frczenpcetry · 1 year
“And I know exactly what I’m for, to hurt and destroy and nothing more.” { from woo to jae, maybe after he has accidentally killed someone while being blood thirsty ❤️ }
Jaehwan frowned hearing Wooyoung's words. He had never been high on negative self-talk, but this one... He could feel something was off in the way Wooyoung was talking, even if he could not tell what. "Why are you saying things like that, Wooyoung?" It was not true. He knew that. Wooyoung was different by nature, it was true, not because of his own fault, he knew that too... So why was he saying such things about it ?
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lunaxriax · 11 months
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Jaehwan, what do you do? Your girlfriend learned how to pose uwu
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Is my girlfriend trying to give me a heart attack? With all the perfect that is you. Not only do you look absolutely stunning, as you always do and more so every single day, but also very cool. Jaehwan likes and approves, yes.
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unfinishedjulyrain · 11 months
continued from here・❥・@lunaxriax
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If it had not been for Dahlia, Adelaide would be in much worse state than she was currently in. The young woman was aware of her superior's true self, Dahlia showed her on the first day they met so eventually, other supernatural beings began to react to Adelaide in return. They were daring enough to attempt attacking the poor girl with Dahlia close by in the storage. Needless to say they did not saw the end of the day - and Adelaide just wanted the day to end. She wanted to be by Jaehwan's side even though she could not possibly explain the whole situation to him. The second he stepped into the store, her arms wrapped around him and the sobbing started. Adelaide had been holding up knowing how infuriated her boss would get when someone disrespected her close ones but those walls had no chance around Jaehwan at all. Dahlia who approached them with a concerned expression, gave him a nod. "Let her collect her things and bring her home." The few minutes would be enough to explain the situation to Jaehwan without Adelaide's presence. And hopefully, the lingerie store would still stand after this.
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vienrose · 1 year
Alright, that's it. You're going to bed, and I'm not taking no for an answer. ( Yoosung )
"I just need to write a few more concluding sentences." the student whined out, red, dry, and completely tired eyes staring at the bright screen of his laptop. Those summer projects were always brutal on him because he was too much of a perfectionist. It's not like he lacked in time as well he just wanted to get it over it and enjoy the rest of the time he had off. "I don't want to stare at this again tomorrow. I can't do it... I won't do it. You can't make me do it."
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1eos · 2 years
He’s actually had that mascot since around the 2020 greeting album, no idea if it had a name. I don’t hate jaehwan like he hasn’t done anything wrong expect the baby talk and I even bias him, well, if I’m honest not as much as I did. And since jaehwan came back from his enlistment I’ve kinda been ignoring him because his aegyo baby talk has got out of hand and I’m just like please stop. I even cut back on posting updates on him ( jaehwanday is doing that anyway so). I didn’t even sign up for his bubble because I knew it would just be that talk. Taek might only talk about the weather a lot or tells us to have a good weekend/week but it’s more relatable. I don’t wanna pay to be baby talked at, I’ll stick with feet pics thanks. I even decided against Jaehwan’s calendar, like I was tempted but taeknyangi merch and taek at the beach GIVE ME IT ALLLL. I know there’s other factors but I have the same sun, moon and venus as jaehwan (thankfully my mercury and mars are in taurus & scorpio not pisces) and I couldn’t be more different.
omg you have earth placements too????? i swear the only starlights i like all have earth placements!!! earth is the element of taste i swear!!!! but yeahh i used to be fond of jaehwan nd thought his fire sign antics were kinda funny but the older he gets (and the older i get) the more the cutesy act becomes offputting to me 😭😭😭😭 and it feels like he does it MORE now???? like surely 10 years into idol tenure he doesn't have to do this!!!! vixx have cemented themselves in the industry pandering to fans isnt necessary AND PLEASEEEE not leo's feetjfkakgkag!!!!! but literally you can count on leo to act his age and i appreciate that. deeply. his transition into flared slacks has resonated deeply with me as a working girl. and my apologies to jaehwans mascot i had no idea it was a thing but taeknyangi still outsold. and his stuff looks so good im kinda mad like im trying to save money. i screamed in pain when i saw jaehwan in the preview video doing the puppy paws thing like please.......be normal......then i screamed again when i saw the taeknyangi stickers like what the fuck its so cute...
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inzsanewrites · 2 years
Halloween Special 🎃
Sung Jin Woo
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You brought the handheld mirror closer to your face as Jin-Ah finished the last of the of the light red paint on your face.
“Andddd… done! What do you think, Y/n?”
You admired the makeup Jin-Ah had painstakingly painted on for the celebration of Halloween. The white cracks… “glowing” effect… it was all perfect.
“Amazing as always, Jin-Ah.”
You stroked her hair as she beamed. Jin-Ah scampered off to go put on her costume, you felt grateful for the fact that she had put so much time and effort into your look and sent a quick Jin-Ho to treat her extra nicely.
Just as you sent the text off there was a knock on the door, startling you.
“Sarang? Are you ready yet?”
You looked down at your costume, ensuring that your dark cloak was in place. Once you confirmed it was, you made your way to open the door.
You said cheerfully opening the door to Jin-Woo’s now confused face.
“What are you supposed to be, Y/n-ah?” He questioned, wrapping his arms around you to bring you closer.
You pouted jokingly, “Can’t you tell? I’m Tusk.”
At the sound of your voice, the wandering shadow who was one of the three designated bodyguard for the night looked at you.
“Oh, then what am I supposed to be?” Jin-Woo pointed to himself.
“Yourself.” You replied frankly. “Your costume is nothing more than your average day drip.”
The look of confusion return but he asked nothing about your vocabulary.
You gently took yourself out of Jin-Woo’s arms and round up pillow cases handing them out to Beru, Bellion, and Tusk, who was quite happy to see your costume.
“Alrighty, shall we head out then?”
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“There’s nothing to celebrate Halloween though?” Jaehwan looked at you perplexed when you brought up the idea.
“C’mon you’re the new Castellan. Surely the cook is willing spare some sweet and the servants can spookify the place a bit.”
“They would even know what if would be for and it would take a lot of time explaining it to them.” He said and around began walking off into another direction, sensing a new challenger.
“But if we did, it would be worth it.” You said slightly jogging to keep up with his fast strides. “And it would make me happy.” You added which abruptly stopped him in his tracks.
“It would?”
Your eyes twinkled. “Yep, extremely.”
Jaehwan let out a drawn out sigh.
“Then I guess we coul-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you were already running in the opposite direction, shouting “Happy Halloween!” at everyone you passed by making them wonder what was wrong with the Castellan’s significant other.
Yohan Seo
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Yohan felt the awkwardness in the room increase as your fixation on his mouth did too.
For the past half an hour you had been staring into his mouth, comparing his fangs to the ones you had bought at an extremely high price.
“Unbelievable. Unforgivable.” He heard you say as you backed out of his mouth.
“My heart, what is it?” Yohan worriedly questioned as he snapped his jaw shut.
“The universe is unfair so just bite me already and take my melancholy as a mortal away.” You said, grief taking over your features.
This really had him worried he quickly carried you over to the velvet lovesick in the corner of the room.
“Although I would be happy to under normal circumstances, are you alright, love? Are you hurt? Sick?”
You slumped back. “None of those but a fool. So much money… gone and wasted… for something that looks no more real than a kid’s toy.”
He inspected the fake fangs in your hand. Sure they weren’t incredibly detailed but they weren’t that bad either, but he figured that your constant exposure to real ones influenced your thoughts to this situation. Secondly, he wasn’t quite sure as to why money was a problem when he had made it clear many times what was his was yours.
Yohan would have reinstated this had he not practically see you soul leaving your depressed form.
He scrambled to pick you up. “Don’t be like that, dear. I’m sure Levi can do something to help.”
The light of life faintly returned to your eyes.
“Really?” Your tone was hopeful.
Yohan felt a weight remove itself from his still heart.
“Yes, I’ll have her fix up something better for our Halloween outing tonight.”
The light had fully bloomed into a firework.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou.” You exclaimed burying yourself into his figure.
A light blush appeared on his features as he returned the affection.
“It’s no problem at all. Happy Halloween, my darling.”
A/N: Happy Halloween! Remember be safe, be in groups, don’t follow strangers, carefully inspect candy before eating, don’t trust strangers, have some know your whereabouts at all times, don’t enter anyone’s house (unless it’s a party, then avoid leaving last and by yourself), and keep aware of your surrounding and other people around you at all times! Enjoy your Halloween. Also Yohan is not with Levi when I write for him ( ◕‿‿◕ )
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hobeemin · 4 months
dangerous pairing ~ (pt. vii)
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🌙 genre: supernatural, fantasy, drama, angst, e2l, soulmates, forbidden romance, hybrid au
🌙 pairing(s): werewolf!kim namjoon x vampire!(f) oc; vampire!min yoongi x werewolf!jung hoseok; vampire!lee jaehwan x vampire!(f) oc; werewolf!kim namjoon x werewolf!ahn hyejin
🌙 summary: they were never meant to be together somehow, their lives intertwined, setting in motion a chain of events that would forever change the course of their lives and the people connected to them.
🌙 rating: 18+
🌙 warning(s): swearing, violence, torture, drinking blood, threats, jealousy, exhibitionism, penetration, fingering, scratching, biting
🌙 word count: 3.1k
🌙 inspiration: MB & Playlist
🌙 a/n: credit and many thanks to​💜💜 and @jeonggukingdom for the banner 💜💜 and to the lovely summer @beomcoups for beta reading 💛💛
🌙 < 🌙 m.list 🌙 > 🌙
“I won’t ask you again,” he said, circling the chair under the dim lights. “Where are the hunters?”
Muffled sounds came from the person tied to the chair. Namjoon motioned to Jungkook to remove the gag from his mouth.
Matthew spit out the blood as a tooth followed. Namjoon stepped back, shaking his head. “Matthew, Matthew. If you can do this the easy way or the hard way,” He squatted down, meeting his gaze. The man’s eyes were swollen, but he could see Namjoon’s form before him. His throat dried; he could barely form the words to speak.
“I-I d-don’t know anything.”
Namjoon dropped his head with a deep sigh. “I thought you were smarter than that, Kim. I’m very disappointed.”
He snapped his fingers as Jungkook and Hoseok stepped up to untie Matthew. The man struggled, trying to break free. Namjoon walked over to a tray of instruments, carefully running her fingers along each.
“Most would think I like to leave the dirty work to my pack, but I always felt it showed leadership and initiative to do things myself.”
The serrated blade reflected across Mathew’s face as Namjoon picked it up. 
“Last chance, Kim,” he replied.
Just as it got close to his side, Matthew jerked away with a yell. “J-Jackson!”
“Speak up, leech,” Hoseok snarled.
“The hunter’s name is Jackson.”
Namjoon put the blade down and wiped his hands with a towel. He gave Jungkook and Hoseok a curt nod, and they dropped Matthew to the floor. 
His gaze landed on Hoseok. “Find them.”
Hoseok gave a hum of understanding. “How you want them?”
“Alive for now. Get him cleaned up and back to whatever hole you found him in,” he instructed.
They picked up Matthew and dragged him out of the cellar. “Oh, and Matthew,” Namjoon called. “If I find you warned them, I’ll make a house call to your family. Are we clear?”
“U-Understood,” he whispered.
“–And so I didn’t even try to tell my father about it.”
Hwasa’s laugh seemed to echo as she turned to Namjoon. Her smile wavered slightly as she watched his facial expression. He seemed so far away.
No response. 
Hwasa smiled at the people around them as she stepped closer, interlocking her fingers with his. He blinked a few times, feeling the warmth. Glancing at her and the people around him, he gave them a slight grin.
“Sorry. My mind seemed to wander off. Enjoy your evening, everyone.”
Hwasa wiggled her fingers in farewell as they walked away to mingle more. They stopped by the bar, waiting to order drinks. Namjoon raised his hand, giving his order to the bartender.
“Are you alright? You’ve been distracted since we arrived,” she murmured as she grabbed the champagne glass off the counter.
“I’m fine,” he replied curtly, sipping the amber liquid in his glass.
“Then act like it,” she said sweetly, her smile not reaching her eyes.
“I’ll hold my end; you do the same,” he answered, his eyes flashing gold in warning.
Hwasa clinked her glass to his with a giggle. “Cheers.”
Eva sipped her champagne as classical music played softly in the background. She handled this gala effortlessly.
Ken stayed by her side as soon as they arrived, ensuring every photograph taken had them together. Reluctantly, she played the part. After all, this was all a rouse to get everyone to see she was a severe threat. Jimin and Yoongi watched around the room with careful eyes. 
Though they had the best security detail money could buy, Jin felt it was better to keep a close eye on Eva. Anything could happen at a moment’s notice. 
Ken introduced Eva to a group of hospital board members working to pass a motion for Ken’s company regarding a new drug on the market. She smiled demurely, leading Ken into a false sense of security.
“I can’t believe you’ve been hiding this exquisite woman from us, Ken. When’s the wedding?” one of the doctors teased. 
His grip tightened around her waist, pulling her closer. He bent down, kissing her cheek lightly. It almost made her recoil. Smiling, he winked at the doctors.
“If I have my way, she’ll have my last name before the year ends.”
Her smile strained before she gulped down the rest of her champagne. “Time for a refill. Excuse me.” Eva eyed Ken with disdain as she walked back to the bar. The bartender greeted her and placed a napkin in front of her.
“Another glass of champagne miss?”
“No, I require something a little stronger. Let’s go with the Macallan, double, on the rocks.”
She nodded once the highball was placed before her and brought it to her lips. Just as the liquid passed her lips, Eva froze. Her eyes widened, and goosebumps formed along her skin. Where did this come from? Her eyes darted around, searching for Jin, Yoongi, or Jimin.
Are you okay?
I don’t know. Something feels strange.
Would you like to leave Countess?
She sighed, shaking her head and taking another sip of her drink.
No, no, Jimin, I’ll be alright.
Jimin looked over at her with concern but stopped prying. If she stated she was alright, then she was until further notice.
She wanted to kick herself. When had she ever seemed this weak?
Get it together, girl, she scolded herself.
She sniffed, swallowed the rest of her drink, and wiped the corners of her mouth. This was her stage, and she wouldn’t be caught slipping. 
The irony.
Dark brown eyes met her own. Namjoon seemed to bore into her very being. Her grip tightened around the highball as it almost slipped. Ken was at her side immediately, a look of worry on his face. 
She stared at him for a moment with a blank expression. A frown appeared on his face.
She blinked once. Then, twice before letting him take the drink out of her hand.
“I’m fine.”
“We can–”
“I said I was fucking alright, Ken,” she hissed.
He straightened his posture and cleared his throat. “Very well. Let’s continue greeting these donors.”
“Whatever. Fix your tie; it’s crooked,” she said through a smile as they resumed their rounds. Much to her dismay, they walked up to Namjoon and his group. Eva grabbed another flute off a tray as Ken made introductions. 
“Evanglelina Romanus, this is Ahn Hyejin. Her family are patrons of the arts. And this is her escort, er-“
“Kim Namjoon,” he answered, giving Ken a side-eye. 
“Ah, Kim Namjoon. I think I’ve heard of you. Your company deals in construction, I believe?”
“Entertainment mostly. I own Club Lux. Have you been there?”
Ken shook his head with a smirk. “Can’t say that I have.”
“Stop by some time. I’ll give you a good deal,” Namjoon replied.
The tension grew between the two men. Eva cleared her throat, stepping between them.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Kim and Ms. Ahn. I hope you enjoy yourselves tonight.”
Hwasa noticed the way Namjoon’s expression shifted slightly when looking at Evangelina. It was subtle but enough for the wolf to see, and maybe it was just plain old female intuition. Either way, she didn’t like it. This woman was a threat. And what did Hwasa do to threats?
Annihilate them.
Ken looked Namjoon up and down, trying to mask his distaste. Something was off about this man. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but the aura permeating off of him seemed dangerous. In his mind, Ken wanted him gone and away from him and Eva.
The Countess may have tried to seem icy, but internally she was suffering. She realized her hand had a slight shake to it. Placing the flute down, she gripped Ken’s arm. He glanced at her in concern.
“Are you alright, Bella?”
She ignored the inquiry.
Something about the way Ken said that made Namjoon’s wolf stir. Why was he touching her like that? Calling her names like they were involved? Who was this man to Eva?
Whatever power seemed to roll off Namjoon had some effect on Eva. Her knees buckled as she almost fell into one of the pillars. Ken quickly caught her as Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin appeared at her side.
She let out a small laugh, pushing away from Ken. It was time to put on an act.
”Goodness, I believe that champagne had more of a punch than I anticipated. I guess I got overheated, if you’ll excuse me.”
She waved them away and headed to the restroom. Namjoon watched her retreating form as Hwasa’s eyes narrowed.
Jin glanced at Ken. “Maybe I should check on her.”
Hwasa stepped up as a smile spread on her face. “Nonsense. I’ll pop in to see if she’s doing okay. It will be better for her to see another lady and all that. Be back in an instant.”
Yoongi nodded as the trio dispersed, returning to his position near the museum's second level. He sighed, drumming his fingers on the railing. His thoughts wandered to Eva, hoping she was recovering.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
A smirk appeared on Yoongi’s face. If his heart functioned, it would have beat erratically. Hoseok oozed charisma from the top of his head to his feet. His regular dark brown locks had been cut short and dyed platinum blonde. It suited him well and contrasted with his black suit. Yoongi appreciated the view before him.
Hoseok closed the distance between them, wanting to be closer, but too many eyes were around.
“Miss you.”
“I miss you too,” Yoongi murmured.
“Will you be able to slip away after this?”
“Maybe. I’ll send a message if I can.”
Hoseok smiled with a wink. “The usual meeting place?”
Hoseok’s face paled, giving Yoongi a look before turning back to face Taehyung. The younger wolf raised a brow at Yoongi before directing his attention at Hoseok. 
“So this is where you ran off, too.”
“The view was better from here,” Hoseok lied easily. “Is everything alright down there?”
“It’s fine. Jungkook has it taken care of for now,” he answered, stepping closer. “Who’s this?” he nudged his chin towards Yoongi.
Hoseok glanced from Yoongi to Taehyung, racking his brain for an answer. Yoongi stepped between them, extending his hand. 
“Min Yoongi. I’m head of security for the event. Hoseok had some questions about the entrance and exits in an emergency. I assured him my team had it under control.”
Taehyung paused before taking his hand. Besides being a bit cool to the touch, he couldn’t get a read on Yoongi. He didn’t like it, but the explanation seemed to soothe his curiosity. 
“I’m impressed with it. Hoseok, I’ll be downstairs with Jungkook. See you in a few?”
He gave a curt nod. “Yes.”
Satisfied, Taehyung headed back down the stairs. Hoseok waited until he was well out of earshot to let the breath he’d been holding pass his lips.
“That was too close for comfort,” he said, calm.
Yoongi shook his head. “It was fine. You kept a cool head. There was nothing suspicious about it.”
Hoseok’s lips thinned as he stared at Yoongi. “Even still. Taehyung has found it hard to move up in rank. I don’t need a reason for him to doubt my position.”
“It will work out, Hobi,” Yoongi reassured.
Hoseok sighed, shaking his head. “I have a lot to think about. We might have to postpone a bit more. Is that okay with you?”
Disappointment passed Yoongi’s face, but he held it in as he nodded. “No choice but to at this point. You better get back down there before he suspects anything else.”
“Thanks, babe. I appreciate it,” Hoseok winked before walking away.
Yoongi stared back out at the guests. His mood was much darker than before.
Eva stepped out of the stall and walked up to the sink, letting the water run momentarily before washing her hands. She wiped her hands with the towels laid out and adjusted her dress. As she fixed her hair, the door swung open as Hwasa entered. Eva paid her no mind as she approached the sink, washing her hands and fussing with her hair.
The tension crawled slowly between the two until Hwasa turned to Eva with a smile.
“It seems you look much better than before,” Hwasa observed.
“Mhmm, much better,” Eva replied, pulling lipstick from her mini clutch.
“I offered to come in here to see how you were.”
“Aren’t you thoughtful,” Eva answered dryly.
Annoyance flashed on Hwasa’s face, but she smiled wide. This woman was not going to get under her skin.
“You know something?”
Eva snapped her clutch close, feeling her temper rise. “I don’t, but I feel you will tell me.”
Hwasa giggled, aggravating Eva more as she leaned against the counter. “It seems you knew Namjoon before this event.”
“What gave you that idea?”
“I’m pretty observant, and the way he stared made it seem like you two are familiar.”
Eva shrugged. “Wow, you got me there, Ms. Ahn. But if you have any insecurities about it, maybe you should talk to Namjoon about it and not some random woman.”
All pretenses dropped as Hwasa’s wolf let out a snarl. Her voice dropped low. “Listen here bitch. Namjoon is mine. I don’t think I can see through that act you’re giving. You better watch your back.”
Eva let out a laugh that didn’t reach her eyes as she closed the distance between them. “And just so you know, for future reference, when you’re kissing Namjoon, that’s me on his lips. You’re in the big leagues now, so watch your back, dear.”
Hwasa felt her lip twitch as Eva turned on her heel and exited the bathroom without another word. She glared at the mirror before growling as her fist smashed the glass.
“She’ll regret crossing me,” she whispered as the glass shattered.
Eva looked around and saw Ken leaning against the bar, talking with Jin. His eyes met hers, and she nodded, heading towards the botanical gardens. As the chilled air of spring filled her lungs, she gripped the side of the fountain. 
What was happening to her?
I have it under control!
No, you don’t.
Eva spun around to see Namjoon standing there. Her eyes narrowed her body on the defense.
“What do you want? Was Ms. Ahn too much to handle?”
Namjoon snorted, placing his hands in his pockets. “Hardly that. I came to get some air myself. I guess we had the same idea.”
She rolled her eyes, taking a seat on the fountain's edge. “I see.”
“I’m surprised your pet didn’t follow you out here,” he sneered.
Eva ran her hand through her curls, letting out a scoff. “Look at the pot calling the kettle black.” She sniffed distastefully, looking him up and down. “Lay off the cologne, you reek of canine.”
Namjoon felt his wolf paw to the surface as he lunged forward, gripping her arm and bringing Eva against his chest. 
“Still with the insults, Eva.”
She gave him an emotionless stare. “I merely speak the truth.”
“Bullshit,’ he spat. He glanced down at her hungrily. “He better not touch you again.”
She hissed as her eyes glowed. “Who do you you are to tell me who can or can’t touch me?!”
His eyes glowed back in response as he smirked. “You know Eva. You’ve always known.”
“I don’t have the slightest clue what you mean.”
“Don’t play coy. I saw the look in your eyes. With him, there was no passion, no desire, no love. You’re fooling yourself if you can’t see what I can.”
His lips touched her pulse point, making her squirm in his arms. Every touch he made sent her closer and closer to the edge. She didn’t want to admit it, but Eva was slowly losing this battle with him.
And she loved every minute of it.
“A-And what is that?”
Namjoon nuzzled against her with a low growl. “You want me just as much as I want you.”
“I’ll rip your throat out,” she warned.
“I dare you,” he taunted.
It was as if time itself had stopped. No pretenses. Just a veil seemed to cover the pair as their lips collided. It felt as if a band snapped. No more pretending. They were in their own world. The kiss broke the rules of nature. Each was fighting the other for dominance. Nothing was gentle in that kiss, only the desire for each other.
Namjoon wasted no time picking her up, moving to a corner away from prying eyes. He pulled away from the kiss, making her whimper in disappointment. He grinned, staring into her eyes with utmost devotion.
“I’ve waited so long for this Eva.”
“Stop talking and fuck me,” she ordered, licking her lips at him.
The gold sparked in his eyes as he chuckled darkly. “Gladly.”
The sound of the belt unbuckling excited her more as he ripped her dress open for better access. Lifting her leg and wrapping it around his waist, she giggled. “You owe me a new gown.”
“Fuck that gown,” he laughed as he adjusted himself. Moaning, his fingers brushed her clit, groaning at how aroused she was. He pressed his fingers as she pulsed in his hand. Lifting his fingers, he tasted her essence, trembling with lust. “Delicious.”
Chest rising, she sought out his lips. “J-Just do it, Namjoon. Now!”
He whimpered as he slid between her folds, hugging him just right. Breathing hard through his nostrils, he willed himself to be in control. No way was he going to end this too soon. Who knew when the next time they’d meet?
She wanted him to devour her. Take her for all to see. As his hips snapped, her nails dug into his back, shivering in his arms. This was what was missing, as much as she denied it all these months. It was him. He was her equal.
The grunts and moans filled the garden in shadows under a waning moon. 
Hwasa ran out into the gardens in search of Namjoon. A passerby mentioned seeing him in that direction. She walked out holding onto her champagne flute, wondering why he’d be out there. She paused as she heard noises towards the center of the garden. Picking up her train, she walked in the direction.
There it was. Two bodies writhing in the throes of passion. Hips snapping to an unknown rhythm. And then silver eyes locked with hers.
Hwasa felt her lip twitch as the woman gave her a wink as her fangs slid into view. Still staring, she pulled down Namjoon’s collar and sank her fangs into his neck. He let out a howl as he sped up his movements. The flute dropped from Hwasa’s fingers, crashing into the ground. The two lovers paid it no mind. She turned on her heel and ran back inside the museum, quickly vowing her revenge. She didn’t notice Ken standing behind a tree, watching their every move. His eyes narrowed as his fist formed, nails digging into his palms as blood dripped down.
Yes. Kim Namjoon had to die.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Apologises To You After A Fight ~ Vixx Reaction
Your eyes widened as you watched Hakyeon walk through the front door, two bags in his hands. He placed them in front of you, allowing you to peek inside both of them.
“My favourites,” you commented, recognising a few of your favourite things.
Hakyeon nodded proudly as he took a seat down beside you, “I thought they might be a good start in trying to say sorry to you for the argument earlier.”
“I guess buying my favourite chocolate does sweeten me up a little bit,” you agreed, reaching in and pulling your favourite bar out to start enjoying.
“You have to listen to me though Y/N, you can’t just eat that now.”
“I can do both,” you retorted, “plus I like the chocolate more than I like you right now.”
“I can’t argue with that,” Hakyeon shrugged back across at you, “but I would like you to at least pay attention enough to know that I’m sorry for what I said to you.”
Your head nodded as you looked up in Hakyeon’s direction. “This apology better be on a par with the chocolate otherwise I won’t be listening.”
“Y/N, shh,” Hakyeon laughed, “I’m trying to be serious, stop messing around with me now.”
“Sorry, I promise I’m listening.”
A sigh came from you as you heard the door to your bedroom open, knowing that it was Taekwoon by the clearing of the throat that came from him as he approached you.
“I’m not interested,” you immediately called out, but Taekwoon didn’t listen.
Instead, he perched down on the bed just beside you. “I’m not here to cause another argument Y/N, I’m here because I want to say sorry for what happened.”
“It doesn’t change what you said earlier on,” you stubbornly replied, catching Taekwoon nodding in agreement with you out of the corner of your eye.
“Let me try and make it up to you at least, you shouldn’t be here.”
“I want to be here,” you corrected, “I’d happily be anywhere if it was away from you.”
“Y/N,” Taekwoon whispered, resting his hand against the top of your leg, “I’m trying here. I can’t say sorry enough but you can’t just ignore me forever and not talk to me.”
You shuffled slightly so that you were looking across at Taekwoon, “I’m listening,” you bluntly whispered, not letting him off quite so easily.
“Thank you,” he calmly responded. “I am really sorry for what I said, you know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I know you are Taek.”
The sound of a knock at the door brought your eyes up, smiling weakly as you saw Jaehwan stood in the doorway, holding up the bag that was in his hand to show you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, pushing your laptop away.
Jaehwan took that as a sign to walk into your office, hovering beside your desk. “It’s a bit of a peace offering, a guilt lunch for causing the argument earlier.”
“You’ve brought me lunch to say sorry?” You smiled back across at him, unable to stop yourself from being touched by Jaehwan’s sweet gesture.
“I’ve not been able to stop thinking about what happened.”
“Come on,” you spoke, beckoning him over, “I can’t say no to a free lunch anyway.”
“I’ve got a few more things that I thought might make you like me again,” Jaehwan informed you as he took his seat and started to unpack the bag.”
Your eyes rolled as he did so, “no matter how much we fight Jae, it never stops me from liking you. These things just happen in relationships.”
“You’re right,” he mused, “I guess sometimes I worry that I push things a little too far with you.”
“You definitely like to test me.”
Your eyes glanced away as soon as you noticed the front door opening, hearing Wonshik walk through the house and take a seat on the sofa beside you.
“What?” You questioned, feeling his eyes staring across at you firmly.
A sigh came from Wonshik, expecting you to still be annoyed with him. “I just wanted to talk to you Y/N, try and at least explain myself a little bit.”
“What’s there to explain?” You challenged, “you made your opinions quite clear this morning about what you think of me, I’m just stupid to you, aren’t I?”
“That’s not true, I didn’t get my words right at all earlier, that’s all.”
“Is that you explaining yourself?” You groaned back at him, “blaming your words?”
“Can you just let me finish?” Wonshik asked of you, running a hand through his hair. “I’m trying to put things right, even if you’re still mad with me.”
Your head nodded as you took a moment to calm yourself back down again, “I guess I could listen to what you have to say for yourself.”
“Don’t sound too disappointed,” Wonshik joked, “don’t you want to stop arguing with me?”
“Sometimes I’m not so sure.”
A figure appearing brought a smile to Sanghyuk’s face, watching as Jaehwan peered down and took a look at what it was that he was doing on his phone during their break.
“For Y/N?” Jaehwan asked, watching as Sanghyuk browsed a selection of flowers.
His head nodded as he clicked one of the options, “I messed up pretty bad this morning, sending her a bouquet of flowers feels like the least that I could.”
“Did you really muck up that much?” Jaehwan couldn’t help but laugh, throwing his arm across Sanghyuk’s shoulders. “You don’t think just a sorry will cut it this time?”
“I’m too embarrassed to even tell you what I said to her earlier on.”
A hum of surprise escaped from Jaehwan, “you better find something expensive.”
“Since when were flowers so expensive,” Sanghyuk grumbled as he clicked to check out, “I can’t dig myself that big of a hole again just for the price of the apology.”
Jaehwan’s head shook as he listened to him, “at least hopefully if you send her these you’ll get Y/N talking to you again, isn’t that what’s most important.”
“Of course,” Sanghyuk agreed, “I think it might get me a few points remembering her favourites too.”
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself.”
74 notes · View notes
boysplanetrecaps · 8 months
Build Up Episode 1: If You and Every Moment
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Welcome back to my project of recapping Build Up, the MNET show! In the previous one, we finished off the "voice check" mission, when the guys voted -- or didn't vote -- for each other. In this post, we'll tackle the judges panel as well as the first two performances: If You and Every Moment of You. Let's do this!
It's time for the performances already!
The judges are gathering. First in is Lee Seokhoon. You know, this guy. 
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He was the vocal coach on, among other shows, PD101 and Boys Planet. I have tried and tried over the course of this recap to remember his name but I cannot, and my scrolling finger was getting tired, so I will be calling him That Guy or That Vocal Coach Guy or something throughout and you’re just going to have to make your peace with that.
Then Wendy from Red Velvet and Baekho arrive. I’ve never seen Wendy on a show like this before, which checks out, because she says it’s her first time. And OMG. Baehko? Main vocal of Nu’est? The guy I bring up randomly in recaps that have nothing whatsoever to do with him, on the slightest pretense? I genuinely didn’t know he’d be a judge on this, but it sure sweetens the pot. I hope we get to hear him singing! 
Baekho jokes that he feels like he should be on stage performing, because That Guy is here. The joke is that Baekho was on PD101 Season 2, when That Guy was a judge/trainer. Baekho actually won PD101 Season 2 based on the real votes, and should have been in Wanna One, but MNET rigged it and gave his spot to someone else. 
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I’m really surprised that Baekho would want to deal with MNET again after all that, but I guess this show has a different staff and showrunner. 
Baekho and Wendy talk about how it’s their first time doing a show like this, and Wendy says she’s so nervous. She sounds really nervous. It’s one of the first times I’ve ever seen Wendy not smiling. 
Eunkwang from BtoB arrives (if you don’t know BtoB, they’re with Cube and they’re known for their vocals), and Solar from Mamamoo. Finally, Jaehwan from Wanna One (he’s a soloist now) -- he’s the one who sang that part right before the chorus of Energetic, the part with the “no no no no!” His vocals are so gorgeous, my god. But also, I wonder if it’s weird for Jaehwan and Baekho to work together after being on PD101 together all those years ago…? Doesn’t seem to be -- they have a fun rapport. 
Anyway, this judging panel is stacked. 
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LTR: Baekho from Nu’est, Solar from Mamamoo, That Guy, Eunkwang from BtoB, Wendy from Red Velvet, and Jaehwan from Wanna One
Dahee appears and introduces herself as the MC.
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She looks really pretty. A long sleeved bedazzled denim tailored crop top paired with a matching denim mini skirt? I mean why not? Do your thing, Dahee. The judging panel applauds and shouts at her that she’s beautiful.
The camera reveals where the boys are sitting in a sort of green room area, and they are also shouting about Dahee. They’re now wearing the outfits they wore in their official photos. That will make it easier to recognize them from those photos, that’s for sure.
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And looking at this, I realize, this is supposed to look like the coliseum. You guys. That’s why one of the boys said that the set looks like the coliseum as they were coming in, before the studio lights came up. Someone must have told him to say it. This is supposed to look like an ancient Roman gladiator ring or something. I wish it didn’t look so shitty, though. 
Dahee says that the participants will get to experience the feeling of being in a 4 member group today, and that they be evaluated for their performance. 
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Wendy is super nervous. She might be even more nervous than the boys are. Come on, Wendy, my fellow North American. You got this! She’s wearing one of those three-quarter sleeve blazers. I feel like I should get one of those. 
Dahee asks the judges what criteria they’ll be using. The judges reply with their criteria one by one, and the guys in the green room are seeing it on a closed circuit camera view and reacting to each judge. Apparently, this is the first time they are finding out even who the judges are, much less what the criteria is. Seems like maybe that info would have been helpful earlier, like maybe when the boys were rehearsing and planning….?
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LTR: Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T,  Ji Yeon Woo, Sunyoul from UP10TION, and Choi Su Hwan -- aka Team Decalcomanie. 
The boys are excited to see the vocal coach guy, who they refer to as “that man with glasses.” I guess they also have trouble remembering his name. They’re also a bit intimidated by him -- he’s known for telling it like it is. 
The guys are also especially delighted to see Eunkwang from BtoB. 
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To be clear, they’re also pretty surprised and happy to see all the judges, but my sense is that for most of them, Eunkwang takes top spot. He is often cited as a role model for young male kpop vocalists, in much the way that young female kpop vocalists would cite Taeyeon from SNSD. 
Sunyoul, in his sparkly black jacket, pulls out a little notebook and starts taking notes of the criteria! Is Sunyoul low key the Woongki of Build Up? I think he might be, friends. I’m here for it. Not that anyone can replace THE Woongki, but it’s nice to have someone around who reminds us of him. So what must Sunyoul be writing down? Here’s the criteria we get:
The Vocal Coach Guy says that he’s going to be looking for the delivery of the lyrics and for them to do their own interpretation of the songs.
Eunkwang encourages them to have good teamwork on stage and to show their best performance with the chance they have. 
Solar from Mamamoo tells them that, as a member of a 4-person vocal group herself, she’s looking for synergy. 
Baekho says he’s looking to see that they distributed the parts correctly so that each member can shine. 
Wendy tells them she’s also looking for lyric delivery and emotional expression. 
Jaehwan starts to say that the others already gave good advice, and Eunkwang playfully interrupts to tell him to not say more in that case. Jaehwan goes on, undaunted, and encourages them to not let their nervousness get the best of them. They need their breath to sing!
And right away, it’s time for the first team to perform! 
If You (originally by Big Bang)
The first team is doing “If You” by Big Bang, from 2015. Eunkwang says the song is really hard, and That Guy agrees. Shipji ana! It’s not easy. This song is not just something you can sing with a “nice tone.” 
Who is taking the stage? 
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It’s Geonu from Just B, Jay, Kang Hayoon, and Hong Seongjun from BDC. They each introduce themselves. 
Randomly, back in the green room, Seokhwa from WEi says he went to an academy with Geonu. See, all these guys travel in the same circles. One more reason it’s dumb to have fan wars -- you might be crapping on an idol who is best friends with your bias.
Hwanhee, watching from the green room, says he’s looking forward to Jay. And speaking of Boys Planet, That Vocal Coach Guy greets Jay, and they say “long time no see” kind of stuff. It’s interesting -- Jay’s Korean is obviously a lot stronger than it used to be, but he’s clearly still not fluent.  
Vocal Coach Guy also knows Hong Seongjun from when Seongjun was on PD101, so the other judges tease him for knowing everyone -- is he like, the mayor of MNET? Vocal Coach Guy shakes off the teasing, but takes the time to praise Jay’s talent.
Solar and Wendy ask Hayoon why, if he’s ranked so high and can choose any song he wants, he chose this song. He says, in his very cute way of talking, that he thinks YG songs fit his voice, and we’re left to ponder how someone so cyoo can also be so YG we head into a flashback.
Let’s take a quick break and talk about the song itself. It was released in 2015 as a digital single only, with no video; an official for YG said that the song was too sad to make an MV for it! It was also unusual for a Big Bang song in that it featured only singing, not rapping. The lyrics describe a break up; the chorus goes, “If you, if you/ If it’s not too late / Can’t we get back together? / If you, if you/ If you’re struggling like I am / Can’t we make things a little easier?/ I should’ve treated you better when I had you.” The song did really well on the charts and got a lot of critical praise. For the record, I think it’s gorgeous, and I’m glad it’s going to get a cover done by a team of all main-vocalist. It has the feeling of a song written out of a real emotional place, and needs to be performed from that same emotional place if possible. Good things idols aren’t allowed to date, or they might actually experience some of these emotional situations! Sigh. 
So, back to the flashback! 
We learn that Hayoon chose If You immediately, because he thinks it suits him. Kang Hayoon kind of reminds me of that one episode of the Brak show where it turned out Zorak could sing in this really nice, clean voice --  but in reverse. Hayoon has this soft, sweet speaking voice and then he sings like an ageless wizard. 
Anyway, based on my reconstruction of the team formation, six other contestants chose their songs next, and didn’t choose this one, but Jay made a bee-line for it. Jay explains that he chose If You at least in part because he wanted to work with Hayoon, which is kind of funny since earlier in the episode we learned that Hayoon was wary of working with Jay. 
Hong Seongjun, looking on from down in the gladiator pit, says he doesn’t want to be in the same song as Hayoon and Jay, but after 17 more guys make their choice, he ends up choosing If You anyway. After all, he’s a great singer too, right? By the time Geonu chooses, all that is left besides If You is Decalcomanie, Don't Go, Breath, and of course Every Moment (more on that later), but he chooses If You. 
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They sing a bit together to help decide how to divide up the parts. Honestly, I’m not sure that I’m as much of a superfan of Hayoon’s voice as everyone else seems to be. I get it that it’s unique, and I definitely like some unique voices, but Hayoon’s voice just isn’t the kind of voice I love-love-love. I like it, don't get me wrong, but it's not my favorite voice in the whole world. Jay says Hayoon’s voice is very similar to G-Dragon’s voice, and I guess it is, actually, that’s fair -- but GD isn’t exactly known as an excellent vocalist, is he? He’s more of a rapper, songwriter, allrounder, swag king. (G-Dragon is the leader of Big Bang, if you're not familiar.) 
So, I watched this episode the first time while a bit stoned (it’s legal where I live, guys, and I’m over 21) and I wrote down: “Jay is singing too, and jesus god on a pony he sounds gorgeous. I’m so distracted by his pink lipstick but his voice? Amazing. He says that he really wants a main part, and I want him to have one.” So… yeah. That’s how I feel now, too. (Write stoned, but edit sober, is what I always say.) 
And they begin….
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I know some of you may not have a decent link to the episode, so I’ll give the version with all the interruptions and reactions too, in case you want to watch it.
Here’s the version without all the reactions, if you want just the performance. 
Here’s the version with all the reactions -- you can turn on the captions if you want.
My thoughts: 
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Basically, Jay’s voice is so impossibly sweet that he makes everyone else sound almost bad. I know I said he needs to work on his pitch and nasality, but he didn’t seem to have any pitch issues with this song, not even minor ones, and he was a lot less nasal. When I watched the performance before I saw the episode, I thought maybe he’d worked through the song with a trainer or judge or something to do the job he did, and you know, maybe he did. Regardless of how he did it, he sounded fantastic. 
If you were eating really high quality ice cream, would you want to have a handful of Doritos right in the middle? Even if you like Doritos? I guess maybe some people would, but it’s not really the experience I’d want, personally. Doritos in one bowl, Ben & Jerry’s in the other, you know? 
What I’m saying is that Jay is the ice cream and Hayoon is the Doritos.
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Hayoon does have a GD-esque voice. It’s cool to listen to by itself, but next to Jay’s honey voice, it stands out kind of unpleasantly to me. It’s not a deal breaker or anything; it’s just that it wasn’t my favorite blend. 
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If you listen to just Seongjun’s voice, it’s nice too, if sometimes fairly nasal. Next to Jay's, it pales a bit, but on its own, it's really nice. It’s got texture and warmth and emotion. But he loses control just that little bit in service of the emotion, and he has a habit of letting his voice kind of “slump” at the end of each line. (That’s my term for it -- I don’t know if there’s an official way to explain.)
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Judging by the criteria of, “who showed the most emotion,” it’s Geonu by a mile. But it was maybe a bit too much emotion…? He ended up going a bit pitchy and here and there -- he also loses control in service of the emotion. I could imagine a fan enjoying that, but I don’t think it’s what these judges want. That said, his vocal color is actually really very sweet and pleasant. I think he probably adds a lot to Just B songs. 
The parts in harmony sounded pretty amazing. Everyone was in such control. Nice work, team!
Overall, this performance was really great. If this was a real vocal group, I’d like to listen to them. Hayoon’s instinct that his voice and Jay’s wouldn’t mix well was dead on, but I’d work around that to hear each of them individually. I also think that all three of the other voices blended well. It also doesn’t hurt that I love this song. I admit fully that it will be harder for me to evaluate some of the other songs. 
MNET Edit:
It’s comparatively restrained for an MNET edit, with a lot of reactions but a minimum of instant replays from both the other guys and the judges.
The judges say:
The judges love Jay and Hayoon especially. It seems that only Geonu leaves all the judges stone faced. The boys backstage are impressed by especially by Jay especially, but seem to have kind words for all four. 
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When the song is over, everyone applauds, and Dahee asks the judges what they thought. 
That Vocal Coach Guy says that overall they were good. Jay was a good fit for the song, and he really enjoys Hayoon’s unique tones. 
Baekho praises Seongjun as the one whose performance held the performance together. Aww, that’s nice he got a bit of love. He really did sound nice here, and displayed a bit of range compared to his teaser song performance.
Jaehwan says that Geonu’s gestures and expressions were too canned and pre-planned, and it made his performance feel lifeless. Kind of harsh, but fair, I think. It’s tough because in kpop idol music, they tend to plan everything, even minor things like when they’re going to pass their hand in front of their face. Coming here where they’re expected to basically freestyle sing may be a tough adjustment for them.
Hearing this tough critique upsets our sweet Sunyoul, who asks his teammate Ji Yeon Woo to feel how hard his heart is beating. 
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With any luck, some girls will ship this and vote for him! Fighting, Yeonwoo! Fighting, Sunyoul!
Dahee asks the judges to select the top tier singer. It’s down to Jay versus Hayoon, and the judges spend time thinking, but it seems kind of obvious who it’s going to be Jay. The boys back stage think it will be Jay, too.
It turns out it’s unanimous -- 
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-- they all chose Jay.
The other guys congratulate him, but they’re obviously disappointed to not be picked themselves. 
When Dahee asks Wendy about her reaction to Jay’s voice, she says it tickled her ears, and I know what she means.
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Jay kind of can’t believe he’s hearing such high praise from Wen-fucking-dy from Red-fucking-Velvet. I would die. I would die! I would evaporate into a wisp of carbon and oxygen if Wendy praised my singing voice!! 
Dahee asks how it feels to win, and Jay tries to answer but first has to figure out what to call the judges. Eunkwang says he can call him hyung, which also blows Jay’s mind. Jay decides to stay formal, thanks them for the compliments, and promises to keep working hard. 
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Again, I’m sure the other boys are disappointed, but I think they knew it was a long shot to win against Jay. They try to take it in stride because they mostly got good feedback. 
The judges talk about how good Jay is until it’s time for the next performance. 
Every Moment of You
When the next song pops up on screen, the whole judging panel is pretty shocked, because it is apparently a really difficult one to sing. It’s called “너의 모든 순간 (Every Moment of You)” and is originally by Sung Sikyung. It’s from a drama My Love From The Star which was a phenomenon at the time, to the point that the lipstick color the main actress wore ended up trending. I watched this drama and liked it (not loved it but liked it a lot), but I didn’t really recognize the song, which is telling. I do often get to like songs from dramas I watch because you hear them over and over, you know? I just find this song a bit cheesy, personally. If you like it, rock on -- a LOT of people like this song. 
Some of the lyrics: 
After a while, when I recognized you, Everything was clearly changing/ My world separates to before and after knowing you/ When you breathe, a warm wind blows/ When you smile, dazzling sunlight shines …. Because you stayed there, because it’s you / Because you sometimes quietly lean on my shoulder/ I’m really, completely happy / I follow you as time flows and stops.
Anyway! So, the guys come out and introduce themselves.
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Jang Intae says he’s hoping to establish himself as a good singer. Jang Intae was the one who came in last place in the voting. He performed a BtoB song as his teaser (V31) so it’s safe to guess he might be a fan of Eunkwang’s. Jaehwan gives Intae’s introduction a lot of approval, and we find out later that the two of them are friends. 
Seunghun from CIX introduces himself and says “I sing deep emotions with a soft voice.”
Hong Sungwon says he’s a musical actor who will tap your eardrums sweetly. He’s in this fabulous ombre sweater with frayed hems and I want it. Sungwon is the one who sang Desperado as his teaser song, and I thought he did a great job. 
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Finally, Bain says he’s going to cut your heartstrings which doesn’t sound great…? Maybe it sounds better in Korean. 
We hop back in time to see some of their preparations. We find out that Sungwon the musical actor chose this song quite willingly, but he was 14th to pick, meaning that 13 guys chose a song before him and none of them chose this song. In fact, it was the song that stayed empty the longest. Then, when we got to the last four guys to choose -- Bain, Seunghun from CIX, Lim Junhyuk (former Day 6), and Jang Intae  -- there were three spaces still in Every Moment of You and one space in Breath. So there wasn’t really much in the way of choice for those last four guys, and three of them ended up here. What I’m saying is that most of the guys really didn’t want to sing this song, Sungwon aside.
When it came to their preparations, the main issue was, who gets to sing the intro? It’s kind of the “killing part” of the song, the part that everyone mimics when they talk about this song. At first, it looks like the team is going to have the musical actor Sungwon sing it, but then CIX’s Seunghun challenges him. Who won it? We have to watch the performance to find out. 
Here’s the version without all the reactions, if you want just the performance. 
Here’s the version with all the reactions -- you can turn on the captions if you want.
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My thoughts:
Enh, guys, I had a rough time with this one, but I admit the song is kind of growing on me, despite my best efforts to keep not liking it.
Overall, this wasn't bad, but I liked some of the performances more than others.
So the first time I listened, I just listened, not watching, so I wouldn’t know who was who. Then I watched it again to match up voice to singer. From my blind listening, I ranked them 
Sungwon (the musical actor) 
Bain (orange hair from Just B)
Seunghun (from CIX) 
I just didn’t really like the way Intae sang this. 
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It was so nasal, for starters. He has to switch awkwardly to falsetto sometimes and when he does it’s the wrong kind of breathy. He must be doing something wrong with his breathing because he also runs out of breath at the end of lines sometimes. He does have good pitch, and nice control over his vibrato. But overall this is just sort of not something I like to listen to. I feel bad because he came in last place in the voting and I don’t want to kick a guy when he’s down, but… yeah. 
I also didn’t much like Seunghun’s performance. Again, I thought it was quite nasal, though not as nasal as Intae’s. He runs out of breath in the first bit, which may have been a stylistic choice but comes across to me as a mistake. His vocal color is certainly pretty on the lower notes when the nasality is less present, and boy, does the camera love his pretty face. 
Eunkwang is edited to show disgust for Bain’s singing, which, you guys, ugh, omg, I can’t, I’m so mad. Bain did great. I’d admit it if he didn’t, but he did great. Fuck this show. I swear. His longer notes have resonance. He has barely any nasality. He has a tiny teeny too much vibrato for my taste here but I think it’s appropriate for the song. Pitch? Check. Emotion? Check. Breath support? Check. I don’t get the criticism. 
Sungwon, to me, was the obvious MVP. His voice is so clear and lovely that it just goes down easy in your ear holes. He doesn’t have a hint of nasality and his control and pitch are both spot on. He vibrato is perfect, just perfect. Any more would be too much and less would be not enough. He also looks right at the camera and acts it perfectly. I also think the camera loves his pretty face, too, but you guys know that I don’t know who is or isn’t handsome in this world. 
The MNET edit:
They of course play an instant replay of those important first few notes, and see everyone reacting to them. We get a lot of edited in reactions from the judges to let us know that apparently Bain is terrible, just the worst, get off the stage you loser. But other than that, the edit is relatively restrained for MNET. I guess they’re not going to be tap dancing on their edit keyboard as much for this show as they do for Boys Planet-esque shows. 
The judges say:
All of the judges compliment Seunghun’s singing in the intro. Then Jaehwan compliments everything about him, including his height and looks. That’s… not the point, Jaehwan, but ok. 
Wendy really liked musical actor Sungwon, and praises him a lot. Her praising him makes me feel smart. Yay! Wendy and I agree so all is right with the world.
Solar is glad that Intae smiled. I guess she has a point since the song is a love song, and watching most of them sing, you’d think that it was a sad song. I mean, here’s Bain singing with his eyes basically closed -- and he was like this for a WHILE.
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But I don’t think Intae's smiling overcomes the other more serious problems with his performance. 
Eunkwang says, “Bain used a singing method that is far from this song.” I don’t know what that is even supposed to mean. But of course, we just see this one sentence from Eunkwang, and don’t hear what any of the other judges had to say about him. This is just the MNET editing, and MNET has decided to hate Bain. Well, I hate MNET, how about that? Also, Eunkwang, you’re low-key on my shit list. I didn’t get the best impression of you on Kingdom, TBH, so… yeah. 
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Oh no, Bain is sad! Everyone listen to his cover of Seven by Jungkook to cheer him up.
The judging panel is over, and it’s time to choose top tier. The boys backstage think it’ll either be the musical actor Sungwon or CIX’s Seunghun. I’d give it to Sungwon, if it’s not obvious.
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Most of them vote for CIX’s Seunghun, but Solar votes for Intae. OMG, Solar. You can even see That Vocal Coach Guy looking at her as if to say WTF. 
Naturally, Seunghun is really glad to be chosen top tier after what happened in the first vote. Even though I didn’t adore his performance here, he’s a sweet guy and I know he really wants to be recognized as a vocalist, not just a handsome face, so I’m happy for him. Also, he’s singing in the ballad style, which is what he was asked to do, so if it’s not to my taste, maybe that’s ok. 
Ok, I think that’s good for now! I’ll see you in the next one, when we’ll pick up with Don’t Go.  Thanks as always for reading!
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galaxymagick · 1 year
[VIXX 11th Anniversary]
다시 돌아온 524 릴레이 라이브 순서 정하기 방식은⁉️
▶️ https://youtu.be/7Q_Bv00MUrc
5월 24일, VIXX 위버스 채널에서 만나요💙💛
본 영상은 실제 대화 내용으로 제작되었음을 알려드립니다.💫
#빅스 #VIXX #HAPPYVIXXDAY #VIXX11thAnniversary
524 relay live is back The order setting method is ⁉️
See you on VIXX's Weverse channel on May 24th💙💛
Please note that this video was made with actual conversations 💫
video translation and credit under the cut
Relay Live VIXX Convo 
trs cr: @binbingbong_
(only the imp parts because it's too long) 🤖: I'm trying to host a relay live this year, but before that lets under what essentials starlights need to attend a vixx event ?) k: its a mess lol lol N: ID, song download history, album, fanclub membership etc ken: but importantly, an unbroken heart n: unbroken.heart (it's a meme from some Korean TV) ken: hakyeonieee ofc you know what I'm sayin kekekekeej Leo: ah, sorry (just joined) N: jaehwan a~ it's hyung (bc he referred to hakyeon by name💀) ken: daeguniiiiiii~~~ N: daeguni Leo: kekekke n: what are you doing ken: daeguniii what are you doing /image/ our maknongieee where are youuu my lover Leo: hello rovix? k: my everything (referring to hyukie) L: rovix do your work properly ken: laughing N: robic is too slow L: get a grip rovix ken: please laughing Leo: aren't you gonna work (@ rovix) ken : laughing rovix: those are all important (items that hakyeon mentioned) but most important is fast hands! (quick speed) Leo: you're not in sane mind (still scolding rovix) ken: lol not doing work(not paying attention) ken: wdym hand speed (?) (hand power?) N: I think it's taking some time for rovix to process replies N: ahhh, power hands ! k: but why you slow rovix lol N: this jerk (affectionate) N: srsly u K: if it's quick hands it's me! [ t/n 순발력 means ability to make a quick judgement/react quick in an event]   I'm using speedy/power hands because I'm assuming they're talking about catching up to vixx that's why starlights need to have speedy hands but I'm not sure completely hyuk: enter// laughing N: still the same k: you'll be shocked to see my speed h: settle down (?) ken; laugh k: okay we need to have fast hands ... rovix: to test speed it's simple go to form link, answer the questions and submit are you ready for the text agents hyuk: let's do it fast I have lessons rovix: explains the method of submitting a form (what form) ken: rovix ssiiiiiii stop nowwww the youngest has to leave for a lessonnnnn n: seems like copy paste(?) ken: laugh hyuk; talking about how there's still 55 minutes left until form opens and why rovix is already preparing so ahead n and ken talk out of context rovix says they have to wait now ken talks about how he'll go read a book in the meantime hakyeon gets confused at this because hakyeon is in disbelief hakyeon tells him his hobby is reading hakyeon asks what he's been reading (note there is a lot of kekekke in between these I'll skip them) jaehwan says he's reading shin Chan's adventure rovix comes back to say the rule is that whoever submits the form as fast as possible and is the first to submit will be the first to start the relay live on 24 may 8 pm and they will go on order or the submission speed. jaehwan says then he'll surely be the first one to press submit. ken: oh no..I have an appointment on the 24
.....but it's in June lol lol lol hakyeon: jaehwana.... ken: yes hyungnim hakyeon: cute. ken: stickers "I'm stillll babyyyyyy" ken asks where did hyuk and Leo go and calls to Leo as daeguniiiiii
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rovix says it'll be back before the form time and Hakyeon scolds him for running away so rovix replies with affirmative that it's running away everyone leaves until the submit time. hyuk asks what if he submits before the 11  time but rovix says it won't count
hyuk says he'll still be the winner hakyeon says something like he's not scared of anyone here he's the scariest around but this sounds so ooc I'm confused lol hyuk shares? croissants? pretzels? in the chat
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hyuk says that since he received good energy today, he's already the winner today and hakyeon calls him cute . hyuk also went to Starbucks and hakyeon says that indeed he's the winner . it strikes 11 and then they submit. hakyeon is confident he's the first one and so is ken
the results are announced . because hakyeon submitted one before 11 am his entry is disqualified. hyuk wins first place. rovix announces the winner hakyeon is in disbelief why is he not the first one ken laughs at taekwoon asking if his real name is "Leo" because
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Leo submitted it as Leo and not Jung taekwoon like the rest of them. Leo wants to resumits !! rovix says he can do that but he'll still be on last place. Leo resubmits.. rovix says he's in last place. rovix tells hyuk that's he can now decide the order of live. hyuk asks "is the order not the order of the form submission" rovix says no. the winner gets the right to decide the order so hyuk says that the order of form submission is acceptable. (order: Hyuk Ken N Leo)
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wangmiao · 2 years
Since I can do polls now. Let's try something for the fun and I'll take the chance to see how many active followers I have lol. So the question is what I should gif on valentines day (last year I coincidentally posted the famous back hug in prison playbook's on Feb 14th lol)...since you can only set it up as 1 day or 1 week. I can only do 1 week. But I'll start to plan based on the result on Feb 11th or 12th. Ps. It won't be a compilation set since I don't have enough time for it, I will just pick a scene.
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frczenpcetry · 1 year
[ txt ] Sorry about asking you to babysit Minju, you probably had other things to do, but I got double shift at hospital, so I needed someone quickly~
[ txt ] I really appreciate your help. 🥹
{ from yeseul to muse of your choice 🤭 }
[ txt ] Ah ! Do not worry. I didn't have much else to do today and I'm happy to help ! I know how it feels like. Good luck with your shift !
[ txt ] Just let me know if there's anything else showing up !
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lunaxriax · 1 year
“Jaehwan. Want to grab a drink with me? You can choose the drink.”
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"Sure! Going for a drink is always great. I'm fine with anything, really. Preferably something with alcohol, though."
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cheremorte · 1 year
#CHEREMORTE — to cherish death
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Independent & private multimuse ft. characters from (YA) literature, videogames & more. Cherished by Bubbles. 25+. Formerly known as dearestdeaths. Sporadic activity until further notice. Rules & character information to be found under the cut.
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INTRODUCTION. if you've made it this far, you're probably wondering why I suddenly changed blogs without any notice on my old blog. The truth is: I locked myself out like a silly little goose. So here I am once again, and hopefully this time for a longer period.
FOLLOWING. As per my previous blog, I made this one to enjoy interactions with people I've been writing with for a long time. That doesn't mean I'm not open to new interactions, but I won't be begging for any and I will not be following first. That being said, if we know eachother, hey!
ACTIVITY. This blog will be low activity due to being a new mom. I am, however, always available on discord for plotting and/or short threads.
DASH. I don't really care for aesthetic, I don't use icons and I couldn't care less about what you do, so long as you cut posts and don't use too many spaces between words in replies to me.
TRIGGERS. I tag basic triggers and any triggers you ask me to tag. Format: "trigger" tw. This blog may contain mentions of incest (as prevalent to the world of ASOIAF, not to be romanticized), violence, depression, crime. Any type of bigotry or discriminatory behavior is not welcome.
MUN. My name is Bubbles, I'm 26. I'm ethnically and religiously jewish, autistic and a mom. Life is a lot and RP is a hobby, not a jobby.
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ZELDA. Canon Character. The Legend Of Zelda (video game). 117 - 120.
THE OUTSIDER. Canon Character. Dishonored (video game). 4000+.
RHAEGAR TARGARYEN. Canon Character. A Song Of Ice And Fire (book-based). Verse Dependent. [ rhaegar fought valiantly. rhaegar fought nobly. rhaegar fought honorably. and rhaegar died. ]
BRYNDEN RIVERS. Canon Character. A Song Of Ice And Fire (book-based). Verse Dependent.
NIKOLAI LANTSOV. Canon Character. Grishaverse (book-based). Verse Dependent.
ALEKSANDER MOROZOVA. Canon Character. Grishaverse (book-based). 400+.
DA JAEHWAN. Own Character. 5000+. Vampire. [ you dangle on the leash of your own longing ; your need grows teeth. ]
SHERALITH OAKWIND. Own Character. The Elder Scrolls (video game). 34.
SABINE CALLAS AKA VIPER. Canon Character. Valorant (video game). [ blood on your hands ; as though it stops there. ]
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vienrose · 1 year
🐹 [HAMSTER FACE] — adorable, 🤩 [FACE WITH STARRY EYES] — ambitious, 📓 [COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK] — attentive, ⭐️ [STAR] — bright, 🫧 [BUBBLES] — bubbly, 😶‍🌫️ [FACE IN CLOUDS] — calm, 😶 [FACE WITHOUT MOUTH] — careful, ☀️ [SUN] — charismatic, 🖊️ [BALLPOINT PEN] — clever, ❤️ [RED HEART] — compassionate, 💛 [YELLOW HEART] — considerate, 🤔 [THINKING FACE] — curious, 🐱 [CAT FACE] — cute, ⚓️ [ANCHOR] — dependable, 🌊 [WAVE] — eager, ☺️ [SMILING FACE] — friendly, 😎 [SMILING FACE WITH SUNGLASSES] — fun, 🎁 [PRESENT] — generous, 👔 [SHIRT AND TIE] — handsome, 📞 [TELEPHONE RECEIVER] — hardworking, 💞 [REVOLVING HEARTS] — helpful, 💓 [BEATING HEART] — honest, 🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] — innocent, 🧐 [FACE WITH MONOCLE] — intelligent, 💝 [HEART WITH RIBBON] — kind, 💕 [TWO HEARTS] — loving, 💍 [RING] — loyal, 🥼 [LAB COAT] — modest, 👍 [THUMBS UP] — optimistic, ⌛️ [HOURGLASS] — patient, 🙇 [PERSON BOWING] — polite, 💟 [HEART DECORATION] — respectful, 🔖 [BOOKMARK] — responsible, 🥰 [SMILING FACE WITH HEARTS] — sincere, 👓 [GLASSES] — smart, 🧁 [CUPCAKE] — sweet, 💃 [WOMAN DANCING] — talented, 💭 [THOUGHT BALLOON] — thoughtful, 🐵 [MONKEY FACE] — unique, 💰 [MONEY BAG] — unselfish, 🌼 [FLOWER] — warm, 🧓 [OLDER ADULT] — wise ( for Yoosung )
how would your muse describe mine? (positive associations)
"Ah, those... are some very kind words. Thank you."
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complete-in-ix · 1 year
Only Eternity
Rated: G Warning(s): None
Description: Lee Jaehwan, a lonely time god, wanders the city looking for something. He doesn't even know what he's searching for, but he'll know he's found it when he does.
(Read on AO3)
Jaehwan wanders aimlessly about the city in an attempt to alleviate the heavy feeling in his chest.
Being a god of time had its perks, what with being immortal and having the ability to stop, turn back, or speed up time at will with no repercussions. The immortality could get to be a drag sometimes though, as Jaehwan had to watch as everything he loved eventually wither away, and even if he froze time to preserve them, they would just remain frozen until Jaehwan lets time move again. There are other time gods around, but he hasn’t encountered any in his long life, and even if he did, he wasn’t sure how he’d interact with them.
Jaehwan sighs deeply as he approaches the entrance to a park, deciding that maybe a change of scenery from the cold gray buildings would be enough to cheer him up. Despite it being a rather dark and cloudy day, the flowers in the park are still bright and cheerful with all their happy colors. Jaehwan glances up as he turns in to the entrance and is instantly met with the most beautiful man he’s ever seen.
Perhaps it’s just Jaehwan being hopeful, but he swears he sees the man give him a knowing smile before he passes by. Jaehwan turns to look, but the man has already disappeared. He bites back a disappointed sigh as he continues into the park. That man was probably mortal anyway, and even if Jaehwan had been able to get his attention, he would live as if nothing changed while the man continued to age and eventually died, leaving Jaehwan lonely all over again.
“I guess there’s really nothing I can do,” Jaehwan mutters to himself, sitting down on a bench in the center of the park. The flowers around him are certainly beautiful, but they simply cannot compare to the image of that man’s smile which remains in Jaehwan’s mind. He leans his head back in frustration, closing his eyes so tightly that he sees stars in an attempt to get that man out of his head.
When he opens his eyes again, he instantly feels as if something is wrong. He no longer feels the wind in his hair, the sweet scent of the flowers has disappeared, and all the sounds of the surrounding city no longer ring in his ears. He straightens up and looks around the park. Everything has stopped in its tracks, and no one seems to be aware of this. Time has stopped. Jaehwan blinks in confusion; this wasn’t his doing.
“Another time god?” Jaehwan murmurs to himself, standing up and walking out of the park. Every person he passes is completely frozen, and Jaehwan begins to doubt he’ll be able to find the other time god who did this as he reaches the top of a bridge close to the city center. His thoughts are stopped when he sees another man crossing the bridge towards him.
“Oh, I didn’t expect to see another one of us here! I’m Lee Jaehwan, what’s your name?” Jaehwan says in a cheerful tone as the man approaches. “Taekwoon.” The man replies, his high voice taking Jaehwan by surprise. “I thought I was the only time god in this city.” Taekwoon continues, leaning on the edge of the bridge’s railing to look out at the river beneath them.
“Did you do this?” Jaehwan asks, mirroring Taekwoon’s gesture.
“I did. Something’s missing from my life and I’m tired of waiting for it to come to me, so I intend on finding it.” Taekwoon replies, not meeting Jaehwan’s gaze as he pushes himself upright and starts walking down the bridge.
“Mind if I tag along? I’m looking for something too, and I could use some company from another one of us.” Jaehwan asks, following Taekwoon like a lost puppy.
“I don’t mind. Maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for as well.” Taekwoon replies. His words bring images of that mysterious man to Jaehwan’s mind, and he falters for a second before agreeing.
The two of them continue down the bridge in silence, both watching their surroundings for movement. Jaehwan breaks the silence after a few minutes, his voice echoing slightly as they enter a narrow alley.
“What exactly are you looking for, if it isn’t too much to ask?” He asks, pressing a little closer to Taekwoon as the walls of the alley close in on the two of them. Taekwoon remains silent for a moment, his expression guarded as he gathers his response.
“I’ve just been feeling... Empty these days. I feel like I’ve just been drifting around with no purpose, and no one has been able to stay with me for long. Well, until now I guess, but I still feel as if something’s missing.” Taekwoon replies.
“Funny, that’s just how I’ve been feeling,” Jaehwan says, his lips curling into a sad smile. “It’s lonely, being like this. Even someone as cute as me can’t have someone for long.” He adds with an exaggerated pout.
Taekwoon rolls his eyes at Jaehwan’s childishness, but he still smiles in agreement. “That’s why I’ve decided to find this missing piece. I have all the time in the world to look, after all.” He says, stopping short when he spots movement at the other end of the alley. “Something’s moving? Who’s there?” Jaehwan asks, hiding behind Taekwoon. “Hey Binnie-hyung, I think we found more time gods!” A loud voice calls from the stranger at the other end.
“More? How many time gods are even in this city?” Another voice replies. This one is a little softer, but still had the same amount of energy as the first. Taekwoon starts off towards the pair, Jaehwan following behind him.
“Hey! Did either of you freeze the city?” The first man calls, waving to Jaehwan and Taekwoon.
“I did,” Taekwoon replies softly, eyeing the two with a strange interest. Jaehwan sees a hint of an emotion flash across Taekwoon’s eyes when he notices the two stranger’s entwined hands, but he is unable to determine what it is.
“Well I’ve got to thank you for that, you helped me meet Binnie-hyung here!” The first stranger continues, gesturing to the man beside him.
The man is young, Jaehwan notes, barely out of his teenage years, it would seem. Jaehwan turns his attention to the stranger’s partner, the one he called “Binnie-hyung”. He seems a little older than the first man but younger than Jaehwan. He smiles brightly at Jaehwan and Taekwoon, exposing adorable dimples that made Jaehwan just want to squish his cheeks. Something in his soft doe eyes makes Jaehwan restrain himself, however, as they have a glint in them that reminds him of a fox; cute yet plotting.
“The name’s Han Sanghyuk, it’s nice to meet you!” The first man’s voice cuts through Jaehwan’s thoughts and he looks back to see Sanghyuk extending a hand to him and Taekwoon.
“Taekwoon,” Taekwoon mutters, shaking Sanghyuk’s hand. Perhaps Jaehwan is seeing things, but he swears there is a hint of bitterness in Taekwoon’s voice when he looks at Sanghyuk’s partner.
“I’m Lee Jaehwan! Are you guys looking for something too?” Jaehwan asks as he shakes Sanghyuk’s hand. “Well, we were, but I think we might have found it already.” Sanghyuk’s partner says, glancing at Sanghyuk with a fond expression. “I’m Lee Hongbin by the way.” “Aw man, you guys are lucky! Taekwoon and I are still looking. For what, I have no idea, but we’ve been running around all over the place looking for it.” Jaehwan exclaims, whining as he speaks the last sentence. “Maybe we can help you look. Besides, it’s not every day that you find three other time gods in the same city as you.” Sanghyuk suggests. “Sure! The more the merrier, right?” Jaehwan says, looking to Taekwoon for approval. Taekwoon eyes Sanghyuk and Hongbin for an excruciatingly long moment, his expression unreadable. If time hadn’t already been frozen, Jaehwan would have thought it had as he waits for Taekwoon’s answer. Jaehwan begins to worry that Taekwoon might refuse since Taekwoon seems to be a very quiet and introverted person, while Sanghyuk, Hongbin, and himself are... Quite the opposite. “I don’t see why not. Come on.” Taekwoon finally murmurs, walking ahead of the group through the alley. “Alright! The party’s officially started!” Jaehwan cheers, hopping around in excitement. “Sweet! It’ll be like a treasure hunt!” Sanghyuk adds, grabbing Hongbin’s arm and jumping along next to Jaehwan. Hongbin shoots both of them a judgemental look, his eyes meeting Taekwoon’s. They seem to have a moment of “I can’t believe I’m stuck with these two” before Jaehwan and Sanghyuk calm down.
A few hours later, the group stops at the pier to rest.
“Man, we haven’t found anyone else here! Are we even looking for other time gods or is are you guys just looking for some hidden item here?” Sanghyuk complains, dramatically flopping down on a bench. “We’ll know what it is when we find it. Finding other time gods was just a bonus.” Taekwoon murmurs, looking out at the water.
“Should we all just split up then?” Hongbin suggests, sitting down next to Sanghyuk. “We can all meet up somewhere when you find what you’re looking for or something.” “That actually sounds like a good idea. Where should we meet up?” Jaehwan asks, perking up at Hongbin’s suggestion. “There’s a fountain close to the center of the city. We can all meet up there and then just go on with our lives or something.” Hongbin says with a shrug. “What say you, o fearless leader?” Jaehwan asks, looking to Taekwoon. “Sure. I won’t have to deal with you all if we split up.” Taekwoon murmurs, his eyes alight with dry humor. “Yah! You’re so mean, hyung!” Sanghyuk exclaims, much like a petulant child.
“Well, I’d best get going. I’ll meet you all later.” Taekwoon says, acting as if Sanghyuk had never said anything. Jaehwan waves to him as he walks off along the docks, turning back to Hongbin and Sanghyuk with a sigh as soon as Taekwoon is out of earshot.
“Don’t worry about him. He seems like a grouchy grandpa cat, but he’s really just a little hamster.” Jaehwan says reassuringly. He hasn’t really known Taekwoon for that long, but he has gotten quite good at reading people in his lifetime, and he is confident that he knows Taekwoon well enough to say these kinds of things.
“A hamster with a nasty bite, that’s for sure.” Sanghyuk jokes. “Yeah, you have to watch your fingers around him. He might bite them off.” Jaehwan adds with a laugh. “Well, I should get going too. I promise I won’t keep you waiting for long!” He says, getting up to leave after a moment. “See you later hyung!” Sanghyuk calls after him, and Jaehwan waves in response. He takes off in the opposite direction Taekwoon went, deciding to make his way back into the city towards the park he was in earlier. He hopes to see that beautiful man from before, even going so far to think that he may be a time god as well considering how his day had gone so far. He swears up and down that the man had given him a smile before disappearing, and the glint in his eye suggested that the man had known exactly what Jaehwan was. Of course, Jaehwan might just have been imagining things, but he thought it couldn’t hurt to dream a little.
As he approaches the park, Jaehwan can pick up the faint sound of someone singing. His heart picks up slightly because that voice must surely belong to an angel. He is too far away to make out any lyrics, but the song sounds soft and sweet, like something one would use to serenade their lover while standing under their window at night to lull them to sleep. Jaehwan finds himself mesmerized, drawing closer to the source of the angelic voice until he steps into the center of the park and stops dead in his tracks. Standing in front of him is the man from before who has now completely captured Jaehwan’s heart as he continues to sing, oblivious to Jaehwan’s presence.
“Saying ‘I love you’ with words might not be enough, but I still want to confess to you today.” The words slip from the man’s mouth, pulling Jaehwan’s heartstrings with every syllable. “I wanna be with you, always a step behind you. Don’t forget there’s a person who will protect you.”
Jaehwan finds himself softly harmonizing with the beautiful stranger, who remains unaware of his secret admirer. The song ends far too soon for Jaehwan, and he finds himself wishing that he could let this moment replay forever. It wouldn’t work, however, as the stranger turns around to see Jaehwan standing stunned like a deer in the headlights. “Oh! I didn’t realize you were there! How was my little performance?” The stranger asks in a flirtatious tone, picking up on the fact that Jaehwan is just standing there in a lovestruck daze. “It was absolutely stunning. I would ask if you were a time god as well, but I think you’re more of an angel.” Jaehwan replies, only half aware of what he’s saying as he’s too busy staring at the man in front of him. The man who had stolen his heart then noticed him, then finally also happened to be a time god as well. Jaehwan believed himself to be the luckiest man on earth as a smile spreads across the man’s face, a smile so dazzling that the sun and stars seemed to hide in shame. “Why thank you, handsome stranger. I do happen to be a time god, I thought I was the only one here.” The man says, starting to approach Jaehwan. “My name is Cha Hakyeon. May I be so blessed as to hear yours?” He asks, and Jaehwan feels as if he may collapse. “L-Lee Jaehwan. Your name is beautiful. It suits you. I mean, of course, it does since it’s your name, but it’s just a pretty name. Just as pretty as you.” Jaehwan stutters out, a hot blush creeping up his face. ‘I must look like such an idiot.’ He thinks to himself as Hakyeon laughs. He suddenly doesn’t mind, as he would do anything to hear Hakyeon’s laugh again. “You have a beautiful name as well. It’s just as cute as you.” Hakyeon says, and Jaehwan feels himself go weak in the knees. “I must ask, are you the one who froze this city? I don’t mind since I got to practice this song, but I just want to know.” Hakyeon continues. “No, someone else did. They were looking for something, just like I was.” Jaehwan says, snapping back to attention. “Looking for something? May I ask what?” Hakyeon asks, tilting his head in curiosity.
“I’m not quite sure. Something to fill this lonely feeling that we both have,” Jaehwan says, stopping to correct himself. “Well, this feeling that I used to have. I think I’ve found what I’m looking for,” He says, smiling up at Hayeon.
Hakyeon takes a moment to process Jaehwan’s words before a blush slowly creeps up his face. “Have you been looking for... Me?” He asks, staring at Jaehwan in disbelief. “Well, kind of. I’ve been looking for something or someone to get rid of this lonely feeling, and I think I’ve found that someone.” Jaehwan says, shyly looking away. “I’ll be honest, I was kind of hoping it would be you. I saw you smile at me earlier, or at least I think you did, and then I couldn’t stop thinking about you even though I thought you were just a normal human and I was trying not to get my hopes up but then here you are, and I’m rambling aren’t I...” He can feel a blush creeping up his face as he continues talking despite his mind screaming at him to stop.
Hakyeon is silent for a moment that seems to stretch on forever as he processes Jaehwan’s almost unnaturally fast rambling. Jaehwan nervously scratches the back of his neck, waiting for Hakyeon to answer.
“You just described all my feelings in one ramble.” Hakyeon finally says. “And I don’t mind your rambling, I think it’s cute. Just like the rest of you.” He continues.
“I- wait, you seriously- you feel-“ Jaehwan stammers, unable to form his thoughts into a coherent sentence. “Yes, I think you’re my missing piece. It would be safe to say that I’m your missing piece, so it would only make sense.” Hakyeon explains, his lips parting with a soft laugh.
“Am I in heaven?” Jaehwan mutters, mostly to himself. Hakyeon laughs at this and Jaehwan nearly tackles him in a hug. “I must be if the most beautiful man in the world actually feels the same way as I do!” He squeals, jumping around in circles while clinging to Hakyeon.
Hakyeon breathlessly joins Jaehwan in his frantic jumping around, laughing and holding him tight. “The same could be said for you, you’re so cute I could mistake you for a precious puppy.” He coos as Jaehwan calms down.
“Of course you could, I’m just the cutest time god to ever exist!” Jaehwan boasts jokingly. “I can’t wait to have you meet the others, I promised I wouldn’t keep them waiting!” He gushes, hugging Hakyeon tight to his chest.
“Wait, the others? There are even more time gods here?” Hakyeon asks, pulling back from Jaehwan’s embrace to look him in the eye. “Yeah, I met like three more others before I met you. It’s crazy, you’d think this city is just populated by time gods or something!” Jaehwan says, releasing Hakyeon and taking his hands in his own. “I agreed to meet them at the center of the city when I found what I was looking for. Will you come with me?” He asks, looking into Hakyeon’s eyes with a hopeful puppy dog look.
Hakyeon visibly melts at Jaehwan’s expression, getting lost in Jaehwan’s puppy eyes for a second before he agrees.
Taekwoon is nowhere to be found when Jaehwan and Hakyeon arrive at the fountain, and it is obvious that Hongbin and Sanghyuk have been waiting for a long time judging by Sanghyuk’s dramatic whining.
“Yah, you took forever hyung! I thought you promised not to keep us waiting!” Sanghyuk whines, sprawled on top of the fountain’s wall.
“Another time god? How many are there in this city!” Hongbin exclaims, taking notice of Hakyeon.
“A lot, apparently. Jaehwannie tells me you all have another companion?” Hakyeon asks. “Yeah, but he’s been gone for who knows how long. He’s the one who froze this city in the first place.” Sanghyuk explains.
“I see. He’ll come here once he’s found whoever or whatever he’s looking for, right?” Hakyeon asks. “That’s what we agreed on. He’s the one who froze the city, so he has to keep his promise either way.” Hongbin says with a shrug. “Anyway, this is Cha Hakyeon! He’s my missing piece.” Jaehwan coos, clinging to Hakyeon’s arm and resting his head on his shoulder. “Nice to meet you. I’m Lee Hongbin. This is Han Sanghyuk, my missing piece if we’re referring to each other like that.” Hongbin says, extending a hand to Hakyeon. “My pleasure. So we all met through this one person’s time-freeze?” Hakyeon asks.
“Pretty much, yeah. I’ve got to remember to thank him for that.” Jaehwan says, nuzzling into Hakyeon’s side.
It would be another three hours before Taekwoon finally returned with yet another time god by the name of Kim Wonshik at his side.
“How many time gods even live in this city!?” Wonshik had exclaimed upon meeting the others. “It really is a small world. At this point, we might as well just stick with each other now that we’ve all found each other.” Hakyeon suggests. “That’s a great idea! We can probably form a band or something!” Sanghyuk jokes. “Nothing’s really stopping us. I think Vixx would be a cool name.” Hongbin adds. “Yeah! Vixx for the win!” Jaehwan exclaims excitedly as Taekwoon lets time flow again.
As the city resumes life as if nothing happened, a friendship to last for eternity bloomed to life at its heart.
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