#jah's random commentary
jahaliel · 1 year
i am busy busy busy but y'all remember dracula daily? i found a delightful playlist on youtube that follows this style
and its so so good so im listening at work and playing catch up.
link for any y'all who might wanna check it out
i will be back when i can sending love and well wishes to all <3
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jahaliel · 2 years
i hit a massive writers block - it fucking sucks. got 1.3k of Nemo/Isshin/Butterfly written yesterday so that was something - but literally hit the wall halfway through the steaminess ramping up and since then have struggled to find words. i’m also feeling under the weather due to uncomfy nightmares and i should do things but fuck it i think i just want to nap. miss y’all - 2023 should see me around a bit more i hope may the new year be kind to us all <3
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jahaliel · 2 years
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spring is here and the jacarandas are starting to bloom
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jahaliel · 2 years
my bday is on saturday
weird as. do not feel my age XD
also feel a bit weird bout this as ive not been as active over the past few months but if u have liked my writings at any point and wanna help me celebrate my bday theres a kofi link on my blog or you can find my wishlist here:
hopefully next year ill be back to my usual level of writing provided RL calms the fuck down XD
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jahaliel · 2 years
thinking about them IsshinNemo Thinking about battle couple that are so soft with each other; who broke and reformed and it’s never perfect - some things cannot be fixed but they rebuild themselves time and time again.  Am thinking about the way they have a private space for themselves hidden away from the world and how they each gave the other the ability to access that space because their love endures.  About how they can and do exchange weapons so that they can use each others and the kind of trust it takes; how Nemo’s weapons will answer Isshin’s call if he needs them about how his style has blended into hers. yeah thinking about them <3
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jahaliel · 3 years
so my car's been on the fritz and we have a line on a new one but then my battery died ($230) and this new car ($2500) needs brake pads ($300) and a full set of tires ($270) um hate to ask but if you have a few bucks i have a ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/A3803MSH if you check in five or more drinks ($15 + ) drop me a message on here with a character/fandom and I'll write you a thankyou poem (feel free to specify if you wamt something in particular)
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jahaliel · 4 years
grief is a funny thing
They told me "You cannot grieve for someone you never met How do you even know that they were real; that you were friends?" Strangled in my throat is an answer I know them by their kindness to me, by their being family So we never got to hug each other but what does that matter I found them and they held on to me as tightly as I did them I wrote them songs, wish them well and grieve for the ones gone And for the ones I lost touch with, who vanished into ethereal time. They're my family, now and always
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jahaliel · 3 years
thanks y'all
got the car and thanks to the support from many lovely people it's gonna get a new set of tyres wirthout breaking my bank account :D y'all are lovely people - thanks for the boosting and for the donos, it's super appreciated and if this fucking pay raise I've been owed since January ever happens you can be sure I'll pay it forward. Have a grateful poem,and take care <3 <3 All the Lights Streaks of silver shining above; here standing high with the glittering city lights spread out at my feet I am alive; I am laughing as the wind catches my hair And I'm not alone; if I reach out then you are there Helping hands; kind words a thousand little ways to know That life cannot drown us; we build lifeboats from scratch Through all I endure because we share our strength Lighting the world with kindness all along its length
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jahaliel · 3 years
wow finally updated my tumblr mobile app due to that insecurity mention and I FuCKING HAte iT
its so fucking bad.
im gonna go get on my laptop instead - this means my reduced presence is gonna get even smaller sorry
take care yall
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jahaliel · 4 years
Can You Feel the Love Tonight?
spoilers for latest OaLC chapter. Title is obviously a song ref as I've had it stuck in my head for a bit now. @deadcatwithaflamethrower
You won't see me my love; but I am here with White-knuckled hands that want to hold you To ease the pain; but if all I can do is just Stand and bear witness; I will stay here Until the bitter end - even knowing things Will one day be okay doesn't make this Any easier to bear, I love you, I love you I love you tonight and always and time rushed Us apart but we will wander different paths Around in circles until our lives intersect again You won't see me dearest but I will be here Perhaps somehow you'll feel all this love I Have for you, perhaps somehow you'll know That I am here, that I love you so very much All I do is to safeguard your future; all I give Is to ensure that one day your happiness may Be tenfold; be happy, someday my lovely one
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jahaliel · 3 years
Fanfic Discord for Fromsoft writers
Hey all @justawayfan and I have set up a fanfic discord for writers of Fromsoft games fic; I'm a Sekiro author mainly but we welcome writers for any of the games :D It's hopefully going to provide motivation to work on fic - so come settle in grab a thread and bounce ideas off each other. It's still in early stages but I wanted to put it out there. here's the link - hope to see you around :) https://discord.gg/vVub4qR4PG
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jahaliel · 3 years
writer's woe
that feeling when you see a fic idea. and you WANT IT SO BAD and you're a writer and YOU COULD WRITE IT BUT THERE IS NO WAY YOU COULD DO IT JUSTICE BECAUSE: MOST OF WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THOSE CHARACTERS COMES FROM FIC and you just kinda cross your fingers that some lovely author out there might do the thing.
and the words for the story you were working on get all jammed up in your head
and you know the answer to "write this?" is still "no" but for a while you'll let it percolate just in case
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jahaliel · 4 years
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my stones arrived from @bekkathyst and while the matrix under the vanadanite broke im still so super happy with them - ive wanted violan (blue stone) for my collection for ages. seriously recommend bekkathyst and her store for just the most gorgeous stones 💖💖💖💖
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jahaliel · 4 years
i realise i still own 4 copies of Ashlesha by @jer-keene (1 signed paperback 2 hardbacks and 1 red cover pg version)  (the review I wrote for it)
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jahaliel · 4 years
Stuck In My Head
First movement of this - we played it yesterday in Elder Hall and it went so well but now Dives and Lazarus is stuck in my head. (I'm so proud of my section they all did so good!!! And the poor old sound tech had to turn down the volume when we did our final chart because we got so loud - 42 of us on the stage just having a grand old time.)
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jahaliel · 4 years
just fyi
in two hours (8pm australian central time on 28 august) i will be playing a gig streamed on facebook live facebook.com/onkaparingacityconcertband feel free to tune in - they're planning to leave it accessible for a while after the event if you see this later on
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