#jasmine tea my lifeblood
iii-days-grace · 2 years
it may be dark by 7:00 PM but by god am i going to get in as many silly little weekends walks to the grocery store as i can before it gets too cold
but it does mean i get to wear my slipknot hoodie outside more! im just waiting for my weedible to kick in and go get some instant jasmine tea and energy drinks
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gayhenshin · 6 years
Rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people you’d like to know better:
name: emu
nickname: any other kin names ? and some others that are exclusive to other mutuals sowwy!
zodiac sign: taurus BABEY
height: 5’7″
languages spoken: english, [REDACTED], and uhhh some others but i’m Really bad at them
nationality: american
favorite fruit: i cant pick but i’ll tell you durian and lychee are my Lifeblood
favorite season: fall or winter!
favorite scent: subtle vanillas.... the ocean... jasmine flowers... fog
favorite color: pink?
favorite animal: birds!!!
favorite character: i have too many but i’ll say I Love Hiiro Kagami and Taiga Hanaya and Noel Takao
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Dont........do this to me....... i cant pick
number of blankets you sleep with: one or two atm! 
when was your blog created: earlier this year!
favorite subject: science!
currently watching: too many shows.... lupato is on there but i’ve put it on hiatus over food youtubers
favorite band: rise against! also starset!
instruments played: hammer dulcimer
favorite book: h........ i Cant Read
Tagged by @gekisou-sentai-carranger TYSM!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
Tagging: uuuh anyone who wants to? i tag Anyone who wants to do this
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11 Questions
Thank you @sneakywitchthieves for tagging me! This looks fun!
Rules(or guidances):
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. And tag 11 people
1. Favourite tabletop game?
I played a card game called Gloom once and it was absolutely amazing. It’s like The Addams Family meets storytelling meets craziness. It was a ton of fun, if you’re a fan of the macabre - I highly recommend it.
2. Coffee or Tea?
Coffee all the way. I like tea and drink it as well but coffee is my lifeblood.
3. Lamest pick up line you have used/would use/was used on you?
I once played “Have you Met Ted” (or in this case, Lara) from How I Met Your Mother in a bar one night. Surprisingly effective, actually - as lame as it was, it worked.
4. Do you collect anything? if so, what and how did you start collecting?
I collect WIPs (Works in Progress). I started collecting them when I learned I have zero impulse control when it comes to my writing. Whoops.
5. Best gift you ever got?
Ever? Hm. That’s really tough to recall, actually. I’ll go with the most recent , spectacular one which was a PS4 so that I could finally finish DA:I and actually play Trespasser. Hooray.
6. First celebrity/character crush?
Aladdin. I used to watch that allllll the time, and definitely thought I was Jasmine and would marry Aladdin one day. I think I still have that movie memorized because I watched it so much when I was little.
7. Favourite holiday?
Halloween - I love the decor, the lore, the change in seasons around it, the chance to dress up, the chance excuse to watch dark movies - it’s perfect.
8. One thing you are proud of yourself for?
Putting my writing out there to be consumed instead of keeping it to myself. I have anxiety and so making that leap was huge for me, and I definitely never expected the response it’s received. I’m really proud that I took the chance because it’s pushed me back to wanting to focus on my real fiction to see if I can get it published. I needed the motivation that sharing my writing has given me.
9. Most hated chore?
Laundry. There are so many steps to it and it drives me CRAZY. Sort - wash - dry - fold - put away - and then at the end of the day, you’ve made more laundry and your hamper is already filling up again. It’s the worst.
10. Last song you had stuck in your head?
“Case of You” by Joni Mitchell
11. Zombies/Werewolves/Vampires?
Vampires definitely - but that’s because I grew up reading Anne Rice and Bram Stoker, not Twilight. Lestat > Edward
1. Why do you love your favorite fandom?
2. Cats or Dogs?
3. Do you actually like drinking water, or do you do it because it’s necessary?
4. Current Favorite Song?
5. What fictional character are you most similar to and why?
6. When you make smores, do you like barely toasting your marshmallow, get it perfectly golden, or do you catch it on fire and burn it?
7. Do you have a TV show you can watch over and over again without getting sick of it?
8. What was your first fandom?
9. Is there an obscure fandom that you love or are a part of?
10. Do you play an instrument or sing at all?
11. Do you need music on to focus or do you need silence when you’re doing things (writing, making art, reading, etc.)?
I tag: @ekoorb03 @windysuspirations @a-shakespearean-in-paris @calihippie4 @andaran-atish-an @gugle1980 @dismalzelenka @goldfishfiasco @lonaru @jonogueira @ladymdc
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julebug123 · 8 years
I have literally been sitting up here in my ivory tower with nothing but a delicate hand crafted porcelain cup of jasmine tea crying by my window because there's not enough TOS feral!spock spirk fics. When will my knight in shining armor bring me my lifeblood?
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peri-tales · 8 years
I wasn’t directly tagged, but @quris-sparky​ left it open so I decided to do it...! I haven’t done anything like this for witchcraft before so I’m excited ahaha ;v;
1. Are you a religious witch? Which religion? Nope! I just kinda slid away from Catholicism, which is when I found an opening to finally start practicing witchcraft, which I have wanted to do for... most of my life. But right now I’m kind of in a weird limbo where I’m quite spiritual but don’t really feel tied to any particular religion. That might change someday.
2. What is your preferred herb? If I’m honest, cinnamon sticks, basil, and rosemary seem to be my main herbs at the moment. Pretty basic, but I suppose that’s not unusual, especially for a beginner.
3. What is your preferred gem? I love peridot, because it’s my birthstone and very special to me! I also quite like just about any variation of quartz. I’d love to get my hands on some fire opal someday, and other stones that are aligned with the sun.
4. Do you do divination? Which kind? I have a lovely tarot deck that I’m acclimating myself to. I really want to learn fire divination and pendulum divination as well. Maybe also runes!
5. Favorite Tarot card? I... am not sure if I have one yet? Apparently the cards associated with my birthday are the Lovers and the Devil, so I suppose I’ll call those my favourites until I find real favourites.
6. To Curse or not to Curse? I personally don’t like cursing within my own craft, because I don’t really want to deal with that kind of energy, and I’d rather do other things than directly cause anyone harm. But I take no issue with others cursing! It’s a matter of preference.
7. Do you have a familiar? I don’t think so? It might be nice to have one someday. I do have 2 cats, but I don’t get the sense they’re familiars.
8. Favorite candle color? Ooh, white and red, I think. 
9. Favorite rune? I haven’t gotten a chance to read too much on runes yet, so I haven’t found a favourite as of yet.
10. Do you celebrate the solstices, full moons, etc? I just celebrated my first Spring Equinox! I’d like to continue celebrating Solstices and Equinoxes from here on out. I’ve always wanted to do that. I don’t really celebrate full moons, unless there’s something particularly special about it, in which case I’ll do some small special things for it. I don’t really celebrate sabbats, I don’t really feel comfortable doing that personally, and I couldn’t tell you why, I just prefer celebrating the important times of year without giving it a special name.
11. Do you wear a pentacle? No, partially because I live with my family and they wouldn’t be cool with that. When I’m living on my own, I’ll let myself start getting a little friendlier with pentacles.
12. Do you have a broom? Not a special one, unfortunately, not yet ;^; I’d like to make one after I move out.
13. Do you have a pendulum? I ordered a clear quartz one online, so now I’m just waiting for it to come in!
14. Do you have an athame? The closest thing I have is this rustic looking knife I have on my shelf, but I haven’t used it yet for any athame purposes. I keep thinking I might like to eventually though. I would want to spruce it up a bit if I did though.
15. How often do you meditate? Very, very infrequently at the moment, unfortunately. I really should start doing it more often.
16. Do you do yoga? Nope, although it might be nice to start doing now and then.
17. Whats your favorite herbal tea? Tea in general is my lifeblood if I’m very honest. In terms of herbal teas, I’d say chamomile is up there, maybe with ginger, lemon, and honey in it. Jasmine is also very nice. Apple tea with cinnamon and cloves is absolutely delightful.
18. Do you support manipulation magic? One of my personal rules is not magically messing with people without their consent, so manipulating people directly to do what I want is kind of a no for me within my own craft. I’m not opposed to indirect action in some cases, like charms to keep creepy people away. I’m not sure what else this might be referring to? I don’t try to manipulate spirits or anything more powerful than me either. That’s not really what I’m about. Once again though, to each their own!
19. How many altars do you have? I don’t have any real ones yet, once again because I live with my parents ;^; I have a sort-of-altar to the Sun on pinterest. I’d love to have a few different real altars someday.
20. Do you do magic outside often? I haven’t gotten a chance, because it’s been cold out and I’m very much a summer person. I’d also have to find a place my parents wouldn’t see me. I might try doing outdoor magic when summer finally rolls around.
21. Can you read palms, or tea leaves? Not yet! Those are two more kinds of divination I’d love to learn.
22. Would you ever open your own metaphysics shop? Oh that’s a lovely idea... maybe in a few years when I actually know what I’m doing. I could make it cafe themed and kind of live out two dreams simultaneously...
23. Is your third eye open? If I’m honest, I don’t really mess around with concepts like the Third Eye or Chakras because I don’t feel like they’re mine to be messing with, so I wouldn’t know?
24. Do you like Astrology? Whats your sign? I have mixed feelings about astrology. It is nice though, one way or another. I’m a Leo, which is quite nice because that’s the sign that belongs to the Sun.
25. Favorite flower? Or Tree? I have a particular affection for pear trees, because my grandparents have had a pear tree in their backyard all my life (and now it’s my backyard). Also cedar trees. My favourite flowers are roses, lilacs, carnations, lavender, and tulips. And probably lots more, I love flowers.
26. Do you have an animal guide? No, not that I know of. I think I might have a guardian angel though?
27. Whats your favorite kind of magic? I really like making charms, I find! And charging them with different kinds of sunlight. I also really like magic having to do with fire. And bath magic. And tea magic. And working with crystals. I like a lot of things ahaha ;^;
28. What time do you feel most like a witch? I think... early in the morning, just as the Sun is rising. That time has always been very special to me, it has its own kind of energy. And also around sunset, I think.
29. Are you out of the broom closet? Ah, I don’t really love that term, but ignoring that... I’m selectively out about my practices. Most people who I’m out to about my sexuality, I’m also out to about my witchcraft. So, my datefriend and my other close friends. My family doesn’t know, and besides my brother, I’m not likely to tell them.
30. Are you a hereditary witch? Or self discovered? Self discovered! I think it was something that was inevitable for me though.
31. Are you in a coven? Or solitary? I am solitary, and I’m not at all interested in joining a coven. It would be nice to meet other witches irl to be able to talk to them, though.
32. Do you want to be in a coven? How big? Oh, I suppose I already answered this. If I changed my mind, however, and decided to join one, I think I’d definitely lean towards a small one.
33. When did you become a witch? Just about 6 months ago, I think? I did a small ritual to initiate myself. Didn’t feel right just jumping straight into it without doing a special little something.
34. Do you make your own spells? Um, kind of? I use a mix of others’ spells and trying to formulate my own. Although when I make my own, it’s usually just for charms, and it’s just listing the herbs, oils, stones, and objects I want to include. It’s pretty amateurish, I think.
35. Do you make your own sigils? Yupyup, so far that’s all I’ve done. I don’t make sigils as often as I’d like to, though.
36. Why did you choose this path? Because... it’s something I’ve always wanted. It’s been calling me, I think. When I was a kid I played make believe, making potions and using sticks as a wand or staff. As I got older I started reading about magic, but keeping it at arm’s length because I was still Catholic. I’ve just recently been able to finally get into it, and feel close to the world like I’ve dreamed of, and it feels so nice. And that’s what really seals the deal for me, I think, that close feeling to the world, and the universe.
37. Whats your favorite element? Definitely fire! Water would be my second fave, maybe with earth as a close third...?
38. Do you do any misc. magic? What would... that count as? Like stirring your tea clockwise? Or using perfumes that make you feel a certain way? Doing little, very personalized things like that, yeah, and I’d like to do more of it.
39. Magic or things you will never do? Direct love spells, without consent. Not that I need love spells, because I’m in the most wonderful relationship right now, but even little love spells for my datefriend, I wouldn’t do without asking them. Curses aren’t my thing, but under dire circumstances I might make an exception? I’m not sure. Generally calling upon dark forces is something I can’t see myself doing. Also any appropriative magic, I won’t disrespect people. There are probably other things, but that’s what I can think of off the top of my head.
40. Strangest way a spell backfired? Absolutely the wildest thing, especially since it was one of my earliest spells, but I made a good luck charm for my datefriend, specifically to help them get into a college program we both applied for. It definitely helped them, but at the cost of me very nearly not getting in myself, even after already having been accepted into it =P
I’m tagging: umm, anyone who wants to do this, I suppose. I don’t talk to or am mutuals with many (or any?) other witches on here yet, so I don’t think there’s anyone I could tag. But if I inspire you to do this, please do tag me!
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