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ryuichirou · 6 months ago
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too much power
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rakiah · 2 months ago
hi! if youre still taking prompts and up for non-leovil pairings, would you be okay with a catervil #7, a scared kiss? and a 22, caught in a storm moment, for jadevil? if not, then i just want you to know i adore your art and your leovil kids!
Aaww thank you so much!! And for the little kitties too 💛 I picked your JadeVil prompt cause I instantly pictured it and couldn’t let that idea out of my head…
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Sly eel _(:3 」∠)_
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frie-ice · 6 months ago
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This Twisted Wonderland collage is of Jade Leech of Octavinelle and Vil Schoenheit of Pomefiore.
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pinkbeeps · 1 year ago
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the way the playful land event has fed my catervil, jadevil, and LeoVil obsession just like that
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adeliethevilsimp · 1 year ago
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いきませんよね? rkgk This vignette is so perfect it is perfct. I am so fed jadevil I love it so much because this is what i always envisioned I envisioned this is what always Jade do when his portrait get super big. He is just going to come into your personal space like this chef kiss
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epicleovilanon · 21 days ago
i dont even have a name for it yet but its a fic that HAUNTS me. i was stuck tho because i was unsure of who to place in a certain character role, and then @pinkbeeps vil isekai fic made me realize it was always going to be ROLLO
but a little about the rkvl fic, its an au based off this story in a book series i read back in middle and then high school, and im trying to write it in a fairy tale type way which is whats giving me a little trouble. but its coming along!!
there's also a catervil one shot and a neigevil concept that live in my head rent free, as well as just general jadevil-ness. idk, someday!!! someday itll happen!! i think catervil oneshot will probably be the first to finish on account of it being pretty short, but the who framed kalim al asim au and the fairytale rkvl are the ones im most determined to do.
the epic leovil au as well tho im thinking it might end up as a series of oneshots instead of an actual entire fic
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paperclvps · 6 months ago
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obviously I know the context of this fucking groovy but it's so romantic to me it's so gentle and I'm allowed to be mentally impared about it
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welcometothehouseofhades · 1 year ago
Thinking abt jadevil
It’s just! They’re so GOOD, I’m not normal abt them, they’ve consumed me
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ryuichirou · 6 months ago
Hi again! More short replies. The majority is related to our latest posts, but not all of them…
About Azul/Jamil comic from yesterday:
Anonymous asked:
"Long live the king or whatever..." *sounds of an octopus tumbling down a flight of stairs*
Awww poor octopus~  I wonder if Azul’s octopus form suffers too if his human form breaks a couple of limbs 😭
thestarlightfae asked:
Rip Azul. What did Jamil do to him to make him sulk?
F in the chat for our boy Azul
To answer your question: not sure! I’d say that he just refused him for 1000th time, but Azul is surprisingly good at handling rejection from Jamil (it’s his “sure sure, keep playing hard to get” mentality). But then again, maybe Jamil really was too harsh this time…
About Ruggie and leonut:
thestarlightfae asked:
Omg! Ruggie is adorable with his leonut!!!!!
Anonymous asked:
Thank you so much!! <3 I am very happy you like him.
Ruggie is such a rare guest in our blog, but he really is adorable and deserves nothing but good things.
About the Jade/Vil massage comic:
Anonymous asked:
JADEVIL?! truly blessed to live in a time where I can see JadeVil
HHEHE YES I can’t believe we haven’t posted anything proper with them yet and didn’t even have a tag for them… this is a good ship 💪
Anonymous asked:
OMG, Ryu, you gave me a heart attack as soon I saw Jadevil on your feed!! I'm so happy you guys ship, too 🫶🏼 I love it, thanks for the food 🙏🏻
Please enjoy your food, Anon! Thank you so much for liking it!! <3
Both of the tweels have interesting dynamics with Vil, both separately and together, so I’m happy to explore Jade and Vil together hehe.
Anonymous asked:
Thank you for the women. They have me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
(related to stuff from our 🔑🔞 acc)
You are very welcome, Anon, and thank you so much for enjoying them!!! 😭 I feel a bit weird when I post nothing but girl smut for a long period of time, so it’s very encouraging and frankly amazing to see you getting feral over them lol
Anonymous asked:
Out of curiosity, were any of your other drawings inspired by asks you received?
To be honest, I can’t remember anything major… But I am very bad at remembering my own drawings, so maybe it’s just my memory thing.
Sometimes I get carried away when I write a reply and start thinking “damn this sounds fun” and then months later end up drawing it, completely forgetting that it was a hc from a list or something like that…
But also sometimes I draw a new ship and start remembering how Anon asked about this ship ages ago and I replied “nah don’t ship them” or “nothing against it but we don’t care much” back then lol I think it happened with Ace/Riddle and Trey/Vil, for example.
Anonymous asked:
[shroudswap anon] of course it's fine with me, if anything i'm honored! i would love to hear any ideas you have on it!! :] one aspect of it that i think about: do you think ortho would receive a subtle sort of... disdain from STYX? because idia is this once-in-a-lifetime genius, and ortho is just... above average. so who knows what idia would've made and been capable of if he hadnt died, and this whole thing WAS orthos idea.... this subtle air of "it should've been you" to rub it in. thots?
I’m happy to hear that, Anon! <3 I’ll definitely come back to this idea again once I figure out how I want to draw it.
Also oof, good question. I feel like Ortho would definitely feel like this is how people feel about him, like they would be nice to him and all, but him being worse than Idia is such a huge elephant in the room that no one could realistically ignore. There could probably be some people in S.T.Y.X. who genuinely blame Ortho for what’s happened with their precious prodigy, but the overall consensus would probably be that this was an accident, Ortho was still very young, and that they shouldn’t blame him. This is partially because Ortho is seemingly everyone’s little sunshine, and people would probably feel bad for him.
But! Once again, Ortho would absolutely feel like they just don’t truthfully express how they really feel about him. To him it’s 100% objective truth: it should’ve been him, and everyone knows that even if they act like they don’t agree. He doesn’t have as much to offer as Idia did and he can’t achieve half of the things Idia could have…
The angst just keeps getting more and more potent huh
Anonymous asked:
politely hands you the idea of the tweels nonconing epel…i’m also curious if you think azul would ever join in on the twins…playing…with someone in any way
Anonymous asked:
tweel x epel anon, i hope i’m not coming across as requesting anything i just want to share the idea sharing is caring
No worries, Anon, it does feel like you’re sharing, and I appreciate you sharing~ ;3
Epel is a very good victim for such a scenario; even know he knows that he shouldn’t do it, somehow he ends up fucking around and finding out… so the tweels could definitely play with him.  He would be a delightful little toy~
But when it comes to Azul, I feel like he would only be present if the whole thing was his idea initially + he is very interested in the victim. Otherwise to him it’s just his rabid hounds terrorizing a piece of meat to keep themselves entertained. It’s mostly their own business I think 🤔
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blondeaxolotl · 2 months ago
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"I went for the wrong twin" ahh reaction I'm shitting tears
JadeVil is kinda growing on me ngl, I guess to me Vil's type is blue and autistic (Idia and Jade) 💀
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rakiah · 2 months ago
Hi! I absolutely love your vil hair art! If youre still taking prompts, for a kiss, how about a 15 hope we dont get caught kiss for leovil! (i was going to initially ask for some jadevil but a quick look through your blog turned me over to leovil real fast oh my GOD) and for a moment prompt, this isn't a pairng but more familial, 27, accidentally sleeping in for uhhh Lilia and baby silver?
Aw thank you so much!! <3 This is a very specific liking, I love that haha But hair is so good to draw [clenched fist] Also, thank you for validating my leovil propaganda! It means a lot (っ˘ω˘ς
A Hope We Don’t Get Caught Kiss
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Lbf, only Vil is concerned by the “don’t get caught” thing lol
Accidentally sleeping in
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Parenting is hard u u Especially for a single fae dad.
Thanks for the prompts! <3
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daily-leechheit · 1 year ago
im new to jadevil but love it sm!! i was wondering if u had any aus or fic ideas? and if not, any fic recs? im constantly thinking abt jade meeting vils dad and Vil rlly wanting his dad to like his bf. but jade is also a leech and very much shady and i totally buy into the fanon hcs that their fam is def shady af so I wonder how it’d go, if vils dad would pick up the “possible criminal ties” vibes
Hello fellow enjoyer 💜🪻
My favorite au I have floating in my head is them fake dating, but there’s lingering feelings from their highschool days.
Jade and Vil meet later in their adult years, where Vil is a successful model and actor and Jade is still working alongside Azul in a bit…shadier business. It’s only by chance that they meet again, with Vil quite literally falling into his arms a bit tipsy and acting as if they were lovers because he was being followed.
It escalates to Jade accompanying Vil along to shoots and premiers, and other outings just to make a real good show of it all, but eventually they find themselves truly falling in love
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blorbo-hellspace · 2 years ago
RookVil is so t4t sapphic nblw bisexual its unreal. LeoVil is so t4t mlw bisexual its unreal. NeigeVil is so t4t mlw bi–het its unreal. JadeVil is so t4t nblw bisexual its unreal.
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the way this rkvl fic I’ve been working on for near two years now is kicking my ass
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pinkbeeps · 1 year ago
OMG JADEVIL!!!!!!! (Also. Your Jamil and azul. Just. I love it sm they’re so strange I want to study them)
JADEVIL!!!! Literally the most important relationship ever. It's a mushroom freak and a pretty queen, spectacular! 🍄 💏👑 I'm so excited for the next chapter to get out with them in it! 🫶
Jamil and Azul are SUCH a funny pair! I just. I love. Ugh okay. I like writing Azul being pathetic, squirmy little scheming cephalobro and I like writing Jamil going "why am I attracted to this" 😂
It is PEAK. I don't know what peak it is, but it's peak!!!
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