#jade pixelgreen
supernovaa-remnant · 5 months
hi stella do you mind if i alien code wilbur in your askbox. this is him and dream (ikea space themed collection)
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jade you are always always welcome to alien code wilbur in my askbox I love alien coding wilbur
asdhsakjdhasjkdhdjsdsdss it's them it's them it's literally them 😭💕
they're just little guys out in space exploring the cosmos interacting with new alien cultures and becoming friends and ouedoeuwhduhsdksiueodheiodjs
do do you think they find cool space rocksand and do do you think they show them to each other like "look at this discovery I made!! it reminded me of you :D" aseiuaoinniendouhaudjhsjs
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dtblrlove · 6 months
jade @pixelgreen thank you for being a part of this community!! all of your dream as cats posts make me incredibly happy, and, of course, it's absolutely wonderful to see a fellow wilbur fan who loves dream <3
it's always really nice to see you on the dash, and every time we've interacted you've been really sweet. happy to have you here in this corner of the internet <33
💌 @pixelgreen
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supernovaa-remnant · 5 months
frantically drew what is going on in my brain right now hear me out. they have paws
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asdasbchjabdduiashadkjsx they're so cuteeeee <33
omg jade they're literally perfect <33 they're just little guys :(( little space guys :((( oh I love them <3
just little guys exploring space traveling in the void exploring cool places seeing new things together and having the joy of friendship and companionship all the while and oeuiosudshkjadakjshda
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supernovaa-remnant · 8 months
endersmile :(
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jade you don't understand I was such a big endersmiler when I entered the fandom 😭😭 like they were my number one duo </3
like, they meant everything to me. some of the first fics I read had c!endersmile friendship. them being teamed for mcc that one time was my biggest win like actually
I was soooo certain c!endersmile had a positive relationship and that by the end of the dsmp we'd at least know more about their dynamic </3 I was always such a big lover of the c!endersmile brothers headcanon
and cc!endersmile?? wahhhh I just wanted them to interact </3 as I mentioned before, the endersmile mcc team was my biggest win.. and dream always had such nice things to say about rnboo and aughhhhhhhh I'm never recovering actually
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supernovaa-remnant · 6 months
that one time he said he plays dnd with friends and described the world he created and the depth of the environment like !! and those sad ghostbur updates remember those? and his songwriting of course. i just know his notes app is insane
shzhxjgzjagzjss the ghostbur updates 😭 I do remember.. 💔
he should use ao3 as his notes app
ever since I first heard him talking abt dnd I’ve wanted to just.. have the experience of being able to play one session with him as the dm. like, never gonna happen obviously, but I’m so curious to know what his dm style is like. dnd (and other ttrpgs) are so versatile and the atmosphere can change drastically depending on the players and especially depending on the dm, I think.
but anyway, yes, he’s an incredibly talented writer like you’ve said, and I agree his notes app must be like a gold mine. I’d love to see him write original fiction (which he should post on ao3. to be clear. it’d be really silly I think)
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supernovaa-remnant · 8 months
tell me why jupiter is so important :0
jade I am so happy you asked this question!!!
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we actually owe everything to her, and hopefully I can explain that well in this post <33
so, I'm not sure how many people know this, but Jupiter was almost a star (a brown dwarf, but still notable I think). I am not exaggerating when I talk about how absolutely massive Jupiter is. And, with that mass, comes an incredible gravitational force.
there's an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. the edge of the asteroid belt is ~3AU which is where the snow line is which separates the inner and outer solar system (the snow line essentially just shows how close to the sun solid water aka ice can be before it melts, hence why planets in the outer solar system are largely made of ice).
however, asteroids are not dispersed uniformly across the asteroid belt. there are certain distances from the sun which have very very few asteroids, and this is due to something called resonance. essentially, resonance is when the orbits of two objects are in sync. there's a lot of science-y stuff that I could explain, but I don't really feel like getting into it in this post (feel free to ask me to elaborate though if that's something you're interested in!!), but what you need to know is that these spots in the asteroid belt are in resonance with Jupiter. and asteroids do not like to be in resonance with Jupiter.
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here's a graph that shows what I said above in case anyone's interested (yes I took this from the lecture slides from my class)
so, what essentially happens, is that Jupiter's gravitational force affects the asteroids in resonance and completely changes their orbits and increases their velocities, throwing them either into the outer solar system or into the inner solar system.
this is the only reason we have asteroids that cross Earth's orbit.
why is that important? well, a) an asteroid impact is what killed the dinosaurs. without the extinction of the dinosaurs, mammals never would have been able to evolve in the way they did.
but, more importantly than that: the earth did not start of with liquid water!! that (and amino acids which are fundamental for life) was brought in via asteroid impacts, which never would have been possible if not for Jupiter.
so, everyone say "thank you, Jupiter," because otherwise all this wouldn't exist
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supernovaa-remnant · 7 months
one of my most favorite genres of wilbur photos is when he looks like he is trying to explode the camera with his mind
he sometimes reminds me of a non-human entity attempting to mimic human behavior in order to fit in.. like an alien or a cryptid..
also, what's that bo burnham song abt prolonged eye contact?? cause I feel like a compilation can be made with this genre of wilbur picture with that song playing sdjhskjhskds
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supernovaa-remnant · 4 months
i'd like to express my great appreciation for dreamburdaily thank you for creating it and for your hard work in the dreambur mines i love to look at those guys
asdjkhskjdhskjs I'm so happy to be of service o7
the blog is sooooo self-indulgent I just wanted to see more pictures of wilbur next to pictures of dream since they still haven't met up (💔), and I'm so happy others like the account!!
I've been much busier recently so some of the posts are better than others, but I'm doing my best lol and for the most part I'm happy with the account :3 in my ideal world I'd have more posts comparing them to things and more clips but I've been a bit too busy to make those posts often (rip)
I also love to look at those guys (hence why the account exists). I'm glad we can all enjoy looking at them together :3
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supernovaa-remnant · 7 months
me me assign me a space thing please !!!!
Jade, I'd think you'd be the moon—Earth's very own satellite :3
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The moon, and, in particular, the Earth-Moon system is really odd, actually. In that, the moon so big compared to the earth, when most satellites are pretty small compared to their parent planet. Anyway, the moon is actually incredibly important for the earth, and we're so so so lucky to have her. Without her, we would not be here.
I love the moon so much. I love looking up at the sky and seeing the moon shining brightly. I love keeping track of the phases of the moon. And the moon is the only other place in the solar system that people have been!! There are footsteps on the moon!!!
Okay hold on I'm gonna link some of my previous posts about the moon:
moon video
me crying about footsteps on the moon
You are the moon to me!!! you and the moon have the same vibes. in the whole "the sun, the moon, the stars," thing, you are definitely the moon in my mind.
The moon is another very popular/cliché object in our solar system (for understandable reasons—it's the thing we can see the clearest with our naked eye). Also, the affect the moon has on Earth—physically and culturally—is really amazing and not to be underestimated.
Anyway, much much love to the moon!! Again, everything is based on vibes, but you and the moon share the same vibes in my mind <33
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supernovaa-remnant · 7 months
chill and razzberry :] pretty purples and blues
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awww they're so pretty <3
purples and blues always remind me of space so I'm very fond of them ashdksjdhsjds
which color palette do you associate with me
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supernovaa-remnant · 8 months
💌 compliments are terrifying to me but i am trying to be less scared <_<
keeping these to one thing is gonna be hard.. okay one thing I love about you is that I feel like you're a very bright light on my dash. your wilbur and dream and dreambur posting always brings a smile to my face, and I feel like your posting always has such good energy that it never fails to make me happy to see you on my dash <33
mutuals send me 💌
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supernovaa-remnant · 9 months
yayyy space :D:D i don't know much about it but my favorite space image is the hubble ultra deep field
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do you have any favorite space images (is that a silly question??)
it's not a silly question!! it's not a silly question at all!!!
I also love the hubble ultra deep field. because everything you see there are entire galaxies. every small little dot is an entire galaxy with such an absurd amount of stars!! the universe is so so big that it's actually incomprehensible to the human mind, but look! we can still see glimpses of this beautiful universe we are apart of.
it's really hard to choose favorite images aksldjgsahjhdsagdhsjdgshjhs I'm a big fan of this picture of the andromeda galaxy (which was my tumblr pfp for ages before I switched over to cdreamie)
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I also really like photos I've taken of space because I took them, y'know?
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honestly I can't choose favorites because I love every part of space so so so much. genuinely nothing out there scares me it's all just pure awe and adoration <3
I just really love space and I have for a very very long time
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supernovaa-remnant · 9 months
hi never be sorry for rambling in the tags about an au i love your cowboy ideas. i'm picturing the customer pov of someone who's buying peanuts or something in the gas station shop and wilbur is ringing them up at the register when dream walks through the door and wilbur, in the middle of telling the customer what their total is, picks up the bag of peanuts and chucks them across the shop hitting dream directly on the head and knocking his hat off, dream yells and flips him off and wilbur completely deadpan turns back to the register like "sorry about that" and pulls out a new bag of peanuts for the wide-eyed customer who's trying to process what the hell just happened
askslhdsjkhdsjdhs the customer turns to dream trying to find some semblance of a normal reaction but dream is just munching on the peanuts and muttering curses beneath is breath but seems otherwise unfazed.
wilbur asks if the customer will be paying in diamonds or emeralds, and the customer just very quietly manages to say "don't you mean cash or credit?" and wilbur sighs and looks at the customer as if they've somehow disappointed wil's entire bloodline.
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supernovaa-remnant · 9 months
patron saint of nebulae 🌟
Look at these nebulae!!
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all of these beautiful beautiful photos are from the nasawebb instagram page <3 <3
fun fact abt nebulae: they’re created due to the death of stars, and they’re the place that new stars form :3
anyway Jade this is me to you rn
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I love space so much!! patron saint of nebulae I’m so happy rn 🥰
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