#jake birns
lascitasdelashoras · 11 months
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Jack Birns - Orient
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thtupidity · 2 years
So I actually did this a lot faster than expected so uhhh here's the character pages. There were also all the locations until Jan 2021 (or whenever the space station update was) but nothing really of importance.
Anyways here's the core crew's entries, only Jake, Tricky, Fresh, and Yutani had 4 pages unlike the 2 the others got (except for Dino, Boombot, and Miss Maia who all share a single page)
Jake, the first character you meet in subway surfers is the group's leader!
[no speach bubble]
- his grades don't actually reflect his intelligence because he's "too much of a dreamer to focus on schoolwork"
- he constantly wants to go further than everyone else which is why he doesn't turn down challenges and dares (how can this possibly go wrong)
- his need for thrill makes him kinda insensitive towards his friends, he still cares about them and will do risky things for them. Sometimes just for fun.
Tricky, meet the gang's rebel girl— and dance diva!
"I gotta admit, that my ballet training comes in handy when I'm jumping obstacles in the tunnels! But I have to be careful not to twist an ankle — my tracher and my parents would kill me..."
- she can only use her money on things her parents allow her to
- if she gets caught by Ted her parents would make sure she never skates again
- she is a complete perfectionist and takes angles and physics into consideration, and if she can't emulate it perfectly she gets frustrated
Fresh, Fresh was birn in the wrong time: his head is totally in the 1980s
"I live my life by the five elements of hip-hop: MC'ing, DJing, breakdancing, graffiti and education! Okay and skating. Is there room for a sixth element? Who decides this stuff?"
- there isn't much that we already know i.e just saying "he loves the 80s" over and over again and his paragraphs are short. Justice for my boy.
- "Fresh is the most levelheaded of the gang — good at defusing arguments and keeping them all together. He thinks before he speaks, which is kore than you can say for Jake!" ...damnnn
- He feels as if his family is stifling sometimes, so he likes being able to get away from them.
Spike, keeping it real!
[no speach bubble]
- Spike is pointed out to have his fashion more closer to the 70s compared to everyone else's 80s vibe. So food for my "Spike is older" headcanon yum yum
- His boots are shit for skating
Yutani, the gang's resident tech genius, whose inventions are out of this world!
"Whatever my home planet is like, I hope it has lower gravity than Earth — imagine the jumps and tricks you could pull off! And it'd hurt less when you fell, too."
- Yutani thinks there is a tech-based solution to any problem
- She thinks she's an alien because of her missing birth records
- Yutani being able to understand the turbine is implied to be related to her alien orgin
- She also sometimes says more than she's supposed to on her streams (let Yutani do the next interactive stream, grill her on information instead)
Lucy, the punk girl of the gang
"Who said goths have to be mopey and depressed? Sure, I hang out in dark tunnels a lot— but I know how to have fun!
- so there isn't anything important just describing her outfits. But them calling her punk and then talking about her being goth is mildly annoying.
Frank, who *is* that guy?
[no speach bubble]
- nothing much (predictably) just making fun of his clothes.
King, who made him king?
"Heavy is the head that wears the crown, that's what they alwayd day. They should try wearing a crown made of paper! Saves a lot of neck strain."
- not a subway surfer, but he hangs around them because he wants to be included in the fun (justice for King)
- His design is based off of a kid on the album "you've come a long way, baby" by Fatboy Slim
Ella, fresher than Fresh!
"That little brother of mine doesn't know real music when he hears it..."
- She likes reggae music over Hip-hop
- that's about it sadly
Ninja, the moonlight shadow! (i love this title)
"I will strike when you least expect it. Not now. Or now. Look, it won't be when you're watching me."
- He still has no canon name
- A lot of talk about ninjas being assassins so I like to take it as their way of saying Ninja has killed and will kill again.
- His Yang outfit could be useful for sneaking around in the snow
Tagbot, the cyber-surfer
"My databanks contain over three million tags in two hundred languages! I can also spell-check your tags, if you like."
- Yutani is the one who built him, and its stated that he's inspired by Jake. Love her still but would like to know her reasoning to this bold choice.
Tasha, bringing good cheer!
"Give me an "S"! Give me a "u"! Give me a "b"! Give me a "w"! Give me a "a"! Give me a "y"! What d'you mean, why? It's today's word hung word! LOOK, I JUST NEED THE "Y" AND I'VE COMPLETED IT!!"
- there isnt actually a lot here, other than like "hah bet you didn't think you'd find someone like her being a subway surfer!" So were moving on. Most of these are like this. (Justice for Tasha)
Zoe, playing dead.
- she's one of those fast zombies which is horrifying
- She's also not very talkative
- She hasn't tried to eat anyone's brain... "yet"
- Again shes implied to have been dead since the 50s
Brody, too cool for school
"I surf anywhere... beaches, subways... its all just boards to me!"
- young lifeguard
- He's posh?? Maybe??
(These all share a page unfortunately)
Dino [no sub title]
"Roar! What else do you expect me to say? Im a dinosaur."
- "maybe its secretly Yutani"
Boombot [no sub title]
"I don't break down when I break-dance!"
- I hope youre hungry. For nothing. (Justice for boombot)
Miss Maia [no sub title]
"People think i'm mysterious because I wear this respirator mask... really, I just want to avoid breathing in paint fumes. It's good sense!"
- I hope youre hungry. For nothing. (Justice for Maia)
Guard and Dog, don't let them catch you!
"This job would be great if it weren't for those kids. I'd never have to do anything! Although them the boss might fire me for doing nothing..."
- Ted's boss reveal when
- Hes always following them around the world. He's the biggest hater in the subway surfers universe no one does it like him.
- Subway company either makes him wear costumes on holidays or he just does it himself
- He dresses up as NYPD, which im pretty sure is a crime to impersonate an officer...
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novumtimes · 4 months
Nicholas Galitzine Kicks Into Gear
ON ADJUSTING TO FAME around his friends: “I felt like, ‘Was I gloating?’ or ‘Was it too self-deprecating?’ It just felt like this impossible task. But then over time, the more comfortable I got in my skin.” SINCE THEN his hot streak has continued, blowing past the limits usually in place for the heartthrob. “It’s been so validating to see and hear people noticing the versatility in my work.” HIS TURN as the psychotic high school quarterback Jeff in the sapphic comedy Bottoms proved to be an unforgettable experience. “We joked, ‘God must hate the gays,’ because we had to deal with locusts, lightning, and torrential storms to finish this brilliant movie. We were bonded for life in the sweltering heat of New Orleans wearing skintight American football uniforms.” Top by Fendi. Throughout: hair products by R+Co; grooming products by YSL Beauty.PHOTOGRAPH BY NICK RILEY BENTHAM; STYLED BY JAKE SAMMIS. IN THE IDEA OF YOU, Galitzine and Hathaway were clear about making the pulpy fanfic serve a purpose. “We both viewed the intimacy as integral to the storyline but not salacious. I think female pleasure has been reduced to the sidelines for so long, and it felt like we were on a mission to really make an important movie for women turning 40 and later on, and just giving women a sense of ownership and empowerment. And that sounds almost silly to say, but that’s where we’ve been. I think as an industry, we have needed to improve upon the implicit misogyny that I think has existed. We just work really well together. I think it’s because we share a lot of valuesand we just really get on.” HIS TRIP to SXSW with The Idea of You was particularly moving. The fans’ enthusiasm left Hathaway in tears. As for Galitzine, “It’s filling me with confidence, a quiet confidence.” GROOMING, CANDICE BIRNS; TAILOR, YELENA TRAVKINA; SET DESIGN, COLIN PHELAN. PRODUCED ON LOCATION BY JN PRODUCTION. NEW HORIZONS II: TYLER MITCHELL. FOR DETAILS, GO TO VF.COM/CREDITS. Source link via The Novum Times
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