#jango’s dad
psyzook · 2 years
brb, I’m currently obsessed with Jaster Mereel. Like- he is so fucking pure. I mean, he’s a DILF, a nerd, and sort of awkward?!? 😫 bitch, everyone wants a piece of him
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orion-r34l1ty · 4 months
Dads of Star Wars they could never make me hate you
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kryhara · 7 months
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Jango and Boba posting
Thinking about the 1313 boba armor where he’s got his dads armor colors 😢
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stars-n-spice · 3 months
Happy Father's Day!
To all the space daddies of the galaxy 🩵💫
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Seriously, Star Wars can't keep getting away with this trope.
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syn0vial · 2 years
boba fett's childhood is such an untapped goldmine of uncanny existential horror, even before he loses his father.
like, imagine growing up never seeing another child except those that are identical to you—carbon copies in every way, except their heads are shaved, they're plugged into machines all day, and they never stay children for very long. the ones that survive turn into men who look like your father, but your father calls them cattle, cannon fodder.
you're a clone, too. you should be cattle like them, but your father doesn't call you those things. he says you're his real son and that he loves you.
your father loves you. this is what distinguishes you from the cattle and the canon fodder. your father loves you and that's what makes you a person.
and :) then :) he :) fucking :) dies :)
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auxxrat · 1 year
jango the type of dad to sit down and beat a whole mario level bc boba couldn’t
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fellthemarvelous · 3 months
Captain Rex met Ezra Bridger and his Jango Fett Dad Genes were like DIBS THIS CHILD IS MINE THE ADOPTION PAPERS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SIGNED!
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Which made Kanan and Rex bicker like an old divorced couple. 😂
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corvidscreams · 1 year
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Day 5: Recess Don’t worry, the adults are supervising. Mostly. (Prev/Next)
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aron-mp4 · 4 months
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I imagine this is the night before Jango went off to Coruscant
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floofyroro · 3 months
Thinking about if the Batch had their own biological children, they would then be not only the ‘Dad’ batch, but the ‘Uncle’ batch as well.
Uncle Tech (reluctantly) letting his baby niece play with his goggles. (He has an inability to say no to her)
Uncle Wrecker with a water gun, squirting his nephew in the face. (He feels bad about it later)
Uncle Hunter playing peek-a-boo with his baby niece. (The baby thinks it’s hilarious and Hunter can’t stop smiling)
Uncle Echo using his scomp to write in the sand with his nephew, who’s currently practicing Aurebesh. (He visits from time to time on Pabu, just so he can spend time with them)
Uncle Crosshair falling asleep on the sofa with his baby niece on his chest, snoring. (He’s sleep deprived but won’t say no to babysitting.)
Aunt Omega playing a game of tag on the beach with all of her nieces and nephews at once. (Tech ends up taking a photo of this on his datapad and hangs it on his and Phee’s fridge)
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red-raven-reading · 6 months
I really don't get it when authors write clones as Mandalorians who are super attached to their culture and language. I mean, yeah, I get that Jango Fett was a Mandalorian (and so many people are so ridiculously horny for Mandalore, but that's for another day) but they explicitly say - several times - that their home planet is Kamino.
Maybe their training had some Mandalore influence, but we also see that a lot of their trainers are bounty hunters from loads of places as well as having Shaak Ti supervising.
They develop their own culture and traditions - like how they decorate their armour or earn their names - which may start out from Mandalorian roots but are obviously influenced by the war, their jedi leaders, and Kamino more than anything.
I just don't get the vibe from the shows and movies that Mandalore is that important to the clones apart from in that distant way people talk about where their ancestors came from. Whenever they talk about 'home' planet, its Kamino. Jango Fett is just their sperm donor bio-dad who they ignore the existence of most of the time.
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ohyousillything · 1 year
Names turn out to be a big hit among the clones -vod’a, they call themselves, to Jango’s eternal chagrin- and pretty soon no one remembers that Cody was the first one of them to hold a name between both his hands.
Some vod’e name themselves, while others are named by those around them. The Kaminoans are vexed by the phenomenon and even have them all tested, but finally seem to decide it’s harmless enough, and no none gets decommissioned.
Not that Cody doesn’t worry about that--he sleeps with an eye open every night for a fortnight, certain he’ll be dragged out into the yard and shot, or maybe dropped into a vat of acid. Yet when it doesn't happen and life resumes as usual here in their little kennels in Kamino, it feels--he doesn’t know.
“Anticlimactic,” Jango tells him as Cody puts together a bomb with dextrous fingers.
There’s others in the testing room, but Jango always seems to circle back to him. Bly and Colt are nearby having the time of their lives making more and more destructive explosives under the instructor’s proud but slightly horrified gaze, while Bacara seems to be crafting what looks like a sonic charge. Everyone gives her a wide berth.
“The opposite of climax, or lacking climax,” Cody muses, slotting wires carefully. Frowning, he looks up at Jango, “I don’t get it,”
Jango gives him a considering look, “It means you were expecting a big fallout, and nothing happened, and that somehow--disappoints you,”
Cody doesn’t scoff-his self control is too tight for him to be giving away so much- but his finger twitches. He stares at it.
“I’m not disappointed at not being decommissioned,” he says finally, softly as not to be heard by the others. The very thought seems idiotic.
Jango shrugs. "Perhaps you're disappointed that something so important to you doesn't mean much, in the great scheme of things,"
Cody doesn't reply, and Jango lets him be.
The great scheme of things should note matter much, to a clone, but Cody thinks maybe he's built diferent.
Maybe each of them are.
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I don't know if anyone is going to see this, but I'm currently working on a Cody-Centric Fic which is probably going to be put in several parts. I have so many ideas.
If anyone is interested, it's going to be divided into three parts. One on Kamino, one on the War and one on the aftermath. It will not really be a fix-it and really clone centric.
The first part focuses on Cody's relationship with Jango, his batch mates (Fox, Wolffe, Bly, Ponds - heavy on the Fox) and later Rex. But you will notice that Cody is my favourite.
The second part includes Codywan. Sorry not sorry. It's going to be on the lighter side, with I hope lots of funny moments, but it still takes place during a war and Cody will deal with a lot of heartbreaking loss.
I'm not sure about the last part yet, but order 66 happens. It's probably going to be about imperial cody and how he learns to deal with the aftermath of what he's done and how he'll get out of the empire. I plan on including the way Darth Vader deals with clones as a sith and definietly a clone rebellion.
The point of this post is that it's still in the making process. I'm creating a time-line with events right now and have several mindmaps of relationship dynamics and how I'll portray them and just wanted to put the offer out to send me all ideas you've always wanted to see in a fanfic, but know you won't make it yourself. I'm open for shit posts and heavier ones. Your own ideas or some vague feelings. It doesn't matter.
This fic is already going to be written mainly for myself and is very self-indulgent and I thought, why not include everyone who never get's to writing their own fics.
So, yeah.
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
tagged by @starwarsanthropology (twice), @mereelskirata (twice), @varpusvaras, @sithfox, @merlyn-bane
@whiskygoldwings (twice), @rooksunday, @adhd-coyote, and @loverboy-havocboy (also twice)
ily all and i love all the tags i've been getting 😊 i've simply been busy with Event Fic that i can't share oops. but i am reverse-uno-tagging each and every one of you :3
in lieu of my actual most recent work... jango one-shot! in which daimyo boba gets a little disrespected and jango handles it in the manner he knows best
violence. it's violence. people die.
Jango stands up.
“I will not allow anyone,” he says, his toe spikes ching-ing faintly with each step he takes down the stone dias, “to disrespect Lord Fett.”
His voice is deceptively soft. If Boba didn’t know him so well, he might think it was a request, disguised as a demand. He can almost picture that same nearly-polite tone, asking please don’t do that again?
But he remembers that tone. He remembers being a boy, and watching his father walk toward a man, puzzled at his father’s neutral, almost submissive demeanour. He remembers wondering what could ever make legendary bounty hunter Jango Fett approach a threat – however subtle or minor – with anything but raw power.
And he remembers what happened next.
He shifts his weight forward, sitting almost on the edge of the throne, eyes fixed on his father’s form. In his peripheral vision, he can see Fennec, aware that something’s happening but confused as to what exactly it is.
“I think you should apologize,” Jango suggests.
“I said what I said,” the man repeats. “And what I said was-”
Jango’s fingers tighten around the man’s throat before any of them see him move, dragging him out of his seat and around in front of Jango like a dog flinging around a rat. The man manages to draw a blaster from somewhere, shooting at Jango and hitting him in the bottom of the chestplate. Jango lets go, a calculated movement, not borne out of pain or surprise. The methodical nature of the man’s release eludes him. He scrambles back, hopping up onto the table to try to get away, blaster leveled in a shaking hand.
Jango leaps forward, hand planting on the table, boot coming up to land beside it. The way he moves on all fours should look awkward and off-centered, especially since he stays low to avoid hitting the pendant lights, but there’s grace to it as he advances. Four blaster shots ping off Jango’s chestplate. None of them have any effect on him now.
Boba can see the very moment the man realizes that Jango let him go on purpose.
Jango’s momentum carries him forward easily. He straddles the man’s hips, hand planted on his chest even as the man brings the blaster up again, trying to adjust for their new closeness. Jango strikes quickly, hand wrapping around the top of the blaster and yanking it away in a sudden, harsh movement that snaps two of the man’s fingers almost effortlessly.
He screams, cradling his hand to his chest. Jango already has the end of the blaster’s barrel pressed against the man’s forehead as his left hand reaches to his belt. He draws the long, jagged Tusken knife that K'jevra had given him. The blade scrapes slowly against the metal of the scabbard, the harsh, grating sound an intimidation tactic that makes even Boba shiver slightly.
“I beg your pardon!” interjects the Zabrak who’d brought them all here, jumping up from his seat. “I cannot allow such treatment of my guards!”
“Beg, then,” Jango says, in that same voice, its softness a sign of danger now to everyone in the room. He raises the knife, holds it in the air, lights gleaming off the blade. “Beg Lord Fett for forgiveness.”
“Lord Fett, please. The man was a fool, but this is an unspeakable show of violence.”
“Not much of an apology,” Boba muses. He pauses, for a moment, eyeing the Zabrak for any signs of remorse and finding none. His gaze moves to the men on the table. Jango hasn’t looked away from his target’s face, even though the other man stares at Boba with fear. “I leave his fate to your mercy, Father.”
Their visitors’ eyes widen as they realize the relation.
The man on the table doesn’t have time to scream.
His death is almost incidental. Blood spatters across the tabletop as Jango pulls the knife out and rises to lunge at the nearest man in the same instant. Despite what he’d just seen, the guard was foolish enough to have drawn his blaster. Jango is on top of him before he has time to aim, and his shot goes wild, not that any of them see the blaster bolt leave a scorch mark on the wall.
All eyes are on Jango, as he and the guard tumble to the floor together. Boba knows the man’s dead by the time they hit the floor, arm falling lifelessly as Jango lands on top of him and rolls to the side. He comes up kneeling on one knee, knife held flat against his thigh, already aiming his blaster at the third guard. The guard hesitates, for a moment, and the fourth takes the moment to try to outdraw Jango.
Jango lets the bolt hit, then slowly turns his head to stare at the fourth guard. They freeze, clearly realizing their mistake, and begin to raise their hands, one in the air, one to the side to set the blaster on the table. Jango lets them disarm themself before throwing the knife, already turning away from metal cutting through flesh to use the small rocket mounted on his left vambrace on the last remaining guard as they start to fumble for their blaster.
The Zabrak stands frozen in shock and horror.
Boba rises, standing before the throne with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I thought you had at least one brain cell wandering around between those horns of yours. Get out, Varian, and get off this planet. If anyone ever sees you here again…” He lowers and softens his voice, matching Jango’s almost exactly. “I’m a simple man, like my father before me. Do you understand?”
Varian nods, backing away slowly, mute with terror. When he reaches the doorway, he turns and flees, the echoes of his footsteps quickly receding into quiet.
Jango stands up, takes a napkin from the table, and begins cleaning his knife.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Writing a fic where Obi-Wan spent a year on Mandalore with the Kryze family (or just the Mandalore sector okay he’s with the Kryze family tho) and had the tiniest lil fling with Satine (she called him pretty and gave him nice kisses he loved it) and when Obi-Wan is like 26-27 he falls in love with Jango and they finally meet on Mandalore and Jaster is all ‘oh, little Satine said you were so sweet, what a shame we didn’t meet then’ and Obi-Wan is all ‘she called me sweet whenever I did something stupid so I guess that checks out’ and Jango is freaking dying he’s not marrying intelligence he’s marrying pretty I’m dying
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hyperfixationgoddess · 3 months
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