koficlouds · 2 years
Whumptober Day 3 Hair’s Breadth from Death
Fandoms: Youtube Egos
Characters: Chase Brody, Jameson Jackson, Antisepticeye, Henrik Von Schneeplestein
Relationships: Schneeplebro
Prompt: Gun to Temple
Trigger Warning!! Suicide VIA Gunshot, SH talk(slight detailed), mentions of rape/abuse/drug&alcohol addiction, past suicide attempts, suicide notes
Any further reading is not under my responsibility, so if you choose to ignore these warnings, that is on you. Not me
Today was the day. The world had just pushed him too far this time and he was done. Done with his constant struggle for custody. Done with the struggle of his addictions and bad thoughts. Done with his exs constant harassment and assault. He was done. Done with everything. Chase Brody, now at his breaking point had no other option. He’d do it.
Flashback to just a few hours ago, he had gone to his ex wife’s home to try and talk about custody exchanges and hoping she’d agree to something..anything.
Chase had been sober the entire day, and knocked on the door. Stacy opened up and rolled her eyes, sending a snarky remark once more. “What do you want? I’m busy jackass” Chase slightly bit the inside of his cheek, keeping himself from going too far. “I..want to talk about the custody exchanges...I would like to know if..we could..uhm..maybe agree on something”
The kids in question were Grayson, age 7 and Samantha, age 4. Two kids they have been fighting custody for three years. Chase would be happy with even only one day out of the week or a week out of the month to see them. Anytime would be nice..
Stacy grimaced and let him inside. 
Although it wasn’t what Chase had expected, as Stacy began to be extremely sexual with him. Despite what they had discussed, it happened again..
Past times while Stacy and Chase were together where were several times when Stacy would beat, or touch Chase in multiple areas while he begged her not to since it made him uncomfortable. Sometimes she’d take it too far then hurt him when he said no. All to keep control and power over him, to make him fear her.
After that ordeal, he just spent hours in the bathroom sobbing uncontrollably as a few of the others had tried to convince him to let them inside and to convince him to talk about it, to no avail.
Fastforward to the present..
Chase stayed up all night, writing this note, putting his deepest thoughts into it. He knew what he wanted to do. And he knew how it was going to play out. With that, he pulled out his phone and started a live, knowing Stacy would see it. She usually always does, just to harass him more. 
“Hey..what’s up dudes. It’s Chase Brody here...” He said, in an almost monotone like voice; all sullen and dark..all..hopeless and bleak.
“I’d like this to be known as my last stream on this platform..I want to say how grateful I am..to have gotten this far. Almost 10 million subscribers who liked my content and me for who I am..” He gave a soft smile to the camera. “But I’m saying this will be my last goodbye to the world..I have been doing some thinking and I feel like it..it’s time..I don’t know how much longer I could handle this..pressure I’ve felt for a long time. I’m not saying it’s any of your faults..none of you are responsible for this...”
He removed his hat, leaving it on the doorknob. Chase took a deep breath..he was ready. Rolling up his sleeves, revealed deep gashes, cuts and other self inflicted wounds. He sighed, rolling them down yet again and pulling out a box from underneath his bed. Opening it, revealed a 44 caliber handgun. An old one but still had one bullet in the round.
Pressing the end of the gun straight for his temple he took another deep breath. “Stacy..If you’re watching this I just want you to know one thing..”
“Take care of the kids for me..I wish you the best and I love you..” 
And with that..he pulled the trigger. With a loud bang, blood and brains shot everywhere against the walls and his door as his body fell, limp..and lifeless.
The next morning the birds chirped, as Henrik went to Chase’s room to talk to him. He knocked. No response. He tried opening the door. It’s still locked.
The German was taken aback by this, now thinking of the worst that could ever happen and he quickly ran to get Anti.
The Glitch responded quickly, telling Henrik to step back before kicking the door down. Once the two laid eyes on Chase’s corpse, which had now gone cold, pulse no longer there they both screamed. The other who was home, Jameson, responded to the screams by running over to the two as fast as he could manage but he to then witnessed Chase’s body laying lifeless on the floor.
Henrik could only let out the most heartbreaking sob, cradling the body of not just his best friend, but his lover. 
Anti noticed his phone, which had now died was sitting where it usually sits whenever he’d do one of his stupid little videos or stream. Beside the phone..was a note. He hesitated, but reached for the slightly blood stained piece of paper anyway.
“To whoever finds this note..” He began, catching the attention of both Jameson and Henrik, whom still had tears rapidly streaming down his cheeks like a waterfall.
“I would like to apologize..for not being honest about the occuring situation between me and my now ex Stacy. Over the past 10 years she had continuously abused, and sexually assaulted me. Some even ending up in rape..but nobody would have believed me if I came forward..nobody ever did. I won’t lie..Grayson and Samantha were a product of such, but I couldn’t bare to bring myself to hate them for something they didn’t ask to be apart of either just as myself..I’m sorry Henrik..for lying when I said I was clean and sober, I wasn’t..I relapsed last week, and I haven’t been able to stop..but today I’ve had enough, I just can’t take it anymore..And before I go..when you find this message, I would have already done it..just throw me in a body of water..or burn my body..anything to erase my existance from this world..I will miss all of you..I love you all..”
“Signed, Chase Brody”
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Any @therealjacksepticeye smutfic ever.
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Overnight Watch Aftermath
A/N: Back again with another short story! This was obviously inspired by the steam that was made recently. (Damnit Seán and everyone. >:U Staying up to watch the over night watch! Love the creativity that went into though. So congrats you guys!) Surprisingly, its not a novelization but an aftermath of the stream. Seriously, I enjoyed the 'Jacksepticeye Christmas Special' and the 'Over Night Watch' streams Jack, Robin and everyone put together. Thank you both! In this, I want to keep to how Anti is dark, cruel and twisted. As fun as it is to think of him in a romantic figure for lolz… it does water down the character's spark of life. I mean, I can't tell you can't do it but that's just me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Warning: This might break a few hearts and hit hard. Might. But please keep in mind that is this not my view of the community that I love. But its for the sake of the fic. 
*~*~*~*~*~*~* Everyone waved at the camera, thanking everyone that donated and showed up at the Christmas Special stream. Once the connection was cut and the camera was off, the group let out a collective sigh of relief and happiness. They worked really hard for this stream to happen and they were all glowing with pride and joy over their work. They really hoped the community had a lot of fun with it. Jack glanced at the donation bar that marked how much was raised that day. They reached the goal yesterday, but it wasn't the case for today. Still they'll leave it open to reach that for those that missed the stream. Either way, the amount was for a good cause. Only now that fun and games and spotlight was over… It was clean up time. “Polaris would kill us if we left their place a mess.” Robin pointed out as the others all pretended to groan and cry in despair over the very idea of clean up. The editor watched them with a flat expression as they dramatically fell to their knees then onto the floor in fake death; he vaguely remembered Jack voicing his contempt for cleaning in one video last year. Whether they wanted to or not, it was something they had to do as guests to the studio. His expression remained on his face when the room went silent, the group still laying on the floor in a variety of poses. “Are you guys done dying yet? We need to sweep the floor.” Emma's arm shot up. “I'll get the brooms~!” She yelled, springing up from her spot on carpet, Wiishu popping up next to volunteer to help her gather the brooms. The boys, Ethan and PJ rolled to their feet, declaring to get a couple of boxes to pack away anything that was unnecessary to leave that they used. The group chattered amongst themselves as they left to gather the supplies for the clean up. Jack remained on the floor, humming to himself. Wiishu popped her head through the doorway, looking at him. “You coming, Seán?” He whined, lifting an arm and waving it tiredly. “But I hate cleaning-!” “Seááánnn~” “I'll come in a little bit.” Jack squirmed on the floor as if to get comfortable, then cracked the grin. “Right now I'm making sure the carpet doesn't escape.” She lifted a brow, smiling. “Mhm~” “What is that lazy ass doing?!” PJ called from the hall, realizing that Wiishu was at the door to the room. She giggled and called back. “He's making sure the carpet doesn't run away.” “ITS CARPET! IT DOESN'T HAVE LEGS!” “Magic carpet.” Jack answered automatically with a mischievous smile as Wiishu turned to look at him. She rolled her eyes. Honestly what will she do about this man she loved? “He says its a magic carpet!” “BULL! SHIT!” The youtuber waved her hand at PJ, “He said he'll help in a little bit.” “Fine… totally going to enjoy his punishment tweet for losing.” “Alright love birds, the carpet ain't gonna sweep itself.” Robin called, “Let him roll around in the stuffing if he wants. He's the one stuck having to clean that up.” “Boys.” Wiishu giggled, shaking her head at the friends that bantered at each other. “Alright, we'll see you in a bit, Seán. And don't mess up that jumper!” “See you in a bit, my Woosher.” Jack cooed then grinned at her, “And I won't. Promise.” She giggled, blushing a little under the nickname he used, blowing him a kiss before turning and leaving again, closing the door behind her. And Jack was left alone. His eyes flashed a jet black, the grin turning more to a scowl. *~*~*~*~*~*~* “̕A̴bo͢ut ̵da-̨d̸amn ̀t͝im̡e͡.̵.̶.” Anti grumbled, glad for the moment of peace with the group gone. The stream had gone on long enough in his opinion and he didn't feel pleased in having to spend more time pretending to be Jack. However, despite his grumpiness toward his host's friends and the desire to stab them all just to please himself… he did feel satisfied with the work he put up last night. “E͠he̡ḩeh̷e~̶!͜”̸ He giggled, the sound echoing softly in his mind, leaving the hijacked body to rest comfortably on the floor and hum some nonsensical song. Behind him, in the back of his mind were two figures strung up in chains. Henrik was injured, shaking from pain and wincing at the cuts that riddled his body. The other was the healthier looking of the two but glared at Anti's back with bright blue eyes that seethed in rage. “H̕at̕e ̷y͜o͡u͟r ̀f-͘frien̡d̶s, but I̛ mu͟s̴t şa̴y it wa͜s͝ ra-ra҉t̀h͠er… a͞mus̸ìn̡g ̸to ̨do̸.̧”̕ Jack growled. “C҉are̛fuĺ,͢ L͘u̡c͜ky ͝Cha̧r̴m̷s̨…͟ ̕you͘'́ll̕ ̧g̢et ̷yo͜ur̕ ̡f̕ace s-͜s͡tu̶çk͏ ͞th̸at̴ wa͞y.̢” Another growl. The entity rolled his eyes at the defiant will of his host. “O̵h̵ ģi̕ve ͝it ̨a res͘t.͝ ̨W͞hat͜ ar͞e̕ ̢yo̶u? À ̡d͜o̧g?” He grumbled to himself as he toyed with his signature knife, ignoring another growl thrown his way. “R̨-̀ri͜gh͟t.͢ D҉ơg it́ is͠.͝ ̨B̧a̴rk ̡ba͠rk͘,̀ ̨m͘o̡th̨èr ́f̢uck̨e̵r̴.”͝ Anti paced a little and literally felt the burning glare that tracked his movements. He grinned, enjoying that victory as he twirled the knife between his fingers with expertise. Not only has he fooled the community, but was easily fooling Jack's closest friends, and was hunting down his egos for laughs. Hijacked a stream that Jack had been wanting to do for so long to add to the list of things gone wrong. Hell, he stole the youtuber's very life from him for more than a year in front of his very eyes. The entity was the very reason the Irishman was angry. And Anti loved every second of it. “̕So͡…̶ How̵ d͝i͢d͏ ̶y͡ou ͞li͟k͏e ţh̛e sh͟-s̢h̡ow?”̶ he asked innocently, batting his eyes while his smile the very opposite of his tone. “You son of a bitch...” “̷A͡h̛-͞a͝h͏,̛ J͟ack͟~”̛ Anti clicked his tongue, wagging the knife in his direction in a chiding manner as he turned on his heel to face the captives. “͏That's ́ńot ̴ver̷y ̶níc͢e f̕o̧r ͢som͠eo̶ne̕ wh͡o̡'̸s ͏s̵up̷p҉os͞e ͜t̀o͘ b̢ę oh̷ ͠s͟o in̶t̸ò th̢e h̛o͝l̶íd͡ay c̵h͠e̢eŗ~.̸”̵ The dark entity chuckled as Jack ground his teeth in anger at the taunt. “K-ķée̶p̡ t̕hat up͡ an͠d ͢yòu͡'͡l͞l̛ w-͞win̕d͡ up͟ i͜n̸ the͝ n͢aug̡h̨ty ̕li҉s̡t.͏” “Right now I could careless what list I'm on.” The Irish Youtuber growled, straining against the chains that held him fast. “Just keep my friends out of this. This is between you and me and no one else.” “͜You ͝are cor͡re̕ct,̕ s͞ir!” Anti laughed, having waved the knife to emphasis his agreement with lighter counterpart. His smile split his face almost demonically so as he stared at Jack straight in the eye. “B͞ut t́hat'̴s̵ ̧n͏ot ͞w-w͠h̨a̵t ̀yo͘u're ręal͢ly a̡n-͟a͡n͜gry͞ ͢ab͝o͠ut͟, n̡ow ́i̷s-͢s it̵?”̕ Jack paused and blinked, thrown off guard by the comment then glared again. “What the hell are you talking about? Of course, its the reason I'm pissed off enough to want to punch your teeth through the back your skull!” He snarled, straining against his chains, “You're dragging those I care about and innocent people into a fight that's not meant for them. Why else would I be this angry!?” The entity gave a slow blink, the smile never wavering. “E̕eh̸heeh̷ee… H̀ah́aha͞…͜”̛ The entity laughed, leaning dangerously close to Jack's face, blue eyes staring into blue eyes. The smile on his face grew wider. “M͢ ҉e͠ e h͏ a͜ h̛ a h̀ ̵ą ̛h̶ a~̀!” His wild grin died down a little as his expression turned smug. “W͜-wo̕w…͏ y͏ou̵'ŕé r͏eallý ̛going ͠to̴ ke-́keep͠ d-͞den̨y̕iņg i̧t̕ ̸h͞ùh?̕ G̷-got̢ta̸ ̷ha͡ve m҉-̕me̕ ͏sp͝e͜l̡l i͜t ͏o͘út f̧or ̷ya̴-à?”̡ “Anti...” The Irishman hissed, the tone was angry but Anti detected that slight hint of curiosity. He kept smug smile as he chuckled to himself. Oh-ho~! Look at that. Despite the Youtuber's hissing of defiance, he was actually quite curious of what the entity was trying to get that. Well, he couldn't think of him much better than anyone else. After all, humans are quite the strange bunch. 'Humans are truly weak… so weak you can see things they try to hide so easily~' Anti chuckled again, enjoying this little moment a bit more. Henrik stirred, opening his eyes a crack from where he was strung up by the chains that held him captive. “N-noh… Jack… Jack don-don't… listen… to him...” The smug expression went flat as Anti's gaze slid slowly away from Jack and settled on the doctor. The smile he wore was dead yet sharp, and his blue eyes were ice cold. The chains responded to his thoughts and tightened around the German doctor's limbs and chest. Henrik gasped and grimaced in pain, bearing it as best he could. “C̵an̡'͡t ͞yo̶u śee I̴'͘m tal͘k̢ing ͡t̀o҉ ̕Jack̸ ͡h̷e͏ŕe, ͝good͠ d-doc̵t͘or̡?͢ D́ò ҉you͏ ͏k͠-̕kno҉w h̵ow ŕ-͠ru͏d͝e̷ ͏i̢t̵ is to i͢nte͟r͘r̴u̡pt ͜a pr̸i̴-pr͠iv͠a̷t̴e con͞versàtiǫn?”҉ A chain squeezed hard… something popped. Henrik flinched. “͢Now…͝ I've ̴b͏ee͜n v͘e͝ry pati͘ent̴ ląt̛e͏l͏y̧.” Anti growled darkly, “͞On͜e ́ot̨he̴r e-͡eg̴o i̶s ̨al͠re̶ad̨y ҉o͏n͝ th͏e͝ ̀ch͢-̶c͞hópp͘ing̵ ̡b́lơc̷k͜ and ́y͠et he͝'͜s st̢i̸ll free…͝ unle̡ss yo͠u ͡e̛xtre͢m͡ely ̡e̡ager͡ to ̨s͡e͟e̶ them s̢t̴ru͜n͠g u͏p ͞nex͏t̸ ̡y-yo҉ù, yo͢u̕ u͡se̢l̢ess̛ ͢q͟u͝ack...͟ ” His eyes flashed to the all consuming black as he gave the persona a predatory stare. “̧Then ̧y̛o̸u bette͘r̷ shút t̡h͢e͝ fu̶ck͞ ̴up͏ ͏ove̴r̶ t̡he̴re͝.” Dr.Schneeplestein went quiet under the entity's withering glare, but he did give the Youtuber a pleading look before looking away to leave them be. Anti smiled at the submissive attitude. “̶G̨ood͜ ̕boy.͡” The chains relaxed their grip a little to let the doctor feel some relief for the moment. Anti turned his attention back to Jack, who glared at him for his torturous method of keeping one of his personas quiet. “Anti, you're-” “S̀-̸s͡ic̸k? D̵e̶m̸ente͏d?͝ ̛T͢w͞i͏ste͘d҉ a͠nd ̡i͡n̛-͏i̵ns͜a̴n͢e? Wh҉ỳ ye͜s, ye̢s̀ I̸ ̢am͏.̸ Are͟n'́t̸ ͏y͏ou t̸he cle̶ve̕ŗ b-b͠o̢y?”͡ Anti's grin was smug once more. “G̵l̡ad͜ t́o ̛he͘ar ̛it b̴u̢t́ r͘i͢g̡ht̶ n̸o͞w, Ja̴ck͟a͜bo̷y͟… it͜ś no͝t ̴ḿe ̴yo̴u ̷sh͏ơul̨d f̡o̷cu͢s on̸.̴” “N͡o̡w͏ a̶b͏o̸út̀ ̧whát̴ ̨I̢ wa͜s goíng͢ ͡t͟o͝ say.̛..͘” He giggled, “Y͟ou̸ w̸a͝n̛te͝d t̕o ͢kno̴w͘ ͞ẃh̵y y͜o͢u s̛hóu͡ld̶ ͞fèel͠ ̡ang̶ry͞ at ̴th̸ìs ̨mome̛n͟t̷ ̶b̷ųt̢ n̛ot a̸t ̨me, r̕i͘ght?̴” He leaned in close again, “I͏'l̨l t̵e҉l҉l̴ y͘o̵u~͞… ҉ar̡e you ͜r͏ead͏y t͝ò ̕h̸ear ́t́hé t̨r͜u̸th̕ o̵f̸ ̨y҉our a̢ńgér?͢” “Just get it over with, I know it'll be bullshit.” Jack grumbled, narrowing his gaze at Anti and wishing he would get out of his face. Anti did as he wished, pulling away to twirl his beloved blade in his hand. “́O͡kay̷ the͟n… h͞e͢r̨ȩ's̕ the͏ t͘ruth.͠”͢ “Y̵ou're ̀an͜gry̸, ̶n͞ot at͢ m҉e̢… bu̸t ͡át ̀y҉our̶ ҉p̨re̛çi̸ou͟s͏ ͠com͘mun̢i̢ty…̧ ̷you͜ ͘b҉elo͜v͟e͟d͠ v̡iew̡er̕ş…̢ ̴your͏ ̕f͝ri͜en͏dly ̧fa̵ns th̶at ͡hąv҉e ͝ỳo̡u͜r̛ ̸b̨ack̵, ͏the͢ Bos͝se̵s.͟..͠” Anti giggled, eyes flashing black. “T̕he͜y're͜ ̕al͘l ̛m̨i͜ne no͟w͝. ͘Th̢e͘y̸ ͏co̷mp̵let̡ęl͡y ҉a̴ba̧n̢d͜oned̡ ̕y̴ou͠… ̡and y̸ou̡ ͠kno̶w ́i͞t̶.̢”͜ Jack's eyes widen at the words and shook his head, angrier than before. “You lying sack of shit! Why would any-” “̷Ḩ E ͢E̴ ̴H ̀A҉ H Ą ̡H͢ ͝A H ͘A~͝!͝” The entity crowed, taking great delight at the pain that flashed across the youtuber's eyes. “̛W̧h̛y k̡e͜èp ͞denyin̨g̷ ̵t̛h͠a͜t t̶ruth?̡ The͡ s̶tŗeam ͘pr̡ovéd ̢it to ҉y̢ou~̕. Fór̸ ̴w̛ho̢m did̷ ̢th́ey p͠ine ̛f̕or? ͢Who͜ di͝d͡ ̷t̢hey͢ dr҉a̧w ̨ȩx͘ci҉temen̸t ͜f͡ro͟m̨?͢ ͘What reaso͜ņ h̵a͏d ͠t̡he̸sȩ ̕f̴-foǫl̵s s̡ta̸yed u̕p҉ ͞f̡o͞r̴ h͟-hour̨s ̵ùpon hǫųr̶s ͢lo͢-l҉óok̶i͡n͘g ҉at̶ a̛ u̵s̶e͝le͡ss̀ s-҉s͟c͏re̸en ҉for ͡a͟n҉ en͘t̷i̷ré ̨ni-̵night̴?̴!” The Irishman stared at him, eyes wide, taking in the words as they lashed at him like physical blows. He let their weight sink into his mind as his thoughts raced. Anti leaned toward him, placing a hand to his chest as his smile stretched across his face, giggling. “͏W-͢w͟ho͜ ̷w̨a̛s ̴it͟, J̕a͏ck̛? ̛T-͜t̨ȩll me ͡th̛ȩ ͞tru̢t̢h̨!”̸ “. . .” “Sa̢y̢ ͝i̢t!” “. . .” He shivered, keeping his eyes screwed shut, refusing to say. “S҉A͝Ỳ I̡T̵!”͠ But there was a nugget of truth... at least a nugget of truth that Anti pressed against his face. “. . . .” Jack mumbled softly, flinching as he did. “̧I CA҉N'T͠ ̡HEA̷R YOU!҉” “...you...” Anti giggled and nodded, watching the Irishman's shoulders sag in realization. “That̨'s̀ r͡i͡ģht, ͘L͢ucky̸ Charm̨s…̷ M̶e͠.̷ ̷They'҉re doin̕g ͞this̨ fo̵r͘ ҉m̷e͞.͞ Ànt͡ìse̴p̡t͢i͡ce̴ye i̴s̡ ̷wh̨o they ͢wa̵ǹt ̸t̢o̷ ̡s̡ee̢.̢ Th̛ey ͠love͟ ̨ąn̶d̸ ador͏è ̶ḿę.̴ Th̸ey ͝l̵ef͠t yo͘u̷ hig̛h̢ ͜an̸d d̷ry f͘òr me!”͘ He laughed, but the sound was both in delight and yet sheer rage, as if voicing his own contempt of the fanbase. “̛The҉y ͘lov͝e̵ ͜a̢ǹd͢ adore ҉me anḑ ̸y͢èt theỳ d͞e̵clare tơ ̧f̀ig͟h̨t ͞m͢e̵ ̀t͞o g͢et you b̡ack̶!̶ ͡AN̵D ̴T̨HE͢Y͏ H͘AVE̡N̛'̴T ̵DONE͞ ͘S̶H͘IT̡ F̧O̸R͝ Y̧O̴U!”̸ He snarled, “̸Al͜l t̵hi̕s̨ ti͘me,͜ t͢h̨ey͞'ve béen ͘sp͝in͏ning̢ iǹ fu͝c̀king ̢c͝i̡rcl̶es ͡a͘n̕d ͟th͟èy leàrned ͡no͏thi̧n̸g̴.̨”͘
“Y͡ou ̡s̵ee? ͜Yơu̸r͢ ͘f̕a̧ith w̷a̕s ̸wo͏rt̷hless͠! ͟My͡ co͜n̶trol ̧i̵s ̵fa͝r̛ su̵per̀ior t͢han̡ ̷yoư ͡t͜h̡o̶ugh̨t̵,̶ ̕Ja̧ck.̵ ̵Y͜our ͞c͜o͠m͝m͝un͝i͘t͏y̧ ̧abandone͠d͠ ͟you͡ w̶h͜en y͏o̸u n̷ee͡ded th͝e͡m ͠most ̶f̴o̧r ̴me! ͟Yo̵u'r̴e WE͡A͞K!́” Jack trembled under the onslaught of words. But he shook his head, refusing to let that personal pain spill from him. Did he place too much faith in them? Was he really that replaceable to them? Did his community truly abandoned him for someone so evil? Was he that weak that no one wanted to save him or his other egos? The idea of that tore at him. So much time he spent to make them happy, to give happiness to those that needed it. Spent so much time trying to teach them the good of the world… Only to have it be thrown back at his face…? Was Anti what they truly wanted? “No… not all of them...” “T̢h̕e͠y͘ wanted m̴ę h҉e͠ŕe,͞ J̀àc̨k!̴ So ͘hęre ͢I ̀am!͝”͠ Anti snapped, a smile splitting his face nearly in half. “I'͝v͡e ̛alre̢ady̛ w͞òn̛. T͟hiś wor͜l͟d͢ is ̶MIŅE. ́T́hese pe͘ǫpl͡ȩ ҉ar͠e̡ ͢M̧INE̷!͟”̨ He reached out and grabbed Jack by the front of his shirt and jerked him closer to his face, glaring at him. “Yo̧u̶ ͜c̸a̷n̶'t͟ sţop me̛.”̛ He pointed out in the direction of the camera that was used for the stream. “͡A̛nd̢ ̛them̷? ͡Th̶ey d̴o̶n't͘ ́wan̡t̕ ͠to.”͏ “But...” “̸F҉ACÈ ͘I̢T! ̢Yo͢u ́l͞ơst̨. A̡n͝d ̢they'̡r͢e ͝not͝ com̵i͡ng f͡o̕r͞ you͞.” Jack trembled, gritting his teeth as he fought against the possibility. There had to be people that cared for him in the community… there had to be. He and the other egos weren't thrown under the bus… it wasn't true. But the possibility was right there in his face. The Overnight Watch stream proved it. He saw the number of viewers that stayed awake throughout the night. How the chat burst into excited chatter whenever Anti or some other glitch happened on the camera feed. All about Anti. Anti this. Anti that. Anti… Anti… Anti… Nothing about Jack… The Irish Youtuber's eyes dulled from a bright blue to a bluish-grey hue and cracked. “. . . .” He wept, sagging in the entity's grip and just sobbed. Everything he worked for, made happen to bring happiness to others… stolen. And no one cared. A strange expression crossed Anti's face before he wiped it away with a sneer of contempt. “Y͢ou̧ ̨s͝ee̴? Th͘ey'r̀e just pup̴p̢e̡t͢s, on̨l̸y͢ danc͠i͘ng͢ t̸o wh͞o͡m͝ever̸ ͞h͜aş ͠c̛ontr͞o̢l̶.͘ They͜ d͝ơn͠'t ́ca̧r͝e̴ ̶who it ͢is. ̢An̸d̕ ̕s͠i̧nce̸ its ͜n͘ot ͠yo͏u̡…̀ t͝hey c̡a̶re ͟no̸th͏ing f̀or̸ ̵y̛ou.”̶ He let him go, letting him drop to the floor like a ragdoll as the chains no longer carried his weight but kept their hold on him to prevent escape. Jack didn't move, just laid where he was and wept. “͝I͢ ̨have ͡cle͜a͢ņi͠ng to ḑo.̧ J͟u̶s̨t ͝a͢çcep͏t that̸ yo͜u lo͡st,̕ Jack.̢ ̛It̵'ll m̸ak͏è ̧it̛ e͝asier o҉n ̧y̨o̢ur mind.͞” The entity turned and walked away from him, knife twirling and dancing between his fingers. “͏Y͝ou ҉l͜o̵s͝t҉ ̷o̢ur b̛e̢t͢. ̡T̵h̶ei̴r ͞so̶ul͘s ͝be͡l̕o͝n͞g to ̀mę…͝ as̛ ͝we͝l̢l͏ as yo̶úrs̨. B̶ut͠ I'͢ll̴ ̡g̵i͢v̴e̕ them ̶o͜n͢e ͠more ̀ch̀a̶n͏c͏e ̢to m͠a̢ke͢ t͏his so mu̡ch ͘b͏ette̢r. ͏On̴è ͟m҉ore͘ ̨c̀ha̕nce͝ t͟ǫ ̀re͜s̸cue̵ you͟. And th̷èn it̢s ga͞m̡e̢ ̷o̴v̴e̶r͝.”́ “Bùt ̨do̢ǹ'҉t ̴g̶e̸t ̴you͠r ͟h͟o̵pes ̡up, Lu͝ck̀y͏ C̸har̀m̛s.͟” Anti vanished to take control of the body, his words echoing in the mindscape. “A̛s f͏ar͠ ҉a҉s̶ th͏ey'̢re̴ ͟conce̴rne̛d…̶ yo̴u'̴r̡e dea̧d.́”̴ Henrik hung there, crying himself as he listened to soft sobs that wracked the youtuber's body. Jacksepticeye was abandoned by the very people he loved.
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sparks-is-here · 7 years
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I rewrote my Storybook story on Wattpad to be a Jacksepticeye story! I know some people might enjoy it more this way, I know I certainly will. I apologize to anyone looking forward to the story involving Dan, but this is my choice, and I have some stories planned for Dan Howell, so don’t worry. Hope I start to write more, I keep procrastinating.
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neonblossom8 · 7 years
Just A Little Explanation
Ok! Hey guys! So I wrote this as a continuation of the lovely @justwritingscibbles fan-fics called Just a Little Anger and Just A Little Evil. Please, please go check her out and read those fanfics before reading this one! Not only will it be easier to understand but her writing is amazing and it will bless your life! Alright! Here we go! (P.s, I changed it to present tense just cause it seemed to flow a bit more the way I wanted it to) I really hope you enjoy it! Please let me know if you want another section! - - - That night you feel as if your body was torn apart from the inside out. Absolutely everything hurts, even as you lie still on the couch. Most of the pain emanates from the gash across your stomach, which Anti still hasn’t explained; sure, the image of bloodied shards of glass scattered across the grocery store bathroom gives you an idea, but you still can’t put together anything between that major headache and waking up exhausted in Anti’s arms.
It’s still surprising that the two of you weren’t charged with destruction of property with all of the chaos you left in your wake. The manager seemed furious when he was called to the scene, but you also know how good Anti is at manipulation… On second thought, you know exactly how you got out of that mess.
But another mystery rises to the front of your mind.
What was Anti talking about earlier? He had said something like, “I won’t let her take you again.”
A sharp pain snaps you from your thoughts.
You shift your head to look over to where Anti sits on the ground. He is at your side, his eyes closed and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as his hands hover above your wound glowing with a warm green light.
He had told you earlier to “Stay as relaxed as possible" even though “it may hurt.”
You sigh and allow your eyes to slide up his arms. His cuts are already healed from a few hours ago but the blood still stains his torn shirt.
He opens his eyes, as if feeling your stare and turns his attention to you. His emerald eyes are soft but there is no way he could hide his worry in them, not even with a smile.
“Hey, how are you feeling, babe?” He inquires gently as he moves his hands to yours and runs his thumbs gently over your knuckles. You wince as you suck in a breath.
“I feel…like shit. What the hell happened to me? Just tell me already.”
Your voice is frail but you manage to keep some of your conviction. Not knowing was getting annoying, and the longer he kept it to himself, the more anxiety it gave you.
The corners of his lips fall slightly but he continues to caress your hands while he replies, “I’ll tell you after the healing process is done, alright?” A brief moment of relief washes over you. “As of right now, I really need you to stay as still as possible. Like I said before, this is gonna hurt, a lot, but only for a minute. The damage isn’t too bad but it’s bad enough.“
You nod and roll your head back against the pillow and try and steady your breathing. Anti’s hands release yours and hover over your wound again.
“Are you ready?” He asks, shutting his eyes once again.
“I’m guessing I have to be, so yes.”
You exhale and watch as his hands radiate a visible energy, bathing the both of you and the surrounding furniture in a luminous neon green light.
You gasp at the searing pain that starts at the edges of the gash and grows in intensity as the skin begins to pull together. You choke back a scream and spots gather in your eyes, a byproduct of the restraint it takes not to writhe in agony.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. We’re halfway there.” His voice sounds distant as another rings in your ears, talking over him.
“Let the pain consume you Y/N.”
The voice pierces your mind, making you feel as though your skull was being cracked open.
“Just give into me, I can help you, I can take it all away. Just fall back into the darkness.”
The pain and confusion is too much to bare any longer and a scream rips from your throat.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N…” Anti’s voice starts to penetrate through the chaos, “just 10 more seconds, you can hold on.”
The voice in your head fades, but you can make out one last sentence, “That’s right, scream.”
A cold shock runs through you as those words ache in your mind, but soon enough you feel Anti’s light dim to a peaceful glow and the pain you had disperses into warmth, exhaustion and relief.
Your breaths are labored and sweat runs down your forehead. Anti slowly brings his hand to your face to brush away the hair that was sticking to you.
“There,” he says, fingers grazing your skin, “You’re all patched up, let’s get you to b…” You sit up quickly, ignoring the dizziness that ensues, “Oh no, you’re not gonna send me to bed and get outa telling me what the hell happened today!” Your voice is shaking from the intensity of what your body just went through, but you’re too frustrated to care. You feel a small twinge in the back of your head when you think about that voice…what was that? Your glare grows weak and you transfer your gaze to your hands lying in your lap.
“Anti, I’m scared.” He opens his mouth to say something, but you continue on, “When you were healing me, my head hurt… bad. It was almost exactly as it had been back in the isle at the grocery store before I blacked out.”
Anti’s eyes narrow. It’s clear that he’s listening intently.
“I would’ve thought it was just a part of the pain you were saying I was going to feel during the process,” you continue, “but I…I heard a voice. It wasn’t my voice. It was telling me to give into the pain and,” your voice falters, “to fall back into darkness.”
Tears well in your eyes as you look up at Anti, pleading for confirmation that you weren’t going insane. His face is almost too calm. It almost upsets you that he isn’t reacting. 
But then you see his eyes.
They’re sparking with animosity and his hands, clenched into fists, shiver and glitch.
“Anti…please…tell me what’s happening to me.”
Anti shakes his head and inhales deeply.
The glitching stops just as he’s opening his mouth to speak.
“I’m going to try and explain this in the best way I can, Y/N. Just know, I will fix this.” He pauses and waits for your nod. “Ok. You may not fully understand what I am, but you know what happened. You know I gained control over your friend Sean…how I’m not him, but I live in and through his body.”
Your eyes remain locked on his as you try to ignore the throbbing ache in your heart when he says his actual name. You haven’t heard it in so long; you see his face and hear his voice everyday, but you’re just so used to how he’s changed into Anti that you forgot he was once completely human…
You try to push the memory out of your mind and concentrate on what he is saying but it’s hard to understand where he’s going with this.
“There are more, entities, like me. Constantly searching for a host body easy enough for them to overpower. Y/N…” his words slowed down. “One has found you and has begun to weave itself into your being. It was strong enough to gain full control today.” Your eyes widen in horror. “it hurt you…to get to me.”
Your mind goes blank at first, and then fills with endless questions.
“How did it get inside me? Why me? What does it want with you?”
“It found you while you were weak. Those few rough days at work made you an easy emotional target. Entities like us thrive on anger, pain and sadness. Remember how you got so fed up you punched your manager in the face and you said that you basically blacked out as you did it? That was it, it was her influencing your mind and blinding you with fury.”
This is all so much more than you expected. All you can do is blink and wait for what he has to say next.
“While she had your body, she spoke with me. She brought up something I thought I had only said to you.” He paused, “Remember that same night you had gotten fired and your rage had fueled my lust for you? Well, after we had..finished, I had half joked saying something like ‘I hope you don’t become fully dark. But if you did, you’d definitely get more of this.’ I’m guessing she took that as an invitation. She saw it as me acknowledging her power and therefore saw it as if my lust was for her. Now she craves that feeling and is more than willing to drown you in darkness to get it again.”
Anti watches you slowly process this.
Your face doesn’t move and your voice comes out as a whisper as tears stain your cheeks, “Am…am I going to lose myself…like Seán?” - - - Again, this is just my own continuation of what @justwritingscibbles has started. I was merely inspired by her wonderful writing and I did ask her permission to create this before-hand! Thank you all so so much for reading!
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scrprints · 7 years
He's been watching, he's been waiting, now he wants Jack. An unsuspecting Jack is sucked into the Dark World, but something else comes out. As a desperate Mark tries to save his friend an evil force is making plans. Time is running out, will Jack survive?
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mistysmolboy-blog · 7 years
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He Doesn't Know | Jacksepticeye × KillerReader (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/RyNCVrPqgG He doesn't know I killed her but I know she does. Amy she has what I killed her with.the black pocket knife. I saw it she glared at me. How does she know. Or does she know. Mark on the other hand well he's just being a flirt. Jack, well let's just see how long I have until Amy true and tells some one. I wonder if she knows who I killed. I wonder …
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Say Goodbye~
I recently got into the Antisepticeye frenzy and really enjoying the events that happen. I am a Jacksepticeye fan, really love his energy... yes, I know. A fan that had no idea about Anti until like... two weeks ago? Yeah. I rotate between YouTubers a lot, so chances are I missed videos on him so I’mma go do that after I post some stuff. 
But I digress. I have posted these four things on my deviantart and my archiveofmyown account and my wattpad. But figured I ought to post the stuff here too.
Anyway, enjoy this! This is a novelization based on the Say Goodbye video Jacksepticeye and Robin had done together. I really loved it and wanted to practice writing with it, so... here you go!
And yeah... its pretty LONG fic... I apologize for that. I just don’t know where to cut it to make it look good.
Ah, Halloween~
A wondrous time of the year, the chill of the autumn air… the beautiful display of the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of the leaves. Children and adults alike psyched about putting on their costumes for their candy hunting and parties respectively. Nothing was better than that. Well… except there was something about Halloween a certain someone loved doing each year.
Jack huffed a little as he shoved the table into place in his room, the white board on his door happily displaying 'Happy Halloween' on it. He grinned to himself as he continued to go about his business in getting his setup done for the upcoming video. Once the recording equipment was set, he turned his attention to the black table he dragged into the room and set that up. He strung up the orange lights on it and placing a few candles, for that touch of Halloween spirit. The YouTuber was giddy about doing this video as he placed what he needed on the table's surface.
Two knives
A ladle… or as he called lazily called it the spoon.
And… a large pumpkin.
That's right. He was going to do another pumpkin carving video. What? He loved doing it, it was fun for him and he was sure his viewers loved it too. When he was sure he had everything, the Irish YouTuber made a final check on his recording equipment, doing a test recording of him doing some silly faces and firing jokes at the table, to be sure it was recording properly and the audio was fine.
The set up was working perfectly.
The Irishman gave a wide smile, again happy to do a tradition with his viewers for this year. Hitting the key to start recording for the video, he quickly sat at the table and did his intro, grinning at the camera.
Jack opened up doing an air high-five. “Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to carving pumpkins!” He greeted in his usual way, lifting the pumpkin at the mention of carving. He placed it back down, his bright smile never fading. “We did one of these last year, and I think its a cool tradition to just do a carving pumpkin video every year.”
He threw his arms up and outward in celebration.
“So welcome back! Happy birthday! Happy Halloween… birthday to the pumpkins.” He chuckled, placing his hands on the pumpkin, happiness just radiating off of him. “I got a bigger pumpkin this time. Last year, I used a really really tiny one to get my desired look… and I have no idea what to carve into this…yet.”
He drummed his fingers on the pumpkin's surface as he thought carefully. “I'm going to try to think up of something really cool...” The YouTuber scrunched up his face a bit, knowing his limits. “But, it'll probably just be a simplistic design...again.”  
Jack went on, explaining a little of why he was carving a pumpkin in a different location in his house. It was really simple… the sound quality sucked downstairs and he wasn't looking forward to a repeat performance on that notion. And mentioning he loved seasonal videos. “Okay then, I need a...” He looked around his table, knowing he had forgotten something that was just as important as the knives and spoon for carving. What was it..?
A marker.
'Oh duh~' Jack thought to himself as he spotted the marker on the floor by the door. “...marker.” He got up briefly to retrieve the item and return to his chair. “Because I forgot I need to draw a face on this little duder.” Then he paused and looked at the camera in surprise, remembering something else. “Oh! Happy Halloween by the way! ...Did I say that at the start?”
He quirked his mouth in thought, but couldn't recall if he did. He had terrible memory. “Probably. Okay...” He shrugged it off, figuring he'll find out when it came to editing the video later.
Jack tilted the pumpkin to begin drawing a face to carve, tilting his own head to the side a little as he tried to think of one. And after a couple of attempts (that he'll have to edit out later), he mumbled as he scribbled yet again on the orange object. “I'm trying to draw a different type of design...” He glanced at the camera, “'Cuz I always go for the stereotypical,” He lifted the marker and waved it about as if to draw it in the air, “gnashing teeth kinda thing.”
He paused as he eyed the pumpkin's face that he drew, thanking god he didn't have it facing the camera yet. “This is probably bad already.” The pumpkin stared back up at him with its goofy, scribbled on expression. Jack stared at it for a few more seconds, 'Yeah… that's bad.' “I need something to wipe this off.” He recapped the marker and got up from his chair again, chuckling to himself. “Damnit, I'm so unprepared!”
It didn't take long to find what he needed. Returning to his room and was wiping the marker ink off the pumpkin when the spoon began to rattle on the surface of the table. Jack had ignored it in favor of finishing his clean up when it shook harder from the movement the YouTuber was making. He rolled his eyes at the noise and in seeing that the ink was cleaned off, he looked at the spoon. “Okay, Mr. Spoon, you're going to go on the floor because you're making a lot of noise.” He chuckled as he took the spoon and placed it on the carpet, along with the wipe he was using.
Jack continued his attempts at drawing the face, holding a one way conversation with his viewers. It was one of the things he enjoyed doing as he recorded… well… anything. He liked having that connection with his fans, feeling that he truly was talking to them as he commented on making the pumpkin's eyes bigger and showing it off. The pumpkin staring at the camera with large, wide eyes. Simple, yet fitting.
Smiling to himself, he went on in drawing the mouth for the face, again holding a conversation as he did so. When he was finished, he tilted his head one way then another, admiring his work before being satisfied and showed it off to the camera.
The pumpkin proudly displaying its smile to the world.  
Jack giggled, having fun with the whole thing before remembering the mess that will be made when doing the carving. “Also,” 'Shit.' he thought to himself before spotting the bright green trash bag that he had brought up earlier. 'How the hell did I forget that?' “you need a bag to put all your shit into!” He called out as he stooped to the floor and scooped up the trash bag, bringing it up to show the camera. Before raising a brow at the lens, wagging a finger at his fans that would later see the video. “No, don't throw yourself in there. I know you think you're a piece of shit, but you're not! You're beautiful!”
Jack lifted the two knives he brought to use for the carving, introducing them as 'Biggie' and 'Smallie'. And reciting a quote of “That's not a knife… THIS is a knife.” He placed the smaller blade away as he looked at the top of the pumpkin, “I'm going to… oh god...” The Irish YouTuber looked nervous as he studied the object in question, hoping those that would watch the video would be careful with the knives and that the younger viewers would have adult supervision when carving. “This gonna get dangerous.”
'Okay then… enough stalling, time to do this carving.' Jack thought to himself as he readied the bigger knife, poised to push into the spot on the fruit he was aiming for. A slight glitch effect shimmered in the video feed….
“So right, what you're gonna-”
Suddenly, a strange distorted laugh echoed into his room, cutting him off mid-sentence...
Jack froze, startled by the alien sound. He never heard that before... 'That's not normal. No, shit its not. If it WAS I wouldn't be freaked out right now.'
Suspicious and a bit frightened, Jack wisely placed the knife on the table. “What the fuck was that?” he whispered to himself, straining his ears in attempt to catch any other strange noise and think about of what it could be. Nothing came to mind. It didn't take long for curiosity to get the better of him as he got up and made his way carefully to a door that was off screen.
During that whole time his attention was away from the camera, the video feed distorted again...
Jack opened the door and poked his head out of his room, “Hello?” he called out, wondering if it was someone at his door, pulling a Halloween prank. 'Has to be one hell of a good prankster to pull off that laugh and not be around to be seen.. right? Right.'
As the Irishman was busy with the door to the hallway…
The video feed glitched again, tainted in green with slight static…
And for a few seconds, a mirror image of Jack's face glitched into view from the upper right hand corner of the video screen, giving a twisted smile at the camera.
The face vanished as Jack looked around the hall again before shrugging the noise off and headed back inside his room. “That was we-ird…” he drawled a little as he sat back down. He was going to have to edit that out, he didn't need to creep his viewers out. They'll get that when it comes to horror games he'll be playing. He kept his voice low as he thought about it, “What was that?”
'Creepy fucking sounds, that's what but let's get back into the video here. The pumpkin won't be carving itself, y'know.' He turned to look at the bigger knife and reached for it, feeling slightly compelled to check the sharpness of the blade. Inwardly, he tilted his head in confusion. 'Odd, why would I..?' The strange compulsion vanished as soon as he did check Biggie for sharpness, satisfied with it. Why did he need to check for..?  
The big pumpkin sat innocently on the table, awaiting to be sliced up. Jack blinked at it, before remembering what he was doing. 'Ah… right, forgot. I mean I am going to be carving a pumpkin. You can't do that with a dull blade.'
Satisfied with his logic, Jack pushed the brief incident with the weird sound out of his mind. He was going to be editing out his hesitation later. But for now… back to carving! He picked up where he left off, positioning the knife to his earlier spot. “What you gonna wanna do is cut in a little-” Jack paused as he realized he was going to be cutting into a pumpkin's head. A little roleplay never hurt anyone, right? Right.
“I'm sorry buddy… I'm gonna have to give you a name. Um...” The Irishman looked at the camera, puzzled as he thought quickly to come up with one, “Gerald. I'm sorry Gerald, I'm gonna have to cut into your head.”
After the naming, Jack wiggled the knife slowly to pierce Gerald's skin, struggling a bit with the thickness of the pumpkin's flesh. “I've never used a pumpkin of this size before either so-” The knife sank deep with a soft squelch and pumpkin juice flowed out. “Oh god, all the juices...” Jack flinched as he forced the blade to sink deeper. “All the juices...” he murmured with a wince.
Getting the knife as far as it could go, the YouTuber now struggled to get knife out, Gerald's flesh refusing to give it up easily. Again, he wiggled it out, surprising himself as the blade popped out of the pumpkin, “Mother of god… This is very dangerous.” He was reminded that this, while fun, was dangerous if the viewers were using knives like he was. Still, he smiled and held the blade out for the camera to see as he gave a disclaimer. “Do not use sharp objects at home like this, if you're not a qualified professional!”
He paused himself, blinking at what he said as he went about on puncturing cuts into the top of Gerald's head. “Then technically, I shouldn't be doing this either...” Jack chuckled to himself as he continued the carving. “But just be very careful when you're doing this shit. Because things can go very wrong-”
The video feed distorted again, showing a brief and odd image of a red tinted Jack with his back turned to the camera, touching the white board on the door. It vanished just as quickly as it came, and for a flicker of a second, the white board's 'Happy Halloween' sign was scrubbed out but the glitch faded and the white board's sign was shown as perfectly fine.
“-very easily.” Jack's comment didn't stop and he didn't notice anything wrong, too busy with Gerald. He stood now, still struggling to cut around the top of the pumpkin. “I got up because I needed to leverage myself… It was getting very hard to dig into this dude while sitting down.” He grunted as he pierced another cut into the fruit, still struggling to get through the thick flesh. 'Why do the big pumpkins have to be so damn hard to carve?'
For a moment he scowled at the orange item that still gave its goofy grin to the camera. “Why didn't I go for the smaller pumpkins!?” He grunted again then mumbled something as he wiggled the knife free once more, “You're a big one Gerald but Jesus I love you!” He slapped the top of Gerald's head, both in a joking manner and of course… frustration of cutting into it. He glanced at the camera and smiled, wagging his finger at the lens, “Slap your pumpkins. I told you before that slapping your pumpkins is always a good idea. It gets them motivated! Gets them ready-”
Another distortion in the video feed… Again tinted in green, the white board's message smeared… Jack… was slumped backwards on his chair, head tilted back and…a bloody slit across his throat? Gerald the pumpkin grinned at the camera, almost mockingly so. It was already completely carved... a smear of blood above its eye…
The image flickered out faster than the previous ones, lasting less than a second…
“-to be chopped up into bits.”
Again, Jack didn't notice a thing…
After another few minutes of struggling to cut all the way around the top, he'd have to edit that boring portion of him doing so; Jack was finally able to get the top open with a resounding pop!. 'Good God finally!' He gave an excited cheer as it popped off, reaching to make sure it didn't fall into the inside of the fruit. The Irish YouTuber then played around with it, making a show of showing Gerald's 'brains' to the camera and pretending to try to bite it like a zombie.
Though he quickly recoiled once the smell hit his noise, making him gag at it. 'Holy hell, that smell could knock the green out of my hair… Why do pumpkins smell so nasty?' Then spent a few minutes shearing off the 'brains' to dump into the trash bag he had waiting. He also joked with Gerald, asking him if he was okay of removing the brains and to blink once and twice for yes… which Gerald did neither. “I did not think that through...” 'Fuck you too, Gerald. Fuck you too.'
But after a few minutes, Jack felt a wave of discomfort and sat there with a sick look on his face. It felt like a headache… but not quite. It wasn't painful but just… off. He figured it was the smell of the pumpkin. “Ugh, the smell of this isn't making me feel well...”
Another distortion. A glitch shimmer before freezing the video feed for a few brief moments…
Before Jack could say more on how he was feeling, (clueless to what was going on with the recording) he felt something else that surprised him. A warm liquid slowly ran down from his nose…
The freezing distortion stopped in time to catch Jack, looking confused at the warm liquid before touching a few of his fingers to the liquid above his lip. 'Please tell me, I'm not leaking boogers all over my face.' He looked at his fingertips and jolted a little, seeing them smeared with blood. 'What the hell?!'
He quickly pressed them back to his nose in hopes of stopping the flow and checking to see if it wasn't getting worse, rightfully shocked by what was happening. “Oh my god… what the fuck?” Jack yelped, practically jumping to his feet to get some tissues. That right there was going to be edited out! No ifs, ands, or buts about it! No way in hell was he going to scare his younger viewers with that shit.
The Irish male quickly fled the room in hopes of stopping the bleeding. But as he paced in the other room with a tissue pressed to his face; another glitch took place.
The red tinted version of the YouTuber was sitting at the table, a neutral expression… almost distant look, was on his face. Like he wasn't quite aware of what he was doing. He just… sat there… staring at the camera. But was that blood on his neck? His image flickered the entire time… before it was then replaced but a green tinted Jack. Only… this one had that twisted smile on his face like before, his head was tilted forward a little and leered at the camera from the tops of his eyes. Like the previous one before him, his image flickered briefly before winking out completely.
Unbeknownst to what happened, Jack returned, clean faced, though he still touched at the space beneath his nose to be sure. “Oookay, just got a random nose bleed in the middle of that. I never get nosebleeds...” He said, still shocked and confused about it. 'That… is strange… was it from the headache?' He thought to himself, putting a smile on his face as he, again, made sure he wasn't bleeding. 'No… it shouldn't have been. The headache wasn't even painful. And sure as hell couldn't have been the smell of pumpkin… so why..?'
He really didn't want to dwell on that subject. The thought was brushed aside as Jack checked his nose, sniffing a little. Other than a slight scent of iron… he wasn't bleeding again. That was good. “It seemed to have stopped now. Jesus...” Though he laughed it off, hiding his insecurity with a smile. “What a coincidental time for that to happen on Halloween of all things.”
He'll think about what happened later, but for now he wanted to do this carving for the video. He already wasted enough time with all these delays. The Irishman owed his viewers that much at least, not like they'll see him nosebleed everywhere on the video. So back to carving he went, snatching up the spoon he left on the floor to scoop out the innards of Gerald. The YouTuber commented about scraping out the pulp and seeds. He switched to Biggie to help out clean the pumpkin out, whining a little about how he hated cleaning.
He did point out, amidst the cleaning, about how creepy the sounds were when the spoon scraped against the insides and seeds. He laughed and lifted Gerald, showing the insides to the camera for the viewers to see. “It looks even nastier!” 'Seriously, that is sick. Just… eeww~'
Pulp and seed slid a little in a garbled mess…
Another distortion… A shadowed version of the Irish male stood by the door, looking down at Jack with an unreadable expression. Then it vanished just as quickly as it appeared.
“Eeewwww~!” he laughed before reaching over to grab the garbage bag. He paused a little to rub at his eye, which strangely began to twitch for no real reason. “Now my eye is twitching, what the fuck?” 'This is familiar, though… this happened before… in one of my other videos. Meh, eye twitching happens to a lot of people. Right? Yeah, sure.'
The YouTuber was still giggling, having fun with the carving before looking at Gerald then the trash bag and finding a problem, still giggling the entire time. “How do I do this? I have to empty this out.” 'Good fucking game, Jack… you forgot how you were going to empty the pumpkin.' “I didn't think any of this through.” He snickered as he silently berated himself for forgetting THAT important step to pumpkin carving, but hey he was having fun! The Irishman shrugged off the problem as he maneuvered the bag to settle on his lap. “I can't get any of it on the floor here either because there's carpet.”
Jack then lifted Gerald to flip him over to dump the contents into the bag, making sure he didn't spill anything onto the floor. “Ooooh yeah~” He lifted his bright blue eyes to the a computer screen off camera to make sure it was still recording. What he was doing, as he shook the pumpkin to get most of the pulp and seeds out… looked rather… wrong. In a sexual sense. 'Welp if this isn't edited out I know damn well there's gonna be a rule 34 happening because of this moment. Ah, what the hell, let them have their fun a little.'
Another burst of giggles bubbled from him as he flicked his eyes to the camera. “Does that look good?” he joked, returning his attention to the pumpkin, checking once more that he didn't spill anything onto the carpet. “It looks like I'm fucking my own pumpkin.”
He made a mental note to add a “No!” and a close up of Gerald to that. It'd be pretty funny, wouldn't it? Jack continued the clean up, scraping out more of the pulp and seeds that remained clinging to the inside of Gerald and dumping the remains into the bag. He spoke to the pumpkin, asking if Gerald would be happy to be a part of him after making some pumpkin soup from the pulp he had collected. He spent another couple of minutes cleaning before he was finished.
“Well there! The pumpkin is-” Jack exclaimed, happy to finally be done with removing the insides.
Another distortion happened on the video feed, the laptop screen showing it briefly but the YouTuber did not look at it. The screen tinted green and showed static once more, the mirror image of the Irish male stood to his left, glaring down at him before reaching out to him. The image flickered away as the glitch effect got worse. For some reason, Jack was twitching on the computer screen (while the man himself was perfectly fine) as the glitch shimmered on the screen, focused solely on the YouTuber.
Even the audio feed distorted. "̸͜-̶͝į̵̷ş̶́ ̴͟à͢A̡̢͠-͜A̧a̧-͡a҉͡LL̸͜͜-͘"̀̀
And for a short moment, the mirror image was up close to the camera, his head tilted to the right and wore a dark smirk before vanishing.
“-all cleaned out!” Jack held up the pumpkin to show that Gerald's insides were removed completely. Though his eyes were focused on the laptop's screen, which showed him… nothing was wrong, everything was still running smoothly. “Well...” he peeked into the pumpkin. It was still a little messy. “I could do it a little bit more brushing up.” Fuck it, he'll do it later. He took whiff of the smell of pumpkin, “Mmm~! Smell that…” He scrunched up his face again. It still smelled nasty to him. 'I swear if I get another nosebleed again…' “Fucking gross.”
“But~ now that he's all clean out, its time to cut out your eyeball holes!” Jack said, speaking to Gerald the pumpkin and glanced to the smaller knife, Smallie. “So I'm gonna use the smaller knife for this because its more intricate.”
He began carving out the first eye, having another one way conversation with Gerald, joking about a hacksaw to the face then apologizing. He tended to get a little weird around sharp objects. Then at one point, he drifted his arm over the candles' heated air, burning him a little, causing him to yelp then giggle over it. He struggled a little more this time with the thicker skin and the smaller and thinner blade, making it difficult to turn it as he cut.
Finally, he was able to pop Gerald's eye out, which he then cleaned… only to realize how stupid it looked. The goal was to cut the eye out, not pop it back in. He flushed a little in embarrassment before tossing the 'eye' into the trash bag, commenting about how he should have used his brains. And that now he had about as much brains as the hollowed out Gerald the pumpkin did.
Jack moved on to the second eye… as was the first one, he struggled with the second eye. He growled and grunted as he sawed the smaller knife through the pumpkin's flesh.
“Stop resisting, Gerald!” Jack growled, working the knife to make the cuts, “It's time-”
"-̸̢͡t̢O͞ ̡̨͘d̵͡I̴E!͜"̴͡
The recording equipment picked up both the audio and video error. With his attention away from the laptop, the screen showed a quick glitch of Jack twitching madly; as the mic recorded his twisted growl. It was lightning quick but there and it was gone just as fast.
“Why did I name you Gerald?” The Irish YouTuber questioned, unaware of the distortions. “Where did that name come from? I should have called you Pete. Pete the pumpkin. But no, I like Gerald. It's cute, so cute.”
It took him a bit but Jack managed to get the second eye out. “Two eyes out.” He giggled, happy that the carving was going well so far. He took the section of cut out pumpkin and tossed it into the bag; but as he twisted in his chair and reached for the spoon, he paused his movements when he heard something, his fear spiking a little.
Jack sat upright, going quiet as he listened for the sound, doing his best to ignore his heart beating louder than it should be to him. 'What is that?'
The sound stopped.
Briefly and out of reflex, he touched the bigger knife and slid it away a little from the direction of the door off screen. As well as to reassure himself that the knife was still there. But… why would he need to-?
The sound returned then faded to be more quiet. Jack continued to listen to what sounded like someone walking nearby, but it didn't quite… sound right. 'What the ever loving Christ is going on? What is that?' “I swear to god I'm hearing something.” he said, suspicious of the sounds. Once again, curiosity got the better of him and he stood to investigate, moving off camera to open the door once more and looked out into the hall.
But as Jack was distracted and had left the camera's view, another video feed error took place. His color stayed behind and continued to sit at the table as Jack turned gray in leaving. It vanished and the laptop's screen tinted green as Jack's doppelganger returned, up close and simply wearing a dark smile before it flickered away.
He returned not a moment later but this time he leered at the camera with a smirk; before it switched out with the same image but this time with his eyes were jet black in color than his usual bright blue. The image vanished and static took its place for a few milliseconds before the mirror Jack returned; much closer this time.
Bright blue eyes stared wide at the camera lens and he held something to his neck. It wasn't clear from all the static but one could see he wore a demented smile. It vanished then flickered back, much clearer than before but also darker. The twisted Jack still wore his disturbing smile but moved what appeared to be a knife across his neck and the area there was a bright red.
The disturbing image glitched clear as the YouTuber returned from his investigation of the hall. He found nothing out of the ordinary there. “Maybe its just the neighbors I'm hearing,” Jack said softly as he sat back down at the table. Still he paused faintly, listening. “It sounded like someone walking around or something like stomping or banging. Christ.” 'Whatever the fuck it was, is freaking me the fuck out.'
He took a breath to calm himself and picked up the spoon again to do some more scraping around Gerald's eyes. “Maybe I'm paranoid because its Halloween.”  
'Yeah… that had to be it… right?'
His fear didn't go away as he had hoped.
'Moving on~!' Jack, again, pushed aside incident and focused on cleaning up around the pumpkin's eyes. “You have to clean out behind the eyes as well,” he explained as he leaned over Gerald to watch where he scraped behind one eye, “Because you don't want any danglers. You don't want him to look stupid.” He turned his attention to the other eye, “I mean if you wanted to make him look 'rotten and decayed'-”
The video feed gave a slight distortion at the word 'decayed' but did nothing else.
“-There's easier ways of doing that. Just leave him out on the porch, for like, three days.” The YouTuber turned and dumped the spoon's contents into the trash bag. “He'll do that on his own.”
Jack examined his handiwork, satisfied with it and showcased it to the camera, looking at the laptop to be sure he was angling the pumpkin correctly for the viewers to see when the video came out. “There's the eyes. Now comes the mouth.” He studied Gerald from the laptop's screen, trying to figure out how he was going to do this. “The mouth is gonna be hard, but I'm gonna make him look like he's got 'ah-hurr~'. That he's got a load of teeth.” Jack replied, making the sound and showing off his own teeth to emphasis what he was going to do.
He lifted a brow at the camera and shook his head, as if to disagree with a few viewers of them asking about the type of teeth. “But not sharp, jagged teeth. That's lame, its not scary.” The Irishman took the smaller knife and began carving out the mouth. He smiled a bit as he worked, “Even though… that was what I did last year. But I'm a different… changed man! A different person!” He growled softly as he once again struggled to get the knife to cut through the thickness of the pumpkin. “Gerald! You should go see a dentist!”
The YouTuber continued to saw at the mouth but smiled a bit. “The teeth are coming out nicely… at least I think they are.” He quirked a brow as he worked on the carving. “I haven't been able to follow the lines properly because… the knife is like….” He tried to word it correctly and failing at it. “Sometimes the knife is a bit too big and sometimes I'm terrible at this.” He amended then perked as he saw it was nearly over. “Oh god, almost there. Almost there...”
The laptop's screen picked up movement to the man's left while Jack was focused hard on the pumpkin's mouth. A shimmer of distortion showed on the screen, revealing a shadow moving towards Jack's location before the glitch vanished.
“Almost there! Last one! Did it work?” He wondered aloud as he put the knife aside and twisted Gerald to the camera as he worked at the teeth, trying to push them out. “Is your mouth gonna come out?” he asked the pumpkin as he stood and bent over the fruit to check and was cautious in pressing the carved section out. It wouldn't do him any good if he pressed the wrong thing too hard and snapped one of Gerald's teeth out. 'That'd be a pain in the ass…'
“Come on...” Jack murmured, coaxing the carved piece to pop out. After a few careful presses, a section of it shifted loose and slid out. “Yeah boi!” Jack cheered as the pieces popped out, piece by piece to reveal Gerald's toothy grin. Giddy that things were going well and the odd delays were forgotten, the Irishman giggled as he wiped away the marker ink outlines that were obviously still there from his carving, explaining away that it would look stupid if he left them there. After he was done, he proudly showed the pumpkin's finished look to the camera.
Gerald gave the camera his toothy smile.
“It came out pretty well.” Jack said proudly then quickly decided to check if the top of the pumpkin would still fit. “Does your head still fit on?” Pop! The top still fit on perfectly. “Yay! He's a fully formed pumpkin!”
'Man this is so much more fun than last year!' He thought to himself. Gerald looked good, but there was one last step to do before the carving could be complete. The YouTuber removed the top once again and shifted in his chair, focused on his task.
“Okay, so the last thing you want to do, is get your knife. You're going to have to do some fine-”
Jack's voice suddenly trailed off mid-sentence as the video feed glitched, flashing a tinted green. But it wasn't just the video that stopped for a second…
The YouTuber himself didn't move at all.
As the distortion continued, Jack mentally jolted at sudden loss of control. 'What the-?' He tried to move his eyes, to look at something else… but his gaze didn't shift at all. He just stared at the pumpkin as Gerald stared right back at him. 'What the ever living fuck!? Why can't I move?!' He attempted to try to straighten his posture in the chair, but his body did not respond. 'What the hell!?' Jack began to panic, this wasn't right… why couldn't he move? Why was he just staring at the damn pumpkin? He struggled to move something… anything… but his body remained locked where it was when he last had control over it. 'Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck?!'
Laughter echoed around him, much more clear than before. Was that outside his room? '...No… its a lot closer, louder than when I last heard it earlier.' That's right, back at the beginning of the video.
He thought about it, gladly latching onto something other than his mounting fear, even as he struggled in attempt to move his own body. But that didn't last long before he jolted in further fear when he realized where that laugh was coming from.
The laughter was inside his own head.
'Oh god… ohgodohgodohgod! What the fuck is going on?!'
Another ring of laughter, familiar and strange at the same time followed by a voice that shook Jack further in fear. Why was his own voice..?
'S͞hH͡h̛...͜ S̨e̢T̡tL̀e̴ ̧dO̧w͢n̢, L̵UcĶy c͝H͠aRM͝s..͟. En̢J͝OY tH͝e̢ p҉Er̨fơRmaN͘c҉e͠. H͢ee͜h̕ee҉h̷aha̛h̶a~͏!"̨
Who the FUCK was this and why did they sound like him?! Whatever it was, it made Jack uncomfortable more than he already was. His body still did not respond to what he wanted it to do… like getting the fuck out of the room. And the voice in his head was NOT helping the situation. 'What do you mean?'
A giggle.
'J͢͝uST͘͞ ̵̨w͡A͜͜tĆH͡.̢̢́ ͢͞H̕͟e͡e͜͝҉he̴ȩ~̸̵'̵͢͝
Jack turned his attention away from the voice that occupied the darkness of his mind and looked out to see what it meant.
Outside the confines of his mind, the YouTuber slowly and silently placed Gerald down on the table; and just as creepily looked up from the pumpkin and stared at the camera as he straightened in his chair. His expression was distant… blank….
Jack was already freaking out that his body was moving of its own accord, refusing to listen to his thoughts. But now, it took a moment for him to realize, that he while he had no control of his own body… he could still feel with it. And he mentally froze at feeling the familiar weight of the knife in his hand. Feeling his own hand curled around it, gripping it firmly.
The Irishman gasped. 'Oh no…' Was the camera still recording?! The red light on it showed that it, indeed, was still recording. What about the software? Did it crash? Nope. The laptop showed no signs of failing, everything running perfectly fine to him. He had a feeling he knew exactly where this was going, 'No…'
Jack's body… lifted the knife, all while the screen continued its distortion, unseen by the YouTuber.
'No! No no! Please… don't do this...'
'Heehe̕e̡~! ͢N҉o̕w̶ w͟Hy̸ Ẁòul̕Dn͠'̧T I d̶O͡ t͜H̷is?̸'͏
The YouTuber growled in fear and anger, lashing out in attempt to cease the action. The voice chuckled at him and moved to intercept the attempt. The knife continued its ascent as the two clashed wills. The fist and blade quivered, slightly pausing as Jack fought savagely for control. He will NOT let this happen. Not while everything was being recorded. He can't do this to his viewers… not like this. Never like this.
'Because I won't let you, you sonofabitch.'
The voice crowed over the declaration. '̛Ḩ̀̕a̴̢h̴̴a̸H̶̷͏ÁḨA̵͢Ḩ̶A̛!̀͜ ̡͟"Wo͟N͠'̀t̸͞ ͢Ļe̸̷Ţ̛ ͠mE̴̢͡"̵̧?͏'̛ ̀ It moved closer and whispered into Jack's ear. '̵Fo̵Ol̛.̶..͟ ̧y̨O̕u ͟CàN̕'t͠ e̶V͠En̨ b͢LiǸK.̨..'
It laughed and then there was a sound of someone snapping their fingers. The Irishman's body broke free from Jack's momentary control and his arm lifted the knife higher until it rested on the left side of his throat. 'Fuckfuckfuck!' The YouTuber flinched at the feeling of cold steel against his flesh, quivering… he felt himself quiver under the blade. The bravado he had faded when the knife nicked his neck a little.
'Please… don't let them watch this…' Jack begged, terrified of what was going to happen. Terrified of his viewers seeing this somehow, scarring them for life. God, he wished he had someone over to help him…
The voice giggled again. 'Oh҉.҉.͢.̸ ̷bUt I ̴w͞A̛nT͠ t͞HeM̶ t͡O̶ SeE...'
The knife pressed a tad harder and the YouTuber's arm moved slowly, making the blade bite and cut as it glided across his skin. In his mind, Jack cried out in pain, feeling the burning sensation as his flesh split open, feeling hot blood pour from the cut. He couldn't see it with his gaze fixed on the camera, but he could feel it. Physically, his face didn't even didn't so much as bat an eye as the knife sliced by.
'Aaahhh! F-Fuck! P-please… please don't…' Jack hissed painfully, flinching as the knife continued its journey across his throat. He felt more blood escape, felt dizzy and light headed; getting weaker. The darkness in his mind crowded closer, pressing at him. 'Please…'
The voice ignored his plea. Instead it giggled, enjoying his suffering as it circled him like slowly like a hungry wolf.
On the laptop's screen where is still showed distortion; it briefly flickered the green tint and revealed Jack's doppelganger slitting his own throat, grinning wildly at the camera, enjoying the action immensely. The image flickered out and showed that the YouTuber's body wilting, weakening from the loss of blood; his head was drooping and body tilting forward, unable to support itself as well. But the grip on the knife remained strong, still needing to finish the cut.
Trapped in his own mind, Jack felt that pain, weakness and fear hit him like a truck. He felt himself fading, having a harder time trying to stay awake. 'P-ple...ple...ase… d-do...don't… le...let th...them… sss...see…' he whispered brokenly.
The voice only let out an amused giggle, again ignoring his plea. '̨T͞a t̢a~ ̵L̷u҉C̷k͢y͠ ̛c͡Har͝M҉s͏~ ͠Heeh́e̵ehah̴haha̷~!'̸
The Irishman growled before losing consciousness, unable to watch the action further. Blue eyes rolling to the back of his head as he faintly felt his body crumple on top of Gerald the pumpkin. 'G-god… dam-damn it...I...I'm… so… sor...ry… guys…'
Jack…. went limp.
On the laptop screen… the distortion returned… worse than before, it flickered green and for several moments it had trouble keeping the YouTuber focused as the video feed shifted downward enough to split the video in half on the screen. It tried to correct itself to no avail…
Until the video feed suddenly snapped back to perfection, showing the grim sight of Jacksepticeye, famous Irish YouTuber, laying limp on top of his carved pumpkin in what was suppose to be a fun seasonal video…
It stretched from seconds… to minutes. Nothing moved.
Jack continued to lay limp where he was… silent and so very very still.
The camera continued to record the body…
The microphone continued to record the dead silence…
The laptop continued to show that the programs ran smoothly, displaying Jack's corpse on its screen…
Eerie, eerie silence dominated the apartment room as the computer screen slowly faded to black when nothing happened for a while, activating its sleep mode…
Suddenly, the body lurched upward, smile wide as Jack reached for the camera, the laptop coming to life from the sudden movement, the screen a darker green edged with black with distortion. The Irish YouTuber laughed madly, so unlike his usual self.
The camera, overwhelmed by the glitching and distortions, went dark. The laptop, blind without the camera, showed nothing on screen… but the microphone continued to record, picking up a trace of a soft and weakened voice.
“He-help… m-me...”
Then another beat of silence.
The YouTuber flexed his fingers, smiling and reveling at the feeling of it. Finally… he was in control now. He suppressed a giggle, fully aware that the mic was still working. Not yet, he wanted to enjoy this a bit more; granted he was surprised at how easy that was to accomplish. A simple illusion and boom, easy control. He was also quite aware of another presence within his mind, one that was regaining consciousness.
'̡Q̧uITe tHe ҉sT̢u͞BbOr̛N ͝On̨E,͠ a̕R҉e̡N'͟t͘ YO̡u, ͡L͘u͘Ck͝y cHaRMş?' The being thought, amused by this. 'THat'S͡ ͡ơK͜aY.̵.҉.̢ I̡t ḿAK͜es͘ ̢t̵HIs ͟S͠o M̸u͜CḨ ̴mOrE f̶UN̸~'̀
He circled the fragment of light that represented Jack, waiting for him to awaken.  
Jack groaned softly as he slowly awoke, feeling a massive headache and so weak he trembled. 'Ugh… Wha-what... happened?' He shifted a little, bringing himself up carefully onto his hands and knees; wincing at the lethargic feeling. 'Oh… my head…' Was it a dream..? It didn't feel like any dream or nightmare he had before. But… he was still breathing? 'Wha-?' He groaned again, way too foggy to really focus on anything solid at the moment
As his senses slowly returned to him, he was partly aware of a presence circling him, but he was too dazed to make sense of it. The presence… helped him out with a 'friendly' jog of memory.
'T̕oP҉ oF ̷t̸He͟ Mo̕RNi҉Ng̷ t͡O͞ y̶A, ̷L̵áDD͢ie̵.̕.̸.͠'̢
Jack went very still, eyes wide as he stared at a mirror image of himself. The duplicate tinted in green with a bloody slit around his throat and glitchy, his movements awkward as they seemed to move frame by frame incorrectly. Everything that happened earlier, returned in a rush. That was no dream..! 'Oh no…'
'M̶y naM̕E̷ ́i̵S ̸An͟tişep̸ti͞c̶e͞ye...'́
'What?!' Jack didn't get to say much more before Anti flicked his wrist and watched as the Irishman was slammed against the ground of their shared mind. The YouTuber crying out in pain from the blow as he landed hard on his belly. 'Ghak!' He tried to get up again but felt far too drained to move, 'Wha… how..?'
Anti snickered as he calmly walked over and pressed his shoe against the back of his host, keeping him pinned easily. He twirled a bloodied knife between his fingers before placing the blade against his lips in a mocking universal sign of silence before shushing him.
'He̕e͘he͜e~̶ ̕RȩL͏a̡X̕, LưCKy͘ cHaR̨Ms͡...̨ ҉YoU͡'͘ll ̡F҉i͠Nd͟ oUt̷ şOon͡ ̛e͜N͞ǪúgH.̵.͞.' he jeered, ignoring Jack's soft growl of rebellion, 'JuS̡t̕.̵..͠ ͡w̧A͟Tc͢h̶..҉. a̡n̕d͟ L̀i̢StÈN.'
Satisfied that his captured audience wasn't going to do anything, Anti turned his attention to the camera, slipping into control of the body he just commandeered. Snapping his fingers yet again to reactivate the camera, letting it take a quick shot of him hunched over the pumpkin before keeping it dark.
He was going to enjoy scaring these viewers and Jack so much...
The camera slowly regained picture and the laptop now no longer blind, just as slowly began to show the image on its screen, still glitched and tinted in dark green and black. The YouTuber was hunched over the pumpkin, head down and giggling, his tone warping and echoing.
The image faded to black before returning, glitched and flickering, trying to capture the figure's movements as Anti lifted his head to look at the camera. He gave a sick grin at it. Before his face twisted in a snarl.
"̷Y̷̡oU.̶̛͠.͜.̶͞ ͜"́̀ he hissed at the camera, directing his words to the viewers and Jack that would watch this. But strangely his speech was chopped up, the laptop having trouble translating the words and ending up having them interrupting themselves between sentences. "H͘͡͠i̡̕S͜͟͞ ̸bOd͟Y̛̕͞ w̡̡ĄS̴͡ ̴͘W̷͘͝E̷A͝͠K! ̷̷H́͢͏eh̨e͡h͜a͏̛̀h̡a~͏̧"̕͘͡ He sneered, pointing the bloodied knife toward the viewers, hissing and giggling at them.
The laptop's screen still showed the distortion, his image flickering between frames chaotically. One second he was pointing the knife at the camera, the next he was poking Gerald with it, another mockingly looking dazed and confused as he blinked at the table; imitating Jack's blank stare before he offed himself. The entire time his voice echoed and contorted as he giggled at what was happening.
"̨Y̡̛o̧͜Ú͞ ͘A͝L̛L̢͟ ̵̧s͜͞A̡̕͡iD҉ ͏͟͟m̵̶̧Y̵ ̕͟n̸͢ÁMę..͡͡.͏̧́"̀͞ He laughed then snarled, stabbing the knife against the table, "͢Ke͠Pt̡ ̴mE̢..̧.͝ ́I A̸M ̢H̢E͏RE͘ N͢O͝W̵.͟.̵. i͟Ns̡I͠d͠E.̴.͞"
Anti raged at the camera, at the viewers… at Jack, waving and stabbing the knife into the two objects within reach that wasn't himself. The pumpkin and the table. He stabbed Gerald with a snarl, clearly agitated. "́Y͢O͞U̧..͢.͘ i̶T͞s ͟All̵ ͞y͜OuR̸ ̵fA͞u͢LT.̨..͠ ͢To͞O ̢L̢oNg̴..͘.͜ "͡ The doppelganger spat in rage, his image warping further in reaction to it. The camera and laptop had trouble still in keeping up with his constant glitching and twitching, frames going in and out of order. "..̢.̵Will ͝L͡iSţEN ̨t͡Ó M͢E̸..̵. ͜Y̕ơU̸ aL̡L҉ mAD͜e̵ ̡t̛Hi͢S͞ h͝APp̷E͢n.́.̧. H͢ee̷ha̢h̶ah҉aha̧~!̛ ̷"͘
Suddenly, Anti's glitching calmed even as he sneered at the camera. "͜YoU͘ ̷̡c̡̛̀Oųl̡͝D͞͝͏ h̛A̧v̧E̵ ̡͢͜sT͜oP͢͝p̀̕E͡͞d̸ ̷͡ME̴̛..̵͢͢.̸̀̕"̀̀ He hissed in a cold fury at the fanbase, pushing Gerald aside and resting one arm on it. He grinned all the while as he leaned a little closer to the viewers. "B̶U̸t y̧O͠u̡ JưS̨t ̸wÀTc҉h̀Ed..̴" His eyes flickered from bright blue to jet black for a second before they returned to normal. Anti glared at the camera and snarled. "a͘Ş͢ ̛tH̶́͜íŞ͘ ͏͟h̶͘͞A̢͘p̧̛͟P͜͡͡ȩ͞N̡̨̛ed̴!͏"
"̢E͏h̛͞e̸h̡͠a͡hah͝͏a͢~̨̡"̨͢ The laptop's screen flickered, showing Anti 'slitting' Gerald's throat and grinning wildly. His laughter was twisted and warped before it flickered back to him glowering at camera. He tilted his head as he glared and gave a smile of contempt to the viewers.
"̡͘N͠҉ó͟W h͜E̢͏'̀̀s̸͘ ͞G̡̕̕ǫN̨e͏... ̴f͠O͠ŗ̕É͠v̴͠e͟R̷̕͢.̷͜.̴͢"͠
The laptop's screen cut to black, the camera shut off but the microphone was still operational, awaiting for any sound to record.
He felt Jack rise in protest in the back of their fused minds, angry at him for accusing his viewers for this. Inwardly, the evil counterpart giggled at the sad attempt before grabbing Jack by his throat and power slamming him back against the ground. 'I̸'̷m͟ ̸No̶T̵ ̵p̕L̢ayIng ̨w͜I̛t̷H͝ yOu h̢ErE.̶.̀.' He then crushed him under his heel, grinding it into his chest as his influence weighed heavily on the Irishman. At Jack's cry of pain, Anti pressed more of his weight on the man's ribcage, hissing. '̶I͏ ̀s͘A̶iD̸ ͞tò ̢wAtC̴h ̵aNd ̨L͢iStE̵n̵, Ja͜Ck̨.̡ Yo̕U bRo͢UgHt҉ tH͝i͡S͠ uPo̵N͞ ͏y͡O̕uRs̛e̡L͢v̵Es... ͢y̢Ou ̢A̡L̀L҉ ͞dId.͜'
'No… we didn't!'
'͡Y͘ES͏ YO̶U̡ D͠ID!̴'̀ Anti snarled, leaning down as best he could with his foot on his host's chest, pressing more weight on him. Jack flinched and gasped in pain. He smiled at him, making the Irish YouTuber more uncomfortable with staring at his own face with a twisted smile plastered on it. '̕Y̶oUr Li̷T̢tLe.͟.̀.͏ v͞IèwErs̀,͝ ̢JaC͢k̸aBoY̛.͞.͢.̀ dI̕d ThIs tO ̛y̢Ou..͞.̕'
He giggled as Jack began to shake his head, refusing to believe him. '͘'͏tH̷eY̨ wA̢nTe̷d̀ ME̵ h̢E̵rE and ́sO dI͝d ̶YoU...̴' He laughed, amused by his host's denial. 'NoW͏ ̡yOu͡'R̢e ̶Ge͏T͘t̷Ing ̶EXA͢CTLY ̶w͟H͜aT ̀yO͟u ͢A͠l̀l W͘a͢Nt́Ed̷!'̢
He let out another howl of insane laughter in their shared mind, staring down at Jack. '͝T̵hE͡y͟ KìLLe̵D͠ y̧Ou,͡ ͠L̵u͞CkY̸ ͏cH̸aRMs̶... So͝~" His eyes flashed to his eerie jet black as he gave the YouTuber a demonic smile, speaking both to him and to his viewers aloud for the mic to hear and record.
"̴̸S̵aY ̕͞g̡͡͡O̕ó̀D̕b͟Y҉̕͏e..̸̛͜.̵̡"̷
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Antisepticeye Dossier
A/N: Vix here with another dossier! These are more or less just thoughts I've been thinking to myself. For me, that's kinda what makes certain fanmade characters of YouTubers interesting to me. You get to sit there and try to discover what makes the character tick and all that. I have seen a lot of people, not all but a lot, of people pursue more of either 'what' and 'how' a character came to be.    
Which are very good questions but most of the time, people forget the 'why' portion of the character's existence. Why do they exist? Why do they do what they do? Why are they like this? And so on and so forth. And figured it'd be best to write it all down in case I forget important details and such. Also acts kinda like a FAQ... depending on the question. Also it is subject to change as I tweak it here and there in the future. Remember, I did not create Antisepticeye this is all just my collection of thoughts of how he came to be. Why he came to be as he is now. Anti is relatively new to me but caught my interest and after watching several videos, mostly one that show all the Antispeticeye moments… I sat here and thought about it. Hell I'm listening to the original song, Anti Personality by SecretlyMarkiplier'sBarry, right now as I'm writing this. Fucking good song to be honest.  
But since Anti is still new to me, there's not going to be very much information on him here, until I finish my analysis of the character. Enjoy.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Theme: Anti Personality by SecretlyMakiplier'sBarry Name: AntiSepticEye Aka: Anti, AntiSeptic, Anti-Jack Age: N/A (depends on when his concept 'creation' was made which I don't know) [but for now his age is equal to Jack's which is: 27 years old] Height: Exact height as Jack Weight: Exact same as Jack's weight Hair: Exact same as Jack's style, if only a bit more wild and the green fluctuating between a darker or lighter shade than Jack's Eyes: Blue but can at will turn them into a solid jet black Clothing: Originally, he was clothed in dark hoodie and jeans. Currently wears a slimming black T-shirt, skinny black jeans and black shoes. Possibly a type of boot. He also wears a pair of black stud earrings, gothic in type. Unsure if they are the magnetic types or bar bell. Personality: Erratic and demented, Anti is twisted in nature, often giggling and laughing maniacally between bouts of ranting and raving. He has a strong desire to harm others by any kind of means; be it physical, emotional or psychological. He pairs that desire with his desire in scaring others, often interfering Jack's videos with his presence and sliding his beloved knife across his own neck to generate that fear; which he takes great delight in.
But he also harbors a great amount of anger and hatred for the fanbase and Jack himself… as well as a hatred for Darkiplier. Perhaps even a wicked streak of envy a mile long, perhaps jealous of the love Jack receives from the viewers; the fan-base thinking less of the evil entity and Dark being the more popular dark entity.
Granted, that is… debatable. He never truly states his reasons why he's angry. He's also quite intelligent, just because he's insane doesn't mean he's a fool. [Edit:] His intelligence is proven in a recent video 'Kill Jacksepticeye Bio INC Redemption' where he reveals that the entire time the fan-base had believed they had gotten Jack back from Anti, that it had been Anti who was in control and fooling them from the start. Not does make it amusing for him in fooling the fan-base but also agitated that they once again, threw him aside for Jack and mocked him. To which he threatens more harm on Jack 'next time', should the community forget about him or mock him again. He seems to also threaten Jack's other alter egos with harm should they step out of line once more. Anti is growing more confident in his powers and abilities, conducting control over Jack and the other alter egos like a puppeteer. He openly taunts and challenges the Jack's community to 'rescue' Jack themselves, as the alter egos are under his control and power. Weapons: Currently only known to have his beloved knife, but its possible he has multiple blades hidden on his person. Fighting Style: Close quarters with his knife (or knives) as his weapon of choice. Possibly a defensive fighter. Strengths: Aside his possible expert skills with the use of a knife; Anti possesses great agility, similar to Jack obviously. This also gives him great flexibility to dodge attacks and strikes, paired with his knives and possible defensive style; Anti can twist his way around oncoming attacks and slice at his opponents with his knives. It also gives him better chances at striking vital organs and if he manages to get behind his target, go right for slitting the throat.
Be mindful, however, that attacking him at close range is not recommended at the highest degree. With his glitchy movements, striking Anti is almost impossible and even harder to read his movements. Even mid-range and long-range attackers are to be wary, his speed and agility will allow him to close distances in short bursts.
Its gathered that he's able to create illusions and generate fear with those illusions to work in his favor. Its likely he is able to glitch warp in short distances and can interfere and control electronic equipment, namely cameras, computers and microphones. It is uncertain if he can warp into the internet like Virus!Cry can or not; but it is proven that he can cross to other dimensions as shown in Darkiplier VS Antisepcticeye video. Which could lead to possibly have the strength of a tulpa, like Darkiplier.
[Edit:] Anti's powers and abilities are growing in an alarming rate. He has exceeded prediction with his hold on Jacksepticeye. He refuses to let him go and it is concerning that he has been active this entire time since October of last year. It seems that he can control his host and his alter egos like a puppeteer, making them walk and talk as he wishes, or able to interfere with their doings if they attempt to help Jack escape his grasp. Extreme caution is warranted, Anti is a wild card and enjoys every minute of it. Weaknesses: Uncertain. It is not known what exactly are his weaknesses. So only those we deem as 'weakness' will be listed for now. While its possible that Anti can appear at will if he wishes, it seems to only last for a short amount of time. It also seems he can take control much better and faster, if Jack is under stress or terrified and possibly on Halloween. But Anti can also appear if he so much as feels as if Jack or the fan-base 'forgot' him or cross some invisible line with him.
As he is, for now, listed as a defensive fighter, its assumed that he does not have much in attack power, making him more towards a defense/evasion speed class fighter. So its possible for more powerful enemies to overwhelm him if they manage to get a hit in.
[Edit:] It seems there is another weakness Anti shows. His strong desire to be recognized and seeking attention… this is possible that he needs the viewers to pay attention and keep in him in mind for his strength and power to grow. As well as his overconfidence, that could lead to his downfall in the near future… but he is intelligent. His eyes never leave the viewers, his 'puppets'… even if he fails this time, he will learn and grow stronger. Relations: Jack (JackSepticEye) as his host for possessing and lighter counterpart; Mark (Markiplier) destests the man; Dark (Darkiplier) absolute hatred
Fears: Unknown Backstory: Unknown
Theories: 1) I was thinking along the lines that Jack is still alive, because... you know, Anti would have difficulty controlling a dead body and no amount make up and cologne would cover that up. But its possible that, Anti made us and Jack think he died, because there's not enough 'blood' to show that Jack bled to death for his evil counterpart to posses. Remember what Anti says as Jack was playing one game, "Forgotten? Or too afraid to remember?"
Jack could've been SO scared about the action Anti was making him commit in front of the camera so much in Say Goodbye, that he passed out; allowing Anti to take control without realizing it, hence his 'last words' "Help me..." Which could imply Jack was calling for help in the hopes of someone walking into his room and snatch the knife from him or attempt to rescue him before he thought he was dying. So this could mean that Anti needs Jack to be alive (until fans start to think of him as an entirely separate entity like how we recognize Darkiplier is) but unconscious or weak from fear or stress to take control for more than a few seconds. But this is just all in theory, yes I posted the theory in Antisepticeye page in Fandom wiki. 2) Given Anti's ranting in Say Goodbye then in Always Watching, it sounds like he's angry at the fanbase for he assumes to be 'walking all over' Jack… and angry at Jack for being 'too weak' to put his foot down. So its possible that Anti had wanted to protect Jack but with Jack suppressing him and keeping him inside 'for too long', he was denying Anti the right to do so. Locked away and chained where he couldn't lash out, Anti could have gone insane with his desire to help and his rage at the fanbase and then later towards Jack, has cracked his mind. And lost all care of 'protecting' and went for harming and generating fear to get people and Jack to listen to him. Again, all in theory. 3) With the same videos… as listed previously, this theory tilts toward the idea of Anti being a tulpa, a manifestation of the minds of the fan-base and Jack himself, thus being the evil and insane counterpart of the Irish YouTuber. But… no one paid attention to him and became jealous and angry of being 'created' for no reason but to be a whimsical fantasy… perhaps merely a 'copied' idea fans had thought about in relation to Darkiplier.
That could be his source of hatred for them all, just nothing but a copy and not treated equally.
And in his jealously, he sets out to take the attention he believes he deserves… one way or another, doing things that others couldn't do. Possessing Jack and 'killing' him to prove his power (which is very likely an illusion he created to gain easy access to Jack's body) ; and directly challenging Dark for position of 'King' of the… dark realm they're in, to prove he is better and assert his existence to others. [Whether it be Raspy Hill (given that Dark had shooed him away and told him he 'didn't belong' and to 'go home'…) Or YouTuHell (or YouTuDark… whatever the hell the darkside of Youtube is called) or some other dark realm Dark rules over currently.]
The actions he does, the interferences with Jack's videos to openly confronting Darkiplier, could be ways of him not wanting to be taken lightly, thought of as second best or perhaps to not be forgotten. 4) Combining theories 1 and 3…
Anti seems to be a tulpa, a manifestation of the minds of the fan-base and Jack himself, thus being the evil and insane counterpart of the Irish YouTuber. But… no one paid attention to him and became jealous and angry of being 'created' for no reason but to be a whimsical fantasy… perhaps merely a 'copied' idea fans had thought about in relation to Darkiplier.
That could be his source of hatred for them all, just being thought of nothing but a copy and not treated equally.
And in his jealously, he sets out to take the attention he believes he deserves, one way or another... doing things that others couldn't do. Forcing Jack to believe he was dying to easily possess the unconscious and terrified YouTuber. After all, he enjoys harming others, you can't harm a 'dead' person. But he can harm him more than physically, letting Jack suffer in trapping him in his own mind, unable to communicate with the fan-base freely. Even going as far control his movements, watching him with a sharp eye.
This action allows Anti to prove his power as well as instill fear, dominance and control over Jack, his alter egos and the community. Anti seems to grow in power the more people think of him and he continues to fuel that thought to gain that extra strength. This strength allows him keep control over Jack, pretending to be him to fool and taunt the community. Of course, it doesn't take long for Anti to be upset as people don't think of him often as he likes… which is to be evil and extremely feared.
In the video, 'Kill Jacksepticeye Bio INC Redemption', Anti interferes with Dr. Schneeplestein's attempts to save Jack. Taking control of his actions to stall and make things worse, even go as far as nearly getting the doctor to strangle himself with the headphones' wire. This proves his strength in power and being able to take control of others aside from Jack.
Though this is probably because Dr. Schneep is an alter ego Jack has.
Anti rants about being in control and tired of the fan-base ignoring him. Its possible that while in Jack's body and searching around to see what people thought of him (Anti), he sees that people… do not fear him. Instead, they romanticize him and turning him into, what he calls, a 'glitch bitch'… which he doesn't like being seen as and sees it as an insult.
I mean, I don't blame him really. You're an evil counterpart of someone and people think of you as a romantic figure and basically whipped… you'd be pissed too.
It's also possible that he's angry at being mocked in the 'Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye' video. Doing it with Mark, in thinking it would be more serious, only to see it was a mockery of what he wanted to do. Which is directly challenging Dark for position of 'King' of the… dark realm they're in, to prove he is better and assert his existence to others.
This is kinda proven when Anti mocks 'Dark' to 'put on' more make-up; cunningly insulting Mark that he was as weak as Jack and that the world is Anti's since Jack isn't there to stop him. As well as taunt Mark that his best friend is gone and he doesn't even realize it. Though that is merely an assumption. But its still scary to think about… all the youtubers pretending to be their evil personas and yet there was a true one among them.
The actions he does, interfering with Jack's videos to openly taunting the community, could be ways of him not wanting to be taken lightly, thought of as second best; and most importantly, to not be forgotten. [These are currently the theories made so far by this mind… more could be made as more information is found. For the current moment, this report on subject: AntiSepticEye is up to date.] [The document is subject to change as more information is brought to light. And as subject: AntiSepticEye grows in power… there will be more to come.]
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