#jane eyre arcane au
constantfragmentation · 8 months
Okay. I'm over here squealing like a fangirl. I hope I don't creep you out.
Your regency Silco fic is seriously one of the best fics I've ever read. Its not just cuz its Jane Eyre or historical romance I like but that you made Arcane fit into the regency period effortlessly. I can totally see Silco playing this role in Piltover.
Now the chefs kiss is the push/pull of Silco and the governess. You follow parts of the Bronte plot but make it your own. I love every single interaction that you slow burned the shit out of it.
Now, Jinx is so damn precious, I love her so much. DadSilco is awesome in this.
I like the Vanderish ruse/subplot (I don't want to spoil for new readers).
I love Jane Eyre and I think I can see where you might be going with it but again, its going to thrilling to read. I've been waiting for a new chapter a while (no pressure) so its super cool to see you on Tumblr.
I just want you to know this is an brilliant story and I hope you finish it.
Oh wow. I don't know where to start.
First off, THANK YOU. I'm so humbled. I know I probably say that a lot but I am.
I was on Tumblr before but I had a bad period and really needed to take time out for my mental health. That, unfortunately, included me not writing for months.
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to a group of very lovely people here in the Silco fandom. I think you know who you are and my state of mind at the time. I'm profoundly sorry.
I'm in a good place now and back to writing. I do have this story mapped out to the very last scene and its a rollercoaster of emotions and drama.
I wasn't sure I would be able to meld Arcane with Regency Era but it feels like it worked for the most part. I wanted to keep certain elements of Jane Eyre-like plot points and the Ingrams but twist it to work for Arcane.
I won't talk about Vander but I like what's going on there.
Oh, my sweet little Jinx. What's not to adore?
One of my favourite things is GoodDad!Silco. He loves that kid.
I definitely wanted a slow burn for the romance. Even after the latest chapter, which I'm slightly considering rewriting a couple of things I might want to change *don't hold me to that just yet* . I'll post that if I do change it.
However, it's not all roses and romance. The shit is about to hit the fan. Silco *thinks* he's in control. He's about to get a slap in the face.
I'm currently writing a one-shot request and I'm outlining the next chapter of Bend. So, it definitely will be continued.
Thank you again SO MUCH for reading and leaving this amazing comment. I can't tell you how it feels to know someone liked something you created. I know that goes for any writer out there as well as the artists. We all appreciate any and all feedback. You guys keep us creating
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constantfragmentation · 8 months
Hello there! Nice to meet you and welcome to my strange universe.
Nickname: Frags
She/They - Super Introvert - INFP-T
Adult Blog, LGBTQA+ Safe Zone, I would prefer MINORS DNI please.
Writer and lover of old gothic horror and romances/aesthetics.
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Arcane Jane Eyre Regency Silco AU Gothic Romance Suspense
rated MATURE
art by @shahs1221
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Arcane Canonesque AU Young Silco and OC melding into Canon Arcane
rated MATURE
manip by me
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Arcane Regency Silco One-Shot (might be a multi-chapter). Smut-filled encounter at a Piltover masquerade ball.
rated MATURE
I am thinking of new Silco stories. One is rumbling in my head, and I might toss the idea around to see if it's worth exploring.
I really want to thank artists that were inspired by my work and continue to inspire me to keep writing:
@silcoitus, @shahs1221, @missygoesmeow, @dad-dumpster, @cmon-man
I'm very humbled by all the kind and generous people out there.
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constantfragmentation · 6 months
hey, just came here to tell you that i'm so so relieved that i was able to find your blog again !! and your jane eyre au fanfic with silco !! honestly, 'bend but not break' was (and still pretty much is) one of my favourite fanfics ever; not aus or silco fanfics, i mean one of THE best fanfics i've ever read. cannot even begin to describe how sad i was when i lost the ao3 link, and when i wasn't able to remember your blog's url.
and it was a shame, because BBNB was just *chef's kiss* 🤌. i literally stayed awake until sunrise reading it the first time, already getting inpatient for the next chapter. and i think it's mainly because you capture silco so so well, and you get 'jane eyre'; and you capture the dreadful air of the novel, and those little acts of tenderness and romance... and your smut it's quite great too. like, i still can't get over The Opera chapter, even after all this time 👀👀
still, now that i did find you, i'm not only gonna read that one, but i'm gonna get started on all your other works !! i know i'm getting repetitive but i just don't know how to express just how great i think your writing is. so for now, i just hope you get to read this !!
hope i didn't weird you out or anything !! please, have a great day, and stay safe <33
p.s.: i'm gonna read bbnb rn, until sunrise if necessary, just like in the good old days !! so if you hear someone's heart breaking, it might be mine !!
Omg?! Thank you! No, you are not weirding me out in any way.
I am so very humbled. You have no idea. I'm still learning as a writer, and I am my own worst critic.
I'm sorry I haven't been online to respond to this earlier because I've been really sick with the flu and binge watching Poldark (again).
I've been technically writing fiction since 2015 and it's been a learning curve with each story. For some odd reason, historical eras seem to fit my style in writing. I can do modern but this era I feel like I can sink my teeth into it.
I'm a huge fan of gothic horror/suspense/romance. So, yeah, I guess you can see that in the choices I make.
I must admit I'm not all together happy with the last chapter of BBNB, I might want to change some things in that chapter before moving on (maybe because it might meld into the next chapter better? idk).
Even though I have approximately 5-6 chapters (depending on how big the chapters get, I'm terrible about posting novel-length chapters) left in Bend, it should be an emotional rollercoaster. There are soooo many things I have left to run with before it ends.
As of the lastest chapter, I'm deviating from Jane Eyre a bit, while still holding onto certain plot-points for context but I want to play more with the Regency Arcane/Silco's world.
I do have other ideas for Silco stories I want to write. One will deal with a younger, hot-head SIlco. Another I'm tempted to play with a Roaring 20's Underground.
Then I have a story that I'm developing into an original gothic novel. I have maybe too much on my plate. LOL
It's moments like this when I wish I didn't have to 'work' a regular job to pay the bills because I would literally write all day, every day.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sending me this. It really does brighten my day. That may sound cliche, but it does. I admit I don't have the greatest self-esteem, but I'm working on it.
That someone likes something I've written that much to comment at all and tell me they're re-reading it... my heart is going to explode.
I am working on both Regency Silco stories. When my head doesn't feel like a fog-horn inside of a 100lb bowling ball, I should be in a better space to be creative. It's zapped when you feel exhausted. Working 60hr weeks lately probably hasn't helped my health any.
Thank you again sooooo much for this. Never feel like you're bothering me or weirding me out. I love and embrace all comments, good or critical.
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