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higherentity · 6 months ago
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ifreakingloveroyals · 7 months ago
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,614/∞) 24 May 2021 | King Felipe VI of Spain arrives for President Guillermo Lasso inauguration speech at Asamblea Nacional in Quito, Ecuador. (Photo by Franklin Jacome/Getty Images)
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23rdhunter · 2 months ago
It's in my Ripley's Believe it or Not book, if a picture of a picture works
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does anyone have the picture of the snowflake cut carefully into someone’s skin? I wanted to reblog it for Solstice but I can’t seem to find it.
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jojojoestarkissesmen · 2 months ago
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
Aisi Anjo Ansa Anso Anta Asano Ase Asno Caeci Caeso Camvut Cuiho Cuihu Cuis Daet Diohu Duiso Eeco Ekacun Elcu Elsvat Esa Esal Etnu Heco Huihuja Hurqa Ilwa Joadun Jonoduso Jonu Kdusno Koija Kuikaco Logwodo Nadaho Narqa Neucu Nosua Nuiso Nuiu Olcu Qosa Qosujo Raiju Ralca Ralwu Ronso Ronsu Tduisa Tduise Ucu Urwu Vatnu Waedu Wisua Woarqo Woia Woida Woile Worqe Worqo
Aada Aali Acakhonlar Aci Ahnu Aisi Aju Ali Anddas Ant Arki Arner Arsi Ase Baenar Baet Camvut Dain Divarnos Doiki Duks Edpor Edukh Eelu Eleard Enlal Erja Esal Inddak Jesnov Jinsnonnun Joadal Joubi Jüdu Koisi Kollak Kollu Naet Nase Nensa Niiki Niosu Nisus Oshu Qean Qeje Qeron Qiohap Qoak Qoan Qoji Raiju Saewa Uci Urka Urwat Woile Wolus Wonu
Aakuk Aas Ade Adewoa Adewoe Ahkan Aku Alcos Alcuk Annin Anses Ardi Aun Aus Batnoi Bekk Besno Beuhapp Bilar Bild Bist Boal Boas Boce Bolcu Bolm Bolor Boqe Boqejuku Born Bornal Borts Bots Buhcok Buheja Buirwats Bulca Bult Cabuk Cae Caetwoa Caewats Cais Camvar Capbuk Capp Ceik Cewusna Cihwes Ciit Ciopu Coan Coar Coas Coasa Coasast Coasawats Coilisar Cong Corjo Coss Coudusnun Cour Cuikok Cuiniqo Cuiv Culcawats Cull Cund Cunk Cupbes Cupp Cuppwoa Davosa Deus Dihtco Dios Diss Doaluk Doid Dond Doqo Dothap Doud Doudhapp Eenboce Elcar Ets Happ Harbos Hehu Heits Hett Hiohoar Hiot Hoada Hoadu Hoar Hodobeu Hokuhoar Honlar Horv Hukk Huld Hurk Ilkas Jacom Jaepso Jedli Jedus Jekk Jell Jeng Jerkuts Jett Jeuhuk Jeusk Jiiko Jiiv Jikk Jilk Jiort Jipbal Jitjos Joacabupo Joahuk Joco Joddu Jode Joha Johuk Jolcos Jolcoswoa Jollo Jongdi Jonper Jopp Jorniamm Jorp Jorsar Josk Joss Jour Jovun Joyo Jujos Juku Jukujos Jukusnuk Julk Junk Jurhubeu Jurss Jäsas Kdeus Koda Kodas Koduk Kohnar Kohtdo Koin Koisi Kolk Kolqos Korar Koru Kude Kuido Kunjal Kussobeu Nalar Neisk Nidesna Nihkar Niom Niomhoce Nioso Niots Niowa Niowung Niwunpos Noal Nocu Nomm Nomwa Nomwuk Nomwusna Nuilawon Nuit Nulk Odos Odov Oim Oiwe Oqoco Oqosne Oqowoa Ots Ott Ou Päll Pärwung Qipu Qocojos Qoik Qorka Qorkahio Qorko Qorku Qorv Rain Rall Rent Roako Rolcuk Saenor Serk Simm Siol Srolnus Suit Tdai Tdeu Tdeukocu Tdoat Uceots Uivi Uivibeu Unt Uusnoce Wathus Wats West Willar Witnes Woahuk Woale Wodubeu Woe Woeade Wond Wonsuk Wopu Wutt
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ashyrvir · 6 months ago
Ooh I should try Appalachian hikes. Most I find out here are nothing like the hikes I'm used to. If you're on Oahu don't ask tour guides the good hikes. They'll say diamond head, or the point. Both are just long walks. (The point has albatross nests you can see through binoculars if you go during a good season but that's the most exciting it gets). Ask the locals about Malekahana falls or if you want something a little more tame Wailele falls is good too. Laie falls is a little bit overtrodden but it's decent. If you want something certainly more fun you can ask a math professor at BYUH about Jacom Ridge.
I will admit all those hikes are around Laie but that's where I grew up.
hiking trails on the west coast: Begin climbing on a soft earthen trail through beautiful douglas fir-western hemlock forest for 2.5 miles along a series of switchbacks, then break from the tree cover for 1 mile of straight even trail through a stunning wildflower meadow just below the ridgeline, after which the trail makes a sharp right and continues to the summit with a further 2 miles of switchbacks. Enjoy beautiful views of the nearest dormant stratovolcano and also at least two waterfalls and a crystal-clear alpine lake along the way. Round trip: 11 miles, 3,000ft elevation gain. Difficulty: moderate :)
hiking trails on the east coast: Go 1.5 miles up. Yes, straight up. Switchbacks? What are you, a baby? Are you a little child? Fuck you. Go up. [Seasonal note: first half of trail is a running stream during mud season and a multipitch ice climbing route during winter.] Round trip: 3 miles, 1,200ft elevation gain. Difficulty: jesus christ
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lcentretenimento · 3 months ago
Diretor explica a escolha de reprisar Tieta 30 anos depois
O diretor de Gestão de Conteúdo da Globo, Gabriel Jacome, explicou o motivo da escolha da novela ��Tieta” para ser reprisada 30 anos após sua última exibição. O anúncio da volta da trama de Aguinaldo Silva, baseada na obra homônima de Jorge Amado, movimentou as redes sociais e surpreendeu o público nesta quarta-feira, 13/11. Continue reading Diretor explica a escolha de reprisar Tieta 30…
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hotnew-pt · 4 months ago
Caso Marta Calvo | A Suprema Corte condena o serial killer que matou Marta Calvo à prisão permanente e passível de revisão #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News Y llegó el día. El Tribunal Supremo ha condenado a prisión permanente revisable a Jorge Ignacio Palma Jacome, el asesino en serie de Marta Calvo, Arliene Ramos y Lady Marcela Vargas a lo largo de 2019, condenado hasta ahora a 159 años y 11 meses de cárcel por la Audiencia de València, primero, y por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunitat Valenciana (TSJ-CV), después, por esos…
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goalhofer · 6 months ago
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Welcome to Utah, Jack Jacome.
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thecgbros · 8 months ago
A CGI 3D Short Film: "Things In Jars" - by ESMA | TheCGBros
TheCGBros Presents "Things In Jars" - by ESMA - Finn, a teen who goes on a visit to his grandmother’s house for his birthday, finds himself entangled in an unexpected adventure along with his grandma, Fionna. Together they’ll have to overcome every challenge while remembering what it was to be a team. For more information, please see the details and links below: 
TEAM: Réalisateurs / directors: Maëlle Gressé-Denois, Haruthai Marchand, Kianna Molino, Gwendoline Moscato, Ana Belén Negrete Jacome, Quentin Piefke, Matilda Vial and Yuewan Zhou Musique / music:  Laurent Vang & David Escudero Voix / Voices: Angela Kent, Hylan Kaczmarek, Mark Kaczmarek Chanteurs / singers: Laurent Vang, Nolwenn Guéhenneux Son / sound: José Vicente, Yoann Poncet, Mickaël Merrheim - STUDIO DES AVIATEURS
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armatofu · 10 months ago
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Residente en Nueva España y nacido en Gran Canaria en la segunda década del siglo XVII, era hijo de Juan Bautista Salvago y Leonor de Arnao, ambos nacidos en Génova. Sus abuelos paternos, Jacome Salvago y María Espínola.
Los Salvago eran una de las veintiocho Casas patricias de Génova.
María Espínola, hermana del noble genovés Cosme Espínola e hijos ambos de Benito y Simona Espínola.
Sus abuelos maternos fueron Antonio Arnao, genovés y María de Arnao, natural de la isla de Tenerife.
Imagen: escudo de la familia Salvago
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bookoformon · 10 months ago
Ether Chapter 6: 12-19. "The Promised Land."
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This second journey across the sea to the Promised Land explains how to restart America. We have to swim under the existing mess, and study the basic premises of religion and government and surface, ready to till.
There are Seven Days associated with this process of tilling. Recall Moses could not enter the Promised Land because of the failure of the spies. The spies were afraid of being caught when they were sent to spy on the Canaanites. Spies are the Faculties in search of plunder. If they are afraid to look, what will they actually find?
Spies are first mentioned in Vayeshev:
6 Now Joseph was governor over the land. He was the one who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph's brothers came and bowed themselves before him with their faces to the ground. 7 Joseph saw his brothers and recognized them, but he treated them like strangers and spoke roughly to them. “Where do you come from?” he said. They said, “From the land of Canaan, to buy food.” 8 And Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. 9 And Joseph remembered the dreams that he had dreamed of them. And he said to them, “You are spies; you have come to see the nakedness of the land.” 10 They said to him, “No, my lord, your servants have come to buy food. 11 We are all sons of one man. We are honest men. Your servants have never been spies.”
To buy food is to study the Torah and consume what one learns. To find food in the Promised Land, however, one had to send spies because no one knew what they are looking for. So Moses could not lead the Israelites to it, they would have gotten lost or ambushed or taken prisoner by another nation of ideals once again.
The prophets that wrote the Book of Mormon were obviously more sophisticated and know exactly what to look for in order to find and dwell within the Promised Land which explains why the Book of Mormon mentions two trips. One is literary, one is literal:
12 And they did land upon the shore of the promised land. And when they had set their feet upon the shores of the promised land they bowed themselves down upon the face of the land, and did humble themselves before the Lord, and did shed tears of joy before the Lord, because of the multitude of his tender mercies over them.
13 And it came to pass that they went forth upon the face of the land, and began to till the earth.
14 And Jared had four sons; and they were called Jacom, and Gilgah, and Mahah, and Orihah.
15 And the brother of Jared also begat sons and daughters.
16 And the friends of Jared and his brother were in number about twenty and two souls; and they also begat sons and daughters before they came to the promised land; and therefore they began to be many.
17 And they were taught to walk humbly before the Lord; and they were also taught from on high.
18 And it came to pass that they began to spread upon the face of the land, and to multiply and to till the earth; and they did wax strong in the land.
19 And the brother of Jared began to be old, and saw that he must soon go down to the grave; wherefore he said unto Jared: Let us gather together our people that we may number them, that we may know of them what they will desire of us before we go down to our graves.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 12: They landed upon the shore. Bereshit states God landed upon the Shore on Day 1. The Value in Gematria is 9956, טטהו‎, tethu, "the cell of theos." We cannot do what God can do. Humility before the might and knowledge of God is the beginning of the end of the darkeness enveloping this world. We are limited and need to understand what the limits are. We are testing the limits and they are testing us. This is an incorrect way to wage life on this planet.
v. 13: They began to till. The Value in Gematria is 4013, ד‎אֶפֶסאג‎, D'Afesag "to print." To till is to begin one's Jewish Conversion at age 13, or to print the Words of Moses on the mind. This is consistent with what happened on Day 2 when the darkness and the Light began to differentiate.
Without the Torah, what is savage and what is sentient do not separate. Mankind does not have any other means it can use early in life to help young persons learn how to be as ethical beings.
v. 14: And Jared had four sons; and they were called Jacom, and Gilgah, and Mahah, and Orihah. Jared is the Descendant. Our descendants are supposed to learn from us. We have apparently taught people how to be giant sloppy cunts. Even still tilling is an ongoing process and new people are being born and coming of age every day and the opportunity for a new world is not entirely gone.
The process for creating ancestors is described using the following terms:
Jacom=Upright, "provide for the knave."
Gilgah=explain the cycle
Mahah=protest (what is not Kosher)
Orihah=explain what is stable
This is preparation for the Fourth Day, which is the Big Day in the Torah as it means the Age of Reason has begun.
The Value in Gematria is 4030, ד‎אֶפֶסג אֶפֶס, "The Peak is Zero."
The Most High believes we have everything we need to be reasonable. The Torah and other faiths speak of a climb up, but really we stay right on the ground exactly where we are. This is also what the Mishnah says the blue sky is actually underfoot rather than overhead. Bereshit says one needs to attain to the sky before one can put the stars, the sun, the moon, etc. inside it, which leads to Day Four, Sentience:
v. 15: And the brother of Jared also begat sons and daughters. Brothers are uncles who embody the Attributes of accomplished Jews. Sentience means we feel, we develop the ability to empathize with the plights of others.
The next step is to learn how to participate and compete in society in a constructive productive manner. The Value in Gematria is 2315, בגא‎‎‎ה, "pride, haughtiness, boastfulness."
Day Four is also the time the ego emerges. The ego is insentient. All of us struggle on Day Four between the Self and the ego.
v. 16:  And the friends of Jared began to be many. To be a Jewish friend one reminds the world of its Jewish heritage. Jews are the longest lived, longest lasting original founders of civilization. We owe the Jew everything. From the Jew came Day 5, our intelligence and from thence came our diversity.
The Value in Gematria is 11034, יאאֶפֶסג‎ג‎, "I will top it off, yaepsgg. I will get old."
= We can't be religious for the rest of our lives. Jewish culture emphasizes what are called Shabbos and Shabbat, "the end of work, the beginning of the enjoyment of the fruits."
In the East we say "swami no enjoy the fruits." Jews are the opposite.
Day 5 represents the fruits of the actions of a culture that has overcome its ego and tilled the soil of civilization with the Attributes of the Sentient Self.
Chasing gay people and abortions around is not a sentient behavior. Leave people alone, give them everything they need to be happy and they will prosper.
v. 17-18: And they were taught and did wax in the land. The Value in Gematria 10482, אאֶפֶסדדב, ‎ ‎ ‎aafes dahab, "Somehow, understand what is forthcoming." For this mankind needs to learn how to multiply, or understand the Numbers in the Torah and their importance to the bedrock of human civilization, how to be more like God and then how to be fully humane.
v. Let us gather the people together and number them. The Value in Gematria is 14013, ידאֶפֶסאג, yadapesag, = the spies of Moses, sent to "Get to know the species and the times."
When we gather people together we persecute them, shoot them, starve or strain them. A few easily managed decisions made by the leaders of this world could fix this=Day 7, the Promised Land.
Every Jewish person is a Mishnah, a piece of the penultimate national Jewish experience. Each Jewish soul is a piece of the puzzle. As we perform the Torah we regress away from the mean of the individual towards a combined national experience, which we can say is the Mean of the Jewish Self. Once this happens, then we can all once again regress from the Mean. This is what is meant by "let us be fruitful and multiply". When successful it results in Mashiach, the 8th Day.
As in other eras which had their own conditions and reasons, humankind is depending on the success of the Jew to surpass the Seven Days and liberate mankind by the time of the Dawn of the 8th Day= to learn and teach the Torah properly to the rest of the human race.
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from the full list of Moon selenographical features and French names
Aford Afrey Ageasbeas Agnetinz Albeauzeau Aldis Alement Alley Alpoune Alvenois Amauberis Amblamist Amene Amons Aneau Apent Arbin Ardan Aseidger Asheille Assen Astine Auxure Aviconne Avien Ayermonna...
Bacharyn Bacquer Baire Bancitat Bannyson Bardimer Barte Batillesse Bayeaudeck Bazine Beaur Beauval Beaux Belley Belmir Berno Biert Binglacour Bisoner Bizée Bjesse Blanque Blault Boischaël Bolzeau Bommon Bonius Boragore Borber Borene Borélodil Bosselle Bouay Boulta Bound Bounsuels Bouron Boynisell Bozon Brach Bradin Brantion Brodour Brosimirs Broux Brussau Bujobile Bunoister Burche Burcouray Burier Bustelin Cadebon Callard Capances Caphéopey Caplourie Caravalet Carna Casque Casse Chard Chazo Cheect Cheland Cheliandre Chene Choamy Choeurne Clois Clorectoue Cloux Coderthwev Coison Colaford Cotte Coudeau Couis Coupur Coute Couth Crard Crocher Croterre Custivalps Cécierise Célin Dabeau Dabing Daner Daramorva Darmy Darvilemie Davoyeux Deate Deaulis Decon Dejousts Delenter Dellanger Dellegrass Derafors Desmarrise Desquer Dessamas Desse Desset Dettegis Doine Donton Dorcad Dornanne Dorte Doufore Doviergeog Drablante Drailau Drivet Dubertain Dublet Dubrice Dubue Dubuilance Duchefand Ducierthin Ducrèchay Dudecurin Duernien Dullin Dunne Dupina Dupornaud Dupra Durea Délinoël Emessaveux Erdefoux Ertalps Exhinck Fabiernis Fabontorne Fallard Fauchomarl Faville Fayet Febrier Fecoutais Feneve Flecov Flemi Flordin Fordine Forochau Fraist Freau Fretteline Frier Frobin Galen Galvegerd Ganhord Garks Genion Gidosteen Gimon Glard Goigni Gotaudes Gouille Grache Grade Graninne Graste Grefed Grich Grier Groquiront Guilia Gärtionoy Hasset Hathe Heaudi Hiboix Hiche Hotterun Houchard Hugan Humeng Hunet Héniatrun Jacieux Jacom Jacquer Jaloquel Jambon Janarobir Janbron Janneks Jearmán Jeaux Jesjasher Joldukev Josylvale Julamo Krachard Laclandris Lacolzeaux Lafain Lafolze Lagaisegir Lagriault Laharoury Lallooks Lamilet Lanchee Lanissago Lapen Laper Larbeley Lardoise Larolia Lathing Lavergay Lavide Laïsen Leauzier Lecre Lemette Leminette Lerroux Leton Leuregate Lexan Liedolson Lierlev Livigne Lormedis Lorétatte Loutartion Loyothie Luaillan Luclanill Lunetiss Mahin Maile Maimo Malme Mangen Manne Manstrain Mantio Marchalp Mardille Mardinet Marics Marivas Marle Marmon Marnes Martanifte Mashilie Mathélous Matiaquert Maudin Maxelle Maxente Mayohanne Maëll Medefau Medier Mellierond Menacke Menan Mierdonc Misimax Mobin Mocho Monne Monovskill Moroit Motte Moure Mukeve Nange Narder Nelleguis Nelogette Nesarrim Niline Nistin Nolia Nonser Ochamp Océcil Offeaulin Ohneautrev Olfrable Oreyoe Oucyrenne Palen Pandive Paque Pardé Paste Patte Payere Peliphone Pettette Phabon Phienne Phome Phorree Plageollin Plope Poldrau Polet Popper Poqueriver Poutridon Prett Pricouis Proch Rabriquese Rainien Rallet Rance Rante Raument Rence Retion Reurn Ricle Rigok Risson Ristry Robeauc Robeyriff Roier Romonse Rompoisle Romsdebon Rondoux Roodev Rotiedge Rourity Ruglia Runierisem Rélémy Sabarge Sardes Schoux Selegous Seline Sellagard Shaine Sichenato Siolau Slitz Smane Soncy Sophaléo Sopponne Soutre Spard Spatrum Spenesieu Spuyeau Stion Stivilloë Streher Stéon Stéont Suille Suprin Suriste Sylvy Talins Tatier Telaux Tervier Tesmytoux Theeperse Thenarraim Theushard Thiree Tinke Tonneau Treauzie Trulx Trumnerey Tudemined Ungeau Ussette Ustus Vadejeau Venyu Verry Verte Vetterry Villanie Villemes Voites Vopoix Wanusionis Whartouche Whoside Wiche Wikisevre Wikoe Witte Worasser Wriau Yalmodnard Yamescasim Zemadne Éliandry Élinette Élène
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chocolates43 · 1 year ago
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claudiamiranda06 · 1 year ago
¿Qué experiencia puntual realizaste? ¿Quién o qué institución la organizó y cuáles eran sus objetivos?
En los meses de marzo a diciembre planeo tener 6 horas semanales de clase de matemática. Las clases las tendré con el profesor Nelson Jacome ib de TOK ib en Colombia .
¿Por qué lo hiciste?
Porque deseo mejorar en el curso de TOK ..
¿Qué fue lo más relevante de esta experiencia?
Que me sentí bien conmigo misma incremente mi autoestima ,mejore mis notas.Y sobre todo pude disfrutar y dar 100% de mi.De esta manera descubrí de lo que soy capaz.
¿Qué resultado de aprendizaje CAS se puede evidenciar con esta experiencia?
Crecimiento personal.
¿Cuál fue el nivel en el que se logró este resultado de aprendizaje?:
Anota en criterios el Resultado de aprendizaje, debajo de éste las acciones que realizaste y evalúa tus niveles de logro de lo actuado en la siguiente tabla:
Criterio (Indicar el Resultado de aprendizaje y qué acciones se realizaron antes, durante y después de la experiencia puntual)
Valoración de la acción
ir a las clases
dar mi 100% durante
agradecer por haber cumplido con mi meta
Si volviera a tener esta experiencia, ¿Qué debo modificar en mí y en mi entorno (mejorar, potenciar o cambiar)?
Todo estuvo perfecto.
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gazeta24br · 1 year ago
A banda Sound Bullet, conhecida por sua fusão única de math rock e indie, está de volta com seu primeiro lançamento ao vivo. O grupo transforma seus shows intensos no registro “Inevitável EP 2023”, que apresenta uma seleção de músicas do seu álbum mais recente em uma interpretação ao vivo onde captura a essência crua de sua música. Ouça “Inevitável EP 2023”: https://smb.lnk.to/InevitavelAoVivo  Ao falar sobre o lançamento, o baixista Fred Mattos compartilhou seu entusiasmo: “‘Inevitável EP 2023’ é uma das coisas mais legais que a gente já fez na minha opinião. Não por causa da qualidade em si ou por ser algo inovador, mas porque eu tive muito contato com a cultura dos bootlegs, mesmo tendo começado minha jornada de descoberta musical nos anos 2000. É muito legal poder fazer algo assim, ainda que nessa lógica do streaming atualmente, que difere um pouco”, ele reflete. Um destaque especial deste lançamento é a faixa “Lavender Town”, que também recebeu um clipe ao vivo, repleto de imagens da turnê da banda. Esta música tem um significado especial para a Sound Bullet e seus fãs, pois aborda temas profundos de crescimento, mudança, enfrentamento do inevitável e luto. A inspiração veio do mundo dos jogos Pokémon, em suas versões Red, Blue e Yellow, onde a Lavender Town é uma vila assombrada cercada de fantasmas, conhecida por sua atmosfera sombria e melancólica. A faixa foi lançada anteriormente como um single e agora chega acompanhada de “Inevitável” e “Jupiter Jazz Pt.2”, outros dos destaques do disco de estúdio. Assista ao clipe “Lavender Town (ao vivo)”: https://youtu.be/sgS6xgXtPj8  O disco e a turnê “Inevitável” representaram o fechamento de uma fase de 10 anos na carreira da Sound Bullet, marcando uma evolução musical notável desde seu EP de estreia “Ninguém Está Sozinho”.  Três álbuns de estúdio depois, este EP ao vivo é uma celebração da música autêntica da Sound Bullet, já disponível para audição em todas as principais plataformas de música através da Sony Music Brasil. Tracklist: 1. Jupiter Jazz Pt.2 2. Inevitável 3. Lavender Town Ficha técnica: Mix: Rodrigo Tak-ming Master: Henrique Wuensch Capa: Marina Jacome Foto da capa: Rodrigo de Freitas Acompanhe Sound Bullet: http://soundbullet.com.br/ https://www.facebook.com/soundbullet http://twitter.com/soundbullet https://instagram.com/soundbullet
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