#jaller ship
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kolhii-head-chronicler · 1 year ago
My dumb complaint about Mask of Light is that we didn’t get any cute Hewkii/Macku moments. I appreciate the adorableness we got with Jaller/Hahli, but the absolute disrespect to the og bionicle couple :c
I feel like it would have been so easy to include something too?
That part when Guurahk is tearing apart Ta-Koro and we see the two ta-matoran huddled together inside the hut? Could have been Hewkii and Macku. Or that part when they’re all fleeing Ta-Koro across the bridge and Macku is holding hands with that random ta-matoran? Could have been Hewkii holding her hand. Even just like, having them in the background comforting each other after Ta-Koro was destroyed.
I realize this is a dumb thing to complain about but it’s been 20 years and I’m still salty about it hELP.
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herora-nuva · 1 year ago
My argument for why they are a perfect OT3
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makiruz · 6 months ago
Thinking that post advocating for multi-shipping where lots of people in the notes are like "yes polyamory!" and OP had to point out that's not multi-shipping, multishipping is when your ships are mutually exclusive; and I want to add that multi-shipping includes when you love 2 characters as entirely platonic but every once in a while you'll indulge in stuff about them being romantic
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bionicle-ramblings · 1 year ago
I named the platonic friendship between Takua, Jaller, and Vakama Ta-Metru Trio
Now I'm thinking about the names I have for other ships I like
Vakama and Krakua could be called Time Trapped because as close as they could get to each other, they can never stay together, as Krakua's staying in the past would his existence in the future, and just the fact that Krakua is someone Vakama had a vision of and that Vakama has visions of the future anyway, so there's that
Vakama and Matau could be called Hot Air because of their elemental powers, or Opposites Attract because the two are literal opposites and still kind of work
Idk, that's all I've got
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magicalgirlartist · 2 years ago
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[ID: digital drawing of 2 human Bionicles (Jaller and Hahli). Jaller is shorter, with toned arms, short blonde hair, an orange flower behind one ear, red vest and tank top, and yellow pants. Hahli is taller, thin, with scruffy blue hair, blue wetsuit, light blue wrap, cowrie shell necklace, and bare feet. They're walking along a beach while Jaller talks and Hahli listens. Both are blushing. End ID.]
The bit at the end of the Bohrok animations where Hahli gives Jaller a flower and they go off to hang out a bit is so cute. I love them. They are taking turns infodumping to each other
[Commissions open!]
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siren-darkocean · 1 year ago
Fandom: Bionicle
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive warnings: None
Ship: None (straight up found family)
Extra: Swear warning(like all my fics have it), out of character, Mata Kids AU for reference, last dialogue might get you emotional
“Alright,” Ackar spoke, “Tahu, Berix. Your both up.” Tahu and Berix both got out of their seats as Berix picked what once was Tuma’s shield up from beside him and ran down to the arena field with his shield in tow.
Berix and Tahu entered the arena floor as Ackar stepped aside for the fight. Berix looked briefly at the others, seeing Jaller and Nuparu give him a thumbs up, Ackar give him a reassuring smile as Lewa clapped. Tahu summoned his twin lava blades off his back and twirled them a bit before he held them properly while getting a stance.
Berix took a shaky breath as he focused back to Tahu while holding his razor shield in front of him. “You two read?” The fire Toa and half Glatorian Agori nodded yes. “Ready, begin!”
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Hey-aye! I got it out the same day I'm supposed to let's goooooo!
Now I just wanna unwind bc holy fuck that was stressful
Also, can people make more gifs revolving around Bara Magna saga/arc? Because I could not find a SINGLE gif of Berix meanwhile the only one of Kiina and Gresh is the scene where the two hug (not their own separate gifs)
Just please make this a thing I like using gifs in fics
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magicalgirlmascot · 8 months ago
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[ID: tumblr reply from @siren-darkocean reading "RELATABLE AF That does make me curious what ships your planning to add for the future of KNPS." End ID.]
Okay so bear in mind that these are ships I have entertained but not necessary seriously considered. They are not guaranteed or even likely to appear, and if they do it wouldn't even be until the Inika arc at earliest. But here we go:
Takua/Ahkmou, Takua/Matoro, Matoro/Kopeke, Matoro/Ignika, Kongu/Nuparu
I'm also tentatively nudging Tamaru towards Taipu but tbh I'm not sure how much that would even come up
One thing about me is that I love to come up with ships that literally no one else has
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makutaservaela · 6 months ago
Were Toa in your world always able to have kids, or was that a Skadi thing? And turned into Skadi? Is there a comic or fic for that? color me intrigued...
My Timeline Post goes more into detail about why people can have kids, and why Zaraki is a Skakdi. I'm also currently planning out a Rambling post to talk more about reproduction. To answer for the time being...
Why they can have kids:
There were always a small group of Great Beings who wanted Bio-Organic things in the Mata Nui, mostly out of their passion-project. They were proud of their ability to make life, why not show it off? The other Great Beings vetoed them. The small group decided to run a demo to prove that Bio-Organic beings can exist in the Mata Nui, and so, they created six Bio-Organic Toa: Tahu, Lewa, Kopaka, Pohatu, Onua, and Gali, and argued that since these six's job is so important, high-sapience of Bio-Organics was needed. So, while the Mata Nui was in construction, they created the six kids and assigned them to six Glatorian to raise and train.
And when Pohatu's mentor died in child birth, the other GBs listed this as a wonderful reason to not have Bio-Organics in the Mata Nui. They broke the proto-Toa Mata down, stripped their memories, and made them new Bio-Mechanical bodies with the aid of Artakha. Pohatu's son was at least a teenager by the time the Mata Nui was finished, so he was also stripped of his memories and slapped in a Po-Matoran body.
100,000 years later...
There were two initial purposes of the Mata Nui: To fix the broken planet, and to study cultures in order to guide the Agori into not breaking the planet again. The Mata Nui(s) succeeded in the first purpose, but all of the culture information he had gathered had been stored in the primary robot's brain, and all of it was lost when said brain was cracked open against the moon.
The planet was saved... but hope was lost. The planet would simply fall into disarray again without that research... until the GBs noticed that the Matoran were peculiarly cultured.
As it turned out, in order to make the Matoran Universe Inhabitants sapient, Velika had set the Mata Nui to implant the culture information he was gathering into the heads of his inhabitants. They stored the information- but were not quite sapient enough to really display it.
Therefore, the only way to get that treasured research was to convert them Bio-Organic and study the culture they would develop. Why Zaraki is a Skakdi There is a running theme in my HC that if you have transformed into something in the past, that thing may still be inside you, and your kids may inherit it. You also may be able to turn back into it if emotionally stressed enough. Two of Matau's kids can Hordika physically at will with no mental issues, and his third has a Hordika's mind but a Toa's body, for example. Another example is that Toa Nuva kids will always be born Toa Nuva, or that it is possible for a Toa to have a Matoran kid. The Piraka found an object (which I will Ramble more about later) known as the Mayeka. The Mayeka can manipulate life-energy similar to the Ignika, among other things, and they used it to screw with the Toa for shits and giggles. One such screwery involved turning first Jaller, then for a short time Hahli, into crazed and amnesiac Skakdi. The Toa eventually were able to turn them back, but years later when they had their twin girls, one of them came out... a bit strange-looking. (Another such Screwery was trapping the Toa Nuva and remaining Toa Mahri in a Shadow Prison, which was mentioned in the recent Krika/Gali ship comic)
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today-in-knps · 7 months ago
🎉 Pinned Post 🎉
Welcome to "Today in KNPS," a blog run by the author of Kini Nui Public School ( @magicalgirlmascot ), the most normal fanfiction on the internet. Confused? Check this post for more information, organizational tags, and so forth!
What is Kini Nui Public School?
KNPS is a modern/human AU fic that imagines the Toa Mata and Turaga Metru as teachers and staff at a small town elementary school, with the Mata/Metru Nui Matoran as their students. Early on, it's discovered that things aren't totally normal here, as the teachers start to develop strange elemental powers. The fic primarily focuses on combining slice of life storytelling with supernatural elements, but there's plenty of mystery and action as well.
And shipping. A lot of shipping. Like. You don't understand. I have gotten so attached to these relationships. For the love of god please help me
What is this blog?
KNPS takes place over the course of the 2024/25 school year. It's told on a day-by-day basis, with each chapter (sometimes multiple chapters) covering a single day. The chapters are titled with the date and time that they start. This is a terrible way to pace a story and I do not recommend it but I opened this can of worms in 2022 and now I have to lie in it.
To that end, I thought it would be fun to document the events of the fic in quasi-real time. Other blogs have done this (the one I know most prominently being about Ace Attorney) so it's not a new concept by any means, but it's fun. I'm just getting silly with it.
I'll probably also start quarantining some of my random KNPS blogging to this blog rather than flaunting it to all my followers on main because some of them are probably totally sick of me talking about human magic robots kissing or whatever lol.
And who are you, exactly?
Well I'm glad you asked! I'm Rags, magicalgirlmascot on here and MahouMascot on AO3. I'm an artist, writer, and former school librarian from Ontario, Canada. I have Opinions about the education system here. Currently I am employed at a couple of public library systems. I am incapable of shutting the fuck up.
Let's see those links!
#todayposting: all daily posts #not today: all other posts, including asks #vakamas voicemail: asks
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Onua | Kopaka | Pohatu Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Whenua | Nuju | Onewa Krahka | Takua | Jaller | Hahli Helryx | Axonn | Brutaka
Kopaka/Pohatu | Lewa/Onua | Tahu/Gali | Vakama/Nokama/Matau | Whenua/Nuju | Onewa/Krahka | Jaller/Hahli
September | October | November | December | January | February | March | April | May | June
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herora-nuva · 2 years ago
He also stammers when she says hi to him in MNOG II! So all that to say, extremely cute, AND character consistent!
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terribly out of character but I like confident characters being uncharacteristically shy around ppl they like
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frustratedasatruar · 7 months ago
July 31st
(In response to my participation in this week's WiP Wednesday) (I also participated on July 10th)
As of this moment, I have received 16 total comments requesting one of my five WiPs. The Distribution is:
Bionicle 40K, WiP.odt
@akumteir, @adhdavinci, (2)
No Common Anarchist, Star Wars WIP.odt
@zyrafowe-sny, (1)
O Lei, O Lai, 'Alor (Star Wars Time Travel WIP).odt
@auburnlaughter, @1attheedge, (2)
Quirk; Witchcraft (Teen Titans+MHA) WIP.odt
@wizisbored, @aparticularbandit, @scifikimmi, @violet-prism-creatively, @stonemaskedtaliesin, @post-and-out, (6)
Untitled Star Wars disaster-lineage WIP.odt
@enigma-the-mysterious, @somefishycat, @whimsicalmeerkat, @owlbearwrites, @eriquin, (5)
Bionicle 40K, WiP.odt
The tall Skakdi shrugged, “Big enough. You said that they are called Orks? Well, they stand perhaps as tall as,” she started to point at Jaller, then seemed to reconsider and pointed to Naparu instead, “you, there. Their armour is heavy, and strong. They carry both ranged and melee weapons, I would reckon them to be more dangerous in close than at range. They are strong and fast. We didn’t witness any elemental powers among them, but I would caution that they would say the same of ourselves.”
No Common Anarchist, Star Wars WIP.odt
Cal climbed up onto a ledge and ambushed a pair of scout-troopers, one of whom he shoved off into the bottomless void beneath the tomb, and the other who managed to parry him once before being cut in half diagonally. “Count Dooku and Lord Vader don’t even have remotely similar fighting styles,” was Trilla’s eventual reply. “Oh, that’s weak, and you know it!"
O Lei, O Lai, 'Alor (Star Wars Time Travel WIP).odt
“Aurek, Senth, Aurek, Jenth Jenth, space, Vev, Esk, Nern, Trill, Resh, Esk, Senth Senth.” “Species?” “Rattataki,” Asajj offered to the physician. They gave her a flat look in response, which Asajj interpreted as nonrecognition, “Near human, from the Outer Rim.” “’The Outer Rim’ she says, like it isn't three quarters of the galaxy,” Asajj heard the doctor mutter as they turning back towards their desktop console. She fought back a cringe of embarrassment, I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Quirk; Witchcraft (Teen Titans+MHA) WIP.odt
“Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos…” As an empath, this morning Raven would have said that her classmate Mineta Minoru lacked compassion entirely. She didn’t spend any large amount of time focusing on him, but in the handful of incidents she had been present for regarding him it had been entirely absent. He was a vile little cur, ruled utterly by his own lusts. Raven tried not to judge people for their emotions as a rule, but instead to judge their actions. And Mineta’s actions were consistently selfish, and often cruel.
Untitled Star Wars disaster-lineage WIP.od
“Well,” young-Kenobi started, clearly uncomfortable but pushing through, “did I at least succeed?” That got a real, if small, smile out of Leia, “Yes. You were able to distract Vader long enough for us to get back to your ship and escape.” “Ah, good,” he said faintly, “And, who’s Vader?” Leia felt the semi-healed injection wound on her arm throb, she felt the needle pushing in, she felt Darth Vader’s mind surrounding hers, she felt him pummeling from all directions, she felt him trying to pry her apart for answers. She felt his hand on her shoulder, holding her still, making her watch while-! She felt Qui-Gon’s hand on her own, and took a deep, gasping breath, “Darth Vader is the Em-” “You don’t have to tell-” “Is the Emperor’s enforcer. He’s been hunting Jedi across the galaxy since before I was born. He murdered-” Leia hiccuped, -Fulcrum- “-Ahsoka and brought her severed head to show off to us at the Senate. He killed Obi-Wan Kenobi, and before that Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke that Vader had murdered Anakin Skywalker too.”
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kydv404 · 2 years ago
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Doing some gay lego stuff for a pride event I'm vending at in June, any suggestions for more LGBTQIA+ legos? Can be either canon (i.e. Sally) or just super coded and/or a community icon (i.e. Cole). Same goes for ships! I'm not trying to cover many random ships just to avoid shipping discourse, but if it's canon or just like a universal pairing in the fandom (i.e. how the Ninjago fandom seems to be unanimous on Faith and Jetjack) I'll go for it.
Current list planned is:
Benny + Lenny
Cole (3 variants, mlm, aroace, and a general pride one)
Takanuva w trans flag
Jaller + Hahli w ace flag (may ditch it even tho i already drew it lol)
Maybe Jay w bi/pan flags??? (my case for this one is bc in Skybound he kept commenting on how attractive Nadakahn was. Was it jealousy? Maybe. But also like. Versus is an episode that exists. And his bi lighting in PE. I feel like this is probably one of the weaker cases tho)
Everyone is Awesome set but a sticker
The gay robot from Nexo Knights maybe????
Faith and Jetjack
Kapaka + Pahatu
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bionicle-ramblings · 5 months ago
7, 17, or 23 for the ask game, please!
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
Hmm. Partially Roodaka because I feel like fans see her more as a sexy icon or "hot Dom mommy" even though there's a lot more to her character than that. Idk, I've can Deviantart do Roodaka
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art:
More stuff with Takua, Jaller, and Vakama and more stuff with Lhikan and Vakama. Both friendships are cool and there's a lot of material to work with, not as a ship, of course
And just more Metru stuff too, Hordika arc included. Say what you will, those years were awesome and I need to see more!
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to:
This one is actually interesting because I usually try to be open with ships and 'unwillingly' isn't usually a word I use for it
I've come and to Matau x Vakama and Nokama x Vakama. Not unwillingly, the moments just win me over and in the past, I didn't ship them. Now I do😅
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magicalgirlartist · 2 years ago
Teacher AU time :3
Summary: it's parent-teacher interview night, and various students show up with their parents to talk to Mr. Tahu.
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siren-darkocean · 4 months ago
Flufftober 2024
Prompt 21 of 31
Prompt - Bonfires
Fandom - G1 Bionicle (Mata Kids AU)
Ships - Non, all platonic baby
Warnings - None
Rating - Teen & Up
Extra - Short, I actually posted this like minutes before midnight of October 31st and forgot to share it, some festival fun of Ta-Koro
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It was the second of these festivals Tahu had witnessed and just like the first that celebrated Makuta’s defeat he loved it so much.
Tahu spun around in circles with Takua and Jaller, the Chronicler had his arm hooked with Tahu’s left while Jaller had his hooked-on Tahu’s right as the three spun in circles of a dance as they laughed happily while the Ikir fluttered around above them dancing in its flight to dance with the Ta-Matoran and Fire Toa.
Yes, the times of peace were strange to Tahu but he savored each moment especially after the Borahk incident in case there was ever a day he sadly lost one of his Matoran. And that as well gave him the strength and determination to keep fighting and pushing through in times of peril to prevent the loss of any of them.
Yes I forgot to share this on Tumblr of @flufftober prompts so sue me
I have not had the motivation to continue with prompt 22 which I was excited for as well due to RECENT events of America so yeah
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magicalgirlmascot · 4 months ago
Recently came to the realization that none of the ships in KNPS got together with a dramatic confession after rescuing each other from a super dangerous situation. Like there have been plenty of opportunities for that (Pohatu and Kopaka with the falling light, them again when Pohatu nearly drowns, Onua and Lewa after getting Lewa unpossessed, any of them post bear or New Year's) but it's never actually happened. Closest we get is Onua and Lewa, since that was the chapter after Lewa and the mask happened, but even then it was a full 36+ hours after the fact.
Even the Turaga aren't immune to this. Whenua and Nuju got together several weeks post Hordika, and while Onewa and Krahka started out as hate sex before catching feelings they still didn't get together proper after one rescued the other or anything. And don't even get me started on Vakama, Nokama, and Matau.
Not saying this is "better" or anything, I just think it's funny and wonder what it says about me that I've actively been avoiding doing it. I have to make up for it in the Inika arc. Jaller's going to use his new parkour powers to tackle Hahli out of the way of something and then they just start making out while Takua yells at them
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