanatos, Teddy, Tomohito, Tazu, Tanjirou, Touya
Ulysses, Urijah, Uriyah, Urina, Ukiah, Ulnar, Ursula, Ulric
Virgil, Vanessa, Vito, Venacio, Vylad, Veronica, Valentina, Violet, Velma, Venus, Verna, Veld, Victoria, Victorie, Vinyl, Vincent, Vasuki, Vex, Valor, Valentine, Valerie, Valeria, Valerius, Vitoria, Vic, Victor, Vik, Vikktor, Viktor, Vick, Vicky, Vicke, Vickie, Vidya
Wynn, Willow, Warren, Wilbur, Wylie, Will, Walle, Whisp, Wade, Wendell, Wendy, Willard, Wes, Wallace, Wilber, Wyatt, Wybie, Wynnie, Wennie, Winnie, Wynnston, Wynston, Wynsten, Wiles
Xenophon, Xuan, Xio, Xori, Xanthos, Xander, Xavier
Yen, Yukio, Yae, Yoko, Yume, Yaeko, Yui, Yuzuki
Zane, Zana, Zion, Zachary, Zach, Zachariah, Zander, Ziana, Zoe, Zula, Zenix, Zenith, Zaharia, Zaria, Zack, Zakaeia, Zara, Zakaria, Zev, Zaira, Zanata
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downthetubes · 1 year ago
Monster Fun “Revamped”, with new look and strips, in time for Halloween
The results of a popular Draw a Monster competition and the return of Crabbe’s Crusaders are just part of a sizzling revamp (geddit?) to Monster Fun, the Treasury of British Comics revival of the classic weekly title from Rebellion Publishing. The title gets a new look, too – and looks terrific, with a smashing lineup of strips on offer. For those who came in late, Monster Fun is an all-new,

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