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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 028 11/23/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
- The broadcast this week opened with a series of comments from wrestlers appearing at the Thanksgiving Tussle discussing what they are thankful for. Jetta is thankful to be back in America with a chance to finally hold the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship. Shaw Mason is thankful that he will have his chance to expose Tim Bosby as the cheater he is. Tim Bosby is thankful that Shaw Mason is back, and hopes, regardless of the outcome, that Shaw will accept the results of their match tonight. The TrustBusters are thankful that they are rich, and you're not. Kylie Paige and Hyan said that Thanksgiving is a time to spend with your loved ones, and they are thankful that they've found friends that they can depend on. Athena asked her minions what they are thankful for. Raychell Rose is thankful for her tag team with Queen Aminata and the wisdom Athena showed bringing them together. Queen Aminata is thankful for her tag team with Raychell Rose and the wisdom Athena has shown by allowing them to enter the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship tournament. Billie Starkz is thankful for Athena taking her under her wing and teaching her what it takes to be successful as a pro-wrestler. Athena is thankful for the unconditional, but well deserved, devotion of her Minions. Janai Kai is thankful that she is a member of DIAMOND EGOIST. Kerry Morton is thankful that his five best friends just happen to be five of the best young wrestlers in the world today. Flamita is thankful that Black Generation International has come to America to paint the country black.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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- Sudu Upadhyay and Raven are not in the booth this week as we are instead joined by Daphne Oz, Veda Scott, Sam Leterna, and Alyssa Marino who are not in the building and will be calling our featured match live via satellite from Harlan, Kentucky.
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10-on-10 Tag Team Strive To Survive The Andersons (Brock Anderson and CW Anderson), The OutRunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd), The Production (Derek Dillinger and Magnum CK), The Good Hands (Jason Hotch and John Skyler), and The Family Tree (Sean Maluta and Journey Fatu) vs. Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels, The Toy Boyz (Matt Cardona and Brian Myers), Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake and Zack Gibson), The Von Triers (Dale Von Trier and The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex), and The Flying Nuns (Sister Angelica and Mother Smucker)
Jason Hotch pinned Dale Von Trier with a spinning Michinoku Driver II-b. The Von Triers have been eliminated.
Brock Anderson pinned Mother Smucker with a gourd buster. The Flying Nuns have been eliminated. Matt Cardona pinned Sean Maluta with the Radio Silence. The Family Tree have been eliminated.
Zack Gibson pinned Magnum CK with a combination neckbreaker and superkick. The Production have been eliminated. John Skyler pinned Brian Myers with a low blow followed by a rollup. The Toy Boyz have been eliminated.
Kevin Blackwood pinned John Skyler with the wing snapper into a doublestomp. The Good Hands have been eliminated. Brock Anderson pinned Alan Angels with a spinebuster. Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels have been eliminated. Turbo Floyd pinned James Drake with the powerslam into a neckbreaker. Grizzled Young Vets have been eliminated. Survivors: The Andersons and The OutRunners (40:11)
- Daphne Oz, Veda Scott, Sam Leterna, and Alyssa Marino previewed the Thanksgiving Tussle '23 card before signing off.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour The SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Tournament begins! The Andersons vs. The OutRunners
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #125 11/23/23 Thanksgiving Tussle '23 Cawood Elementary School Trojan Dome - Harlan, Kentucky 01. 4-on-4 Strive To Survive: Stephanie Vaquer, La Catalina, Sayaka, and Sayaka Obihiro vs. Charli Evans, Jessica Troy, Jetta, and Charlie Morgan 02. Special Guest Enforcer Dan "The Beast" Severn: Shaw Mason vs. Tim Bosby 03. 5-on-5 Strive To Survive: The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss/Slim J/JeeVeS Kay) & The TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop) vs. The Trust (Invictus Khash/Hyan/Kylie Paige/Giant Baba Yaga/Fuego Del Sol) 04. 4-on-4 Strive To Survive: Athena's Minions (Athena/Billie Starkz/Queen Aminata/Raychell Rose) vs. DIAMOND EGOIST (MICHIKO/Janai Kai/Risa Sera/Aoi) 05. 6-on-6 Strive To Survive: The Southern 6 (Kerry Morton/Silas Mason/Alex Taylor/Kenzie Paige) & Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. Black Generation International (Kaito Ishida/Flamita/Keiichi Sato/Kotaro Suzuki/Black Andromeda/Action Jackson)
CORE debuts in Cincinnati, Ohio at the WCPO TV Studios for a television taping. 11/25/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV. Including the opening rounds for the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Tournament! Your Participants Are .01. Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina .02. Sayaka and Sayaka Obihiro .03. Blue Nation (Charli Evans and Jessica Troy) .04. The Royal Aces (Jetta and Charlie Morgan) .05. Hyan and Kylie Paige .06. Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose .07. DIAMOND EGOIST (MICHIKO and Janai Kai) .08. DIAMOND EGOIST (Risa Sera and Aoi)
CORE Pro #126 12/25/23 …if only in my dreams Wind Creek Event Center - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania .01. Finals of the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Tournament
CORE Pro #1?? 02/03/24 Regional Pro-Wrestling Day 2024 LuLu Temple - Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
CORE presents The Co-Op 2024 04/03/24 - 04/07/24 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Our first partner promotion for The Co-Op 2024 can be announced… GLEAT has officially joined The Co-Op!
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becdecorbin · 7 years ago
oh heck I finally got around watching this short animation and I’m glad I did, even if I don’t understand a word and I could get a rough idea of the story from a google translation of the folk tale.
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Magyar népmesék: Holló Jankó, directed by Marcell Jankovics, who also directed Fehérlófia, I just love the stylish presentation and the character designs so much, I should watch more videos in this series based off Hungarian folk tales (by various directors! lots of neat art styles present, wow. some of them even have English subtitles!)
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also gosh the protagonist is pretty androgynous. (-- oh yeah and to add, at least until I watched the short in full I was a bit confused about Janko’s gender since I don’t understand any Hungarian, but seeing some context + looking up traditional Hungarian clothing, like the pants that resemble a long pleated skirt are called “gatya”, which is neat. but yeah, his rounded face and lips honestly made me think he looks feminine, his clothing, less so.)
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also I like the design of the king. he’s a jerk.
INCIDENTALLY, adding the dubbed version of the video to this post so it’s easier to find:
hey there’s a decent quality video of another dub on youtube, too! be sure to subscribe to the channel.
I can’t embed the video but yeah! there's the link.
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toticiklist · 4 years ago
7. dan, četrtek, 16. 7. 2020: Méolans - Bedoin, 175 km.
Pa da vidimo... Ne vem več, kje začet, niti se mi več ne sanja, kje ta začetek je, zato bom začel pri koncu. Ležim pod prekrasnim zvezdnatim nebom, tik pod Vetrovno goro (Mt. Ventoux), ki me je danes vso pot očarljivo opazovala z vseh strani in me vabila k sebi, jutri pa jo bom vzel za svojo. Zakaj vetrovna? Ker, če se odloči, da bo muhasta, ti začne pod vrhom, ko prideš iz gozda na odprto, metati ves veter, ki ga premore, v faco in če te tistih 9% povprečnega klanca popolnoma ne ustavi, potem te ta veter pošlje nazaj od koder si prišel in se niti ne rabiš trudit vračat. No, glede na to, da sem svoje leče že dal ven, mi je ta romantika, ki se odvija nad mano, ostala prišparana in ta slavni vetrič se je že danes odločil, moje ponočevanje spremeniti v jadralno regato, ker sem, no surprise, pri obisku načrtovanega kampa doživel razočaranje in sem moral iskati alternativo, ki je ponovno prišla v obliki dodatnih kilometrov po oddelanih 170ih, in vključuje makadam (s prekrasnimi možnostmi zabijanja klinov in torej zanesljivosti konstrukcije), saj so vsa mesta že zapolnjena z nizozemskimi in nemškimi turisti, wc brez papirja in umivalnike brez mila. In kot sem na svoje veselje spoznal, tudi teren ni tako raven, kot je deloval pri svetlem, zato bo tudi rob blazine danes dober za spanje. Mi-a? ...sprašuje ženska na recepciji. "Ne, ne...HA!! Morate izgovoriti, kot, da se režite in dajte ves ta sarkazem iz sebe (po francosko seveda) - Mi-HA HA....ker veste, na osebni na malo piše - jebena stranka....
No, skratka, danes, še pod vplivom včerajšnjega dne, nisem bil v ponos rekreativcem tega sveta, saj sem se milo rečeno fijakal kot turist - in to kljub temu, da sem se večino časa kotalil navzdol... Manjkal mi je zgolj transparent in lahko bi se podružil z ostalimi pred parlamentom...poleg tega sem se vozil skozi osupljive pokrajine, globoke soteske s kristalno vodo, ki cefrajo bregove, in iz kamna izklesane tunele, doživljal ples barv in oblik na s soncem obsijanem obzorju in se počutil kot nepomembni obiskovalec predstave narave, ki se mi odvija pred očmi. Prvič v življenju sem prečkal širna polja sivke, ki so trenutke praženja kože in frezanja riti spreminjala v aromaterapijo na dveh kolesih in pri 60 na uro z obrazom prestregal v času in prostoru izgubljene žuželke.
Sicer pa še včeraj zvečer nisem bil prepričan, ali se bom danes sploh premaknil. Takoj, ko sem na prvih strmih serpentinah Lombarde, ki so se svetlikale pod krošnjami, stopil na pedala, sem vedel, da bo to moj dan. Noge so si opomogle, riti ni bilo čutiti in napolnjen z energijo panina s pršutom in mocarelo sem bil pripravljen na boj. Gora se ves čas vzpenja s procenti od 7 do 8 in te tako "drži za jajca", ki jih pri tej višini itak ne čutiš več. Dih jemajoča kulisa slapov, alpskih vršacev in obeležij daljnih vojn te odvrača od misli na predajo, čeprav ti mraz pretresa vsako kost v telesu. Najdeš svoj ritem, umiriš dihanje in se potopiš v svoj film... Prve ne pozabiš nikoli...Bonette me je sprva razočaral, saj prvih nekaj kilometrov ni bilo prav nič spektakularnih, šele, ko se gora začne odpirati, pokaže vse svoje čare .. in konca ni na vidiku. Table ob cesti te motivirajo in odštevajo kilometre - prične se s 24 in se sprva hitro zmanjšuje. A kaj, ko je vsaka naslednja tabla bolj narazen, kot prejšnja - ali se mi samo zdi? Rit se zareže v sedlo, vedno bolj pogosto moram sestopiti, ker bi me sicer prerezalo na pol... zadnji trije kilometri so bitka za preživetje, začne briti, metri se poznajo. V daljavi se počasi izrisuje zaključni klanec - tisti, ki ga table ne odštevajo, ampak je dodatek, za vse, ki želijo do vrha (prva slika). Dobrodošel v peklu, si mislil, da si videl že vse? Zadnji kilometer ne pade pod 12%, še več ...gre do 15....kdo je postavil to skalo sem? Ne molat, to so me učili...in res, ne sestopim niti enkrat, prikaže se skala s tablo in pod njo se odpre svet...spet naletim na Nemce, usojeni smo si. Gremo se, čigava rit je bolj - v riti. Njihova na motorjih, ali moja na biciklu? Oblečem vsak topli kos oblačila, kar ga premorem - flis sem pustil doma. Saj v Alpah poleti ni mrzlo....Spust je pravljičen, otrok v moškem vriska od veselja. Prstov po telesu več ne čutim, ustnice so ohromele, prav tako vse, kar je pod pasom. Čisti užitek - ti, cesta in gore, skoraj čisto sami....koga brigajo prsti?
Ker je grozila mrzla noč, sem prek bookinga rezerviral pograd, nedaleč stran od prvotno načrtovanega kampa. Le village (le vilaž) - krasno ime, za kakšen kult posiljevalcev ali zblojencev, tipa Charlie Manson, si mislim - ker sem bil zadnjih deset kilometrov že sam toliko zblojen, da sem si sebe predstavljal v turkizni majčki sred lesene krste....če crknem, naj crknem lep...Zakaj se ne kotalim? Tukaj, na navigaciji, kaže črta dol in tudi cesta zgleda, kot da se spušča. Zakaj torej še vedno pritiskam na pedala? Izpraznjen sem. Sprašujem se, kam so šli kilometri. Sem vmes umrl in se ponovno rodil? Vstavim se in iz žepa potegnem še zadnjo ovseno tablico, ki je ostala in občudujem svojo genialnost za štedilnikom. Privlečem se do kamnite bajte s plavimi škurami, postavljene pod nekakšnim previsom, raznobarvnimi cvetlicami pod oknom in skromnim, zelenim vrtom zraven šumečega potočka, in si mislim, da bi glede na njune izkušnje, celo Janko in Metka dvakrat premislila, ali bi tukaj prespala. Zdelo se mi je, kot da sem v nekakšnih hipi-veganskih nebesih, in niti se nisem pretirano zmotil - hišo oskrbujeta punca (ki jo je verjetno podedovala od kakšne babice), in kuhar - sklepam da, njen fant, oba prototipa ležernega, samooskrbnega lajfstajla. Ponudi mi večerjo - juho iz zelene in špinačno lazanjo z gobami, za posladek pa biskvit z jagodičevjem. Dušica draga, pravkar sem porabil krepko prek 5000 kalorij, in praviš, da tu okrog ni ničesar, kar bi za časa svojega življenja teklo po štirih? Ampak, kako ti lahko s tvojim pogledom in nasmeškom rečem ne, saj se ne rabiš niti trudit - še tistih par nerodnih angleških besed...kar mi rečeš, bom naredil - danes praznujem življenje!
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probuilds-de · 4 years ago
Wie man Kha'Zix Probuilds wie ein LEC-Profi spielt
Kha'Zix Probuilds ist einer der stärksten Dschungler mit den neuesten Vor-Saison-Änderungen am Spiel - mal sehen, wie viel sich geändert hat und was am besten mit ihm funktioniert.
Die neue Saison steht vor der Tür, und das Spiel wurde wieder einmal durchgeschüttelt. Es gibt keinen besseren Zeitpunkt, um einen Blick auf ein paar der Champions zu werfen, die in dieser Vorsaison am meisten von den jüngsten Änderungen profitiert haben. Dieses Mal konzentrieren wir uns auf Kha'Zix Probuilds, und wie er sagen würde, "Veränderung ist gut" - also lasst uns sehen, was sich bei ihm geändert hat.
Kha’Zix Fähigkeiten
Kha'Zix ist ein sich ständig weiterentwickelnder Champion. Das liegt daran, wie seine ultimative Fähigkeit funktioniert. Normalerweise würden wir die Fähigkeiten der Reihe nach durchgehen, aber in diesem Fall ist es am sinnvollsten, mit der ultimativen Fähigkeit zu beginnen.
Void Assault hat eine passive und eine aktive Fähigkeit. Die Passive erlaubt es Kha'Zix, eine seiner Fähigkeiten zu wählen, um sie weiterzuentwickeln, sie stärker zu machen und in irgendeiner Weise zu verändern. Die aktive Fähigkeit erlaubt es Kha'Zix, sich für kurze Zeit zu tarnen, was ihm Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit verleiht und seine passive Fähigkeit aktiviert. Er kann dies zweimal tun. Wenn Void Assault entwickelt wird, wird es zu Adaptive Cloaking, wodurch Kha'Zix drei Aufladungen erhält, die ihn auch länger tarnen.
Kha'Zix' Passiv ist Unseen Threat. Wenn der Gegner Kha'Zix aus den Augen verliert oder wenn er seinen ultimativen Angriff aktiviert, verursacht Kha'Zix' nächster Angriff auf einen gegnerischen Champion einen großen Brocken Schaden und verlangsamt das Ziel. Ein ziemlich mächtiges Passiv für einen Assassinen-Champion.
Taste Their Fear hat einen passiven und einen aktiven Effekt. Das Passiv erlaubt Kha'Zix zu bemerken, wenn ein Gegner oder Monster isoliert ist. Einige von Kha'Zix' Fähigkeiten haben spezielle Interaktionen mit isolierten Zielen. Der Schaden von Taste Their Fear wird zum Beispiel gegen isolierte Ziele erhöht. Wenn er sich weiterentwickelt, wird Taste Their Fear zu ReaperClaws und erhält eine zusätzliche Reichweite und eine teilweise Rückerstattung der Abklingzeit, wenn er ein isoliertes Ziel trifft.
Void Spike schießt eine Ansammlung von Stacheln aus, die beim ersten getroffenen Gegner detonieren und in einem kleinen Bereich Schaden verursachen. Wenn sich Kha'Zix innerhalb des Detonationsbereichs befindet, heilt er sich selbst. Dies ist großartig für den Umgang mit Dschungel-Camps, die mehr als einen Feind haben, während es Kha'Zix auch erlaubt, im Dschungel dank der bereitgestellten Heilung zu erhalten. Die weiterentwickelte Version, Spike Racks, schießt drei Stachelbündel aus, die getroffene Gegner verlangsamen und aufdecken. Spike Racks verlangsamt isolierte Ziele viel stärker als nicht-isolierte Ziele.
Sprung erlaubt Kha'Zix, zum anvisierten Ziel in Reichweite zu springen und bei der Landung Schaden zu verursachen. Taste Their Fear kann in der Mitte des Sprungs gewirkt werden, was eine Menge Burst-Schaden in einem kleinen Fenster ermöglicht. Evolved Wings erhöht die Sprungreichweite und setzt seine Abklingzeit bei gegnerischen Takedowns zurück. Evolved Wings eignet sich hervorragend, um Kha'Zix dabei zu helfen, sein ausgewähltes Ziel zu eliminieren und sich dank dieser Rücksetzmechanik aus dem Kampfgeschehen zu entfernen.
Taste Their Fear wird immer zuerst gemaxt, da es Kha'Zix hilft, den Dschungel viel einfacher zu räumen. Der zusätzliche Schaden erlaubt es ihm, mit wenigen Punkten mehr gesunde Clears zu haben, und erhöht den Schaden, den isolierte Ziele von Taste Their Fear erleiden.
Void Spike ist der nächste. Dies ist für den zusätzlichen Burst-Schaden und die Heilungsfähigkeiten. Sie brauchen Leap nicht so sehr zu priorisieren, da seine Abklingzeit nach der Entwicklung zurückgesetzt werden kann, während Void Spikes dies nicht kann. Stecken Sie Punkte in Void Assault bei 6, 11 und 16.
Es gibt keine eindeutige beste Option für die Wahl der Fähigkeiten, die Sie entwickeln sollten, da dies sehr situationsabhängig ist, sowohl für Ihr Team als auch für die gegnerischen Team-Comps. Taste Their Fear ist großartig, wenn Sie die Möglichkeit haben, oft isolierte Ziele zu meucheln. Dies hilft auch bei der Dschungel-Clear-Geschwindigkeit und der Einnahme von Zielen, da die Abklingzeit-Rückerstattung Ihnen erlaubt, schnell unglaublichen Schaden zu verursachen. Void Spike funktioniert gut, wenn es schwierig ist, in Kämpfe hineinzuspringen, oder wenn es schwer ist, an Ihren Zielen zu bleiben. Die Verlangsamung hilft in diesen Fällen sehr. Leap bietet die Möglichkeit, dank seiner Mechanik zur Rücksetzung der Abklingzeit in Kämpfe hinein- und wieder herauszuspringen, und Void Assault ermöglicht es Ihnen, längere Kämpfe mit mehr Stealth-Aufladungen und passiven Verwendungen zu bestreiten.
Kha’Zix Runen
Ein Blick auf die Spiele, die unsere Profis in der Nebensaison gespielt haben, zeigt uns, dass viele von ihnen glauben, dass Kha'Zix Probuilds in einer starken Position ist. Sie verwenden auch ziemlich ähnliche Runen-Setups, mit kleinen Änderungen hier und da.
Electrocute scheint der Schlüsselstein für Kha'Zix zu sein. Der Grund dafür ist der Burst-Schaden, den er verursachen kann und der ihnen dabei hilft, ihr Ziel auszuschalten und aus dem Kampf zu verschwinden. Sudden Impact wird auf der nächsten Stufe am häufigsten eingesetzt. Das liegt daran, dass es bei Kha'Zix so einfach ist, ihn zu benutzen, da er so viele Möglichkeiten hat, sich zu tarnen und zu springen. Die zusätzliche Tödlichkeit hilft mit Sicherheit dabei, die vorrangigen Ziele viel leichter auszuschalten.
Eyeball Collection ist als nächstes dran. Dies gewährt dem Benutzer zusätzlichen Schaden mit jedem Takedown, den er erzielt. Dies ist definitiv nützlich für einen Assassinen, dessen Hauptaufgabe Takedowns sind. Ravenous Hunter ist die letzte Rune für den Domination-Baum. Diese Rune gibt etwas Unterstützung beim Aufräumen des Dschungels und während Scharmützeln. Die zusätzlichen Lebenspunkte sind nicht zu verachten und können den Unterschied zwischen einem gewonnenen oder verlorenen Handel ausmachen.
Beim sekundären Baum scheint es ein bisschen mehr Abwechslung zu geben. Es gibt Leute wie Oskar "Selfmade" Boderek von Fnatic, der den Sorcery-Baum bevorzugt und Absolute Focus und Gathering Storm für eine gewisse Versicherung im späten Spiel einsetzt. Marcin "Jankos" Jankowski von G2 hingegen bevorzugt den Inspiration-Baum und entscheidet sich für Magical Footwear, um kostenlose Stiefel zu erhalten und sich mehr auf seine Kernitems zu konzentrieren, sowie für Cosmic Insight, das Beschwörerzauber und Item-Hast gewährt. Es gibt sogar einige Spieler, die sich für den Precision-Baum mit Triumph und Coup De Grace entscheiden. Der sekundäre Baum scheint eine Frage der persönlichen Vorliebe zu sein, wenn es um Kha'Zix geht.
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Wenn man sich den häufigsten Build für Kha'Zix ansieht, scheint es, dass entweder Hagelklinge oder Emberknife und ein Nachfüllbarer Potion beide eine brauchbare Wahl für Startgegenstände sind. Hagelklinge verwandelt nach fünfmaligem Peinigen den Zauber "Peinigen", sodass er zum Verursachen von Schaden und Verlangsamen von Gegnern eingesetzt werden kann. Emberknife macht das Gleiche, nur dass es anstelle einer Verlangsamung den Schaden des Ziels reduziert und Ihren Schaden an ihm erhöht. Duskblade of Draktharr ist der mythische Gegenstand der Wahl für die meisten Kha'Zix-Spieler im Moment. Duskblade gewährt einen großen Brocken Schaden, wenn man aus dem Unsichtbaren angreift, was perfekt mit Unseen Threat zusammenarbeitet. Duskblade gewährt außerdem Unsichtbarkeit beim Takedown, was ebenfalls eine Synergie mit Unseen Threat darstellt. Nach Duskblade neigen die meisten Spieler dazu, ihre Stiefel entweder auf Plated Steelcaps aufzurüsten, wenn sie schweren Angriffsschaden-Bedrohungen gegenüberstehen, oder auf Mercury Treads, wenn sie gegen schwere Fähigkeitsstärke oder auf Crowd Control basierende Kompositionen antreten. Youmuu's Ghostblade ist der beliebteste Folgegegenstand. Es gewährt eine starke Menge an Angriffsschaden, Fähigkeits-Eile und Tödlichkeit zusammen mit einer aktiven Fähigkeit, die das Bewegungstempo erhöht - großartig, um Ziele aus ihrer Position heraus zu erwischen. Dies ist Ihr Kern-Build mit zwei Gegenständen auf Kha'Zix. Abschließend ist Edge of Night eine großartige Option, die viele Spieler gerne wählen. Sie bietet Schaden, Tödlichkeit und etwas Tankiness, zusammen mit einem sehr starken passiven Effekt, der die nächste Fähigkeit, die dich trifft, blockt. Dies ist ein unglaublich starkes Passiv, um später diese engen Eins-gegen-Eins-Kämpfe zu gewinnen, in denen ein einziger Fehltritt zu deinem Untergang führen könnte. Serylda's Grudge ist ein neuer Gegenstand, der in der Vorsaison hinzugefügt wurde. Er gewährt Angriffsschaden, Fähigkeit Eile und Rüstungsdurchdringung. Alle diese Werte sind erstaunlich für Kha'Zix, und die Rüstungsdurchdringung hilft ihm im späteren Spielverlauf beim Umgang mit tankigeren Gegnern. Serylda's Grudge bietet auch eine passive Fähigkeit, die alle Ihre schädlichen Fähigkeiten verlangsamt. Schließlich sind Guardian Angel und Chempunk Chainsword die beliebtesten finalen Gegenstände auf Kha'Zix im Moment. Ersteres gewährt eine Passivität, die Sie beim Tod wiederbelebt. Dies kann ein enormer Vorteil für diese späten Spielmomente sein, wenn die Todestimer lang sind und ein Kampf zum Ende des Spiels führen kann. Letztere gewährt die Passivität Grievous Wounds, die Heileffekte reduziert. Es ist ein unglaublich nützliches Passiv, das man gegen schwere Sustain-Kompositionen und Champions wie Soraka Probuilds oder Yuumi Probuilds hat.
Frühes Spiel als Kha’Zix
Kha'Zix' frühes Spiel ist ziemlich stark, mit der Fähigkeit, viele der aktuellen Meta-Dschungler zu überlisten. Wenn er es schafft, den gegnerischen Jungler in einer isolierten Position zu finden, ist es schwer für ihn, in einem fairen Kampf zu verlieren. Er hat auch einen starken Dschungel-Clear, wenn er die Isolations-Mechanik voll ausnutzt, indem er kleinere Vasallen in Dschungel-Camps ausschaltet und den größeren Gegner mit höherer Gesundheit allein und isoliert zurücklässt. Dies ist meistens eine brauchbare Taktik, kann aber je nach Level und ob Smite benutzt wird oder nicht, variieren.
Versuchen Sie, Ihren Dschungel zu säubern, indem Sie entweder in den gegnerischen Dschungel eindringen, wann immer es sicher ist, oder Ihrem Laner helfen, indem Sie für ihn ganken, wann immer es möglich ist. Kha'Zix hat einen sehr starken Power-Spike auf Stufe sechs, daher ist es immer eine völlig okaye Option, bis dahin zu farmen, bevor man einen großen Einfluss auf das Spiel hat.
Spätes Spiel als Kha’Zix
Sobald Sie etwas später im Spiel sind und eine oder zwei Evolutionen haben, ist es Ihre Aufgabe, das Ziel mit der höchsten Priorität, das Sie sicher eliminieren können, zu erreichen und zu meucheln. Manchmal ist das leichter gesagt als getan. Zum Beispiel ist es ziemlich einfach, einen einsamen Scharfschützen auszuschalten, der allein auf der Bot-Lane unterwegs ist, und es ist normalerweise nur ein einfacher, kostenloser Kill. Andere Male kann es knifflig sein.
Sie müssen auf Kha'Zix oft kalkulierte Risiken eingehen, wie zum Beispiel in einem Teamfight, wo Sie leicht fokussiert und in die Luft gejagt werden können. Lernen Sie, sich entsprechend zu positionieren und Ihre Fähigkeiten maximal zu nutzen, um bei der perfekten Gelegenheit zuzuschlagen.
Void Assault kann Ihnen mit seiner Unsichtbarkeit etwas Zeit verschaffen, und die Unsichtbarkeit von Duskblade of Draktharr beim Takedown kann es Ihnen ermöglichen, sich auf dem Schlachtfeld herumzuschlängeln. Jeder Kampf kann anders verlaufen, je nachdem, was Sie zum Entwickeln gewählt haben und welchen gegnerischen Champions Sie gegenüberstehen, daher ist Anpassungsfähigkeit eine Pflichtfertigkeit für alle Spieler, die Kha'Zix meistern wollen.
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Kha'Zix ist ein mächtiger Assassine mit einem starken Dschungel-Clear und frühem Duell-Potenzial. Sein sich ständig veränderndes Gameplay ermöglicht dank der Evolve-Mechanik mehr Entscheidungsfreiheit und eine höhere Skill-Cap für diejenigen, die daran interessiert sind, die tiefgreifenden Teile seines Kits zu lernen. Kha'Zix ist eine großartige Option für alle, die in der kommenden Saison ihre Spiele von der Dschungelposition aus tragen wollen.
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torentialtribute · 6 years ago
Wimbledon day three order of play
Wimbledon 2019 enters the third day of play on Wednesday and the men's and women's singles competitions enter round two.
Novak Djokovic and Kyle Edmund line up on Center Court when they take on Denis Kudla and Fernando Verdasco respectively.
All eyes will be on Court Two though when 15-year-old American Coco Gauff, who knocked out Venus Williams in round one, takes on Magdalena Rybarikova.
Novak Djokovic and Kyle Edmund line up on Center Court during the third day of action
Order of play for Wednesday, July 3 2019
(Seeds in brackets)
Center Court
13:00: Monica Puig (Pur) v (3) Karolina Pliskova (Cze), (30) Kyle Edmund (Gbr) v Fernando Verdasco (Spa), (1 ) Novak Djokovic (Ser) v Denis Kudla (USA)
Court 1
13:00: Heather Watson (Gbr) v (20 ) Anett Kontaveit (Est), (10) Karen Khachanov (Russian) v Feliciano Lop ez (Spa), (14) Caroline Wozniacki (Den) v Veronika Kudermetova (Russian)
Court 2
11:00: ( 22) Stan Wawrinka (Swi) v Reilly Opelka (USA), (7) Simona Halep (Rom) v Mihaela Buzarnescu (Rom), (4) Kevin Anderson (Rsa) v Janko Tipsarevic (Ser), Cori Gauff (USA) v Magdalena Rybarikova (Svk)
Court 3
11:00: (8) Elina Svitolina (Ukr) v Margarita Gasparyan (Russian), Robin Haase (Ned) v (15) Milos Raonic (Can), (19) Felix Auger-Aliassime (Can) v Corentin Moutet (Fra), (17) Madison Keys (USA) v Polona Hercog (Slo)
Court 4
11:00: Shuai Peng (Chn) & Zhaoxuan Yang (Chn) v Anna-Lena Friedsam (Ger) & Laura Siegemund (Ger ), Desirae Krawczyk (USA) & Giuliana Olmos (Mex) v Alexa Guarachi (Chi) & Sabrina Santamaria (USA), Ricardas Berankis (Lit) & Marton Fucsovics (Hun) v (6) Nikola Me ktic (Cro) & Franko Skugor (Cro), Jonathan Erlich (Isr) & Artem Sitak (Nzl) v (9) Maximo Gonzalez (Arg) & Horacio Zeballos (Arg)
All eyes will be on Court Two though when 15-year-old American Coco Gauff plays again
Court 5
11:00: Freya Christie (Gbr) & Katie Swan (Gbr) v Greet Minnen (Bel) & Alison Van Uytvanck (Bel), Naiktha Bains (Gbr) & Naomi Broady (Gbr) v (2) Barbora Krejcikova (Cze) & Katerina Siniakova (Cze), (14) Oliver Marach (Aut) & Jurgen Melzer (Aut) v Cheng -Peng Hsieh (Tpe) & Christopher Rungkat (Ina), Luke Bambridge (Gbr) & Jonny O'Mara (Gb r) v (3) Raven Klaasen (Rsa) & Michael Venus (Nzl)
Court 6
11:00: Sorana Cirstea ( Rom) & Galina Voskoboeva (Kaz) v Sarah Gray (Gbr) & Eden Silva (Gbr), Alex De Minaur (Aus) & Matt Reid (Aus) v Federico Delbonis (Arg) & Andres Molteni (Arg), (12) Kirsten Flipkens (Bel) & Johanna Larsson (Swe) v Belinda Bencic (Swi) & Viktoria Kuzmova (Svk)
Court 7
11:00: (1) Timea Babos (Hun) & Kristina Mladenovic (Fra) v Jessica Pegula (USA) & Maria Sanchez (USA), (1) Lukasz Kubot (Pol) & Marcelo Melo (Bra) v Ben McLachlan (Jpn) & Jan-Lennard Struff (Ger), Kateryna Kozlova (Ukr) & Anastasia Rodionova (Aus) v Darija Jurak (Cro) & Katarina Srebotnik (Slo)
Court 8
11:00: (9) Hao-Ching Chan (Tpe) & Latisha Chan (Tpe) v Harriet Dart (Gbr) & Katy Dunne (Gbr), Jaume Munar (Spa) & Cameron Norrie (Gbr) v (15) Dominic Inglot (Gbr) & Austin Krajicek (USA), Filip Krajinovic (Ser) & Dusan Lajovic (Ser) v Matthew Ebden (Aus) & Vasek Pospisil (Can), Timea Bacsinszky (Swi) & Bernarda Pera (USA) v Aliaksandra Sasnovich (Blr) & Lesia Tsurenko (Ukr)
Court 9
11:00: Irina Bara (Rom) & Magda Linette (Pol) v (7) Nicole Melichar (USA) & Kveta Peschke (Cze), Ons Jabeur (Tun) & Fanny Stollar (Hun) v (4) Gabriela Dabrowski (Can) & Yi Fan Xu ( Chn), Radu Albot (Mol) & Malek Jaziri (Tun) v (12) Rajeev Ram (USA) & Joe Salisbury (Gbr), Sander Gille (Bel) & Joran Vliegen (Bel) v Guillermo Duran (Arg) & Juan Ignacio Londero (Arg)
Court 11
11:00: Anna Blinkova (Russian) & Yafan Wang (Chn) v Nao Hibino (Jpn ) & Miyu Kato (Jpn), Natela Dzalamidze (Russian) & Cornelia Lister (Swe) v (6) Elise Mertens (Bel) & Aryna Sabalenka (Blr), Jack Draper (Gb r) & Paul Jubb (Gbr) v (2) Juan Sebastian Cabal (Col) & Robert Farah (Col), (4) Mate Pavic (Cro) & Bruno Soares (Bra) v Sander Arends (Ned) & Matwe Middelkoop (Ned )
Court 12
11:00: Victoria Azarenka (Blr) v Ajla Tomljanovic (Aus), (11) Daniil Medvedev (Russian) ) v Alexei Popyrin (Aus), Andreas Seppi (Ita) v (26) Guido Pella (Arg), Danielle Collins (USA) v (12) Anastasija Sevastova (Lat)
Court 14
11:00: Marie Bouzkova (Cze) v (31) Maria Sakkari (Gre), Ivo Karlovic (Cro) v Thomas Fabbiano (Ita), Marcel Granollers (Spa) v Ugo Humbert (Fra), (8) Anna-Lena Groenefeld (Ger) & Demi Schuurs (Dutch) v Monique Adamczak (Aus) & Adriana Perez (Ven)
Court 15
11:00: (28) Benoit Paire (Fra) v Miomir Kecmanovic (Ser), Viktorija Golubic (Swi) v Yulia Putintseva (Kaz), Kenneth Sku pski (Gbr) & John-Patrick Smith (Aus) v Jay Clarke (Gbr) & James Ward (Gbr)
Court 16
11:00 : Pablo Cuevas (Uru) v Jiri Vesely (Cze), Steve Darcis (Bel) v (23) Roberto Bautista Agut (Spa), Yanina Wickmayer (Bel) v Shuai Zhang (Chn), (24) Petra Martic ( Cro) v Anastasia Potapova (Russian)
Court 17
11:00: Madison Brengle (USA) v Karolina Muchova (Cze), Leonardo Mayer (Arg) v Hubert Hurkacz (Pol), Lidziya Marozava (Blr) & Storm Sanders (Aus) v (10) Victoria Azarenka (Blr) & Ashleigh Barty (Aus), Marcelo Demoliner (Bra) & Sharan (Ind) Division v (13) Kevin Krawietz (Ger) & Andreas Mies (Ger)
Court 18
11:00: (28) Su- Wei Hsieh (Tpe) v Kirsten Flipkens (Bel), Jeremy Chardy (Fra) v (21) David Goffin (Bel), (27) Sofia Kenin (USA) v Dayana Yastremska (Ukr), Jeevan Nedunchezhi yan (Ind) & Purav Raja (Ind) v Lleyton Hewitt (Aus) & Jordan Thompson (Aus)
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megasweatybouquetharmony · 7 years ago
TOP 50 "BEST 200IQ - You Can't Escape" legue of legends - lol montage ---__--- Best pro plays : Scarra, BunnyFuFuu, imaqtpie, Gripex, vaporadark, IWillDominate, jankos, hastad, hazretiyasuo, shiphtur, huni, leko, yoda, faker, maxlore, yassuo, trick2g, grossie_gore, pokimane, dyrus, jukes, gosu, bjergsen, boxbox, froggen, sneaky, cowsep, nightblue3, doublelift, Meteos, Aphromoo vs Pinkward . . . . . . . . Credit : http://ift.tt/2yOS2DB http://ift.tt/2hM1BZ5 http://ift.tt/2yObjoJ http://ift.tt/2hKPeg9 http://ift.tt/2x34Txd http://ift.tt/2w9dXUP http://ift.tt/2x3aeo8 http://ift.tt/2w8ZdFq http://ift.tt/2uvQUzO http://ift.tt/2uRKI8c http://ift.tt/2uvDMej http://ift.tt/2uSRnyQ http://ift.tt/2rXf4Ru http://ift.tt/2uSvY8X http://ift.tt/2uvIloJ http://ift.tt/2uSzCQl http://ift.tt/2nRo7C9 http://ift.tt/2uSoO4v http://ift.tt/2rXwai5 http://ift.tt/2uSgEZS http://ift.tt/2uw1RS3 http://ift.tt/2uSzCjj http://ift.tt/2uvQSrG http://ift.tt/2uT1NOO http://ift.tt/2uvuyyw http://ift.tt/2uT1P9o http://ift.tt/2fn7NUB http://plays.tv/u/tohaj http://plays.tv/u/HuZti http://ift.tt/2uS0v6O http://ift.tt/2uvfJMp http://ift.tt/2uSoaUs http://ift.tt/2uw1Q0r http://ift.tt/2uSHHo6 http://ift.tt/2uvIvfO http://ift.tt/2uSxWGl http://ift.tt/2uvuAGE http://ift.tt/2uSrAH5 http://ift.tt/2uw3rmM http://plays.tv/u/Moni http://ift.tt/2uShCFw http://plays.tv/u/bnug http://ift.tt/2uw3peE http://ift.tt/2uSzErr http://ift.tt/2uvWqml http://ift.tt/2uSrC1F http://ift.tt/2uvYESE http://ift.tt/2uvQUzO http://ift.tt/2uJQF66 http://ift.tt/2vUwMYB http://ift.tt/2uJASEx http://ift.tt/2vUxchE http://ift.tt/2uJ6KZE http://ift.tt/2vUCwBy http://ift.tt/2uJwEwo http://ift.tt/2vU7j1f http://ift.tt/2uJXzIz http://ift.tt/2rXWGHG https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQs8ifSQXRTz14Nz3WNGzVQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjCQxlJfc64jhjWwF1UG9TA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWWlAuR-tBJReNlm0aLncsw Music : NoCopyrightSounds → Raven & Kreyn - So Happy [NCS Official Video] → TheFatRat - Monody (feat. Laura Brehm) → Tobu - Infectious [NCS Release] → Desmeon - Undone (feat. Steklo) [NCS Release] Thank for watching ! ☛ If a video I have influence, or influence the company, individual or organization please inform me. We will consider carefully and oppressive conduct, edit or remove it immediately.
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kettlesound · 12 years ago
This was my favorite episode of my favorite show when I was a kid. It's so hard to find these days though! 
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 027 11/16/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- We are welcomed in by Sudu Upadhyay who is standing at the commentary booth, Raven is splayed out behind him on a mattress. Sudu wants to know where his chair is. Raven explained that he read an article about a study where they claimed sitting is unhealthier for your body than sleeping, so he had their chairs removed and replaced with a bed. Sudu asks if Raven finds it a bit unprofessional to be lounging in a bed during the broadcast. Raven said he considered that, and originally asked for their chairs to be replaced by hammocks, but you have to sit to get into a hammock so that was out. Sudu feigned surprise that the fans were still permitted to have chairs. Raven claimed it says a lot about the loyalty of CORE fans that they are literally shortening their lives by attending the show today. Raven offered Sudu a spot on the mattress, but he opted to stand.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Invictus Khash, Hyan, and Kylie Paige vs. Miles Penn, Zane Jay, and Maggie Lee Invictus Khash, Hyan, and Kylie Paige defeated Miles Penn, Zane Jay, and Maggie Lee with the Code Red from Kylie on Lee.
- We returned from break to Invictus Khash, Hyan, and Kylie Paige being interviewed by Sudu. Kylie appeared poised to make an announcement when she was interrupted by Kenzie Paige. Kenzie asked to speak with her sister privately, Kylie reluctantly agreed and the two headed to a side exit to talk outside. Kenzie held the door open for Kylie, and as she walked through Kenzie slammed the door behind Kylie, locking her outside. Sonny Kiss, Trench, Joshua Bishop, and Big Dan Champion of the TrustBusters and TrustBusters Reserve appeared and attacked Khash and Hyan. Trench held Hyan open for repeated strikes from Sonny while Khash was Bishop Bombed through a concession table. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol ran out from backstage and chased off The TrustBusters. Kylie got back into the building through the main entrance and confronted Kenzie. Kenzie said she agreed to create a distraction in return for Kylie not being attacked. Kylie kneeled by Khash and Hyan as Fuego and Baba Yaga stood over them and told Kenzie that she doesn't need her sister to look out for her anymore, because she now has people in her life she can actually trust.
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The Andersons (Brock Anderson and CW Anderson) vs. Storybook Prince Gaston and Matt Williams The Andersons defeated Storybook Prince Gaston and Matt Williams with a spinebuster from Brock on Gaston.
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"King Of Jersey Shore" Zack Clayton vs. Jessie Godderz Zack Clayton defeated Jessie Godderz with the fisherman's buster.
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- Daphne Oz is at the CORE news desk for another edition of the COal REgion Roundup. - Oz announced that due to a recent injury, Chie Koishikawa will no longer be competing at Thanksgiving Tussle or taking part in the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship tournament. Her partner Sayaka will now be teaming with Sayaka Obihiro. - Daphne revealed that earlier in the broadcast before the attack from the TrustBusters, Kylie Paige was set to announce that Kylie and Hyan have been entered into the tournament. - While that attack may have robbed us of one announcement from Kylie it set up another. Daphne sent us to words from Kylie Paige to announce a new match for Thanksgiving Tussle that had just been signed moments earlier. In a 5-on-5 Strive To Survive match, we will see The TrustBusters of Sonny Kiss, Slim J, and JeeVeS Kay partner with The TrustBusters Reserve of Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop against a team calling themselves The Trust - Invictus Khash, Hyan, Kylie Paige, Giant Baba Yaga, and Fuego Del Sol. - Daphne closed out the segment by confirming that after missing his last two scheduled matches, Shaw Mason is in the building tonight and will be appearing next on the broadcast.
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Shaw Mason vs. Colton Cage Shaw Mason defeated Colton Cage by submission with the ankle lock.
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- Shaw Mason made his way to the commentary booth after his match and asked the production truck to call up the footage he had asked for. We were shown a split screen close-up of Tim Bosby's singlet. Mason said the image on the left was from before Bosby tackled him under the ring in their match a few weeks ago, and the image on the right is from after Bosby reemerged from under the ring apron after Mason had allegedly been struck in the side of the head. Mason tried to draw everyone's attention to an outline he claims is visible in the before picture but absent afterwards, implying that there was a foreign object concealed in Bosby's singlet. The picture is quite zoomed in and it's very difficult to distinguish between the two. Mason then asks for before and after photos from Bosby's match with Tom Lawlor, and again claims to see evidence that is not nearly as clear as he insists. Hunter Holdcraft made his way out and said that he's really happy to see Mason again, but that he's worried about him. Holdcraft said that he really can't see anything in these images, and he doesn't think anyone else can either. Holdcraft suggests that Shaw might be having a hard time accepting that he lost to Bosby. Holdcraft said he's talked to CORE matchmakers, he's talked to Bosby, and he would like to see this settled. Holdcraft offered Shaw Mason a match at Thanksgiving Tussle against Tim Bosby with a special guest enforcer to make sure there's no cheating, Dan "The Beast" Severn. Mason agreed to the match.
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Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor vs. Black Generation International (Action Jackson/Black Andromeda/Bendito) Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor defeated Black Generation International with the Green Whistle from Taylor on Bendito.
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- After the match Starboy Charlie got on the microphone and called out Titus Alexander. Starboy said it's time for Alexander to stop worrying about Eddie Kingston and face reality, Charlie challenged Black Generation International to a 6-on-6 Strive To Survive match at Thanksgiving Tussle '23 in Harlan, Kentucky. Titus Alexander made his way to ringside and accepted the challenge. Titus Alexander said he looks forward to seeing Charlie get put in his place, only it won't be by him because Titus will actually be on tour with Pro Wrestling NOAH at the time. But not to worry, as Black Generation International don't need him to take out The Southern 6. It will be The Southern 6 of Kerry Morton, "Thrillbilly" Silas Mason, Alex Taylor, and Kenzie Paige with Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers against the Black Generation International team of Kaito Ishida, Flamita, Keiichi Sato, Kotaro Suzuki, Black Andromeda, and Action Jackson.
- Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Kraft Stove Top Stuffing: It's it's not Stove Top, It's Not Thanksgiving. Carnation Condensed and Evaporated Milk: The cooking milk. Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce: Power your holidays. Pillsbury Grands Biscuits: Nothing says loving like Grands Biscuits.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour A special preview of Thanksgiving Tussle '23 featuring 10-on-10 Tag Team Strive To Survive The Andersons (Brock Anderson and CW Anderson), The OutRunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd), The Production (Derek Dillinger and Magnum CK), The Good Hands (Jason Hotch and John Skyler), and The Family Tree (Sean Maluta and Journey Fatu) vs. Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels, The Toy Boyz (Matt Cardona and Brian Myers), Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake and Zack Gibson), The Von Triers (Dale Von Trier and The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex), and The Flying Nuns (Sister Angelica and Mother Smucker)
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #125 11/23/23 Thanksgiving Tussle '23 Cawood Elementary School Trojan Dome - Harlan, Kentucky 01. 4-on-4 Strive To Survive: Stephanie Vaquer, La Catalina, Sayaka, and Sayaka Obihiro vs. Charli Evans, Jessica Troy, Jetta, and Charlie Morgan 02. Special Guest Enforcer Dan "The Beast" Severn: Shaw Mason vs. Tim Bosby 03. 5-on-5 Strive To Survive: The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss/Slim J/JeeVeS Kay) & The TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop) vs. The Trust (Invictus Khash/Hyan/Kylie Paige/Giant Baba Yaga/Fuego Del Sol) 04. 4-on-4 Strive To Survive: Athena's Minions (Athena/Billie Starkz/Queen Aminata/Raychell Rose) vs. DIAMOND EGOIST (MICHIKO/Janai Kai/Risa Sera/Aoi) 05. 6-on-6 Strive To Survive: The Southern 6 (Kerry Morton/Silas Mason/Alex Taylor/Kenzie Paige) & Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. Black Generation International (Kaito Ishida/Flamita/Keiichi Sato/Kotaro Suzuki/Black Andromeda/Action Jackson)
CORE debuts in Cincinnati, Ohio at the WCPO TV Studios for a television taping. 11/25/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV. Including the opening rounds for the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Tournament! Participants Include: 01. Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina 02. Sayaka and Sayaka Obihiro 03. Blue Nation (Charli Evans and Jessica Troy) 04. The Royal Aces (Jetta and Charlie Morgan) 05. Hyan and Kylie Paige
CORE Pro #126 12/25/23 …if only in my dreams Wind Creek Event Center - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 01. Finals of the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Tournament
CORE Pro #1?? 02/03/24 Regional Pro-Wrestling Day 2024 LuLu Temple - Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
CORE presents The Co-Op 2024 04/03/24 - 04/07/24 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 026 11/09/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- We are welcomed in by Sudu Upadhyay, but Raven can be heard at the commentary table talking to someone else on his headset. Sudu tried to power through, but finally had to ask Raven what he was doing. Raven said he's making a podcast appearance, and that he can't believe people will pay him to be a guest. Raven said he's actually doing seven podcast appearances at once, he's not sure which host is talking to him at any given moment but they all ask the same questions anyway. Raven turned his attention back to the podcasts and Sudu said what he can't believe is that anyone pays Raven to appear on The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose vs. Cassandra Golden and Mackenzie Morgan Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose defeated Cassandra Golden and Mackenzie Morgan with the spear from Rose on Golden. (3:34)
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- Invictus Khash made his way to the commentary booth and asked for just a moment of time to thank Hyan and Kylie Paige for coming to his aid two weeks ago after he was kicked out of the TrustBusters Reserve. Invictus said he's not sure he deserved it after not standing up for Hyan when she was kicked out of the faction, but he appreciated them all the more for it. Hyan and Kylie made their way out, Hyan said that she and Kylie were there for each other when their so called partners turned their backs on them, and that teaming together has made them stronger. With that in mind, Kylie offered Khash the opportunity to team with them next week in a six-man tag match.
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"The King of Jersey Shore" Zack Clayton vs. Baliyan Akki Zack Clayton defeated Baliyan Akki with a fisherman's buster. (3:11)
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- At the CORE news desk, it was Daphne Oz with the COal REgion Roundup. - We are only two weeks away from CORE's debut in the historic coal town of Harlan, Kentucky on Thanksgiving night. That event will be followed by a TV taping in Cincinnati, Ohio at WCPO studios. Cincinnati is home to the corporate headquarters of Defy TV's parent company E.W. Scripps. - Daphne announced the first match for Thanksgiving Tussle '23 in Harlan. In a four-on-four elimination tag match, the team of Athena, her Minion In Training Billie Starkz, Queen Aminata, and Raychell Rose will meet the DIAMOND EGOIST faction from GLEAT represented by MICHIKO, Janai Kai, Risa Sera, and Aoi. - Daphne then sent us to a very special announcement.
- A pre-tape aired which opened with a close-up on Allie, formerly known as The Bunny. Allie announced that CORE management led by owner Dr. Mehmet Oz had purchased the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship. The camera pulled out to reveal the title belts on display. Allie said that as a former holder of the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship, it is her honor to announce an eight team tournament that will be taking place starting on the November 30th episode of The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour and concluding on Christmas night at the Wind Creek Event Center in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Allie said that there will be a special preview match for the tournament taking place on Thanksgiving in Harlan. In a four-on-four elimination match, Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina will team with the Gatoh Move team of Chie Koishikawa and Sayaka. They will take on Blue Nation, Charli Evans and Jessica Troy, as they team with The Royal Aces, Jetta and Charlie Morgan. - We rejoin Daphne Oz who said she'll see us again next week for the COal REgion Roundup as we continue to announce teams for the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship tournament and matches for the Thanksgiving Tussle.
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Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Atomico Jr. and Epydemius Jr. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol defeated Atomico Jr. and Epydemius Jr. with a tornado DDT from Fuego on Epydemius. (5:12)
- Tim Bosby and Hunter Holdcraft made their way to the commentary booth. Bosby announced that they still haven't been able to get in touch with Shaw Mason, and again he didn't show up to the building. But they already signed a contract to wrestle this week and they will be honoring that, despite again being at a 2-on-3 disadvantage. Sudu Upadhyay said that they might not have heard from Shaw Mason, but that production had checked up on Shaw Mason earlier in the afternoon and just received a video reply. Sudu said he's not sure what is in it, but the production truck had just finished watching to make sure it was suitable for air and they are going to play it now. - The cell phone video was from a first person perspective with the camera pointed at two monitors in an otherwise dark room. The first monitor was playing back Shaw Mason's match against Tim Bosby in slow motion. The second monitor displayed Bosby's match against Tom Lawlor. Shaw Mason could be heard off screen, he said he was certain that after Bosby tackled him under the ring apron, he was hit in the side of the head by some foreign object. Mason was also convinced that Bosby did the same to Tom Lawlor. But Mason said he just can't prove it…yet. Mason is convinced that the evidence is somewhere in these tapes, and he's determined to find it, but that sometimes it feels like the closer he looks the less he sees. - We cut back to Bosby and Holdcraft for comments. Holdcraft is speechless, Bosby said he's very concerned about his friend; he sounds troubled and isolated and asks that Mason please reach out to them, but that they also have a match to focus on right now.
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folkstyle (Tim Bosby and Hunter Holdcraft) vs. Black Generation International (Action Jackson/Black Andromeda/Bendito) - Bosby and Holdcraft tried their best, but outnumbered they were soon overwhelmed by superior opponents to those they faced last week under similar circumstances. Black Generation International defeated folkstyle with the 450 Splash from Andromeda on Holdcraft. (5:02)
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- Titus Alexander came to the ring to congratulate Black Generation International and get ready for his main event match against Charli Evans. But it was instead Starboy Charlie that came out next and made his way to the commentary booth. Starboy said that every week all they hear about is how badly Titus Alexander wants a rematch with Eddie Kingston to avenge his loss. But Starboy said that he is the one that beat Titus Alexander for the West Coast Pro championship, and yet Titus never mentions him at all in CORE. Titus was handed a microphone and replied that they do have an issue with each other in West Coast Pro, and they'll deal with that there. Titus said the reason he never talks about Starboy Charlie in CORE is because frankly, Charlie doesn't matter in CORE. Sure, he had some success beating up elderly men and their failed children, but if we're being honest Charlie has always just been Kerry Morton's flunkie in CORE. And now that Kerry brought around The Southern 6, Charlie is maybe fifth or sixth on the depth chart of Kerry's flunkies. A furious Starboy Charlie challenged Titus Alexander to a singles match next week, Alexander declined as he's leaving his schedule open so Eddie Kingston can accept his challenge after seeing what Titus is about to do to Charli Evans. So Starboy Charlie instead challenged Action Jackson, Black Andromeda, and Bendito to a six-man tag next week against Starboy, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor.
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Titus Alexander vs. Charli Evans - Charli Evans showed heart, but Alexander gained the advantage early and dragged the match out to inflict more damage to his opponent. When referee Scarlette Donovan would threaten to stop the match, Alexander would place Charli's semiconscious body on top of his own in a pinfall attempt and kick out at two. With TV time running out and again no call from Kingston to his hotline, Alexander finally ended things with a Chaos Theory followed by a backdrop driver. Titus Alexander defeated Charli Evans with the Chaos Theory followed by a backdrop driver. (7:20)
- Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Stuffed Puffs: The perfect addition to any fall bonfire. Because the best s'mores start with milk chocolate filled marshmallows. Bruce's Yams: Have a sweet holiday. YAMRIGHT! Wooooo! Energy: Mushroom infused. Thanksgiving: The new feature film from visionary director Eli Roth. Rated R.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor vs. Black Generation International (Action Jackson/Black Andromeda/Bendito) Also in action… Invictus Khash, Hyan, and Kylie Paige "The King Of Jersey Shore" Zack Clayton The Andersons (Brock Anderson and CW Anderson)
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #125 11/23/23 Thanksgiving Tussle '23 Cawood Elementary School Trojan Dome - Harlan, Kentucky 01. Stephanie Vaquer, La Catalina, Chie Koishikawa, and Sayaka vs. Charli Evans, Jessica Troy, Jetta, and Charlie Morgan 02. Athena, Billie Starkz, Queen Aminata, and Raychell Rose vs. DIAMOND EGOIST (MICHIKO/Janai Kai/Risa Sera/Aoi)
CORE debuts in Cincinnati, Ohio at the WCPO TV Studios for a television taping. 11/25/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV. Including the opening rounds for the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Tournament!
CORE Pro #126 12/25/23 …if only in my dreams Wind Creek Event Center - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 01. Finals of the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Tournament
CORE presents The Co-Op 2024 04/03/23 - 04/07/23 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 025 11/02/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- We are again welcomed in by Sudu Upadhyay for another week of CORE action. Sudu teases an important announcement for later in the broadcast. Raven speculated on what the announcement could be, a reality show about the behind the scenes happenings, CORE switching their name to Impact Wrestling, or, as some fans have speculated, Raven taking control of CORE creative? Sudu told fans they'd find out before the end of tonight's broadcast.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Angus Legstrong and Rachel Armstrong Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol defeated Angus Legstrong and Rachel Armstrong with a running neckbreaker from Baba Yaga on Armstrong. (3:40)
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- Sudu Upadhyay brought out a special guest all the way from Australia that will be making her CORE debut soon, Charli Evans. She began to say a few words to the audience but the segment was interrupted by Titus Alexander. Titus said that he and Charli have something in common. Titus asks Charli if she could wrestle anyone in the world who would that be, to which Charli responded Eddie Kingston. Alexander said he feels the same way, but that unlike his rematch with Kingston, Charli's dream match is never going to happen. Titus said that Eddie claimed he's done taking indie dates, not that he showed up most of the time even when he was, and AEW doesn't book intergender wrestling, and even if they did they wouldn’t book her, so she's out of luck. But, Titus said that he is willing to give Charli the chance to wrestle the top independent prospect in the world, when she faces Titus next week on Defy TV. Charli accepted the challenge. Titus Alexander then turned his attention to Eddie Kingston, and revealed that his attempt to confront Eddie at the New Japan show in Las Vegas this past weekend was thwarted when Eddie had the New Japan young boys escort him out of the building after Alexander's pre-show match. Titus again gave out his hotline number and said Eddie will want that number next week when he sees what Titus is going to do to his biggest fan.
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The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss and JeeVeS Kay) and The TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop) vs. The Lawless Family (Rex Lawless/Jake Lawless/David Lawless/Ava Lawless) The TrustBusters and The TrustBusters Reserve defeated The Lawless Family with a Bishop Bomb from Bishop on Jake Lawless. (4:50)
- folkstyle were scheduled for a six-man tag match next, but Tim Bosby and Hunter Holdcraft made their way to the commentary table. Bosby said they haven't been able to get hold of Shaw Mason all day and he didn't show up to the building. Holdcraft said they signed the contract and their opponents deserve the chance to showcase their talents on national television, but they requested that their match be moved to the next segment just to give Mason a little more time to show up.
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The Andersons (Brock Anderson and CW Anderson) vs. Abed Arroniz and Joe Krule The Andersons defeated Abed Arroniz and Joe Krule with a DDT from Brock on Arroniz. (4:02)
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- Queen Aminata made her way to the commentary booth and called out Raychell Rose. Rose looked confused as she came out to join her. Aminata wanted to know why CORE matchmakers just offered her a singles match on next week's broadcast and speculated that Athena might have been behind it. Raychell said she's the one that asked for Aminata to have a singles match, Rose said she loves teaming up with Aminata and that they were having great success, but that if Athena is going to insist that Aminata tag with her Minion In Training Billie Starkz at every live event, Raychell should devote her time to becoming a better manager. Aminata said that Athena isn't here, and that while Aminata always wants Raychell in her corner, she'd much rather have Rose standing on the apron as her partner than leaned against the apron as her manager. Raychell smiled and said there's still time to get it changed to a tag match.
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folkstyle (Tim Bosby and Hunter Holdcraft) vs. Trevor Terry, Matt Quay, and Ayden Durning - folkstyle struggled considerably in this match as they were down a man. Bosby and Holdcraft showed great resilience and managed to pull out a win in a difficult situation. folkstyle defeated Trevor Terry, Matt Quay, and Ayden Durning with a rip cord lariat from Bosby on Durning. (5:30)
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- We were sent to a pre-tape where we were shown a sign reading "Welcome To The Borough Of Jersey Shore." We then join Zack Clayton and former NFL kicker and Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania native Robbie Gould inside the Shore Diner where a crowd has formed. Robbie Gould announced that in acknowledgment of Zack Clayton's many accomplishments, as well as a very generous donation recently made to the Jersey Shore Historical Society, it is his honor to declare Zack Clayton as The King of Jersey Shore. Zack Clayton took the microphone and thanked Gould. Clayton said that you might think that as the star of MTV's Jersey Shore brand and an international professional wrestling star, getting this honor from a podunk, backwater town might not mean much to him. But when the people of Jersey Shore, PA get a glimpse of the man they love seeing on their rent-to-own TVs every week and that toothless grin comes across their face as they call him their King, Zack Clayton said it makes all the hard work he did, slaving away every day on the set of his hit reality show, worth it. We then cut to Zack Clayton and Robbie Gould signing autographs. All the fans must have rushed to Zack Clayton first before moving on to Robbie Gould, as Robbie's line is significantly longer. A fan hands Zack Clayton a diner place mat to autograph and tells Zack that she has seen every episode of Jersey Shore but doesn't remember anyone named Zack. Was he The Situation? Zack explained that he wasn't on Jersey Shore, which barely ran for seventy episodes, he was on the much more successful Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, which has run for over 150 episodes and is still on the air. The fan looks puzzled and asks Zack if he can sign it as The Situation anyway.
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Hyan and Kylie Paige vs. Las Chicas Indomables (Lluvia and La Jarochita) Hyan and Kylie Paige defeated Las Chicas Indomables with a Code Red from Kylie on La Jarochita. (8:38)
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- Sudu Upadhyay has made his way to the ring and brought out CORE producer The Blue Meanie for a major announcement. Meanie said it was a privilege to announce that in 2024 The Co-Op will be returning, this time taking place in his hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Meanie said that in 2023 The Co-Op presented eleven shows in four days. And in 2024 the Co-Op is expanding to take place over five days. Wednesday April 3rd to Sunday April 7th, CORE will present The Co-Op 2024 live from the historic 23rd Street Armory in Philadelphia. 2024 will see the return of Jeff Jarrett's Spring Breakers and now under The Co-Op umbrella, Lindsay Snow's Kaiju Cannabis Cup II.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Titus Alexander vs. Charli Evans folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) vs. Black Generation International (Action Jackson/Black Andromeda/Bendito) Also in action… "The King Of Jersey Shore" Zack Clayton Fuego Del Sol Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #125 11/23/23 Thanksgiving Tussle '23 Cawood Elementary School Trojan Dome - Harlan, Kentucky
CORE debuts in Cincinnati, Ohio at the WCPO TV Studios for a television taping. 11/25/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
CORE presents The Co-Op 2024 04/03/23 - 04/07/23 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 024 10/26/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Sudu Upadhyay launched into his opening spiel but the attention of the audience quickly turned toward a side entrance as Homicide made his way inside the building. Homicide weaved through the crowd and into the ring where he motioned for a microphone. Homicide didn't want to wait until Jim Thorpe and called Titus Alexander to the ring right now. Sudu and Raven explained from the commentary booth that Alexander wasn't in the building tonight, and as they did Black Generation International member Bendito emerged through the curtain. Sudu sent us to the opening video package and promised to cut back to the action should things kick off during the intro.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Homicide vs. Bendito Homicide defeated Bendito with a Cop Killa. (5:02)
- After the match Homicide hit a second Cop Killa on Bendito and threatened more of the same for Titus Alexander at the anniversary show.
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Tetsuya Izuchi vs. The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex Tetsuya Izuchi defeated The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex via submission Izuchi countered a discus punch into a hammerlock. (3:05)
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- After the match we joined Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk for the COal REgion Roundup as she previewed the card taking place tomorrow night at Penn's Peak in Jim Thorpe. - Daphne Oz announced a match between Tromba and Tetsuya Izuchi to showcase CORE's strategic alliances. - Daphne then sent us to comments from the new tag team of Hyan and Kylie Paige, united by their dismissals from the TrustBusters Reserve and Kerry Morton's faction respectively. We then get comments from one of their opponents and her manager, Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose. Despite their recent winning streak, Athena decided that Aminata should team with the returning Minion In Training Billie Starkz instead of Rose. When we rejoin Oz, she mentions rumors of grumblings from Kerry Morton and his stablemates about Billie Starkz making her return to CORE after Starkz and Nick Wayne abandoned the group back in July at The Long Mirror Of Time in Wilkes-Barre.
- A promo video aired set to "Living On A Thin Line" by The Kinks. The video was made up of a montage of close up images - wrists being taped, boots being tied, left hands connecting with chins, sweat dripping down chests, gritted teeth, and a thumb being dragged across a throat. We pull out to reveal Brock Anderson and CW Anderson working together and hitting a pair of stereo spinebusters on their hapless training partners. The Andersons, coming soon to CORE.
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Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina vs. Mylo and Mighty Mayra Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina defeated Mylo and Mighty Mayra with a release German suplex from Catalina to Mayra. (4:30)
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Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor vs. TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash) Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor defeated TrustBusters Reserve with a 450 Splash from Mathers on Khash. (6:15)
- Sonny Kiss headed to the ring accompanied by Trench and JeeVeS Kay. Sonny Kiss said that Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop were able to beat Starboy and Mathers, but that as soon as you add Invictus Khash to the equation a loss will soon follow. Sonny informed Khash that he can now go back to where he belongs, losing without an entrance on Ring Of Honor because he has been kicked out of the TrustBusters Reserve. Trench made a move toward Khash, but Invictus struck first with a punch to Trench's liver which dropped Trench to his knees. Khash turned toward Big Dan and Bishop and claimed he told them that the reason Sonny interfered to help Trench beat Hyan is because Trench is here to be Sonny's muscle, to protect Sonny from them. Invictus turned back toward Sonny and called for Big Dan and Bishop to back him up. When Khash advanced but sensed no one at his side, he turned around into a Vader Attack from Big Dan. JeeVeS Kay set a table up outside of the ring and Bishop hoisted Khash up for a Bishop Bomb from the ring and to the floor through the table. The TrustBusters and the TrustBusters Reserve walked off together as CORE officials, Hyan, and Kylie Paige tended to Khash.
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Shaw Mason vs. Tim Bosby - These two young talents were very evenly matched and exchanged holds with neither gaining a serious advantage. Mason caught Bosby in a front facelock and pressed him against the mat, Bosby broke the hold by rolling them both out of the ring under the bottom rope and to the floor. On the outside of the ring Bosby went for a double leg takedown on Mason, this drove both men through the ring apron and under the ring. Bosby pulled Mason out from beneath the ring and tossed him back inside, where Mason appeared dazed. Mason used the ropes to get back on wobbly legs, but Bosby pressed the advantage and hit a rip cord lariat on Mason and got the pinfall. Tim Bosby defeated Shaw Mason with a rip cord lariat. (8:40)
- After the match, Bosby went to shake Mason's hand, but Shaw had his attention focused on looking under the ring apron. Raven made his way to ringside to find out what was going on, and Mason said that when they went under the ring he felt something strike the side of his head and he was trying to see what it was. Mason had a CORE official give him one of the pouches fans are required to put their cell phones in before the tapings and Shaw used the phone as a flashlight to continue his search under the ring. Hunter Holdcraft had made his way out at this point and he talked with Bosby who was clearly annoyed that Mason hadn't acknowledged his victory.
- We return from commercial and Shaw Mason is still looking under the ring. Raven talked with Bosby who theorized that Mason hit his head on the edge of the apron and maybe that's why he's acting so strange. Mason emerged from below the ring and said that he was hit in the side of the head, not the back of the head. Mason made his way to the commentary booth and wanted to watch the replay of the footage. Mason watched the monitors but the angles were inconclusive. Hunter Holdcraft got on the microphone and said that he thinks this series of matches has been good for folkstyle, but that Shaw is being a bit of a poor sport. Mason made his way back to ringside and conceded that Holdcraft was right, he shook hands with Bosby and said he'll do everything he can to make sure Bosby is ready for Filthy Tom Lawlor tomorrow night in Jim Thorpe.
- Sudu ran down the entire card for the 15th Anniversary show, including a new match that has just been signed. The Southern 6 of Kerry Morton, Thrillbilly Silas Mason, Alex Taylor, and Kenzie Paige will team with Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers to take on The TrustBusters of Sonny Kiss, Slim J, and JeeVeS Kay and The TrustBusters Reserve of Big Dan Champion, Joshua Bishop, and Trench.
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #124 10/27/23 Ancient Footprints Are Everywhere - CORE 15th Anniversary Show Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 01. Tromba vs. Tetsuya Izuchi 02. "Filthy" Tom Lawlor vs. Tim Bosby 03. Queen Aminata and Billie Starkz (with Raychell Rose) vs. Hyan and Kylie Paige 04. The Southern 6 (Kerry Morton/Silas Mason/Alex Taylor/Kenzie Paige) and Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss/Slim J/JeeVeS Kay) and The TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Trench) 05. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Tiger Mask IV and Tiger Queen 06. Titus Alexander vs. Homicide 07. 2023 Trios Kingdom Winners - The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) vs. Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr.
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania for our FINAL Dorney Park taping of the season. 10/29/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 023 10/19/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Sudu Upadhyay began to welcome viewers in for tonight's broadcast but was soon interrupted by Titus Alexander. Alexander carried a landline phone with him and placed it on the commentary desk. Alexander explained that he had set up a special hotline for the main event and the number flashed on the screen. Titus said Eddie Kingston or anyone that knows Kingston should write that number down, because he is going to beat, pummel, and maim Jigsaw until Eddie Kingston calls in and gives him his rematch. The phone is patched in to the truck and as soon as Eddie accepts Titus will end the match, but the longer Kingston waits, the longer Jigsaw suffers. The phone rang and Alexander picked it up, but it was just a CORE fan giving him the business. Raven said he loves the people and volunteered to work the phone.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Hyan and Kylie Paige vs. Hyena Hera and Ivy Malibu Hyan and Kylie Paige defeated Hyena Hera and Ivy Malibu with the Beauty Sleep from Hyan on Hyena. (4:02)
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Tromba vs. Aerial Van Go Tromba defeated Aerial Van Go with a springboard crucifix driver. (5:14)
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- Sonny Kiss was filmed backstage addressing Big Dan Champion, Joshua Bishop, Invictus Khash, and Trench of the TrustBusters Reserve. Sonny explained that they requested the camera be here so the footage could be shown to Ari Daivari. Sonny congratulated Big Dan and Bishop on their win over Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers. Sonny also applauded Trench for his singles victory. Sonny then turned attention to Invictus Khash and his insubordination last week. Invictus interjected, and said what he wanted addressed is why JeeVeS Kay was around last week after Sonny had told them that JeeVeS was described as a former TrustBusters member on ROH TV (yes, ROH is on TV) because he had been kicked out. Sonny claimed that was a test to see if any members of the Reserve would reach out to JeeVeS and voice displeasure with the TrustBusters, and they all passed. Khash then questioned Sonny about the timing of Hyan being kicked out of the TrustBusters Reserve and her bunk at the barracks being cleared out and JeeVeS moving in. Khash implied that after being released from his AEW contract JeeVeS needed somewhere to stay and that's why Hyan was booted. Sonny told Khash that if he keeps losing matches there will soon be plenty of room in the barracks. Kiss informed Big Dan, Bishop, and Invictus that next week they will have a match against Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor. Sonny said that Dan and Bishop already proved that they can beat Charlie and Mathers, so if things go different this time, they'll know who is to blame.
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Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose vs. Kelsey Raegan and Devlyn Macabre Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose defeated Kelsey Raegan and Devlyn Macabre via submission with the Juicy Lock from Aminata on Macabre. (3:55)
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- After the match the phone at the commentary table began to ring. Raven answered the call and patched it through to broadcast but it wasn't Eddie Kingston, it was Athena. Athena called Aminata and Raychell Rose over to the commentary booth and talked about how impressed she was with their recent wins. Athena said she was so impressed that she reached out to CORE matchmakers to sign a big match for the CORE 15th Anniversary Show. It will be Hyan and Kylie Paige taking on Queen Aminata and…Athena's Minion In Training Billie Starkz! Athena said she has the utmost confidence in Aminata and Starkz and that they'll surely benefit from having Raychell Rose in the corner as their manager. Rose was fighting back her emotions hearing this news and Aminata put her arm around Rose. Athena told Raychell there's no reason to cry, that they both earned this opportunity and she's so proud of them.
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- Marcus Mathers was filmed backstage on a training table having his ankle stretched by Dr. Frank Romascavage as Starboy Charlie and Alex Taylor looked on. Mathers said he told them his ankle was fine, he just had a little ring rust last week and he'll be good going forward. Taylor said they have a chance at redemption next week, and if Mathers ever wants to become a member of the Southern 6, he better be good. Mathers said there's only one problem, he's not Southern. Taylor tells Mathers sure he is, he wrestles all the time in South Jersey.
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Tim Bosby vs. Hunter Holdcraft Tim Bosby defeated Hunter Holdcraft with the ripcord lariat. (5:03)
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Titus Alexander vs. Jigsaw - Jigsaw started the match off quickly, gaining a surprise advantage over Titus early. Alexander had clearly taken him lightly and found himself in trouble. But when Jigsaw placed Titus on the top turnbuckle and went for his leaping rana, Alexander caught Jigsaw and planted him in the middle of the ring with a super powerbomb. - Titus took control of the match from there, brutalizing Jigsaw with a series of high impact moves including a Michinoku Driver from the apron to the floor. As Alexander tore open Jigsaw's mask and bloodied him, wrestlers and officials came to ringside and begged visiting referee from GLEAT, Soft Imai, to stop the match but he refused. - The phone at the commentary table continued to ring, but it was viewers commenting on the carnage in the ring. Sudu pleaded with the audience to stop calling so the phone line could be open so Eddie Kingston can potentially get through. - Alexander placed an unconscious Jigsaw in a Wigan style grovit facelock and cinched the hold in to cut off the oxygen to Jigsaw, before letting it go to allow Jigsaw to instinctively breathe, before locking it back on. As Jigsaw was unconscious he could not submit and the GLEAT referee declined to call for the bell. - Finally Raven took a phone call that he wanted patched into the studio, but it wasn't Eddie Kingston, it was Kingston's closest ally in pro-wrestling, Homicide. Homicide said that if Titus wants to send a message to Kingston, he's the one Titus wants. Homicide challenged Titus to a match at the CORE Anniversary Show if he ends this now. - Titus Alexander accepted Homicide's challenge, claiming that Kingston clearly doesn't care what happens to Jigsaw, but when he does to Homicide what he did here tonight, Eddie will have to show his face. Titus spiked Jigsaw with the Kudo Driver before pinning him. Titus Alexander defeated Jigsaw with the Kudo Driver. (10:30)
- Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Wyler's Mrs. Grass Soup Mix - Good just isn't good enough for Mrs. Grass. Reynolds Kitchens Oven Bags - The convenient cookware. Hershey's Whatchamacallit - More than a mouthful. Canada Dry Cranberry Ginger Ale - It's not too sweet.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor vs. TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash) Shaw Mason vs. Tim Bosby Also in action… Tetsuya Izuchi Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #124 10/27/23 Ancient Footprints Are Everywhere - CORE 15th Anniversary Show Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
01. "Filthy" Tom Lawlor vs. Either Shaw Mason or Tim Bosby 02. Queen Aminata and Billie Starkz (with Raychell Rose) vs. Hyan and Kylie Paige 03. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Tiger Mask IV and Tiger Queen 04. Titus Alexander vs. Homicide 05. 2023 Trios Kingdom Winners - The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) vs. Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr.
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania for our FINAL Dorney Park taping of the season. 10/29/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
0 notes
wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 022 10/12/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- The show opened with Sudu Upadhyay welcoming viewers in for another week of CORE action. Sudu was wearing an eyepatch after suffering an injury at the end of the previous episode when a Dorney Park scare actor gave him a drop toe hold into a steel chair. Raven said he'll be on his best behavior this week, as he's afraid if he gets out of line Sudu might make him walk the plank. Sudu glares at Raven, who apologizes for the accident and to make it up to him offers to swab the decks.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Aerial Van Go and Kiki Van Gogh Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol defeated Aerial Van Go and Kiki Van Gogh with a coconut crush from Baba Yaga on Kiki Van Gogh. (4:04)
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- Trench made his entrance for the next match, but before the opening bell Sonny Kiss came to the commentary booth. Sonny called the rest of The TrustBusters Reserve out and began to berate Invictus Khash. Sonny said that they had made it very clear that Invictus Khash was embarrassing the TrustBusters Reserve by losing matches on Ring Of Honor television (Sonny was briefly thrown off here as an incredulous Raven could be heard asking Sudu if ROH is really on television). Invictus Khash said that he had heard those concerns and considered them before accepting a match last week against Ethan Page, but with all due respect, Invictus asked if losing matches on ROH TV wasn't exactly what the TrustBusters were known for? Sonny appeared shocked by this remark, and seeing that reaction Trench grabbed Khash by the shirt, but Khash pulled away and held up a fist. Sonny called a stop to this before things went any further, Sonny sent Trench to the ring for his match, Big Dan and Joshua Bishop to the back to prepare for their main event match tonight, and told Khash that they'll talk about his insubordination later.
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Trench vs. The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex Trench defeated The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex via submission with an inverted full nelson. (3:11)
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- We join Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk for the COal REgion Roundup. This week Daphne can announce the first two matches set for CORE's 15th Anniversary Show on October 27th in Jim Thorpe. In our first match, we will see the hot new tag team of Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol team up to take on Tiger Mask IV from New Japan Pro-Wrestling and Tiger Queen from Strong Style Pro-Wrestling where she was trained by the original Tiger Mask, Satoru Sayama. And we will also see the return of the 2023 Trios Kingdom winners The 37KAMIINA, MAO, Yuki Ueno, and Toi Kojima in a dream trios match against Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr. from CMLL.
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- Before our next match, Titus Alexander made his way to the commentary booth. Alexander wasted no time in calling out CORE official Jigsaw. Jigsaw said that he knows Titus wants a match with him to send some kind of message to Eddie Kingston. Jigsaw declined, stating that not only is he not an active wrestler, but that he and Eddie aren't really that close these days. Titus Alexander told Jigsaw he shouldn't worry about Titus' motivations, he should consider his own. Alexander asked Jigsaw how many more opportunities he believes he'll get to wrestle on national television. Titus Alexander questioned Jigsaw on his own ambitions, and if he wants to have that one last match that, who knows, could lead to that one last run. Titus asks Jigsaw to put aside Alexander's business with Kingston, and think about how great it would feel to beat the top young independent wrestler in America on national TV. Jigsaw agreed to a match next week and the two shook hands.
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Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina vs. Vertvixen and Viva Van Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina defeated Vertvixen and Viva Van with a meteora in the corner from Vaquer on Viva Van. (6:09)
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- Hyan was filmed backstage at the door of the TrustBusters dressing room as Trench handed her a large cardboard box containing belongings she had left at the TrustBusters Reserve barracks. Before Trench closed the door, JeeVeS Kay could briefly be glimpsed inside the dressing room. As she walked the box to her vehicle, she was approached by Kylie Paige. Kylie explained that she had just returned from the suspension she was given following her career ending attack on Larry Zbyszko. Kylie asked Hyan if she'd like to have a match next week, not as opponents but as partners. Kylie said she thinks they both could use teammates they can rely on. Hyan considered the proposal before nodding her head in agreement. Hyan motioned for Kylie to help her with the box and the two carried it off screen.
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Shaw Mason vs. Hunter Holdcraft Shaw Mason defeated Hunter Holdcraft via submission after countering a gutwrench suplex with an ankle lock. (7:20)
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- A video aired highlighting some of the programming on Defy TV including Ice Road Truckers, American Pickers, and Forged In Fire, this was interrupted by a blue NO SIGNAL screen. We then cut to a shot of Zack Clayton who talked about the Defy TV viewers having their reality show heroes like Dave from Storage Wars, Roy from Shipping Wars, or Chumlee from Pawn Stars; but he's going to show them all what a real reality TV star looks like. Zack Clayton will be coming soon to The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour.
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Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop) - Marcus Mathers leapfrogged over a charging Big Dan, but when Mathers landed he appeared to aggravate his recently injured ankle. Mathers instinctively leaned forward to clutch his ankle, putting himself in perfect position for a Bishop Bomb. Starboy Charlie tried to save his partner but was met with a Vader Attack from Big Dan as Bishop picked up the pin. TrustBusters Reserve defeated Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers with a Bishop Bomb from Bishop to Mathers. (8:24)
- Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Ol' Hired Hand Six Gun Chili Mixin's Pumpkin Masters Pumpkin Carving Kits Upton's Naturals Original Jackfruit Alstertor's Dusseldorf Style Mustard
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Titus Alexander vs. Jigsaw Tim Bosby vs. Hunter Holdcraft Also in action… Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose Hyan and Kylie Paige Tromba
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #124 10/27/23 Ancient Footprints Are Everywhere - CORE 15th Anniversary Show Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 01. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Tiger Mask IV and Tiger Queen 02. The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) vs. Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr.
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 021 10/05/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Our show this week opened with Sudu Upadhyay voicing over still images from CORE's live event at the Bloomsburg Fair. We then join Sudu and Raven at the commentary booth where Sudu announced that as part of CORE's landmark strategic alliance, we will be joined by special guests from All Style Pro Wrestling and GLEAT. One of ASPW's top luchadores Tromba will be in action and from GLEAT we are joined by blue chip young wrestler Tetsuya Izuchi and referee Soft Imai. Raven said he had some special guests of his own, and with that the lights in the building were replaced by the glow of black lights and smoke began to fill the studio. Six individuals wearing make-up and fluorescent outfits ran into the frame and began to take turns sliding on their hands and knees in front of commentary booth, the metal they attached to their bodies sent sparks shooting up. Raven welcomed the slider scare actors from Dorney Park's Haunt event to the set. Sudu was impressed but confused by the display. Raven said as a special treat for the viewers during commercial breaks the scare actors will be giving Sudu a spooky slider makeover and at the end of the program Sudu will perform a slide of his own. Sudu said he never agreed to this, but Raven told him that the viewers are already looking forward to it and Sudu wouldn't want to disappoint them.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose vs. Gin Sevani and Gypsy Mac Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose defeated Gin Sevani and Gypsy Mac with a spear from Rose on Mac. (3:45)
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- A music video aired set to "No estamos solas" by Ana Tijoux promoting a new tag team making their debut next week, two wrestlers from Chile that have made a name for themselves in CMLL and rings around the world, Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina.
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Tetsuya Izuchi vs. KUUKAI Tetsuya Izuchi defeated KUUKAI via submission with a hammerlock in full guard. (4:09)
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- Following the match we join Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk from the COal REgion Roundup. - Daphne first sends us to comments from Fuego Del Sol on his unlikely alliance with Giant Baba Yaga. After weeks of coming to the aid of local talent that were being attacked by The Production, he never anticipated that it would be Giant Baba Yaga that would be there in his time of need. Fuego said that he and Baba will team up later today to face Derek Dillinger and Magnum CK, and after that we'll just have to see what the future holds. Regardless, Fuego is confident it will end better for him than it did for Jake Something and Vincent Nothing. - Next up we get comments from the folkstyle team of Shaw Mason, Tim Bosby, and Hunter Holdcraft. They expressed a desire to get back to basics following their recent loss to the Southern 6. So they will be having a series of singles matches over the next three weeks against one another, the first of them to defeat both of their partners will go on to face "Filthy" Tom Lawlor at CORE's 15th Anniversary Show on October 27th in Jim Thorpe. - We are then sent to a video of Starboy Charlie at ringside at the Worldwide Dojo in Bristol, Pennsylvania where Marcus Mathers is in the ring doing a number on some of the students as he gets back in ring shape after the injury he received prior to Trios Kingdom. Alex Taylor then appeared to the apparent surprise of the two men. Taylor said he streamed the training session for Kerry Morton to see, and Kerry was so impressed he got Starboy and Mathers a match next week against Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop of the TrustBusters Reserve. - We close the segment out with Daphne Oz announcing the return of a familiar face. After a disappointing first run with CORE, the Von Trier brothers returned to the family ranch to regroup. After months of soul searching, next week one of the Von Triers will be back in CORE, Keith Von Trier. But as part of his journey, Keith has taken on a new moniker. So next week we will see Trench take on The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex.
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Black Generation International (Titus Alexander and Bendito) vs. Tromba and Mike Skyros Black Generation International defeated Tromba and Mike Skyros with the Chaos Theory from Alexander on Skyros. (4:47)
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- Disappointed with his assigned partner, Tromba attacked Mike Skyros after the loss. Tromba locked Skyros in a submission hold and refused to break it. CORE officials made their way toward the ring to put a stop to the attack, but one of them caught the attention of Titus Alexander as he made his way up the aisle. Alexander shoulder checked Jigsaw and then got in his face. Jigsaw tried to deescalate the situation while Alexander shouted for Jigsaw to let Eddie Kingston know that he wants his rematch. Local talent and CORE officials turned their attention to the altercation and got between the two as Skyros was left to cry out for help.
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Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. The Production (Derek Dillinger and Magnum CK) Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol defeated The Production with a running neckbreaker from Yaga on Magnum. (7:33)
- Before the main event, we got a shot of the commentary booth where Sudu's slider makeover was near complete, his face painted like a skull, hair spiked up a sprayed with temporary hair color, and a neon colored spiked vest over his suit jacket.
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Sonny Kiss vs. Hyan - Hyan went for the busaiku knee on Sonny Kiss, but Sonny pulled referee Allison Leigh in the way to absorb the strike. With the referee down, Trench made his way toward the ring. Before Trench could interfere, referee Scarlette Donovan entered the ring and sent Trench to the back. While this was transpiring, Sonny Kiss placed an international object in their boot. Hyan got back to her feet but was met with a superkick with Sonny's loaded boot and pinned. Sonny Kiss defeated Hyan with a superkick. (7:07)
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- Sonny Kiss called the members of the TrustBusters Reserve to the ring after the match. Trench was first out but Big Dan Champion, Joshua Bishop, and Invictus Khash all looked reluctant to enter the ring. Sonny Kiss requested that two of them lift Sonny's arms in victory. Trench was first to volunteer, but Sonny wanted one of three longer tenured members to do it, with Big Dan and Bishop eventually performing the honors.
- The lights again went down and were replaced by black lights, smoke filled the set, the disco version of the Friday The 13th theme from Part III began to play, and Raven announced that it was time for Sudu Upadhyay's very first slide. Sudu ran into frame preparing to send sparks flying with a tremendous slide, but just then one of the scare actors hit Sudu with a drop toe hold into a steel chair. Raven began laughing uproariously and said that while Sudu had been training during commercials breaks to learn how to slide, he had been doing some training of his own showing some of the scare actors his favorite wrestling maneuvers.
Next week on The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop) Shaw Mason vs. Hunter Holdcraft Trench vs. "The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex" Keith Von Trier Also in action… Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol and the CORE tag team debut of Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #124 10/27/23 Ancient Footprints Are Everywhere - CORE 15th Anniversary Show Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 020 09/28/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Sudu Upadhyay welcomes the viewers in to a very special edition of The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as later tonight CORE will take over the Weis Markets Grandstand at the Bloomsburg Fair. Daphne Oz will be on location reporting live from the fair later in the broadcast. Raven wanted to send a message out to his old rival Tommy Dreamer to congratulate him on winning the Impact Digital Media Championship. Raven then declared himself the inaugural holder of the CORE Physical Media Championship. All matches will exclusively be available on DVD home video. Sudu asked Raven if he's worried that Pro Wrestling Guerrilla might be upset about him stealing their business model. Raven said he wasn't afraid of a Pro Wrestling Gorilla because Monsoon has been dead for years.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Magnum CK vs. Fuego Del Sol Fuego Del Sol defeated Magnum CK with the tornado DDT. (4:45)
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- Derek Dillinger and Ziggy Haim ran down to the ring after the match and attacked Fuego Del Sol. As The Production triple teamed Fuego, Giant Baba Yaga surprisingly ran out. Baba Yaga took Ziggy out with a big Baba Chop, connected with the Russian Leg Sweep on Magnum CK, and lastly landed the running neckbreaker on Dillinger as Fuego Del Sol rolled out to safety.
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Queen Aminata (with Raychell Rose) vs. Madi Wrenkowski Queen Aminata defeated Madi Wrenkowski via submission with the Juicy Lock. (4:04)
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- We joined Daphne Oz LIVE at the Bloomsburg Fair for a special edition of the COal REgion Roundup. - Daphne announced that just signed for tonight's live event we will see Derek Dillinger one-on-one against Fuego Del Sol. - Daphne Oz then announced that COal REgion Pro-Wrestling ("CORE"), All Style Pro Wrestling ("ASPW"), and Lidet Entertainment's GLEAT ("GLEAT") have united for a landmark strategic alliance. - Finally Daphne reported that a helicopter has been seen circling above the Bloomsburg Fair and has just been granted approval from organizers to land on the recently closed dirt race track at the fairgrounds. Daphne is unsure as to who is in the helicopter, but she’ll be making her way in that direction and will report back with any relevant updates later in the broadcast.
- With their opponents already in the ring, Starboy Charlie and Alex Taylor made their way out to the commentary booth. Alex Taylor said that for some reason pro-wrestling fans look at amateur wrestlers, like those in folkstyle, with some kind of reverence. But just like in any other field, a professional can do anything an amateur can and better, that's why they get paid to do it. So to remind all the fans of that, Taylor said he brought in two amateur wrestlers to face them as a warm-up for their match later tonight in Bloomsburg. Starboy and Taylor each put on amateur wrestler headgear before heading to the ring.
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Starboy Charlie and Alex Taylor vs. PJ Hawx and "Amateur Wrestler" Reese Hayes Starboy Charlie and Alex Taylor defeated PJ Hawx and Reese Hayes with the banana split pin from Starboy on Hayes. (3:08)
- A video package aired recapping the segment last week between Giant Baba Yaga and Something/Nothing set to "Tax Free" by Hansson & Karlsson.
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Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels vs. Black Generation International (Bendito and Emperador Azteca) - Emperador Azteca leaned against the ring apron on the floor when Titus Alexander emerged from the crowd to throw him a chain. Emperador wrapped the chain around his fist and, when Alan Angels reached between the top and middle ropes to grab Azteca by the mask, punched Angels with the chain. Angels fell back into a school boy cradle from Bendito, but Kevin Blackwood broke it up with a doublestomp off the top rope and to the back on Bendito's head. Blackwood placed Angels atop Bendito and they picked up the win. Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels defeated Black Generation International with a doublestomp from Blackwood on Bendito. (5:11)
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- We return back LIVE to Daphne Oz at the Bloomsburg Fair as the helicopter door opens and out steps Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin made his way over to Daphne Oz who asked him what brought him here tonight. Benjamin explained that he's had some free time on his hands lately and he's been tuned in to Defy TV every Thursday for the Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour. Shelton said he's really been impressed by folkstyle, and last week he heard Shaw Mason's comments about being open to any partner to help folkstyle and Leyla Hirsch against the Southern 6 and Starboy Charlie. Shelton said his first call was to Shaw Mason to see if the spot was still open, and it was. Benjamin said his next call was to his former place of business to request his immediate release. Benjamin excused himself to go greet the crowd that had gathered.
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Black Generation International (Titus Alexander and Flamita) vs. Puf and Kevin Bennett Black Generation International defeated Puf and Kevin Bennett with a top rope Michinoku Driver from Alexander on Bennett. (4:45)
- Alexander and Flamita dominated the match from the opening bell, but took their time picking their opponents apart with the obvious intent to punish and possibly injure them both. CORE officials were forced to hold Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels back, preventing them from getting involved as the match was dragged out by Black Generation International. When Alexander finally decided to end the match, Titus and Flamita exited the ringside area as Blackwood and Angels charged to the ring.
- Kevin Blackwood got on the microphone and said that Titus Alexander has shown everyone his true colors these past few months in CORE. Blackwood said that Alexander might act tough, but after his recent losses they know who he really is, a coward and a crybaby. Blackwood said that Titus might have taken advantage of two of Blackwood's old friends today, but that he's got another old friend that is going to join him tonight at the Bloomsburg Fair to hand Titus a defeat he might never return from. Tonight at the Bloomsburg Fair grandstand it will be Titus Alexander, Flamita, and Yutani of Black Generation International against Kevin Blackwood, Alan Angels, and DANIEL GARCIA.
- Sudu and Raven ran down the entire card for tonight's live event when CORE presents Preservation Act at the Weis Markets Grandstand at the Bloomsburg Fair in only a few short hours.
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #123 Preservation Act 09/28/23 Bloomsburg Fair - Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 01. Derek Dillinger vs. Fuego Del Sol 02. TrustBusters Reserve Decision Match: Hyan vs. Trench 03. Queen Aminata (with Raychell Rose) vs. Shoko Nakajima 04. Daniel Garcia/Kevin Blackwood/Alan Angels vs. Black Generation International (Titus Alexander/Flamita/Yutani) 05. Southern 6 (Kerry Morton/Silas Mason/Alex Taylor/Kenzie Paige) and Starboy Charlie vs. folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) Leyla Hirsch and Shelton Benjamin 06. Mask vs. Hair: Giant Baba Yaga (with UltraMantis Black) vs. Jake Something
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania! 10/01/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
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wewerecore · 1 year ago
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 019 09/21/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- We are welcomed in this week by Sudu Upadhyay and Raven at the commentary booth where Sudu informs us that it is officially Halloween Haunt season at Dorney Park. Raven used his soundboard to play a variety of spooky sound effects including rattling chains, creaking doors, squeaking floorboards, cackling witches, and howling wolves. Sudu thanks Raven for playing along and helping to get things started on the right foot for a change. Raven tells Sudu he saved the most terrifying sound for last and played the following clip, "This is Sudu Upadhyay and I'll be your host for the next hour!" Raven said he feels a chill run up his spine every time he hears it.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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The Production (Derek Dillinger and Magnum CK) vs. Spencer Slade and Tim Spriggs The Production defeated Spencer Slade and Tim Spriggs with a superplex from Magnum followed by a second rope moonsault from Dillinger on Spriggs. (3:40)
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- Continuing a trend from recent weeks, The Production continued to attack their opponents after the pinfall until Fuego Del Sol ran down to the ring with a chair. This time however, when The Production left the ring Fuego Del Sol dropped the chair and took both men out on the floor with a tope suicida. During the dive, Ziggy Haim made her way to ringside and picked up the chair. Fuego soaked up the cheers from the crowd, but turned around into a chair shot from Haim. Ziggy helped Dillinger and Magnum CK to their feet and the three worked over Fuego Del Sol until CORE officials came to his aid.
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Trench vs. Felix Koz Trench defeated Felix Koz via submission with the inverted full nelson. (3:01)
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- We join Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk for the COal REgion Roundup. - Daphne talked about Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels’ tag match challenge for next week against any two members of Black Generation International and sent us to comments from Titus Alexander. Alexander announced that next week it will be Bendito and Emperador Azteca against Blackwood and Angels. Alexander said he would have loved to take on the challenge himself, but that he will be in a tag team match of his own against two wrestlers looking for a break named Puf and Kevin Bennett. Titus said he personally asked CORE matchmakers to invite those two to drive down so they can showcase their talents to a national TV audience against him and Flamita. - Daphne Oz announced that Athena recently collaborated with the CORE booking office to put together a special attraction match. On September 28th at the Bloomsburg Fair we will see Queen Aminata accompanied by her licensed pro-wrestling manager Raychell Rose against Tokyo Joshi Pro star Shoko Nakajima. - Earlier that evening on The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour, Queen Aminata will be in action against former NWA World Women's Tag Team Champion Madi Wrenkowski, is Aminata perhaps spreading herself a bit thin taking on a tough challenger hours before her match with Shoko Nakajima?
- Fuego Del Sol defied medical advice and insisted on competing in his scheduled match. As he had been evaluated for and cleared of a potential head injury, CORE medical staff headed by Dr. Frank Romascavage allowed his participation.
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Fuego Del Sol vs. Invictus Khash - While Fuego Del Sol did create an opening to attempt the tornado DDT, he was clearly not 100% and Invictus Khash countered with a northern lights suplex and then transitioned into the juij-gatame. Invictus Khash defeated Fuego Del Sol via submission with the juji-gatame. (4:43)
- Fuego Del Sol challenged Magnum CK to a match next week.
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- Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels joined Sudu Upadhyay for a standup interview in front of the CORE commentary booth. Blackwood said he's not sure if everyone caught it, but earlier in the broadcast Titus Alexander announced that next week Titus and Flamita will be wrestling Puf and Kevin Bennett. Blackwood said that those were two of the guys that he travelled all over the country with when they were all trying to get noticed on the independents. Blackwood said clearly Titus is trying to send them some sort of message, they aren't sure what it is but they've pricked up their ears and Alexander should probably say it before he loses another match, throws a hissy fit, and runs off to pout. And Blackwood warns that loss might come sooner than he thinks, because he and Angels know Alexander as well as anyone, and they are going to let Puf and Bennett know every last detail.
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Kal Jak/Madman Fulton/Levi Cooper vs. folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) folkstyle defeated Kal Jak, Madman Fulton, and Levi Cooper via submission with the ankle lock from Mason on Fulton. (5:23)
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- folkstyle were already backstage when Alex Taylor of the Southern Six made his way to the ring after the match with Starboy Charlie some distance behind. Taylor attacked the defeated Kal Jak, Fulton, and Cooper with a chair with Starboy Charlie eventually joining in. As Taylor and Starboy beat down Kerry Morton's hired guns, folkstyle made their way to the commentary booth. - Shaw Mason got on the microphone and told Alex Taylor and Starboy that they can keep beating the snot out of those three all they want, they don't care, but they would like an answer to the challenge they made last week. Leaving the ring, Alex Taylor got on another microphone and said that they should have never sent amateurs to handle a job for professionals. They've got their match, at the Bloomsburg Fair it will be The Southern Six of Kerry Morton, Thrillbilly Silas Mason, Alex Taylor, and Kenzie Paige joined by Starboy Charlie against folkstyle and any two partners foolish enough to take on The Southern Six. - Mason responded that they aren't the ones that should be worried about running out of partners. With Nick Wayne abandoning Morton to join AEW and Billie Starkz leaving the group to go be Athena's minion on Ring Of Honor television. Alex Taylor interrupted, apparently stunned by the news that ROH is on television. Mason said that Marcus Mathers is still out injured at the hands of folkstyle and rather than face them again, Brogan Finlay ran away to try out for the New York booking office. Mason said Leyla Hirsch will be at the Bloomsburg Fair by folkstyle's side and, as for their other partner, there's a long line of people that want to get their hands on Morton and his crew so he'll just wait and see who calls first.
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- Giant Baba Yaga made her way to the ring for our main event. Vincent Nothing emerged from behind the curtain and was joined by Jake Something. Rather than head to the ring the two made their way to the commentary booth. Jake Something got on the microphone and, after having the camera zoom in on the peach fuzz that Vincent Nothing had grown out and was putting on the line tonight, said that while Nothing has every intention of claiming Baba's mask today, they weren't going to take any chances. Something called on the production truck to call up a live stream of Megan Bayne, HANAKO, and Lady C live from the STARDOM dojo. Something said that, despite being of a similar stature as Giant Baba Yaga, this eliminates those three from being under the mask. Something called up another live stream, this of German wrestler the Alpha Female Jazzy Gabert, also eliminating her as a suspect. Something then called for the people he personally paid to be here tonight from his Impact Wrestling signing bonus to come on down to ringside. A series of rather tall individuals began to make their way out from the dressing room. First out was Impact Wrestling's Savannah Evans and KiLynn King. They were soon joined by independent wrestler Sazzy Boatright, former TNA knockout Lei'D Tapa, Canadian veteran Vanessa Kraven, former NWA World Women's Champion Kamille, California based independent wrestler J-Rod, and former TNA and NXT wrestler Sage Beckett. Jake Something said it was just as he had suspected, Giant Baba Yaga is actually… but before he could get the words out a masked wrestler of similar stature arrived from behind the curtain. Something said he doesn't know who that is, but he does know that Baba Yaga is… and again he was interrupted by yet another tall masked wrestler making their way out. Jake Something said well they know how tough Giant Baba Yaga is, so instead he and Vincent Nothing will beat up and unmask those two broads and then they'll know for sure who Giant Baba Yaga is. And Something/Nothing tried to do just that, but instead found themselves overwhelmed by all ten wrestlers who dragged Vincent Nothing down the aisle and tossed him in the ring.
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Mask vs. Hair Giant Baba Yaga (with UltraMantis Black) vs. Vincent Nothing Giant Baba Yaga defeated Vincent Nothing with the running neckbreaker. (5:20)
- Giant Baba Yaga lathered Vincent Nothing's head with shaving cream and proceeded to shave his bald head slightly more bald. UltraMantis Black challenged Jake Something to a Mask vs. Hair match against Giant Baba Yaga on September 28th at the Bloomsburg Fair, which Something accepted.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels vs. Black Generation International (Bendito and Emperador Azteca) Magnum CK vs. Fuego Del Sol Black Generation International (Titus Alexander and Flamita) vs. Puf and Kevin Bennett Queen Aminata (with Raychell Rose) vs. Madi Wrenkowski Also in action… Starboy Charlie and Alex Taylor
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #123 Preservation Act 09/28/23 Bloomsburg Fair - Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 01. TrustBusters Reserve Decision Match: Hyan vs. Trench 02. Queen Aminata (with Raychell Rose) vs. Shoko Nakajima 03. Southern 6 (Kerry Morton/Silas Mason/Alex Taylor/Kenzie Paige) and Starboy Charlie vs. folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) Leyla Hirsch and ??? 04. Mask vs. Hair: Giant Baba Yaga (with UltraMantis Black) vs. Jake Something
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