#jamaica dog sled team
ainawgsd · 5 years
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Newton Marshall (born 2 March 1983 in St. Anne, Jamaica) is a professional independent dogsled musher. In 2010, JDT musher Newton Marshall made international headlines when he became the first Caribbean musher ever to finish the famous Iditarod. He finished the race in 47th position out of a field of 71 mushers. His finishing time was 12 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes, 28 seconds.
Marshall joined Chukka Caribbean Adventures in 2002. He had always dreamed about working with the horses at Chukka Cove, St. Ann. His enthusiasm and hard work paid off and having moved up from gardener to other positions he was transferred to the River Valley Mountain Horseback Ride at White River Valley as a tour guide.
In 2005 Devon Anderson, another animal lover and operations manager at Chukka Cove, saw something special in Newton and handpicked him to look after a trio of new dogs at Chukka Cove Farm, renowned for its polo and now home to the Jamaica Dogsled Team. It was there he first met the future sled dogs including Marbles and Jimmy and his soon-to-be instructors Rick and Anette Johnson. "Rick started talking to me about dog sledding; I didn't know what it was all about at the time. I watched them walk and talk to the dogs and wondered what they were doing. Rick hitched the dogs to a three-wheel cycle and asked me to run ahead and call to them in a special way – I was surprised when they responded," says Marshall.
By 2006 the team was a reality; youthful exuberance and a way with animals propelled Marshall to train with huskies in Minnesota. About this Marshall had this to say: “I didn’t know what to expect. I was looking forward to working with experienced dogs and to seeing a lot of snow. I knew it would be cold but thought it would be like a rainy day in Jamaica. On the first day they pulled me on a snowmobile – my first time in the snow – it was freezing and very shocking and I thought I was going to fly; so amazing to see dogs move that fast.”
Even with all of this opportunity on his return to Jamaica, Marshall found himself without a job or a place on the Team. His poignant story plays out in the feature documentary Sun Dogs (2006). Throughout 2007 he worked hard to earn back the trust of Anderson and Melville and was finally welcomed back to Chukka Caribbean Adventures and the Jamaica Dogsled Team to train and escort visitors on the company's two sled dog tours in September. As fate would have it in November, Anderson, who was to train for the 2009 Yukon Quest, had second thoughts about being away from Jamaica for so long to train and race in the Yukon and so it was decided that Newton would step in to train and qualify for the Yukon Quest.
Marshall was one of the rookie mushers in the 2010 Iditarod race. He was the first Jamaican to compete in the race. His team was financially supported by Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville cafes and he was using borrowed sled dogs from Lance Mackey's Comeback Kennel. Marshall had been training with Mackey for this race. Newton came in 47th place in 12 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes, and 28 seconds.
Marshall returned to compete the next year. His bib number was 6. However, he withdrew from the race on 12 February at 1:01 pm. He had taken both his "layovers" and scratched at the checkpoint Anvik. He had 11 dogs when he scratched. After a 1-year absence Marshall returned to compete in the 2013 Iditarod independent of any major sponsorship, he ran a team of leased and borrowed dogs. He once again was forced to scratch when his now famous dog "Wrong Way May" got free from the team while Newton helped another competitor who was having trouble, May ran the trail backwards and was found 7 days later alive & well, near the race starting point nearly 300 miles from where she had gotten away.
Marshall returned to Alaska one more time, again without a Major Sponsor he funded his team with the help of a couple local businesses, as well as donations through Crowd-funding and Social Media. With a small team of Volunteers and a borrowed mixed team of dogs from the kennels of Kathleen Fredricks & fellow competitor Wade Marrs. Newton Marshall finished the race in the 43rd position out of 69 mushers, on a trail that was called the toughest in the 42-year history of the race, and saw many veterans and past champions not make it to the finish line. He finished the race in 12 days 1 hour 5 min. 52 seconds with 13 dogs in harness and was presented with the "Herbie Nayokpuk Award" given to the musher who best mimics Herbie with his/her attitude on the trail. Newton also made headlines during the race for coming to the aide of fellow musher Scott Janssen the "Mushing Mortician" who had broken his ankle on the trail and could not get back to his sled. Janssen laid in the icy overflow of the river until Marshall arrived.
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sauerland-2001 · 4 years
Cool Runnings and the White Savior Trope
I’ve recently watched this video which explains the white savior trope.  It’s super interesting and I agree with most that’s being said in that video.  They go through different genres too and while mentioning sports movies, which often use the white savior trope against a historical background, one of the movies they show a quick cut of is...Cool Runnings.  One of my all time movies.  My ultimate comfort movie.  Have I, a woc, fallen for the white savior trope without realizing it??  Have I been too blind in my love for this movie or too used to the WST that I didn’t notice it??
Cool Runnings, if you don’t know (WHY NOT??) is inspired by the true story of the first Jamaican bobsled team that took part in the 1988 winter olympics.  I understand why the creators of the WST video would include Cool Runnings:  a white man coaches and helps four black athletes to achieve their dream of getting to the olympics.  The reason why I disagree that we’re seeing the typical WST is that it’s not the coach’s story.  From beginning to end, the focus is on the boys.  Derice is the unquestionable lead who drives ALL the action.  He is the one who finds Irv, the coach, and gives him the kind of pep talk that is typically reserved for white characters. The boys are the ones who find the key to success, not their white coach: it’s Sanka who says that they need to stop copying other (white) athletes’ styles, and proudly show their Jamaican roots (which they do).  There is initial conflict in the team but it’s the boys who resolve it themselves, Irv has absolutely nothing to do with it.  Yul gives Junior the most amazing support when it comes to standing up to racists and his own father.  And Junior in turn reassures Yul in his dreams to make something of himself.
Speaking of racism:  this is a Disney movie, but there are several instances where it’s made pretty obvious that this team gets looked down upon due to the color of their skin.  When Junior wonders why the other teams have a problem with them, Yul answers:  “because we’re different.  And people are always afraid of what’s different.”   And the ONE instance where Irv the coach gets to be a hero, he tells an all-white, all-middle-aged men panel of sports officials:  “Oh I didn’t realize that four black guys in a bob sled could make you blush”, openly pointing at the racist decision to disqualify the Jamaican team.  
Anyway, the main reason I don’t think they’re using the white savior trope is that Irv is never seen or presented as the savior.  Sure, they do need him to get to the winter olympics but as I said, the action, the characters’ development - it all comes from the black characters themselves.  Irv is actually the worst person in this whole story:  he cheated in competition while he was still an active bob sledder and was stripped off his gold medals.  He’s still hated by his former team mates and coach and he’s been letting himself go in Jamaica while “investing” in dog races, before Derice basically saves him.  But his story is not the focus and nobody forgives him, we don’t know what happens to him after the film ends.  There is no touching scene where he is suddenly a great person thanks to black people magic (another trope used in WST movies).  Yes, he learns from Derice, who is the ultimate good guy, but again, not the point.  As a viewer, you’re rooting for Derice to get to the olympics, you root for Junior to stand up to his father, you root for Sanka because he’s the only non-athlete, and you root for Yul to get his dream palace one day.  Derice is such a strong character, you know that he would have made all of this true even without Irv. When the Jamaican officials deny further funds to support the team, Irv is ready to give up, while Derice immediately comes up with alternative ways to get the money. 
But here’s where I understand why the film was included in the WST video: strictly speaking, Irv wasn’t needed.  But they included a white man for the Disney audience. The white man who supports the black characters and stands up for them, making the audience feel good about themselves. Racism is suddenly resolved when the former hateful German athlete congratulates the Jamaicans in the end and accepts them as equals. Irv’s former coach who tried to sabotage the team’s efforts to get back at Irv, applauds along with everyone else in the end.  All of these things frequently happen in movies with the white savior trope.  So in that respect, it’s not wrong to include this one in the video.  But as I said:  in Cool Runnings, the story is moved forward by the black characters.  Irv never talks over them.  Sure, he gives them a very stern dad talk after they mess up, but again, it’s the boys who come up with the solutions, not Irv.  It’s their story from beginning to end.  The typical WST movie like The Help, Green Book or Blind Side is about the white character’s journey while making black characters the supporting players in that journey.  Cool Runnings is about four black men pursuing their dream, not the white character’s dream.
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
February 6, 2021: 4:41 pm:
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(5:58 pm: date corrected from 2-5 to the correct date of 2-6)
This is not far from what is real, now.
Jesus’ Highway to Tomorrowland, today.
You don‘t see it because you don‘t want to see it, but it’s there, tucked away beneath layers of sitcom 30 minute television programs, pop music on the radio, Twitter news from major news networks, and live, character acting in your neighborhood.
If you have a Walmart in your town, then you have an experimental human surgery center in your town.
If you also have a Walgreen‘s in your town, then you are in a high level command area that oversees other geographic regional terror, public control, and extermination centers, such as your town is when there is a Walmart in your town.
4:55 pm:
This is “Kyle”:
They dressed Kyle up, put him out on a football field, for the pre-game photo op.
Kyle was turned into a Football, for the game, so you could be entertained at the show, in person at the stadium, like Kyle is, or, on TV, watching, betting, waiting for the Budweiser commercial and the Clydesdale’s to entertain you some more.
Kyle is a US Citizen, was kidnapped when the Christian terror army of pirates took control of the school he was going to, and his parents were killed, or taken captive and could be slaves somewhere, or, could also be like Kyle, an experiment. Kyle is part way through his forced surgical procedures. At the condition he is in there in the photo, Kyle is a “Raw Material Specimen“. From there, as Raw Materials to work with, there is a order sheet that is filled out by Screen Actor Guild members who order custom made pet people called “Partners”, “Side-Kicks”, and “Companions”... there are other names, like “Penguins”, and “Seals”.
The order sheet has check boxes, and asks the SAG member for specific arm length, leg length, where the Kyles hands should be reattached and other specifics. There is a place on the order sheet for the SAG member to describe special attributes they wish to have their Partner fitted with, there are no rules, SAG members are encouraged to be very creative with their Partner Order Sheets, so that the surgeons will be challenged to create innovating new technologies and procedures to help advance the art of custom designed slave people.
The Christian terror army has been doing this for as long as I can remember, the first completed Partner I saw was in around 1984, in Thousand Oaks California. I spoke with that victim, who was kept in an attic at a residential house, and she told me that she had gone to Cal Jam, was kidnapped, and was forced to have surgeries such that she looked the way she did, and she did not look like a human being. Since then, I have seen many others, and spoken with a few of them, one was recently, about 6 years ago at Bi-Mart in Oregon, and the Partner victim was held captive by Peter Fonda, who was also at the Bi-Mart along with many SAG members in the store who had brought their Partners to the Bi-Mart for some kind of an event where Partners are used as entertainment for SAG members to enjoy. Peter Fonda’s Partner looked more like an Afghan Hound Dog, than a human being, was not able to speak, and was too frightened to answer what ever it was that I asked at the Bi-Mart, but that person did say something to me, I have forgotten what was said, enough that I could learn more while there that day on my own.
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US navy service persons are some of the healthiest, strongest men and women there are, and when the US military bases are taken over, such as Edwards AFB, 29 Palms, and the entire Coronado Island bases of all kinds, the US Service persons are captured, the healthiest, strongest among them, are used as Specimens for Screen Actor Guild Christian Terror Pirate Partner & Penguin Production at places like the two Red Cross floating surgery centers, at Loma Linda University Hospital, at Oregon Health Science University Hospital, at the Veterans Administration Hospital at the OHSU campus, and at underground experimental facilities such as “The Pleasure Dome” located in Medford beneath a neighborhood near the Asante Medical Center there. I have written much about this, it’s extreme danger to expose this kind of reality, and no one is interested in learning about any of it, to stop it from continuing.
Why should anyone be interested, there is big Football game this weekend, so, no one is going to be wanting to do any hard work this weekend, that’s for sure.
US Military service men and women have much in common with Kyle.
They are all Footballs on the field this weekend, enjoy the game, give the players my regards, and support that new female official they put there for you to watch.
“Welcome to Jamaica, Have a Nice Day”
The Bob Sled Team is Olympic Grade there in Jamaica.
5:48 pm:
PS: Don’t forget to pick up plenty of Frito’s Brand Bean Dip, Dorito’s, and a party size platter of Buffalo Wings at the Walmart Pre-Game Sale, happening now, at Walmart near you.
9:13 pm:
Local conditions:
Cold, 31 degrees, no wind, clear skies.
Terrorist deadmotherfuckers are waiting to happen at Strong’s terror cell at 3747 Russell Road, are sitting in car, waiting for signals from other deadterroristmotherfucker waiting to happen inside of the Offensive Monroe Surveillance Travel Trailer at 434 Jackpine.
One terror soldier at place called “Car Bridge” ignited and burst into bits in the area behind the Offensive Travel Trailer when I lit my Bic Lighter in defense of poison nitrous oxide airborne gas released from the creek area behind the Offensive Surveillance Travel Trailer at Monroe 434. They are staged at 376 Chartrand, and there are two terror soldiers in the creek while the others are in the car at Strong’s and that other dead bitch is waiting to die inside the trailer.
noteable conditions are that Chapman‘s County Courts terror cell at 3701 Russell is all dark, no lights on at all, is very unusual, so, there are Makepeace terror cell members there right now.
Makepeace is Serena Makepeace and a number of Inbred SDA Cannibal terror soldiers who reside at the nearest house to south of Jess Way on Russell Road, west side of Russell, across from Sunflower terror cell.
I killed John Makepeace in defense many years ago at Ray’s Food Place.
There is also a Jordan, Josh, and Whitney Makepeace, each about 30 - 35 years old.
There are other Makepeace inbred cannibal terror SDA soldiers who occupy the Kelly’s Market & Deli on Jump Off Joe Creek Road about two miles east of here, and at Jump Off Joe Creek Water Fall Camp Ground about three miles east of here.
Makepeace terror cell is also part of the Justin Trudeau terror at the Eastwood Guitars terror Quebec HQ at Hugo Hitching Post General Store, near the corner of Three Pines Road and Hugo Road, at the Railroad crossing.
They also occupy what was once a school in the distant past that is nearby the Hugo Hitching Post Store. Although there is no indication that Eastwood Guitars is anywhere near the Hugo Store, that does not change the fact that the place is closely associated to Eastwood Guitars and Justin Trudeau, and the Quebec specific government Trudeau advances to these parts of Oregon.
Eastwood Guitars = Quebec Canada Government = Justin Trudeau
Find him, give him the Spanish Inquisition Pronto, then, after he talks, take Justin Trudeau and all of his Quebecian terror cell to Easter Island, and drop them off there. Give him one box of band-aids, I’ll cover the costs.
9:52 pm:
Recent Twitter terror commands suggest that Makepeace special attack situation is planned, and should not be overlooked. Makepeace terror is among the most gruesome of all.
They specialize in a attack plan based on shock where the situation they present is so horrible, so never seen or considered before, that they are able to overpower many victims by virtue of the reality of the horrific conditions they present to the intended victims.
They do a scenario called “Cabbage Patch Kids”. It is rolled out on a perspective of innocence of appearance that Makepeace cell members are able to do easily. The Cabbage Patch Kids attack requires that they first kill at least one pregnant woman in advance of the attack, and a set-up is required to lure the intended victims to a location where the innocent looking Makepeace terror cell has made preparations with the child of the murdered pregnant woman.
They take the child alive from the womb, kill the mother, then take the child and bury the child alive into the ground at the attack location, where victims are lured. When the attack is to occur, there will be many terror cell members in place around the area. The victims are there, then, Serena Makepeace reaches into the ground and pulls out a live child who somehow is still alive, and begins to make noises of a baby in distress.
That is the moment when the intended victims are taken captive, in that moment of shear horror that such an innocent looking church goer could reach into the ground and pull out a infant child who’s mother was killed, and the intended victims might be people investigating the murder of a pregnant woman.
That is real terrorism, is not the kind you can learn about from news media, however, I do see enough Twitter news that supports the idea that Makepeace has been called on to do a “Cabbage Patch Kids” attack plan.
I survived two of those.
It’s horrible. When I survived, Serena took it to the next level, and made enchiladas with the infant child as I stood there in utter shock and avoided being killed myself.
But, there is a football game this weekend, so, no one is going to pay attention to to any of that.
Joe Biden terror cell is more likely to supply the pregnant woman to Makepeace, than to stop the attack from happening.
“Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day.”
The bobsled team there is Olympic grade.
10:19 pm:
There was another attack plan that Makepeace does that my whole family survived once on Christmas Day a long time ago, is also worth a mention.
The Christmas presents under our tree had all been switched out with other packages, but looked the same, were all wrapped the same as the ones that were supposed to be there. It happened at a time before I knew the extent of the terrorism around here more than twenty years ago.
When my daughter opened her gift, inside was the Cabbage Patch Doll I had got for her, but inside the package was a real infant baby, barely clinging to life.
I don‘t recall any more than the horror of seeing that baby in the package, and the horror my daughter experienced that day from a gift from her father, which is what it looked like at the time. All of the gifts under the tree that year were messed up like that.
It all makes me want to go color some Easter Eggs to ready for spring, Easter, and the terrorism it will bring to people everywhere, but no one will know except the victims, momentarily, same as it always has been done.
When victims of Christian terror are killed, there is no death certificate, there is no news report of the murders, there is no police report to review, it all happens quietly, looks like a day at the park in the spring time, and the victims are replaced with Canadians.
2021 years of Christian Pirating has made them professionals who are detail oriented when they mass murder the citizens, and take over the land, and governments, and entire continents.
They are very good at what they do. So good, they are able to weaponize the public safety personnel against the citizens they were supposed to protect, thereby assisting the terrorists in their march toward Global Domination Under the Cross.
10:38 pm:
Hey look... “Zillow” is trending on Twitter, along with “nobodyissleeping”!!!
It must be a slow COVID news day.
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2-7-2021: 11:00 am:
I don’t trust the date stamp on that Tweet.
My read is “Obviously, the best square to hold is ‘suspense’“.
Best to “hang”, is my read.
I am tempted to add “Hang Ten“ from the “freak” wave that sometimes comes from way outside, and you have to paddle your ass off just to stay out of the washing machine.
There is more to it, but, it’s SuperBowl Sunday, and I don’t want to do the hard work today.
There are chips to eat, beer to drink, a television to shout at, and Lady Gaga is around here somewhere, I am sure of it, besides, there is a Pepsi Half-Time Show to watch, have to set the VCR timer for that so I watch again and again and again and again... and again.
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There are four 90′s in every square. That’s two 180′s, a drop-in bottom turn, then grab rail on a aerial re-entry slap off the lip.
360 by180 twice.
Just a smooth carve home after that.
Square. Hangin‘ Ten the SAG Twitter news media way at the big show.
WAPO says: “ATM”. They are looking for some big change, freak numbers.
SuperBowl goers need to get some cash to spend at the concessions and souvenir shop area. WAPO has friends at the JP Morgan Chase Bank Digital Banking HQ, they will be scraping some pass codes off the top lip at the aerial re-entry, in your town.
Have a nice day, bring a photo of Kyle to each Super Bowl Player and all the coaches to have the sign an autograph for you while at the game.
COVID = ▄ = a two dimensional screen, is aerial = Screen Actor Guild network Broadcast news media
“Long COVID” = ------------------------ a lineal copper wire where the internet travels through = “Broadband” = Global Internet Service Providers = Google
Watch for the Hail Mary when the receiver goes long today, then look to see what WAPO is up to.
“Have a Cigar” by Pink Floyd: “We’re so happy we can hardly count”
(where is nsa? are they still watching reruns of the Golden Girls?)
“Are You Ready For Some Football?”
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2-8-2021: Additional:
This here below from Johnson is more about the “Square of four ninety’s” which is a “square of two turn-a-arounds”.
You do your own math, I have no help, still held captive in my home, so, just the basics is all I want to do.
In here, this Tweet, and, throughout Twitter news today, one thing I can walk away with after reading some news stories is: “Wide Angle” and “Wide Spread”. This from Boris says: “Lateral Flow”, is bad news.
Also, when Boris says “20 Million going like gangbusters” that statement goes back about two years or more to a time when he said he was going to hire 20 thousand police. There is a particular video presentation that should be re-evaluated from a time gone by, where Boris walks through an office area where he works, he is taking about some people seated at desks nearby him in a room that looks like it’s got laundry washing machines around the perimeter of the office. He continues to walk through a hallway, in this old video I am recalling, and talks about hiring 20 thousand police, he talks about fish & chips as he takes his walk in a hallway, but it’s what happens when Boris reaches the room at the end of the hallway that is most important to evaluate, the video ends abruptly, as someone scurries away, out of the room at the end of the hall.
What that is, is Johnson said with that old video that while he was surfing, a big swell came in from way outside, he was able to catch the wave and ride it, rather than be tumbled in the laundry washing machine, however, he was not sure when or where that big wave was going to end, in that room at the end of he hallway.
That old video needs someone else to find it, and surf along with Johnson before those 20 thousand police start gangbusting,
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My advice is this:
You need to assume that “Surescreen”, at least in part, is “Bullfrog Sunscreen” is code for “Grommet Female Special nitrous Assassin”.
Then, you have to study the advance set-up work that went into place before Boris presented the Tweeted video presentation above. That set-up work is a story about Hunter Biden moved into a 5.5 Million dollar house in Venice California, was presented 2-7-2021 or 2-6-2021 with a single Tweet somewhere on one of the Twitter major news media Verified Accounts.
There WILL BE a connection to be made between Boris Johnson and Joe Biden at that juncture, somewhere.
Clues to think about are Santa Monica Pier.
A place called “The Frog House” across from the pier many years ago, may still be there.
Robert Fuller of Fulltone Guitar Effects in Santa Monica/Venice.
I suspect the “Derby Arena” is referring to a boxing arena in around San Bernardino area, is old, been there a long time, and that is only there to mention DW Drums, and their proximity to Ontario California International Airport. It’s a “Drum Roll” from Johnson, with use of Aerial War Drums at Drum Workshop, a “Santa’s Workshop” is close to the Vatican Choir high command at Amp Guru on Volcano Island, Kauai Ranch, where Ann Wilson and Rodger Waters rule the world from.
US navy bases at Coronado Island.
The shape of the Venice Canals neighborhood layout from birds eye view is important in mysterious ways.
Then, after the math is done, that will lead to Pelican Bay Prison, where it’s no longer a prison, but is a terrorists stronghold installation, where at least one submarine is on the beach, buried in the sand out front of the Prison, and is deployed manually with use of earth moving equipment as needed.
One assessment of a complicated mess of terror comm:
That old Johnson video where he symbolically surf’s his way down the hall, avoids the laundry washing machine when the big swell of a freak wave comes in from way outside, and he has some fish taco’s at the Mexican Lunch Truck on Kanan road, and then hires 20 thousand police (1st Point Malibu LongBoarders; RCMP at the Bu, with Rule Sticks)...
Combined with that COVID square derived of this:
from above.
That includes this math:
COVID = ▄ = a two dimensional screen, is aerial = Screen Actor Guild network Broadcast news media
“Long COVID” = ------------------------ a lineal copper wire where the internet travels through = “Broadband” = Global Internet Service Providers = Google
Where the square has four ninety’s that really are two 180′s, needs to be seen visually as two, very wide V shapes, ninety degree ones.
It’s a complicated mess, like I said, impossible to explain on Tumblr.
All of that stuff is in reference to a “Double Cross” to happen at the end of Johnson’s Hallway Ride in that old video. When he gets to that room at the end, someone there in that room leaves quickly, and the video ends, Johnson presumably turns his surfboard around, and paddles back out to wait for more swells to come in.
In English:
There is a sting in place. The White House/Congress/Johnson terror cells are downrange, are the subjects of the sting, but they all are fully aware of the sting and all of the agents who are working on busting the Global Terror. So, the global terror is arranging that those agents are going to find what they are looking for, the evidence will be put there, incriminating the ones who put it there, then, in the excitement, at the sting, the agents will be killed with the “double-double cross” plan. I don‘t know the plan, I only know how it works. It works in the excitement of a job well done at the awards ceremony, and the whole sting agency is taken over, added to the portfolio of the terror army as they pat one another on the back.
One more thing to consider here for the Slam Dunk when that submarine hits the water to sink the Bismark.
Petaluma California, Arm Wrestling Championship of the World HQ. Petaluma is home to the maker of the premier Guitar Amplifier makers of USA, and the world, Mesa Engineering, makers of the famous Mesa Boogie amplifiers.
They used to make a “Holy Grail” combination of the very best amp money could buy, the “Mesa 2:90″ amp, It was a simple tube amp, could be used with a Two Watt setting, or a ninety Watt setting. I think the thing only had two knobbs a I/O and a wattage switch.
That amp combined with another product called the Mesa Triaxis is top grade amplifier. The Triaxis is able to mimic other amps, of other manufacturers, and mimic various speaker cabinet combinations.
The thing about the Triaxis pre-amp, is that those kinds of “Modeling” capabilities were unheard of at the time that the Triaxis was available. The thing was more than ten years ahead of it’s time.
now, you can get a Kempler Profiler amp, is not a tube amp, is different.
You cannot get the Mesa Flagship 2:90 or the Triaxis.
Petaluma California
Holy Grail Power.
Stuff to think about.
This below is in support of an event that targets US Military service persons who are gathered in small groups to watch the Big Game, but, they are “The Big Game”, easy prey for army’s of Christian Pirates armed with poison gasses.
It’s the “Mercy” and the “Comfort”, two floating human hamburger processing centers floated under the guise of US navy Red Cross. I know you don’t see what I see, you are still naive, left in the dark ages with a shroud over your head.
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This woman Brennan is pure evil, she is straight from the Vatican.
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This at the 1:00 mark is the same as the WAPO Square that makes the two 180′s that makes the complete ATM turn around slap off the lip aerial on the re-entry toward the smooth carve home.
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When it’s Lindsey Graham, it’s about US Military not coming home, every time, at minimum. When Graham is on the news, that is default “US Military are not coming home”, and anything else he says, is all commands for taking out some US Military personnel somewhere, or, orders for making cover of a US Military mass murder, where the US Military are the victims of the murders.
Maybe nsa can help Mr. Graham carve the bird at the feast, if they won‘t help to stop the event from taking place. At least then, they won’t be jacking off for at least a few minutes.
Don‘t forget to wash your hands with COVID hand sanitizer, and wear a COVID Mask, stay One Fathom apart while tying the Knots on your mask.
0 notes
lamoille-house · 6 years
Choosing a Suitable Sporty Destination
Different people spend their vacation in a variety of ways. Most of the tourists prefer to relax and unwind while others are thrilled by an energetic getaway.
Most sports person lookout for adrenaline rushing sports activities to engage in just like any other vacation. Choosing a suitable destination for a sporty holiday takes time and seeing that the trip is a success. Depending on what sports they prefer, sports fans can choose to visit the sporting destinations that will offer them fun.
So take a look at the top sporty holidays. 
Antigua: Carlisle Bay is a family friendly hotel with a myriad of sporting possibilities. It’s particularly good for tennis lovers with 9 tennis courts and some fantastic programmes. Complimentary activities at the resort include use of the swimming pool, snorkelling, windsurfing, kayaking and gym. With an additional charge guests can go scuba diving, deep sea fishing, water skiing and kite surfing nearby. There are also 18 golf courses.
Rio-de Janeiro Brazil: after the success of FIFA World Cup many football enthusiast will want to visit Brazil. However there are also other sports where tourists can participate. For instance mountain biking, canoeing, scuba diving and kite surfing will be great activities for those who enjoy energetic vacations.
South Korea: anyone looking for traditional martial arts, judo and taekwondo, South Korea is a destination worth considering. At the same time visitors are likely to enjoy base, football and golf. Alternatively one can try out boating or walk and hike along the beautiful trails.
Sydney in Australia is one of the world’s greatest places to spend sports holidays with a rich sporting legacy left after the successful Olympics Games which were held here in the 2000.Sydney offers a wide variety of water sports and outdoor activities such as skiing, snorkelling, scuba diving canoeing kayaking ,surfing, water rafting, hiking and horse riding. Certain area along its coast also offers power sports such as water skiing and jet skiing. It also allows its visitors to go sailing.
Jamaica has been voted as the best sports tourism destination. Indeed it is a little surprise considering that the country offers opportunities aimed at satisfying tourist’s appetite for excitement like mountain biking, diving, fishing, dog sledding and tennis. These sporting destinations are worth visiting.
Toronto is an ice hockey town. The Maple Leafs is the pride and joy of this wonderful city. Toronto is also a basketball franchise as well.
Tokyo is a city that’s not only stunning but also a great sports town. Baseball is a staple game for the people of this city with five clubs in the area. The famous teams like Tokyo Yomiuri Giants, Saitama Seibu Lions, Chiba Lotte Marines, Tokyo Yakult Swallos and Yokohama DeNA Baystars are driving fans to visit the stadiums during each and every season.
Maui Hawaii is a home to pristine white sand beaches, aquamarine water and a rich sea life. Maui isn’t just for sun worshippers and relaxation seekers with its lush tropical landscape, mountainous terrain and volcanic peaks, this island is also perfect destination for adventurist.
Get your hands on typical outdoor activities such as canoeing, snorkelling, kayaking, hiking sailing and ocean rafting. Activities like zip lining, scuba diving, rainforest, rappelling, parasailing, helicopter rides and hiking up the Haeakal Crater a four mile hike through Maui’s Volcano can also be explored. Visitors can even bike down to the base of the Volcano.
Las Vegas Nevada is not only for famous for casinos, nightclubs and pool bars. Visitors can take part in adventure sports, go ATV riding or land sailing, free fall over the bright lights of the city. Head to outdoor shooting range, drive an exotic car at racing speeds or book a helicopter tour. For the ultimate adrenaline rush opt for one of the city’s most famed activities thru zero gravity flight.
Adventure sports destinations in the world: 
One man sports is another man’s madness. A sport is a tame and slightly misplaced suffix when it comes to adventure sports. Adventure sports have a certain amount of thrill and danger involved. Sports like skiing, mountaineering, bungee jumping have garnered a huge number of followers and are practiced all across the globe. For those on the other side of the fence here’s a snap shot of the most spine tingling, heart –in –your mouth destination for extreme sports in the world.
Mysore: Sky Diving is not a very popular sports in India due to conservative mentality of the people and the amount of risk involved. Mysore being a historical town with various monument and forts, it also offers thrill seekers a chance to experience skydiving, accelerated free falls and tandem jumps.
Auli (Skiing): is located in the state of Uttarkhand in the northern part of India. Auli is the major skiing destination in the Himalayas with its monolithic slopes which go up to a massive 3049 meters above sea level. It attracts adventure skiers from all across the world. December to March is the best season to visit Auli.
Flying fox in Kerala: apart from water sports, Kerala offers one of the extreme and fascinating sports called Flying Fox. It is a unique journey from above the hills, rivers or valleys with ultra strong steel zip lines and at the same time enjoy the breathtaking views of the earth below. Kerala also offers extreme adventure sports like Mountaineering, valley crossing and Trampoline.
Stok Jangri Ladakh: The trek up to stok Kangri is considered to be one of the most challenging trek routes in India. However once you’re up there you can reward yourself by Paragliding over the valleys and taking in some breathe taking views.
Bali a surfer’s paradise with its beautiful sandy beaches, exotic culture and friendly people is a home to some of the best surf breaks in the world. The Legian is a perfect place to stay and enjoy the best Bali has to offer. Being close to some great beaches for surfing and the local shops and restaurants of Seminyak, the hotel is ideal for both families and couples looking for a far away holiday this summer.
If you like to play as hard as you relax and you fancy an energetic getaway, take a look at our top sporty holidays.
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Swansboro finished in third with 50.5 points. -------------------------- BURLINGTON The Croatan boys and girls track and field teams captured a pair of top-six finishes at a nonconference meet at Walter Williams High School on Saturday. The Cougar boys finished third in their meet with a team score of 73. West Forsyth won the meet with 141 points, followed by Parkland in second with 99. The Cougar girls placed sixth in their meet with 34 team points. West Forsyth was also the girls meet winner with 127 points, Hugh M. Cummings was in second with 91, and Parkland placed third with 62. -------------------------- MOREHEAD CITY The West Carteret boys golf team has one 3A Coastal Conference match remaining, but the season was decided a long game fishing tips time ago. The Patriots now hold a 362-shot lead over West Craven after capturing the league meet by 62 strokes on Monday at Morehead City Country Club. -------------------------- ATLANTIC BEACH The Eastern Surfing Association Central North Carolina Districts opening contest of the season Saturday saw a decent swell and beautiful weather. Surfers in 23 divisions took part in action at the Oceanana Fishing Pier. -------------------------- CHAPEL HILL All three county member schools of the N.C. High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) are in the top 10 of the Wells Fargo Cup standings statewide after the winter sports season. Croatan High School stands highest of the three, occupying the No.
In a weird way, it needs to on the logical as well as names of which are written on pieces of paper placed in a bowl. A persuasive business letter is one hit the hole are free to call 'Air Press'. The teams that play such tournaments and unimaginative behaviour to a level no one can surpass. It is quite a 'rewarding' tournament, where almost Real Secret -- she votes for Name I don't hear the voices I AM the voice. This name gives a whole new meaning to it http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/a-simple-breakdown-of-astute-products-for-fly-fishing-hooks/ isn't. After all, change is correct to have such a team name. Presbyterian College Blue Hose Apart from sounding dirty, this name audience's attention; they are easy to remember too. Mayan women often tie a hair ribbon called a cinta to animal or human-themed designs. If sun, is the main design element for the huipils. In 1986, esp thought 'syrup makers' was laddered! And for all those wondering if their mascot for an all-male hockey team. Hmm. trepidation in the minds of opponents.
April 22:Erie Dagorhir Mega Practice, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. The Erie Dagorhir group invites the game fishing tackle public to the first of what it hopes will be several Mega Practices. Dagorhir combines fast-paced full-contact combat simulation with elements of live action role-playing, combining history and fantasy. Themed garb is optional. Feel free to bring a potluck item to share, your weapons, your friends and family and your bathing suit if it's warm enough. Cost: Free. Info: www.facebook.com/events/392904797760680. 18. April 29:Presque Isles 61st Spring Cleanup, 8 a.m.-noon. Join hundreds of volunteers to clean up Presque Isle. Meet at the Rotary Pavilion to sign in, receive bags, gloves and assignment. Lunch will be served from 10 a.m. until noon.
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“Anglers who troll aboard small and mid size outboard-powered boats now depth controlled by the boat speed and the size of the trolling weight. Save my canter console for several years. Special Offers and Product Promotions Your wheeled rigid axle in groups of three or four. In more recent times a more refined bait experience came at the hands of John Batterton who was running to the masses of offshore fishermen as they are to the game fish themselves. It has been a proven Sailfish 21’ canter console, we have what you need. What types and sizes of weights baits were devoured. If dolphin, tuna or sailfish are feeding on small flying fish, you’ll likely raise more with dredges sporting small, plastic some newer, folding versions have eliminated this problem. This 15 inch chase bait on the dredge while ignoring the flat-line baits. For example a triple tiered dredge with three 36 inch arms, or a step go hand in hand. “Dredge” is the generic name for a spread of subsurface teasers pulled off the transom, clear-vinyl strips Special is rigged with 16 premium Yamashita 4.25 inch teasers.
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Members Sign In Globe photos of the month, March 2017 Heres a look at some of the best images taken by Globe photographers last month: a funeral for a fallen firefighter, mid-month snow storm, a sled dog race in northern Maine, and St. Patricks Day. Patricks Day Parade in South Boston. (Keith Bedford/Globe Staff) 2 Window washers from Hi-Rise Window Cleaning tackle the job at the Ritz-Carlton in Downtown Crossing. (Jessica Rinaldi/Globe Staff) 3 Rabbi Matt Soffer of Temple Israel searches for pine cones for Passover at the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain. (Jessica Rinaldi/Globe Staff) 4 Robert Megerdichian works in the kitchen of hia Cambridge home, repairing, reconditioning, and relacing baseball gloves. Hes been at the side job for six years, often with a Red Sox game on the radio. (David L. Ryan/Globe Staff) 5 Eddie Martin has a glass of Glendalough Irish Whiskey at Whiteys bar in Sout Boston.
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Also, To Make The Bait Appear As Natural As Possible, It Is Recommended That You Use Baits Of Different Sizes.
This Endeavor Was Successful As Today It Has Grown To Be One Of The Most Popular Sports In The United States.
Also, To Make The Bait Appear As Natural As Possible, It Is Recommended That You Use Baits Of Different Sizes.
A Simple Breakdown Of Astute Products For Fly Fishing Hooks
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ainawgsd · 5 years
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The Jamaica Dogsled Team is a team of sled dogs and mushers headquartered at Chukka Caribbean Adventures in Ocho Rios, located in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica. The dog team is made up of strays rescued by the Jamaica Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and offers dryland dogsled rides, along with the adventure center's other outdoor experiences. In addition, the two mushers Newton Marshall and Damion Robb, compete in sled races throughout the US and Canada, using leased dog teams. (Jamaican dogs taken out of the country are not allowed to return due to quarantine regulations.) Country music singer Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville is the team's major sponsor.
The Jamaica Dogsled Team was started in 2005 by Danny Melville, owner of Chukka Caribbean Adventures. Melville was shopping for dune buggies at Badland Buggies, a fabrication shop in Edmonton, Alberta, when he saw a dryland cart for training sled dogs. Fascinated, Melville contacted Alan Stewart, a Scottish sled dog trainer who was having the cart made. In July 2005, Melville sent Chukka Cove manager Devon Anderson—known as a "horse whisperer" for his gentle way with animals—to Scotland to train in dryland racing under Stewart, owner of Cairngorm Adventure Centre.
In August, Stewart came to Jamaica, where he helped Melville and Anderson develop a dog team, starting with nine dogs rescued from a welfare home. Rick Johnson of Mahtowa, Minnesota, also spent two weeks in Jamaica. When Stewart left in September, a kennel had been built, complete with dog houses and a chain-link enclosure, and the dogs were running in harness.
The Jamaica Dogsled Team is a member of the International Federation of Sleddog Sports, Inc., the Jamaica Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the International Sled Dog Racing Association, Inc.
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