#jai ashok mahtani dentist
jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr.Jai Ashok mahtani, Nigeria- Root Canal Treatment
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Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Root canal treatment (endodontics) is a dental procedure used to treat infection at the centre of a tooth. Root canal treatment is not painful and can save a tooth that might otherwise have to be removed completely.
Why it's needed
The infection at the centre of a tooth (the root canal) is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth and invade the tooth.
This can happen after:
tooth decay
leaky fillings
damage to teeth as a result of trauma, such as a fall
Tooth structure 
A tooth is made up of 2 parts. The crown is the top part of the tooth that's visible in the mouth.
The root extends into the bone of the jaw, anchoring the tooth in position.
Teeth also consist of:
enamel – the hard outer coating
dentine – a softer material that supports the enamel and forms most of the tooth 
cementum – a hard material that coats the root's surface
dental pulp – the soft tissue at the centre of the tooth
The root canal system contains the dental pulp and extends from the crown of the tooth to the end of the root.
A single tooth can have more than 1 root canal.
When root canal treatment is needed
Root canal treatment is only required when dental X-rays show that the pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection.
The pulp will begin to die if it's infected by bacteria, allowing the bacteria to then multiply and spread.
The symptoms of a pulp infection include:
pain when eating or drinking hot or cold food and drink
pain when biting or chewing
a loose tooth
As the infection progresses, these symptoms often disappear as the pulp dies.
Your tooth then appears to have healed, but the infection has in fact spread through the root canal system.
You eventually get further symptoms such as:
pain when biting or chewing returning
swelling of the gum near the affected tooth
pus oozing from the affected tooth
facial swelling
the tooth becoming a darker colour
It's important to see your dentist if you develop toothache. If your tooth is infected, the pulp cannot heal by itself.
Leaving the infected tooth in your mouth may make it worse.
There may also be less chance of the root canal treatment working if the infection within your tooth becomes established.
Antibiotics, a medicine to treat bacterial infections, are not effective in treating root canal infections.
How root canal treatment is done
To treat the infection in the root canal, the bacteria need to be removed.
This can be done by either:
removing the bacteria from the root canal system (root canal treatment)
removing the tooth (extraction)
But removing the tooth is not usually recommended as it's better to keep as many of your natural teeth as possible.
After the bacteria have been removed, the root canal is filled and the tooth sealed with a filling or crown.
In most cases the inflamed tissue near the tooth will heal naturally.
Before having root canal treatment, you'll usually be given a local anaesthetic.
This means the procedure should be painless and no more unpleasant than having a filling.
Root canal treatment is usually successful. In about 9 out of 10 cases a tooth can survive for up to 10 years after root canal treatment.
Find out how root canal treatment is done
Recovering from root canal treatment
It's important to look after your teeth when recovering from root canal treatment.
You should avoid biting on hard foods until your treatment is complete.
After your final treatment, your restored tooth should no longer be painful, although it may feel sensitive for a few days.
You can take over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, to relieve any discomfort.
Return to your dentist if you still have pain or swelling after using painkillers.
In most cases it's possible to prevent the need for further root canal treatment by:
keeping your teeth clean 
not eating too much sugary food
giving up smoking if you smoke
About Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria
Jai Ashok Mahtani is a Dentist having 25 years of experience in dentistry. His Company develops and manufactures dental solutions focusing on the field of implants and prosthetics. It offers implant systems and prosthetic parts, implant surfaces, surgical instrumentation, and overdenture attachments systems. His Company is present in Nigeria.
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani Nigeria-Teeth Health Tips
Visit:  https://jaiashokmahtani01.wordpress.com/2020/11/23/dr-jai-ashok-mahtani-nigeria-teeth-health-tips/
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
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Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani Nigeria-Teeth Health Tips
Visit: https://jaiashokmahtani19.wixsite.com/jaiashokmahtani19/post/dr-jai-ashok-mahtani-nigeria-teeth-health-tips
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Teeth Whitening
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- As a rule, the common shade of teeth is inside a scope of light grayish-yellow shades. Teeth normally obscure with age and their appearance can be influenced by the gathering of surface stains obtained from the utilization of tobacco items and the utilization of specific nourishments or beverages.
Visit: https://jaiashokmahtani19.wixsite.com/jaiashokmahtani19/post/dr-jai-ashok-mahtani-nigeria-teeth-whitening
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
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Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- 10 ways to keep your teeth healthy!!
Visit: https://jaiashokmahtani01.wordpress.com/2020/11/27/dr-jai-ashok-mahtani-nigeria-10-ways-to-keep-your-teeth-healthy/
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- 10 ways to keep your teeth healthy!!
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Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Teeth are some of the strongest parts of the human body, however, they're plainly not indestructible. A long period of jug cap expulsion, obstinate bundle opening, hard candy crunching, and other dental tricks can prompt huge tooth misfortune, periodontal infection, and tooth rot. Dental specialists and oral hygienists can fix a portion of the harm, yet it's in every case best (and significantly less costly) to set up great oral wellbeing propensities early and stay away from a nearby experience of the upper and lower plate kind. 
There are various tips and deceives that will help keep your teeth and gums as sound as conceivable all through your lifetime, however the way to progress is transforming these goodies of insight into a feasible strategy. An unchecked cavity today can turn into a difficult canker tomorrow. A development of plaque can become periodontal infection, and a mellow instance of gum disease can prompt genuine gum and teeth later.
 Here are some demonstrated ways you can improve the general wellbeing of your teeth and gums without burning up all available resources or giving up a periodic soda, birthday cake, or Halloween Haul. Jai Ashok Mahtani top 10 tips for healthy teeth!! 
1. Don’t go to bed without brushing your teeth
It's a well known fact that the general recommendation is to brush at least two times every day. All things considered, many of us keep on fail to brush our teeth around evening time. However, brushing before bed disposes of the germs and plaque that accumulate for the duration of the day. 
2. Brush properly
The way you brush is equally important — in fact, making a less than impressive display of brushing your teeth is almost as bad as not brushing at all. Take your time, moving the toothbrush in delicate, circular movements to eliminate plaque. Unremoved plaque can harden, leading to calculus development and gum disease (early gum disease). 
3. Don’t neglect your tongue
Plaque can also develop on your tongue. Not exclusively can this lead to bad mouth smell, yet it can lead to other oral health issues. Delicately brush your tongue each time you brush your teeth.
4. Use a fluoride toothpaste
At the point when bacteria in your mouth break down sugar and carbs, they produce acids that eat away at the minerals in your tooth enamel. This deficiency of minerals is called demineralization. Weakened tooth enamel leaves your teeth vulnerable to bacteria that cause cavities. Fluoride serves to remineralize your tooth enamel, which can forestall cavities and opposite early indications of tooth decay.
5. Treat flossing as important as brushing
Clean between your teeth with dental floss, pre threaded flossers, a water flosser, or a similar item. This eliminates plaque and extra food that a toothbrush can't reach. Many of us skip this important advance because it's intrinsically labor escalated, dubious to perform, and can even be somewhat painful. In any case, flossing does without a doubt get into the places a toothbrush can't reach, especially the delicate tissue at the base of the teeth known as "gum pockets." Food can easily get trapped in these spaces, and the outcome is a greater chance of plaque formation. On the off chance that the traditional flossing strategy appears to be intimidating, consider purchasing pre-hung flossers at the pharmacy or an oral irrigator.
6. Don’t let flossing difficulties stop you
Flossing can be troublesome, particularly for little youngsters and more seasoned grown-ups with joint inflammation. As opposed to surrender, search for apparatuses that can assist you with flossing your teeth. Prepared to-utilize dental flossers from the drugstore can have any kind of effect.
7. Consider mouthwash
Promotions cause mouthwash to appear to be fundamental for acceptable oral wellbeing, however numerous individuals skip them since they don't have a clue how they work. As per research, mouthwash helps in three different ways: It diminishes the measure of corrosiveness in the mouth, cleans hard-to-brush regions in and around the gums, and remineralize the teeth. Mouthwashes are valuable as an assistant instrument to help bring things into balance.
8. Drink more water
Water keeps on being the best refreshment for your general health — including oral health. Likewise, as a dependable guideline, drinking water after each feast. This can help wash out a portion of the negative impacts of tacky and acidic nourishments and drinks in the middle of brushes.
9. Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables
Prepared to-eat nourishments are helpful, however maybe less with regards to your teeth. Eating new, crunchy produce contains more solid fiber, but on the other hand it's the most ideal decision for your teeth.
10. Limit sugary and acidic foods
At last, sugar changes over into acid in the mouth, which would then be able to disintegrate the finish of your teeth. These acids are what lead to cavities. Acidic organic products, teas, and espresso can likewise wear out tooth finish. While you don't really need to maintain a strategic distance from such nourishments inside and out, it doesn't damage to be careful.
About Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria
Jai Ashok Mahtani Nigeria is a person who is avid about fitness and lifestyle and loves blogging about daily life. He has interests ranging from music to health to lifestyle. Jai Mahtani’s Company develops and manufactures dental solutions focusing on the field of implants and prosthetics. It offers implant systems and prosthetic parts, implant surfaces, surgical instrumentation, and overdenture attachments systems. 
More Blogs:
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Root Canal Treatment
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Teeth Whitening
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani Nigeria-Teeth Health Tips
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Tooth Decay/Cavities Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
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Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Tooth Decay/Cavities Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors
Visit: https://jaiashokmahtani19.wixsite.com/jaiashokmahtani19/post/dr-jai-ashok-mahtani-nigeria-tooth-decay-cavities-symptoms-causes-and-risk-factors
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani Nigeria-Teeth Health Tips
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Jai Ashok Mahtani Nigeria- Problems occur daily in our lives but we either dismiss them or don’t even realize a health problem has manifested in our bodies. Toothaches and plaque can cause not only severe pain but also serious health problems down the line.
It is essential to pay attention to the health of our teeth! Teeth are our pride and due to the chemical-filled eating habits of today, it is very easy for us to lose them even in our prime age! 
So in today’s dental fitness blog by Jai Mahtani Nigeria, we will talk about basic dental health tips and what a good dental regime should consist of.
Use Fluoride Toothpaste
A Fluoride based toothpaste is the best option to get a good brushing session. With kinds of toothpaste that contain fluoride, the teeth get cleaned up greater than others as fluoride as an element is the most reactive of the periodic table. A small amount of fluoride toothpaste can work wonders on your teeth.
Look for the Green Strip
Ever wondered what the colored stripes on the ends of a toothpaste tube mean? Different strips on tubes of toothpaste indicate different meanings.
A green stripe indicates that all ingredients in the tube are natural or nature-based.
A black stripe indicates that all ingredients of the toothpaste are man made or pure chemicals
A blue stripe means the ingredients are both natural and medicinal.
A Red stripe means the toothpaste consists of natural as well as chemical elements.
That’s why most cheap kinds of toothpaste are composed entirely of chemicals, and hence have the black strips attached to their ends. It is recommended to get a natural ingredient based toothpaste as they tend to be softer on your teeth, while chemical-based kinds of toothpaste tend to be harsh.
So next time you are out for grocery shopping, be sure to check out whether your toothpaste brand is full of chemicals or nature!
Go Natural
There are many natural alternatives to toothpaste and other teeth cleaning products. The Indian Neem and many other plants that are the main ingredient in organic toothpaste and cleaning products are beneficial for those that are sensitive to chemicals. Natural ingredient based tooth care is the best option for people with soft teeth and sensitive mouths.
This is a practice that many people take lightly. Flossing is a very important aspect of tooth care, so much so that doctors have a saying that goes something like: “If you want your teeth to live with you till your deathbed, then only should you floss. Otherwise, it is not necessary.”
Flossing helps in cleaning up plaque as well as minuscule particles stuck in between your teeth, which greatly increases your teeth’s lifetime. Flossing twice a day is the recommended amount, though flossing after every meal will do more good than harm.
The Old Reliable
The age-old advice of brushing your teeth twice a day is still not being followed upon by many people. Brushing twice a day is essential as bacteria start building up on your teeth after every 12 hours. Therefore it is a must to brush two times a day.
Moreover, a bacterium erodes our teeth faster while we are sleeping. So the bacteria buildup in our teeth throughout the day act even more dangerously at night if we don’t brush our teeth.
So please follow this age-old advice and brush your teeth twice a day!
About Jai Ashok Mahtani
Jai Ashok Mahtani Nigeria is a person who is avid about fitness and lifestyle and loves blogging about daily life. He has interests ranging from music to health to lifestyle. 
Jai Mahtani Nigeria urges people to lead a healthy lifestyle and wants to help them achieve it, little by little.
More Blogs:
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Teeth Whitening
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Root Canal Treatment
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Teeth Whitening
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Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- As a rule, the common shade of teeth is inside a scope of light grayish-yellow shades. Teeth normally obscure with age and their appearance can be influenced by the gathering of surface stains obtained from the utilization of tobacco items and the utilization of specific nourishments or beverages. What's more, the view of the shade of teeth is seriously influenced by skin tone and make-up. Autonomous of the genuine shade of their teeth, individuals with more obscure skin or who utilize dull cosmetics will seem as though they have more brilliant teeth. 
Despite the fact that teeth are not normally intended to be totally white, numerous Canadians need a more brilliant grin. Reacting to this longing, a wide scope of "whitening" choices has opened up to shoppers. These items fall into two principal classifications: surface whiteners and bleaches. It should be noticed that cases identified with tooth whitening are viewed as corrective in nature by Health Nigeria. These cases must be precise, so as not to deceive the general population. Nonetheless, the controller endures some puffery or misrepresentation. As an outcome, the aftereffects of whitening treatment may not be as persuasive as shoppers initially anticipated.
Surface Whiteners
These items utilize extraordinary abrasives to improve the item's capacity to eliminate surface stains. Most items in this category are either toothpastes or chewing gums. Since the unique abrasives in these whitening items are frequently just better forms of what is utilized in standard toothpastes, they are probably not going to cause over the top tooth wear. Nonetheless, the viability of these items is restricted to surface stains and ought not be utilized as a substitute for proficient cleaning.
Most bleaching items are peroxide-based and are really equipped for modifying the colors of the tooth itself. Nonetheless, not all tooth discolorations react to tooth-bleaching treatments. People considering tooth-bleaching ought to talk with a dental specialist to decide the reason for the tooth discolouration and to decide if a bleaching treatment will have the ideal outcome. This progression is particularly important for patients with fillings, root waterway treatments, crowns and/or with very dark stains on the anterior teeth. 
Various diverse bleaching methods and items are accessible to patients. Your dental specialist will utilize one of these two strategies to brighten your teeth: 
Crucial bleaching is done on "living" teeth and can be utilized to brighten your teeth in the event that they have gotten stained by food or tobacco, or in the event that they have gotten dark with age. Non-essential bleaching will be done on teeth that are no more extended "alive." If your tooth has changed color in view of a root trench, non-imperative bleaching can lighten your tooth from the back to front. 
There are three techniques for bleaching teeth. The technique that will work best for you relies upon the quantity of teeth that should be blanched, and on how seriously they are stained (or discolored). 
Your dental specialist may recommend; 
Putting an uncommon fade on your stained teeth and utilizing warmth (or warmth and light) to begin the bleaching activity; or 
Wearing a custom-made mouthguard filled with a unique dye for part of every day; or Brushing with a unique blanch blended in toothpaste. 
Bleaching ought to be done uniquely under a dental specialist's consideration. Tooth-bleaching under controlled dental office conditions might be sheltered and compelling, yet the new in-office imperative tooth-bleaching strategies, especially those utilizing lasers and lights, have gone through minimal logical evaluation. 
Home-use tooth-bleaching frameworks are accessible to the overall population, either from a dental specialist or from different retail sources. Clinical examinations support the security and adequacy of home-use bleaching gels when utilized suitably. Tooth affectability and bothering to delicate tissues can happen during bleaching treatment, yet these impacts are transient. However the impacts of long haul tooth-bleaching are obscure and should be investigated, particularly since the impact isn't perpetual and numerous people wind up going through intermittent bleaching treatments.
About Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria
Jai Ashok Mahtani is a Dentist having 25 years of experience in dentistry. His Company develops and manufactures dental solutions focusing on the field of implants and prosthetics. It offers implant systems and prosthetic parts, implant surfaces, surgical instrumentation, and overdenture attachments systems. His Company is present in Nigeria.
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jaiashokmahtani19 · 4 years
Dr. Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Root Canal Treatment
Jai Ashok Mahtani, Nigeria- Root canal treatment (endodontics) is a dental procedure used to treat infection at the centre of a tooth. Root canal treatment is not painful and can save a tooth that might otherwise have to be removed completely.
Visit: https://jaiashokmahtani01.wordpress.com/2020/11/10/dr-jai-ashok-mahtani-nigeria-root-canal-treatment/
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