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natrishy · 11 months ago
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Somes studies I did last month of pictures I took in Japan!
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japaneselanguagecourse · 1 year ago
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hikari-kaitou · 1 year ago
Any advice on resources for someone who wants to learn Japanese?
The best thing you can do is go to Japan and immerse yourself in the language. If you're a student, you have a few options.
1) JASSO Scholarship - this one is available to any student, regardless of your major and Japanese language level. They don't pay for you to get there, but I think they paid my tuition for the year and they definitely paid me a monthly allowance that was easily enough to live on. https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/ryugaku/scholarship_j/index.html
2) MEXT Scholarship - this one is provided by the Japanese government and it's more money than the JASSO, but it's also more restrictive. You have to be a Japanese major and you have to go to one of the schools they stipulate. They pay for your tickets to get there and a monthly allowance. https://www.chicago.us.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/mext.html#japanstudies
If you're not a student anymore, your best bet is the JET Program. It's open to any English speaker from any country and all you need is some kind of bachelor's degree (it doesn't even matter what it's in). They pay for your tickets to get there, train you, and help you find housing. https://jetprogramusa.org/
I've personally done all these programs so I can try to answer any specific questions you have about any of them.
If you're not ready to uproot your life and move to the other side of the world just yet, there are some books I wonder recommend.
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Genki and Minna no Nihongo are typical textbooks used for beginners and are very highly reviewed.
You won't want to hear this, but kanji is an absolute necessity in learning Japanese and the best way to learn it is to do repetitive writing drills.
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This book will help you learn kanji. Learning it sucks but I can't tell you how powerful you'll feel when you manage to memorize a new kanji. Or maybe that's just me lol
If you want good online dictionaries, this one is an old favorite of mine: http://rut.org/cgi-bin/j-e/dict you can only search in romaji, but you can look up words based on their beginning or even the ending of the word, which is quite helpful. The kanji lookup section is a bit clunky, but it has a lot of rare kanji that aren't easy to find in other resources.
Weblio has a great dictionary with lots of example sentences. The only thing I don't like about it is that there's no fuzzy search or looking up words based on their ending.
This one is good for looking up kanji and adding popup hints to Japanese websites. It goes down a lot, but it's a great resource when it's working.
Basically just surround yourself with Japanese language as much as you can and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Japanese people really appreciate when you try to speak their language at all because they know it's hard, not like English speakers who expect you to be great at it. Feel free to ask me if you have any other questions and I'll do my best!
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easy-japan · 5 years ago
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N5 Grammar Lesson: になる (ni naru) くなる (ku naru) . . Happy learning! ✧ \( °∀° )/ ✧ . . Directory: #cn_grammar_n5 . . . #mnemonics #hiragana #sensei #learnjapanese #easyjapanese #katakana #japanese #studyjapanese #japan #kanji #hiragana #jlpt #language #studyjapan #japanstudy #sensei #kotoba #nihongo #fun #life #follow #love #cute #lovers_nippon #team_jp_ #nippon #japaneseculture #learnkanji https://www.instagram.com/p/B46aOHvgYfZ/?igshid=9q5j5qsuqb9u
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kitsunestudiez · 7 years ago
Europe • ヨーロッパ
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Ireland • アイルランド (あいるらんど)
United Kingdom • 英国 (えいこく)
Portugal • ポルトガル (ぽるとがる)
Spain • スペイン (すぺいん)
Balearic Islands • バレアレス諸島 (ばれあれすしょとー)
Andorra • アンドラ (あんどら)
France • フランス (ふらんす)
Belgium • ベルギー (べるぎー)
Netherlands • オランダ (おらんだ)
Luxembourg • ルクセンブルク (るくせまぶるく)
Germany • ドイツ (どいつ)
Denmark • デンマーク (でんまーく)
Norway • ノルウェー (のるうぇー)
Sweden • スウェーデン (すうぇーでん)
Finland • フィンランド (ふぃんらんぢ)
Estonia • エストニア (えすとにあ)
Latvia • ラトビア (らとびあ)
Lithuania • リトアニア (りとあにあ)
Kaliningrad • カリー二グラード (かりーにんぐらーど)
Poland • ポーランド (ぽーらんど)
Czech Republic • チェコ共和国 (ちぇこきょーわこく)
Austria • オーストリア (おーすとりあ)
Liechtenstein • リヒテンシュタイン (りひてんしゅたいん)
Switzerland • スイス (すいす)
Italy • イタリア (いたりあ)
Monaco • モナコ (もなこ)
Corsica • コルシカ (こるしか)
Sardinia • サルディニア (さるぢにあ)
San Marino • サンマリノ (さんまりの)
Vatican City • バチカン市国 (ばちかんしこく)
Cicely • シチリア (しちりあ)
Malta • マルタ (まるた)
Slovenia • スロベニア (すろ���にあ)
Croatia • クロアチア (くろあちあ)
Hungary •ハンガリー (はんがりー)
Slovakia • スロバキア (すろばきあ)
Ukraine • ウクライナ (うくらいな)
Belarus • ベラルーシ (べらるーし)
Moldova • モルドバ (もるどば)
Romania • ルーマニア (るーまにあ)
Serbia • セルビア (せるびあ)
Bosnia and Herzegovina • ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ (ぼすにあ・へるつぇごびな)
Albania • アルバニア (あるばにあ)
Macedonia • マケドニア (まけどにあ)
Bulgaria • ブルガリア (ぶるがりあ)
Greece • ギリシャ(ぎりしゃ)
Kosovo • コソボ (こそぼ)
Montenegro • モンテネグロ (もんてねぐろ)
Iceland • アイスランド (あいすらんど)
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patricia-samartzis · 8 years ago
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Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan
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lathea · 6 years ago
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Super excited to begin this new chapter in my life! I am so happy right now I’m fit to burst! Japan studies, here I come! 🇯🇵🗾��#university #auuniversity #japan #japanstudies #letsdothis (her: Aarhus, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0W1IFWnyiD/?igshid=2b8fxk04sur8
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heatherskinhelp · 8 years ago
Aesthetic for a poly relationship between JD, Kurt, and Ram who had to keep it secret.
~mod veronica
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jpnwotd-blog · 7 years ago
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(はんい) extent, scope, sphere, range . . . . . #jlpt #japanese #japaneselanguge #nihongo #日本語 #studyblr #wordoftheday #wordofthedaychallenge #wordoftheday📖 #words #word #wordgram #studygram #studying #japan #japan_focus #japanstudy #vocab #vocabulary
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nekos-japan-blog · 7 years ago
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Last Summer I studied Abroad in Japan for a month and I recently decided to put all my pictures up on here for fun!
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medanreview · 7 years ago
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Japan Edu Information Day Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018 . Lokasi : Panda Education Jln Asia Permai blok P 24 Komplek Asia Mega Mas , Medan Telp : 061 - 7357707 Pukul : 14.00 Wib Presentasi oleh : Ms.Diana . Dapatkan Informasi menarik ttg Dunia Pendidikan Jepang mulai dari * Tata Cara Pendidikan di Jepang * Universitas & Sekolah Kejuruan * Informasi Part Time Job * Pengurusan Dokumen - Asrama * Informasi Beasiswa dan masih banyak lagi... . Reservasi seat anda ( terbatas ) Nama <spasi> Jumlah Peserta <spasi> sms ke 08116065500 . Expo ini Gratis & Terbuka utk Umum . Info lanjut call/chat Whatsapp 08116065500 Line @Panda_Education . #japaneduconsul #konsultanpendidikan #foundation #japanstudy #studyinjapan #studyatosaka #educationexpo #japaneduexpo #japan #studyoverseas #overseasstudent #OBKG #ayostudykejepang #MedanReview #Medan #Indonesia (at Panda Education Consultant)
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ateliermimosdasa-blog · 8 years ago
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Um dia de chuva é tão belo como um dia de sol. #estudando #ハンドメイド #はんどめいど #workwomen #workhome #worknow #tokyo #tokyohandcrafted #tokyohandmadeshoppe #japanhandmade #japanstudy #japanjobs (em Setagaya, Tokyo)
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japaneselanguagecourse · 1 year ago
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"Study in Canada from Dhanmondi" – Your Local Pathway to a World-Class Education
Meiji Education presents an exclusive program for Dhanmondi residents who aspire to pursue their academic journey in Canada. With our program, you can experience the convenience of world-class education without leaving your local community.
Our program is designed for students in Dhanmondi who wish to study in Canada, and we provide personalized counseling, expert guidance, and comprehensive support to help you navigate through the admission and visa processes. Explore Canada's diverse academic opportunities without stepping beyond Dhanmondi's boundaries.
"Study in Canada from Dhanmondi" is more than just a program. It's an opportunity for students to connect with global education and transform their dreams into reality. Meiji Education brings the world of Canadian academia to your doorstep, providing a local gateway to renowned institutions across the seas.
Enroll now with Meiji Education to choose the convenience of studying in Canada without leaving Dhanmondi. Let us be your local gateway to a world-class education in Canada, right from the heart of your community.
With Meiji Education's "Study in Canada from Dhanmondi" program, you can feel confident in pursuing your educational goals with the help of experienced professionals who understand the unique needs of local students. Our program offers a range of services, including academic counseling, course selection, visa application assistance, and more. We will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that you have the knowledge and support you need to succeed.
Our program also offers opportunities for cultural exchange and personal growth. You will have the chance to connect with other students who share your passion for learning and expand your horizons through exposure to new perspectives and ideas. With our help, you can achieve your academic and personal goals while staying close to home.
At Meiji Education, we believe that education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or background. That's why we're proud to offer the "Study in Canada from Dhanmondi" program, which provides a pathway to a world-class education for students in this vibrant community. We look forward to helping you achieve your dreams and reach your full potential.
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voix · 6 years ago
so this is what being called out feels like smh
ik: waarom zijn er zo veel nerds in leiden
japan studenten: 😜😜
ik: oja
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easy-japan · 5 years ago
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N5 Grammar Lesson: -たい form (tai form) . Happy learning! ✧ \( °∀° )/ ✧ . . Directory: #cn_grammar_n5 . . . #mnemonics #hiragana #sensei #learnjapanese #easyjapanese #katakana #japanese #studyjapanese #japan #kanji #hiragana #jlpt #language #studyjapan #japanstudy #sensei #kotoba #nihongo #fun #life #follow #love #cute #lovers_nippon #team_jp_ #nippon #japaneseculture #learnkanji https://www.instagram.com/p/B489GAjAHGa/?igshid=1r6b5q5t7hyld
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kitsunestudiez · 7 years ago
Japanese Map Vocabulary
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Country • 国 (くに)
Province • 地方 (ちほー)
Zone • 地帯 (ちたい)
Nation • 国香 (こか)
Territory • 領土 (りょど)
District • 地区 (ちく)
Continent • 大陸 (たいりく)
Colony • 植民地 (しょくみんし)
Region • 地域 (ちいき)
State • 州 (しゅう)
Principality • 広国 (こおこく)
Capital • 首都 (しゅと)
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