#jake pentecost my beloved
jedi-kat-18 · 1 year
ANOTHER: can you expand on the thought Stacker wanted his kids away from the front lines? Because Jake was going to be a jaeger pilot, was already training with his co-pilot, which is further than mako went. Do you think Jake's story about Stacker saying he didn't deserve to be in a jaeger is in character? Cuz I always thought, seeing how he told Mako that *he* was the one at fault for putting her in a jaeger, it was an ooc thing to say but I'd love to hear how u interpret it?
I'll be honest, I Do Not Vibe with that part of Uprising. I agree with you that it seems out of character for Stacker, so I have a different idea for what went down, and why Jake left the PPDC. Pentecost may not have been eager for his kids to join the fighting, but they both really, really, really wanted to be Jaeger pilots. So he let them join the Academy. Their training went well, for the most part. They were a great team, and everybody was sure they'd be full Jaeger pilots in no time. And then came their first Drift. It went bad. Really bad. Mako chased the RABIT, Jake tried to pilot the Jaeger without her, and they both had to be pulled out of the Drift. After the incident, Mako tried even harder to prove herself, but Jake decided he never wanted to get in a Jaeger again and quit the PPDC<
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synthapostate · 5 months
Pacific Rim Anniversary Time again! One year ago today, my beloved wife rented Pacific Rim: Uprising for me and we watched it together. And it was fine! The writing was shaky. The directing was subpar. It’s not the sequel anyone was hoping for. But in all honesty, we were never going to get that movie. Which is okay. That’s what fanfic is for.
And speaking of fanfic, Uprising gave us so many opportunities to exercise our creativity.
Charlie Day and Burn Gorman acted the hell out of every scene they were in, and Newt’s fate is heartbreaking. It’s left unresolved - clearly that would have been a plotline in the third movie, but since that never happened, we get to write it ourselves. Who could resist a Newton Geiszler Recovery Arc? Delicious angst. Loneliness. Desperation. Closed-off, prickly Hermann Gottlieb laying himself bare to save the man he loves. Newt believing he’s not worth saving after all this, only to be shown he’s wrong. Canon breaks them, and we get to heal them. That’s a beautiful thing.
Jake Pentecost! John Boyega’s charisma goes a long way toward fleshing out his character, and he’s a lot of fun to watch. There are criticisms to be had about what his situation retroactively says about his father, but we already knew that Stacker Pentecost wasn’t perfect, and his flaws included stubbornness and temper. It’s important to engage with the fact that even a hero can fail to be what someone needs them to be.
Also, polyamory. It’s a shame that Nate and Jules between them don’t have two personality traits to rub together, but since the love triangle was pointedly not resolved, I get to write them as a functional offscreen ot3, and that makes me happy. Considering the rampant biphobia in fandom spaces, I’m tempted to bring them into something or other as major players just because. I love bisexuals. <3
Amara! I don’t know, I just like her. The actress was great, her developing found family relationship with Jake was sweet, and there’s a lot to be done with her.
Vik! The film suffers from having too many minor characters, but Vik stands out from the crowd of mostly forgettable cadets. Her chemistry with Amara really shines, and I love a good enemies to friends (to lovers?) arc.
In conclusion, PRU was not by any stretch of the imagination a great movie, but I don’t think it deserves quite as much hate as it gets. Its better parts are there for the taking, and the parts that fail are opportunities for us to improve on, which is everything a fan creator can ask for. And for better or worse, it has shaped the Pacific Rim fandom as it is today. And I love this fandom.
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🎤 QUICK! tell me about the last movie you watched!
Oh hi there!
Last movie I watched was the sequel to Pacific Rim, which was Pacific Rim: Uprising! Set several years (10?) after the original, follows Jake (Pentecost's son, reckless party dude turned leader), Amara (young girl, the epitome of "smol and full of rage," brilliant kid who built her own jaeger), and a whole cast of new characters, while also updating us on the fabulous Newt and Hermann from the original movie. (Mako is also in it a bit, but doesn't have a much of a storyline as those two.)
Don't want to spoil too much, but there's lots of friendship, lots of angst, and a really lovely snowball fight.
Generally the less popular of the Pacific Rim movies, also now my BELOVED movie. So.
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roombagreyjoy · 5 years
LES MIS and Pacific Rim for the fandom ask challenge, please!!! (You know what I mean.)
This is probably gonna be a long one so, answer’s under the cut:
The first character I ever fell in love with: Jean Valjean. He’s just too good for this world.
A character that I used to love/like, but now do not: I don’t think I have one, so...
A ship that I used to love/like, but now do not: I don’t have one either, but for this one I’m going with the Santa from the 2012 movie x Whoever he was having sex with.
My ultimate favorite character™: GRANTAIRE!
Prettiest character: We all know it’s Enjolras, there’s no point in arguing.
My most hated character: The Santa.
My OTP: Enjolras/Grantaire.
My NOTP: Santa x Unnamed lady who was fucking him.
Favorite episode version: The brick but the English pocket version that I own (I’m not sure which edition it is because I didn’t bring it with me, it’s at my parents’ oops).
Saddest death: ASDFGHJKL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM but if I had to pick one, Gavroche’s.
Favorite season: -
Least favorite season: -
Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: I don’t think I “hate” anyone, because hate is counterproductive.
My ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: DID I HEAR SOMEBODY SAY GRANTAIRE? LET’S HEAR IT FOR R.
My ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Cosette, obviously.
My ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but I still love it’ ship: Don’t have one I think.
My ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship: Enjonine.
The first character I ever fell in love with: Can I get a heck yes for my beloved PhD(6) Dr. Newton Geiszler.
A character that I used to love/like, but now do not: Raleigh Becket because where the fuck where you during PRU BOY. No, I’m just kidding, I’d die for him.
A ship that I used to love/like, but now do not: Oof, I don’t know. I’m very consistent with my shipping.
My ultimate favorite character™: DID YOU NOT HEAR ME SAY HECK YES DOCTOR NEWTON GEISZLER, PHD(6) AND LOCAL KAIJU ENTHUSIAST AND BUSINESS OWNER (it’s a long shot but please someone get my reference I put a good three seconds of thinking to come up with it).
Prettiest character: For me it’s Newt because he really sorta fits into my perfect type of men standard (no one’s surprised huh) but I guess the average person would say either Raleigh or Jake Pentecost (Liwen Shao/Jing Tian is stunning as well).
My most hated character: Otachi. That slut (another far fetched reference oof I’m so sorry I’m into very niche humour).
My OTP: Hermann/Newton of course.
My NOTP: Newton/Sadness.
Favorite episode movie: PACIFIC RIM (by Guillermo del Toro)
Saddest death: MAKO :(
Favorite season: -
Least favorite season: PRUprising (go rot in a hole).
Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: Chuck Hansen apparently (I don’t hate him he’s just a dork and I’m trying very hard to come up with a name so he has to do but he’s alright... sorta).
My ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: I SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE A DOCTOR NEWTON GEISZLER (but only his mother calls him that).
My ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: M A K O M O R I
My ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but I still love it’ ship: Hannibal Chau/Whoever Santiago Segura plays (I just made this up and I hope it’s not a thing or I’m going to lose my marbles).
My ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship: Mako/Raleigh oops sorry.
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jedi-kat-18 · 1 year
OH ALSO do you have any thoughts on what jake's mom would've been like?
not really? I'm not even sure if Jake is Stacker's biological son, or if he's adopted too.
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jedi-kat-18 · 1 year
now that you've pointed it out, I do think its a valid point that Stacker wouldn't have told everybody about his son. questions, though: do you think raleigh would've learned about jake when drifting with mako? it seems like a pretty big thing to hide, seeing as uprising wants us to think Mako and Jake were super close growing up. But I'm interested in hearing ur thoughts :0c
Oh yeah, Raleigh totally knows about Jake. I think a meeting between them would be pretty interesting. Raleigh would have Mako's memories of her childhood with Jake, and at least know him a little bit, but depending on how long he's been out of contact with Mako, Jake might Know very little about Raleigh.
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