#janus may be a fae king but he only gives what the people ask for
ijustwannadraw0716 · 4 months
A tale: Moceit Au
Patton sat across Janus, his hands laying in his lap, the dirt and grime from living on the streets for years having been scrubbed from his skin, washed from his hair. The servants had to change the water out many times, and it had taken hours to get him to Janus' standards. He was then dressed in commoners clothes, with a necklace with his sigil dangling from the chain. It's the nicest thing Pattons ever been allowed to wear.
"My lord?" Patton murmurs as he eyes Janus' hands, the way he smoothly swiped the feather against his letter. Janus didn't bother to spare him a glance, he merely continued flicking his wrist, writing in beautiful calligraphy.
"Yes fawn?"
Patton hesitated for a moment. "Are the tales of you true?"
Janus pauses finally and sets the feather in the bottle of ink before turning in his chair.
"Yes and no." Janus stands from his seat and moves to grab a chess set. "Humans have twist the tales of my deals to fit their claims. Humans come to me, pleading, just as you had done. Whether it be for wealth or to help a love one. They expect everything but want to give nothing."
Patton frowns.
"I don't understand."
Janus chuckles lowly. "Allow me to tell you a tale then dear fawn."
Janus adjusted a book on the shelf, wiping off a stray piece of dust beginning to collect. "There once was a man, his name was Charles Hickorison. Charles desired a cure for a sickness killing his daughter, Anne. He begged and pleaded at my feet, hands curled just as yours was. I gave him a choice, no fae deal if left without payment after all, and a life to save is a large debt to pay you see. To save his daughter, he must give a life to save a life," Janus muses, grinning at the way Patton gasped. "Who's life it is, well, that was up to him. He chose an elder of the town, and was then hanged for his crime."
Patton swallows hard. "Did...did Anne survive?"
Janus chuckles lowly. "I cured her of her disease, the poor girl was ravaged by wolves a week later."
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sidespart · 4 years
The Fall of King Romulus Part 2
Summary: Twin Princes Remus and Romulus are cursed at birth with Honesty and Obedience. When Romulus, who cannot disobey any order, is told to kill his brother the next time he lays eyes on him, he changes his name to Roman and runs away. Roman joins up with a misfit group of adventures and plans to never return to his homeland. But the fae have other plans for him...
Warnings (for whole fic not necessarily individual chapters): Violence, mind whammying/memory altering, curse of obedience related consent issues, references to sex, references to war related injuries/PTSD, references to child abuse/neglect (YMMV on that one but just in case), antagonstic-but-not-exactly villian!Janus, Extremly-moraly-dubious-but-not-exacty-unsympathetic-Remus
Pairings: Mostly Platonic LAMP and all the found family feels. Could be read as pre-slash. 
Prologue     Chapter 1  
“Young Sir! Come look at this! A beautiful gift for your sweetheart, no?”
Logan bit back a curse as Roman, once again, slipped form his side and almost skipped towards the merchants stall.
They had finally left the forest earlier that morning. Barley a quarter- mile beyond the tree line the path merged with the great eastern road, already heaving with traders wagons heading to Steveange for the monthly market. Roman had gone to work immediately, finding an exhausted looking couple and charming them into exchanging a ride in the back of their cart for a selection of songs to soothe their gaggle of bored children.
Even Logan, no lover of music, could admit that Romans voices was objectively pleasing. Even the wailing baby settled down under the effects of his lullaby.
The closer they got to the city gates the more densely packed the road became, to the point where their pace might have been improved by walking. But the rest was welcome and the sun was still high in the sky by the time they had finally made it to the city square. They might even have made it to their target in good time, had Patton not insisted that they stay to help the family unload every box and crate from their cart before moving on.
Patton stood nearly seven foot tall, with shoulders to match and the patience of a Raspanzean monk. Moving him when he had decided not to move was difficult at the best of times.  Currently, with a good deed in need of doing and no less than three small children clambering all over him, it was going to be impossible.
Logan looked at Virgil for support.
Virgil was already manhandling the smallest sack of produce down from the cart, under close supervision of a surly looking nine year old.
Logan looked back at Patton. Patton had somehow acquired a fourth child, and was swinging the small boy gently back and forth with one giant arm.
Logan sighed.  
Eventually they agreed that Patton and Virgil would stay to help the family, and then set about finding the four of them somewhere to sleep. Logan and Roman would head down the main street, complete their mission and return with, hopefully, enough coin to let them settle here for at least a weeks rest.
Which Logan would have no problem with. Except that the monthly market seemed far larger than when Logan had visited the city as a young apprentice. The city square was packed with stalls filled with meat, produce, spices and enough live animals to generate a stink so strong even Patton and his twice broken nose winced. The main road meanwhile was filled with more temporary looking stalls offering books, jewellery and potions of every colour alongside the usual clothing and home wear. These continued the whole length of the road from the square to the city temple and even spilled over into the side streets and thoroughfares of the city proper.
All of which apparently meant Roman couldn’t walk for more than two minutes without stopping to gawk at whatever gaudy display was on offer or chat with the seller.
“Roman!” he caught up with the wayward bard at a jewellers stall, where a heavy set man with salt and pepper hair was holding up an extremely impractical looking necklace for him to inspect
“Oh there you are specs” Roman grinned at him, “have you seen Master Galvenets wares? Look how shiny!”
“Is this your sweetheart?” The jeweller – presumably Master Galvenet – grinned at Logan with far too many teeth and reached below the makeshift counter top, “Then may I suggest this one instead – to match his  eyes?”
The necklace he presented was even bigger than the last. With blue glass masquerading as the sapphires surrounded by enough ostentatious filigree to decorate a dukes bed chamber. Logan stared,  momentarily struck dumb by his own disdain.
Roman nudged him, waggling his eyebrows and giving him a lecherous grin “What do you think sweetie? It does match your eyes.”
Logan blanched. Turning quickly to the seller her snapped out “We are NOT together. And also - we’re, extremely poor. And not interested.”
He grabbed Roman’s wrist and proceeded to drag the giggling bard with him back towards the main street. “Can you try to focus?” Logan glared at him, “remember this package is time sensitive.” Superstitiously, Logan patted his pocket, feeling the shape of the vial they had been entrusted to transport to Steveange still safely stored inside.
Roman failed to look chastened. “Logan, it’s a herb. And we we’re asked to deliver it within a week – it’s only been five days! Your forest short cut worked, alright, the worlds not going to end if we stop to appreciate some fine wares on our way.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “You consider Master Galvenet’s works, ‘fine wares’?”
Now Roman had the grace to look a little sheepish “They had a charm of their own.”
Logan hmphed. “They were very clearly fake.”
“Oh?” Roman linked their arms together, tugging him back into the steady stream of south bound shoppers, “How could you tell?”
Logan told him.
The ensuring lecture took them the rest of the way down main street, and into the rabbit warren of alleyways that branched out behind the city’s temple.
Even here, there were traders. Many had their wares spread out on blankets on the ground instead of stalls, but they seemed less inclined to call over whilst the two of them walked together deep in discussion and so, mercifully, there was less opportunities for Roman to get distracted.
“A festival?” Roman suggested. Logan shrugged, it was possible, something was certainly occurring to draw such an enormous throng.
Eventually, Logan had to admit that his boyhood memories were not enough to navigate every twist and turn of the city streets and Roman stepped away from him to ask a couple for directions. Logan took the chance to study him, but whatever fit of irrationality had led to him wandering back through half the forest the previous night seemed to have past. Even the scratches on his hands and arms had healed almost completely overnight, helped along by a generous slathering of healing salve from Virgil.
(Logan had, at the time, pointed out that the healer was using up rather a lot of their  dwindling supply for an extremely minor injury. Virgil had hissed at him)
Roman was often contradictory. He would spend a day whining about his need for beauty sleep but then stay up till the early hours to fulfil every song request from whatever crowd they managed to gather. He fussed with his makeup and performance clothing as much as a lady at court, but kept his hair cropped unfashionably short and made no effort to seek out high class patrons who could have kept him in silks and finery. He was talented enough with a lute to spend the social season entertaining upper class lords, and talented enough with a sword to spend the rest of his time as a body guard or becomes some towns local hero. Instead he travelled with them.
“You know, I’m fairly sure there were some gentlemen painting miniatures on the main road, if you want to keep staring at me that is.”
Logan flushed, caught. “Don’t be insufferable.”
“You don’t pay me enough for that” Roman grinned cheekily.
This was an old joke. Virgil had originally found Roman, and hired him as a body guard and escort for a three day trip through a bandit ridden mountain pass. Three weeks and many diversions later, they had emerged on the other side of the mountain. Roman had become as much a part of the group as any of the others and had stayed to travel with them as a friend rather than a hire.
Logan was glad of it. Most of the time.
“Did you get the directions?”
“I did, I had to ask three people before I found someone who recognised the address – the city’s full of tourists!”
 The woman who opened the door looked like the word crone ha been invented especially for her. Her grey hair stuck out from a shoddily tied scarf and her face looked like at any moment it might collapse under the weight of her own frown. She scowled at the pair of them, looking like she already learned everything there was to know about them from one glance and found it all spectacularly unimpressive.
“What do you want?” She snapped.
Logan resisted the urge to smooth down his waistcoat like he was presenting to a lecturer and stepped forward.
“Good afternoon. We have been sent by Madam Valarie to –“
This, if anything, seemed to make the scowl deepen.
“My sister? What does that witch want?”
“To deliver you …this”
With a flourish Logan produced the vial and held it aloft. The thin shaft of light spilling from the doorway made the red herb glow a burning orange in the dim of the alley.
“And you think I’m dramatic.”
Needlessly dramatic or not, he had the woman’s attention. She reached towards the vial with trembling hands but Logan drew back before she could make contact.
“Your sister paid us half, with the promise of the second half on delivery.” Reaching into a different pocket  he produced an envelope and held it out. “She told us to give you this – it should validate our story.”
The woman muttered something decidedly uncomplimentary under her breath but accepted the envelope. Without speaking further she turned and retreated into the hovel, leaving the door open behind her
The two men exchanged a glance, and then Roman deftly stepped around Logan to walk in first, one hand on his sword.
He needn’t have bothered, the short hallway opened up to small kitchen, where every conceivable surface was covered with books, scrolls and bric-a-brac. Three of the four walks were taken up with shelving where kitchen ingredients and appliances sat shoulder to shoulder with  ornaments, candles and what looked like half a taxidermy ostrich.  
If the old woman had hired muscle ready to take to leap out and take the herb by force, they would have had a hard time finding space to stand.
“My sister claims this was picked under the glow of a full moon.”
Logan nodded, “that is what we were given to understand.”
Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, “For this to be worth the price it needs to be used within ten days of the moon’s glow, my sisters village is two weeks ride away on the eastern road.”
“We came through the forest.” Logan explained, “Also, I sealed the herb in a pre-sterilised sample jar – the lack of air exposure should help it retain its freshness far beyond its normal time frame!”
The was a silence. The woman was now looking at Logan not with suspicion, but with the exasperation of a teacher whose student has just said something rather stupid.
Logan crossed his arms.
“If you look at the specimen carefully you will notice no discoloration or other signs of degradation – this method can be used to prolong the lifespan of most vegetation and-“
She interrupted him by laughing, an awful crows call of a noise, and held up a hand for silence.
“You are obviously quite uneducated.” she told him cheerfully “And you are bothering Mittens.”
“I beg your pardon I- wait what?”
Logan spun round, as much as he could in the cramped space, only to find Roman desperately trying to relinquish a scrambling ball of fur back onto one of the high shelves. The cat had already dug its claws deep enough into the bards wrist to draw blood, and was currently clinging on for dear life as Roman waved his hand around like Patton trying to kill a spider.
“My apologies Master Mittens” Roman told the cat a few moments later, after Logan and the crone had  finally convinced it to release him “I thought you were a hat.”
“Why must you touch things.” Logan hissed and was surprised by a much gentler laugh from their hostess.
“Aw now,  Mittens is not the most dangerous thing you could have touched in my kitchen. Here. Drink.”
Logan blinked as she shoved hot cup into his hands. Its contents was extremely dark and disturbingly viscous. A few drops glopped over the side, singeing his finger. He held it as far from his body as he possibly could.
“And for you?” She held up a second cup towards Roman who smiled politely but shook his head ‘no’
“No thank you, Madam.”
“We’re both fine.” Logan said firmly, putting the cup down on one of the first patches of exposed surface he could find. “If you wouldn’t mind completing our transaction we will take our leave of this…place.”
She looked at him for one long moment and then turned back to Roman.
“Your friend says you passed through the Serpents Forrest”
Logan frowned - “That’s not what the locals called it.”
“Well that’s who lives there.” The crone snapped without turning around, “One of the darker fae. I’m not surprised he” – she jerked her chin back towards Logan – “ got through alright, since the gods look after fools.”
“Excuse me!”
“But how did you manage?”
Roman juts shrugged, eyes sparkling with mirth at Logan’s outraged expression. “We saw no one Madam, but if we had done - I carry iron.”
That rusted hunk of junk Logan thought, but the crone was nodding approvingly
“A clever boy” she patted Roman cheek, “I thought so when I heard your accent – you’re from beyond the mountains.”
Logan frowned. He was not gifted when it came to interpreting expressions, but he thought Romans smile had suddenly become very fixed.
“So are you.” Roman replied softly.
There was a moments quiet whilst the two looked at each other and Logan tried not to roll his eyes out of his own head. All they needed to do was a simple swap of coin for produce and instead Roman had manged to find the only other grown adult in Steveange who still believed in fairies.
Whatever northerner to northerner communication was happening seemed to pass, and the crone reached past Roman to pull a small burlap sack from the shelf. Mittens took the opportunity to skitter across her arm and settle himself on her shoulder.
“Here you are then.” She tipped the sack out on top of an open tome, producing three cloves of garlic and a hefty pile of coins Logan couldn’t help but stare. That was more money than Logan had seen in one place since he had started traveling.
The crone picked out three gold pieces and a fistful of silver and handed them to Logan. He counted quickly and handed her the vial. Transaction complete, Logan headed immediately to the door, but turned back when he realised Roman wasn’t with him
He was still trapped between the crone and the shelving. “Will you come and see me before you leave the city?” she asked “It would be nice to share my tea with someone who would appreciate it.”
Logan thought to the gelatinous mess in the tea cup and gagged but Roman just smiled
“If time allows my lady.” He brought her withered hand to his lips and deposited a courtly kiss before sidestepping her and heading after Logan.
The city alley smelt almost like fresh air after the over mixture of incense, garlic and cat that her permeated the crones kitchen, and Logan breathed it in gratefully before setting off. Roman falling into sept beside him.
Logan glanced at him, uncertain.
He knew Roman was from the Northern Kingdom. He guessed from his speech patterns that he either grew up upper class or was truly committed to his larger than life bard persona. He had mentioned a brother once, off hand, and during an argument compared Logan to a tutor he’d disliked who had made him study maps until he could recount every river on the continent by heart.
That was all he knew.
Logan was curious by nature, a trait which tended to get him in trouble. He would have liked to pepper Roman with a hundred questions about life beyond the mountains, but Patton had told him once he should only ask a question about a sensitive subject if he was prepared to answer one himself.
None of them like to talk about where they came from, but that was fine. They were going forward together.
It was obvious though, that meeting his countryman had shaken Roman. He walked silently, even when they turned into a wider street and found the market still in full swing, shoppers crowding around each stall, he made no comment, only stepped closer to Logan.
If he was Patton, he might have known what to say to sooth whatever emotion was clouding Romans features. If he was Virgil, he might have made a joke or pointed out an interesting stall  to distract him
As it was..
“So do all Northerners believe in fairy stories or is it just you two?”
“The dark fae of the forest? She can’t have been serious.”
Roman straighten up, fixing him with a mock glare “Logan! You’re honestly going to keep pretending you don’t believe in magic? You travel with an elf!”
“Half-elf. And there’s nothing mystical about him.”
“He makes potions Logan!”
“He mixes herbs into useful medicines, it’s no different than any human herbalist.”
“He chants when he does it. And his eyes do that thing.” Roman wiggled his fingers in front of his face, apparently to illustrate ‘that thing’.
“Which I’m sure helps him know how long each concoction needs to stew before adding the next ingredient. You cannot decided a race is magical just because they’ve failed to invent clocks.”
“Urgh!” Roman threw up his hands, “Sometimes you sound like you’re from Arkaze’yed.”
Arkaze’yd was on the western coast. The most industrially advanced of the great cities, they had recently converted the city temple into an extension of the university.
Logan preened. “Thank you for the compliment.”
Roman pulled a face. “You are such a - ooh! Jam tarts!”
He darted away again, but this time Logan couldn’t fault him. A boy was hastily unpacking a crate of what looked like fresh jam tarts onto his masters stall and the scent was delicious
They had to wait for three families ahead of them before they could finally have their turn. Roman picked out four of the tarts and chatted happily with the seller whilst Logan carefully counted out the money.
“I had herd the monthly market of Steveange was something to behold but this! Are you going to go all night?”
“Most likely.” The trader told them happily, “The towns packed for the coronation.”
“Princess Stephanie is to become queen,” the man gushed, one hand over his heart in what Logan considered to be an alarming display of emotional royalism. “The guests have been arriving all week.”
Logan nodded absently. That explained the hubbub. The rich went traveling and the poor went to see them. A coronation was a good enough excuse for a festival. If you liked that sort of thing.
“They say,” the trader whispered leaning forward, apparently unbothered by Logan’s total lack of interest in royal gossip, “That even the mad Prince is coming - Remus of Notaleveale!”
“Is that so.” said Logan, monotonously “Here’s your coin.” He turned to Roman to claim his pastry and – stared.
All the colour had drained from Romans face. He gaze was fixed on the trader, his eyes so wide he looked quite wild.
“Roman?” Logan asked, as gently as he could. He realised that Romans hands were shaking the second before the bag of pastries fell from his grip.
“Roman- ROMAN hey-“
Other customers were starting to push between them, Logan bent down quickly to rescue the bag form the floor and reached out to grab his friends hand.
But when he looked up, Roman had gone.
Part three
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You Belong With Me - Chapter 43
AO3 | First | Previous | Epilogue | Masterpost  
Description: Much to his surprise, after being released from prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Logan has been appointed as a the prince’s new advisor.  
Word Count: 8846
Chapter Warnings: Prejudice, Mistreatment based on profiling, Mild violence, Mentions of weapons, Flirting, Kissing (Let me know if I need to add anything!)
     A sudden bitterness hit the roof of his mouth as the intimidating towers of the gatehouse came into view. Sensing hostility in the air sent shivers down his spine and his dread only seemed to deepen as they approached the sealed portcullis and Roman increased his pace towards the castle entrance.
     Their journey back to the castle had been swift. Remy had conjured a mysterious dark brew from his jacket that had allowed them to move through the night through the night despite their exhaustion, but the ragged breath of his companions made it apparent their rush had not been without cost.
     Logan slowed his pace, taking in the anxiety of the faces around him as the reality of the situation began to settle over them. The light drizzle in the air wrapped around him in gentle comfort as he looked to the cracks in the sky. Subtle, white light shined through the shattered barrier between the realms  blurred by the haze of rain dropping from the few clouds hanging in the sky.
     He could have stared endlessly at the breathtaking sight, but his attention was abruptly drawn back to his friends as Roman ducked his head and pushed through them towards the guards at the gate.
     “What is the meaning of this?” Roman demanded as the guards straightened into a salute. “The castle gate is only meant to be sealed in times of war, so explain yourself."
     “This gate has been sealed by order of the king, your royal highness.”
     “What?” Roman's expression faltered as the guard bowed her head respectfully and turned to present him with a letter bearing the royal seal. He paused, skimming the document as confusion spread across his face. “Why would he—”
     “With all due respect, sire. The castle's been in disarray since the sky broke yesterday, sire.” The narrow frame of the guard stiffened as he turned his stare to her and she bowed her head as she continued. “Certain folks been acting out like they sudden grudge against their neighbors. Reports all across the countryside that people been changing—”
     “More like they’re being transformed to beasts,” The guard on the far side of the gate interrupted. His lips pursed as his nose flared with disgust. “If you ask me, the troublemakers should be rounded up and—”
    Logan’s skin prickled at the man's harsh tone, but his discomfort was short-lived as Roman turned to snap at the man.
     “If I hear a single word advocating the mistreatment of our own citizens, I'll have the speaker arrested.” Roman gritted his teeth, radiating a cold authority that sent chills down even Logan’s spine. “Spread that to the rest of the guard. I will not be lenient twice.”
     “Yes, sir.” The guard’s eyes dropped as his body stiffened and shrank back.
     “Open the gate.”
     The man's eyes darted up at him with surprise in his eyes. “But, sire—”
     “It is not your place to question me.” Roman cut off the man's protest. His eyes flashed over at the female guard’s surprised expression as she looked up at him. “We have information crucial to my fathers’ understanding of yesterday’s events. This cannot wait for the shutdown to be lifted.”
     “Of course, sir.”
     The guards’ moved swiftly  to lift the heavy portcullis from their path, giving a stiff bow at him as they stepped out of his way. Roman returned a quick nod at them as he entered the archway, lingering underneath the stone arch for as he ushered the rest of their group through the gates.
     Once through, Roman paused, allowing them to circle around him in the open space of the empty courtyard between the exterior walls and the castle. The usual hustle and bustle of the castle’s residents had entirely gone, leaving the usually lively space in an eerie silence.
     “This is creepy.” Virgil muttered, shoving his hand in his cloak. “Place shouldn’t be empty like this.”
     “We'll sort things out, Virge.” Roman stated. His natural air of authority hadn’t yet faded as he stood tall in front of them, staring down the stone walkway towards the castle. “People are scared because they can't explain what is happening. Shutting down the castle must have been the only logical solution to temporarily settling the unrest.”
     “Cool logic, princey.” Virgil muttered with a huff as he glanced over his shoulder. “Still creepy.”
     Remy stepped forward, ignoring Virgil’s apparent discontent. His usually carefree expression held an uncharacteristic degree of anxiety as he addressed the prince. “I need to visit the fae before anything else. They need an explanation before anything gets out of hand.”
     “Remy,” Roman hesitated. His shoulders were stiff as he looked back to Logan and Janus’ uncertain expressions. “We cannot proceed without you. Without my fathers’ memory, our explanation will be meaningless.”
     “Sorry, Roman.” Remy muttered. “I’m not putting your father's understanding above the needs of the Fair Folk who are trapped in their homes, scared of the second coming of a war no one wants to remember.”
     “I’m inclined to agree with Remy, Roman." Janus nodded as he shared a look with Remy. “Unlike the humans, most of the fae in this realm were around when the war began. We cannot delay in reassuring them that this will be different, otherwise they may become restless.”
     “Talking to my father is in their best interest.” Roman straightened up. “We need to clarify what’s happening before our courts start pushing for more stringent action. I don’t want to further strain the relationship between our people any further.”
     “I can go.” Patton piped up, his voice chipper as he interrupted their stern conversation. Their eyes turned to him and his bright smile softened the harsh tension for a brief moment as he continued. “The Fair Folk of the castle know me. I know they'll accept my word until Remy and Janus are able to visit themselves.”
     Remy’s eyes landed on Patton as he considered his offer. “You would have to visit all of the fae, not just those under the Seelie court.”
     “I can visit everyone.” Patton reassured him with a gentle nod of his head. “Danu introduced me to the Fair Folk of both courts in the castle. I’m sure they’d be willing to take my word.”
     “Fine, kid. You convinced me.” Remy muttered with a quick flourish of his hand toward Patton. “The task is yours but make sure you mention that both Janus and I are in negotiations with the human king. With any luck, that’ll keep the lot of ‘em from acting up ‘til we can come to an agreement.”
     “Sure thing!” Patton beamed. “You can count on me.”
     “Hold on, Pat.” Roman interrupted, holding up a hand as Patton turned to go. “The castle is under lockdown. You can’t be wandering around alone.”
     “I’ll take him.”
     Roman glanced up as Virgil stepped forward, nodding as his friend came up behind Patton. “You’re sure, Virgil?”
     “You don’t need me to talk to Thomas,” Virgil shrugged without a second thought. “and you know the guards won’t dare mess with Pat if I’m around.”
     Roman paused, turning back to Remy. “Will Patton be able to approach the fae if Virgil joins him?”
     “Yeah, kid’s fine.” Remy smirked. “Even if he don’t know it, Virgil’s met most of the fae in the castle. They know he works for me.”
     “Very well.” Roman hummed his approval as Remy nodded at him. “Both of you need to move quickly though, and I expect you to report to the courtroom when you’ve finished.”
     “You got it, kiddo.” Patton nodded, already taking a few steps off their current path. He took Virgil’s arm, pulling him along. “We’ll be along as quick as we can.”
     “Stay safe.”  
     Logan watched as his friends took off across the courtyard as Roman called after them. The pair sprinted towards the gates of the castle’s southern point where the majority of its residents resided and silence settled over them as Roman nodded at Remy and Janus. He gestured for them to follow him as he turned back to the path.
     “I need all of you to stay close to me.” Roman stated in a quiet, reluctant tone. His voice dropped as he turned over his shoulder to stare at each of them in turn. “With Janus’ scales and the new blue hue of Logan’s scars, Remy’s the only one of you who might pass for human right now. I'm certain no one will touch you while I’m around, but all the same, today’s not the day I want to be taking chances.”
     A faint smile made it's way across Roman’s face as the fae surrounding him nodded their acknowledgement and his expression softened as his gaze focused on Janus.
     “Janus, I want you in particular to stay right next to me.” Roman added with a quick wave to the fae for him to move closer. “There’s still a pretty hefty bounty on your head and I don’t want to take any risk of losing you. Okay?”
     The fae’s scaled face tipped up to meet the genuine concern in Roman’s eyes. Logan watched the brief hesitation in Janus’ eyes as he wrestled away the disbelief at the prince taking initiative to protect him. The moment was brief and the subtle shock faded from his amber eyes as he nodded at Roman, moving to the prince’s side in a show of silent acceptance of his help.
     “Thank you.” Roman’s voice became a whisper, biting his lip, as he turned to lead them to the royal court.
         Logan's chest tightened with dread as Roman navigated them through the empty corridors. The prince's reassurances echoed among their hollow footsteps as they climbed the stairs, and despite the prince’s reasonable explanation, the lack of signs of life in the castle was unnerving.
     Despite Logan’s own reservations, he could see that Roman seemed unbothered, passing down the hall without a second thought, ignoring the movements of the few unhappy guards milling about on patrol as they leered at the fae passing through the halls.
     Logan stared back, holding their gaze without a waver of fear. The anxiety the lingering stares of the guards once caused disappeared as he called forth on the power coursing on his veins, feeling it playing at his fingertips as he met the guards’ eyes with a piercing stare.
     Their discontent at the Fair Folks presence hung in the air, burning in the back of Logan’s mouth as reached the peak of the last set of stairs and the imposing, double doors of the courtroom came into view. Immediately, the knights on either side of the doors crouched, reaching for the weapons at the sight of the fae. Logan reacted defensively, biting his lip as lightning crackled between his fingers, but Roman quickly lifted an arm to stop him.
     “Drop your hand from your weapon immediately.” Roman growled, straightening up with an air of authority and he stepped toward the two knights. His stare intensified as the knights bowed their head uncertainly, glancing at each other as they continued to hold their weapons. Roman’s disapproval grew as his voice became threatening. “That was an order. Take your hands off your weapons.”
     “I’m sorry, sir.” The first knight stated, gripping the hilt of her sword as she held up a hand to stop Roman. “You are traveling with a wanted criminal. We can’t be certain you are in the right state of mind. These creatures can control—”
     “They are people, not creatures.” Roman chewed his lip as he stepped in front of Janus. The woman hesitated, unwilling to draw her sword on the crowned prince, yet still not convinced by his conviction. “This man is in my custody and my father and myself alone will pass judgment on him. That is not your place.”
     “Your Royal Highness—"
     “Stand down.” Roman commanded, not allowing the woman to finish. “Your prejudice is misguided and that sort of thinking will no longer be tolerated in my court. The Fair Folk live within our borders and we will protect them as we do our own citizens. Understood?”
     The woman and her companion remained hesitant. “Sire, I still cannot let you pass. The court is sealed. No one is allowed to enter—”
     “That rule clearly does not apply to myself.” Roman interrupted with a swiping gesture, cutting through the woman’s excuses. “You are preventing me from delivering crucial information to the kings. This is your last chance to stand down before I have you arrested for treason.”
     “Aisling, come on.” The woman’s companion took her arm, pulling her from the door she remained hesitant. They looked down at her with a gentle guidance as she lifted her hand from her weapon. “Don’t push this.”
     “Very well, sire. I apologize for my interference.”
     Logan watched as the woman stepped away from the door. His heart dropped at the nervousness in the woman’s expression as Roman’s stood over her. The  prince’s demeanor shifted and immediately dropped to a sincere sympathy as he spoke again.
     “Your diligence in defending my fathers is noted, but I assure you that you are acting in the country’s best interest by allowing us to pass.” Roman stated plainly in a tone that remained firm, yet less forceful than before. “Now, I need you both the spread the word to the rest of the guard. If a single fae in the castle is hurt, the perpetrator will answer directly to me. None of them are to be harmed and there will be no exceptions. Understand?”
     “Yes, sir.”
     “Then, go.” Roman finished, gesturing for the guards to leave as he turned to the door. He glanced back at Remy as the guards rushed away, waiting until the guards had left the area before speaking openly to Remy. “In order for you to give my father his memory back—”
     “I need to be able to touch him, babes.” Remy ran his finger through his hair as he crossed his arms and returned Roman’s questioning gaze. “No way around that and we need to be alone if we’re gonna make any headway with Tommy boy.”
     “Leave that to me. ” Roman nodded with a slow breath as his hand rested on the handle of the door. “No more stalling. All of this ends now.”
     Swallowing as Roman pushed open the door, Logan followed close behind him as the opening grew wider. A calamity of voices beyond the threshold that seemed to be immediately doused as Roman stepped into the middle of the courtroom. The silence continued as Logan joined the other fae in the courthouse, hyper aware of the dozens of eyes that fell on his scars as they glittered a faint blue hue.
     A familiar voice filled the air as Logan’s attention was drawn forward. He looked up just as a set of arms folded around Roman’s neck and his heart stalled in his chest the man suddenly fussing over Roman as the crowd turned to watch.
     Logan froze in place as Thomas ran a hand through Roman’s hair, leaning back to look over him as he whispered to his son in hushed tones. He watched in silence as a second man came up beside them, resting a hand on Roman’s shoulder. The man’s dark hair lifted to reveal an equal glimmer of worry in the man’s eyes as he stare at Roman.
     “Where have you been?” The man stated as he squeezed Roman’s shoulder. His voice was quiet and soothing as Logan listened to him let out a relieved breath as he looked to Roman. “You and your brother have both been—”
     Logan bit his lip at the mention of the kings' lost son and guilt start to ache in his chest as Roman continued, gently guiding them back to the matter at hand.
     “I’ll explain everything. I promise, but first—”
     Roman's voice was immediately drowned out by sound of shuffling footsteps and adrenaline flooded Logan's body as a bruising grip closed around both his arms. His eyes flashed a bright blue and the air around his skin started to crackle in self-defense. A loud yelp from behind him was all the excuse he need to kick out of the aggressor’s grip, spinning on his heel to face the guard.
     Logan’s heart dropped as his sight narrowed past the guard to the defeated look on Janus' face as he allowed the other guard to force him to his knees. Fury filled Logan’s lung as the fae’s gaze dropped and he immediately lunged to his friend. His attempt came to a quick stop as the another guard caught him around the waist, but he resisted the guard’s entanglement. Anger burned in his chest as a charge started to build in the air around them, but a loud voice interrupted them, echoing in the chambers as the world came to a halt.
     The hall stilled as Logan tipped his head up to the booming voice. The firm expression on Thomas’ face didn’t falter as he held his hand up in a commanding gesture for the guards to stop their advance. The air shimmered behind Thomas, giving Logan pause until he spotted Remy whispering  Thomas’s ear. The sight was unlike anything he seen before. Light itself seemed to bend around the shadow fae and Logan guessed the crowd around them couldn’t see the fae interfering with their king’s decisions.
     “Let them both go immediately.”
     Logan felt a shift in the room as the guard’s arm pulled back from his waist. Shock lingered in his mind as he hesitated, glaring over his shoulder at the menacing stare of the guard, but his anger quickly dissipated as Janus’ soft  groan jarred him from his thoughts. Giving one last nervous look at Remy and Thomas, he turned to rush over to his friend as Janus lifted himself off the ground. Logan caught his shoulders as the shaking man swayed, barely concealing the fear in his eyes as the crowd leered at him.
     “We must speak alone.” Roman breathed with a resolute look in his eyes as he stared up at Thomas and the other man. “We can make a formal announcement to the court after our private conference, but the crowd will only aggravate the issue.”
     “Agreed.” Thomas nodded. Logan sucked on his lips, nostalgic at the familiar understanding tone in Thomas’ voice as he listened to his son. He watched quietly as Thomas met each of the noble’s eyes with a determined stare. “The court will adjourn for a temporary recess. Members will be summoned again once I’ve cleared the information that Prince Roman has to present to Nico and myself.”
     Thomas’ tone left no room for argument, but all the same, Logan blinked in surprise as the members of the court automatically filtered toward the exit at their king’s command. The act was clearly not one made  of benevolence. The heightened tasted of bitter discontent burned at the back of his throat until the last noble closed the door behind them,  but they were soon gone all the same. After a moment, Logan turned back and shared a shocked look with Janus as Remy stepped out of his hazy reality and hooked an arm around Thomas’ shoulder.
     “Heya, babes. Been gone a bit too long this time, wasn’t I?” Remy purred with an insufferable grin. “Things really gone to the dogs around here.”
     “One of these days, I’m going to be dethroned when a member of the court notices me whispering to myself, Remy.”
     “That could be fun.” Remy’s grin widened as he leaned into the kings mock anger. “I might just make a mad king outta you yet, girl.”
     “I have no doubt you could fell my reputation before I even took a breath, if wasn't so useful.” Thomas smirked, eyeing the fae with a playful glimmer in his eyes. “The thought would keep me up at night if you were half as corrupt as you pretend to be.”
     “Oh, hun.” Remy purred, coaxing a reluctant smile out of the king.  “Keeping you up at night’s might as well be my life’s purpose.”
     “Well, you do well to keep me on edge.” Thomas chuckled, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. “Can I assume that your appearance mere hours after the sky breaking means—”
     “You know what it means, girl.”
     “It’s over?”
     “This disaster is finally over, so long as we come to an understandin’ on how the fae are going to be treated from here on out.” Remy muttered as his smile soured, pointing at the door the guard had left through. “Which starts with not allowing that kind of shit to happen again. Another one of your guards lays a finger on a fae and all bets are off. Got it?”
     “Understood, Remy.” Thomas nodded sheepishly. “Retraining the guard will be my first priority.”
     Remy snorted. “If I get my way, you'll dismantle their ranks altogether.”
     Thomas blinked. “Are you serious?”
     “Dead serious, girl. They do more harm than good.” Remy muttered, eyes flitting to Roman as his grin widened to a sharp-toothed smirk. “But for now, we got some reintroductions to do since you even get to keep yer memories this time, babes.”
     Thomas’ expression went blank as Remy’s words turned gears in his head. His voice dropped with concern at the lack of explanation in the fae’s eyes as he tried to find his words. “Logan?”
     Logan let out a sharp breath as Thomas muttered his name. His chest suddenly ached as the freshly resurfaced memories rushed to the forefront of his mind. He dropped his arms from Janus, pulling his hands to his chest as tears threatened at the corner of his eyes.
     “Is that?”
     “That’s the kid, babes.”
     Tears blurred Logan’s vision as slow footsteps approached him. He startled as a hand rested on his shoulder, looking up to see Thomas’ soft, brown eyes staring down at him.
     “Logan, may I—”
     Thomas’ voice was cut off with a soft grunt as Logan rushed into Thomas’ open arms. Gratitude washed over Logan as the king surrounded him with warmth, whispering hushed reassurances to Logan as he composed himself. The gentleness continued until Logan felt well enough to step back, bowing his head with embarrassment as he noticed everyone’s eyes on him.
     “I—I never got to thank you.” Logan breathed, feeling light-headed as he avoided Thomas’ concerned expression. He swayed as he stared at the ground, struggling to string together the right words in his head. “Remy had to take me away and I never—I never—”
     “Take a breath, Logan.” Thomas whispered, resting a hand on each of Logan’s shoulders. “There’s no need to rush .”
     Logan forced himself to draw a long breath, following the breathing technique the Virgil had taught him as he tried to push past the melancholy clouding his mind. He crossed his arms, vaguely feeling his fingernails digging into his arms as he stared at the ground until he felt Thomas’ hand close around his own. Logan blinked as Thomas pulled his hand away and he found himself staring at the red marks on his arm until a choked breath escaped from his lungs.
     “Say what you need to, Logan.” Thomas whispered, gently gripping Logan’s hand as he watched his reaction. “Whatever you need to get off your chest is okay. I can take it.”
     “I—I never got to say goodbye.”
     Thomas paused as his expression softened to a smile. “Logan—”
     “I know Remy had to take me. Both of you didn’t have a choice. I know that, but—” Logan stopped, barely containing his emotions as Thomas’ grip tightened on his hand. “—but it bothers me that I never got to say goodbye.”
     “Logan,” Thomas whispered. He glanced back to Remy’ apologetic gaze, feeling his heart sink at the guilt in the dark fae’s eyes. His voice dropped as he squeezed Logan’s hand and met his gaze. “You deserved a proper explanation from me before I sent you off with a stranger. I can’t imagine how you must have felt, even if you trusted Remy, but—” Thomas paused with a gentle smile as Logan looked up. “—I also knew there was never any need for you to say goodbye.”
     Logan’s breath caught in his throat as his gaze lifted from the ground to Thomas.
     "Remy was always going to bring you home, Logan.” Thomas smiled as tears glistened in his own eyes. “We needed you to be safe, but I knew when the time was right, I knew you would come home.”
     “I—” Logan’s knees went weak as he leaned into Thomas’ arms, biting his lip as the king pulled him into his chest. “Thank you—Thank you for everything. You were so kind to me—”
     “You deserved every ounce of kindness and more.” Thomas whispered, curling his hand around the back of his head. “I was honored to give you a place to call home.”
     “T-thank you, Thomas.”
     “You always have a home here, Logan. Always.” Thomas whispered, gently rubbing Logan’s arm as he stood up off the king’s chest. “No matter what happens, you are part of my family.”
     “I appreciate that and everything else you did for me,” Logan whispered, wiping the tears from his cheeks as Thomas wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “More than I believe my words could possibly convey.”
     “It’s only been a pleasure to be a part of your life, Logan.” Thomas whispered as he guided Logan back toward the head of the courtroom. “Remy?”
     “I’ve got him, girl.”
     Logan’s world shifted as he leaned back into Remy as the older fae pulled him underneath his shoulder. His head was swimming with an overwhelming mix of emotions, but he was grateful for the grounding touch of Remy’s arm around him and the warmth of Thomas’ hand on his back.
     “What do you think, kid?” Remy jostled Logan lightly, winking as Logan turned up to him. “Tommy boy’s still pretty much a babes. Don’t you think?”
     Logan’s memory of meeting Remy came rushing back and he flushed as Thomas raised an eyebrow. He reached wrist to his cheek, closing his eyes as he ducked to hide his blush. “Shut up, Remy.”
     Thomas blinked his confusion at the growing redness in Logan's cheeks as he watched Remy chuckle in Logan’s ear.
     “Nah, I’ve been waiting years for you to realize how endearing that was, kid.” Remy laughed as Logan groaned at the memory. “I ain’t gonna let go of that so easy.”
     “I didn’t know what I was saying.” Logan whispered, feeling the burn in his cheek intensify.
     “I hate to inform you that’s what made it totally adorbs, hun.” Remy cooed in his ear, swaying with him as Logan’s stomach twisted.
     “Should I ask?” Thomas chuckled as the Logan curled into Remy’s shoulder with a flustered groan.
     Logan let himself go limp, pinching the bridge of his nose as Remy hummed happily. “Please, don’t—”
     “Hush, kid. I ain't done embarrassing you yet.” Remy purred as Logan ducked his head away. He ran a hand through Logan’s hair as he turned to smirk at Thomas. “You see, that night you tried to return little Logan, I planned on just taking, but Logan insisted you was a babes. So, ‘course I had to meet the king the kid was so sweet on."
     “Is that so?” Thomas raised an eyebrow at Remy’s wide grin down at Logan.
     “‘Twas the way it went down. I swear on my cold, black heart.” Remy giggled as Logan’s bright red face disappeared deeper into his shoulder. “Little Logan was so convincing I couldn’t walk away without meeting yours truly.”
     Thomas chuckled as his smile toward Logan softened. “That’s actually rather sweet.”
     “Remy—” Logan groaned as he leaned away from his shoulder, taking a long breath as he avoided Thomas’ eyes.
     “It’s my gods given duty to embarrass you, kid.” Remy chuckled, rubbing his arm to comfort him. “Sorry, not sorry.”
     “Fine, just— Can we move on now?” Logan let out a long, feeling a new wave of embarrassment as he looked up to Thomas’ amused smile. “I’m inclined to believe if you continue, I may be have to shut myself away and never return.”
     “Aww, look at that.” Remy hummed in a chipper tone. “Yer finally taking after my own flare for the dramatics—”
     “Remy, please—”
     “Alright, alright. I’m gonna quit tormenting you, kid.” Remy grinned, looking up to Thomas. “After all, we got a lot of ground to cover today before we’re able to shake this tragedy for good.”
     Thomas’ smile faltered as Remy’s own expression turned serious. “What do you need me to do, Remy?”
     “We’re done with that bit, girl.” Remy muttered. “You can't just rely on my for answers anymore. We’re onto the hard part now.”
     “What do you mean?”
     Remy grinned as he guided Logan and Thomas back to the others. “Means the world’s a clean slate now and we gotta make some new rules, which is why this has got to be a mutual decision. Your people need you to be their advocate this time.”
     “Certainly.” Thomas nodded, standing up straighter. “Where would you like to begin?”
     “For now, some introductions are in order. So, Nico. Girl, you’re up.”
     “Oh, um. Certainly, Remy.”
     The man whose hand previously rested on Roman’s shoulders stepped forward and Logan looked up at the man’s wavy brown hair and gentle smile as realization finally dawned on him. “You’re Nico.”
     “Yep, that’s me. I suppose it’s about time we were introduced.” Nico smiled, extending a hand out to Logan. “You’ve made quite the impression on my husband and son. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the man everyone’s been fussing over.”
     “I imagine so. I'd think they’ve had a fair amount to say after all the trouble I’ve caused them.” Logan smiled timidly as he took Nico’s hand, but the man only seemed to beam brighter.
     “Their words have been nothing less than adoring. I promise.” The kindness in the man’s warm smile melted away Logan’s own nervousness. The king chuckled quietly as his white smile gleamed down at Logan with bright eyes “In fact, I have to admit I’m excited to get to know the man who’s captured their hearts.”
     Logan chewed his lip as his eyes flitted to Roman’s soft smile. “I only hope I can live up to their expectations.”
     “I’m certain you will.” Nico whispered gently, eyes following Logan’s to Roman with a curious glance.
     “Great,” Remy grinned, giving Janus a gentle shove forward. “Alright, Jan. You’re next—”
     Logan felt Nico’s grip stiffen slightly as the king looked over his shoulder, and though his gentle smile remained, Logan felt the hair on his arms started to rise as both king’s gazes latched onto Janus. The fae’s eyes darted to both of the king’s for a moment as he regained his balance from Remy’s attempt as forcing his introduction. His movements slowed as he stood up, crossing his arms across his chest as he dropped his eyes to the ground with a frown. Janus’ dark hair fell over his cheek, partially obscuring the scales on his cheek as the kings continued to stare intently at him.
     “Perhaps a little tact would have been warranted given the circumstances, Remy.”
     “Not if we want this to move quickly.” Remy muttered quietly as Thomas stepped between his family and Janus. He let out a short breath as he moved in front of Janus and held up a hand to Thomas.
     “Relax, Thomas.” Remy muttered, looking tense. “Jan-Jan don’t mean no harm. You got my word that he’s on his best behavior.”
     Logan watched as Nico stepped in front of Roman and he glanced nervously at Thomas before turning back to Janus. His body tensed at the sight of Janus' nervousness. A bead of sweat dropped down the fae’s face as Remy stepped in front of him.
     “He’s the fae who—”
     “I am the fae who kidnapped your son—” Janus finished as his amber eyes flashed up to the kings. He held their gaze for a moment as he chewed his lip before allowing his eyes to fall back to the ground. “—and honestly, that’s hardly the worst thing I’ve done to you.”
     Remy looked up to meet Thomas suspicious gaze and raised a hand to reassure him before flashing a warning glance at Janus. “You’re not exactly winning yourself any favor with that remark, Jan—”
     “Well, quite frankly, I’m not here for their approval.” Janus stepped forward, reaching forward to rest a hand on Remy’s shoulder. Logan’s stomach twisted at the guilt in Janus’ slitted eye as he stepped forward toward the suspicious kings. His shoulders slumped with surrender as he bowed his head. “My actions towards your family were inexcusable and I have every intention of atoning for my mistakes.”
     The silence hung between them. Logan’s heart strained in his chest as Janus offered himself up for the kings’ judgment. The fight seemed to leave his body as he brushed his dark hair off his scales and he took in the kings’ hesitant expressions.
     “You need not fear my interference any longer.” Janus continued with a frown. “Given the circumstances, I only ask you to allow me to serve my purpose as a representative of the Seelie Court until they’re able to provide a replacement . After a representative has been appointed, I will humbly submit myself to judgment by your court for whatever punishment you deem necessary.”
     Logan bit his lip, ready to protest when Roman’s voice filled his ears.
     “Janus, you’ve earned my forgiveness.”
     Thomas and Nico’s gaze followed Roman as he stepped past their defensive stances. Their body language seemed to change as Roman reached out a hand to Janus’ shoulder in a moment of soft comfort. Logan smiled as the prince turned back to his fathers with a determined glimmer in his eye.
     “Janus was an indispensable ally in ending the suffering of the fae and bringing my friends home safe.” Roman stated with a quick glance at Logan before turning back to his fathers' eyes. “I do not wish to see him punished for his actions.”
     “Roman, you cannot interfere on my behalf.” Janus whispered, pausing briefly. He glanced at Roman with appreciation in his eyes, but his tone remained flat as he eyed the kings' cautious stares. “Whatever penance asked of me, I will accept so long so long as the Seelie Court retains a seat at the negotiations table.”
     “That’s not fair.” Roman protested, stopping as Janus held up his hand.
     “Trust me. Whatever punishment I serve from your court will be a mercy compared to what awaits me in my own .” Janus stared at Roman without blinking, willing the prince’s silence. “You are not responsible for my well-being. I alone am responsible for my actions.”
     “Are you expecting an easy out for your crimes?”
     Janus tipped his head up and quickly withered under Thomas stern glare. Biting his lip, he held up his hands in surrender as he straightened upright away from Roman. “Rest assured, I will answer to the Seelie Court for my crimes. I cannot dodge their punishment. I merely answer to your will before theirs.”
     “Perhaps, then I should just turn you back to your own people.”
     “That would be your prerogative.” Janus held Thomas’ gaze as Roman looked helplessly between them. “I am not asking for your mercy.”
     “Then, tell me.” Thomas paused. “What are you asking for?”
     Janus hesitated at the neutral expression on Thomas’ face, glancing quickly at Roman’s own confused expression as he chewed his lip with uncertainty. “What kind of question is that?”
     “One that I expect you to answer before I pass my judgment on you.” Thomas stated, gesturing for Roman to return to his side. The prince hesitated uncertainly, before giving a final, cautious look at Janus and moving to his father’s side.
     “I hope you do not expect me to beg for my life.” Janus hissed, baring his teeth. “If that’s what you’re expecting, I won’t sacrifice my dignity—"
     “That is not what I asked you.” Thomas interrupted. He shared a cautious glance with Nico, waiting for his affirmation before continuing. “I asked you what you want out of this arrangement.”
     “I—” Janus paused, curling his hand to his chest in confusion at the subtle communication between the kings. “—what?”
     “I do believe Tommy boy’s offering you a choice on yer punishment, Jan.”
     Janus turned over his shoulder to stare at Remy’s smirk. His eyes lingered on his friend for a moment before his expression darkened and he turned back to Thomas, looking up and down at the king with suspicion. “Why would you do that?”
     Thomas shared another charged look with Nico as his husband’s arm wrapped around Roman’s shoulder, watching him carefully.  His gaze lingered on Roman’s concerned stare for a moment before turning back to Janus. “If Roman is able to forgive you for what you did to him and his friends, I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to do the same.”
     Janus bit his lip, nearly drawing blood in shock. “Why the hell—"
     “Now’s not the time to be making enemies, babes.” Remy reached forward, resting a hand on Janus’ shoulder. Slowly, the man’s defensiveness fell away as Remy reassured him. “Thomas is a good guy. He's not going to pull the rug out from under you.”
     “So, tell me.” Thomas continued, watching them carefully. “What do you want to come out of this?”
     “Nothing.” Janus whispered, allowing Remy to rub his shoulder in gentle comfort. “I—I didn’t expect anything from your court.”
     Thomas smiled at the gentleness in Remy’s eyes as he let out a long breath. “I can only assume that negotiations between the courts are going to be grueling. Quite honestly, if you’ve established rapport with Roman, I’m inclined to grant you a pardon given that you continue your duties of representing the Fair Folk’s court.”
     “What?” Janus looked up in shock.
     “I hope that should keep you out of too much trouble with your own court as well, though I won't pretend I know how the Fair Folk operate their politics.”
     “It'll help, Thomas.” Remy smiled as a tinge of relief flickered in his eye.
     Janus blinked, staring up at the king in disbelief. “But why?”
     “Logan and Roman were willing to defend you,” Thomas paused. His tone softened as he chuckled his amusement at Remy running his finger through Janus’ hair as the fae grumbled. “and Remy is clearly sweet on you—”
     “That doesn't even cover half the story, babes. Known him for years and I can vouch that you’re making a good call, Tommy boy.” Remy grinned at Thomas as Janus turned his head away to hide the light dusting of redness growing on his cheeks. “Not only is he the best representative you could ask for from those bastards of the Seelie Court, but this bastard in particular, may be the only one willing to talk both the courts down from imprisoning yours truly for the next century for keeping Logan a secret from ‘em.”
     “Well, I'd hate to lose such a powerful ally.” Thomas laughed as the tension dissipated out of the air. He smiled as the nervousness in Logan and Roman’s faces faded away. “Janus, you are granted a pardon for your transgressions against the crown, given that you continue to aid in negotiations—”
     “—and that you continue to put up with me, love.”
     “That was not one on the conditions, Remy.” Janus muttered, barely concealing his amusement behind a relieved sigh.
     “It is now.” Remy purred, tipping his eyes down to Thomas with a glimmer in his eyes.
     Thomas rolled his eyes glancing back at Nico before giving a nonchalant shrug. “I don’t make the rules.”
     “You’re the king.” Janus protested, gesturing to Remy. “No one should ever let him make rules. It's unconscionable.”
     “Too late, hun.” Remy grinned. “I already run this joint, whether you like or not.”
     Logan smirked and was about to turn away when a loud crash of the double doors interrupted Remy’s thought. His head shot to the door to see a heaving Patton, trailing through the door behind a panicked-looking Virgil. He froze in place as all attention was directed to him and he stuttered, struggling to find the right words.
     “Outside! There’s—There’s something going on in the sky!”
     The room was quiet for a flash before the entire group rushed to the windows. Logan followed the stampede of footsteps as a subtle flashing of light flickered in the window. He followed close behind Roman as they stepped out onto the balcony and his breath left his lungs are he stared out over the castle walls to the purple hue of the sky as sections of the subtle white cracks in the sky grew flashed brighter before fading away. The sight sent shivers of power down his spine as he stared out across glowing sky, feeling magic pouring forth into the world.
     “That’s just an aftershock of the barrier breaking. Sky's returning to normal and all.” Remy whispered, unable to pull his eyes from the shimmering shy. “Ain’t nothing to worry about, Virgil, but damn if it’s not beautiful.”
     The smell of dust filled the air as Logan leaned onto the stone railing of the balcony, watching the bright light of the of the sky faded back to its normal color as the sun hovered over the horizon.
     He smiled at the scent of fresh rain as water drizzled from the clouds above them, refracting the bright light in bright bursts of colors as the rain hit the surface of the land. The air drifted over his skin and Logan pulled in a peaceful breath as Roman came up beside him.
     Logan smiled, glancing up at the prince as his warm shoulder leaned against him. Happiness spread across his chest as he hesitantly took Roman’s hand in his own. “It’s all really over. Isn’t it?”
     Roman hummed happily as he looked up to the sky with an optimistic smile. “I’d like to think that everything’s only beginning.”
     Logan blushed as Roman’s fingers intertwined his own.
     “There’s really no limit to what we can do now, Logan.”
     “Well, even if all options are now on the table—” Logan whispered, squeezing Roman’s hand. “—there’s no place I’d rather be than here with you.”
     Logan reached his hand up to Roman’s cheek and flushed as the prince turned down him. Bright light filled the sky around him like bursts of shimmering starlight as Logan closed his eyes and the prince pressed a gentle kiss to Logan’s forehead.
     The quiet sound of someone clearing their throat filled the air behind them and Logan’s head spun around. Thomas and Nico staring back at them as Remy smirked at them from behind the kings.
     “I can explain.”
     Logan turned over his shoulder to witness  the nervousness that had flooded Roman’s eyes as his fathers stared at him. He frowned, squeezing Roman’s hand as the prince stepped out in front of him.
     “Then explain, Roman.” Nico whispered, sharing a look with Thomas as he came up beside him.
     Logan could feel Roman’s determination in the air as the prince raised his head to the kings.
     “My responsibility to my kingdom has always come first and foremost in my life. I've happily done anything you’ve asked of me, because I know the importance of my position.” Roman paused with a look of melancholy in his eyes as his eyes flitted to Virgil briefly before his gaze returned to his fathers. “I’ve never asked for anything in return, but this is the one time I have to make a request for myself. I can't keep my head if I continue to deny my heart.”
     Thomas let out a sharp breath, sharing a knowing look with Nico before tipping his head to Roman. “Make your request, Roman.”
     “I know that the law compels me to court someone of royal blood to maintain my status,” Roman’s grip tightened on Logan’s hand as he continued. “but I’ve fallen for Logan and to court anyone else would feel like a betrayal to myself and to him. Please—I’m pleading for you to convince the court to allow me to pursue what my heart desires.”
     “It will not interfere with my duties.” Roman sputtered out without thinking. “I’ll work twice as hard—”
     “You work too hard already, Roman.” Thomas stopped him, holding his hands out to reassure his son. “Even if the court was going to oppose you on this matter, Nico and I would whole-heartedly fight for your right to court for love rather than gain. I'm sorry if we ever made you feel like we would do anything else.”
     Roman blinked, taken back by Thomas’ response. Their silence was deafening as his word echoed in his ears. “What do you mean ‘if they were going to oppose?’”
     “Girl, even the most stuck-up tools the human court ain’t about to start off negotiations by snubbing the Fair Folk.” Remy interrupted, stepping around Thomas. His eyes flashed to Logan, smiling as the kid returned a knowing smile. “In fact, I hate to break it to you, but I think you’re the only one hasn’t figured out there’s an easy solution to yer problem.”
     “What—” Roman furrowed his brow until a familiar, melodic chuckle filled the air behind him and he was drawn back to Logan’s sweet smile. His brain stalled at the relaxed expression on Logan’s face as the man stepped forward.
     “I’ve known since I regained full access to my memories.” Logan whispered, staring down at their intertwined fingers for a moment. He was quiet as a warmth spread across his chest as he looked up to Roman’s soft, brown eyes. “There’s nothing barring us from being together anymore, Roman.”
     Roman blinked. He looked to his fathers for confirmation, and to his surprise they merely nodded, further increasing his confusion. “But I thought —”
     “Logan’s the child of an actual goddess, babes.” Remy cooed as Roman eyes turned to him. “If anything, he outranks you. No chance your court's gonna want to piss off the entirety of the Fair Folk by claiming our nobility is less valid, ‘specially when the humans start realizin’ how many of us are left.”
     Roman blinked as his shoulders relaxed and he looked at Logan. “And you knew?”
     The corner of Logan’s lips twisted into a guilty smile as Roman stared down at him. “I only realized after regaining my memories. The time wasn’t right to mention what I’d learned until the danger everyone was in had passed.”
     “But just now, you could have—”
     “You’re right. I probably should have stopped you,” Logan admitted sheepishly. “but hearing you speak from your heart was actually quite endearing.”
     Roman let out a sharp breath as his shoulders dropped and he laughed. “My chest felt like it might burst from the anxiety, but I’m glad you got some enjoyment out of my misery.”
     “In all fairness, this is hardly the worst outcome that could have occurred.” Logan’s eyes flashed with gratitude as Roman stepped forward, wrapping his arms around him. He relaxed into Roman’s chest, letting out a long breatg as the prince’s warm grip settled around his shoulders.
     “May I suggest that the rest of us give them their space for a while?”
     “Aww, Jan-Jan.” Remy cooed, leaning into Janus. “You’re no fun."
     “I’m sure you will force the details out of Logan eventually, Remy.” Janus sighed, forcing him to the door as Remy resisted his guidance. “Besides, you have work to do. Negotiations are waiting for us.”
     “Boring.” Remy sighed, winking at Logan as he ducked through the door.
     “I can live with that.”
     “Thank you, Janus.” Logan whispered as the older fae filtered their friends back into the courtroom. He smiled as Janus nodded back before following the others, leaving Roman and him standing together in peaceful silence.
     Logan leaned against the balcony as Roman relaxed. He smiled down as his fingers intertwined with the prince’s soft hand. The brilliant lights started to fade from the sky as muted colors filled the sky as the sun dipped below the horizon. A deep feeling of contentment spread across Logan’s body as Roman reached up to brush the hair out of Logan’s face. He let out a long breath as the prince’s gentle touch sent a pleasant tingling across his skin.
     “This is very nearly perfect.”
     Roman chuckled as he dropped his hand. “Only nearly?”
     Logan’s smile faded slightly as he looked up at Roman, acknowledging the carefully hidden sadness behind the prince’s eyes. “I can tell you’re still upset about your brother, Roman.”
     Shock flashed in the prince’s expression and he tripped over his words, unsure how to respond to Logan reading his hidden emotions. “That isn’t your problem to worry about, Logan. Not with everything he—"
     “The Remus that hurt me was not your brother, Roman.” Logan interrupted. He stood up straighter, staring into Roman’s eyes as they flashed with guilt. “I want you to have your brother again and I’ll help you make that a reality. Whatever it takes.”
     “Thank you, Logan.”
     “There’s no need to thank me.” Logan raised a hand to Roman’s cheek with a smile. “I only want you to be happy.”
     “I still have to tell my fathers about him.” Roman whispered. “I should have before, but—”
     “We can tell them together, Roman,” Logan reassured him. “and Remy has already offered to help us bring him home. It will hurt them, but there is a solution ”
     “I know.”
     Logan stepped forward, raising both hands to the prince’s cheeks. Calmness radiated from his voice as he comforted the prince. “Right now, you are doing everything you could be to bring him home. We’ve broken the curse, and as soon as the negotiations have reached a point of agreement, I will go with you to fetch him from the Other Realm. I promise.”
     Roman sighed, nodding into Logan’s hand as the man’s voice soothed his nerves. “You are unlike anyone I’ve ever met, Logan. I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to meet you.”
     Logan scoffed as he dropped his hands sheepishly and turned to face the castle. “I’m only glad you stuck around long enough to see me become more than the shell of a person I was when we met.”
     “You were never less than you are now.” Roman whispered as Logan looked away. “Even if the pain was too much to handle at that point, the amazing person I know was always there.”
     Logan let out a sharp breath as Roman’s arm rested around his shoulder. “Buried deep below the surface, perhaps.”
     “I don’t think so.” Roman’s lips curled into a smile as he pulled Logan close to him, shielding him from the cold wind of the night. “From the moment I talked to you in your cell, I you showed me that you were kind and honest. The changeling may have taken your confidence in yourself, but he was never able to steal from you the things that really mattered.”
     An uncharacteristic giggle pulled from Logan’s throat as he leaned into Roman’s chest and he whispered up to him as he listened to the man’s heartbeat. “Thank you for believing in me. It’s funny. I feel like my happiness should be pouring out of me but it seems I have no more tears to cry.”
     “I plan to keep it that way for a long time, Logan.” Roman smiled as he raised and had to Logan’s cheek, tracing his fingers along the blue scars with adoration. “The world is my gift to you and there are no barriers to keep you from what you want anymore. I’ll do anything to make it so.”
     “You’re all I need, Roman.” Logan let out a breath as reached a hand up to the prince's cheek and placed a gentle kiss on Roman's lips. A burst of happiness swelled in his chest as the prince pulled him closer. He couldn't stop smiling as he curled into the prince’s arms, hand resting on his chest. Peace settled over him as they embraced each other and watched as the sun dipped below the horizon and the first stars began to appear in the night sky.
     By the time Virgil had finally come to usher them ins for the night, he was nearly falling asleep against the prince’s chest, but he was grateful all the same. Though this night was ending, he knew many more would follow and he was excited to see what the future would bring.
General Taglist:
@justanotherhumanstuff @im-an-anxious-wreck
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Magic and Miracles - Chapter 11
Sanders Sides Big Bang fic, Chapter 11!
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Summary: He sighed in relief only to tense up when he noticed the expression on Logan’s face.
“What happened?”
“We need a miracle.”
Warning/s: food mention, minor violence.
Characters: Logan, Virgil, OCs, Roman, Remy, Remus, Patton, Janus.
Tag List: @theimprobabledreamersworld @remy-please-come-back
Read on AO3
11 | Danger Unknown
Once Virgil and Logan returned to the room, Virgil made a request not to be disturbed and they put up a magical barrier to keep anyone from using enchanted items or spells to spy on them. The group was sitting in the living area, with the tv turned off, and trying to come up with a plan of action, or at least a logical theory as to what is happening. So basically, they were stuck with no idea as to what was going on or what their next move should be.
Logan frowned. “Could these events be connected? Virgil’s parents and grandmother both being essentially missing.”
Remy shrugged. “Possibly. Right now though we’re just guessing.”
“I think that our next move is more obvious than we think,” Remus declared. “We need to find Virgil’s grandmother.”
Roman nodded. “But where to start?”
Remus shrugged. “Her room?”
“Whether she’s there or not though, they’ll have guards stationed there to keep up the ‘she’s sick and quarantined’ charade.” Janus pointed out.
“Oh! What if we use the teleportation spell?” Patton proposed.
“Would that even work in this realm?” Willow wondered. “And what if they have some kind of magic barrier like we have here?”
“Virgil, is there anyone who you would trust to tell you the truth about what’s happening? The best thing we can do is find a reliable source to inform us what’s going on.” Remy said.
Virgil sighed. “The Earl was my grandmother’s closest advisor, and I don’t think we can trust him at all.”
“What about the reporters? You said they give news to the people of this realm, so surely they would have some information,” Logan reasoned.
Virgil perked up. “I don’t know how reliable they’d be, but I guess that’s a start. We’d need to comb through the news channels on TV.”
“Ooh, I can do that. I figured out how to use the remote properly,” Patton proudly stated.
“I could do some reconnaissance. Like covertly listening in on what people say to each other,” Willow suggested.
“I can help keep you hidden while you’re doing that,” Janus added.
“Roman and I could also do some covert reconnaissance. Our hearing isn’t as good as Willow’s but it’s still pretty sharp,” Remus stated.
Virgil nodded. “Alright, Pat can look into what’s on the news while Remus, Roman, Janus and Willow act as our spy teams. Logan and I have left the room before, so we can go out again and try to see my grandmother or at least fake that we’re doing that to see how well her room is being guarded.”
Remy frowned. “Hang on kids. If there is something going on, I would like to get us out of here as soon as possible. You shouldn’t be getting too deep into stuff like this.”
“It’s dangerous, but we knew this was going to be risky when we agreed to it. And, really, this might be our safest option considering how the Earl was trying to convince Virgil to go back home.” Logan noted.
Remy sighed. “If you really need to check in on the queen, then I may know a spell that can help. But it’s difficult for normal mages to cast.”
The group exchanged curious glances. “What is it?”
“Mind linking,” Remy stated. “It’s a high-level spell that can allow a person to link their consciousness to someone else. You can’t do a full connection unless two people are doing the spell with each other, but there’s a way to use the spell to specifically disconnect one’s consciousness for a time in order to find other minds in the space around you. Aka this building. The spell goes through all kinds of loopholes and can work even inside or through magical barriers, but the caster needs a proficiency in mind magic…”
“So, theoretically, I could cast the spell?” Virgil asked.
“Yes, but another rule is you can’t cast the spell onto yourself.”
“You could cast it onto me though,” Logan said.
“I was actually thinking I could take the spell,” Remy declared.
“I think Logan should do this. If Pat’s watching the news, the twins, Janus, and Willow are out spying, and I’m maintaining this spell, then it would probably be a good idea to have someone checking news sites online, and we don’t have time to teach Logan about the internet,” Virgil pointed out.
“Inter-net? Is it some kind of magical net you catch information with?” Roman asked.
“Like I said, we don’t have time to introduce you guys to it. Maybe later though.”
Remy sighed. “Alright. But we’re going to need to go into full detail with this plan…”
The team did plan things out as best they could. Virgil explained to the spy team how to navigate the building. After that, Roman, Remus, Janus and Willow went to the elevator, casting invisibility spells on themselves that would make it so only they could see/detect each other, then went their separate ways.
Meanwhile, Remy showed Patton which channels were for the news and gave Logan the instructions for the Mind spell. Pat made notes on everything that was being said on TV in a small black notebook and once Remy finished instructing Logan he found a tablet to use the internet on.
“Remember, I’m only able to keep this up for five minutes, then you’ll be pulled back into your body,” Virgil said. “You know where to go?”
Logan nodded. “I’ll be fine, Virge. We can both pull this off.”
Virgil nodded. “Okay. You might want to lie down then.”
Logan laid down and closed his eyes as the spell was cast. He could feel as the magic flowed through his body like a gentle wave washing over the shore. For a moment he thought that the spell had failed since nothing else changed, but then he sat up and opened his eyes only to realise that he was outside of his own body. More specifically, he was floating just above his body like a ghost.
He felt suddenly excited at this discovery. It was like he was now a ghost completely disconnected from his physical form. A glance over to Virgil however reminded him of the current urgency of his mission. He was watching Logan’s body with a particular concern. Right now he had no idea what was happening to Logan and it was worrying him a great deal.
Logan wanted to reassure him in some way, but this form wouldn’t really be able to do that, so instead, he focused on finishing his task so that when Virgil pulled him back he would have some useful information. He floated up to the ceiling and then phased through it like it was nothing more than a cloud of fog. He navigated his way literally through the building quickly until he came to the hall outside of the queen’s bedroom.
There were indeed a pair of guards outside the door, but no one else seemed to be on this floor. Logan phased through the door and looked around if anyone was there. The room was lavishly decorated in silver and lavender tones, with a pair of ornate wardrobes on either side of a large vanity table, a wall to wall bookshelf, and a large king-sized bed. In the bed, someone was laying down.
On closer inspection, Logan found that the someone was a fae woman with long tresses of silver hair that was spread out all over her pillows. She looked weak and sickly, with cold sweat on her forehead. Logan reached out to touch her so he could hopefully see into her mind when a voice from behind him said.
Logan whipped around to find the spirit of the woman in the bed standing behind him. “Gah!”
“Oh, sorry darling, I didn’t mean to scare you there. You came looking for me, right?”
“Queen Valeria?”
“The one and only!” The woman said with a smile before her face turned serious. “You’re my grandson’s friend. Correct?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Then I need you to get him out of here. Immediately. Tell my son what’s going on here so that he can save the rest of this world before it’s too late for the others. I won’t last long enough to see him again...”
“I- no, your majesty I don’t really know what is happening but I’m sure that Virgil will not leave if you’re going to-- to die.”
“Child, there is no way to save me. All of you need to go to Nico and explain to him that Earl Ynclementia has overthrown me. Then he’ll know what to do next once my powers transfer to him.”
“Ma’am… Prince Nico and King Thomas have both disappeared. They were attacked by an unknown spellcaster during a meeting and no one knows what’s happened to them or where they vanished to.”
Valeria paled. “No… then Ynclementia’s plan was successful. That’s just all the more reason for you to get Virgil out of here. If he receives my powers then… it all will fall to him…”
Logan felt a lump in his stomach at the realisation of what she meant. With his parents gone and his grandmother dying, Virgil would be forced to take rulership over both humans and fae. Except the fae realm has been stolen by the earl, and if Virgil reveals his heritage without his parents support, then lord knows what might happen.
The people could rise against him in fear. Dethrone or even kill him. Even if he were completely accepted as half-fae, they could still try to take away his throne on the excuse he was underaged and possibly didn’t have the necessary training to rule in his fathers’ steads.
“Your majesty, there must be something we can do. If you’re here outside of your body then surely there’s still time to heal you.”
“Dear, I don’t have much time left. The spell I’m using to keep myself alive will be gone soon enough. Nothing but a miracle could save me now. Please, my only wish is that Virgil is safe. Take him home and… tell him to destroy the porthole. Right now, I’m using a spell to keep Ynclementia here, but once I’m gone he will try to take over your realm as well. That cannot happen.”
“No, there has to be something. There has to be a way to save you.”
“As I said, nothing but a miracle could do that.”
Logan looked down at his feet sorrowfully, then an idea struck him. “A-a miracle. Like the mythical creature, Miracle?”
Valeria gave a short laugh. “I doubt there are any of those just walking around in your realm, much less this one.”
“But if we found one, it could save you?”
“Well, they’re supposed to have boundless knowledge of the universe, so possibly. But it’s impossible to find one. Please just… just get Virgil away. Right now he’s going to need good friends more than ever.”
Valeria stared sorrowfully at the painting above her door. Only now Logan noticed it. A large portrait of Valeria, Thomas, Nico, Tanya, Dune and Virgil, all together smiling happily. If the queen died now then Virgil really would need friends. His fathers were completely missing and neither Tanya nor Dune could leave the forest. In the castle, facing the duties of ruling a kingdom, Virgil would be completely alone.
Logan couldn’t let that happen.
He tried to say more to Valeria but he felt that his soul was being pulled back. As his vision faded he heard Valeria say one more time, “Take him home.”
Barely a blink and a breath later, his consciousness returned and Logan found himself back in his body, with Virgil staring at him in concern. He sighed in relief only to tense up when he noticed the expression on Logan’s face.
“What happened?”
“We need a miracle.”
Virgil tugged on his hood. “Is it that bad?”
“No, well, what I mean- ugh, do you remember Remus’s dream?”
“That one about the giant bagel?”
“No, the recurring one. That one that started on our vacation.”
“Oh, the nightmare.”
“Yes, that. To save the person, we needed to find the miracle that time left behind, right?”
“I’m with you so far.”
“I think that that dream was very literal…”
An hour later, the group was reunited and once again stuck thinking of what to do next. Logan explained everything that happened with Valeria, leaving Virgil terribly distressed, and then the spy team returned with the news that Ynclementia planned to use them as hostages since the plans to get rid of Virgil’s parents and assassinate Virgil ‘failed’.
“Assassinate me?”
Willow nodded. “That’s what a rockslide was. The agent Ynclementia sent must have believed they killed you then went off to get your parents.”
“And now Ynclementia thinks both plans failed so he needs you as a hostage to use against your fathers.” Janus sighed.
“The news isn’t giving me any hope either,” Remy stated. “It seems that they’ve… erased the queen. Like she or any of your family never existed. They’ve made it look like Earl Imbecile has always been in power and no one is speaking up about it.”
Patton nodded. “From what I’ve seen on TV they’re scared to even talk about him. Whenever they refer to anything he’s done or is doing, they have this terrible fear in their eyes.”
“Then it isn’t like they’ve been brainwashed or anything. They’ve been traumatized.” Roman theorised.
Remus chewed on her fingernails. “We need to get out of here.”
“Well, it’s not like we can just walk out of the place.” Janus declared. “They would lock us up for real if they caught us.”
“A porthole,” Willow said. “We can use a porthole to get ourselves back to the realm porthole and go home.”
“You pointed out earlier that kind of magic might not work in this realm.” Roman reminded them.
“Well, yeah, but how many successful spells have we used now?”
“Okay true.”
The group used a porthole to get themselves back to the realm porthole, then went through the second porthole and found Tanya, Dune, and a few other pixies waiting for them. Tanya looked at Virgil with a worried expression. She could already tell that something had gone wrong.
“...We need to close the porthole.”
A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be posting two chapters a day until the full fic is up, so if you want to be tagged, you can just ask.
I'd love to hear what you thought about the chapter if you wouldn't mind commenting. Thanks again for reading! Here's hoping you have a magical day 💜
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creativia10 · 3 years
Janus in Wickhills Part 3
Notes: (Continuation of recursive fic of @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors 's Love and Other Fairytales series
Previous parts Janus in Wickhills Part 1, Part 2)
This is an au of Laoft where Remus came back several years earlier, and Linda isn’t in the picture yet. Also takes place some time after Logan has become the Seelie court rep.
Chapter 3
For the second time, outside light seeping against his eyelids started to rouse him awake. The sunlight would feel good if he were more conscious though. He groaned, as though the sun were an annoying wakener. He shifted and felt something warm against him. Well that was nice.
He leaned towards it, and felt something somewhat soft yet unsmooth against his face.
Wait. Something wasn’t right about that.
Janus blinked his eyes open and blurrily looked in front of him. It was…someone. It took a few moments for his brain to kick in, and then he jolted upon realization of what happened. The jolt unfortunately shook the other awake who was mumbling and blinking in some disorientation. As Janus had panic tried to scoot back from him, he ended rocking the hammock again and tossed himself out.
Well, that was a rough wakeup.
A door slammed open close by.
Janus just blinked up from where he had fallen on the ground. Apparently Remus was better at holding on and keeping his balance. He gave Janus a sheepish smile through the holes in the webbing.
“Goodness, Jay. I didn’t think I was that intolerable already. I was even trying to tone it down for you.”
Somehow, that got a little laugh out of Janus, even though he was sure he was blushing.
Steps rushed to them.
“What happened!? We heard a fall. Oh! Jay, are you alright!?” Wren exclaimed. Janus sighed, and tried with as much dignity as he could to carefully scoot out from under the hammock. Upon seeing his shoes by him on the floor, he started to put them on.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just unused to sleeping in hammocks, or with another nearby. Not a fun combination for temporary morning amnesia.”
The Prince winced in sympathy. Janus stood up as gracefully as he could manage.
Remus somehow flipped out of the hammock, and creaked as he stretched.
“Well, I liked the sticky hanging banana.”
“How did you even come up with that for a description?” L asked. Remus just shrugged.
Wren cleared his throat.
“We were going to have breakfast. What would you like?”
“Uh, I’m not picky honestly.”
“Careful with that,” L started, “Because Remus’ version of ‘not picky’ includes any plant he can find.”
Janus grimaced at that. “Gosh, not like that. Please tell me someone around here knows how to make normal human food?”
They shared a look again, of course, and Wren nodded.
“Of course!”
“Good. I’m fine with something simple.” Wren nodded again before he scurried back inside to the kitchen. Wren seemed to remove tension with his presence, and return it as he left.
“We can eat wherever,” L said.
Janus nodded. “Is there room for whatever you do normally?”
L nodded, “Yes.”
Janus bit back another comment.
“Alright. Th- uh, I appreciate it.” They walked back to the front.
“Please tell me at some point I’ll hear why you are all acting so strange around me. It is driving me crazy.”
The Prince bit the inside of his lip.
“I suppose that’s fair,” L said. Remus hopped in front of them not bothering to hold the door open. There was a sigh as they made it in. The house wasn’t cramped or anything. It was cozy. Janus was surprised to see an old woman in a wheelchair by a window, glaring at him in suspicion.
“Oh right, we forgot to tell you about Mamaw,” Ro said as he went over to give her a hug. She made a disgruntled face but patted him back.
“She’s my Mamaw. She’s a witch too, so maybe she can help us figure it out.”
“…okay. I think I’m going to wait over there. Let me know when breakfast is ready,” Janus said.
Nobody protested. He could tell there were many whisperings.
Breakfast was awkward. Not that that was saying much at that point.
“So Mamaw, do you have any ideas what could be the cause of this?” Ro asked her, gesturing at Janus. The old woman scrunched her face and shrugged.
“Not sure why you thought I would know anythang, I only know witch magic, not as much about fae magic.”
They then turned to the prince. The prince sighed.
“I can’t think of anything relating to what he is claiming happened to him.”
“I haven’t claimed anything,” Janus spoke up, “I have simply said I don’t know what’s going.”
“Ya know there’s an obvious way to answer some things,” Mamaw looked at him directly.
“Are you the Serpent King?”
Janus was taken aback, “What?”
“Just answer the question directly. Are you the serpent king?”
She hmmed at that.
Ro then stood in front of him.
“Have you ever gone by the nickname Dee?”
Janus furrowed his brows at that, “No?”
Ro’s shoulders relaxed some at that answer.
“What’s with the weird questions anyways?”
They hesitated.
Janus found his fingers curl, feeling that frustration again.
“Those may be helpful to reassure you about me apparently looking like someone you all are wary of, but this is not helpful to me at all. I get it, apparently I’m a reminder or whatever. I did not wake up thinking about who I look like. I would rather just go somewhere to get some idea about whatever strange situation I woke up in than stew in that. So could you please either help me, point me out to who will actually help me, or let me be on my merry way, because frankly I am tired of already being treated like a bad guy by people I don’t even know.”
Janus let out a breath after his tirade. That felt a little out of character for him, but his frustration had been building and he had a feeling he did not currently have access to whatever his usual coping skills were. Their expressions changed, but it was still hard for him to read. He stood up then.
He still felt unsure about what he would get himself into if he headed out alone, but he wasn’t sure if his patience could take this. A moment after he turned around he heard steps.
“Wait,” Wren said.
Janus paused and looked back at him.
He sighed.
“You’re right,” Wren looked at the others in the room then back at him. “We did say we would help you. Please sit back down.”
Janus sighed and returned to his seat, arms crossed.
“I think we were going to try and go see where Jay woke up, yes? To see if we could get any clues?”
Janus nodded slowly.
They went back to breakfast as some discussion continued.
“It seems like our main concerns are figuring out the reason behind the amnesia. Also, it seems important to look into the similarity of his appearance,” The prince said.
Janus rolled his eyes, “I thought I said-“
“I know you do not seem to care about this similarity, but I feel it’s an important detail to look into. Think about it. Remember how the faery in the forest reacted upon seeing you?”
That did get Janus to consider.
“See? Most likely, if there is a magical cause to this, as I suspect, whoever did it had a clear reason, and I frankly don’t think it’s a good one. Looking like a traitorous king who was executed? That is going to kick up tension and wariness, which does not lead to anything good. “
“I would suggest being careful,” L said, “Given what V has said.”
Janus hmmed, thinking over everything.
“I think we may need to look into types of transformation magics as well.”
“V, do you know of any magic used that transformed what someone was? Like from a human to a faery?”
V, who was apparently the prince, frowned as he thought.
“I cannot think of an instance with that happening at least. Why?”
“Based on some of the things I have noticed, I am wondering if that is a possibility. Jay acts like he thinks he is human.”
“Excuse me?” Jay asked. He had suspected as much himself, but the way it was worded made it come across like this was a big problem.
“Just some of the things you have said. Plus, most faeries know of some things that you seem not to. What do you think of yourself at the moment?”
“Well, you all have made it clear that this,” he gestured to his snake scales, “is a pretty good indicator of me being a fae.”
“Yes, but that is based off of what we told you. An uncertainty in that regard, unless you tell me you think otherwise, concerns me of how great this amnesia may be affecting you.”
Janus sighed.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t even thinking about it until my attacker from the woods and you all started talking about it. I had some familiarity with knowing of fae, but did feel off when they first said that.”
“This is just, so odd.”
Janus snorted at that for some reason, “That is a gross understatement.”
L stood.
“Shall we go investigate then? Do you still remember where?”
Janus nodded, “Well, at least I believe I can figure it out from where the revel took place.”
“We can start from there.”
V stood. “I am coming as well, just give me a moment.”
V pulled Ro off to the side, and talked to him quietly.
Janus rolled his eyes and walked towards the front to wait there.
Janus blinked as Remus approached him, the green man having been surprisingly quiet during most of that.
“We’re lucky we have those four, honestly. They look out for people.”
Janus just looked at him.
“I may do some rounds to scour for suspicious beings. I do live in this forest,” Remus winked at him before he took off. Janus blinked. He wasn’t sure what to make of that one.
“Alright.” Someone clapped. Janus turned to them.
“L and I shall accompany you there.” V walked out the door and stopped in front of a tree before he looked back at them.
“Do you mind if I help us get there faster?” He asked.
Janus raised an eyebrow at him, “That depends. What do you mean?”
He hesitated.
“It would probably be better for him to just show you, so we can get there,” L said. He walked right over to V, although he was already grimacing.
Janus frowned a little but sighed.
“You will want to hold on to us,” V said. Janus hesitantly got closer. Being close to other people did not feel normal to him. Remus falling into him in the hammock earlier had been a shock, although this one was definitely filled with more nerves.
Janus wrapped his hands around them, following as he saw them doing, and they each wrapped an arm around him. Before he could ask about what was about to happen, suddenly his world was swamped with black. He also felt a whooshing motion, as though his body had become liquid-like or formless. The only feeling coming to him was a cold around him, aside from the less cold feeling of the others’ arms around him. Yet, quickly, the black cold dripped away and they were on solid ground again. A motion seemed to continue with him though as he felt propelled onto his knees. He put a fist to his mouth as he fought nausea.
He distantly heard an apologetic murmuring above him. As soon as he felt something solid behind him he allowed himself to lean back into a tree trunk, the world was still dizzy for him. He unsteadily looked to the side, where V was standing fine, but holding up an unsteady L. After a moment, where L seemed more stable, they looked down at him.
“Are you alright?” V asked. Janus gave him an incredulous look.
He touched the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Sorry. I knew I should have given you more warning.”
“I don’t respond well to his level of shadow transportation either,” L cut in, starting to look a bit better, although he put a hand against the tree Janus was sitting against.
V sighed.
“Yeah I remember it didn’t go well when I tried to bring D-“ V cut off, glanced at Janus and looked away. Janus sighed again.
“Do you think you will be able to continue any time soon?” L asked. Janus scowled.
“I’ll see a moment.”
L nodded. After a bit, V looked back over, saw how L was, and then turn to Janus again.
“How are you feeling?” V asked, crouching and holding a hand out for him. Janus scoffed, but accepted the hand. Embarrassing enough, L helped steady him as well.
“I’ll manage,” Janus said. L frowned a little at the not-quite answer. V ticked his head.
“Which direction?”
Janus took a breath. When the world didn’t spin as he turned his head, he let himself get a look of their surroundings. He pointed to a space in the trees he remembered passing. V nodded and started in that direction. L walked with Janus.
Now that they were here earlier in the day, as they continued to go towards where Janus woke up, Janus picked up on how that area of the forest actually was darker. He had thought it solely had to do with the time of day before. There were also a lot less movement, like there was less life.
“What is it, dear?”
Janus looked to see L giving V a look.
V pursed his lips.
“I know this area, of course, but it’s been a while since I’ve been here…” He trailed off and seem to ponder.
Janus walked ahead and stopped in front of a tree trunk much bigger than all of the others.
“I woke up on the ground right here.”
He said, pointing to the area right in front of the tree. V’s eyes widened as he came forward.
“That’s…” He paused.
Janus narrowed his eyes at the other, but he wasn’t looking at Janus. They were quiet. Then, V extended a hand to the side. A shadow coming out from the tree curled up and then encompassed V. Janus jumped.
“What the-“ He looked over at L, who just pursed his lips in concern.
“What the heck just happened!?” Janus asked him. L turned to him and sighed. He adjusted his glasses.
“I am uncertain how to explain it…but I believe he is communicating with his mother?”
Janus gave him an incredulous look, “Ok, I’m going to need more than that.”
“To my understanding, V claims the forest is his mother who’s physical form comes to him in shadows, and when he goes into them he can sometimes hear her?”
Janus didn’t even know how to begin to respond to any of that. Somehow, he was saved from trying as V came out of the shadows frowning slightly.
“Well?” L asked.
“What was that about?” Jay asked.
V pursed his lips. He gestured to the tree.
“This tree is where my brother and I, at separate times, came into being.”
“…you came out of a tree?”
“Yes. And as far as I know, nobody had come over here in a very long time, so I knew it was significant for you to wake up here.” He gestured at the shadows behind him. “Since my mother created us there, I decided to ask her if she knew anything about this.” A frustrated look came over the prince’s face.
He continued, “Unfortunately, mother can be difficult to communicate with at times. She will say some words, and she shows me some images, but she is not always the clearest at getting her meaning across.”
L then asked, “So what did she say?”
V sighed. “She said, ‘not brother’ when I asked about Jay. I tried to get more than that, but I got images of him, “ he motioned to Janus, “asleep, in the tree trunk, where we had been born, and on the ground. I think she may have been the one to move him out of the tree and awaken him. At least, she didn’t show me any images where anyone else did anything before he woke up.”
“Why would she do that? I mean, no offense, but your mother does not seem the type to interfere a lot,” L said.
V nodded, “You’re right, she’s not.
“There is clearly some significance to this then.”
“I would say she normally only interferes if it’s something related to me, and this does not happen very much. She was much weaker for a while so I have not heard from her as much since I woke up.”
“This implies that there is a connection to you to some extent.”
“I mean, I kind of figured that. Anything related to my brother always seems to come back to me somehow.”
“Did anyone else know this was the tree you came out of, before you told us that is?”
“Unless someone witnessed us come out of there that I wasn’t aware of, I don’t think so. Just mother, my brother, and I knew the significance of this place.”
“Hmm,” L put a couple of fingers to his chin in thought. V and L both glanced at Janus and then looked back at each other.
“What can we do with this information then?” L asked.
V sighed again.
“I’m not sure. If Jay was put to sleep as he is now, and he is fae, we have no idea how long he may have been like that.”
They paused, and then the pair turned to Janus.
“I don’t suppose it’s too soon to ask if you remember anything else since waking up?”
Janus sighed and thought.
“Every time I try to, I get a headache, and the images I do see I can’t recall long enough to even begin to describe.”
He wasn’t sure if he needed to mention the bad feeling they gave him. He didn’t like admitting stuff like that.
“The headache is probably another sign of it being magical.”
“I feel like we’re already going in circles about this,” L sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “When we reach a seeming ‘dead end’ in an investigation, it’s a good idea to go back to looking. If we go over any possibilities, we can conceivably find some more answers as we gather as much information as we can.”
V nodded, “Right. Are you suggesting you have an idea for how to do that next?”
L nodded.
“We haven’t exactly tested if he’s fae.” L said. “We can start from there and look for any outliers to see if we can learn anything else.”
V looked considering and gave a hesitant nod.
“I mean, you would know science more than me, so I think I get it?”
“Plus, how strong of a reaction he has, depending on what we use, could also help us gather data on his power strength. And you would know what would be similar to your brother’s, right V?”
V nodded at that. “Yeah, ok that makes sense now.”
Janus hesitated. “What exactly would that entail?”
Janus wasn’t entirely sure what he would want the results to be from these tests.
“There are many ways. First, I think we should go back to a safer place if we’re done here. I think we should also ask Ro and Nana to look into more on witch magic, in any way that may be related. We may end up being surprised, as I suspect we are dealing with new territory here.”
They nodded.
(continues in Part 4 )
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creativia10 · 3 years
Janus in Wickhills Part 1
(Title not certain)
Janus wakes up on a forest floor, having no idea how he got there. He soon learns that apparently he seems to resemble some sort of dead evil faery king, snake scales and all, and he has no idea why. So he finds himself getting wary and suspicious looks from people he doesn’t even know, including the ones who offered to help him. Not to mention, dealing with the confusing nature of the green skinned fae who Janus can’t help but be intrigued by. However, he may come to learn that he is more connected to everything than he was aware.
Warnings : Threats of violence
Notes: So, I decided to go ahead and start posting this story. This is a fanfic au of @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors 's Love and Other Fairytales series. I did not know before that I needed to add in the ‘read more’ link. Since this is a bigger story, I want to do better with that this time. I will probably put specific warnings at the front of each part.
Ok, so here is some setup for the story: This is an au of Laoft where Remus came back several years earlier, and Linda isn’t in the picture yet. With this in mind, setting takes place some time after Logan has become the Seelie court rep.
I do not know yet how long this fic will be, since I am still writing it, or when I will update. So far, I have five chapters written.
Let me know if you have questions about anything, or if I forgot anything.
Chapter 1
Janus stirred, first aware of a dark green surfacing through the little light against his closed eyelids. He slowly blinked his eyes open, not quite aware of everything yet. As his eyes opened he noticed some light coming in through the leaves of the top of the forest. Top of the forest? Wait.
As Janus brought himself to sit up he felt leaves shift below him. He leaned back, thankful there was a tree behind him.
Something…wasn’t right, here. He shouldn’t be waking up on the floor of a forest. He was feeling a great wrongness here. He tried to think back to how he got there, but that only gave him fuzzy images and a dizzying headache. That could not be good. He put his hand against the tree as he stood up. He felt groggy.
How long had he been asleep? That was also concerning.
As he righted himself he looked around. He was definitely in the middle of a forest. How strange. It seemed dark in there though.
He seemed to be in period clothes with a cape, that didn’t feel off at least. He carefully started stepping around, wondering how he should go about this, considering he didn’t know which way was out. Something told him it would probably be a bad idea to call out either, he didn’t know what lurked in these woods. As he started to walk around he tried to find a space between trees that could remotely resemble a path. They didn’t seem consistent though.
He hadn’t gotten far before he heard someone clicking.
“Oh you’ve done it.”
Janus whirled around to face the figure, human-like with an inhuman quality. Fae, his mind supplied him with somehow. Not sure how he knew that.
“Ohh you’ve done it now,” the figure said as they stepped towards Janus. Janus couldn’t help but step away. The fae laughed and then shook their head.
“I don’t know where you got off going around with the dead Serpent King’s face. It’s not going to end well either way.”
Janus narrowed his eyes. What were they talking about? The fae rolled their eyes.
“Oh please, no point in keeping up an act. It’s a pretty stupid thing to do.”
The fae flicked out into their hand a light colored blade.
“We don’t take kindly to mockeries of betraying usurpers around here. You wear his face, you get the same fate.”
Janus gasped and quickly dove away from the blade aimed right towards him. He breathed fast as he quickly tried to get away, not wanting them out of his sight but also wanting to get out of there.
“Help!” He shouted then bit his tongue. That felt like a stupid thing to do. He didn’t know the intentions of any of the creatures around there. An angry snarl came from the fae who attacked him.
“Don’t act so pathetic when you dare to wear that traitor’s face!”
They launched for Janus again. Janus stumbled back, falling backwards when another figure swiftly stood in front of the other fae. Said fae stopped when he did, frowning, but standing down.
“What is the meaning of this?”
“Your highness, I didn’t t-“
“This is still close enough to the revel for me to intervene. What is the issue?”
The fae scowled.
“That bastard made a mockery of the executed king by traipsing around with his face! I was only doing us all a favor by putting a stop to it.”
The royal stiffened and looked around to look at Janus. Janus stood up and eyed him cautiously, poised to take off if he had to, not that Janus knew where exactly he could go.
The royal’s face was unreadable.
“I am here now, so I am not allowing personal justice by killing on sight. I will see to it that this matter is addressed.”
“Why do you wear my brother’s face?” The Royal asked Janus this time. Janus just looked at him.
“I am afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“He lies!” The other fae cried.
“I do not understand your accusation, seeing as we can only consider a fae capable of such a transformation, and in that case, he would be incapable of lying.”
Fae? Him? Janus felt like whether or not he was fae, should be something he should know about himself. So why did he feel so unsure about that?
The royal gave the fae attacker beside him a sharp look.
“You are no longer helpful to this situation. Go on to the revel now.”
The other fae did not seem happy about this but went off without a complaint. The royal looked at Janus again.
“Explain,” He said.
“Explain what?”
“Explain how you look nearly identical to my dead brother.”
“How the hell should I know that? You’re acting like you’ve never seen someone who looks similar to someone else before.”
“Well his snake scales are pretty iconic to him.”
His what?
Janus took notice of an off feeling, as some things were coming back to him slower. He reached his hand to touch the left side of his face and gasped when he felt not smooth skin but the raised circles of reptilian scales. Well, that mas definitely a magical characteristic. The royal was watching him.
“I, along with many others, also saw him brutally murdered in front of our own eyes, so him seeming alive should not make any sense at all.”
Janus eyes widened at that. What the hell?
This was a lot. He clenched his teeth as he felt the start of what could turn into hyperventilating. That was the last thing he needed right there. To go into a vulnerable state in front of a stranger who clearly viewed him suspiciously.
“Perhaps we should start with what you are doing here?”
Janus sucked in a breath.
“I-I don’t know.” Janus looked at him then broke eye contact. “I don’t know how I got here. I just woke up on the forest floor. I know how that sounds-“
“Not as farfetched as you would think.”
Janus looked up at him in bewilderment. The royal’s lips twitched up briefly.
“Do you know who I am?”
Janus shook his head.
“Should I?”
The royal seemed to withhold a laugh again.
“Some call me the lord of the forest.”
Janus slowly nodded at that. Somehow, that seemed to work, considering how the attacking fae earlier had acted around him.
“I am also known as the spider prince. What is the last thing you remember?” the lord of the forest asked.
“Before waking up?”
He nodded.
Janus pursed his lips as he thought. It was a bit fuzzy. He went up to a tree. There was a conversation with someone whose face he couldn’t recall. Something happened. It wasn’t good. He remembered his consciousness fading.
He hissed and winced. It was clearly not a good memory. The prince frowned.
Janus said, “Not much.”
The prince hmmed. Then he turned around.
“Come with me,” he said.
Janus just stood for a moment.
“I may know of some people who can help,” the prince said. He started to walk away.
“You may want to readjust your hat, though,” he said as he nodded to Janus’ snake side and then began to walk again. Janus turned his hat and pulled it down some, not quite covering the side of his face completely, and found himself following. It wasn’t like he had many other choices anyways.
There were whispers around them. Here comes the prince.
Strange. Who follows him?
Who tries to cover part of his face?
Poor coverage indeed.
Wait is that-?
How can it be?
We saw him dead.
Who wears the dead serpent’s face?
Janus drew himself up and sped up his pace some, feeling extremely uncomfortable. They walked into a very big clearing, filled with people dancing about. There was an overall feyness to it. Many stared at them as they went past. This whole thing seemed to scream danger to Janus. He followed the prince wondering what he was thinking. He didn’t know what the prince thought of Janus at all. They made their way to an area along the edge of the clearing in the back, clearly set aside from everything else. There were three others who looked close in age to the prince. Janus noticed a fey knight off to the side as well. She made her way over to them as the two walked forward. The prince gestured.
“Can you explain this?” He asked her. The fey knight looked at Janus in shock, then her hand made its way to the sword at her side. Janus gasped and stepped back. The prince held up a hand before her.
“I already spoke with him, he claims not to know how he got here. If he is fae, as I suspect, then he can’t be lying.”
The knight frowned but she eased up some.
“That doesn’t make him innocent though.” The other three who had been waiting for the prince stood near them. Varying levels of expressions on their faces.
The knight gave him a hard look.
“What is your name?”
Janus opened his mouth, then paused. You weren’t supposed to give your name to the fae, which she clearly was, along with the prince.
“…you may call me Jay,” He almost wished he had thought of a cleverer nickname, not one that was too close to his actual name. She hmmed, still on guard.
“He never gave anyone his real name anyways,” one of the others standing by them spoke up, who was also dressed like a knight. Although he had an iron dagger on his sheath. The prince nodded.
“I also asked him if he knew who I was and he said no,” The prince said. That caused many confused looks around them. The prince looked to another in their group. Another fae. This one, who also appeared fae, yet strangely wore glasses, tilted his head and looked at Janus in consideration.
“Hmm, well he does seem to be fae.”
“I think the snake scales were pretty telling of that. I also don’t know of any witches who can do that.”
“He did act surprised when I mentioned the scales though, as though he didn’t conjure a glamor for himself.”
“I cannot think of why someone would play at this anyways though. After all, we cannot lie and to our knowledge no one else has transformative abilities like the fae do,” Specs said.
“Aren’t there other faeries who look alike though?” The last one, with curly hair and similar glasses, asked.
The glasses clad fae shook his head.
“Not like this at least.”
“My brother was made to be gentry, as we were made to be ruling heirs of this forest. He and I were the only ones who came into being the way we did. There would be no one like us.”
The one dressed as a knight gestured at Janus.
“Well then how would you explain this!?”
The glasses faery pursed his lips.
“I am afraid I am not sure.”
This was all just really weird. He would have left ages ago if he had any idea on where to go.
“Hey everyone! What’s going on?” A voice called out loudly from behind him, getting closer. “What are you all staring at?”
The people in front of him seemed to grow very concerned as the voice approached.
The glasses fae spoke, “R-Duke…”
Janus found he couldn’t help but turn to face the other. This was a green man. He literally had mint green skin. He hung a spiked mace over his shoulder. The green man, Duke as specs called him, just stared at him, face varying in extreme expressions. Janus wasn’t sure what to make of this. He was starting to get used to the bizarre reactions to him which was incredibly infuriating. There was something about the man before him though. Something familiar that was almost on the tip of his tongue. He seemed handsome too, even with the green skin, and somewhat ridiculous mustache. The man seemed to settle on something.
“What..the hell!?”
( Continues in Janus in Wickhills Part 2)
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