#jakes chillin too
wildbluesorbit · 3 months
the way he asks and then demands🫣😮‍💨
insta - disbitcham
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dottydoesstuff · 11 months
The Killing Moon (steve harrington x reader)
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based off the song The Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen
can be read as a part two to this fic or on its own
warnings: Unrequited (????) love, hurt no comfort, angst, kissing, alcohol, parties, swearing and a guy that smells like cabbage (lmk if i missed any) no use of Y/N, reader is described to be wearing a dress but no other description other then that
1.1K words <3
Steve Harrington is a stupid, stupid man. He knew that, really, he did. It was being proven to him time and time again, his own stupidity and poor decisions were being thrown back in his face. His poorest decision to date was not confessing his perennial love for you before you found someone else. It's not like he didn't have a chance to tell you, you're his best friend, you see each other everyday without fail. He'd had an infinite amount of chances but ultimately was too much of a wuss to do anything. 
Steve sighed as he grabbed another drink from the makeshift bar that had been set up on Tina's kitchen table and started shoving through the crowds of people to find somewhere quiet to wallow in self pity. The banging music and general cheerful mood of the party was getting too much for him. Unfortunately fate was not on his side, it rarely was. Karma for being such a dick in highschool he supposed as he heard a laugh. A laugh he has heard a thousand times before. A laugh that haunts him. Your laugh. 
You were here. With him. 
You hadn't seen Steve, not when He was distracting your every sense. You looked….. Ethereal. Too good for this world, far too good for Steve and definitely too good for that guy. Steve didn't even know what you saw in him, you had told Steve about him, raving about how great he was and how you were sure that they'd get along. His name was  James or Jake, maybe josh? Steve couldn't remember, it's Jeremy’s own fault really, he should get a better name. Steve watched as Jack-Josh-Jake’s half smirk bewitched you and his hands wandered to the hem of your dress. Steve stood staring, never occurring to him that he probably looked rather creepy, as he cursed whatever higher power there was for letting that smug bastard be born. He just couldn't understand, this guy was barely 6’, had god awful hair and vaguely smelt like cabbage. What was the attraction? 
After around two minutes of Steve trying to explode Jason (?) with his mind he spotted the door to the back garden and started to make his way over there whilst vowing to brush up on his telekinesis skills so he could throw that guy through a wall or something. 
He sat on a lonely bench on the porch facing the garden, watching the moon as it cast dancing shadows, holding his drink with white knuckles and trying not to let his thoughts linger where they shouldn't. 
“Hey stranger”
The sound of your voice made him jump which made you giggle slightly. He would make a fool of himself again and again if it meant that he could hear that noise every time. 
“What you doin’ sitting out here all by yourself hmm ?” 
you said as you sat down next to him, close enough that he could smell the liquor on your breath and the heat radiating off you. 
“Oh nothin’ just .. chillin’” 
Steve grimaced at his response 
“Well can I just chill with you? ” 
You chuckle while nudging his shoulder slightly.
Steve looked you in the eyes for the first time that night and gave a small nod. He didn't trust himself not to say something absolutely insane like how he was so in love with you that the smell of your perfume was more intoxicating than the beer he had been half heartedly sipping on or that the feeling of your arm against him was occupying so many of his thoughts that he probably couldn't even tell you where he was right now or how-
“Stevie, can I ask you something ?” 
Stevie, oh god you could ask him for his arm and he would saw it off and present it to you without hesitation. 
“Yeah whats- whats up ?” 
“I don't know, it's probably stupid, I'm just worried about you, y’know? you've been acting… different?”
“You're worried about me?”
“Steve, I’m always worried about you” 
Steve couldn't fight off the grin that erupted on his face. His entire body felt hot at your confession. He was pathetic. 
“Why are you smiling Steve, I'm serious, is something going on?”
It was his chance, probably his last one. He was going to do it, tell you he loved you and wanted to date you and have children and get married, well probably not all that, he might come off a bit intense. You sat looking at him expectantly as he turned to face you. The words died on his tongue as he realised how close together the two of you were. 
“I-” Steve started “ I just wanted to tell you-” he couldn't finish the sentence.
“Tell me what, steve ple-” 
He cut you off as he cupped your cheek and kissed you.
A surprised sound left your mouth before you slowly close your eyes and sunk into his lips.
Your kiss was cruel, cruel as he knew he would spend the rest of his life trying to find some semblance of it and would fail to. Cruel in the way your lips fit so perfectly with his, flawlessly moulding together and cruel in the way that he knew that there was no coming back from this. He was absolutely fucked. He was kissing his best friend, his best friend who was the one person he could not lose, his best friend who belonged to someone else. 
Maybe it was fate ,he thought, maybe he was meant to be sat out here and you were meant to find him and this was meant to happen, or maybe it was the sheer might of human will and his lack of self control or maybe it was cheap beer and hormones. Whatever it was he was glad of it. 
Slowly, you pull away, your forehead resting against his, eyes closed and expression unreadable. 
Steve had never felt so content, he was in such a state of bliss that it was a rather rude awakening then the patio door banged open shattering the delicate bubble that surrounded you both. 
You jumped up at the noise, whipping around toward the door. 
“babe, i've been lookin’ for you” 
His speech was slurred as he sauntered towards you. Steve thought Jackson’s face had never looked so punchable.
You walked towards the unwelcome intruder and grabbed his arm, giving him a small smile as you dragged him back inside, not sparing Steve a glance. 
Steve felt his heart crack and dread fill his stomach. This was it, you would never speak to him again, he would become a drunken mistake, a mere annotation in your story. His own thoughts devastated him as he looked back up at the sky, the blue moon looking back down at him. The only thing that comforted him now was the knowledge that he was yours, unabashedly and perpetually, his heart lay with you and it was yours to keep. Steve just hoped you would be a little more careful with it from now on.
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emxplrs · 1 year
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As I walk into the party with Tara to my left, a wave of anxiety hits as soon as I realize I am actually here. In the same house as him. But not with him. I haven’t stepped foot in this house for over a month, because the last time I was here hurt me more than anything.
“You okay?” Tara asks sensing my mood change “Just nervous,” I say while playing with the ring on my finger
“I’ll be here the whole night, if we get split up just text me and we’ll meet back up,” She says softly and I smile “Thank you,”
“Now let’s go get drinks and have a good time,” Tara says before grabbing my hand and dragging me toward the kitchen. As we make our way into the kitchen our whole friend group comes into view.
I haven’t seen most of them in quite a while, after what happened I just needed time for myself and I’ve only seen Tara, Kat, Sam, Jake, and Devyn. Tara, Kat, Devyn, and I hung out last week and I explained to them why I haven’t been around and they understood.
“Kenna!,” Kat says while running to give me a hug “Wow I feel loved,” Tara jokes
“Shut up, I saw you this morning,” Kat laughs before hugging Tara “Wow, Kenna finally decided to grace up with her presence,” Sam laughs
“I just knew your guys’ lives were boring without me so I decided to come,” I laugh before giving Sam a quick hug “Actually my life has been pretty good,” Kevin jokes and I roll my eyes before he pulls me in for a hug
“We’re doing shots,” Kat says and I nod before walking over to the table where the drinks are. Kat pours four shots, one for me, Tara, Devyn, and herself. “We’re getting you fucked up tonight and you’re going to hook up with some hot random guy,” Tara says
“Hell yeah!” Kat says “To Kenna getting laid,” Devyn says while holding her shot up and we all cheers before downing them
We all made our way into the living room where the music was and where everyone was dancing, at first it started with all of us girls dancing together but the girls’ boyfriends had made their way over to them so I let them be and went into the kitchen to get another drink
“Why aren’t you dancing anymore?” I heard a voice say from behind me and my heart dropped “Because,” I said trying my best to ignore him
“Do you want to dance?” He says and I scoff “With you? No.” I say not looking at him
“Why?” He says “Because I said so,” I said before walking away
“Hey,” Crawford says while walking over toward me “Hey Crawf,” I smile
“How’ve you been?” He asks while leaning on the wall next to us “I’ve been good, How have you been?” I say softly
“I’ve been alright. Why you over here alone?” He asks “Eh, just not in the mood for this party,” I say
“You wanna go outside?” He asks and I nod, He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowds of people. We make it outside and we go sit by the pool
We don’t speak we just sit in silence and look up at the sky “What are you guys doing?” I hear someone say and I mentally curse
“We just chillin’,” Crawford says to Colby “What are you doing out here?” I ask him
“I saw you guys walk out here and needed to make sure no one was hooking up outside,” He says and I roll my eyes “Nah, we ain’t doing that,” Crawf laughs
“Good,” Colby says while making eye contact with me “Hey, Crawf, it’s a little cold out here so I’m gonna go back in,” I say with a smile
“Alright, stay safe,” He says while lifting his cup and tilting it toward me “You too, no drunk swimming,” I point at him
“Don’t worry, I’m all good,” He laughs. I get off the chair and run my hands over my dress to make sure it’s straight “You want a hoodie?” Colby asks
“No,” I say rudely while walking away “Kenna what is your problem,” Colby asks while catching up to me
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say while shutting the door in his face “There you are,” Kat says
“Hey,” I smile “We’re doing more shots, come on,” Kat says while grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen
We do about four or five shots before we all make our way back to the dance floor, this time the girls’ boyfriends don’t interfere so it was just us dancing. I look to my left to see Colby talking to some girl leaning on the wall, I roll my eyes and look away.
“Hey, Kenna,” Justin says “Hey,” I smile as he dances closer to me
“You look really good,” He says and I smile “So do you,” I say and he snakes his hands around my waist
“You know, I’ve been thinking about you for a while,” He whispers in my ear “Have you?” I tease
“I always just thought you had a thing going on with Colby so I stayed away but now that I just saw him with that girl, I know that you’re available,” He says
“Yeah, don’t worry, I’m available,” I smile “Good,” He says while moving a hand up to my neck and pulling me in for a kiss
I move my hands to the back of his neck and run my hands through his hair as he pulls me closer by the hand on my waist. He moves his mouth to my neck and starts leaving trails of kisses
“Okay, that’s enough, she’s drunk,” Colby says while pulling Justin away from me “So am I,” Justin says and I try to push Colby away from me
“Colby leave me alone,” I say while trying to get my arm out of his grip “Yeah, dude, leave her alone, we were having fun,” Justin says while grabbing onto my other arm with a tight grip
“She’s drunk, I’m not gonna let her get taken advantage of,” Colby says and I scoff “She wants this,” Justin says while tightening his grip on my arm and it starts to sting
“Justin, let go,” I say trying to pull my arm away but his grip gets tighter “Why aren’t you telling Colby to let you go?” He says
“Because he isn’t hurting me,” I say while trying to pull my arm away “Let her go,” Colby says to Justin
“How about you let her go and we get back to what we were doing,” Justin says “How about no,” Colby says
“Whatever man,” Justin says while letting my arm go and I let out a sigh of relief “Are you okay?” Colby asks while grabbing my arm and looking at it
“I’m fine, don’t pretend like you care,” I roll my eyes before trying to walk away from him but he steps in front of me
“You’re drunk,” He says “So is like every person here, plus I’ve barely had any drinks,” I say
“Well you’re never the type to get drunk and hook up with random people,” he says “I did it with you,” I say, and his face drops
“That was different and you know that,” He says and I laugh “Sure it was, now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go find Justin again,” I say trying to walk around him but I feel arms go around my waist and suddenly I’m thrown over Colby’s shoulder
“Colby put me down,” I say as he walks toward the stairs “No,” He says as I wiggle in his grip
We make it up the stairs and to his room and he sets me down in the middle of his floor “Colby what the hell,” I yell
“Why are you so fucking pissed with me,” He says raising his voice “Are you dumb,” I say pissed off
“Colby, we hooked up, so many times, you treated me like your girlfriend, and told me I wasn’t allowed to hang out with other guys. You told me so many things that made me fall in love with you. Then when I told you, you had the nerve to get mad at me for having fucking feelings!” I yell
“I told you that I didn’t want anything serious!” He says “I know, and that’s my fault for thinking that you’d get over yourself and realize that you do deserve love but clearly I was fucking wrong,” I laugh
“You hurt me, Colby. I poured my heart out to you and you had the nerve to say I was never anything to you and you just used me to pass the time,” I say “So don’t get mad at me for not wanting to talk to a guy who made me feel like shit about myself,”
“Kenna,” He says softly “No don’t even fucking say anything,” I say while walking past him but he grabs my hand and turns me around, and pulls me in to kiss him
I push him away “Fuck you,” I say before walking out of his room and back down to the party. “You okay?” Tara asks me
“I’m perfect, you wanna do more shots?” I ask and she nods
First story on here! LMK if you want a part two!!
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If brooklyn 99 and psych had a crossover, Shawn and Jake would start out super competitive because they love solving shit and have big little man egos. But one-upping each other would be too much fun and they'd low-key enjoy each other's quips and maybe even make a few of the same references. And they won't end the day as besties because they both already have two men of culture for best friends (who would in fact bond on occassion, Charles would be impressed with Shawn but he'd try to suppress it because he is loyal to Jake, Gus is going to be super done with both of them!!) As would Henry but he'd appreciate that Jake does actual police work. Amy and Jules are gonna act embarrassed but they'd be competing on the down-low too. Lassy would want to impress Holt who might just chill with Karen, can't predict how Holt eould feel about the whole psychic stuff (my man is so unpredictable, also can't recall if there was a psychic episode on b99) Gus is going to be attracted to Rosa, more so when she rejects him, I feel like Gus, Terry and Holt might have some kind of a moment (because Psych was kinda like that) Terry and McNab are just going to remain wholesome and Gina will... well she'll be Gina to everyone. But we might see her chillin with Woody, just have some out of box conversation about a shady past idk. Pimento's a friend of Woody's don't ask why. Hitchcock and Scully have received an extensive list of eateries from Shawn and Gus and they are out exploring Santa Barbara.
Anyway, Jake and Shawn are going to part ways as competitors who kinda like each other but still say they're better than the other one.
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So I've been thinking about the 3 day yeerk time limit and something that has come to mind is that I think it might be less like filling up a three day tank and more like gorging yourself and then starving yourself for three days before repeating the process. I think this would be noticable especially towards the end of that cycle and could cause some weird actions on the yeerks part.
My headcanon is that yeerks eat not like humans, but like snakes. Snakes eat huge meals — they get those food bulges after swallowing a rat or bird that's twice their own diameter — and they only eat about one meal a week. It's not healthy for them to eat more often because they digest really slowly and can end up with serious health problems if they outgrow (and then have to shed) too many skins. The internet is full of vets begging people not to feed their pet snakes too often, even though one meal a week seems like that "gorge then starve" pattern to us humans.
This theory fits what you're saying that we don't see yeerks' behavior slipping as they get closer to that three-hour limit; they're not that hungry. Obviously the snake-yeerk parallel isn't perfect, since the yeerks' margin for error is "miss a single meal by a few hours and starve to death", but I also think it would've come up more (in #19) if most hosted yeerks are in poor health due to crappy diet.
I also wonder how firm the three-day limit is. The most in-depth we see it is in #6 with Temrash 114, but it's not clear to me if:
Temrash infests Jake late on Day 1, spends Day 2 and Day 3 in the cabin, and dies near dawn on Day 4, OR
Temrash infests Jake early on Day 1, spends the rest of Day 1 and all of Day 2 in the cabin, and dies near dawn on Day 3
Because it's full daylight when Jake gets infested, but Temrash dies just after sunrise. Either "three days" is "72 hours until the fugue state, then another ~6 hours before you kick it", or it's "72 hours is the longest anyone's ever lived, but most kick it after 65 or so." Or maybe it is exactly 72 hours on the nose, and Temrash was just chillin' in the whirlpool with no kandrona for a while before Jake came along. There are interesting implications for how much security any given controller would have, and how much they'd be dependent on each other.
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Two Bros Chillin' In A Tent
Third chapter. Back by popular demand. Warning, this one gets a lil spicy. Nothing too graphic. PG-13ish. Enjoy the brainrot.
Dropping a line for: @poeticamethyst @godoftalkingcrap @auroraturtu-mex
A Robby x Miguel "enemies to lovers" fanfic.
(Tired of listening to them argue with one another, Johnny does what any responsible father would do: dumps them both in the woods and leaves.)
Previous chapters:
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/anonymousromanticpoet/755905558421307392/two-bros-chillin-in-a-tent
Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/anonymousromanticpoet/756996089386860544/two-bros-chillin-in-a-tent?source=share
Chapter 3-After Midnight
Robby learned three new things about Miguel at that campfire, keeping a checklist in his head.
Miguel likes his marshmallows burnt to a crisp. (That much char should be illegal, Robby thinks to himself.)
Miguel’s brown eyes sparkle like sunshine through a glass of whiskey when he laughs. 
Miguel enjoys watching him do suggestive things, like licking the sugar off his fingers, tongue lingering over the spun sugar just long enough to look tempting, and stretching his arms above his head in mock tiredness (with the full knowledge his shirt is riding up, exposing his toned abs). 
Conclusion: Time to suppress that forever, Robby shook his head, vaguely aware that campfire was dying. Watching the fire burn down to embers, Robby smiled fondly as Miguel began to yawn. 
“Well, it’s late. We should probably go to bed,” Robby stood up. 
“Yeah, I guess so,” Miguel carefully kicked dirt over the remains of the campfire. 
The tent, which had taken over an hour to reassemble, following its untimely collapse, loomed like a badly molded jello in the distance. Talk about wrecking the ambience, Miguel’s mind reprimanded him. Jake Gyllenhaal did a much better job in Brokeback Mountain.
The interior was surprisingly roomy, but still cramped enough to be.. "homo-erotically awkward” Robby’s brain supplied helpfully. Miguel began pulling off his T-shirt. 
“Whoa whoa whoa! What do you think you’re doing?” Robby waved his arms frantically. 
“Getting ready for bed?” Miguel shrugged. “What? What did you think I was doing?”
Robby flushed scarlet. “Nothing. I just…you know what, it’s fine. I just thought maybe with the mosquitos you might want to keep your shirt on?” 
“Hmmm…maybe. I think I’d rather be cool though. It’s pretty hot in here,” Miguel decided, settling into his sleeping bag.
“I’ll say,” Robby mumbled, feeling an uncomfortable sensation of his pants tightening. 
“Nothing, just…let’s go to bed. Good night, Miguel,” Robby turned off the battery powered lamp. 
“Good night, Robby.” 
At first light, Robby awoke to Miguel gently wrapping his arms around his waist, head nestled against his shoulder. The two had apparently scooted closer to one another in the night. It would be romantic, cute even, except, Miguel’s habit of sleep talking kept getting in the way. 
“Oh yes, Robby! Yes,” Miguel’s voice was husky and desperate. “I love you so much.” 
Robby’s eyes widened. He loves me? 
“And I looove your c-“
Robby yelped audibly. “No, no, no…Miguel! Wake up, please.”
It’s too early for this shit.
Miguel politely avoided eye contact over breakfast, eating his plastic tub of frosted flakes in silent shame, praying to whoever might be listening that Robby hadn’t caught on to the very intimate, very R-rated dream he had been having about him. 
Robby’s hand gripped his spoon with iron fingers, twitching periodically. The soggy cereal did little to abate the odd mixture of frustration, arousal, and confusion settling in the pit of his stomach.
“Miguel I-“ Robby stopped. “We need to talk.”
Miguel froze. “Look, I know you probably heard some stuff, last night, and I know it was weird, but if you could just let me explain I would tell you that…that sometimes I have a weird reaction to sugar and I say stuff that sounds like I’ve been snorting crack and it makes zero sense and I-“
“No!” Robby shook his head. “I mean, no. I’m not…Miguel, I’m not going to sugar coat this. Listening to your wet dream about me was the most horrifying and hilarious thing I have ever witnessed.” 
Miguel hung his head.
Robby continued, “And it made me want to tell you, that I am absolutely, head-over-heels, crazy about you. I’ve been trying to convince myself that it’s all just in my head, and I hate you and I have whatever the rival equivalent to Stockholm Syndrome is…but. I love you, Miguel. All of you. Your kindness, your effusive joy…your corny jokes that don’t land, the way you snort when you laugh. Your handsome, deep brown eyes, and your amazing smile. I want you. I choose you. If you’ll have me. Miguel, will you be my boyfriend?” 
“Absolutely,” Miguel breathed. “On one condition.”
“Oh?” Robby raised an eyebrow. 
“You be the one to kill the massive spider that is currently crawling all over our backpacks.”
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ticklishbeans4 · 1 year
Ok well now I gotta give my Finn, Jake, and Prismo headcanons. It's law.
I've been getting sucked back into Adventure Time as of late, so this is law lol
Finn The Human
He's became more of a ler as he got older and got more practice with tickling.
He's generally a playful ler and loves to play tickle games with his friends.
His favorite thing to do is wiggle his fingers just over his lees tickle spot and tease them with stuff like "I'm gonna get you!" or "I'm not even touching you!"
He'll challenge the lee to see how long they can last being tickled/keep their arms up/keep still.
He'll definitely laugh along with his lee, no doubt about it.
He's a silly lee, very wiggly and tends to kick or punch, so he usually needs to be held down.
His worst spots are his knees, belly, ribs, and feet.
He has a high pitched squeaky tickle laugh, sometimes does his scream when a really bad spot gets targeted.
His biggests lers are Jake (obviously), Bubblegum, and Marceline. Though Bubblegum usually disguises it as "needing help with an experiment"
He was a huge lee as a kid, loved getting tickle senseless by his friends. As he got older he still enjoyed being tickled, but not as much as he used too.
It was especially rare that he let anyone tickle him after Jake died, but it happened occasionally, usually only with Marceline or Bubblegum.
You just KNOW Jake is the biggest ler in all of Ooo.
His ability to stretch and shrink and bend his body in all types of ways makes him near unstoppable.
He targets Finn, Prismo, Lady, and his kids the most, but he's definitely not afraid to attack other people.
He usually goes for an all out attack, getting a lees worst spots and utterly wrecking them. But he can be gentler if he needs too.
Definitely will tease a lee for being so ticklish, and uses the old "Tickle tickle tickle" or "Coochie coochie coo!" And if he finds out a lee can't say tickle, he'll keep going till they say it.
He sometimes doesn't realize when someones had enough, but he's usually really good about it.
Has definitely ratted out Finns worst spots and has tickled him in front of people before to embarrass him.
Not as big as lee as he is a ler, but still enjoys being tickled.
Not super ticklish, but his spots are his belly, behind his ears, his feet, and the lower part of his ribs.
His powers make him tougher than most when it comes to tickling, so it takes a lot to get him to tap out.
He is hella weak to raspberries though, those take him out, same with feathers or anything buzzy. Once Finn jokingly attacked him with an electric toothbrush and Jake banned them from the tree house.
Mans is almost not tease-able. He can't be flustered by most teases. But if a ler tells him a bunch of bad jokes while tickling him he'll get flustered.
The people that get him the most are Finn and Lady. His kids used to gang up on him, but not so much anymore. Sometimes Marceline pretends to be about to eat him, just to blow a raspberry on him.
He's not much of a ler, but he does like messing with his friends now and again.
Jake is his favorite target, but he's also gotten Finn and even Simon once or twice.
It's hard to be playful like that with the other cosmic entities.
He technically can't touch anyone, but he can summon things, or even just snap his fingers and make someone feel like their being tickled.
He laughs along with a lee cause he thinks their reactions are funny, and often teases a lee about how silly their face is or how funny the noises they make are.
He really really likes being tickled, but absolutely cannot for the life of his ask for it.
He's summoned Jake more than once just for a tickle fight, though he had to pretend it was for other stuff. Jake always sees through it though.
He actually had no idea he was ticklish till Jake decided to test it out when they were chillin once. Jake just scratched at the spot where Prismo's belly would be and both of them were shocked when Prismo laughed.
Turns out his worst spots are his belly, neck, hips, and thighs.
His usual lers are Finn and Jake, really they're the only ones who tickle him, as no one else has ever tried, and he's way to nervous to ask anyone else.
He does his best to keep still when being tickled, but sometimes can't handle it and disappears somewhere in the cube. He'll come back pretty quickly, but only if the ler promises to not make fun of him for running.
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icequeenlila · 9 months
Avatar Human AU- Christmas (slight Locorro)
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It's Christmas Day
Spider comes over to the Sully household
the holidays turn Neytiri soft enough to let him stay the night
Neteyam and Neytiri are in the kitchen, preparing for dinner
Jake and the rest of the kids are in the living room, decorating the tree
there are christmas songs playing through the house and Jake, Lo'ak and Spider are singing along, horribly out of tune
they think they are hilarious, but Kiri is actually considering violence
also, she is annoyed bc the boys and Tuk have no sense of aesthetic
she has her own vision for the christmas tree, but dosen't stand a chance against her family's chaos
but she's having fun ofc
Lo'ak and Spider are goofing around as always
Spider almost lands in the tree at one point, Tuk screaming at the top of her lungs
when they are done, Neteyam comes from the kitchen to lift Tuk up, so she can put the star onto the top of the tree
Lo'ak and Spider are badly pining, and painfully oblivious
Kiri is SO done with them, and Neteyam is laughing at her misery
uncle Norm is chillin on the couch, tipsy from one eggnog too many
tipsy enough to laugh at Jake's dad jokes
later that day, Tuk freaks out bc Jake forgott to set a timer for her christmas cookies
they turn out slightly on the burnt side
what is she supposed to leave for Santa now? He won't leave her any presents! Dad, you had one job!
everyone helps trying to save her cookies with a hideous amount of frosting
Tuk: "But they won't taste good!"
Jake: "Don't worry, Santa eats so many cookies in one night. Most of them, he only takes with him, so the children won't be sad. I heard we are pretty much the last house on his list, so he'll just save them for his elves. He'll never know."
Tuk is impressed with her father's knowledge
Neytiri is torn between smiling and frowning
she never was too big of a fan, telling their kids the lie of an old man climbing down their chimney, bringing them gifts
her parents never made her and Sylwanin believe in Santa
but still, she loves the way her daughter's eyes light up, and how fond the smile on Jake's face is when talking about it
so she says nothing
Lo'ak actually believed in Santa until he was fourteen
Jake was already starting to sweat when he realized his youngest son wasn't taking the hint
how do you explain to your child that you basically lied to them their whole life?
Easy. You let your daughter handle it.
Kiri did the job
Lo'ak was surprisingly chill when she finally opened his eyes
Lo'ak: "Actually, that makes a lot more sense."
Spider is super happy to spend christmas with his friends, since the relationship with his dad isn't the best
the Sully kids have a present prepared for him
they have worked on it collectively
it's a collage with pictures of all of them:
the freak trio (Kiri, Lo'ak, Spider) on the ice rink, Spider and Lo'ak to each of Kiri's sides, holding her hands so she won't lose her balance
Neteyam holding Spider in a headlock, grinning widely at the camera (Spider bet he could beat him in a fight)
Spider sitting on the ground, bows all over his hair, eyes closed shut as Tuk sprays glitter all over his head
Spider in Jake's wheel chair, screaming, Lo'ak behind him, laughing his ass off as he drives both of them down an empty steep road (it's actually a screen shot from the video they had took to send Kiri)
(they had stolen some weed from Norm before doing this, hence their stupidity)
(Lo'ak got grounded for a month after this, and Spider wasn't allowed to come over during that time)
Neteyam was the one to go to the copy shop to print out the pictures
Tuk had colored the frame herself (very colourful, with a heavy use of glitter)
Lo'ak was the one to work strictly under Kiri's command, cutting out the pictures neatly as she arranged them to look good (Kiri could get a tiny bit scary when it came to her aesthetic, Lo'ak didn't argue once)
Spider smiles and laughs over the pics they had chosen, but everyone can see that he's barely holding back tears
they don't make it a big deal, the present says it all (they care!)
Kiri secretly gifts him another framed picture, one of the time the trio had a movie nigh
the boys both fell asleep on the couch, and somehow Lo'ak ended up on Spider's chest
Kiri had taken several pictures (as blackmail)
Spider blushes madly when he sees it, and immediately stuffs it into his bag
This is vague, but it's just supposed to be something short and cute, sooo....
I came up with all of this while decorating our tree. I have a vague part 2. The Locorro part to be more clear. If I get the impression you like this, I'll give it more thought.
A happy Christmas to all of you! I hope you are well and healthy and I wish you all the best!!!✨
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gimyung · 2 years
Who do you think has the best room of the four crews?
um hmm! it's probably workers. these mfs rich enough to own cars and nice condo units and a fucking villa. samuel literally lives in cheongdam too and that's crazy 😭
the BH129 in one of the panels (see below) is probs a parody for PH129 aka the most expensive apartment. mans livin lavish
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more rich!samuel panels for the seoussy enjoyers 🤤 (i'm very normal abt him)
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also yoojin's got enough bribe money for everyone, owns cars for the workers, plays tennis, is able to contact vivi & mitsuki and other rich kids... literally more chaebol behavior than crystal atp.. he's pictured at these locations too which cld be his apartment. fancy shmency
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meanwhile lua lives like this. dont even know if homegirl got a mattress and where does she do the research shit jake makes her work on 😭 like nice van babylove BUT you deserve better
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altho i fw jake's traditional home too! his mom jos chillin w her bonsai trees and watering succulents.
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not lavish, but peaceful in the very least. it's very fitting for him (and for gapryong), traditional home for ppl who's made marks in ppl's lives, as if the kim blood is of nobility (? what the fuck am i talkin bout) (you catch the drift)
im tired of the flavor of talking but hostel is literally THAT building (although sally's room probs cute) and idk where johan lives 😭 my hc is that their rooms aint better than these !
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girl I love Taylor Swift and Kotlc
ME TOO ✨🌈☺️💜💌🎀🩵❤️🎉📣🥳🌟 (im sorry this took so long)
(If you look back through my *many* posts you will find the characters as taylor swift albums so I am picking five ships to give albums)
fitzphie - they are giving off serious red vibes. I’m angry at myself! at the world! at everybody! I also think the ups and downs of the album really provide some of Sophie’s feelings during this relationship. This being said I am not comparing Fitz to Jake Gyllenhaal.
sokeefe - lover. This might be kinda cliche but I truly do not care because they just love each other. (For these purposes we can skip over the denial part of the Lover album.) Also sygb is SUCH a keefe hanging out in the healing center while sophie recovers kinda song. I really have no other explanation.
dexiana - they are fearless, because they’re just both so cute and smol and perfect together. (I’m sorry tiana fans. Please still like me.) The love songs are perfect for them, and the breakup songs are not about breaking up in these circumstances, more about them being angry at their families and friends for keeping things from them and stuff. Anyway I just love them.
tiana - the tiana truthers will hopefully be happy with me giving this ship reputation. This is not based off of Tam’s Vibe™ alone, but on the two aspects of reputation. That being said the two vibes are “fuck the world” and “just chillin with my baby ☺️🌈✨” I don’t think I need to explain more.
marelinh - I believe these two are a mix of several albums, including Lover, Debut, folklore, and Midnights. Lover and Debut only included for the gay references. Folklore and Midnights are included for the cute sweet little songs (seven, sweet nothing) because I feel like they’d have that kind of relationship. NO DENIAL!!!
Anyway thanks for the ask I’m sorry it took so long these usually don’t
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Hi! I always love your librarians posts so I wanted to ask but I hope this hasn’t been asked before. I know everyone is talking about how the next chapter could go since Jake stone is the only returning character. Do you think they’ll mention Eve at all? I mean I feel like Eve had such an influence on all the librarians so for Jake to be the only one returning I would hope they would reference his development into a librarian somehow (without just saying the others got killed off/ eve tied to the library etc). I think I’m just gonna really miss the mamma bear Eve energy with the other librarians. Jake will obviously be a more developed character depending on how long it’s been since the show has ended so I’m curious how they’re going to explain the new librarians and guardian. (@no-e-estelle posted something earlier about how there should be more librarians world wide so I’m hoping this might play into it and they’re all just fine and Eve is chillin in the library or something).
I hope this ramble made sense. Thank you for any response I love talking the librarians rn it’s time for a rewatch!
Okay so bear with me with me if I sound rambly...I just woke up and am lying in bed trying to pysch myself up to get up and get dressed for work but decided to answer this now.
I personally do agree that yeah it's gonna be kind of weird if they really truly do only show Stone and never even mention the others...and yeah, Eve, Jenkins, and Flynn were my favorites from the first TV series (okay, Eve, Jenkins, Flynn and Moriarty but I'm trying to think about the mains before I think of him) but I have a few theories about what could happen.
1. Theory one is the one we don't want which is that they really are just going to show mention Jake. I try not to think about this one too much because as mentioned before Jake is my least favorite and I see Christian Kane as a generic actor who plays the same general character over and over again. But also it would just feel...weird.
2. Theory two as to why they just seem to show/mention Jake. Most of the main actors in the new series are British. Maybe I'm the only one who noticed it because I got sucked into a bunch of British TV by random despite living in the Midwest, but this gives the implication that this new series might not take place in Portland...I guess Stone's the one they were able to put on lone and he might seem like a good supplement for busy Eve because she taught him the fighting stuff.
3. Kind of ties in with two, but what if Stone won't be the only one guesting at times, but he's the one we were told about. We know Noah Wyle will be there in a behind the scenes/brains capacity so he might be coming up with storyline. Also, not to circle back to British TV but there's a show I watch that finished the 13th season a couple months ago. At the start of the season a couple months ago. You know which notable guest star we knew about beforehand? One of the main actress's biological son (which no ragging on him...I was super excited to see him). You know who else appeared? Past character A who was giving birth on another continent. Past character B who lived on a different island. Past character C who had been traveling the world and is again a series lead. Past character D who had been in witness protection. Which is to say maybe there will be others but they're just good at keeping them under wraps.
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elvishdemigod · 2 months
DCAS is honestly starting to bore me.
Season 3 in general is meh. And you can tell the quality story-wise lowered when they started releasing episodes weekly instead of every 2 weeks.
And there will be spoilers ahead.
First off, getting it out of the way, but the TikTok dance challenge I didn't have much of an issue with. UNTIL I realized if Fiore had won the return chance, she'd be doing the WAP dance. SHE'S 9 YEARS OLD SHE'S BARELY JUST STARTED PUBERTY, SHE'S EXTREMLY YOUNG!!! There's a line between "Child who cusses a lot" and "Child doing a challenge with the Wet Ass Pussy dance."
Then Tom and Jake. They should've just finally fully parted ways and realize they're not compatible. Like I've said, they have more chemistry as exes than as lovers. Tom already proved his word is worth shit, and his promise before leaving didn't feel concrete enough. He could just ghost Jake again. He doesn't know, we don't know.
The drama with Krystal, Derek, and Trevor. I get there have been Trevek shippers since the beginning. But sometimes what makes a ship fun is the "What could've been" and not the "what is." Derek and Krystal seem happy together, and both take joy in the harsh challenges, they feel like they could actually be something.
Meanwhile Trevor literally acts like a pouty toddler. The plot of "Fired employee wanting to get the show shut down" could've worked, if it weren't for the guy acting like his playground crush just rejected his marriage goldfish cracker. It's not even that, Derek actually tries to communicate with Trevor, but Trevor just blows him off! Again, like a toddler, but when they plug their ears and go "LALALA I'M NOT LISTENING" Trevor's the one who didn't say shit until it was too late, that's his fault. And because of it, he's trying to get the show the guy he likes cancelled as if it wouldn't piss Derek off? Can we get a Yandere Trevor AU fanfic, because that feels fitting right about now.
The plot of Emily getting Trevor to work with her to get the show shut down would work if it didn't get 2 minutes of screen time each episode, if it were handled more like the Jensen situation in the first season, and if Trevor wasn't such a baby. Emily though is smart to be using the guy with the brain and emotional power of a child, I'll give her that.
And then there's the current final 4.
Connor and Riya are both rich. They don't really need the money. Not to mention that Riya is getting extremely annoying.
Unless Jake is in a similar situation as me, being an adult who never learned how to drive and can't really get a job, he doesn't really need the money. He's chillin with Miriam, who was a winner of the first season. Maybe he needs the money to help take care of Mirium? But storywise, it doesn't really make sense to let the character living with a previous winner win this time.
Ally is such an unlikeable character now. Though she is the one gonna need the money the most because she's gonna need to flee the country and get a new identity-
Before them, Grett was the most worthy of winning.
The beef with Ally and Jake is like watching two siblings who genuinely hate each other but don't do much outside of slap fights and insults. (Ally leaving Jake for dead by bear because of that?) It's pointless, boring, and this time around most of it is Ally's doing. It was annoying when Jake did it, yet it's supposed to be great when Ally does it?
I'm predicting either Jake is going to win, or Connor but he's going to split the money with someone or a few other contestants. In which in the Connor case, Jake's still gonna get money.
I love the show, but it's really starting to bore me this season.
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ariendiel · 1 year
I have an agenda. Levi x Mason enemies-to-lovers
Ohhhhh, I love it when you have an agenda as I just know something good will come from it 👀
Levi x Mason Relationship (EtL) headcanons
Okay, but they'd initially become enemies over MC right? Both of them being into her, chasing her etc. It's just too good to not utilise Cherry gate and the other S1 drama for this.
But they're more focused on each other than MC, which of course they don't realise. Everyone else are totally watching them argue in the gym while being shirtless and sweaty all 👀🍿 though (especially Talia and Tim, Jake and Rohan are busy with their own thing).
They're the perfect example of the "two bros chillin' in a hot tub 5 feet apart cause they're not gay" meme, because they spend all their time together even when they 'hate' each other and totally aren't just dealing with heaps of sexual tension through anger and denial.
In this headcanon, MC gets with Jake or Talia, and they're both left looking at each other all "what now" and finally start opening up to each other.
I love to imagine them realising how much they have in common, and how much they've actually bonded without realising it. Maybe they share a hug that goes on just a bit longer than it should? Maybe there's prolonged eye contact? Hands almost touching? I want this to be a ✨slow burn✨
Denial, denial, denial until the end of the show. Maybe they get drunk once it's all over, maybe they have a last fight that ends in the most passionate kiss? I'm not sure, but with these two I think it'd be strong passion and a sense of despair over it, because who doesn't love seeing two macho men giving in to their feelings of love?
Friendships and relationships headcanons masterpost
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hamausagi · 4 months
What is your nickname?
i don't really have one these days, but i suppose jake or august are still two of my favorite names i go by ^^
When is your birthday?
10/21/03 <3
What was your longest relationship?
1 year and 2 months (ended) (thank god)
What is your favorite book?
six of crows - leigh bardugo !
What is something you're insecure about?
the way i speak LMAO i cringe so much hearing my own voice or hearing the things i say. i feel like im so socially awkward and i hate it so bad 😭😭😭
5 Male celebrity crushes
uhhhhhh i dont rlly keep up with celebs like at all anymore but i used to be literally head over heels for chris pine when i was younger HELP
5 Female celebrity crushes
ZENDAYA and maybe saorise ronan ???? (help me i dont rlly care abt celebs)
What is your dream job?
concept/character artist for a game company !!!! (and to make my own games) (which i am currently working on)
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
finding out about my dream college last september after literally never knowing about it prior (besides a friend making an offhand comment abt it in like. 2017 that i forgot abt), finishing a portfolio in less than 2 months, and getting accepted LMAO
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
i used to play indoor and outdoor soccer year round, my indoor team competed in a lot of big brackets for the state (i now play no sports and i can barely go up more than 2 flights of stairs or run more than a few meters without dying) (thank you asthma and anemia 💪)
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
highs: FINSHED MY FRESHMAN YEAR OF COLLEGE WAHOOOO passed all my classes 🔥 made some new friends :D (and regained some old)
lows: uhhhhh mental health struggles mostly
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
i reeeeeaaalllyyyy really wanna go to japan so bad. im literally japanese and ive never been there, and i have family there ive never met that i want to see
How do you de-stress?
sleeping, drawing, playing some games, bothering the bf, gams with friends (unless its helldivers) (then i am stressed more)
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
pinterest my beloved <3
Describe yourself in one sentence.
good intentions, but poor execution
What do you think makes you attractive?
uhhhhh i have big eyes, smallish waist ???? i really try and prioritize other people (help i rlly dont know how to answer this)
What is something you're really good at?
drawing :3
What is something you're really bad at?
cooking LOL (im trying to get better)
A time that you told a lie.
telling the kid in my prj group that it was okay after he apologized for being literally the worst group member i have ever worked with (he literally did NOTHING and almost cost us the project several times)
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
bearded dragons can puff their eyes out along with puffing their chins when they get scared or feel threatened (thanks to ron for scaring the absolute shit out of me one day) (i thought he was dying)
Who knows you the best?
either my bf or my irl best friend :3
What is your most prized possession?
a wooden box my dad mae me a really really long time ago. that or this little sterling silver flip flop necklace my grandpa gave me a few years before he died when i was a kid
What is your longest friendship?
with my irl bsf, been friends 13 years now
When did you first feel like an adult?
either when my dad finally started actually swearing when talking to me or when i changed my car's oil myself for the first time
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
played soccer for like 11 years and did archery for 5 :3
How are you feeling right now?
im really tired and my cramps are killing me 👍 but im chillin
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl even tho i rlly wish i was an early bird so bad. no matter when i go to bed or how many hrs of sleep i get its so hard to wake up before 9 am bro
Do you believe in love at first sight?
for ocs? yes. irl? absolutely not
Favorite song lyrics right now?
literally loving all the lyrics in a feeling - whxami but more specifically i am thinking abt waiting room - phoebe bridgers "if you were a teacher, i would fail your class take it over and over til you noticed me if you were a waiting room, i would never see a doctor i would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed"
also saw a robin edit to espresso - sabrina carpenter and now my brain is IM WORKING LAAAAATEEEE CAUSE IM A SINGERRRRRRR
What does self care look like for you?
taking showers and making myself food. i hate actually taking showers but the post shower untainted clean feeling is so unmatched bro its the best
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
RONEN, wave to earth, and two door cinema club
What makes you nervous?
meeting friends of friends (meeting new people is fine but its scarier if someone i know is introducing me), going to people's houses that i don't know very well
What’s a pet peeve you have?
trying to talk to someone but getting dry ass responses or no response at all
What will always make you cry?
bro. those tiktoks that are like. "if you know yourself which one are you picking". oh my god. those destroy me so bad
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
i honestly have zero idea bro 😭😭 if im meeting people at school im probably a little overwhelming (im loud asf at school) but if like. im meeting my friends parents or my bfs friends. i am a ghost
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skounch · 1 year
sooooo..... can you tell us about the au, atleast a tiny shread?
Shorten version:
The striders are angels or my brain calls them drones lol
Dave went "missing" and Dirk was dispatched to find him and bring him. Back. He fought to go alone cuz it family matters
Cuz am down bad for jake being demon
Jake is a demon who found out Dirk came to look for his brother. So jake make sure he becomes the best distraction to his ex
Dirk and jake has tension cuz jake dipped and dirk is still bitter about it. They havent seen each other since they split.
Dirk tries to focus on looking for dave but he cant help but get distracted by jake all the time lol
Where is dave. Dudes chilling with the beta kids
Cuz am me so johndave is in here kind of. I didnt think too deep on them cuz this is a more dirkjake au
Anywho daves big boy mission is to be this kids guardian (john) (tbh this part is a bit fuzzy cuz i havent thought too far about this. But either guardian or. The demons be acting up so dave was dispatch to do some info gathering idk tbh probs the later.)
ANYWAY! Dave was investigating this cult thing where he got found out by Rose Jade and John. The three out looking for ghosts or paranormal shit.
So he told them hes a ghost and started following them around.
He realized he enjoyed hanging out with the three humans a lot more. Started to dread coming home. Lead to his wings turning completely black. Now he cant go back at all.
While dirk out doing a bad job of looking for dave by getting his insides tickles. Daves just chillin lol
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 01, 2023)
23:58 Blondee & Marc Werner Feat. Fabienne Rothe - Wonderful Days 23:53 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 23:49 Nora En Pure - Tantrum 23:41 Audiofly Feat. Fiora - 6 Degrees 23:34 Blank & Jones - White Light 23:31 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 23:24 Jan Blomqvist - Maybe Not (Rodriguez Jr. Extended) 23:21 Hanns Feat. Lu - Chemistry 23:19 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 23:15 Eelke Kleijn - Mistakes I've Made 23:10 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 23:06 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Josha Daniel - Oscillations 23:00 Lexer & Paji - Red Puddle 22:57 Nora Van Elken - Mount Fuji 22:51 Gary B - Let You In 22:48 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 22:45 Above & Beyond - The Inconsistency Principle 22:38 Chris Zippel - Around, Arrived 22:34 Nora En Pure - Epiphany 22:31 Above & Beyond Feat. Justine Suissa - Little Something 22:27 Mark Ronson Feat. Miley Cyrus - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 22:23 Glide - Y Môr 22:20 Buchs Feat. Nokyo - Cheverolet 22:16 Maa, Seven24, R.i.b. - Frozen 22:12 Kidsø - Finja 22:05 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 22:02 Sono - Twist In My Sobriety (Sans Souci Remix Edit) 21:56 Sans Souci - Venice 21:52 Massive Attack - Three 21:49 Goldfish Feat. Nate Highfield & Dan Silver - Forever Free 21:46 Audien - Blue 21:40 Spiller (Royksopp's Malselves Memorabililia Mix) - Cry Baby 21:37 Dj Antoine & Flip Capella Feat. Evelyn - Dark Love 21:32 Nora En Pure - Trailblazer (Club Mix) 21:27 Agron - Love My Soul 21:24 Passenger 10 - Serving The World 21:21 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 21:17 Jazzamor - Lovin' You 21:12 Deep Dive Corp. Feat. Dennis Le Gree - Water 21:09 Mike Candys, Sb Mont & Salvo - Turned To Dust 21:06 Alok, Bruno Martini, Featuring Zeeba - Hear Me Now 21:03 Glockenbach Ft. Clockclock - Brooklyn 20:57 Fous De La Mer - Luz 20:55 Famba Feat. Brando & Mkla - Games We Play 20:52 Kamrad - I Believe 20:48 Nora En Pure Feat. Tim Morrison - Come Away 20:45 Nihoni - After Sun 20:37 Blank & Jones - Fallen 20:34 Trinix - Soweto 20:31 Nora En Pure - All I Need 20:27 The Underdog Project - Summer Jam 20:25 Amely & Lvndscape - Losing My Mind 20:19 The Last Atlant - Twin Of The Sun 20:13 Mirage Of Deep - Cloudless Sky 20:11 Atb & Topic - Your Love (9pm) 20:08 Enigma - Return To Innocence 20:05 Sans Souci - Take My Breath Away (Original Mix) 20:01 Schiller & Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You 19:55 Max Denoise Feat Claire Willis - Bring To Me Life (Original Mix) 19:52 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 19:49 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 19:46 Iberis Eguana - Sand Of Time 19:41 Arden - Open 19:38 Dize Feat. Aurii - Wenn Ich Nicht Mehr Weiss 19:32 Aural Float - Still Here 19:25 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 19:19 Exstra - Comet (Extended Mix) 19:15 Mandalay - Beautiful 19:13 Trinix & Ian Urbina - Bad Things 19:10 Felix Jaehn Feat. Lost Frequencies & Linying - Eagle Eyes 19:06 Tomas Skyldeberg - Chillin With You 19:02 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 18:57 Puremusic - Unsaid (State Azure Remix) 18:53 Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth 18:50 Nora Van Elken - Interstellar 18:46 Blank & Jones - Nothing Can Come Between Us 18:35 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 18:28 Atb - No Fate 18:22 Lounge Generation & Namara - Inner Voice 18:19 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 18:16 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 18:11 Rameses B - Never Forget (Original Mix) 18:07 Robin Schulz - Moonlit Sky (With The Void Pacific Choir) 18:04 Jazzamor - Song For Maggie 18:02 Carstn, Jason Walker - Could You Love Me (Munich Monstrs Remix) 17:52 Moby - Too Much Change 17:48 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood - I Need You 17:42 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundførd - Oh, Lover 17:40 Pulsedriver & Tiscore Feat. Anna Grey - We Are 17:33 Fac15 & Jay C - By The Pool (Jay C's Classic Mix) 17:28 Blank & Jones - Into The Sun 17:26 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 17:21 Faithless - Evergreen 17:18 Raffa Fi - Ritmo 17:15 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 17:09 Sven Van Hees - Ocean Jive 17:05 Klangkarussell And Givven - Follow 17:02 The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This 16:58 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 16:53 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers 16:47 Hraach, Armen Miran - Aldebaran (Original) 16:43 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Adios Ayer 16:40 Kygo With Avicii & Sandro Cavazza - Forever Yours (Tribute) 16:33 Noraj Cue - Story At The Campfire 16:29 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 16:26 Sum Wave - Backyard Stories 16:23 M22 - Good To Be Loved 16:20 Laniia - Fireflies 16:13 Colyn - Unstable Gravity Alert 16:08 Finland & Aaskoven - La Balbianello (Dosso D'aveto Mix) 16:05 Daniel Portman - Sensual Desires 16:01 Lucy Neville - Fall At Your Feet 15:59 R3hab, Timmy Trumpet, W&w - Distant Memory 15:55 Arty Feat. Cimo Fränkel - Daydreams (Sultan Shepard Echoes) 15:51 Jelly & Fish Feat. Amiaz & Tina Welzel - Appreciation (Radio Mix) 15:48 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 15:44 Edx - Vommuli 15:40 Federico Aubele - Postales 15:37 Bolier - Another Blue 15:35 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 15:31 Norman Feller - Retrospective 15:28 Sons Of Maria - Always 15:20 Blond:ish Feat. Bahramji - Omnipresent 15:16 Karen Ramirez - Looking For Love 15:12 Audax Feat. Ron Caroll - Falling For You 15:08 Chris Coco - Before Sunset (Original Mix) 15:05 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 15:01 Tom Novy & Dan Le Blonde - Let's Dance (Tom Novy Remix) 14:55 Fil A Fil - Just An Illusion 14:50 Schiller Feat. Jael - Tired (Live) 14:47 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 14:41 Ensaime - No Me Contesta 14:38 Shouse - Won't Forget You 14:34 David Guetta, Robin Schulz, Cheat Codes - Shed A Light (Blank & Jones Remix) 14:30 Martin Böttcher - Old-shatterhand-melodie (Orbient Mix) 14:27 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 14:25 Avian Grays & Azteck - Endlessly 14:17 Ost & Kjex - Queen Of Europe Feat. Anne Lise Frokedal (Solomun Remix) 14:13 Olga Scheps - How Much Is The Fish? 14:10 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous 14:08 Twisted Harmonies Feat. Mougleta - You & Me 14:05 Loud Luxury And Frank Walker Feat. Stephen Puth - Like Gold 14:02 Ofenbach - Be Mine 13:57 Dreamerproject - Horizons (Glenn Main Remix) 13:54 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 13:51 Robin Schulz & Marc Scibilia - Unforgettable 13:46 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 13:41 Blank & Jones - Sunshines Better (Feat. Mick Roach) 13:34 Troels Hammer - Trans/ For/ Mation 13:31 Magnofield - Lupino 13:26 Tinlicker Feat. Hero Baldwin - Rebirth 13:22 Liberdade - Otra Vida 13:19 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 13:16 Hagen Feetly - Not The One 13:13 Lucas Estrada & Henri Purnell & Neimy - In My Fantasy 13:08 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 13:02 Bruno Be, Manimal, Vintage Culture - Human Remix (Club Mix) 12:59 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 12:56 Gamper & Dadoni - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 12:53 Arizona - Oceans Away (Sam Feldt Remix) 12:49 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 12:47 Edx - Neptune 12:43 Blank & Jones - Flaming June 12:40 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 12:37 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 12:33 Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestr - Come As You Are 12:31 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 12:27 Minnie Riperton - Lovin' You 12:25 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 12:21 Lstn - Sky & Sand 12:17 Emmit Fenn - Lost In Space 12:13 Elderbrook & Bob Moses - Inner Light 12:07 Beyhude - Terso 12:04 Robin Schulz Feat. Nico Santos - More Than A Friend 12:00 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 11:55 Enui - Adieu (Arielle Lb Remix) 11:52 Mike Perry Feat. Shy Martin - The Ocean 11:49 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 11:46 Mike Candys & Séb Mont - What's On Your Mind 11:42 Lumininius - I Believe In You 11:38 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - We're All We Need 11:34 Mo' Horizons - Dance Naked Under Palmtrees 11:32 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 11:28 Alan Walker Ahrix - End Of Time 11:23 Yonderboi - Sinking Slowly 11:20 Chicane - Capricorn (Back Pedal Brakes Remix) 11:15 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 11:10 The Funky Lowlives - Time To Let Go 11:07 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 11:01 Hakan Kayis, Furkan Sarikas, Cinar Gedizlioglu - A Night In Alacati (Original Mix) 10:56 Mathieu & Florzinho - Maha - Amba 10:53 Nora En Pure - Wetlands 10:48 Tebra - Istok 10:41 Marcel - Departure 10:36 Schiller - Free The Dragon 10:29 Bryan Milton & Jama - Like A River 10:24 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 10:20 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 10:13 Nora En Pure - Birthright (Club Mix) 10:11 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 10:08 Gibbs & Code X - Close To Your Heart 10:00 Deep Dive Corp. - Bali Hi 09:56 John Summit & Hayla - Where You Are 09:54 Dj Antoine Feat. Ablai - My Corazon (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 09:48 Rodg - Life Is Life (Chill Mix) 09:41 Avira & Diana Miro - The Worship (Mark Knight Extended) 09:38 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 09:34 Lilly Wood & The Prick And Robin Schulz - Prayer In C 09:32 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 09:28 Schiller - Lichtwerk 09:23 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 09:16 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 09:09 Humate - 3.2 (Bedrock Ambient Mix) 09:04 Joachim Pastor & Signum - Something You Need (Extended Mix) 09:01 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 08:57 Marc Narrow Feat. Robin Gambler & Ian Late - L.o.v.e. 08:55 Edx - Ecletric (Mixed) 08:50 Bolier & Leandro Da Silva - Floripa (Extended) 08:47 Lemongrass - Comme Toujours 08:44 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 08:40 Armin Van Buuren & Avira - Illusion (Mixed) 08:35 Groovecatcher - Neonstrasse 08:31 Nora En Pure - Life On Hold 08:28 Lost Frequencies & Aloe Blacc - Truth Never Lies 08:25 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 08:20 Mr.da-nos - San Francisco 2k20 08:13 Tosca - Dave Dudley 08:10 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 08:08 Alan Walker X Hans Zimmer - Time (Alan Walker Remix) 08:03 James Bright - Sarabande 07:58 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 07:50 Maxim Lany - Riding The Wave (Extended Mix) 07:43 Chicane - Offshore 07:40 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 07:36 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 07:30 Claptone Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Heartbeat 07:27 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 07:23 Spanish Armada Movement - Margarita 07:19 Klangperlenspiel - Million Words 07:13 Tebra - Suton 07:10 Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle 07:07 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 07:04 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Erase Rewind 06:58 Fous De La Mer - Esse Sonho 06:53 Goldfish - Love Everlasting (Extended Mix) 06:49 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 06:45 Jazzamor - Way Back 06:41 Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan - In The Air Tonight (Sons Of Maria Remix) 06:39 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 06:35 Alle Farben Feat. Janieck - Little Hollywood 06:32 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 06:26 Faro - Dreaming In Orange 06:24 Max Johann & Layrz - Tell It To My Heart 06:20 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 06:17 Alphawezen - Out Of Sight 06:15 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 06:12 Iossa, Ken Holland - The Seed Feat. Iossa (Original Mix) 06:07 Ingo Herrmann - Sundown 05:59 Hraach - After Dark 05:56 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 05:51 La Vita - Saxual Seduction 05:44 Worakls - By The Brook 05:40 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 05:36 Smoke City - Underwater Love 05:33 Kryder & Natalie Shay - Rapture 05:29 Depeche Mode - Goodnight Lovers 05:26 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 05:18 Kygo - Freeze 05:11 Chris Zippel - Mirror Dawn 05:08 Lucy Neville - Shameless 05:05 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 05:00 Kabanjak - The Rain 04:58 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 04:50 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 04:43 A Sagittariun, Skip Mcdonald - Crystallization Feat. Skip Mcdonald (Original Mix) 04:40 Tiësto - The Motto 04:37 Younotus Feat. Chris Gelbuda - When I Think About You 04:33 Moby - Lie Down In Darkness 04:30 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 04:27 Lost Frequencies Feat. Axel Ehnström - All Or Nothing 04:24 Shaun Frank & Takis Feat. Shells - Don't Say I Love You 04:18 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 04:12 Depeche Mode - The Love Thieves 04:05 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 04:02 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 03:58 Shaun Feat. Conor Maynard - Way Back Home 03:53 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 03:50 Rosa Linn - Snap 03:45 Tosca - Gute Laune 03:41 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 03:37 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 03:31 Markus Hakala - Curacao 03:27 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - La Serenissima 03:22 Moby - Extreme Ways (Bourne's Legacy) 03:18 Milkwish - From The Earth To The Moon 03:13 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 03:06 A Forest Mighty Black - Rebirth 03:02 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 03:00 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 02:55 The Dining Rooms - Existentialism (Milano Dub Mix) 02:52 Thomas Gold Feat. Bright Sparks - Seventeen 02:49 Chris Avedon - The Letter 02:46 Dynoro Feat. Gigi D'agostino - In My Mind 02:43 Martin Trevy Feat. Hedara - Talking To The Silence 02:40 Hugel - Can't Love Myself (Feat. Mishaal& Lpw) 02:35 Worldwide Groove Corporation - Besame Mucho 02:31 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Daylight Is Falling 02:28 Hearts & Colors - Lighthouse (Andrelli Remix) 02:25 Tomas Skyldeberg - Outside The Window 02:17 Armin Van Buuren & Avira Feat. Sam Martin - Mask 02:12 Aromabar - Renegade 02:06 Atb & Anova - Route 66 02:03 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 02:00 Lost Frequencies Feat. Harold Van Lenne - Are You With Me (Lounge) 01:57 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 01:55 Möwe - Bad Intentions 01:51 Clangusar - I Promised Myself 01:48 Dizkodude & Dj Antoine - Your Eyes (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Summer Mix) 01:45 Lstn - Sïstër 01:42 Sam Feldt - Show Me Love (Original Mix) 01:35 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 01:30 Espresso Del Lago - Ballet Or Sauna 01:24 Schiller - Der Goldene Engel 01:21 Sans Souci - Condor 01:18 Kygo Feat. Ellie Goulding - First Time 01:14 Backstreet Boys - Chances (Instrumental) 01:11 Mefree - Horizons 01:05 Blank & Jones With Claudia Brücken - Unknown Treasure 01:00 Worakls - Caprice 00:53 Rìfìs Du Sol - On My Knees (Oliver Schories Remix) 00:49 Zhu - Faded 00:42 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 00:40 Vize & Leony - Dolly Song (Devil's Cup) 00:36 Aural Float - Be As You Are 00:32 Lstn - Undecided 00:25 Lemongrass - Feel Good 00:22 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 00:16 Goa Foundation - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 00:13 Vintage Culture And Rooftime - I Will Find 00:09 Dvine - Unknown Reality 00:06 Topic Feat. Nico Santos - Home (Alle Farben Remix) 00:01 Eli Kazah - Return Home
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