#jake: I dont even know why we took so long to come here but we are enjoying are time here!
filmbyjy · 8 months
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so the surprise that jay and jake prepared was a small short cover of love yourself by Justin Bieber
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onskepa · 9 months
you finally reopened your requests!!!
Hear me out!
We need a reader with vitiligo. The sully are shocked and confused when they see her skin but jake explains it to them. Ik there is a chance you maybe won't write this but i had been longing to request it for such a long time
This is what vitiligo looks like:
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Hellooooooo darling!! I can see where you are going with this one. Did a bit more research so I can make it as accurate as I can. Hope you all can enjoy it~!!
PS: The sully kids are younger here: Neteyam is 9, lo'ak and kiri are 8, and tuk is not yet born because I forgot about her when I finished this.
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“Come on, keep up!” young neteyam calls out to his two younger siblings. Kiri and lo’ak do their best to keep up speed with their older brother. “Stop being so damn fast!!” lo’ak shouts back, grunting as he does his best to keep up. “Hey! What did mom say?” Kiri shouts behind lo’ak. Rolling his eyes, lo’ak runs faster to be at the same level with neteyam, making kiri trail a bit behind. 
The three ran through the forest in glee, their mother sent them to tell their father that lunch was ready. And of course the kids would happily use any excuse to go out on a small adventure. Especially to mess with the humans. 
“I see the pole! We are here!” Neteyam says as he runs even faster. Clearing some leaves, out reveals the human post. Right near where the entrance is at, they see their dad talking to someone over a tablet. But neteyam stopped a few feet away. The human beside his dad. Why do they look-
“Why does your skin look so weird?” 
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“While I dont like humans, I don't support your rude words, lo'ak” Neytiri strictly scolds her second son. The boy in question grabbed his tail, looking down feeling guilty of his choice of words. 
“But mom, she did look weird,” Kiri says, as means to help her brother. Neytiri only hissed at her in a warning way.  “Weird or not, I taught you better than to judge people. My children, how would you like it if someone picked on how you look? It would not be good would it?”. 
Lo’ak and kiri shake their heads and mutter ‘no’. 
“Good, now we are all going back and I want you to apologize to the human. Am I clear?” 
“Yes mama”.
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Neytiri took her two children back at the human base, there she sees jake, neteyam and the human in question. And as they get closer, neytiri gets a better view of the human. She almost stopped for a second, almost. Her children weren't right to point it out, but they also were not wrong. The human did look odd. She didn't look like any of the humans neytiri came across. No, this one was different beyond any comprehension. 
The human had two skins. 
Dark and light skin tones. Patches all around. Almost like paint splattered all over her body. 
Jake turns and calls neytiri over. She does so slowly, she came here for a reason. Best to not get distracted. Neteyam looks over and smiles at her and his siblings. 
“Hi mama, look, meet nawang. She likes to take pictures” Neteyam introduces as he holds a camera in his hands. 
Nawang, as neteyam calls her. She looked up and smiled, greeting her in the na’vi way. Seems like nawang has learned the customaries. 
“Baby, this is nawang, a friend. One of the science guys. And nawang, this is my wife neytiri, and my other kids, lo’ak and kiri '' Jake happily introduces. The human woman looked at all of them with a warm smile. 
“Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you all. Jake would never shut up about his family. Day or night, he will look for any excuse to talk about you all” she says. Her voice is cheerful and soft. Like a friend whom you already know. 
“Come on, what can I say? I'm a happy man '' Jake responds, his grin wide. 
Neytiri shook away at her stare and cleared her voice. “I believe my child has something important to tell you” she says, gesturing lo’ak to step forward. And he does, getting closer to nawang, he looks up at her and pouts. 
“I'm sorry I called your skin weird. It was rude of me to say that” he apologizes. Nawang chuckled a bit and shook her head. “Apology accepted lo’ak” she answers. 
“But why does your skin look like that?” he continues. 
Jake wanted to smack himself right then and there. 
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“Not quite, vitiligo” 
“that's it!” Nawang praises the sully kids. She was teaching them the name of her skin condition. Neytiri watched along, secretly learning too. She wanted Jake to explain what is with the human’s look, but all he replied was “it's best to hear it from the source”. 
“But what is vitiligo?” Kiri asks. Nawang sat on the grass floor with the three children in front of her, their parents not far from where they are. 
Rolling up her sleeves to expose more of her arms, Nawang happily begins to explain. “You see, Vitiligo is a skin disease, it is an illness that I have. No, I won't die because of it. What happens is that inside of my body, I lack the proper amount of pigment. It is what causes the patches on my skin”. Seeing as they are kids, Nawang had to explain it in as simple form as she could. 
There was a couple seconds of silence from the kids. Taking in the information. Then kiri got closer to hold nawang’s hand. “Does it hurt?” she asks, looking up at her adorably. Nawang felt her heart shot through by his cuteness, she pulled kiri closer on to her lap. “No kiri, it doesn't hurt. It is just part of me” she answers. 
Neteyam felt more confidence and gently traced the odd white shapes on her hand and arm. “Will it go away?” he asks, Nawang hummed a bit. “Hard to tell, for some it does go away. And for others, it stays with them”. 
While Nawang was focused on kiri and lo’ak, a flash and a snap was heard. Turning, she sees neteyam holding her camera, and a polaroid picture comes out. Gently grabbing it, keeping it in her shadow, colors were forming. And what it revealed warmed her heart. “Here, it's yours' ' She says to neteyam. Gasping happily, he accepts it. 
“You know, you are pretty good at taking pictures. Would you like to keep the camera?” Nawang asks. Neteyam looked surprised, looking at the camera and up back at her, “can I?” he asks. Nodding, confirming her answer, neteyam snuggles the device to his chest. “I'm going to take a lot of pictures! And then I will show them to you!” He says happily. Already many ideas are flowing in his mind. 
Laughing at his adorable statement, Nawang pulls him into her little group hug. “Alrighty mister photographer, and maybe one of these days I can show you my photo album. It has all of my pictures I collected through my years”. 
Lo’ak grunts a bit, pouting, “how come neteyam gets to keep the camera? I want a camera too!” he demands. Gently stroking his head, nawang speaks “maybe if netyam would like. Best to take turns. Everyone sees the world differently”. 
Kiri not really caring much for what her brothers are doing, she followed the lines and shapes on Nawangs arms. And slowly she made it to her face. “It's like you are two different people in one body,” Kiri says. Gently tugging kiri’s nose, making her scrunch her face. “May seem like that. But I see it as what makes me, well, me. Like your stripes. Every na’vi that I have seen has different stripes. And no two are the same. And your stripes are very beautiful”. 
Kiri gushes at her compliment. 
“Come on kids! Time to head home!” Jake calls out. The kids whine, not ready to leave. “Hey come on. How about this, if you guys behave for your parents, ask them to take you guys back here tomorrow. We have forever to talk and play. How's that?” Nawang suggested. And the kids cheer, liking the offer. So getting up and saying their goodbyes, they leave for their lunch. 
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“Neteyam, why are you not asleep? It is past your bedtime” Neytiri smiles at her oldest son. The boy in question was wide awake and looking at his polaroid picture. “Sorry mama, I am just still excited for tomorrow. I took so many pictures of the village. I know Nawang would like it” he explains. 
“Well, try your best to go to sleep. Or you will wake up late and not have a chance” his mother tells. Understanding, he lays down to sleep, still clutching his picture. 
“If you sleep with your picture it would wrinkle. Would you like me to hold it for you until morning?” Neytiri asks, nodding, neteyam gives it to her. Kissing her baby good night, she walks away with the picture. 
She sits near the fire for better lighting. And smiled. 
The picture was of little neteyam’s hand side by side with Nawang’s hand. 
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Aaaaaaaand that is it for this one. I did my best to make it good. Hope you all enjoyed it! until next time! see ya!
Nawang = merge, become one with
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persefolli · 1 year
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝
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“What's the noise.” Jake dipped into a stray pod that hung on the end of the reef. There he found you, hitting a tulkun tracker with a hammer,  seemingly trying to dismantle it.
“Y/n! What the hell?!” He stormed over and snatched the tracker from your hands, holding it over you two.
“What? We were supposed to protect the Tulkun!”
“And harm us in the process?!”  His face twisted in anger,  looking between you in the tracker. Without a word, he left the pod with the item, and dove into the ocean.
Hours later you made it home, coming in to a very angry looking Jake and Tonowari. You rolled your eyes,  already knowing the storm that was about to come. “In my defense, I was protecting a Tulkun.” You shrugged. “I won't apologize for saving one of our own.”
“You-.” Jake ran his hand down his face trying to hold in whatever he was about to scream.
“I told you about the destruction and burning of southern clans, yet you took it upon yourself to search for a tulkun and bring the tracker here! They could already be on their way!”
“It came to me for help!” You defended yourself. “I- I couldn't think of what else to do I couldn't leave it to die!”
Tonowari grumbled, upset that you weren't understanding the severity of your actions. “On top of that you left the reef? What have we said about crossing the border alone?! No tulkun travels alone,  so you had to be out of bounds to even see it.”
You say silent with crossed arms, unphased at the jab. You always crossed the border on your own, they had only just found out now. This nonchalant attitude you had sent Jake into a frenzy. “You don't fucking get it dont you!  You endangered us all!” He pointed his finger in your face. “Everytime something goes awry it's you at the scene of the crime! Why can't you just listen for once in your life! I'm starting to get sick of how childish you are!”
You scoffed, “You don't mean that.”
“I do! Tonowari?” He called on his friend for backup. He opened his mouth to speak but you held your hand to stop him before he started.
“You two said you liked my drive. You liked my impulsiveness, and that it was helpful, why double back now?!” You felt yourself growing angry as well.
“I thought with that came a mature side, and clearly I was wrong.” Tonowari looked down and away from you.
You looked at him in disbelief, upset that he would say such a thing.
“I think we need some space.”
That anger turned into sadness, your heart cracking at the statement. “So a break?”
You let out a breath and shook your head, “You know, fuck the both of you!” You spat at them one last time before you stormed out. You may have been in the wrong, but it was unfair of them to double team you,  especially with the track record Jake had with the RDA.
All of this prompted a two week long silent treatment from the both of them. You sat away from them during clan dinners and avoided speaking to them at all costs when it came to sending squadrons out to fight. You slept in a hammock in the middle of the forest, a little ways away from the main village. It pained you to have to make the trip daily to the beaches.
One day, after lacking contact with your lovers you found them staring at you. Not seeing any visible signs of discontent, you looked right back at them and shit them a slight smile. They looked at you expectantly, or so you thought. The moment you began stepping towards them Jake shook his head and Tonowari looked away.
Your heart broke more at that reaction. Ears falling flat, and tail stiffening. You turned around and began to storm away, not wanting them to see that you were hurt by the motion.
Later that night Jake and Tonowari finally spoke, having not spoken much to each other after the whole ordeal. Seeing your rejected nature upset them, and it was about time they put their authority aside and address what was really going on.
“I don't know how much longer I can do this.” Jake admitted.
“I think she's learned her lesson. Maybe earlier was overkill.” Tonowari looked over at Jake.
He looked sad as he agreed, “Yeah. It was. But seeing her made me…miss her, but I was afraid to accept her back too soon.”
“I understand.” Tonowari sighed. “That's why we need to get her now before it's too late.”
The two men ventured into the night, asking around for your whereabouts. No one had seen where you went at night. Some mentioned seeing you go to the forest, but nothing more than that. They checked abandoned pods, your friends' pods, even beach side nooks, and you weren't there.
They finally traveled to the forest, where Jake immediately picked up on your scent. “Y/n!”  They called out for you as they dodged brushes and branches  to find you.
Stumbling into an opening,  they finally saw you. A singular hammock between two trees with a singular water bottle under you. They saw how the hammock swung from your shivering, and heard the aggressive sniffles from your cries.
A wave of guilt washed over them, having not thought about what a possible “break” would do to her.
“Oh Y/n.” Tonowari rushed over, pulling the hammock to the side to see your figure. “Come here sweetheart.” He grabbed for your arm but you raised it, slapping him away. “Y/n, yawne, please come back, and we can work this out.”
“No.” You snapped. “It's too late for us.”
“Don't say that!” Jake said desperately, approaching the two of you. “It's never too late for us. We have mated for life. We need you, we need you home with us.”
Not being able to take the cold and damp condition you were in, you silently agreed. Packing up your hammock and following them silently to the village.
Once the three of you made it home Tonowari immediately grabbed your hand, and led you to the sitting area, where the three of you sat in a circle. “We-”
You held your hand up, stopping them from uttering a word. “I am sorry for endangering the clan and our home. My mind was only focused on saving the Tulkun, as we should have.” You picked at your fingers as you apologized, slightly ashamed you did it first.
“We overreacted. And we are sorry.” Tonowari professed.
“We are not perfect.” Jake chimed in. “As Olo’eyktan we have made mistakes, fatal ones, and I guess in the moment the possibility of reliving the past made me upset.”
At that you hunched over, crying harshly as the strain of the past few weeks hit you at once. “But…kicking me out? I had to live in exile for weeks!” You cried out.
Both men got that familiar pit in their stomachs and frowned. Kicking you out was too far, and suggesting a break was even worse because they knew that the three of you couldn’t live without each other. “It won’t happen again.” Tonowari said determinantly. “We can work this out. We’ll do anything to get you on our side again.”
Their large hands found home on your cheeks, where you softly purred in. You were far too tired at this point to argue much more. But after weeks of not seeing your lovers, this conversation was the first step, and you knew it would get better from  here.
You shamelessly allowed them to caress you, comfort you and touch you in the way they weren’t able to for weeks. It seems they missed you as much as you missed them. They found themselves back in their normal cuddling position, with you in the middle, tails wrapped around different parts of each other's bodies.
Without a word, the three of you reconcile your love with just a  small gesture.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Sucking Rooster off at the hard deck! Please 🙏 for your next round of strictly scandalous.
Growing up, Bradley Bradshaw had always had a thing for his non-biological uncle's daughter. As the gold star kid, all of his father's closest friends saw it as their responsibility to help Carole raise the young tot that was Bradley. Ron Slider, or uncle Slider as Bradley knew him–was one of those many men. 
“It can't be?” Bradley stood at the front door of the Hard Deck that only just opened its doors. Ten past ten in the morning. “Kerner? Is that you?” You knew that voice anywhere–Bradley fucking Bradshaw. 
“If I turn around and see that god-awful ferret you parade across your upper lip is still there I'll be thoroughly unimpressed Rooster.” You taunted as you continued whipping down the bar for Penny. 
“Ah, I'll have you know the mo gets a lot of attention.” Rooster quipped as he took strides towards the bar, forgoing the door and opting to jump up and over the bar. 
“And I bet you just revel it it dont you?” You teased back as you finally turned all your attention to Bradley. “I'm just here for the weekend, Penny was short staffed and I had some spare time.” 
“Oh, so you're not here just to see me then?” Rooster sent you that famous smug look he always had, even in his childhood he managed to get you all kinds of twisted. You’d lost your virginity to Bradley in the back of his Bronco and you'd been the first girl he’d slept with more than once. Always coming back for more because you were his best friend above anything else. The sex was great but the pizza you’d get afterwards and head out to lovers' lookout just off the eight-mile track was even better. “Never thought I'd see you in North Island again after you nearly bottled Hangman the last time you were here.” 
“Guy had it coming.” You shrugged it off because it was true, Jake Seresin had really gotten under your skin the last time you’d been at the Hard Deck visiting. Uncle Mav had introduced you to the group he’d been working with over the last few months and Jake thought he would most definitely be going home with you. Too bad for him, you had the hots for Rooster. Always had, always would. “Who just acts like that all the time?” 
“Hangman does.” Bradley laughed as his hands cupped the small of your back. Pulling you close. “But enough about him, let's talk about us.” 
“Oh there's an us now is there?” You let the question linger in the air for a moment before following up, your hands drifting upwards to stroke Bradley's chest through his T-shirt. “Because I recall all we ever do is fuck and fight and forget that it always ends the same, so why even start this time when I'm only in town for the weekend.” 
“Unless you changed your mind about my proposal, Kerner then that's on you.” Bradley made sure to remind you that he was always all in, it was you who had been reluctant to try a relationship more than just friends with occasional benefits. Until Rooster–you never wanted anything to do with the Navy. “Id have you for the rest of my life if you'd let me but here we are, about to fuck behind Pennys bar.” Your eyes widened at Rooster's statement as you fisted the fabric of his shirt in your palms.
“I'm not gonna fuck you but I'll suck you off until the first customer walks through those doors? Besides you that is.” Leaning in to suck a gentle kiss against Bradley's pulse point. “What did bring you in ten minutes after opening anyways?” 
“Came to pay my tab from last night before Penny had me blacklisted.” Rooster moaned as your hands trailed down from his chest to his belt, undoing it as you teased his neck. Littering it with bruises. “Fuck, you weren’t kidding huh?” 
“Nope–” You popped the P as you unzipped Bradley fly before he shimmied his jeans down ever so slightly as you fished his cock from his boxer briefs. “And it didn't take you long at all now did it Bradshaw.” 
“Doesn't take much to get me going when you're around, Kerner.” Bradley sighed as you palmed him, his length hardening and growing in your first as you sunk to your knees before him. “Oh, fucking hell Y/n this isn't happening–” It was hard to believe you were about to suck Bradley off behind the bar. “Oh christ!” He sucked in a gasp as your lips wrapped around his tip, hand pumping his shaft before you took more of him in your warm home. He was home. “Ohhh fucking christ baby–I missed your perfect mouth.” Bradley let his head fall back as his hips slowly bucked to meet your mouth every time you pulled away and came back.
You knew Rooster was a grower and not a shower, but you always underestimated just how much he could really grow whenever you sucked him off. 
“Ohhh god Y/n, feels so good.” Bradley moaned as he threw his head back again after having spent a moment mesmerised at the sight before him. His hands cupped your face as his hips began to move in sync with your mouth–softly thrusting into you this time. “Always so good to see you stuff your face with my cock.” As if to say fuck you, you were quick to fondle Rooster's balls. Invoking such an animalistic groan from the depths of his soul that it had your core throbbing. “Ah fuck, yes!” 
The taste of pre-cum tandalisted your tastebuds as you sucked the ever living soul from your best friend's cock. Knowing that after your shift you'd grab a bite to eat and catch up on everything the pair of you had missed over that last few months. Coaxing him closer and closer to his high as you gagged and stuffed him down your throat. Hollowing your cheeks as you used your first for whatever inches you could take. 
“Ah fuck I’m gonna cum, god I’m gonna fill your pretty little mouth, Kerner, if you don’t stop his second.” Bradley's eyes were wide and his jaw was slack as he looked down at you sucking him off. His face was flushed and slightly red–all fucked out and pretty for you as hot spurts of his cum shot down your throat as Jake and Javy came through the front doors. “Shit!” Rooster collapsed as you pulled away, watching as he hid behind the bar and you stood and greeted the two aviators. Wiping your mouth on your forearm as you did so. 
“Hiya fellas, what can I get ya.” You asked as you kept your cool as Bradleys hand snakes up between your thighs. “Same old same old?” 
“Got a good memory there Kerner, two drafts please.” Javy replied as Jake just nodded, timid around you. 
“Coming right up–” You looked down at Rooster and just smirked, not knowing how long he’d be stuck down there with a mess in his pants and a hard-on from the view up your dress.
#Stricklyscandalous Bradley ’Rooster’ Bradshaw
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samncolbyjj · 2 months
𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠...
Johnnie Guilbert Warnings: -suicide talk -Death of someone loved -Sh
|Y/N's pov|
I woke up at 4am, i had a nightmare or a dream that i wish it came true. i saw him again, i was little, like 8 years old. i still remember the day i knew he died, i was 10, everything went black and never gained colors again. it was like i started to see what the world actually is, like he was protecting me from the world and after he was gone i didn't had a shield.
i looked around looking for Johnnie, he was sleeping next to me, tears started rolling down my cheeks and it was hard to breathe. i was in a battle with myself to wake him up. i didn't want to wake him up for some stupid reason like this, but i needed a hug right now.
i got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom, i grabbed my straightener and turned it on. i started looking for something sharp, i need to relieve myself somehow. that's when i heard a knock on the door.
|Johnnie's pov|
i woke up with Y/n getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, i could hear her breathing kinda messed up but i thought it would be because she was thirsty. i waited for her to come back but she was taking too long and i started to hear some sobs.
i knew exactly what was happening, she was thinking about her granfather again. i felt so bad for her, it hurts to see her like this, i stood out of bed and knocked her door
|Y/N's pov|
"Y/n, i know what you're there for, cmon we talked about this before" Johnnie opened the door not giving me time to answer or act. he turned off the straightener and pulled me in a hug. his hands went to my cheeks cleaning up my tears.
"Johnnie.. I can't... it hurts so much..." of course i knew he had the same feeling and he has experienced everything i am now, but i still felt like no one could feel my pain, like i was not supposed to be understood.
"i know it hurts, i know that exact feeling but hey, take your meds and lets go to bed, well talk better there kay love?" he said and gave a kiss on my forehead. he pulled away from me and turned around to gran my medicine. he gave it to me and i took them. he could feel my hands shaking and me trying to catch air.
he grabbed my hand and brought me back to our bedroom, he helped me lay down the bed and layed with me. "Johnnie i... i want him back... why? why him? he was the only one i could trust, the one that made me happy... why him of everyone? why?"
Johnnie pulled me close and we started to cuddle, i was crying my life out and he was trying to make me feel better, which appreciate a lot. "look, i know you miss him, but he's somewhere better now, look do you think he would be happy to see you like this? no he would be worried about you like i am, i know its hard but you have me just how i have you, right?"
i curled up and burried my face on his chest, his arms still around me. "i know but i want him back!! i need him back! Johnnie bring him back please! i need my grandfather he... he was my everything, he was like my actual father, my father never cared about me as much as he did.. no one did but you! Johnnie please I can't to this anymore!"
"of course you can! you have me to help you get through that, you have jake, tara your best friends, alright? we'll always be here to help you. I can't bring him back, but i can help you okay? so breathe slowly" he was advising me again, i knew what to do, but my mind was  so messed up at the moment that i needed his help.
"Johnnie... dont leave me too please i wouldn't stand it..." i said when i was finally able to catch my breath, still shaking a bit though. he wiped away my tears again but this time i actually stopped crying. he was there when i needed, even if i didn't want to wake him up and disturb him, he was there and that's something that i loved about him.
"i wouldn't ever do that, i may be helping you now, but you're also the one that helps me, so were on the same team baby." he started to play with my hair to calme down, i stopped shaking and started to get sleepy again.
"i love you Johnnie... im so sorry.." i said before falling asleep. "its okay baby, you're okay... i love you too..." that's all i could hear before shutting my eyes.
A/N: so this one was actually based on my life last night i had a attacks because i started to remember my grandfather and it is such a big deal for me, i felt like writing about it would help so i did. anyways there will probably be more imagines with this topic because ill make it with the others and maybe with Johnnie again, i hope not cuz that would mean im not better and yeah that's it, feel free to request anything! love you guys!
Questions: -did you like this little imagine? tell me what to get better! -whats your favourite YouTuber? -when did you start watching Johnnie Guilbert?
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 58
anon - if you're still taking requests for the Baby Scarab series maybe Bs's hallucinations are getting really bad for whatever reason and try to hide it from the moon boys cause they don't want to worry them but the boys find out and help/comfort bs
anon - I know it's summer for y/n rn and shes not in school but could you have her get a bad grade back and she's upset about it and the boys comfort her
A/N : so these requests dont completely match up. its whatever honestly i tried my best with what i had
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : THERE IS NO MORE SCHEDULE, IM SORRY also thank you all sm for the support and requests :)))
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, angst, very rushed and hard to read. let me know if i missed anything.
the time came, and now you found yourself in new york.
close to hell’s kitchen to be exact.
jake was driving you somewhere, and none of them would tell you where.
all you could see from outside the window was a cemetery.
and that’s when the car stopped.
your turned to face jake in shock, wondering what you were doing here.
“if you’d like to leave after we show you something that’s perfectly fine” jake tells you and gets out of the car, leaving you to scramble out to catch up to him.
“wait- but why are we here?” you now walk side by side with him, letting him lead you wherever he wanted.
“we needed to show you something. you helped us, now we get to help you” is all he says before suddenly stepping, making you almost trip to stop as well.
jake had turned his head to the right, staring into one of the fancier looking gravestones, which made you even more confused until you saw the name etched into it.
‘victoria y/l/n’
you froze and your eyes widened, and you took jakes hand in yours out of panic.
“you.. how did you find her..?” you ask in a whisper.
jake takes a deep breath before responding. “matthew” he answers in a single word.
“well thank god for him” you say, letting go of jakes hand to wander closer to the grave.
you reach a hesitant hand out and bend down a bit to touch the top edge of the gravestone as you feel your eyes fill with warm tears.
“is this really her? this- this is really my mother?” you ask, voice cracking at the end of your sentence.
jake nods once and comes up next to you, watching as you knelt down to the stone, staring at the letters carved into it.
he copies you and does so as well, to make sure you had all the comfort you needed.
“i never even met her, i don’t know why i’m so.. sad seeing this” you shake your head, letting a single tear slide down your cheek.
jake clicks his tongue before speaking. “i think that’s why you’re upset” he starts. “she was your mamá, but you never knew her” he says and you look up at him.
“it’s not knowing that saddens you. you were so close yet so far” he finishes, and you can sense that he is speaking from experience.
“i just wish i could’ve at least seen her, like really seen her not from a picture. i- i haven’t even seen a picture, i have no idea what she looks like”
jake simply nods in sympathy. as weird as it sounds, you were like a bright yellow balloon, floating in the bright blue sky but right now he sees a heavily deflated balloon, all void of color.
you were now leant up against the gravestone, staring up at jake while you tried to wipe away oncoming tears as they came down.
“we can leave if you want, you seem really-“
“no, it’s okay. thank you though” you sniff, then wipe at your nose with your sleeve. “for bringing me here” you elaborate.
“but.. i’m confused” you wipe at your eyes, standing back up with jake.
he tilts his head at you. “about what?” he questions.
“i was born in london- i’m sure of it, how else would i get there?” you start. “why would she buried here in new york while i was all the way across the fucking ocean?” you wonder out loud, and jake can’t seem to answer.
“i’ll have to call matt” you say to yourself.
“would you like to be on your own?” jake asks, getting a little back on subject.
you let out a sigh before shivering from a cold gust of wind.
“that’s okay. we have to go, right?” you ask in return and jake nods.
you look back towards the gravestone and run your fingers over the letters gently.
“i love you, mom.. i’m sorry” you speak as if she was right there in front of you.
“you deserved better” you whisper before backing up, and heading back towards the way you came.
jake took one last look at victorias grave before following after you.
you got into the car without another word, and prepared for your journey back home.
you couldn’t agree on anything. you’ve been in a mood ever since you got back home in london.
you don’t know why, and neither do your fathers, hell, not even khonshu knows.
you didn’t want dinner, you didn’t want any lights on, you really just felt.. sick. and extremely tired.
like any other kid, you really didn’t want to go to school tomorrow.
it was getting miserably cold outside too, so that just fueled it.
and you bet you’re fired from your job since you haven’t shown up since god knows when.
and of course, the fact you haven’t taken your medication in days. maybe even weeks.
you were currently sitting on the couch, staring at yourself through the black of the tv.
steven was getting frustrated and had taken a second in the kitchen and was now coming back to you.
“i will ask you this one last time, and keep in mind you can have literally anything- so what would you like for supper?” he asks you as gentle as he could.
he felt like he was going to lose it when you just wordlessly shrugged again.
“not hungry” you mumble and he takes a deep breath.
you heard either jake or marc whispering something to steven, which made him blink a few times before stepping closer to you.
“when was the last time you had your medicine?” he asks softly and you look up at him with furrowed brows.
“now that i think of it.. i don’t know..” you murmur and steven makes his way back into the kitchen.
he was probably getting you your juice and your medicine you kept forgetting to take.
your theory was proved right when he came back and handed both items to you.
“not to be rude, but you’ve been especially snappy the past week” steven tells you and you raise an eyebrow, swallowing the pills after putting them on your tongue.
“thank you” steven mumbles before sitting next to you.
“i think i’ve been snappy because i almost killed my boyfriend” you say to him and he scoffs.
“we’ve already had this talk. you didn’t do anything wrong” steven tells you sternly and you just look to him.
“right, sorry” you start. “i need to make a call” you nod to yourself, confusing steven.
“to who?” he asks and you shrug.
“matthew” you answer, quoting jake from earlier.
steven just nods and turns away, to give you a sense of privacy.
you pull out your phone and press on the contact, only waiting three rings until it answered.
“hey there, double d, care to share how you knew where my mothers grave was- didn’t tell me- and how she was even in fucking new york?” you ask all at once and you here jake suppressing a laugh.
there was radio silence at first. “which would you like to hear first?” matt answers.
“don’t lawyer me matthew. just answer me” you scoff, leaning your back against steven.
matt sighs before there’s rustling on the other end of the phone. “the reason she’s buried in new york is because she wanted to be. before she passed, it was written that no matter where she died then she’d be buried in her home, which was in new york”
“and to answer your other question, i didn’t tell you because you’d most likely run away from your dads to find her” he answers honestly and you let out a short laugh.
“sorry. i should’ve asked nicer” you apologize and you can sense a smile.
“it’s alright, just don’t ever call me double d again and we’re good”
you’re both quiet for a minute. “is that all? foggy and i need to get to working on a case”
“yeah that’s all. thank you”
“anytime, y/n”
you hang up after that and let a deep sigh reverberate through your chest.
steven brings and arm back to wrap around your front, as a sort of awkward hug.
“would you like dinner yet?” he asks and you groan.
“i guess” you whisper in defeat and steven smiles, leaning over to press a kiss to the crown of your head.
“come help me then” he says before taking his arm back and getting up, making you fall onto the couch so that you were laying down on your back.
you groan again. “fine. boomer” you mumble the last part, leaving steven to glare at you from the entrance to the kitchen.
you had macaroni and cheese for dinner.
and then all three of your fathers made you go to bed early.
your first day of senior year was tomorrow. and it was already there days into the school year.
you just hoped it would go well.
it did not go well.
it did not go well at whatsofuckingever.
you had zero classes with casper, and you already had loads of homework since you missed the first few days.
and then after you got home you lied to your dads about actually having homework so you could take a nap on the couch just to have steven clean out your bag and find it.
which led you to the present, in tears while marc, who was fronting, was in the bathroom where you could hear the sink running.
you wiped your tears as much as you could, but by the time he got out, he already saw it.
“how about we take a break” he starts, coming over and moving the paper in front of you out of your reach.
“you want mom to come over? would that make you feel better?” he asks and you simply nod, letting him wipe your tears with his sleeve.
“i’m sorry you’re so stressed out, if i knew i wouldn’t have made you do any of this today” steven apologizes and you just shake your head.
“it’s not your fault” you reply, giving marc a chance to call layla.
see, now layla always thought she was intruding somehow. even though she is legally your mom now, she feels like she’s replacing victoria.
but in reality, wherever victoria was watching from, she was happy.
happy watching you build a family of your own after being all by yourself for years.
she’s proud of layla, and she can’t wait to see how she grows as a mother.
now, that night you did end up finishing the shit load of work you had, with laylas help.
you kicked your dads out of the kitchen while you did it too, claiming they were a distraction.
you could sense that layla wanted to tell you something too, but she refrained.
you just wondered what exactly it was.
was it good?
was it bad?
i guess you’ll never know.
well, until morning at least.
A/N : sorry my tumblr glitched and this wasn’t posted, but here it is! the ending makes absolutely no sense and it’s very short but it’s just a filler so there will be longer ones in the future.
i’m planning hanukkah chapters too, along with a thanksgiving and christmas one so that’ll be a while.
i love you all so much, and can’t wait to post the holiday chapters!!!! i’m so excited.
see you next week :)
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings
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it's almost a week. 8.5 days. until you're here. i think internally i'm lowkey in shambles already. maybe i'm trying to distance myself because im scared of how much i'm going to fall for you when you're here so my heart is trying to save itself. but also if you were texting me like you used to, i don't think i'd be so bad. this shift in our texting pattern has really hit me hard. ugh. i hate it. you didnt reply to my question, yet you liked my previous message before that. i'm sure you just forgot, but like.. cmon man. what the f is going on. i'm usually pretty good at sussing out when somethings wrong and i dont think i'm to that point yet that i think something is actually wrong, but i'm getting there. we'll see. we'll see how the texting changes or doesnt change in the next week before you come. i know you're gonna be and probably already are busy getting your stuff sorted, i would be at least lol. and i love that you've been pre-planning what clothes you need to bring and all that, shows how organized you are which i LOVE. i just wish you'd talk to me more. fuck i sound like a needy, clingy biatch. but that's literally what i am when i fall for someone like this. when i have tunnel vision.
its so funny how the other day indy was like, this isn't who you are ever, but with him you are. and it's not. this is not who i am but also, it kind of really is. this is always how i've been with guys who i was SUPER into. not ryan when we dated but afterwards, fuck ya i was. with charlie and liam and alex and sam. i just get so caught up in what could be and i'm worried they dont like me back so i go into crazy spiralling. and this is literally why i need to be with someone who loves me more, even if it's a tiny bit more. but i need to feel secure. i can't feel like i like them more because then this happens. and i know i like brandon more. maybe that'll change during/after our trip, but its just how it is right now. and i'm also terrified it won't change after our trip and you'll go home and have great memories of a great trip, but that'll be it. and i'll be here fucking pining over you. fuck. i don't want that. that makes me feel so suffocated. none of the fam really knew me when i was in those really fucked up heart break times in my life. mind you, i wasn't super heartbroken after alex or sam, or jake especially. but i can go into some dark, piney, bawling on the bathroom floor at 4am places. but tbf i haven't done that since ryan and i really fucking hope i never do it again. god i was in such a bad place then. i know with brandon it won't be that. i promised myself then and now that i would never let someone hurt me like that ever again. so if i don't feel the energy is being returned, i gotta pce.
and that usually has been the hardest step for me, actually letting go. because i never want to. i wear my heart on my sleeve and hope for the best, even though usually deep down i know i'm just going to get hurt, and hurt even more the longer i hold on. but maybe this time will be different. i've gotten really good at letting go. mind you i haven't had to let go of someone i've been madly in love with since 2017. that's when i actually started getting over you. wild that it took me 2-3 YEARS to make that decision. like holy fuck wow. but it wasn't just on me, it wasn't one-sided. but anyways.
this time, whatever and whenever this time happens, it'll be different. i'm not living abroad, traveling back and forth from home, that was enough of an emotional stressor. i have such a good foundation here in yyc. i'm also almost 30 years old. and, i don't put so much weight into relationships anymore. i was always chasing boys. i haven't been chasing boys for years now. brandon is literally the only boy i've chased in the last 3 years, because i sure as hell didnt chase jake. i know brandon isn't going to be the last boy i chase, at least not for a little while, because i'm like 99.999% sure he's not going to be down for some long distance bullshit, i don't even think he's thought about it. but, that's something i'm sure i'll bring up when im wasted and almost tell him i love him.
...of course, i'll be alright. i just had a bad night.
0 notes
kynrki · 2 years
024. i never did well in listening skills tests
WARNINGS: swearing, fluffyyyyyy, wc: 802!!!
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yn sighed as she waited at the coffee shop for jungwon. she really wanted to make things right between them. she would never admit it but she really missed being around him and what riki had said about him being happier that she was back? made her heart flutter.
“hey, sorry im a bit late!” jungwon breathed out. he pulled out his chair and sat across from you. “its no worries, i jus got here anyways” you replied as you handed him a drink that you got for him so long. “thank you!” jungwon said as he sipped his drink.
“basically i want to say im sorry. for how i have been treating you ever since i came back. it’s unfair towards you because you didn’t even know why and when i left, hell you probably didnt even know i left in the first place. so i dont blame you, i jus i dont know, i think coming back made me think of things i didn’t wanna think about and i think i took it out on you, which im very sorry about by the way.” you said as you finished.
“basically i want to say im sorry. for how i have been treating you ever since i came back. it’s unfair towards you because you didn’t even know why and when i left, hell you probably didnt even know i left in the first place. so i dont blame you, i jus i dont know, i think coming back made me think of things i didn’t wanna think about and i think i took it out on you, which im very sorry about by the way.” you said as you finished.
“yn, listen i get it okay? its not your fault and its not mine either. yes i dont know why you left and why it hurt you so much but i hope you know in the time you left, i felt like a piece of me disappeared too.” jungwon said as he stared into your eyes. he waited for you to answer. but you didn’t. you kept quiet.
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath in and out. “jungwon listen, the reason i left was because ifelt like you were ignoring because of riki them.” you said finally. “ignoring you? what do you mean?” jungwon asked confused. “i dont wanna sound selfish but even since we entered highschool and you became friends with jake them, it was always about them. you always hung out with them. you always talked to then and about them. you even stopped talking to me completely, your whole focus was on them and them only. and i guess i jus felt left out, like i didn’t belong here anymore so i did what i always do. i ran. ran away from my problems when i could’ve sorted it out with you.” you said
jungwon sighed as he took all this new information in. his heart dropped when he realised that he did, in-fact completely ignore you. he jus wanted to be cool with ‘the boys’ and never realised what great cost it could’ve afforded him. the great cost being you.
“yn im so so sorry i didnt even-“ “and what makes it even worse is i had this massive crush on you, i mean i still do but thats not the point, the point is that it was jus so embarrassing for me to come back here because i didnt wanna hurt my pride.” you interrupted him.
jungwons cheeks started turning red. you liked him? and you still do? is he dreaming or? “you like me?” jungwon smirked as he leaned on the table closer to you. “w-what? are you even listening to what im saying?” you stuttered. jungwon then loved his chair to beside yours. your breath hitched as he leaned even closer now. his lips ghosting over yours.
“i am listening? you said you liked me and that you still do” jungwon said as he looked into your eyes. his eyes flickered down to your lips and back up to your eyes as yours did the same. with a deep breath, you closed your eyes and leaned in to kiss him. jungwon definitely didn’t expect that but who was he to complain?
it was a short sweet kiss. your lips moulded together as both your heart rates increased. the kiss was smooth as if it was a sweet melody that was playing. you broke the kiss and looked at him. he looked at you with loving eyes and smiled. “as you were saying?” jungwon said as he smiled at you sweetly. “i- yeah” you said as jungwon laughed. “hey dont laugh at me” you pouted. “okay okay, how about this, lets take things slow alright? and see where this goes?” jungwon said as he grabbed your hand in his. “okay yeah” you blushed. “now lets go to school, dont wanna get caught late” jungwon said as you both walked out.
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AN — i wont be updating tomorrow bc i will be busy so enjoy this chap LOLZ FINALLY!!!!!
PAIRING — non idol!yang jungwon x non idol!reader
SYPNOSIS — yn and jungwon, the middle school best friends everyone thought would get into a relationship when they entered highschool. well, they were definitely wrong. after entering highschool, jungwon finds new friends and slowly starts to ignore yn. as much time went on, they became strangers once again, until yn decided to leave. jungwon never noticed that she left, that was until he went for family dinner at yn’s parents house. regret, pain, guilt, is all the boy could feel when her parents mentioned that one of her best friends decided to ignore her, like they were strangers again. as the years of highschool goes past, jungwon becomes closed off, only talking to his friends, wishing he still had her. but what if yn returns for the last year of highschool? will jungwon make an effort to become friends again? or will she be the one ignoring him this time?
TAGLIST ONE (closed) — @soulsdeadplants @hiqhkey @yunki4evr @lovnayeon @axolotlboo @deeznutsriki @kimjiho1 @emoworu @tomorrowbymoa-together @jwsflower @ayayiiie @yeonjunsleftboob @caty-catts @sunghoonsblackgf @jungwonnieee @sophhloaff @cyuuupid @viagumi @kimmchijjajang @y4ngjungw0nz @arizejkt19 @lil-iva @stickersim @wonluvrbot @rrvvby @swnheo @facelesswrittes @scarfac3 @crazywittysassy @shawkneecaps @cwsana @misavenue @heystarlette @99outros @lachinitaaaaa @jiawji @straykidz0914 @tobiosbbyghorl @mklhyvn @kaeslily @rendezrei @ineedcoffeeandtherapy @denleave1088 @blearis @3nh4luvr @life-shining @stephaniekim15 @pjongbb204 @nvertheless
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
After Duskwood - Chapter 24
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⚠️ TW: talk of weapons, death, dark Jake, and abuse.
I wake up back in the hotel room laying on the bed. I don't see Jake so I sit up, looking around.
"Hey" he says walking in the room with a bottle of water.
That look from before is gone and I pull myself up "Jake what happened?" I say with a frown and a pounding headache
"I got you safely away from him" he says sitting on the edge of the bed, handing me the water.
"I remember you came and saved me. I remember you picking the lock and your arms being around me and handing me a gun and knife" I say.
"MC, I found you passed out in the hallway not locked up" he says.
"What?" I say scared of what actually happened.
"You did have a gun and knife but they werent mine. I have no idea who gave them to you" he says, pulling me close.
"Jake I’m scared,” I look into his eyes. “I dont want to live here" I say in tears.
"Okay we won't" he says kissing my forehead.  "Can we just see Hannah and Lilly?"
"Of course maybe we can spend a few more days in Duskwood but I definitely dont want to stay here anymore after everything" I say with tears rolling down my face.
"I'm so sorry I had no idea he was gonna do that. Also do you mind if I check you for anything he might have done to you?" he asks.
"You havent yet?" I say looking into his eyes and he seems concerned .
"No, I wanted to wait for you to wake up," he says, kissing me gently.
I get undressed and he see some marks that werent there "fuck" says Jake.
"What?" I ask.
"What kind of room did he have you in." 
"When I came to it I was locked in a room with just a bed and a toliet. Why?" I say to scared to look.
He pulls me on his lap "I think he raped you" he says and I just fall into tears right on his lap. 
"Can you join me in the shower?" I say.
"Absolutely" he says as he carries me in. Setting me down and turning the water on letting it warm up as he undresses and takes my hand as he pulls me in with him.
I lean against him as he washes me down gently. He reaches a spot on my back and I flinch in pain "shit what did he do back there?" I ask scared.
"He definitely left bruises and marks on you and that's a bad one" he says as he stops what he's doing and pulls me against him.
We finish up and I get out looking in the mirror and I see the new marks and I fall to the ground with just a towel around me. Jake grabs me and puts me on the counter pulling me close. "What did he do for you?" I say with tears running down my face.
"He helped keep the FBI off my back while I was on the run. If I knew he was gonna do this once I got free I wouldn't have ran" says Jake, looking away from me because he knows he’s the reason for my pain.
"Did you because of me and hannah?" I ask looking into his eyes as I move the match his eyes and I see how sorry he is.
"I did it because of you. I didn't want you going into that mine or anywhere near Duskwood. Then when I saw you that first day even though you had barely slept and had traveled for so long and you thought you looked like shit. You absolutely took my breath away and I knew at that moment I had to become free from everyone's grasp" he says.
I wrap my arms around his neck and I see the marks on my arms as I pull away and push him away. He doesn't fight me even though that's the first time I've pushed him away like this. I get up and throw on an oversize shirt as I go and lay back in bed. I'm laying there scrolling my phone and Jake is on his computer.  I'm watching some videos on social media when a text comes through.
Jake: I'm sorry for putting you through that. I never meant for this to happen.
MC: I know you didnt. I’ve been through hell but this is different and as he took me away I could tell you wanted to kill him.
Jake: I did. I would have burned that place to the ground to save you.
MC: Come here please.
Jake: I have to check all our devices. He knew our location and everything.
I walk up to Jake "can i sit on your lap then?" I ask looking down at him.
He pushes the chair back and I sit down and lean back against him. He starts going through all his devices and I put my phone next to his so he can check it. 
I must've fallen asleep because I wake up he's still sitting at the desk but instead of working he's watching videos.
“How long was I out" I say.
"Not long but I don't know what he gave you so I wanted to let you sleep" he says kissing my head.
"Did you lose his tracker?" I ask.
"Yeah he even had your phone hacked. Not sure when he did that" he says.
I shiver "man he makes me feel so violated."
Jake reaches for his hoodie and hands it to me. "Here put this on," he says.
I pull it on and it smells just like him between his hoodie and his arms around me. I just melt in his arms.
"There's my babygirl" he whispers in my ear. I close my eyes and smile as he holds me tight but gentle not to hurt me..
I finally get up and move to the bed and I look at him and he knows what I need "before let's get you some food" he says. He opens the fridge and grabs some of the Chinese thats in there and puts a little bit of everything on a plates for us with two forks.
"Seriously, how did I get so lucky with you?" I ask as I lean into him.
"I'm the one who got lucky. What Nate said is right. You deserve someone who could take you out from the moment you fell for them" he says.
I look up at him "I've had that and you see what that ended up. I fell for you Jake, no one else and you treat me like a princess" I say.
"But you hate when people call you that," he says.
"You can call me that but only you" I say reach for the ring and feeling it.
"No you're my queen" he says with a smile as he grabs a forkful of fried rice and puts it up to my mouth.I take the fork as I blush with him calling me that. He sees me blushing and kisses my cheek "your way too cute." 
"Only you do that" I say.
"Also I'm still surprised you spit in his face when he slapped you. That made me proud" he says.
"I would have used the knife but when he pinned me against the wall I dropped it."
He laughs "I know I saw it drop I dont think he realized it though."
"Can we get out of here?" I ask.
"Where do you wanna go?" He asks.
"Anywhere everytime I look around this room right now I'm just reminded of what happened. I didn't want to come out from hiding cause I knew he was trapping you to make you call me but I could hear the hurt in your voice. I just wanted to protect you" I say as I look down at my lap.
"Wanna do that tattoo?" He says with a smirk.
"Not with trix. When we get back to my home I know who to go too" I say pouting a bit.
"Okay" he says as he leans in and kisses me as I pout. I get up and throw on jeans leaving his hoodie on. I pull up the hood and it covers almost my entire face
"You should really get your own hoodie," he says with a laugh.
"I have my own but yours are way more cozy" I say. "Plus if I get fiesty i can make it a dress."
"You do that in public and remember what happens" he says pulling me on his lap on the bed.
I lean in and kiss him deep. He pulls away and moves the plates as I'm still on his lap grinding. As his hands run against my skin under his hoodie and my shirt I feel some of the bruises left by whatever Nate did and I stop and climb off his lap. I pull off his hoodie and my shirt standing in front of the mirror looking at them all. 
He comes up to me "I wish I knew he did that to you" he says touching a spot that doesn't have anything.
"Please tell me he's not coming after us again" I say looking at him and I in the mirror.
"What do you remember?"
"I remember you and me finding him at the exit. Him saying something i pulled my gun and shot but then i heard another one then i woke up here" I say.
"Your shot did hit him but I shot him again to make sure."
I spin around and lean against him. Realizing I’ve never felt safe in someone's arms even as my body is hurting. I look over my shoulder to see my back and Jake grabs my face "please let me see'' I say looking up at him.
"It's gonna break you if you do," he says.
I walk away from him and sit on the bed. "Jake when Nate mentioned the police reports I looked away not because it hit me but because that means he saw my past. I’ve filed alot of police reports for abuse. I’ve seen all the marks on my body from photos and looking in the mirror at them day in and day out until they heal'' I say .
He walks up to me and kneels down in front of me "I know you're a strong woman who can handle yourself including seeing your body bruised. However, youve dealt with those without me in your life. I'm here now and I plan to keep you safe even mentally. I wish he didn't find us but he did and when I look at you and see those marks it breaks me because I didn't keep you safe" he says and I see tears forming in his eyes.
"Your right about me Jake and I know before me coming into your life you had made a lot of mistakes and letting him keep you safe was one of them but know this. No matter our pasts before eachother we keep eachother safe. I know you promised my parents but I promised myself I would do the same for you`` I say leaning my head against his.
There's a knock on the door and Jake goes to answer it as I grab my shirt. "What do you want, Trix?" he says.
I spin around and i hit my back on the wall and fall in pain from the bruises "fuck" I yell.
Jake turns around and asks me "what happened?" 
"I hit my back on the wall."
"Nymos dont tell me you hit her, '' she says.
"No dumbfuck Nate got his hands on her," he says.
"Let me look at what he did" she says.Im in so much pain I can barely move but as she comes in and closes the door I flinch at her. "Please let me check you out" she says and I can tell she actually wants to.
"Trix it's pretty bad. He came in here and threatened me and took her and locked her up for a couple hours. He also drugged her so she doesn't remember much of anything that happened'' Jake says.
I move away from the wall and she lifts my shirt up in the back "why the hell haven't you taken her to the hospital" she says.
"What are they gonna do? Ice it and give her pain meds" he raises his voices.
"How bad are they? I haven't seen those,`` I say.
"Not bad" says Jake.
"Not bad my ass. She needs to make sure he didnt break something and she's not bleeding interally" says Trix.
"why didnt you tell me" I say looking at Jake.
"Cause it wasnt bad,'' he says.
She positions two mirrors so I can see my back for the first time and I grab the waste bin and throw up "coming from someone who's dealt with a lot of abuse that is bad. I need to go get checked" I say looking at Jake. "Especially because we don't know what drugs he gave me" I say without looking in the mirror.
"Okay I'll take you, '' he says.  He goes to grab me and i try and move and I'm in pain.
"Nymos habd me your keys i came on the bike. I'll drive you guys so you can stay in the backseat with her" she says.
"Jake, I'm scared" I say looking into his eyes.
"I know, I'm sorry I didn't think it would get this bad" he says as he hands her his keys and he helps me get up and he picks me up. I wrap my arm around his neck and lean into him.
"You haven't given her anything right?" Trix asks.
"No cause I didn't know what he gave her. All she's done is sleep, eat, and taken a shower" he says before we walk out of the room.
"Okay i just wanted to make sure. We both know how Nate is" she says.
We get to the hospital and waited in the waiting room. The only way I’m not in pain is in Jake's arm so he has me sit on his lap.
"I gotta admit I’ve never seen you like this before with a girl," says Trix.
"You don't have to stay" he says.
"No because while I might have called her a princess. She doesnt deserve whatever he did to her and I wanna know to make him pay" she says.
"I already did," says Jake.
"What did you do?" I ask.
"Don't worry about it just now if i knew this it would of been worse" he says and I look in his eyes and Isee a darkness.
"No we're not going down that path" I say as they call me back. Jake gets up with me in his arms and carries me. They grab a wheelchair and he tries to put me down but i cry out in pain.
"I'll carry her back just show me where her bed is," he says.
"We need to see her move herself," says the nurse.
"Let me walk Jake" I say and he puts me down but holds his arm around my waist for safety.
Him and I walk with the nurse into a room with a bed and I sit on the bed and Jake in the chair. We tell the nurse what happens. He calls the doctor in and he comes in and closes the door. I pull my shirt up and the doctor touches it. I'm flinching in pain with every touch. Jake moves closer to me and holds my hand .
"Sir, do you mind giving us a moment" says the doctors .
"Please, anything can be said in front of him" I say.
"I just have some questions for you about what exactly happened," says the doctor .
"I'll answer the best I can but I don't remember much. I already told the nurse what I remember" I say.
"I just need to verify to make sure this isn't domestic abuse" he says.
I tell him the same thing I told the nurse with Jake right there. 
"I promised, doctor I wouldn't do this to her. When I got her out I didn't realize how bad it was until now when I brought her in" says Jake.
"I just have to make sure because we see this often" says the doctor looking at bruising and marks. "I do need to run some tests to make sure there isn't anything broken or any internal bleeding" he says.
I look in Jake's eyes with such fear of what's going to happen as I squeeze his hand. "Can i stay with her?" He asks.
"For most, yes but there will be some things you won't be able too but you can stay here" says the doctor .
It's been a few hours and they don't find any internal bleeding or anything broken. The do find out what drug was given and its a date rape drug. They give me some pain meds and something to help the bruising.
Jake and I walk out him holding my waist and we see Trix in the waiting room. "You didn't have to wait," I say to her.
"Yes I did" she says holding Jake's car key.
"Thank you Trix." I say looking down.
"Look I know I called you a princess but your a tough girl to handle whatever he did to you to get those bruises" she says.
"No because i dont even remember it" I say as I feel weak.
"Want me to carry you?" Asks Jake.
"Please im so sore the meds haven't kicked in the bruising hurts so bad after everything they did" I say leaning into him.
He hands trix a bottle of water i had him get me and picks me up carrying me outside to the car. He puts me in the front seat so I'm a little more comfy and Trix climbs in the back seat after handing him his keys back. "Nymos?" she says.
"Yeah" he says looking back at her.
"Don't walk away from this one. Also what do I have to do to nate?" She asks.
"I won't. And don't worry he's taken care of" he says.
I pass out in the car not paying attention to the conversation they are having.
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heejojo · 3 years
Hi! Can I request Enhypen's reaction when their s/o shutting them up with a kiss
enhypen reaction when their s/o shuts them up with a kiss
a/n: thank you anon for requesting! I hope you have a good day!!
you hadn't seen heeseung in a long time and it was getting to him so when you asked him to come grocery shopping with you he happily obliged. At the store though, things didn't go according to Heeseung's plan. Instead of you being all over him, the attendant was taking your attention away from him so he didn't say anything and just distanced himself. You noticed that he had stopped talking so you excused yourself and went to meet him. "What's wrong?" you asked. At first he didn't want to say what happened but then you continued asking then he told you, "We hadn't seen each other in a long time and he was all over you and you guys were talking so I felt really upset and I know it sounds stupid but I dont-" you quickly shut him up with a kiss to the cheek. "There, is that better?" you ask smilingly. His cheeks were red till you got home.
You both had decided to order food instead of cooking because you were both very tired from the date earlier. While Jay was freshening up, you went to pick up the order from your door and the delivery guy kept on hitting on you and talking and wasn't letting you leave until Jay came and said, "Haven't you delivered the order, what are you still doing here?" to which the dude now responded with, "Just talking to this pretty lady over here, she's yours?" Being irritated at his behaviour you want to leave but Jay starts with his, "Why you-". Before he could lay his hands on him you quickly give him a kiss to calm him and say, "I'm his girlfriend so what?" and then drag him away.
After much persuasion from Jake, you finally agreed to go to the Drake concert with him. You didn't want to go because you knew it would be loud but Jake had already bought the tickets for you both and you didn't want to waste his money so you agreed. When you were waiting in line while Jake went to get snacks, the person in front of you started asking whether you were single and in that moment Jake came and looked unhappy that someone was making you all uncomfortable and getting into your personal space bubble. You saw as he wanted to open his mouth to talk to you quickly, gave him a kiss and smiled at the person signifying that you're taken. Jake was so shocked he almost forgot that there was a concert.
You were always glad you had someone that cared for you the way Sunghoon did. You had a bad day and you were still down in the dumps but Sunghoon decided that he was going to make you happy and took you out to get ice cream because 'it heals' according to him. He told you to sit while he went to get your orders but you felt awkward staying alone and went to wait with him. The kid on duty looked younger than you but that didn't stop his mouth from running and frankly Sunghoon was getting tired of it and wanted to shut him up. "Where's your manager? Don't you have any resp-" you cut him off my tugging on his arm so he could look at you. When he did, you pressed a kiss to his cheek and collected the ice creams and went out of there.
Sunoo got jealous easily and you knew it. You didn't have any issue with it because that's how he reacts to things but the day you both went to the amusement park and a vendor gave you free cotton candy and asked for your number, he got really jealous and wanted to shout at him for being so unprofessional. You knew he was going to start talking and wouldn't stop anytime soon so you just kissed his cheek to make him feel flustered. Just as he gets jealous easily, he also gets easily flustered.
You and Jungwon were having a live and were talking about random things but then some people began spamming the comment section with things like 'Wow, y/n is so pretty' 'Jungwon please move to the side, we need to see y/n' and 'she's so gorgeous. At first, his heart swelled with pride because you were his girlfriend but then they started increasing and he wanted to go off on them. Before he could even open his mouth to talk, you kissed him. The live stream ended soon after with his ears being a bright shade of pink.
You had a part-time job as a gamer and you usually played games on your twitch and played with other people. That day, a big account had wanted to collaborate with you while you played and so you agreed. You told Niki about it and he was really supportive so that day, he joined the live show. You were playing at your desk and he was in the background just watching you. While you were playing, your partner who was supposed to be on your team kept sabotaging you and you were upset. Niki came close to the screen because you were huffing when you got killed off and wanted to talk to the person and reprimand him for doing that so you just kissed his cheek and told him that you'd be fine. It didn't stop him from watching though.
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tommydarlings · 3 years
Who's loving you? | t.h
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A/N: I really enjoyed writing this! It's extra kinda long because I never really done anything to thank you for nearly 400 followers!!! Thank you so much <3 (pls don't let this flop) anyway, enjoy! :) ily, liz <3
pairing: Tom Holland x reader
warnings: swearing, use of the word daddy?
w/c: 2.9k (wtf)
Requests: CLOSED
Summary: You and Tom holland are sworn enimies... aren't you?
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masterlist || taglist || requests ( in my masterlist)
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You hated him and he hated you. Easy.
Tom Holland was your enemy. You couldn't stand this man, he was just so unbelievable selfish. He loved himself, and himself only. He always talked about how smart he is and how many girls he already fucked. Yeah I know, so interesting. He was so in love… with himself, it was so annoying already. You had no idea how anyone could love him or even like him in the slightest, it was a mystery to you.
Why he hated you? You had there a few ideas actually… but it wasn't your fault entirely to be honest.
It all started pretty early, and to be completely honest, it's actually pretty childish why you hated each other so much.
Tom was 8 years old while you were 7. You were neighbors and your parents were pretty good friends so they decided to meet each other once. Well, it didn't ended well, it ended with you crying because Tom ripped the head of your favorite puppet off and laughed while you laid crying in the green and slightly wet grass in your backyard. Little bastard, I know.
But of course you gave him something of his own medicine. Just 4 years later you told his school crush that he likes her, and maybe you told her some lies about him like that he is super gross and that he actually likes another girl too and after that, Tom's crush spoke never a word to him ever again. And after he found out that you told her all that bullshit about him, he hated you to death. He could have litterilly killed you that day.
Since that they you were sworn enimies and basically both promised yourself that you would hate each other for the rest of your life's. Well…
The sad thing was that you both were pretty good friends with Harrison Osterfield aka Tom's best mate. And that's the reason why you both got invited to harrisons birthday party in his favorite club in London. Well, it wasn't exactly a birthday party it was kinda a little get together and spend some time again. It was just Tom, Jacob, zendaya, Jake, Harrison and you. You and Tom in one room. Worst combination ever.
Everyone knew that you two hated each other because it was so fucking obvious. But at the same time everyone knew that there is something in the air. For tom and you just pure hate, but for your friends it was love.
As you entered the club in your beautiful but at the same time short red dress, you spot the group immediately. Harrison waved you over to the table where everyone already sat comfortably on their chairs, the only chair that was free was of course next to the one and only Tom holland.
"sit down princess" Tom said with a grin on his stupid face.
"shut up Thomas" you said while you sat down.
"Yo guys, we are here for a few minutes and you already starting a fight? The night is not gonna end well" Jacob said with a tiny laugh.
"Yep, probably we even have to stop you from attacking each other" jake added. Tom and you just both rolled your eyes and began to order some snacks for the night.
"Can you please pass me the salt Tom?"
"You mean daddy, don't you? he answerd.
"What?" you said with confusion all over your face.
"you mean 'can you please pass me the salt daddy', didn't you?"
You just scoffed before you leaned over the desk and grabbed the salt yourself.
"uhhhh" Tom said with a little smirk.
"what now?" you asked slightly annoyed already.
"nice tits darling"
"fuck off holland"
He just laughed while everyone else on the table had a tiny grin on their face.
"you guys are really unbelievable" zendaya said with a tiny smile painted on her face.
"what do you mean?" you asked as you looked at her.
"you are so in love and you can't even see it" she said while she still wore the tiny grin.
You and Tom just looked at each other before you both rolled your eyes and make some puke noises.
"don't be ridiculous, we all know it" Harrison added.
You and Tom shaked your heads but you still tried to glance at him secretly but he caught you red handed. Because he just looked at you too.
"Where is Tom?" you asked the rest of the group.
"I don't know, I think he went outside or something" Jacob said.
You just shaked your head before you stood up and went into the restroom. When you were finish with your business, you left the restroom and bumped right into someone.
"oh, I'm sorry-"
"Hello babygirl"
"Just fuck off Tom" you answered quickly.
"how about…. No?" he said while he slowly backed you up against the wall. After your back hit the wall, he put both of his hands next to your head, so that you were trapped.
"go away Tom, please" you said with a hint of nervousness in your voice.
"I like that"
"what do you mean?" you answered confused.
"when you beg"
You starred at him with pure shook in your eyes. Your legs slowly started to shake and you kinda started to sweat.
"aw, does my little princess gets nervous? Pretty little thing" he fucking whisperd the last part right in your ear.
"I hate you" you spat.
"dont worry doll, I hate you too" he said before he stepped away from the wall and took one last look at you from the top to the bottom before he left.
"What the actual fuck" you whispered to yourself.
Tom made you weak.
The rest of the night went pretty good until you had to ruin it all,
"I'm gonna go get some drinks"
"yeah, please bring them, I need them when I have to spend the rest of the night by your side" Tom answerd annoyingly.
"can you shut the fuck up for one second Tom?"
"can you finally suck my dick?" he said with a wide grin.
"fuck off Thomas"
"you didn't said no darling" he yelled after you as you walked away from him. Sadly was the rest of your group the other ones currently outside doing God knows what so it was only you and your sworn enemy in there.
As you stood at the bar waiting for the drinks you felt someone lightly grabbing your ass, at first you though that you just imagined it but after the second time you knew that that is not your imagination.
"hey babygirl" a unfamiliar male voice spoke into your right ear quietly.
"go away" you said annoyingly.
"c'mon, I know that you want it too princess"
"Don't fucking call me that you little asshole" you spat angrily.
Suddenly he grabbed your wrist and turned you around so that you were face to face with him. He looked like he was in his 40's, 50's maybe? Definitely much to old and disgusting for you.
"And you better shut that pretty little mouth of yours doll" he spat back at you angrily.
Suddenly he pulled on your wrist and lead you to a little bedroom in the corner of the club. You know, where people get in to have their fun.
"Let go of me!" you yelled but he didn't reacted, he just threw you on the bed and started to open your dress.
"NO PLEASE NO" you yelled even louder but he didn't cared at all.
Out of nowhere, the man got pushed off of you an someone started to punch him. While you put your dress back on and tried to calm yourself down, the man that just saved you came up from the floor and you couldn't believed who just saved you.
"T-tom?" you said quietly, unsure if he really just saved you from getting raped or if you are dreaming or just wish that it would be like that.
"Are you okay y/n?" he asked as he slowly walked to you.
"Y-yeah, t-thank you t-tom" you said quietly while new tears started to build up in your eyes.
Keep it the fuck together y/n.
"it's okay now y/n, come here" he said as he opened his arms. At first you just starred at him and kinda asked yourself in your head if that's really happening right now or if you dream again.
But as he slightly smiled and nodded his head towards his arms as an invitation, you slowly made your way into his strong arms. But then you started to sob even harder.
"Sshh, it's fine now darling, I got you, okay?" you just slightly nodded with your head before Tom spoke up again,
"Do you want me to drive you home?" you just wanted to agree when you remembered that zendaya got the key for the house you both share and you really didn't wanted to search for here in the club right now, so you asked something you thought that you would never asked,
"Can I come with you?" your voice was literally trembling while you asked him that. He slowly loosened his right grip on you and looked down at you,
"yeah, of course" he said with a kind smile on his face.
"t-thank you" you answered before you both made your way to his car that was parked outside the nasty club.
Tom opened the door for you and you thanked him before the two of you climbed into the car. While you both drove to his house he gently laid his hand on your tight and you jumped up for a quick second.
"Is that okay?" Tom asked quietly.
"Y-yeah" you answered.
"o-okay" he said before started to stroke your leg with his thumb slowly.
"you want something to drink? Or eat?" he asked you while you sat comfortably on his couch. "No thanks" he nodded with his head lightly before he made his way over to you on the couch.
"Um t-thank you again Tom, really, you basically saved my life so yeah" you said
"No problem, I already saw him touching you at the bar and I was about to get up and punch this guy but when I saw him dragging you into this 'sex' room, when I can call it that, then I lost it completely"
"why?" you asked quitely out of nowhere.
"what do you mean?"
"why did you save me when you hate me Thomas?"
"because I care about you and by the way, i-I don't hate you y/n, yeah there were maybe some times where I wanted to kill you but I never hated you, I swear"
You couldn't believe it. Did he really just said? Did Tom Holland just said that?!
"r-really?" you asked nervously.
"yes y/n, really"
You were speechless. You were honestly shooked.
"i-wow-i don't k-know what to say, I'm actually really s-speechless right-"
You couldn't even finish before you felt his lips on yours. He just kissed you softly and gently to not push it or anything. He slowly grabbed your hips and put you on his lap. You both separated for a second and just looked into each other's eyes. Tom just wanted to say something but you put your finger over his lips and said,
"Sshh, please don't ruin it now tommy, please"
That's the first time you called him that name and he already loved it so much. He slightly nodded with his head and a tiny smile on his face before he leanded in and started to kiss you gently again.
After a few seconds of gently kissing each other, he puts one of his hands on your cheek and the other one on your hip and depended the kiss. He slowly started to kiss down your neck but you stopped him after a few seconds.
"sorry" he whisperd before he turned his head awys from so he doesn't have to look you in the eyes.
"hey" you whisperd quietly and put both of your hands on his cheeks and turned his head in your direction so you looked each other right in the eyes.
"I r-really like you y/n" he said quietly while he looked at your lips before he looked in your eyes again.
"B-but why, we always hated each other"
"Like I already told you y/n, I don't hate you and I never did, d-did you e-ever hated m-me?"
You knew the answer immediately. But you kinda didn't wanted to admit it.
"I-I don't hate you Tom, and I never did" you said slowly before you started to lean in again but before your lips touched, you spoke up again,
"I really like you too tommy"
"God, I love this name" he said with a tiny laugh.
"I think i'm falling for you" you said.
"I know that you are falling for me, I mean, who wouldn't?" he said in a funny way.
You lightly slapped his chest before you said,
"But your still a jerk"
"But I'm your jerk" he said with a grin.
"yes that's true, my jerk"
You both just looked into each other's eyes and enjoyed the moment before Tom spoke up,
"Do you wanna stay?" he asked nervously.
"Like, sleep here?" you said.
Tom nodded with his head slightly before he said,
"You don't have to I just thought that-"
"I would love to Tommy" you said in between.
With a wide and happy smile Tom nodded with his head again and picked you up.
"What are doing?" you said with a tiny laugh as you looked at him curiously.
"I'm gonna bring you into our bedroom"
"Our bedroom?" you answered.
"Well, for the night it's ours, okay darling?"
"okay Tommy"
And after you said that, he ran upstairs with you in his arms and threw you onto the bed gently. He came on top of you immediately. You both just laughed for a while before you spoke up,
"do you have something I could wear?" you asked quitely.
"yeah, I can give you a t-shirt of mine" he answered.
You nodded with your before he stood up and went to his closet. After a few seconds of searching a t-shirt that could maybe even fit you, he found the perfect one.
A white oversize t-shirt.
You thanked him before you went into the bathroom and changed into Tom's t-shirt while Tom changed in the bedroom. As you came out of the bathroom you saw Tom sitting on the edge of the bed just in his Calvin klein boxers.
Fuck, he looks so good.
You slowly made your way over to him and as you were nearly right infront of him, he stood up and hovered over you with the most serious gaze that you ever saw on Tom. He looked down at you, right into your eyes before he said,
"You look gorgeous baby"
"you too tommy"
He slowly nodded with his head towards the bed and you both climbed into it lazily. You sat down on Tom's lap again. "I promise that I won't hurt you and I promise that I will forever protect you, no matter what alright?" he told you quietly with the prettiest smile ever.
"thanks you tommy" you said before you leaned in again and started to slowly make out.
As Tom woke up, he though he would be dreaming, but then he remembered that it was all real. But what made him doubt was that the place next to him on the comfortable bed was empty.
Where is she?
Suddenly he heard noises coming from the kitchen. He just threw on some grey sweatpants before he made his way downstairs.
He couldn't belive his eyes when he saw you in his oversize shirt making breakfast. Slowly he made his way over to you and hugged you from behind while he rested his chin on your shoulder gently.
"Good morning darling" Tom said
"Mmm, morning tommy" you answered.
"Are you making breakfast for the two of us?" he asked with a tiny smirk.
You nodded with your head before the radio in the background played a beautiful song.
Who's loving you from Michael Jackson.
You suddenly gasped and said,
"Oh my God, I love this song!"
You put the breakfast on the plates and put the drinks on the table. But before you could sit down and eat, Tom took your hand and turned you towards him.
"Dance with me darling" he said quietly.
"o-okay" he put his hands on your waist while you threw your arms around his neck.
"Who's loving youuuuu" Tom sand quitely in your ear.
Suddenly he picked you up and put you on the counter.
"Who's loving you" you sang now.
Before Tom could stop himself he said,
"I love you"
"what?" you didn't heard properly, right?
"I love you y/n, I really do"
You just starred at him before you said,
"I love you too"
You started to give soft little pecks while the radio was still playing in the backround.
"Who's loving youuuuu" you both sang at the end of the song.
"I do" you and Tom said at the same time. You just looked him in the eyes and knew deep down,
that's my one, that's the man that I love.
-`ღ´- ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ -`ღ´-
@goodgirlgonetom @majo240820 @misshale21 @itstaskeen @pure-ghost @justafangirlduh @elizabeth-brown @roseke @onyourgoddamnleft @lovelyxtom
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
Switch AU
A JSE Fanfic
Y’know I realize there hasn’t been that much advancement of the plot in this AU as of late. Sorry bout that. But hey, no story is all action all the time. And we get character development! In this, Jackie stays over with JJ and Marvin, and talks with the latter about some...experiences. Emotions are involved. Two characters grow closer. Stuff like that. It was nice to write, so I hope you guys enjoy :)
More of this AU found here
“And then! And then Kristy gave me this bracelet. She gave one to all the girls in class, I mean, but look at it! It’s my favorite colors!” Michelle shook her wrist, causing her new red-and-yellow beaded bracelet to spin wildly around it. “And I’m the only one who got the star charms!”
Jackie smiled, leaning down to ruffle Michelle’s hair. “Sounds like a fun last day of school.”
“It was! And now we’re on holiday, and that’s always great!” Michelle flopped down onto her back, now laying on the living room floor, and looked up at her dad sitting on the sofa with wide eyes. “And about holidays, what did you get me for Christmas?”
“I can’t tell you that! It’ll ruin the surprise!”
“I’ll like it anyway.”
Jackie laughed. “That’s probably true, but the surprise makes it even better. Why, is there something you really want?”
“Don’t worry, I already wrote my letter,” Michelle said proudly. “I gave it to Ren.”
“Oh that’s great!” Jackie said. Rama showed him the letter earlier; Michelle had included a detailed list of toys she wanted Santa to bring. “Right, I forgot they told me they dropped it off at the mailbox. They also said your writing is looking really good.”
“They did?!” Michelle beamed. “That’s so cool.”
Before Jackie could continue, the alarm on his phone went off. He dug it out of his hoodie pocket and turned it off, sighing. “Well, looks like I have to go now.”
“Aww.” Michelle’s happy expression turned to a pout as they sat up. “Can’t you stay more? I never see you anymore.”
“Sorry, sweetie, Dad has to go to work,” Jackie said regretfully. “But I’m really glad I stopped by before I had to.”
“Stupid work,” Michelle grumbled. She held out her arms. “Hug?”
Jackie bent over and gave her a hug, squeezing tight as he lifted her off the ground and onto her feet. “I’ll see you again later.”
“Bye, Dad.” Michelle waved as Jackie grabbed his coat and walked over to the front door, heading out.
It was a bit after noon, the sky partly cloudy. Jackie had taken to picking up shorter afternoon and evening shifts at the hospital. He was fine with taking more, but his boss still insisted he didn’t work as much, after the...ordeal he went through a few months ago. Part of him wondered if she was trying to get him to quit or something, but he wasn’t going to do that any time soon, so it was a misguided strategy if that was the case.
Rama was outside, trying to do yard work in their small front garden. Jackie stopped for a moment, watching. They quickly noticed and stopped, standing up straight and turning around to ask, “Enjoying the view?”
“Hey, I-I didn’t—I wasn’t—” Jackie stammered, blushing a bit. “You’re wearing a coat. I was just thinking it looked a bit difficult, pulling up dead weeds in the—in the hard winter dirt—”
“I know, Jackieboy,” Rama chuckled. “Leaving so soon?”
“Yeah,” Jackie said regretfully. “I already said goodbye to Michelle.”
Rama hesitated, then slowly asked, “Have you...thought about moving back in...any time? In the near future, I mean.”
Jackie paused, thinking about it as he turned to look over the house. It was so familiar to him. It was his home—or at least, it had been, up until...everything happened. And just being inside put him on edge. “You know...it’s not just that it’s ours, i-it’s any place that...sort of looks like the place where...” He trailed off. After all this time, he still hadn’t told Rama anything about Distorter. He wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t a good idea to keep secrets from your spouse. But just...something like that...it seemed like the more people knew about Distorter, the more they were pulled into this situation. They’d already lost Michelle for a bit, he couldn’t bear if...
“I understand,” Rama nodded. “But...we miss you. Even though you visit so often.”
“I know, I miss you too.” Jackie thought about it. “I—I still get pretty anxious, but I’m working on it. With Lisa.” That was his therapist. “Maybe sooner rather than later?”
Rama went silent, then clapped their hands once. “Okay. We’ll buy an apartment.”
“Wh-what?!” Jackie gasped. “Ramram, you can’t do that! It’s expensive, and we’re putting most of your book money towards Michelle’s education—Not to mention it’ll be a whole change, the move might be hard on Mich, especially if it’s too far away from the school and she has to transfer. And we’re in the suburbs because of the quiet for your writing—No, i-it won’t work out, I can’t make you two do that.”
After a moment, Rama slowly nodded. “If you’re sure. Take care of yourself, mi corazón. Do what’s best for you.”
Jackie walked over and gave Rama a quick squeeze of the hand. “I will. You do the same.”
They leaned close and kissed him on the cheek. “Have a good time at work.”
“Thanks. I mean, I’ll try. I’ll see you guys later.”
And with that, he headed over to his car and got inside. Before driving off, he waved at the house one more time. Rama waved back, standing in the yard, and Michelle did, too, watching from the front window. He kept looking at them as he pulled away.
That evening, Jackie was driving back from work, tired after a long day, when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Who could be texting him now? Rama, maybe? Did they want to continue the conversation they had before he went to the hospital? Or maybe it was similarly important. Curious, Jackie pulled over to the side of the road and parked, taking his phone out to check it really quick.
The message was from JJ. Hey Jackie. Sorry, but it’s happened again.
Jackie knew what that meant. He unlocked the phone and replied, Marvin? Whats the problem this time? Symptoms?
Fever again. Sometimes coughing, no sneezing. I thought it was just a cold, but I think it’s getting bad.
Bad? Jackie asked, already worried.
Maybe I’m just paranoid. Thinking about that time he had to stay in the hospital last year. But I’d rather be safe than sorry. Can you pop over?
Jackie didn’t hesitate. Of course. I’ll be right there. But first, how long has he been sick?
JJ paused, probably thinking. Well it really only started the day before yesterday, but about a week ago he got a little sick. He was better by the next day, so I assumed that was it.
Yknow he mightve been pretending to be better?
If he was, I’m going to kill him, JJ immediately replied. 
Jackie let out a huff of laughter. Dont kill him before I get there. I’ll be there in ten minutes, tops.
Got it. Thanks.
He put his phone back in his pocket and pulled back onto the road. He really hoped it wasn’t a repeat of what happened last year. That situation had been...worrying. Stressful, even. Because Marvin hadn’t had any official paperwork, they couldn’t get him to the hospital right away, not until Anti could forge some stuff. Poor Marvin had to suffer through a lot before they got everything together. Luckily, they’d gotten him up-to-date with paperwork and vaccines since then, but even so, winter seemed to especially affect his health.
It was unlikely that this would be a similar situation, but just in case, Jackie stepped on the gas.
He arrived at Marvin and Jameson’s house nine minutes later and hurried up to the front door, where he knocked and waited. Almost immediately the door swung open to show Jameson inside. So glad you could make it, he signed. I hope I didn’t message you at an inconvenient time.
“Huh? No, it was fine, I was heading back home, anyway.” Jackie stepped inside, and JJ closed the door behind him. “Is he in his room?”
Unless he left in the last minute, JJ said.
That might actually be a possibility, given Marvin’s attitude towards being sick. Jackie hurried down the hall to his bedroom. The door was closed, so he slowly eased it open and poked his head in. “Marvin? It’s me.”
The lights were off, and the dark room was filled with the sound of an electric fan whirring. Something moved on the bed—probably Marvin rolling over. “Y’got t’be more specific. ‘Me’ coul’ be anyone,” he mumbled.
“It’s Jackie.” As he said this, Jackie reached over and flipped on the light switch, so Marvin could see him as well as hear.
“Ah!” Marvin squeezed his eyes shut against the sudden brightness. “Jackie? Huh. Come for a visit..? No, wait...y’here for somet’ing?”
“Yeah, I’m just uh...stopping by for a bit.” Jackie took a step into the room, JJ following shortly behind, and walked over to the bed. “How are you feeling?”
“‘M fine. Jus’ grand.” Obviously, this was not the case. Marvin was sweating enough to make his hair damp, and his skin had a sickly pallor. But despite how hot he seemed, he was shivering, and had the comforter on the bed pulled up. Mr. Fluffington was sitting next to the pillow, purring furiously. Marvin reached over and petted him for a moment before flinging his arm over his face and covering his eyes. “Ev’ryt’ing’s Jake.”
“Yeah. Um...clearly not.” Jackie looked over at JJ. “Can you go get the—”
Already anticipating what he was going to ask for, JJ walked over to the nearest chair and picked up their first aid kit, coming back over to hand it to Jackie.
“Oh. Thanks.” Jackie took it and started rummaging about inside. “Marv, I’m going to take your temperature, do you mind?”
“A-ha. So it’s a fuckin’...fucking’ check-up I get it...” Marvin trailed off into mumbling under his breath, but didn’t protest as Jackie pulled out the thermometer and took his temperature. After it was done, he rolled over onto his side, practically burying his face in Fluffington’s fur.
Jackie looked down at the thermometer and frowned. 39.2 C...that wasn’t good. Wasn’t good at all. “Marvin? How do you really feel? Like...on the fatigue scale, where would you be?”
Marvin looked back over at him, head rolling lazily. “Hmm...se-seven? Seven and a half?”
“You have a really high fever. Is there anything else, like a headache or something?”
“Well...” Marvin paused to think. His eyes were a bit glazed. “T’ere’s a tickle in my throat. Won’ go ‘way. My nose is all stuffy. Felt a bit sick...sick like...the stomach issues sick. Couldn’ eat anyt’ing ‘cause...bad.”
Jackie glanced over at JJ, hovering nearby. I can second that, JJ said. He didn’t have dinner.
“Alright. It’s probably just a cold,” Jackie said. Yet a note of uncertainty remained in his voice. “A bad one, but you’ll probably be fine.”
So what do we do then? JJ asked.
Jackie hesitated. “Well...” His instincts were telling him not to take any risks, to stay and make sure everything stayed fine. “Given past experiences, is it okay if I spend the night? Just to keep an eye on things.”
“Wha...?” With a fair amount of effort, Marvin sat up. “No, don’ stay over, you’re...you’re prob’ly all busy. Ye jus’ said it was alrigh’.”
“Alright...for now,” Jackie said darkly. “Right now you’re on the edge of ‘a bad cold’ and ‘a serious issue.’ Things could easily get worse in the night, but by tomorrow, it’ll be clear if this is the worst it’ll get or...if there’s more.”
JJ’s expression was filled with anxiety. Is there anything I can do to help?
“Yeah. Get him to take his shirt off.”
Marvin snorted. “Whoa, Jackie, you know Jems and I aren’...aren’ a pair. Not t’at type of pair.”
Jackie rolled his eyes. “Seriously, you need to change your shirt. I know your feelings on short sleeves, but this is making your fever worse.” He turned back to JJ. “Anyway, you know what else. Ibuprofen, water, all that. You already got the fan on, that’s good.”
JJ nodded seriously. Got it. You really want to stay over?
“Well...better safe than sorry, you know? If it starts to go bad, I can recognize it, and we can get him to the hospital really quickly. Is...is it okay?”
Of course it is! You can stay whenever, but especially in this situation. You’re the doctor, after all. JJ smiled gently.
Marvin groaned. “Fffffine, Jackie can stay.”
Jackie smiled a bit at Marvin’s acceptance. But really, him not protesting more was a sign of how bad he felt. At this point, he probably recognized that he needed help, and it wasn’t worth the struggle. “Great. I’ll just have to call Schneep and tell him what’s going on, so he doesn’t get worried when I don’t show up at the flat. But right now, where do you keep the Ibuprofen?”
Marvin and Jameson’s town house didn’t have a guest bedroom, so Jackie had to set up in the living room. Luckily, they did have lots of spare pillows and blankets. But Jackie wasn’t going to sleep right away. He was staying over to keep an eye on things, so that’s what he did. First, by making sure Marvin actually changed clothes into something cooler and more lightweight. Then, by teaming up with JJ to make sure Marvin actually ate dinner. He still didn’t have much of an appetite, but between the two of them, they convinced him that he needed the energy. Oh, and water. He needed lots of water.
In the meantime, Jackie watched some YouTube videos on his phone to pass the time. JJ offered to lend him a book, but Jackie turned him down. He wasn’t in the mood to read, and besides, it would probably take him days to finish with his new work schedule. Every so often, he got up and went into Marvin’s bedroom to check on him. Maybe too often. Marvin quickly got annoyed, though he didn’t have the energy to snap at him.
“Hey, do you need anything?” Jackie asked on perhaps his fifth check-in.
“I need...t’not be so hot,” Marvin replied, a faint note of sarcasm in his voice.
“Do you feel worse?” Jackie asked. “Maybe you need to take off the blanket?”
“No.” Marvin briefly buried his face in the pillow before realizing that he couldn’t breathe like that, not while his nose was all congested. “‘f I take off the...the blanket, then ‘m too cold.”
“Ah. Well, maybe a thinner one, then? Here, lemme take your temperature again.”
Marvin didn’t say anything, just allowed the temperature-taking and the blanket-switching. Then he rolled over and closed his eyes, presumably falling asleep immediately.
JJ bounced between being on his computer, being upstairs in his magic workroom, and checking up on and bringing things to Marvin. He constantly seemed distracted, unable to commit to one course of action. Jackie couldn’t blame him. His best friend was sick, and there was a distinct possibility that he could get worse and would need to go to the hospital. Anyone would wander around, unsure what to do.
One time, JJ came into the living room with his laptop and sat down, writing. “What’re you doing?” Jackie asked.
JJ looked up. Work stuff. A lot of emails, mostly.
“Ugh. Work emails.” Jackie shook his head. “Y’know half the time the emails I get aren’t even relevant to me. It’s like ‘Notice: thing in the operating room’ and I’m like ‘you do know I’m just a GP, right? And for kids, too, right?’ Like, I think I’ve been in the operating room twice.”
JJ chuckled weakly. It’s a bit different for me. I have to coordinate rehearsals and effect supplies, book venues, and generally manage and schedule a bunch of people.
“Really? What about your manager? What’s her name, uhhh...Darla? Doesn’t she do that stuff?”
Sort of. It’s like a joint effort. I’m technically in charge, though, so I at least have to approve everything.
Jackie shook his head. “I could never do that. Too much. How do you manage?”
I was a theatre kid, JJ said, shrugging with a half-smile on his face.
“Does having actual magic help?”
Not really, not with all the organizational stuff. If anything, it can make things more complicated, as I have to figure out a trick that I can use with real magic but cover up with tricks and effects. JJ sighed. I really need this to go well, Jackie. It’s the first show since my voice was damaged, it has to work out.
Jackie smiled at him. He leaned over from his position on the sofa and put a hand on JJ’s shoulder, which he could barely reach as JJ was sitting in a different chair. “You’ll do great. Your shows have always been fantastic, and the voice thing isn’t going to change that.”
JJ smiled a bit. Thanks, Jackie. Glad to know you think so.
“We all do. We belieeeeve in youuuu.”
JJ laughed a bit, and returned to his emails.
Eventually, night came. JJ wrapped up his work and reluctantly headed to bed, not wanting to leave Marvin alone and sick. But Jackie assured him that it would be fine. He would be staying up, and if Marvin wanted to talk to JJ specifically, he could go wake him up. Or Marvin could text him. Mostly reassured, Jameson went upstairs to sleep, leaving Jackie awake in the living room.
Jackie checked on Marvin a couple times more, but found him asleep. Exhausted from all the fatigue he was feeling. Good. If he slept well, he’d probably be better in the morning, and they could all relax when it turned out to be a terrible cold, and nothing more.
Watching YouTube videos eventually got boring, so Jackie decided to plug his phone in to charge and do something else for a bit. As it turned out, Mr. Fluffington was still awake as well. So Jackie found a laser pointer in a table drawer in the living room and played with him for a bit. Until, after a while, Fluffington got tired of the red dot, and even the cat went to bed.
Bored again, Jackie put the laser pointer back. He was considering JJ’s offer of lending a book to read, and was looking over the titles of the ones on the living room bookshelves, when he heard...something. Some sort of distant sound. He paused, going still as he listened.
For a while, nothing happened, and everything was silent. But then, he heard it again. A voice? Someone saying something? Maybe it wasn’t words, but instead just sounds...distressed sounds. After a few moments of listening, Jackie realized with a start that the voice was coming from down the hall. The direction of Marvin’s room.
Something must have been wrong. Immediately, Jackie unplugged his phone and pocketed it—just in case—and headed down the hall, half-running. He reached Marvin’s door soon, finding it closed. He didn’t hesitate to open it and step inside. “Marvin?! Is everything okay?”
The room was dark again, pitch black in the night. The fan was off. Strange, it was on last time Jackie was in here. Had Marvin woken up and turned it off? That didn’t matter. He could clearly hear Marvin, crying out and whimpering. Jackie flicked the light switch on and walked over. “Marvin? What’s wrong?”
Marvin didn’t answer, just kept mumbling and crying, sounding frantic. Then, Jackie noticed his eyes were closed. Ah. So he was asleep. Having a nightmare. And a bad one, by the looks of it. His blankets and even his shirt were all twisted around him, which only upset him more, as he seemed to be trying to fight against them. Jackie reached out and put a hand on his head, then immediately pulled it away. He was so hot, the fever burning him up. Jackie turned the fan on and checked the bedside nightstand for anything else. There was a half-empty glass of water and a damp cloth. That would work.
He picked up the damp cloth and tried to put it on Marvin’s head. But Marvin cried out and yanked his head away, shouting...something. Jackie couldn’t quite catch it, but he thought he heard ‘go away’ and ‘don’t want your help.’ “Marvin, it’s me. I-I want to—can you wake up? Wake up, it’s fine.” He reached out to try and untangle the blankets.
That turned out to be the wrong thing to do. Marvin started flailing wildly, tossing, turning, kicking, waving. The blankets restricted his movement, but it was still enough to make him roll off the opposite side of the bed. “Marvin!” Jackie leaned over the bed. “God damn it. I’ll get you, don’t worry.”
As he walked around to the other side, he stopped for a moment. The edge of the blankets were tucked into the gap between the mattress and the footboard. Jackie pulled them out, letting the blankets go free. That made them somewhat less restrictive, but it also meant that Marvin, still moving and struggling, ended up wrapping them loosely around his legs. Which...actually probably didn’t help in the long run. Well, too late now. Jackie knelt down on the ground next to Marvin. “Hey, calm down, it’s fine,” he said, trying to sound soothing as he went about untangling the blankets around him.
It took longer than he expected. Marvin kept wriggling and flailing, but still had his eyes firmly shut as he remained asleep. Jackie tried to wake him up, but to no avail. And he kept muttering the whole time, occasionally whimpering or crying out as if in pain. His words ran together, slurred by sleep-talking, but some distinct phrases popped up: “Get away!” “Don’t you dare...” “Leave me alone!” “...don’t want it.” “Don’t want you.” It hurt Jackie’s heart to hear. Was it the fever causing this nightmare? Or something more?
After a good few minutes, he freed the blankets, leaving them on the floor as he tried to pick up Marvin. Again, the struggling made this difficult. Marvin actively tried to push him away at times...though that mostly turned into him weakly slapping Jackie’s face and arms. But Jackie was determined, and managed to get Marvin back on top of the mattress. Once there, Marvin gave up and went limp, lying there still. Jackie sighed in relief and pressed his hand to his head. Still hot, and his pale skin was damp with sweat. He should wake him up soon, get him to drink some water to replace what he lost with all the sweat. But first, he picked up the damp rag again, using some of the water from the glass to wet it more and make it cooler. He laid the cloth across Marvin’s forehead.
The moment he did, something...unusual started to happen. Marvin whimpered, turned his head to the side, and started to cry. Tears leaked from his eyes as he quietly sobbed and continued to mumble something. The words had changed. Now, Jackie could hear a lot of “No” and “Please don’t” over and over and over. As he listened, stunned, these were broken up by adding “I’m sorry” and “I’ll be good” to the mix, which only shocked him further.
“God. Marvin,” he whispered to himself. No more waiting, he had to wake him up now. He couldn’t handle the thought of leaving him to whatever horrible nightmare he was having. “Marvin, wake up. It’s me, it’s Jackie.” He leaned over and started shaking him. Gently at first, then gradually harder as that failed to wake him up. His voice slowly raised. “Marvin. Marvin! This is Jackie. You need to wake up!”
After what felt like ages, Marvin stopped mumbling. He groaned, and slowly opened his eyes, staring up at Jackie. At first, confused. Then slowly getting his bearings. He reached up and weakly grabbed at the damp cloth on his forehead until he managed to take it off. Then he tried to sit up, but gave up once the fatigue proved too heavy. “Whoa...” he muttered. “I...where...? When...?”
“You’re in your room. In the house you live in with Jameson,” Jackie explained patiently. “It’s...” He checked the time on his phone. “Ha, it’s midnight on the dot.”
“What...?” Marvin swallowed dryly. “What’s the date?”
“December 10th.”
“...the year?”
“Right.” Marvin nodded a bit, then stopped, looking a bit dizzy. Once again, he tried to sit up, and this time Jackie helped him prop himself against the headboard. “D’you...have any water?”
“Yeah.” Jackie grabbed the water glass and offered it to him. Marvin grasped it weakly, and Jackie only let go once he was sure he could hold it securely. 
Immediately, Marvin lifted the glass to his mouth and drank, draining the glass. “Th’nk you,” he said, handing it back.
“No problem,” Jackie said, taking it. “I can go get more, if you want. Colder, too.”
Marvin took a deep breath, looking unsure. Actually, he looked more than unsure. He looked...shaken.
“You were...having a bad dream,” Jackie said gently. “I-I could hear you making noise, talking and...shouting and...and crying. So I came to check on you. You were rolling around and fell off at one point, but now you’re awake. A-and you’re alright. You’re safe.”
Marvin stared at him for a while, then looked away and closed his eyes, taking another deep breath. Then, strangely...he laughed. “Bad dream,” he repeated. “‘Tis always a bad dream. T’at’s...only time I remember. Which ‘s...strange...isn’ it? T’at’s not how mem’ry works.”
“Remember?” Jackie blinked. “Remember what?”
A pause. Marvin opened his eyes, but didn’t look directly at Jackie. “If y’coul’...go get water I’d…’preciate it.”
“Do you mean...the time you were with him?” Jackie asked softly.
Marvin stiffened. “How’d you...?”
“How did I guess? I just...” Jackie looked down at his hands. He traced the scars on his wrists and shrugged. “It sounded...familiar.”
The silence that followed stretched on. Jackie was worried he’d overstepped some boundary and was about to leave, when Marvin pulled his knees up and gestured to the end of the bed, now clear without his legs there. “Sit down.”
Jackie sat. “Did I—do you not want to talk about it?”
“You...you r’member, righ’?” Marvin asked. “What happened...when you were with him?”
“Of course. I-I-I couldn’t forget.” Jackie laughed humorlessly. “It’s actually a problem, so much reminds me of it. I had to make Volt throw out his zip-ties, and put away his knives and half his cleaning stuff when I moved in with him, since just looking at them freaked me out. I mean, he’s taken them out again now. ‘Cause it’s a bit better. But I can’t...can’t go home, or into any house that’s even a bit similar to that place, can’t spend too much time inside...” He trailed off. “You...don’t remember anything?”
Marvin hummed, leaning his head back against the wall. “‘T’s strange for me. I don’...I don’ remember how I got here. To the...the ‘when,’ I mean. But I...I’m startin’ t t’ink that...he’s the reason for that.”
“Like...he brought you to the present?” Jackie asked.
“No.” Marvin shook his head a bit, but gave up, wincing a bit. Jackie guessed a headache or something that made the motion worse. “I don’ t’ink he coul’ do t’at. It...it doesn’ really fit him, or...or what he can do. Y’know? But...after I got here, however t’at happened, I...I t’ink I ran into him. A-an’ he decided someone so confused woul’ be an easy target.” He paused for a moment, just breathing. Jackie waited patiently. “I didn’...didn’ r’member any of t’is at first. I forgot ev’ryt’ing between bein’ home, and meeting Jems. But...when I go to sleep, I remember. In my dreams.”
“Well...that can happen sometimes,” Jackie said slowly. “Your brain can block out upsetting stuff. And having nightmares about what happened to you is a common trauma response. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.”
“No, no, I know t’at, but it’s...diff’rent for me,” Marvin insisted. “It’s all...too clear. Like it’s happenin’ for the first time. And...I know the dreams r’lly happened, because...I have scars...that match up.”
At that, Jackie glanced down at Marvin’s arms. He’d noticed the scars before, but hadn’t really thought too much about them. Maybe that said something about him as a friend. Or maybe he just didn’t want to pry. But they definitely existed. Most of them were short lines, probably caused by something sharp, but there were also a few burn scars on Marvin’s upper arms. They were all usually covered by his shirt. Jackie suddenly made a connection. “Is that why you always wear long sleeves?”
“Don’ t’ink so,” Marvin mumbled. “Everyt’ing I say, about proper dress and wantin’ t’keep to a routine and not wantin’ any random people grabbin’ my arm...that’s all true. But...maybe it is a reason, but I jus’ don’ realize it. Is that why you wear your jacket all the time now?”
“Hmm.” Jackie tugged at the cuffs of his hoodie. “No. I mean, it’s related. I just...” He paused, getting his thoughts together. “I didn’t have this while I was with him. I-I left it behind. Or...he did, when he showed up. So it’s just...a reminder that it’s all safe now.”
“Reminder,” Marvin repeated, and nodded, once. 
Jackie let out a long exhale. It was really easy to talk to Marvin about all this. He’d had to work up to sharing details like this with his therapist, but now, he was letting them spill. It must have been because he knew Marvin would understand. “I guess if you don’t remember anything, you don’t need a reminder. Right? Ha. I-I wish I didn’t remember.”
Marvin pressed a hand to his head, as if he could feel the empty spots where the missing memories were supposed to be. “I don’ know. I think...I think I’d rather jus’ know. Because...he must’ve done it. He must’ve made me forget. But...why? For what? What’s the purpose? Is there...somet’ing I still don’ know? T’at he wanted to keep secret?”
“Huh. I...didn’t think of that.” Jackie frowned. “You’re right.”
“T’ere’s a lot missing. I’ve dreamt about how...about how we met, but how’d I get out? I dreamt him takin’ my set of playin’ cards, but...why do I feel...they were so important? More t’an just bein’ mine, I mean. And what...what did I do?” Marvin said that last part in a hushed tone.
Jackie stared at him. Then he stood, took a few steps closer to Marvin, and sat back down on the bed, now next to Marvin. He leaned against the headboard instead of sitting on the edge, so the two of them were mirroring each other, side by side. It wasn’t particularly comfortable. The bed was narrow, so he had to sit very close to Marvin, still burning with fever. But...he wanted to. And Marvin didn’t protest. “If you did anything, it wasn’t your fault,” Jackie said softly. “You can’t...do anything in that state.”
Marvin rubbed his eyes. They were starting to water. “You...know?”
Jackie nodded silently.
Taking a shaky breath, Marvin asked, “What...h-how bad...were the things he...made you...?”
After a long moment, Jackie replied. “No one died. But...some were hurt. I think...if I stayed there any longer, it would’ve gotten worse.” He had to stop for a moment. He’d...never told anyone about that. “But it’s...it’s not our fault. It’s Distorter’s. We called him that because he distorts thought, a-and that’s exactly what he did. We aren’t those thoughts he put there, o-or the actions he caused.”
Marvin couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. He buried his face in his hands, but Jackie caught a glimpse of them flowing before he could hide them entirely. “I jus’...wish I coul’ remember.” A sob caught in this throat. “I remember feelin’ horrible, I remember screamin’ at him for what he made me do, I remember tryin’ to fight against it...but I don’ remember what I did. I t’ink...I might dream the memory one day. A-an’ I...don’ know...how I’ll react.”
Jackie leaned against him. Reaching up, he took Marvin’s wrist and slowly pulled his hand away from his face, revealing the tear stains and bloodshot eyes. “We aren’t those thoughts,” he repeated, quietly, but firmly. “Those actions weren’t us.”
Marvin stared at him. Then nodded. He looked away. “Will you...stay? For a while?”
“Of course.”
The two of them sat in silence for a long while, the night stretched before them.
The next morning, Jackie woke up to the familiar sounds of someone making breakfast. He opened his eyes and sat up, wincing a bit at the ache in his side and neck. The sofa was clearly designed for sitting, not sleeping. He stretched to try and make it better, then stood and went into the kitchen.
JJ was the one cooking. He waved at Jackie, then asked him for help carrying food to Marvin, still in bed. Jackie agreed and the two of them went down the hall.
Marvin was awake. Sitting up, in fact, with Fluffington in his lap. He thanked the two of them for breakfast. While he ate, Jackie gave him a quick check-up, taking his temperature and asking him basic questions. The fever had distinctly died down, and Marvin reported that he felt really tired, but not nauseous, and he could breathe easier. Jackie and JJ were both immediately relieved.
“So it’s just a cold, then,” Jackie concluded, relaxing for the first time in a full day. “Sorry about all the trouble, you two.”
“Eh, better safe t’an sorry, right?” Marvin shrugged. “And ‘t was...nice to have you over.”
Jackie gave him a gentle smile. Then he said, “I’ll be going now, then. It was nice to be over, too. Though sleeping on the sofa kind of sucked.”
Well you’re wearing jeans, JJ pointed out.
“That’s not a problem, I sleep in jeans a lot.”
What?! JJ gasped, looking personally offended. Jackie, you didn’t tell me you were absolutely out of your mind! How can that be comfortable?!
Jackie laughed. “You get used to it.”
“No, ‘m with Jems on t’is one,” Marvin said, his words slightly muffled as he was speaking into his cup of apple juice.
“I used to take long night shifts at the hospital years ago, and I was so tired that I didn’t even bother to get into pajamas when I got home,” Jackie defended himself. “I mean, I don’t have night shifts anymore, but that’s still a leftover quirk.”
Marvin rolled his eyes. “Didn’ ye say you had to go?”
“Yeah, I told Volt I’d be back in the morning before he went to work at ten. I’ll tell him how you’re doing, by the way. Anti, too.”
“T’anks.” Marvin looked at him. “For...ev’ryt’ing. Be seein’ you.”
“Be seeing you,” Jackie repeated. “And thank you. Goodbye.”
JJ looked confused. He followed Jackie as he headed down the hall to the front door. Before he could leave, he asked, Did something happen?
“Oh. Uhh we had a talk last night,” Jackie said. “About some...serious stuff.”
Ah. I won’t pry, then, JJ said, backing off. Hey, Jackie. Thanks for coming over and staying and everything. I hope it wasn’t an inconvenience.
“It’s never an inconvenience to help a friend. Or, you know, even if there wasn’t a problem, I’d be happy to stay over any time.” Jackie laughed a bit. “Just gotta prepare a bit better next time. Get an air mattress.”
JJ smiled. Still, thank you. It...it really means a lot, you know? I’m sure Marvin’s glad you stop by to check on him when he’s sick, even when he protests. But remember to take care of yourself too, you know?
Jackie nodded. “Thanks, J. I will. But you have to remember that, too. I know you’re busy with your show and now Marvin’s sick and everything, but keep your stress levels down. You worry a lot about everyone else. Might spread yourself too thin.”
JJ sighed. It...has happened before. I’ll try.
“No, you won’t try. You will take care of yourself. Or let Marvin or one of us do it.”
Alright, I get the point, JJ smiled a bit. Hey, by the way, the show starts in January. Opening night is New Year’s Day, actually. You and Henrik and Anti can come see it for free, if you want. The families, too.
“I’ll keep it in mind,” Jackie said cheerfully. Rama and Michelle would probably like that. “I’ll see you later, then?”
See you later. Bye, Jackie.
“Bye, JJ.”
Jackie headed out, hurrying to his car, still parked where he left it last night. A few loose snowflakes started to fall from the sky as he climbed inside and turned on the heater. 
That was...a night. An unexpected one, but...one he needed. He reflected on it as he started to drive away. Then, he took the turn that would take him to Rama and Michelle’s house—his house. There was still time before he said he’d be back at Schneep’s apartment. He wanted to be with his family again.
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zmayadw · 3 years
Evening to all!
Time to continue the story :)
Wish you all a nice and relaxed evening :)
Oh, and before I dont forget:
WARNING - contains violence and some other "oh-not-so-good-stuff" - WARNING
Jakes POV
„So, what's the verdict?“ Jessy asked me, nervously bitting at her thumb. We wer sitting at the kitchen table, Dan checking his phone and casually sipping his beer. „Don't worry, Jessy“ I said to her „It's just a virus you got, I'll fix it in no time.“ „Oh, that's good to hear.“ She said sighing with relief. „And I won't lose any of my work stuff that's on it?“ „Nah, everything will be intact.“ I said. „And if you like, I could install you a better antivirus program, so this doesn't happen again.“ „Yes, please!“ she exclaimed „I definitely don't want for this to happen ever again.“ I chuckled „Sure, I'll do it. But, just to be sure this doesn't happen again, if I wer you, I wouldn't let Dan nowhere near the laptop again.“ Dan almost choked with his beer when I said it, and Jessy turned to him „I knew it! This was all your fault!“ „Sorry, babe“ Dan said making a puppy face „But you know my laptop is shitty and slow, so I might have borrowed yours from time to time.“ I shook my head turning my focus back to Jessy's laptop, as they continued to argue, and I took the opportunity to send Maya a message saying I'll be done soon. „I don't care why you needed it, you are forbidden to go near my laptop ever again!“ Jessy was so furious at Dan, and poor him couldn't do anything but sit there and endure it. „I'm sorry, babe. I won't touch your laptop ever again, I promise!“ Dan said to her sounding a bit daunted. I laughed inside. He looked tought on the outside, but Jessy was the one person he was genuinely scared of. „Good!“ she said, turning to me now, flashing me a smile like she didn't just yell furiously at Dan a second ago. „I'm sorry, how rude of me, I haven't even offered you something to drink. Would you like a beer?“ I checked the time on my phone „Hmm, guess I could have one beer before I go.“ „Oh, are you in a hurry?“ Jessy asked me confused, taking the beer from the fridge and handing it to me. „Maya said you have nothing to do. I hope I haven't disrupted your plans?“ „No, no, you didn't“ I said reassuringly and smiled „I'm taking Maya for a movie later, but still plenty of time before it starts.“ „Oh, how nice of you.“ Jessy said sighing, turning to Dan „Why can't you be more like that?“ „Hey, don't be like that, I take you out!“ Dan said hurt by her words. „Oh really?“ she said to him, raising her eyebrow„When was the last time you took me anywhere!?“ Dan thought for a moment before he grinned at her. „The other day, we went for that nice evening walk.“ He said victorious, and Jessy snorted „You mean, the walk home, from the middle of nowhere, because someone forgot to put gas in his car?“ „Details!“ he said „But It still counts as something, right?“ he said and grinned at her again. She rolled her eyes, turning to me, sighing desperately „See what I have to deal with.“
Mayas POV
„I apologise for my intrusion, miss Cole“ the man said to me „But you see, your nosy friends made me alter my plans a little.“ I stared confused at the man, as that feeling of dread started to rise up in me more. „I don't understan.“ I said, and the man smirked „Those phone calls, miss Cole“ he said „You weren't suppose to find out about the origin of them so soon.“ I froze at his words, panic washing all over me. I was scared, a little voice in the back of my head screaming at me to snap out of it and do something. I blinked a few times regaining my focus, as the man continued to stare at me. I tried to slam the doors shut, but the man stopped it with his foot. He pushed hard at the doors, and I staggered backwards into the room, barely managing to keep my balance. „Now, now, miss Cole“ the man said stepping inside „There is no need for this kind of behaviour.“ He slowly closed the doors turning back to me, his eyes glowing with frenzy as he looked at me. „I'm sure by now, you realized what the outcome of this will be for you.“ I stared back at him, terrified, hoping Jake would come back any second now. „Why are you doing this?“ I asked, trying to stall for time „ I dont understand, what have I done to you?“ The man shook his head and chuckled „I thought you figured it out by now, miss Cole.“ He said. „I guess I gave you more credit then you deserve.“ He took a step closer to me, and I reflexively took a step back. „You see, miss Cole“ he said, his hand going for the pocket of his jacket „You meddled into things you shouldn't have.“ I was still clueless of what he was referring to. And still, there was something familiar to me about him, but my brain was shut from fear that it just didn't get to me. The man sighed „By the look on your face, I assume I will have to explain it to you.“ Despite the fear, I was actually curious to hear his explanation, and hoped with it I'll get more time for Jake to come back. „You see, miss Cole“ he started, taking another step towards me, and again, I took a step back, bumping at the desk „If only you wern't so stubborn and stayed out of Duskwood, non of this would had to happen.“ As his words settled at me, it was like a flash back hit me. My eyes widened, as I slowely started to realize what was so familiar about the man to me. It was his eyes – the eyes I knew so well once. The eyes that, at the beginning, looked at me with so much care and sympathy, but ended up full of hate and contemp for me. Just like the man's were now. „You're..“ I started but I couldn't finish it. I leaned at the desk behind me for support still not beliving my cognition. The man raised his eyebrow at me „Ah, you finaly figured it out. Go on, miss Cole, finish your sentence.“ I just continued to stare at him, feeling more terrified by my realization. „Finish it!“ the man yelled it furiously at me, making me jump from fright. The frenzy in the mans eyes was the same as the one I stared back at not so long ago. I swallowed hard „You're Richy's father. Paul.“ The man smiled wickedly at me „Very good, miss Cole, now we're getting somewhere.“ As he said it, his hand came out of his pocket. I went numb, my breath stopping, as the light flashed from the blade of the knife in his hand. Damn it, Jake, where are you! „All right, miss Cole, now that we got the facts right, there is no further need to explain my presence here. Everything should be clear as day now.“ He took another step towards me, and I cursed inside for not having any more space to retreat backwards. I moved one hand behind me, trying to find something on the desk that I might use to my defense. The only two things on the desk wer my phone and laptop. My eyes constantly darted towards the doors, as I still hoped Jake would step inside any moment now. „Any way, miss Cole, I belive the time for talking is over, no need to further delay the inevitable.“ He said to me, his eyes flashing frantically. The panic took over me completely now, as he rised the knife coming towards me.
As he came close to me, the panic was finally replaced with the adrenalin kicking in. I quickly turned arround, grabbing my laptop from the desk, swinging it as hard as I could to the mans face. The impact sended him to the floor, the knife dropping from his hand. I grabbed my phone ready to run for the doors. I managed to make a few steps when he grabbed my leg. I started to fall down, hitting hard with my shoulder on the edge of the bed, making me scream in pain. The phone dropped from my hand as I hit the floor, rolling and stopping near the doors. I tried to get up, but he was still clenching at my foot. „Stop resisting, you can't escape it!“ he spat it at me, turning his head to look for the knife. When he turned back to me, I was ready with my free foot, hitting him hard at the head again. He wailed at another impact releasing his grip from me, wich was just enough for me to get up. I got woozy from the pain in my shoulder, but I pushed it aside. I grabbed the phone before opening and rushing through the doors, and I started running as fast as I could towards the woods. The pain in my shoulder intensified with every step I took, but I had to focus on getting as far away from the motel as possible. As I came near the woods, I opened the phone and for once I was greateful there wer only few contacts in my list. I quickly found Jakes name hitting the call icon, bringing the phone to my ear. Come on come on come on My mind was racing as I tried to focus where I was running and waited for him to answer. As his voice finaly sounded from the other side, I felt tears roll down my face. I don't know what he said to me, or even if he finished with it, I just bursted out „Jake, help!“
Jakes POV
„Here you go, Jessy, all done.“ I said turning the laptop to her. „Yay, thank you soooo much.“ She said cheerfully, immediately checking on her work stuff. Dan was still sitting quietly next to her, and I felt sorry for him. „Don't look so down, Dan.“ I said „If you want, I can check your laptop, too, see if I can do something about making it less shitty.“ His head shot up, and he grinned at me „Really, man? Thanks, that would be awesom!“ He said, starting to get up. I chuckled „No worries, but that will have to wait.“ I said, and his mood went down a bit again. „Oh, I see.“ He said, sitting back down. „Sorry, Dan, but I do have a date with a special girl.“ I said and smiled. As if on cue, my phone rang. „And I think she just got impatient with waiting on me.“ I took the phone answering the call. „Hey, angel, I'm just about to lea...“ but i didn't manage to finish. „Jake, help!“ Maya's voice came from the other side. I tensed „Maya, what's wrong?“ Dan and Jessy both shot me worried looks. „He's here...I ran..“ she said, and I barely managed to understand her. „Who's here? Maya, where are you?“ I asked her, a bad feeling starting to kick at me. „Woods...he's after me... Jake, hurry!“ she sounded so terrified, and it sounded like she was running. I shot up from the chair, Dan doing the same. „Maya, just hang in there, I'm coming.“ I said, already rushing to the doors. „I'll drive.“ I heard Dan behind me, and I just tossed him the car keys. „Maya, are you hurt?“ I asked, fearing her answer. „Yes, but I'll manage.“ She finaly said a full sentence, her breath panting. „It's Richy's dad, Jake. He's lost it, he blames me for everything.“ She said through tears and I cursed inside. Why the fuck did I leave her alone. „Please, Jake, just hurry, I'm scared.“ We wer already in the car driving towards the motel. I clenched my fist so hard, my knuckles turning white, rage swelling up in me. „I know, angel, but just hang in there a while longer, I'm almost there.“ I tried to make her calm down a bit but I knew my words won't really help her. „Keep moving if you can. And whatever happens, just don't loose the phone.“ „I'll try.“ She said „Just hur...“ And then silence. „Maya?“ I said, before moving my phone, seing that the call ended. „Fuck!“ I cursed out loud. I had no clue if she ended the call, or something happened. „Dan..“ „We're almost there, man.“ He said before I could finish. I was grateful Dan was with me, it gave me a chance to connect to Maya's phone. I was relieved when the connection went through, seeing the signal from her phone was on the move. But I had no knowledge of where the person that was chasing her was. I just hoped we'll get to her before he does.
Mayas POV
„You can't hide from me!“ I cursed inside, as the voice sounded somewhere from behind me, making me end the call with Jake. I started running again, slower then before with the pain in my shoulder getting worse. And it was almost completly dark now, so I had to focus hard not to fall. I took the phone, tucking it in the pocket of my hoodie, zipping it shut. It was my only hope for Jake to find me and I had no intention to accidentaly drop it while running. I had no clue what direction I was going, I just knew I had to keep on moving. I was getting more and more tired, when I suddenly ran out in the clear. It took me a moment to realize I ran all the way to the Blackwater lake. I dragged myself to the water, falling on my knees, splashing some cold water all over my face. I knew I shouldn't linger here for long, but I needed to catch my breath. It was getting hard for me to run. The adrenalin was fading me, and the pain became more sharp. Tears started to roll down my face again, from the pain or fear, it didn't matter. I just wished Jake would get here fast. As I sat by the water, I could feel my eyes getting heavier. I shook my head, splashing some more cold water on my face. All right, Maya, time to move on. I got up, and instantly felt dizzy. I steadied myself, taking a few deep breaths to shake off the dizziness. When I was sure I won't collaps I turned arround to move on. I made a step and froze in the spot. Paul was standing few steps from me, his head bloodied, the knife back in his hand. „No..“ I breathed it out barely audible, as a sinister smile returned to his face. „Why do you delay it, miss Cole?“ he said, coming slowly towards me. „I told you, you can't avoid the inevitable.“ Shit shit shit I knew my chances to run from him were small, but I had to try. I made my run to the left of him, but I was too slow. He grabbed me by my hair and tugged fiercely, making me scream. He pulled me to him, turning me to face him. At that moment, I thought I saw a flicker of light somewhere in the woods, but I was sure it was just my brain playing tricks on me. „Now, miss Cole“ he said to me, his eyes sparkling victorious „It is time I bid you farewell.“ His hand moved quickly, my eyes opening wide, as the blade of the knife pierced through me.
Jakes POV
Dan didn't stop at the motels parking, but continued driving, entering the woods with the car for as far as he could. I rushed out of the car before he even stopped, the flashlight on my phone already on. I heard him yelling after me, but I just ran. I had to get to her fast. I kept checking the phones screen as I ran. Damn it, why is the signal still? I started to run faster, Dan keep yelling from not far behind me. Almost there. Suddenly, a scream was heard from the direction we wer running to. I stopped abruptly, Dan almost knocking me as he caught up with me. „Was that...“ „Maya.“ I finished for him, and we both started to run again. We wer almost at the Blackwater lake, and I checked the phone again. The signal was still at the same spot, and I cursed inside again, fearing the worst. We burst out from the woods to the lake, and stopped at the scene in front of us. The man moved from Maya, and she looked directly at me, with wide eyes and tears all over her face, before falling to her knees and hitting the ground. „I told you, you can't save her, boy.“ The man turned to us, smug smile on his face. At that moment something snapped in me, and all went dark. Next thing I remember was Dan trying to pull me off the man. He was now on the ground, with me on top of him, his face all bloodied. „Man, stop it, you'll kill him!“ Dan was yelling at me, and I finaly snapped out of it. I blinked few times, before I got up, moving from the man. My hands wer covered in blood and shaking. „Go to her!“ Dan yelled at me, taking his phone and dialing some number. I looked confused at him first, until it got to my brain what he refered to. I quickly turned moving to the water, to wash some of the blood off, before turning to kneel next to Maya. I moved her slowly, and she coughed as I turned her towards me. She was shaking uncontrollably, but managed a small smile when she saw me. „I am sorry, angel, I wasn't fast enough.“ I said, moving the loose hair from her face. „Shhhhh..“ she said and coughed again. „You're....here now.“ I tensed at the sight of the knife sticking from her abdomen. Fuck fuck fuck She followed my gaze, and before I had a chance to react, she pulled the knife out, blood soaking her hoodie. „Dan!“ I yelled and he was next to us in a flash. „Give me your shirt.“ I said to him, taking my hoodie off. He took his shirt off , and I unzipped Maya's hoodie. She was half conscious by now, and panic started to rise in me. „Ambulance is on the way.“ Dan said to me, as he pressed his shirt to her wound. „I don't know if she can make it till they arrive.“ I said to him, pulling my hoodie under her, trying to tie it as firm as I could to stop the bleeding. „We don't have any other option, man.“ He said, but he was wrong. „Yes, we do.“ I said, and he looked questionable at me. I knew I might do more damage with my next action then good, but I sure as hell wasn't going to sit here waiting for them to arrive. I took her in my arms, getting up „At least we can meet them half way.“
Mayas POV
I felt Jakes hands lifting me off the ground before he started to run. I was in and out of conscious for a while, before I managed to stay awake. Every step he took sent so much pain through me, and I clenched my hand to his shirt. „Stop“ I said, my breath short, but he didnt hear me, he just continued forward. I was fighting so hard to keep my focus, not to let my eyes close again. My sight was getting blurred, as I stared at his worried face. „Jake....Jake, please...“ I barely managed, clenching at his shirt harder. He just kept running as fast as possible, without sparing me a glance. „Just stay with me, angel!“ His breath came out panting. I thought I heard Dan's voice saying something, but all my senses wer getting more dull. The pain was too much for me by now. I gathered what was left of the strenght in me, tugging at his shirt so hard and yelled „Jake, stop!“ He finaly looked at me, stopping abruptly, the look on his face terrified, as a streak of blood poured from my mouth. „No...“ he breathed it out, slowly lowering me down, resting my head on his lap. „No! Don't do this to me!“ He yelled, his voice cracking, his hand shakily caressing my face, moving the strands of hair from my eyes . Tears started to roll down his face. I wanted to get my hand up, to wipe them away . To tell him everything will be alright. But I just layed motionless, my eyes so heavy, blurriness mixing with darkness. „I lov...“ I started, but the rest of the words got stuck at my throath. „Maya!“ Jake yelled at me, but I couldnt fight it any more. I felt nothing. The pain was gone, shaking has stopped, I couldnt feel his warm touch anymore. Nothing. I closed my eyes, as one last smile came to my lips, breathing out the words I hoped I'll be able to say to him over and over again „Love you.“
Jake walked slowly, the lack of sleep showing on his face. Days went in haze for him, his heart aching more with each one passing. He knew the path well, he walked here so manny times before, he could do it with eyes closed. He turned after a short while, the path narrowing, before stopping. A tear rolled down his cheek, as he stared at the tomb stone in front of him. He knelt down, moving the dirt and leaves from the graves marble with his hand, before placing a single red rose on it. „Sorry I havent been arround much.“ He siad, leaning on his heels, wiping his face with the back of his hand . „Things have been crazy lately.“ He sighed „So much had happened, I dont even know where to begin.“ He just poured his soul out, his words carried away by a soft wind blows. He felt relieved after, aching at the heart softening a bit. He kissed his fingers, laying them gently on the surface of the grave before getting up „I promise I'll come more often.“ He stared silently at the tomb for a moment more. „I miss you.“ he said, as another tear rolled down his cheek. „Love you.“ Wiping the tear, he turned, slowly walking away.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Final Space: And Into The Fire Review or Now with 110% More Homoerotic Telepathy
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Welcome  new and old to my first Final Space review! If you’ve never seen the blog before, and given this is the first “new” series i’ve covered as it come out in some time that’s probably quite a few of you, welcome. I’m Jake, I do recaps and reviews of various animated shows and comics, mostly just stuff I want to do, often on comission (5 dollars an episode if theres any episode of the first two seasons of this show or any episode of any other show you’d like tos ee me cover), or for my patreon patreon.com/popculturebuffet. And it is my utmost honor to add this show to my rotating roster of shows I cover as they come out. 
I friggin love Final Space. I was intrigued by it back when TBS released the animatics alongside Close Enough (Wth the two shows ironically finally together on HBO max as of earlier this month), for their doomed block. I heard a lot of good things about season 1.. and let it get away from me, not watching it till Season 2. But both seasons had more than enough to pull me in with intriguging characters, even greater jokes and a truly unique idea for a premise involving giant monsters, an edltrich god and lots of cookies. 
So while it took an extra year given Covid, I’m super friggin pumped to get into season 3 at long last after the hell of a cliffhanger, especially since ironically last night I saw Steven Yeun’s oscar nominated performance in “Minari”. Now i get to watch him play a cat teenager again too.. and in a few days Mark friggin Grayson. It’s a good week to be a fan of his is what i’m saying and a good week in general. 
Previously on Final Space Yo!: Since it’s been a year and while the series provides  a recap , I’m going to be doing these anyway so:
Our heroes finally got all 5 dimensional keys and freed Bolo, and in the process also freed Avacato from Invictus, the horrifying entity controlling final space. Meanwhile Tribore got Sheryl to stop being a selfish prick and she joined the team trying to be a better mother from now on. But freeing Bolo came at a high cost as Nightfall sacrified herself as the sixth key (KVN was natrually both Gary and Bolo’s first choice, but was inllegible. ) So we ended the season with our heroes entering Final Space and Gary reuniting with Quinn.... while Invictus loomed. So over a year later we finally get some answers so join me under the cut for spoilers, recaps, and homoerotic text ahoy. 
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Something i’m doing since both the roster keeps changing.. and as I correctly guessed from the trailer, and the general tone of the promos for this season, that everyone won’t be all together all season.. or even in one piece.. i’ll be doing a silver age style roll call to let us know who all we have on the Team Squad for the episode Roll Call: Gary, Quinn, Avacato, Little Cato, Ash, Fox, KVN, HUE, AVA, Sheryl, Bolo, and Tribore
So we pick up right where we left off, Gary tearfully reuniting with Quinn, with Quinn wishing he hadn’t come for her, and Gary being Gary naturally having ignored that, and actually been more determined since that made it forbidden which made it extra tempting and him want to extra do it. God I missed this glorious idiot let me tell you. 
So things are quickly interrupted by invictus, who turns out to be a giant flaming head.. thing... and chases them and the crimson light, which has to start speeding with our heroes tethered to the outside, Quinn holding onto Gary. 
So we get one hell of a thrilling chase as the Crimson Light outspeeds the demon head and runs into two titans, but Bolo shows up to take out one, with Mooncake trying his dimension shattering blast thingy on Invictus.. and naturlaly g ven this is the big bad we need to show off how horrying they are, and it does NOTHING. But Gary catches his little buddy so we’re alright. 
Sheryl also shows off her badass bonafieds by LIGHTFOLDING THROUGH A TITAN... granted she still has some parenting skills to learn as “lightfolding while your son is hanging out the back through an edltrich god” really isn’t a motherly thing to do.. but neither is trying to murder your child several times or blaming him for how shitty your life turned out so ANYTHING is a step up for her. 
But.. it’s not enough. While she does manage to kill ONE the Crimson Light is too badly damaged to go on and we get two tragic deaths in one go... The Team Squad is forced to abandon the Crimson Light.. and AVA is too damaged to Upload into HUE. “I’m Sad” “For who?” “For you.. and for us. “ God damn Tom Kenny is amazing. You don’t need me telling you that, but sometimes you need a reminder. 
So our heroes end up on a desolate mystery world, stranded in final space with no ship, no suplies and no hope. The only thing to do now is survivie and hope they can continue the mission at some point. 
Things have not gotten any better, as naturally , our heroes have only found weird cartoon eyed worms that regrow their heads when you bite them off. So while this means unlimited food, it’s also disgusting and Garry hates it. “This may be a head but it tastes like a butt”. Quinn and Tribore are with him and Quinn hasn’t been ready to talk about her experiences trapped in this hellscape and still isn’t but being a good dude, Gary dosen’t push her on it. Though the weird red veiny thing on her arm tells me maybe one of you should speed that up before she explodes or gets cronnenburgy. Just saying. I’ll also say i’m not huge on the one month time skip, as while I feel they probably have a reason for being that specific i’ts a bit TOO long and I question why have that long a period of a jump, not the longest but still long enough for things to happen with nothing changingin that time? Still it’s a minor nitpick in an otherwise fantastic episode so I can let it go, I just don’t get it. 
What we do get is some Gary Corpses dropping and Invictius puppeting them... i’m with gary that is bowel openingly scary. I also do like how despite the FAR more dire circumstances, they still get in the requisite shenanigans this series requires. I’ts not to the network mandated subplot levels where it distracts, but it’s enough to help ease the terror of the situation and isn’t around for situations like the opening where it really SHOULDN’T be. As the series always has when something big happens, the bollocks goes away. Once we’re in between we can get back to literal pissing contests, KVN leading a crowd to their deaths and HUE in a pimp hat like god intended. 
So yeah our heroes have to outrun the horrible horde of Gary’s, though Little Cato catches on something’s wrong as Tribore makes gary cary him as foreshadowing for later and Sends mooncake down to asssit. Our heroes escape.. but a cave in happens.
After the break, Gary wakes up confused with the party now split in two: Gary, Quinn, KVN, Tribore and HUE on one side and Avacato, Ash, Fox, Little Cato and Sheryl on the other. So Gary does the logical thing... and take his shirt off telling Avacato to feel him. 
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I mean I didn’t even ship them before this scene but... Gary claims because of their bond he can telepahtically connect with Avacato. That’s normal Gary shenanigans.. except not only does he shrug off his girlfriend asking why they can’t do that.. but it WORKS. We have a scene of the two telepahtically talking in a wheatfield that is so homerotic I guarantee there only wasn’t the Careless Whisper sax because they couldn’t afford it.. or their saving it for later this season. Look sometimes you don’t ship a ship because you just.. dont’ care that strongly one way or another and sometimes you just need an incredibly gay scene to see the light. Same thing happened with Weblena same thing here. 
Fox also says “that was glorious to watch” same man. That was freaking art. So our heroes split up into three plots. As usual for me
Team Gary: So yeah... Triobore’s pregnant. No way to really softball into that. He’s been pregnant this whole time. So we get a stupid and mildly horrifying gross out sequence with Gary having to look Triobore in teh eyes and Quinn having to “uncork him”. Which is code for ... you know what i’m not going to say it. If you’ve seen the episode you know and if not your better off not visualizing it trust me. Point is this whole sequence is dumb and the worst part of the episode by far. And the series CAN do good gross out. While Olan Rodgers regrets it, the pissing contest was one of the funniest scenes of season 2, and managed to make a gross idea on paper actually pretty damn funny. This.. this is just “Haha males giving birth and tribore’s an asshole”. There’s no joke here just a .. plug. .. gah.. the vomit is rising let me tell you. 
We do get something good out of this nightmare, Tribore’s son who hatches as the army of gary’s dig their way in, Quanstranstro, who rapidly ages into a stylsih spanish speaking adult badass. He is fucking awesome and a great addition to the team and the sheer.. oddity of his birth is wonderful even if the actual birthing was not. Then the climax happens so before that. 
Team Avacato:
Avacato and Co come across a sleeping giant robot cyborg .. thingy. Naturally Fox wakes him up. Little Cato remains not suprised. It occelates between panicking over it’s legs being gone and amenisa and is pretty damn funny. It’s voiced by John Dimagio. But it gets serious as we find out nothing has ever made it out of final space, and things.. change the longer there there. And Quinn’s been there several months if not a year. Whuh oh. This part is much better both due to better jokes and plot advancment.. though again Quanstrano is still fucking amazing. 
Team Bolo: Bolo meanwhile returns and fights a titan, and has mooncake help him rather htan join the others, but looses, hitting the planet with his body.. I mean he might not get back up.. but the impact shatters the caverns and causes an explosion. Everyone but Gary, Quinn, KVN and HUE are MIA, as our remaining party find earth floating overhead. 
Final Thoughts: A decent start to the season. Like I said the whole birthing sequence can die in a fire and reminds me of the terrible comedy subplots adult swim wanted grafted onto two episodes.. but otherwise it’s a tense stark opener that sets up the bleak tone while still keeping the series rediciulous shenanigans in tact. It’s the perfect welcome back after so long. I mean the gay telepathy alone would make it a winner. 
Next Time on This Blog: We dive into a little history with HIsteria. See you at the next rainbow. 
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jungonesworld · 3 years
Part 2
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"Where were you?!" Jake shouted as you came back. You and Heeseung fell asleep and woke up around 9am. Heeseung then had to take you back home because he noticed that you were shaking whole night. In the morning, you were sneezing and Heeseung was scared that you're maybe sick. And he felt like it was his fault. "I found her in forest just few minutes before I called you," Heeseung said and you felt how your heart was breaking. "Hey! Hee-," you started but Heeseung stopped you. "I asked her if she doesnt wanna visit you in work, more like surprise for you. I told her where we'll meet and I also told her to wait there for me...but i forgot about her. Then I realised she's maybe still there so i ran there and I found her there shaking and sneezing." You wanted to kill Heeseung but after this, you just couldn't. You understood that he wanna keep your relationship private. "Oh, Heeseung, thanks but on the other hand...how could you forget about her?!" Jake was angry but you stopped his anger by sentence: "Jake, I need cuddles."
The next day, you and Heeseung decided to go on date, much better date. He checked weather carefully before asking you out. Really carefully. "So, as I read, it's about to rain from 6pm to 7pm. So if we go out now, we can be back home half an hour before it'll start to rain, hm?" Heeseung asked and you were looking at him so confused. "Um, yeah, I think so," you said and smiled. You were glad that there's person, which cares about you. That's something that haven't happened since you're with Jake but now you finally know the feeling of someone caring about you. "Um and where are we going?" you asked and Heeseung stopped. "Um, haha, that's little bit embarrassing since I dont know," he said and laughed. You also laughed but started to think. Where can you two go, where Jake or anyone else who knows about your and Jake's relationship, won't see you? You got it! "I know where," you said and took Heeseung by his hand to place no one else, except you and Jake, know about.
"Wow!" Heeseung said and you just smiled. You took him to same place where Jake took you for your first date. It was wooden bridge in the treetops. "Further is also something like playground but I wanted to have romantic date. And that's place where Jake took me for first date," you felt like it was mistake to mention Jake and your first date in this place, but Heeseung didnt mind it. "Oh, that's...great." That's all he said. "I-I'm sorry if it hurt you or anything. I just dont wanna hide anything from you," you tried to make it look like an apology. But reality was that you just wanted excuse for staying in this place and remember your memories with Jake. But, why? You haven't felt love to Jake anymore or...did you? Well, you didnt know what's happening with you. "No, no, Y/n. That's okay, I understand you. In the end, it's my fault that I cared more about weather than about our date," Heeseung said and you felt bad for how you acted. What if your actions hurt him? 'I hope it didn't,' you told yourself and tried to believe in it. "So, um, let's talk about something else. How was your day?" you asked and stepped on first stair to bridge. As you were going up, you started to feel weak. Your legs started to shake and you were breathing heavily. You fainted but, luckily, Heeseung caught you.
"Where am I?" you asked as you woke up in hospital. You sat and turned around to look for someone. But as you turned, you haven't noticed injection in your arm."Ouch." "Oh, Y/n!" Doors opened and someone hugged you. You knew whose perfume you smelled. It was Jake. "I was so worried about you. Do you feel better? Are you okay? Arent you gonna die? Oh, please no, what am I going I do without my angel. I just wanna say that I lo-," you stopped him by kiss. He was unbelievably worried, that's not Jake you knew for years. That's someone better. Much better. "Yes. Yes. No. I'm not gonna die. And I love you too, baby," you answered and you could see how stone fell of off his heart. How could you agree to date Heeseung when you have the best boyfriend ever? You felt like the only right thing is to break up with Heeseung and tell Jake about it but ask him to forgive you. Maybe he just noticed how you and Heeseung are close and he doesn't want to lost you. Maybe.
After Jake left hospital for work, you called Heeseung. You wanted to break up. And you were sure about it. You heard someone knocking on door. "Come in," you shouted and Heeseung walked there. He already knew what you wanted to do since you told him that Jake was here and was worried. "So, you wanna do it now or when?" Heeseung asked and you told him only one word: "Now." Heeseung looked so sad but then laughed. "Hey, why are you laughing?" you were confused. You two just broke up. "Sorry, sorry...I just...I knew our relationship won't last for long. And I laughed because of how you said that. It's just break up, nothing else." You were mad. So he just played with your heart. And you risked your relationship with Jake for him. "Leave," you couldn't stand him for even just a second. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didnt mean to-." "Leave!" You shouted and his smile dropped. He was sad. But he listened to you and left. Unluckily, as he opened door, you saw Jake. How much he heard? He maybe didnt understand that you just broke with boy you were cheating with on him. Or maybe he did? "Jake!" you sat and tried to stand up to run to Jake. You successfully stood up but...running to Jake? Um, no. You still felt extremely weak. But you moved. One step, second step. "No, Y/n, sit down, please," Jake came to you and helped you sit back on your bed. "Jake, I'm so sorry, I'm stupid bi-," you started to cry but he just kissed you. "I knew you're maybe cheating on me since it was weird to me that you were always out and that you were so close to Heeseung...suddenly. But I dont judge you. I'm not perfect and I realised that I was bad boyfriend but I'm trying my best to change. Can you forgive me please?" You haven't expected this even in the best dream. "I...babe, there's nothing to forgive you but I am the one who should ask if you'll forgive me." "Angel, I need you in my life. Wanna try it again?" You started to cry again but from happiness. You couldn't be happier. Jake hugged you so tight and you both fell asleep.
"Hey! Where are you going?! You're scared?!" someone shouted and you woke up. You saw Heeseung with flowers in his hand and Jake shouting at him. Jake was mad and Heeseung looked confused. "Jake, it's not how it looks like. Otherwise, YOUR girlfriend woke up," Heeseung said and pointed at you. As Jake was looking at you, Heeseung just put flowers on your bed and left. "W-what happened?" "Angel, he came here to give you flowers. I-i dont wanna lost you. That's why I was mad. He always use his handsome appearance and height for getting girls but I dont want him to get my girlfriend again," Jake said and you noticed tear falling down of his cheek. "Babe...He won't get me back. I'm with you, he needs to understand it," you tried to make Jake sure. It hurt you seeing him crying since it has never happened before. "I love you," you told him quietly and kissed him on his forehead. He smiled and answered: "I love you too, princess."
The other day, you could go back home. You were sad, that Jake hasn't told you he will come for you so you called Heeseung. Of course, it was mistake. Big mistake.
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absorbing-guys · 4 years
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"So what you trying to tell me eh" the biker guy asked
"Where did my boyfriend go, and why do you look so young now" you asked
"Oh lets just say your boyfriend worked a treat with my body, I was a 31 year old man before I absorbed him into my body, as each part of his youth flowed through me, I rejuvenated myself and became younger, I even gained some of his cute looks, now question is what to do with you " he said
"Please just let me go" you pleaded
"Why should I do that, besides I can hear your boyfriend moaning in pleasure now he is part of a worthier man of his youth" he said
"Let him go" you demanded, unhappy that your boyfriend was now part of this man.
It had only been 10 minutes before, your boyfriend who was 19 had popped outside the local bar when you saw him talking to this guy in bike leathers, you knew your boyfriend had always has a fetish for guys in leather, but then saw them briefly disappear out of sight, you moved out the bar but couldn't see them, a few minutes later you had heard a pleasurable moan followed by a brief scream then it all went quiet. A few minutes passed before you saw this guy, stood there, he appeared to be the same guy, however looked so much younger, he even had your boyfriends hair style and some of his facial structure, so you confronted him.
"Dont worry, you have one of two options available to you" he said grinning away
"And they are" you asked
"Well now I'm younger and have embodied your boyfriend into mine, I could be your new boyfriend as long as you dont say anything" he replied
"And the other option" you asked
"Joining your boyfriend, either way it's a win win for me, you either have me as your new domineering boyfriend or you spend the rest of eternity as a part of me munchkin" he replied
You were taken aback for a minute, there was only one person who called you munchkin and that was your boyfriend Liam, you were now unsure whether he had Liam's memories available to him or not
"Dont call me that" you said
"Why not, you've always loved me calling you that" said the guy
"But you haven't, only my boyfriend does, and you ain't my boyfriend" you said
"But I am your boyfriend, seriously Chris, I dont know what was going through my head, I followed this guy called Jake when I went out, we got chatting about bikes etcetera, then next minute, hes undoing his jacket and then I feel my body being sucked inside of his, it hurt for a minute then suddenly I felt my own body merged into his, then suddenly I could move, I looked down at myself and saw I was stood in his leathers, and was shocked, I was him, but I looked in the shop window and saw his face change, it gained my hair and it restructured gaining my looks as well as his, and I felt older than myself but younger than him, i guess I'm about 22 now" said this guy
"But how" you asked
"I dunno, guess he bit off more than he chew with me, he was still in here, but guess I became the dominant person so gained this new form of us, come on babe, you know I always like leather, and this is a dream come true, let go back to his and take my new cock for a test drive" he replied
"So if you are Liam then you would know the answer to this question " you said
"Sure what is it" he asked
"Why pull of the pretence you were gone" you asked
"He was still here, but as he spoke to you, I took over babe" he replied "anything else"
"So where did we go for our first date" you asked
"Easy, I took you to the field and we had some food, some drink and ended up kissing like crazy, I was wearing a pair of converse hi tops, cargo shorts and a olive coloured vest" he replied
That was the correct answer
"So what did your parents say about me the first time you brought me home" you asked
"How nice a guy you were, seriously babe, I am your boyfriend, just remodelled into what before you, I feel for this guy though, he lost his life to a horny teenager like me" replied Liam
"Ok babe, gotta say one thing, you do look hot in those leathers" you said
"Oh I know, he has more indoors, gonna enjoy this new life I must admit, just wonder what my parents will say when they realise I've aged 3 years and grown some muscle" said Liam
"Let not worry about that yet" you said
"Cool let go back to his, we can take his bike there, who knows, if anyone tries to hurt you, they will find themselves having a one way trip into my body" said Liam
"I love it when you get protective over me" you said
You went off, without a worry that your boyfriend was now older and bigger but he was still the same protective Liam that he always had been, now he had more talents and you were going to use them to your advantage
To be continued ....
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