#james headboy
japepperony · 1 year
To everyone who believes in James Potter slander. Just a friendly little reminder. He was headboy. Meaning that after all he did. After all the chaos and the pranks. He had to change or mature in order to become headboy. Without even being a prefect. AND. Lily. Who dispised him. MARRIED him. And had his CHILD. Please never forget that! Thank you. Goodnight.
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blvnk-art · 14 days
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They should be watching the corridor but other things were more irresistible.
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shadyblacklin · 1 year
remus: *doing his headboy stuff* so, james, you know it's 11 p.m. and you must be in your dorm now
james: yes
remus: well, then why are you stood here in front of the portrait?
james: regulus said that he likes bad guys
remus: oh jesus
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yesluuh · 2 years
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James Fleamont Potter Aesthetic Moodboard 
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 4 months
Big fan of the James is colorblind headcanon
Like, yes, he mixes up his and Regulus’ ties all the time. But also he has no idea which first years are in his house. When he’s headboy he constantly gives and takes away points from the wrong houses.
He found out he was colorblind during a quidditch match when he passed the ball to the wrong team.
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ellecdc · 5 months
James and Sirius and Remus and Lily and *takes a dramatic breath* you?
this one's for you @enamoredwithbella, thanks for sorting this idea out with me @unstablereader
poly!Marauders + Lily x shy!reader who is so smitten with them
pt 1 // pt 2 // pt 3 // pt 4 // pt 5
CW: fem!reader, reader has hair long enough to be played with, reader is in Hufflepuff, swearing, consent because it's sexy AF
This was obviously a bad idea.
You’re not even sure how your friends managed to convince you to attend the Gryffindor party, but you swore to every deity it would never happen again.
There were too many people (most of whom you’d never spoken to before), it was too loud (songs you didn’t particularly care for), and the fifteenth time someone bumped into you nearly sent you over the edge.
“Whoa there, sweetheart.” A low voice commented as an arm quickly righted you from your nearly horizontal position. “Y’alright?”
You looked up to see the face of none other than Gryffindor quidditch captain James Potter beaming down at you.
You were ashamed of yourself for the way that smile made you feel.
“Erm, yup! Thanks.” You squeaked, quickly freeing yourself from James’ grasp so fast that you nearly knocked someone else over in your attempt at creating distance between you and the Headboy.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like James. On the contrary; you were rather smitten with him.
Him and his partners - which was nothing short of dense in simple terms.
But you couldn’t help the way you blushed when he held the doors open for you as you walked into classes, or the friendly smile and wave he’d shoot at you when he saw you on Prefect rounds. 
You sort of wished he’d stop being so bloody nice to you; maybe then you’d be able to get over this crush that was never going to amount to anything.
But James was taken; three times over. 
And what a sodding group they were.
Heart Throb of Hogwarts™ Sirius Black in his effortless style, his devil may care attitude, and his insatiable flirting. Being noticed by Sirius felt like your favourite rockstar singing a song written just for you. 
And don’t even get you started on the enigma that is Remus Lupin; the Cassanova of Gryffindor tower. Everyone in your year (and likely the years below you) had at some point or another crushed hard on the quiet Marauder; but it really couldn’t be helped. He was tall, he was handsome, he was kind, and though he was far more quiet than his counterparts, the quips he shared with you never ceased to reduce you to a fit of laughter.
And gods, was Lily Evans ever beautiful. She was the total package; she was funny, outgoing, smart, and stunning. Looking at her even now with her long auburn hair as she threw her head back in laughter; so open and care free in her actions. You weren’t sure if you wanted to be her or being underneath-
No. That was not a nice thing to think about someone who was in a committed relationship.
You let out a sigh as you zoned back into the fact that James still had one of his hands on your elbow and was smiling curiously at you. 
“Thanks for the save! I really owe you one.” You chuckled awkwardly and nearly took out one of the Prewett twins in your haste to leave Potter’s vicinity. 
Unfortunately, trouble seemed to be following you.
And by trouble, you meant Sirius Black.
“Damn, Hufflepuff!” He cheered as he moved a sultry gaze up and down your body appreciatively. “Give us a spin, dollface.”
You felt all the blood in your body migrate to your cheeks as you fought to keep your mouth from falling open.
Lily, the beautiful angel (or the evil temptress, depending on how you looked at it), swatted at Sirius from her perch on the arm of the chair her boyfriend was currently occupying.
“Down boy; you’re going to scare her away.” She teased with a smirk as she winked at you. 
You felt momentarily grateful for her.
And then she spoke again.
“Then none of us will get to look at her.”
Fucking Helga, was it hot in here? They needed to open more windows; preferably one you could launch yourself out of right now, thank you very much. 
“That’d be such a shame, really. Sorry doll, you don’t gotta spin - no one else here deserves to appreciate such a view.”
“Okay.” You squeaked and turned in search of your friends.
You know what? Fuck your friends; you were leaving with or without them. 
They weren’t….flirting with you, were they?
Surely not.
Of course not.
What a ridiculous thing to think.
But…it certainly felt like they were flirting with you.
Maybe one more glance?
Just as you were about to approach the portrait hole, you turned for one more look at the objects of your affection and your current tormentors and - yup, sure enough - Sirius, Lily, and now James were all standing there smiling at you.
They were watching you leave?!
Okay time to go, that is enough nonsense for one day. 
You spun and collided with something tall and solid which thankfully caught your arms as you all but ricocheted off of them.
“Hey there, dove. Where’re you headed in such a hurry?”
Please for the love of gods, don’t tell me…
But of course, you looked up to see the face of one Remus Fucking Lupin smirking down at you. 
“You lot are everywhere.” You whispered in awe. The bastard only chuckled in response.
“Come on you guys! We’re going to start a game of truth or dare!” Lily called over to…you (?) and Remus.
“Well, we wouldn’t want to miss that, would we?” Remus murmured lowly into your ear as he steered you towards the growing circle congregating around the various chairs and sofas littering the common room.
And listen, you’re not particularly proud that you were so placid in Remus’ man handling you.
But in your defence…
In your defence, Remus was man handling you. 
And to your absolute horror, he plopped you down beside Lily on a large chair that was not quite large enough for two people. 
You tried to swallow your heart back down which was attempting to escape via your mouth as you became hyper focused on the fact that Lily sodding Evans was pushed up against you none too casually and- Merlin’s tits, was she playing with your hair!? 
You pretended to pay attention as a few rounds passed by; your friend being dared to give you a lap dance being the most brazen thing to have taken place.
Until it got to the Marauders.
Marlene dared Sirius to strip down to his boxers for a whole round which he was all but too eager to do, apparently. Meaning he got to ask the next person.
Remus smiled down at his lap before he looked over at one of his boyfriend’s mischievously. 
“I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl here.”
You’re not necessarily proud of the way your heart plummeted at that; this is what you had been telling yourself all night. They were taken.
No matter if they complimented you.
No matter if they caught you as you fell. 
No matter if they snuggled up to you on a chair designed for one.
No matter if one of them made you feel like you leaving the party early would have been truly devastating.
No matter.
“That’s impossible; there’s two of them.” Remus said quickly, causing your heart to ache for Lily.
Who even says that when their girlfriend is sitting right here!?
You kept your head down as the party all ooooh’ed and aawwwweee’d.
James let out a funny high pitched laugh as if he were an over excited kid on Christmas morning. “Guess you’ll have to kiss them both then.” 
You really should have left when you had the chance; you weren’t sure you could watch.
It was their business if they wanted to include another, but that didn’t mean you had to like it.
“Or they can kiss each other; I think I’d enjoy that just as much.” 
“Sounds good to me.” Lily said as she stood; the space she once inhabited felt cold and vacant without her.
“Well? Come on then?” She said as she grabbed your arm.
“Come with me.” She said again, wiggling your arm within your grasp, and who were you to deny her, really?
Like a well trained dog you followed her obediently over to where Remus sat before she all but shoved you into his lap.
“You seem like the fidgety type; maybe Rem can help with that, hm?” She said as she shot a wink at Remus over your shoulder.
His arms wrapped possessively around your waist as he rested his chin on the junction between your neck and shoulder.
“Is it okay if she kisses you, pretty girl?”
You had no time to be absolutely horrified at the pathetic little keening sound that escaped your lips as you looked up at the red-head now towering over you.
“What do you say, gorgeous?” And though her emerald eyes did shine with some mischief, you could see she was earnest; this was your choice.
“Okay.” You whispered barely loud enough for you to hear yourself over the hammering of your heart.
“Yeah?” She whispered as she knelt in front of you.
“Yeah.” You agreed.
And you only got to see the soft, hopeful smile that adorned her lips for but a moment before her hands were on either side of your face and she was pressing her soft lips to yours. 
It could have been hours or centuries but it was also all too soon before she was pulling away from you; a proud smile on her lips though her cheeks were a similar colour to her hair.
You became aware of the hooting and hollering going on around you as Remus’ chest began to vibrate in laughter.
“Beautiful.” He murmured - likely more to himself than to you, but you heard it all the same.
“Do I get a turn?!” James shouted before Sirius roughly grabbed him by the waist and planted him down on his lap.
“Not before me, Jamie.” He snickered as he shot you a wink. 
The audacity of a man to still be so confident sitting in nothing but his boxers. 
You tried to hide behind your hands though it was all for naught as Remus made a theatrical cooing sound and pulled you further into his lap until you were all but cradled in his arms.
“Maybe without an audience next time, hm?” He asked you as he brushed some hairs away from your forehead.
Not trusting yourself to speak (or to even make direct eye contact with the bloke currently cuddling you in your lap), you nodded with your face still hidden.
“Way to go babe.” James said as Lily went to join the two boys on their loveseat. “You were so good, we’ll even get a next time!”
read about their first date here!
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teaforthotxxx · 9 months
I feel like Professor Regulus Black would be such a shit once Harry starts playing quidditch. Like sure thats his son but fuck Gryffindors. As the head of Slytherin house, he would show up to Harry’s games in full silver and green. He stands in the Slytherin stands with giant banners for Slytherin. It annoys Harry to no end. Because he knows Reggie loves him but Harry is a Gryffindor and he wants more support for Gryffindor.
Harry would beg Remus to dress up in Red and gold but of course be wouldn’t. Professor Lupin doesn’t care about Quidditch. Harry goes as far as to beg Minerva Mcgonagall to dress up but none of the Gryffindor professors are willing to break dress code for this.
But, then, he gets an idea right before the Christmas Quidditch games. He knows that he may not convince his professors to dress up but there is one way to make them wear what he wants. So, he commissions two giant couple scarves from Mrs Molly Weasley. Both red and gold. He gives them to his dad James Potter and his godfather Sirius Black as early Christmas presents. Then, he asks them to wear them to his game.
AND just as he planned, he sees Remus and Sirius in the Gryffindor stands wrapped in a giant scarf. Remus looks begrudging but he can’t resist how happy it makes Sirius. Then, Harry swoops past the Slytherin stands, he finds Regulus and James snuggled in one giant red and gold scarf. They are still in slytherin but the banners have changed to “Go Harry!” and “THATS OUR SON!”. James was such a sap he wanted them to wear couples costumes and as Gryffindor’s previous headboy, he just HAD to wear red and gold. So, Reg was wearing his old quidditch jersey cute gold rings with rubies.
Harry is so proud he pulled one over Regulus. But, more importantly, he can’t stop laughing at the shocked expressions on Malfoy’s and Zabini’s faces!!
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tallsiriusblack · 6 months
Canon facts about James Potter:
• He was confident and did not care what others thought of him. The only exception was Sirius.
• When Vernon Dursley boasted about his wealth, James bragged about his sizeable networth in return.
• His father was in Gryffindor. His mother’s house is unknown, but it was presumably Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff (if she attended Hogwarts at all).
• James and Sirius met on the train.
• His parents were old when they had him, and it took multiple tries. They doted on him and adored him.
• He’s the only known Headboy who wasn’t a prefect.
• He has a grandfather called Henry. Possibly, Harry was named after him.
• James did not inherit the invisibility cloak during his time at Hogwarts.
• His parents saw him marry Lily Evans, but died before the birth of Harry.
• He financially supported Remus after they graduated from Hogwarts.
• James referred to Remus’ lycanthropy as his ‘furry little problem’, leading people to believe he was in ownership of a violent rabbit.
• He has hazel eyes.
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cosmonauter · 1 day
ahh, i hope you like it @liv-does-stuff !!
bestfriend james who has no boundaries with you!!
james potter thinks you are the best friend he's ever had. normally people tell him that he's too clingy, and they don't like him hanging around them all the time. and it's not a problem for him, but he just wants someone to let him hug and touch without being awkward about it.
so when you two met, he felt like the luckiest person on earth because you don't think it's weird when he hugs you from behind and kisses the top of your head.
you don't judge him for demanding cuddles and sleepovers at least two times a week. you even encourage him to be touchier!
his favourite thing to do with you is bathing together. since he's a headboy, he has unlimited access to the prefect's bathroom, which means that the two of you bathe together as often as possible.
he's especially excited to meet you today because he was informed about a new couple in school, and he really wants to gossip about it with you!
so while he is cleaning his bed of sirius' socks and peter's sweets, because you're sleeping over today, sirius decides to ask him a question, "are you meeting up with them again? don't you think it's a little weird that you guys bath at the same time in the same room, even though you're 'just friends'?"
"why would it be weird? they wash my back and i condition their hair for them. it's logical and they don't mind it aswell. it's actually really nice, and besides, don't act as if remus and you don't shower together!"
remus sighs, "james, sirius and i are in a relationship with eachother. aside from that, i totally agree with pads, it is weird that you take baths together. what's even weirder is you touching while being in said bath!"
"you guys just don't have the connection that my dove and i have. it's okay though, don't be sad about it! maybe one day you'll reach the same trust we have in each other.", james throws a towel over one shoulder and picks out a shirt for you to wear, and matching pants, so everyone you come across in the halls knows about your superior friendship (and that you're his, but he wouldn't admit that to anyone, not even under torture).
"i'm going to the bath, padfoot don't eat anything on my bed, my dove complained about the crumbs last time, and i promised them to change that! they're sleeping with me today. bye bye!"
he closes the door before any of them can say anything and runs to the bathroom as fast as he can.
as soon as he arrives in the prefect bathroom, he already sees you taking off your clothes.
while you are struggling with unzipping your pants, he comes up behind you and grabs your waist, pulling you into an embrace. your naked back against his broad chest sends electric shocks down his body and he shivers against you and presses your body closer to his.
"jamie, can you help me with my zipper? it isn't moving any further and i can't get out of my pants like that."
james would do anything for you, if you never stopped looking at him with those puppy-eyes, "of course, sweetheart. stay still."
he moves his hand away for a moment to turn your body facing his. while his one hand moves towards your zipper, the other one steadying your body by holding your hip, he grins at you and you smile back up at him.
he tugs a few times, but the pants don't budge. you notice his forehead getting sweatier, so you suggest to "take off your shirt jamie, it's to hot in here for you to be wearing it!" while tugging it up his back a little.
he pulls it off and throws it to the side, giving you a grin, "if you wanted me naked, darling, you just had to ask."
you scrunch your brows together, "if i wanted you naked, you would already be.". he snorts, and keeps tugging at your jeans.
suddenly an idea blossoms in his head. what if your zipper got stuck on something from the inside of your pants. so, of course, he sticks his hand down your pants to find a little string, connected to your underwear, being held hostage by said zipper.
"darling, you just have to pull your trousers down together with your panties. see, just like that..", he slowly eases your trousers over your butt, enjoying the feeling of your body under his hands.
you shiver against him and moan out," thank you, jamie. i should've thought about that." you blush and hide your head in his chest.
"don't worry about it, my love. i'm happy to help you as much as you need.", he smiles down at you, while you start tugging down his zipper to take of his trousers.
as soon as they fall to the floor, james picks you up by your waist and throws you into the water.
" james, you idiot!!", you scream at him while trying to splash him with the water. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry angel! i'll jump in okay? will that make you happy?"
"they are definitely fucking, i'm telling you!"
"sirius, calm down! what if they hear you, huh?"
"oh come on remus, they wear matching pajamas and use silencing charms every single time they have a 'sleepover', they won't hear a thing, trust me!"
"you're right, love, but still."
"wormy, what do you think?"
"i think they're both idiots, who really don't get why it's so weird."
please tell me if i need to change something, or if you have some tips on getting better. i hope you enjoyed it :))
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ma1dita · 9 months
no hard feelings
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this was a request! find it here
words: 5k (CHRIST)
summary: How can you be in love with someone you barely know? Feelings are hard. James potter x fem!reader
warnings: none! Angsty, tumultuous feelings, insecure!reader, teenage awkwardness, consensual veritaserum dosing, tiptoeing around feelings, headboy!james
a/n: why is james always so easy to write for… hope yall like this one!! I miss having a crush lol
(posted 12/14/23)
“You’re staring again…” Dorcas drones next to you one day in Potions class. Your ears are barely listening to Professor Slughorn drone on about the magical properties and proper use of Veritaserum but your eyes are most definitely focused on James Potter, as they always are. It’s kind of hard to not notice him when his energy breaks through every room he walks into.
“Can’t help it. He’s doing that thing again…” You mutter, leaning against your arm as Dorcas flips through the pages of the textbook. Air escapes you in a puff of exasperation and your quill thumps against the desk in a tiny rhythm. The truth serum you both have been brewing for the past month was steadily bubbling in your shared cauldron, colorless and almost complete, if it weren’t for your usual distraction in the form of Hogwarts’ most eligible bachelor.
“Him being a nuisance?” She smiles at you crookedly, looking at the soft gaze in your eyes.
“Him existing. How dreadful for me.” You say simply before turning back to the task at hand.
There’s something about James Potter that captivates the female gaze. All of Hogwarts knew, hell, he did too. Whatever it was, it’s starting to get annoying. Your eyes flicker back to him, hair swishing as your head shakes in contemplation. Dorcas grins at your predicament, this not being a new topic between the both of you.
James glances at you from his desk at the back of the room, fingers brushing the metal frame of his glasses as he catches you looking at him again, and he smiles boyishly when he sees your eyes dart elsewhere. Compared to other girls’ ostentatious efforts to grab his attention, you’d always been more reserved and standing a distance away. And despite your mutual friends, you both had never really had a proper conversation. Not alone at least. So yes, you may have an insanely big crush on the most popular guy at Hogwarts, but it didn’t mean he’d have to hear it from you. That would involve…having to actually find time to talk to him, which proved to be difficult with every girl that spent their free time batting their eyelashes at him, sending him declarations of feelings in the post, or falling over in front of him to ask him on dates. Slightly pathetic, but you admired their bravery. Silence was your own death sentence, and perhaps it was more suave in your mind. The cool girl who was anything but. Godric, why are feelings so annoying…
Your heart rate stays elevated through the rest of class, and as you pack your things, you rush to put your stuff in your knapsack, digging through the leather to find a hair ribbon. The distraction impairs your vision and your foot slips on a leather strap. Your body runs right into a solid wall of muscle, sending you into James’s seated frame, and both of you sprawling across the classroom floor.
“Wotcher, love,” Sirius laughs as he sees the blush rise to your cheeks. James daintily grasps your waist as you’ve landed bent over onto his lap, feet tangled in the fallen chair.
“I am so sorry…” You blubber, hair in your face as you scramble to lift off of him. Both you and James kneel on the floor picking both your belongings up, and you feel like the Earth could swallow you whole right now with everyone staring at you.
“Looking completely stupid is what. Pete, you have to stop putting your bag in the aisle! I could’ve killed Potter!”
Peter blushes as he nudges his bag with his foot, and James hands you back your things, both of your hands touching as you figure out who belongs to what. Your hand fumbles over a clear vial of Veritaserum he definitely wasn't supposed to take home, and your eyes meet James’ with a tilt of the head. His grin screams mischief, biting his lip, and taking the glass from between your fingers with a wink. I won’t tell if you won’t, his gaze says.
“Not a problem, darling. Anyone would be honored to be trampled by a pretty lady,” he says finally, dusting off his pants and offering you a hand to stand up. You scoff, taking it and not meeting his eyes in embarrassment. Remus lifts the chair that toppled over, handing you the hair ribbon you spent so long finding.
“Thanks, Rem. See you all later at the party?” Bobbing heads follow you out of the classroom where you are quickly bombarded by a gaggle of girls calling you lucky for bumping into James.
“You’re so smart for falling on him like that…” “He seems so strong picking you up so easily…” “Did he smell nice today? He always smells nice…”
All of the chattering voices make you laugh at these mere acquaintances who don’t care as much for you as they do for the boy standing in the doorway with his friends.
“Off to class now, ladies.” James reminds them, his Head Boy badge gleaming against the sunlight in the corridor. They scatter, leaving hushed compliments and giggles in his direction. But you don’t look at him at all, tying your hair back almost methodically. His eyes fall upon the slope of your neck, and he’s got that look in his eye…
“What, James?” Remus asks inquisitively, all four boys looking at you as you walk off down the hall.
“How come she barely talks to me?” he ponders, shoving his jumper over his elbows, and Sirius slings an arm over his best friend as he laughs.
“All the attention you get, and you’re still greedy, huh?”
“Not that, she talks to all of you so easily, and then she goes and calls me Potter like we aren’t friends…” he says, swiveling to look at his boys, walking backward to see their reactions. Well, he didn’t expect them to laugh that hard.
“Are you though? She’s our friend, we hang out with her… Have you ever had a real conversation between the two of you?” Pete points out, scratching the back of his neck.
“Suppose not…”
“Suppose you should… She’s really nice. Pretty funny too.” Remus pipes up.
James thinks back, and regrettably, he can’t remember much about you, always a wallflower in his periphery. He hasn’t made much of an effort to get to know you since you started being around the gang. Maybe that should change.
“She’s stunning, if I’m honest, boys. Way less forward than the other birds…”
“I can see an idea forming in your head James Potter, don’t even start…” Remus says, book in hand ready to hit him across the chest. Sirius and Peter laugh, starting to run around the two, and everything stops once the sandy-haired boy blurts, “Word out is that she majorly fancies you, Prongs…Maybe you should go for it!”
James stops in his tracks, bumping into a marble column as they round the corner. How can you like him if you don’t know him…and he doesn’t know anything about you?
“Highly unlikely, Worms. She doesn’t even call me by my first name…” The new predicament of this admission rises to the forefront of James' mind, and it’s all he can think about for the rest of the day, through the rest of class, and Quidditch practice, up until he gets ready for the party at Gryffindor Tower.
You’re getting ready with the girls, hands brushing over microscopic lint on your silk top, and you’re quite unsure of why there’s a nerve-wracking feeling overtaking your body.
“You look lovely, babe,” Alice says as she admires you from Marlene’s bed, legs hanging off the side.
“I need a drink,” you laugh, looking at the girls through the mirror, and Mary tosses you a shooter of firewhiskey to ease the nerves. The door swings open and Lily walks in, looking almost sternly at the lot of you.
“How are you all still up here? Everyone looks beautiful, now let’s all get drunk! Godric knows we need it after this week we’ve had…”
The girls walk down the stairs to the common room, you following slowly as your eyes meet the crowd of students all partaking in the grand celebration of nothing. Merlin, you love this school. Cracking the bottle open, you toss your head back as you take the shot, and then Sirius is swinging you around onto the dancefloor as you try not to gag. The party is in full swing—students dancing on the tables, drinks flowing, and music playing as loud as possible that you wonder how McGonagall won’t shut this down by midnight.
James tries to find a moment to talk to you all night, but he can’t seem to get an edge in. Were you always this popular? You were always dancing with someone else, or talking to a friend, and it’s also distracting to have girls trying to chat with him about who-knows-what, and he almost gets frustrated at the fact he’s unable to catch your eye.
“James, do you think I look pretty in this dress?” a hand grazes his bicep, and he remembers he’s in the middle of a conversation with… Flora? Frannie?
“Mhmm,” he mutters noncommittally, eyes searching the crowd for where he last saw you, watching you walk out towards the balcony.
“Sorry Fizz, gotta go find someone!” He skirts around the girl who yells, “It’s Faith!” almost indignantly, and James shakes his head as he weaves through the sea of drunk people to reach you before you get away again.
You stand on the balcony, alone. The party hums on behind you, through the open doors, but all of it feels miles away. You take a deep, steadying breath into your chest as you stare out into the field. The quiet serenity of the night and the alcohol is giving you a head rush, making you dizzy and lightheaded, but you feel your pulse beating like a drum as your hands are steady on the railing.
Sudden footsteps break the silence, and you turn to find that James is standing right behind you. He places his hands near yours as he steps closer, staring out into the night as well.
"Leaving so soon?" he asks as he slides up beside you.
"Just needed some air," you reply, looking towards the dancing masses spilling out onto the stairs and tables behind the glass.
"What’s a Gryffindor gathering without its resident life of the party?" he teases, leaning on the railing and smiling cheekily at you.
“Says you…” Your eyebrow quirks at his boldness. You don’t think you two have ever even been at a table alone, much less out here on the balcony by yourselves.
James is leaning close to you, still gazing up at the night sky. You can feel the warmth of his breath on your neck, and you suddenly have a strange urge to turn to him, to look him in the eye and tell him how badly you wish to have a proper conversation with him. For him to know you like you know him.
His voice pulls you out of your thoughts, a sly grin on his face. James raises an eyebrow, almost as if he's reading your mind.
"Can you keep a secret?" His voice is like cinnamon, sweet with an edge.
“If it’s about the Veritaserum, I didn’t see anything….” you joke, throwing your head back.
His eyes flash with amusement as he smiles at you, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight.
"Maybe you should look up at me for a minute." You turn to look at him, and your heart flutters at his words.
"I want to ask you something," he whispers, his face close to yours. You're not sure why he's whispering - there’s no one else out here, but you don't mind.
"What?" you ask. James grins at you, and you can't help but grin back. He pauses, biting his lip to hold in his laugh, and then he leans in closer, his face so close you can count his lashes, curly hair falling softly against your temple.
"Are we friends?" he asks, and the hilarity of it makes you scoff, but the smile on your face lets him know it’s not unkind.
"Maybe, but not really. You've always been out of reach for me, Potter."
"Do you wish we were?" He seems genuine in this moment, hazel eyes staring into yours as if he's trying to see into your soul. He's always been popular, and he knows girls fawn over him, but he's never spoken to you this way before. Perhaps his bravery only goes so far when he’s with you.
"I would love for us to be friends," you say quietly, unsure of his intentions. "I'm so awkward around you, I just... have a hard time saying what I want to say. It always feels like I'm going to say something stupid." You blush as you admit this, but you force yourself to meet his eyes.
James gives you a light, charming laugh, and you're left speechless as your words fade away. His eyes are so intense, and the way his jaw sits firm just makes you want to melt into a puddle at his feet. You stay still for a moment, your heart racing, waiting for him to say something, do something you know you don’t have the guts for.
"What if we tried..." he pauses as if he's thinking it through himself.
"Just being completely honest with each other? For the rest of the night?" he asks, his fingers pulling a familiar stolen vial out of his pocket.
"For the rest of the night?" you ask, your voice slightly shaky. "I... I don't know if I can..."
He tips a few drops of Veritaserum into both of your drinks.
"Bottoms up." He downs his cup in one go.
Your eyes meet his in shock, your lips slightly parted as you take in the realization that you'll finally get the truth out of him. But in the adrenaline that courses through your veins, you don't stop to think that this will affect you too. He can see how nervous you are, and he winks at you, and his voice drops to a whisper.
"Trust me," he urges, and it's impossible to deny his request with a smile like that.
“You’re crazy,” you mumble, but you take a heavy sip of the Veritaserium-laced drink anyway, and every single word that's on your mind attempts to escape, the air around the two of you feeling charged with blind confidence.
"We're playing a dangerous game here, Potter. Too bad I've had enough to drink to care."
You laugh at that, and he chuckles along with you. The alcohol seems to make the Veritaserum work even faster, and it's not as if it tastes bad. In fact, it's rather delicious. Addicting.
"You're right," he replies, laughing so much that he has to hold his sides. The mirthful grin that curls into your lips is only increased as you take in the scene before you. "So. What do you want to know?" he asks. He puts his hand on your waist, fingers grazing your belt loop and you feel your blood rush to your face.
“Do you still like Lily? And if not, do the girls chasing you around school get annoying?”
"Honestly, I'm not sure," he answers you with such seriousness that it makes you grin toothily. This is dangerous.
"I used to like her... a lot." The admission makes you lean in until you can hear his breathing.
"I've never felt anything like that towards anyone else, but I could. I might already." he continues, his voice so low, almost sultry, that your pupils dilate. Watch yourself. You're so taken with the way he looks at you, so focused, that you wonder if it’s really him or the alcohol.
“Ask me something, Potter. It’s only fair.”
James looks down at you with a mischievous smile. "Let's start with the big one, then... what are your intentions with me? Little mouse told me you have a crush."
He says it almost in a whisper as if it's a dangerous question, and you can feel his breath on your lips as he waits for your response. It is dangerous. The way he words it makes you laugh, but instantly, your deepest thoughts come tumbling out of your mouth. This was definitely a terrible idea….
“I genuinely think I’m in love with you,” you admit to him, unable to hide the slight quiver in your voice.
“But you barely know me, so you probably think I’m crazy,” you blurt out, hand slapping over your mouth.
"And I've wanted to be near you since the first moment I ever saw you. Something about you is... so..." You trail off, suddenly shy with your words, but you can feel his eyes on you as he waits for the rest of your answer.
"It's silly," you say, not wanting to admit the true reason you want him.
James grins at you and his nose brushes your cheek, the scent of his aftershave making you weak. He could be extra mean right now, coaxing the rest of the truth out of you with a single word, but the embarrassment that wrestles in your being is enough for the next few lifetimes.
"It's okay," he whispers and places a hand gently on your cheek, his fingers brushing against your skin.
"Maybe things will be different now that I know."
He stares at your lips and then suddenly asks, "Do you want to kiss?" His voice is soft as silk, and you can't believe that you've heard right. What the hell just happened?
“Um, no. Sorry.” The door cracks open with Sirius peeking out to see the two of you, but you push past him back into the party. James is left dumbfounded by your rejection, feeling like he got caught in a riptide as he drowns in embarrassment.
His eyes are wide as you hurry out the door, and you don't even turn back to look at James - instead, you're so preoccupied with getting away from him and back to your dorm that you almost run into Dorcas, who offers you a curious look as you dump out the rest of your drink in a potted plant.
“What happened, Prongs? You scare her away?” Sirius says with raised eyebrows as he looks at James standing stupidly at the edge in the dark.
“Actually, she’s in love with me and she just rejected me. And I’m on truth serum for the next few hours, and I can't figure out how I fucked up.”
James has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth when he’s left alone, and usually he’s aware of it. But even with the Veritaserum, he can’t figure out for the life of him why you ran away, no matter how many times the boys rephrase the question to him.
You avoid him like the plague in the days after.
As much as you've wanted to pretend that the experience with James with just a figment of your imagination brought on by the amount of alcohol you drank, you can't help but feel utterly mortified around James. You keep your distance, only leaving your room when you absolutely have to, running out of classes you share like you’re being timed.
As the truth serum left your body that night, you’ve become increasingly sure of how you feel about James - even more so than before. It was the first time you’ve ever said you’re in love, and how can you be in love if you didn’t know it yourself before the fact! You're absolutely terrified of looking crazy like that again, of being vulnerable. Even as you try to keep your distance from him, he's literally everywhere, which only makes things worse for your emotions.
It's late in the evening and you're finally mustering up the courage to leave your room and make your way to the kitchens to grab a midnight snack.
As you turn the corner, you stop in your tracks to see James leaning against the wall, his eyes closed as he seems to be enjoying the peace and quiet. The dim lighting of the passageway casts shadows over his features and makes you wonder if he can see you at all. Your heart races and you feel as if you're back on the balcony all over again.
His eyes pop open, almost as if he was waiting for you and you can feel your stomach drop to your feet as he stares straight back at you,
"Where do you think you're going, pretty girl?" He asks, a small smile on his face.
"And why are you out this late?" He sounds almost suspicious, and you suddenly feel like a criminal just for sneaking around him so much.
"Umm... nowhere," you stammer, wishing you could disappear into the night.
"I…” You take a deep breath. Own it, already! You were already caught!
“Are you asking that as Head Boy, or…”
His smile widens, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he steps closer.
“I could, but I’m asking as a friend.”
“Didn’t know you were patrolling tonight.”
He makes a noise that doesn’t sound like a yes or a no, because honestly, he wasn’t. The crinkle of the map in his pocket would give him away if you only knew about it. You sigh, running a hand over your hair and he’s still standing there, waiting for you to say something next.
“I just came out to grab a snack. I missed dinner, so I wanted to go to the kitchens.”
“Can I come with?” And before you can reply, he’s offering his arm out for you to latch onto. You both walk silently through the halls and tickle the pear, and this somehow feels normal, comfortable, though you’ve never hung out alone like this. The house elves whizz past you, tending to your needs, and they set a tray of pastries out for the both of you to snack on. He just watches you silently as you both tiptoe around the true reason you’re both here. You're in the middle of eating a danish when he suddenly speaks.
"Why did you say no?"
You stop, flaky crumbs hanging from between your lips as you look at him.
"I asked if you wanted to kiss me, and you said no. But you said you love me, so I’ve been thinking about it since that night," James says, and you almost spit out your food. Did he actually want to kiss you?
“We were under Veritaserum…I just... I got embarrassed. I've never told anyone I've loved them before." you mumble, eyes falling to the table.
"And you barely know me. Why would you want to kiss me?" you add, dusting crumbs off your shirt. He leans in closer to you on the bench as if he’s whispering a secret.
"You barely know me, why would you say you love me?" James counters, as if he’s making a point. In truth, you know him well enough from hanging around his friends. You just never mustered the confidence to actually be his friend. Intimidating as he is, point A being him leaning so close to you that you think he might smell your fear.
"But I do know you, you just don't notice me." you mumble.
You and James both sit in silence for a moment, still in shock by the words that you've both said. The sound of the creaking wooden floorboards catches your attention as someone enters the kitchen. The two of you freeze, looking up to see Remus entering.
"What are you two doing here so late?" he asks, confused.
"I'm not sure," you stammer, feeling your face flush as you realize that you're both alone together, almost cuddling on the kitchen bench. You grab another pastry off the tray and stand up to walk out.
"Goodnight!" you blurt, walking away quickly, but James isn't letting you off that easy.
"Scuse us Moons, I'm not done with her yet," he says, following your footsteps quickly out into the hall.
You hurry away from Remus and out of the kitchen. All of your fears and insecurities seem to fill you once again as you try to process everything that's just happened. You're halfway up the stairs when James catches up to you.
"Wait," he says, putting his hand gently on your arm. You turn around, your arms wrapped tightly over your chest as you face him.
"I'm not trying to scare you, I just wanted to know," he continues, the dim light from the candles above creating deep shadows under his eyes.
“I just... Why do you care? There's so many girls that go after you, so why are you so interested in me? I already embarrassed myself in front of you like the rest of them. What makes this different?”
"Because you're different," he replies instantly.
"You're honest. Not in the way they are which makes me wonder if they even like me or just want to be associated with me. I want what you have with our friends. I want to know you," he continues quietly.
"Those girls are so focused on the idea of me and what I have to offer, but something tells me you’re different than that. And I want to know you, love. I want to know what makes you tick. You're not just some pretty girl to me," he says softly.
“You already make me tick. Standing here makes me feel like I'm going to burst into flames.” You breathe shakily, throwing caution to the wind as you continue, "You already know you're attractive, and I don't lo----like you just because of that. You're really kind when you help other students, and you don't usually prod at me like this when I can't articulate my feelings, but you're considerate. You asked me if I wanted to kiss you. You care if people are happy, and you make people feel seen, even if they're bothering you. James, even if you're a leader it's because you're a great team player. Even if you don't really know me, it makes my day when you smile at me in class. You...make me feel important."
James just stares at you with wide eyes as you spew words like a waterfall. He suddenly bites his tongue as if he's trying to stop himself, a heavy blush covering his cheeks even in the darkness of the candlelight.
You suddenly take in everything that the two of you are saying - and you realize that he's actually listening. He's really listening. There's such a raw honesty to it, and your heart races so fast inside your chest as you tack it onto the mental list of why you love him.
"So I guess that's why. Even if I didn't know it myself. Sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry for what? For sharing your heart with me?" he asks, his voice growing soft and a boyish smile crosses his face. He steps up onto the landing so both of you are eye level.
"If I asked to kiss you, would you say no again?" he whispers.
“As a friend?” you joke, but you don’t move away when his nose brushes yours.
His voice sends shivers through your spine, and you look up at his hazel eyes as he gazes down at you. He pulls you gently towards him, your back meeting the stone wall as he lowers his lips to yours. You close your eyes for just a moment, but the moment between the two of you lasts an eternity. There’s something electric about your lips meeting his, and the two of you melt together in the darkened alcove. It’s funny how it works, your confidence making you feel like you’re floating as you loop your arms around his neck, and the usually assertive Marauder can’t figure out where to place his hands as they hover over your waist.
As soon as it ends, James breaks away from you as if he's suddenly embarrassed that he’s just kissed you right in the stairwell. Now he’s the bashful one. The taste of cinnamon and mint still lingers even as he steps away, hand scratching the nape of his neck.
"I didn't know what else to say. Can’t seem to be cool around you," he says as he fixes your hair, a quirk in his kiss-swollen lip as he stares at you, eyes twinkling.
"I like you a lot," he says, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I want to be with you. I want you to call me by my first name."
"You'll have to get to know me first. No hard feelings though, Potter," you say cheekily, stepping away and walking back to your room.
All that’s left of you is the forgotten pastry on the ground. James’ chest rumbles with a laugh as he scoops it up, almost skipping away.
He doesn’t leave you alone after that. And you make him work for it. It’s new for him, to be someone’s first and earnest choice. He thinks about you often, even when you’re right next to him, and he wants to do this right. James learns to love like you do, quietly, honestly.
You’re all hanging around the Black Lake with your friends as he leans against a tree lazily, both your fingers intertwined in the grass. James watches you laugh at Sirius and Mary splashing each other in the water, and he can see how easy it is to love someone by just watching them.
"You know," he remarks after watching silently for a moment, "you radiate when you smile."
Your face goes flush and you look down at the ground, your fingers still intertwined with his. You can feel his gaze on you, but you're too nervous to look back up at him.
"I like it when you laugh loudly, and the crease in your forehead that shows you’re thinking too hard," he adds softly, and you look up at him with wide eyes. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze and a small smile plays across his lips.
“I’m finding all these reasons why I’m falling for you. Is it supposed to be this easy?” He asks, leaning his head on yours.
“Yes James,” you say without hesitating, no Veritaserum needed.
The next time either of you says I love you, it leaves his lips first, and you know it’s true because he’s more than a friend now too.
“To feel anything deranges you. To be seen feeling anything strips you naked.” -Anne Carson
love me some tunes! i listened to "you're here, that's the thing" by beabadoobee while writing!
taglist: @jsjcue
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"Mmm, Potter... Mhmm" Lily tried speaking between kisses, but got interrupted "We should..." another couple of kisses that made her melt. Then a giggle "Stop, stop!"
Lily's cheeks were delightfully pink. James had never seen a girl so beautiful. God! He could kiss her all day. He had wanted to kiss Lily Evans for a long time and now that he actually could, he didn't want to stop. It was so good. The best snog of his life.
Lily was looking around in case someone might be around. Probably embarrassed of what they had been doing.
James, on the other hand, felt like he loved her. He felt so happy that he wanted to shout it to the rooftops.
"We shouldn't be doing... This..." Lily blushed "In the middle of the hallway. It's almost carefew and we are Headboy and Headgirl. We ought to..."
James's new favorite thing was shutting her up with a kiss.
"Potter!" Lily pushed him away. But she was laughing. "We ought to give an example"
"Come on, Evans. You love when I kiss you"
James loved the way Lily went bright red with that comment. He kissed her once more when she was about to gasp.
The best thing was that she was letting him. She was kissing him back. She was opening her lips for him.
"I usually don't do this so... " Lily snapped but she let James kiss her once more. "So easily..."
"Aha..." More more more. James couldn't get enough.
"Kissing and stuff..."
Another soft kiss. Please shut up and keep kissing me.
"Not like this"
Another kiss. Then another.
Then James laughed squeezing her chin. She was so adorable.
"You're so pretty, Evans, so gorgeous..."
Another kiss. And another. Those lips!
"Just don't let this get to your head" Lily added.
James smiled before giving her another passionate couple of kisses. "Sure, Evans"
He was sure Lily was sighing between each kiss. He was loving provoking that on her.
And they kept snogging.
"Seriously!" Lily scolded him as unglued her lips after a while "We should get back to the dorms"
"Okay, okay. Let's go" James smiled.
But Lily didn't go, she was pulling him in for another snogging round. He was cupping her face this time.
Lily pushed him away once more "I mean it, Potter!"
James giggled "Okay, okay!" he raised his hands "I'll go with one condition"
"What?" Lily asked amused.
"Go out on a date with me"
Lily bit her lip to avoid laughing.
"Don't be an idiot..."
James shrugged "Then I guess I will continue snogging you"
He only rushed her lips when Lily pushed him again.
"Just bloody go!" she laughed covering her mouth.
"Right..." James sighed.
But before he started walking, he turned.
"Wait... Wait..." he raised an eyebrow, looking at her curiously "You have something here" he pointed around her mouth.
Lily touched it in case her lips were a mess "What? What do I have?"
But James was smirking
"This" he said as stole another kiss from Lily.
"Okay, bye!" he said afterwards.
And now satisfied, he started walking towards the Gryffindor Tower.
"Hey, Potter!" Lily called.
When James turned, he saw how she was biting her nails to hide how happy she was. She let out a soft giggle.
"When does this hypothetical date would take place?"
James smiled widely.
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juleswritesstuff · 5 months
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Jealousy, jealousy
I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I was inspired and...this is the result.
Hope you like it 💗
English isn't my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
Regulus Black was a possessive prick.
Or so Barty said.
“Merlin, didn't you notice the way he was looking at that guy ? The bloke is lucky he is still alive”
“Stop looking like a rabid dog, blondie is not even looking in Potter's direction”
“I swear you can't just curse a random dude for talking to Y/N, Reggie. He was just asking her about the books for Salazar's sake !”
So yeah, Regulus was apparently a possessive guy.
Then why hadn't you nor James ever noticed or even witnessed it ?
Barty and Evan always told you and James how Regulus would get fired up as soon as he noticed someone just as breathing in your and the Griffyindor's direction.
But both you and James thought it absurd. 
Regulus Black ?
The always calm and collected headboy of Slytherin ? The guy with the stone cold stare and the stoic expression ? The same quite boy that liked to read and write poetry, looking at the stars and sleeping in on Sundays ? 
Jealous ?
You and James had a good laugh.
If you had to consider one of you as the ‘jealous one’ most of the times that would've been James. The boy couldn't go a second without yours and Regulus eyes on him, pouting his way through it to get the attention of his partners, and sometimes sending dirty looks to people who were being a bit too insistent and pushy.
But it never got beyond that. 
Other times it was you even. Having two of the most handsome boys in Hogwarts as your boyfriends was fun, until random girls tried to slip Amortentia in their cups at dinner, and a weird green concoction in yours.
Then it wasn't fun anymore.
The points deducted from your House were definitely worth seeing the two girls jinxed to puke slugs for a week.
So it was always either you or James. Never Regulus.
He was always calm, put together and, weirdly you must say, extremely affectionate. 
So Barty's words didn't really make sense to you and your Gryffindor boyfriend.
Until that night.
Gryffindor had won a match against Ravenclaw. One of the biggest and toughest matches of the last three years (or so James said), so partying was mandatory.
For a night the Gryffindor common room was opened to everyone who wanted to have fun, relax, and possibly and most importantly, get wasted.
The room was full. 
People from every house were there, the sound of muggle music filling your ears (David Bowie, was it ? Salazar, Remus sure talked a lot about that guy).
After getting a drink you spotted some of your housemates talking to Remus and Lily. Dorcas, Pandora, Barty and James were there too.
You walked up to them holding your, now full, glass of firewhisky mixed with some sort of juice. Courtesy of Sirius.
“You guys keep hogging my boyfriend here. I wasn't even able to congratulate him on his victory” You said, arms going to circle James’ neck, careful not to spill your drink, as you left a kiss in his lips.
“You did so good up there” you whispered on his lips before smacking another small kiss on them and letting go.
“Did I ? Must've been my lucky charms” he said grinning, hands still on your waist as he took in the sight of you in Gryffindor colors. A rare occurrence, happening only when the match was a big one. 
In all honesty both you and Regulus would've rather died than ever wear red and gold, but James needed to know that the two most important people in his life were there for him, so you made an exception.
Well, that, and the jumpers you always stole from him that were too big on both you and Regulus, but they smelled of James and they were a lifesaver in the nights where you couldn't sneak out to pay him a visit.
“Speaking of” James lifted his eyes to look around the room, scanning it in search of a particular mop of ebony curly hair and stormy eyes “where's Reggie ?” 
“Was talking with Evan at the drink table. Said he would be here in a minute” You answered, taking a sip of your drink.
“Good, I have to thank both my charms. Can't miss one” James said with a goofy smile, one that could only be considered lovestruck.
The same kind of smile that curled your lips, too. 
“Don't think you'll have to wait for long” added Barty with a smirk on his face, trying to hide it with the rim of his cup as he took a sip.
You and James shared a look of confusion.
Suddenly a voice spoke up.
“Hey, James. Nice match you had up there ! I think it was really thrilling-”
Cole Aleberstine, sixth year Hufflepuff, came to congratulate James as well.
You knew him seen as you had Divination together. He was a quiet and shy guy, and you were almost sure he had a crush on James.
Which was hilarious considering the whole school knew James was a taken man. A very taken man.
You never considered him a problem, he actually looked like he was terrified most of the time. His little infatuation with James was never acted upon.
You actually found it rather endearing.
But apparently not everyone thought the same.
The poor guy couldn't even finish talking when a louder than usual “Baby” was heard, and suddenly a flash of black hair and gray eyes was in front of the Gryffindor chaser, surging on his tiptoes, fisting James’ shirt in his hand and yanking the boy towards him in a hungry kiss.
James let out a yelp in surprise, and then proceeded to literally melt in Regulus' arms and at the mercy of his lips.
Oh, you knew that feeling all too well. The way Regulus kissed like he was starved, like it was the end of the world and only the taste of your lips could save him.
Yes, Regulus Black was a hell of a kisser.
And you were sure James was in heaven right now.
Being used to it, you didn't have much of a reaction (the butterflies in your stomach begged to differ), but the flabbergasted faces of your friends were pure gold.
Even Remus and Sirius, who were more than used to your and the other two boys' antics, were left speechless.
You let out a snicker.
When you turned around Cole was gone, no trace of him whatsoever.
Regulus then parted from James’ lips and turned his head, looking at the empty place that was previously occupied by the Hufflepuff.
The most imperceptible smirk peaked on his lips, like he had won the lottery or something.
Your eyebrows slightly furrowed.
What ? 
And then it clicked.
The way Regulus was definitely at the drink table before Cole showed up and then, as soon as he opened his mouth, he stormed there like a fury, kissing James like his life depended on it, like he wanted to swallow him whole, like he wanted everyone to know that the Gryffindor chaser was his.
A grin spread on your lips.
Oh, Barty was right.
Regulus Black was a jealous prick.
And he made sure that everyone knew by claiming you and James.
And only then your brain realized that all the time he was extra handsy in public, which was very uncharacteristic of him, he was trying to literally mark the territory.
A part of your brain wanted to find it a little excessive, but the other, more prominent, part found it extremely attractive.
Barty sent a knowing look in your direction.
The obvious ‘I told you so’ written on his face made you shake your head lightly in complete disbelief.
“Damn, I must've been really good then” 
Said James, who looked thoroughly snogged, lips plump and glasses crooked on his nose.
“You were alright I guess” Regulus said, trying to appear as unimpressed as possible, but the sweet smile tugging at his lips betrayed him.
James loved when Regulus was a little mean to him, all in good fun, of course, and it was entertaining for you to watch.
“I should start playing Quidditch too if this is the treatment we get from our boyfriend” you added, a playful offended tone in your voice.
“No need for that, my love” Regulus said with a proper smile this time, detaching himself from James, picking you up and twirling around once before kissing you softly but just as eager. 
Funny thing ? You could still taste James on his tongue and it made your head spin.
His lips were like silk, molding perfectly with yours as you let out a content sound.
“Yeah, better not. I'd probably end up with a broken bone every two weeks”
You said chuckling and a little breathless, as he put you down gently, hands still on your hips.
“I already have one boyfriend with enough broken bones, I definitely don't need my girlfriend doing that too” he said as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“But- I mean, if you want to you can of course”
He added.
“I was joking Reggie, don't worry” you said smiling, endeared by him “I definitely like it more when my feet are on the ground” 
“Pity” interrupted James “You would look so hot riding a broom with the wind in your hair” he stated, drinking from his cup.
“I'd say I ride enough things already, don't you think Jamie ?” you said with a smirk and a raised brow.
James proceeded to choke on the alcohol in his mouth, while Regulus’ cheeks tinted a splotchy red.
“Ok, enough” said Sirius, his face distorted in horror “there are certain information that we really don't need to know” 
“Speak for yourself, Black. I wanna know everything”
Barty said, wiggling his brows. 
Regulus threatened to make him bald for the rest of his life.
Laughter roared, and the night proceeded as smoothly as a party at Hogwarts could ever go. 
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constancezin · 1 year
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- Alright Evans?
- But who's sweet voice is it?
Isn't it my headboy?
- In the flesh!
- James what happened to your hair?
- well err...
You told me you hated when I messed with my hair to look cool or like I just got off my broomstick.
I wanted you to know I take my role seriously.
So yeah...
I shaved it
-oh James! I know you'll do a stunning job
You didn't need to shave your head.
3 months later...❤️
For the @jilychallenge
January: "first taking hand" with @stonecoldhedwig
And September: location platfom 9 and 3/4 (the Hogwarts express will do) with @siriuslychessi
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bimoonphases · 19 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 1 - prompt 1: Hogwarts Express [word count 621]
The sight of the steam engine waiting on Platform 9 and 3/4 sent Remus’s head reeling. He stopped in his tracks, ignoring the people weaving around him, the children laughing, the teenagers calling to each other, the parents repeating recommendations for the hundredth time, feeling as if he was being pulled back in time.
Back to the first time he had seen that engine, his hand clutched in his mother’s, utterly afraid of leaving home and be alone with his terrible secret for the first time, dead-set on not making any friends to avoid losing them when they would find out. Back to the first time he had looked for a place to sit in those compartments, the first time he had seen a boy with a smile warm like the sun, sitting with another boy who had timidly offered him a Chocolate Frog, back to the first time he had looked up to lose himself in silver eyes.
Back to all those times he had found his friends again on that platform, shutting themselves in one compartment, planning the pranks ahead, practicing spells they couldn’t do back at home during the holidays, swapping sweets and family stories. The times they had waited apprehensively to see if Sirius would be sent back to Hogwarts that year as well, and in what state. That first time they had ridden back with Sirius headed to the Potters’ instead of that hell that was his family’s home. That first time Remus had been able to hold Sirius’s hand for the whole ride, their friends smiling at them. The first times when the little kid rivalry with the girls had started to fade and Mary, Lily and Marlene had popped by the Marauders’ compartment. The first time Snape had come looking for Lily and Lily had gotten up from her seat next to Remus and had calmly punched him in the nose. The first time Marlene had stopped by, hand in hand with Dorcas Meadowes. The first time they had almost kicked James out because he couldn’t stop snogging Lily in front of everyone. And the last time they had found themselves bound for Hogwarts all together, the war outside forgotten in the excitement of the seventh year and Lily and James’s Headgirl and Headboy brand-new badges.
And back to that other time, when once again he had dragged himself along the corridor looking for a place and had collapsed in a seat, falling immediately asleep after the exhaustion of a Full. Back to that first time he had opened his eyes, instinct making him jump to his feet, wand at the ready, and had then looked down to the floor of the compartment to see that James had fainted. Except that it wasn’t James, it was Harry. And when Harry had opened his eyes he had Lily’s eyes and Remus had found out he still had a piece of his heart that could break.
Remus blinked, the Hogwarts Express still in front of him, the chaos of the first of September still around him, but three pairs of eyes looking at him. Sirius, his hands on the handle of the trolley piled high with a trunk, a soft bag and a cage in which a magnificent long-eared owl was looking around. Anwell, in his brand-new robes, his hand holding his sister’s. Estelle, who had just recently stopped asking Headmistress McGonagall, or Aunt Minerva as the children had been graciously allowed to call her when she stopped by the cottage for tea, if she could come to Hogwarts at the same time as her brother.
“Sorry,” he smiled to his husband and children. “Come on, let’s find you a free compartment, fy nghariad.”
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tedwardremus · 4 months
What kind of hadboy do you think James was? do you have any headcanons about it?
The war was seeping into the walls of the castle. Slytherins were signing up to be Death Eaters as soon as they could, practicing dark magic on Muggle-born students. Fear and tension hung in the air like a dark cloud.
And then there was James Potter. He was the best example of the right kind of wizard, what every pureblood should aspire to be. He was popular, charismatic, excellent at Quidditch, smart, and a natural with magic.
But James was different too. Unlike many of his pureblood counterparts, from the moment he arrived at Hogwarts, he was vocally against dark magic and visibly, loudly proclaimed he would never use slurs against Muggle-borns.
Dumbledore, while not knowing James was an Animagus, knew that James supported his werewolf friend and didn’t discriminate against Remus. He also knew James risked his life to save Snape, even though James and Snape had a public rivalry.
James, the "ring leader" of his little gang, was a natural leader, and Dumbledore recognized that. James admired Dumbledore and wanted to ensure he lived up to the responsibility of being Head Boy.
James helped students with their homework and defended them against wannabe Death Eaters.
He represented the student body when visiting VIPs and Ministry officials came to tour the school. He was unafraid to speak his mind about the war and ask questions about what the visitors were doing to stop You-Know-Who.
When Muggle-born students wanted to form a support club, James recruited Sirius to help him guard the classroom where the club met, ensuring it could be a safe space.
The Head Students had a recurring column in the Hogwarts student newspaper, and James used his space in the paper to give defense tips and speak out against blood purity.
Was he a perfect headboy? No. He still hexed people (Snape). He still snuck around the castle and grounds. He snuck in alcohol to common room parties.
He was a hard working student but he also caused trouble in class. He really struggled with knowing when he crossed the line from being funny and entertaining to be straight up annoying.
But he tried. He tried to be good and decent.
Because James, at his very hear. beneath the loud prattish behavior is a selfless good person.
When people talk about James being a good person, smart, one of the best people they ever knew, they aren’t talking about his earlier years at Hogwarts when he was an immature asshole. They are talking about seventh-year James, whose strong moral code was put on a center pedestal for other students to see during a time of war.
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ellecdc · 5 months
Hello I’m new here (tumblr) and idk if I’m doing this right but hi!
Your fics first came up with regulus and moon water so I’ve been binge reading your fics :), I was wondering if you would write Sirius x reader?
Where like Sirius is like head over heels for reader and it’s just him talking to the marauders about her because she’s like on prefect duties so he misses her.
If not that’s fine.
hahaha lovesick Siri is my kryptonite - thanks for your request; here's a cute little baby blurb <3
please note: my requests are currently closed as I finish exams and work through the requests that I currently have.
lovesick!Sirius Black x fem!reader who's on prefect rounds and he's upset about it
“So….why exactly is Padfoot pouting right now?” Peter asked cautiously as he shed off his bookbag and sat down to watch James and Remus’ game of wizard chess as Sirius hung upside down from a grandfather chair looking awfully contemplative. 
“His bird ditched him for some other bloke.” James muttered without raising his head.
Sirius scoffed dramatically and shot James what was probably supposed to be a withering glare, but was significantly diminished from his current upside-downness. 
“First of all, do not call my darling girl a bird. Second of all, she did not ditch me for another man, she has prefect rounds with Regulus.”
“The better of the Black brothers; good for her.” Remus commented; dodging a throw pillow lobbed at him from Sirius without moving his attention from the board. 
“What? You think you’re going to die if she’s not here to stroke your ego, Pads?” James asked teasingly.
“I might.” Sirius responded earnestly.
The other three Marauders groaned.
“You’re all just jealous you don’t know what it’s like to be in love.” Sirius accused as he repositioned himself upright in the chair.
Remus and James both turned to give him unimpressed glares.
“You’re nearly as bad as Prongs now.” Peter muttered, earning him indignant “oi!”’s from both James and Sirius.
“I can’t help it if she’s the best thing to ever happen to me, Wormy.” Sirius pouted.
“I am sitting right here.” James grumbled. 
Sirius rolled his eyes. “You’re a close second, Prongs.”
“She can’t be that great if she willingly puts up with you.” Remus commented, causing Sirius to launch himself out of the grandfather chair and onto Remus’ back.
“You take that back right now! My girl is the sweetest, most angelic, lovely person in the whole wide world and we’re all better for it.”
“Oh my gods, okay, okay. Merlin’s tits you’re wild.” Remus muttered as he bodily shoved Sirius off of his person.
“I can’t believe she puts up with you if this is what you’re like around her.” Peter commented, earning him a laugh from James.
“Oh, you should see it, Worms. She reduces him to nothing but a soppy lovesick smile whenever she’s around; no more feral Pads, he’s right docile with her.”
Sirius stared between his three friends with his mouth hanging open, face painted in a look of pure betrayal.
“See, this is why I spend so much time with her; she’d never treat me like this.”
“And yet, here you are.” Remus taunted.
Sirius stood quickly as he scoffed derisively. “Fine. I’m going to go hang out with her; at least then I’ll know I’m wanted.”
No one said anything as Sirius dramatically stormed out of the portrait hole and the Gryffindor common room once again returned to its appropriate volume.
“His logic is flawed if he thinks Regulus wants him anywhere near them during their rounds.” Peter commented, causing James to groan.
“Reg’s gonna hex him into oblivion if he disrupts their prefect duties again.” The Headboy groaned.
Remus let out a long suffering sigh as he stood from his long since abandoned chess game and made for the portrait hole.“I’ll go play interference…again.”
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