waspywaspy · 8 months
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So many cats are joining, also I love Jaggedkit and Flightkit's sibling love. Please ignore Flightkit's broken leg, it wasn't meant to look like that.
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pikaclan · 7 months
Moon 245
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Micatoe arguing with LionClan
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Pine and Tangle became mates and then Pine immediately died ;-;
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Funny kit prompts
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Antagonizing FlightClan
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maplewood126 · 8 months
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Jaggedscar was, like toadtail, one of Brackenstars cloest followers and supporters, believing that briarclan should easily be able to conquer the other clans. He is father to silentstrike and Graniteclaw and son of whitenose and thrushwing. If you couldn't already tell his genes didnt seem to pass onto his children but rather they look more like their grandmother and mother. He is hard on his son and basically ignores silentstrike. Graniteclaw looks more like his mother who died at child birth. Jaggedscar was one of the main executors and clearly enjoyed his job. He was very pissed off when toadtail was made deputy instead of him when he clearly done more work for brackenstar. For he had been the one to find out about the other spies. He was a very serious tom, an average fighter and seemingly lacked a heart. He would die in the great battle that ended the war by getting his head smashed into a rock similarly the way blizzardstorm died.
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fallenclan · 8 months
Do you ever planned to make a another clangen blog?
actually, at one point I did! once upon a time I was starting to get bored with Fallenclan, since I felt as though I couldn't really take the reins with the plot, and was starting to drift towards the idea of starting another blog alongside Fallenclan, which I would take a more active role in guiding. of course, I ended up not doing that, partially because drawing for Two clans would have been far too much work and partially because I realized Fallenclan was My Blog and I could do what I wanted with it, but I was really set on the idea for a bit.
I wanted to do a more dark story, with most of the cats having "negative" traits like bloodthirsty, vengeful, or cold. here's a little screenshot of the cats.
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Tallkit was going to be more or less the main character, (anxiously) guiding his clan into a new age of prosperity. I was going to call it "Hollowclan's Redemption". Who knows, maybe someday I'll pick it up :)
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plushieclan · 7 days
Swampclan’s Tale: Rosekit’s melody
<<Return to Moon 13 Interlude
TW: Cat Death, Grievous injury to a kitten
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“Let’s go on a trip.”
Rosekit had been peacefully sleeping in the nursery when her mother had finally returned. She nudged the little bundle awake. Rosekit mewled in protest.
“I’m sleepy!”
Her mother smiled at her, sweet as honey.
“We’re going to go see your uncle. Won’t that be fun?”
The little kit perked up at that.
“What’s an uncle?” she asked.
Her mother thought for a bit.
“It’s like a littermate, but for me instead.”
Rosekit cocked her head. “Mommy’s littermate?”
“Yes Rosekit, Mommy’s littermate.”
Rosekit was excited now. She didn’t have any littermates. She was always jealous of Jaggedkit and Sharpkit, because they had each other. They were always playing with each other— sometimes they would play a hiding game with their father, or they would play tag together. But they never let her play. Maybe her mother’s littermate would play with her?
“Can I tell Jaggedkit and Sharpkit?” She imagined the look on her denmate’s faces when she told them about her special trip.
“No, this is a secret trip. You can tell them when we come back.” Her mother cooed.
“It’s a special, secret trip. So don’t tell anyone so that they can be surprised, ok?”
Rosekit puffed up. “You can trust me, Mommy!”
“Get your things together, then wait here. Mommy will be back soon.”
With that, her mother left.
Rosekit dug through the nest, grabbing her starling feather. On the ground was her favorite pebble, so she took that too. She placed the two things in front of her as she waited.
“You’re stepping down?” Redstar asked.
Bloodthorn gulped. “Yes, Redstar. I don’t think I can effectively do my duties while in the nursery. There are plenty of others who are just as capable as myself to take my place.”
Redstar seemed to contemplate something. Then, he turned back to Bloodthorn.
“Alright. I’ll allow it.”
She almost laughed with the relief she felt. “Thank you, Redstar.”
“But… before you do… how about you bring your apprentice out with me to train? One last time as deputy and leader?”
To Bloodthorn, the offer seemed genuine. Redstar had a calm smile on his face that didn’t seem to betray any sort of malice. It should be fine, she thought. Rosekit could wait for a bit.
Bloodthorn turned, spotting her apprentice playing with his littermate. “Bonesetpaw! Come with me.”
Redstar ginned, and then led them out of the camp.
“What are we training today?” Bonesetpaw asked as they swam out of camp.
“Redstar wanted to personally send me off as deputy.” Bloodthorn purred.
“Really? Awesome!” Bonesetpaw yipped. Bloodthorn felt a pang of regret. Boneset really was a good apprentice— he didn’t deserve to be abandoned by his mentor.
But when she closed her eyes, all she saw was her sister’s unmoving, bloody body.
Sorry, Bonesetpaw.
No longer stuck in her thoughts, she noticed the marshy land had given out to sandy grass. Where were they going?
“Redstar, where are we going?” she asked.
“Oh, I have somewhere special in mind.” he replied. “We’re almost there.”
She felt a shiver go down her spine, but didn’t show it. He didn’t know, she reassured herself. He couldn’t know.
“We’re here.”
Her face couldn’t hide her fear any longer.
Reeds blocked the view, but Bloodthorn knew what was behind them. The pine tree that was the warriors’ den. The two stones that made up the leader’s perch and den. The water that lapped at the bushes near the water’s edge. The clearing, packed down by years of cat paws.
“Why… why have you brought me here?” she asked.
“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to go home.” Redstar laughed.
Bloodthorn stepped back. “Bayclan is dead.”
“And yet, you plan on running away to that collection of fools intent on bringing it back.”
He knew.
“Redstar… I—“
“Don’t” he sighed. “I should have expected this.”
He beckoned Bonesetpaw to him. “Apprentice, do you know what ultimatum I gave Bloodthorn, all that time ago?”
Bonesetpaw looked scared. “I… I don’t know.”
Redstar chuckled. “When I got my revenge, all those moons ago, I found her. A cat surrounded in a pool of my dead warriors. The image was so striking that I had to give her an offer.”
“Become my deputy, and I will spare your life.”
“And she accepted it!” he laughed. “Like an honorless dog. It was perfect— I steal my sister’s clan, I steal her kit as my subordinate, and then I steal her deputy as well.”
He then looked over at Bloodthorn, smile fading. “I even gave you that name to commemorate it. So why do you throw my mercy away?”
She was still. “I… I’m not disloyal. I’m not.”
“Don’t bother lying. I know your plan.”
But Bloodthorn stayed silent.
Redstar sighed. “Oh well. I’ll have to deal with you now.”
Fast as lightning, he lunged at Bonesetpaw. The apprentice squirmed, but there was nothing he could do to break out of Redstar’s grasp.
“R-Redstar..?” he looked more like a kitten, ears back and eyes wide with fear.
“No!” Bloodthorn screamed. “I-I’m the traitor, not him!”
It was too late. Redstar bit down, and Bonesetpaw went limp. He crumbled to the ground like a discarded pelt.
“Look what you’ve done, Bloodthorn. A perfectly good apprentice… gone.”
Bloodthorn ran to her apprentice’s side.
“W-What am I supposed to tell his mother, you monster!” she yowled.
“I will tell her that her son was killed by a traitor.” Redstar started. He pinned Bloodthorn down. Her thoughts raced. No… Rosekit!
“But not to worry. I swiftly dealt with the perpetrator… as we should with all traitors.”
Rosekit grumbled. It had been too long since her mother had disappeared. Her stomach had begun to feel like it was being given a badger ride. Where was she?
Someone had entered the nursery. Little Rosekit perked up. But she was disappointed when she saw it was Jaggedkit and Sharpkit’s father.
“Jaggedkit and Sharpkit aren’t here.” she murmured.
Redstar went up to her, before picking her up by her scruff. Rosekit let out a squeak of surprise.
He carried her to the clearing, where lots of cats were waiting. More cats than she’d ever seen before in her life. And in the middle, two sleeping cats. One looked a bit like Maretail, and the other was her mother. She wanted to run over to her, but Redstar kept a firm grasp on her.
“Mommy, wake up!” she yelled. But nothing happened.
Redstar placed Rosekit down, but his eyes showed her he would not tolerate her running away. He spoke.
“Our deputy was a traitor. She killed her own apprentice, and was planning to escape to Crystalclan. As for this kit.” He paused, then placed something in front of her.
It was her feather and her stone.
“She was in on it as well.”
Rosekit looked up at Redstar, trembling. “M-Mommy told me to pack my things.”
Redstar laughed. “A traitor as well. You know what happens to traitors in this clan.”
Rosekit turned to look at her mother, but she didn’t move. Then she looked at Maretail, Jaggedkit, and Sharpkit, but none of them would meet her glance.
Then, Redstar bit down.
Rainfeather was silent as she finished her story.
“After that… I don’t really remember what happened. I know Alderflower worked to save my life, and that’s how she took me in.” Rosepaw explained.
Rainfeather’s eyes were filled with emotion in the glimpse she got before he looked away. “What a monster.”
“That littermate my mother mentioned… who is it?” she asked the cleric.
He didn’t face her as he answered. “Bah, she didn’t have a littermate. She was from a singlet litter— but I guess I can’t expect kit to understand that, so I can’t get too mad at her.”
“Oh.” Rosepaw sighed. “So wait, then who was she talking about if she didn’t have a brother?”
“You misunderstand. She did have a brother, just from a different litter.”
He turned, eyes filled with tears. “She was talking about me.”
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One of Us is a Killer (part 2)
Continuation of: https://www.tumblr.com/residents-of-the-darkforest/738940160410058752/one-of-us-is-a-killer?source=share
Going solely on what kin say in Lifegen every six moons, we build a story, and, more importantly, a resident
Please feel free to comment your interpretations of what is happening or your thoughts on the characters!
Who are your suspects so far?
Main character: Burnetshriek -- Lonesome
Mother: Wetfish (deceased) -- Wise
Mom: Beaverspeckle -- Adventurous
Sister: Midgefreckle -- Calm
Brother: Yewstripe -- Strict
Brother: Privetdusk (deceased) -- Ambitious
Mate: Heathertree -- Loving
Daughter: Batkit -- Noisy -> Sneaky
Son: Yarrowkit -- Attention-seeker
Son: Rubblekit -- Troublesome
Son: Jaggedkit -- Honest -> Righteous
Side note: [....] in speech indicates that Burnetshriek has said something.
Bonus side note: orange highlights previously indicated that something was not directed at Burnetshriek or didn't have to do with her. Now, it's for text that is a repeated conversation.
MOON 60 (kits are 5):
Mom: *Cough* *Wheeze* [Breathing is short and staggered]
Midgefreckle: *Sigh*..."Hi, Burnetshriek. [....] Hm? I just got back from a hunting patrol....I utterly embarrassed myself. I had a mouse literally walk into my paws and I still failed to grab it. [....] Hm. Yes, that's true. I'm not going to always succeed, the best thing I can do is get back up and get back to it. You're right, Burnetshriek. You're always right. Thank you."
Yewstripe: [Having an outburst with Leafpaw]. "Seriously? Thorns in my nest, again? I swear to StarClan, you must be the most irritating, empty-headed apprentice--Oh, Burnetshriek, it's you. What is it? Do you need anything? [....] I'll be right there, just let me finish this first. [Burnetshriek holds back a laugh at the apprentice's shock at the sudden switch-up].
Heathertree: "Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, find me. We can sit under the stars and watch Silverpelt. [....] I always find it helps. It's calming, knowing all of our ancestors watching over us."
Bat: "Jawswipe just told me the funniest joke ever! It went like -- heehee -- how did the *snrk* - how did the - AHAHAHA!!!!"
Yarrow: "Burnetshriek...I'm so...sleepy *yawns* It's still early.....I said I was gonna play with Breezekit at sunhigh, but that's so far away, and if I go to sleep now, I won't be able to play with him...Oh Burnetshriek, what will I do?" [Burnet promises to wake them]. "You will? Oh Burnetshriek, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is why we're the bestest of friends! [Yarrow dramatically falls into the nest, and later trips over his paws when running to his friend].
Rubble: "Burnetshriek!!!!" [Rubble sprints across camp and tackles Burnet with a squeal, clambering all over her fur].
Jagged: [Burnet likes making a game of counting all of Jagged's toes while he sleeps. Burnet thinks that he is a perfect, darling kit].
Bonus: Wetfish wants to talk to a medicine cat. Maybe her mate?
MOON 66:
Burnet's apprentice is Storkpaw.
Mom: "I met some kittypets on patrol today. StarClan, I gave them a scare! One look at my 'mean' face and they went mewling back home to their Twolegs like little kits running into the nursery! Bahahahahaha!"
Bonus: apprentice is Sappaw.
Midgefreckle: "Hey, Burnetshriek. How are you? [....] I'm absolutely okay, I'm not up to much here, just catwatching, as usual. [....] Huh? You think I should get to know the other cats, instead of watching? Oh, I'm just fine here! I don't talk to the others, it's just how it is....! [....] You'd think I'd get on with Birdstar? You think? [....]...Hm. I suppose I'll have to go and talk to them, at some point. You've never guided me wrong."
Bonus: apprentice is Chivepaw.
Yewstripe: "What's that? You want to know how I'm...feeling? [...] Hmph. You should know by now that I don't do the whole 'feeings' thing. But, if you want to know so badly, I guess I'm feeling...Worried. And tired. But also on edge. And hungry. But, I'm sort of full, too...hm...See, this is why I don't talk about my feelings. I'm not good at it."
Bonus: previously mentored Maplefern.
Heathertree: "Oh, hey, Burnetshriek, can I talk to you about something? [...] I saw a rogue out on patrol today. I managed to chase him off the territory, but then I got carried away, and...well, I kept following him. I don't know what I was trying to do. He just kept making me so angry! Calling me weak...calling me a failure...saying I was a disappointment to my Clan. Eventually, I realized what I was doing, and I let him go. But I couldn't stop thinking about those things he said...Sorry. What am I doing? I'm being such a downer today...Thanks for being here for me, Burnetshriek." [Heather presses their head into Burnet's shoulder and sighs into their fur].
Bat: [Accidently slips while walking across camp. Without missing a beat, Bat catches herself, spins on her paws, and continues walking with a flick of her tail. How does she manage to make falling look cool?]
Bonus: mentor is Hillstep.
Yarrow: Previously killed by a fox at 7 moons old.
Rubble: [Jagged and Rubble laugh together, talking about stories Burnetshriek used to tell them in the nursery. Burnet considers telling them stories they missed, but decides not to ruin the moment].
Bonus: mentor is Heathertree.
Jagged: "Oh, uhm, hello... [...] Oh, you wish to talk to me? [...] Err...sure, can do, I suppose....The wind is lovely, it always waves through our coats when were wandering through the territory. Maybe that's StarClan's way of telling us we're doing a good job."
Bonus: Mentor is Birdstar.
MOON 72:
Mom: "Hey, Burnetshriek, dare me to jump off the warriors' den! [...] No? Why in StarClan's name not?! [...] Because I could hurt myself...? But that's what's fun about it!"
Midgefreckle: "Hey, Burnetshriek, can I have your opinion on something? [...] I was having an argument with Chivespeckle a couple of days ago. I was giving them some advice on something, and they told me I talk like I'm better than everyone. Do you think...? [...] No? That's good. That's absolutely not my intention. I want to help, but not be more important than any other cat. [...] Thank you, Burnetshriek. I know that no matter what, you'll always tell me what I need to hear."
Yewstripe: [Running around the clearing, disheveled as they try to complete many tasks at once]. Burnetshriek, what's up? Do you need something too? I'd be happy to do it for you! [....] Working too hard? I'm not working too hard, don't worry! In fact, helping around camp is how I relax. Yup, definitely relaxing. Definitely."
Permanent Condition: weak leg
Heathertree: "Mm, Oh, watch out, Burnetshriek! Don't come any closer!" [Looking at a bee]. "It must have stung something...I think it's dying. Poor little thing." [Burnet asks why he doesn't just squish it. Heather recoils]. "It's a living thing, just like you or me! What crime has this bee committed? The crime of being small? No, it deserves a death with dignity, just like the rest of us..." [The bee falls very still]. "Oh...I think it just went...Ah, I'm sorry little bug...I hope, wherever you are, you find plenty of flowers, and even more mercy." [Gently scoops it up and lays it on moss].
Battumble: [Burnet compliments her on a shiny object she's playing with]. "Hm? Oh, why thank you. Isn't it pretty? I nabbed it off these Twolegs who were passing through the territory. I knew it would make just the perfect addition to my nest." [Burnet asks if isn't that stealing?]. "Tch, relax. Just think of it as a 'finders keepers' type of thing. Besides, those Twolegs weren't using it for anything important anyways."
Rubblenettle: "Hey, Burnetshriek! Get a load of this one! What happens when a tree falls into the mud? [...] It leafs an impression! Hahaha!....Hey, where are you going?"
Jaggeddusk: "Hello, Burnetshriek. What do you think of the weather? [...] If you want my opinion, I think it's been enjoyable. It's pleasantly warm, but not so hot that it makes today's jobs an unpleasant business. Not to mention, I haven't noticed a hint of rain, so if you're going out, you shouldn't get wet. Well...unless you fall into a pond. But other than that, StarClan has been good to us today."
Coniferkit (son, 2 moons): "Burnetshriek! Burnetshriek! I had the mosr funnest day ever today! First, I played feather-catch. It's this really cool game where I throw a feather into the air and then try to catch it. Then, I runned around in circles! I went a-round and a-round and a-round, but then I got sick and had to stop. And then....[Conifer continues on]
Continued on next part!
As for now, who are your suspicions on, and why do you suspect them?
And who is your favourite?
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fierceclansrise · 9 months
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Mudslinging left the clan waterclan along with her Forbidden kit Darkkit and her former mates kit Jaggedkit.
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Shoreclan moon 200-250!
Moon 201:
- Clearstar got head damage
Moon 202:
- Clearstar and Mistlehaze had a kitten! Tremblekit
- Goosegale is expecting
Moon 204:
- Goosegale had 4 kits! Applekit, Conekit, Fuzzykit and Shinekit
- Egretstripe is expecting
Moon 206:
- Graythrush retires
- Riverpaw becomes Riverswipe
- Basspaw becomes Bassdusk
- Berrypaw becomes Berryflood
- Hermitkit becomes Hermitpaw and is apprenticed to Riverswipe
- Galekit becomes Galepaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
- Egretstripe had a kit- Whimsykit
- Lowstep is lost
- Hollypaw and Harepaw- mad about not becoming warriors, accidentally worsen relations with Spruceclan
- Clawrush wants to murder Seedhaze and thinks about it on patrol????
Moon 207:
- Harepaw becomes Hareshade
- Berryflood went missing and died
Moon 208:
- Hareshade has been lost
- Bitternwhisker retires
- Hollypaw becomes Hollyfire
- Tremblekit becomes Tremblepaw and is apprenticed to Nectarpurr
Moon 210:
- Melba died
- Robinpaw becomes Robinface
- Applekit becomes Applepaw and is apprenticed to Gorgefade due to interest in herbs
- Fuzzykit becomes Fuzzypaw and is apprenticed to Goosegale
- Conekit becomes Conepaw and is apprenticed to Lowocean
- Shinekit becomes Shinepaw and is apprenticed to Blotchbillow
- Blotchbillow, Mistlehaze and Clearstar are ambushed and killed by rogues
Moon 211
- Hollypelt becomes Hollystar and recieves a life from Umbertalon, Mistlehaze, Crestedflare, Runnel, Yellowwillow, Elderhare, Stormpearl, Hailweb and one of the Yellowstars (IDK which one)
- Applepaw died
- Bassdusk, Ripplepetal, and Galepaw have been lost
Moon 212:
- Hermitpaw becomes Hermitfeather
- Riverswipe becomes deputy
- Whimsykit becomes Whimsypaw and is apprenticed to Hermitfeather
- Nectarpurr is expecting
Moon 214:
- Graythrush is expecting!
- Nectarpurr had three kits! Greenkit, Sorrelkit, and Stonekit
Moon 215:
- Grousekit, Tidekit, Stonekit and Swarmkit join the clan and are adopted by Goosegale
- Nectarpurr steps up and adopts the litter
Moon 216:
- Tremblepaw becomes Trembleclaw
- Graythrush and Duckstalk had a kitten- Comphreykit
Moon 217:
- Fuzzypaw becomes Fuzzybreeze
- Seedhaze and Lowocean died in a flood
Moon 218:
- Whimsypaw becomes Whimsystripe
- Egretstripe is expecting
Moon 219:
- Duckstalk retires
- Conepaw becomes Conenoise
- Grousekit becomes Grousepaw and is apprenticed to Hermitfeather
- Tidekit becomes Tidepaw and is apprenticed to Conenoise
- Stonekit becomes Stonepaw and is apprenticed to Rippleeagle
- Swarmkit becomes Swarmpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
- Woodkit joins the clan
Moon 220:
- Shinepaw becomes Shineshimmer
- Greenkit becomes Greenpaw and is apprenticed to Hollyfire
- Sorrelkit becomes Sorrelpaw and is apprenticed to Whimsystripe
- Stonekit becomes Stonepaw and is apprenticed to Shineshimmer
- Egretstripe had four kits- Finkit, Jaggedkit, Pelicankit and Brackenkit
- Shineshimmer and Swarmpaw have been lost
Moon 222:
- Comphreykit becomes Comphreypaw and is apprenticed to Robinface
- Woodkit becomes Woodpaw and is apprenticed to Nectarpurr
Moon 224:
- Comphreypaw is nonbinary!
- Hollystar lost a life in a flood
Moon 226:
- Grousepaw becomes Grouseshine
- Tidepaw becomes Tidetooth
- Stonepaw becomes Stonenudge
- The other Stonepaw died
- Finkit becomes Finpaw and is apprenticed to Hollystar
- Jaggedkit becomes Jaggedpaw and is apprenticed to Conenoise
- Pelicankit becomes Pelicanpaw and is apprenticed to Tidetooth
- Brackenkit becomes Brackenpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
Moon 228:
- Greenpaw becomes Greentail
- Comphreypaw is blinded by a hare
Moon 229:
- Woodpaw becomes Woodbloom
- Rippleeagle died of yellowcough
Moon 230:
- Silverfoot is expecting!
- Bitternwhisker died
- Sorrelpaw becomes Sorrelsprout
- Hermitfeather and Stonenudge died in a rogue ambush
Moon 231:
- Comphreypaw becomes Comphreywhisker
- Finpaw becomes Findapple
- Riverswipe died
Moon 232:
- Robinface becomes deputy
- Pelicanpaw becomes Pelicantail
- Silverfoot and Hollystar had a kitten! Gullkit
- Robinface has been lost
Moon 233:
- Brackenpaw becomes Brackenspot
- Hollyfire becomes deputy!
- Lokiwind joins the clan
Moon 234
- Clawrush brings a litter of kits back to camp: Coastkit and Leopardkit
- Jaggedpaw and Pelicantail go missing in the night
Moon 235:
- Tawnyburr joins the clan
Moon 238:
- Gullkit becomes Gullpaw and is apprenticed to Trembleclaw
- Findapple, Whimsystripe, Gullpaw, and Frosttooth get poisoned
- Hollystar issues a ban on hunting sick rabbits
- Tidetooth, Greentail, and Nectarpurr die in a flood
Moon 240:
- Coastkit becomes Coastpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
- Leopardkit becomes Leopardpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplebriar as med cat
Moon 241:
- Lokiwind died
- Leopardpaw got swarmed by bees (great job, genius)
Moon 242:
- Hollyfire died???
- Conenoise is promoted to deputy
Moon 244:
- Findapple died of redcough
Moon 245:
- Thrushpelt joins the clan
Moon 246:
- Coastpaw becomes Costshimmer
- Thrushpelt is expecting!
Moon 247:
- Gullpaw becomes Gulltail
Moon 248:
- Silverfoot and Comphreywhisker are both expecting!
- Thrushpelt had three kits! Crabkit, Ripplekit, and Pondkit
- Sorrelsprout drowned
Moon 249:
- Duckstalk died of snakebite
- Leopardpaw becomes Leopardsnow
- Clawrush died of sea monster
- Conenoise lost some hearing
Moon 250
- Hollystar and Silverfoot have three kits! Rookkit, Wingkit, and Slugkit
- Comphreywhisker had 4 kits! Blizzardkit, Mitekit, Willowkit and Riftkit
@residents-of-the-darkforest, @starfalcon555, @wills-woodland-warriors, @basil-writes-legends-of-tomorrow
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Moon 48
•Mousesight had 3 kits
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•Spottedkit was murdered at 3 moons old (WHO would kill a kit?!)
•Acornwind is feeling down
•Pythonwillow is worried about the clan
•Flutterdapple wishes they were still alive
•Pigeoncreek is feeling down
•Ferretfern hopes they will be remembered
•Eeldrift wants to be alone today
•Miles is fighting with Frostflame
•Dapplebright is thinking about kits
•Cloudshine is gossiping
•Oak is watching over the kits
•Applepounce is rethinking their life choices (she doesn't trust the clan since one of her kits has been murdered)
•Curlwhisper is listening to stories about Spottedkit
•Berrykit whines to Slight
•Jaggedkit comes up with a plan to sneak out with Dewkit
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Moon 70
Hawkbit's infection and leg have been healed.
Flutterbuzz has come out as non-binary.
Crookedbracken has announced that they are expecting kits.
Sunnybird's leg has healed well.
Treepaw is finally deemed ready and is given the warrior name, Treeheart! They are praised for their strategy. Their littermates welcome them with loud yowls and loads of affection. Treeheart secretly worries that they aren't actually ready...
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Shoreeagle has swatted at a snake attempting to get into the camp.
Ploverpaw is trembling with excitement when they touch Mantisears nose. They just can't wait to get out there!
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Sunpaw sits beside their new mentor Treeheart and can't help but feel as though the mentor might be even more nervous than the new apprentice.
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Of all kits, why did they have to get this one... Flutterbuzz gently touched noses with the newly apprenticed Webpaw. They had watched this kit. Seen how they play fought too roughly with their littermates and the other, younger, kits. This 'paw will be nothing but trouble...They catch themselves thinking. But this could be my chance to turn things around for this young cat. Ensure that they don't end up with a bloody future. This could be their only chance...
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Freezespots is very concerned about Hopstar's broken bone as the break has started to feel feverish.
Freezespots slipped on a wet rock and has had to endure Yewchill's teasing because of it.
Cragshadow has given birth to two tiny kits but refuses to share any information about the other parent. They name the kits Siltkit and Nimblekit.
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Kinkblaze brought home five whole new kits! Their names are Jaggedkit, Riverkit, Bluekit, Shimmerkit, and Sharpkit.
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Mantisears caught whitecough...
Pondpaw is named Pondfrost and honored for their fortitude. Pondfrost is a bit miffed that all Hopstar did was change one word but they know better than to protest.
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Dolphinpaw is honored for their skill and is named Dolphinfade.
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Pepperbuzz playfully nudges Songpaw forward. They know it is time for their apprentice to really start living as a warrior and they couldn't be happier. Songpaw is named Songshock in honor of their poise.
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Splashpaw eagerly stands in the middle of the pool as they are named Splashstreak and are celebrated for their benevolence.
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Hailkit caught greencough.
Hopstar's infection has finally worn off.
Grouseflecks leg has healed!
Sprucepaw found a kittypet sitting at the border and they asked to join. they have taken on the new name of Swiftspark.
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Crookedbracken and Flutterbuzz have never purred as much as they have now. Curled around each other and their three beautiful kits. Redkit, Conekit, and Dazzlekit.
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(I can't be bothered with the formatting)
Pondfrost got greencough.
Songshock caught whitecough.
Jaggedkit was almost kit-napped by an osprey but Turtleswoop saved them.
Splashtooth dislocated their leg.
Freezespots knows the signs. they have seen it in plenty of other cats. They just never expected to be one of those cats. Now all they can do is hopefully hide what is happening and pray that Starclan forgives them. Freezespots is expecting a litter of kits.
Saltears was bitten by a snake but survived.
Freezespots gives Sprucepaw the name of Sprucefeather. Yewchill is happy to finally retire.
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Webpaw went missing and was found dead on Starlingclan territory with claws outstretched and blood splattering their sides.
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Hyacinthpaw immediately starts asking Ferncreek questions about camp maintenance and den building.
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Hailpaw is relieved that they were able to recover quickly from greencough. Or else they wouldn't have been able to become an apprentice alongside their littermates or they might have gotten a different mentor than Splashstreak and they really like Splashstreak.
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Honeypaw interrupted their ceremony to request to become a medicine cat instead. Sprucefeather happily takes on the young cat as their apprentice.
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Hemlockpaw touches noses with Daisyfin, eager to get started.
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Ferncreek and Kinkblaze have become mates!
Hopstar's broken bone has finally healed.
Yewchill had a bad fall on the way back home and had to be carried back to camp.
Mantisears and Songshock no longer have whitecough.
Clamtrail has, on the other paw, caught whitecough.
Splashtooth is feeling much better.
Hailpaw was bitten by a snake and succumbed to the poison.
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Fogkit got kittencough.
Siltkit was rummaging through the medicine cat herbs and ate some death berries.
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primrosepaw · 1 year
LightningClan Moon 12-22
Moon 12
And Speckleshine has yellowcough.
Green relationship bar!! Lightningstar (platonically) loves Splashfern! It's not quite mutual, but at least Splashfern has a significant platonic like bar for Lightningstar.
Moon 13
Glintspots was given dried herbs from Heatherheart, and is wearing them in her pelt!
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A patrol that included Asterscratch, Heatherheart, and Splashfern ended up running into Nakeena, a kittypet, who they brought back to camp. She is sick, but as was the case with Mosaicspots, if she survives, she will be offered a full warrior name.
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Moon 14
A patrol including Asterscratch, Splashfern, and Cypresstuft met a kittypet named Radar, who badly injured Splashfern's leg.
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Glintspots and Podpelt went out to look for herbs, and ended up finding a wounded queen with newborn kits, who they brought back to the Clan. The Queen's name is Fogstripe, and her his kits are Cliffkit and Puddlekit! [Edit: I’m a dummy who didn’t notice Fogstripe was a trans guy, so his pronouns may be incorrect but they get fixed as soon as I notice next post. I’d fix it here but tbqh I am, myself, an exhausted trans guy and I simply do not have the patience or energy to comb through and see if I misgendered a randomly generated pixel cat on accident. At least not tonight.]
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Also, Lightningstar and Heatherheart met a kittypet named Fuzz, who they invited to join the Clan! Lots of cats joining the Clan!!
And then, Fuzz, on his first patrol, before he got a new warrior name, found a kit all alone outside and brought him home. His name is Bubblekit!
Fuzz got the name Toadclaw!
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Moon 15
Nakeena died of redcough without getting a warrior name. However, she did go to StarClan.
Speckleshine is all better though!
After six moons, Lightningstar has finally admitted to himself that, though he will always love Bloombrook, he needs to be willing to move on. He immediately got a stomach ache over that thought, so clearly the moving on is going well.
Piperkit is now Piperpaw, and being mentored by Lightningstar!
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Also, a better view of Cliffkit and Puddlekit:
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Mosaicspots had her pelt torn by BrightClan. Please, we do not need to be at war with ANOTHER Clan.
Asterscratch found a cat named Hawkflare from another Clan, and brought her back to LightningClan. Unfortunately, she has a broken jaw.
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Moon 16
HEATHERHEART DID IT!! Speckleshine decided to step down and become and elder, and Lightningstar named Heatherheart his new deputy. She has achieved her goal!
Plus, Bubblekit aged up and became Bubblepaw, apprenticed to Heatherheart (who is REALLY feeling on top of the world right now).
And THEN Heatherheart was on a patrol with Lightningstar, Bubblepaw, Piperpaw, and Asterscratch, and they ran into some rogues, and Heatherheart singlehandedly made the rogues flee. True Heatherheart protagonist moment.
Another patrol met a kittypet named Chance!
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Moon 17
Lightningstar thinks about retiring?? Dude, you still have 9 lives and you're only 60 moons.
Mosaicspots met a loner named Bug who was skilled with herbs, and who brought her three kits to the Clan: Flutterkit, Jackdawkit, and Jaggedkit. Bug took on the Warrior name, Bugdapple.
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Moon 18
Apparently Piperpaw had a dream from StarClan. There are enough medicine cats at the moment, but Podpelt is keeping an eye on that.
And we adopted ANOTHER ex-kittypet. This one was named Twist, and is now Willowtwist.
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We're really running a very effective campaign to grow the Clan, which is very exciting for me.
Moon 19
BrightClan took some of our territory! Presumably because we antagonized them but still that's very rude.
Hawkflare is all healed up, though I'm choosing to imagine that her jaw remains misaligned because it was broken before.
Flutterkit is apprenticed by Hawkflare and made Flutterpaw, Jackdawkit is now Jackdawpaw and apprenticed to Willowtwist, and Jaggedkit becomes Jaggedpaw and is apprenticed to Asterscratch.
Oh no, I just realized Jaggedpaw appears to have a significant scar on his paw/leg. I don't think that's what he was named for, as he's a tabby so I think the name probably refers to his pelt, but I do think he may have limited movement in that paw with the old injury.
Cypresstuft attempted to steal prey from BrightClan, but Heatherheart, being an EXCELLENT Deputy (seriously I love her so much) stepped in to stop her.
Splashfern was bitten in a scrap with BearClan along that border.
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Moon 20
Podpelt, one of the medicine cats, slipped and dislocated a shoulder. Though Toadclaw did something similar, so maybe there was some bad frost one morning.
Cliffkit became Cliffpaw, mentored by Cypresstuft (not... the cat I would have ever picked to be a mentor, Lightningstar, but okay sure), and Puddlekit became Puddlepaw, mentored by Fogstripe, her own mother.
When she became an apprentice, Puddlepaw was excited by the prospect of hunting down a rabbit, or possibly a fox. Then, in that excitement on her first day out, she mistook a hare for a rabbit and had her eyes scratched as a result. She is in the medicine den now.
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Moon 21
Jackdawpaw gave Bugdapple a poppy, which she now wears proudly
Bubblepaw got his new warrior name: Bubblespalsh. He is now expressing ambitions to become the next deputy.
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A patrol met a loner named Habanero
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Attempting to get back the land that they stole, Asterscratch died. Heatherheart has taken over Jaggedpaw's mentorship as a result.
Bugdapple got frostbite while looking for herbs.
Moon 22
Piperpaw gets his full warrior name: Piperfur!
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Willowtwist has greencough
A patrol met a loner named Grave!
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A patrol found Daisy, a cat from outside the Clans, near the Thunderpath with head trauma. She has taken the name Daisypelt, but is being cared for in the medicine den.
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0 notes
waspywaspy · 8 months
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Jaggedkit in StarClan.
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pikaclan · 7 months
Moon 241
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More early warriors. Foggypaw is (re)named Foggytwist
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Jaggedkit is born with wasting disease. Think he has one of the new white patches too *cries*
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Fuzzpaw seems to be jealous he's still an apprentice and his littermate isnt
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Finchstar has shown her first sign of bloodlust(edited)
0 notes
troutfur · 2 years
it is the dark of the night, and the moon is just a sliver in the sky. featherstorm is sleeping, when a kit, a silver tabby with orange eyes the color of dusk, enters the den. he sits on his haunches, and waits patiently for dawn to arrive. no one knew from where. no one knoes their name, or where they came from. they simply appeared.
when featherstorm wakes up in the morning, it is this kit he finds, still waiting for him. as they see him they walk towards him, looking up at his face. he is shocked, naturally. but he knows he will take it in. moving to carry the kit by its scruff to examine it better, he realises he must give it a name.
it was like if the kit itself spoke. jaggedkit, he decides. for how their tabby stripes look like jagged claw marks on the pelt.
this is actually a slightly modified version of one of my very old AU ideas. as you can see, there is something different about this kit... but what is it? there is a reason for their actions, and it's all linked to exactly one fact of their life.
Hey there! While I have to say I adore the enthusiasm of the ask and how gave it your all humoring me with the RP prompt, there are two reasons while I won't respond here with a chart:
I don't want to encourage bad RP etiquette with letting you take control of Featherstorm, they're my character let me play them, please.
The prompt here seems less focused on what the purpose of the character creation game is (use a geomantic natal chart to come up with the complete life story for an OC) and more focused on the alternate game/writing exercise I proposed for the geomancy asks (OC approaches a fortuneteller character with a query and I do my best to answer with geomancy). I am imagining that a query Featherstorm would like to ask the sand more than "What will this random's kit future be like?" would be "Who is this kit?" or "Where did this kit come from?"
If you'd like to resubmit something else or wait until later to see if I ever take up the other game and you ask me to, say, guess what is up with the kit based on what the chart tells me, feel free! But I do want to be firm on what falls inside and outside the rules of the game.
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ask-shadowclan · 3 years
Oh look at that herd of tiny cats! So many kits, would be a shame if they ambushed our strong warriors they would never win such force! :D
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plushieclan · 6 months
Moon 4 Gathering
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“Ish dish enough frefkill?” Nightflower muffled through two mice crammed into her mouth.
Darkstar chuckled. “Hey, you shouldn’t have your mouth full when speaking, Nightflower.”
She spits the mice out onto the ground. “Heh, sorry Dad.”
Still, he nodded affirmatively. “With Shimmersky’s fish and Gingerclaw’s bluejay, we should have enough food for the gathering.”
“Darkstar! Darkstar!” a large bundle of orange fur barreled towards the two cats, crashing into Nightflower.
She laughed. “What’s wrong, Tigerkit?”
The ball of fluff straightened himself out until he resembled a normal cat. “Applepaw’s being mean again. She snapped at Pebblekit!”
Darkstar sighed. “Acting out isn’t going to make me change my mind. I’ll have a talk with Blossomtail.”
“About what?” Nightflower asked.
“I decided to have Applepaw stay behind this Gathering. She’s been too irresponsible as of late.”
“I suppose that makes sense.” she probably also would have been sulking if she was left behind.
“You know, since I’m so helpful…” Tigerkit started.
“No Gatherings until you’re an apprentice.” Darkstar sighed.
The Gathering itself was just as bustling. The fresh kill was deposited atop the grates of the flaming barrel for the after-gathering feast. Nightflower still didn’t do well with fire, so she handed off her freshkill to Dawnpaw. She decided to meet up with Lynxpaw and Firepaw while Dawnpaw took care of the food.
Firepaw wasn’t hard to find. Her bright red fur was like a beacon, even among a sea of other ginger cats. She was sat with Lynxpaw, who looked very happy.
“What’s the occasion?” Nightflower asked as she padded over.
“My warrior ceremony!” Lynxpaw declared, the enthusiasm palpable in her voice. “I’m Lynxclaw now.”
Firepaw looked glum. “I wish. My mentor’s been ignoring my training… I’ll never be a warrior at this rate.”
Lynxclaw paused. “I’m sorry Firepaw. That sucks.”
“Ah… whatever. I think Smallcloud is just getting sick or something. I don’t know why he’s been ignoring me.”
“Oh… I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.” Nightflower said. Even Leopardcloud, stuck in the nursery, still made sure she kept up her training when she wasn’t able to be there.
A large silence fell over the Gathering. It was time to start; the first leader stepped to the front. This moon, it was Redstar.
“To start, Swampclan has been well. Our kits are well-fed, and will grow strong. Our apprentices, even more so.” Redstar stated simply, before stepping back.
“I heard that those kits born last moon were his.” Lynxclaw whispered to Nightflower. “Jaggedkit and Sharpkit, I think they’re named. Poor kits. Now they have to turn out evil with those names.”
Nightflower wasn’t so sure, but she wasn’t willing to be scolded for talking during the Gathering.
Next, Finchstar took the front.
“My son and his mate have had a litter of three healthy kits! We thank Starclan for them.” He showed an uncharacteristic amount of emotion, before frowning again. His tone was grave. “Unfortunately, one of our border patrols was ambushed by a coyote. One of our apprentices, Splinterpaw, did not make it. We ask other clans to increase their patrols and stay wary until the coyote has left our lands.”
Whispers carried over the crowd— uncertain, and somewhat panicked, before the Wanderers representative spoke up.
“It will not take long for the coyote to leave. The Twolegs will chase it out once they notice it. Remain alert, but calm, while on patrol.” the representative stepped back, allowing Badgerstar to step forward.
“We have two new warriors, as well as one new cleric apprentice.” he drawled, seemingly not caring. “Lynxclaw, Locustclaw, and Mitepaw.” He paused to allow the clans to cheer.
Nightflower made sure to cheer extra hard for her good friend, who seemed extremely flattered by all the attention. Firepaw, on the other hand, looked like her flames had been doused by a heavy rainfall.
After the noise had died down, he spoke again. “We grieve the loss of our beloved Seedwhisker, who succumbed to illness. May my son carry on his path of benevolence in Starclan, just as he did in life.” he bowed his head, ushering in a moment of silence.
Nightflower looked over at Starleaf. Her mother was close with Seedwhisker, right? He was one of the members of her prophecy journey. Her mother was huddled up with her Grangeclan friends, Dovelight and Pearlheart.
The silence was broken with a single exclamation.
Now, every clan was looking at the three mollies. Pearlheart was staring at the faded outline of a tom, though Nightflower couldn’t pick out any of the details. He was glowing a bright blue, which certainly wasn’t a real pelt color. Was that… a Starclan cat?
“What’s she looking at?” Lynxclaw asked, confusion lacing her voice.
“You don’t see the glowing cat in front of her?” Nightflower said.
Firepaw shook her head. “She’s just staring at nothing.”
“Well, there’s a Starclan cat right in front of her!”
Nightflower quickly looked around. Badgerstar had his head in his paws, and Bonestripe looked shocked. Finchstar merely looked confused, and Redstar was simply annoyed.
Clouds began to crowd around the full moon, blotting out all but a small circle in the middle.
Darkstar took the front, interrupting the moment. “Starclan has spoken. The Gathering has ended for now.” he jumped down, gathering the clanmates.
Nightflower barely had a moment to say goodbye to her friends when she was pulled away with the rest of Crystalclan.
He padded over to Nightflower as they left the Gathering. “Your mother is staying behind.”
“What was that?” Nightflower asked her father.
“You could see it, couldn’t you? How well?” he dodged her question.
“But— well, yes. I could see the glowing blue cat. I couldn’t tell who it was though. Was he from Starclan?”
He nodded to her. “So not well. I see… yes, that glowing cat was a Starclan cat.”
“But why did that ghost appear?”
“To say goodbye.” Darkstar replied. “or maybe to give a warning. We won’t know until we ask your mother.”
“I guess that food will go to waste now…” she said absentmindedly.
“It won’t. Don’t worry about it.” he licked her forehead. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
As he walked away, Nightflower could only wonder what Starclan was thinking. Perhaps she’d ask her mother. Hopefully her mother was willing to share what she’d learned.
“Beware the jagged thorns of the lake, for they will sink into you like a lifeline.” Pearlheart repeated back to the other two.
“What could that mean?” Starleaf asked, worry in her eyes.
“I don’t know Leafy.” Pearlheart had a worried look on her face. “But he said the message was for you.”
Dovelight turned to Starleaf. “If you need extra warriors, Grangeclan will send them.”
Starleaf shook her head. “No. I will not put your clanmates in danger. We will handle this ourselves.”
Pearlheart pressed against Starleaf’s side, letting out a sad huff. “Be safe Leafy. Please.”
“I will, Pearlheart. I promise.” Starleaf spared one last look towards the spot where Seedwhisker supposedly stood, thoughts swirling with confusion and fear.
She turned and walked away.
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