#jane tennant x y/n
cosmicanemoia · 4 months
Where in the world is any of Jane Tennant x Reader fics?
Where are they?!?
Also look at that smile...
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I want to write one, but I don't have enough brain power, and I'm on survival mode.
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Peace At Last
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A purely self-indulgent Ten x Reader fic because I just love Ten so much okay! (gif made by me)
Let me know what you think!
Read on ao3
Tagging some people I’ve recently followed who I think might like it: @denaliwrites @tatennant @doctor-donnaa @quite-right-too @theetherealbloom @my-lonely-angel @casasupernovas @kbishop @tennant @raining-stars-somewhere-else @davidtennan-t
Ten x Reader, she/her/hers pronouns, one use of Y/N
(Sorry if this causes pain especially since it’s the last episode with Fourteen and David Tennant as The Doctor today. Wishing everyone so much love and hope you can cope with the pain we will all be experiencing in 5 hours!)
They bumped into each other.
He wasn’t looking where he was going, just trying to focus on not collapsing in the street before he could make it back to the TARDIS, and she was coming out of a shop.
This was almost the end.
He could feel it.
He felt it when he saw Rose but he couldn’t let go.
Not yet.
He had one more stop.
He wanted to be near where she lived.
He just wanted to be near her.
One last time.
He didn’t want to wipe her memory but he had to.
It wasn’t like it was with Donna but he knew that one day she would die because of him and he didn’t want that.
He couldn’t bear the thought.
It had to be done so she could live and she never would have left of her own accord. She would never leave him willingly so what other choice did he have?
Especially after trying to change time and becoming The Time Lord Victorious. Look how that turned out.
Adelaide Brooke still died only it was his fault instead of it being an accident.
“Oh shit! Sorry! I should have been looking where I was going!” A voice said.
“No, it’s m-” He knew that voice. His luck really was great(!)
He must’ve paused for a beat too long because she spoke again. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
That was her all over. Always worrying and caring about others (him especially).
“Yeah! I’m fine!” He replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “Just feeling a bit under-the-weather. Winter and all, you know?” His voice didn’t sound like him. It was nervous, slightly high-pitched, and shook a little. He hoped that she didn’t know that there was something wrong.
“I know. You might want to invest in some actual winter clothes though to keep you warm. Converse and winter are not the best combination,” she laughed, looking him up and down at his unusual (to her now anyway) attire.
He could’ve cried and hugged her at hearing the jibe she’s told him multiple times while travelling with him. Instead, he forced himself to laugh and smile at her.
“Yeah, I suppose I should. Maybe one day,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck. A habit that he had developed when he was nervous.
She would have noticed and usually tried to comfort him. But not now. The thought made his hearts ache.
“Sorry but do I know you?” She asked, staring at him with a slight frown. His hearts leapt into his throat. “You just seem so familiar. What’s your name?”
He quickly composed himself before replying with a classic phrase. “No, sorry, I don’t think you do. I guess I just have one of those faces. Name’s David. David Smith.”
She had told him to stop with the John Smith alias as “no-one believes that’s your name. I may as well call myself Jane Doe.” So he had changed it as soon as he wiped her mind. Just in case he ever saw her again and the name John Smith made her remember.
“David…” She trailed off, as if she was trying to place the name, still slightly frowning until the crease between her eyebrows eased. “I guess you do just face on of those faces. Sorry about that,” she finished, smiling sheepishly.
He mentally released a breath that he didn’t realise he was holding.
“No worries,” he replied, smiling to try to ease her embarrassment that he knew she was feeling.
She may not remember him but he still knew her like the back of every hand he’s ever had.
They stood there for a few moments, longer than two seemingly strangers should, just smiling at each other before she looked away, a light blush colouring her already flushed cheeks from the cold.
His hearts ached again and pain filled his entire being.
He would never get to see her blush from embarrassment due to looking at him for too long again.
“I should probably go before the snow gets worse,” she said.
He looked around and noticed that the snow had started to get heavier since they had been talking.
“Of course. Get home safe.” His voice cracked. Home should be in the TARDIS with him.
“You too. Before you go,” she said, putting a hand on his arm as he was turning the leave.
He could feel the pain of having to leave her almost bring him to his knees due to feeling her touch again. It had felt so long since he had felt that and he never wanted her to stop.
He would never feel her comforting touch or her hand in his again and he was starting to break
She was rummaging through her bag and took out a blue scarf. TARDIS blue.
“Here,” she said softly as she leaned up on her tip toes and wrapped it around his neck. “I don’t know why but I just bought this. It’s not really my thing and I don’t have anyone else to give it to but there was something in my mind that urged me to buy it. Maybe this was fate,” she chuckled. “There! Looks great!” She grinned, smoothing out the scarf and his breath caught as her fingers grazed the back of his head.
“Thank you, he responded quietly, tears filling his eyes “Truly. Thank you.” He took her hands in his and kissed the back of them.
“You’re very welcome,” she said, just as quietly as him, and blushed once more.
He let go of her hands and took a step back. He swore that he saw disappointment on her face at that.
He didn’t have time to dwell on it for too long as she had thrown her arms tightly around his waist and pressed her face into his chest, taking a deep breath of him in.
He wasn’t sure if his hearts had stopped completely or if they were beating so fast that he couldn’t feel them beating properly anymore.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, taking in the familiar and comforting scent.
The hug ended as quickly as it had started but before he could feel too disappointed, she had placed her hands on his shoulders, almost wrapping her arms around his neck like the scarf was, and pressed her lips to his cheek.
She stepped back and smiled brightly at him
“Merry Christmas, Doctor,” she said as she walked away.
He was frozen.
Did she just-?
Could she-?
She couldn’t remember him.
Could she?
His brain was working faster than normal.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” he called after her before he knew was he was doing.
She briefly turned back and waved, that beautiful smile still on her lips, lighting up her whole face.
“Merry Christmas, my love,” he whispered, turning the corner as quickly as he could to find the TARDIS before him.
He could feel the old girl humming happily in his head and he smiled at her in return.
The image of his love didn’t leave his mind.
Not even as he noticed Ood Sigma.
Not even as he started to feel the pain of death returning.
Even when the Ood started singing to him and he felt himself burning, he could still see her.
Her smile bright and warm, helping him find peace.
At last.
~ A few streets away ~
“Huh. That was weird,” she said out loud.
Shrugging, she entered a café, still smiling and felt a warmth that travelled deep into her soul.
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quanticowrites · 8 months
Surf (Kate Whistler x Reader)
•• First Whistler fic! For anon, I hope you enjoy! ••
“Ow! God damn it!”
“If you’d stop moving, this would be less painful!”
“You’re putting too much pressure! It’s going to start bleeding again!”
“I’m certified in this shit, (y/n).” She said, tightening the bandage some more around your waist. “I know what I’m doing.” You winced. Well, you had no one to blame but yourself for getting shot. You’d hesitated because the shooter was so young. Kate leaned back on her knees and sighed. “You never should have been there in the first place.”
“I was doing just fine until-!” You stopped and took a sharp intake of breath through your teeth. Yelling did not help the pain that blossomed from your torso. “Fuck.”
“Don't strain yourself.” She stated, getting off the bed and helping you get leaned up against some pillows at the headboard. “Tennant knew I would object to this. That's why she was sure to get you out there before I could say anything.” She paused as if she wanted you to say something. Maybe tell her she was wrong. Unfortunately…she wasn't. Jane knew how Kate would feel about you going into deep cover, so she rushed you out of the building as fast as possible before Kate’s FBI team could catch wind of her plan. There was a new chain of dry cleaners popping up on the island, but it was a front for a drug ring trying to establish itself here. Jane wanted to nip it in the bud before it could get out of control. So, she put you on the inside. You'd been under for two weeks before this incident. Meaning you had two weeks of Kate ranting to go before she got over it. “Are you going to object?” She asked, crossing her arms. You scoffed.
“No, I'm not. I agreed with Tennant’s decision.” You saw her jaw clench. She wasn't happy about this new revelation.
“You what?”
“I chose to go undercover.”
“Why would you do that?” You blinked. She hadn't been informed of that part?
“Kate, I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. I've been with NCIS just as long as you've been with the FBI.”
“It's not that-.” She huffed. “I just…you couldn't find two minutes to tell me about it?”
“Not really.” You start, already not liking the answer you had to give. “With helping Ernie make the fake background and social media to Tennant running me out of there…my mind was scrambling.” Kate sighed again. But this one seemed more understanding. If that made sense. She gently sat on the other side of the bed. Doing her best not to jostle you.
“FBI Agents go dark in the field all the time.” She started to fidget with her fingers. Picking at her nails and peeling the nail polish off in chunks. “I'm used to that at work. But…I never thought that might happen with you.” She laughed. “I don't know why, you're an agent just like I am. It could happen to us at any moment.”
“Come on, Kate. It's late. Lay down.” You lifted the blanket and Kate sent you a smile before snuggling underneath and curling up close to you. “How about…we have a secret word.” She blinked, her lips twitching upwards.
“Like…for sex?” You laughed, before biting your lip. Laughing that hard did not help the pain from your gunshot wound.
“N-no. Not for s-sex.” You waited until you regained your composure before telling her your actual idea. “For if one of us gets called to go undercover.” You saw her eyes moving through scenes in her mind. She ultimately nodded.
“That sounds like a good idea.”
“I have good ideas.”
“On occasion.”
“I have good ideas all the time!”
“Tell that to the last load of laundry you did.”
“I genuinely thought adding bleach and detergent at the same time would wash both white and regular clothes.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“No one! I just thought of it!” You reached your hand out and held a finger to the tip of her nose. “Anyway, you're getting off-topic. We still gotta pick a word.”
“Alright. Fine.”
“How about…Aristotle?”
“The Philosopher?”
“Okay. Cheetos?”
“They're my favorite junk food.”
“I already knew that.” You moved your finger to her forehead. “Let's pick a word that can be easily moved into a conversation. In case we have to be quick about it.”
“How can you be so smart and so dumb at the same time.”
“It baffles the mind.” You looked her over with a smile. “Come on, that brain of yours can think of something.”
“Then….how about surf?” You nodded. That was a practical word for two agents that worked in Hawaii. Surfing was one of the most popular things to do on the island. It could work.
“That's perfect.”
“Yeah, Kate.” You sighed, feeling the constraints of your bandages. “Your bandage skills aren't perfect though.”
Tag list:
@stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @a-sad-excuse-of-everything , @marennnx
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True Colors (Sweet Jane Part Six) — Campbell Bain x Reader
Sweet Jane Episode One: Hey Jude
Sweet Jane Episode Two: Fly Like an Eagle
Sweet Jane Episode Three: You Always Hurt the One You Love
Sweet Jane Episode Four: Fool on the Hill
Sweet Jane Episode Five: Rainy Day in Georgia (But not Georgia Tennant.)
Sweet Jane Episode Six: Let It Be
“The amount of love I have for you will never be understood by others. From the way you touch me, to the look in your eyes. Through all these years you managed to captivate my heart. For this my soul will forever be your home. Mistakes happen, this I know. But the passion we both share erases the worst. Take my hand and come with me. Follow me to this path we both created. It may be unknown to most, but it sure is eternal for us.”
Campbell was trying to cheer up Francine with jokes by Y/N’s next to last day, “Okay, how about this one. A group of loonies go out on a day trip, and on the way back, they stop at a pub for a drink.”
“I think that's enough, Campbell, huh?” Eddie tried but Campbell ignored him.
“One of the loonies comes running up to the nurse saying, 'Nurse, nurse, that barmaid smiled at me!' So the nurse says, 'Well, smile back.' So the loony goes away, but he's back five minutes later, saying 'Nurse, nurse, that barmaid winked at me!' So the nurse says, 'Well, wink back.' So he's away again, but he's back ten minutes later saying ‘Nurse, nurse, that barmaid. she showed me her bosoms.’ So the nurse says, 'Well, show her your nuts!' So he's away again, straight up to the barmaid, and goes—” He made moose antlers on his head with his hands and screaming goofily in Francine’s face and wheezed with laughter but no one else did. “Do you not get it? The nurse says, 'Show her you're nuts', and he does!”
Still Francine had no reaction.
“All right, Campbell.” Eddie said, quietly and Campbell deflated. Then Eddie suggested, “Why don’t you help Y/N pack for tomorrow?”
Campbell nodded and walked to his girlfriend’s room.
“Have they found my kittens yet?” Francine asked.
“Francine, I told you. They were sick.” Eddie told her.
Y/N had been called to more lunch meetings with both River and Paula but she refused to tell Campbell what they discussed and since she as his girlfriend could easily distract him with kisses, though he had been a bit more clingy than usual, what with Y/N being discharged and his optimism that he would get a big DJ job, he feared whether or not they’d last but he never questioned the unconfessed love he had for her.
That evening, Eddie still wasn’t there so Campbell and Y/N took over the show. Eddie’s show.
“Well, that's about all we have time for tonight; don't forget to tune in tomorrow night for Campbell Bain's Looney Tunes Show!” He said and played the Looney Tunes jingle. Then Eddie entered, Campbell turned to him, taking his headphones off, “Eddie! Where the hell have you been?”
“Sorry I'm late.” Eddie mumbled.
"Late?" Campbell scoffed, “You've missed the whole bloody show!”
“I've been working. I don't have to catch every one of your shows fae start to finish, do I?”
Campbell and Y/N glared pointedly at Eddie and the soon to be discharged answered, “It was your show.” As Campbell bitterly tossed his headphones on the desk.
“...It was?” Eddie asked.
Campbell, Rosalie, and Y/N gave him pointed looks.
“Look, I'm sorry. I had a few bevvies; didnae want to drive.” Eddie apologized.
“‘A couple of bevvies’?” Campbell scoffed with a disbelieving chuckle and a glance at his girlfriend, “You look like you've been on a three-day binge!”
“Look, Campbell! I'm a salesman. That's what I get paid for. I don't get paid for coming here.” Eddie argued.
“Yeah, now that Francine’s been in a psychogenic coma of grief.” Y/N said, sharply.
Eddie glared at her, pointedly.
“Well, I don't think that's a very professional attitude.” Campbell said, casually, checking his fingernails.
“What do I need a professional attitude for?” Eddie asked, confused.
“For when you go to lunch with Paula Kinghorn.” Campbell said and grinned cheekily at Eddie, “She's been trying to get in touch with you for days!”
“I would’ve informed you if you’d been here the past week.” Y/N said.
Campbell got up and went to Eddie, excitedly, “Lunch, Eddie, lunch! And then she said,” He put his imitation of Paulaagain, “‘I probably shouldn't be saying this yet, but I think I'm gonna have good news for ya’.”
“I cannae. You go, Campbell.”
“He can’t.” Y/N said.
“Then you go.” Eddie told her.
“She’s had lunch with me three times. She specifically said she wanted to have lunch with you.” Y/N said.
“I cannae do it.”
“How no?!” Campbell exclaimed, his octaves going up.
“I've been waiting for this all my life. If I went intae lunch and came out with nothing, I don't know what I'd do.” Eddie said, clearly in shock.
“You'll not come out with nothing.” Campbell reassured him.
Aye. Just make sure she pays for lunch.” Rosalie said.
“And trust me, I’ve had lunch her thrice and her assistant six times.”
“Lunch.” Eddie  mumbled.
Campbell turned to his girlfriend, "You've gone out with the assistant six times?"
“Campbell…” Y/N groaned that night, “Please, let me get dressed into my pajamas.”
“This is the last night for quite a while I’ll get to spend the night with you.” Campbell whined with his arms around her, pulling her flush against him with her back against his chest.
“Campbell, we’ll be fine. C/N moved in four days ago, she has the essentials unpacked, I’m a fifteen minute drive away. Five if you’re the one driving. It’ll be fine. I’ll visit you every day and by the time you get discharged you’ll have made a name for yourself and you won’t be forced to move to Perth.”
“Don’t go snogging any other boys?” He asked.
She chuckled, “I promise. And I’ve taken self-defense classes now so if another EX/N comes to me, I’ll destroy them.”
“Y/N… I… I…” He felt himself freeze from the inside so he just kissed her.
The next day, Campbell was helping Y/N pack as she was leaving after his show when they heard Eddie’s voice shout, “THIS IS MY RADIO STATION!”
They looked at each other and ran out towards the station as they saw Eddie get shoved out of the radio station.
“Eddie?” Campbell asked as they pushed through the doors.
“Bastards.” Eddie murmured.
“Bastards!” Eddie screamed and the couple saw a man in the station.
“Who's he?” Campbell asked.
Eddie passed them as he stormed out, “I’m not having this. I'M NOT HAVING IT!
Y/N went to the door and banged on it but the man gave her a gesture that was rather rude.
“Okay.” She said, irritated and pulled a bobby pin she stole from her cousin out and started to pick the lock before slamming it open.
“Y/N, no…”
“I’m just saying you didn’t have to hit him.” Campbell told his girlfriend, some time later as they looked through the records.
“I didn’t hit him. I was… gesturing for emphasis.” She said.
“Well, you gestured him right in the face.” Campbell said but he was smiling at her. He leaned towards her and gave her a kiss, still grinning. She pulled back and he cupped her cheek, deepening the kiss.
“Oh, you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll...” Rosalie sang when she came in.
The couple broke apart and looked at her in surprise to see her with her hair curled and make up on her face.
“So. What do you think?" She asked.
"I'm speechless!" Campbell excliamed.
"I have had a complete makeover. Sylvia, in the flat next to mine, used to be a beautician. I'm living in a posh neighborhood now, so I thought I should make the effort."
“Well, are you not worried about chemicals and that?” Y/N asked.
“Sylvia is an obsessive-compulsive as well!” Rosalie said and the couple laughed, breathlessly at this. “If it's all right with her, then it's all right with me. She is a genius, so she is.”
“What have you got in the trolley?” Campbell asked, referring to the cart Rosalie was wheeling as he sat down, pulling Y/N down to sit in his lap.
“My shopping. Just a few things from the wee shop down the road. Take 'em home with me the night.”
“Have you not got shops in your new neighborhood?” Y/N frowned.
“Oh, aye.”
“But then would it not make sense to do your shopping in the local shops?” Campbell asked.
“Aye...” Rosalie sighed, “but they won't serve me.”
“What?!” Campbell and Y/N asked.
“They won't serve anybody from Hill Crest. Not the paper shop. Not the late night shop. Even the local GP's a bit frosty on account of him being chairman of the residents' committee for getting our planning commission reviewed.”
Campbell sighed and said, “Ye cannae stand for that, Rosalie. Ye've got'ae tell them:” He put on his bad American accent again, “You're not gonna take any more o' dis crapola.”
“What American films are you watching?” Y/N laughed and tried her (best) American accent, “You’re not gonna take any more of this crap.”
“Aye! That's what I told the man in the paper shop. But he told me to bugger off! He swore at me, Campbell, which I think was uncalled for.”
“You going to ask them to move you, then?” Y/N asked.
“Move me?! You're joking! I've got a bath and toilet in the same wee room, and a washing machine on the premises, and—a microwave! Do either of you know what a microwave is?” Campbell was about to speak when she cut him off, “You put your dinner in, and them microwaves make the wee molecules jiggle up and down. It's a bit like ECT.”
Then Eddie entered, rather numbly, “Eddie! What do you think?” Rosalie approached him, “Jim said I looked like a film star. One that had been in the Betty Ford clinic once too often, but a film star!”
“You look very nice.” Eddie said, flatly and continued passed Rosalie and then the couple.
“What's up with him?” Rosalie asked.
Eddie turned around to break the news to the three, “They're closing us down.”
Campbell and Y/N spoke in unison.
“How?!” Campbell gasped.
“What!?” Y/N said, getting to her feet.
“To turn this place into a treatment room. That's how the workman was in here. We've got a week to pack up and be out of here.” Eddie explained.
“You mean I'll not be station manager anymore?” Rosalie asked, softly.
Campbell got up and got in Eddie’s face. “What are you talking about? We're not going to lie down and play dead over this, are we? We've built something here, Eddie! When I go round the wards collecting requests, I'm a celebrity! And you know how? Because we give folks a voice! And now the hospital is telling us to shut up?!”
“Well, what can we do?
“We can declare UDI! We can turn ourselves into an independent charity, like most hospital radio stations in the country. Demand a site, and then run the station the way we want to! The only thing stopping us is lack of dosh.”
“That's also the only thing stopping me paying my milk bill.” Rosalie said.
“So we stage a fundraiser like we did before. Ehh... I've got it! A radiothon!”
“You mean like a telethon without any pictures.” Y/N asked.
“Aye.” Campbell said, “We'll broadcast from ten in the morning till ten at night, every day till we raise the dosh. We'll contact mental health charities, we'll enlist celebrity DJs, we'll ensure we get coverage in every newspaper in Glasgow.”
“Campbell, if my name appears in the papers again, I'm out of my job.” Eddie argued.
“Who cares. You're gonna go to lunch with Paula on Monday. You'll have another job.”
“We don't know that, Campbell!” Eddie shouted.
“She said she was going to have good news! Have some faith, Eddie! This is our moment!” Campbell encouraged.
Eddie: Then how do we need to save the station?” Eddie retorted.
Campbell’s smile fell and disappointment was etched over his face, he looked back at Rosalie and Y/N and then back at Eddie and he spoke a disappointed tone, “The station isn't just you and me, Eddie.”
“I cannae come in with you, Campbell.”
“...Aye…” Campbell stepped away from him Well. You with me, Rosalie?
“Aye, I'm with ya.”
Campbell turned to Y/N, “Y/N?”
“Of course. Just because I’m being discharged doesn’t mean I won’t be here to support you.”
He broke his loving gaze from his girlfriend to Eddie, giving him a look of disappointment and a little betrayal.
“Then we'll do it ourselves, Eddie. And I'll talk to Francine as well.”  Campbell seemed to now be having a hard time looking at Eddie.
Eddie looked at Campbell for a long time before wishing him, “...Good luck.”
He exited, walking between Campbell, Y/N, and Rosalie. Campbell refused to look at him, shoving his hands in his pockets before Y/N got on her tip-toes and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Y/N asked Campbell.
“No. I don’t want spend our last night together talking about Eddie.” He sighed, “Come here.” He kissed her, desperately but she pulled back, feeling wetness on his face and saw him trying not to cry. He rested his against her shoulder, sniffling.
“Oh, Campbell. I’m only going to be fifteen minutes away,”
“It’s not fair. Maybe if we could keep having nights like this. I like being there to help you stave off the nightmares. I like waking up from a memory of my dad’s lectures and knowing that you’re there with me lifts me higher than ever before. I like pretending like we’re not just a couple of teenagers in their first… well, healthy relationship. I like you… a lot. I’ve never had anyone who wanted to be around me as much as you do.”
“I like you too.” She dug her fingers into his light auburn hair, “for so long I thought I was broken. EX/N convinced me that I was broken. That I was unlovable, that I was alone in the darkness and I expected to spend the rest of my life in the darkness as more darkness, but then I met you and you shine brighter than the sun in summer.”
“You’re not broken.” He said and he kissed her passionately.
As Y/N finished packing up, Campbell hugged her from behind with his face snuggled into the crock of her neck with the occasional kiss to it. She chuckled and turned in his embrace, he immediately started to kiss her slowly.
“Campbell… I’ll be back in… like an hour.” She said in between his kisses.
“Mmm. Too long.” He shook his head.
“I think we’re moving from affectionate young love to clingy.”
“Mmm. I don’t care.”
“Y/N…” Came her cousin’s voice, knocking on the frame of the open door. “Uh, car’s ready.”
“Thanks, C/N. Campbell, I have to go. I’ll be back in an hour.” She said and kissed him before leaving the Saint Jude’s Hospital.
Three days later...
Y/N sat next to Campbell as he spoke into the microphone, “The time is two forty-five on day three, hour number twenty-nine of the Saint Jude's Hospital radiothon. In fifteen minutes, we're going to have another two hours of patients' party pieces, including Hector, who'll be doing a selection of his best juggling tricks.” A beat before he added with dry sarcasm, “Well, that should certainly be worth listening to. I'll be back again at five, so keep sending me your requests and dedications, but most of all, send us your dosh, and rescue our radio!”
He played Rescue Me (I don’t know who sings this. I can’t get a Shazam result off of it.) as Rosalie entered, wearing a bandage wrapped around her head, holding a piece of gauze to her face, over her eye.
“Sorry I'm late.” She told them, Y/n had turned around and her jaw was dropped in shock.
“So you should be! I've had…” Campbell started out angry but he cut himself off when saw the bandage and gauze and his eyes widened, “What happened to yeh?
“Ach, Jim came round and we had a... disagreement, but it's all sorted out now.”
“What!?” Y/N asked, outraged.
“Jim hit yeh?” Campbell asked in concern and some outrage.
“No!” Rosalie said quickly and explained, “Some wee boys came over the fence and one of them started making faces at me through the window, so I went out, and we disagreed about whether he was on my property, and then about whether I was a loony who should be locked up, and then he threw the stone, and we disagreed about whether I was gonna let Jim throttle him or not.”
“The kid threw a stone at yeh?” Campbell asked in disbelief.
“Aye, but I'm from Donegal—when a stone hits your head, it's the stone that's in trouble.” Rosalie said.
“Alright, who’s this kid? I’m going to find his parents and beat some sense into them with a bat until they learn to raise their kids right.” Y/N said with complete seriousness.
Then Billy knocked on the open door’s frame
“Hello, Billy.” Y/N said, brightly.
“Hello? I wanted to volunteer to do a party piece?” Billy said.
“Aye! What do you want to do?” Campbell said, positively, picking up the clipboard with all the times on it.
Billy held up a fiddle and proudly said, “I want to play my ukulele.”
“That's a fiddle.” Y/n said.
“...It is?”
Y/N nudged Campbell, ”But you're welcome to play it tomorrow at...” Campbell said, he paused to check for an unscheduled time slot for Billy, “quarter past six. Is that okay?”
“Aye, quarter past six!” Billy agreed.
“Don't forget your fiddle.” Y/N said.
“My what?” Billy asked.
Y/N sighed, giving up and said, “...Your ukulele.”
Billy, grinning, then exited.
“How's it been going, anyway?” Rosalie asked once Billy was gone.
“Desperate.” Campbell sighed, placing the clipboard down, “It's been like that,” He jabbed his thumb after Billy, “all day.” He ran his fingers over his face in exasperation, “Loads of volunteers to sing the Postman Pat theme in eleven different languages. But where's our celebrity DJs? Where's our star interviews? Where's the bloody press?”
“It’s kind of last minute, babe.” Y/N said, running her hand through his hair in the way she knew comforted him and he rested his head on her shoulder.
“But the contributions have been pouring in. They've been slipping them under the door. And a whole load have just arrived in with the post.” Rosalie said, holding up  a stack of letters.
“How much have we got so far?” Campbell asked, lifting his head up with Y/N’s hand still in his hair.
“Ninety-seven pounds and twenty-seven pence.”
Campbell rolled his eyes and sighed before plopping his head back on Y/N’s shoulder, “We may have to do something drastic soon.”
Y/N drove Campbell to Eddie’s the next day and knocked on his apartment door.
Eddie, looking like he had woken up in a ditch that morning, opened the door.
“Eddie...?” Campbell asked. Eddie blinked from the light and nodded into his apartment, silently inviting them inside and opened the door. “You look terrible.”
“Aye... I had a few bevvies last night.”
“Uh… you mind if I make some coffee?” Y/N asked, figuring this is what Eddie needed at the moment.
“Aye, 's through there. 's nae milk, though.” He said.
Campbell rolled from the heels to the balls of his feet as Y/N filled a kettle with tap water. “The radiothon's dying on its feet.”
“Surprise, surprise.” Eddie said, dryly.
“The builders are supposed to be coming in at two o'clock tomorrow. And if we're not out of there by then, they're going to throwus out. So we've decided to occupy the station.” Campbell told Eddie.
“Campbell... have you finally really lost your mind?” Eddie asked, “Who's gonna occupy it?”
“Me, Y/N,” Campbell said, glancing behind him and jabbing his thumb at his girlfriend who had placed the kettle down and appeared in the doorframe, “and Rosalie. And you, I hope.”
“Nae chance.” Eddie scoffed as Campbell sat on the radiator.
“Eddie, I've thought it all out! It's the only way to save the station. I've told all the newspapers! They're all going to be there! We are going to turn this into a front page incident.”
“Campbell, I told you, I don't wantae make the front page. What I wantae dae is keep my job.” Eddie said, loudly.
“Eddie, you built that station from nothing! How can you let that slip away without a fight?” Campbell argued.
“Because I've got bills tae pay!” He got up and went through his mail stack of bills, “Electricity bill, gas bill, phone bill—which my dear grandmother managed to run into three figures before going off to Lithuania with every spare penny I had to give. And because, although I have lost more jobs in my life than you have had manic episodes, Campbell, I could make a lot of money now! I could get respect for the first time in my life!” He was now yelling, “You think I'm gonna give that all up for the dubious honor of going down with my ship?!” He walked over to the small balcony.
“Eddie, d'you no see that job's killing you?” Campbell asked.
“No, Campbell, my dreams!”  Eddie argued before repeating softly, “My dreams are killing me.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him but bit back her comeback as Campbell walked to Eddie, leaned against the banister and asked, “So... what did Paula say, then?”
“She said there's a slot coming up and they want you to take it.”
Campbell’s eyes widened briefly, “You mean they want us to take it.”
“No, they see it as a solo slot.” Eddie clarified.
“And-and they want Campbell to take it? Only Campbell?” Y/N asked.
“I'm no gonna take it!” Campbell said at once.
“Campbell, take it.”
“We'll keep at it, Eddie, contact some other stations, do another demo—”
“Campbell, do you wantae end up like me?” Eddie asked, looking Campbell in the eyes, and then said, empathetically. “Take. The. Job. For yourself. For Fergus, eh?” He paused, “I promised Paula, I'd make you take it; I don't wantae break my word. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got tae go tae work.”
Campbell hesitated but left while Y/N stayed, waiting until he was out of earshot.
 “By the way, it’s bullshit, Eddie. Your dreams aren’t killing you. Your boss’ expectations are killing you. Your grandmother’s expectations are killing you. Evelyn MacDonald’s killing you. That asshole from your work is killing you. Everyone who’s ever put you down is killing you because you’re letting them. Like how I let EX/N kill me every day. If you let your dreams go, you’re letting them kill you. You’ll end up like Fergus. Cold and alone in the ground with a rock with a birthday carved into it that I’m pretty sure is wrong and a funeral mostly full of people who before couldn’t even be bothered to remember your name before but come to convince themselves that they weren’t totally absorbed in their own lives to care about someone who’s now gone.”
For What It's Worth by Buffalo Springfield played as Campbell spoke into the microphone back at the studio. “This is Campbell Bain, and it's D-Day for Saint Jude's Hospital Radiothon. That's 'D' for Desperation Day, because we are still two thousand, eight hundred and fifty-six pounds and fifty-three pence short of our target. So this is it, loonies. If you've got a rich uncle, then today's the day to remind him of that filing clerk he once took to Blackpool, the name of the cheap hotel where they stayed, and the type of barnyard animal that was involved.” Y/N giggled into her sleeved hand as behind them, Rosalie stopped counting the meager donations and gave him a look like, what the hell? “We are here for you, loonies, and we're not going anywhere.”
Some time later, Campbell’s attention was brought through the window by the flashing of cameras and he spotted some men wearing hard hats.
“Y/N! Rosalie!” He shouted, bringing the girls’ attention to them.
Rosalie slammed the door shut and Y/N bolted the door shut.
“Ha! Now, not even the sonic screwdriver will get through that.” Y/N laughed with a triumph flourish and she gave the man a rude gesture through the window.
Rosalie and Y/N started to stack boxes and anything else they could find and move against the door as Campbell spoke on the radio.
“The loonies may not have taken over the asylum, but they've seized control of the radio station. “This is Campbell Bain reporting live from the hospital radio occupation, where we have locked ourselves into the station and have refused to stop broadcasting until our future is assured.”
Y/N spotted Stuart, Isabel, and another assistant enter the hallway from through the window.
“So talk to your friends, your relatives, your voices! Hospital radio must survive!”
Outside the station, the patients cheered.
Revolution played on the speakers as the patients danced. Y/N spotted Evelyn MacDonald pushed through the crowd towards Stuart, “Stuart! What are all these patients doing in the corridor? Get them out of here!”
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Evelyn looked to see Y/N looking out through the window, knocking and then she waved with a fake smile before giving her an extremely rude gesture.
“Why are they still broadcasting? Can you not you cut their electricity?” She shouted at a workman and then she went to a reporter, “look, this is NHS property, and I’m going to have to ask you and your friends to leave immediately.”
A few minutes later Campbell announced, “That's exactly what this is, a revolution! Because even now the forces of sanity are massing outside the window, armed with the full weight of the Scottish Mental Health and the Criminal Trespass Act. But we can beat them, loonies! Because you know what we've got? Pride! We are loonies, and we are proud!”
Reach Out I'll Be There played as the police arrived and a policewoman announced through a megaphone to the reporters, “You are trespassing on NHS property. I must ask you to leave immediately.” Campbell looked absolutely delighted. “You are trespassing on National Health property. I must ask you to leave immediately.”
Campbell kissed Y/N on the cheek in triumph and defiantly slammed the fader on the mixer up as loud as it could go.
Then the station window started to open, making them turn to see Eddie opening the window from the outside and he climbed inside.
Grins appeared on the faces of Campbell, Rosalie, and Y/N’s faces.
“You are trespassing on National Health property. I must ask you to leave immediately. If you do not leave immediately, you will be arrested and charged.”
“We're gonna be arrested.” Campbell exclaimed, excitedly and he hugged ecstatically, “We're gonna be charged! This is the most glorious day of my life!!”
He turned to Y/N and placed his hands on her hips loosely, he opened his mouth but nothing came out other than, “I… I…” He didn’t want to scare her off and after her last “relationship”.
“I love you.” She said, putting her arms around his neck.
He blinked and then he grinned and said, “I love you too.” He kissed her when the police broke the station window with a fire extinguisher and opened the door, pushing the obstacles away.
They hauled, Campbell, Y/N, Eddie, and Rosalie out as the reporters took pictures as the patients booed them. Campbell beamed at the cameras before they passed a now awake from her psychological coma Francine.
A week later
Y/N beamed from the other side of the radio station glass of Radio Scotland as Campbell laughed at some hate mail as music played softly, “That was Hit the Road, Jack, a special dedication to me, wouldja believe, from an anonymous listener in Bishopbriggs, who writes: ‘I know what you are, and you should be locked up and have your balls cut off.’ So, Gold Boppers, write in to next week's mailbag and let me know what you think. Do you want me to be locked up, or just have my balls cut off, or do you want me to be locked up and have my balls cut off? This is Campbell Bain's Gold Show, so don't touch that dial, just let it be.”
He looked at Y/N through the glass and returned her smile, for the first time in a long time, both of them felt full and truly happy.
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withlove-amber · 6 months
Love, from Hawaii
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alden parker x reader
Two weeks. Two weeks in pure tropical paradise. (Y/N) had been chosen by Director Vance to help out the NCIS team in Hawaii with a case. It’s not that (Y/N) didn’t want to help out the team in Hawaii, of course she did. But she knew that if she went to Hawaii, she wouldn’t want to come back as early as the team would need her to. She wasn’t going to ignore a direct order from Vance, so she packed her bag, hopped on a flight, and landed in Hawaii. The first thing she noticed when she got off the plane, how calm all the employees at the airport were. Everyone working at the airport was so nice and calm, compared to the normal cluster that was the airports in DC. 
The Hawaii team needed help with the case, as they were a man down, and (Y/N) had experience in what they needed. The case only took about a week to close, and the more (Y/N) thought about it, the more she realized that she hadn’t taken a vacation since starting at NCIS. What better place to take a week-long vacation than in tropical heaven? She called Director Vance, and quite nervously, asked if she could take a week-long vacation. She was a little shocked at his response. 
“Sure. How long has it been since you’ve used your vacation time?” When she didn’t answer for a few seconds, he followed with, “The fact that you’re hesitating, tells me everything I need to know. The team will be fine here without you for a few days. If something comes up, we’ll call you.” “Thank you so much Director! I really appreciate it.” (Y/N) cheerfully replied. “Of course, (Y/N), have fun. Oh, and if you could bring back some malasadas, that would be nice.” “Will do, Director.” (Y/N) always knew the Director was nice, but she sure wasn’t expecting him to say yes.
“Hey, (Y/N), I thought you were headed back to DC.” Tennant said, as she spotted (Y/N) making a phone call to a hotel, asking about their availability. “I was, but-” “But Hawaii?” Tennant replied with a small smile. “Yeah, but Hawaii…” (Y/N) replied. “Right now, I’m looking for a hotel to stay at, that’s not crap.” (Y/N) said, slightly chuckling. “Why don’t you stay with me? And before you say ‘I don’t wanna impose’, you won’t be. How long are you staying?” “Only about a week. Thank you Jane.” (Y/N) replied, grateful that her friend offered her a place to stay, so she wouldn’t have to stay at a fleabag motel during her trip. “Of course, (Y/N). Anytime.”
Tennant made up a spare bed, and gave (Y/N) suggestions on what to do, see, and eat. At night, Tennant suggested they go out for drinks, to celebrate the start of (Y/N)’s vacation. After about a week of day drinking, night drinking, and hiking, (Y/N) knew it was time to head back to DC. Her last day in Hawaii, (Y/N) stopped at an ABC store close by Tennant’s place. She picked up souvenirs for the team, as well as Delilah, Victoria, and Gibbs. Even though he’s in Alaska, (Y/N) didn’t want him to feel left out. As soon as she landed in DC, she knew she was home. Yes, she needed the vacation, but honestly, she missed her friends. And more importantly, she missed Alden. Yes, they talked every night before she went to sleep, but she just wanted to see him, and to hear his voice. 
When she went back to the office to give everyone their gifts, she was happy as could be. “(Y/N)! What are you doing here?! You’re supposed to be back tomorrow!” Tim announced, going in for a brief hug. “I just wanted to drop these off for y’all.” (Y/N) replied, with a smile once her eyes landed on Alden. Alden looked up immediately as soon as he heard her voice. God, he missed that voice. Yes, he called her every night before she went to sleep, but he just wanted to hear that voice in person, and to hold her. She honestly took his breath away when he saw her walk towards the bullpen. 
She was wearing a long, flowy turquoise dress that had a deeper v-neck than she usually wore. Her hair was long and wavy, and looked a little brighter than normal. When she leaned over to give him his gift, he could smell her coconut and vanilla perfume. If he had to choose one scent forever, it would be that one. Her skin was a couple shades darker and he wondered if she had tan lines anywhere. He quickly tried to change his train of thought, because it was going in a direction that was not quite work-appropriate. He glanced down at her hands that were a fair bit smaller than his, and when their hands oh so softly touched he couldn’t stop the blush forming on his face, and neither could she. 
After she gave everyone their gifts (and the malasadas for Vance), he walked her back to her car, and asked if she wanted to come over for dinner that night. She enthusiastically said yes. She kissed him on the cheek, and when she went to pull away, her lipstick had left a mark in his beard. She didn’t say a damn word, wanting people to know who had left the mark. She spent the rest of the day unpacking and preparing for dinner with Alden. If two weeks was all it took for him to invite her over for dinner, she would have taken a vacation a while back. 
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hogibebeleri · 5 years
eski model listesi
bunu temizleyip yürürüz diycektim ama çok varmış o yüzden eski ünlülere isimlere bakmak için buraya bırakıyom kalsın sdfojdsoğjısıdjğods
ay daraltçam bu ne aq
- A -
Aaron Johnson - Leo Constantine
Aaron Tveit - Ezekiel Wymond
Abbey Lee Kershaw - S
Adam Brody - Cedric P. Powell
Adelaide Kane - Alana Windsor
Aidan Turner - Blaise Lynch
Alicia Vikander - Lily Marzia Lewis
Alona Tal - Claire Jenkins
Alycia Debnam Carey - Faith Franchot
Amber Heard - Edith Mori de Oliveira & Aureola Diana
Amy Poehler - Apple Corin
Ana de Armas - Riley Polanco
AnnaSophia Robb - Olivia Maeve
Andrew Garfield - Christen Austen
Andrew Lincoln - Desmond
Andy Samberg - Milo Dexter
Anna Christine Speckhart - Maria Sparrow
Anna Kendrick - June Lynwood
Ansel Elgort - Landon Scotty
Armie Hammer - Nikolai Fedosov
Ash Stymest - Wilford Grayson
Ashley Benson - Lexie Mallaith
Astrid Berges-Frisbey - Anthea Harrison
Aubrey Plaza - Zoya Everdene
- B -
Barbara Palvin - Annie Lancaster
Bella Heathcote - Fern Weinberg
Bill Skarsgård - Hermes Wolfhart
Boyd Holbrook - Hugo Montague
Bradley Cooper - Adonis Dard
Brett Dalton - Aldous Riordan
Brian J. Smith - Ä°.
Brit Marling - Euria Madlyn
- C -
Candice Accola - Evanora Eckhart
Carey Mulligan - Ophelia Delfino
Charlie Cox - Darcy Hemingway
Charlie Weber - Wardell Jon
Chloe Bennett - Miroslawa Waljewski
Chris Pine - Azure Welkin
Chris Pratt - Dux Stanton
Chris Wood - Atlas
Christian Bale - Mars Brant
Christian Cooke - Conor Lynton
Chyler Leigh - Cassandra Evans
Claire Holt - Karyna Gwen
Clark Gregg - Christopher Hart
Courtney Eaton - Night Haven
- D -
Daisy Ridley - Monica Myles
Dakota Johnson - Barbie Riley
Dan Stevens - Damien Delacroix
Daniel Radcliffe - Michael Genim
Daniel Sharman - Clementine Quinton
Danielle Campbell - Calista Apostolou
David Tennant - Hunter Chandra
Dianna Agron - Isis Chamberlain
Domhnall Gleeson - Jules E. Lincoln
Dominic Cooper - Quentin J. Lloyd
Dominic Sherwood - Dimitri Wolf
Douglas Booth - Vasco Delacour
Dylan O''brien - Nathaniel Hawkins
Dylan Sprayberry -Ove Stanford
- E -
Eddie Redmayne - S
Ebba Zingmark - Eloine Heaven
Eiza Gonzalez - Veronika Boleslava
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Elizabeth Debicki - Pippa Voughan
Elizabeth Henstridge - Gwendoline Cler
Elizabeth Olsen - Corinne Constantine
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Ella Purnell - Dolu
Elle Fanning - Rosie Van Laren
Ellen Page - Lydia Carrington
Elodie Yung - S
Emeraude Toubia - Elena Dimitriou
Emma Stone - Alexandra Zaleski
Emilia Clarke - Maya Davenport
Emilie De Ravin - Astrid Blanche
Emily Bett Rickards - Ocean Highmore
Emily Blunt - Lilla Arverne
Emily Browning - Ava Marlowe
Emily Deschanel - Hannah Montiel
Emily Didonato - Vera Isabel
Emmy Rossum - Vivian Gardner
Emily Rudd - Antje Griet
Erin Richards - Glory Constance
Eva Green - Verena Gray
Evan Peters - Viktor Chekov
Evangeline Lilly - Blue Marchand
Ewan McGregor - Acse Lemoine
Ezra Miller - Eugene Irwin
- F -
Felicity Jones - Macey Raphaelle
Felix Kjellberg - Silvestre César
Finn Jones - Buster
Freya Mavor - Olivia Fitzgerald
- G -
Gabriel Luna - José Espina
Gaia Weiss - Freya Kjellfrid
Gal Gadot - Cerys Ryan
Garrett Hedlund - Vitto Carlevaro
Gemma Arterton - Sabetha Belrossa
Georgina Haig - Calypso
Gigi Hadid - Mitchie Finnegan
Gina Rodriguez - Ida Castillo
Grace Phipps - Mia Kayleigh
Gustaf Skarsgård - Vincent Valente
- H -
Haley Bennett - Graciela de la Fuente
Hannah Simone - S
Harry Lloyd - Valentin Veaceslav
Hayden Christensen - Kristoff E. Petrov
Hayden Panettiere - Skyla Chavira
Hayley Atwell - Carmela di Chimici
Henry Cavill -Â Chester Norton
Hunter Parrish - Francis Rousseau
Hwang Jung Eum - Hana Godfrey
Ian De Caestecker - J.C. Murphy
Isabel Lucas - Helen Ambrosia
- J -
Jack O''Connell - Roy Whesker
Jai Courtney - Téo Teixeira
Jake Johson - Tony Thompson
James Franco - N/ash Carrington
James McAvoy - Sebastian Van Laren
Jamie Chung - Irene Weitz
Jane Levy -Â Elsie Rodgers
Jasmine Sanders -Â Liesje Lijsbeth
Jason Statham - Rafael Romero
Jay Baruchel - Cal J.W. Fox
Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Zed O''Callaghan
Jenna-Louise Coleman - Cecilia D. Chandler
Jennifer Morrison - Penny Black
Jensen Ackles - Florian W. Hoffman
Jeon Jeongguk - Jeon Jeongguk
Jeremy Renner - Dorian Dixon
Jesse Soffer - Grover Alen
Jessica De Gouw - Vera Guthrie
Ji Sung - Yong Jae Sun
JoAnna Garcia Swisher - Pacifica
Joe Gilgun - Desmond Gallagher
Johanna Braddy - Reva Keegan
John Krasinski - Jesse Wescott
Jon Kortajarena - Aaron Anderson
Josefine Frida Pettersen - Dolu
Jude Law - Andrei Pavlov
Julian Morris - Wesley Franklin
Julianne Hough - Madelyn Weaver
- K -
Karen Fukuhara - Yuki Nakashima
Karen Gillan - Emma Fray (<33)
Kate Mara - Tuesday Beckett
Kate Mckinnon - Myrna Morgenstern
Katherine McNamara - Norene Harland
Kaya Scodelario - Quinn Jenae
Keira Knightley - Mystral Roux
Kevin Zegers - Damon Wallner
Kit Harington - Joel Paxton
Kristen Bell - Vivien Rouge
Krysten Ritter - Iris Thorne
- L-
Lauren Cohan - Wonder B.
Leighton Meester - Anastacia Bouvier
Leonardo diCaprio - Jerry Arlexa
Lily Collins - Frankie Chandra
Lily James - Anaïs V. Grimaldi
Lindy Booth - Camilla Weitz
Lindsey Morgan - Zenobia
Lizzy Caplan - Ramona Fade
Logan Lerman -Â Harley Langley
Luana Perez - Elizabeth Burton
Lucy Hale -Â Sheri Payne
Lyndsy Fonseca - Daisy de la Vina
- M -
Mads Mikkelsen - Ä°
Maeve Dermody - Athena Zoega
Maia Mitchell -Â Lynda Stine
Margot Robbie - Josie Lesniewski
Maria Valverde - Valerija Roque
Marie Avgeropoulos - Ljubica Solvej
Marion Cotillard - Marika Lamora
Martin Wallström - Fabio Chepe
Mary Elizabeth Winstead - Amelie Steiner
Matt Hitt - Douglas Roswell
Matt McGorry - Corbin Renwick
Matthew Daddario - Diego Mendoza
Matthew Gray Gubler - Patrick Descoteaux
Max Irons - Marc Janko
Max Riemelt - Ziggy Hildebrand
Melanie Martinez - D
Melissa Benoist - Charlotte Evans
Melissa Fumero - Catherine Winters
Michael Fassbender - Franco Locatelli
Miguel Ángel Silvestre - Rico A. Moreno
Min Yoongi - Min Yoongi
Morena Baccarin - Tulip Talitha
- N -
Natalie Dormer - Gem Julep
Nick Blood - Isaac Wyatt
Nick Offerman - Alfred Castillo
Nico Mirallegro - Jack Daniels
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Theos Volantis
Nina Dobrev - Emmaline Winslow
Norman Reedus - Harley Harford
Noomi Rapace - Yulia Utkin
- O/Ö -
Olesya Rulin - Ceku Balım
Olga Kurylenko - Zelda Croft
Olivia Holt -Â Rylee Cantrell
Oscar Isaac - Aldo C. Ferreiro
- Q -
- P -
Paul Rudd - Marco Polo
Paula Patton - Winter Willford
Penelope Mitchell -Â Caitlyn Weatherly
- R -
Rachel McAdams - NavoÅŸ Lancaster
Rashida Jones - Jean Cardellini
Rebel Wilson -Â Lauren Dwyer
Reeve Carney - Dylan Breckendridge
Richard Madden - Tristan Windsor
Rinko Kikuchi - S
Rosario Dawson - Eve Blanchett
Rosamund Pike - Daniela Carlevaro
Rose McIver - Skyler Freestone
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - Leona Lane
Ruth Negga - Lara Tailler
- S -
Sabrina Carpenter - Louise Linn
Sam Claflin - Mathias Clayton
Sarah Gadon - Nina Buchvarov
Sarah Hyland - Marceline Apostolou
Sebastian Stan - Maximillian di Chimici
Seychelle Gabriel - Leila Beaumont
Scarlett Johansson - Diamontina Dixon
Shailene Woodley - Joy Cappella
Shantel Vansanten - D
Shelley Hennig - Nora Simmons
Sophia Bush - D
Sophie Cookson - Rain Gisbourne
Summer Glau - Rhea Crisanta
- T -
Taron Egerton - Caleb Lysander
Tatiana Maslany - Margo Wiggins & Felicia Makovecz
Taylor Marie Hill - Milla Alexander
Taylor Swift - Melanie Phoenix
Teresa Palmer - Dora Desjardins
Theo James - Keiro Padmore
Tom Ellis - Hector A. Whittemore
Tom Felton - Alpha Rigorous
Tom Hardy - Dito Delfino
Tom Hiddleston - Newton F. Windsor
Tom Holland - Flynn Holdsworth
Tom Mison - Armitage Cromwell
Toni Garrn - Audrey Tyler
Torrey Devitto - D
Travis Fimmel - Forrest Dickson
Tuppence Middleton - Mia Santiago
- U/Ü -
- V -
Victoria Justice - Lotus van Boven & Selo
- X -
Xavier Samuel -Â August FridtjofÂ
- W -
Will Smith - Dante di Mercurio
Willa Holland - Ethea Middlesworth
- Y -
- Z -
Zendaya - Izzy McGowan
Zoe Kazan - D
Zoë Kravitz - Thalia Hardy
Zoe Saldana - Kiara Kingsley
Zooey Deschanel - Hailey Montiel
Zoey Deutch - Myra Blackbourne
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Old Habits
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Peter Vincent x Reader, Angst, Comfort
AO3 Link/ Support Me on Ko-fi
Trigger Warning: Mentions of past abusive relationship  
Summary: You are trying to rebuild your life in Las Vegas working for the infamous Peter Vincent, but the past has trouble letting go. 
A/N:  I have no idea why I wrote this aside from I needed to. I’ve been a slut for David Tennant since 2009 and back on my bullshit, what can I say? PLEASE COMMENT AND REBLOG IF YOU LIKE THIS!!!
Word Count: 3.3K
          You told yourself you would never go back to Las Vegas.
           It was a long decaying playground in the middle of nowhere that should had died along with the seventies. But, it was home.  And when everything in your life falls apart, what else can you do but go home?
           You had needed to get out of New York.  Too many terrible memories and mistakes haunted every corner of the city. You need familiar territory, someplace to ground yourself in the here and now.  Luckily, you still had friends you could rely on.
           Jane Brewster was the first person you called when you had finally decided to leave.  She practically demanded you stay at her place until you had one of your own. Charley was off at college and wouldn’t be back until winter break. You talked her down, and with respect to your pride, she conceded a motel room would be best for the time being.   That didn’t stop her from reaching out to a friend about getting you a job.
           You were certain the story of how Real Estate Agent, Jane Brewster and Occultist Magic Performer, Peter Vincent became friends was a long and interesting one. The fact you could never get a straight answer from either of them as to how it happened, however, told you otherwise.
           He was a little prickly about your employment at first; but, once you showed him a resume the length of his arm detailing the performers you had been either personal assistant to or represented, on and off Broadway, he started changed his tune.
           Peter Vincent was, complicated, to say the least.  On the one hand, he was a dick.  One could say it was just because he was a perfectionist, but that was being generous. Fright Night wasn’t exactly the Royal Shakespeare company, and he had a tendency to snap at other performers and make-up people alike when he was even slightly irritated.  At the same time, he had his own unique charm, an indefinable manic energy that couldn’t help but draw you in.  Pair that with his more flamboyant tendencies, and he could be downright entertaining. It left you in a constant state not knowing whether you wanted to laugh or smack him.
           He seemed to understand your predicament and made it his mission to leave you even more confused than before.  
          You wouldn’t go so far as to say you were friends.  You never hung out after work, or disclosed anything too personal, but there was a comfortable familiarity to your interactions.  You could call him an asshole and know he wouldn’t take it personally, while he could call you an uptight know it all, with the assurance that all you’d do is give him a light-hearted eyeroll.  In short you liked him. And slowly, the idea of Las Vegas truly becoming your home once more didn’t seem so terrible.  But, like so many things in your life, the good things could never last.
          You were standing in Peter’s apartment when it happened.  Another show had ended, and you were going over upcoming appearances at various occult conventions.
          “No, no, no, please I’m begging you.  I am literally begging you, don’t tell me they put me on a panel with that prick,” Peter complained, pouring himself a drink.
          You shrugged.  “You can’t deny Chriss Angel is one of the few magicians people can actually name.”
          “But I’m not a magician,” he defended. “I’m an occultist, there’s a difference.”
          “You put on a goth-tastic special effects show wearing guy-liner and skin tight leather pants, name me a difference that counts.”
          He looked like he wanted to argue, but settled on making an exaggerated grimace before taking a sip from his drink.
          “Besides that, I already RSVPed for you,” you continued.  “Rest assured there will be a cabinet of alcohol in your hotel room you when you’re done.”
          “I know I should be insulted, but that really does make up for it.”
          Your lip involuntarily twisted upward at his sardonic response. “And auditions.  Maggie is going off on maternity leave soon.  I’ve already sorted through head-shots and just need your approval on who to call back.”
          You handed him a small pile of photos.  He took it, making a cursory glance at each of them without bothering to look at the resumes on the back before he tossed them into two piles.
          “Yes. No,” he said pointing to the left and right piles respectively.
          “Okay, just remember to be there Thursday.”
          He let out a long groan.  “Can’t you just do that?”
          “You’re the one who has to work with them.”
          “Sure, but I trust you to know which ones are idiots and which ones are actually going to hit their marks.”
          You rolled your eyes. “If that was really all you cared about, you’d just have me do it.”
          “You could,” he said, sounding oddly okay with the idea.
          “I don’t think I can pull off a pho-leather corset,” you replied, sardonically.
          He didn’t say anything, taking a moment to look you up and down before tilting his head to the side in thought. “Well…”
          You pressed your lip into a thin line and raised an eyebrow.  Immediately his eyes widened as he attempted to back track.
          “You’re right, you can’t.”
          You crossed your arms, your expression making it very clear you were not impressed.  
          “Not that you couldn’t if you wanted to,” he floundered.  “It’s just it would perhaps be inappropriate for you to…” He stopped, as a realization dawned on him.  “You’re taking the piss, aren’t you?”
           You broke as a wide smile spread across your face.  “Only a little.”
           “Right.” He straightened up, trying to scrape together at least some dignity. “Let’s just erase the last minute of conversation.”
           “Already deleted,” you assured.
           He smiled in thanks, but before either of you could say something clever, your phone rang.  You didn’t bother to check the ID before you answered.
           “Y/N speaking.”
           “Hello Y/N,” an all too familiar voice answered.
           You froze.  You could feel the blood drain from your face even as your heart pumped hard against your rib cage. You needed to hang up.  You needed to will your limbs to do something other than stand there. Your hand began the process of pulling away from your ear when he spoke again.
           “Don’t hang up.” There was no urgency in his tone.  Only a casual confidence, as if he were standing in the room with you instead of thousands of miles away.  Logically you knew it wasn’t the case but thought of it made you stop.  On instinct, you brushed your hand against your throat as if to make sure there was nothing pressed against it but empty air.  
           “How did you get this number,” you asked, trying desperately to keep your voice calm.
           “Believe it or not some of our friends still talk to me,” he replied easily. That was always his trick, wasn’t it? An easy answer to everything. “I just want to talk.”
           “I don’t.”  Your hands weren’t shaking so badly as before now the initial shock was gone. “Goodbye Eric.”
           “Don’t hang up!” he snapped into the line.  To your surprise, you didn’t feel the sudden urge to obey.  Before you could question why, you hung up.
           Immediately your phone began to ring again.  You denied the call, clutching your phone tightly in your hand as if that would suddenly make the vibrations disappear.
           He had no power over you here, you remined yourself.  Your mind was clear.  You had control over your limbs and thoughts.  There were no hands are teeth pressed against your throat. He couldn’t hurt you.
           You were so determined to repeat those thoughts over and over again in your mind, you forgot who else was in the room with you.
           “Y/N,” Peter’s voice cut through the fog. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
           You didn’t know what to say.  The truth was out of the question. You weren’t certain you knew the truth yourself. But there was no hiding the way you were shaking.
           He looked lost for a moment, shifting back and forth, still deciding if it was safe to come near you.
           You flinched as your phone began to ring again.
           Peter made the first move.  In a single stride he crossed the room, pulled the phone away from your death grip, and practically threw it into the closest chair before covering it with a pillow for good measure. The vibrations where now effectively muffled leaving silence in its wake.  
           He turned to you, keeping his voice as calm as possible.  “Y/N.”
           You met his gaze.
           His eyes were soft and a little unsure.  It was an expression you had never seen from him, but you felt just a little better at the sight.
           “Who was that?” he asked.
           You didn’t want to say his name again as if repeating would somehow summon him. All you could manage of a small, “Ex.”
           Peter nodded in understanding.  You weren’t sure how much Jane had told him, if anything at all, but you knew he was smart enough to tie your reaction to why you left New York.
           “What do you need?”
           You needed to throw up.  You needed a ticket to a desert island with no chance of him finding you. You needed a death certificate with his name plastered all over it.  But at that exact moment you just needed to curl into a ball somewhere private.
           “I want to go home,” you said.
           “You sure that’s a good idea?”
           You nodded.
           Peter took a breath, before nodding himself. “Alright, I’ll give you a lift,” he said, swinging on his jacket. “Don’t argue.”
           You didn’t have it in you anyway.
           The elevator ride down to the parking garage was a silent one, for which you were grateful.  You couldn’t really explain how you were still standing up right.  
           Peter led you to his car, and the pair of you sped off into the night.  It wasn’t until you were clear of the strip and well into the desert that he spoke again.
          “You sure your ex isn’t in town?”
           The questions took you by surprise.  You had been preparing for yourself for the inevitable “what did he do”.  But, it was obvious the answer didn’t matter to Peter, all that mattered was how what he did affected you.  You had never been so relieved in your life.
           “I don’t think he would have called me if he was,” you said, having given the matter a great deal of thought.  “He’d just show up.”
           “So why call you?” Peter asked, confused. “Why not wait until he knows where you are?”
           “I think he was hoping I’d just tell him.  He’s…” You paused, trying to find a way to describe what Eric could do without sounding completely insane. “He’s got a way of getting people to do exactly what he wants.”
           You shrugged.  All you could really remember was the way Eric’s eyes would penetrate yours before the inevitable fog overwhelmed your senses until you couldn’t tell up from down. Once again, you hand went to your neck.  The scars had faded, but the ghost of pain remained.
           “He just does,” was all you could say. “I guess it doesn’t work over the phone.”
           Peter noticed your motions but made no comment on it.  A look crossed his features you couldn’t name, but it left you wondering if he knew something you didn’t.  
           “Are you going to be alright?” he asked, not allowing you time to dwell on the thought.
           You let out a long breath. “I don’t know.”
           Eric wasn’t the first. He was simply the latest in a long line of assholes you had allowed to control you.  You didn’t know how it happened.  Everything started off fine, but sooner or things would start to happen. They’d start screening your calls. Girls nights would be canceled because they claimed you weren’t spending enough time with them. Accusations of cheating would be leveled left and right to make you feel guilty at even talking to anyone else.  Then, one night, they’d take it too far and you would run until you found someone else and the whole cycle would begin again.  Maybe Eric was the logical end to all this. Someone who could quite literally take complete control. Maybe you had been asking for this.
          “Do you ever feel like you’re making the same mistakes over and over and over again?” you said, quietly. “You get yourself in or put yourself in a situation, and every time you know exactly how it’s going to end, but you go through the same motions every time and it never stops; because for some sick reason you don’t want it to stop. Because there’s…I don’t know, a comfort in the repetition.”
          “You’re asking the barely functional alcoholic this?” Peter said.
          You laughed.  You were surprised you laughed, but matter of fact sarcasm in his voice paired with a reassuring smile gave you permission to do so.
          “Well, you ask a stupid question,” you mumbled sardonically.
          Peter shook his head.  “It’s not a stupid question,” he assured. “I think it’s just something people do. Good or bad, you stick to what you know.”
          You didn’t say anything for a moment, allowing the truth of the statement to float in the air a while. This was the longest conversation you could recall having with Peter that didn’t involve you either reminding him of an appointment or ending in some kind of banter.  But what was weird was it didn’t feel weird.
          Still you felt obligated to say, “I’m sorry I’m laying all this on you.”
          “It’s alright,” he assured.  He sounded like he meant it too, even as a slightly awkward expression settled on his face.  “I’m not sure how to not make this sound bad, but it’s kind of nice to know I’m not the only one with issues.”
          You blinked.  “You’re right. There is no way to not make that sound bad.”
          He winced, his mind clearly working very hard to find a way to back track.  Given the circumstances, you decided to show him some mercy.
          “But, I know what you’re getting at,” you said, with a half-smile.
          You could almost hear his sigh of relief.  
          “I wouldn’t have guessed it,” he admitted, after a short pause.  “You always struck me as someone who would never let anyone tell them what to do.”
          “I try to be,” you admitted, as your insides turned over. “But, old habits.”
          He didn’t say anything more, and you were grateful.  You each had given more away than either of you intended.
          Soon enough had pulled up in front of your apartment, but neither of you felt the immediate need to get out of the car.
          “Do you need someone here?” he asked.  “You know, just in case?”
          You shook your head. “I don’t think so.  I might call Jane, see if she can come over.”
          He nodded, but that awkward expression didn’t leave as he ran a hand through his hair.
          “Or, I can stay,” he offered, “if you’d like.”
          You stared at him a moment.  You imagined inviting him in.  You could see him entering your small apartment with the pile of empty cardboard boxes still sitting in the corner of your living room. You imagined sitting down on the couch side by side, the space fading between you until you could rest your head against his shoulder.  You imagined those warm brown eyes staring down at you, before you pressed your lips to his and--
          You tore you mind away from the thought before it could go any further.
          “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you said, softly.
          A flash of hurt played out behind his eyes before he got the chance to hide it. “Right, yeah.”
          “No, that’s not what I—”
          “It’s fine.”
          “I didn’t mean—”
          There was a pause.  Neither of you could look at each other, but you also didn’t want it to end the night this way.  Why did you always find a way to make things complicated?
          “Peter,” you said, taking a long breath, “my life is a complete mess. I’m a complete mess. Bad things just keep happening and I… I don’t want bad things to happen to you.  I’m sorry, I—"
          “Don’t,” he cut in sharply. “Don’t apologize for something he did.”
          You stopped then.  There was a conviction in his tone that made you have to stop, even as your heart rate spiked. He seemed to have noticed, and his tone immediately softened.
          “Y/N? Please, look at me.”
          You did so, and in that moment, you wondered how you never noticed just how wide and open his eyes truly were.
          “Look I don’t know if I’m crossing a line, or behind the line, or dancing a jig on top of it, and if I am making you uncomfortable, I’ll hop right back over it again, but I just…”
          He stopped running a hand through his hair to get his thoughts in order. “So, you’re a mess, that’s fine because that doesn’t stop you from being a good person. And you are, Y/N, you are a good person. You’re so good.  And you deserve…fuck, you deserve only good things to happen to you.”
          You could feel your throat tighten.  The way his eyes bore into yours reminding you again and again of the sincere place his words were coming from.  A surge of emotion flooded your chest until it spilled over into tears on your cheeks.
          “Shit,” Peter said, immediately going into a panic. “Shit, shit, shit. Look, what I said, if I—”
          “No,” you assured.  “No, what you said was perfect.”  You tried to get a grip, but the tears continued down your face as your breath shook. “It’s just…you’re really nice.”
          Peter stared at you, clearly unsure as to what to do.  “I’m not though,” he said.
          A sad smile came to your lips. “Yes you are.”  
          Before you could question your actions, you cupped his cheek, and closed the distance between you, placing a gentle kiss against the other. Your lips landed a hair away from the corner of his mouth, his light stubble feeling oddly comforting against your skin.  
          He looked like a dear in headlights by the time you pulled away.  Neither of you moved, for a moment.  You could only take a guess at what he was thinking. For a second you noticed his eyes dart to your lips.  You wondered if he would close the gap and kiss you properly this time, but he made no move.  You had drawn the line in the sand, and he was going to stay respectfully on the other side.  Somehow, that made having to leave even worse.
          Without another word, you pulled your hand away and walked out of the car to your apartment.
          Peter stared after you as you walked through the door and well after it closed.  He could still feel your hand on his cheek and the warm of your lips against his skin. His heart pounded against his ribs and in his throat, it was making it impossible to think clearly.
          He leaned back against his seat trying to calm himself down.  You weren’t in a good place right now.  Putting aside the general obstacle that you were still his employee; you had just gotten out of an extremely toxic relationship with a man who was either a class A manipulator, or quite possibly, some sort of supernatural creature.  
          Of course, he couldn’t say that.  Not without proof.  And he hoped for your sake he wouldn’t get it.
          You weren’t in a good place.  Anything you said or did tonight didn’t count.
          He let out a long breath, repeating the thought like mantra over and over again.
          He really had wanted to kiss you just then.
          With a frustrated groan he gripped the stirring wheel tightly before mumbling softly, and with feeling, “Fuck.”
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pellaaearien · 7 years
Alphabet Meme
I was tagged by @onthedriftinthetardis, thanks dear!
A- age: 25, turning 26 in August.
B- biggest fears: being alone. Being inadequate.
C- current time: 11:50 AM
D- drink you last had:  coffee
E- everyday starts with: I check tumblr like the addict I am. Also my email to see if any reviews have come in overnight because I crave validation.
F- favourite song: Far, far too many to count. Currently: Galaxy by Eminence & Markus Cole 
G- ghosts, are they real?: I really hope not. I've got better things to do with my afterlife than be a ghost.
H- hometown:  Toronto
I- in love with:  My heart is overflowing with love for far too many fictional people. In real life, someone I maybe shouldn't be, perhaps. We'll see where it goes.
J- jealous of:  I usually find jealousy to be a waste of time. Um. People who can art. People whose writing I admire. Georgia Moffett except not because I ship the two of them so damn hard.
K- killed someone:  In a video game? 
L- last time you cried:  Actually cried? Probably about a year ago. I've wanted to cry multiple times since then but my body does this thing where I don't actually cry I just hyperventilate for a while and I'd rather actual crying tbh.
M- middle name:  I've got two. One of them is Erin, which I've considered changing my actual name to on multiple occasions.
N- number of siblings: one younger brother. He's pretty cool.
O- one wish:  Be best buds with David Tennant. We'd get along so well and nerd out over stuff and I'd see all his shows and it'd be the best.
P- person you called or texted last:  called - my friend @sandalhat101 over skype. Texted - @mishiexd
Q- questions you are always asked:  "Where are you from?" (Japanese people are very curious about this). "英語で何と言う?” ("What is this in English?" - I'm an English teacher) "Your hair is so long!" (This is not a question but it is always presented as one).
R- reasons to smile:  David Tennant. Literally all I have to do is look at a picture of him and a massive grin fills my face. Also people saying nice things about my writing, instant day-brightener.
S- song you last sang:  Um... probably singing along to some techno song while doing dishes. Maybe it was I Don't Wanna - Jane XO
T- time you last woke up:  6AM
U- underwear color:  Light pink
V- vacation destination:  New Zealand or Hawaii for an actual vacation, but next month I'm taking time off to go back to Canada. 
W- worst habit:  Procrastination, biting my cuticles because anxiety.
X- any x-rays: teeth, chest (lungs), back, I also had a CAT scan done when I was small.
Y- your favorite food: Canadian - Poutine, steak, Kraft Dinner. Japanese - ramen, tempura, mochi
Z- zodiac: proud leo
Not tagging anyone because I don't know who's done it but if you see this and feel like doing it make sure to tag me! :D
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Creep (Sweet Jane Part Five) — Campbell Bain x Reader
Sweet Jane Episode One: Hey Jude
Sweet Jane Episode Two: Fly Like an Eagle
Sweet Jane Episode Three: You Always Hurt the One You Love
Sweet Jane Episode Four: Fool on the Hill
Sweet Jane Episode Five: Rainy Day in Georgia (But not Georgia Tennant.)
“You are not the darkness you endured, you are the light that refused to surrender.”
Warning: Mature — Mentions and Descriptions of underaged rape (mid to late teens) and descriptions of stalking. (I’m not sure if this counts as explicit.); Funeral
Fergus’ funeral had finished and the mourners whom none of them had ever seen in their lives were leaving while the loonies—Eddie, Rosalie, Francine, Y/N, and a very, very drunk Campbell—stayed at his grave.
“Some wake, huh?” Campbell asked.
“We can go on back to the house with the others. His da invited us.” Eddie said.
“Did he hell! An invitation is when you say, ‘Would you like to come back to the house for a wee whisky?’ No ‘I s'pose you can come back t'the house if ye want.’ I mean, who were all those folk? Rental mourners? Never saw any ae them come to visit Fergus in hospital.”
“Right enough.” Francine said.
“And that minister! Don't think he'd even met the guy. Talking about "the tragic death of a young man of only thirty years". Fergus was twenty-seven! Getting us up to sing Fergus's favorite hymn! Fergus was a rabid, card-carrying atheist! And that bit about "the terrible illness that eventually killed him". Fergus didnae have cancer, he was a loony!” He started to fail his arms about, drunkenly,  “A bam, crazy, mental, out tae lunch, of another planet...!” He fell against Eddie and Y/N who caught him.
“Babe.” Y/N said, taking the drink from her boyfriend before taking a swig herself.
Campbell snatched it back, “I’ll give this to you when you tell me who that boy you beat was.”
Y/N’s eyes became cold and she shook herself away from him.
“You are pished, my friend.” Eddie said and took the bottle of whiskey from him.
Campbell seemed insulted and affronted and said, his words slurred with alcohol, “That's rich comin fae you.
“Aye, but I'm no an amateur.” Eddie said.
Campbell looked back down at the coffin, “He was a genius. He could have done anything.”
“Aye. So he could.”
Campbell’s face screwed up with pained grief and he made his drunken exit. Y/N didn’t notice her exe, fresh from the hospital after a month of treatments for the injuries she had inflicted upon him limping his way over to Campbell.
“You Campbell Bain?” He asked.
“Who are you?” Campbell asked.
"The real love of your girlfriend's life." Campbell glared as her exe got closer to him, realizing “She will never love you like she loved me and you could never love her like I love her. The harlot.) And then Campbell saw red.
Y/N looked up when she heard a thud and saw Campbell standing over a boy on the ground.
Y/N ran over and stopped her exe from hitting Campbell back but her exe threw a punch aimed at her and Campbell pushed her out of the way… the next thing she knew her exe was being arrested with a bloody nose again.
Eddie, Francine, Rosalie, Campbell, and Y/N reentered Saint Jude’s hospital and they approached the radio station where they heard Rainy Night in Georgia playing and they found an electrician in the studio.
“Who the hell are you?” Eddie asked.
“I could ask you the same thing.” The electrician said.
“I'm the guy who owns that record.”
“Some collector. That's an original Brook Benton version fae nineteen-seventy-eight.
“Nineteen-sixty-nine.” Eddie corrected, “How did you get in here? Naebody's supposed to be in here except authorized staff.”
“I'm the electrician.”
Eddie’s glare hardened, “Right, that's it.” And he started to stuff the electrician's tools in his case.
“What? They don't go in like that!”
“They do the night!” Eddie snapped and he grabbed the electrician by his collar and pushed him out.
“What are you on, pal?” The electrician complained.
“Eddie, Eddie!” Isabel yelled, coming up to them.
“Daft bastard!” The electrician cursed.
“What's the problem?” Isabel asked.
“‘What's the problem’?! Why is he no sedated?”
“He's not a patient!”
“Well, he should be!”  The electrician said and then he stormed off.
Isabel turned to Eddie, “It doesn't matter to Fergus now. You're only storing up trouble for yourself!”
Y/N took Campbell’s hand and tugged on it, Campbell followed her to her room as she started to take buckled boots off as he awkwardly stood there with his hands stuffed into his pockets.
"So… who is he?”
“Electrician that, I wager.” She said, though she knew he wasn’t referring to the electrician.
“Y/N.” Campbell said as Y/N struggled to reach her zipper behind her back. “I get he’s your exe but there’s more to it , isn’t there?”  He gently took her zipper and started to pull it down but then she stepped away, hugging her arms across her chest in a defensive manner to keep them from shaking.
She thought about her transition from the incident, how she stopped talking for nearly a year and after only two months of knowing Campbell she started to talk again, she became more… like her but not like she was before. Campbell was the only person who made her feel like her while EX/N tried to make her into someone else. She knew she could trust him; everyone did tell her how utterly smitten he was with her.
She squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. She didn’t turn around she just stared her copy of How To Kill a Mockingbird.
"He was my best friend... or more like… he was my only friend. He was nearly four years older than me and for some reason he was my babysitter because my parents didn't trust me. Looking back—I-I should've seen the signs, the red flags. He never knocked even when he knew I would be changing, not even when he would hear me in the shower. He would just stare at me sometimes. He would touch me in inappropriate places but I thought they were innocent. As we got older, it became more sexual, it wasn't just him being a hormonal teenager but him being perverted and actively interested in performing sexual activities with me.”
Campbell dug his nails into his palm with outrage. He had a feeling he knew where this was going and he hated it.
“Then he became obsessed with me when I got into high school and started wearing bras. I was fourteen when he started doing things with me, never over second base but still... I wasn't at the consent age yet. He told me that it was for science and sometimes I woke up to find him... doing things. He pushed my limits, even when I begged him to stop. Sometimes, he brought his friends and whoever they'd invite over, the oldest had to be in his thirties, twice my age and he took pictures of me. He threatened to tell everyone that I had forced myself upon him, if I told anyone. My parents already didn't like me."
"Jesus..." Campbell breathed in horror.
"If I did something he didn't like... he would..." she shuddered, "When he would go too far. He would apologize the next day, and I would always forgive him. Because I was so kind..." She laughed, bitterly with tears in her eyes. "He told me that no one else would ever love me like he did. No one would do things that we did. I hated myself for my compassion but even when I managed to numb myself of my emotions, it was still there."
Campbell both wanted her to stop talking yet keep talking at the same time.
"It wasn't until I was eighteen when he first... on my eighteenth birthday. Coming on a year ago. He promised that things would be different, that he loved me and would show that he loves me. He... he got me drunk but when I still wouldn't consent and fought back, he pretended to sustain and got me some more alcohol, I didn't see him slip in the drug."
Campbell wished he had done something worse than just punch him in the face.
"I was conscious the whole time. He must've cut the pill or something. But I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move. I pleaded for him to stop but he wouldn't, insisting that I wanted it and when I tried to scream for help, he choked me as hard as he could and banged my head against the floor, and I blacked out but I know he continued. When I woke up, I ached so much and there was so much blood. I was so horrified by what he did to me. I stopped talking. Eight months later, they sent me here. That's why I was so scared when you crashed into me when we first me, why I was so scared of you long after, why I scream whenever any man, especially Stuart would get too close to me. And I was so scared because he found me. I thought he was going to do it again." She started to sob and Campbell pulled her into his lap and she sobbed into the crook of his neck.
"No, he won't. I won't let him. I won't let him near you."
“I don’t think that’s what he wants. He worked with Hollis, he called Fergus’ job and he painted him in a bad light. He drove Fergus to suicide…” She broke into sobs, “What if he goes after Rosalie or Eddie or Francine… or you. I can’t let him hurt you.”
“He won’t. He got arrested for assault. And if you want, you can go and tell the police what he did to you and Fergus and he’ll be in jail, and then I can hire a bodyguard for you when I become a famous  DJ.” He said, gently, “do you… do you think you can do that?”
Y/N pulled back and looked at him, her irises several shades of E/C lighter than usual and she nodded and kissed him gently before saying, “You do look good in a suit. Very James Bond.”
“James Bond?” He laughed and then straightened his tie, “Really?”
About a week later, Eddie was sitting rather morosely still as a record spun.
Campbell and Y/N exchanged looks and Campbell grabbed a blindfold  and covered Eddie’s eyes with it.
“Freeze! Don't look. What was the name of that record?
“Dream Lover.” Eddie and Y/N said in unison.
“Which was in the British charts for?”
“Nineteen weeks.” They said.
“See? Told you they could do it. Did I not tell you?
“They’re geniuses, they are.”
“Of course, Y/N is. I’m dating her!” Campbell said and kissed Y/N, grinning into the kiss.
“You're still here?” Eddie asked, turning away from the kissing teens.
“Oh aye. If they want to get rid of me, they'll have to catch me first.” Rosalie as the teens parted with Campbell’s arm around her and her head, resting on his shoulder.
“Rosalie's got us all organized for the pilot tomorrow,” Campbell said, “Eddie; it's gonna be brilliant, and I have just come up with the perfect angle.”
“Which is?”
“We are going to be playing a number one hit fae every year from nineteen-fifty-six to nineteen-seventy, aye?”
“And I've got a list here of every number one hit in every one of those years, Eddie.” Rosalie said.
“So at the end of the hour, we invite our listeners to phone in and,” Campbell put on a cheesy American accent, “pit their wits against the master of hits, Doctor Boogie!”
“Who's Doctor Boogie?” Eddie asked.
“You! That's the angle!” Campbell said, enthusiastically, “So, if they can ask a question about any of the hits we've played that you cannae answer, they win a major prize.”
“He's a genius.” Rosalie said.
“Yeah, he is.” Y/N pecked Campbell on the cheek.
“Campbell, this is a recording we're doing. The only folk who are gonna be listening are Paula and a couple of bored guys on their dinner break.”
“Then we'll get them to phone in.” Campbell said.
“What's the major prize?” Eddie asked.
“We just kid on there's a prize. So it can be anything we want! A trip to Graceland by time machine to meet Elvis.”
“Tardis.” Y/N said.
“Lunch with the Archbishop of Canterbury. I don't have to conform to the vagaries of time and space. I'm a loony, for God's sake! Look, a full moon!” He unwrapped his arm from his girlfriend and leapt to the window and imitated the howl of a wolf.
“Get back in here, Doctor Who.” Y/N said, pulling him back in. “You know you do look Gallifreyan.”
“Thought you wanted to keep quiet about that.” Eddie said, referring to Campbell’s pride on being a loony.
“They're no gonnae do to me what they did to Fergus, Eddie. Nobody's gonna find me in a heap on the pavement. I'm gonna flaunt it. I'm gonna exploit it for all it's worth. Because we are loonies and we are proud!”
He started to chant as he exited with Rosalie and Y/N following and chanting along with him, “We are loonies and we are proud! We are loonies and we are proud!”
Then Y/N spotted Rosalie’s social worker down the hall through the doors, “Rosalie, get back in!” Y/N said, backtracking so fast her boots squeaked against the floor. Social worker! Quick! Social worker!”
The three of them ran back into the radio station and helped hide Rosalie in the cupboard, taking the boxes out.
“I shouldn't have tidied the boxes!” Rosalie stressed before they got the boxes out and Rosalie crawled inside the cupboard and Campbell and Y/N closed the doors.
“Act casual!” Y/N said and then Campbell pulled her into his chest and kissed her slowly, gently, and passionately.
Eddie rolled his eyes, though this was accurate with Campbell being outgoing and deeply affectionate to the antisocial and detached Y/N. They some how helped each other. Campbell helped Y/N heal, be more social, and begin to trust again and Y/N helped calm Campbell down and helped him focus on being in the moment… as long as that moment was him being with her and looking at her like she was his whole universe.
Isabel then entered with Stuart and the social worker.
“Ahem.” Isabel said, politely as Campbell made no move to part from Y/N.
“Break it up, you two.” Stuart said, harshly and was about to physically break them apart when Isabel stopped him and wisely Y/N broke the kiss.
Campbell, licking his lips slightly as Y/N fidgeted with her semicolon open bracelet that Campbell had given her a few days ago for their three-month anniversary.
“Have you seen Rosalie? The social worker's here.” Isabel asked.
Campbell briefly puckered his lips out in an innocent fashion as he shook his head, “She's no been in tonight.”
“Haven’t seen her.” Y/N lied, looking at them.
“She came in at half past seven; I saw her.” Stuart said, sharply.
“Well, she's not here now.” Campbell said pointedly.
“Did you not notice?” Y/N snarked, innocently, looking around the rather small space and giving Stuart a pitying look.
“Are you calling me a liar?” Stuart challenged.
“No, Stuart, I'm calling you stupid!” Campbell shot back.
“That’s an understatement.” Y/N said.
“Eddie, what are those boxes doing out?” Isabel asked, referring to the boxes they had taken out.
“Ehm,” Eddie said, hesitantly, “Campbell, Y/N, and I have been doing some organizing.”  Campbell and Y/N nodded.
“Well, could you put them back in the cupboard now? They could be a fire hazard.” Isabel asked.
“Uh... we're still working with them.
“Nurse said tae put them back in the cupboard!” Stuart demanded.
“It's all right, Stuart.” Isabel tried to push him back but he moved forth towards the boxes.
But Campbell moved in front of Stuart and defiantly said, “But we're still working with them. How low an IQ do you need for your job?” He pushed Stuart in the chest
Stuart then seized Campbell, shouting, “I'll break you like a matchstick—!”
Isabel, Eddie, and Y/N tried to wrestle them apart until Y/N voice thundered above the rest.
“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH HIM!” Y/N roared, grabbing Stuart’s arm and then kneeing him in the stomach, kung fu-style.
“OOF!” He stumbled back as Isabel pushed him back as Eddie pulled Y/N back before she committed her third act of physical assault.
“All right! No one's going to break anyone else like a match!” Isabel said and then went to the cupboard where Rosalie was hiding and knocked, “Rosalie? Do you want to come out now before we end up with blood all over the floor?
Rosalie conceded and emerged from the cupboard as Campbell took Y/N from Eddie, glaring at Stuart.
“Rosalie, this is Linda Foster, the psychiatric social worker; she'd like to have a word.” Isabel introduced.
Rosalie nodded without enthusiasm and left with the social worker, Isabel, and Stuart.
At night, Campbell was on Y/n's bed and was strumming his guitar before stopping as he noticed Y/N starting to get tired.
“Hey, come here.” He pulled her into his chest and pulled the blanket over the both of them. It was quiet as he pondered something, ““Where’d you learn to do that? What you did to Stuart?”
“After EX/N, I took some classes.” She mumbled and he pulled her closer against him.
“Come with me to Radio Scotland. I want you there. Please.”
Y/N looked up at him and nodded before snuggling into his neck. “Mmm-hmm.”
Soon he felt her breathing get deeper and slower.
“Y/N? Y/N?” He said, softly but nothing. “I love you.” He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes to sleep.
Y/N stood with Campbell stacking a box of Uncle Ben's rice, an alarm clock, a box of beans, and a fire extinguisher on the mixing desk while Eddie was in the bathroom.
Then Eddie came back and Y/N turned to Campbell, “Good luck.” She smiled and kissed his cheek before turning but Campbell pulled her back for a loving and soft kiss. He broke the kiss and she turned to leave, entering the control room with Paula as Paula’s assistant handed her a cup of hot chocolate like she asked.
“Thank you, um, what was it?”
“Um, River.” He said in an American accent.
“River, thank you.” She said and sat next to Paula.
Paula pushed the button and spoke into the microphone to them, “You ready, boys?”
Campbell looked at her and nodded, grinning before his eyes going to River, making his smile falter and his eyes narrow but he forced himself to brush it off.
“Is it me or does Eddie look like he died ten minutes ago?” Y/N asked in a rather sardonic tone.
“Eddie, you okay?”
Eddie turned to look at them, “Aye, yeah.”
“Then let's do it. Four, three, two, one, go.” Paula said.
Campbell started the intro in a confident voice, “This is Campbell Bain and this is my alarm clock. It's also a clue. Doctor Boogie has just ten seconds to guess our first number one hit. The year is nineteen-fifty-six.”  He set off the alarm clock.
When they got back to Saint Jude’s hospital, Campbell and Eddie sang loudly as they entered.
“You got on okay, I take it?”  Francine asked.
“Okay?! We practically set fire to the place!” Campbell exclaimed.
“Which explains the fire extinguisher.”
“And you'll never believe what happened.”
“They sectioned the both of youse.” Rosalie teased and laughed.
“Sectioned? You don't section a genius! You say,” Then he imitated Paula, ‘You did really well.’ You say, ‘Come see me on Thursday, Eddie.’ Because you know what I learned today? That the only difference between lunacy and genius is timing! Set off a fire extinguisher in a shrink's office and he'll have you locked up. Do it in front of an audience and it's high farce!” He grabbed Rosalie’s notebook. “It's time to start making lists full of the great things you're going to do, Rosalie. Instead of, ‘twelve bottles of disinfectant spray’, put” He punched his fist in the air, ‘climb the highest mountain’! Instead of ‘large box of scourers’, put ‘cross the deepest ocean’! Instead of ‘one case of Dettol’.” He had kept looking down to read what she had written before pausing to ask in an incredulous tone, “—what the hell are you planning here, Rosalie?”
“It's just my discharge.” Rosalie said.
Campbell’s smile faded and he exchanged looks with Eddie, Y/N, and Francine.
“When?” Eddie asked.
“Friday. They've found me a place in a bed and breakfast.” Rosalie said with false brightness.
“What about the supported accommodation?” Francine asked.
“I'm still on the waiting list.” Rosalie said and then she got a reminiscing look in her eyes.“There used to be this bed and breakfast in Bundoran, where Jim and me used to take Robbie every summer. It was all whitewashed, with wee brass ornaments in the hallway. I don't suppose this place'll be like that, though.”
“You'll still be station manager. You know that.” Eddie told her.
“Aye. It's nice to belong somewhere.” Rosalie said, trying not to cry. and then she looked at Y/N, “Oh, and Y/N, Isabel said there was someone here for you.”
“Oh. O-okay.” Y/N stuttered and she looked at Campbell who nodded at the door like, go. We got this.
Y/N walked down the hall before Stuart grabbed her arm, “You, loony. Come with me.” He jerked her along with him and pushed her into Isabel’s office.
“Ah, Y/N. I would like to speak to you about your section.”
On Thursday, Campbell was badgering Eddie so he turned to him and said, “I told you, I'm just going to go and find out what they thought of the pilot.”
“But what if they make us an offer on the spot?” Campbell asked.
“Then I'll take it on the spot!”
“On what terms? We've gotta be clear on this!”
“Aye, I've written it all down for you, so I have.” Rosalie agreed.
“I've got to go!” Eddie exclaimed and walked down the hall with them following, Y/N staying silent.
“Number one: what exactly is our offer? Number two: will there be a trial period?” Rosalie said.
“I'm telling you, Campbell, there's no gonna be an offer at this meeting.” Eddie sighed.
“Number three, if so, for how long?” Rosalie continued.
“And do you have to wear that jacket?” Campbell complained.
“What's wrong with it?” Eddie asked.
“Number four, if there is a trial period, will the contract be non-exclusive during that time?
“It makes you look like a double-glazing salesman!” Campbell answered.
"Number five, what will the format of the show be?”
“This is gonna be it, Eddie—"
“Look, is nobody listening to me? I took the trouble to make this list and I don't want you going out of here without it, all right?” Rosalie complained.
Eddie then grabbed the list out of Rosalie’s hands, “I'll treasure it always.” He kissed the paper, “See you tonight.” Then he left.
Campbell smiled, he looked at Rosalie and then Y/N, raking a hand through his hair before seeing the blank look on Y/N’s face.
“You alright? You’ve been quiet all morning.”
“I have to make a phone call.” She said and turned around towards the phones but Isabel stopped her.
“Y/N, it’s time for your appointment.”
“Y/N L/N.” A man’s voice called thirty minutes later.
Y/N got up and walked towards the voice, “Hello, I’m Doctor Cairns.” He held out his hand to shake her and she hesitantly did so before going to sit down as he went to the other side of the desk.
“How long have you been with us? Fifteen weeks?”
“About so yes.”
“And until about two weeks ago, you finally told the therapists why you went silent. Because your ex-boyfriend…”
“Boyfriend’s a bit of a reach. More I was constantly taken advantage of and blackmailed into being silent.” She said, bluntly.
“Y-yes. But you’ve been talking for over two months now and I hear you’ve been dating another patient, the manic depressive, Campbell Bain in that time.”
"And your... your ex was recently imprisoned and he’s being sent back to (H/T/N) to be tried.”
“Yes, that is correct.” She nodded, staring determinedly at her semicolon bracelet.
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“We’ve decided that you’re ready to go back in the outside world.” Y/N didn’t react, her heart just jumped into her throat. “Unfortunately, your parents… they don’t want you to move back in with them.”
“Because their daughter was raped by a family friend’s son who they let babysit her and they had publically defended him?” Y/N smiled with sardonicism. “Yeah, I expected that.”
“Something along those lines. But we can set up living accommodations with you somewhere else.” Cairns said. “Perhaps one in Glasgow.
“I have some family money that I became eligible to use when I turned eighteen. Maybe I could buy a house.”
“The thing is, I would prefer you to live with someone else in case there’s an incident.”
“An incident in which I punch someone.”
“You hospitalized two people.”
“Doctor Hollis killed Fergus!” She snapped and leaned back into her chair. “I have some cousins living in Edinburgh, one of them knew what had happened, I could ask her.”
“Babe, are you okay? You’ve been quiet all day.” Campbell asked that night. “Is it because Rosalie’s being discharged tomorrow.”
“I’m being discharged.” She said, quietly and prepared to watch his reactions but they were anything but subtle.
He dropped his guitar with a series of discord notes as his jaw dropped too.
“You’re… you’re leaving? Back to H/T/N?” He sounded heartbroken.
“Yes. Um… this week. They decided since I had started talking and because EX/N was sent back to H/T/N, so there’s no reason for me to be scared anymore. Because I’m better. You made me better, Campbell.”
“But I don’t want you to go…” His voice trembled.
“Here’s the thing. Sit down.” She patted her bed but he didn’t move. “My parents don’t want me back in H/T/N. They don’t want to be judged as the parents who let their friend’s son rape and blackmail their daughter.” He furrowed his eyebrows out of judgement for her parents and confusion and wonder for where she was going with this as he sat down on the bed next to her. “And when I turned eighteen, I was eligible to some family money and I called my cousin and she agreed to come down and transfer to Glasgow University and we could share a house. So I could be close to you… and-and the radio station.”
“You-you’d do that for me?” He asked, uncharacteristically shyly.
“Yeah. I mean, I know it’s only been two months but I like you. Unless you don’t… if you think that’s too much…”
He quieted her with a kiss, “I’d love it. I don’t want to lose you. We have passes tomorrow, we can go look at houses together after Rosalie leaves.”
She smiled and he kissed her sweetly, “Just don’t leave me.” He said, pulling back, “Before you… no girl would even look at me twice, and barely once. But then I met this impossibly shy and beautifully broken girl. And I knew she was just the kindest soul because I would talk constantly and she would listen. Not hear me, but actually listen. And it was the best day of my life. Because that girl was you.”
The next morning, Campbell and Y/N were helping Rosalie make sure she had everything, reading off her list.
“Dettol.” Campbell read.
“Check.” Y/N confirmed.
“Toilet bleach.”
“What does toilet bleach look like?” Y/N asked.
Campbell reached for pick it up from beside the suitcase when Rosalie appeared and snapped sternly, “Don't touch it! I'll get it. Check.”
“Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and hairbrush.” Campbell finished.
“Check, check, check, check.” She started to close the suitcase as Campbell tossed the notebook into the case, “Well. Suppose this is cheerio.”
Then she held out her hand to Francine who then shook it, then she did the same to Campbell, Y/N, and Eddie.
“Good luck, huh?” Eddie asked.
“Now, I want youse to notice that I shook hands with you lot without the use of major tranquilizers, which just goes to show how well I am these days.”
“Come on. I'm going tae work. I'll give you a lift in.” Eddie said and he left with Rosalie.
Isabel came in and said, “Y/N, your cousin’s here.”
“Great, let’s go!” Campbell grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled her along.
“Well. That place was depressing.” C/N declared, driving away from the place the obvious drug dealer had up for rent.
“I liked that first house. The blue one with the two rooms.” Campbell said, “It was only like a fifteen-minute drive from the hospital.”
“Yeah, I did too but could we stop at the first spot on the list.”
“Oh, Y/N even with our family money, that’s a bit pricey.”
“I-I know but it might be within our price limit someday.”
C/N drove them to a house—well, it was more of a mansion. A rather quirky mansion.
“This cannot be within your price limit.” Campbell shook his head, “Unless are you rich?”
“I, uh, actually found this house while I was researching real estate a few weeks into our relationship. For when you become a famous DJ and if we make it.”
Campbell looked at her, “We? As in you and me as a couple?”
“I know that’s freaky as we’ve been dating two months and I’ve hospitalized two people and my ex harassed you. And I’m probably messing it up now but…”
“Hey.” Campbell said, taking her hand, “I love it. I mean you’ve met me right, I’m a total loon. I bugged you for a month and a half until you talked to me.”
Eddie entered the studio later where he had been heatedly discussing something with Y/N when he spotted Eddie approaching the studio and pushed him into the studio,  “Eddie! Jesus! Where have you been?”
“Working. What's up?”
“How did you no tell me about this? How'd you not warn me?” Campbell demanded.
“About what?”
“Paula has been on the phone to me today.”
“Oh.” Eddie said,
Campbell started to pace back and forth, while gesturing, “She seemed to think I knew all about it. ‘Aye,’ I said, ‘He told me all about your meeting.’ But it seems there was a few wee details you left out.” He put his hands on his hips.
“I'm sorry. I—” Eddie stammered.
“I know what you thought. You thought, I'd just get agitated. I'm a manic-depressive, so how no?”
“That's not what I thought.” Eddie defended himself.
“But did you never stop to consider that one day a fish bone might get stuck in the throat of history, and that we'd be standing here, like we are now, at the door of destiny, and totally unprepared for it?
“What are you talking about?” Eddie asked.
“The fish bone? The one that got stuck in David Thompson's throat?” Campbell clarified.
“Their Sunday afternoon DJ! He got a fish bone stuck in his throat last night, was rushed to Casualty, and they've asked us to take his Gold Show! Today!” Campbell said, excitedly.
Eddie swallowed nervously, “...I'm no ready.”
“Well neither am I, but we're gonna have to go for it!” Campbell said, his voice squeaking with excitement.
“No, no, I'm really no ready!” Eddie refused.
“Paula said we could use David's running order, but if we leave now, we can choose some stuff ourselves.” Campbell said.
“I'm no ready.
“She said she'll be there to take us through everything. And you don't have to worry about here; Francine's gonna taking our show straight off the air. Y/N’s coming with us, of course.”
“I'm no ready, Campbell!”
“Eddie, you've been waiting for this moment most of your life. When exactly did you think you'd be ready? Now let's go!” Campbell exclaimed and grabbed his jacket and then Y/N’s hand and they rushed out of the station.
Campbell left Y/N to thrust records into Eddie’s arms.
“Eddie! Come on!” Campbell complained.
Campbell looked up at Y/N through the glass, seeing her give her an encouraging smile that melted his insides.
He pushed the fader up and spoke with his usual insane enthusiasm, “Kicking off the Gold Show and standing in for David Thompson is me, Campbell Bain, and Doctor Boogie, professor of pop, soul, and rock and roll! In today's competition we invite you to pit your wits against the master of hits himself!
"If you can ask me any verifiable question on any of the titles that we play today that I cannae answer, you win... the grand prize!" Eddie said.
"What is the grand prize, you ask? I am holding in my hand a rare copy of 'Mandolins in the Moonlight' by Perry Como, from nineteen-fifty -eight. And unless you can stump Doctor Boogie,” Then he imitated a scary gravelly voice, “we're actually going to play it! How about it, Gold-Diggers? Just phone 041-357-9719 to try and stop me!”
He put on Don’t Play That Song For Me (You Lied) by Aretha Franklin and started the challenge.
“Uh, no, caller, I'm afraid Jim Morrison couldnae have written Bright Side of the Road—” Eddie told the caller.
“Because he was dead at the time, right, Doctor Boogie?” Campbell finished.
“Aye, a definite liability, but it did give Van Morrison a chance to write it instead.” Eddie added.
At another caller called with something and Campbell responded with,“Well, unless you can prove that Wilson Pickett had a boa constrictor called Hugo, I'm gonna have to disqualify that!”
Another caller asked about an Elvis song and Eddie said, “And it's become one of the most covered songs in rock 'n' roll since Elvis' death.” Eddie said and apparently the caller questioned Elvis’ death because Eddie then said as Paula laughed while on the phone and Y/N laughed along with her, “Aye! 1977! It was in all the papers!”
He looked at Campbell who made an incredulous face to both Eddie and Y/N.
At some point, Eddie looked at the clock and said, “And it's 3:47—
“Still thirteen minutes left to try and stump Doctor Boogie,” Campbell declared and put on the gravely voice again, “if you cannn!”
Y/N looked at Paula who seemed to be making quite a few phone calls and she turned to tugged on River’s vest and said something to him while nodding at Campbell and Eddie and then to Paula.
Thirteen minutes later in which both River and Y/N spoke to Paula which Eddie kept glancing nervously at, before Paula gave Campbell and Eddie a cut-off signal.
They had Eddie drive them back as Campbell kept eyeing Y/N suspiciously after seeing how she was with River and couldn’t help but be jealous.
“So, Y/N… getting cozy with the cute assistant.”
She looked at him as he preteneded not to care.
“Oh, he has a name?” He grumbled.
“I’m just meeting him for lunch tomorrow…”
Campbell turned to her, now getting a bit agitated and definitely jealous, “You’re going on a date with him.”
“No. We’re going to talk about you two. They wanted an opinion by someone that wasn’t either of you but close enough to you two to get the full scoop.” Y/N said, “Besides he has a girlfriend. She’s planning on being true crime radio dramatist. She’s going to have her own station where she talks about true crimes.”
“Oh.” Campbell seemed a lot happier by now as Eddie turned up the radio to drown them out.
It was awkward before Campbell said loudly, “So, Y/N’s being discharged this week!”
The brakes screeched as Eddie stopped the car in shock.
Once they reentered Saint Jude’s, they were greeted with applause and cheers.
“Friends, loonies: as Neil Armstrong said on that fateful day when he first put his foot on the moon...” He announced and then shouted, “WE ARE LOONIES, AND WE ARE PROUD!”
The crowd and Y/N chanted along with Campbell, “We are loonies, and we are proud!”
Y/N spotted Stuart who didn’t try to restrain anyone and that’s when she realized something was wrong. Stuart wasn’t being violent towards innocent mental health patients.
The door opened and a Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (or SSPCA) officer entered. Y/N’s smile fell.
Francine’s kittens.
Francine spotted it too and cried out, “NOOO!”
She tried to stop him but Stuart restrained her as she screamed and the chanting stopped.
“NO! LEAVE THEM ALONE! STOP! YOU CAN’T TAKE THEM! NO! YOU CANNAE TAKE THEM!” Francine screamed while Y/N picked the lock to Stuart’s office.
Eddie tried to help her but some of the patients held him back, “Easy, easy!”
The SSPCA officer carried the kittens out in a cage as Y/N emerged from Stuart’s office with a belt—one for particularly violent patients that he hasn’t used as much as he thought he would. Not even close.
Y/N whipped Stuart’s back, making him shout in pain and release Francine as Campbell grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled her away from Stuart before he realized what it was her who had done it as she dropped the belt.
Francine didn’t get far before Stuart grabbed her again.
"Let her go, will ya!” Eddie shouted, “Let her go!”
Campbell’s pride and happiness had faded into terrified worry.
Eddie managed to push Stuart off of Francine and onto the ground, but then he got up and grabbed Eddie by the lapels and snarled out, “I've waited ages to do this!” Then he headbutted Eddie in the face, cracking his nose, Eddie collapsed, smearing blood on the doorframe as Francine kept screaming.
Y/N was by Eddie’s side as Isabel was the only other person to show sympathy, asking gently, “Do you want me to do something for that?”
“Do you no realize what you've done?” Eddie demanded before shouting, “DOES NAEBODY REALIZE WHAT THEY'VE DONE?!”
“What are you going to do about that, princess?” Stuart sneered at Y/N as she calmly examined Eddie and the patients drifted away.
She looked at him. He wanted her to be violent so her section would be renewed so he could torture her longer. But she didn’t.
She stood up with fury in her eyes, it was hard to tell whether it was more ice-cold or fiery hot.
“You’re pathetic. You’re not helping, you don’t try to help. All you do and every ‘sane’ person does is crush our hopes and dreams by destroying the very things that help us heal. You give us no chance to show that we’ve gotten better and declare us as violent when you’re the violent one. I only hurt people who hurt people I love. Hollis only saw Fergus as a guinea pig and he fucking died because of it. You took those kittens from Francine because they made her happy. They started to heal what was broken unlike you because you will never be able to heal what has been broken in you. Because you don’t care. You don’t care for the patients and you ignore our needs and feelings and are completely and utterly blind to our skills.”
“Skills?” Stuart scoffed like it was the most ludicrous thing he had ever heard, “What skills?”
“Remember Campbell’s first broadcast? You doubted that Fergus could fix the mixer. What was it you said? ‘He couldn’t get his brain going again’? And it turns out he had a master’s degree and was a genius. Because he was a loony, you assumed he was stupid. But he wasn’t you’re the one who can’t get his brain working. You shouldn’t be restraining loonies, you should be locked up in your own solitary room in a straightjacket.”
12 notes · View notes
quanticowrites · 2 years
Genuine Article Pt. 1 (Ernie Malik x Reader)
•• Aaaa my first NCIS: Hawai'i fic, I'm super stoked for this! As you can see...a multi-part fic :3 Enjoy! ••
Working at the Pearl Harbour Navy Base had seemed like a faraway dream as a kid, but here you were, pulling up to the gate in your car. An Officer came out of the building to greet you, asking for your ID and the purpose of being there. You beamed up at him.
"Special Agent (Y/n), NCIS. I just transferred here." You handed him your badge and ID and watched as he scanned it through the system. He smiled back at you once everything cleared.
"Welcome to Pearl! Guess I'll be seeing you around." He motioned with his head toward the base. "If you ever need a tour around the base, just ask for Officer Gabriel." You tried your best not to look disheveled, forcing your smile to stay on your lips.
"Thank you, but I think my new team will have the task of showing me around." His smile slightly faltered before he pressed the button to open the gate."Don't be a stranger now!" He called after you, a slight southern accent pulling out from his words. He wasn't a local, he must have been a transplant, just like you. You followed the signs for staff parking before heading inside. You were thankful your ID worked on the key fob door. With how quickly you'd transferred here you weren't sure if all of your information and clearance would arrive before you did. You followed the hallway to an elevator and punched the button for the lobby floor. That was as good a place as any to start looking for your new team. It was already a four-person team, making you the fifth member. If you remembered the names from the sheet they'd given you, the Leader's name was Jane Tennant. You wouldn't have trouble remembering that one. Jane was one of the handfuls of legends at NCIS along with Gibbs, Pride, and Hetty. It was an honor to have even been chosen by her as you had. Your name hadn't been in the transfer hub for one day when she snagged you up from the Northeast field office. You'd kind of been hoping for a transfer to New Orleans to be closer to family, but you were certainly not going to complain about being moved to the island state. The door opened, and without looking at which floor you were on, headed out of the elevator. You didn't have much time to react as a man rushed into the elevator, plowing you down to the ground and your briefcase flying open and scattering both documents and personal items throughout the elevator.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I hadn't expected anyone to be inside here! No one ever comes down to the basement." You held your breath as you looked up at your assailant. He was shorter than you, you could tell that from the ground. He crouched down and started gathering up your things. You laughed a little as you went to grab a small Hello Kitty figurine, pulling your hand back quickly as your fingers brushed against his.
“I-It’s fine. I should have noticed this wasn’t the lobby floor.” He handed you the rest of your things and you stuffed them back into your briefcase. You stood back up and saw him eyeing the multitude of stickers you’d adorned it with.
“Wow, you get around. Japan, Norfolk, Great Lakes-!” You blinked as he whacked himself in the face with his palm. “God, I’m an idiot! You’re our new transfer agent, (y/n).” You smiled, holding out your hand.
“And…your…Ernie? Right?” His file had said he was the resident tech master. He straightened and somehow, that smile of his grew larger.
“The one and only!” He hit the button for the Lobby. “Here, I was just heading up to see Tennant and the team myself, I found something relevant to the case they’re working on.”
“What’s the case?” His mood darkened.
“Hannah Freelove, the young daughter of an Admiral, was kidnapped two days ago.” You nodded, but more so for yourself. You might be new but that wasn’t going to stop you from bringing this girl back to her family. You only hoped to god it wouldn’t be in a body bag.
“I’ll help any way I can.” You couldn't tell if it was from the close confines of the elevator, but you could have sworn a dark blush had spread across his face. The Elevator doors beeped, opened, and once again Ernie was out like a flash. Shirttail of his button-up flew behind him.
You followed after him to a group of desks. There were the other agents of Tennant’s team. Jesse, Lucy, and Kai. That empty desk behind Kai’s must be yours. You didn’t put your briefcase down yet, just in case you were wrong. You’d already had one embarrassing moment, you didn’t want to have another.
“Where’s Tennant?” Jesse nodded upstairs.
“She just got pulled into a video call with the director. She said it wasn’t case related.” He crossed his arms and leaned against his desk, eyes flicking to you. “Who’s your friend here, Ernie?” Ernie took a step to the side.
“Meet our new transfer agent, (y/n)!” Lucy turns into a blur as she speeds around her desk and wraps you up into a hug.
“(Y/n)! Welcome!” You let out a laugh before hugging her back.
“Thank you.” Once Lucy let you go you looked over at Ernie. “Didn’t you have something important to say?” Ernie shuffled in place before ultimately tapping his tablet.
“You’re right, I can read Jane in later, this is too important to wait.” He flipped his tablet around to show a picture of a boot print cast and the original undisturbed print in the mud. You deduced it must have been from the scene of Hannah’s abduction. “Looking at this, you probably think this boot print has no major significance, I mean, Navy-issued boots are a dime a dozen on the island-”
“Ernie,” Kai interjected to steer him back on course. “Your point?” Ernie cleared his throat.
“Well, this is a custom-designed boot. Our military boots don’t have this tread pattern at the bottom.” He used his fingers to zoom in on the cast. It looked like a barbed wire with a pair of deer hooves in the middle. That certainly was unique. “And me being me, I already checked with local shops that do this kind of thing.”
“Did you get a hit?” Jesse asked. Ernie didn’t reply at first, as he pulled up half a dozen pictures.
“Within the past year, these men bought boots with this tread. I’m judging that this print is roughly a size 13.”
“Well,” Jesse started, “ let’s go see if any of these dudes have big feet, or better yet, mud on their boots.”
“You don’t think they would've ditched ‘em by now?” Kai questioned.
“These boots had to have cost them a decent chunk of cash, no way they’d just throw them away. Not without attempting to clean them first, at least.” He motioned between himself and Kai. “Kai, you and I take the top 3, Lucy and (Y/n) you take the bottom. Ernie, by chance did you get there-” Ernie flashed a smug smile as he pulled out index cards listing information about each person, including their last registered address. Jesse chuckled as he took his three. “I don’t even know why I ask.”
“I don’t either.” Ernie quipped before waving you all off as you headed out. Before you and Lucy headed anywhere she made sure to grab a spare tactical vest from the equipment room for you, and since she knew the roads, she drove the both of you out to the house of the first person on your list.
“So…” She started, and you waited for her to continue before repeating back to her.
“You and Ernie!” You blinked.
“What about me and Ernie? I’ve barely known him for two hours!” She nodded, excitedly.
“Well, he was acting strange around you! Did something happen before you went to the squad room?”
“He ran into me on the elevator. I mean ran, plowed me straight to the ground.” You were going to keep the finger-touching incident to yourself. You hadn't known Lucy long but you could tell she was the kind of person to try and set her friends up. You’d just had a rather rough breakup back in Illinois, that was part of the reason you transferred. To get as far away from that as you could. It was too early to jump back into the dating game, but Lucy and the others didn’t need to know that. There was a more important matter at hand, finding Hannah. Or at the very least find the person whose boot print was at the scene. Lucy must have found that funny because she started laughing. The rest of the car ride felt like a game of twenty questions. What’s your favorite color? Movie? Ice Cream flavor? She was quite the chatterbox, but you didn’t mind. As long as she didn’t drift into your love life, you were fine with it.
She finally pulled up to the house. When you and Lucy knocked on the door he answered, and was very cooperative. He didn’t mind showing you his boots. They were still in the box. Plus, they were a size eight. Not your guy. When you met with the next man on your list you saw he was currently wearing the pair, but his pair was caked with paint, not mud. He walked you to his living room and showed you the large canvas he had on his floor, covered in the painted boot prints. He was an abstract artist. He was also a size eleven. Closer, but still not your guy. It was drawing nearer to evening, and you were hoping Jesse and Kai were having more luck. If they were, you were certain they would have called Lucy by now.
The last guy on your list had a rap sheet a mile long. Mostly only drug possession and intent to distribute, nothing that would suggest he’d take a darker step into the criminal world by kidnapping a little girl. As Lucy pulled up outside his apartment complex, you felt a churning in your gut. You just had a feeling.
“Lucy!” She was already halfway to the front door. She turned.
“Which one is his apartment again?” She pulled out the card from her pocket.
“Uh…203? Why?”
“I just have a feeling he’s gonna run for it. I’ll cover the back.” You state and run to the other side of the building, this side had patios. If he was going to try and run, it’d have to be out this door. Otherwise, he’ll have to try and get past Lucy in the front. You heard Lucy announce herself and kick in his door. You pulled your gun and watched as the patio's sliding glass door flew open and the suspect ran out, grabbing onto the railing and pulling his legs up like he was thinking of jumping. That was an easy fifteen-foot drop. If he didn’t know what he was doing there was a good chance he’d break both ankles and his legs if he was lucky.
“NCIS! Don’t even think about it!” Even from the ground, you could see his face pale. Lucy came up behind him and grabbed him by the wrists and put him in cuffs. She nodded inside.
“Boots are by the front door, and they are definitely caked in mud!” You holstered your gun.
“Buddy, you just became suspect number one.” Your stomach growled as you headed back around to go grab the suspect’s boots while Lucy put him in the back of the car. Another growl and you hoped that with a suspect in custody that someone on the team might know where to get a good bite to eat close to the base. You still had to figure out your whole living situation, but for now, a bunk at Pearl and your car were all you had.
Tag list:
@stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @a-sad-excuse-of-everything , @marennnx
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