0 notes
camelliacats · 4 years
Meant to be
Another story, for a friend's birthday.
Fic: "Meant to be" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: eventual Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter, James Sirius/OC, Harry Potter, cameos from the Potter–Weasley clan & others
Rating: light T
Words: ~4,510
Additional info: romance, slash, angst, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: All the talk of soul mates and such profound love got James and Teddy thinking, "Maybe this is it."
               The first time James felt something for Teddy, he went for it. It was before his fourth year, long after Teddy had broken up with Victoire. A fourteen-year-old James had found himself spacing out in Charms class, daydreaming of naughty things…with his god brother. He hadn't thought anything of it at first, but, when the summer came and Teddy was around so often, all James could think of was getting his hands all over the older bloke. So James told Teddy about his feelings.
               Teddy blushed and chuckled. "Ah, um… James, not to be mean, but…ah… I think it's okay, once in a while, to let your hormones get to you. But that doesn't mean you want me."
               "Are you sure?" James asked, removing his glasses so that Teddy could see those big, brown eyes of his.
               Teddy still hugged him, though, despite the odd suggestion. "I'm sure, mate. Besides, I can't exactly say I swing that way."
               James nodded, but he was a little disappointed. But Teddy was right. Who was James to think that Teddy wouldn't laugh at what he'd said? Hell, James wasn't even sure that he himself really was gay—all he knew was that he could appreciate both Teddy's personality and looks.
               The first time Teddy felt something for James, four years had passed since James had confessed about his wet dreams. Also, James was no longer in doubt as to whether he liked witches or wizards, because Xerxes Smith was known in the family as James' better half.
               Maybe it was one of those things where one didn't realize what he could've had until it was gone, Teddy assumed. There James was, turning up at the Burrow for Christmas with Xerxes, and Teddy's mouth…went dry. His initial thought was that he hadn't seen James in a while, as James and Xerxes had gone travelling for a year after school. And maybe, just a bit, Teddy was feeling randy towards almost anything, for he'd been having a dry spell for two years, ongoing. For all he knew, he could've just as easily seen something in Al or, for Merlin's sake, Lily!
               But the Metamorphmagus ruminated on the idea of James in his life as something other than a relative…and that idea didn't leave Teddy alone. Besides, Xerxes might've been a good guy, but he wasn't Teddy.
               Teddy woke up one morning, butterflies in his stomach. Godric, he had to say something or it would just eat him up inside.
               He went to James' flat, happy to find Xerxes absent, and he smiled as James let him in. "Hey, what's up, Teddy?"
               "Ah, nothing much…" Teddy fidgeted. Teddy fidgeted. In all the years he'd been living on earth, Teddy had never known himself to fidget, especially not in front of his god siblings.
               If James noticed, he didn't say anything. "It's a bit unusual for you to come visit," the Potter remarked as he began to make tea. "I hope nothing's wrong."
               "No, nothing of that sort," the older man said dismissively. "The thing is, James…" He had to close his eyes to summon his courage. He could feel his face grow hot as he opened his mouth—and nothing came out. Teddy opened his eyes, disheartened. How was it that a younger James could've said something much bolder than what Teddy wanted to say now?
               James narrowed his eyes at him, and then a look of understanding appeared on his face. "Teddy…," he began.
               Teddy almost didn't want to hear the words that came next.
               "C'mon, mate. Now of all times? And Xerxes…" James shook his head, removing his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperation. He sighed and looked at Teddy—who nearly melted, seeing those eyes now. "No, Teddy."
               "Besides," the other wizard said, his tone regretful as he forced half a grin, "are you sure it's not just because you've got no girlfriend and you were thinking of old memories?"
               Teddy's face fell. James was completely right. There was nothing serious about what Teddy felt—how could there be? Teddy was a creature of habit; it felt natural to have someone by his side and in his arms. James was a creature of commitment; it was natural for him to put another's feelings before his own. …but he wouldn't put Teddy's first, he couldn't. There was Xerxes to consider.
               James didn't forget that Teddy came to see him that time. He didn't tell Xerxes—that would be a meaningless argument—but he didn't forget it, either. Instead, James held on to the memory, almost as though that could've been the start of them. It wasn't, but James hoped that Teddy would move on from it anyway. There was someone out there for him, surely. James knew Xerxes was that person for him, because Xerxes fit perfectly into his life in every way.
               Or so he thought. Then James' best mate, Troy, went to work for a routine day of Auror training. He never came home.
               James also wouldn't forget going to the Auror Office that day. Yes, to the Auror Office he went, because there had been no reason for anyone to go to St. Mungo's, not in the shape Troy had been left. James arrived, and the wailing of Lavender over her son struck a chord with James. As he approached Lavender and Seamus, James could see his other best mate, Curt, with them, crying. James tried to imagine what Curt was feeling, but he couldn't. Troy had been James' best friend, his brother without blood. But Troy had been Curt's soulmate.
               Harry and Teddy and the other Aurors tried to explain to James how it had happened, but James didn't really listen. Instead, he sat nestled between Lavender and Curt, each of them gripping one of his hands for dear life. It didn't seem real when Seamus signed later that night for him and Lavender to take their son's personal belongings home. And it seemed even more surreal when they gave Troy's travel cloak and wand to Curt.
               James sat and watched them leave, the three of them going to Curt and Troy's flat, as Seamus and Lavender were in no condition to go home. James hung his head, weariness cajoling him. He could've done with Xerxes showing up then, even if Xerxes did get pulled away from the Quidditch match he was supposed to be commentating.
               Someone sat beside James, and he turned. It was Teddy. He opened his mouth to say something, but then he bit his bottom lip and wrapped an arm around James' shoulders. And James broke.
               After sobbing for the loss of his friend, James picked his head up and tried to see things with his blurry vision. A fuzzy figure that James took as Xerxes finally appeared.
               "The match ended ages ago, so I went home and fell asleep… I only just got word," Xerxes said. "James, I'm so sorry."
               They were kind words, and they were sincere, but they weren't what James needed at this, the worst moment of his life. In fact, he didn't need any words. He needed only what Teddy had given him—that presence of someone who understood and didn't have to explain it.
               Xerxes hadn't really done anything wrong, which was why James didn't tell him until a month had passed that he hadn't needed those words. And, when James did finally tell him before he headed out the door, it was ironic—because then James would've liked words, any words at all. But Xerxes had none to offer.
               Teddy did not get his hopes up. Comforting James was one thing. Wishing James had come home with him, had come home to him, was another.
               Following Troy's death, the atmosphere in the Auror Office tensed. Harry seemed more concerned, as well, since Al and Scorpius had signed up for training, too, after graduating from Hogwarts. No doubt that he didn't want to happen to his own son what had happened to a friend's son. Teddy felt similarly.
               However, his concern for James grew. James had moved back home with his parents and Lily—Al and Scorpius shared a large flat with their girlfriends, Calytrix and Rose—and he seemed content to live the life of a bachelor. His occupation didn't help; sure, he did good work for Ollivander, but people didn't often fall head-over-heels for wandmakers.
               Teddy began to wonder if James ever would fall in love again. Most of the others in his family seemed matched up—Victoire was pregnant with her first child with Neville, Molly already had a kid with Corner from the Ministry, Dominique had married Lysander, and so on and so forth. About the only abnormal one was Lily, who was more interested in dragons than wizards for the moment (or was it a moment, considering she was leaving for Romania soon to work with Charlie?).
               And Teddy? The Metamorphmagus did the silly thing and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He gave it some thought. What was he doing…?
               Ah, right. He was waiting for James.
               Godric, it sounded so ridiculous, to be holding out for James. But Teddy had learned years ago that he didn't find James only outwardly attractive; he liked James for James, too. And, when it came down to it, Teddy really just wanted James to be happy.
               It was summertime, and most of the family was spread out in the Burrow's backyard, on the edge of the marshes. Harry, Bill, Scorpius, Arthur, and Hermione were all talking about the great loves in their families.
               James smirked as Lily asked about their mother and father. Harry blushed as Ginny laughed and said, "You've heard the tale a thousand times, Lily—I was the only girl who could get your father to do a damn thing!"
               "Ginny!" Hermione bitched, gesturing to Molly the younger, who covered her little daughter's delicate ears.
               "Oh, come off it, Hermione—the girl will only hear worse out of Michael's mouth." Half of them laughed at Corner's expense.
               "All this time in the family, Hermione," interjected Bill, "and you've not yet learned to roll with the punches?" Fleur exchanged a sweet look with him, and James thought of his aunt and uncle's story. Everyone in the family knew that Fleur had been the one for Bill.
               "Even my parents got it right" was what James overheard Scorpius state to Al, who nodded.
               But the voice from a little behind him made James alert. "What about my parents? Were they really so…?"
               "Dramatic?" Harry finished for his godson.
               James could sense that Teddy nodded. The Potter pursed his lips for a second before deciding to scoot backwards and sit beside him. Teddy briefly glanced at him and gave him a fleeting grin, but his attention was aimed at Harry, as Teddy never could hear enough about his parents.
               "Remus and Tonks reminded me of the stories of my parents that I'd heard from Sirius," Harry said, and Ginny, Hermione, and Ron all nodded. "I mean, there was a lot of opposition in the beginning, but then the stubborn one—Remus, of course, in this case—came around. Then…" His words trailed off as Harry seemed to try picturing one of the last times he saw them. "Then everything was just right for them. They were the brightest light in the other's life, and they made a room brighten up when they walked in together." He grinned at his wife and siblings-in-law. "You lot remember when we were heading out that night, before…" He gritted his teeth for a moment, no doubt thinking about what really had happened on the night when seven Harrys had left Privet Drive. "Anyway, remember when Tonks tried to tell us that she and Remus married? And that she was pregnant?"
               Kind smiles and nostalgic chuckles passed through, and James removed his eyes from the adults to glance at Teddy, who frowned.
               James nudged him. "Hey, you all right?"
               Teddy moved in an action that wasn't quite a shrug. "I just…sometimes wonder if my parents really were so great together."
               "Why do you ask?" They tuned out the others as more stories were shared for the hundredth time.
               "Well… I mean, I've some letters of my dad's, from the first war."
               James wasn't surprised. All he'd heard about Remus, he wasn't surprised to hear that the man had been as anal as Hermione that he'd keep letters that long.
               "And they just make me wonder if Dad was right for Mum. I mean, if Mum was right for Dad. Agh, I dunno…" Teddy rubbed his temples. "Never mind, James. It doesn't matter."
               But that one thing did matter, and not because of the topic but because it mattered to Teddy—it wouldn't have bothered him so much if it hadn't mattered. And, if it mattered to Teddy, if it concerned him…then James felt it mattered to him, too. After all, Teddy mattered to him, didn't he? Of course he did.
               It was only two weeks after that summer day when Teddy stopped by the Burrow again. He'd been going through some old things he'd gotten a while back after Andromeda's passing, and he'd found a toy he thought Victoire's daughter might like. But since she and Neville hadn't been home, he figured that he could at least drop it off to Arthur or Molly, who'd pass it along.
               He let himself in, and he was a bit surprised to hear Harry's voice coming from the kitchen. Victoire and Neville weren't there, either, but Arthur and Molly were definitely home. They were the ones talking with Harry in the kitchen.
               "…tell him?"
               "What? No, why do that?" Molly retorted after Harry had asked something. "There's no need to say anything. For all we know, it was some passing fancy."
               "Or," Arthur suggested, "we might've seen something that wasn't really there."
               There was a pause. "…no, I think you were right." Harry sighed. "I mean, my godfather was known for being a major flirt, but he never had any serious relationship outside the Marauders, y'know? And, as close as he was to Dad, there was always something about how he and Remus got along…"
               Teddy swallowed the lump in his throat.
               "Harry, dear," Molly said. "We don't know if it was ever reciprocated. Maybe Sirius did and Remus didn't. That's just the thing—we'll never know."
               "Which is why I agree with Molly that we don't say anything. It would only stir up unnecessary hostility," Arthur stated.
               "Yeah, but Tonks…" The three of them were quiet. "I mean, what if she was only a replacement…?" Harry's words were whispers.
               Teddy closed his eyes as those three went silent again. They didn't know anything for sure—but he did. And he couldn't figure if his heart were heavy or light for knowing what he did.
               Behind him, a noise sounded, and Ginny appeared. "Oh, Teddy." She blinked. "I didn't know you were coming by."
               "Unannounced, sorry," he said, keeping his tone even as the others emerged from the kitchen. "I just wanted to stop by and drop off something for Vic, when anyone next sees her. You know Aurors' schedules—I get so busy that I can't always remember to eat."
               "Teddy." Harry's voice sounded apprehensive. "When did you, uh, get here?"
               "I just came in, before Aunt Gin," the Metamorphmagus lied. "And I need to go—I've got a thing, so I'll see you."
               Harry definitely looked ready to call out to him and stop him, but—as Ginny had not been a part of the conversation—he said nothing and let his godson go.
               It was only two weeks after that summer day when Teddy showed up at the door to the Potters' home in Godric's Hollow. James answered, as his parents had gone to the Burrow and Lily finally had departed for Romania. He wondered if Teddy knew he'd be there by himself.
               When James answered the door, he felt so small. Teddy leaned against the doorframe, but he made no move to enter. Instead, he stared down at James, quiet and thinking.
               James opened his mouth to say "hello" when Teddy interrupted.
               "Want to go get a drink?"
               A few thoughts rolled around in James' head. First, what was Teddy doing—asking him out? James rejected that idea; the time for them had passed, even though it had never happened. So…was Teddy really asking for a friend to get drunk with? Yet again, that seemed impossible; James had never known Teddy to get drunk. Hell, barely any in his family would! Though Mols, Louis, and Freddie were quite the sight when they did get sloshed…but that was beside the point. Teddy must've been looking for an ear. James decided to question later why Teddy wanted his company and not someone else's. "I don't, not really."
               "Oh." Teddy swallowed, trying to make his voice not sound so scratchy from lack of use. "Then can I come in?"
               "Didn't say you couldn't," the Potter replied as Teddy moved around him and entered the living room. James closed the door and followed. "Teddy, are you all right?"
               Teddy turned, and his gaze was centered squarely on James' face. "No," he answered, and he returned to James for a hug.
               James wished his face didn't redden so. He pulled away a tad to get Teddy to look him in the face again. "Teddy, what's going on?"
               Seventeen seconds passed. Then Teddy said, "I think I've gone crazy." And then he kissed James.
               It was a fleeting thing, and James wondered if they'd speak of it again. But Teddy stayed for the evening, not saying why he'd dropped by to begin with and not saying anything about the kiss. Even when James flitted about the kitchen preparing some dinner for them, all Teddy did was sit there and watch with a timid yet silly grin on his face. And maybe…maybe James could forget whatever had brought him over, because Teddy had come anyway. So maybe the time for them had not passed.
               Sometime after that, Teddy lay awake in his bed, James sound asleep in the crook of his right arm. It was two in the morning.
               When he had thought about it before, it had been after he'd started to have feelings for James. The thing was, he'd discovered his father's letters a while after he'd felt anything for James. And all the letters had done was thrown Teddy into chaos.
               He was the only person alive who knew that Harry's guess was right. Tonks had been a replacement for Sirius in Remus' life. It was an odd sort of fit, but Teddy guessed that his dad had come to terms with the fact that Tonks had made herself fit into his life. Teddy was glad she'd been pushy. The loss of Sirius to Azkaban in the first war had been bad enough for Remus. The permanent loss of Sirius to death had nearly torn him to shreds. But Teddy's mother had healed at least some part of his father, for Remus had thought it the right thing to do, to love again and to hide away his letters with Sirius from a time long since gone.
               But Teddy was in turmoil. It wasn't that he thought, Oh, Dad liked blokes, so I do, too. That wasn't it at all. Instead, the heart of the matter was a name. Rather, many names…and two in particular.
               The entire Potter–Weasley clan had long since grown accustomed to naming children after deceased loved ones. Only Lily was odd in that her middle name came from the very-much-alive Luna. But, when Teddy thought about it, and he did so quite often as an adult waiting for the others of his "generation" to catch up to him, he realized that they were all like their names.
               Victoire was not that much like her French grandmother, from where she took her middle name, but she was always a triumphant one. She was walking, talking Victory. By comparison, Dominique was more reserved than her sister, and so "Gabrielle" was an appropriate middle name for her, as Fleur and her sister were different in the same way.
               Molly was a coddler and family leader just like her grandmother, and Fred was as clever a git as stories said of his namesake. Al was both calculating and shrewd, and he knew how to manipulate people when it suited him. And, of course, James was as much a laugh as his grandfather had been.
               But, for him and James, Teddy was not as bothered by their first names. No, instead he was bothered by their middle names. Sirius and Remus. Sirius. Remus. Or, as it kept playing in Teddy's head, Sirius&Remus, Sirius&Remus, Sirius&Remus.
               And Teddy wondered if they were resigned to some kind of fate. Maybe they shouldn't have gotten together at all. Maybe this was only Sirius and Remus coming to haunt them and trying to be together once more.
               It was two in the morning, and Teddy lay awake in bed, troubled by his thoughts. James turned on his side, facing Teddy, and Teddy's heart both soared and sank.
               Sometime after they were caught snogging on the stoop to the Potter home and Ginny laughed and told them it was about time, James sat in the living room, waiting for Teddy to arrive. It wasn't as though he couldn't move everything without anyone's help; he had spells for that. But it was the meaning of the moment. James was leaving his parents' home again, but this time he'd be moving in with Teddy. And for good.
               James had caught Ginny hovering at the top of the stairs so often that day, hoping to eavesdrop, that he finally got fed up and told his dad to take his mother out to lunch. Naturally, Ginny forgot everything else, as they hadn't been on a date in so long.
               An hour passed after the house quieted, and then Teddy showed up. James hopped up from the couch, and he felt stupidly childish as he nearly ran to let Teddy in. But no one had ever made James feel so giddy all the time. Now he figured he finally knew how his mother felt about his father. If Teddy had asked James out on a lunch date right then, James would've been whisked away by the sheer delight in his heart.
               But Teddy's smile was weak, and James was reminded of that very first day Teddy had kissed him, and he thought back to their first date and their first "I love you" and their first time and their first everything.
               "James…you can't move in with me." Teddy closed his eyes and shook his head. "I… I've been wondering for so long now if we really love each other…and I don't think we do. We're not being Teddy and James. We're being Remus and Sirius, finishing a love that had only been born and never had the chance to grow." He shook his head again before he left. "I'm so sorry, James."
               That was a first, too.
               Though he'd been the one to end it, Teddy knew that it was half a lie he'd told. He knew that because his heart had torn in two when he'd convinced James that they weren't really in love. Maybe James was only the Sirius to his Remus…but, for Teddy, he'd really loved James. He'd never loved anyone so much. Once upon a time, it'd been natural to have someone, anyone by his side. But then it'd become as natural as breathing to care so much for James. And Teddy felt as though he could no longer breathe. He tried to remember, which was stunning because one wasn't supposed to breathe consciously. It was supposed to happen without them knowing.
               Teddy sat, emotionally gasping for air, when James kicked in the door. Teddy jolted, shocked at the pissed look on James' face. But then Teddy realized that James had come to argue, and he couldn't let that happen. He had to make James understand.
               "All right. I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that bullshit just now," the Potter remarked as he fixed the door with a flick of his wand. He stomped over to the couch from where Teddy rose, and he looked up at the Metamorphmagus. "What are you going on about, us not living our love but someone else's? And what's all this about Sirius and your dad?"
               Teddy grimaced, James' tone bothering him. He told him about the conversation between James' grandparents and father. And then…then he showed James the letters.
               James read them. Each and every single one was victim to his scrutiny, and Teddy thought he'd go nuts in the ensuing silence that was disrupted periodically only as James shuffled through parchment and reached for the next letter. When he was done, it was after midnight, and Teddy's stomach growled. He was starved for conversation, too, and he wanted to strangle James for being silent for so long. It wasn't like him, and Teddy hated it when James wasn't himself.
               "I almost wish there were something hot in there to read," James stated. "I mean, shit! As interesting as their letters were, there was no imagination fodder."
               Teddy blushed. "James! That's my dad you're talking about!"
               James raised his eyebrows, visible over the rims of his glasses. "Then you're the pervert for saying that you're only living out your dad's old love." He leaned on the back of the chair in the living room, facing Teddy. "I get it. Your dad loved Sirius the most. Your mum…" He bit his lip.
               "Was second-best, I know." Teddy sighed.
               "But that means squat when it comes to us."
               "How can you say that?"
               "Because I'm all right in the head!" He laughed at the glare he received. "Oh, Teddy… I think these letters have just put a nasty thought in your head, luv. Besides, I'm much too studious to be Sirius reincarnated, and you're much too outgoing and brash to be Remus reborn."
               Teddy bit his lip, his argument starting to crumble around the edges. "Yeah, but…"
               James got up from the chair and went to Teddy, leaning against him and sighing contently. "Look, Teddy. If there's one thing I learned from school, it's that there's no such thing as reincarnation magic. It doesn't exist. People resemble other people; it just happens, especially amongst family and friends. Now, unless you have another reason for breaking up with me, I'm going to pretend that you never said any of what you did earlier today and I'm going to move in here. Is that all right with you?"
               James groaned. "Fine! Here's my final counterargument: If Sirius and Remus were so good together—"
               "—then maybe you and I are meant to be," the Potter concluded. He leaned up and snogged Teddy, leaving no room for further argument.
I've had this idea for a little while now, but I only really figured out how to execute it a day ago. To be honest, yeah, I was kind of nitpicking the fact that so many of the next-gen names come from other charries, which does kinda bug me, even if I did give Vic and Dom their middle names… However, I like it when James is a bit pushy. Though I think Teddy's a stronger personality…James tops. XDDD Also, my OC Xerxes makes his appearance! I actually have plans for him. And sadly, I've killed off my OC Troy again…cookies if you know where he first bought it! ;P Not too bad for a belated bday pressie, eh, Jo? ;] Again, happy birthday, luv! I hope it was a nice surprise. :')
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: I love the somber tone that carries most of this 2012 oneshot. It helps make this a slow build without making it too slow. Poor Xerxes, tho; he's a good bloke, but he makes plenty of mistakes as his father did (Xerxes parents are Zacharias and Parvati, btw). Ah, man, tho… Teddy… So glad James cleared things up. But I forgot I had him kick in the door! XD (Also my 2012 A/N is dumb—Jamdy is such a reversible couple. ;P)
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andyeehaw-mack · 5 years
So I stayed clear of spoilers (yes!) and got to watch andi mack live while my parents where outside so I could scream all I want to lol. Heres my live reaction in case anyone cares. (Sorry for all the 😭)
Omg I'm scared
Wow cece is going to LET them party, hmm
Wow bex dont know what maracas is lol
Yall really trynna hide andi's letter yall ain't slick 🤨
Wow this party is really fancy considering its gonna be messed up and sweaty in the end. I mean that's how normal middle school parties go
Omg the dress!!!
Ohhh so that's what the cyrus and buffy look back was.. we where off
Buffy really said "I see" like she wasnt staring
Cyrus I so disappointed 😭😭 disney channel really out here
Ohh so he was talking to buffy when he was deluding himself
I'm sorry but how was cyrus dancing oskdksks
Ew kira
Yass tj defend your boyfreind
Tj dont be sad over her
Damn celia
Born this way??
Hes singing???
Shes singing??
They're singing??
They're still singing??
Oh no jandi
The nine year olds that ship them are getting fed tonight
Also all these references to the past seasons
Are they are talking like they did when they first met!!
Lmao, I shouldn't laugh but right after buffy walked off, this girl came through dancing with glow sticks and ruined the moment
Buffy where are you going
Omg omg omg omg omg
They kiss!!!
Yall thought it wasnt going to happen (including me)
Omg the bench
This is gonna be gay
Yes finally you realize Kira isnt good for you
So tj said the "nice person trying to get out" line. Makes sense
Omg the antisipation
Thelonious jagger?????
Thelonious Jagger kippen???
Tj you ain't slick we see you hands
They are gay! Ahhhh! on disney! We are witnessing history!
Omg they are so small
She got in!!
Go after your dreams andiman!
Jonah looks a little jealous that he's not apart of that picture lol
Oh jonah
Of course buffy isnt saying goodbye
The cast pics!!
Did this boy just say jammin'? Omg my son
That girl is right it was the best moment this season
Those girls freaking out are my mood
They look back at cyrus coming out!
Wow josh, a king, right as always
Omg emily is so pretty
Wow Luke's hair!
Everything they said has me emotional
They're singing!! 😭😭😭 ahh
Wow, its really over. I wasnt a lot in this fandom but I appreciate all of you. I'm glad disney got this far and they credit they gave andi mack. They have never ended a show like they did tonight with all the look backs and memories. The good hair crew and all of our children are forever in our hearts.
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shazqureshi · 7 years
Eid aayi mera Yaar ni aaya Rabba khair hove ohde dam di Haar shingaar na change lagde Kisi cheez te nazar na jamdi Sukhan waaliyan neendran mannan Te main raat guzaran ghum di Yaar mile te main eid manawan, bina yaar de eid na kam di.
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xreadingsolacex · 7 years
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Today I was lucky enough to meet both Laini Taylor and Jandy Nelson, two incredible, funny, kind, and talented authors. Meeting authors I admire is always so surreal because though I know they're real people (and have interacted with quite a few), I just can't shake the feeling that a person produced something as magnificent as their book. Watching Laini and Jamdy converse was so entertaining (and I even got my question answered!) and then getting up close to get my books signed and talking to them two-on-one was just fantastic. I'm always so thankful for being part of such an amazing community, but today was just such an amazing night that I don't know if how I feel can be put into words. ♡ -- #lainitaylor #jandynelson #strangethedreamer #illgiveyouthesun #daughterofsmokeandbone #authorsigning #readersofinstagram #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookpeople #bookreader #booklover #bookevent #authorevent
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camelliacats · 7 years
Much More Than Bromance (part 1 of 2)
James & Teddy being cute & sexy.
Fic: "Much More Than Bromance" [FFN] [AO3] | part two here
Pairings/Characters: established!James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin, Lily Luna Potter, Albus Severus Potter, & Harry Potter
Rating: T (sfw)
Words: ~1,500
Additional info: romance, slash, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Everyone thought James and Teddy got along too well for the relationship between Teddy and James' sister. | Part 1: Found Him.
                "James, have you seen Teddy?"
                James glanced up from his book. His sister, Lily, had a frown on her face. "Nah, not today."
                "Oh… Well, you two are always so bloody chummy, I figured you would," she groused.
                James sat up on the couch and gave her an encouraging smile. "It's not as if we're best mates, Lils. We just get along."
                Their brother, Al, snorted from his place at the kitchen table. "You're a walking contradiction."
                "What? You like Teddy okay enough, too."
                "That's because he's kind of family. But I changed my attitude as good older brothers do when he showed interest in our little sis."
                Lily rolled her eyes. "Well, be happy, because I'm going to cure him of his interest if he goes missing one more time when we're having a serious conversation."
                Both wizards narrowed their eyes at her.
                "Oh, good Godric… Not that kind of serious conversation, you two! Though I'll have you know that I am seventeen."
                "And we're nineteen and twenty-one and we still don't want those kinds of thoughts wandering into that brain of yours," Al retorted.
                Lily shook her head, cursed, and headed back upstairs to her room. James and Al heard her slam her door. Then the house was quiet once again.
                "You know," Al began, "you really should've been more against them. You're the oldest."
                "But who says I have to be a jerk about them?" James retorted, getting warm under the collar from all the attention. He picked up his book again but found he couldn't continue reading with Al needling him. "You know, he's an all right bloke, Al. And need I remind you we grew up with him?"
                "Ah, talking about Lily and Teddy again, I see," Harry said as he entered the kitchen through the back door. He picked up an apple and bit into it. "You all grew up together."
                "Precisely," James said with a pointed look at his brother.
                "Then it should be like a brother and sister together," Al griped.
                Harry gave his younger son a look as he opened the fridge. "And if you were in Lily's shoes, it'd still be the same 'sibling' label others might see on you."
                "Aw, gross, Dad, brother and brother?" Al pulled a face.
                "My point was wizard and wizard, Albus."
                James rolled his eyes at the two of them and stood up. "Well, while you continue your bitching, Al, I think I'm going out for a bit."
                "Will you be back for dinner?" Harry asked. "Your mother will want to know."
                "Dunno, really… I'd say no, in that case." James entered the kitchen, mocked Al's annoyed expression, and took a spare butterbeer from his father. "I'm probably gonna just go right to my flat when I'm done for the day."
                Harry laughed. "Your mother and I still don't get it… Why on Earth did you get a flat when you're here half the time?"
                "And at Teddy's the rest. Are you sure you two aren't best mates and hiding it?" Al insisted.
                James ignored his brother. "I'll let you guys know if I'm stopping by for dessert, okay?" He said "bye" to his family and left the house in Godric's Hollow, only to Disapparate at the end of the street.
                He Apparated to a road that was similar to Godric's Hollow, only this road had come to possess a little more meaning to James Sirius Potter as of late. He strode to a tan building and entered, taking the steps two at a time. When he came to a door that read "T. Lupin," he knocked twice, but there was no response.
                James grumbled, wondering where the hell that damned Metamorphmagus had gotten to, but he took a breath and tried to clear his mind. It was a Saturday in early summer, so there wasn't much of a reason for Teddy not to be home. The only thing was, James didn't really know anywhere else to look. It was doubtful that Teddy would be hanging out with his mates, because they were away on vacation. And, to James' knowledge, Teddy hadn't gone away either… Besides, Lily had said they'd been having a serious conversation, and James knew Teddy hated those kinds of talks. James felt the need coming on again to push Teddy to end it with his sister; he was pretty sure Lily was going to end it, anyway.
                At those thoughts, a hand touched the small of James' back and he yelped. He turned around and glared at Teddy, who grinned at him. "Need something?" the turquoise-haired man said, laughter evident in his voice.
                "I've told you, don't do that to me, Teddy," James sniped as he followed Teddy into the older wizard's apartment. He closed the door behind him and shrugged out of his light traveling cloak.
                Teddy raised his eyebrows. "And I thought I told you never to undress any bit of you within my sight." His eyes drifted across James, roving up and down and back up until they met James' soft brown gaze.
                "You are such a perv." James hung his cloak up and looked in the bag. "Food? You went out to buy food?"
                The Lupin son shrugged. "What can I say? Listening to Lils' whining made me hungry."
                "Teddy, you really should—"
                "I know, I know. I'll tell her tomorrow, promise." Teddy sighed. "I just—I can't work with girls, you know? First Vic, now Lily. I mean, I don't really work with boys, so to speak, either…"
                "…just me," James supplied, his lips curving up at the corners on their own. He fought his goofy grin but lost, and he did his best to shy away from Teddy then, for he could see that particular glint making its appearance in the older wizard's ever-changing eyes.
                "Correct," Teddy said. He lifted out a gallon of vanilla ice-cream and a bottle of chocolate syrup. The jar of cherries came last. He held up a paper bowl to James. "Sundae?"
                "No, it's Saturday." James laughed at the exasperated look on Teddy's face.
                "You know, I really ought to cure you of your horrible puns."
                James pursed his lips. "'Cure' me? Funny. Lily used the same turn of phrase earlier." Just as quickly as his heart had soared, James felt it plummeting to the pit of his stomach.
                Teddy looked at James from under his long eyelashes and sighed. "Oh, James, don't start. I've spent quite a bit of time with your sister, you know that."
                The eldest Potter couldn't help but pout. "Not…that much time, I hope."
                "James, would you like the truth?" Teddy angrily jammed a spoon into the ice-cream and then sat down on his coffee table in front of where James sat on his couch. "I haven't even kissed Lily. I just… I dunno. I kinda get queasy thinking of kissing her."
                "Oh." James ducked his head.
                "It was the same with Vic." Teddy turned and grabbed a spoonful of the ice-cream. He twirled the utensil in his fingers, watching the food soften. A drop of vanilla ice-cream trudged along the bottom of the spoon, and Teddy flicked his eyes back to James. "But you…"
                The brunet wasn't expecting it when Teddy fed him the spoonful. James coughed and swallowed, and Teddy smiled. James could feel a bit of the liquid smeared in one corner of his mouth, but Teddy helpfully leaned forward and licked it off.
                "You, my lovely, are quite tasty."
                James blushed bright red and glared at Teddy as he laughed. "Merlin, you're such a wanker… I hate you, you know that?"
                "If you hated me, then I wouldn't be allowed to kiss you, would I?" The Metamorphmagus sighed happily and looked at the food. He looked back at James. "You know, James…"
                "What?" James hated that he was half distracted by trying to wipe away Teddy's spit on his mouth.
                "I'd love to do more than kiss you."
                James froze. He loved making out with Teddy and having the occasional grope…and he'd certainly entertained the same thoughts Teddy seemed to be having now…but wasn't it a bit much to let Teddy get the upper hand thrice in one day?
                Teddy took James' quiet as a negative response. "All right, then. One Potter doesn't want me in his pants, another Potter has pants in which I'd rather not even glimpse. It's been a great fucking day." Teddy's grin was tight as he made a sundae for himself and started to eat.
                "You can't get angry at me, Teddy. You know you have a habit of rushing into things." James sighed and smiled gently at his love—yeah, that sounded right… He could easily admit to his family that he wasn't Teddy's best mate. No, he loved Teddy. And now Teddy was officially asking him to be his lover.
                Who could say "no" to that?
                James glanced at Teddy's door, frowned as he thought of the cake his mother had said earlier in the day that she would be making for dessert after supper, and smiled when he realized that, duh, Teddy had bought the makings for sundaes. He could only send a little prayer to Merlin that Harry and Al didn't eat the entire cake before Ginny had a chance to put away the leftovers. "Teddy…"
                "Hnn." Teddy gave him a mopey stare.
                "Just one question: Where's the whipped cream?"
Okay! I'll admit, I copped out. I had funny dialogue in mind, and I was also trying to wipe up my own drool at how this could've gone…
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: Yep. The reviews poured in back in 2011, so I made it an M-rated two-shot. This half is pretty much untouched, so…yeah. For FFN viewers, please note that part 2 has since been censored to fit with the site rules, but you can view all the graphic beauty on AO3 (under my pseud Miraphina_Atherton) and on tumblr (at camelliacats). ;3
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camelliacats · 5 years
Save the Best for Last
An Alteddy fairytale. =w=
Fic: "Save the Best for Last" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Teddy Lupin/Albus Severus Potter (mentions of Lilted & Jamdy)
Rating: K+
Words: ~1,680
Additional info: romance, slash, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Teddy had three options, three choices, and he had to decide. Ha, if only Goldilocks had been in his shoes… a version of the Goldilocks fairytale, à la mew
                Once upon a time—as all the best fairytales start—there was a boy, nay, a young man with shimmering cerulean locks. He was of the working class, a bloke who earned his place in the world. Some thought everything came too easy to him, but this was not true. He earned, deserved every bit of good luck that came his way. After all, he had suffered enough in losing his parents at an early age.
                One day while heading home, he walked by the palace, wherein the royal family lived. Sometimes he would imagine what it would be like to be a part of that family, and he imagined a life with the princess and her family, thinking that he could put hard work behind him and finally earn some relaxation.
                Then, he met the princess.
                Her name was Lily, and it was a well-suited name for such a beautiful flower. She seemed very kind and clever, and she announced that she had seen the young man doing manual labor for those around the village. She admired that, she told him.
                "You'd make an excellent prince," she whispered in his ear when her father, the king, wasn't looking.
                The young man got to thinking but said nothing. He came to know her parents, and it turned out he had a link to them, for they once had fought in a war alongside his parents. He was sure that, had she still been alive, his grandmother would have loved to meet them.
                And then the queen said what was on her mind and ruined the moment: "You and Lily are quite close, aren't you, Ted?"
                From there, it was a blur of laughter, of craziness, of Lily's hand in his and her voice in his ear again, sweetly calling him "Teddy." But, though he tried to be with her, with the pretty princess, he found that he couldn't. He found that Lily expected too much of him, demanded too much of him. She wanted what she saw, not what she got. And that wasn't relaxing for Teddy, not at all.
                So his hair darkened to brown with his mood, as was his power in this magic land, and he left the princess before they were even at the altar.
                For a while, the young man worked in peace, away from all the trappings of the royal family. And all was well.
                Then, he met the crown prince.
                His name was James, and it was a good, strong name for a royal like him. James was kind and a tad fragile despite his jaunty demeanor, and he told the young man that he liked how he spoke with the villagers and got them to laugh and act as though there were no hardships in their easy lives. He admired that, he told him.
                "I'd like to be a peasant just like you," he breathed against his lips when the queen was just in the other room.
                The young man thought it odd for a crown prince to say something so strange. Then again, the crown prince was strange, liking the young man in such a romantic way. But James was different, and it didn't sound so bad to hear "Teddy" rolling off the tip of his tongue. They already knew the king and queen liked the young man, so what could wrong?
                And then the king said what was on his mind and ruined the moment: "You've made James very happy, Ted."
                From there, everything dragged on lazily, hazily, and James did nothing but laugh and smile. But he never asked for anything, and he always left the castle to meet the young man at his own home. Yet the young man couldn't handle that, couldn't deal with James. James asked nothing of him, and in some ways it was just as smothering an action as Lily's demanding. James liked what he got and didn't care for anything more. There was no room for the young man to grow, so he fled the relationship. It hadn't been relaxing for Teddy, not at all.
                So his hair blackened with his mood, and he left the land before the family could guess at what had gone wrong.
                For a while, the young man worked in peace, away from all the trappings of the royal family and his hometown. He thought for sure he'd be fine without that family and their nonsense. It didn't matter that the king and queen were his last ties to his parents…it didn't matter that he still yearned to be a part of that family…it didn't matter that he still dreamt of peace and quiet shared with the one he loved…it didn't matter that he hadn't found his love yet. All was well. …all would be well. …all was not well.
                Then, he met the other prince.
                His name was Albus, and he didn't act very much like a prince. He was a curiosity, because princes weren't supposed to be adventurers. Princes weren't meant to traverse foreign lands in pursuit of "things that didn't bore" them. Albus didn't admire the young man at all, angry at more than infatuated with him.
                "What do you want to do?" Albus asked him, staring at him unforgivingly because Albus had yet to decide whether the young man was interesting enough to make the prince stick around.
                The young man opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He stared at Albus in silent confusion. Hadn't the young man had a perfect dream all figured out? Hadn't he mapped his future with anticipation? He ended up expressing these concerns to Albus, the first friend he'd made in a long, long time. Well, even if the young man would never be a part of the family he still loved despite his mistakes with Lily and with James, he could at least enjoy the time spent with Albus.
                And then the prince said what was on his mind and ruined the moment: "I'm in love with you, Ted. Do you love me?"
                In that moment, everything…froze. There was no talk of the future and no judgment of the past. There was just Albus kneeling before the hearth in the young man's second home, his green eyes cold and hot at the same time, his face not showing if he'd break into song or crumble into shards at the young man's answer. Why? Why would Albus like—love him? What was so good about him? Surely Albus' qualities were much better than his own. Albus was forthright without being pushy. He looked people in the eye when speaking with them. He wasn't above supping with those from lower classes, almost as though he saw no classes at all. There was no separation, no dishonesty, no suffocation with him.
                How could Teddy not love that?
                But there was still no relaxation, and Albus knew this. "I'm not forcing anything out of you, Ted. I just wanted you to know."
                What Teddy paid no attention to was that, while he'd be in Albus' company, his locks had returned to their cheery turquoise. And, when Albus explained that he'd be heading home, those same locks turned blacker than ink.
                For a long while, the young man couldn't work at all. He didn't want to dream of life after labor. He didn't want relaxation anymore. He didn't care for the royal family's ties to his past anymore. All that mattered was that he found his love. And he knew he'd found it.
                He'd just let it walk out his door.
                There was nothing he could do, but he kicked himself for not trying anything sooner, when Albus had still been around. And the young man felt a pain, a loneliness the likes of which he'd never before experienced. All was infuriatingly not well.
                Then, a small castle was built.
                It was called Lightning Tower, and it was supposed to be a satellite of the royal family's presence in this far corner of the world—after all, the royal family's power and fame were well-known and widespread. The castle had been entrusted to the prince, and Albus often could be seen coming and going as if he had so few duties that he had all the time in the world to get to know the locals and become a lord which they loved. And their lord loved them back.
                But his eyes were set on the young man. "Would you come live with me?" Albus asked him, staring at him in the light of the bonfire the people had lit in the town square in celebration of a successful harvest, the result of the prince's brainstorming. He truly was a blessing to this place.
                The young man opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He stared at Albus in silent confusion, wondering why he couldn't get his confirmation out. Why couldn't the young man just tell the prince that he loved him?
                And then the prince said what was in his heart and set the moment: "I'm still in love with you, Ted."
                In that moment, everything was Albus in the young man's vision. He reached for the prince and tugged him to him, tasting everything for which he'd been searching all along: peace, love, and relaxation. The future.
                How could Teddy not love Albus?
                Albus seemed to know this. "It's nice to have an answer at last," he remarked, smirking.
                The young man's locks lightened to the blue hue of cloth dye, and eventually they were turquoise again, and they'd be like that for the rest of his life.
                Forever, the young man and the prince lived in peace, sometimes in the trappings of the royal family and always in the comfort of their own home. The young man had thought for sure he'd be fine without that family and their nonsense. But he was thankful that Albus was the one good thing that had come from meeting them at all, because he'd suffered enough and now he'd found his place in the world.
                And all was well.
8DDD This totally was meant to be a drabble, and then it ran away from me and wrote itself—not that I'm complaining! X3 I love doing fairytale-esque stuff, writing or drawing it, and I have to say that the boys made me proud here. They fit my idea of "Goldilocks" better than I'd anticipated! :DDD I love them… -w-
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: Ahh, yes. I'd forgotten "Goldilocks" was deffo the inspiration for this, but I love this 2012 fic. I think the only other time I'd written a fairytale up to this point would be ch31 of 45 Ways to Make a Werewolf Fall for You (which I highly suggest reading—the entire story or just that chapter, which can be read on its own). Fairytales are fun to write! XD
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camelliacats · 5 years
The Odd One Out
The first of many fics for a fav ship~
Fic: "The Odd One Out" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: one-sided!Albus Severus Potter/Teddy Lupin (mentions of Lilted and unrequited Jamdy)
Rating: light T
Words: ~780
Additional info: romance, slash, angst, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Sometimes Al gets to thinking of how much different things could be—not better, but at least different.
                Albus looked on with as little interest imaginable, even though that was such a lie. How could anyone let their eyes rest on Teddy Lupin without interest?
                But Al was no pervert. He didn't lust over Teddy as certain other Potters did. Al merely was appreciative of Teddy's looks a little, of Teddy's character more. Sure, Teddy was handsome, but his hair and eye colors were always changing so Al thought that he'd be lying to himself if he said he loved them. But it was a different thing altogether to admire Teddy's personality. Teddy was like a small-scale hero, very much like Harry except for the whole defeating-a-Dark-Lord thing. He had a temper, but it often flared to life when his loved ones had been affronted or hurt, not because he'd become annoyed. Teddy was a laugh, but never at another's expense, or at least not cruelly, because everyone laughed when Rose got worked up like Uncle Ron or when the family placed bets on whether Molly sounded more like Uncle Percy or Aunt Hermione in any given moment.
                Al liked Teddy's quiet grin best, however. It often appeared when Teddy had lost his energy for the day but still observed his surroundings and goings-on with attentiveness. It wasn't fake kindness that caused him to grin and pay attention; he just was delighted to be around his friends and family.
                That smile was the thing to which Al clung whenever he forced himself to bury his interest. After all, it was bad enough that Teddy and Lily were involved. It was worse that Al knew James lusted after their god brother despite Lily having Teddy.
                It was worst of all to add in Al's…feelings on top of it all.
                And, on some nights, it was harder for Al to ignore his interest (and that was what he'd call it, because he knew he liked Teddy, but that other l-word was out of the question), because, on some nights, Al could hear his parents talking cheerily in the kitchen. The kitchen was beneath his room on the second floor, and Lily's and James' rooms were on either side of his. So while he heard his parents planning Lily and Teddy's future below him, he heard Lily and Teddy whispering sweet nothings to one another to his left, and he heard James' grunts of self-pleasure at imagining an impossible future to his right.
                In the middle (he would be stuck there forever, he presumed), Al sat on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, wondering what things would be like not in the future but now, what they would be like if things were different now.
                Like…what if Lily had taken an interest in Scorpius, as Rose had? What if James got hard-ons to witches and not to wizards? What if Teddy had married Victoire seven years ago, had decided not to delay an engagement to a relationship that had been platonic at best, had chosen not to acknowledge last year that Lily wasn't a little girl anymore?
                What if Al had been Ally, and what if Teddy had looked into Al's eyes and said that Al had the most beautiful, most soul-revealing gaze Teddy had ever seen?
                Could it have all been different then?
                Even after Al was done with his what-ifs, he still let his eyes drift to a picture pinned to the wall. It was half-hidden by other pictures—photos of friends, family, fellow Slytherins—and it was a rare picture of Teddy with just the three Potter kids. Of course, the picture was three years old, taken during the Potter kids' Hogwarts days. But it was a nice picture. Even James looked nice in it.
                But the picture was half-hidden so that Al didn't have to see James looking nice in it, nor did he have to see Lily's bright smile. With it half-hidden, Al could pretend that only he and Teddy had ever existed in that moment, a moment in which Al was becoming a man and was starting to understand that one sought in a better half all of the qualities one lacked in oneself.
                There was so much he thought he lacked in himself, and his siblings were proof of that. James would be the firstborn and the first son and the most charming of them. Lily would be the baby and the first daughter and the sharpest of them. And Al…Al would be a repeat, just another son, just another Potter who was kind and didn't have much going for him beside his father's inherited looks and having been Sorted into Slytherin. Being such a let-down made Al stand out…but not enough to catch Teddy's attention, never.
Ahh, angst, my old friend… I have quite a bit planned for Al and Teddy ever since I thought up this idea recently. I've been thinking more and more as to why I don't write Al much, and I think I've begun to express my findings with this fic alone. But more to come in other drabbles and oneshots! :3
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: *LOL* I laugh because my love for Alteddy exploded during this time 5 yrs ago. XD I went to churn out, like, another 6 Alteddys right after this one. Man. I love it when a ship grabs ahold of me like that. :3c
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camelliacats · 7 years
Much More Than Bromance (part 2 of 2)
James & Teddy being X-rated. XD
Fic: "Much More Than Bromance" [FFN] [AO3] | part one here
Pairings/Characters: established!James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin
Rating: Explicit (extremely nsfw)
Words: ~3,500
Additional info: romance, slash, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Everyone thought James and Teddy got along too well for the relationship between Teddy and James' sister. | Part 2: Now What to Do With Him?
                The spoon in Teddy's hand fell back into the sundae dish with a clanking sound. Teddy gaped at James. "Wait… Did you just say what I think you said?"
                James laughed, his face red. "Well, I think I did. And maybe you could gather yourself together before I stop laughing. Otherwise I think my courage to do this might fade…"
                "Hell, no! You don't say something like that and then imply you're going limp on me," Teddy chided. He placed the bowl on the coffee table and grabbed James by the neck with a growl.
                "Ah-ah-ah," James breathed against Teddy's lips. "You were being a little pratty to me, y'know."
                Teddy pouted.
                "That means I get to torture you just a little bit."
                The Metamorphmagus leaned his head on James' shoulder. "My pants are going to grow even more uncomfortably tighter, aren't they?"
                James glimpsed at the swelling between Teddy's legs and snickered. "I didn't think it was possible to get any larger."
                Teddy met his eyes straight on. "When you're with a Metamorphmagus, James, anything can get larger." He added his cheeky grin, but it was no use trying to hide his obvious want behind a mask of mere desire.
                The brunet looked at the items on the table. "Hmm…how about I make a sundae out of you?"
                "Oh, you bloody little—"
                "Banana split, of course."
                Teddy stripped off his shirt and began working the buttons on James'. "All right, then. But we really shouldn't make a mess of our clothes. Need a little help?"
                "Absolutely." James caught Teddy's mouth in another kiss as the older wizard's fingers deftly worked the buttons through the buttonholes, pausing every so often just to drag his fingertips in a most tantalizing fashion across some bare bit of James' skin. It was a delightful feeling, for Teddy didn't stick to his fingertips alone. No, every couple of pauses, he turned his hand and touched his fingernail to the peachy hide, his nails which were just a wee bit cool and just that much more exciting. James choked on a shiver when Teddy lifted the bottom of his shirt out from his pants, a finger skirting behind his denims' clasp, tempting the sensitive area where abdomen became loins.
                James felt those same fingers slip his shirt off his arms while Teddy busied him with his tongue in his mouth, a mainly sweet sensation from Teddy having eaten a few spoonfuls of the ice-cream. The chocolate syrup had left behind a hint of a bitter aftertaste that melded with the sweet treat's sugar, and James got to thinking just how he could return the favor for sampling what he was sure was the best thing on the planet.
                "Pants," the younger man whispered. Teddy nodded and obediently, albeit sadly, broke their lip-lock. He raised his eyebrows at the animal grin on James' face, but a look of shock replaced his skepticism when James ungraciously yanked both trousers and boxers in one hard pull.
                Teddy gulped and James chuckled.
                "I'd actually always wondered if you could change their color, too. So even pubes can be bright turquoise—oh, pardon me, dark reddish-pink," he amended as the curls darkened. His smile widened when that hair, the sparse line of chest hair, and Teddy's head returned to that lovely ocean hue.
                "I didn't know you'd dreamt of me that often," Teddy mumbled, his voice husky, certainly coated with a desire that was growing into harrowing lust.
                James only smiled as he put Teddy's other purchases on the couch beside him. Then he stood and gently pushed the other wizard back against the coffee table. "You comfy enough?"
                "Never better." Teddy paused for thought. "Though I'd be perfect if you'd stop being a right git and help me out here," he grumbled, waving at his nearly rock-hard member.
                "Patience, dear Lupin, patience."
                Teddy's eyes followed James every second as James taunted him by leaving his denims unbuttoned but pulled up and taking his time picking up the bottle of chocolate syrup and pretending to read the label. James pulled on the cap to the syrup and put his mouth to it, and then gave it a good suck. He licked at the chocolate that dribbled onto his lips, his grin impossibly widening even more as Teddy's cock gained its perky, stiff personality. "Am I tortured enough for you?" Teddy gasped.
                "Almost," James replied. He bent over Teddy's head and leaned down to kiss him hard on the mouth again. Teddy tilted his head up to meet him, dragging his hand through James' tawny locks. Then James raised the bottle up high…and current after current of syrup drizzled down onto the older man's torso.
                "Shit, you really meant it when you said you'd make a sundae out of me," Teddy realized as James circled the table, drawing zigzags from his collarbone down his chest and stomach to just before the base of his hilt.
                "You won't mind," James promised as he unscrewed the lid on the cherry jar.
                "Only if you put ice-cream on me."
                James threw his head back and laughed again. "I really haven't had this much fun in a while, Teddy. I mean, that last time we made out when Lily and Vic and the rest of my female cousins where quite literally just in the other room—that had been a rush, all right. But…" He frowned. "So much of the time you get top-dog, grabbing me."
                Teddy stopped James and put his hand on James' hip, rubbing his thumb along the bone. "If you want to do the touching, then say something, for crying out loud."
                "Um, aren't I making a statement now?"
                "Point taken."
                James patted Teddy's cock teasingly. "Yeah, point taken." He drew a circle a couple of times around the throbbing organ. "But I'll get to that."
                He plucked a couple of the cherries from the jar by their stems, placing one on each of Teddy's nipples and one on his bellybutton. He then took the spoon from Teddy's bowl and dripped some of the melted ice-cream in dots along his abs. Teddy shivered again, but the chilliness passed, for the ice-cream was nearly room temperature now.
                James stood up and admired his handiwork. He looked at Teddy's face. "I wasn't really joking about the whipped cream."
                Teddy grimaced at him. "Forget the bloody whipped cream for later." He reached out and hooked his arms around one of James' legs, bringing the brunet closer to him. He tugged a little on the back pocket on James' denims and then reached around and tugged on the corresponding front pocket, pausing deliberately to brush his hand against James' penis through the cloth. Teddy smirked at what he could feel was a certainly solid package. "Now could you please dig in?"
                The younger man finally gave in and licked a smidgen of the chocolate syrup off Teddy's collarbone before returning to those plush lips for yet another kiss. He knelt down beside the coffee table and put his right arm underneath Teddy's head like a pillow, drawing his left hand up Teddy's left thigh and side, moving his fingers away each time he almost ruined the line of chocolate. Eventually he rubbed his hand across the lower part of the Metamorphmagus' abdomen, smudging the chocolate and moving his hand along the shaft, which was ramrod straight. The syrup mixed with the pre-cum, acting as an inviting, makeshift lubricant. Teddy groaned, but James only shoved his tongue further into his mouth, pushing a little on Teddy's hips so as not to allow him to buck his hips. Then he took a soft hold of Teddy's cock and started to slide his hand up and down.
                Teddy's moaning was so loud, it was a wonder that the neighbors didn't bang on the walls or door. Vaguely, somewhere in the back of James' mind, it occurred to James that perhaps Teddy kept up a permanent Silencing spell…or maybe Teddy had been expecting the best and cast a charm or two when James hadn't been looking. Teddy had always been good with nonverbal spells, after all.
                James kissed Teddy's collarbone again and finally began to lick the chocolate away. He took extra care and time near the cherries, refusing to pick them up with anything but his tongue, all the better to tease the nipples with…and tease he did. In only a few seconds, Teddy's nipples were as hard as the rest of him. James continued south.
                It was an interesting flavor, chocolate mixing with Teddy. Sweet and salty, his skin was soft like leather and irresistible like a lollipop; simply, James couldn't keep his mouth off him. Even when he reached that eager member, he didn't lift his mouth at all, preferring instead to suck tenderly at the skin from groin to shaft. James didn't take Teddy into his mouth, though; he only licked at the chocolate, keeping the rod glistening…and slick.
                Teddy quite honestly whimpered when James stood, but any complaints that came to mind disappeared when James moved beside Teddy's head. The turquoise-haired man clumsily tore at the other male's denims, and he growled when James didn't help him get his knickers off. But, soon enough, there James was, in all his glory. Teddy's eyes turned black, and connected with James' eyes.
                "Now," Teddy hissed.
                James paused, looking doubtful. "The table won't support us both—"
                Teddy angrily fumbled for his wand, waved it, tossed it back on the ground, and dug his fingers into James' backside. "There. Sturdy enough. Now come on."
                The brunet shrugged and carefully swung one leg over Teddy's torso. He sat on the other wizard's abdomen, feeling that aqua-colored shaft nudging him. He blushed and looked at Teddy. "Okay…I know I'm the one who was all bravado, but I've never done this before—"
                "Neither have I," Teddy interrupted, worry fleeting across his features for a brief moment before his carnal side returned. "But—but I just know that I want this. I can feel you do, too. And… And I can just kind of feel how we can do this."
                James nodded. "I feel the same way." He looked behind him. "Just—just lower your legs, okay?"
                The younger wizard sat up a little, moved over Teddy, and carefully lowered himself back down. He gasped. "Yowch! Cripes, you're large!"
                "Sorry, sorry! You're really tight, I'm just—" Teddy concentrated for a moment. "There. Better?"
                "I didn't mean you had to make it smaller. It was just, uh, a little much for my first time." James grinned as he settled with the feeling of Teddy inside him. "Oh, jeez… Now I get what all the women in the world scream about. A nice fat prick feels quite nice."
                Teddy snorted and shuddered. "Are you…going to keep a running commentary…or are you…going to move?" He really sounded desperate now. The look in his eyes would've been scary if James had been keeping anything else besides sex from the older man.
                James moved a little more to find the most comfortable position, but he found that the comfort came when he began rising up and down. It was quite an odd feeling, at first, but he quickly adapted, and James had a hard time going any faster when these early, slow strokes where enough to make him already see stars behind his eyes.
                He gasped when Teddy grabbed his hips, but he leaned down to kiss his lover again as Teddy helped him to build up a faster pace. Actually, it worked better the closer James laid flat against Teddy; that way, James only had to worry about lifting his lower half up and down, back and forth, rolling his hips. Teddy hissed at one point, but it was out of pure ecstasy as they began to move fast enough to jostle the coffee table.
                Probably the most shocking feeling came when, at their peak, Teddy managed to cram one finger alongside his cock in James. He waggled it around slightly before James cried out, an amazing stampede of what felt like hot raindrops sending tingles to every nerve in James' body. He shuddered and rolled his body along Teddy's, rubbing their torsos, their chests together, nipples brushing, James' own stiffy taunting Teddy even more as they kept up their fast rhythm.
                "Fuck!" Teddy breathed. He hugged James to him, grabbing James' hair almost painfully tight in his fist. He bucked his hips several times, eliciting chokes of surprise and pleasure from the brunet. He grabbed James' buttocks and gave another good, hard shove. "James…!"
                James' cry came out as a mottled sigh as Teddy's push got him to that point, the top point of their night. Suddenly, his insides felt warm, and James felt a warm liquid running down his legs. He sat up, both his front and Teddy's slicked with his own love juices. James glanced down, impressed. He ran a finger along Teddy's limp but happy friend, and then stuck his finger in his mouth. James thought for a minute, before pulling a face. "I…can't say that's my favorite part…"
                Teddy smiled up at him, the afterglow of their lovemaking wrapping around him. "That's fine. You left some chocolate on me anyway." He pointed to his chest suggestively, and James readily heeded his wishes and lapped up the rest of the sweet syrup.
                However, the licking made James hard again, and Teddy was regaining some of his own energy, too. "Teddy," the younger wizard muttered.
                "I know, I know…" Teddy got up, hauling James with him. Teddy got on all fours on the softer carpet and motioned at his own hole. "All right, luv, your turn to strut your stuff."
                "What? And—and before you were all primed! I'm not quite as well-lubed for this!"
                "Shit." Teddy frowned. "Of all the things not to know—the bloody lube spell." He sighed. "I—I'll look it up later. Just—do something! You're leaving me hanging, James!"
                "But what do you want me to use?"
                "I don't know! Something, anything!"
                James frantically searched the room, his eyes falling on the open jar of cherries. He snatched it up, jammed his shaft into the liquid, and took the jar back off himself. Hmm. That actually worked pretty well…
                "James!" Teddy sounded pretty urgent, and his voice was carrying a hint of a growl again.
                The brunet wasted no more time. He latched onto the Metamorphmagus' hips, pausing only to guide the helmet of his prick into Teddy, and then he let himself go. From this position, it was much easier to gain the proper momentum. Every time James hit Teddy's rump, Teddy jostled forward, his own member and testicles hanging and slapping his front.
                Teddy supported himself fully by his arms. "Hnn…" He'd pretty much lost his hang of coherent words, dropping his head and letting James take care of him. Even when James' dick filled enough of him that he touched his prostrate, Teddy's moans and groans were something far past human, past animal even. Teddy definitely had satisfied James, and now James was more than making good on his end of the deal.
                James wrapped one arm around Teddy's waist and held him tightly, while he kept a good grasp of one of Teddy's thighs. James spooned against Teddy's back, his perspiration mixing now with the other wizard's. He instinctively drew his lazy tongue along the other's spine and then reverted to kissing Teddy's back. He moved faster, faster, faster, all the while still devouring every which way everything that was Teddy, with all his senses; James could feel him, hear him, see him, smell him, and—best of all—taste him. Good Godric, why hadn't they had gone this far before? James now knew what his most favorite sport in the whole wide world was.
                Several more thrusts and a couple of tingle-inducing twists later, Teddy came again, creating a large white stain on the off-white carpet. Teddy emitted a manly growl before falling forward on his chest, James on top of him, still inside Teddy. They were both panting heavily, but James could see Teddy's grin as he'd never seen it before. "That. Was. Fucking mind-blowing."
                James managed a raspy chuckle. "F-Funny… I thought I blew your arsehole…"
                Teddy shook his head. "No, you idiot. No one blew anyone…yet. You only teased me." He pushed James out of him and flipped over, pulling James back to his chest and kissing the top of his head. He gave his lover a smile. "But cum's not really—"
                "Yeah, no. Sorry," he added sheepishly, glancing guiltily at Teddy.
                "There's nothing to be sorry about. But…if you don't mind, I wouldn't mind experimenting myself." Teddy's smile grew bigger.
                "You don't have to."
                "But I want to."
                James gave a small shrug, and Teddy reached for his wand again. "What are you—"
                Teddy shut him up with a kiss and waved his wand. A bottle of whipped cream flew to them from the direction of the kitchen, and Teddy had James get up and sit on the couch. "My Godric, James, you're still—" he said, gaping at the younger wizard.
                "Yeah. You had a pretty nice release, but I'm still hard." James hated that he'd sounded whiny.
                "Not a problem," Teddy assured him. He shook the can and pushed James' knees apart so his penis was displayed proudly on the couch. Teddy lifted it, getting a gasp from James, and squirted whipped cream all around James' privates. He placed some on James' balls, but most of it he drew in a spiral around James' still-jolly member. When he'd covered the helmet, Teddy put the whipped cream down and held his work of art proudly in his open palm. "Well, lookit that. He's a beauty, he is."
                James laughed. "Holy Merlin. You sure are having fun."
                "And I want to make sure you have as much fun as I do," Teddy said as he lowered his mouth to the shaft. He licked at the pre-cum emerging from the slit and gave James an appreciative nod. "Well, at least one of us enjoys giving head."
                "Just get on with it already—holy shit!" James gasped again and threw his head back as Teddy managed to deep-throat all of him. Teddy pulled back, licked his lips, and returned.
                It was as though he were painting a portrait with the tip of his tongue. Every place Teddy's tongue touched him, James felt he was beautiful and proudly on display. Teddy took care in sucking on only the tip at first, but then he planted kisses on either side of him, dragging his tongue back up and down again and again and again. Lightly, he let his teeth drift across the soft skin, and James stood at full mast. Then Teddy took his entirety into his mouth again and began blowing him, moving almost as fast as they'd managed cock to arse.
                James recalled his first time riding a broom, and how nice it'd felt to feel something else against his prick besides clothing. But Teddy's tongue—that organ wrapping around his—was just… James couldn't describe it, and he didn't want to try. He was so beyond words by now; he never wanted Teddy to stop.
                Soon enough, James felt that familiar rush of heat in his groin, and he looked at Teddy in alarm. "T-Teddy— I'm going to—I'm gonna—"
                Teddy broke away for a second to look at him. "It's okay, James, it's okay! Just do it!"
                "Are you sure?"
                "Yes!" Teddy sucked him again, forcing his lips all the way to the start of the hilt.
                James couldn't stand it anymore. He released all of himself in Teddy's mouth, and he was astounded at how much he produced and at how much Teddy managed to catch. What the turquoise-haired man missed ended on the fabric of the couch and a little on James' legs, but Teddy greedily lapped up what was left on James' thighs.
                The Metamorphmagus smiled and sat beside James on the couch after, placing James' head on his shoulder. "Well. That was definitely something new."
                "Uh-huh, mmhmm…" James sighed happily against Teddy's chest. He looked up at Teddy. "You ought to buy ice-cream stuff more often."
                Teddy laughed and leaned down to kiss him, but James stopped him. "Ah, right, cummy mouth, right? Hold on." Teddy put up a hand, grabbed the cherry jar, and took several large gulps of the juice, almost draining the jar completely. He turned back to James, grinned wickedly, and snogged him. "There. Disinfected."
                "Wanker," James said affectionately with an eye roll. He kissed Teddy again, though.
                "Yeah, well…you got your damned whipped cream."
                James laughed heartily. He shook his head as Teddy stretched out on the couch, James cuddled against him, and the two men nodded off for a well-earned rest.
                Yeah, he got the whipped cream, all right. That he did…that he did.
I won't ruin the moment. All I'll say is this was my 1st truly explicit piece. And please review.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: …damn. That really was a LOT more explicit than I remembered. XD This story still gets love, even 6 yrs later, and I can see why ('cuz we're all pervs ;P). Sadly, with the tightening up of site restrictions, I'd like to remind my dear readers that the FFN version is heavily censored (dare I say redacted), so please find the fic on AO3 (under my pseud Miraphina_Atherton) and on tumblr (at camelliacats) in all its explicit, horny glory. :3c The thing that sticks out most in my mind was that someone on dA a long time ago drew a ship meme that included Jamdy, and they mentioned this fic (for "strangest thing you've seen your couple do" *LOL*) and did a little doodle of it! XDDDD I still have the pic saved…wonder if the person still has it posted… :O But the artist made sure to link people to my fic, so tyvm, Artist! uwu
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camelliacats · 7 years
Nothing Could Go Wrong
Some Jamdy shenanigans. :3
Fic: "Nothing Could Go Wrong" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: established?James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin, with cameos from OCs, Minerva McGonagall, Horace Slughorn, Pansy Parkinson, & Blaise Zabini
Rating: T
Words: ~1,250
Additional info: romance, slash, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Nothing could go wrong...but everything does. Can Teddy help James cope with some regrets?
                "Yer parents are goin' ter kill you."
                James Sirius Potter rolled his eyes at his best mate, Troy Finnigan, hoping his expression read "You don't have to tell me twice." Yes, James and Troy didn't mind getting into the occasional bit of trouble, but this had to top their pranks list. On the bright side, they had done a splendid coloring job.
                Troy shut his gaping mouth and turned to see their other friend, Curtis Jordan, motioning to them to get out of there. "James, c'mon, mate, we need ter scram. James!" Troy barked.
                James hung his head. "Troy, we meant to paint the banners with some paint from Uncle George. The paint was supposed to be dark enough so the Slytherin banners would still look green, until they waved maroon."
                "I know, I know, but c'mon, mate! Man up already!"
                "THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE EXPELLIARMUS RED!" James hissed.
                They joined up with Curt and made a mad dash from the dungeons, but it was too late. The three friends had drawn the short straw, for Headmistress McGonagall was coming down the corridor, speaking with Head of Slytherin Slughorn and professors and former Slytherins themselves, Professor Zabini and Professor Parkinson–Zabini. Curt managed to duck out of sight right before Parkinson–Zabini spotted the offenders.
                "You two look awfully guilty," Parkinson–Zabini stated with narrowed eyes.
                McGonagall sighed and rolled her eyes. "Come now, Pansy, your days of discrimination against Gryffindors are long gone. Mr. Potter and Mr. Finnigan don't have any red paint on their hands, do they?"
                "Merlin's beard!" Slughorn gasped once he got by the boys. "The hallway down into the dungeons—it's bright red!"
                McGonagall looked ready to snap. She kept her mouth shut as she turned her murderous glare on the two boys; she'd just gotten done defending them, for crying out loud!
                Parkinson–Zabini, too, glared at them and zipped by to look on in horror at the corridor. "Oh, my—!" She wheeled on them. "I bet you think this is funny, don't you? Just because my former House won the Quidditch Cup doesn't give you the right to do this!" She stomped angrily towards them, reminding James of an angry pug puppy coming to nip at his heels. "This is the last straw, Potter, Finnigan! You two—!"
                "Pansy, Pansy, calm down, luv," Professor Zabini said. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her away from the culprits. "It'd be better to have Professor McGonagall deal with them. Right?" he added, looking from Parkinson–Zabini to McGonagall. Though Zabini had never liked James' father much before, Zabini actually had to be one of the fairest teachers around. He was a fairly decent, calm, and careful bloke.
                "Correct, Blaise," McGonagall said very coolly. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Finnigan, march straight to my office. I will be there very shortly."
                The look on her face scared the two of them right away, and James figured she would take a quick survey of the damage done and then come and deliver his and Tory's sentence.
                Oh, yeah. His parents were going to kill him.
                At home, James screamed into his pillow.
                He wasn't supposed to be home right now. Not when the school year was almost over and he was not on any sort of break. No, James and Troy had been suspended from school, and Ginny and Harry had been horrified to hear of this. It was not the first time that James had landed himself in hot water; on the contrary, James getting into trouble was as normal as the sky being blue. But this year—James' seventh and last—had been so messy that the faculty had had enough. McGonagall had decided the school needed a little break from him and Troy; Curt got off scot-free because a) he hadn't done anything, b) he'd escaped before being spotted, and c) James and Troy never would have given their mate away.
                So here James sat, wishing he could gouge out his eyes from a week he knew would be riddled with boredom.
                There was a knock at his door, and the next second Teddy Lupin stuck his turquoise head inside. "Hey, James."
                James inwardly groaned. Perfect. He was suspended while his semi-boyfriend was around. Just great.
                Teddy closed the door behind him and mustered a sympathetic grin for James. "I heard."
                The eldest Potter son rolled his eyes. "Well, then, you've heard. Whoop-de-doo."
                "Wanna bitch about it?"
                James frowned. "That depends. Do I get a shoulder to cry on?"
                Teddy laughed and crossed the room to sit down beside James on his bed. "I guess I could offer one."
                James sighed, wondering if it would be wrong to take Teddy up on his offer. After all, he and Teddy were constantly wondering if they were just a passing fling or something real. Teddy didn't have anyone else in his life right now, but that didn't automatically make James special.
                "Come on." Teddy patted James' leg. "Tell me what's on your mind."
                "I'm just…urgh, annoyed. It's not as if we physically hurt a kid."
                "True. But I'm sure the teachers have an annoyance threshold, luv."
                James ignored the bit of heat in his cheeks from Teddy's endearment and instead got up from his bed and picked up his Quaffle. He spun it around in his hands. "I suppose you're right… It's just, just frustrating. I know I've done a lot of stupid things, made a lot of mistakes…but why must everyone punish me? I mean, if they knew half the things Lily did—" James stopped. "Er, you didn't hear that from me."
                Teddy had a twinkle in his eye. "Hear what? Little Lily Luna is an angel." Of course, such a statement couldn't be taken seriously, and the two wizards burst out laughing.
                The brunet sighed and put the Quaffle back on its shelf. James returned to Teddy and pecked his cheek. "Thank you, Teddy. Sometimes venting does help."
                Teddy nodded but turned his head so he could entice James' lips back not to his cheek but to his own lips. "Do you need to vent some more?" he breathed.
                James bit his tongue. "Teddy, this is a bad idea."
                The Metamorphmagus grinned devilishly and tugged on the hem of James' t-shirt. "No, using George's Color-Change paint in Slytherin territory is a bad idea."
                "Teddy…" But already James was losing the fight in their little battle of wills. He tried not to release the moan he had welled up in the back of his throat as Teddy drew him down onto his lap. He could feel how…"happy" Teddy was to have James home earlier than usual.
                "You know," Teddy whispered against James' neck in between marking it with his teeth, "being suspended from school isn't such a bad thing." He lowered his hand to where their hips met. "Well, James?"
                James fought to regain his right mind. "I—I think being suspended means I'm k-kinda under h-house arrest…oh, my Godric, what are you doing?"
                "Oh, shut up, James, you like it. Besides, I'm sure if I told Harry and Ginny that I needed some help cleaning up my apartment, they'd loan you out." Teddy waggled his eyebrows. "What do you say?"
                "I say you've spent too much time with that mischievous sister of mine."
                "But I don't hear you complaining."
                "Of course not. Now go downstairs and break me out of here. … I DO NOT mean that kind of 'downstairs,' Teddy!" James squeaked.
B3 Naughty slash, fluffy slash… Any slash makes me happy, and I do love me some Jamdy. ;} Merlin, Teddy's such a troublemaker… *sighs happily*
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: Gods, JSP makes me laugh. XD I love writing Troy and Curt around him, too—they're some of my fav OCs to write. :D As for the incident… Too funny to pass up. Just as Teddy thought with James' house-arrest. ;3 All I can think, tho, is about another 2011 Jamdy fic I wrote shortly after this one. Woo, boy. 8D
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