#jane means appleton
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msachillelaurosfunnels · 2 months ago
I LOVE MY WIFE!!! but it's Jane and Franklin Pierce... :33
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Credits to uhhhhhhhh idk I found this template on Pinterest... 😭😭
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pranklinfierce · 5 months ago
If Robert Means Brooks
And Jane Means Appleton
What does Gaston Mean?
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doved-icelebrity · 10 months ago
Jane Goodall, “The Book of Hope”, Celebrityhood, and Meaning-Making
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Jane Goodall’s “The Book of Hope” classifies itself as “a survival guide for trying times” and follows through on this promise. This book is a documented discussed between Jane Goodall, an English primatologist, conversationalist, and anthropologist (Appleton, National Geographic, 2024), and Douglas Abrams, an author and optimistic founder of Idea Architects (HaperCollins Publishers). This illuminating collaboration invites readers to live hopeful lives in order to inspire themselves and the world around them, beautifully stating “Hope is contagious.”
This book is a beacon of optimism, a lighthouse of faith, a sunbeam of necessary dreams for the often-daunting future.
Jane Goodall revolutionizes the concept of celebrityhood. Goodall is widely known and beloved, and uses this momentum to spread knowledge and potent positivity, selflessly. Goodall has dedicated her entire life to caring for animal’s wellbeing and the environments in which they exist. “The Book of Hope” illustrates Goodall’s lifelong devotion to meaningful change, discussing her journey from dreamer to globally recognized activist. This subversive depiction of celebrityhood paves new paths for what it means to be a celebrity. Fame can be wielded for the greater good, and Goodall amplifies this possibility through her actions and shared stories.
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Fame and celebrityhood as a concept is often aligned with the implication of seeking personal gain, superficial attention, and fleeting resources. Goodall’s platform depicts an opposite portrayal. Goodall transcends modern spheres of celebrity and advocates for the attention and resources she garners to be poured back into her environmental causes.
Jane Goodall has contributed widely and profoundly to social causes and her activist pursuits throughout her lifelong career. “The Book of Hope” travels along these contributions in vivid, inspirational detail. Witnessing Goodall’s efforts places a direct emphasis on the power of change that each of us holds within us. Discussions of endurance, devotion, and unyielding perseverance to her passions serve as a call to action for readers to take inspiration from.
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Goodall and “The Book of Hope” serve as powerful examples of social change being possible and pertinent. This book grows in relevancy as the world turns on and bursts of hope and feelings of ability wean away from us. Goodall ensures readers that the impact of one can influence many, and the influence of many can revolutionize communities. Spanning from discussions on climate change, politics, conservation efforts, and universes of meaning in between, “The Book of Hope” can speak to all who dare to listen.
“Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved.”
“The Book of Hope” identifies and introduces distinct reasons for hope. By calling attention to individual’s ability, innovation, resilience, determination, and unrelenting spirit, readers are called back into ourselves and motivated to respond. Goodall’s unique, authentic, powerful perspective has impacted individuals for decades, and this book’s collection of her thoughts and experiences will carry on impacting readers for long to come. There will never be a time with humans do not require reminders of hope, or when the awe-inspiring actions of activists will not be important for us to draw motivation from.
“Let us use the gift of our lives to make this a better world.”
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raveledits · 2 years ago
Mes fcs préférés du mois (et dont j’ai pas déjà partagé leurs galeries) :
Qiu Tian
Zoe Barnard, par Eddie New (2), Isabella Schimid (1), et Jeremy Cho (1)
Yoon Young Bae
Toni Engonga
Samile Bermannelli
Emma Appleton
Anita Jane Pathammavong
Amandine Pouilly
Alyda Grace
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ladysophy · 2 years ago
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1835 miniatures of a young (and future American president) Franklin Pierce and his wife Jane (née Means Appleton).
Source: (X).
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hbachtinusa · 4 years ago
Kawan Karib
Franklin Pierce presiden keempat belas Amerika Serikat merupakan orang kelahiran Utara ( wilayah di sebelah Utara Amerika Serikat yang diidentikan dengan wilayah industri, berpandangan terbuka dan memperjuangkan penghapusan sistem budak) namun beliau malah menyetujui sistem perbudakan (menganggap budak kulit hitam merupakan "aset harta" milik para pengelola perkebunan di wilayah selatan yang wajib dilindungi negara). Beliau juga berteman dengan Jefferson Davis, seorang aktivis perbudakan pada masa itu.
Atas sikapnya ini Franklin Pierce menjadi semacam musuh publik saat itu, mulai dari partai politik, para aktivis hingga tetangga-nya sendiri memusuhinya. Baik ketika beliau masih menjabat sebagai presiden hingga ketika beliau telah pensiun.
Pada bulan Desember  tahun 1863, mantan presiden Franklin Pierce yang telah uzur kehilangan istrinya Jane Means Appleton. Sang mantan Presiden yang popularitasnya meredup menjalani rangkaian upacara pemakaman itu sendirian (keluarga Pierce telah lebih dulu kehilangan ketiga putranya) tubuhnya terlihat begitu ringkih sering batuk, namun tidak ada yang mempedulikan beliau. Sampai seorang tua maju dan memakaikan mantelnya kepada sang Mantan presiden.
Orang tua ini adalah sang penulis Nathaniel Hawthorne, beliau adalah sahabat karib Franklin Pierce. Mereka pertama kali bertemu saat berusia 17 tahun, ketika tengah berstatus sebagai sesama siswa di Bowdoin College.
Sewaktu Franklin Pierce maju sebagai presiden, meski dengan isu yang tidak populer. Nathaniel Hawthorne tetap mendukung sahabatnya itu sebagai juru kampanye. Ketika sang Presiden berhasil menang pemilu, sebagai imbal baliknya beliau mengangkat Nathaniel Hawthorne sebagai duta besar untuk wilayah Liverpool (sebuah pekerjaan yang tidak memerlukan tanggung jawab besar namun memberi kesempatan bagi si Penulis untuk mengunjungi Inggris dan memperkaya bahan tulisannya).
Saat karya-nya yang berjudul "Our old Home" selesai, Hawthorne mempersembahkan karya ini bagi mantan presiden Franklin Pierce. Penerbitnya sempat menolak untuk mencetaknya, kawan-kawannya sesama penulis juga menyarankan agar dia tak menyebut-nyebut lagi nama Pierce yang saat itu dianggap sebagai pengkhianat bangsa akibat persahabatannya dengan Jefferson Davis (yang kemudian memberontak dengan mengangkat dirinya sendiri sebagai presiden konfederasi dan melancarkan perang saudara).
Nathaniel Hawthorne tak peduli, dia menyatakan bahwa karya-nya ini terealisasi berkat kesempatan yang diberikan presiden Franklin Pierce. Sewajarnya ia harus mengungkapkan rasa terima kasihnya pada sang Mantan presiden yang juga putra pahlawan kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat ini. Persahabatannya dengan Pierce jelas lebih lama daripada masa perkenalan-nya dengan sesama penulis. Jika mereka ingin mengucilkan-nya dan bila rakyat Amerika serikat harus bersikap sepicik itu, maka mereka tidak perlu membeli karyanya.
Pada tahun 1864, Nathaniel Hawthorne yang sering mengalami kram perut mengajak karibnya Franklin Pierce untuk berlibur ke sebuah tempat bernama "White Mountain" di daerah New Hampshire konon tempat ini beriklim segar. Perjalanan antara dua karib ini disebut sebagai perjalanan paling tidak masuk akal di jamannya. Kondisi kram perut Hawthorne semakin parah, mantan presiden Franklin Pierce akibat sifat alkoholik-nya telah kehilangan salah satu penglihatannya, kaki-nya juga sudah mulai sulit melangkah dengan tegap. Di masa mudanya ketika mengabdi sebagai tentara, mantan presiden Franklin Pierce sempat mengalami kecelakaan (kudanya jatuh dan menimpa kakinya).
Banyak orang yang memprediksi bahwa salah satu dari mereka akan meninggal dalam perjalanan ini,  sebagian besar menduga bahwa ini merupakan perjalanan terakhir Franklin Pierce.
Ironisnya justru Hawthorne yang meninggal dalam tidurnya pada tanggal 19 Mei 1864 dalam sebuah kamar hotel di kota plymouth, New Hampshire. Saat rombongan mereka tengah dalam perjalanan  pulang dari White Mountain, mantan presiden Pierce lah yang pertama kali menyadari bahwa sahabat karibnya ini telah meninggal.
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msachillelaurosfunnels · 2 months ago
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Credits to @gabbyizcool for the Franklin Pierce reaction image 💥💥🔥🔥
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parkersrevenge · 7 years ago
I can see 39 being said by Sam Howe, so would you like to do something with that? The recipient of the gift can be Julia, one of their kids, Charles, Ted, or whoever!
For as repressed and trapped in his hyper-masculinity as he often could be, there were a fewthings that Samuel Gridley Howe was openly exuberant about. Sports, naturally. Gardening,shockingly. Yet perhaps his greatest joys of all were the holidays. Halloweenat his apartment rivaled the most terrifying of haunted houses, and his Fourthof July barbecue was legendary throughout all of South Boston. Christmas topped themall.
Henry Longfellow’s parties tended to be grander, with a larger guestlist. Sam’s parties were somewhat more intimate, but by it’s very nature madean invite to one of them a very exclusive honor. Sam’s parties were fun, theywere entertaining, and they usually ended with some fucked up or legendarystory that would live on throughout the year until the next party could begin.There was the year Charles accidentally sat on Oliver and broke his hip. Twoyears ago, Sam attempted to cook a turkey for dinner and set the kitchen, andhis hand, on fire. Last year was by far the happiest, as Sam- perhaps as athank you in his own way for Henry’s mistletoe scheme- not only invited FannyAppleton to the shindig, but played such a charming and talented wingman thatby the end of the night Fanny had given Henry a kiss on the cheek.
If last year’s party would go down in history, this year’sparty would go down in legend. At least, that’s how Oliver would tell it afterthe fact, with a few embellishments for dramatic effect. It wasn’t entirelyOliver’s fault. He hadn’t actually been there to witness what had made it solegendary. No one had. It was entirely reliant on the few clues Sam and Charleshad offered up, and they weren’t offering many.
The legend began on Christmas Eve, as all the guests hadgone for the evening. Sam and Charles found themselves alone, with Sam bustlingaround the living room trying to tidy things up.
“Why didn’t you go with Henry? Sunday’s are usually his daysfor sleep overs.” Sam asked, curiously.
“Well, yes, but this was your party, and I’d rather sleepwith you tonight.” Charles shrugged, sitting down on the sofa and taking a smallsip of eggnog, fully aware of the double meaning in his reply and hoping that Samcaught on to it.
“The party is over, though.” Sam continued, pacing aroundthe room casually.
Charles wasn’t quite sure what to make of that reply. Samwas normally fighting Henry for time, and never seemed to complain when heactually won. Especially considering how flirty he was trying to be. Charleshad a sinking feeling in his gut that he might not be wanted, and it felt likea slap in the face. “Should…. I go?”
Sam glanced over at him, a flash of confusion on his face,which quickly melted into concern. “No! No no, I didn’t mean… no. Sorry.” Asigh. “I’m sorry. I’m… just out of it right now.”
Now it was time for Charles to look concerned. “Is somethingwrong, Chev?”
“I had an idea. Well, no, not an idea. Just. I was thinking,and I- now I’m thinking it was a bad idea. Not a bad idea, just not… right. Youknow?” He blurted out, waving his hands around as he attempted to gather histhoughts. Charles tried to follow the line of thought, but Sam had given himnothing to go on. All he could do was stare at him like he had five heads.
“No, right. Of course. I’m not making any sense. I- ok. Holdon.” Sam sighed again, then hurried out of the room, leaving Charles moreconfused than ever. He came back in a few minutes later, higher strung thanCharles had ever seen him before.
“Sam, I’m- really worried now. What is it?”
Sam slowly sat down next to him, holding a small parcel inhis hands. “I just… got you a present. It’s stupid. I should wait, really.”
Charles looked between him and the package, still completelyflabbergasted. “But it’s Christmas? Isn’t this the best time to open gifts? Imean, if you’re worried that it’s not Christmas day yet, it technically is.It’s after midnight!” Charles smiled widely. For as stoic as he could be attimes, he had a soft spot for presents, and for the life of him he couldn’tfigure out why Sam was acting so weird about it.
“Alright, fine. You’re right. I’m just being silly. Hostinga party is very stressful, Charlie. Here.” He smiled, still looking unnaturallytense, placing the parcel in Charles’ lap. “Merry Christmas. I… hope you likeit.”
Charles was eager to open it, but Sam’s behavior wasworrying him, and he shook his head. “Sam, is something wrong? I’m reallystarting to-”
“Just open the damn present, Charlie!” He snapped, shakinghis head immediately after. “Sorry! Sorry, please… please open it.”
Charles eyed him suspiciously, but did as he was told,unwrapping the gift and opening the box carefully. “It’s what I’ve alwayswanted, Chev! Tissue paper. Thank you!” He grinned, pulling out the wrappingand tossing it to the side.
Sam laughed, tension finally starting to fade. “Only thebest for you, Charlie. Only the best. I know how much you love tissue paper.Just wait til your birthday. Two words: Bubble wrap.”
“Ugh, you just spoiled my birthday present! Saaaaam.”Charles nudged him playfully, then continued fishing through the box curiously.“What exactly do you have in- oh.” Reaching down to the bottom, Charles pulledout a small box, fitting perfectly in the palm of his hand. “Is… this…” Charlesopened the little box slowly, gasping when he saw the ring inside. “Sam?”
Sam smiled, visibly shaking, and slowly got down on oneknee. “I was thinking, hey, it’s Christmas. It’s your favorite time of year,and it always makes you happy, but then tonight I was afraid it might not beenough. I should have done something more. Fireworks, or- something.”
“I don’t trust you with fireworks,” Charles laughed,blinking away tears.
“Fair enough. So…. Maybe… this is cliché, or not specialenough, and maybe I’m ruining it entirely with my entire personality, but… Ilove you. You already have my heart, Charlie. And god knows, I’m not worthy ofthe affection you’ve always given me. I’m cranky, and stubborn, and grumpy, andevery time I try to cook I burn the food or myself. I know I’m not a catch. Butyou chose me, all the same, and… I’m smart enough to know how lucky I truly am.Marry me?”
As Oliver would later recount, once he heard the news andwas able to tell others, the proposal was something out of a Jane Austen story.Sam was very eager to help confirm that fact, and Charles allowed the rumor tospread for Sam’s sake.
Charles was less pleased when Oliver continued that Charles’response was to jump on top of Sam, toppling both of them to the floor in loveand lust-filled frenzy. There was an interlude about the ring rolling under thecouch, in a way only Oliver could make entertaining, and the story concluded bystating that the ring was not actually put on until the next morning when theyboth remembered it. Charles denied it; Sam was non-committal. Henry, of course,was given the full story, but his lips remained sealed.
The only thing that can beconfirmed, as far as history can tell, is that Charles said yes.
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dianaleaghmatthews · 8 years ago
First Ladies: Jane Means Appleton Pierce
First Ladies: Jane Means Appleton Pierce
Jane Pierce, with her son, Benjamin
Jane is described as a “delicate” child and adult.
Her brother-in-law was an instructor at Bowdoin College to a young man named Franklin Pierce. How Jane and Franklin met is not known for sure, all though this connection seems the most obvious. They were married on November 19, 1834. The couple is described as having a “genuine deep affection for one another”.
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truly-aninspiration-blog · 8 years ago
e for everyone
Mel: eh, not so experienced, howl is her first real partner, had a few one-night stands/quickies with women before
Ber: 7-8 partners before Simba but was mainly having vanilla sex, has had lots of diff flavors of sex under da sun now
Kiara: Relatively experienced for her age! She’s had several partners and hook-ups and has tried some diff positions. She’s also read a fair bit about sex bc she’s got a high sex drive and finds it interesting too 
Hades: eh not so many partners before Belle, rly only vanilla sex though he had it in lots of diff places, still having mostly vanilla sex
Milo: 1 partner before jane-- petra appleton. not very experienced and def hesitant to try lots of stuff so probably the least experienced. 
Nala: She’s only ever had sex with like... 3 ppl in her entire life. She was having sex regularly with just one of ‘em and she hasn’t had sex for at least two years now lol my bae. not a lot of experimenting either bc she hasn’t ever gotten to the stage where she feels comfortable
Kiki: my blushing virgin, who hasn’t even kissed anyone, ever, :C 
Anita: Anita! Is getting more experience lol. She’s slept wiiiith i like 3-4 ppl now? She’s curious and more confident and since she’s known Roger so long I feel like she’ll be p open to new things right away
Prince: lol i mean im p sure he’s only had sex with willow a handful of times back in the day and im p sure it was very vanilla he was 16/17
Paul: Pretty damn experienced! He’s been having sex since 14 and has gotten pretty damn good at it (its a point of pride of the Patts boys to be able to PLEASE their WOMEN). His relationship with Perdy rly helped him grow in like-- different types of sex and stuff. They were having a lOT of sex before she got pregnant lmao why do u think she got pregnant
Andrina: Experienced. She lost her virginity around 15 with her v first boyfriend. She’s mostly had quickies and one night stands and stuff. 
Merida: VIRGIN she’s only like ever snogged someone
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thepoolscene · 8 years ago
The Pool Scene - Turning Stone Classic - Joss Northeast 9-Ball
New Post on http://thepoolscene.com/?p=22235
Turning Stone Classic XXVIII 9-Ball Open - August 31-September 3
Mike Zuglan’s Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour and Turning Stone Resort Casino are proud to present our 2016-2017 Season Finale, The $25,000 Added, “Turning Stone Classic XXVIII 9-Ball Open”. This event will take place in Turning Stone’s beautiful & spacious Event Center which is known worldwide as one of the best venues ever. There are no bad seats, and the layout allows you to mingle with all of your favorite players and friends, giving you the feeling of being part of the action yourself. There is an aura of intimacy that seems to surround you at these events. If you have never been to Turning Stone, located in Verona NY, you simply don’t know what you are missing. Check them out at www.turningstone.com 
  For an unprecedented 28th time, we will have a full field of players with no shortage of past, present and future Champions. Defending champion Jayson Shaw & Johnny Archer who both have 6 Turning Stone Classic wins each, will both be there to try to break the tie for the most wins. However, with players like 2017 BCA Hall Of Fame inductee Darren Appleton, Shane Van Boening, Rodney Morris, Earl Strickland, Dennis Hatch, Billy Thorpe, Oscar and Ernesto Dominguez, Mika Immonen, Karen Corr & many others, winning could be a tall task. And let’s not count out our Joss Tour regulars like Nelson Oliveira, Bucky Souvanthong, Ron Casanzio & Jeremy Sossei that have a legitimate chance of making history. So look for anything to happen when the smoke clears on Sunday night. I am pleased to also announce that once again in addition to being a BCA event, this will be a Grade One Mosconi Cup ranking event for 2017! The complete player list (subject to change) can be found on our site www.joss9balltour.com 
     There will once again be a “Second Chance” tournament on Sunday September 3rd at 10AM running continuously and concurrently with the main event until completed. This is an event for those Non Pro level players (I will decide) eliminated from the main event. The event format will be as follows: $60 Entry Fee – 32 Player Max – same rules as main event – Single Elimination – Races to 4, best 2 of 3 sets, with the deciding set a single game sudden death. This means that if each player wins a race to 4, there will be a lag for the break and a 1 game playoff to determine the match winner. Entries will be taken for this tournament as players are eliminated from the main event and will be treated as first paid – first in until the event is full.
  The equipment for our world class event will once again be 16, 9 foot Diamond Pro tables & lights covered with 860 Simonis (“The Cloth Of Champions”) tournament blue cloth. We will be using the new Aramith Tournament TV Pro Cup balls. Thanks again to Ivan Lee for providing us with the world’s best cloth and the world’s best billiard balls! All of these items��will be for sale in tournament used condition, and only seriously interested parties are urged to contact Mike Zuglan immediately at 518-356-7163 for info and pricing. 
  Being a spectator at Turning Stone is an experience you won’t find anywhere else. We always offer fans, Free Admission, Free collectible posters (while supplies last) and once again Turning Stone will be giving away a $10 free play to all players and fans. So you get Free admission, Free posters, and Free bets!! No one else does it like Turning Stone and the Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour! Included in the Event Center at Turning Stone is a full-service snack bar serving all of our favorite foods and adult beverages. There will be billiard product vendors and on site cue repairs available for all your needs. We will also be raffling off 2 gorgeous, custom, engraved Joss Cues on Saturday at 8pm and Sunday immediately prior to the final match and you Do Not have to be present to win. These cues have a retail value of $1,500 and $1,200 and are generously provided by Danny Janes of Joss Cues Ltd. Thanks again to Danny, Debbie & Stephen Janes for all they do for us!! We will also choose a winning ticket to receive the Pro Cup cue ball used in the final match autographed by the winner. 
             So come to Turning Stone Resort Casino August 28-September 3 for a great experience and 4 full days of some of the best pool you will ever witness. If for some reason you are unable to make it, there will be a Free live stream and live scoring expertly provided by Mike Howerton & Jerry Forsythe  www.azbilliards.com  Upstate Al Leon, The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour and Turning Stone Resort Casino. Match times are Thursday 4, 6, 8, & 10 pm. Friday 10 am, noon, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 10 pm. Saturday 10 am, noon, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 10 pm. Sunday 11 am, 1, 3, 5, and the final match at 7 pm.   
As a reminder, our new 2017-2018 season will begin on Sept 23 & 24 at TJ’s in Waterville ME. The new season will also include our second “Joss Junior 9-Ball Championship” on Oct 21 & 22 at Sharp Shooters in Amsterdam NY. If you would like to donate items to be given to the future generation of our great sport, please contact me at 518-356-7163. Also be advised that our next Turning Stone Classic XXIX 9-Ball Open is scheduled for January 4-7, 2018. I will begin taking entries for that event at this event in August. For more information and a complete schedule of events, go to www.joss9balltour.com                  
The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Is Proudly Sponsored By;
Joss Cues – 
http://www.josscues.com  Turning Stone Resort Casino – http://www.turningstone.com  Simonis Cloth – http://www.simoniscloth.com  Poolonthenet.com – http://www.poolonthenet.com  AzBilliards.com – http://www.azbilliards.com
Aramith – http://www.aramith.com  Billiards Press – http://www.billiardspress.com  Heidrich Custom Cues – http://www.heidrichcustomcues.com                  World Class Cue Care – http://www.jnj-industries.com
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msachillelaurosfunnels · 3 months ago
I want them to be happy, so I made this for their anniversary (November 19th).
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Concept ↓
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This is what I was initially going to draw before I concluded that I couldn't because it would look weird ↓↓
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msachillelaurosfunnels · 4 months ago
Guys, I have something already prepared for Franklin and Jane's anniversary... It's on the 19th, so get ready... 😈😈
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msachillelaurosfunnels · 1 month ago
Reuploading this with the CORRECT eye color
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Anyways yaeyy‼️‼️‼️‼️
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msachillelaurosfunnels · 2 months ago
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Coming soon... 👀👀
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dianaleaghmatthews · 8 years ago
Presidential Hostess: Abigail Atherton Kent Means
Presidential Hostess: Abigail Atherton Kent Means
Abigail “Abby” Atherton Kent Means filled in for her niece, Jane Appleton Pierce, in the duties of hostess under President Franklin Pierce.
Abigail Atherton Kent Means
Franklin and Jane Pierce mourned the loss of their son, Benjamin, in a train accident only two months before Franklin Pierce assumed the presidency.
Jane asked her Aunt Abby to see to the official duties. Abby Means was not an…
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