sawthingsiimagined · 7 years
[ You Know Who - Jada]
It was the morning after our show in Washington D.C. It was another sold out show and an even better performance. I was at a restaurant downtown with my best friend and stylist, Adrienne, having breakfast when my phone rang. It was my mother. My mother and I had a different relationship than most mothers and daughters. We never talked about boys, make up or anything that I believed most girls talked about with their mothers. I relied on my older cousins and my grandmother to school me on guys. My mother called me and I picked up the phone wondering what this random call could possibly be about. She was more of a texter.
“Hey Mama.”, I said answering the phone.
“Baby where are you?”, she said with unusual concern in her voice.
“I’m with Adrienne downtown. What’s the matter?”, I asked.
“There was a shooting near one of the schools in D.C. It’s all over the news. I couldn’t reach Jace so I started to worry. Is security with you?”, she continued rambling until I cut her off.
“Hey mama, we are fine but to make you feel better we will go back to our hotel until we get word that things are safe for us to be out and about. And yes security is with me. Jace is at the barbershop.”, I assured her and then hang up the phone.
I proceeded to finish my breakfast and paid for our food. I called Mona to check on things back at the hotel. She was aware of the shooting but stated that the school was 11 miles away from our hotel room. Adrienne and I decide to stop by the outlet mall a few exits away from our hotel before returning to our rooms. I needed new gym shoes. We have to maintain our bodies on the road and it’s very challenging with all of the food and parties we are privy to on tour.
When we arrived at the outlet it was extremely packed. Mostly with teenagers walking around with friends. I wasn’t aware if this was unusual or not for this city but I knew where I was from the shopping centers had an older or a more family oriented demographic. We picked up some make up and accessories that we hadn’t seen back home. We then continued on to decide which gym shoes I should purchase. I opted for a hot pink pair of Puma runners. I had decided that morning that I would discipline myself to wake up everyday and run at least 2 miles before I did anything FLAME related. Running helped clear my mind and also helped me push through the day with ease. I ran track in high school so I knew it would be a good thing for me. We decided we should go back to the hotel after I purchased my shoes and before my mother called to check in with Mona and finding out that we hadn’t arrived.
We have a dinner to attend later with a foundation Mona is very fond of called EMBRACE. It’s a foundation that targets LGBTQ youth who have been kicked out or abandoned by their families. I was excited to meet the youth and the committee of the foundation. I wasn’t very familiar with many stories such as these. There were kids a part of this foundation that were as young as 8 and old as 18. Growing up in church people were either on the ‘down-low’ or weekly praying for deliverance but it was never a topic of discussion at our many church meetings unless it was in condemning way. I know my parents probably wouldn’t agree with this event so Mona didn’t it include it on our tour schedule. This was also going to be a semiformal event. Adrienne had picked an amazing piece for me to wear to the event and I couldn’t wait to strut my stuff.
As we were nearing the exit of the mall to meet our driver, we noticed a long line of girls that ranged from the ages of 15-24 in their appearance. A few guys, mostly black, were scattered throughout the line and were dressed in street attire. They were all holding CDs and posters but I couldn’t make out who they were standing in line to meet. We got closer to the front of the line and noticed they were waiting on the doors to open at a store called URBAN CAPSULE. It was a store that basically sole trendy apparel of Hip Hop culture. We stood around for a few minutes trying to peer through the crowd to see inside of the window of the store when all of a sudden I hear someone scream “FLAME”. A young girl runs towards me screaming and others begin to gather. I smile and they all started snapping pictures. It startled me but luckily Paul was a few feet away to manage the crowd. Now I see another reason as to why we have security. I took a few pictures with some of the fans and then the door opened. A tall light skinned guy wearing a vintage baseball jersey and fitted cap came out. He said he was the store owner and saw us through the window. He asked us to come inside. I almost declined because I wasn’t sure if he was trying to help us get out of the commotion or fuss at us for causing one. Paul pushed us inside. I could tell he was completely over the crowd. I’m sure the driver was waiting on us but when we walked in I came in direct eye contact with Q standing there looking as good as he did on tv. My heart started racing. I hadn’t spoken to him or seen him since I let him eat me out, like he was at a free Chinese buffet, at the afterparty.
He was having an intense conversation but when we locked eyes he stopped talking and smiled. He then walked up to me and pulled me in his arms. I could hear screams from the people crowded around the door outside and looking through the window. He quickly let me go and grabbed me by the hand pulling me into the store’s stock room.
“Hold the door.”, he told one of the guys a part of his crew. I’m sure Adrienne and Paul were baffled. I didn’t talk about Q much to anyone. I had yet to even discuss my interaction with him, in depth, with Jace. Once inside of the stock room he hugged me again.
“What’s up mama?”, he asked while hugging me as if he didn’t want to let me go. I could smell his cologne and I must admit I missed that fragrance.
“Nothing much. My friend and I stopped by the outlet to do a little shopping before I prepare for an event tonight.” I answered. “What are you guys up to?.”
“We’re having our cd signing out here today. Things got a little heated at the college we were supposed to do it at so we decided to come here instead.”, he said.
We looked at each other for a moment and without thinking I leaned in to kiss him. His lips were so smooth. I pulled his tongue in my mouth. It tasted like peppermint and Hennessy. I was immediately turned on. Just the mere sight of him excited me which had me confused. I wasn’t sure if I was reacting as a privileged fan or if I had began to catch actual feelings. This guy was what most black girls’ dreamed of. He was attractive, well groomed, fashionable and hood. He had an authentic street flare that made a good girl want to be bad.
I had on a nude lace bra, a white mesh tank and white stretch, skinny jeans with a pair of stilettos I found at all mall in Miami. I was looking extremely “Love and Hip Hop” but feeling like Rihanna and I had been turning heads all morning. Luckily I take pride in my appearance. It would be rare for Q or anyone to catch me looking thrown together at anytime. He took one of his hands and unbuttoned my pants. I almost stopped him but I was as turned on as he was, if not more. Hopefully he wouldn’t have me sprawled out on top of one of these boxes in this stock room. He reached inside of my matching lace thong and began to search for my center. Still kissing me when he found the entrance to my glory I gasped. That turned him on because he then pushed me back against one of the boxes and kissed me even deeper. He used two of his long fingers to massage my clitoris and I lost all thought of time and location. I felt myself getting wet but the only thing that mattered was him. I admit that haven’t had many sexual encounters with many different men but he was by far the best and I hadn’t even had the dick yet. It’s as if he was turned on by the idea of turning me on. It’s almost as if I had cast a spell on him. I broke away from his kisses. I felt myself about to orgasm but I stopped him just in time. That not how I wanted my first orgasm to be if I were to have one with him.
“Q…..stop.”, I said in his ear before taking his earlobe and sucking it for a few seconds. I could taste the metal of his ear ring.
He stopped and looked me in the eye. “You have a job to do and I have to go.”, I said with a smile.
“You’re right. Keep a nigga on task Ma. That shit is sexy as fuck.”, he said before planting kisses on my neck. “Can I see you later?”
“Q, I told you to text me. So when you text me we can work out all of the details about when we can see each other.,” I said and then I kissed him on his forehead.
“Bet.”, he said. “Call your girl and tell her that y'all should walk out of the back of the store. I saw some people snapping pictures when I hugged you. I’m sorry for not thinking. I was just glad to see you.”, he said licking his lips.
“And it was definitely good to see you and a surprise. Now go sign those girl’s CDs.”, I said.
I called Adrienne. The store manager escorted us out of the store, along with Paul, and the driver met us in the shipping area of the outlet mall.
When we got in the car Adrienne went off. She rarely curses but she let me have it.
“Bitch! What the fuck was that shit?”, she said not caring if the driver heard her. “Since when have you become the First Lady of Fake Gangster Rapper Records? Look at this suit”, she said with much attitude and shoving her phone into my hand. There was already a post on the Shaderoom’s Instagram of us hugging thanks to one of the fans posting a picture of us online. You could barely make out whether it was a friendly or intimate hug but the gossip blog was sure to caption the post with 'Looks like Q has a new FLAME.“
I giggled. "First of all I’m nobody’s lady. Second there is nothing fake about him. We are just cordial acquaintances trying to get to know each other without people making up rumors.”, I said rolling my eyes and then looking out of the window.
“You just be careful. We have a long road ahead and it’s too soon be getting derailed by any nigga, especially these industry niggas. I’ve heard too many stories and I..”, she tried to continue before I cut her off.
“Bestie, I got you. I know you’re looking out for me but this is all new and I’m learning as I go. I can’t take anyone else’s experiences on as my own. He’s a really nice guy. It was just a coincidence that we ran into each other and he was happy to see me. That’s all.” I said.
“I know girl. It just scares me. I don’t want you to get hurt and I don’t want to lose you. I’m sure he’s nice but I just catch an unfamiliar vibe about him and I want you to be careful. Can you promise me you’ll be careful?”, she asked.
“Yes Adrienne I’ll be careful.”, I said after I let out a loud sigh and rolled my eyes again.
“Thank you.”, she said grabbing my hand and holding it the rest of the ride back to the hotel.
Later that evening I was staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I felt so beautiful. It was the first time in a while that I was dressed up for a nice event. Also the first time I was making an appearance for FLAME in this type of attire.
Adrienne picked a gorgeous white body suit that resembled a pant suit. It was low cut at the top so she supplied me with extra padding to push my b-cup sized breast up. It was lined with gems along the top cut of the suit and along the lining where it cut off at my shoulders. My favorite part was that it had a cape that gently touched the floor. It was a good thing because my ass was sure bulging in this body suit and I knew it would be eating this it by the end of the night. Glad I was covered so the kids wouldn’t have to look at all of that. The cape was also white. My stilettos and accessories were all silver and my hair was pulled up into a classy bun with gems to finish off the look. My face was flawless. I had on light make up with a glittery glazed finish. I looked like a star. I was definitely wearing the FLAME brand well because I was on fire. I couldn’t wait to see Jace because he too was wearing something that complimented my outfit.
I stood in the mirror for at least 20 minutes having thoughts of how I’d introduce myself, what we should sing if we put on the spot to sing and thoughts about my future husband Q. I really hoped that he would call me soon. I also thought about what the comments under the Shaderoom’s post said about me.
My thoughts we interrupted when I heard a knock at my door. I was in my room alone so I answered it knowing security was at the door. I opened it and Ernest was standing there holding flowers. I hadn’t seen him since the night of the pool party. He still looked sexy with his hair pulled back into a slick ponytail. I almost forgot all about Q until he informed that some flowers had been delivered to me. He passed me the flowers and the card said 'just because you taste good’ and signed 'you know who’. I took the flowers and put them on the dresser in my room. I opened the door again and asked Ernest to come in.
I’m not going to lie. The thought of him wearing me out on this bed did cross my mind but I didn’t feel like taking off this body suit and having to paint it back on.
“I hope I didn’t cause your job to get harder. I hope there is no friction between us.”, I said.
“What do you mean Ms. Jade?”, he asked with no smile and confusion in his voice.
“The other ni…”, I began before he cut me off.
“I’m here to do whatever you ask me to. And If it gets hard I’ll be sure to let you know.” He said with a polite smile shutting me all the way up.
���I appreciate that.”, I said and he turned and walked away leaving me standing there.
Well damn. Ok.
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sawthingsiimagined · 7 years
[Chickens And Waffles - Jace]
I suddenly had stomach pains as I sat against the dusty window pane at the 24 hour diner. How did I get here? Why am I here? A part of me told myself that I should have stayed at the pool party but I let her, and him, convince me to ditch the party and walk down the street to Rita's 24 Hour Diner and Bar. Truth is I was hungry but it also helped that I was able to escape the party. Everyone was being weird. Of course I'm some rising star, now that FLAME is on tour with SISSY, but I would prefer if the attention would gently escalate instead of this rough catapult of flashing lights we are suddenly experiencing.
Beside me was Teecie, the beautiful dancer I randomly met at the pool party, her friend Tracey who also dances, two more of their girl friends, TJ, along with a few guys from FLAME's production team and across from me was the drummer, Demarion. I tried not to look at him. It was so awkward that he came over at the party to not only speak but to have a full conversation. It was weird mostly because of what my sister texted me on the bus. I felt like I knew about a part of this dude that I didn't need to know. I should have told Jada where I was going but she was too busy, on her Snapchat and Instagram Live, trying to capture the party. I could do without that. I texted our best friend, Adrienne, before my phone died and told her that I was going to grab food before I returned to my room.
We all sat in the half full diner and chatted for a while. This was my first time in a long time getting to know people outside of my church. I didn't even talk to people at school and I wasn't a part of any other social group. It was uncomfortable yet interesting all at once.
"What about you Jace?", Tracey asked breaking my thought. "What do you mean?", I asked knowing that I wasn't paying attention to where the conversation had landed. "You're so cute.", she laughed excusing my short attention span. "Have you ever been skinny dipping before?", she asked.
"Um, I can't say that I have. The only time I'm undressed in water is when I take a bath. And sometimes I'm tempted to wear shorts in there.", I said trying to make a joke to divert the attention from my inexperience. They all laughed. Teecie really found it amusing. I glanced up and Demarion had a simple grin on his face as if he was expecting me to go on. Little did he know, I'm not a comedian, neither did I want to be here much longer. I looked back down at the menu. I had already ordered Chicken and Waffles but I pretended to look at the menu as if I was going to order something else.
"See anything else you want to order before our waitress goes back to the kitchen?", Demarion asked. "You've been eyeing that drink menu for 20 min my man.", he said with a light chuckle.
"Nah man. I'm good. It's just interesting how they come up with so many different drink combinations.", I replied. "You should try one.", said Teecie. "Oh no, I don't drink.", I said. "But it's the night before the first show!", exclaimed Tracey. What they are not about to do is gang up on me. I never had the desire to drink; not for leisure nor for celebration. "Nah, I'm good.", I said. "I don't really think it's for me. I might get crazy and I need to stay focused." "Cutie, you are our star. We are only here because of you, your sister and SASSY. We got you. Don't let us peer pressure you though. I just think you should loosen up and prepare for the road. Tomorrow is Night #1 and will set the tone for the rest of the tour.", Teecie said with the most gorgeous grin I've ever witnessed. "So let's kick it off with some fun.", Demarion said. "Hey waitress, can you get us all a round of Fireball shots.", he yelled across the room.
I didn't know what a fireball shot was but I did know that I didn't want to hear, speak or think of any type of balls right now. First the text my sister sent, then they are talking about skinny dipping and now drinking. I may as well pack my luggage for hell because there will be a seat there with my name on it if I let them talk me into this.
"Yo, I'm really good. I probably should be headed back anyways. We have to be at the arena at 8am.", I said attempting to sound serious yet cool.
"I got you my man. I'll make sure you get there. I have to be there at 7.", he said. The musicians have to be there an hour before us to make sure their instruments are setup correctly so by the time we arrive, all we have to do is start the soundcheck.
The waitress came back quicker than she had returned all night. Turns out that Fireball shots are some type of alcoholic beverages in small glasses. I've literally been under a rock for the past 20 years. It was at that moment that I found my escape.
"Guys I'm not 21 so I can't drink.", I whispered to the table as the waitress passed out the drinks. "Chile, I've been drinking since I was 14. You're good. She didn't even I.D. us.", said Tracey as if everything she said was ok.
"If I may do the honors.", TJ said while standing up. Nobody asked him to say anything. He should be in his room sleep or rehearsing the lights. Shoot. I was getting upset. "This toast goes out to all of us. We’ve come together in celebration of the beginning of an amazing tour. Cheers to the man of our camp, Jace. Here's to sold out shows and lots of hoes!", he finished. I was outdone.
Everyone took their small glasses and chugged the alcohol down. I tried to lift mine but the scent of spicy cinnamon almost made me gag. My phone was dead so I couldn't pretend that someone was trying to contact me and step outside. Everyone cheered and then Tracey's nosey self noticed that I hadn't taken my shot.
"Oh no, pretty boy! Throw that thang back!", she said so loud that the other people in the diner turned to watch. Everyone cheered and co-signed. At this point I was out of my body looking at myself, judging myself and ready to go home. I looked up and Demarion was staring straight at me. That's when I noticed he had weird colored eyes. They were a dark, blue-ish, grey type color that almost looked navy. I’ve never seen a person of his complexion with those color eyes. His bushy eyebrows arched inward as if appeared angry. He had this street yet artsy look about him that made him look like one of the cool guys you see on Instagram. He even had tattoos on his neck. He stared at me and I immediately said to myself, "this boy is the devil!", based on the way his eyes were glaring at me. Suddenly I heard nothing. It's like the sound was sucked out of the room. I couldn't hear him but I saw his lips move. He mouthed, "I got you."
I then picked up the small glass and chugged the shot. I immediately wanted to throw up all over the table but I kept my eyes on him as he licked his lips and smiled. 
Everyone cheered. I was ready to go. This guy really just convinced me to drink alcohol. Teecie hugged me. She smelled so good. Like peaches and cream. "Now that wasn't so bad was it?", Tracey asked. I wanted to say, "Trick yea," but that was rude and I don't use words like that towards women. "It wasn't that bad," I said.
"Well good because I ordered you a Long Island.", TJ said. I didn't know what that was either but if this boy wasn't talking about an actual body of land in the Atlantic Ocean he could keep it. The waitress brought the drink over. I immediately decided to just go ahead and try it. Nothing could be worse than that Fireball shot. I took a sip. It actually tasted pretty decent. Anything was better than that shot right about now. One sip turned into three and three sips turned into large gulps. Before I knew it we had talked and laughed and I had finished a drink. The food still hadn't come. I was starving and disappointed in myself as I sat there drinking like I was a pro-liqour-ologist . I didn't feel 'drunk' like the people look on tv. However, I did feel 'loosened up' and comfortable.
I was sipping drink number two when a guy in a black polo ran through the doors toward us followed by a police officer. I just knew I was headed to jail. 20 years old and drinking illegally. The prisoners are going to eat me alive. I pushed the glass over to Teecie. I felt bad for a few milliseconds for pushing my crime onto her. I didn’t even know her age.
The guy in the polo came over and asked me to get up. When I didn't comply, obviously I was little tipsy so my reaction was delayed, he grabbed me. Demarion stood up and demanded, "What the hell is this?" The guy in the black polo, which read ‘Security’ in the upper right corner, pointed to the tv above the bar. "There has been a shooting. I am here to retrieve Jace and to ask you all to get back to your hotel rooms safely. The premises are being checked but this police officer will escort you through the shipping corridor of the hotel.", the security man said. He was a middle aged, heavy set white man that smelled like outside and smoke from a grill. I started feeling nauseas and felt myself about to fall. I remember seeing Demarion race over and I heard him say "He's with me. I'm the drummer in his band. I'll help you get him to his room."
At that moment I immediately thought about my sister and became terrified. I screamed, "Where is Jada?! Where is my sister?!" "Jada is secure.", security assured. Still afraid I attempted to stand on my own again only to buckle over and throw up all over the security man's shoes.
All I wanted was my sister and those waffles. I was the chicken. I covered my face feeling totally embarrassed.
That's the last thing I remember.
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