sorathexplora · 12 years
Q&A thing
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make eleven new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know they’ve been tagged!
    1.what do you fear the most?
I have many.
  2.who is your favorite actor?
Don't have one
  3.what is your favorite movie?
Don't have one
  4.what is the most  embarrassing memory you have?
At Disneyland, I went to the talking thing with Crush (the turtle) and I was dressed as the doctor. Well he called me out and I didn't want to say The Doctor cause I didn't want to confuse everyone, so I said "John" as in John Smith. Apparently, my accent was horrible, because form then on, I was known as "Jamaican John!"
  5.what is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, that's the only time my family actually gets together.
  6.favorite animal ?
Don't have one.
  7. coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
All 3?
  8. pokemon or adventure time?
Love 'em both!
  9. favorite book?
Don't have one.
  10. what is the most boring movie you have ever seen?
Sorry, but I have to say Batman: The Dark Knight.
  11. do you have any hobbies?
I have many skills. None involving technology sadly.
  1. What have you done today?
Class and Tumblr.
  2. What thought makes you smile instantly?
Whose Line is it Anyways.....seriously, anything from that show makes me smile!
  3. First name that comes to your mind?
Wendy, but because I just posted something Disney AND Tom Hiddleston.
4. Did you collect anything when you were little?
Still do and I guess I'm kind of a hoarder since I collect A LOT!
  5. What kind of chocolate is the best?
Any that isn't by itself. Like I can't have a Hershey's chocolate bar, but I love Reeses.
  6. In your opinion, what is the best feature in your appearance?
My eyes and eyelashes.
  7. What kind of bed sheets do you have at the moment?
regular black ones with a Yugioh Comforter.
  8. The last fic you read?
Some Things Were Always Meant to Be....Phantom of the Opera.
  9. Do you often buy anything on an impulse?
Bad Habit I'm afraid. Although now I do compare prices with my phone.
  10. If I was right now behind your door and rang the doorbell, what would you do?
 I would wonder why my room has a doorbell.
11. Do you own any famous people’s autographs?
Some of the guys from Robot Chicken including Seth Green.
12. What’s your favorite school subject?
Right now, Digital Video Editing.
13. USA or UK? Why?
Both, we all have our ups and downs!
14. At this time of day, what did you do before you found tumblr?
Probably on facebook or menewsha.
15. How did you find tumblr?
16. One best fic of every fandom you’re in >:) (MUHAHAHAHA I KNOW I’M EVIL)
I've only read ones from Phantom of the Opera.
17. Where do you live and would you like to move away?
Las Vegas and yes. I hate the desert and want to live near the ocean instead.
18. Favourite book(s)?
Don't have one.
19. Bought anything “stupid”, childish or unnecessary lately?
$20 Mic when i could have gotten another one for only $5.
20. Do you have any piercings or tattoos, or would you like to have?
Just my ears pierced.
21. Last five songs you listened to.
I'm just gonna say the first 5 songs on Brave's soundtrack.
22. Ever had a crush on Johnny Depp? (it’s a relevant question, now go on)
Nah, he's not my type. Be cool to have as an uncle though.
My Questions:
1. Fly or Swim?
2. Shorts or Pants?
3. Favorite Disney film?
4. Whats your fondest memory?
5. Would you rather ride a dolphin or a shark?
6. What do you want as a career?
7. About or below 18?
8. Do you have a cat, dog, both, or other?
9. Favorite fandom?
10. Whats your Horcrux?
11. PC or Mac?
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thebookofcircus · 12 years
In all honesty, though, thank you tons and tons and tons!
Now that I'm done rambling, I'd like to say hello to you all!
jamandcheekbones, you-dont-desreve-a-point-of-view, and la-femme-anonyme started following you!
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hpgunshot · 12 years
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samweechester-blog · 12 years
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somewheretheskyisblue started following you
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fangirl-flying-the-tardis started following you
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jamandcheekbones started following you
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Yes, I've pleased you. Welcome!
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Hello!! :D I'd welcome you with a gif but I'm on my iPod so.. {insert gif of Benedict Cumberbatch dancing here} :)
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greatestview · 12 years
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jamandcheekbones started following you
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Hi! Welcome! I'm Amanda!
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jamandcheekbones started following you
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scarrr started following you
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nesushi-blog · 12 years
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jamandcheekbones started following you HELLO yOU PRECIOUS   
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