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i know this blog hasnt been active in like a month and while i cant keep up w it i feel bad for neglecting it and i also love jaime a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot so here
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samwinchesterstan · 11 months
Im gonna be so annoying if winds ever comes out <3
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kingslayerstew · 1 year
I think is time to ask the bigger questions in this fandom: which of these uhhh military groups¿?😅 do you think is the n°1?
Night Watch: Completely black clothes helloo, something something wildlings and last but not least is literally a place for naughty men.
Kingsguard: Total obedience to 1 man SUS, castration if you cheat on your husband king, nice antithesis of the NW.
Golden Company: Confirmed gay leader with an increase in sadistic fantasies, fame of never having broken a contract==>safe words confirmed!1!1!, also this goes in hand with point 1; safe space for gay men, oh and offers sugar daddies
I think many would choose the NW as winners but personally my ❤ goes to the royal harem
ok i know i love appropriating fujoshi culture and im not immune to a bit of yaoi fanart myself, but youre pitching this to the wrong person like. me personally i do not care abt the amount of gay sex happening in any of these fantasy institutions. this sausage fest porno parody of asoiaf you have conjured in your head might appeal to some people but idk why you came into my inbox w this
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serjaimelannister · 3 years
jon in his first AGoT chapter is soooo close to just choosing monarchs based on their sexiness. like, he sees robert and his thought process is literally “i thought kings were supposed to be hot??? disappointing :///” THEN he sees jaime and all but declares “THIS is what i’m talking about this guy is hot. why is he not king”
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weirdwoodeyes · 3 years
the way j’aime’s story is full of mirrors is so sick because there’s brienne and cersei ofc but also loras and arthur dayne and the smiling knight and whomever jaime saw in ned’s eyes that one day. fellas do you ever dissociate so aggressively from your physical form that you see yourself in everyone else. does the reckoning that you aren’t what you project ever speak with your mother’s voice. what i am saying that his sense of self is so lol feminine like all he does is look at other people and say “am i that? am i doing it right? can i be that? would i do it right?” because somewhere along the line he learned to see everybody except himself in the mirror...........let me stop i should be intoxicated rn
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villainanders · 4 years
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By what right does the wolf judge the lion? By what right?
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alliluyevas · 3 years
This is one of my absolute favorite chapters! Sorry for not getting it up yesterday as I had said, I had to make an emergency target run (in case anyone was eagerly hanging on my every word lol)
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love the detail about Jaime sleeping in one of the little kingsguard bedrooms for the past 18 years. It really drives home something that I’ve thought about a lot with Jaime, and that’s how stagnant and isolated his life has been prior to the beginning of his chapters in ASOS. He has been in the same “job” since he was a young teenager, his only romantic experience is an extremely dysfunctional hidden relationship that’s been pretty much lifelong, he has almost no relationship with his biological children, he has very few friends or social contacts outside of his family. (I think Addam Marbrand is virtually the only person he thinks of as a friend, and he’s known him since he was a little kid, so again there’s just been very little change in his life. Until now.) and consequently Jaime comes off as extremely immature for his chronological age which totally makes sense given what his life has looked like until now.
Love the details about his Kingsguard clothing fitting weirdly on him, and about him quietly watching Tyrion’s trial and speculating that Tyrion either didn’t see him or didn’t recognize him. “I am a stranger in my own house” UGH!!!
Also I definitely want to point out that the men of the Kingsguard refer to themselves as brothers so there’s a kind of symmetry there with the familial language.
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THIS passage is one of my favorites of the whole series, I love it so much. “And me, that boy I was, when did he die, I wonder?” UGH.
Again here’s what I’m talking about with Jaime starting to realize how empty and stagnant his life has been in many respects. And also he doesn’t think as much about this because again like I’ve said before Jaime likes to think of himself as an active agent of his own fate but another thing that’s been a constant of his life in many respects is passivity, being a bystander, letting other people tell him what to do and control his fate (I mean, on some level as a Kingsguard his life is supposed to be about following orders!) and I think his arc in ASOS is a lot about him learning to stand on his own two feet and make his own choices and own his own actions.
And with his reflection on the fight with the Kingswood Brotherhood, I think it’s telling that a lot of the major events of Jaime’s life, both the ones that he’s proud of and the ones that he’s traumatized by, took place when he was a teenager because part of him is still stuck there and I think he’s kind of starting to realize this now, that it’s really messed up that what he perceives as kind of his greatest military victory was something that happened when he was 15, even if he still looks at it nostalgically. I mean, the last thing recorded in the book for him is something that happened when he was 17 and then there’s just nothing for the last half of his life.
As I’m getting into the Kingsguard content, especially thinking about how Jaime is always thinking about how this current Kingsguard doesn’t match up to the one he joined as a boy, I want to cap off this passage by saying that I think Jaime’s continued idealization of Aerys’s Kingsguard is really misguided. It’s understandable, but it’s misguided. I think it is a black mark on the records of all these noble knights that the only person who did anything about Aerys was the literal teenage hostage and also when Jaime tried to voice misgivings about Aerys before that he was basically told to repress his morality and follow orders. Especially with Barristan Selmy seeing as he’s the only other one who’s still alive, I think the fact that he’s totally bought into the villainization of Jaime for killing Aerys is really fucked up. Fascinating, and understandable given his character, but I do think he should get off his high horse with regards to Jaime and I think Jaime’s belief that the other Kingsguard were better or more knightly than him is a flawed one.
Okay Kingsguard time!
Don’t have a lot to comment on with Jaime’s interactions with Boros Blount or Osmund Kettleblack. Did lol at him being like “where the hell did cersei even find this guy” with Kettleblack though.
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get his ass Jaime! Also again like. He is very much acting out of his experience here with Aerys.
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obsessed! Balon Swann is definitely one of the less shady members of the current Kingsguard and I do think that Jaime respects him to a degree, but the sheer awkwardness of “I swear i shall not do as you did” is so sublime. Again I love how the specter of Jaime’s actions during Aerys’s reign just hangs over all of these interactions now, it’s great.
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OBSESSED with this scene. I really do love Jaime and Loras’s interactions but this is just so funny! Jaime “nearly threw hands with a 13 year old” Lannister. Also him thinking about how Tyrion would laugh :(
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oh loras. Baby :(( love how this conversation kind of makes Jaime soften on Loras too.
I’m running out of image space in this post but I love the bit where Jaime is defending Brienne and trying to convince loras she didn’t kill renly. Ugh!
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absolutely love this bit. Perfectly emo but also that last line about Boros is so funny.
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canoeingit · 10 years
Seriously, Jaime...
That's the perfect disguise
You'll blend right in
No one's gonna notice the white guy in Dorne with the golden hand.
Completely inconspicuous 
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samwinchesterstan · 11 months
how come when I look up jaime lannister fancams I just find emo shit or full scenes from the show. I want to see glitter pixels on that man set to slutty little pop songs interspersed with brief scenes of him being bitchy
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daily-jaime-preciado · 2 months
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first jaimepost for this blog YAY
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alliluyevas · 3 years
okay. Jaimeposting time. I have other thoughts about other characters but I’m gonna skip around thematically.
putting the rest of this under a cut because it’s long as hell but it’s basically me closereading Jaime’s return to King’s Landing. the white book chapter will be up next after I eat lunch
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this is fascinating because I hadn’t quite recalled that Jaime is already starting to be angry at Cersei before he even reunites with him, and part of that is just that he’s changed and he’s starting to see her in a different light before she even has a chance to react (poorly) to the way he’s changed. also Jaime has really had two main fixations in his life and they’ve been Cersei and his knighthood and he doesn’t like her getting involved in his kingsguard duties. Also I think there’s an element of resentment there that’s coming out of Joffrey’s death and specifically the fact that he has never had a relationship with his own children and I think he’s starting to realize that that’s a problem for him. Note the my son/our son thing. It’s interesting because on one level I think Cersei is very glad that her kids are Jaime’s (and that they are not Robert’s) but she doesn’t really see them as like Jaime’s children in the way that they are her children, which is tied in to the fact that I honestly don’t think she really processes that Jaime has independent agency.
I’m skipping over the sex scene because every time I read it it takes about a year off of my life so that’s that on that. I had actually forgotten how like viscerally disturbing that scene is. Moving on!
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Obsessed with the fact that Tywin is just chill as a fucking cucumber until Jaime shows off his hand and then he is possibly more shook than we’ve ever seen him, but he STILL doesn’t like go to Jaime or comfort him or anything. Also dude Catelyn is DEAD what are you gonna do, kill her again?
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absolutely HEADASS behavior from Tywin here how well do you THINK he can fight with his left hand??? “So you’re not like...DISABLED disabled right” clownery. And Jaime straight up lying to him :/
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fascinated by the idea that Tywin wants Tommen (who with Joffrey’s death is THE LITERAL KING) to squire at the rock with Jaime. Is he just planning to warehouse Tommen until he’s of age and properly Lannister and rule the kingdom himself in the meantime?
the ending of this chapter is like genuinely scary, I find Tywin absolutely terrifying especially in terms of how he interacts with his children. I think it’s fascinating how the moment Golden Child Jaime stands up for himself and says no to his father for what is possibly the first time in his life, he pretty much instantly gets disowned, and also that he’s not expecting it, and part of that is because he HAS been the number one boy to borrow a phrase from Succcession, both his siblings would know to expect retribution for speaking like this. I mean, on some level Jaime knows too because there’s a reason he hasn’t told Tywin no before but. Yeah.
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canoeingit · 10 years
I just saw a post referring to Brienne as Jaime's "Virginal Savior" and another calling her "his proper virginal pure companion" in response to ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO CALL CERSEI AN EVIL VAGINA
all these hundreds of people who just call cersei an evil vagina on a daily basis.
So that's enough of the jaime lannister tag tonight
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canoeingit · 10 years
But what if Cersei still sends Jaime the letter while he's in Dorne and since it's too hot for a fire Jaime tries to get rid of it like
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canoeingit · 10 years
If it's any consolation guys, from what I've seen, Book Cersei fans and JCShippers are just as pissed as we are.
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canoeingit · 10 years
D&D: Well it says here in the book that Jaime does and morally believes in this. Sooooo LETS DO THE OPPOSITE!
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canoeingit · 10 years
If Jaime gets to Dorne via ship from the capital and lands in planky town ....
that means he had to pass Tarth. -smirk-
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Just sayin...(okay really I'm coming up with stupid reasons why this isn't a horrible stupid decision if it happens.) 
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