#jacqui writes fic
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Wow, @copperarsenite, digging into the vault for this one.
They're sitting on the sofa and it's quiet.
Both of them are drained. Too drained to even turn on the television to mask the silence. Another long day in court for him, another long day at the hospital by her father's bedside for her.
He told her he didn't want her in the courtroom.
She's trying to respect that.
They're sitting together, she's practically in his lap, she's holding his hand in hers and playing with the digits of his fingers, examining each whorl of fingerprint.
There's very little space between them, but enough to be filled with unsaid words. The things they don't talk about include: a dead classmate on the bridge; the way smoke curls into her lungs and chokes her even now; that at eight o'clock on the dot Cliff will stop by definitely not to check on her; the way her nightmares involve his father (and sometimes him); the way his murder trial echoes his father's.
And the biggest lie of them all, Lilly Kane.
Eventually, the silence is heavier than her fear.
"Do you miss it?"
There are no words to encompass that hazy, barely there memory.
Before car washes and trips to Mexico and ashtrays by the poolside and sleazy affairs and betrayals and accusations and so much bitterness.
He stops breathing, she feels it against him.
"Do you?"
Does she?
"I don't know." She gives a shrug. "It was easier."
"Easier." He echoes. "But was it better?"
Veronica doesn't need to think very long about that.
"No. I..."
Ever since the truth has come out (come out, like she didn't fight tooth and nail, burn her entire life down, and crawl through bloody, burning wreckage to wrest that truth from its hiding place), she has felt relief.
And yet, right down deep, there's also a sliver of shame.
"Was I really that blind? That stupid?"
Air rushes in as he sits up and pulls out of her grasp, all the better to turn and face her fully.
"Veronica, no."
"I loved her." She says. "And she lied so much."
I have a secret. A good one.
"She lied, sure. She was a bitch. She was selfish. But she was ours."
The way he says it feels like a turning point.
Twelve months of throwing her supposed betrayal in her face, she can still hear the hatred in his voice sometimes, the way he'd not only taunted her, but encouraged everyone else.
He'd claimed his Lilly grief and assumed hers was false because it didn't look the same.
She swallows.
"She was a baby."
Lilly was only one year older than her and Logan, not that much younger than they are now.
In truth, however, Veronica feels so much older. She has the impression that Lilly, as worldly and experienced as she believed she was, was little more than a babe in the woods, a toddler dressing up in her mother's clothes, trying to look older than she is.
She never felt the consequences of her actions.
She tottered in too big heels and she fell hard.
"She didn't have the chance to grow."
Logan looks at her, studies her for something, trying to read her expression.
And then he sighs.
"Lucky her."
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*Please note, I had to fudge a few numbers... as for some reason AO3 didn't put Deep Deep Down in the 2023 statistics and only put it under 2024. Yet, the majority of the existing fic was posted in 2023 (19 out of 20 chapters were posted in 2023). I added the D5 numers to the 2023 numbers, however... it is important to note that there was one chapter posted on 1 January 2024... so those numbers would include that. STILL... for the FUN OF IT...
My 2023 Ao3 Wrapped!
I'm guessing there's probably like 303484059 of these types of graphics floating around, but I wanted to make my own.
Template under the cut!
To find your own stats:
Go to your ao3 dashboard
Select "Statistics"
Click on the "2023" button
If anyone fills this out, please @ me! I would love to see all the different stats.
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Mortal Kombat Headcanons/Fic Ideas (Takeda Edition)
Takeda calls Hanzo papa
Takeda gets frequent migraines due to his telepathy. While some soldiers on the base acknowledge the telepaths among them, others don't know how to quiet their minds, which may also cause overstimulation.
I really want to see a fic where later on down the road Forrest Fox is brought back or mentioned at all. Fox doesn't get the love he deserves for being Takeda's best friend, and I hardly see any angst stories with the two in it and/or interacting. It makes me sad.
The other Kombat Kids refer to Hanzo as "Takeda's dad". Kenshi often mistakes this for them referring to him, but Takeda is still somewhat salty about the abandonment thing and corrects him every time
Takeda and Kenshi can see auras. They're like you'd expect: different colors surround people around them based on their emotions. The deeper or richer the color, the stronger the emotion is.
Takeda loves snakes. They're just cool and wiggly and colorful, and quite friendly to him. Sometimes he'll find them on the Shirai Ryu grounds, pick it up, and place it on Hanzo's shoulders or find them in the woods around the base and walk into a training or meeting room while holding and petting one.
Kenshi and Takeda are very skilled in psychology for obvious reasons
They are also allergic to tomatoes
Takeda helps Jin make arrows and is the only person allowed to handle the special wood used to make them.
Kotal Kahn has respect for the Shirai Ryu and Takeda for taking down Havik
Takeda and Fox used to sneak around at night, you can't convince me otherwise
Takeda and Hanzo hardly ever get sick due to their body temperatures being higher than the average persons from the Hellfire, which kills off most harmful bacteria, but when they do get sick they get SICK.
Takeda is good at art. He likes to observe the world around him, especially wildlife. Half of his sketchbooks are filled with different species and variations of snakes, and a few cats here and there.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
#takeda takahashi#mkx#mkxl#mk11#mk1#prequel comic#headcanons#mortal kombat#mortal kombat headcanons#fic ideas#writing prompts#writing#hanzo hasashi#scorpion#kenshi takahashi#kombat kids#kung jin#jacqui briggs#cassie cage
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Miller's Law Snippets
Snip 1 💤
And so she stayed like that. One arm curled around his torso, face nestled into the narrow space between his shoulder blades. — A protective barrier, shielding him from the darkness of his own mind.
Whenever she sensed that he might be submitting to it again she’d move their conjoined hands to his chest/heart, trying to imbue as much warmth and comfort and… well, love, as possible. Willing his heart-rate to return to a normal rhythm. And she'd speak to him. Using the same soft, consoling timbre she reserved for anxious patients. It seemed to work, for he’d soon grow still again, drifting back into what she hoped were pleasant, happy dreams. Dreams of things and people and places he loved. The rose garden at Frost Manor. His favourite memories with Jacqueline and the Twins. Endless games of Elemental Ball…
He was fully-thawed now, but his fingers remained icy, frost creeping from his palms, across the counterpane, and after awhile Lucy’s own fingers began to ache and burn. But still, she didn’t let go. She stayed there for hours. Hours upon hours, watching dawn crack over the horizon like a robin's egg, spilling its golden light across the Canton de Bern. Watching the sky shift from pale blue to silver-grey and snow begin to drift down in large, fluffy flakes. Watching morning bleed into afternoon, and afternoon into evening, and night settle into all the room’s nooks and recesses like the ink in the creases of her palms.
Still, she didn’t let go.
Eventually the clouds cleared, and the sky stretched before her as a great, glittering vault. The silver river of the Milky Way was so much more vivid out here. She never saw this many stars in New York.
And Jack stayed sleeping, snoring softly, stirring minimally, his hand tightening in hers, every so often, the odd murmur drifting from his lips. Sometimes they were unintelligible. Other times she could make out certain words. Names, more oft than not. His mother’s. Jacqueline’s. Even her own, on one occasion.
She was overexerting herself, she knew. Using her powers to excess. He was going to be cross with her, when he did wake. Chide her, lecture her. But she hardly cared. She would make sure he got the rest he’d been so sorely deprived of if it killed her.
How long had he been suffering like this? she asked herself, again and again. He’d said they came in cycles, but how long had they been this severe? And how bad of a doctor — a friend, moreover — was she, for not having uncovered the truth sooner?
After a full twenty-four hours she was forced to get up to use the washroom, as well as grab something to eat and drink, all of which she did as swiftly as possible, before returning to his side (his other side now, seeing as he was one of those people who tended to gravitate, catlike, towards the centre of the bed) with her laptop in tow. He had begun to look a little strained in her absence, so she carded her fingers through his hair, pressed a kiss to the groove between his brows. And that seemed to do the trick.
She put on Season One of Gilmore Girls, keeping the volume low, and settled in for another long shift.
The room was well-lit and warm now, a fire crackling merrily in the hearth, and Lucy couldn’t help muse that, amidst all the grief and the horror — the gaping, cavernous knowledge of her own infirmity -- she felt… oddly at peace. Like they were living in a kind of vacuum, away from the rest of the world. A perfect, snow-capped bell jar.
It helped, she supposed, that Gstaad had a real fairytale feel to it. Like something out of a Hans Christian Andersen story.
Finally, around fifty-three hours after he’d first fallen asleep, and while she was almost-but-not-quite drifting off to Monty Python and The Holy Grail (a favourite of his), she felt a groggy chuckle reverberate against her left side, and glanced up to find him grinning at the screen. His hair was a complete mess, thanks to her ministrations; making him look a bit like a lion coming into its mane.
‘I love the Pythons,’ he said, huskily.
‘I know.’
‘Most people don’t know why they named it “Monty Python”. It was because they thought it sounded like a really bad theatrical agent. Did you know that?’
‘I didn't,' Lucy said fondly, angling the laptop more towards him. ‘Good Fact. I'll remember it for next time I see dad.'
He sat up a bit, rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn’t connected to hers. A little colour rose in his face, when he took notice of the fact, but he didn't let go. Quite the contrary, actually -- he gave it a gentle squeeze, running his thumb over her knuckles.
‘Mmgh. Jeez. My joints are killing me. How long was I out for? Couple hours?’
'Uh... little more than that, actually.'
'How much more?' His fingers trailed over his chin, which was noticeably stubbled. He frowned. 'Wait a minute...'
Snip 2 📱
‘Christ, I know. She’d be beside herself. But there’s very little we can do right now to—’ Melusine was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. ‘…Do you hear— ? …Who’s is that?’
Lucy’s, it transpired; recognisable by its bright pink, flowery case. It lay abandoned on the kitchen table, half buried beneath a tea towel. The contact flashing on the screen made Jack’s skin crawl with dislike.
“Matt (Weird Sevens Guy)”.
‘Oh, he can bugger right off! The rotter,’ Melusine growled, tossing her empty bowl into the sink as if it had just declared itself a close associate of said "rotter"(...?). ‘That’s the LAST thing Luce needs right now. I can’t bleedin’ stand that man, Jack. Always sniffing around her, like a hyena.'
'Yeah, what's up with that? It's like, uh, hello? Get a hobby, maybe? ...Preferably one that involves heavy machinery and very lax safety regulations.'
'Too right. He's trouble, I swear. You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to answer, blow a raspberry down the phone and then hang up.’
‘W-- now, Melusine,’ Jack chided, yanking her back by the hem of her blouse.
‘What? That’s funny!’
‘Funny, sure. But somehow I don’t think Lucy’d thank you for it.’
‘So? She’s not here to nag me about it, is she? And what’s more, she’s not the boss of me. Or you, I hasten to add. …Actually, scratch that.’ She smirked at him. ‘We both know that’s not true. You’d stand in the path of an oncoming train, if she asked you to. Oh wait—’
‘Yeah, yeah—’
‘--You did do that! What a lark.’
‘Hmno. No, no. SHE did that. Charged full tilt towards it, in fact. I just happened to be clinging to the back of her broomstick, at the time.’ Jack shook his head ruefully. ‘It was—’
‘Terrifyingly attractive. Tell me I’m wrong.’
‘…The woman has a screw loose, is-is what I’m saying.' He cleared his throat. 'Stark raving bonkers, as you Brits would say. And here I’d been under the impression that she was the better adjusted, of the three of us.’
‘Oh come now, you always knew she had a reckless streak.’
‘A reckless streak, yeah. Mm-hm. Totally. The key word there being "streak". What I didn’t know was that she was the second coming of Knievel. Sectionable, by all accoun… what’re you doing…?’
Melusine now had Lucy’s phone in hand, and Jack was concerned to see her typing up what looked like a—
‘Virtual curse,’ she explained, casually. ‘Nothing too serious, of course. Won’t do him any real harm. Just turn a very specific part of his anatomy into an eel. Eheh. See what me makes of th— oi! Give it back!’
‘Are you serious right now?’
‘Look, I know you’ve developed a “conscience”, or whatever, since your thaw,’ she huffed, standing on her tiptoes to try to snatch the phone from his grasp (a difficult feat, given their difference in height). ‘And that’s lovely — bravo. Very happy for you. I, on the other hand, misplaced mine centuries ago and have yet to rediscover it. I suspect it’s buried at the bottom of a sock drawer somewhere, though I really can’t be arsed to look… I’ve therefore ze-ro scruples about giving our mutual nemesis the ol’ what-for.’
‘This has absolutely nothing to do with “conscience or whotever"; I couldn't give less of a shit about what happens to that guy. In fact it would give me no greater pleasure to watch him have to waddle his way to the DMI ward. I'd just rather not end up in Lucy's bad books, as a result. Things are going really well between us right now, if you hadn't noticed? And I'd prefer to keep it that w-- ...don't look at me like that.’
‘Oh, but it’s just so sweet.' Melusine simpered, clasping her hands together kittenishly. 'The Great and Powerful Jack Frost, all… twitterpatery. Never thought I’d see the day!’
‘I’m not— i-it’s not because I—' She raised a sculpted brow at him. 'Look, shut up, okay?! I just can’t afford to lose any more strikes! I only have the one left! And I really don’t wanna find out what happens when I reach naught.’
‘She’ll probably just make you do lines or something. I wouldn’t worry.’
‘Or, she might jinx me! Put me in a full body bind.’
‘Don't act like you wouldn't enjoy it.’ Melusine sent him an arch look, making him flush. ‘But fine. If you're that much of a jessie, I'll take the brunt of any potential Miller ire.’
‘Pfft. As if I’m going to trust that.’
‘It’s the truth!’
‘You’ll have to forgive me for being the slightest bit dubious, given… you know. Every single one of our interactions over the last two centuries.’
At her mulish look Jack sighed, realising that he was fighting a losing battle. Though he truly didn’t want to buy himself a one-way ticket to the dog house, he couldn’t deny that seeing what’shisname (Mason? Murray? ...Sketchy, overly-solicitous guy who didn't come anywhere close to deserving the object of his "affection"?) receive a good cursing was an attractive prospect.
A very attractive prospect.
‘Y'know what...? Fine,’ he relented. ‘Whatever. You reap what you sow, Melville. Do as you please, just leave me out of it.’
‘What I’m sowing is chaos, and I have my fingers crossed for a bountiful harvest.’
‘…In that case, an electric eel would be far funnier. Just a thought.’
‘My, my!’ Melusine's brows did the milage to her hairline. ‘Two good ideas in under twenty-four hours. That must be some kind of record! Remind me to mark the occasion in the official "Jack Had an Idea" Excel spreadsheet.’
Jack was just about to respond with his own (far more cutting) witticism when a sleepy voice from the doorway said, ‘Why do you guys look like you’re scheming?’
The two of them jumped, turning to find Lucy standing over the threshold, looking charmingly dishevelled.
While Jack smiled dotingly, all other thoughts fleeing his mind at the sight of her, Melusine, startled by her appearance, grabbed the phone from his hand and lobbed it at the window, which shattered.
There was a moment of confused silence.
‘…Bollocks. Could’ve sworn that was open.’
Snip 3 ⏳
‘What’s the matter?’
And there it was, Lucy thought. The Look. The one that always made her feel like he could see under her skin. The familiarity of it, after all these years, was like a blow to the jugular.
‘N-Nothing, I--’ She drew in a shuddering breath. ‘I’m just... having a bit of a hard day, s’all.’
‘…I… miss my friend. ...A lot. I haven’t seen him in a long time, you see. A very long time.’
‘Where is he?’ The boy cocked his head curiously, resembling a bird listening for earthworms. ‘Did he die?’
Kids. So forthright.
‘No. No, honey, he didn’t die.’
‘Then why can’t you see him?’
Lucy’s lips twitched.
Hiking up her skirts, she knelt down to his level, studying his narrow face. The same face she mapped out in her mind each night, before she went to sleep, so that she wouldn’t forget. Every line, every furrow. Every repressed spasm or overexertion of emotion.
Piece by piece, the memories settled around her. Like snowfall. -- A worried grimace as he sat at her bedside, holding her hand through what, at the time, had been her worst surge to date. A sleepy grin, as he watched Monty Python over her shoulder, while the world outside faded to white. Deep concentration pulling his features taught as he tinkered at his Steinway. The panicked, pleading look he'd sent her when she left him slaving over a hot stove with her mom and Nana, while she, Charlie and her dad retired to the basement to "assemble furniture" (drink beer and watch the Bears game). Countless looks of gentle reprove, mixed with grudging amusement, whenever she teased him about his eccentricities. The brief flashes of pride and adoration she'd grown increasingly better at catching, in the months preceding her "Jump".
The mingled shock and delight, that afternoon at the cottage, as the heady scent of magnolia drifted in through the window and the rain thundered on the roof. Arguably her favourite memory of him.
...The abject terror, as he lay writhing in pain--
No, that one she would not think of. That one she made a concerted effort to bury, stifle. Locking it away, in the deepest, darkest recesses of her mind.
This face, though… this face was smooth and bright, filled with the earnestness of childhood. The lofty bone structure, the crooked nose, the dimpled cheeks. The blue, blue eyes. It was all him. And at the same time, it wasn’t. Not quite. Not yet.
To look into his eyes after all this time and not have him recognise her, even a little bit...? Hurt more than Lucy would've ever thought possible.
‘It’s… it’s complicated, kiddo,’ she said, eventually. ‘Grown-up stuff, y’know?’
‘Well.’ He drew himself up to his full height, puffing out his chest importantly. ‘I don’t wanna brag or anythin’, but I happen to be very mature.’
‘Oh, is that so?’
‘Yep! My teacher said so. Said that I’m the most prec-- prero--'
'Reprocious boy in my class. And that's why I find it hard to make friends.'
'You do?' Lucy put a hand over her heart. 'Oh dear.'
His ears turned a little pink, as if he'd disclosed more than he'd intended to.
'N-Not that I care! Why should I? They're all dunderheads anyway. And I'm special. I'm gonna do Big Things when I leave school!'
‘Really now? Golly.'
‘Mm-hm! And then they'll ALL wanna be my friend. But by that point it'll be too late, 'cause I'll be rich and famous and everyone will know how great I am.'
It made so much sense, in hindsight. So much sense. All he'd ever wanted was to be accepted. Understood. Lauded for his intelligence, his studiousness, his unparalleled talents. To make the people he looked up to proud. He'd just gone about it in a totally roundabout way, steered off-course by his wicked old uncle. His deepest insecurities warped into something far more sinister than they would've been otherwise. At his core he was just a troubled little boy.
It would be so easy, the thought came to Lucy suddenly. So easy to simply scoop him up in her arms -- thaw him there and then. The curse wasn’t overly evident yet; not to the untrained eye, anyway. But it was there. Lurking just beneath the surface. His big blue eyes had a near-imperceptible chill to them. His face, though more flushed than that of his adult, frozen self, was nevertheless quite pale. He was a ticking time bomb.
If she diffused that bomb now none of it — none of the pain, the heartbreak, the guilt and the regret — would come to pass. He would have those years his present self mourned so dearly. He would have his family. His sister.
He would be happy.
And oh, how she wanted that for him. For all of them. The zany, ragtag family she'd grown to love so dearly over the years.
But she couldn’t. She knew she couldn’t. She’d been given strict instructions by Father Time. Though it went against her every instinct, she had to let things play out the way they were meant to. The way they already had, for her to be here in the first place.
'Annnnyway, point being: I think I can handle “complicated”. So if you need someone to talk to, I'm your guy.' He grinned at her, all dimples and charm, and Lucy’s heart swelled with affection. She found herself caught between laughter and tears. It seemed inconceivable that her love for him could continue to grow any more than it already had, and yet... in that moment, it did.
It might’ve been easier to believe him, on the "maturity" front, had he not been talking with a subtle, but nevertheless noticeable, lisp — most likely a result of his missing front teeth. To say nothing of the sizeable blob of jam in the corner of his mouth.
‘Even so, lil' man; I wouldn’t wanna bring you down,’ she said, with a gentle smile. ‘Plus, I… I don’t really feel like talking about it right now.’
‘Hm. That's understandable, I s'pose.’ He nodded seriously. ‘Welp. If it makes you feel any better, I’m sure he misses you too. Your friend.’
'You think?’
‘Sure! I mean... you seem like a nice person. I think I’d miss you, if I were him. Or he were me. Or whatever.' A little more colour rose in his face, and he glanced away bashfully, scuffing the ground with the toe of his shoe. 'I think... I think I'd be really glad to have a friend like you, actually.'
When he looked up again it was to find silent tears running down her face.
'Oh! Ah… was it… something I said?’
‘No, no, I just… that’s very s-sweet,’ Lucy warbled, dabbing her eyes with the sleeve of her cloak. ‘Thank you.’
In the next moment she found a familiar, embroidered foulard being thrust into her grip. She took it gratefully, letting it sit in her hands for several seconds. The silk was softer than she remembered it being.
‘This is l-lovely. Are you sure you don’t mind me using it?’
‘'Course not.' He waved her off. ‘My father says a gentleman always gives a crying lady his kerchief. It’s the chirivus-- chivrulus-- honourable thing to do.'
‘Oh and he's quite right. Your father’s governor, isn’t he? Governor Frost?'
'Ya-huh! That's the one.'
'He's a great man. I mi-- like him very much.’
‘Sometimes he takes me to work with him, and I get to boss people around. It’s really fun.’
‘Mm, I bet.’
#Jack Frost#Lucy Miller#adult!Lucy Miller#doctor!Lucy Miller#Jack Frost x adult!Lucy Miller#ML#Miller's Law#!fluff warning!#this is excessive I know#but I truly don't know when I'm going to be able to update ye olde Law :/ what with the whole unemployment thing#I do have a doozy of a Jacquie & Jack interaction in the next instalment. And also some Bernelle! So hopefully it'll be worth the wait!#but it's killlllling me not being able to share write-y stuffs. Hence the above#fic#writing#the santa clause#TSC#these are all incredibly self indulgent; I do apologise#I am but a jaded old lady who takes solace in long hugs and characters yearning across time n space for one another#(tell me you were brought up on dr who without telling me you were brought up on dr who)#as well as obtrusive weirdos getting cursed apparently#the implications of a curse that can be sent virtually - both from a world-building perspective and also a narrative perspective - ...#are as horrifying as they are impractical#ridiculous even#but I couldn't stop laughing at the prospect. So here it be#for now at least#needless to say I altered the circumstances of Lucy's meeting bb!Jack for the first time#this is a much younger and therefore much more happy-go-lucky Jack#younger also than the version of him in ch 5#this Jack is probs smth like 700 - 800-ish#still a lil' charmer tho
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Currently writing Disney Night for Dancing in the Light and it's definitely the longest chapter so far, and it might actually be the longest chapter of the fic. Especially as it's not done yet and it's already 2.4k words.
#the next step#tns#not liveblogging#mattie’s fics#dwts au#dancing in the light#still gotta finish jacquie's section and the actual filming#this chapter is easily going to surpass 3k#and i know some people write chapters upwards of 10k#but this is long for me#it ended up being just about 4K
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Dancing With Visions - The Dance I Enjoyed - Cumbia - Tighnari
Author Notes: So, I wasn't initially going to include cumbia as a dance for this series but after the lovely @theroseredreaper suggested I include a chapter using it and even suggested I use Tighnari for it, I couldn't resist. So here it is and I truly hope I did a good job of writing this dance style! The performance in this fic was inspired by the youtube videos "How to dance:Cumbia - Basics (Part 1)” and “Cumbia Turns with Arm Combination | How To Dance Cumbia | Online Dance Classes | Waldo & Jacqui”. This fic was written while listening to the song “A Donde Vas” By Carolina Lao. Just like the rest of this series, Reader is female. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more of this series, the fics can be found here: Dancing with Visions Masterlist.
Type: Female reader/ dance/ fluff/bit of flirting from Tighnari /sfw
Word Count: 1283

Collei sat off to the side, her hands resting on her legs as she leaned forward with anticipation, and I found myself smiling at the young lady, shaking my head slightly.
Somehow, I wasn’t surprised that she’d decided to learn a dance. She was always pushing herself to try new things, and I had no doubts she would want to show her new moves off to her friend, Amber, on her next trip to Mondstadt.
I hadn’t hesitated when Tighnari had asked for my assistance teaching her. It had been quite some time since I’d last danced with my friend from school.
Me and Tighnari had stayed in touch, of course, but with his busy schedule, dancing was hardly anything he had time for.
In fact, most of the time our interactions were just correspondence through letters. I was more likely to see Collei or Cyno than I was to see the ever-busy forest watcher.
I stood next to the young, green-haired lady while we waited for the man in question to arrive. And after a brief moment, I glanced her way once more with a slight smile, noting the nervous way her fingers were lacing and unlacing themselves, “Don’t worry, the cumbia isn’t hard, and, as you’ll see once Tighnari gets here, it’s a fun little dance.”
I walked over to the middle of the floor where I’d already blocked out three squares with tape, two in front and one in the back, “I’ll show you the basics real quick though, so you can watch for that when me and Tighnari do dance.”
Collei nodded, her eyes already bright as she looked from the squares and back to me. Under her fascinated stare, I stepped into the two front squares that were side by side and glanced up at her.
“So I’m going to tap forward with the heel of my right foot before stepping back into this back square. Then cross over with the left foot into the right front square before bringing my right foot back forward to stand in the same right, front square with my feet together.” As I spoke, I did as I said, pausing between motions to check if she was following.
“Now tap forward with the heel of your left foot before stepping back with that same foot into the back square.” She nodded at my instructions, watching my feet closely and causing me to smile in quiet amusement as I continued, “Now cross over with the right foot into the left front square and bring your left foot up to stand with your feet together.”
She looked up at me when I stopped, and I smiled, “You just keep doing this same motion over and over, though you’ll have a slight twist in your body as you do the motions to tempo. Easy, right?”
I quickly demonstrated the same steps at the actual dancing tempo, smiling as she nodded with a smile of her own.
“Already getting started without me, I see,” My motions froze at the sound of a familiar voice, and I twisted to see Tighnari smiling at both of us from the doorway he was leaning up against.
I crossed my arms, smiling at the young man and tilting my head slightly in a teasing fashion, “Well, you weren’t showing up, so I thought I’d go ahead and start teaching her.”
He pushed himself off the door frame, a smile on his face as he walked over to where I stood, even as he looked over at Collei, “And, how has she done? Have you understood everything Y/n said?”
Collei nodded, smiling as her eyes darted between the two of us, “Yeah, everything made a lot of sense.”
I smiled almost smugly over at my partner, “See? I’m a good teacher.”
“Uh, huh, I guess that means you still remember the steps then?” His tone held distinct undertones of teasing that all but had me rolling my eyes.
“Of course I still remember the steps; I’m the one who signed us up for classes, remember?” I twisted, taking his hands in mine as I grinned at him and already beginning to shift slightly to the music that Collei started for us.
His lips twitched up into a fully visible smile, “Yes, as I recall it took quite a bit of time away from our other school work.”
I snorted, starting to shift with Tighnari, both of us already matching the beat and falling into the rhythm like we’d never stopped dancing together, “It was good for you.”
His eyebrows rose as we started to turn, sarcasm filling his voice, “Enriching even.”
I laughed quietly, letting him spin me lightly before my arm raised so that he could spin under it. A small part of me wondered if Collei was able to follow us. If not, we could always break it down for her later.
Off to the side, I could see her smiling, bobbing along to the music as she watched the two of us.
Tighnari spun me again, having long since let go of one of my hands so that he could better shift around the space with me, a smile on his face as he watched me.
I twisted so that my back was now to him, and he shifted as I extended one arm. He took my hand as his other hand rested lightly on my waist, and I glanced at him over my shoulder, my voice softening so that Collei couldn’t hear me over the music, “Say, why do you think Collei wanted to learn the cumbia?”
I wasn’t able to keep the curiosity out of my voice, and he sighed slightly, a smile still on his face as he matched my volume, “I may have mentioned something about how you made me take classes. It probably piqued her interest.”
I snickered slightly, twisting so that he could spin under one of my arms, now holding both my hands before he led me to the same, “See? I knew you enjoyed it. Why else would you have mentioned it to your student?”
He snorted slightly, shifting so that we were facing each other once more, briefly in a hold more like what one would expect from a partner dance. One of his arms wrapped around me so that he could hold my waist while his other hand held one of my hands, my other arm wrapped around him and my hand pressed to his back, “I’m not so sure it was the dance that I enjoyed so much as the partner.”
He slipped back so that we were only attached by one pair of conjoined hands as I smiled in surprise at him, “Well, aren’t you feeling a little flirty?”
He chuckled slightly before we twisted and let go of one another’s hands.
We both looked up at the same time at Collei as his arm slipped around my back and mine around his shoulders.
The young woman looked at us with a bright smile, and I felt myself smiling in return as Tighnari tilted his head, “Did that all make sense?”
I laughed at his words, shaking my head as he looked my way, “Tighnari, you haven’t even explained it to her yet.”
“Well, you said you had and that you were a good teacher,” He smiled at me, his eyes glimmering and giving away his teasing nature as I gave him a half hug.
I leaned against him before looking over as Collei started speaking, “It did make sense! When do you think I can try?”
Her eyes were bright and her hands pressed together excitedly as I laughed slightly, “As soon as you’re ready!”
If you would like to read more:
#Genshin Impact Imagines#Tighnari x reader#Tighnari#Genshin Impact x reader#Genshin x reader#cumbia#latin dancing#fluff#sfw#female reader#light flirtation#collei#Tighnari x you#Tighnari x y/n#mywritings#it-happened-one-fic#Dancing with Visions#Genshin x you#Genshin x y/n#Genshin Impact x you#Genshin Impact x y/n#fanfiction#twisted wonderland x reader#fanfic#fic series#Sumeru
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INTRO (more cleaned up version)
I am 15, so I only do/interact with sfw things here. I beseech that you do the same.
hai hai hai!! :))
Ok so first: my name is AKI or Ruckoos or wtv u prefer :-) I am genderfluid achillean and Filipino (PINOYS REPRESENTT)
My pronouns are (he/they), and if you're comfy enough, I use (vi/viself) neopronouns!
I, personally, am a Satanist, but alllll religions are welcome here :>>
I'm homeschooled, so I am chronically active on here lolzz :33
I wanna be a cinematographer/game dev when I grow up
I have Adhd
My favorite movies are Everything Everywhere All At Once, Flow and Parasite
My favorite book is Fahrenheit 451, with Crime and Punishment a close second
My favorite artists are Ethel Cain, Eartheater, Arca, FKA Twigs and Björk
My favorite character OAT is A.K.I from sf6
ok lets start with the big ones
I do NOT want: pro-1sra3l weirdos; p3d0s, MAPs or wtv you gross things call yourselves; proshippers; right-wingers; people who don't support LGBTQIA+ rights; people who don't support women's rights; people who don't support POC rights; ableists; zoos.
you get the gist.
My comments will always be open for discussions and, self-explanatorily, comments! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not get into scuffles or fights or heavy arguments, I want my blog to be our little campfire where we can huddle and talk; no matter your side on the argument, wether you're right or wrong, wether I agree with you or not, this isn't the place for that. Any and all forms of harassment to me or my ruffles (thats what I call u guys 🙈) will be blocked on sight.
When you ask, specify the:
pov (m!reader, trans!reader, amab!reader, gn!reader, f!reader, child!reader)
characters (can be as many as u want! But 4-5 max if you want quick response)
I write for the following characters:
and genre (fluff, comfort, angst, headcannon, drabble, full fic (with a storyline)
NSFW of any kind
Polyamory (nothing against it, just not comfortable enough to portray it)
Religious themed, Abuse, drug abuse, yandere, sh
character x character
Adult x child romance (the child!reader was, is, and always will be platonic)
baraka, cassie cage, cetrion, erron black, frost, fujin, jacqui, geras, jade, jax, johhny cage (old and young), rambo, kabal, kano, kitana, kotal khan, kung lao, liu kang, mileena, noob saibot, raiden, rain, hanzo, shao kahn, skarlet, spawn, sub-zero, terminator
Noob saibot, homelander, shang tsung, general shao, havik, reptile/syzoth, kenshi, scorpion, bi-han, liu kang, johnny cage, geras, rain/zeffeero, kung lao, baraka, smoke, omni-man, reiko
Ryu, Luke, Ed, Guile, ken, dee jay, Manon, jp, rashi, A.K.I (my beloved), mai, kimberly, juri
Kazuya, Eddy Gordo, Jin, Victor, Lars, Paul, King, Asuka, Hwoarang, Claudio, Bryan, Raven, Azucena, yoshimitsu, Shaheen
(may or may not add rainbow six siege and call of duty 👀, but not yet tho so stay tuned)
Wraith, Trapper, the Shape, Doctor, Legiom (all of them), Ghostface, Oni, Executioner, Wesker, Knight, Dracula, David, Yui, Zarina, Felix, Elodie, Jonah, Vittorio, Gabriel Soma
#mortal kombat#mortal kombat x reader#gay#lgbtq#amab#street fighter#street fighter 6#introduction#fanfic#fandom#mortal kombat x m!reader#ruckooos#my ruffles
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Pfp made by Totty
Requests: Closed!
Art Requests: Open!
Twitch: Link
Discord: Link
Wild Kratt's Discord: Link
Commissions: Link
I do not write NSFW! That excludes bondage (heavy, perhaps mild), nudity, and adult activities, jokes are a completely different matter.
Please make sure to read the list below every so often to make sure if one of my fandoms are still active or not, I will be updating it every time I make a new fic or read/watch something new.
Remember I'm only one person, if I take long to do your request, it most likely will be due to personal life issues, my entire life doesn't need the internet.
If you disrespect my friend's rules/boundaries, just know if you come to me, I may not do your ask for a long while, for if you hurt a friend of mine, I'll not take that lightly.
More may be added in future.
Will Never Take Off: 👀
Most Into: 💖
Average: 💗
Like But Won't Write For: ❤
Not Into Currently: 💔
Will Write For: ✍
Won't Write For: 🤚
Still Playing/Watching: 🤳
Play/Watch List: 👁
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Dororo: 👀✍
BSD: 💖✍
Haikyuu!!: 💗✍
TBHK: 💗🤚
Black Butler: 👁🤚
Demon Slayer: 👀✍
Spy x Family: 🤳✍
Nanbaka: 👁✍
One Piece: 🤳✍
Komi Can't Communicate: 🤳✍
FMAB: 🤳✍
MHA: 🤳✍
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Genshin Impact: 💖✍
Honkai Star Rail: 👁🤚
Skyrim: ❤🤚
Ace Attorney: 👀✍
Obey Me: 💗✍
PjSekai: 💔🤚
Misao: 💗✍
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
TOH: ❤🤚
Ninjago: 💖✍
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Puss 'N Boots: 💖✍
Corpse Bride: 👀✍
Batman Wayne Family Adventures: 💖🤳✍
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Let The Stars Guide You (Lee!Reader/Ler!Xiao)
Departure Day (Lee!Senjuro/Ler!Kyojuro)
How To Train Your Owl (Lee!Bokuto/Ler!Akaashi)
Ango's Weakness (Lee!Ango/Ler!Reader)
Upper 1 & 2's Secret (Switches!Douma & Kokushibo/Ler!Akaza)
Dazai's Troublesome Day (Lee!Dazai/Lers!Atsushi & Akutagawa)
Cackly Cords (Lee!Zane/Lers!Cole & Pixal) (Collab w/ @jettorii)
Mushi-Madness (Lee!Reader/Ler!Mushitarou)
Sun Dials & Wails (Lee!Tengen/Ler!Kyojuro)
Knight In Shining Armour (Lee!Rui/Ler!Tsukasa)
Wonderous Ways (Lee!Xiao/Ler!Lumine)
Lying Lawyer (Lee!Phoenix/Ler!Edgeworth)
Boo Boo's & Laughter (Switches!Anya & Loid/Ler!Yor
High Horizons (Lee!Venti/Ler!Lisa)
Butterflies Bounty (Lee!Tomioka/Ler!Kocho)
A Book's Purpose (Lee!Yanfei/Ler!Hu Tao)
Best Day Off Ever (Lee!Chuuya/Ler!Reader) (Dani's Birthday Fic)
Late Night Sorrows (Lee!Reader/Ler!Mushitaro)
A Proxy's Memories (Lee!Toby/Ler!Slender)
Silent Kicks (Lee!Tadano/Ler!Komi
Tripping Up (Lee!Roy/Ler!Riza)
A Magician's Trick (Lee!Ferminet/Lers!Lynette & Lyney)
Near The Wood Fire (Lee!Jason Todd/Ler!Sakura)
Finding His Voice (Lee!Hyakkimaru/Ler!Mio)
No Longer Alone ( Jing Yuan Comfort Fic)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lee!Edward Elric(FMAB)
Lee!Illumi Zoldyck(HxH)
#natalie writez#sfw tickle community#sfw tk community#tk community#sfw tk blog#tickle content#tickle fluff#tickle fic#tk fic#bsd tickle#haikyuu tickle#genshin tickle#ace attorney tickle#pjsekai tickle#demon slayer tickle#ninjago tickle#fmab tickle
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Hey everyone!
I have some Mortal Kombat Characters that I will write x reader fics for!
Liu Kang
Kuai Liang
Takahashi Takeda
Kung Lao
Takahashi Kenshi (Maybe)
Hanzo Hisashi
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs
And more I will add on to this list!
That's it
I will come out with prompts tommorow or the nest day!
All of them will be Fem! Reader!
#liu kang x reader#kung lao x reader#takeda takahashi x reader#kenshi takahashi x reader#kuai liang x reader#cassie cage x reader#jacqui briggs x reader#hanzo hisashi x reader#mortal kombat#mk#video games
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Kris! You're truly the queen of angst and so so talented! You're always so kind and sweet and I just love having you around 🥰💙
Jacqui!!! How dare you be so nice to me??!! It's been such an absolute pleasure meeting and getting to know you, my friend. 💜💜💜
And on the whole queen of angst thing, I find it kind of funny because I really didn't set out to be such an angst writer! I genuinely thought I'd only write dark fic when I started out because that was generally what I was reading at the time. Then, right after I posted my first fic (the anniversary of which is next week!!!), the idea for IKISKB hit me, and the rest is history, I guess! The whole thing's been such a fun period of discovery for me. 😊
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Might finally write that Jacqui Takeda in every lifetime fic idea.
I won't say stay tuned in case I don't get it done, but... keep an eye out?
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Anyone as bored as me?
Feel like giving me a ficlet prompt?
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20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @starfleetwitch you dont mind if I get my lawyer in the room for these do you?
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
*Consults with Lawyer*
Ahem... to my knowledge, there are 4 on Ao3. HAH! Cant catch me that easily old sport!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
I've been reliably informed its currently 42,037. Is this an interrogation or a friendly chat? Come on come one. Get to it, we all have homes to get back to.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
*Lawyer mumbles something in my ear*
Your honor, I can disclose that I've written for Holby City and Doctor who/ Unit AND NOTHING ELSE!
*Murmuring in the courtroom*
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
According to my carefully maintained and TOTALLY innocent paper work:
We're both adults
What happens at the office party stays at the office party
The Princess's Language lesson
I have a proposal
IN THAT ORDER. Go head, check the data. I'm telling the truth, your honor. Honest as an... honest... thing...
5. Do you respond to comments?
*bangs the table*
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
*panicked murmuring from the lawyer*
Due to the nature of the written documents in question, I've been advised to not mention The Princess's Language lesson
*Sound of a lawyer face palming*
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
We're both adults your honor! It's nothing but pure happiness from start to finish, I SWEAR your honor. I am nothing but a writer of pure fluff and happiness, I've never written anything else in my life WOULDN'T KNOW HOW TO your honor.
*looks down to see the lawyer has written SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! on a piece of paper*
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No your honor. I have a person blocking me from posting certain things but thats a whole separate thing unrelated to this case WHICH YOU'LL HAVE TO GET A WARRANT to question me on. SO THERE!
*Lawyer pulls out a bottle of whiskey and starts necking it*
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
*Lawyer knows we're fucked now and just straight up leaves*
Oh e...errr.... erm.... Oh god... shit. Fuck. Erm... Just the one published currently... errr... C-c-can I possibly get another lawyer?
*The Princess's Language lesson falls out of my pocket*
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
*Uncontrollable sobbing*
If I did, would that help my case?!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
*Absolute wailing as I wish a bad translation could explain away my sins*
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
*The Princess's Language lesson falls out of my pocket again*
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
*A fic about Serena wearing a strap falls out of my pocket*
*A Zoe and Frankie locked in a records room WIP and a Jacqui with a tied up EVIL!Kate WIP fall out of my pocket making an awful racket as they roll around the floor like a tin can filled with nails at 3am when you're trying not to wake the house*
Before you say anything... I've never seen those documents in my life. They were CLEARLY planted on me in some CONSPIRACY to paint my character as a writer of FILTH.
I'd like this incident struck from the record please
*A currently 10,000 word WIP thats just PWP Kate/Serena/Bernie also falls out of my pocket*
What even is the point of pockets in women's trousers these days?! CAN'T HOLD SHIT!
16. What are your writing strengths?
*Still recovering and stuffing the wips back into my shallow ass pockets*
Apparently I've written some really decent GAY!straight sex, but I can't tell you why people have said that. I have NEVER written smut in my life!
*The Princess's Language lesson falls out of my pocket again*
I'm gonna mc fuckin' loose it in a second
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
*Trying not to cry again*
Finishing things. Posting things I HAVE finished. Getting my creations past the person I mentioned earlier that blocks me from posting shit. Again fuck you though, you need to open up a whole new court case to get me to talk about that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Please be clear on your questions, your honor. I'm clearly struggling here. I dont know what this means. Is this a controversial point? Do people in general have opinions on characters using their own language at times?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
You honor. I come to you on my knees a shattered shell of a human being. I am a broken horse. Please dont rub salt in my wounds that I completed straight smut before I completed gay smut and just accept that it was an unspecified part of the Jemma Redgrave cinematic universe.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
We're both adults! I had a very specific writing method for that fic and though it took me a year to complete, I COMPLETED IT and I was happy with the result.
*The Princess's Language lesson falls out of my pocket again*
Lets just... get the tags over and done with. Interrogation over. I feel like I just got RINSED.
@ktlsyrtis @seahorsepencils @colourmestoked04 @akaanonymouth @shippingsincebeforeyouwereborn @lapalfruity @kowarth @backjustforberena
#Petition to make women's pockets deeper#ask me anything#berena#bernie wolfe#serena campbell#Doctor who#malcom tucker#the thick of it#kate stewart#kate lethbridge stewart
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Was thinking about a comment you posted in your fic regarding living independently post s6, especially Lizzie. It's interesting to think for women of her time..it's a scandal to be divorced/estraged from husband, and Lizzies past is also a huge black mark. She will truly be seen as a fallen woman even with the money? Which will impact Charlie as well because she is his mother, like Karl is bullied in school. No respectable man will want to marry her either. I wonder if Arthur Linda never divorced the time they were apart for the same reasons. It's interesting to see where Lizzies arc will go in the movie..but society was never kind to her kind in reality. Eager to see how you tackle these issues, if you do, in your research/writing
Thats actually some really good points you raise, because I was thinking along my usual arc of writing people to the point where they are completely independent but make a conscious choice to partner without the trappings of gender roles/traditional roles being enforced. but a cogent reminder the society of the time itself does not lend itself to this!
I mean, the easy route would be Lizzie as a recognised wealthy widow (a more accepted consideration for women than divorce methinks? I think like Jacqui O without the fascism) and Tommy visiting her in secret, but that’s a little too clean for where I was thinking of taking it.
anyway thanks for the comment because it’s super useful and can only help build more complexity and interest!
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I don't know what it is, but with like one or two exceptions, I've had to fight to write Jude's sections. My best guess is I'm more comfortable writing Richelle and Jacquie, but also it might be that I'm just not a huge fan of writing Summer either who is the character, other than Cleo, that she interacts with the most in this fic.
#the next step#tns#not liveblogging#mattie’s fics#dancing in the light#dwts au#anyway I only have to finish this section and then one more and then I'm done writing Jude#as much as I love her I can't wait for that
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Need Help Picking A Title For The First Chapter Of My Jinkeda Multi Chaptered Fic!
Sneak Peak of The First Chapter For Context To Help You Decide (Only If You Want To)
Takeda stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom, too tired to actually get up out of bed and do anything.
Well, he's been like this for the last two months, so he isn't surprised. Especially when he's feeling like this after what went down when he was feeling all happy and shit.
First his father Kenshi, then his master and mentor Hanzo who he also looked up to as a father figure, and his now ex girlfriend Jacqui.
Who broke up with him a week right after Takeda found out that his father and mentor both died.
God he had shitty luck
That is a sneak peak at the first chapter of my Jinkeda (Kung Jin x Takahashi Takeda) multi chaptered fanfic on AO3. It's called I'm Right Here, and I can't wait for you guys to read it!
So what should the title of the first chapter be?
You decide, and if you have any questions about this fic or why I am writing it please do ask me in my inbox!
#jinkeda#kung jin#takeda takahashi#takeda x kung jin#kung jin x takeda#kombat kids#mortal kombat x#mortal kombat#mkx#video games
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