#jade shut up he was on the stage for almost TWO MINUTES
jadelemonadee · 3 months
What r ur thoughts on people who twinkify samuel seabury…like when his only personality is being soft uwu boy who gets bullied by hamilton and king george is his protector!!1!1!1!
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okay first of all I’ve said this before but i feel like the only reason people see him like this is because of “chaos and bloodshed is not a solution” which caused people to be like “omg he doesn’t like violence such innocent baby protect him 🥺🥺” WHEN HES A GROWN ASS MAN (45 - 47) AT THE TIME OF FARMER REFUTED ☹️ also about the king george thing there’s lots more to his character than just being a loyalist he was a priest / bishop fcs 😞 how about jesus being his protector!!!!! /j another thing about him is that i feel like people tried babying him to make him seem less of an antagonist maybe…??? like ive seen people say “poor sammy he was trying to express his opinion🥺” ok well we’re not rooting for his opinion in this musical ARE WE?? like idk maybe we should let antagonists be antagonists and be in the wrong 🤗 personally i dont agree with samuel’s opinions AT ALL but that doesn’t make him any less kissable in my eyes!!! can we let characters be pathetic without infantilizing them PLEASE i just see him as this annoying snooty man who sees the revolutionists as childish and immature / sees him + other loyalists as above these “barbaric patriots”. also i recall thayne sayinf something on the hamilcast podcast about seabury trying to “save everyone from the king” (i pray the king shows you his mercy) before its too late and i dont know how this aligns with what im saying but i think it tells us a bit more about him (at least thayne’s version) and i just find it a silly detail 😁 btw you guys im only talking about all this from the musical perspective and this has barely anything to do with actual history or the characters’ historical counterparts 🤗🤗🤗🌈🌈🌈🌸🌸🌸
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My Little Hybrid Family_Part 18
A.N: We are almost to the end of this story!! We have FINALLY arrived to what is probably my favorite part of this entire series!(And 9/10th of why I wrote this story...) Gonna have to split this chapter which is the ‘show’ into two pieces. 
Tags: @ sweeneyblue1
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist  
How interesting! 
So Lawyer Crewel was your driver for today? 
You tried to ask him about what was happening, but he only tapped his baton in his hand twice, gazing down at you before spinning on his heel and climbing into the driver’s seat. 
So both he and Leona were being mum on the issue? 
“Are we there yet?” 
Your lips twitched as you asked for the fourth time in less than three minutes. You could see Lawyer Crewel’s eyebrow twitch. You couldn’t help the silent snicker. Both you and Leona were relegated to the backseat, where Leona had his head resting on your shoulder, staring out the window. 
A minute passed….
“Are we….” 
“Young pup!!” the Lawyer growled. 
You heard the crack of the baton in your head, on your own, and looked out your own window. 
You didn’t ask again. 
Leona smirked at this. It seemed you were displaying a smidge of energy.
—  —  —
You looked around curiously as you stepped out of the car and onto a dirt road.
 You were surprised when the city disappeared and gave way to nature. You were even more surprised when Lawyer Crewel turned into a seemingly random direction, driving into the grass. But then the grass eventually gave way to a dirt road. 
“Keep up, young pups!” the lawyer called, walked confidently into the cluster of trees. You snickered silently. Even out here, Divius Crewel refused to wear anything other than his suit and fur coat. 
You admired the man’s dedication. 
Eventually, you began to detect what sounded like faint music. 
You frowned. 
Your frown deepened when you came into view of a warehouse, literally in the middle of nowhere. You cocked your head. Divus Crewel didn’t even pause as he opened the door and walked into the warehouse. 
You made to follow him, but Leona had pulled at your arm, making you look back at him. 
“Close your eyes.” 
“Close ‘em!” 
You shut your eyes and gave a little yelp as you felt Leona pick you up. Once he checked your eyes were close, he continued walking. You heard the door open and close behind you, but it was a few seconds before he put you down. Now the soft music seemed a bit louder. 
When you did, you let out a gasp at a stage that seem to sit in the middle of…. 
Hold on, didn’t we just enter a warehouse? Were there trees in a warehouse?   
A pretty cloth was strung between two trees, obviously hiding something. You could also see a tall contraption in the background.  
What was that for? 
“Miss. L/N!!” 
You looked up to see Ruggie jumping out from a tree. 
“Ruggie!!!” returned shocked, “What is all this?” 
“Shihihihi….patience is a virtue, so I hear. First, let’s get you settled!” 
Ruggie ushered to the pretty mattress, which had a lot of throw pillows and looked strangely out of place. You blinked at Leona helping you out of your coat and tossing it onto the mattress. You wonder why it was there, but that was answered for you when after you sat down folding your legs, Leona crawled behind you and plopped down on his side, propping his head into his hands after grabbing a pillow. 
Then Ruggie pulled the small table in front of you filled with snacks and tea. 
“I know Jade usually serves you tea, but today I will have to suffice!” 
You looked on as Ruggie made your tea. It was obvious that Jade had instructed him on what you like in it. After he was done, he set it in front of you. You took a sip appreciatively as you looked around.
“We are in a warehouse, aren’t we? Or did I enter Wonderland?” 
Ruggie grinned, “Perhaps you did enter Wonderland!”  
You eyed him, not sure if that answered your question or not. 
He hopped back to his feet and stood in front of you, giving a grand bow, “Now, my Lady, since you are here, and you are settled…the show will begin!” 
You giggled once at him before looking on curiously. You glanced at Leona who looked like he was dozing off. 
Ruggie hopped up to the stage and cleared his throat announcing, “Ladies….ah, well, there is no one else but you, Shihihi.” 
You rolled your eyes. 
Leona didn’t even open his. 
“My Lady, we like to present to you a token of our esteem affection! We are here to amaze and delight you! We bid you welcome to Wonderland….” 
Lights began to dance on the curtains as a voice began to sing. You gasped when Lilia came out singing and twirling around in a kind of dance: 
You were enraptured as Lilia gave a wink and sung the last notes as he waltzed off the opposite end of the stage. 
Then the curtain pulled back and you gasped. 
There was a whole aquarium tank! How did they even?! But that paled in comparison to the music that started playing, and then you realize that Azul, Jade and Floyd began to swim around doing tricks:
You felt yourself relaxing as they swam around, watching their acrobatic tricks. Azul was behind a rock, with only his tentacles visible as he held up a bunch of rings, while the twins swam through them. Other tentacles tossed out objects that they played with.
At one point, Floyd swam up to the glass and waved.
You giggled and waved back.
That made him grin and do a backflip in the water.
Then the twins glance at each other before grinning at you. You could feel something was up. It was as, Jade and Floyd swam over and tried to pull Azul up. You could see them failing and bit back a giggle. Floyd rolled his eyes while Jade gave a light shrug. Then they all seemed to disappear behind the rock and just like the first time you had met, Azul was suddenly launched towards you. He rolled in a ball before stopping.
Upon seeing you, you could see his face colored as he coughed slightly. He fidgeted a bit and glared at Floyd who poked him. Then he slowly began to swim around. Floyd grabbed one of his tentacles and allowed it to pull him along. Jade laughed politely. Azul glared at Floyd who laughed but then Azul flicked him hard making him rolled around in the water.
As the music began to swell down, Azul floated down onto the rock to sit, while the twins floated down to the ground onto their stomach and prop up their chin in their hands.
You couldn’t help the grin.
What were they up to now?
You were answered, when suddenly, two people came flying out from behind the tank. 
Your eyes budged.
Well, that explained the tall contraption in the back. Jamil and Kalim were dressed in the clothing they had when they first arrived at your home. This was the first time that you were seeing their infamous acrobatics. Now you could see why your parents wanted them so badly and why their former master were quick to hold on tightly to them. 
How did they even learn all of that?
Where did they even learn all of that? 
At the end, they landed in front of you. Kalim had a huge smile while Jamil smirked. You couldn’t help the hardy clap, eyes wide with wonder. Then the two gave a bow and ran behind the aquarium tank. 
Then the curtain closed.
Ruggie came back out, “So my Lady, how is it so far?”
You gaped at him, unable to find words.
“I know right? Shihihi….Now….” he clapped his hands, “I’m sure you didn’t come empty-handed.”
You blinked at him, “What do you mean?”
Leona grumbled, “Aren’t you being shameless right now?”
“There is no harm in the question.”
You gave an apologetic smile, “Sorry. I didn’t know I’d be seeing you, today.”
“That’s a bummer. But if you didn’t bring me anything, what’s in your pocket?”
You furrowed your eyebrow, “There is nothing in my…” All the while, you stuck your hands in your pocket, only to pull out a small plastic donut. 
You let out an amused huff. 
This sneaky little… when did he even do that?
“Ahh, so you did bring me something!!” Ruggie exclaimed, “Toss it?”
You threw it at him, and he caught it easily, “That’s good, because I never do anything for free. I’d have to charge you if you didn’t have this. This is acceptable. Shihihi.”
“Still stuck on making a buck, are we?” Leona groused.
“Ah, Leona. Money makes the world go round. It opens doors and makes connections.” said Ruggie, “And right now, this is the key to the second part!”
“Second part?”
Part 19 
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
What Happens in Vegas...Doesn’t Always Stay There - Jacob Markstrom - Part 1
Word Count: 4,885
POV: Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Language, Smut, Drinking (all the good stuff)
Notes: Well here it is the new fic that’s been in my head. I tossed around a couple different guys for this, but some of you suggested Marky and well looks like it stuck. Trying to do this a little different and keep this in an all read POV, so we shall see how that works. I don’t see this being super long maybe between 5 or 6 parts. Hope you guys enjoy. As always feedback is welcome. Happy Reading!
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They say that New York is the city that never sleeps but whoever 'they' is, well, they got it wrong. It has to be Vegas. Lights are always flashing whether you were indoors or out, the jangly sound of slot machines can be heard at all hours and the seven deadly sins seem to be on full display twenty-four hours a day. It's no wonder their tagline for years was 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.' If only that were true.
You wish you could blame someone else but you can't. Vegas was all your idea. As maid of honor, it fell to you to plan your best friend's bachelorette party, and in your mind, there was only one spot, Vegas. Now, you were second-guessing your choice as your head was pounding like there were a thousand drummers who decided to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show, only in your brain. There was only one thought that made it through the marching band playing in your head. What the hell happened last night?
 Maybe you should start off small, like where were you first, considering that the little drummer boy was now doing backflips in your head. You were definitely in bed, which was evident as you could feel the mattress underneath you. You could also feel the duvet comforter covering your body, but there was something else. Something a bit heavier, almost as if a weighted blanket was covering your stomach and your breast, but it wasn't that. It was an arm slung across your midsection and a very large hand cupping your one boob. God, you hoped it was still attached to a body. You should really take a peek. It would be the only decent thing to do.
 As you gradually lifted one eyelid open, the first thing you noticed was that you were not in your hotel room, as the wall looked completely different. No reason to panic, you told yourself. Everything would come back to you as soon as this god blessed pounding ceased. Peering the other eye open, you got back to business at seeing if there was a body attached to the arm currently trapping you to the bed. Carefully, you turned your head to the side to see a very large and very naked man firmly attached to the aforementioned arm. He was gorgeous as he lay there sleeping ever so peacefully. You drank in his features, kind of like you downed drink after drink last night. His brown hair had this golden hue to it that made your fingers want to reach out and touch it, though you refrained. Then there was the beard covering his face, not too much and not too little, and now that you were thinking about it; you definitely felt some of that beard burn on your thighs. If you could only remember last night. The only logical thing to do was to go back to the start of this, back to a time when you were sober.
 It started months ago when your best friend Kennedy got engaged. You honestly didn't see it coming that fast. She'd only been dating Ryan for a little less than a year, but he asked and she said yes, and when she asked you to be her maid of honor you screamed and laughed and cried, and told her you couldn't wait to plan her bachelorette party. Everyone knew the bridal shower was only for boring stuffy old aunts so that they could buy her the latest air fryer or new dish pattern. The bachelorette party was where all the fun was, and what better place to have it than Las Vegas.
 Of course, everyone agreed with you. The only wrench in the plan was that Kennedy decided to up her wedding date and make it a nine-month engagement. That barely left time to find a dress let alone plan the most outrageous bachelorette party of the century. You would've said decade but twenty-twenty was fastly approaching. Thankfully, you had connections. Night one was more sedate since you all were just arriving at the MGM hotel at different times; eleven of you in total when Ryan's sister decided to join at the last minute. You booked a private room at Lago in the Bellagio for all of you to enjoy.
 It was the second night, that was the piece de resistance. A limo picked you all up and took you over to Excalibur to see the legendary Australian group, Thunder from Down Under. I mean what was Vegas without seeing a male stripper or two. The next day, a private bungalow was waiting for you at Wet Republic in the MGM Hotel. One would've thought the night watching men strip naked would've been your undoing but apparently, it all started poolside.
 "I seriously can't believe he pulled you up on stage and proceeded to dry hump you up there," Kelsey rehashed.
 "Really, Kels?" Kennedy said downing another mimosa. "How could you not see that happening? (Y/N) has known Nate for a couple years. I mean he did get us front row tickets." This was all true. Nate, the emcee for Thunder from Down Under and you were friends, had been since your firm had done their calendar shoot two years ago. He had generously given you prime seating to the show that night and also set you up with a few other perks for the trip. "The only thing I'm surprised at, is that this one," she bumped you with her hip, spilling both hers and your mimosas. "Didn't end up going home with him last night."
 "Oh my god, Kenny you did not just say that." She may be the bride and your best friend but really, she was pushing the line.
 "Come on, it's not like it hasn't happened before."
 At least four pairs of eyes turned towards you, Ryan's sister Gretchen being one of them. "Ok, admittedly, I slept with him, once." Both Kennedy and Kelsey gave you that look. "Ok, maybe it was twice, but he has a girlfriend now, and we are just friends."
 "I'll give you that," Jade spoke up in your defense and suddenly she was going to earn the title of new best friend, not that the lines weren't blurred in your little group as you were all sort of best friends. "But what about Edward, the one with the turtle tattoo on his hip."
 "You were so looking at more than his hip." Eva teased while Jade simply hid behind her champagne glass. "But yeah (Y/N), he was totally hitting on you."
 "He was not."
 "Oh, he was," Kennedy added her two cents. "And as the bride I take offense, they should've been hitting on me."
 "Wait, why would they hit on you?" Jade sputtered. "You're taken bitch." Of course, bitch was said in the most loving way.
 "I'm not dead."
 "No, but I'm sure my brother wouldn't appreciate it." Leave it to Gretchen to be the mood killer. "I think I'm going to go take a nap. I'll meet you at the pool later."
 She headed out the door, and honestly, you were ecstatic about it, for she was too judgmental for your liking.  "Wait, Gretch, that's not what I meant."
 "Leave her go, maybe a nap would do her good." They were Jade's words but your sentiments. "Now back to why (Y/N) did not take that beautiful man up on his offer last night."
 "There was no offer," you insisted.
 "Come on (Y/N), there was an offer. There's always an offer. Remember when you were doing promo for that Batman flick." You tried to shut Kennedy up with a death glare, but she continued to prattle on. "We all know you ended up doing the nasty with Superman."
 "WHAT?!?!" Yeah, that definitely came out of the other nine people's mouths in the room.
 "Thanks, Ken. No one knew that but you."
 "Oops, my bad." She had the grace to at least be embarrassed about the whole thing.
 "You mean you slept with that guy, the British one, tall, all muscular, extremely good looking. Damn it what's his name." You could see Eva wracking her brain for his name and you just didn't want to go there.
 "Yes, him," you admitted, stopping Jade before she could finish his name. "Can we please change the subject?"
 "Why, when we are all living vicariously through you," Kelsey added. "Especially poor Kennedy, who is now committed to spending the rest of her life with one man."
 "Geez, you make it sound like a death sentence. I love Ryan and I'm perfectly fine spending the rest of my days with him."
 You had to suppress an eye roll. Not because you didn't think that Ryan and Kennedy weren't in love. If you were being honest, you just thought they were rushing things a bit. The problem was telling your best friend that; you tried in the past and never succeeded. "We know you're in love Kenny." And then because you couldn't stop yourself, you added. "It's just are you sure you want to be tied down so young? We still have our whole life to live."
 "Jesus, (Y/N). We all know you're not ready for marriage and what comes with it, but we can't all be you with your fancy job in LA, meeting celebrities all the time. Some of us have real lives and want to settle down and have a family."
 "Kenny, that's not what I meant." The last thing you wanted to do was argue with her at her bachelorette party. "I only want you to be happy."
 "You have a funny way of showing it." The air in the room took on a chill and not from the air conditioning. If you didn't do something soon this party was going to go downhill.
 "Oh, would you look at the time," Jade chimed in. "We should probably be heading down to the pool." Everyone grabbed their stuff, Kennedy giving you the cold shoulder as you made your way out of the hotel suite. Jade came up and wrapped an arm around you. "She'll be fine. She's just on edge after the whole Gretchen thing. We'll give her a few shots and you two will be good as new."
 "I hope so." Unfortunately, things weren't fine. Kennedy seemed to avoid you and your attempt to make things right, even after a few shots. That didn't stop you from taking a few more. You had a strict one drink to one water rule, that you threw out the door today. Downing shots like it was your job. It was probably an hour later when you were in one of the private pools, with a few of the girls that a large group of very attractive men walked in. They were definitely different from Nate and the guys from Thunder, and at first, you thought it was some fraternity get together with how young some of them looked, but at second glance there were some gentlemen that were your age or older.
 "They've gotta be baseball players," Eva whispered over after they took up residence in the three bungalows next to you.
 "Nah, none of them have a dad bod." Jade was right, they were too fit to be in the MLB. You'd been around enough major leaguers to know while some were incredibly in shape, some were not. That didn't seem to be the case with this group.
 "I'm gonna rule out NFL as well," you told the girls. "None of these guys look like they're an offensive guard. Those guys are huge." You noticed a few of them staring at the six of you that were in the smaller pool reserved only for the bungalows. Grabbing another shot, this had to be your fourth in just sixty minutes, you downed the drink really starting to feel its effects.
 "Looks like we may just find out here," Jade said, nodding to let you know some of the guys were headed your way.
 "Ladies, care if we join you?" One of the men asked, you had to admit he was extremely handsome but also gave off an air that he had more than a few notches in his bedpost.
 A couple of the girls nodded, but when no one said anything, you found yourself saying, "Come on in."
 "So, what brings you to Vegas?" This from a different guy, who had quite a number of tattoos covering his arms, and you had to admit that the ink just made him more attractive, that and his height. He was well over six feet tall and you didn't mind looking up to see his face as he took the seat next to you.
 "Bachelorette party," Jade blurted out and you saw a few eyebrows raise.
 "Tell me you're not the bride?" His breath was warm or maybe it was the sun, either way, you definitely felt a warmth in your belly that wasn't there moments ago.
 "I am definitely not the bride." Shit that sounded desperate. "Though I am the maid of honor, at least I hope I still am." You looked inside the bungalow to see Kennedy in deep conversation with Gretchen.
 "Hmm, sounds like there's a story there. Care to tell me? I'm Jacob by the way, though the guys call me Marky."
 He held out his hand, the one that didn't have a beer in it, and you took it. "(Y/N), and I'll tell you though it's rather dull, on one condition." He quirked a brow at you. "You tell me what sport you play."
 He chuckled. "What makes you think I play a sport? Maybe I'm an investment banker."
 "Well, first there's your accent, though I suppose you could pull off investment banker with that. Second, you are all…how shall I say this…physically fit. A quality most athletes have and considering the number of you; I doubt this is some kind of investment banker convention."
 "Ok, I'll give you that, though we could be bodybuilders or…" the lights on the billboard on the strip changed to a Thunder From Down Under ad and you saw a light bulb in his head go off. "Or male strippers." Shit, you almost spit your drink out on that one. "What, too much a stretch? Maybe it's your lucky day." He started to sway his hips in the pool, one of his friends joining him while you and Jade tried to contain your laughter.
 "Nah, it's already been (Y/N)'s lucky day with them. She knows them all rather intimately."
 "Jade!" you yelled at your friend, or ex-friend, though you weren't in a position to be losing anymore at the moment.
 "Oops." She at least had the decency to look embarrassed. Alcohol made everyone do some crazy things and Jade was no exception to the rule.
 "Intimately huh?" Jacob asked as you splashed water on Jade causing her to shriek and hide behind Jacob's friend who you learned was someone named Erik. "Have I lost the competition before it even starts?"
 "There's no competition."
 "So, you're single then?"
 "Yes, though you still haven't answered my question." As soon as Jacob heard you say yes, he slid a little closer to you.
 "What was that question again?" He said with laughter in his eyes and before you could get annoyed with him, though you doubted that would happen, he added. "I remember, just giving you a hard time. Anyhow, we play hockey."
 "Oh, nice. Like professional level? Or are there minors in that sport?" You really weren't one hundred percent sure. You'd taken in a game here and there but not really paid any particular attention to it.
 "We're in the NHL, playing for Vancouver. Just came out to do a little team bonding before the season starts. So, are we going to talk about this intimate encounter or why you think your maid of honor duties are getting revoked?"
 "I think I need another drink to talk about either of them."
 Jacob flagged down one of the personal waitresses for the area, requesting a couple of shots and drinks for you both, and you had to admit you liked the way he worked. "Now that that's taken care of…"
 You blew out a frustrated breath, more with yourself than anything else. "I said something stupid right before we came down here." He kept silent, his eyes totally focused on you and what you were saying. A refreshing change from some of the men you spoke to. "I just think she's rushing into things. They've only known each other a year and we are too young to get married. She's only twenty-five, we have our whole lives ahead of us. You know?" He simply nodded his agreement before you continued. "I want to see the world, go places, and do things before I'm strapped down to one man forever. Not to mention being tied down with kids. How can Kenny not want that too?"
 "I totally agree. I've gotten to see a lot with hockey but there's no way I want to be tied down just yet."
 "Exactly, you totally get me." Your drinks arrived then and Jacob took one shot and handed it to you before taking the other.
 "Well, I say we toast to being young and free with no commitments."
 "I'll drink to that." He clinked his glass to yours and the two of you downed the drinks. It seemed like the DJ noticed the change in your mood, as the music got louder and the energy seemed to kick up a notch. You got up and started to dance in the pool; the other girls joining in. It wasn't long before you felt Jacob behind you. His hips grinding into your backside, as his large hands encircled your waist.
 Drinks flowed freely the entire day, and if you were being honest, you couldn't remember a time you'd been that drunk before the sun had even set. You were laughing and dancing, and quite literally having the time of your life; your maid of honor duties completely forgotten at this point. Gretchen came up to you at some point and told you that she, Kennedy, and Kelsey were heading up and would catch up with the rest of you later. Everyone else was having too much fun with the Canucks to want to leave.
 A few more drinks and an hour later, the party was winding down. Most of your friends had headed up to their room to pass out, only a few stayed behind. Jacob had somehow maneuvered you into one of the bungalows that was empty. You shared a few kisses here and there out in the pool area, but now that you were out of view of prying eyes things were getting a bit more heated. Jacob's hands were on your ass, as his tongue was down your throat; not that yours wasn't doing the same thing to him. He moaned into your mouth, the sound going straight to your core. Your bikini bottom was no longer wet from the water of the pool, but the press of Jacob's cock against it.
 You both stumbled back, landing down on the large daybed in the bungalow, though somehow Jacob's reflexes softened your fall. His hands went straight to your breasts, kneading the flesh there. He was just about to untie the string of your bikini top when someone walked in. "Jesus, Marky! Take it upstairs would you!" You squinted trying to make out who it was but at this point not remembering anyone's name besides the man that was on top of you.
 "Oh, shit…thought I was in my room." It was funny, you thought the same thing. "Sorry, Jay."
 "His name is Jay? Like the letter?" you mumbled as Jacob helped you off the couch. "What comes after J?" Fuck you were drunk and when you were drunk you tended to ramble. You once actually talked to a damn parking meter because you thought it was a person, and you were pretty sure you could talk to one now if there was one around.
 "Doesn't matter, babe," Jacob said kissing your lips. "Wanna head up to my room?"
 You had to go up on your tiptoes to loop your arms around his neck. "Yes, I do." He planted a kiss on your lips then cupped your ass cheeks causing you to jump a bit.
 "Let's go," he finally said breaking the kiss. You had enough sense to grab your things and tell your friends not to worry that you'd catch up with them tomorrow. They all winked and nodded or at least that's what it looked like in your head because that's when things started to get hazy. You had vague recollections of making your way through the casino, stopping here and there. Part of you thought that the two of you even stopped to play roulette only so you could have another drink.
 You did remember tumbling through the door of Jacob's suite. His lips were on yours and neither of you were paying attention as he unlocked it. Thankfully his quick reflexes caught you; apparently, even when drunk, goalies couldn't lose some of those natural instincts.
 His hands, you remember them being everywhere on your body, and how incredible they made you feel. His calloused touch lit a fire inside you, that had nothing to do with the alcohol. He rid you of your white swim cover-up easily, flinging the garment across the room, and then his lips were all over your body. It was easy to recall the way he made you feel, as he softly bit down on your nipple through the fabric of your bikini. You'd craved this all afternoon. It had been a couple months since you'd been with a man and Jacob was everything you'd been waiting for.
 You ripped off his shirt. Your hands immediately going to his chest and roaming down his tattooed arms. He was all muscle, hard and lean everywhere, but when you slid your hand down inside his swim trunks to his cock; oh, it was hard all right, but lean was not a word you'd used to describe it. You were barely able to wrap your fingers around his girth, and as you stroked him, you realized God had not only blessed him with height but length as well. The man was made to star in a porno, you thought as you shoved his trunks down.
 Somehow, during that time Jacob had managed to get your bikini top off, though you supposed with its simple string ties it wasn't a hard feat to manage. You dropped to your knees, licking your lips before taking your tongue and swirling it around the head of Jacob's cock. "Det kanns sa bra min vackra prinsessa (that feels so good my beautiful princess)." Jacob's mumblings had you pulling back and looking up at him. "Don't stop, baby." This time you knew what he said as you slowly sucked him into your mouth. There was no way that you could take him all in, so you pumped the rest of him with your fist. You hollowed out your cheeks as you sucked him inside, using every trick in the book you knew. Jacob muttered more in Swedish to you, things you had no clue as to what they meant, but judging by his reaction they were things he was enjoying very much. He threaded his hands through your hair, pulling it back so you could look up at him with big doe eyes. "Jesus," he swore, his hips bucking into your mouth at the sight of you with his cock in it, looking like that. After a few more thrusts, he pulled out shouting," Tillrackligt, enough. I think you're trying to kill me, princess."
 There was something about the way he called you princess. It wasn't anything you'd been called before and most times you'd preferred babe or baby, but the way the word rolled off his tongue did things to your insides.
 Jacob helped you off the ground, his lips ghosting over yours before picking you up and tossing you onto the bed. His large form handled you easily, arranging your body just the way he wanted to before slipping off your bikini bottoms. His large hands worked their way from your ankles to your calves, all the way up to your thighs; spreading your legs as he went. "So beautiful." He traced his fingers lightly over your pussy lips and you quivered in anticipation of what was to come. One long finger slid between your folds all the way up to your clit, once, then twice, and then once again. "So wet, prinsessa, and all because of me."
 "Mmm, yes, Jacob." He dipped that same finger inside you then. The digit slipping in easily and so he added another. Then his mouth was there. Tongue flicking over your clit in a way that made you squirm with pleasure. "Oh yes," you moaned, caught up in the pleasure that was coursing through your veins. "Just like that." Your hips lifted up on their own accord, seeking more of what this giant of a man was doing to you. Jacob never let up, making a come-hither motion with his fingers and you found yourself unraveling around him; legs shaking, breath panting as your orgasm overtook you.
 “So pretty when you cum, prinsessa.” He pulled his fingers from your pussy then brought them to your lips. You opened without any thought, licking your juices off of them. Before you could get them clean, Jacob’s mouth joined yours, kissing you while you sucked on his index and middle fingers. Your tongues mingled together, as Jacob positioned himself between your thighs. The head of his cock nudged between your folds and you sighed into his mouth at just that first touch. Slowly, he filled your pussy, until he bottomed out. Only then did he release your lips. “Fuck you feel so good.”
 Jacob loved the feel of you clenching around him. It felt like he was in heaven. Part of him didn’t even want to move that’s how good your body felt, but then you shifted your hips up just a hair bit and he had to suck in a breath at the pleasure that went straight to his groin for fear he would spend inside you right then and there. He willed his body under control and only then started to move.
 With every snap of Jacob’s hips, a wave of pleasure crashed over you. Your nails raked down his back, probably leaving marks, but it seemed to only spur him on. “Yes, Prinsessa,” he moaned out, as you bent your knees allowing him to go deeper. You moaned as he hit that treasured spot that had you seeing stars. “You like that?” Another moan was his answer, as he continued to fuck you.
 That peculiar feeling started to wash over you. Your pussy fluttering around Jacob’s cock as the orgasm finally broke. Back arching, legs trembling, you were moaning out his name as the climax seemed to continue, as Jacob drove wildly into you. As you came down off your high, Jacob found his. With a few erratic thrusts, he was spending deep inside you with a loud groan. He slumped forward, his sweety forehead resting on yours. “Det dar var otroligt.” You looked at him curiously, your brain not working at all but also knowing he was speaking something in Swedish to you. He smiled, a glorious one that you found yourself getting lost in and you found yourself returning it. “I said that was amazing.”
 “Yes, it was,” you breathed out. Jacob rolled you both onto your sides, tucking you into his. It wasn’t long before both of you were passing out.
 Now here you were, finally putting most of the pieces together from last night. You looked back over at the sleeping man, who had given you such pleasure even in your inebriated state. He really was gorgeous. You honestly wouldn’t mind going for round two, after a couple of Tylenol, of course. Speaking of which you needed to get up and see if you had any in your bag. If only you could move him without waking him. You carefully took your right arm and went to move his left which was slung across you, but then something caught your eye. There on his ring finger was a ring. Oh, it wasn’t just any ring, it was a wedding ring! You knew he didn’t have it on when you were in the pool. You were not the type of woman to go hitting on a married man, let alone sleep with him.
 You pulled your other arm out from underneath him, fully intending to grab your stuff and get the hell out of there when you noticed a bright and shiny diamond on your ring finger. There was also a matching wedding band. Then like a tsunami hitting the beach of a small island a memory came flooding back to you of the two of you entering the hotel chapel. This man wasn’t married to just anyone, he was married to you!  
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Hello! IDK if this has been asked, but... How would the dormitory leaders react when they and s/o got the main roles for the annual theater play? And it's romance with the kissing at the end of the play~ ❤
I can totally see Vil being so into this! Thank you for your request~~! ❤
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🥀 for sure Cater will be in the first row filming the whole play and zooming on kissing scene and then sending it to literally everyone (rip Cater Diamond, you will be remembered)
🥀 Riddle simply turns into red, flustered ball on emotions. Which you think it’s kind of cute. It will take a lot of time to convince him to actually agree and prepare for the role, 
🥀 at first he’s completely against whole idea. Sure, he is flattered and proud of himself (and you) for getting a role in the annual theater play, but deep down Riddle is insecure. He’s not sure whether he can portray the character right,
🥀 oh and the mere thought of kissing you in front of whole school makes his already rosy cheeks even redder than usual,
🥀 so you two end up practising mostly the kiss, cause each time your lips linger a bit closer to his, Riddle’s cheeks flush rosy color and his whole form melts,
🥀 which you think it’s cute, but you both know that absolutely cannot happen on the stage
🥀 and yes, Cater coos how cute you both are and offers some acting tips,
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🦁 the annual theater play, huh? Certainly not interested, would muttered Leona while turning on his back to continue his nap peacefully,
,,Y’know, it would be a real shame if Malleus got the role of the prince” “yhm, I don’t care” “there’s a kissing scene, y’know?” “WHAT, THIS IS MY ROLE”
🦁 absolutely doesn’t mind kissing scene, instead Leona insists on practicing it few times. To make sure it’s perfect, as he would playfully say, 
,,We can’t practice this one scene all over again. Did you even learn the script?” “We have a script?”
🦁 you and Ruggie has to literally drag his lazy ass to rehearsals, since Leona wouldn’t even bother attending them,
🦁 surprisingly, he’s amazing on the stage (when he actually puts some effort in his acting). Needless to say, he did steal the show,
🦁 how Leona managed to learn his parts and actually steal the whole show is still a mystery to you and Ruggie
🦁  little did you know, that he actually practiced in secret, without telling anyone as if he wanted to keep up his “cool aura”
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🐙 wishes you all best, but he politely refuses to take part in the play. Even your pleading, puppy eyes aren’t sufficient to convince him. However, dating Azul taught you one thing – everything is possible if you know person’s deepest secrets
🐙 so you blackmailed him with slight help from Jade (Floyd won’t ever shut up about this),
🐙Azul has never ever in his octopus life felt that stunned. The way his eyes widen when you presented the conditions, was almost hilarious to you,
🐙 you enjoyed this way too much,
🐙probably one of the few who actually learned the whole script and practiced it every evening before going to bed. Once Azul sees that there’s no turning back, he will do everything to thoroughly prepare himself and steal the show,
🐙 insists on you two practicing after lessons and you happily oblige,
🐙 Azul denied the role at first, because he was simply insecure and anxious. The mere thought of kissing you in front of whole school where the eyes of every student will be all over you two, is simply paralyzing to him. Besides, he has a certain image of callous and meticulous businessman to maintain,
🐙 he will definitely get nervous few minutes before the start of the play. Azul’s heart will be racing, while he would be sweating and heavily breathing, but the moment your hands gently cup his face and your sweet words leave your lips, his body slowly begins to relax, 
,,Don’t be so anxious, we had practiced it. It’s gonna be alright” “Y/N, I think we should practice this kissing scene one more time”
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🦂 when you two got main roles in the annual school musical, you both were on cloud nine. Literally. Jamil had to listen to you both fangirling over it for almost a whole night, 
🦂 Kalim is extremely, extremely, extremely excited and he’s beaming with happiness. He defintely thinks you’re both are made for the roles and he will put his heart into acting, singing and dancing, 
🦂 well, the preparations may be a tad bit sloppy, yet you both don’t complain. The evenings spent on singing nice tunes, learning lyrics together, practicing choreographies and finally acting out few scenes is very enjoyable to Kalim (and of course you), 
🦂 Kalim is rather giddy about kissing scene. Well, he certainly doesn’t mind it! No, no, he’s actually more than happy to kiss you in front of whole school. This man knows no shame, 
🦂 rehearsals are chaotic. Well, the rehearsals your duo does, at least. During practices with the rest of students and teacher, suddenly you two are dead serious and focused on getting the notes and script right, 
🦂 the duality sometimes scares Jamil, 
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💜 did someone say theatre play? Main roles? And on top of it kissing scene? And the male lead is not some sexy vilian? Vil is ceratinly in,
💜 he knows exactly what he’s doing and what you’re supposed to do. After all, his acting skills are simply splendid. Vil is more than eager to help you out, 
💜 you two practice the script a LOT, acting out every single scene multiple times, just so you can ace it. He is rather strict as a partner/acting teacher, but you are aware that Vil just wants to make sure everything will be perfect and you will present yourself as best as you can,
💜 you find Vil’s advices extremely helpful and after a while you begin feel confident in your newly acquired skills, 
💜he is not nervous before kissing scene, bah, he brushes it off as if it was something normal or regular in his life. Meanwhile, you are freaking out and screaming internally, 
💜 which makes Vil amused and he may tease you a LOT, insisting to practice the kissing scene. His lips will playfully brush against yours for a brief second, before he pulls away with a smirk, while you can only pout and die from feels, 
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🖤 panic mode 10000000000. Idia is absolutely terrified when you tell him the “good news”,
🖤 give him literally 5 minutes and he will have his suitcase packed, booked flight to “Nope-land” and would be on his merry way. Idia is screaming internally as that’s something definitely out of his comfort zone,
🖤 he absolutely hates speaking before a big public, yet alone acting and the mere thought of having a kissing scene with you is more than enough to give him a heart attack. He certainly doesn’t want to disappoint you, since you’re so excited to take part in school play with him, yet it’s a matter of time before Idia politely refuses,
🖤 you don’t push him though – you do respect his boundaries,
🖤 however, when Idia proposes to either clone or create a hologram of himself for the play, you are just speechless and it’s your turn to politely refuse,
🖤 as much as Idia hates the mere thought of you kissing someone else, he won’t change his mind (he may suggest Vil to play the other main character tho)
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🐲 Malleus is stunned and speechless the moment you tell him that you both got the main roles,
🐲 he’s even more stunned and speechless when you shyly mutter that it will involve the kissing scene,
🐲 Malleus has never really taken part in theatre play, yet alone displayed his affection (or more like affection of his character) for you in front of such crowd. Obviously, he hesitates, but your excited tone of voice and eyes filled with pure happiness were enough to convince him,
🐲 Malleus takes his role rather seriously and he prepares himself thoroughly – he knows the whole script by heart and could describe every detail of random scene in the middle of the night,
🐲 you are definitely more nervous than Malleus before kissing scene. He seems as stoic and collected as always, while you may be screaming internally,
,,I think we should practice this scene more” “I have kissed you more than 10 times already, darling. I may start thinking that this is just a mere excuse for you to kiss me, huh?” “That’s…that’s…THAT’S certainly not true Malleus!”
🐲 guaranteed that Lilia will be in the first row with a camera, while Sebek will be taking ton of pictures (and yeah, Silver is asleep per usual). “You’re doing great, sweetie” along with “Waka-sama hype man”  will be a perfect addition to the theatre play,
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Hey there, just want to say first that you are damn amazing at creating the NSFW stories! I'm very into Mystic Messenger & I adore Saeran. Would you consider creating a NSFW story with him & MC wanting to have sex while she's on her period? Like, they are both really turned on because of it but she's afraid it might make him grossed out. Eventually, he talked her into it & it ends up being the best sex they've had so far. I'm sorry if it sounds unappealing, it's just a secret fantasy of mine.
Hello, Hello, Hello. This is my first time writing for Saeran, I hope I did you and your fantasy proud.  [NSFW Content]
Nights like these were your favourites. Blissful walks in the serene silence of the garden, nothing but the soft chirps of crickets and a warm glow of fireflies paired with the iridescent shimmer of the moonlight; each plant and vegetation illuminated casting a gentle shadow upon the ground. ‘The magenta’s are really coming into bloom’ Saeran had whispered so softly, his hand never breaking away from yours as you stopped to witness the beauty of the deep pink flourishing amongst the green stems. You continued to walk hand in hand, Saeran on your left side, you always walked or sat on his right side. Even when outing with Saeyoung. The routine and safety being a comfort blanket to Saeran. Once you reached the double french window doors, opening them to let the scent of the soba noodles you had cooked wash over you both. A pillow fort set up in the living room, a light-hearted comedy ready to be played as it waited for you to take comfort in it. The childlike smile on Saeran’s face to watch the kernels popping, a shared batch of sweet and salted popcorn filling the marble bowl. Moments like these he savoured, giving him a glimpse of the childhood he had missed out on but with the ability to appreciate them now with you. As you sat in the thick waves of blankets, your head resting on his shoulder as his arm slowly came from behind to hold your shoulder, a content smile on your face to feel your fingers brushing over his as you both reached for the same piece of popcorn; nights like these were your favourite. 
The lingering build up started the minute your hands touched. Saeran turning with a faint blush on his cheeks, the popcorn taken from your outstretched legs to be placed on the floor. His other palm fanned out across your cheek, minted green eyes fading as he shut his eyes, leaning closer until you could feel his breath hovering just above your lips. The glow of the screen reflected off his hair, the rest of the world standing still as he pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss. One kiss turned into two, turned to three, turned to fleeting ones which grew slowly with deeper passion. 
Intimacy was nothing new to your relationship, it took time to get to this stage where he could kiss you, touch you, love you without fear of harming you. As your relationship developed so did these small gestures, the first day he took your hand in his as you walked side by side caused tears of happiness to prickle in your eyes. Whilst intimacy was on the cards, sex was a different subject… Out of your year long relationship, you could count on one hand the amount of times you’d fully done the deed. Not that this was an issue or bothered you, sex only happened when Saeran felt comfortable and initiated the first movements. As well it didn’t help that Saeyoung was only a few doors down from your room, none of you wanting him to hear Saeran and you amidst the passionate throes of your love. But tonight, Saeyoung was out, ‘I must dash! The defender of justice is needed, I shall be back upon the morrow… or sometime soon I don’t know’ he had yelled whilst grabbing his keys. There was just another issue at hand…
“Saeran I-” Pulling away gently from his embrace, amongst the kiss deepening his tongue gliding over yours- a movement he had recently began to do with his growing confidence, a movement he knew had you wet in seconds, you had ended up lying upon the floor. The weight of his body hovering over yours, a hand trailing down your torso to play with the edge of your shirt. The graze of his fingertips against the skin on your stomach had been enough for you to realise where this was heading and that you needed it to stop. 
“Did I hurt you?” Eyes widened in horror as he pulled back quickly, slender fingers buried amongst the pearly white of his hair as he rested on his knees. Panic, fear and dread quickly overcoming him.
‘No, no!” Gasping and sitting up, pulling him into a tight embrace of reassurance. “I- It’s just.. I’m on my period…”.
The soft rock of his hips against yours was enough to ease any doubt you were still facing. Doting affections and sweet whispers of ‘I love you’ pressed to the crook of your neck, one hand intertwined with his fingers to the side of your head. 
Period sex was something you’d never indulged in, guys often disgusted at the thought of it and prompting ‘You can your mouth instead’. So when Saeran wanted to continue, that he found no shame or disgust in it, that this would be something new you could both try together. That you accepted every part of him and that he was willing to do the same with you, it stirred emotions in you that sent tears rolling down your cheeks. Love, trust and acceptance, the foundations of a perfect relationship, one of pure love and true soulmates. 
Taking your time to prepare, a towel placed down on to the bed as you moved from the living room to the bedroom, wipes ready at the side and lube on the bedside table. The ripped condom wrapper lay tossed onto the floor, unmoving as the bed only a few inches away rocked in a slow, creaking manor. 
Far more sensitive than usual, the desire between your thighs aching with need by the time Saeran pressed his covered cock against your folds. You climaxed twice before he found his own, fists twisted in the sheets as pleasure took every your body, unwilling to leave marks of scratches upon his skin in fear they might trigger him. Both of you far more vocal, giving into each others touches and kisses, letting primal urges take over as you lost yourselves in the heat of your passionate dance.
Bliss was the only word in your mind, in-coherent panting as your chest fell and raised quickly. Sore muscles still quivering, mind blanked and overloaded from pleasure. Never had sex been this good. It was almost spiritual, mind’s, bodies and souls connected as one. 
A docile smile graced the corner of your mouth to feel the softness of Saeran’s palm running up your spread legs, wipes ready to assist with the sticky mess.
“It’s okay, I can-” You started but a gentle shush, jaded eyes staring love into yours as he pressed a delicate kiss to your knee. 
“Let me look after you,” Turning words you had told him time after time onto you. 
A tender moment to forever be held in your heart, Saeran slowly unraveling and blossoming each and everyday into a gentle being. And as he wiped the apex of your thighs before taking your hand and guiding you into the shower, one thought ran through your mind. Moments like these were your favourites.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Twin Snowflakes 26: Preparation
[part 1 of 2]
TSF pt25 here! <-
“THANK YOU, PEOPLE OF MANTLE!” Summer yelled, shredding each note of her personal favorite songs. One after another she played to her heart's fill. Each song was more aggressive and brimming with vigor than the last. Summer would’ve played till dawn if she had her way but neither her body or promise to her brother would allow that. It wasn’t time to leave yet but she needed a break.
Summer begrudgingly got herself to get off the stage to let others perform. Their music wasn’t terrible by any means but the other musicians could easily stand to have more practice. A rave audience isn’t hard to please however, so the crowd ate up the talent all the same. A little insulting to her own performance but eh, this wasn’t an actual contest. Summer was happy enough blowing off steam and listening to the beats from behind the stage. Not even she could deny the beats and tempo. Her hips couldn’t help but sway!
From the corner of her eye she could make out a familiar figure keeping an eye on her. “Did Nick tell you to keep an eye on me, Eliza?”
“Not really.” She walked over and poured herself a cup of water. “I was training in the area.”
“Are you saying he had nothing to do with you being here?”
“Oh no, that would be a lie. You know Nick, always negotiating. He really knows how to persuade a person. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could sell a heater to someone living in Vacou. Anyways, he didn’t ask me to stalk you or anything like that. He knew where I’d be and told me if I could swing by for a spell. No harm in that.”
Summer smiled. “Funny. That sounded like you were defending him. Don’t want me getting upset with my own brother?”
“Shut up. It would be a pain if I caused unnecessary controversy in a household. Need I remind you that you both have duties to the school that require your full attention? Frankly I’m glad I arrived. I don’t go to your concerts so my opinion of your performance skills was limited.” Eliza sipped her water, giving Summer’s attire and overall attitude a once over. “Where’s all this when you're getting harassed in the halls?”
“That’s...school is different.”
“Pfft, yeah okay.”
“It is!” Summer said, defensively crossing her arms.
Eliza watched the girl's face soften into the meek and reserved Summer she was used to. To think that’s all it took to shut her down. “I swear you and your brother don’t have a consistent bone in your body. Whatever the case, I don’t really care much as long as you bring your best effort to rehearsal and the live performance.”
Summer squinted. “Not the actual tournament?”
“Hey I don’t participate in the duos. You can bomb that for all I care. But you know, Nick is counting on you to pull your weight. Also it would be pretty annoying if you lost to Max and his asshole know-it-all, Darren. Gods know he’d talk about it until graduation.”
“Was the fight that happened in the school bad?”
Eliza shrugged, “Can’t say. Wasn’t there. He’s always been a thorn to me though so I don’t doubt he made things ugly. He was very rude to Veronica in the principal’s office as well. An act I find inexcusable.”
Summer couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Look I know you admire her and all that jazz, but I’d bet she didn’t help the situation.”
“My views on her have nothing to do with it!” Eliza huffed. “I would think you off people would be sympathetic to a person like her.”
Summer leaned against a wall. “Call me jaded, but Veronica has a habit of bringing out the worst in people.”
Eliza frowned. “You know her better than I. Tell me, is she the type to lie about being harassed?”
Summer didn’t have to think long, especially after learning more about her in the forest. Then there was Veronica’s sketch journal. Summer still couldn’t make sense of all the scratched out pages. On top of that, Blake’s request made Summer even more uncertain. “No. Veronica’s a piece of work, but she isn’t a liar. She might actually be too honest if you asked me. I’ve never had to deal with Darren personally but Nick’s not a fan by any means.” Summer bit her bottom lip. She couldn’t believe it, did she just defend Veronica’s qualities!? It was only fair. Veronica did almost end up a frozen husk.
“Well it’s good to know we can all agree on at least one thing without fail. So not to rush you but how long are you planning on staying in a place like this?” Eliza asked, watching all the party animals.
“Haha, not your type of crowd?”
“The crowd is fine. I can handle a little noise and rowdiness, but it is technically a school night. I- ah! Summer!?” The girl had taken Eliza by the hand and started pulling her to the dance floor.
“If you keep bringing up assignments 24/7 then all you’re gonna look like is a stick in the mud. Live a little. School sucks!”
“School is important!” Eliza protested.
Summer grabbed Eliza’s other hand and started making them sway side to side, back and forth. The blood rushing to Eliza’s cheeks made Summer giggle. “Awww you know you dig it. I’ll make a deal. Cut loose with me for a few songs and I’ll gladly let you dance me right out the front door. Show me that colorguard rhythm!”
Eliza watched the petite girl actively laugh without reservation. Summer jokingly shimmied towards her and swayed her hips, getting lost in the music. Just how much did this girl go out to rave? She looked like she belonged here! The beat got more intense by the moment with no sign of stopping. With her pride in check, Eliza began to sway steadily, getting into the music.
Summer’s eyes lit up. “Aye!”
“Two songs and then we’re out of here.”
“Works for me! Show me what ya got!” Summer turned up the heat by dragging Eliza deeper into the chaos. She might not be as persuasive as Nick, but Eliza quickly found out Summer was definitely more pushy. Forget the tournament. Eliza was beginning to think they’ll beat her at everything!
“This is crazy. How did I not know about this!?” Nick said, walking down the rainy sidewalk.
Veronica smirked as she held Nick’s hand, allowing rain to pass right through them. “Why would you? I barely have any reason to use my semblance; let alone in the more complex ways.”
“You don’t use it when making clothes?”
“Haha, I’m not entirely sure how it would help. Unless I wanna get out of my clothes and into something new in an instant. Not a real trick to show others. Unless…” she blushed at her lewd teasing, refusing to finish the punchline. “Never mind.”
“Okay?” He had a feeling he knew where that was going but chose not to pull that grenade pin. “Speaking of clothes, that brings up a question. Why aren’t our clothes falling off now?”
“Control. Anything I touch can phase like me. My clothes are touching me, so are you. I can keep it strictly to myself though with control and timing. I can also start it and end it on any spot on my body; which is why we aren’t falling through the street.”
“That sounds hard.”
“Little bit. Really flexing my semblance like a muscle right now. Still, I’ve done harder, like not breaking surface tension.”
Nick did a double take. Did he hear that right? “Surface tension? Like...for water?”
Veronica nodded. “Yeah that’s the one. Well I’m not actually walking on water. It’s more of me beginning to fall through the water with my semblance, and shutting it off quick enough to push me back up just above the surface. Took a lot of practice but I got it most of the time. Waves suck.”
“Don’t you burn through your aura quickly?”
“Well it’s like flicking a switch on and off. Also I’m quick about it; not to mention not fighting anything in the water. I’m bound to fuck up them.”
“Still sounds like an extremely large amount of work and multitasking. You got real talent. I’d get a headache.”
“Says the king of multitasking.” Veronica chuckled, “It’s less thinking and more of reaction; knowing how to feel the shifts to the things connecting you.”
Her explanation was interesting. Veronica had an understanding of her semblance to a complex level though she didn’t fight. And here was Nick, struggling with a candle exercise for a semblance that didn’t interact with physics or molecules. “A reaction huh? Maybe I should try that more often? It might help with-”
“What? No my-” His hand was squeezed a little before being brought up to point towards the Schnee gate. Nick’s eyes went wide. Valerie stood by it with her mother’s car, staring just as surprised. “Oh…” Nick said.
The three stood quietly, not prepared in the slightest. Valerie was the most shocked. She was prepared for an awkward conversation with Nick by the door. Not catching him outside in a suit; next to Veronica. Nora, who was in the car, wanted to take initiative but found her lips tucking themselves in.
“Oh boy. Maybe convincing Val to see him was a bad move on my part.” She thought. Ren was gonna have a field day whenever Nora got back home.
Done with the shock, Veronica finally spoke. “Umm I can give you two a minute, if you need it?” All the events that happened tonight made her feel very pleased. Veronica did not want to taint those moments and knew it would be for the best to remove herself from this before she said anything...emotional. She turned to Nick and smiled awkwardly. “I’ll see you inside?”
Nick could only blink while he thought about it. Veronica was a bit quicker to the draw though. “No, no, it’s...clearly you two are in the middle of something. I was just leaving anyways” Val said, a hint of irritation and even a bit of sarcasm crept into her voice. It might not have been that big of a deal but for some reason it made Nick tense up.
“This is only happening because of you.” He said instinctively, catching everyone off guard. “I don’t see how you can be upset about a thing you caused. I did invite you originally.”
“Don’t see how that has to do with anything.” Valerie lied, clearly offended. “You can do what you want.I only came here to-”
“It’s always your terms.” He interjected, grumbling a bit. “You tell me you want space and we’ll see each other at the tournament, but then show when you feel like talking. If I did that you’d be pissed.”
“Hey! I came here to try and smooth things over.”
“Yeah well maybe I don’t want things smoothed over right now? I...I have nothing to say to you right now. We’ll talk at the tournament.”
Valerie let out a subtle gasp. Her brows furrowed and she bit down on her lip harder than she meant to. “Forget it. If you wanna be made then be made. Tournament it is.” Valerie didn’t waste another breath, getting back into the car so it can drive off.”
Veronica was in disbelief. Did that really just happen? In now way did she think the conversation was going to be good, but she at least thought there was going to be one. She might’ve thought this best if it wasn’t for Nick visibly sulking next to her as he started walking her up to the manor. The solemn look on his face did nothing but make her feel bad. Not to mention a little guilty.
“Hey...I know this is a dumb question but are you okay? If I influenced that in any way during dinner, that wasn’t really...what I mean is...”
“I know, and don’t worry. That wasn’t me being caught up in my emotions. I just really want to think about all of this for at least a couple days. Besides, I made a deal with Eliza. I might not keep it if Valerie tries patching things up.”
“You’re plotting on her? That’s...wow. Now I know for sure that you’re pissed.”
Nick rubber the back of neck. “For once I think I’ll get greedy, act the way I want. Does that make sense?”
“Make sense? It’s my language. Fair warning, your best quality is that heart of yours.” She poked his chest. “Keep it safe, or I’ll be the one getting greedy by knocking the optimism back into ya.”
“Oh is that right? Haha, maybe try praying to me first, then I really know you must mean business!” He teases.
Veronica gave a playful shove. “Like I’d know how to start one? I think I’ll stick with the tough love approach.”
“Tough love huh?” Nick opened the front door. His eyes never left the girl as she walked in, seemingly content. Veronica eventually looked back at him and gave a head tilt.
She blinked, “What?”
“Nothing.” He chuckled. Nick was starting to think that just maybe, he understood Veronica’s choices and beliefs a little more than he used to. If he learned anything from tonight it was just how differently they saw the world around them. “Well I guess this is the end of our date. Didn’t go as planned but I’ll admit it, I really liked spending alone time with you.” He said, rubbing the back of his head.
Veronica couldn’t stop herself from letting out an anxious chuckle.“Hehehe, what’s with the sweet talk all of a sudden? Trying to butter me up?”
“No, just being honest with myself. A date should end as well as possible.” Nick stepped towards Veronica and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Eager to not let this moment linger, Nick swiftly left for Summer’s room to see if she was back. Without thinking about it tonight, Nick had left two girls red and speechless. One of them standing in the main hall with a smile growing wide; while the other watched the rain fall during a quiet ride home, frustrated and jaw clenched.
Nora took care to drive slowly. Getting home quickly would only mean Valerie would march to her room. Nora let out a sigh. “Whether it’s me or your father, one of us is gonna make you talk about this. So-”
“What’s there to talk about? I’m upset and he’s upset, because we want different things. So we’re taking a break. Simple as that.” Valerie leaned against the cold glass.
“And what is it exactly that you want?” Nora asked. She was given no answer. Not that she was expecting one. “I love you, but if you don’t know the answer yourself then how can you expect Nick to not upset you? Life is like any sport you play. Gotta know the rules if you wanna do well. Only way to figure that out is knowing yourself.”
“I know myself pretty well.” Valerie huffed.
“Really?” Nora dragged out. “So tell me, do you like Nick, romantically?”
“No.” She said instinctively.
If Val could see Nora’s face then she would’ve been upset that she was rolling her eyes, not believing her daughter. “Okay, but just so you know, taking a break is not what most friends say about another.”
Valerie’s eyes widened. She turned to her mother to see her focused on the road like she hadn’t said a word. Val went back to looking at the window. “Good to know.” Valerie controlled the urge to huff. Talking to Ren might’ve been less painful.
Nick walked into Summer’s room to find it sisterless and a little cold. “Guess she’s not home yet.” He closed the door behind him as he went further in. Nick made sure to keep the light off but turned on the heater. A cold room was the last thing this night needed. His chill hadn’t kicked in all this time so Nick had no real reason to worry about Shiva, yet his nerves would feel better actually seeing Summer come home safely. Pulling up a chair to sit in may have been a bit much but he did it anyway. Overbearing or not, Shiva would never be a subject he’d take lightly. Not like he had in the past when he was younger, naive of the danger that thing had. He could his body ache at the thought of it. Pain fades and the body heals, but it also remembers. Not like he needed a reminder. Not when the memories rear their ugliness often in his dreams.
A scroll rang loudly, bringing Nick out of the dark thoughts. He reached in his pocket to see it was in fact Summer who was calling.He wasted no time answering. “Where are you? I thought you’d be back by now?”
“That didn’t sound like hello.” Summer grumbled. “Relax, I'm close by. I actually called to ask for a favor. You’re home right?”
“Cool. Can you open my window?
Nick walked over to her window and opened it. In the distance he could spot his sister and Eliza outside the gate from the right side. “Done. What-”
“How’d you do that so fast? Were you already in my room!? You aren’t snooping are you!?” She yelled.
“Quiet before you get caught. No, I wasn’t snooping. Pretty sure whatever secrets this room holds is one that would scar me. Though I’m curious about your journal, wherever you hid this time. Perhap under your nightstand?”
“Do you really want to rummage around a young woman's nightstand?” Summer could hear her brother let out an overtop gagging noise. “Grow up.”
“Say it to my face. You better hurry before I decide to close this and watch you hit the glass like a pigeon.”
“Fine, ya baby.” Summer hung up. “Thanks for walking me home, as well as helping me stay dry.” She looked up to see the small dome of water floating over her from Eliza’s magic.
“Exactly what was the plan if I had said no or not shown up at all?”
“Glyphs aren’t just for platforming and dust ya know? Not that it matters. I knew I’d see you tonight.”
Eliza scoffed, “Tah! That confident in your predictions about your brother?”
“Well yes, but that’s not it. It’s not a secret you practice at the pier. It’s also terrible luck on your part you almost shot a captain with a bolt of lightning. One time.”
“W-What!? B-but how would-”
“Is it a Marigold thing to be attracted to my family like a magnet? That captain is my cousin. He says your aim could use work. Bye!” Summer made glyphs to trampoline over the gate and platform through the air and through her window.”
Eliza couldn’t believe it. Why was this her life!? It had to be a joke. Atlas or Mantle, you’re bound to be in Schnee territory. It would’ve been fine if she wasn’t practicing moves to fight one! Now she needed a new training spot. Who knows what they might now. “Damnit, now Nick’s offer is even more to my best interest!”
“Sup bro. How was your date?” The rock n’ roll twin kicked off her shoes and took the black wig off before falling backwards onto her bed.
“Well Valerie was at the front awhile ago.”
Summer sat up. “Okay, that’s not what I expected. Did I miss a fight? No wait, I’m pretty sure I’d hear Veronica scream bloody murder because there’s no way her dress would stay flaw-” her rambling was cut short when Nick suddenly sat beside her and fell on her lap. “Woah. Hey, are you still sick!?”
“No, just tired. The past week has been a little...draining. To be honest I don’t think I even have the energy to shower right now.”
“Well you probably smell better than me right now so I’m not complaining.”
“How was the rave?”
“Fun. Got Eliza to dance a little. The crowd worshipped my performance.” She chuckled.
“What did you sing?”
“Nothing special. A few Linkin Park songs; an experimental original. Oscar thought it would be a good idea to take a few of my journal entries and vent it out through music.”
“Hmm, anything you’ll share to your actual fan base, or me?”
Summer looked at her ceiling to let out a composed sigh. “I don’t think I’m quite ready, or the song for that matter. It and myself are...a work in progress. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just know your fans think you can’t do wrong and there’s no world where I won’t support you. Family and all that.”
“Love you too.” Summer patted his head. “Sorry if I’ve been causing you trouble. Well, more than usual. Tomorrow is a new day.”
“That’s the spirit. Push yourself but not too hard. That’s my territory. Speaking of which, I’ve been racking my brain with ideas. You can talk to Shiva in that headspace whenever you like right?” He felt her hand stop. Nick looked up to see Summer look apprehensive.
“I can...but it’s not a thing I look to do. Plus tonight has been good. I really don’t want that to-”
“Summer, do you trust me?”
Nick’s words were calm and real. Summer didn’t know what he had in mind. It wasn’t like Nick to invite danger. Her eyes looked to the floor to the orange glow of her heater. Like usual it appeared that her brother had already taken strides for her and everyone’s sake. Just how far would he go, ever making herself feel like she’s at a stand still? Maybe tomorrow could start today. Just a little bit.
“What’s this idea of yours?” She said cautiously.
“Nothing too crazy. You’re just gonna take a page out of Veronica’s playbook.”
You would think a person would know what goes on in their head. Unfortunately, that’s hardly ever the case. Summer never got a full understanding of what went on upstairs in her mind. Then again that would only make sense. She was in therapy after all. Though no amount of emotional talking could explain why her headspace imagery was inconsistent at times. A void of nothingness, her own room, those were the usual shapes that took place. However, this time she found herself back at the frozen lake. Going back and triggering an episode must’ve left a lasting impression. At least her trauma brought variety. The only separation from the real place was the ice ceiling and a distinct lack of cold nipping at her skin. Her psyche though, it was definitely feeling something.
She began walking through the white hell of her own making until she found her target, Shiva. The being was skating across the lake like how Summer once did. “Shiva.” Summer called out.
The woman of ice and snow looked over, surprised. She stopped right in the middle of the lake. “Well, well, well, come to properly thank me? You’d be in a grimm’s stomach by now if it wasn’t for me. You and that idiot girl. Tell me, is she in pain from our encounter?”
“I’m not here to thank you or chitchat.” Summer bluntly stated. “This is an in and out thing.”
“I’ll take that as a no then? Pity. I wouldn’t mind seeing her cry and despair. I bet her tears are uglier than yours. Though I'll say that this look you have going on isn’t gross. Honestly it helps to see you better in this place. You’re always so pale when you’re talking to me. Afraid I might hurt you?” A smirk spread across her face. “Oh I do hate you so.”
“Feeling is mutual. I came here to tell you that from this point on things are gonna change.”
“Pfft, heard that before. You’re all talk.”
“Am I?” Summer reached her hand out. Right before her eyes, the shape of a shovel formed. Hiding her surprise, she focused on Shiva’s own shock. “My mind, my rules. If I can subconsciously make this hell then I can shape it to an extent. Summer tossed the shovel at Shiva for her to catch. “Keep that safe for me.” Summer’s body began to slowly fade from this space.
“And what exactly is this for?”
“Your grave. Feel free to dig it yourself.” Her final words before disappearing completely while witnessing a smug smirk vanish before her eyes. Right as she faded, Summer could hear one last remark.
“We’ll see who buries who.”
Summer opened her eyes to find herself back in her room. Good, she hadn’t moved an inch. “Well I’ve thoroughly pissed her off, but it actually felt good to be the one harassing her. Thank Ni- huh?” Summer failed to realize she’s been talking to herself. Nick was fast asleep already! “Unbelievable. What if I would’ve messed up?”
“Quite the convincing answer.” Summer returned to rubbing his head. He felt a little warm but nothing serious. Taking breaks needed to be at the top of his list from now on. Only way that would happen is if things weren’t hectic. It was time to step up. “I’ll do right by you. I promise. Just...give me a little more time.”
Her eyes became heavy. It appears the day’s events weighed on her more than she realized. Both twins fell into slumber there for the entire night, finally getting some rest.
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subject-v · 3 years
What you pay for (whumptober 23)
Auction, ransom, pursuit
Five and Six try to buy someone at auction, but get a little bit more than they bargained for.
TW: dehumanization, it/its pronouns, collar, auction, death (off screen), noncon touching
2000 words
“And next up,” announces the young man at the front of the room, the only man in attendance, far as I can tell. “For our clientele with more flexible needs, we have a very rare item coming for sale.”
Zurgaa elbows me in the ribs, hard enough I almost fall off the chair. When I told her I didn’t really feel pain anymore, she took that to mean I also didn’t respond to the basic laws of physics, like she isn’t a foot and a half taller than me and built like a wrestler. “I think this is our guy.”
Yeah, I want to say, no shit, but the woman in front of us sends me a wicked glare before I can respond.
“He may look human,” continues the auctioneer. “But our assayers assure me he is anything but.” He steps aside, making room on the stage for two new individuals, a woman in no-nonsense outdoor attire and the man next to her, a boy really, eighteen or nineteen, with a thick silver collar around his neck so the woman can tug him up the stairs by a leash looped around her wrist. Like the announcer, his chest is bare, though he’s shirtless from the waist up whereas the announcer—chosen, I’m becoming more and more sure, for his sexy voice and appearance and nothing else—is wearing an unbuttoned vest.
A few scattered applause from the audience. The boy looks like he’s about to speak when the woman holds up a thin finger and he snaps his mouth shut.
“He’ll be another project, then,” mutters Zurgaa. “How long did it take to decondition you?”
Given how vulnerable my neck feels lacking the comfort of my own collar, I’m not convinced I’m finished. Still, I take offense to her tone. “I was not a project.”
“I know, I know. I’m just annoyed, is all. It’s like every time we find someone else like us, they’re being mistreated.”
“The lot is a shapeshifter,” says the auctioneer. He’s a little breathless now—did he not expect the prize to look so human? “Able to take on the form of any human or animal. It also has limited other magical abilities.”
Zurgaa tilts her head until her ear is almost on her shoulder, her thin brows meeting over her nose. “That’s… something, I guess.”
“Have we been able to shapeshift this whole time? Wish someone had told me.”
The woman behind us taps my shoulder and flashes me a smile. Telling us to shut up would, obviously, offend the sensitivities of this upper class lot, but I take her meaning well enough.
“Of course, keeping such a creature could be complicated, no?” The auctioneer pretends to laugh. “We are selling today not its body but its name.”
A low murmur passes through the crowd, to whom this apparently means something.
“It will respond to any orders given to it in its true name.” The item for sale scowls. I wonder if his keeper designed this body for him, part by part, to appeal to this audience’s exotic desires. He’s just what this clientele would like: young, with straight black hair down to his shoulders but otherwise mostly foreign features. “It will also answer truthfully any question asked of it three times. Shall we start the bidding at 200,000 mun?”
Yes, was the answer. Though Zurgaa got the first bid in, three others followed quickly on her toes, ratcheting the price up to a mind boggling 1.5 million in less than a minute. More than a little worried, I inspect the clientele again, and sure, they all have jade, diamond, or ivory jewelry—sometimes all three—and those wide-sleeved silk dresses everyone loves, and we’d had to pass a room for servants on the way in, but I’d thought they were regular rich. Zurgaa-level rich, the sort of rich you get when you don’t need to eat or sleep anywhere and have lived a few lifetimes, investing wisely all the while, not 1.5 million mun on a novelty, but definitely living, auction item.
Zurgaa raises a polite finger. “1.7.”
I gape at her. Gods above, where is she keeping that much cash? Not on her person, right? It doesn’t matter because the woman who refused to shush me takes us to 2 million.
A hush goes over the crowd. If I could attack Zurgaa, I would. Let me just go throw together 2.7 million mun, why don’t I?
“2.7 going once?” The auctioneer casts hopeful eyes around the crowd. The handler next to him is practically salivating at the price. “Sold, to the distinguished individual in the third row.”
Zurgaa bares her teeth in a grin, then flips her hair—complete with jade gender signifier—over her shoulder to let the man know he’s misgendered her. She doesn’t actually care—like me, she’s got nothing resembling a human gender—but sometimes, she likes being a dick.
We let the room clear out before we go collect our prize where they’ve parked him in a corner, sat on a stool. Bored of the proceedings, the auctioneer stands behind him, playing with his hair. While Zurgaa handles the finances—I’m 90% sure she’s going to take the head of the auction house out back and just murder her—I approach at a slight angle, hoping my expression is reassuring. “I’m with the distinguished individual.”
The auctioneer blushes. Thankfully, the handler speaks. “It doesn’t eat or sleep. You can keep it anywhere you like.” As she continues detailing his proper care, her hands wander in a way that makes me want to slap her, first along his bare leg, then to his shoulder and down his arm, like she’s sad to see him go. I guess he’s not allowed to leap off the stool and strangle her, so he does his best to convey this desire with his eyes alone. “Here’s the only catch.” The handler loops a finger under his collar and tugs him half off the stool so she can pinch his cheek. “If you order him to change his name, using his current name, he’ll go free.” Her voice turns sickly sweet. “And you’ll take revenge on all of us, won’t you? Isn’t that right? Yes, you will, I know you will.”
I’m guessing he’s forbidden from speaking, but he smiles, revealing unnaturally long canines.
The handler just laughs and lets him fall back onto the stool. “It used to describe its revenge in detail, when I was still getting its name out of it.” She tousles his hair. “Very articulate, this one is. Aren’t you?”
I’m about two seconds from murdering her myself. “Can I please have my purchase now?”
“Yes, yes.” She unwraps the leash from her wrist, leans in to kiss his forehead, and then gestures me closer so she can whisper, “Its true name is Lachesis.” Even though he shouldn’t by rights be able to hear her, he flinches at the word. Definitely odd. My name means nothing to me, except insofar as Cassian called me Five, but it looks like it causes him physical pain.
“Thank you. Let’s go.” Lachesis—it feels weird, calling him that, even in my head; I decide to call him Two instead—doesn’t move. “You just going to sit there forever?”
Two bats his eyes at me.
“If you whisper its name to it, I think you’ll find it is quite compliant, miss.”
I can’t decide which feels worse, using his name against him or using force instead but one takes less effort so I tug on the leash. Sneering, he stands up, reveling himself to be a good deal taller than I am. Weird. I’ve only ever been collared and walked like this by someone about my height, so I’ve never thought about the logistics of steering and tugging in this instance. He doesn’t cause a fuss as I head out the back door where, instead of seeing the auction house head lying dead in a puddle, I find her pale faced and clutching at her ruby necklace, bowing again and again as she backs away from Zurgaa and disappears into the house.
“Honeybees own the building,” explains Zurgaa, raising an eyebrow at the collar and leash setup, like she wanted me to take the thing off inside.
“And that matters because?”
She grins. “The Honeybees owe me a favor.”
“Gods, do I dare ask why?”
“I recommend against. I’m Six, this is Five.”
Two blinks.
“Do you talk?”
He continues staring up at her.
“Do you sign?” she tries.
He lifts a hand and inspects his nails as if bored, which makes me snort.
“Well, you talk when you’re ready. Let’s get this off.” It takes her a minute to figure out how to open the collar and then she’s shocked by the weight of it. “Is this pure silver?”
Two doesn’t respond.
“I think he’s broken,” I decide. “Damaged goods.”
Zurgaa glares at me. “He’s traumatized. How long did it take you to start talking, after you got away from Iovita?”
“I wasn’t traumatized. Signing is just better. More dignified.”
“Right. You’re not traumatized by anything that’s happened to you.”
“That’s correct.” I switch to speaking. “You’re not a being, are you?”
No response.
Didn’t she say he had to answer questions asked three times? I repeat it twice more and, at last, he speaks, in a voice with no accent I can recognize. “I exist. I have an internal universe as complicated as your own.”
“Yeah, but you’re not a… you didn’t suddenly become human a few decades back, did you? Out of nowhere, I mean.” I ask it two more times.
“No, I am not human.”
“I don’t think he’s one of us,” I tell Zurgaa. “That whole ask a question three times thing reeks of chaos magic, for starters.”
She curls up her lip.
“My thoughts exactly.”
Two—or whatever the heck he wants to be called—taps his throat, brows furrowed.
“Yes? You may speak.”
“First of all,” he says, steepling his fingers. “Tt’s called play magic, not chaos magic. I don’t call your magic horrible boring math magic, do I? Hmm? And second of all, what the hells are you talking about?”
If he’s not like us, maybe the rest of what the handler said was true too. “Lachesis”—he shivers—“I order you officially to pick a new true name.”
For a moment, he doesn’t move. Then, his whole form shimmers, a wave starting at the top of his head and propagating to his toes, until he’s identical and also an entirely new person. Then, and I cannot emphasize enough how clearly practiced he was at this, he snapped both our necks.
As is our wont, we both respawned a few seconds later, Zurgaa pissed off and turning red, me a little amused by how I could hear the snap before I died, and what does that indicate about consciousness? The horrible uncontrollable chaos magic thing is halfway down the alley when he notices our not-deadness and pauses. “What?”
“Immortal,” I say, pointing to Zurgaa and myself.
“Provide more information, if you would.”
“No, that pretty much sums it up.”
He glowers.
“Why don’t you go kill your handler and the auctioneer who couldn’t keep his hands off your hair and then we go find a nice café and talk about our trials and tribulations at the hands of humanity?”
“Hmm. You were demons, weren’t you?”
I shrug. “If that’s the word you prefer, sure.”
“Horrible math-y monsters,” he mutters to himself. “Fine. We can talk.” He stalks into the building and reappears a few minutes later, licking something red off his fingertips.
“You killed the owner too, didn’t you?” asks Zurgaa.
“I had at least two or three more favors to wring out of her.”
“My apologies.” He extends both arms for us to take. “Café?”
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pan-of-light · 4 years
Crowded Break!
Octavinelle Trio on vacation. That’s it, that’s the fic.
Originally posted to AO3
 Spring break was a time for productivity. Being home and sequestered in his childhood room was one of the few places he felt comfortable enough to sprawl around in his true, octopus merman form, and he had to admit: no matter the aesthetic advantaged brought about by the human potion, it was so much easier to work with eight extra limbs. There was always a lingering fear in his mind he'd be unable to get used to working at such a slower capacity when he went back to school, but they rarely lasted. Like the Ramshackle Dorm's prefect had told him, he was a hard worker. Azul Ashengrotto would not lose to the weakness of a human form.
 But he was going to enjoy this time of working at a proper pace. Professors at Night Raven were hardly shy about burying their students in homework, since the school and their students has a reputation to uphold. They were the best of the best (besides the musclebrains of Royal Sword), and Azul was always one to outshine others. After a hectic fall term, this is what he needed. Peace, quiet, eight extra limbs--
 And the door to his room slamming open.
 Honestly, it was a feat to do so underwater, but after years of knowing the Leech siblings, it was just a thing Azul had come to accept. And thankfully, he'd gotten plenty of control of his ink glands and kept himself from making a mess of his room as Floyd and Jade barged in. Well, Floyd barged, Jade at least had the decency to shut the door behind him after slithering in.
 At times like these, Floyd reminded Azul of Professor Trein’s cat. Much like how Lucius could walk all around the bookshelves and displays of the professor’s office and not disturb a single award or decoration, so could Floyd effortlessly maneuver through Azul’s setup on the bed and make himself comfortable there without disturbing a single book, phone or computer. Azul would be impressed if he wasn’t already so used to it.
 “So why are you two here?”
 “Your parents let us in,” Jade answered, setting down a tray of snacks on a nearby desk.
 “Yeah, they complained we never visit anymore and said we were getting thin. You need to invite us over more, Azul~”
 “That’s not what I asked,” Azul sighed, but knew that was about as much of an answer as he was going to get. Honestly, his parents. It was a miracle Azul could go through doors as a kid. He hoped running the Lounge didn’t permanently rewire his brain to associate loving others with shoving them full of food, in the future.
 In the present, however, he had people who knew him far too well, so Jade had also bought a low-calorie all-natural wrap from a nearby health food shop, placing it on the desk along with the food Azul’s parents made in such a natural way it was like it had always been there. Efficiency born from practice.
 “You should at least take a break to eat with us. Wasn’t it you who said the secret to a fitter form was more small, spaced out meals than few big ones?” when they were home like this, Jade never bothered to hide his teeth while smiling, leaving his appearances and manipulations refreshingly honest. There was no point in hiding their true natures from people who knew them so well, which just made their dances around each other that much more fun.
 “I’m afraid I’m still too busy to take a break at the moment.”
 “Boooring! Come eat with us, Azul!” Floyd sprung from his position on the bed, expertly knocking away or slapping all of Azul’s things with his tail in a single move, again much like Lucius would do to Professor Trein’s shelves when the cat decided it was treat time and would not hear anything to the contrary. “Not like you can work on anything now, right?”
 Azul scoffed, pushing Floyd off his bed, a move that had no malice behind it and was almost incapable of causing any damage, since it was hardly like Floyd could hit the floor while underwater. Some might even describe it as playful.
 “Or maybe I can just make you both leave.”                  “You’d treat your guests in that manner?” Jade raised a hand to his chest in mock surprise, letting out a dramatic gasp, “I had no idea your parents had raised such an uncouth host.”
 “Yeah, your mom’d squee~ze you way worse than I could ever do if she hears you’re bad to guests, Azul.”
 Oh, such a low blow, going for his parents like that. Especially since they knew he’d have little success employing that strategy since the Leech parents had far too many sibling to properly manage them. If Floyd and Jade were any more chaotic, it could be troubling for all the seas! Then again, Azul pondered, thinking back to his Overblot incident, it wasn’t like he was that much better. They might be named Leech, but he was the one who sucked power from others.
 Not from them, though, no. He’d never seen what they had in him, but they willingly gave him their time and power in pursuit of amusement, that serendipitously aligned with his own goals. Their partnership was a thing of incredible power, and Azul made absolutely sure to never tell them that out loud, lest it go to their heads even more. (Plus, if they were even the tiniest bit close to him as he was to them, they already knew).
 “You’re both awful guests, and my mother would see nothing wrong in kicking troublemakers like you out.” Azul only earned laughter in response, mocking and derisive and, well, proving his point. He shooed Jade off his chair and took a seat at his desk, grabbing the snack they’d brought for him while Jade took a polite seat on his bed, grabbing some food for himself while Floyd took the rest of the tray and sprawled out on the floor, stretching himself from one end of the room to another.
 “I’m assuming you have actual plans for the day, then?”
 “The community center stage is open, you haven’t played piano for us in a while, Mona’s salon is having a discount on full hair treatment days-”
 “There are new documentaries being screened at the museum regarding advances in magic control study, I know you have some new board game prototypes to test for the club-”
 “Oh! There’s also going to be a fried food festival thing in a few days, so you need to plan your diet so you can go, and we can look up new things to try in the lounge there--”
 “And, of course, if all else fails, there’s always watching over our beloved schoolmates on MagiCam to make sure they’re spending their break properly, huhu…”
 “That’s enough activities for the rest of the break, not just a single day.”
 “Well, duh,” Floyd laughed, “did you seriously have any other plans? You’re a shut-in when you get left alone too long~”
 “As vice-leader of Octavinelle, it’s nothing more than my duty to keep you stimulated and enriched during periods of rest.”                  “What am I, some kind of pet?”
 “No, we’d have to feed you, then. You’re much less annoying when you can manage your own diet.” Jade was already looking all around the abandoned items on his bed, pulling out Azul’s schedule book and flipping through it until the current date, grabbing a pen and beginning to vandalize Azul’s well-made break plans.
 “You’re giving me as much choice as a pet would.”
 “But Azuuul, you totally have a choice! You can come with us, or we can start a throwback thursday on the Lounge’s MagiCam account! We have so many cute pictures of us as children, you know~” Floyd pulled out his phone to show his threat was far from empty, cloud storage noting a few dozen pictures of their childhood, Azul included.
 Azul threw himself across the room, grabbing at Floyd’s hands, despite knowing that the pictures existed beyond his phone because it was the principle of the thing, damn it! while Floyd did his best to ignore all ten limbs of fury aiming for his hands. Bastard didn’t even need to use his unique magic for it, and when finally cornered, threw the phone to Jade, who had moved across the room just for this.
 “Oh, and please do be careful, Azul,” he teased when it was his turn to end up with a facefull of angry octopus, “if you make too big a mess of you room, we won’t be able to go out today.”
 By the time he saw his phone sail past him back to Floyd’s hands, Azul threw his arms in the air in exasperation. “Fine, fine, I’m going! Give me a minute to get my things in order!”
 “Aww, isn’t this great, Jade? Azul finally decided the best way to spend his break is playing with us!”
 “I’m so very glad out dorm leader is a capable man who always sees reason.”
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mackeydoodledoo · 4 years
Two Different Types of Musicians
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Pairing: Jesy Nelson x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You're a musician who plays instruments, so you are a renowned Guitarist, Bassist and of many other instruments however, mainly guitar and bass. Jesy Nelson is most known for being in the British girl group; Little Mix. In Little Mixs' upcoming tour, their managers and producers want to pick the best of the best musicians to help them with this tour. One of them happens to be you.... 
Warnings: Past Trauma
A/N: This is in 1st person
As I step out if the gate, I grab some food. I grab my big suitcase and my guitar and begin making my way to the exit of the airport. I hail a cab to head to the O2 arena and I pay with the money I was able to convert for England.
"What’s the occasion you're here for?" The cab driver asks
"For a Tour," I answer, trying to not have the guy ask too many questions
He doesn't ask many more, thank god. And so I step out as soon as I grab my guitar from the trunk and take out my "Tour member" pass. However as soon as I close the trunk, I recognize one of the Little Mix members outside. I saw a swarm of fans beginning to form around her; security guards trying to keep them back. I slowly begin snaking around the crowd however, more people just keep on coming. However once I make it through, she spots me and smiles and walks over. She takes my hand and rushes back inside.
"How was your flight love?" Jesy asks
"Oh it was pretty laid back," I start, "But I am absolutely slap-happy!"
Jesy turns to look at me, confused at whatvi said.
"Slap-happy is a band term back home," I smile
She smiles with me and continues to lead me to the stage area. There I see Perrie, Leigh-Anne and Jade. If im going to be honest I didn't think I'd get to go on tour with Little Mix. Or any type of band for that matter.
"So you're the one excellent Guitar player our manager hand picked?" Jade comes up to me and gives me a hug
I give one back and to the same to the rest of the girls and I get introduced to the live band.
"So what do you have for us to show off your amazing skills?" Perrie asks
I smirk and click my tongue and gently place my guitar case down and proceed to take her out. Her name is Shelby Toro. Her body color is a Silver Base with medium to large sparkles and a Deep Ocean Blue racing stripe vinyl. She's a Fender/Squier Jazzmaster. She has a Squier body/hardware and a Fender Jazzmaster neck. She has a black woven designed strap. I plug in my wireless system transmitters and play a C chord and begin tuning her. As soon as she's tuned, I call out to the sound system people and tell them to play "Bulletproof heart" by My Chemical Romance. I put in a headset that also plays the song so I can listen to the lyrics. Because I already have the riff memorized. Everyone begins making their way to the audience and begin watching me.
Don't mean too much to me
I'm who I've got to be
These pigs are after me
After you
Run away
Like it was yesterday
And we can run away
If we could run away
Run away from here
I begin to play the power chord and begin jamming out to the music and begin getting into it. I notice everyone has their jaw on the floor. Especially Jesy. I kneel down and begin making eye contact with her. I could see the sparkles from my guitar in her eyes. I couldn't help but smile at her.
I gotta Bulletproof Heart
You gotta Hallow point smile
We had our run away scarves
Got a photograph dream on the getaway mile
I wanted to hold her hand as I sing to her however, my right hand is strumming and my left had is making the notes. So, I give her a wink and a kiss, feeling in the moment of the music. I stand up and begin to close my eyes, letting the music take me into my place, both of my hands instinctively playing the lead guitar riff, letting the song sing itself out. Once the solo arrives, I turn myself around and begin backbending. Letting my back bend me as far as it'll go without me falling backward. As the solo begins to end, I bend myself back up and put my foot on one of the floor lights as I ring out the last note of the solo. Once I ring out the last note of the song, I watch Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Jade and Jesy run up on stage as I put my guitar on a stand. Jesy practically jumps into my arms and I stumble back.
"That was amazing," she says, "How did you do that with the backbending, and the part where you closed your eyes and began feeling the music?"
"Been playing for years now," I smile, "Perks of being a band kid."
I settle myself into the back with all of the other live band members and they all begin congratulating me on a really great performance.
Once rehearsal ends, we all head back to the airport to Paris, France for the opening night of the tour.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jade says
As I lock my case and stand up as I loop the case strap around me.
"I saw how Jesy looked at you during your initiation performance," Jade starts, "I'm supposed to sit next to her but I think she'll have a great time on the plane ride next to you."
"Thanks Jade," I smile, switching our tickets
I catch up to Jesy.
"Hey love," she says, "Would you wanna grab food when we get to Paris?"
"Oh for sure," I smile
I unintentionally hold onto Jesy's hand as we begin trying to sweep through the crowd to get to the cars. But I follow Jesy closely as she begins signing as many autographs as she can give.
"Is it true you two are going to go steady?" A fan asks
Jesy blushes as I look at them confused. And I remember our joined hands.
"Um no," I stutter, "We literally just met today."
However, I feel a pair of lips press lightly on my cheek. I look at her and she gives out her signature witch laugh. I blush. Not because of the light cheek kiss, but because of her laugh. I really enjoyed listening to it when I watch a compilation of their funny moments. The fans screech and cheer as Jesy drags me to the car to head to the airport.
"What was that for?" I ask
"Just for giggles," she laughs, "besides I think you liked it too. Seeing how red you went."
"Shut up," I laugh, gently nudging her in the shoulder.
I watch the city lights go by as we drive tk the airport. However, I feel Jesy lean into me. She must've had a long day.... Same here love. I gently wrap my arm around her to give her a more comfortable pillow as we wait.
We finally reach the airport, again, a handful of fans try to get photos with them or want autographs. I catch up with the rest of the live band and we head inside of the airport, no one really paid any attention to us. As we wait inside, I scroll through my phone when I feel a pair of hands slowly coiling around my waist. I almost jump and accidentally elbow Jesy in the face.
"Oh, God you scared me," I laugh, "How'd that go out there?"
"Chaotic," Jesy laughs
I laugh with her and we make our way to our gate to go to Paris. I put Shelby Toro with my suitcase and pay the extra whatever it costed. I hold onto Jesy's hand again as we continue to our gate. As we sit in the terminal area, I yawn.
"Jet lag?" Perrie asks
"Well I'm just tired in general Perrie," I crack my knuckles
Jesy gently rubs my back and I'm going to be honest.... It was therapeutic. Especially when Jesy rolls her thumb against my back.
Once we finally get on the plane and land in Paris, Jesy hails a cab for us two and get breakfast somewhere. The show didn't start until the day after tomorrow so we had a little bit of time to chill.
"So.... I understand you've been having rough times," I start, "We don't have to talk about it here or in general if you don't feel comfortable."
"Somewhere else would be lovely," Jesy says
"I don't mean to hop right into that but, I understand how you felt, or even still feel to this day," I state
Jesy looks at me, not like Stop Talking but as if she's interested in my story.
"Well," I clear my throat, "it started when I was in high school. It was my second year and i am thriving with some new friends I've made. They were new to the school and so I was like 'oh they're cool I wanna be friends with them!' And we hit it off well and when I started showing them how I usually am. Especially with the high school marching band, they stopped talking to me all of a sudden. In a panic, I was trying to ask them what was wrong, if I made them mad or if I did something wrong. One of them told me I did nothing wrong but then proceeds to block me. Next day I couldn't talk to them and then I get called to the counseling office. I'm ushered into a small office space just to be told, how I act around my trusted people was wrong and that I should have stopped.-"
I clearly begin feeling slight tears forming into my eyes but I try my best to not show how much it hurt around Jesy.
"And I sobbed in that confined room and I wanted to leave but the counselor didn't let me," I continue. "So I forced myself to stop crying and I left. The next few months I felt really depressed and.... I-it was the first time I had suicidal thoughts. That's all I've been thinking about and no matter how many times my close friends tried to comfort me I always revert back to being depressed and wanting to no longer feel the pain I felt."
I feel a thumb gently wipe across my cheek and her other thumb gently stroking the back of my hand.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry that happened to you," she says
"However, I am doing better than I did at that time," I state, "But more important question, are you okay?"
Jesy just looks at me.... I was about to open my mouth when Jesy opens hers.
"I'm quite alright," she answers, "Thanks love."
"I really should be thanking you," I say, "Thanks for listening to my whole shit show."
"I don't want anyone going down a dark path love," she says, "I'm here for you."
We make eye contact and I was about to make a comment before I heard a phone ring. It was Jesy's. We were requested back to the rehearsal venue and we take a taxi to the venue.
The two of us walk in and I already see the drummer setting up my guitar.
"Thanks dude!" I call out
He gives me a thumbs up and goes back to his drumset.
"Did you two enjoy your date?" Jade asks, teasing me
"Yes we did it sweetheart," Jesy answers but in a joking tone
Knowing myself, I'm oblivious if someone likes me and is showing me by flirting or they're just being nice. I nod along and I walk over to tune my guitar.
Tour goes amazingly, crowd is always awesome and the girls tend to give us the spotlight. Every other night the girls would want us to play a couple of songs. And mostly for the encore we all agreed to just have a little mix out on stage. We're fine with that as we need a break too. We were in the final show, which was using the UK, easy for the girls to go home.
"You alright love?" Jesy comes up to me
"Yeah," I answer, stretching out my wrists, "I never thought I'd be touring with any sort of band. So cross that off my bucket list."
Before I leave to warm up with the live band, I tuck hair behind my ear and plant a gentle kiss in Jesy's cheek.
"Good luck love," I say, mimicking Jesy's accent
"That was really good actually," Jesy laughs
That damn laugh again.... She might have it but I love it. A natural laugh is the best kind of laugh to hear. The both of us part ways for now.
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golbrocklovely · 4 years
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter fifteen
A/N: first off, i just wanna say i’m sorry for this taking so long. i’ve just been really busy with work and also i haven’t been feeling motivated to get it done. but hopefully the length of this makes up for how long i haven’t update haha anyway, thank you for all the continued love on this story. i appreciate you all so much. please lmk what you think and enjoy !!
story description
taglist: @far-to-many-bands , @idfk-tbh-oops , @muted-mayham , @ughwhyislifesohard , @justtanerd , @ashyoungxblood ,  @cmburgos
trigger warning: slight gore, vampire powers, control/manipulation, cursing, drinking, club scene, brief mentions of fighting
word count: 4043
For the past three days, the Trapp Haus has been at full capacity; both the club and the apartment. Ever since news of Rinaldi being in town, everyone has been trying to remain close to home base, not wanting to go out. However, other vampires are living it up, unbeknownst to them an elder was stalking the streets.
Personally, I didn't mind being stuck in the Trapp Haus, now that me and Colby were... a thing? I'm not entirely sure what we are, since we've literally only been together for four days, but I will happily keep this thing going if it means I get to make out with him anytime I want to.
And trust me, I do.
Colby has also made it impossible for me to leave, and if I really have to go anywhere, he is next to me the whole time. He's over-protective, but I would be too if an elder that literally massacred his own kind was in L.A.
Mike and Kevin told us it was silent from their sources, no one had seen Rinaldi out yet. Apparently, he had done something like this before. He came to L.A. five years ago and stayed for a while, coming to Bloody and buying at the whole VIP section just so he could watch the club. It was strange to say the least, but Mike and Kevin were confident that he was going to do that again. Everyone was hopeful that he was staying far away from the Trapp Haus.
But then, Kevin got the call.
"Rinaldi wants to buy out our whole VIP section." Kevin gulped.
Mike hissed. "Fuck, he's coming here."
When we found out, it was determined that Sam, Jake, and I would stay in the apartment, since humans were not allowed to be in the Trapp Haus the night Rinaldi was coming. However, last minute, Rinaldi called and stated that humans were allowed to be in the club, and he mentioned to invite all of Kevin's friends because he wanted to meet them.
So, the plan changed.
Kevin told us that he sectioned a small area off for us behind the stage where the DJ booth was, that way we could stay out of view from Rinaldi. Kevin had planned to tend to Rinaldi's needs the whole night while we all stayed in the club.
And that's where we were now: all awkwardly squished behind the stage, sipping drinks and remaining weirdly quiet. Colby kept me close, both of his arms around me as I sat on his lap. If I wanted to stand, he would press me against him, his grip tight. His faced remained tense, almost like he was focusing on something. His mouth was in a permanent frown, his eyes remaining forward.
"You know if you keep scrunching your face like that, you're gonna get wrinkles." I joked, my mouth against his ear.
"Maybe I won't look like a twelve-year-old then." Colby monotoned.
I snickered. “You don't have to hold me the whole time Rinaldi is here.”
“Yes, I do. You have a knack for getting yourself into dangerous situations, and he is a major one.” Colby pressed his lips to the hollow of my neck. “And besides, I like having you close to me.”
Kevin swung around the corner hastily, almost scaring me. "Mike, Colby, can you guys help me get rid of some vamps real quick?"
"Why? What's happening?" Colby questioned.
“...Rinaldi... asked for some of the rowdier vampires to be forced out. He said they're ruining his night.” Kevin explained.
Mike shrugged, standing up. “Well, anything is better than sitting back here.”
“Can't you get security to just do it?” Colby remarked.
“I am, but I need you two as well.” Kevin mentioned.
“Colby, it will only be like five minutes. I promise I won't leave. I'll stay right back here.” I admitted, bringing his attention to me.
Mike groaned. “C'mon man. Stop being so whipped, you've literally been together for like two days.”
“Shut the fuck up, Mike.” Colby snapped.
“Colby, I'll be fine.” I muttered softly.
Colby paused, sighing deeply. Then he slid me off his lap. He tapped Tara’s shoulder. "Watch her, please."
Tara agreed. “Of course, Colbster.”
They all left quickly, not saying another word.
“So... you and Colby are together?” Tara asked slyly.
“Yeah we are.” I affirmed.
Tara’s eyes sparkled mischievously. “I told you it would happen.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah you did.”
Jake pulled Tara back into their conversation, her body turning away from me. Suddenly, a loud group of voices came near us, one of the voices being Colby's. I jumped up from my seat, peaking around the corner to look. Colby, Mike, and two bodyguards were yelling at three different vampires, shoving them across the dancefloor and to the exit, the vampires fighting along the way. I followed Colby's body until I couldn't see him through the thick crowd of people. My eyes then traveled up to the VIP section, glancing around at the area that overlooked the whole club.
First, I found Kevin, nervously smiling at someone next to him and pointing at the forced-out vampires. And finally, my eyes landed on him... Rinaldi.
Dark hair... pale blue eyes...
I know him.
And the moment I recognized him; his eyes landed on mine. Once he realized who I was, he smirked lightly.
Someone yanked me from around the corner, shoving me back into my seat. I gazed up at Tara, who's brow furrowed. "What are you doing?"
“Nothing. I wanted to see who Colby was yelling at.” I replied.
“You heard what your boytoy said, stay back here.” Tara sassed.
I nodded begrudgingly, taking a sip of my drink. Colby and Mike came back a minute later, smiling as they came around the corner
“Why are you so happy?” Kat called.
Colby ran his fingers through his hair lazily. “Because I got to punch a vampire for getting in my face.”
“And honestly, any form of action right now is better than… this.” Mike frowned.
Kevin appeared again, coming up to Colby and whispering in his ear. Colby's smile dropped immediately, his jaw tightening. His eyes changed to crimson for a split second when Kevin pulled away. Colby grunted deeply. "What?"
“What's wrong?” Sam queried.
“Rinaldi wants to see... Jade.” Kevin fretted.
My heart sank for a moment as everyone's eyes landed on me.
“What's he wanna see her for?” Mike scoffed.
Kevin related. “He didn't say. All he said was that he wanted to see the human girl behind the stage.”
“Can't we just send some other human up there?” Colby barked.
Sam warned. “Colby.”
Kevin shook his head. “No. He knows what she looks likes.”
“I'm taking her up there.” Colby commanded.
“Well, keep your cool then. Don't need him to decapitate you over some girl.” Mike deadpanned.
“Mike, I mean this whole-heartedly: fuck off.” Colby snarled, glaring.
Colby grabbed my hand, took me from behind the stage, and slowly walked me towards the stairs that led to the VIP section. I leaned into Colby and yelled, "I've met him before!"
“What?” He exclaimed, stopping his movements.
I confessed. “He came to Vampiro about a week ago. He was the man that I talked to.”
“So that's why he wants to see you... Does he know about your powers?” He continued moving through the crowd to the stairs.
“No. I don't think so. I never told him, obviously.” I answered.
As we got to the stairs, Colby lowered his voice. “Okay. Just keep a low profile around him, alright? If he senses for even a millisecond that you're... you, he could easily kill you.”
“I know. This isn't my first time dealing with a vampire.” I teased sarcastically.
Colby stopped us again, his voice harsh. “I'm being serious, Jade. I don't want you to get hurt. I can't have that happen.”
I assured, rubbing his arm tenderly. “It won't, Colby. I'll be okay.”
We finally made it up the stairs of the VIP section, slowly walking over to Rinaldi. He sat comfortably in his booth, sipping his drink haphazardly.
Once his eyes landed on us, he smiled at me. “Long time no see, princess.”
Colby's grip on my hand tightened, making me almost wince. “Hi... Rinaldi.”
“So, you know my name. That's good. What's not good is the fact that I don't know yours.” He commented.
Colby interjected. “Her name is Jade. And I'm Colby.”
“Nice to meet the both of you. If you don't mind, I would like to catch up with Jade.” Rinaldi stared at Colby fiercely. “Alone.”
“I don't think that would be good... What if you or her need something?” Colby argued politely.
Rinaldi sneered. “Well, I'll just wave down to Kevin and he'll be able to get it for me.”
Colby hummed, annoyed. “I'm not sure that would be best.”
“Oh, but I think it is.” A dark crimson aura appeared around Colby suddenly as Rinaldi spoke. "Leave."
I glanced between the two of them, trying not to gasp as I saw Colby achingly let go of my hand. It was like he was forcing himself to stay, but his body had a different plan. He bit his lip as he tried to keep his feet from moving, grabbing onto another booth next to us to keep himself still. But his fighting was useless, his feet forcing him to walk away and down the stairs. He stared up at me nervously, like he couldn't control what he was doing.
Rinaldi's powers were strong enough to make a vampire do as he wanted...
I'm fucked.
“Sorry about that. I don't usually like to use my powers on my own kind, but sometimes we can be just so fucking persistent.” He laughed.
I giggled awkwardly, glancing away from him.
“You can sit down if you want. I'm not gonna bite.” He almost taunted, sweetly.
I nodded my head, sitting down at the end of the booth, my legs feeling like jello.
My mouth moved before I could think. “What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?”
He placed his glass down, lounging back against the booth. “I'm just here to have a good time, which has rarely happened in the 500 years I've been a vampire. Plus, I'm here in L.A. because I heard a rumor that I want cleared up.”
“What rumor?” I puzzled.
“You'll find out later.” His eyes glimmered as he grinned playfully. “So... is that the boy you were thinking about a couple days ago when we first talked?”
I swallowed. “Uh... yeah, he is.”
“Are you two together?” Rinaldi speculated.
I fidgeted with my rings, keeping my eyes to the floor. “It's, um, complicated. And new.”
“Well, I'm happy to hear you got what you wanted. Unforbidden love usually never comes true.” His voice falling to an utter.
“Did you come here because you knew I was here?” I blurted out.
“That's a little arrogant of you, don't you think?” Rinaldi smirked.
I stayed silent, not sure how to respond.
He chuckled. “I'm kidding. But, no; I didn't come here for you. I actually didn't know you were here. And then when you peaked around the corner from the DJ booth, I realized why this whole place smelled so delicious.”
I exhaled, nodding my head again. I was petrified to speak, unable to form a sentence.
“So... how did you meet that Colby fella?” He inquired.
“He-he saved me, one night after work. I was harassed by a vampire and... he killed him.” I sputtered.
“Interesting. I swear I heard something like that,” He shrugged nonchalantly. “And I can see why you were attacked. A beautiful girl with appetizing blood? That's a vampire's wet dream...”
I gulped, my hands beginning to shake. My nerves felt like they were going to bubble over and make me sick.
He cleared his throat suddenly, lightly sliding closer to me. “Jade, I apologize. That was rude of me to say. I can tell I'm making you nervous. And I don't want that. Honestly, I just want to talk to you. You're one of the first humans to not throw yourself at me or be rude to me because of what I am. I'm just used to saying inappropriate things to shock people, so I'm sorry if what I said made you upset. That wasn't my intention.”
I took a deep breath and finally looked him in the eyes. “Okay, I accept your apology.”
“Good. I appreciate that.” He sat back again, “It's been a long time since I've been close to anyone that wasn't family, so I'm not good at talking to strangers.”
“When was your last relationship?” I asked.
Rinaldi huffed. “Oh God... my last 'relationship', if you could call it that, was a couple months back. But I've only ever had one serious romance, and that was back when I was a human.”
“Really?” I awed.
“Yeah. Something like what you and Colby have is unheard of in my life.” He responded, crossing his arms.
“Me and Colby aren't that close.” I squeaked, feeling myself blush.
He shook his head. “I beg to differ. Not many vampires fight against my powers, or almost succeed. I can tell he cares about you deeply.”
“Your romance... what was her name?” I whispered.
“Elenora, or I called her El.” He divulged, smiling at the memory.
“What happened to her?” I queried.
He sighed sadly. “...She was forced into exile, in a way. Forced to run and leave me behind. I assume she died very young. I haven't felt what I felt for her since.”
“I'm sorry to hear that.” I interrupted.
He gazed over at me; an eyebrow raised cautiously.
“I can't even imagine the pain of not feeling love for hundreds and hundreds of years. I'm sorry you never felt that way again, and that you lost the love of your life.” I conceded.
Rinaldi's eyes softened genuinely for the first time. He almost looked surprised at what I said.
He almost looked… human.
He glanced away for a moment and took a swig of his drink. Once he finished, he smiled.
“Do you wanna know a secret? Something I've never told a human before?” He suggested.
“Sure...” I murmured.
“My real name is not Rinaldi.” He disclosed.
I raised my eyebrows. “Oh?”
“Well, technically it is, it's my last name. Or at least the last name I created for myself. It's based off of my father's first name, Reinald.” He revealed, “My actual name is Dillon.”
“Well, it's nice to meet you, Dillon.” I greeted, half-smiling.
He hummed, smirking. “And it was nice meeting you, Jade.”
He stood up quickly and went over to the railing that faced the rest of the club. I got up and followed him, confused as to what was happening. I followed his eyes, staring deeply at the DJ. The DJ suddenly made eye contact with Rinaldi, and a scarlet aura appeared around him. Rinaldi mouthed something and abruptly the music turned off. The crowd came to a halt, all glancing around.
He clapped, catching people’s attention. “Now, I just want to say thank you all for coming out and entertaining me for the night. I appreciate it immensely. But now, it's time for you to leave.”
Everyone in the club stood still, staring up at Rinaldi.
“Leave. NOW!” He boomed, his deep voice echoing off the walls.
The crowd jumped back at his voice, scrambling to leave. Security helped force people out, as Rinaldi bit his lip and turned to me.
“At least that time I didn't have to use my powers,” He joked. “C'mon downstairs with me.”
I nodded sheepishly, following Rinaldi as he strutted down the stairs. All my friends had stayed, helping to get people out quickly. Then when Rinaldi got to the bottom of the stairs, we all met up in the middle of the dance floor.
I paced over to Colby, embracing him tightly as I breathed a sigh of relief.
“Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?” He gasped, mumbling into my hair.
I gripped Colby firmly, finally relaxing. “I'm okay. He didn't do anything.”
Rinaldi’s voice made me pull away from Colby. “Wow, Kevin. You really do know how to throw a party. I'll have to come back here sometime.”
Kevin snickered confidently. “Of course, Rinaldi. We always appreciate elders stopping through.”
“Oh, but I will say there is one downside to this night.” He pointed out, raising a finger sarcastically.
“What? Did Jade do something?” Kevin quipped.
“No, she was fine. But I think you forgot to mention that there was a secret club in here.” Rinaldi stated calmly.
I could feel Colby's body stiffen against mine. Everyone reacted the same; muscles tightening, and stances fixed.
Kevin stuttered. “Wh-what do you mean?”
“I could have sworn I heard something about vampires hunting other vampires. But... that's illegal in California. And I know you're not doing anything illegal here... right?” Rinaldi cocked his head to the side.
“Of course not. I-I'm not entirely sure where you would have heard that from, but it's not true.” Kevin stammered, voice faltering.
Rinaldi crossed his arms. “Are you sure? Because I have a very reliable source. He's actually here right now.”
The entrance behind us slammed open, a familiar face stepping through, smirking at all of us as we turned to him.
“Oh my God, I'm gonna kill him.” Mike fumed quietly.
“I don't think you should do that, Mike. You don't want to piss off an elder now.” Caleb jeered, striding to Rinaldi and standing next to him.
“Caleb... how could you rat us out? After everything we have done for you!” Sam shouted.
Caleb scoffed. “Oh, you mean like poisoning me and making me forget a whole night happened?!”
I could hear Colby growl lowly, his hands clenching into a fist.
“Caleb, please tell me what you know about this group.” Rinaldi spoke.
“Well for starters they're called XPLR, which is the dumbest name by the way. And they, with the help of those two douchey humans, kill vampires. They hunt and torture them for information on other 'bad' vampires. Plus, they have the Angelica flower and they gave it to me to knock me out and make me forget.��� Caleb accused.
“And how would you know if you forgot?” Colby retorted.
“I'm not fucking stupid, asshole. I know what happened to me… kind of,” Caleb grumbled. “Plus, something is off about that girl.”
My breath hitched in my throat. Colby slid in front of me, protecting me. “What are you going on about now, Caleb?”
“I heard you guys talking about her 'abilities', whatever that means. And I know one of you said that your powers don't work on her, so obviously she's not human.” Caleb declared angrily.
Rinaldi stared at Caleb, unfazed. “This is news to me.”
“She's probably a witch or something.” Caleb muttered.
Rinaldi turned his head slowly towards me. “Jade, could you come here for a second?”
“No. She can't.” Colby shook, rage filling his voice and body.
“Don't make this more difficult than it already is,” Rinaldi insisted. “I'm not gonna hurt her, but I will hurt you.”
“Colby, it's okay.” I whimpered; my breath ragged.
Colby closed his eyes tightly, moving slightly over to allow me to pass him. I trudged over to Rinaldi, stopping in front of him.
“I know this is a terrible situation to put you through, but I need to know if you have powers or not.” Rinaldi explained.
“Okay...” I mumbled.
“I'm gonna use my powers on you to do something you wouldn't do.” He informed.
“And what is that?” I questioned.
“I want you to kiss me.” He stated.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Colby jerk, ready to pounce. Mike stopped him with an arm.
Rinaldi pointed to Colby, keeping his eyes on me. “See, that reaction is why I have to do it. I know for a fact she wouldn't want to kiss me because she's with you. It's the only way, I'm afraid.”
Rinaldi gently grabbed my hands, making me look into his eyes.
And I realized something in that moment. He had never used his powers on me. And he was the strongest vampire I'd ever encountered.
What if his powers work on me? What if I end up kissing him?
I don't want that. I don't want to hurt Colby. But I don't want to die either.
"Kiss me, Jade." A ruby aura appeared around us; I could feel his power surge through me. I could see what he wanted me to do, but I felt no urge to do it. Then an idea hit me.
I leaned forward, having to stretch upwards to meet his face. I slowly eased my lips towards him and planted them sweetly on his cheek, pulling away a second later.
Once I landed back on my feet, his aura had disappeared. I could see everyone around us was shocked, frozen. No one moved even an inch.
He looked down at me curiously. I peered into his eyes confidently.
“You never said where.”
Rinaldi grinned, letting out a soft laugh. His hands let go of mine as he shook his head. “That... is very true.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Rinaldi, you have to see she is lying!” Caleb shrieked, gasping.
“Caleb. Listen to me,” Rinaldi cautioned. “I appreciate you coming to me and letting me know about all of this. But it's obvious she is not a witch otherwise she wouldn't have kissed me.”
“But something is off about her! I just know it!” Caleb shrilled, glaring daggers.
“Enough, Caleb. I want you to apologize to her.” Rinaldi demanded.
Caleb objected as his eyes widened. “What?!”
“Apologize to her, right now. Accusing a lady of something wrongful deserves an apology.” Rinaldi scolded.
Caleb rolled his eyes quickly, stepping up to me and looking me in the eyes. “I'm sorry I accused you.”
“Thank you... for your service, Caleb.” Rinaldi announced, placing a hand on Caleb's shoulder.
Then within a flash, Rinaldi smashed both of his hands onto either side of Caleb's head, gripping his skull dangerously, and ripping it clean off his body before he could even make a noise.
I felt blood splatter onto my face, my mouth opening as a loud gasp escaped my throat. Everyone stepped back, shocked in horror at Caleb's headless body laid on the ground. Rinaldi flung Caleb's head behind him, it rolling away after bouncing once.
Rinaldi lightly wiped his hands on his pants, blood smearing onto his all black outfit. “Thank God that's over. He was very, very annoying.”
I held back vomit as I kept my eyes on Rinaldi, not wanting to see Caleb's corpse on the ground.
Rinaldi faced Kevin casually. “Sorry I had to dirty up your floor, Kevin. I hope you know how to deal with a dead body.”
“Yeah... it's no problem, Rinaldi.” Kevin remained still.
“Also, I apologize for having to do all of that,” Rinaldi motioned to Caleb’s body. “Caleb was making such a big deal about XPLR that I just had to come out and see what it was all about. I personally don't care that you guys hunt other vampires. I know you're only getting rid of the ones that are fucking it up for the rest of us. So, keep doing what you're doing. Just maybe be a bit quiet about it, okay?”
Mike concluded. “Sounds good.”
“I mean, who would I be to judge those that have killed vampires?” Rinaldi whipped his head to Tara, smiling politely, “Right, Tara?”
“Burn in hell, Dillon.” Tara seethed.
“Always as chipper as ever. Well, that this has been eventful, but I think it's time for me to head out.” Rinaldi bowed to Kevin, clasping his hands together. “Thank you for such a fabulous time, Kevin. Your club is fantastic.”
Kevin followed suit cautiously. “Thank you. Have a good night, Rinaldi.”
He turned to me quickly, a cheery smile on his face. “I'll see you around, princess.”
Then with a wink, he was gone in a flash.
<< CHAPTER 14 || CHAPTER 16 >>
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phoenix-manga · 4 years
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[DCA Event] - Six Queens Event Part 5
Warning: Dark Jokes
[Howard - All you wanna do] 
It was Cerule’s turn, the ghost sends a promiscuous feeling thorugh her soul. They expected Cerule to be like Briar, vulnerable to being possessed completely not because of a relation in their situation, but more like Cerule is a bit impulsive at times. But surprisingly she was just as strong willed as Vidya, it could be perhaps because of her family’s hereditary power.
Using her voice, the ghost is blocked by the magic that her voice possesses. She gets into center stage as her eyes glowed a bright pink. She gets her act on stage and the audience thought this was just the sexy type character. But they won’t realize that this act was the darkest part of the play.
Cerule starts to ‘roast’ the queens as they tell her that she can’t compete with them in terms of having the worst life. The crowd chuckles at her sarcasm, Jade and Rook were invested in this act and with how she carries herself with such confidence. They stan a queen who knows how attractive they are and doesn’t regret flaunting it.
Cerule: Yeah… yeah, you’re right. I’m gonna need all the luck I can get, your lives sounded terrible and your songs… really helped to convey that.  I mean, Catherine, almost moving into a nunnery and then not? It almost could’ve been really hard for you.  And Anne! Anne, getting your head chopped off? Surely, that means you’ll win the competition— oh, wait, wait, hang on a sec. Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded… oh, wait, nevermind.  Audience:
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And Jane, dying of natural causes? When will justice be served?! And surviving…  Audience: *Laughs as she skips Rozeline* Seriously, seriously, Anna, all jokes aside, being rejected for your looks legit sounds really rough. I wouldn’t know anything about that.  Audience: 
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Cerule: I mean look at me, I’m really fit. So yeah. I can’t even begin to think of how I’m going to compete with you all. Oh wait, like this... 
She snaps her fingers as the lights flash pink and the song starts. Cerule had been practicing on using her voice for the act, since there was a lot of times she’s lost control over it. The harsh vocal training with Professor Faustus was worth it, she uses her voice to make the audience feel the wave of sensual excitement, but for only a small portion, it was enough to get them to focus on her. 
Crowley feels the need to tell her that she shouldn’t be dancing so sensually, but Divus just pulls on his shirt collar again and reminds him that it’s a play, chill out or he’ll be tempted to tighten his tie. (Poor Crowley, his view on the perfectly well-behaved students are being dragged through the gutter, for real though... chill Bird Dad let the Serpent King do the scolding XD)
Jack was now praying to whatever Gods who might be listening to not have Idia kill him as Ortho sits there still with a curious expression. Like the majority of the audience, he can feel his cheeks flush in embarrassment. 
Others who are affected are Epel who is red as Riddle who happens to be clutching Trey’s sleeve as the third year was covering his mouth with his hand, Ace is affected too but he’s focused on laughing at Deuce who is covering his eyes with his hands whenever Cerule coincidentally makes eye contact in his spot of the crowd. Cater was just vibing with the music, typical playboy not affected.
Azul is blushing too but he is struggling to NOT look away because he can feel Jade glance at him from time to time. Floyd was just enjoying the music, go figure. For Azul, if he looks away that would mean that the twins would NEVER shut up about this incident for weeks! He’s having a battle, internally with himself and the twins. Cerule’s dancing just makes it worse because it looked so damn convincing! Not to mention the way she sang the song! OCTOBOY IS REACHING PUBERTY XD
Cerule: All you wanna do, all you wanna do baby~ Touch me, love me can’t get enoughsies~ Azul:
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But when she reached the climax of her song the feeling of excitement faded as she her expression morphs from playful to a near meltdown, her dancing stops as she shakes off the hands of the queens when they make contact on her body. The crowd goes silent as the feeling of dread and pity washes over them like a raging wave.
Vil, let’s just say that he can find things that he can relate to being fairest. He may or may not have felt like this when he was pursuing his path of reaching ultimate beauty. He applauds Cerule’s acting, it looked so convincing, as if he was seeing the actual young queen go through the trauma of being used by the men in her life.
Cerule: Touch me when will enough BE ENOUGHSIES?! Audience: *silently realizing the real situation*
When the song was over, she could barely feel the possession fading since it was mostly blocked by the magic of her voice. At the end of the song, people were clapping loudly but there was little cheering. 
Not because they didn’t like the act but because it took such a dark turn. But they admire the acting because some were in tears, we now know whose been in that situation before.
[Queens Fight]
Cerule lightens the atmosphere by explaining that’s how she was beheaded. This was the part where the queens would start to argue.
It starts when Cerule claims that she is the winner because she’s had it way worse. But the others seem to disagree with that.
Briar comes up to Cerule and states that she may have had it bad but it wasn’t the worst they have heard this evening.
Cerule retorts back by stating that she had sung four choruses, that’s the amount of SH*T she has had to deal with.
Allison speaks up by saying how the situation was similar to hers so she ain’t the only one who has experienced that.
Allison:  Wow, yeah, being manipulated by men and paying the price, none of us could possibly imagine what that— oh wait, yeah, I did experience that. Evonie: Yeah, for like that last five minutes of your marriage, Anne! Men had manipulated me from day one. I was literally shipped over from a foreign country, not knowing a single word of English, to marry some random dude. Vidya: Oh my god, same! Audience: *laughs*
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Evonie tries to argue again about how the king didn’t even say goodbye but was cut off when Allison and Cerule said that they’ve been there too except she got to keep her lovely neck. The two high five while giving Evonie the stink eye.
And her last statement about the king not allowing her to see her only child who had the chickenpox, which sets Briar off. And the outburst shocks everyone, the motherly queen lashing out in anger.
Evonie: when my one and only child had a raging fever, Henry didn’t even let me, her MOTHER see her- Briar: OH BOOHOO! Baby Mary had the chickenpox and you weren’t there to hold her hand! You know, it’s funny because when I wanted to hold my newborn son, I died!
Malleus: *Was just accepting it at face value and has no energy left to be shook anymore*
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The entire room was silent as they gawked at Briar’s outburst.
Vidya buts in by yelling how she has the plague and the queens all turn to her, concern written on their faces.
Vidya: Guys I have the plague! Queens: What?! Vidya: Lol I’m just kidding my life’s amazing~
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At the sight of a smug queen with the other five giving her a displeased look, the crowd erupts into laughter.
Kalim is laughing while he’s clinging to Jamil, Ace was choking on his spit and is trying not to laugh because he is going to lose more oxygen. Floyd is cackling because he would probably do this joke too if he had the money to back it up. Azul is scowling a bit because, let’s face it he had a bad life at childhood.
Although Vidya adds that she was humiliated on an international scale but Allison sarcastically asks who could possibly relate but Evonie snaps at her at what would she know about humiliation. This was the moment that sh*t went down.
Evonie: You seriously wanna talk about humiliation?! Well, when I was queen... Henry had not one, not two but three historically confirmed mistresses! Allison: Oh no, mistresses.. GET OVER IT! When I was queen I had not one, not two, but THREE... M I S C A R R I A G E S!
*Record Scratch*
Vil, Divus, Cater, Rook, Jade and Lilia:
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Riddle, Azul, Jack, Sebek and Malleus:
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Ace, Deuce, Epel, Ortho, Floyd and Silver:
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The audience went apesh*t at that and it got crazier when Evonie one-upped her by yelling how she had five miscarriages. And the five queens started going at each other’s throats and yelling.
Rozeline stopped the fighting by yelling, “That’s ENOUGH!”
Rozeline yelled so loud that it shocked the five queens. To the audience it was just acting but for Rozeline this was going out of control. She could feel the ghosts nearly take over the dorm leaders as they argued. Their eyes glowing brighter and even Vidya and Cerule who had really strong wills to resist were being crumbled down almost becoming vulnerable themselves.
That was a close call for sure, but Rozeline thought back to the moment they got possessed. She had a song prepared about the life of the sixth queen but looking back at it, what was the point of making their pain known? She sympathized with the queens because they were in the same position as her, they felt powerless against the man who held the power to take away their lives. But should she just end the show with their suffering?
What about the happy ending? She wanted them to be recognized but would she want them to be recognized like this?
The six wives of Henry VIII who suffered in his hands? 
That was what they were, just HIS wives. Nothing has changed and Rozeline was not about to settle for this!
They’ve had enough suffering, she regrets not seeing this sooner but she’ll make the ending count. Hopefully the girls wouldn’t mind if she went off script for just a bit, right? Time for a histo-rewrite to ensure the legacy of the Six!
She just needs the ghosts to realize that they are so much more than just their history with the king.
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othercat2 · 4 years
Jam: Egg fic with worldbuilding but no title 1/?
So this is a thing I’ve been putting up on the homestuck gang discord. I decided to play with the “oviparous trolls” au thing. As you do. As usual, I have no idea of what I’m doing, and there’s a lot of worldbuilding.
He's fussing (he is not fussing this is his first clutch okay) with the temperature controls of the incubator. Four eggs was  a reasonable sized first clutch and they were all on the small end. (But perfectly acceptable Zahhak!) Karkat snapped pictures of the speckled eggs and sent them to their genetors with his usual message of "red and blue slurry still does not make purple grubs." In honor of some of the most idiotic questions he'd  been asked by someone supposedly not a subadult. (Zahhak was lucky his matesprit put up with him.)
After egg coddling was breakfast and waiting for his attendant to arrive with his schedule. (And check his work.  Fucking up temps for a clutch could alter their projected caste or render them nonviable.) Karkat was hoping Kanaya was going to be bringing him good news from the medics; he's been on rest for what feels like forever and wants to get back to his work out. He checks the news feeds and catches up to social media. He also does a lot of shit talking at various internet hate friends. He's  doing some online shopping when Kanaya turns up. He's about to offer her a muffin and some coffee but...
"Kanaya are you okay?" She did not look okay.  "The Cavern Matre called me into her office," Kanaya says in a numb little voice. "Something terrible has happened."
Karkat felt a little thrill of panic at that. "Did something happen to my genitors?" He asked. “Zahhak doesn't  message too often but usually I'm exchanging stupid smilies and emojis with Megido by now."
Kanaya shook her head. "No this is something else. Worse."
"Worse?" Karkat asks. Kanaya nods. "The other attendants are speaking to their genetrices," she says.
"The Matres felt this would be better than simply announcing this during assembly."
"Announce what Kanaya?" Karkat asks.
Kanaya takes a breath. "Despite the strictest security measures we've discovered there's been trafficking of a genetrix bloodline."
"Holy shitfuck." It was easy to see why it hadn't been announced during assembly there would have been a fucking riot. "How?" Cavern security by necessity was tight for the very purpose of preventing kidnappings. Genetrices were trained to fight or take more extreme measures if taken. The punishments for attempting a kidnapping were gruesome.
"We don't  have all the details yet. The Church hasn't been very forthcoming."
"Of course. Mother Grub forbid they give a full report to the ones it's  relevant to." Kanaya gives him a look of reproof. Or tries to. Karkat's pretty good at staring her down.
"I'm sure we'll know more soon. There could be a reason behind the with held information."
Karkat did not agree but also didn't  want to argue. The reproductive and attending castes relative independance was hard won. It was also fragile. He knew that in the early days of his castes creation there had been total chaos until the early prototypes, led by the Signless had proven  it was more trouble than it was worth for the highbloods to try to keep their own little pet genetrix. The idea of an entire bloodline having been stolen was an immense blow. ( And horrifying purely from a stance of compassion. ) After breakfast Kanaya checked on the eggs temperature and the development of the embryos.
She checks his notations and makes a few of her own. Karkat tries not to fidget too much. They go to assembly next. Karkat takes his sickles. Out in the corridor are other adult genetrices and their attendants, all armed. The mood is too tense for the usual greetings and shit talking. Everyone heads into the assembly hall.
The Matre of the Cavern, flanked by the Matres of Medical, Education, Support, Assessment, and Genetics were on the stage. As a group they bowed. "By now you've been informed of the crime," the Matre of the Cavern says.  "We still don't have the details.  What we do know is that since  our Cavern is closest the genetrices will be brought here."
There was a flurry of questions, but the Matre of the Cavern signaled for quiet and  the Matre of Assessment stepped up. "The line has three living members. A third molt adult, a gravid adolescent and a two sweep old child. We don't  yet know if there were others that were sold elsewhere or culled."
"What's going to happen with the traffickers?" one of the older genetrices asks in a hard voice.
The Matre blinks. "They're ours of course. As always."
"Clowns," the genetrix points out as if this alone was an argument.  (It probably was. Fasces' most frequent genitors were a kismesis pair who were deacons in cult of the twin messiahs.)
The Matre's mouth twitches like she's  trying not to laugh. "I don't  think convincing them to turn over the criminals or what's  left will be a problem," she says.
More questions were asked about the situation and plans for the bloodline. Most of them were deflected, though Support indicated plans for housing and integration if possible were being discussed.  Karkat knew he wasn't the only one to shudder at the "if possible."
Assembly turned to other subjects such as the graduation of the most recent brood from the trials, the up coming Ascension for the next brood, and the Fete of the Last. (Karkat was on the decoration and planning committee for his sector of the Cavern.) There was also an announcement that due to the discovered theft, the Caverns had called off the Lottery and all genitors who hadn't taken vows were being asked to leave early. No one was especially happy about this.
After assembly was a doctor appointment where Karkat was approved for "light exercise." The doctor from long experience with her patient told him that extended sets with his sickles did not constitute light exercise. Twenty minutes a day, with a three minute increase over the next twelve weeks. "This is a monumental load of feculence in the backed up sewers of stupid bullshit I have to deal with," Karkat griped.
"I don't caaare," Zheydh almost sings. "This is what you get for over exerting yourself while gravid! You fainted and probably traumatized the class you were teaching Vantas. Then you wouldn't take my advice because quote 'you're not the one whose a waddling troll turducken.' Now I get to have my revenge."
"I hate you so much," Karkat says. "Shut up Kanaya."
"I didn't say anything," Kanaya says, amused.
"I can hear your I told you so," Karkat says, giving his attendant a glower.
"I doubt you're developing telepathy Karkat," Kanaya says teasingly.
 After the doctor appointment Karkat teaches his Lit class and goes to lunch. Then he attends  a section meeting where the main topics are morning assembly and the next environmental failure drill. (They were past due for a bolide emergency procedure. There was also strong argument for an actual raid drill.)
The meeting ran over, but he didn't get into very much trouble with his supervisor in the creche over it. The wigglers however were very sad he was late and manipulated extra story time out of him. After creche was dinner, which he shared with Kanaya.
The next few days were much the same except for an underlying simmer of anger for the traffickers. They still hadn't found out how it had happened, still weren't sure if the clowns were going to turn them over. Assembly was generally full of shouting that the Matres couldn't quite mediate.
The clown ship finally docks in the Cavern bay. It's surprisingly small and sleek and for a Church ship. (The cult had its  own shipyards and from what he'd heard their ships tended to be much bigger than standard Imperial ship  classes.) It's  painted with multicolored eyes and wings that spiral from bow to stern, and it's  maybe a quarter  the size of a cathedral ship. The ship is disturbingly named  Dance of the Angel.
Karkat is very very surprised when the Cavern Matre sends him a message that he's been asked to come with her to the ship and meet with the   Grand Highblood. "What the fuck?" Karkat asks. He waves his shelltop at Kanaya. "What is this? Am I reading this right?"
"I...it would seem so," Kanaya says. "The Grand Highblood wants to meet you."
“Why?" Kanaya gives him a look as if he's being deliberately obtuse. "Perhaps for some reason he feels is related to your Ancestor?" she suggests.
Karkat stares blankly back. "My Ancestor and nine caegars can get me a vaguely historically accurate romance novel."
"Karkat," Kanaya says. "I don't know whether you're being prickly about your Ancestor or you really believe that."
"It can be both!" Karkat says. "It's not like I have any special rank or responsibilities. Isn't it even in his will? 'If I should have a Descendant or if such should still exist in the future generations, put no burdens on him he doesn't take up.' I mean I'm  pretty sure there was a whole thing about it."
Kanaya smiles at Karkat. "Maybe that's something you could bring up with him.
 Karkat snorts. "Right I'm sure that's going to go over well," he says. There's a certain amount of fussing and preparation before Karkat is judged presentable for his meeting. Despite Kanaya's best efforts, he's never had much in the way of formal attire. There are some festival clothes, casual clothes, clothes for socializing or meeting with his genitors. But nothing really formal.
Kanaya ends up putting him into his favorite black velvet divided skirt, bright red long sleeved tunic, and a darker red robe with a wide black fabric belt. Also included were low leather boots, and a veiled hat. His only jewelry are some steel rings, and an ear cuff. He arms himself with his electric dart device (concealed) and his sickle (very much not concealed). Kanaya of course, is already dressed and perfectly made up. Her colors are the traditional jade green and black, though with  accents of genetrix bright red. She has no obvious weapons, but Karkat knows she's carrying.
"Ready?" she asks. Karkat nods, and  they both head out the door. They're met at the ship by the Matre of the Caverns, and a huge indigo, obviously a Church deacon.
"Karkat," the Matre says by way of greeting. "And Kanaya."
"Matre," Karkat and Kanaya chorus, and give a salute. They give another salute to the deacon.
"All y'all follow me," the deacon says, and heads up  gangway of the ship.
The Matre heads up first behind the deacon, followed by Karkat, with Kanaya taking up the rear. The inside of the ship is decorated much the way the exterior is. Eyes and feathered wings and spirals in rainbow hues. There are more indigo crewmen, who step aside as they pass. Karkat can hear conversation, and music, many voices singing.
The deacon leads them down several passages, and into something between an office and a sitting block. There  are low chairs and multicolored cushions everywhere, and a small dais where the Grand Highblood is sitting on more cushions in front of a low desk with books and readers scattered everywhere, along with a high end computing device. He's huge, and his paint is strangely simple. Flat, blank white, which seems to mean something to the Matre, because she gasps.
The three of them start to bow, but the Grand Highblood waves. "Sit yourselves down," the Grand Highblood says. When they've done so, (with some hesitation) he continues with, "Let me give you the full debrief," he says. "My word to your ears. There were rumors of undocumented crew and false papers. It was the legislacerators game at first, thinking it was stolen eggs or stolen grubs and wigglers, subadults. But it turned to something more heinous. A high barrister brother was bribed with a genetrix, and being not an idiot called on the church. We took over and rooted them out."
"You found only three?" The Matre of the Cavern asked. It was an oddly blunt question.
“That's on me," the Grand Highblood says. "The traffickers killed most of them, trying to destroy evidence, like they thought we wouldn't wring the truth from them. There was just the oldest of the line, the one the oldest  locked himself in a bitty room with, and the wiggler given to the barrister."
As he speaks, there's movement by the Grand Highblood's lap, behind the table. What seemed like another pile of colorful cloth turns out to be a troll. An adult genetrix, with white hair wearing what looks like second hand Church motley. He's long limbed, and skinny instead of the usual blocky build of most genetrices, and if he were standing, would be almost as tall as the Grand Highblood. He blinks sleepily at them.  "Sup."
There is a look of unmistakable fondness on the Grand Highblood's face. "You went and fell asleep on me again, thinking I'm a relaxation platform."
"No, I'm being sultry as fuck," the genetrix says.
"More like a underfed purrbeast," the Grand Highblood says. "We're at the Cavern. These are all to being your kin." The gentrix's eyes flick from the Matre, to Kanaya and Karkat. "I'm Matre Markstar, the Matre of this Cavern," the Matre says. "This is Kanaya Maryam, and Karkat Vantas, how should we call you?" "
Dhuvid Straid," the genetrix says.
"We're still in pursuit of some of the traffickers, who went on with a whole cloning lab and canisters of frozen tissue, but the most of them we'll be handing them over," the Grand Highblood says. "All mostly in one piece."
The Cavern Matre bows where she sits. "We thank you for rescuing our charges."
The Grand Highblood's mouth tilts in a slanted smile that reveals the curves of his fangs. "All I did was do my duty toward the children of the Mother, didn't I?" he casts a glance toward Karkat, deep indigo-purple eyes have a certain gleam to them. "Clever motherfucker, your Ancestor," he says to Karkat. "We the last children of the mother have a duty to each other and the future He was all sneaky talking about the castes outside of his newly formed one. You have his miraculous way with words? You've been quiet enough."
"With all respect, Highblood, if you want an argument with my Ancestor, you should hire a necromancer," Karkat says in a flat tone. The Grand Highblood laughs quietly. "It's the Descendant I wanted a word with," he says. "I promised Dhuvid his kin would be safe and together, and I won't turn them over to anyone who'd keep them apart or harm them."
Matre Markstar looks momentarily offended by that,but she recovers. "Sir, are you implying you want Teacher Vantas to mentor or take custody of the genetrice line?"
"Sister, I want him to have the care of Dhuvid's little brothers," the Grand Highbllood. "As I promised him."  A beat. "There being a matter of serendipity between us, such that I would take over his care."
"Frail and wilting flower, that's me." Dhuvid says. "I need the gentlest and sweetest pale pity."
"You speak more true than you know, rattle bones," the Grand Highblood says, amused. "With your permit I'd get to doing that, jade sister. My Descendant's taking over the hunt for the traffickers and all Church duties so I settle Dhuvid in."
 "Accommodations may be arranged, Highblood," Markstar says. "I will have the Imperial suite prepared for you."
"I'll be put up with Dhuvid by wherever Vantas is," the Grand Highblood says.
"The genetrice apartments are separate from the genitor and admittance suites," Markstar says. "Genitors generally do not go there, for obvious reasons." "Quadrants and the genitors that take vows do," the Grand Highblood points out.  "I want to see where you'll be mewing up my diamond, and see all how you'll be treating him and his kin. I'll take whatever vows the genitors that don't leave do."
"That would mean you don't leave," Karkat blurts over whatever probably more polite version of "what the fuck," Markstar was about to voice. "It is not actually like Servitors of the Genetrices down in the genetrice apartments," Karkat says, naming a series of porn videos that everyone has been warned about. (Since genitors often got weird ideas, especially the older high caste trolls still around from the last Mothergrub's broods.) "The imperial suiteblock is supposed to be all fancy and shit, according to your station. Dhuvid and his line are probably going to be in the infirmary getting checked over before anyone gets moved anywhere, anyway."
"You think I don't know what I'm asking for?" The Grand Highblood asks, voice hard."I'll stay by him, where ever he's put up."
"Enduring great privations and all that shit," Dhuvid says. He's leaning up against the Highblood's side, and despite the bland tone, there's a certain amount of tension in his shoulders. "Boss, explain me a thing, what's this argument about?" a beat. "You said it was goinng to be safe here."
"So I did,"  Grand Highblood says. "And it is, there's just these little particulars."
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Fic: This isn’t a rom-com (1/?)
Author’s notes: So this was basically the first thing I started writing when I got back to Keanu fandom after Parabellum, but it remained sitting on my files because it still felt weird to write and share rpf. But after so many rewrites, I think I’m finally ready to do it. I’ll be posting new chapters every Monday and I’d love some feedback. The entire thing is set in 2013.
Wordcount: 2174
Warnings: none for this part
Part 2   Part 3  Part 4 Part 5
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As Lilah stood outside the address given to her, she took a deep breath and asked herself for the third time what was she thinking when she let Isaac talk her into doing this. She had so much to do.
Sure, she had the morning off since her advisor was out of town for a conference, but Lilah still could have been prepping her Monday class or even reviewing her paper.
But Isaac knew her too well. He argued that it had been ages since she had taken a day to herself and as soon as the words movie set came out of his mouth, she dropped everything else and came running. The prospect of since the cinema magic working up close was too good to pass up.
So, she waited outside the set, waiting until Isaac finally showed up, dark curls sticking to his reddish face, probably from jogging through the building. He flashed the security staff a quick bright smile, before ushering Lilah inside, guiding the way through a maze of corridors, walking so fast Lilah barely had the time to take a proper look at everything.
“Thanks so much for doing this, Lih! You’re a lifesaver,” he commented over his shoulder. “One of our extras just didn’t show up today and we’re behind schedule already.”
“It’s fine,” she said as they stopped by a table where an agitated looking brunette sat with a clipboard and walkie-talkie. She checked Lilah’s ID, before collecting her contact information and telling Isaac to take her to the wardrobe department to change.
Before Lilah could even finish shoving her ID back in her pocket, Isaac was whisking her away.
“So, what kind of movie is this?” Lilah asked as she exchanged her street clothes for the costume, a beautiful red dress, and some killer heels. “It’s not a rom-com, is it? Izzy, I’ll kill you if you’re making me play extra in a rom-com.”
“It’s an action flick, relax,” he replied, and Lilah could actually hear the eye-roll in his tone. “I will never understand your hatred for rom-coms.”
“What’s to like about them?” she asked stepping out of the dressing room. “They sell women unrealistic, almost pathological expectations for love and romance, also…”
“Lih, this isn’t your dissertation. You don’t have to always take it so seriously.” Isaac said cutting her off as he led her to the hair and makeup chair.
“I mean, one can appreciate all the clichés without really thinking it’s gonna happen to them. I mean, how many couples do you know that started as two unlikely people that are perfect for each other having that first meet-cute then moving on to silently pinning over each other. Then having the classic love triangle that might lead to the epic conflict and break up so they can have a heartfelt reunion later, with the grand romantic gesture, the speech and finally their happy ending…”
And even though Isaac’s words pointed out the improbability of it, his dreamy tone told Lilah he still hoped it could happen to him someday.
Lilah rolled her eyes fondly because he was such a hopeless romantic.
She, on the other hand, prided herself on being pragmatic. She believed in love, of course. She wasn’t that jaded at twenty-nine; but to Lilah, love wasn’t something that just happened. You didn’t just stumble on the love of your life by accident someday.
“You look smoking, honey!” Isaac declared, snapping Lilah out of her thoughts. “Come on! Chad and David are already on set and ready to shoot.”
Lilah only had time to grab her bag before he was leading her once again through the maze of corridors to and ample room that looked a lot like a speakeasy, from the jazz band on the stage, to the smoky air, dim lighting and leather booths.
“Now all you have to do is sit still and look pretty.” He flashed her a teasing smile and ignored her eye-roll. “I’ll check on you during lunch break.”
Lilah waved her goodbye and watched as he moved to a pair of men standing by some monitors talking. They exchanged a few words, before Isaac disappeared again, probably off to run another task.
They filmed for around two hours straight. Lilah couldn’t see much of was going on because her table was facing the band and away from the area the camera seemed to be focused on and she couldn’t exactly turn to see, even if she really wanted to, but she managed to sneak a couple of glances whenever they called cut.
“Ok everybody, let’s take 15,” one of the directors announced.
Lilah stood up, stretching her back to work out the kinks of being sitting still for too long in an uncomfortable chair.
She took a few moments to search for Isaac, but he was nowhere around the main room and Lilah didn’t want to risk getting lost in the building. Instead, she picked a water bottle and a protein bar from craft service and looked for a quiet place to wait for filming to resume.
Lilah found a hidden corner in of the set, out of the way from most of the staff and quiet enough that she could pull out her book. She settled on one of the free chairs to read a little. Soon, she was absorbed by the text, shutting off everything else until a passage caught her attention, and Lilah couldn’t help but snort at it and offer a counterargument under her breath.
“Are you pro or against dualism?” Someone asked from just outside her line of vision, probably catching the cover of her book when Lilah held it closed while digging for a pen in her bag.
“Against obviously,” Lilah replied with a small snort as she looked up, her eyes going wide at the sight before her. Shock making her drop her pen and book, which he picked up.
“Really?” He asked with a curious frown. “Why?”
Lilah as she stared at him, she couldn’t get her throat to work.
He was so much taller than he looked on the screen, with broad shoulders and a strong chest. His dark hair was slicked back with gel, the tips touching his nape. He was spotting a well-trimmed beard, some fake bruises, and a black three-piece suit. Lilah didn’t think anyone could be this handsome, but she was obviously wrong.
“Where are my manners…” he said offering a hand. “Hi. I'm Keanu.”
The gestured kickstarted Lilah’s brain again and she shook his hand with a quick, embarrassed laugh.
“I’m sorry! Hi. Lilah,” she rushed to say. “I’m Lilah.”
“Nice to meet you, Lilah,” he said with a warm smile.
“So, you don’t believe in the mind…” he commented, handing her pen and book back and Lilah did her best to smooth the wrinkled edge.
“As an immaterial entity that exists apart from our bodies like Descartes proposed? Not really. I mean, let’s face it, he just gave it a pseudo-scientific look to the idea of a soul.”
Lilah looked up from her book, catching the way he was watching her with a smile.
“Sorry,” she huffed a breath with an embarrassed smile. Was she really babbling about dualism to Keanu Reeves?
“No, no,” he assured, taking a seat next to her. “Go ahead.”
“Uh… well,” she hesitated, glancing at him again. “I mean, it’s been what? A couple of thousand years? Probably more, but we still can figure out what the mind is.”
“I always thought of it as what makes us human. Theoretically, of course.”
“Ok but wouldn’t that be more like what it does than what it is?” she pointed out. “But let’s run with it, anyway. How does a mind make us human?”
“Well, for one, isn’t it supposed to give us a conscience, intelligence, all that…” Keanu trailed off with a hand gesture and Lilah smiled.
“But those brain functions. Are we saying the mind is the brain?” she couldn’t contain the way her smile widening even more. This was fun.
She loved talking philosophy, but Lilah rarely had the chance of doing it outside a classroom. And here she was actually talking dualism with fucking Neo!
“If it was the same thing, why would we need two concepts?” he inquired, brow furrowing in a small thoughtful frown.
“You just made my point for me,” Lilah said, and Keanu chuckled. “And it can’t be part of the brain either, because theories seem to agree that the mind isn’t material and our brains are very material.”
“Maybe there’s another dimension out there,” he offered with a shrug, leaning forward on his elbows which brought him closer to Lilah.
She bit her bottom lip to suppress the urge of making a Matrix joke.
“Ok, but then how is something that is immaterial influences our very material selves?”
Lilah watched as Keanu paused, considering her argument, that thoughtful frown returning, and Lilah took that time to admire him. If her teen self could see her now, she would probably have a heart attack. Keanu had been her movie crush for as far as she could remember, ever since she watched the Matrix for the first time.
And here he was, in the flesh, just talking to her. It was almost surreal. Was this a dream? Was she going to awake any minute in her bed?
“Alright, you got me,” he said with a smile, catching her attention. “I have no idea, but don’t you think there should be something there? Shouldn’t a man be more than just atoms and chemicals? Something more transcendental?”
“What? You’re a Kant man?”
The words were out of her mouth before she could contain herself. Her tongue slipping on the pronunciation, making it sound like a completely different thing and Keanu busted out laughing, turning bright red.
It took a second for Lilah to realize how it sounded, but when she did, she covered her face with her hands, mortified.
“Oh my God! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean…”
“It’s ok,” he assured, still chuckling. “It’s fine. Really. I am not a Kantian, no but I can see the value in his transcendental man theory.”
Lilah tried to make her mouth work, to say something else but all she managed was an embarrassed chuckle. She could feel her cheeks burning.
“I’m so, so sorry…” she managed, voice coming out muffled. “I just…”
“Sometimes you forget to double-check what are you saying before putting it out there?” He asked with a soft smile and she nodded. “I do that all the time. Don’t worry.”
“Is there a way to fix that?” she asked, finally lowering her hands.
“I’ll let you know when I find it,” he replied with a little smile, before he ducked his head, letting out a small chuckle.
For a moment they just sat there, still chuckling together, cheeks red and awkwardly avoiding each other’s gaze, until someone cleared their throat behind them and making both turn around to look.
Isaac stood there with his hand pressed to the earpiece he wore and a clipboard in hand. Lilah could see he was barely containing his smirk as he looked between her and Keanu and she winced, wondering how much he had heard.
“Sorry to interrupt. Keanu, Chad needs you.”
“Thank you,” Keanu said getting up and turning to look at Lilah. “It was very nice to meet you, Lilah.”
“You too,” she replied with a small smile, watching as he walked away before turning to look at Isaac with wide eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me you worked with Keanu Reeves?”
“I don’t work with him, I work around him,” Isaac pointed out with a frown. “Also, that was the nerdiest flirting I’ve ever seen.”
“What are you talking about? I wasn’t flirting.”
“Yeah, right!” Isaac snorted in disbelief. “Come on. Break’s over.”
Lilah followed Isaac back to the main area of the set and the same table from before. This time, she caught a glimpse of Keanu chatting with one of the directors. She thought his lips quirked into a smile when he saw her, but she was probably just imagining as she sat down again.
“Shit! I should have asked for an autograph. Or is that too weird?” Lilah asked Isaac.
She was doing so well, but that Kant thing threw her off and she went right back to that strange awkwardness she usually had around people she found attractive. Lilah really thought she had outgrown that.
“It’s not weird. Extras ask for autographs all the time,” Isaac said with a shrug. “And maybe while you at it, you can ask him out.”
“Haha.” Lilah rolled her eyes at the way Isaac wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Isaac, no! It’s Keanu Reeves. Are you nuts?”
“Fine,” he replied with a huff, but the glint of amusement in his eyes didn’t fade. “But you do know what that felt like right?”
Lilah frowned in confusion and he flashed her an excited grin.
“It felt straight out of a rom-com.”
Go to part 2
Taglist (give me a shout if you want to added.)
@poisonedjoinery @ringa-starr @curly-minnie @i-cant-remember-my-old-login
@caryled @beyond-antares @kathorax @krazycags01 @meetmeinthematinee
@red-pill-blue-pill @baphometwolf666
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minsugapie · 5 years
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Now You See Me: part 38 (2103 words) - just shut up
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You’re a content creator that is wanting to change up your brand a little bit.
Yoongi is a faceless musician. Well, he’s two people at once. He’s Agust D online and while performing, but he’s Min Yoongi in real life.
Who will he be to you?
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PART 37 // PART 38 // PART 39
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tags : @dixonsbugaboo @mayumioutloud @xlilybebe @pocketfullofsuga @pwinny00 @rjsmochii @yoonglemickdoongle @live-2-fangirl @cherryicy123 @vernooope @okaysoplshelpme @thebleuprince @minyoongone @original-internetmonster @princesskimnamjoon @waddlingmyg @ur-gunna-h8-ths @zombiewerewolfqueen @spookyricewithsoysauce @tae165 @sunshinedeaa @dreamcatcherjiah @tirednation @labgeek @lyndseygoregasmxo @luwunacy @hellboundblogger @listless-losers @my-chaos-in-stars @pityandchiil @uwukinawa 
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sorry it’s late. it’s also kinda short but it’s loaded with gooey stuff so...enjoy x 
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Scrolling through instagram while procrastinating getting ready for the show tonight, you couldn’t help but notice how cute Hoseok and Jade were together. You didn’t know why you hadn’t thought of it sooner, but they really complimented each other very well…he deserved to have someone stable, who actually liked him. Although you knew that Jade was still hung up on Yoongi, they’d be good for each other. 
Sure, you had noticed that Hoseok was good looking (you weren’t blind), but ever since you’d set eyes on Yoongi, you knew that he was it for you. He was all the you needed, all that you thought about. And when you first met him, well, that was just the blood-red seal on the letter. 
A text from Jade interrupted your thoughts. She informed you that they were on their way to the show, so you had better get ready and be there. If you didn’t show, she was going to track you down and make you come. 
So your only choice was to go talk to Yoongi. 
Walking to your closet, you stared at it for minutes. You simply had nothing to wear. After choosing simple blue jeans, black boots, and your leather jacket (literally the simplest outfit you could have chosen), you sighed and locked the door on your way out. Tae and Hana were already out for the afternoon and would meet you there, so you were going solo. 
By the time you slowly made your way there, the show was starting, which was fine because talking to him before the show would not have been good. Also, you wanted him all to yourself with all the time in the world. 
You watched from by the bar, texting Jade that you were there, and that you were going to head backstage to talk to him after the show. At least there you’d be hidden from the crowd. 
Watching the last 20 minutes of the show reminded you of the other show with all the intensity. You could hear the frustration, anger and hurt in his voice with every bar. You almost started crying when his voice cracked during a particularly painful lyric. The pain only increased when a piano was suddenly rolled onto the stage, and a woman who had been standing beside you walked onto the stage. The crowd went quiet, and you held your breath as the stage commanded the attention. Yoongi was seated at the piano, hood over his head and mask under his chin. A whisper rushed through the crowd when he pulled his hood down and took off his mask. He still wasn’t really visible, but he was no longer hiding. You held your breath, heart race increasing. 
The song he started playing had basically been the only one you’d been listening to as of late —“Song Request”. If the tears weren’t falling before, then they were now. You weren’t stupid. You knew that the song was inspired by you, vaguely at least, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t like it. It showed such a vulnerable side of Yoongi that you hadn’t able to get to know throughout your time together so far. And although it was a sad song, you loved every second of it. 
You watched Yoongi’s back the entire performance, arms and feet moving in sync to create a beautiful melody. You had never gotten tired of watching him play piano, and you were sure that you would never be tired of it. Loving someone that was so gifted, especially musically, was not something that you planned to take for advantage anymore. 
You wanted Yoongi. Hell, you wanted him more than anything you’d ever wanted in your life. If that man asked you to go to school, you probably would have just because he would be with you. But that wasn’t realistic.
In a perfect world, the two of you would be together with your nice private relationship, but you were both plastered on the internet (mostly you). In fact, you were sure that Yoongi had a peaceful relationship with the internet until you came alone. You simply caused him trouble. You basically threw him to the wolves simply by asking him to create a small piece of art for you. 
Before you realized, the show was over, and he took a bow before walking off the stage, microphone in one hand and mask in the other. He didn’t necessarily show his face to the crowd, but he hadn’t hidden it either. 
You could tell that he didn’t realize that you would be right backstage because as soon as he finally saw you he stopped in his tracks, mouth falling open. He didn’t see you at first, however, because he often walked while looking at the ground, something that he had been doing then.
You didn’t realize this, but it took everything in Yoongi to keep him from walking right into your arms and smothering you in the biggest hug he’d ever given or received. The small part of him that held his will-power was fuelled by the memory of your leaving him for a month and not ignoring him. 
He wondered how it was so easily done, because he had realized even before you’d slept together that he would have never been able to stay away from you for that long. It genuinely hurt that you were capable of such a thing. The last time someone hadn’t spoken to him was when Jade initially moved away. She didn’t speak to him for half a year, but even that wasn’t nearly as hard as this had been. 
“You came,” he managed, not able to move another muscle. You could tell that he was checking you out by the way his eyes raked over your body. Maybe he was checking to see if you were really there. Honestly, at that point, were you even there? It seemed like this day would have never came. 
“How could I miss it?” You tried to joke, cracking a small smirk. When Yoongi’s face held no sign of amusement, your smile faded. 
Running a hand through his hair, he sighed and replied, “You didn’t seem to have a problem missing every single one of my calls and messages. You didn’t even open my snaps, Y/N.”
Closing your eyes, you thought about what you needed to say. You didn’t want to hurt him more than you already had; he didn’t deserve it. All he’d been was nice to you. 
“I had to. It would have been too hard for me to leave. Plus, do you want to know the biggest fucking joke of it all? The day that I would have answered was the day you stopped calling.”
He groaned, taking a step towards you, but it felt like he was taking a step back. “That doesn’t explain anything to me. I’m still as confused as I was when you left. We had just decided that we wanted to start dating and actually be together, and then you up and leave. What am I supposed to think? Did you just use me for sex, or to get some songs out of me? Because that’s what this feels like. It fucking SUCKS.”
Tears started escaping your eyes out of frustration. Why didn’t he understand that this was for him? You were just figuring out the words to articulate what you were feeling when he continued, “You know what, whatever, I’m done with this. If you can’t give me a proper answer then I’m leaving.” Yoongi started walking quickly towards you but simply brushed by with a nudge on your shoulder. 
He exited the stage and started making his way through the crowd. Crying out in frustration at yourself, you ran after him. “Hey!” You called, closing the distance between the two of you. Clearly people were interested in what was happened because people formed a small circle around the two of you. It was easy to tell that there was something going on with all the tension and emotions buzzing between you two. “Just give me a second to get my thoughts in order!”
“Why? You’ve had an entire month alone to get your thoughts together. What you’ve given me so far is nothing.”
“My month away was not only because of you, and you know that. I’ve had so much shit going on in my life that I needed to confront before I could even remotely think about what was going on between us. Up until last week my dad was still under the impression that I was going to follow his orders and go to school and marry Hoseok and be who he wanted me to be!”
“Whatever. You would think that the person you wanted to be in a relationship with would have been a great confidant, but I guess not…” You’d never seen this cold side of Yoongi, especially towards you. “Did you even like me at all?”
“Of course, I like you! I’m in love with you!”
“You sure have a funny way of showing it.” If looks could kill, you would have been dead. 
Rubbing your hands down your face, you had to stop yourself from throwing a fit. Not only were you frustrated with the way Yoongi was being, but you were mad at yourself. You understood where he was coming from, yet he was being stubborn. 
“Don’t you get it, Yoongi?! All other matter aside, the reason I didn’t confide in you was because I tried to push myself away. I don’t want to be the reason that you have to reveal yourself to the world! I’ve been getting hate for being with you and only you, but in two different appearances because people assumed. People never stop assuming.” You’d used his real name without a second thought, and although neither you nor Yoongi noticed, everyone around you had, including your giant group of friends that had gathered and were watching the heated conversation without a blink or breath. 
“Y/N,” he tried to cut you off, but you weren’t done. If he wanted answers, he was going to get them. 
“No! Just think about it for a second! People will be all over you in private if you reveal to the world who you truly are! It sucks so bad! I have to live with it every day. At least now you can go out somewhere without a mask because no one knows who you are…” You trailed off, a tear slipping down your cheek again. You were calmer than you had been when you’d become the small rant, but you were more sad than anything. The tears became continuous as you practically felt your heart tear in two. 
“Hey, shh, come on,” he hushed, taking the step towards you and rubbing his thumbs across your cheeks to pick up the tears. 
You tried to pull away from his grasp, but he wouldn’t let you. It was his time to talk. Whispering, he replied, “Look at me. I don’t have my mask on right now, and I’m fine. Let people assume. I don’t care about any of that anymore. I just want to be with you, Y/N, and if it means giving up my identity, then so be it. I’m so in love with you that it makes me crazy. You drive me up the wall, and yet you’re the one person that can calm me down with a simple look. I don’t want to just be some guy that came and went. I want to be your present and your future. I wanted our lives to be one. I want for you to trust me enough to meet your dad. All I want is you, whatever way it comes. I can still make music without a mask, but I can’t love you if you won’t let me.”
You hadn’t meant for your conversation to be so public, but he was right. He didn’t have his mask on right now, and nobody seemed to be doing anything. Not one picture of him was taken. Not one person was even willing to interrupt the conversation. We had everyone’s eyes and ears. 
“Are you sure you want me so badly? I’m all sorts of messed up…” You just wanted to best for him, and you weren’t sure if you were it. 
“Just shut up,” he mumbled, crashing his lips against yours. 
With a few hoots and hollers, you at least knew that not everyone would be mean given the chance. Maybe being with Yoongi wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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paganinpurple · 6 years
Be Careful What You Wish For - Ch 5
Will Write For Coffee
Another chapter commissioned by the lovely @simply-zerah Enjoy!
Adrien and Nino find themselves in an alternate timeline where Hawkmoth never attacked and so the Miraculous heroes were never chosen. Just how much has changed in this universe? And how will they find their way back?
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7
Chat Noir touched down on the Place de Vosges in the same spot as the other night, his baton opening and zooming in on his bedroom window instantly. A soft thud beside him indicated Carapace had caught up to him and with nothing more than a quick glance up to confirm it, Chat returned to his watch.
There -as expected- was his alternate self, asleep in bed this time around -though no more gracefully than before- and a now very familiar blue streak circling above him in rapid movements which made details hard to make out.
Returning his baton to its home screen option, Chat began to swipe through screens looking for the magical software he required to continue with the next stage of their little espionage mission. Activating the little icon, strange visors slid down in the opening of his mask over his eyes, virtually invisible to anyone not looking for it. There was an uncomfortably sharp zap of static electricity across his eyes that would have made him yelp in pain if he hadn’t been expecting it before his baton gave a beep and the visors retracted again. He screwed his eyes shut and opened them again a few times, causing them to water for a moment before he got it under control.
Internally grumbling to himself, he wiped his eyes dry. He had always hated having to use Cat’s Eye for hero work. There were definitely times he envied his wife her less unpleasant secondary powers. Being the embodiment of destruction could be pretty uncomfortable at times.
Removing the small earpiece from the bottom of his baton, he quickly placed it into his ear before tapping in a number. As he moved his thumb towards where the call button usually was, he instead bypassed it, instead pressing a rounded icon with what was clearly a cat’s eye on it just below. He listened to the sound of ringing in his earpiece, his chest warming as the contact picture filled the screen in front of him. The line connected and brief hellos were exchanged between him and the other voice as another, louder thud -accompanied by some heavy breathing and a few aged groans- announced Jade Turtle’s arrival behind the two heroes already present. Chat rolled his eyes involuntarily, failing to see the need for the unfit, hard-headed reptile.
“Adrien?” Marinette asked breathlessly from his earpiece, “Are-”
“Chat Noir,” he reminded her, “I’m Chat right now.”
“Okay. Chat, are you sure you want me on this? I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.”
“I know you don’t understand a lot of this stuff anymore, but I still feel better with you having eyes and ears on things. You’re more observant than me. And…you have good instincts.”
“Um, okay. But I’ve got to say this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever done. I’m staring at my phone screen but I’m seeing what you’re looking at. Every time you blink, I’m reminded that this isn’t some normal camera feed. That it’s directly connected to your sight somehow.”
“Magic,” he said with a light chuckle, “You either go with it, or it starts to drive you wild after a while.”
“Riiight…” she said, her own laughter starting to bubble over, “Just do me a favour and stop giving Mas- Jade Turtle the side-eye.”
“I wasn’t!” he spluttered.
“Uh huh, I can see it, you know.”
 This strange revelation that not everything was as normal as suspected at the Agreste Manor had led to some wonderful side effects recently. Being as distracted as he was by the new discovery, Adrien had no brain-power left to over-think his familiarity with Marinette. No longer was he too keenly aware of keeping his distance in order to avoid making her uncomfortable and as a result, she seemed to have gotten used to his casual closeness to her.
He hadn’t noticed that first time when he’d absent-mindedly made her some tea -just the way she liked it- while he also fixed himself something to drink, but it had quickly grown from there. He had sat down right beside her on the couch instead of leaving room between them, his thigh pressing against hers intimately as he explained that the Peacock kwami -Duusu- had fled the moment the other Adrien had started to stir. When she had gotten anxious over thoughts of what might happen next, he had reached over and taken her hand to still her fingers from tapping dents into the couch cushion. The next morning, she had dashed about her apartment trying to make room for Master Fu, who was on his way over to discuss their next move. Her hair had been loose and still damp from the shower and it had kept falling into her eyes or irritating her by sticking to her skin. So, he’d automatically grabbed a hair tie from her stash in a box by the coffee table and, as she reached up to place something on a shelf- the only moment she’d remained even briefly still- he’d stepped forward and pulled it all into a messy bun atop her head for her.
By the time Nino had pointed out what he had been doing, Marinette had stopped reacting as if it were strange. And now…now she was treating it as if it was her normal, everyday experience. She was choosing to sit beside him now when she had plenty of options to give herself space. She would place a hand on his shoulder as an act of comfort if the conversation switched to his mother being alive here. She was acting as if he had always been here in her reality, and she had gotten used to his presence over the years he way he had with her. It gave him a warm, comfortable glow in his chest that helped ease the worry over getting home.
“Our main priority should be to retrieve Duusu and her miraculous at all costs,” Jade Turtle said, moving forward to stand beside where Chat was crouched on the rooftop, “We should not wake the man if we can help it.”
Chat Noir rolled his eyes for the second time in the past fifteen minutes and caught the indignant glare Carapace shot him from his peripheral at the same time Marinette made a scolding hmm in his ear. He quickly glanced back at his baton and zoomed in on the window again.
“We might not be able to help waking me up,” he said sheepishly, determined to remind the old man that he was the same person and not some unimportant bystander, despite the touch of shame the others had sparked in him, “But I have some ideas on hiding places in the mansion. Just in case my father or mom know they have a magical artefact, and have it locked away somewhere.”
“Chat, it looks like the kwami is getting tired,” Marinette’s voice mumbled in his ear, “It’s getting slower and it’s sort of swaying instead of circling. Almost like it’s drunk or something.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, switching to address the others without looking away, “Mari thinks Duusu’s tired or she’s overdone it or something. Look.”
True to Marinette’s word, the little peacock was floating back and forth in a curved line in the air, descending slowly as she did like a feather falling without a breeze to throw her off course. As they all watched through the zoom feature on their various devices, she landed softly on the alternate Adrien’s chest and closed her eyes lazily, a small smile on her face.
“Okay,” Carapace said, a leadership quality falling over the timber of his voice suddenly, “Everyone remember their jobs?” The other two nodded their heads and readied themselves to parkour from the rooftop at any moment. “Then let’s go!”
 The other Adrien didn’t wake any sooner than he had expected to, despite the mission happening around him.
Will Write For Coffee
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xuxibelle · 6 years
Devious Plans
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Word count:  4,118
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst
Requested: no - this is for @stuckonspidey’s writing challenge - and based on the song “Dive” by Ed Sheeran with the highlighted lyrics being “ Do you have a tendency to lead some people on? ‘Cause I heard you do “
Summary: Y/N was a Legacy at this sorority. Her mother had been there when she attended this college, but things were different now. The sorority had changed. This pledge initiation was just cruel… She doesn’t know if she can go through with it… (No certain college or sorority names are mentioned)
You knew this was going to suck, but you had to do it. It was your initiation into the same sorority that your mom had been in when she went to college here. Most colleges had Pledge Week, yours unfortunately had Pledge Month, and your sole initiation was to make whoever Jade, the President of the sorority, chose fall in love with you. You felt your stomach drop when you heard these words come out of her mouth that night when the initiations were being dished out. You felt nothing but dread the rest of the week as you waited for her to tell you who your hapless victim would be.
“Y/N, dear,” you heard Jade call as she walked into the common room. You looked up at her as she leaned over the couch to look at you. “You’ll have your target tonight… at the party… be ready,” she smiled sweetly at you as she backed away and you felt your stomach turn. How were you going to do this? You were supposed to flirt with a guy that she picks out for you, probably some drunk idiot that she knows, and make him fall in love with you by the end of the month?
“Lovely,” you sigh to yourself before you grab your phone from the table and walk up to your room. You flop down on your bed and stare up at your ceiling wondering what you were going to do. You had no idea how to do this. You didn’t have the confidence that most of these girls had. I mean, sure you knew you were pretty, but you didn’t flaunt it all the time like they did. Once you got ready for the party, you walked downstairs to join everyone and wait for the guests to start to  show up. “Am I allowed to drink?” you asked Jade as you walked up to her. She glanced down at you from where she stood above everyone on the stage.
“Sure,” she said after taking a minute to think about it. “But not too much. Only a little”
“Thank you,” you tell her with a small smile before you walk away to get a drink. On your way back from getting your drink you see Jade smiling at you. That must mean she’s found your guy… She waves you over and you walk straight to her, not wanting to make her mad.
“There’s your target, Y/N,” she says as she pulls you up on stage beside her and nods in the direction of the living room. “Brown curls, dark jeans, navy shirt. He’s standing beside the tall guy with blonde curls, lighter jeans, black shirt, blue striped button up.” You nod in understanding.
“I see him. The one laughing talking to Jeff,” you say and she nods. “Okay,” you sigh.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. It’ll be easy,” she tells you. You deadpan as you look at her, not believing that she just said that. This was a person she was talking about, someone’s feelings that she was playing with. How could she be so… light hearted and… carefree about leading someone on like that… It made you second guess wanting to be in this sorority, but then you thought of your mom… and her time here and how she said it was the best time of her life. It must have really changed… You took a drink from your cup, a deep breath and headed over to the three guys… You decided you would give it a shot and see how things went, then you would seriously rethink this sorority.
“Hey, Jeff,” you said as you walked up just as they finished a part in their conversation.
“Y/N!” he said happily before he greeted you with a hug. You smiled and returned the hug. “Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, I’d like you to meet two of my friends. This is Harrison and Tom.” You turned to the two guys across from him and shook their hands as he introduced them.
“Nice to meet you both,” you smiled widely at them. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to say hello. Haven’t seen you in awhile,” you said as you tilted your head at Jeff. He nodded his head.
“Yea, Yea… I’m moving actually,” he laughs as he notices the look on your face.
“And you didn’t tell me,” you say in fake shock. “But, but who will I get to protect me?” He busts out in laughter at you.
“I think you’ll be just fine,” he grins at you as he shakes his head. “You always did know how to make me laugh, girl. I’m gonna miss you,” he said as he holds his arms out. You pout your lips before you walk over and hug him once again. Tom and Harrison just hang back and watch you interact with Jeff, laughing with you guys. “Well, I know it’s early, but I’m heading out. I got a lot of stuff left to do. I’ll see you guys soon. Y/N, it was good to see you before I left. Take care.” He waves as he leaves. You suddenly feel anxious but you hide it as you turn around and smile at the two boys you’re standing with.
“So you’re in the sorority?” Tom asks.
“Yea,” you smile, “Well, almost. I’m still a pledge. My mom was in the sorority when she went here, so it’s important to me, or it was. I’m kind of having second thoughts right now though.” You cursed yourself in your mind. You and your big mouth. You never could keep your mouth shut when you were nervous.
“How come?” Harrison asked.
“Have they done something?” Tom questions.
“No, no,” you shake your head. “It’s nothing really. Besides, it’s a pledge thing. I technically can’t tell you about it,” you laugh.
“But they’re not hurting you, right” Tom asks.
“Oh no! Absolutely not,” you tell him. “I wouldn’t stand for that.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear that,” Tom smiles at you.
“Why’s that,” you ask as you look at him with a shy smile.
“Oh you know,” he laughs as he rubs the back of his neck. “You hear all these horror stories about pledge week and stuff.”
“Yea,” you laugh. “But here, we have Pledge Month.” Their eyes both widen.
“You’re kidding,” Harrison says.
“Nope,” you say as you pop the P and smile. “Nice huh”
“How fun,” Tom says as he scrunches his nose and you notice just how cute he really is, making you feel even more guilty for what you have to do, making you want to rethink continuing to pledge this sorority even more. By the end of the night, you’ve exchanged numbers with Tom and he’s asked you to lunch in the next few days which you accepted both guiltily and happily. You honestly didn’t know what you were going to do. You ended up liking him after you talked to him. He was really nice and sweet, not to mention cute… and British… and who doesn’t love a Brit? You were really fighting with yourself on this one. You were going to have to do some soul searching. So while you were completing this pledge, you would do just that. You made yourself a promise that you would have your decision made before the last week of the month, before you would have to complete the pledge initiation. Two days later, there was a knock on your bedroom door before it opened to reveal Jade’s head popping in.
“What do you want Jade,” you ask in a monotone voice.
“Thomas is here for you,” she says with a smirk.
“What,” you say as you pop up off of your bed.
“He’s in the living room waiting to take you to lunch,” she smiles.
“Fuck, I thought that was tomorrow,” you groan. “Can you stall?”
“Of course,” she smiles with a nod.
“I won’t be long,” you tell her as you scramble around your room to get ready. You walk downstairs a few minutes later. “Sorry, I lost track of time,” you said breathlessly as you walked down the stairs to the living room.
“That’s alright. Jade here was just telling me about the sorority while I waited,” Tom smiled as he stood up and walked over to you, giving you a hug. “You ready to go?”
“Absolutely,” you smile at him as he holds out his hand. You walk down the sidewalk hand in hand to the cafe on the corner. Nothing big, but it was quiet and that was what you both wanted. You spent a few hours there talking and laughing, just enjoying each other’s company, and every once in awhile you would catch yourself getting lost in his eyes.
“You okay, love?” he asked you at one point.
“Yea,” you giggled. “Just thinking.”
“What about,” he says as he reached out across the table and took your hand in his, weaving his fingers through yours, making you bite your lip.
“Lots of things,” you say as a smirk grew on your face.
“Tell me about them,” he asks you as he tilts his head and you shake yours making him pout.
“Not here,” you laugh.
“Do you want to go back to the sorority?” he asks laughing with you.
“Absolutely not,” you giggle as you shake your head. “Too many people”
“Hmm,” he pretends to think. “Where else can we go where there won’t be many people.” You roll your eyes at him.
“Are you trying to play dumb, Holland?” you ask him.
“No,” he laughs. “I just don’t want you to think I’m being too forward when I ask if you want to go back to mine, because we haven’t known each other long and I don’t normally ask girls back that fast, but it’s just to talk,” he says as he starts to ramble making you giggle before you reach across the table and press your hand over his mouth.
“It’s okay,” you giggle again. “We can go. It’ll be easier to talk there.” That night you don’t get back to the sorority until after midnight. It was supposed to have just been a lunch date, but you ended up staying at Tom’s talking most of the day then when you realized what time it was he insisted that you stay for dinner and you just ended up talking more. Over the next week and a half, you and Tom started texting more and more. One and a half weeks left… what were you gonna do? You were really liking this guy… You were in your room staring at the ceiling again thinking about everything that was going on. The Induction Ceremony at the end of the month is where the “Big Reveal” was supposed to happen. Jade would probably be the one to do it and just from what you know of Tom already, you can just imagine the look of hurt on his face when he realizes what’s been going on. I mean, what you feel is real, you’ve not lied about anything. You felt your phone vibrate but when you checked it, it wasn’t Tom like you expected. It was Harrison.
Haz: Hey, are you busy?
Y/N: no. what’s up?
Haz: Could we talk?
Y/N: sure. Text or in person
Haz: This is fine. Uhm… look, I know you and Tom have gotten really close lately but he’s my best friend and I don’t want to see him get hurt, yea?
Y/N: I can understand that
Haz: Good. Cause I’ve seen it in his past. And sometimes it’s not pretty with him, especially when he really likes the girl… like he does now…
Fuck… He just had to come tell you this now, didn’t he. You felt your eyes welling up with tears.
Haz: Y/N, look. I’m not saying I don’t like you cause I do.
Haz: I’m just saying be easy with him
Y/N: I’ll do my best
You wiped the tears from your eyes as you sat up on your bed.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now,” you ask yourself. You had two choices: stay where you are and complete your pledge initiation or drop out of the sorority and keep seeing Tom, but you knew you would also have to tell him the truth because you knew Jade is the type of person that would. You did the only thing you knew to do in a time like this. You went to see your mom. At the cemetery, you sat by her grave teary-eyed once again as you spoke to her like she was right beside you. “I wish you were here to tell me what to do, Mom. I know what I should do, the right thing to do, but if I do that then I won’t be a legacy at the sorority like you and that was our dream,” you sniffle as your words crack and tears stream down your face. “But what they’re making me do is so shameful. I don’t know what happened to that place after your class left Mom. They want me to make a guy fall in love with me and then at the ceremony they’re going to tell him that it was fake,” you feel your voice falter over the last part. Your chest aches as you pour your heart out to your mom. “You would like him, Mom. He’s really nice and sweet and funny,” you smile as you talk about Tom. You feel a flutter in your chest when you think about him sitting there talking to your mom and you come to a realization. “I love you Mom. You always make me feel better. See you soon,” you tell her as you stand up to leave. You pull out your phone as you text Harrison.
Y/N: We need to talk. Now.
You didn’t expect an immediate reply, but you got a quick one, which shocked you.
Haz: Sure. What’s up.
Y/N: In person. Just you.
Haz: Fuck, ok. This doesn’t sound good.
Y/N: yea. I’m coming to get you cause I’m driving already and I’m close by and we need to be where no one can hear us
Haz: ok I’ll be ready.
You texted him when you were there and he came down to your car.
“So…” he starts. You glance at him with a small smile.
“Wait til I get parked somewhere before I launch into anything.” you tell him.
“Okay, but this does have to do with Tom right? Have you talked to him?” he asks.
“Yes it does and no I haven’t,” you say quickly before you turn into an empty parking lot and park your car. Harrison looks around confused.
“Why are we here?” he asks.
“I told you, no one can hear us talking,” you say as you turn in your seat to face him and he does the same. “Please don’t hate me for this and keep in mind I am telling you now so you can help me fix this before anything happens.” Harrison’s eyes go wide.
“What the fuck is going on?” he says quietly. You take a breath before you continue.
“Also please know I went into this with no intentions of actually falling for Tom, which I have. I really, really like him, which is why I am here talking to you now. I don’t want to hurt him. What you said to me this morning really made me think about everything that’s been going on with me and it’s made me rethink some things and I need your help to change this, to fix this before it hurts him.”
“Okay, tell me what ‘this’ is and we’ll figure out a way to fix it,” Harrison tells you. You feel your eyes line with tears.
“You’re gonna hate me when I tell you,” you feel your voice waiver as you speak.
“No I won’t, Y/N,” He tells you as he reaches out for your hand giving it a squeeze. “If it’s what I think it is, I know we can fix it. You just have to tell me.”
“I-if… if it’s what you think it is?” you ask. He nods his head as he looks down to his hands and back up to you.
“I’ve heard rumors and stories about your sorority and how they treat their pledges and their initiations. Believe me, I’m pretty sure I know what you’re gonna say. I’m just glad you’re not gonna do it,” he tells you.you close your eyes and let the tears fall. “It’s okay, Y/N. I promise. It wasn’t you. It was them.” You nod your head as you take a breath.
“Jade,” you breathe before you look up at him. “She told me I-i had to make someone f-fall in love with me. Th-then at the party, sh-she picked Tom out,” you felt your voice crack as you said the last few words.
“So that’s why you came to talk to Jeff,” Harrison said as you nodded your head and let a few more tears fall. “We can fix this. What else was supposed to happen?”
“At the ceremony, it’s supposed to be revealed that everything was fake. Jade will probably be the one to do it. She lives for shit like that,” you tell him as you roll your eyes. “I can’t stand her.”
“Okay, so you have two options that I can see right now,” Harrison tells you.
“And they are what,” you ask.
“One is you don’t join the sorority and you tell Tom the truth cause I know Jade will end up telling him anyway cause you just said she lives for that kind of drama. Two is if you still want to be in the sorority. We still tell Tom and bring him into this. He can act like he doesn’t know about any of it and be devastated at the ceremony and you’ll complete your initiation. It’s up to you. I don’t know how that situation would end with you two, if I’m honest though. The first one would definitely end better for you two as a couple, but it’s still up to you because you texted me and it’s your decision about the sorority,” he tells you. You take a breath and look down at your hands as you think. “You okay?” he asks. You nod your head and look up at him.
“My mom was in that sorority when she was here,” you say quietly.
“That explains it then,” he says as you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “I was wondering, actually Tom and I both were wondering how such a nice girl like you got messed up with a bunch of girls like them.” You laugh as he finishes his sentence.
“It didn’t used to be like that. Mom said it was the best time of her life there. She met some of her best friends from life there, they were even in her wedding,” you say as you shrug your shoulders.
“Yes, but that was your mom’s life, not yours. You see where that sorority has gone now. It’s not like it was in your mom’s day. If your mom was here now, I don’t think she would want you there, not that I presume to know here or anything, just going off of what i know of you,” he tells you. You look down at your hands and think for a minute as you get an idea before you look back up at him and smile. “Oh no… that doesn’t look good,” he laughs. “Tom does that and it’s never good.”
“I have an idea,” you tell him, smiling.  You let Harrison in on the idea and he loves it. You work together on it and perfect it. You continue to see Tom over the next week and a half until the day of the ceremony. You invited both he and Harrison. You’re dressed in your evening gown as Tom and Harrison walk in and make their way to you. “Hello boys,” you smile at them as you hug them both and kiss Tom’s cheek. You mingle around for a while before Jade sees you standing with the two guys laughing and makes her way over.
“Y/N, don’t you look lovely tonight,” she smiles at you.
“Thank you. So do you,” you tell her.
“Are you ready for the ceremony?” she asked you.
“Absolutely,” you smile at her.
“Perfect,” she smiles back at you before walking away. About half an hour later the ceremony begins in the Hall. The pledges are gathered on the stairs and everyone else is below. Jade of course is at the top. She goes through the ceremony, inducting the other pledges and reaching you last. “Y/N please step forward to be inducted.” You step up to where Jade was and turn to face the crowd. She pulls a pin from the pillow in her hand. “You have now completed Pledge Month and I, as President, induct you into this sorority with this pin” Jade says as she reaches towards you with the pin. You reach up and stop her wrist. Her eyes shoot up to yours and everyone gasps.
“I think not,” you say.
“Excuse me,” she quips. “Don’t you want your Legacy?”
“Not like this, and not if it’s going to be with people like you,” you spit at her before you turn to the crowd as they gasp in shock. Most of them don’t really know.
“Don’t you dare,” she breathes at you.
“This… person, if you can call her that, had me go out with a guy as my pledge initiation with the intent of having him fall in love with me and then coming here tonight to have her tell him everything was fake. What kind of people do things like this? Why would you do something like this to another person? You shouldn’t play with people’s lives like this…. I wanted to be in this sorority so bad at first that yes, I went along with it. I went out with him, and yes, he’s here tonight,” you smile at Tom as you felt your eyes water. “But, I realized what I was doing and how amazing of a person he really is and I couldn’t let myself do that to him,” you say as you shake your head. “So if this is the kind of people you want in your sorority, you keep ‘em. I’ve got no use for people that will do that to another human being,” you say before you walk down the stairs. Tom meets you at the bottom as you reach the last stair. “Hi,” you say as you smile at him.
“Hi,” he smiles back. “That was a pretty awesome speech,” he says as he reaches for your hands.
“Yea? I didn’t think I’d get through half of it,” you laugh.
“Well, you did wonderfully,” he tells you as he puts your hands on his shoulders and wraps his arms around you, leaning his forehead against yours. “Thank you,” he says quietly, brushing his nose against yours.
“For what,” you whisper as you feel your heart flutter.
“Not going through with it, talking to Haz, bringing me into it, staying with me,” he starts listing off things making your smile get bigger with each one. He leans forward and brushes his lips against yours. They’re just like you’d imagined: soft and warm and they taste like the peppermint gum he’s always chewing. You knit your eyebrows together as he pulls back. You slide your hand to his neck and pull his lips back to yours making him smile against your lips as you move your lips against his. You know everyone is watching because you’re still at the bottom of the stairs, but do you care? …..no. Keeping that hand on his neck, you slide your other hand up into his curls as you feel his hands grip your waist tighter before you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“Okay lovebirds, break it up. You’re in public and people are staring,” you hear Harrison’s voice tell you. Tom bites your bottom lip as you pull back making you whine and you tug on his curls as you pull your hand from his hair in retaliation making him smile. “Oh geez… this is gonna be fun,” Harrison said as he rolled his eyes. “Can we go please. I don’t want to go to jail tonight.” You giggle as Tom slips an arm around your waist and you all walk out of the sorority with your heads held high, and not a care in the world.
@nerdraging4point0  @summernykole  @sunshine112  @sleepwalkingdragon
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