#jarchaeology calendar
What just got me so excited about a Wednesday? That's right, it's the 1st March, which means I get to see the next month of the baby jackles calendar!!!
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Look at him! Our little award winner
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angelsdean · 2 years
fyi april 2023 is going to be the month of cowboys 🤠✨ and august 2023 is the month of beat sheet dean 🤮🌈 (< false advertising, no puking, he’s just sporty), as per thee @jarchaeology calendar, which you should definitely get! 
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jarchaeology · 1 year
tumblr archivist dedicated to the study of jensen ackles' career during the 20th century 🎀
i gave up organizing this blog, but here are useful tags and links:
episode playlists: days of our lives, mr. rhodes (incomplete)
the scanner series: 1997, 1998, the early years
the slide collection series
jarchaeology google drive
jarchaeology youtube
my ko-fi 💖
frequently asked questions
Q: do you hate jensen? A: i've said that i'm not a stan and people have taken that to mean i hate him. i've run a jensen ackles research blog since june 2021. i think it's pretty clear i'm a fan, even if it's in a way you don't relate to. fandom engagement isn't monolithic.
that's it. that's the whole FAQ.
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howldean · 18 days
sometimes the only motivation you need to stand up and do something with your life is the recognition that you haven’t flipped your jarchaeology calendar to september yet
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castiellesbian · 8 months
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My @jarchaeology calendar came in and of course my birth month has cowboy jackles jfhfnd
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queenbryt · 9 months
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look what just came in the mail!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩
@jarchaeology this is glorious, thank you for all the work you do, these calendars bring me so much joy!
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steveyockey · 2 years
having an argument with my roommates about whether the jarchaeology calendar is allowed to go up in common space or has to stay in my room
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chrispineofficial · 10 months
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gingernifty · 2 years
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finally got my @jarchaeology calendar up! Now I just have to rearrange all the other art on this wall ahaha, including that tiny destiel art from @soldierboys that I also finally got up
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demonmary · 2 years
carefully drawing a little heart around the fifth of each month in my jarchaeology calendar
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I’ve never been so sad for it to be October. Goodbye Mr September. I’ll miss you 😢
Until next year buddy.
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angelsdean · 6 months
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omg silly me forgot to change the @jarchaeology calendar. hiiiiii cowboy babygirl
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On this the last day of January I am devestated that I have to turn over my January Jackles calendar page. But I am also very excited that I'm about to get February Jackles!
Its a dilemma
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NBC Fall Teen Press Event - Key Club Hollywood
12 August 1998 Photographer: Gilbert Flores
High-Quality Version | The Down Under Slide Collection
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James Reynolds’ 8th Annual DAYS Celebrity Basketball Game - South Pasadena High School.
6th June 1999 Photographer: Janet Gough
High-Quality Version | The Down Under Slide Collection
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NBC Fall Teen Press Event - Key Club Hollywood
12 August 1998
High-Quality Version | The Down Under Slide Collection
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