thebookofcircus · 1 year
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thebookofcircus · 1 year
"i cant wait to get home from work so i can do all that stuff i wanted to do"
when i get home from work:
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thebookofcircus · 1 year
Recently got my ears pierced a second time (second lobe piercing in ear side) and I have to keep earrings in 100% of the time for it to heal. Unfortunately for me, a side sleeper, even with flat back earrings so it’s more comfortable to sleep in, it is still too uncomfortable for me to sleep in my belly or side, so I am being forced to become a back sleeper 🙃
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thebookofcircus · 1 year
English added by me :)
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thebookofcircus · 1 year
If you have a cat that is “spicy” at the vet give the staff space to work. This is our job, this is what we’re trained to do, this is what we do everyday multiple times a day.
The best way that you can help when your cat is snarling and snapping is to, unless otherwise and explicitly instructed, stand as far back as you can with your mouth shut and keep your hands to yourself.
Most of the time when a cat is fractious is because they’re scared, how they act in their own home has no bearing on how they act outside of their comfort zone. It doesn’t matter if he’s a lovebug at home who wants nothing more than to snooze on your lap and be combed, if he’s hissing and spitting and scratching in the office anything within range is fair game - that includes you!
Tangles was a grumpy gus and the first time I handled him Doc told me “I know you think he won’t bite you, but-“ and I answered “I have no doubts that he will bite me,” and wore the appropriate protective gear.
Today I was trying to get a fractious cat out of the carrier (please for the love of G-d if your cat is bad at the vet use a hard carrier) while his owner insisted on getting in the way and trying to handle him.
I had to swat her hand away as he took those pretty, healthy teeth and snapped at her barely missed thanks to my intervention. Then she tried to put her hand in their again, and I had to slam my (gloved) arm down to physically block her from sticking her fingers in actively snapping jaws.
My boss was finally able to get her away from the cat and let me handle him, while she snidely remarked that she could do it better. As he continued to be fractious - but handleable, with proper training and donning appropriate protective gear - she would yell at him to behave and we had to tell her to knock that off as well.
Cat bites are serious, they can easily land you in the hospital. Infection, tooth fragments left behind, soft tissue damage, fractures.
I had a Maine Coon puncture the meat of my thumb with a powerful bite through the kevlar lined gloves I was wearing and I went on antibiotics. It had already swollen up nicely before I took my first dose.
Could you imagine what that would have done to the owners bare hand, if he’d insisted getting in the way?
IT IS A LIABILITY FOR US IF YOU GET BIT. Trust me, it’s tempting to let some people get chomped on to prove a point - but unfortunately if their stupidity results in an injury it’s our problem.
If you don’t think you can refrain from throwing yourself into the fray to “help” or calling out reprimands from the sidelines than please wait outside the room.
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thebookofcircus · 1 year
Feelings are stupid and I hate having them
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thebookofcircus · 1 year
Me: I should stop buying things/retail therapy in response to stressful situations
Me: am stressed
Me: …
Them: hey, why do you have so many stuffed animals, art dolls, prints, and other stuff?
Me, a ball of inadequately handled stress: no reason
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thebookofcircus · 1 year
LACKADAISY - countdown to premiere has started! 
It’ll go live tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern.
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thebookofcircus · 1 year
reblog to give somebody a fucking hug because we are all struggling to get through it. solidarity in this tough ass world.
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thebookofcircus · 2 years
like there comes a point where you think something is fundamentally wrong with you. and then it turns out it’s just Friday and you haven’t washed your hair in three days and maybe you’re also just a little lonely and the combination of all three of those things is whittling a hole into your chest every time you breathe. but also the sun’s up. and you’ve survived everything so far, so you’ll survive this too, even if it hurts, even if you have to survive it many times.
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thebookofcircus · 2 years
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thebookofcircus · 2 years
I am a friend to all cats. Yes even the mean ones. They have their reasons.
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thebookofcircus · 2 years
Casting a spell on you that makes you happy, by the way. Your day tomorrow will be pretty good. Something nice will happen, maybe.
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thebookofcircus · 2 years
“What do we do when our hearts hurt?" asked the boy.
"We wrap them with friendship, shared tears and time, till they wake hopeful and happy again.”
Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
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thebookofcircus · 2 years
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thebookofcircus · 2 years
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The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse (2022)
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thebookofcircus · 2 years
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from the motivation to finish a wip
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