#jasmin wagner
delightfulfeet · 10 months
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Jasmin Wagner aka Blümchen aka Blossom
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celebrityxbabes · 4 months
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aleasesrestaurant · 1 year
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bellysoupset · 1 year
hii! i wanted to request something with wendy and jonah bc omg their friendship is so precious to me and i need more of them :’)
i’d love for wendy to be the sickie (emeto and high fever pretty please?) and i was thinking jonah could maybe find out she’s really not doing well bc she’s kinda delirious over text and not making any sense? adding vince as a second caretaker would also be awesome teehee but no pressure!
also if you hate this idea then literally anything wendy+jonah would be good enough lmao i just love their friendship so freaking much 🫶🏽
I loved this idea! People have been asking for some sickee Wendy for a while, so I hope this one delivers! TY for the request 💕
It had been ages since Jonah had last gone out with Wendy. Between Vince's car accident, their opposing schedules, classes starting back up and everything else, he couldn't remember the last time they had talked despite being on joint medical duty every other night.
Jonah smiled as he felt JD rubbing between his ankles, circling him. He crouched down, petting her behind her ear and heard a huff.
"Don't give this traitor attention, Jasmine Dean Wagner," Leo scoffed from the couch. He had his arms crossed and was pouting and while most of it was played up for the sake of humor, Jonah knew part of it was real too.
"You go out with the guys all the time," Jon smiled, picking up the kitten and planting a kiss on her little head, carrying her back to the couch.
"It's not the same," Leo said, reaching to snatch the cat and snuggling her to his chest, "none of the boys are trying to steal me away from you."
"And Wendy is?" Jonah rolled his eyes and leaned in, planting a kiss over Leo's pout, "no one is stealing me away. Don't wait up," leaning over the couch, almost upside down, he planted a kiss on Leo's forehead and gave JD one last scratch behind her ears.
"I'm changing the locks while you're gone!" Leo yelled behind him, but Jonah ignored it.
Wendy was waiting for him outside her building and she was dressed for the thirties. Gone was the jeans and frilly shirts he saw her wearing in between shifts, today she was clad in a puffy short dress that caused him to roll his eyes in an amused manner.
"Ariana Grande called, she wants her closet back."
"She can come fight me for it," Wendy smiled, entering the car, "I'm so excited."
There were certain hobbies he could only indulge with Wendy. Leo, with much pleading, might watch an A24 movie, but he didn't like it. Going to an amateur queer cinema showing? That was out of question.
Wendy, in the other hand, was jumping up and down with excitement, her arm locked with his and talking nonstop about all the new artists.
It was in a dimly warehouse, the type of place Jonah would never step foot in. Wendy had been the one to find out about them and she was the one who had the tickets.
"Just pick wherever you want to sit and don't forget to cheer and clap if you think the short is worth it. This is a safe space for tears," the boy at the front desk told them and Jonah had to press his lips together not to laugh, "in between sessions we'll have food carts. Enjoy your night."
"It's a safe space for tears," Jonah whispered in her ear, voice all mocking and Wendy jammed her elbow on his side.
"Bet you'll cry."
The first movie was a comedy, so he doubted that. However by the third one, if his eyes burned a little and he had to swallow the knot in his throat... It was none of Wendy's business.
"Here," she handed him a hot dog, stuffed with everything, "fuel up."
"This cannot be safe to eat," Jonah eyed it weirdly, cringing as Wendy wolfed down on her own. She rolled her eyes.
"It's good! Just have one bite."
With much prodding and pushing, he took one bite. By now he was starving so he blamed it on his hunger, because Jon was pretty sure that was the best hot dog he had ever eaten.
He leaned back against the plastic chair, stretching his legs ahead and Wendy smiled at him, "admit it. It's great."
"It's alright."
"Damn, doctor Banks!" she teased, pushing his leg, "a compliment from you!"
"You're such a prick, Wendy," he rolled his eyes.
She was all smiles as she leaned on his side, head resting on his shoulder and finished off her hot dog. The lights turned off once more for the second part of the showing.
He was sucked in by it. The next two were gory horror movies, one of them framing the queer experience through the eyes of a werewolf and while the special effects were more than a little choppy and the acting far from stellar, Jonah was mesmerized. So much so he barely noticed Wendy shifting on her seat multiple times.
It was at the very ending of the last short movie that she got up, pushing his leg, "I need some fresh air," she mumbled and Jonah handed her her purse without thinking, eyes glued to the screen.
The movie ended and he got up, feeling dizzy and floored. The director was sitting just a couple seats ahead - the joys of amateurish cinema - so Jon walked up to them, almost bouncing on his feet.
By the time he got outside, the whole place was basically deserted.
"There you are!" Jonah exclaimed as he saw Wendy leaning against his car, "what are you doing out here, it's freezing!"
"I talked with the director of the last movie, they're really really cool, Dee. You should've been there. Invited them over for dinner, Leo's going to d- Wendy?"
Only then he got a good look of her face. Wendy was more than pale, she was basically transparent and she was shaking, whole face glowing with the clammy sweat.
"Wendy, what's wrong?"
"I don't feel well," she sighed and he noticed she was hugging her middle. Her dress was puffy and it started right under her chest, so he couldn't see her stomach at all, but he cringed just at the thought, "I'm sorry, Jon..."
"I said those hot dogs weren't safe to eat," he scoffed, moving closer and already feeling vaguely nauseous himself. Had them both gotten food poisoning? Wendy was almost an entire foot shorter than him, maybe it had hit her harder and sooner...?
"I don't think..." she shuddered, "I don't think it's food poisoning, Jon... I'm freezing."
Knowing what she meant, he cupped her face and met blazing hot skin, "Oh darling..." Jon groaned, "you're burning up."
She shivered again and he wrapped an arm around her, opening the car door, "c'mon, I'll drive you home."
She got in obediently and Jonah quickly circled the car, getting in the driver's side, "this hit me out of nowhere..." Wendy moaned, leaning her head back.
"A fever this high?" Jonah frowned, hand cupping her forehead, then her neck, "bullshit, Wendy."
"Uhm?" she groaned, turning her head to look at him through dazed eyes, "what do you mean?"
"There's no way you had a fever this high just hit you out of nowhere, Wendy," he pulled his hand back, starting to drive "were you feeling sick before?"
"No," she scoffed, shoving his thigh, "no, I was fine... I had a headache earlier, but I thought it was just stress..."
Jonah huffed in discontent, but didn't continue to antagonize her. He was getting a headache from stress. Without thinking, he reached in and squeezed her knee, in a reassuring manner.
"Uhm," Wendy planted her hand over his and leaned forward, her forehead meeting the dashboard, "I think... Pull over, Jon."
Although she was still enunciating her words quite well, he didn't take any chances. He turned up the emergency lights and pulled over the side of the empty road.
Wendy let out a groan as she opened the door and staggered out to the back of the car.
He appreciated her having half a mind about his sympathy sickness, but it didn't sit right with him. He watched her via the rearview mirror, leaning over the back, gagging once, twice and then disappearing from view.
Jon cringed, throwing his door open, "Wendy? Are you okay?"
"I'm fi-INE!" she yelled back and he sat there, heart on his throat, one leg in and one out. He drummed his fingers nervously against the steering wheel, hearing another retch and then a whimper, followed by sobs.
"Fuck it," Jonah sighed, getting up and rushing to the back.
Wendy had fully fallen down. She was on all fours and crying over a puddle of sick, her wavy brown hair sticking to her lipgloss.
Jonah gagged, then slammed a fist against his mouth and forced his stomach to stay in place as he crouched down next to her and held her hair back, "are you-" he swallowed in thickly, the hot dog churning, "are you done...?"
"...'mdizzy," Wendy groaned and he noticed she had scraped her hands on the road.
"C'mere, Wen-" he wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her back on her feet and dragging her as far away from the puddle of vomit as he could, while still stay near the back of the car, "are you done? Are you gonna be sick again?"
"Not sure," she leaned her head in, forehead meeting his chest and her knees gave in, causing Jonah to let out a gasp and rush to grab her. It was a good thing he was much taller than her, otherwise she'd have fallen badly.
He held her against the car back, cupping her face, "okay, next time just puke out of the door... Let's get you back in the car."
Wendy had scrapped her knees too when she went down and they were bloody, one rivulet of blood had ran down her left knee and disappeared into her boots.
"You're a mess," Jonah sighed, strapping her back inside the car and gathering all of Wendy's hair into a knot behind her hair, "do you have a hair tie?"
"Purse..." she slurred, rubbing a hand over her face, "shit, Jon, everything is twirling."
"You need to cool down," Jon said, digging in her purse for a scrunchie and failing, "stay put-" he turned the purse over, emptying it's contents on her lap and grabbing the pink scrunchie, "there you go- Perfect" she looked like a yorkshire, with all her hair gathered to the top of her head.
Wendy let out a small smile, "can we go home?"
"Yeah, yeah, in a second," he pushed all the objects back inside her purse and rushed back to the driver's seat, "tell me if I have to pull over again, alright?"
"Hmmm," Wendy pressed her forehead to the window, swallowing in thickly, "was the last movie good?"
Jonah let out a surprised chuckle and squeezed her leg again, "it was amazing... Try napping, I'll wake you up as soon as we get there."
"I miss Vin," she said in a tiny voice, curling up against the door, "this fucking sucks."
Jonah cringed. He knew part of this was his fault. In his eagerness to have Vince stay at his place, it hadn't occurred him that Leo and Wendy avoided each other at all costs and that had severely impacted how many of her already scarce free hours she could spend visiting. Sure, Vince was now back to his own dorm, but clearly Wendy was still hung up on those six weeks she had barely seen him.
"I'm sorry, Dee," he rubbed her arm in an attempt to comfort her, "I'm gonna call him up as soon as we get to your place, okay? Better?"
She sniffled pitifully, "it's not fair," Wendy said, forehead pressed to the window and shivering violently, "I don't... I don't understand."
Jonah swallowed the bitter taste in his mouth, speeding up "it's the fever speaking, Wen, try to get some rest..."
She hummed something unintelligible and pressed more against the door, curling up in her seat. Jon glanced her direction, but it seemed she had settled down.
He drove quietly, worry eating at him. The thought she had been feeling sick for a while and it had passed him by was unnerving, to put it mildly.
Just as they arriving back to her apartment building, Jon reached in, shaking her awake, "Wendy," he rubbed her arm, "Wen, I need your password to open the garage."
"Uhm?" she groaned, curling up further, "I don't feel good..."
"I know," Jonah kept the impatience from his voice, "I need your password to get the car inside the garage, Wendy."
"Ugh, it's..." she squinted, rubbing a hand over her face, struggling to remember, "2011"
"So very safe," Jon rolled his eyes, typing it in the keypad and then parking in one of the designated slots for guests. He sighed, turning off the car and getting out, circling it to her side and opening the door, "how steady are you feeling?"
"...'mnot a baby," Wendy groaned, grabbing his jacket and using it to hoist herself up. Jonah's hands hovered and, for a good reason, because the second she attempted to stand up straight, her knees gave in.
"o-kaAY!" Jonah huffed, putting her arms around his neck and picking her up, "grab your purse."
Wendy obeyed, then turned her face and pressed her nose to his shoulder, "I'm sick, Jon."
"Sherlock Holmes herself," he rolled his eyes, pushing the car door closed with his hip and walking towards the elevator. Inside the small, empty cubicle, he could hear very clearly as her stomach gurgled and Wendy hiccupped, muffling a sick burp.
"Don't puke on me," he warned her and Wendy nodded, not daring to open her mouth, face extremely pale. He cursed, pressing the button again, as if that could make the elevator go faster.
"Jon-" Wendy groaned a second later, squeezing his shoulder and struggling against him, "Jon- Put me-" she gagged, "put me down-"
He obeyed immediately, cursing under his breath as she bent in half and almost fell, causing him to have to grab her by the waist, "please, Wen... Just- We're almost there."
She nodded, breathing in deeply, letting it out through her mouth, not saying anything. Jonah almost jumped with relief when the elevator hit her floor and he grabbed her by the waist with both hands, pulling her out like a ragdoll.
Wendy groaned, bracing against the door of her apartment and clamping a hand against her mouth as she watched Jonah search for her key, "hu- HRURKK-" a retch interrupted her and Wendy groaned loudly, eyes squeezed shut, "hurry-"
"I'm going, I'm going-" Jonah turned the knob, "okay, c'mere-"
Although he grabbed her hand, Wendy pushed him off the way and staggered dizzily inside, hitting her desk with her hip and causing one of the trinkets to fall. She didn't stop.
There was no way she was making it to the suite, so instead she entered the kitchen area and leaned over the sink, gagging violently.
Jonah cringed, turning his face away, but walking closer despite his whole body wanting for him to leave. He rubbed her back with one hand, keeping the other on her waist in case her knees gave in again.
There was a loud, gross burp and then her whole frame shook and Jonah whimpered as he heard vomit falling inside the sink. He swallowed the saliva pooling in his mouth, rubbing her back a little harder and thumping on it when it seemed she was choking.
"You cannot have more to throw up, Wen-" his voice was thick with nausea and Jonah ducked his head, letting up a wet belch that burned his throat and offered zero relief. He felt stuffed to the gills, even though he really wasn't.
"Just-god," she whimpered, sounding dangerously close to tears, "leave then-" Wendy turned to glare at him and Jonah winced. Her hazel eyes were very green thanks to how bloodshot they were and she was vomit clinging to her chin. He fought a gag, knowing it'd only make the situation worse.
"I'm not leaving," Jonah scoffed, squeezing her nape, "you're small, there's no way you have more to hurl, is what I meant."
She promptly proved him wrong by groaning, "ohmygod-" and burying her head in the sink again, vomiting up an impressive amount and then dry heaving painfully.
Jon kept the hand that was on her waist put, but removed the one on her back in order to press his fist to his mouth as his whole spine shuddered with a retch.
"I..." she panted for air, trembling, "I- I think I'm done..."
No sooner had she turned the tap to rinse out the mess, Jonah was pushing her to the side and retching violently. It was too much and no amount of fighting it would do.
The hot dog, still tasting too close to the real thing, came up and his repulsion in seeing the bits and pieces clinging to the metallic inside of the sink was enough to send him into another burpy-gagging fit. Jonah groaned, loudly, and then gulped down some of the tap water, forcing up a burp that brought with it the still clear water and some chunks.
He gasped for air, braced against the sink's granite countertop, "sorry, Wen..." his throat was raw, chest heaving for air and Jonah turned to look at her... Only to find that Wendy was bent over the counter and crying, "hey..." he frowned, "why the hell are you crying?"
"You're sick and I'm gross and everything- everything hurts and I miss my boyfriend and your stupid boyfriend hates me and doesn't- doesn't want me around and my belly is so sick and-" she ranted on and Jonah couldn't help but let out a chuckle.
"Okay, Dee, you're delirious," he scoffed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and moving closer, cupping her face and wiping away the mascara tears with his thumbs, "let's put you to bed."
"No," she whined pitifully, leaning forward and hiding her face in his chest, "I'm gonna puke again."
"No way," Jonah rolled his eyes, rubbing her back and noticing the heat rolling off of her, "you need some meds too, darling."
"No..." she mumbled, voice muffled by his shirt and he scoffed.
"It wasn't up for debate," Jonah patted her naked thigh, "c'mon. Move, Wendy."
With much prodding and pushing, he managed to get her in the suite, lying on her side with a bucket by her head, still whining.
Jonah sighed, sitting next to her and pushing the stray hairs away from her eyes, "meds staying down?"
"Doubt," she mumbled, leaning over to spit in the bucket, "can you..." her cheeks turned red and Wendy frowned, then waved it away, "forget it."
"No," Jonah glared at her, "what is it?"
She hesitated for a second, then said in a small voice, "could you stay?"
"And get your flu from hell?" Jonah teased, but there had never been any other option in his mind. Her gaze dropped, wounded and disappointed, and he rolled his eyes, "don't be ridiculous, I'm not leaving when you're this sick, Wendy."
"But you're gonna catch it," the rebuttal was weak, colored with relief and he smiled.
"Yeah, because you care so much right now," Jonah got up, kicking off his shoes, "please, please don't puke on me," he crawled in the bed and Wendy let out a happy sigh, turning around so she could press her face to his arm.
"You're the best," she said sleepily and Jonah glared at the top of her head, his cheeks burning. He felt her scoot closer, all vulnerable and let out a groan, "really. I love you."
"Well, duh, you better," he said lightly, rubbing her back and then kissed the top of her head, figuring he was absolutely doomed after having Wendy breathe on his face as she had earlier, "I love you too. Now go the fuck to sleep."
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s10127470 · 1 year
Disney LGBT Crossover Ships Ideas: Part 1
Snow White x San Duval (The Animal Lovers)
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Cinderella x Aqua (The Fan-Favorite)
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Prince Charming x Monkey D. Luffy (The Unpredictable Agents of Chaos)
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Princess Aurora x Jessica Cruz/Green Lantern (The Friends of Nature)
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Ariel x Bridgette (The Mermaid and the Surfer)
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Prince Eric x Cyborg 008 (The Seafarer and the Sea Fighter)
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Aladdin x Remy LeBeau/Gambit (The Couple of Thieves)
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Jasmine x Catra (The Princess and her Kitty)
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Quasimodo x Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (The Monsters Full of Humanity)
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Esmeralda x Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch (The Gypsy Couple)
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Captain Pheobus x Lupin III (The Soldier and the Thief)
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Hercules x Peter Parker/Spider-Man (The Pure-Hearted Heroes)
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Megara x Ororo Munroe/Storm (The Mortal and the Goddess)
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Belle x Levy McGarden (The Bookworms)
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Beast x Zen Wistaria (The Beast and the Prince)
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Jasmin Wagner - Bluemchen
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metalshockfinland · 10 months
LORD OF THE LOST Reveal Cover Version of Cutting Crew’s '(I Just) Died In Your Arms', Feat. Anica Russo
[Photo Credit: Jan Season] Shortly after revealing an exciting new music video for Roxette’s “The Look”, featuring German pop star Blümchen (a.k.a. Jasmin Wagner) as a duet partner, LORD OF THE LOST have unveiled a cover of another legendary 80s classic, Cutting Crew’s “(I Just) Died In Your Arms“! The new song off of LORD OF THE LOST’s upcoming first full covers album Weapons Of Mass…
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delightfulfeet · 9 months
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Jasmin Wagner
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celebrityxbabes · 5 months
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Here to dazzle everyone for the fifth 🐉Wings of Fire aus' names lists are...
The 🌴RainWings🦜!
The X-Men Members:
• Charles Xavier/Professor Xavier: Charming
• Ororo Munroe/Storm: Orange
• Logan Howlett/Wolverine: Longan
• Scott Summers/Cyclops: Sloth
• Jean Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix: Ginger
• Hank McCoy/Beast: Handsome
• Anne-Marie/Rogue: Marigold
• Remy LeBeau/Gambit: Beau
• Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat: Kinkajou
• Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler: Kumbu
• Jubilation Lee/Jubilee: Lychee
• Evan Daniels/Spyke: Echidna
• Bobby Drake/Iceman: Bonobo
• Piotr Rasputin/Colossus: Python
• Illyana Rasputin/Magik: Liana
• Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane: Radiant
• Samuel "Sam" Guthrie/Cannonball: Starfruit
• Roberto da Costa/Sunspot: Rambai
• Danielle "Dani" Moonstar/Mirage: Dazzling
• Laura Kinney/Wolverine 2.0: Lorikeet
• Tabitha "Tabby" Smith/Boom-Boom: Tangelo
The Brotherhood:
• Erik Lehnsherr/Magnus/Magneto: Elegant
• Raven Darkholme/Mystique: Regal
• Victor Creed/Sabretooth: Vervet
• Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver: Peach
• Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch: Wisteria
• Mortymer Tonybee/Todd Tolansky/Toad: Toucan
• Fred "Freddy" Dukes/Blob: Fern
• Lance Alvers/Avalanche: Lemur
• St. John Allerdyce/Pyro: Jambu
(Woo! I have many ideas for this facet of the 🐉Wings of Fire aus! And all the colors😍 And here, before I forget, are some possible names for the...)
• Reader/Bby: Kiwi, Plum, Apricot, Papaya, Guava, Lime, Lemon, Pomelo, Banana, Cherry, Tangerine, Mangosteen, Pomegranate, Parakeet, Macaw, Boa, Ocelot, Capuchin, Marmoset, Majestic, Opulent, Brilliant, Alluring, Beautiful, Glamorous, Graceful, Lovely, Alocasia, Hibiscus, Begonia, Caladium, Amaryllis, Jasmine, Lotus...
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aleasesrestaurant · 1 year
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thefvrious · 1 year
hit the heart and COMMENT with the muse[s] you'd like a starter from! if you do no specify, i will not write the starter :) thank you.
yaritza hermano -> lizeth selene fc, tattoo apprentice, they/them, queer, 23
keely sallow -> griffin gluck fc, student, he/his, bisexual, 22
leni marshall -> rebecca hall fc, dermatologist, she/hers, lesbian, 41
dulce conseco -> christian serratos fc, prostitute, she/hers, pansexual, 32
santana moreno -> sara ramirez fc, prison guard, they/them, pansexual, 47
valessa creed -> jennifer tilly fc, teacher, she/hers, bisexual, 64
dov cohen -> gabriel macht fc, politician, he/his, bisexual, 40s-50s
xochitl hermano -> zion moreno fc, cosmetic tattoo artist, she/hers, bisexual, 28
elio flores -> richard cabral fc, tattoo artist, he/his, pansexual, 37
maureen carver -> elle fanning fc, thief, she/hers, pansexual, 25
israel cady -> jonathan daviss fc, librarian/student, he/his, bisexual. 23
forrest rawlings -> chris evans fc, ceo in training, he/his, closet bisexual, 42
octavio carvalho -> wagner moura fc, documentarian, he/his, bisexual, 46
raleigh buchanan -> brad pitt fc, criminal, he/his, bisexual, 30s-50s
georgie desmortiers -> jasmin savoy brown fc, criminal, she/hers, lesbian, 29
dominique desmortiers -> mason gooding fc, criminal, he/his, 26
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romanwagncr · 8 months
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gifs credited to @conjuringgifs & @keetikagifs
Character Name: Roman Wagner
Character Age: 36
Birthday: April 15th, 1987
Faceclaim: Chris Evans
Neighborhood: Orchird Park
Occupation: Cyber Security Developer (Fortress Networks that is based in New York City)
Roman Wagner was born and raised in New York City to wealthy, loving parents Charles and Madeline Wagner. As the middle child sandwiched between his older sister, Alexandra, and younger brother, Sebastian, he enjoyed a comfortable upbringing full of private schools, European vacations, and elite social circles. Although his parents came from old money and gave him a lavish upbringing, they also instilled in him a strong sense of family, hard work and duty. Roman attended Trinity School for high school. With his good looks, and charisma, he quickly became one of the most popular students on campus. He excelled both academically and in lacrosse. With his confident charm, he had no trouble getting dates and leaving a trail of broken hearts behind him. 
He had always dreamed of attending Columbia University—wanting to follow in his parents footsteps—and he made that happen after graduating high school. There, he majored in computer science and acquired a bachelors and masters degree. He met Samara Khanna when he was 23 and fell hard and fast for her—and had even envisioned a future together. After over two years of dating, she told him that she was planning on returning to her hometown of Covington, Georgia after graduation. Foolishly, he’d forced her to choose. She chose Covington which forced them apart. 
It broke his heart—driving him to dive headfirst into New York's tech scene, co-founding the cyber security firm Fortress Networks with his college roommate. Throwing himself into growing his company—he embraced his reputation as an ambitious, cutthroat businessman and charming playboy. Over the next decade, he turned Fortress into one of the hottest cyber security startups in the industry, landing big-name clients and amassing a personal fortune.
Two years ago, Roman's fast-paced life was upended when his cousin, Jasmine, arrived unannounced at his door with her 4 year old daughter, Ivy. The next day, he got another surprise. With only a vague note explaining her inability to care for the child, Jasmine left Roman to raise Ivy as his own. He was initially hesitant, but he didn’t have the heart to leave Ivy behind, so he decided to become her legal guardian. At first, he struggled to adjust to suddenly being a single father and caring for a young child. He had to learn how to cook healthy meals, get Ivy ready for preschool each morning, and entertain her on weekends. His social life took a backseat as he devoted his time and energy to giving Ivy a stable, loving home. 
With a new priority, Roman decided to relocate to provide Ivy the calm, wholesome childhood he never had growing up in bustling Manhattan. After searching for the right environment, he decided on Covington, Georgia—coincidentally the very town Samara had left him for over a decade prior. The irony was not lost on him, but he focused on giving Ivy the stable home she deserved. The small town had a charming main street lined with mom-and-pop shops, a top-rated school district, and a quaint neighborhood ideal for raising a family.
Charismatic: It has always been easy for Roman to make friends. It helps that he's good looking and friendly too. He has no trouble attracting romantic partners.
Ambitious: Built a successful cybersecurity startup and amassed a fortune through hard work and drive. Known as a cutthroat businessman.
Family-oriented: Although his family rarely see each other—since most of them were living in different states—they kept in contact and meet up once a year for a family vacation.
Responsible: Stepped up to raise Ivy on his own and provide for her, even though it was unexpected. Learned skills like cooking and childcare out of duty.
Wanted Connections
Ex-girlfriend: Samara Khanna
Love Interest: They met as kids at camp and the moment he saw her, he was smitten. She was his first kiss. They meet again as adults and are friends who hangout for the sake of their kids until old feelings arise. Callie Montgomery
A fellow single parent: They met through Ivy's school. Since Roman is new at parenting, he could use a friend who would help guide him.
A neighbor: Their kids play together and occasionally share home-cooked meals (he's a horrible cook but has a personal chef lol) or watch each other's kids in a pinch.
Classic car enthusiast: Roman has a collection of cars, and is a bit of a geek. I'd like it if he could have a friend who's just as geeky when it comes to cars lol. I could use more than one connection here!. Drew Parrish
Friends: Pretty straight forward
Enemies: This could be someone he might have accidentally offended.
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songbirds-sweet · 1 year
Alright sleepover time!
So to get this started, how was your day?
And for crush talk, I’ve been thinking a lot about Lead Remini lately. But I also saw some pics of Diane Lane in the 80s and I haven’t been the same since omg
Hi Jess!!! 💖
My day was well! I organized my schedule for school next month, read the book I'm reading (I'm almost done!) and spent time with Jasmine (my pug)!!
Ooooo very nice!!! Well my crushes on Danny Wagner and Jake Kiszka have skyrocketed since Starcatcher came out a few weeks ago 😂
How was your day so far?
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joinsarcadia · 1 year
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i’d love to see ...
rahul kohli as vision, ryan potter as billy kaplan, rudy pankow as teddy altman, diego luna as clint barton, quintessa swindell as cassie lang, joy sunday as hazel isley, aarif rahman as damian wayne, michael trevino as jon kent, aj clementine as valeria richards, alycia pascual pena as america chavez, park chaeyoung as karolina dean, richard madden as alex summers, brianna marquez as gert yorkes, natalie dormer as betsy braddock, emmy rossum as lorna dane, jessica chastain as pepper potts, gemma chan as carol ferris, jan cina as richard grayson, anna diop as koriand’r, ian anthony dale as jason todd, keilani elizabeth rose as alani ryan, eddie spears as roy harper  !
alex meraz as a child of dorma + namor [ a few hundred years old ], hannah marks as a child of kurt wagner, jesus castro as a child of wanda maximoff + steve rogers, cher lloyd as a child of richard grayson + barbara gordon, anok yai as a child of t’challa + ororo munroe, jonathan daviss as a child of okoye, auli’i cravalho as a child of arthur curry + mera, yalitza aparicio as a child of namora, jasmine villegas as a child of kamar, taija kerr as a child of arthur curry + mera, jahanara rahman as a child of rachel summers, sam talu as a child of madelyn pryor, logan lerman as a child of kitty pryde + peter quill, madelaine petsch as a child of tony stark + pepper potts  ! 
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heartintact · 1 year
i’m officially on vacation!! so while i work on making my pinterest look prettier & catch up w yellowjackets, under the cut you’ll find a list of my new test muses. they’re not super developed yet but ♡ or send me an im if you’re interested in writing w any of them! <3 (i’ll probably be posting a proper starter call tonight but who knows if i'll be too lazy to do it lol).
elaine (lainey) bardot. 23-25, she/her, bisexual, professional tennis player (ella purnell fc). obsessed with winning, nothing she ever does is accidental, feelings are a liability. 
shane ledger. 24-27, he/him, bicurious, will take literally any job if he needs to pay rent, will also hate every second of it (joseph quinn fc). guitar string scars on his hands, the town’s dealer, will-pull-at-your-pigtails-if-he-likes-you kind of guy.
celeste golding. 22-25, she/her, lesbian, former pageant queen / college student (mia healey fc). pathological people pleaser, loves the color pink, the sorority president.
noah chazelle. 24-27, he/him, straight, waiter / gardener (timothée chalamet fc). not one plan about his future, got the job just so he could get some milfs, thinks he’s better than everyone else.
maeve upton. 25-28, she/her, lesbian, bartender (jasmin savoy brown fc). will steal your girlfriend, karaoke queen, runs away from the drama.
dawson wagner. 26-30, he/him, straight, surfer (darren barnet fc). never stops to think about the consequences, invented the term cool guy, secretly a romantic.
willow graves. 23-26, she/her, bisexual, aspiring photographer (sophie thatcher fc). smudged mascara, will pick up fights for fun, 2am phone calls asking to get bailed out of jail.
elijah hart. 30-35, he/him, straight, chef (jeremy allen white fc). constantly bossing everyone around, burning bridges without regrets, hasn’t taken a day off in five years, feelings too intense for him to handle so he just ignores them.
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