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annaioliday · 1 year ago
swimming pool contractors Abu Dhabi | Swimming Pool Maintenance Abu Dhabi | Swimming Pool Installation and repair Abu Dhabi
Swimming Pools 101: A Comprehensive Guide to How They Work
Swimming pools are a wonderful addition to any home, providing a refreshing escape from the summer heat and a great way to stay active. But have you ever wondered how swimming pools actually work? In this article, we will explore the inner workings of swimming pools, from their basic components to the process of keeping them clean and pristine.
Key Components of a Swimming Pool
The Pool Shell
The pool shell, often made of concrete, fiberglass, or vinyl, is the structure that holds the water. Its primary function is to prevent leaks and provide a sturdy foundation for the pool.
The Filtration System
A crucial component of any swimming pool is the filtration system, responsible for removing impurities from the water. It typically consists of a pump, which circulates the water, and a filter, which traps debris and contaminants.
The Chemical Balance
Maintaining the right chemical balance in a pool is vital for water clarity and sanitation. Chlorine is commonly used to kill bacteria and control algae growth, while pH levels are carefully monitored to avoid skin and eye irritation.
The Skimmer and Return Jets
To keep the pool surface clean, a skimmer is used to remove floating debris such as leaves and insects. Return jets, positioned around the pool walls, help circulate the filtered water back into the pool.
How Do Swimming Pools Work?
Now that we have covered the essential components, let's take a closer look at how swimming pools actually work:
Filtration Process When the pool pump is turned on, water is drawn from the pool through the skimmer and main drain, leading it to the filter. The filter catches dirt, leaves, and other impurities, ensuring the water remains clean and clear.
Chemical Treatment As water passes through the filtration system, it is often treated with chemicals to maintain its quality. Chlorine is commonly used to disinfect the water, while pH levels are adjusted to prevent any potential health issues.
Circulation After the water is filtered and chemically treated, it is returned to the pool through the return jets. This circulation process ensures that every part of the pool receives clean and treated water, keeping it safe for swimming.
Water Testing and Maintenance Regular water testing is crucial to ensure the pool's chemical levels are balanced correctly. This involves checking chlorine and pH levels, as well as alkalinity and calcium hardness, to ensure optimal water quality.
Cleaning the Pool Besides the filtration system, additional cleaning methods are necessary to keep the pool spotless. These may include manual skimming, vacuuming the pool floor, and brushing the walls to remove any algae or dirt buildup.
Benefits of Regular Pool Maintenance
Proper maintenance of your swimming pool offers several benefits, including:
Safety: Regular maintenance ensures that the pool remains safe for swimming, minimizing the risk of accidents or health concerns.
Extended Lifespan: By keeping the pool clean and well-maintained, you can prolong its lifespan, avoiding costly repairs or premature deterioration.
Optimal Efficiency: A well-maintained pool operates more efficiently, saving you money on energy costs in the long run.
Enhanced Enjoyment: When your pool is in top condition, you can fully relax and enjoy its refreshing waters without any worries.
Swimming pools are a fantastic addition to any home, providing endless hours of fun and relaxation. Understanding how they work is essential for proper maintenance and ensuring an enjoyable swimming experience. By familiarizing yourself with the key components and processes involved, you can make the most of your pool for years to come.
So, dive into the world of swimming pool maintenance and embrace the joy of crystal-clear waters right in your backyard. Happy swimming!
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davidkarofskyindie · 8 months ago
Ash was almost floating with the amount of genuine love he felt just flowing from Enzo. He blushed a little bit at the sweet words, melting into the passionate kiss as the idea of the two of them living in a tiny apartment with one bed that just barely fit them both played in his head. While he knew he was going to make sure to always give Enzo the good life, all he needed was Enzo and it was just a comfort to say that out loud. When Enzo pulled back, Ash's eyes widened a little seeing him pulling out the little box. When the box opened and he saw the little necklace, he felt his heart beating a little faster. He gently took the box handed to him and pulled the little necklace out "Babe, it's beautiful... seriously, absolutely amazing" he said as he pulled the necklace out and slipping it around his neck, the pendant hanging perfectly between his pecs. "It only comes off when I'm showering and maybe sleeping... and probably not even then, just so I've always got you here" he whispered, hugging Enzo tight as he could for a solid moment.
His hands slowly moved around to take hold of Enzo's hands, rubbing his thumbs over the back of them "Come on, let me show you around" he whispered before casually walking about the penthouse with Enzo. He'd done his research on the place, checking out all the cool things in the room so he could show off the bidet or the little jacuuzi tub that was just near their large king-sized bed. He went into the kitchen area "Now, wonder if they went through with my request" he mused before opening the fridge and beaming "Oh god damn, this place is good... care for a drink?" he said as he pulled a bucket full of ice and a bottle off champagne out, putting on the counter with a proud grin "We can have a little drink, unwind on the couch, just get used to being on solid ground after that flight... sound like a plan babe?"
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Enzo savored their moment in the car as they took their time before exiting. It was quite romantic and he didn’t shy away as they held hands on the way to their room. He let his own head rest against Ash’s as they waited patiently. Before they got to their floor, he whispered, “I love you,” just barely loud enough for anyone but Ash to hear.
Entering the room, Enzo gave a quick glance. “I’m comfortable as long as I’m sharing the room with you. It could be just big enough for one bed and I’d be fine…” he admitted, before giving Ash a passionate kiss. “But before anything else…I got you something.” He pulled away and reached into his pocket to pull out a box. Inside was a necklace with a pendant on it. “Just something to have for whenever we can’t be around each other…” he explained as he handed Ash the box.
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jaegerboob · 4 years ago
i rlly wrote an age-gap EruRi fic cuz I needed more SPICE
this fic is basically 18 y/o Levi lusting over a 45 y/o CEO Erwin after Erwin buys a coffee from the shop Levi works at and falls in love on sight
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meticuloushand · 6 years ago
Got a dragon’s blood jacuuzi, the gorgons think it’s cool! And a seven-headed hydra living in my swimming pool 😎
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oustaou84 · 5 years ago
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Un mental relaxé est un mental créatif : Il est temps de prendre soin de soi 🌹 l'Opportunité des vacances "slowlydays" tout au long de l'année avec un grand jacuuzi xxl ouvert et chauffé dès le 22 mars 🙏 "lorsqu'on rêve tout seul, ce n'est qu'un rêve alors que lorsque'on rêve à plusieurs c'est déjà la réalité , l'utopie partagée, c'est le ressort de l'histoire" 🎵 en 2020 : retrouvez nous lors de nos différents séjours/ stages bien être, avec Cécile créatrice de séjours détente, et ses co organisatrices On vous propose des séjours 🔶️#culinaires avec Jenny des papilles qui pétillent accompagnée du #vitaliseur Et ses intervenantes Sabrina et Céline 🔶️#méditation #bolschantants avec isabelle et Barbara accompagnées des oracles d'isa 🔷️#Jeûneintermittent et alimentation saine avec Manon et Barbara 🔷️#stagephoto avec adeline on met les voiles 🔶️#yoga #pranayama #massagesthai avec sylvie prof de yoga 🔷️Des week end #veloelectrique avec Stéphan #randocheval avec cheval Enjeu Luberon 🔶️escapade en 2 cv ... et bien d'autres belles surprises ..... (à Vacances à l'Oustaou du Luberon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7XpUBLCEYc/?igshid=lsr53xxobp5s
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inconclusionray · 7 years ago
tagged by @hereeatthiskitten bc she hates me and doesn’t want me to sleep ever
Last movie I watched: what even is “time” and why do you think it moves in “order”
Last song I listened to: there was something truly dreadful playing over the pa at fred meyer but I don’t remember what it was
Last book I read: finished? probably something by dr seuss. proper book that I read from on purpose? cordelia’s honor, out loud, to...someone. sommmmmeone.
Last thing I ate: something from trader joe’s mixed with something from trader joe’s, followed by something from trader joe’s
Where would you want to time travel to: ....i don’t know. at this point, probably some recent time that’d give me a winning lottery ticket or something. (i may be speaking of the financial lotto and probably not the hamilton lottery but idkkkkkkkkk it’s a toss up)
Fictional character I would hang out with for a day: i mean i could probably think of something less cliche but I gotta go with ray kowalski. or jillian holtzmann. y’know. someone geeky, but sexy. so i can figure out how they do it, maybe.
If I could be anywhere right now, where would I be: in a very very soundproofed hotel room that i had fully booked for at least through the weekend. with a jacuuzi tub. and discreet room service.
Current fandom Obsession: love/hate-watching elementary
I’m not tagging anyone and you can’t make meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-P
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jasmineconquers-blog · 6 years ago
Snuff Mills, Brassmill and Grounded
ums up the weekend perfectly. 
My brother and his gf were down from South end visiting my parents. So me and Esta popped into Bristol to meet them also. Friday night we walked the dog who was very excitable (aren’t all dogs?!) and then we went to the Brassmill. The Brassmill is one of my favourite pubs in Bristol although it’s really more the outskirts as its in keynsham. 
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 It's a cosy little pub and we just ended up playing the Logo board game all night. It was hilarious and very noisy as we are quite a competitive family. It was a good laugh though.
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 Saturday then comprised of a dog walk to Snuff Mills think that's the slang name though as dad calls it Oldbury Court. Not sure what the proper name is but it a lovely long walk. It was good our dog Rubes was so well behaved she loved getting muddy, walking in the water (she still is very scared of going where the water is deep and just watches the other dogs) need to get her in a pool/lake with me in it at some point but it's much too cold at the moment.  So yeah all in all it was a great walk and I felt good as I'd done some exercise.  The only bad bit was two dogs had a fight one was on a lead the other wasn't and the owners hands were covered in blood, the dogs were yelping really loudly in pain and it was awful to watch the owners trying really hard to separate them. The woman just walked off with her dog after - like her dog had been bitten on the neck and was oozing blood why wouldn't you pick it up and carry it to the nearest vets. It was just bad owners on my accord - one freely admitted her dog goes for other dogs - so begs the question why did it not have a muzzle on and then the other owner was letting her dog run around. I don't know the inns and outs -- it happened just after we got there but it was very unpleasant. I hope the poor dog is okay though. Hopefully it is a lesson learner for the other owner whose dog was absolutely fine. What I didn't know is if a dog is attacking another dog you should cover its eyes and head in something so it can't see and then it lets go as it can't see. That's definitely a life lesson.
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After this long walk much of Saturday was then spent sleeping and cuddling up with Esta - since moving to Wales I've learnt this is called a cwtch. cwtching.
Sunday spelt cafe time and we chilled in grounded, had a smoothie and a much too sweet lemon drizzle cake. I then went to meet my friend Suzie at the gym and we spent a whopping 2 hours in there which comprised of 12 minute run, legs and core work out which we used instagram video tutorials to direct us - it was actually REALLY HARD and we literally died - ok not literally but you get my drift it was BLOODY painful! Then we did shoulders and arms. And finally rounded it off with a swim and jacuuzi. It was a shame as Esta came with me dressed in her gym clothes with her swimming cozzie on but on route said she needed to sit in the cafe and get work done and decided she couldn't spare 30 minutes to then chill have a swim and relax in the jacuzzi. Not sure what to make of it - everytime we plan to go to the gym or swim or anything like that she finds a reason why she can't do it. It's quite annoying - she used to do it with her ex all the time. Think I need to raise this point with her.
Anyway finally get home to relax - and Esta starts moaning... WOMEN! It's our mission to moan - surely - and I say this as a woman!
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pinklocksoflove · 7 years ago
Bathing together is sort-of a start, yes, any jacuuzis or the like either?
//uhhh this is a fantasy world kinda a Medieval Europe feel. Hot springs may be a better bet
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davidkarofskyindie · 1 year ago
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paul chuckled a little just looking to topher, clearly his little sugar baby had a much more relaxing day than paul had. he'd been working hard on site, he was clearly sore and covered in sweat but seeing topher gave him just a burst of energy he couldn't hold back "well if that's the only way, i'd hate to break the rules of the jacuuzi" he replied in the most teasing tone, all while casually removing his work clothing which he left in a semi-neat pile right by the back door of the house. he never took his eyes off topher, wanting to just enjoy the sight of the man he adored while getting out of everything until paul was naked, his body showing the signs of a hard days labour and his big daddy dick slowly rising as it always did in topher's presence. he walked over to the tub and climbed in, grinning as he sat down just beside topher before leaning over to kiss the man as sweetly as he could "hope you're used to having me home, cos we finished for the rest of the week at the site... so your ass is stuck with me for the next few days, I'm sure you'll think of some way to keep me entertained" he teased between firm passionate kisses.
open to: men who are 23+   about topher: topher is 23, surfer, bottom plot: topher works at his dad's restaurant and this is his first weekend off in months, and he's enjoying it to the fullest. wanted connection: older stepbrother/brother, best friend, roommate, sugar daddy wanted fcs: drew starkey, ben levin, brandon larracuente, joe manganiello, max theriot, but down for anyone really 💖
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    “ oh,  you’re already home? ” topher chuckled, looking at the other man.   today was really a lazy day for the young blond, but it was quite enjoyable, and now he was excited to see the other back.  “ glad you’re home, though, you can come join me in the jacuzzi if you want. ” he grinned. " but, to get in, you have to strip completely naked. that's the only way, " he smirked.
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benitosf · 8 years ago
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maggcat · 8 years ago
I just finished watching Baccano!
I must say that was yet another brilliant anime! It must have been a great risk for the people making it to show the story with the time so mixed up and with no overall main character or villain. But they pulled it off incredibly well, with almost all the characters being memorable in there own way. Also I must say the dub was incredibly well done although I found Jacuuzi Spots squeaky voice very grating, but it was still well above average voice acting wise.
Its one of the only anime’s i think my parents would understand... although.. the bloodyness of it all would probaly put them off still. But I would certainly watch this anime again, and probaly enjoy it even more second time round!
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a-fantastic-time · 11 months ago
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"You feel good, even better than our first time." She said bouncing her slowly, wanting to make sure she adjusted. Their last time was inside a jacuuzi back at her estate. Some drinks were had, and one thing led to another. Their meaty plapping cheeks soon filled the room.
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Kali was taking a moment to rest in her new home. Kali got more easily tired nowadays thanks to all the extra weight her pregnancy gave her. Herbelly was getting bigger by the day. She was guessing it would either be twins or another chubby baby like Blake by how much she had grown. She had just finished her last cup of tea when she heard a knock at her door."Cumming" she said that she went to the door.
Standing at the other side of the door, was the towering amazon Pyrrha Nikos herself. Holding onto what seemed to be a large basket of goodies, ranging from sweets to health care products. Once the door opened, she smiled and waved. "Hello again~ How are you misses Belladona? Sorry for the sudden visit. I am here on behalf of my team, and team RWBY. They couldn't make it, but send their love."
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davidkarofskyindie · 1 year ago
Ash happily pulled Haiden up a little to steal a kiss "Always, angels like you deserve the best and I will always give it to you" he whispered, nuzzling his partner before carefully getting them out of the booth and out to the car, making sure he kept Haiden on his lap while they headed home. He didn't even care about anyone seeing them walking around looking so clearly well fucked, if anyone asked he'd proudly describe what'd happen, he just wanted to enjoy Haiden as much as he could. When they got back home he carried Haiden all the way in and straight to their tub, finally letting his lover get on the floor "Alright baby, you get comfy in the jacuuzi... I'll go get us some drinks, just try not to enjoy the jets too much without me around to watch" he teased, quickly going to find them something to drink in the kitchen.
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There really wasnt any disguising what the two of them had been up to in the booth, both of them looking so debauched and wrecked, Haiden clinging to his man. “That sounds more than perfect, I do deserve to be pampered.” He smiled cheekily, enjoying the princess treatment immensely
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oustaou84 · 5 years ago
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Un mental relaxé est un mental créatif : Il est temps de prendre soin de soi 🌹 l'Opportunité des vacances "slowlydays" tout au long de l'année avec un grand jacuuzi xxl ouvert et chauffé dès le 22 mars 🙏 "lorsqu'on rêve tout seul, ce n'est qu'un rêve alors que lorsque'on rêve à plusieurs c'est déjà la réalité , l'utopie partagée, c'est le ressort de l'histoire" 🎵 en 2020 : retrouvez nous lors de nos différents séjours/ stages bien être, avec Cécile créatrice de séjours détente, et ses co organisatrices On vous propose des séjours #culinaires avec Jenny accompagnée du #vitaliseur #méditation #bolschantants avec isabelle et Barbara accompagnées des oracles d'isa #Jeûneintermittent et alimentation saine avec Manon et Barbara #stagephoto avec adeline on met les voiles #yoga #pranayama #massagesthai avec sylvie prof de yoga Des week end #veloelectrique avec Stéphan #randocheval avec cheval Enjeu Luberon escapade en 2 cv ... et bien d'autres belles surprises ..... (à Vacances à l'Oustaou du Luberon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7XpUBLCEYc/?igshid=1ee63eekpb48u
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santana30303030 · 12 years ago
#BabyShark #MySon #KingJu #Pool #Spa #Jacuuzi #BondingAllDay #DaddyGang
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davidkarofskyindie · 5 years ago
snowflakebabyniall (Kent/Niall)
@snowflakebabyniall​ continued from (x)
Niall was laying on one of the pool chairs as he watched Kent coming out of the pool freezing cold. He had a towel in hand and handed it over to him. “See this is what happens when you don’t listen to your smart fiancé. You get cold freezing balls. We could have gone to the heated jucuzzi that’s in our room or even the heated pool but nope you wanted to show off that you could handle the freezing cold.”he chuckled and kissed him. “Yeah that was you.”
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“True but then again my smart fiance knows he’s marrying an idiot so really, this was expected” Kent joked as he wrapped the towel around him before he pulled Niall into a tight hug, pressing his wet chest against Niall as he kissed him back “Well I’m dumb and should’ve just gone with the jacuuzi.... and might need to now in order to rescue my fingers and balls, my precious balls” he excalaimed playfully, rubbing his partner’s back tenderly “You might have to hold me and walk me back to our room cos I’m like a giant huggable popsicle now”
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