#jason grace and leo valdez
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cynthiav06 · 3 months ago
So let's finally talk about it. There's very few things that can actually make me mad on PJO fandom. Calling Percy dumb is the first one. It makes me seethe in rage. And among the other ones is calling Jason Grace boring.
What do you think is worse than trauma? You guessed it. Childhood trauma. Jason Grace is one of the most tragic PJO characters ever. You could almost say the quest with the Seven was one of the better things that happened to him.
Let's recap his life real quick.
Absolutely terrible mother who dumped him near Lupas territory when he was literally 2 years old. And the fact that he would be better off with Lupa than with Beryl Grace is just a testament to how shit of a mother and person she was.
Then he had to win Lupa's approval while she trained him when he was a literal toddler. If you think that's the end of it, it's not even close. Then he was sent to the camp. It was pleasant, as pleasant as a child-soldier factory can be. Which is not at all.
Being the son of Jupiter, he had insane expectations and prejudices forced upon him, along with a certain caged way of living. Fight a certain way, behave a certain way, think a certain way, and repeat. A monotonous, cyclic existence with no escape and no way for self thinking. After all, the Romans are about as creative as a marble is sharp. Imagine it, a child being raised in the legion, by the legion, molded to be the perfect soldier and Praetor who should have only the Legions benefit in mind with no opinions of his own.
Anyone, anyone would go insane and lose their mind because this is torture, complete, and utter torture. But do you know what's worse, that Jason didn't know how the world was supposed to be. Whatever he was used to living, he believed to be the normal thing. He had no idea the things that happened to him were wrong for a long time. In fact, he strived to be even more perfect, all for what? The approval of a god that was his father? A god he had never seen or heard from? That in itself is the tragedy of most Roman demigods or just demigods in general. But at least the Greek ones get to see them every once in a while.
I think Reyna was the first to see his as his own person and to give his individual opinions actual importance. Because she knew what it felt like to live a life of servitude and imprisonment. Under Circe and the pirates. I like to think that's how they bonded. By making each other's lives a bit happier than their former bleak prospects. And I bet they were super close. You can't convince me otherwise. Which is why I will never forgive Rick for ruining their relationship over Piper of all people.
Then, of course, he was demigod too on top of that, so his life was obviously and decidedly terrible. Being sent on fatal missions? Having the responsibility of not only his own life but his comrades life thrust upon him? CAN YOU IMAGINE LIVING LIKE THAT?? THE ABJECT HORROR OF A LIFE LIKE THAT?
If that's not enough his even more repulsive and terrible godly father fucking offers him to Hera to appease her rage like he is some sort of bloody object. An object to be sold. A fuckinhg APOLOGY GIFT. And then what does Hera do to him? She wipes his memories, sends him to a foreign land which was previously considered enemy territory by the Camp he grew up in, forces fake memories upon him of fake friends, and sent him on another death quest. But at least Leo was one of the nicer things about that whole situation. I won't be touching the wreck that is Jiper with a ten foot pole.
And on, of course, he also gets nearly killed by the same goddess he was offered to as an apology gift. If that was enough, he would find out about the existence of his sister who had grown up and gone her own way, thinking he was dead and now was basically a stranger to him? Yeah wow.
And then everything else from the series happens like dear God, him and Percy are practically drowning in trauma. With Hazel, Nico and then Leo after them.
But at least Percy had Sally (even though the reason he put up with Gabe and his mental and physical abuse was Sally) and even though he felt like Sally was always sending him away and no longer wanted him which was fair of him to think but a grave misunderstanding. Sally was still the best thing in his life. Percy had someone to live for something to live forward to even though he was practically almost dying every year, which kept adding to his trauma. And Poseidon, he cared, acknowledged, and helped Percy. The bare minimum and Poseidon actually did even more.
We can assume Jason also had similar experiences with neither a mother's unconditional love nor a god's genuine care and love.
I am not going to say the Camp point because being the son of Jupiter, Jason had certain assurances, but Percy was practically ostracized or badly treated till book 3.
The only good thing that happened in Jason's life was meeting Reyna, the other Seven, and being friends with them, Nico and his sister, and also not falling in Tartarus, so yeah man's living his best life.
So no Jason Grace isn't boring, he is the most in depth character who had his autonomy and childhood stolen, his interests and opinions razed and his entire life molded and shaped for him, turning his mind and body into a tool to serve so called greater interests of Gods and Camp Jupiter. It's like ridiculing a blind man for not being able to see.
Next time, think twice before making that absolutely thoughtless, mindless, wildly inaccurate and cruel comment ever again.
There's no need to blindly hate Jason cause you love Percy or on Percy cause you love Jason. Hell, Percy is my absolute favorite, 90% of my posts are about him, but Percy is awesome and arguably the best all by himself. This is also true for Jason's character. (I am probably the only one who thinks Jason is stronger than Nico just due to greater experience and stamina.) We don't need to be like Rick or ship stans who demean Percy to prop up Annabeth or other characters. They are both iconic and great friends despite whatever rivalry Rick was trying to project.
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 6 months ago
Worst pain
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percyjackson-post · 4 months ago
Okay, hear me out: The seven decide to do a trauma candy salad on Piper’s social media, and within a day it becomes her most liked post and starts 6 new conspiracies.
Percy: Hey, I’m Percy Jackson, and when I was 12, I accidentally blew up the gateway arch, and there was a nation-wide manhunt for me because they thought I was a terrorist. I brought Reese's Pieces.
Annabeth: My name is Annabeth, and when I was 7 years old, I ran away from home and lived on the streets with two other kids until one of them was murdered in front of me. I brought starbursts.
Leo: Hi! I’m Leo, and my mother died in a warehouse fire, but my entire family blamed me for her death, so I was put in foster care. I brought skittles!
Piper: I’m Piper, and my dad was held hostage, and his kidnappers tried to blackmail me, so I brought the m&m's. 
Jason: My name is Jason and I was abandoned in the woods and raised by wolves. I brought some Swedish fish.
Frank: I’m Frank, and when my mom died, my grandmother kicked me out of the house and told me to go to California. After I came back to ask her about our family history, the house burned down and she vanished. I brought some gummy bears
Hazel: When I was 13, I died. I’m putting in life savers :)
Part 2!
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zetadyllica · 1 year ago
i’ve been thinking about riordanverse demigods and their mommy issues.
annabeth, piper, alex fierro: my mom is an absent goddess who’s kind of a bitch to me and my loved ones
jason, thalia, hazel: my mom was a messed up person when she was alive
nico, leo, frank, magnus chase: my mom died years ago but she was a wonderful person and i miss her every day
percy jackson and will solace: MY MOM 🤱 is my BEST 🤩 FRIEND 👯 she is so LOVELY 🥰 and KIND 💕 and COOL 😎 and i’m having DINNER 🍽️ WITH HER ON SATURDAY 🥳💫🤪
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groverapologist · 8 months ago
the seven are so funny theyre literally just: abandoned by dad, neglected by dad, dead mom, dead mom, abandoned by dead mom, neglected by dead mom, and percy
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atsu-kinnie · 8 months ago
Does anyone think about how Percy Jackson maybe the only main character who is also the fandom's favorite and most popular character?
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macs-instantdoodles · 2 months ago
*rises from grave* I need to draw these characters I was fixated on as a teenager
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lovemelikealovesong-33 · 2 months ago
Percy calling Hades and Kronos "uncle" and "grandpa", but calling his own dad "sir" is the most Percy thing ever, and l'm here for it😭😭😭
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demigod-incorrect-quotes · 3 months ago
The fact that Jason was never actually at the Wilderness School with Piper and Leo is so much funnier when you think that he’s like 90% of the trio’s impulse control.
Like you have to assume they have conversations like,
Leo: Remember that time we nearly blew up a classroom then Jason stopped us
Piper: Hahah yeah that was crazy. Wait- Jason was never there
Leo: Oh shit! We actually blew up a classroom!
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makebelievegrilledcheese · 11 months ago
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Which percabeth do you prefer?
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piedpip3rrr · 4 months ago
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Mildly late annual Halloween art
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xoxochb · 4 months ago
fuck babe you’re so hot when you’re just ink on paper
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littlestarbeam · 1 year ago
Camp Jupiter kids are private school kids and Camp Half-Blood kids are public school.
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poppitron360 · 4 months ago
I honestly think that “the gods are real, and they have kids, and those kids have ISSUES” is still the best description of the Riordanverse I’ve heard to-date.
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newlyfoundwren · 4 months ago
Probably not a hot take, but Rick should have made Jason just a little more of a freak. Not too over the top, but just enough because we already got:
Percy: Wanted by the FBI no less than 5 times and is described as “fighting like a demon” and still has self esteem issues when it comes to fighting. First magical horse girl
Annabeth: The worst abandonment issues you’ve ever seen to the point where her life goal is to build something that lives forever. Also wanted by the FBI and keeper of the brain cells
Piper: daughter of the most popular movie star and hates it. Former kleptomaniac turned professional gaslighter
Leo: ADHD gremlin who built a ship in 6 months which is based off of a drawing he made when he was a toddler
Hazel: Died in 1930 and doesn’t understand modern technology but swears like a sailor. Second magical horse girl and part time witch
Frank: The only one who isn’t ADHD or dyslexic and wishes he was. The chillest person you’ll ever meet but his dad is also the god of war. Third magical horse girl
And Jason’s just the normal one. He needs to not be normal
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wilmvandrr · 4 months ago
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day 17: f2u base ft THE SEVENN (pjo/hoo)
creds: @ karagultabasco
base below!!
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