scout-garcia · 26 days
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scout-garcia · 26 days
scout sat on a wall listening to her twin brothers woes. "there's some out there for you nico, what's that saying mum says? something about dogs...or is it frogs? anyway, you'll meet someone. you're doing better than i am" perhaps it might be something to do with the full cat costume she was wearing but she wasn't opening the floor to that
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where: wherever scout is who: scout garcia ( @scout-garcia )
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“Man. When I wait to make sure I feel something I miss out, and when I try to start something sooner I miss out. I’m oh-for-three, Scout. I think it’s time to give up and accept the fact that nobody will ever love me like that,” Nico said with a dramatic sigh.
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scout-garcia · 26 days
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HOW I MET YOUR FATHER, 2x18 "Parent Trap"
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scout-garcia · 26 days
the thing about me is I'm cute, laid back and easy going but in like a really intense and stressful kinda way
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scout-garcia · 2 months
scout waved to her brother and beamed with excitement when she saw her nephew "are you telling me that we could create a baby speedboat and you're only telling me this now? you want to go kick your feet buddy, hell yeah"
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WHERE: Lake Party WHO: Scout (@scout-garcia)
Xander was holding Fabian close to his chest, grateful that Lia could have a small break from the triplets. His other two were currently with their godparents, as much as he loves his kids even he knew trying to juggle all three alone was a plan destined for disaster. Seeing Scout he gave a small wave, “Hey you, your nephew might not be old enough to swim but we could let him kick his feet a little,” he said. 
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scout-garcia · 2 months
scout had just returned to land after killing it in the lake with her sick jumps into the water and mermaid swimming. about to dive in to devour a burger, she was distracted by the duck that was presented to her "he quacks! he's cute and he quacks!" she exclaimed like it was a first time discovery "he's so cute!"
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WHERE: Lake Party WHO: Scout Garcia ( @scout-garcia )
"Hey, Scout," Julie greeted with a smile before sitting down next to her. She was holding one of the ducks in her arms. "Have you met my son Telemachus? You can call him Tele for short. Don't worry, he's very friendly unless he thinks I'm in danger." She glanced down at the duck. "Tele, this is my friend Scout. Wanna say hi?"
In response, the duck simply quacked happily.
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scout-garcia · 2 months
ok u caught me i’m stupid
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scout-garcia · 2 months
craving cheese is so humbling like ok rat
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scout-garcia · 2 months
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there were few things that sent scout as feral as she was when she heard there was a tattooist in town. oh man, did she want a tattoo real bad. she moved as fast as her legs could take her and damn near slammed into the house when her excitement took over
"i want!!"
When it became clear he wasn't leaving this town any time soon, Arthur put up an ad for anyone looking to get cheap tattoos. He always kept his tattoo equipment on him, so it was nice to hold on to a familiar hobby in such a wacky Wonderland.
Fan blowing, Arthur reclined in a chair with a beer as he patiently waited for anyone to come by the open garage door. He grinned as his first customer showed up. "If you're looking for tattoos you're in the right place little lady."
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scout-garcia · 2 months
"i'm scout!" she beamed brightly, pointed her thumb at her chest "this is hen solo." the chicken gave a cluck in response "hen taunted me for months and then i became the victor of our feud. we're friends now." she babbled on like it was normal behaviour "hi danny, are you daisy's friend?"
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"Hi Da-... someone I haven't met yet." Danny stopped in the doorway of the salon upon spotting Scout on her own then glanced down at the chicken... on a lead with her. "That's a chicken... Huh, I've seen weirder things on a Friday night at the gay village in Manchester." He stepped the whole way in now. "I'm Danny, hey."
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scout-garcia · 3 months
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scout-garcia · 4 months
scout let out a yusss at being promised the lemon macarons and shovelled two right into her mouth without hesitation. "m-r fuhrr me" she tried to answer in between the lemon crumbs. finally finishing the food, scout looked over the food options "there's only one way to find out, we've got to try it all"
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Lizzie giggled as she watched Scout much on the double macarons. Her amusement changed as she wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Ew, you can have the lemon ones." She reached for the pink ones, putting them on her plate, as she contemplated the other flavors. "It's like a minefield. Don't know which ones will be weird," she whispered, brows furrowing in concentration.
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scout-garcia · 4 months
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Derry Girls (2018-2022) Season 1 Episode 4
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scout-garcia · 4 months
"do you think the commune will let me keep him or will they try and eat him? i don't want hen solo to become dinner." the chicken following suit by giving a squawk in protest. "i know buddy, you're not going to be dinner" she smiled and pet the chicken "how are we going to find that out? it's not like he's got a collar on and everyone is going to want to claim hen solo, he's a free running chicken we don't see often"
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“I mean, I know people who have pet chickens, so I guess so?” Nell said, shaking her head some in confusion. “That might not be a wild chicken, you know. It might belong to someone. We should find out who before you go taking it home.”
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scout-garcia · 5 months
she grinned at lizzie's answer and shrugged before stuffing two different ones in her mouth to find out the answer. "diff-r-t fffflav-rs" she tried to confirmed through the macaron crumbs. swallowing the food, she wiped away some leftover crumbs "different flavours" she confirmed properly "pink is strawberry and yellow is lemon"
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Lizzie was also collecting snacks to take back to her table, so when Scout pointed out the macarons her eyes lit up with excitement. "Uh duh! Do you know if they're actually different flavors or is it just the colors?" She tilted her head in consideration.
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scout-garcia · 5 months
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Avant Garde Ball
Scout Garcia
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scout-garcia · 5 months
where: avant-garde ball who: @lizzievelnias (lizzie)
unfortunately for everyone, scout had found the snack table. she was grazing at what was on offer while she had a little boogie "oh fuck yeah" she hooted and picked up one of the macarons that she knew were one of harlows contribution to the spread. "do you want one of these?" she asked turning to lizzie.
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