#janitorial income
dylanconrique · 1 year
!!! breaking news !!! woman found dead of a broken heart after canceling all her streaming subscriptions.
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catgirl-kaiju · 7 months
Disabled transfem in need of help!
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hey y'all, i had to leave my job back in January bc my mobility disabilities have been getting worse, making it impossible to do such physical labor, and my job couldn't accommodate me due to the nature of the work (janitorial). so, i'm in income limbo atm while i file for SSI,SSDI, and unemployment, and also try and search for remote work. to make matters worse, the one employed person in our household has had to stay home from work until she can get a doctor's note confirming that she's fit to return to work, and the soonest pcp appointment she was able to make isn't until a ways out. we have a lot of bills upcoming, so we desperately need some help!
i would appreciate any donations to help me out during this time, and would especially appreciate more folks subscribing to my patreon. i'm planning on making more comics during my increased free time, so funding my patreon will help me do that and worry less abt income. Links below:
Cashapp: $ScoutForester
Venmo: @Sarahpillbug
i'm also going to open up my commissions to do $30 simple pfps. i can't handle doing anything more than that as executive dysfunction makes commissions very stressful. here's some examples so you can get an idea of what i can do:
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i design all pfps in such a way that they will look good in both square and circular frames. if you need me to design for different shapes or want me to focus on just one, please let me know!
i've received so much support from y'all in the past during hard times. i really couldn't have made it through without y'all
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cutrateconjuration · 2 years
Watching "Enola Holmes 2" and I like the inclusion of the matchstick girls.
Sometimes I wonder about the effects of middle class feminism's "women not being allowed to work" narrative and it's erasure of the exploitation of lower class single women in the industrial era, and the continued exploitation of working class women in the fashion, childcare, and janitorial industries throughout the 20th century.
(Which is also something I am pretty sure contributes to the income disparity issue between men and women but seems wierdly under addressed?)
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adaginy · 7 months
If you ever need Stuff, and it can be (or has to be) slightly old, and doesn't have to be *specific* it just needs to *work*,
look for surplus sales. Surplus sales are when a public/state entity (think universities, department of transportation, etc) needs to get rid of stuff. There are strict rules about them getting rid of stuff, and often, if it still works, they can't throw something away. [state rules may vary, I am speaking from the US so country rules definitely may vary]
It doesn't matter that it's out of date, that it doesn't run the programs they need, that every other desk in the building has those fancy holes for wires to disappear into and this one doesn't. They have to make it available to other departments and then offer it to the public. (Also this cuts down on trash/recycling/disposal costs, also also I think any income from surplus might just be free money that they can add to the budget without having to have detailed plans for it.)
My local university surplus updates its inventory once a week and is open twice a week: Once for people involved in the university, and then later for the public to pick over.
I needed a monitor that was <24 inches for desk space reasons, and had a VGA connection, for old-computer reasons. 25 cents. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, on a table of older monitors. They have plenty of newer monitors for more, if you need 40-inch HDMI etc etc, but they aren't retail-price either. Computers labeled as "no hard drive" or "for parts only" or whole computers that actually work, would you like an iMac for like $300??
I needed a new office chair, I mentioned recently. Surplus listed having "39 rolling chairs" in stock. I went and they ranged from basically exactly the chair I was replacing to fancy ergonomic whatevers. I got a new chair -- $30 for one that, glancing at the Staples website, would be about $300 new. Pulls to the right a little bit if I'm rolling it down a hallway but I'm not so who cares.
And it's not just office supplies and furniture? When the food service department replaces stuff, same rules apply. When the drama department gets rid of costumes and props.
Lots of 3-ring binders for 25 cents apiece. Aprons, same. I think 25c might be the minimum they can price stuff at. Sports stuff. A/V equipment. Cameras. wires and wood.
Also used cars, and fancy lab/janitorial equipment if you need a $4000 medical-grade freezer for $200[as is, functionality unknown] or a $10,000 floor scrubber for $800[works], but in my experience those are auctions rather than being loaded into the surplus warehouse.
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Mary Eliza Mahoney (May 7, 1845 - January 4, 1926) first African American graduate nurse, was born in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Originally from North Carolina, her parents were among the southern free African Americans who moved north before the Civil War seeking a less racially discriminatory environment. The eldest of three siblings, she attended the Phillips Street School in Boston.
At the age of 20, she began working as a nurse. Supplementing her low income as an untrained practical nurse, she took on janitorial duties at the New England Hospital for Women and Children.
On March 3, 1878, she was accepted into New England Hospital’s graduate nursing program. She participated in mandatory 16-hour-per-day ward duty, where she oversaw the well-being of six patients at a time. Days not requiring ward duty involved attending day-long lectures while devoting time to her studies. Completing the rigorous 16-month program on August 1, 1879, she was among the three graduates out of the 40 students who began the program and the only African American awarded a diploma.
During her 40-year career, she attracted several private clients who were among the most prominent Boston families. A deeply religious person, devoted herself to private nursing due to the rampant discrimination against African American women in public nursing at the time.
She was recognized within her field as a pioneer who opened the door of opportunity for many African American women interested in the nursing profession. When the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses was organized in New York in 1908, she was asked to give the welcoming address. She was made a lifetime member, exempted from dues, and elected chaplain.
Numerous honors were posthumously given to her, including the Mary Mahoney Medal, an award offered annually that signifies excellence in nursing. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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harrisburgmusings · 3 months
Minority in Medicine
So far in medical school, I have never had a patient of my own race. Having done rotations all around Georgia, I'm suspect I'm a lot of people's "first." Their first Muslim. Their first Pakistani. Hell, maybe even the first Queer person they've ever met.
But I have to admit that it has not caused me too much strife. Aside from confused looks accompanied by "but where are you from from?" when I tell patients I'm from Atlanta and that time a nurse asked to call me Aladdin because she kept forgetting my name, I don't have too much to say. This is in contrast with my other peers who, on their rural rotations are denigrated by attendings or mistaken for janitorial staff by patients.
However, one of these same peers also told me of an impactful interaction she had in southwest Georgia where she worked at a facility that historically has only had white providers. She stepped into a patient's room to see his face light up —he had lived there his whole life, and had never had a physician who shared the same skin color as him.
I had a similar interaction when I was in northwest Georgia, with a patient who was gay and HIV positive. It felt like other providers were harsh on him, but I found him to be one of my most pleasant patients! These experiences reminded me how important it is to be comfortable with traversing our diverse identities, especially as physicians.
Since day one of medical school, we're prompted to learn about the injustices that have been committed against minoritized communities throughout America's history and examine our own biases. Patients do better when they can see themselves in their provider. Much of the discussion around improving racial health disparities in healthcare revolves around promoting diversity and equity in our medical education.
This can be reflected in diversifying our incoming medical school classes, and learning from our peers and patients who come from different backgrounds from us.
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happysaddca · 6 months
I've accidentally made a list of things I want to seriously write when I graduate, all FNAF/DCA flavored.
Mechanical Hearts and Spare Parts (aka Clone AU): You are hired as a technician for FazCo despite not having the qualifications for the job. Worse actually, you're still in late stage recovery for a car accident that should've killed you and definitely shattered your future career in experimental biology. You have no idea why the security guard is the one who got to hire you either...
Constellations: Originally a Solar Lunacy adjacent piece, now being rewritten as its own thing. You're a nontraditional college student grasping for any income after a nasty breakup has left you reeling. FazCo is hiring overnight janitorial staff, and considering you just got fired for poor customer service at your previous job, it sounds like a dream come true. It's just weird how human the animatronics seem.
In the Lingering (aka Magnus Archives AU): The Plex has been shut down for a month and change after increasingly bizarre incidents happened that FazCo can't dismiss or bury (or burn). You're trying to make friends with new coworkers when they dare you to take a selfie on the main stage. It can't be too bad, right? The worst thing that can happen is, oh right, you're in a Magnus Archives AU and the Plex has become a nexus point for the Fears to push through.
The Lonely Moon: Your name is Nemo, and once upon a time you were a Moon, a Moon that shared its body with a Sun. Sun is missing, and has been for a long time. You're trying to find him, but none of the Suns seem to fit. And then you find a strange animatronic, also looking for its other half.
Then there's smaller things like body swap au and time loop au...
Bleh so many things but I have so much left.of school!!
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Phone Dave Chapter 3: Steven
(Steven in this AU is such a bitch I love him)
Jack had been trying to interact with Dave for a week.
Neither had been successful.
The restaurant was in a back alley part of Reno, the customers who came were committed but with no employees… they had made all of $100 the entire week. 40% made up Dave’s paycheque for an hour.
The phone was a hard worker, for sure. Jack had never seen a phone who… well did half as much. But he couldn’t do everything.
There was only one option with how Freddy’s was run. Animatronics. They needed workers but couldn’t afford them until they had any actual income. Any animatronic would do.
And for that, they needed funding. It would be easy if they could just scavenge, but Freddys was so profitable that there wasn’t anywhere to get them.
The restaurant was doomed. That much was clear.
“Mr Kennedy… Mr Kennedy wake up…” Jack shot back into the present.
“Mr Kennedy, you zoned out like an idiot in the middle of my question.”
“Sorry… s’ good weed.”
The phone sighs in exasperation. “Sir, we have a member of upper management coming in an hour, get ready.”
Right… Dave set up a meeting without asking to try to get funding.
Jack stands up, scattering the empty pizza boxes, cigarette packs, blunts, and empty bottles that covered his body on the ground.
Dave suddenly makes a dialup noise.
“I’m what?”
“What I’m… SHIT FUCK I’M SORRY!!!” Jack says, quickly covering himself with one of the boxes.
“J-just be decent for when they get here.”
Jack walks out of the office in his usual horrible outfit of a green coat covered in sequins with both a tiger and leopard pattern on it, skinny jeans, cowboy boots, no shirt, and a terrible blonde wig that looks like it could have been alive.
Dave glares at him with no eyes.
“What I’m decent.”
“I’m wearing a tie.”
“My finest garment.”
“Ahem.” Another Scott voice says. Both of them look to see Steven himself leaning against a doorway. “I hope I’m not interrupting… whatever this is.”
“Eeep! No- no worries Sir! We were just finishing our discussion… w-what brings the Company Representative himself down to our objectively terrible location?”
“Both of you used to work for me. Oh and my memory could be a LITTLE fuzzy but I also distinctly remember you both left me to burn to death in the wreckage of my location.”
“I… don’t remember that sorry. Quite fortunately I have yet to remember-“
“I don’t care.”
“Who pissed in your coffee…” Jack mutters. He remembers Steven not being a great boss but he seems to have gotten worse.
God he wished Steven died in the fire-
“I heard that.” The red phone states.
“Good because-“ Dave shoves his hand over Jack’s mouth.
“Hahahahaha… funny joke sir but let’s not insult the company representative. I’ll kill you if we go bankrupt Mr Kennedy.” He whispers the last part.
“Well. It’s good to see one of you has a brain. Now, are you going to keep bickering and wasting my valuable time or are we going to do something?”
“Y-yes sir I’ll show you around. Mr Kennedy will follow us and say nothing because I don’t want him to ruin everything and if I lock him in the janitorial closet he’d just escape.”
“I’m very slippery.”
“Right.” Steven sighs in exasperation.
“And here’s the Saferoom. You’ll notice a stark lack of blood! This is because we just opened, the quantity will rise.”
“Uhuh… and the moss.”
“It ate my cleaning supplies sir.”
“Seems like you hardly tried.”
“Uhhhhhh… moving on! This is the dining room. Mr Kennedy has employed… some kind of ghost? I didn’t question it because he didn’t question the lack of pay.”
“Ah yes, ghost Ronaldo. How predictable.”
“Y-yes sir! Next up we have the prize corner!”
Matt stares intently at the 3 of them.
“That concludes our viewing of the prize corner.”
“Thank god.” Steven says, seemingly actually genuinely thankful.
Understandable. Matt is horrifyingly.
“N-next is the dining area! It’s only got a few people right now… Mr Kennedy says they’re his friends. I think they are trash and are scaring away better customers.”
“Eh you just don’t get it Davey.” Jack says, throwing his arm over Dave’s shoulder.
“I barely tolerate this bizarre nickname you have given me in the first place, don’t push it by using a nickname of this nickname.”
“Sleep lightly tonight Kennedy, sleep lightly.”
“If you two would stop having your lovers quarrel for 5 hecking minutes, thank you.”
“We are not lovers sir, I am the manager and he is the terrible owner, it would be highly unprofessional.”
“I’m technically your boss you know-“
“Rule one, you are not my boss, you are my friend. I do not see you as a friend however I will take this to mean that you are in fact not my boss, and are my subordinate.”
“Don’t worry Phoney, I go this.” Jack says, cracking his knuckles.
“Oh no…”
Jack leads them down a hallway.
“On your left you’ll see our world class one of a kind Foxy Stripclub. There used to be more but they got closed. I was the reason they got closed. Now, as you’re both phones I’d bet-“
“Hahahahahaaaa Mr Kennedy is kidding. IGNORE HIM.”
“Well I mean you two could get up on stage yourselves if-“
“Pardon?” Steven questions.
“HAHAHA JUST KIDDING! One more word and you never walk again.”
“Anyway moving on from that is the ballpit! Music man has nested here.”
“Music man?” Steven asks, disgust in his artificial voice.
“He’s a beloved member of the Fazbender’s family.” Jack explains. “Next we have this little shitty playground full of tetanus that we stole from McDonalds.”
“It’s not that much tetanus… just enough to kill my annoying as heck “friend” here Mr Kennedy if he doesn’t shut the heck up.”
“Next is the bathrooms! They haven’t been cleaned since the 60s!”
“I… can smell that.” Steven says… phones can smell… noted… well I mean it’s not the first time.
“Ooookay… and our final stop… the stage! As you can see there are no animatronics! We need some. Can you please give us the money?”
A moment passes. “Hmmmm… no… no I can’t.”
“Oh that’s ok sir I-“ Dave starts.
“And why not?”
“See I don’t see this location being successful.”
“Dave’s a pretty good phone.”
“You know what… let’s be real here… IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW GOOD HE IS. This is a back alley location full of crackheads run by a pothead who’s recent twitter posts indicate-“
“Phoney do you follow my twitter?”
“-INDICATE THAT HE IS MAKING $100 A WEEK AND THINKS THATS GOOD. There has never been a less successful location.”
“What’s the harm in giving us one animatronic!? FUCKING BALLOON BOY! GIVE US FUCKING BALLOON BOY!!!”
“I wouldn’t give you a stick of gum.”
Jack glares at the phone, he glares back… then the door is kicked down by a man dressed as Candy a The Cat, he is carrying a gun.
“VENGEANCE FOR CANDY’S!!!!!!!!!” The man starts shooting at them, Jack manages to grab both phones’ arms and starts to bolt down the hallway to his office.
As soon as he makes it to the room he shuts and locks the door.
“Let me out there I can fight him.” Dave says.
“I’m not letting you get shot.”
“Life and Limb for the Fazbender’s Brand Mr Kennedy, that’s my motto.”
“I’m not letting you get shot.”
“I have a rocket launcher. I could-“ Steven starts
“I’m not letting you get shot.”
Jack starts to dig around in a large pile of takeout bags and rats until he finds a locker covered in Lightning McQueen stickers.
“Mr Kennedy, do you just really like race cars? Because if you do that’s fine but you could just admit that.”
“I will admit nothing.” Jack says as he starts inputting the code, getting it wrong.
“What… what’s your plan?” Steven says, still trying to sound intimidating.
Jack manages to open the safe and pulls out a gun. “I’m going to go get shot for your sorry asses.”
“Mr Kennedy I highly doubt-“
“Shhhhhhh.” Jack puts a finger over where Dave’s mouth should be.
“You know my mouth is under my dial r-?”
“Shhhhh… I’ll be back.” Jack blows a kiss at both phones and kicks down the door while yelling.
“He’s doomed right?” Steven asks.
“Oh yeah totally. Heck…”
“Hey bitches.” Jack says, entering the room covered in blood.
“Mr Kennedy! You’re… covered in blood.”
“It’s not mine don’t worry.”
“Did you ACTUALLY beat that Candy the Cat freak?” Steven asks.
“Didn’t kill him, it’s been like 12 years since I’ve killed anyone and I don’t want to break that streak.”
“But you did stop him?”
“Oh yeah I did.”
“Well… in light of recent developments I…. Ahem… have decided to grant you two unrestricted access to the condemned animatronic warehouse. It’s free… technically illegal… but hey you know the old Fazbender’s motto, Sweep it Under The Rug It’ll Probably Be Fine.”
The two wave as Steven gets into his car which Jack is totally not weird about.
“I see this not being the last time we interact. I’m sure you’ll be in dire need of help again.” Steven says. “Catch you on the Flipside.”
The man drives away, and Jack sighs and sits down in the parking lot.
“You know, I wouldn’t mind seeing him again Mr Kennedy.” Dave says.
“You know what Dave? Me neither.” Jack sighs, before passing out.
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myth-blossom · 2 years
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I posted 681 times in 2022
That's 681 more posts than 2021!
286 posts created (42%)
395 posts reblogged (58%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 658 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#hitman fandom - 393 posts
#hitman - 384 posts
#agent 47 - 239 posts
#hitman fanfic - 179 posts
#diana/47 - 177 posts
#diana burnwood - 174 posts
#hitman fanfiction - 149 posts
#agent 47/diana burnwood - 138 posts
#lucas grey - 56 posts
#myth music rec - 52 posts
Longest Tag: 85 characters
#someone could sponsor me to write the hitman fuck cabin while staying at a fuck cabin
My Top Posts in 2022:
Bunny Fic Incoming
In honor of @cajunandfire’s latest bunny drabbles, I wanted to share an idea that came to me. Hope you enjoy!
❤️ 🐇 ❤️
47 stood before a large and colorful map of the area, scrutinizing it carefully. He was there waiting for an informant who was expected to arrive sometime within the hour.
The informant had, in fact, already arrived 30 minutes ago. He stood at the nearby concession stand, trying to work up the courage to speak to the imposing bald man he was certain was his contact. 
However, the informant was frozen in place. From what he could tell, the man seemed frustrated, if not fairly angry. The informant didn’t want to be on the receiving end of his ire, especially considering the shady business he seemed to be associated with. He supposed it was possible that the contact just looked like that naturally, but he was still nervous. Knowing he wouldn’t get paid if he didn’t deliver the information, the informant took a deep breath and tried to confidently stride up to the man at the map stand.
47 noticed someone approaching and hoped it was the informant. A man walked up next to him wearing a green janitor’s outfit, which is what he expected the informant to wear. 47 was about to begin the coded phrase to confirm it was the informant when the man nervously spoke first.
“Hi….I, uh, think you are supposed to meet—“ The man paused when he realized 47 was glaring at him. He froze and didn’t continue speaking.
47 sighed, pointing at an area of the map that was closer to where the man was standing. “Where is the drive?” he asked quietly.
“Oh, right! Uh, h—here you go.” The informant at least tried to be covert in his exchange by pointing at the map above 47’s hand, dropping the flash drive for him to catch it. 
“Thank you,” said 47 as he pocketed the flash drive.
“So uh, is that it or—?” He audibly gulped when 47 glared at him again. “Right, yes, goodbye!”
As the janitorial informant ran away, Diana’s voice returned. “Apologies, 47, he’s new. I think you intimidated him a little,” she chuckled. When 47 didn’t respond, she spoke again. “47, are you feeling alright?”
47 mumbled an affirmative, but Diana didn’t believe it. “Talk to me, 47. What’s wrong? You seem…unusually grumpy, today.”
When he walked through an area empty of visitors, he felt safe to speak freely. “This wasn’t what I expected.”
“What wasn’t?”
“The zoo.”
“Oh…I thought you liked animals, 47. What’s wrong with this place?” 
He mumbled something she couldn’t understand, he said it so quietly. Is he embarrassed? thought Diana.
When Diana didn’t respond, 47 sighed and said, almost petulantly, “This zoo doesn’t have any rabbits.”
Diana blinked. “You wanted to see rabbits?”
“Yes. I’ve walked everywhere and I’ve checked the map,” he frowned. “They have no rabbits.” 
The irritation in his voice was almost adorable if it weren’t for the fact that he was genuinely upset to have not seen any rabbits at the zoo. Diana wasn’t sure what to say, but she sympathized with her agent. “I’m sorry, 47. I will keep that in mind for any future handoffs.” 
“It’s fine.” He lightly sighed in disappointment before returning to a more stoic demeanor. “Where will we exchange the information?”
Diana had arrived at her hotel room that morning and scheduled to meet 47 for the flash drive later that afternoon. She had planned to meet at the local shopping mall as it was a good public place to blend in, but now she was thinking of somewhere else. Somewhere that would make a better day for her grumpy agent. She was already searching through locations on her laptop and seemed to be onto something good.
“I will text you the address,” she said with a smile. “See you soon, Agent.”
A few hours later, 47 drove to the address Diana provided. Strangely, the location was rural and not like the usual crowded places she preferred to meet for intel exchanges. 
See the full post
36 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Myth Asks The Fandom
For those who ship Diana/47, what relationship status do you prefer to see in fics?
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Established Relationship
Yearning but no confession
Physical-focused/sexual tension
Romantic confessions
Professional and/or platonic
Something else?
Personally, I enjoy reading or writing about them in any stage of their relationship, but I do love writing them as an established couple (especially in mission fics).
38 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Researching something for a fic and I keep making this typo:
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I mean
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It’s quite accurate, actually
46 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Watching The Road to El Dorado (after watching a lot of Oxventure) and I can’t unsee this
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108 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
These are always fun so I wanted to make one! Reblog this and let others send you an ask based on any of these emojis/questions:
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
⏰️ Do you like to post fics on a schedule or at random?
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
💎 Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual?
🔥 Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
See the full post
1,142 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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arpov-blog-blog · 2 years
...."In the absence of that data, one all too common theory is that rising wages create a reinforcing dynamic called a wage-price spiral. The story goes: When wages increase, consumer demand increases because workers have more income. That new demand increases prices, which necessitates higher wages to match price increases, creating a cycle that sustains inflationary pressure. Despite Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell himself stating, "I don't think wages are the principal story for why prices are going up," at Wednesday’s news conference, this narrative is echoed by politicians and business leaders alike — but economic evidence shows us this is more fiction than fact.
One all too common theory is that rising wages create a reinforcing dynamic called a wage-price spiral.
Underlying this myth is the idea that workers can successfully bargain for higher wages because they face higher costs of living — but we know that this is not the labor market most workers face. Income inequality has been rising over the past 40 years as union density has declined. The wage-price spiral theory depends on workers winning higher wages without collective bargaining rights. But Fed researchers have seen a relative shift away from worker power as one of the major drivers of inflation.
Domestic outsourcing, where workers are employed by a subcontractor so they cannot directly bargain over the split of revenue in their workplaces, has also short-circuited a traditional source of compensation and efficiency gains. Simultaneously, previous norms about fairness within firms have diminished in workplaces with multiple employers, like, for example, a company that hires custodial workers under a janitorial services contractor. The custodian is not technically the co-worker of those whose offices they clean; they have no upward career ladder within their physical workplace. This has reinforced overall income inequality and led to CEO pay rising to 350 times what an average worker is paid. Meanwhile, the economy has kept growing, but most workers just have not shared in the value they create."
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Quick post that might evolve into a story while I re-edit ‘Eyes on Me’ which is definitely On the way, I did not lie about that no ma’am. Never that. Not me… I would never
Ft. Principal Asano from assassination classroom
Rated T for suggestive language | not edited | judge your god not me
“Why don’t I take her to the nurse while you all have a quiet study hall amongst yourselves? No need to worry her more.”
Like a spell, his tone brought actual nausea to her stomach, weakening her body until pressing her forehead against his palm became the only feasible way to stay upright.
“Don’t worry. Focus on your studies. I’ll be back in shape in no time.” She forced out. The students watch their beloved teacher be led down the hall, hastily throwing a weak smile their way before turning the corner, set on the path to the infirmary.
The stinging smell of disinfectant and cold metal came and went as the pair passed the room. She sighed as her fate became glaringly obvious. In her last moments, she thought it be best to reflect on her choices that led her toward death’s door.
Black eyes. Tan skin. An unmoving scowl. Broad, broad shoulders with a cinched waist. Thick hair that would look absolutely delectable caught between her nails. His voice remained unknown for now, but her mind was more than ready to fill in that hole with something raspy and seductive enough to talk her into climaxing.
Oh, how her tongue yearned for her teeth to sink into such a fine specimen. She had to know how his flesh tasted, and how fast his blood pumped when under the influence of arousal, just like how they had already learned this about the principal.
The only man she’s been steadily kneeling for these past few months.
Let it be known now in his office with no witnesses besides the dust mites and the janitorial staff responsible for cleaning up their afterschool messes, the foreign English teacher was a salacious beast led by her primal desires. And the esteemed Principal Asano represented every filled desire she had. A man of his… pedigree was worth their weight in gold. Under his employment, she gained access to stable income and housing, a lovely slightly above modest life. Under his desk, she gained pleasure so painful she struggled to revel in the jewels and his highly sought-after attention.
The same attention focused on her now like a target light. One long blink and she found herself back to supporting herself as best she could under his heavy stare. Only the desk separated them. He had yet to sit down.
“What was that?” Teddy frazzled under his red eyes. Red. Black. She’d trade her soul to see those colors together. Focus.
“I’m disappointed in you. Someone under my leadership should never be seen in the hall of my school, salivating and whimpering like a bitch in heat.”
“Principal Asano, sir. Let me explain.” Within a second her head was pressed against mahogany wood with his palm keeping her trapped. She could feel the threads of her skirt ride up the back of her thighs. If anyone were to walk in on them…
“There’s no need, Professor. I can see it written all over your face. In some ways, this is my fault. Employing a salacious woman such as yourself,” Asano shifted his brutish hold from her cheek to her hair, balling his fist in her locks. “Remember how quickly you fell for me. It was my own arrogance that brought this on, I believed you were a woman of impeccable taste in men. But now I see.” Dragging her up by her hair strands, he forced eye contact.
“You’d bend over for any man that gave you a glance. What a shame. A woman as beautiful as you should really have higher standards. What was it about the little government stiff that had you dripping out your skirt?” His hand didn’t slacken in power as he walked back around to her side of the desk. Asano stared her down with fury and greed lighting a fire behind his irises.
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jsbminc01 · 1 month
A Deep Dive into Commercial Property Maintenance Services: What You Need to Know
As the owner or manager of a commercial property, maintaining its upkeep and functionality is crucial for the success of your business. Commercial property maintenance services play a vital role in ensuring your building remains in top condition, catering to the needs of your tenants and preserving the value of your investment. In this comprehensive article, we'll explore the different aspects of commercial property maintenance, from essential tasks to specialized services, helping you make informed decisions about the best approach for your property.
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The Importance of Commercial Property Maintenance
Maintaining a commercial property is more than just keeping it clean and presentable. It involves a multifaceted approach that addresses the structural integrity, systems, and overall functionality of the building. Neglecting property maintenance can lead to a host of issues, including safety hazards, decreased tenant satisfaction, and a decline in the property's market value.
By investing in regular commercial property maintenance, you can:
Enhance Tenant Satisfaction: Well-maintained facilities create a positive impression, making tenants feel valued and more likely to renew their leases. This, in turn, can lead to higher occupancy rates and stable rental income.
Protect Asset Value: Keeping your commercial property in top condition preserves its market value, making it a more attractive investment in the long run.
Ensure Compliance: Adherence to local building codes and regulations through proper maintenance can help you avoid costly fines and legal issues.
Prevent Costly Repairs: Regular maintenance can identify and address issues before they escalate, often leading to more manageable and cost-effective solutions.
Improve Energy Efficiency: Maintaining building systems and equipment can enhance energy efficiency, leading to reduced utility costs and a more sustainable operation.
Essential Commercial Property Maintenance Tasks
Effective commercial property maintenance encompasses a wide range of tasks, each playing a crucial role in preserving the overall condition of the building. Some of the most essential maintenance tasks include:
Routine Cleaning and Janitorial Services: Keeping the interior and exterior of the property clean, well-organized, and presentable is a fundamental aspect of commercial property maintenance. This includes regular floor cleaning, window washing, and waste management.
HVAC System Maintenance: Ensuring the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is functioning efficiently is crucial for tenant comfort and energy efficiency. This includes tasks such as filter replacements, duct cleaning, and regular system checks.
Plumbing and Electrical Maintenance: Regularly inspecting and maintaining the plumbing and electrical systems can help prevent costly water leaks, electrical issues, and other infrastructure-related problems.
Roof and Exterior Maintenance: Keeping the roof, gutters, and exterior of the building in good condition helps protect the building from the elements and prevents water damage.
Landscape and Grounds Maintenance: Maintaining the landscaping, parking lots, and outdoor areas of the property can enhance the overall curb appeal and create a welcoming environment for tenants and visitors.
Pest Control: Implementing effective pest control measures is essential to maintain a safe and hygienic environment for tenants and their employees.
Fire and Life Safety Systems Maintenance: Ensuring the proper functioning of fire alarms, sprinkler systems, and other life safety equipment is crucial for the safety of occupants and compliance with local regulations.
Specialized Commercial Property Maintenance Services
In addition to the essential maintenance tasks, commercial property owners may also require specialized services to address specific needs or address complex issues. These specialized services can include:
Facility Management: Comprehensive facility management services involve the oversight and coordination of all maintenance activities, including task scheduling, vendor management, and performance monitoring.
Preventative Maintenance Programs: Implementing a preventative maintenance program can help identify and address potential issues before they become major problems, ultimately extending the lifespan of building systems and equipment.
Energy Efficiency Upgrades: Assessing and implementing energy-efficient solutions, such as LED lighting, high-efficiency HVAC systems, and building automation technology, can significantly reduce energy consumption and operating costs.
Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Adopting sustainable practices, such as waste management, water conservation, and green landscaping, can enhance the property's environmental footprint and appeal to eco-conscious tenants.
Renovation and Remodeling: Periodic renovations and remodeling projects can modernize the property, improve tenant experiences, and increase the building's market value.
Emergency and Disaster Response: Having a comprehensive emergency and disaster response plan in place can help mitigate the impact of unexpected events, such as natural disasters, equipment failures, or other emergencies.
Choosing the Right Commercial Property Maintenance Provider
Selecting the right commercial property maintenance provider is crucial for ensuring the long-term success of your property. When evaluating potential service providers, consider the following factors:
Experience and Expertise: Look for a provider with a proven track record of servicing commercial properties similar to yours, with a deep understanding of the unique challenges and requirements.
Comprehensive Services: Opt for a provider that offers a wide range of maintenance services, allowing you to streamline your property management operations and have a single point of contact.
Responsiveness and Reliability: Assess the provider's ability to respond promptly to maintenance requests and demonstrate a consistent track record of reliable service delivery.
Sustainability and Innovation: Consider a provider that embraces sustainable practices and integrates innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency and environmental impact of your property.
Customized Solutions: Seek a provider that is willing to work closely with you to develop a tailored maintenance plan that addresses the specific needs and goals of your commercial property.
Maintaining the integrity and functionality of your commercial property is a crucial aspect of successful property management. By understanding the importance of commercial property maintenance and the various services available, you can ensure your building remains in top condition, catering to the needs of your tenants and preserving the value of your investment. Whether you require essential maintenance tasks or specialized services, partnering with a reputable and experienced commercial property maintenance provider can help you achieve your goals and maximize the long-term success of your commercial property.
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emmabeverage · 2 months
Gavin Newsom Orders Homeless Encampments CLEARED!
Another program by the rich to kill off the useless eaters. The money they claim to be using to help the poor but in reality are just siphoning off for themselves could have solved this problem three times over if it were really used to solve the problem. Build a high rise and charge people 20 percent of their income for rent, no income, no rent. Put a grocery store, emergency clinic, doctors offices, dentist, chiropractors, employment office, nursery and everything you need to live healthy and well on the street level. Build wheel chair ramps wide enough for two wheelchairs to pass each other for the next 2 or 3 floors. Put the elderly and differently-abled on those floors. Create classes for training people for better jobs on the next 3 floors. Welding, carpentry, electronics, home economics, farming, etc. Real life skills learning center. Build 3 ways for people to escape emergencies on the upper floors. Elevators, stairs and slides. Build garden platforms over the slides so food can be grown by the residents to be used in a buffet style restaurant where residents can eat for free or at prorated rates. Maybe use color coded apartment keys that shows what rate to charge for meals. Give the residents the jobs needed to maintain the building, janitorial, maintenance and gardening. Full time job would be 4 days a week with a maximum of 6 hours a day. That way more residents can have access to available jobs to support themselves. There are real solutions if your not trying to mass murder the people. Have the carpentry and electronic classes come up with a design for and building, safety pods on wheels for those who are still on the streets.
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jayanthitbrc · 5 months
Exploring Key Drivers: Demand Dynamics and Market Segments in the Cleaning Service Software Industry
Overview and Scope Cleaning services software refers to specialized digital tools designed to streamline and optimize various aspects of managing a cleaning business. This software streamlines operations, improves communication, enhances customer service, and increases efficiency for cleaning and janitorial companies by automating administrative tasks and providing valuable insights into business performance. Sizing and Forecast The cleaning service software market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $1.63 billion in 2023 to $1.79 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.9%.  The cleaning service software market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $2.65 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3%.  To access more details regarding this report, visit the link: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/cleaning-service-software-global-market-report Segmentation & Regional Insights The cleaning service software market covered in this report is segmented – 1) By Type: Cloud Based, Web Based 2) By Application: Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Large Enterprises 3) By Industry: Maid Service, Moving Service, Lawn Care, Carpet Cleaning, Car Care Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the cleaning service software market in 2023. North America is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the cleaning service software market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa. Intrigued to explore the contents? Secure your hands-on sample copy of the report: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=14669&type=smp Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The increasing expansion of the hospitality industry is expected to propel the growth of the cleaning service software market going forward. The hospitality industry comprises businesses offering guests accommodation, food, beverages, entertainment, and related services, encompassing hotels, restaurants, bars, resorts, and event planning companies. The expansion of the hospitality industry is driven by increasing globalization, rising disposable incomes, and growing consumer demand for travel and leisure experiences. Cleaning service software is used in the hospitality industry to streamline housekeeping operations, manage cleaning schedules, allocate tasks to staff, track inventory, and ensure efficient maintenance of guest rooms and facilities. Key Industry Players Major companies operating in the cleaning service software market are Verizon Connect, Broadcom Inc., Workwave LLC, Jobber, eMaint Enterprises LLC, GoCanvas, FieldAware US Inc., Repsly Inc., ZenMaid Software Inc., Loc8 IT, Kickserv Inc., Housecall Pro, Ergos Software Inc., Payzerware, Westrom Software. The cleaning service software market report table of contents includes: 1. Executive Summary 2. Market Characteristics 3. Market Trends And Strategies 4. Impact Of COVID-19 5. Market Size And Growth 6. Segmentation 7. Regional And Country Analysis . . . 27. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis Contact Us: The Business Research Company Europe: +44 207 1930 708 Asia: +91 88972 63534 Americas: +1 315 623 0293 Email: [email protected] Follow Us On: LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/the-business-research-company   Twitter: https://twitter.com/tbrc_info   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBusinessResearchCompany   YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24_fI0rV8cR5DxlCpgmyFQ   Blog: https://blog.tbrc.info/   Healthcare Blog: https://healthcareresearchreports.com/   Global Market Model: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/global-market-model  
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cleaningagenc · 6 months
Thorough Analysis On The Move Out Cleaning
In the domain of professional cleaning services, the thought of end-of-tenancy cleaning emerges as a pivotal yet often overlooked aspect. Whilst the focus on maintaining clean and hygienic work environments is widely acknowledged in the context of productivity and well-being, the significance of ensuring properties are left in pristine condition during lease turnovers can not be overstated. A reliable name in the market is renowned because of its comprehensive array of cleaning services catering to both domestic and commercial needs. From small-scale home-based offices to expansive commercial complexes, the ethos of cleanliness transcends mere aesthetics, encompassing the essence of occupant well-being and operational efficiency. In the middle of the situation lies end-of-tenancy cleaning, a site that goes beyond mere tidying up before vacating premises. It embodies a meticulous process targeted at ensuring that properties are immaculately maintained for incoming tenants. Inspite of the seemingly nominal cost connected with end-of-tenancy cleaning, its value far exceeds the financial investment, as it paves just how for seamless transitions and leaves an enduring impression on property stakeholders. For property owners preparing to welcome new occupants, end-of-tenancy cleaning serves as a crucial step in fostering positive tenant relations and safeguarding property assets.
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Similarly, outgoing tenants seeking to leave behind a good legacy benefit from the assurance that their former premises are left in optimal condition, potentially enhancing their reputation and future leasing prospects. Beyond the surface-level benefits, end-of-tenancy cleaning holds deeper implications for occupational health and safety. By minimizing the risks of injuries and illnesses connected with unclean environments, this service contributes to developing a conducive atmosphere for occupants to thrive and businesses to flourish. In the realm of commercial cleaning, end-of-tenancy services be noticeable for his or her efficacy in maintaining the greatest standards across diverse settings. From day-to-day janitorial tasks to more intricate cleaning procedures, professional cleaners exhibit a commitment to quality assurance through rigorous checks and adherence to industry best practices. Moreover, the expertise of professional cleaners extends beyond conventional office spaces, encompassing a wide selection of sectors such as for example food production facilities, housekeeping, and industrial sites.
Armed with effective techniques and a dedication to environmentally sustainable practices, they make sure that cleanliness is not just a fleeting concept but a steadfast commitment to preserving the integrity of the spaces they serve. Backed by a structure of strong management and continuous supervision, professional cleaning services guarantee the highest amount of cleaning and maintenance that organizations require As a result, end-of-tenancy cleaning emerges not only as a site but as a testament to the transformative power of cleanliness in shaping the narrative of property management and tenant relations. The modest investment in end-of-tenancy cleaning yields immeasurable returns with regards to operational efficiency, tenant satisfaction, and overall well-being. By entrusting cleaning and maintenance must professionals, property stakeholders can experience the tangible difference a clean and hygienic environment may make inside their workplace.
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mattjournal · 8 months
First Entry
this is going to be my journal where I discuss the grief process.
I am currently grieving the loss of my best friend, my lover, and best companion. She died on November 4th 2023 of AML cancer. She died at the age of 36. Nicole died too young and has left me heartbroken.
we had a very complicated relationship. We met at work. Nicole was my boss. We quickly became friends that quickly fell for each other. We met in January and by February we were texting, by April we were sleeping together. Within months of knowing eachother, I started a relationship with her behind my partner’s back.
I am ashamed and feel guilty of my actions, but at the time my wife and I recently had a new baby. I was in a low wage, dead end job, and I had felt that my marriage had ended. I wasn’t happy in my marriage but felt the need to stay. I felt obligated- plus, in my mind, I had already fucked up my life so just raise my kids and see where things are in 15 years. I felt I had no where to go - nothing to bring to the table, and who wants a man who can barely financially support themselves. All villains have their origin story.
I felt that my wife had been dismissive of all my dreams. She didn’t want me to go to Teachers College because it was too expensive and too much to hit our household income. She didn’t want me to open my own businesses. I digress. I moved to a rural economically depressed area that I really didn’t want to move to but her family lived here and they were willing to help contribute to the down payment of the house. I was educated, young, and felt like I had no longer a say in my life. I resented her for it.
At first after we got married and moved into our house as newly weds, I felt depressed about my decision. Maybe even a bit regretful or buyers remorse? I felt unheard but I wanted to make her happy and surely I could turn a bad situation (not being able to find a job and pay for the bills) into a better one. After all, I went from a high school dropout to someone with a graduate degree who got to travel on academic scholarships. I always said don’t ever bet against me.
I worked a series of low income retail jobs. Mainly in retail alcohol sales, janitorial or social work. I wanted to start my own alcohol distribution business or brewery, by my wife scuttled that idea by never supporting it; citing it being too risky. I was ready to leave, cash out, but I realized I already had a child, had poor work history and where was I going to live if I could barely pay the bills prior to leaving? so I decided that I should just shut up and stay. After working a span of retail jobs, I was hired by the city to work in the social services sector, that’s where I met Nicole.
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