#jade legacy headers
hiloedits · 3 years
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— jade legacy [ SPOILERS ] headers
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tvdueditions · 5 years
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jade headers
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ilali · 5 years
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stinkrascal · 4 years
jade. xxv. she/they/any. vampire enthusiast, oc hoarder, wcif friendly. sometimes i write things. 🥀
icon by @vyxated​ header by @butchtrait​ !!
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writtenbykaichu-a · 5 years
         UPDATE regarding ash ketchum && his verses:
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i’m sure everyone knows the big news by now, but just in case, i’m throwing up a spoiler warning for the pokeani episode that aired this sunday in japan (sm139). i’ve kept pretty quiet about this, because ever since i gained even the suspicion about what was going to happen, i’ve felt pretty heavily “meh” or maybe even jaded about the situation.
now here’s your warning for... negativity? i guess??? i didn’t want to ruin the joyous vibe everyone was having--especially the day of--so i didn’t comment, but now that it’s been a few days and i have my thoughts really pulled together into something cohesive, i’m ready to really talk about it. 
alright, spoiler warning is now active, we’re heading under the cut.
so as u probably know if you’re reading this far, ash has just won the alola league. there are articles and posts abound about how ash has “finally become a pokemon master”, for better or for worse.
with that said, i’ve honestly been fairly... jaded at worst and unmoved at best about the whole thing. you see, for all of the disappointments we’ve had--ritchie, tobias, alain especially--this was not only too little to late, but the stakes weren’t nearly high enough for me to feel invested in ash’s victory and for this league to compensate for all of the ones preceding it. 
cause let’s put this into perspective: if ash had taken his journey exactly as the game protagonist, his league experience would have involved first fighting his rival (i’m ignoring US/UM entirely for this) for the right to even challenge the very first alolan league. he would’ve had to face a gauntlet, taking on battle after battle of the strongest trainers from alola that kukui could find and then face kukui himself before claiming the title. 
and after all of this, it still wouldn’t have felt like enough. 
because what would’ve been lacking is what the sumo anime suffers from even more than this hypothetical situation does: it lacks actual competition that’s fighting with the same goals in mind as ash ketchum. no one has his drive to become a pokemon master--the closest we get to this is gladion and maybe hau, but gladion decides to pursue the island challenge late because i guess he’s impressed by pikachu and doesn’t want to be left behind; and hau (poor hau) clearly wants to live up to his grandfather’s legacy and by all means should’ve been a real rival and a threat but he’s... just not written as one.
gary, ritchie, paul--these are all memorable rivalries and battles because ash had to work up to beating (or losing to) them. we saw him try time and time again to fight them, and in some cases work his ass off to even get the opportunity to.
which brings us to another point: the alola league didn’t have badges. now now now, don’t get in a tizzy--i know there were trials. i know. but you can’t tell me they felt the same. if they had felt the same, kukui wouldn’t’ve gone out of his way to talk to you, the player, about wanting to build them. and he definitely wouldn’t have taken the class to meet brock and misty. so because the show didn’t give us that constant feeling of ash traveling around and working towards the next, harder badge and the next, harder battle with his even stronger rival and eventually the next, harder battles with all of these trainers who went through the exact same process, this victory just feels...
it feels cheap.
ash won a tournament against a bunch of his friends, team rocket, guzma i guess--basically a group of people who said “yeah that sounds neat i’ll go for it” and won because he was the only person (except for maybe gladion and hau) who was qualified to participate in a competition of this caliber in the first place. mallow wasn’t aiming to be a pokemon master. lillie certainly wasn’t aiming to be a pokemon master. even kiawe, for as much as he was inspired to battle and defeat ash, had his own gig that he loved and was satisfied with. none of these people were real competition for ash.
so like. of course he won. it would’ve been even dirtier if he lost this one. and it feels almost like they went, “we heard you. here, we’re sorry. here, have this. you’re happy now, right?”
and for those of you who are happy? please know that i AM happy for you. i’m NOT here to tear anyone down for being happy for our boy. he DOES deserve to win and trust me when i say i am being completely sincere when i say i wish sO BAD that i could be happy along with you.
but what does this have to do with the blog and the verses? you know--that thing i was talking about in the HEADER of this shindig? 
well, i was talkin’ to the  bae (as i do) about my feelings, and he gave me just--the most simple and elegant solution (it’s almost kind of infuriating that i didn’t think of it, lol): 
                      what if ash felt the same way i do?
what if he’s excited--elated at first to finally become champion, just to realize he didn’t feel like a pokemon master? what if he returned home and he’s unsatisfied and he just didn’t know why? what it it takes a while, but it finally clicks--and when it does, he has a big decision to make about what’s next?
i’m sure this just sounds like me trying to dip ash into my angst bucket and... i mean that’s a valid way to look at it i guess, but the goal is NOT to send him into a depressive state. just. i think a bit of confusion and thinking about what he wants in life--what being a pokemon master really means to him--would do him a world of good. so i don’t think this verse would necessarily be sad.
anyway, i hear the next anime is supposed to take place in “all regions”. we actually don’t know if ash is going to be the next protagonist, but whether he is or not, my idea for this verse is that this is what finally gets ash to expand his idea of what it means to be a pokemon master a bit. he goes where the wind takes him now--looking for the biggest and baddest pokemon trainers out there, trying new things and battling new people. 
and then, one day, when he’s ready... he’d plan to come back to challenge the indigo plateau all over again. cause wouldn’t it be great to be the champion of your home region?
...WHEW! so that was MASSIVE!!! but please feel free to comment and tell me what you think! this’ll probably be in queue with my other thing for a lil’ bit, but if you made it to the end please at least give this a like (  ♥ ! ) so i know you read it! i’d really appreciate it! 
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chrissyrholmes · 6 years
15 Free Web-Based Apps & Tools For Web Developers
With the right tools you can build a website from scratch in less than a day. This requires some experience, but web development is easier to pick up than you’d think.
The best way to speed up a dev workflow is with tools that automate your process and help to improve your knowledge.
I’ve organized my top picks for the best tools/web apps for web developers here that can make you a much better developer in the long run.
1. RawGit
I’m constantly finding incredible projects on GitHub that I want to demo. But downloading the whole repo or pulling via npm is a lot of effort for something I may not even like.
That’s where RawGit can help. You simply copy the URL of any file in a GitHub repo into this tool, and it’ll spit out a raw content URL with proper headers for embedding into a web page.
You can do this with any CSS/JS files in any GitHub repo online. This way you can demo literally any GitHub project without downloading files locally. Pretty cool!
2. CSSReflex Frameworks
With so many frameworks to choose from it can be tough getting started. It’s also easy to feel like you’re missing out on some secluded underground framework.
The folks at CSS Reflex put together a huge frameworks list for just this occasion. It’s certainly not complete but it is one of the most complete lists I’ve seen.
Each framework includes a small icon along with details about the license and links to the main site + GitHub repo. It’s all organized alphabetically so you can scroll through all these frontend frameworks to mark whichever ones you want to try.
Another great site like this is CSS DB although it’s a bit tougher to browse through.
3. WP Hasty
WordPress developers always want shortcuts to shave time off theme development. WP Hasty is the best solution I’ve found since it’s one of the most detailed code generators out there.
With WP Hasty you never need to memorize templates or code snippets for WordPress features. You just select what you want, pick your settings, and then copy/paste the code right into your functions file. Easy!
These features include WP menus, custom taxonomies, shortcodes, custom WP_Query() loops, and even snippets for adding elements to the visual composer.
No doubt this is the best WP code generator you can find and it’s brilliant for saving time on WP development.
4. Animista
You can also find a ton of web-based CSS animation generators. These got popular right after the release of CSS3 when CSS animation got popular.
But over the years many new code generators have sprung up and my favorite is Animista.
This tool is so detailed and easy to use. It’s by far the best CSS animation tool to date.
It’ll let you select which styles you want for your animation and auto-generate all the keyframes. You can even pick if you want CSS prefixes or if you want the code minifed by default.
Plus this animation editor is gorgeous with dozens of CSS3 techniques at the click of a button(full visual editor). If you’re sick of hard-coding CSS animations then you’ll want to bookmark Animista for safe keeping.
5. CSS3 Generator
The CSS3 Generator is a handy code generator that’s been around for years. This is also one of the best for getting quick & easy CSS3 codes in case you forget the syntax or just don’t want to type it all out.
Note this does support the CSS3 transition property but it does not support custom animation with keyframes. So this works well in conjunction with Animista, but it’s not a replacement.
The better features aren’t in the animated codes, but rather with the more complex CSS3 properties like gradients and flexbox.
6. Can I Use
Browser support changes all the time and thankfully we’re moving towards an era where most CSS & JS features are supported.
But if you’re concerned with legacy browsers then Can I Use is an unrivaled resource. It’s the ultimate database of browser support for CSS and JavaScript with information on every browser. All versions of Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, and even mobile browsers are included.
You just search for a CSS property or JS method to find the related table. There you can view all browser versions or just check whichever browser you’re unsure about.
7. CodePen
I can’t write this gallery without including some type of cloud IDE. Being able to code right in your browser is one of the biggest changes in web development over the past 10 years.
And right now my top recommendation is CodePen because it’s just so detailed and supports so many features.
It lets you write Sass/Less right in CodePen and it’ll auto-compile for you. Same goes for Haml/Jade templating and you can even include remote JS libraries like jQuery.
A browser-based editor has almost become the starting point for demoing ideas. No software required beyond a web browser and some Internet access.
8. Quantity Queries
Not everyone uses CSS quantity queries since they’re a lesser-known feature in the language. But with the Quantity Queries webapp you can auto-generate these queries fast.
I’ve yet to find another CSS generator that supports quantity query code. The only trouble is that this site doesn’t really explain how a QQ works, at least not in fine detail.
So it helps if you already know how to write quantity queries and then use this more as a time saver.
9. MJML Framework
Frontend web developers aren’t just tasked with creating websites. They often need to develop newsletters and these do not have the easiest coding standards.
That’s why other devs created email newsletter frameworks to save time and frustration. One of my favorites is the MJML framework which has its own custom syntax for building newsletters.
It may take a little while to learn, but once you get it, you’ll never want to go back. Plus this even has a live editor where you can test your newsletter designs right in your browser, just like CodePen but for newsletters.
The best tool for anyone developing a custom newsletter layout.
10. Mega Tags
Every website features meta tags in the header section. These define the language, the page size for mobile, and many other settings like social features.
Mega Tags focuses on that last part. It’s a social meta tag generator site where you can input what type of site you have and what type of meta tags you want.
The default is Open Graph which works on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn and many others. But you can also add custom Twitter meta tags too, and you can even change the information with a handy visual editor.
11. Clean CSS
Code formatting is never an easy task. Some developers create their own scripts to automate minifying code but it’s a lot easier to use someone else’s script.
That’s why Clean CSS is so valuable. It’s a free website with tons of small webapps for minifying code, cleaning out duplicate codes, and auto-formatting whatever code you want.
It has different apps for HTML, CSS, JS, SQL, XML and even JSON notation. Plus new tools get added every so often which makes this a wonderful resource for code cleanup.
12. Sharing Buttons
Looking to add quick & easy social buttons onto your site? Then Sharing Buttons is the perfect tool.
It runs with SVG icons and uses HTML for opening new sharing windows. Everything is styled with CSS so the whole webapp generates compliant code without any JavaScript.
Some devs may like this, others may hate it. But it’s one of the few social sharing button scripts that automates the whole process and gives you quite a few styles to pick from.
13. Layout Debugger
This small script works as a bookmarklet in your browser. You simply drag the link up to your bookmarks bar & visit any website you want to study.
Clicking the bookmarklet automates small CSS outlines to show how certain elements fall in the DOM. This way you can easily study where certain divs end and how child elements are contained.
Really simple script but super useful for debugging CSS layouts.
14. Larder
This isn’t so much a coding tool but rather a resource for coders. Larder lets you bookmark your favorite snippets from around the web and keep them organized based on language or project type.
You can curate libraries of your favorite codes or projects straight from GitHub. It’s like Delicious but geared strictly towards coders.
And if you connect with GitHub repos they’ll automatically sync new changes every day. This way you can keep on top of updates and keep your bookmarks fresh.
15. Panda Reader
I know reading through news isn’t always productive but Panda Reader should be a staple for every web developer.
It’s the best web-based RSS feed reader with a slant towards the web design crowd. You can choose among dozens of popular tech & design blogs along with larger sites like Dribbble or GitHub.
This way you can keep on top of news, hot new projects, and updates to current projects. All from one handy dashboard. Plus this comes with built-in bookmarking so it works like Larder but with tech/dev articles around the web.
from Web Designing https://1stwebdesigner.com/free-web-based-apps-tools/
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noahdnicholus · 7 years
15 Free Web-Based Apps & Tools For Web Developers
With the right tools you can build a website from scratch in less than a day. This requires some experience, but web development is easier to pick up than you’d think.
The best way to speed up a dev workflow is with tools that automate your process and help to improve your knowledge.
I’ve organized my top picks for the best tools/web apps for web developers here that can make you a much better developer in the long run.
1. RawGit
I’m constantly finding incredible projects on GitHub that I want to demo. But downloading the whole repo or pulling via npm is a lot of effort for something I may not even like.
That’s where RawGit can help. You simply copy the URL of any file in a GitHub repo into this tool, and it’ll spit out a raw content URL with proper headers for embedding into a web page.
You can do this with any CSS/JS files in any GitHub repo online. This way you can demo literally any GitHub project without downloading files locally. Pretty cool!
2. CSSReflex Frameworks
With so many frameworks to choose from it can be tough getting started. It’s also easy to feel like you’re missing out on some secluded underground framework.
The folks at CSS Reflex put together a huge frameworks list for just this occasion. It’s certainly not complete but it is one of the most complete lists I’ve seen.
Each framework includes a small icon along with details about the license and links to the main site + GitHub repo. It’s all organized alphabetically so you can scroll through all these frontend frameworks to mark whichever ones you want to try.
Another great site like this is CSS DB although it’s a bit tougher to browse through.
3. WP Hasty
WordPress developers always want shortcuts to shave time off theme development. WP Hasty is the best solution I’ve found since it’s one of the most detailed code generators out there.
With WP Hasty you never need to memorize templates or code snippets for WordPress features. You just select what you want, pick your settings, and then copy/paste the code right into your functions file. Easy!
These features include WP menus, custom taxonomies, shortcodes, custom WP_Query() loops, and even snippets for adding elements to the visual composer.
No doubt this is the best WP code generator you can find and it’s brilliant for saving time on WP development.
4. Animista
You can also find a ton of web-based CSS animation generators. These got popular right after the release of CSS3 when CSS animation got popular.
But over the years many new code generators have sprung up and my favorite is Animista.
This tool is so detailed and easy to use. It’s by far the best CSS animation tool to date.
It’ll let you select which styles you want for your animation and auto-generate all the keyframes. You can even pick if you want CSS prefixes or if you want the code minifed by default.
Plus this animation editor is gorgeous with dozens of CSS3 techniques at the click of a button(full visual editor). If you’re sick of hard-coding CSS animations then you’ll want to bookmark Animista for safe keeping.
5. CSS3 Generator
The CSS3 Generator is a handy code generator that’s been around for years. This is also one of the best for getting quick & easy CSS3 codes in case you forget the syntax or just don’t want to type it all out.
Note this does support the CSS3 transition property but it does not support custom animation with keyframes. So this works well in conjunction with Animista, but it’s not a replacement.
The better features aren’t in the animated codes, but rather with the more complex CSS3 properties like gradients and flexbox.
6. Can I Use
Browser support changes all the time and thankfully we’re moving towards an era where most CSS & JS features are supported.
But if you’re concerned with legacy browsers then Can I Use is an unrivaled resource. It’s the ultimate database of browser support for CSS and JavaScript with information on every browser. All versions of Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, and even mobile browsers are included.
You just search for a CSS property or JS method to find the related table. There you can view all browser versions or just check whichever browser you’re unsure about.
7. CodePen
I can’t write this gallery without including some type of cloud IDE. Being able to code right in your browser is one of the biggest changes in web development over the past 10 years.
And right now my top recommendation is CodePen because it’s just so detailed and supports so many features.
It lets you write Sass/Less right in CodePen and it’ll auto-compile for you. Same goes for Haml/Jade templating and you can even include remote JS libraries like jQuery.
A browser-based editor has almost become the starting point for demoing ideas. No software required beyond a web browser and some Internet access.
8. Quantity Queries
Not everyone uses CSS quantity queries since they’re a lesser-known feature in the language. But with the Quantity Queries webapp you can auto-generate these queries fast.
I’ve yet to find another CSS generator that supports quantity query code. The only trouble is that this site doesn’t really explain how a QQ works, at least not in fine detail.
So it helps if you already know how to write quantity queries and then use this more as a time saver.
9. MJML Framework
Frontend web developers aren’t just tasked with creating websites. They often need to develop newsletters and these do not have the easiest coding standards.
That’s why other devs created email newsletter frameworks to save time and frustration. One of my favorites is the MJML framework which has its own custom syntax for building newsletters.
It may take a little while to learn, but once you get it, you’ll never want to go back. Plus this even has a live editor where you can test your newsletter designs right in your browser, just like CodePen but for newsletters.
The best tool for anyone developing a custom newsletter layout.
10. Mega Tags
Every website features meta tags in the header section. These define the language, the page size for mobile, and many other settings like social features.
Mega Tags focuses on that last part. It’s a social meta tag generator site where you can input what type of site you have and what type of meta tags you want.
The default is Open Graph which works on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn and many others. But you can also add custom Twitter meta tags too, and you can even change the information with a handy visual editor.
11. Clean CSS
Code formatting is never an easy task. Some developers create their own scripts to automate minifying code but it’s a lot easier to use someone else’s script.
That’s why Clean CSS is so valuable. It’s a free website with tons of small webapps for minifying code, cleaning out duplicate codes, and auto-formatting whatever code you want.
It has different apps for HTML, CSS, JS, SQL, XML and even JSON notation. Plus new tools get added every so often which makes this a wonderful resource for code cleanup.
12. Sharing Buttons
Looking to add quick & easy social buttons onto your site? Then Sharing Buttons is the perfect tool.
It runs with SVG icons and uses HTML for opening new sharing windows. Everything is styled with CSS so the whole webapp generates compliant code without any JavaScript.
Some devs may like this, others may hate it. But it’s one of the few social sharing button scripts that automates the whole process and gives you quite a few styles to pick from.
13. Layout Debugger
This small script works as a bookmarklet in your browser. You simply drag the link up to your bookmarks bar & visit any website you want to study.
Clicking the bookmarklet automates small CSS outlines to show how certain elements fall in the DOM. This way you can easily study where certain divs end and how child elements are contained.
Really simple script but super useful for debugging CSS layouts.
14. Larder
This isn’t so much a coding tool but rather a resource for coders. Larder lets you bookmark your favorite snippets from around the web and keep them organized based on language or project type.
You can curate libraries of your favorite codes or projects straight from GitHub. It’s like Delicious but geared strictly towards coders.
And if you connect with GitHub repos they’ll automatically sync new changes every day. This way you can keep on top of updates and keep your bookmarks fresh.
15. Panda Reader
I know reading through news isn’t always productive but Panda Reader should be a staple for every web developer.
It’s the best web-based RSS feed reader with a slant towards the web design crowd. You can choose among dozens of popular tech & design blogs along with larger sites like Dribbble or GitHub.
This way you can keep on top of news, hot new projects, and updates to current projects. All from one handy dashboard. Plus this comes with built-in bookmarking so it works like Larder but with tech/dev articles around the web.
from Web Designing Tips https://1stwebdesigner.com/free-web-based-apps-tools/
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tvdueditions · 5 years
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