#james flint celtic punk edition is my black ghillie shirt black kilt big rings
calamitys-child · 2 years
Genuinely a little concerned about my grans birthday dinner with all the extended family in a couple of weeks cs I need to Dress Nice and when I last wore an outfit I thought was Nice and Respectable (high waist orange tartan trousers n a plain black sweater with chelsea boots) my mum told me it looked like pyjamas. I only own fucked up gay pirate looks. Is mad scientist outfit Nice? Is James Flint Celtic Punk Edition Nice? Is my anatomically accurate skeleton tshirt more or less Nice than a low-cut leopard print button down? I only know how to dress for bisexuals and goths I don't know what qualifies for "Dinner with a dozen 80-year-olds, your middle class English cousins, and one aunt who bought me Baby's First Toy Makeup Set every Christmas until I was sixteen" standard dress code
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