#jake and Tara
megameatymatt · 1 month
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Cookies and Cuts - Jake Webber
summary: Jake find's out about Y/N sh
WARNINGS: swearing, SH (self h@rm), Mentions of blood, Mentions of blades, crying, Mentions of su!c!de, angst, panic attack, overthinking??, mention of death, fem!reader.
requested: yup! right here
word count: 1,029
A/N: Feedback, interaction, and requests are appreciated! stay slutty ok bye💋
pink: y/n
red: Jake webber
"Did you buy the chocolate chips?" You say walking into Jake's kitchen. "How could I forget the chocolate chips?" he says taking a bowl out of the cabinet.
Jake had invited you to his place to make cookies while Johnnie and Carrington were out doing whatever the fuck they were doing. You and Jake have been dating for the past 4 and a half months now.
But no matter how many times he's said he loves you, you're always too scared to get close to him. scared that he might find out about the cuts on your arms, thighs, and anywhere else. You've never brought it up to anyone. Not Jake, not Carrington, nobody.
You hated your scars, they made you feel ugly. but you couldn't stop. cutting became somewhat of an addiction, Your only way to cope. It started with just a way to deal with stress, but now, even a minor inconvenience could send you back to the blades, the blood, and the bandages.
Sometimes, you would look at other girls and wish you could swap bodies. You'd take their clean arms and thighs, and you could give them yours. At least they'd have enough confidence to show their scars and not hide under hoodies and long pants.
"Brown sugar?" you say scrolling on your phone as you read through the recipe. "Yup, up here". He walks over and swings the cabinet door open. As you raise your hand up to reach for the sugar, your sleeve rolls up a bit.
You quickly grab the sugar and put your arm back down. But it was too late, Jake had already seen the red cuts that drew across your wrist. You weren't completely sure if he saw it or not, but you avoided his gaze, hoping he wouldn't say anything.
And he didn't. He watches you grab milk from the fridge. As you finally set everything up on the table you gain the courage to finally face Jake. He's still by the cabinet, frozen. "Jake? Are you okay?" You already know what he saw, but you're still trying to play it off.
"Uhm, yeah. I'm fine, just zoned out" He's lying through his teeth. You're not mad he tried to brush it off, you're just scared he won't love you anymore. "Great, let's make cookies!" you say forcing your face into a smile. He smiles back, but his mind is elsewhere, you take a deep breath and start prepping the ingredients.
"I still can't believe you burnt a whole tray of cookies, what a waste!" You say climbing into Jake's bed. "I was a bit distracted okay?" he says pulling the sheets over the two of you. "Yeah, whatever." You say, rolling your eyes.
You've been trying to ignore the situation, but it's been hard. He just went silent, he wasn't cracking jokes or being stupid, he was too scared to even get close to you. You wanted to curl up in a ball and die. You couldn't take it anymore
You pull out your phone and scroll through Instagram. "Hey Y/N?" You turn to face him, His head down fidgeting with his fingers. Then he looks up. "A-, are you okay?" He says staring into your eyes. Your heart drops into your stomach. "Yeah, Yeah i-im good" "You sure?" "Yeah, why are you asking?" He reaches for your arm and rolls your sleeve up to your elbow. His eyes grow wide when he sees your scars, Old and new scattered across your forearm. You quickly snatch your arm away from him and your gaze falls into your lap. Tears threaten to roll down your cheeks and your hands start shaking.
I Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. He hates me. What am i doing here? He can't love a girl like me. Why am I like this?
You drown in your thoughts for what feels like forever, then you hear his voice. "Why?" He sounds like he's holding back tears, his voice cracking. But you can't look at him, you don't want to see what you've done, how you've hurt him. You quickly shake your head, tears streaming down your cheeks. You don't know what to say, where you should start, or if you should even speak at all. Your breathing starts getting faster and he quickly shuffles beside you and holds you. "It's okay, you're fine, just breathe Y/N. In and out, you'll be fine, you'll be just fine"
You've been calm for a while now, but you still haven't said a word. Neither has Jake, he just sat there, pressing your back against his chest. "Why'd you do it? Cause of me? How can I help you get better?" You only knew the answer to one of those questions "No, never because of you. I love you" You choke out. "So what, why'd you do it." He keeps asking you "why", but not even you know the answer to that question. "I don- I don't know, Jake."
You want to cry again, but you hold back. "I-I guess it was a-a way of coping? With l-like stress, and my thoughts." Jake's crying again but you can't bring yourself to look at him. "What are your 'thoughts'?" he says wiping tears off his cheeks. What aren't your thoughts? You shrug your shoulders and Jake asks another question.
"Why'd you never tell me? Have you ever tried to, um, attempt?" Jake struggled and hesitated to get his question out. You knew you didn't have to answer it if you didn't want to. But you did answer it. Talking about it out loud to someone was starting to help you piece your thoughts together. "Scared" you reply bluntly.
"Scared to die? or scared to tell me?" You choke up, failing to hold back your tears. "B-both". He slowly nods to himself trying to understand.
"Do you still wanna talk about this?" He asks worried he might be making you uncomfortable. "Do you wanna know anything else?" you say. "Will you quit?" The question immediately brings you to tears. "It's ok baby, I'm here for you. You're not alone. I wanna help you, i still love you."
tags: @zumarockkkkkkkkk @loveyouuuuuuuuuuuu1 @sturnobsessedwh0re
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bradywtf · 6 months
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he’s so majestic
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tastesousweet · 4 months
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ooooo big day for annoying ppl!!!!
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jackmustcry · 3 months
hating on Jake Webber for not fitting into the mold you think he should be in is JOBLESS BEHAVIOR
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wtpdhoe · 6 months
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still not used to this
the fuck
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chocotacoshawtybae · 6 months
and suddenly i’m his teacher😻😻😻😻
edit of the day 😼😼
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theatrekidsstuff · 9 months
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Silly doodles!!!
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samncolbyjj · 1 month
𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙗𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙩𝙨
Johnnie Guilbert
Warnings: -smut (not actual smut cuz i can't write that, but a make out and a skip smut)
|Y/n's Pov|
i was friends with Tara and Jake for years. i have seen everything from that relationship, the ups and downs and i really hope they get together again because if there's a #1 fan of that relationship its me.
A month ago they asked me to meet someone. they said would definitely loose my streak of years being single and that would also help the guy. they said he was my type and i was his type, I don't really think this is gonna work but im tired of being alone so i will give it a try.
Today i was with Johnnie, the guy they asked me to meet, Jake and Tara in Tara's house. Tara's going to have a party tomorrow and today we would have a party only to ourselves. just so we can get drunk and do funny stuff together without interruptions.
"so where's the alcohol?" Jake asked and Johnnie grabbed a bottle of alcohol and put it on the tiny table in the living room. We are sitting in the couch facing the TV.
"So now what are we supposed to do?" I asked trying to get someone to have a ideia for something to do with the alcohol. "Q & a? If you don't answer you drink?" Johnnie said and i nodded approving the idea. Jake and Tara also agreed and we made a on social media asking for questions.
We put the camera facing us and grabbed shot glasses (i hope this is what it's called) and started recording. "Hello bitches!!" I said and Jake followed explaining what we were gonna do today. "So today we're here to do a Q & a, we made some posts in different social media to get more attention asking for questions and now were gonna read them"
"And if we don't answer we drink!!!" Tara said excitingly. "Okay let's start!" Johnnie grabbed his phone and started reading. "okay first one, Jake and Tara, you guys know Y/n for years, why didn't you introduce her to Johnnie sooner?"
"For them to not plan a suicide together." Jake said joking and Tara bursts laughing. Me and Johnnie just looked at them with a "are you serious?" Face. "Okay, now seriously, ot just never seemed to be the perfect time for them to meet, but then me and Tara gave up on finding the perfect time and just called Y/n over to meet him."
*Your turn to read Y/n" i grabbed my phone and started reading. "For Jake, do you have a crush on Johnnie? Okay wait what the fuck?" I said confused and tried not to laugh. "I do, he's the most hot emo in the world." Me and Tara start laughing like hell. "Of course i am." Johnnie said. "Jake you're gonna end up killing us from laughing so hard, just answer and stop being gay" Tara said still kinda laughing. "Im not gay." Jake said and grabbed the phone.
"This one is for Y/n, do you bring make up with you and every time a bathroom is available you go there and fix it?" Jake asked and Tara started to get annoyed. " You guys aren't picking Risky questions cmon, in my turn imma pick a very risky one"
I giggled at Tara's words. "I do, I can't be seen without make up, not even in the beach or pool, that's why my make up is waterproof" Tara quickly grabbed the phone and started looking for a good question, after some time she found one.
"Okay this one is for Johnnie, did you ever have a dream where you made out or fucked one of us here?" Johnnie looked down in defeat and started to move his hand towards the bottle and the glass. "Im just gonna drink this thing here." We all started to tease him and Jake started saying it was me, Tara agreeing.
After some questions we were all very drunk, and decided to end the video. "Im going outside for a smoke" i said leaving for the backyard of the house and grabbed a cigarette lighting it up, after some minutes i see Johnnie opening the door to the backyard and coming at my direction.
"Hey" he said kinda drunk, not much though he answered almost everything, i in the other hand am very drunk, i seriously don't know how am i standing rn. "Hi Johnnie, need something?"
"Not really, i just wanted to tell you that it was cool to be having you around, i liked meeting you" i smiled and finished my cigarette (she put the cigarette in those thingy to put it idk the name)
"It is nice to have you around too, thank you." I looked at him and he looked and me, i started to feel butterflies on my stomach, i was confused to why but didn't dare to look away. After some seconds just looking at eachother noticed him getting closer to me and his hand grabbed my chin pulling me closer.
He pressed his lips on mine and grabbed me by the waist. I put my arms around him and suddenly, this simple kiss turned into a make out. He grabbed me and pulled me up to carry me to his bedroom. I put my legs around his waist, still making out and taking breaks to breath.
As we went inside Tara and Jake were sleeping in the couch. We didn't care much about it and went to his room. He opened the door with one hand And put me in the bed. He walked off me and went in the doors direction to lock it.
He then walked back to me and went on top of me. Slowly trailing kissed down my neck. "Are you sure about this? We met a month ago." He said looking up trying to find permission to keep going.
"I am, please Johnnie keep going..." I said pleading for his touch. He moved down to my neck again and started making hickey's and kissing it....
A/n: i had this idea in the middle of the nothing, i hope you liked and please if you did vote! Imma do a part.2 later! Love you guys!!
Questions: -how was your day? Id love to hear about it! -what is you dream trip? -whats yout favourite hit me hard and soft song?
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emotionalvenom · 3 months
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Jake & Tara 🖤
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tofusoon · 2 months
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guys i just realized we should draw our fav characters or ocs like this…
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megameatymatt · 25 days
Read die for me here
im also thinking of renaming it so send me some suggestions😊
ok bye!
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bradywtf · 7 months
johnnie and sugar
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sugar and his uncle
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enha-stan · 1 year
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tryhoney-moved · 9 months
jake and tara forever
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chocotacoshawtybae · 3 months
i love her😻😻🎀🎀
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americasboytoy · 6 months
jake and tara are my roman empire.
they were perfect as their own people but once they were perfect together they wanted to be perfect as their own people again.
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