debwalsh · 3 years
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Jack's urethra is blocked and his kidney values are very, very high. The doctor doesn't know yet if Jack's kidneys are damaged or not. He's been hospitalized and they are working to unblock him snd flush the toxins from his system. The estimate for Jack-Jack's care is between $1100 and $2200. It's sounding like it may tend toward the higher amount. I normally just deal with my stuff on my own, but this time I do really need help. I'm going to pull my traders in reserve and set up auctions for them. Payment will be by PayPal friends and family, or Venmo. If bidding goes over $300, we can discuss a payment plan, but I'd need payment in full by end of January, and I would only mail once the payment is complete. Thank you for your support and your help! #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy #hopingforthebest https://www.instagram.com/p/CYuxVTPrp02/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Captain America vs. the Flerken Butt. And Jack-Jack. Jack-Jack is a totally different cat than he was a month, two months ago. He's bursting with enthusiasm and energy, racing around the house, leaping over the other cats, jumping up on furniture, and alive with curiosity and joy. He still loves to stay close to me, wherever I am, and loves his little bed in front of the heater. And he's eating his special diet really well, and enjoying the new treats I've gotten him. As for that Flerken butt, I'm pretty sure that was Bow. Can you believe he's just a kitten? I've never had a cat that large, and both he and his brother Glimmer are enormous. They'll turn one year old sometime in May or June. Jack-Jack turns 10 in March! I look at these fuzzy kids, and I'm filled with gratitude for the help and encouragement I've received from my online family and my irl friends. And joy. You can't look at a happy and healthy cat and not feel joy. And when they choose you, blessed. #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #flerkensofinstagram #flerkenbutt #captainamerica #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjackisafighter https://www.instagram.com/p/CaTY4Gvr1Iw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Pin sale post to raise $$ for additional bills and commitments now that Jack-Jack’s vet bills are taken care of. Crossposted. Shares are much appreciated! Pinfo: Chinese Stucky Soft Enamel Pin Set LE unknown Price: $40 Provenance/Info: I fell in love with this pin set on eBay, but missed it. I searched for about 2 years, and finally found it on Taobao. So I bought 3, and this is an extra set. Pins are comment to claim here on IG. If you’d rather, you can DM me, but be aware that IG often glitches on DMs, so your comment on the sales post is the safest way to claim. Payment by Friends and Family only - PayPal or Venmo, due within 24 hours of notification, please.  Postage will be calculated based on your total purchase.  US addresses only - if you are outside the US but have a US pin buddy to mail to, you’re good.  No payment until I provide you with the total.  Thank you!  #jackjackisagoodboy #buckyisadoll #catsareassholes #thanksforyoursupport #pins4sale #pinsforsale #pinsofinstagram #pincollecting #marvelpins #animepins #buckypins #captainamericapins #bnhapins #mhapins https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ_Nu8ZOYjn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Look at this handsome fellow! Jack-Jack continues to do well! His diet now consists of the urinary wet and dry food prescribed by the vet, treats, squeeze up puree, and more treats. I'm really happy to see his appetite is much approved, and he's getting a lot of moisture in his diet. He's also doing very well with the litter box - no straining, good volumes. And his energy levels are wonderful. Like, he'll race down the hall and literally leap over other kitties in his way. Nothing is gonna stop Jack-Jack. We celebrate Jack-Jack's 10th birthday this month, too. He's been with me 8 years - I was his 4th Mom, and I will be his last. He sticks close, and often naps curled up against me, draped across my legs, or half in my lap. I love it. None of this would have happened without the support so many kind folks gave him and me. Thank you again for your kindness and generosity. Jack-Jack and I appreciate it! #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjacktakescareofhismom #jackjackisafighter #thanksforyoursupport https://www.instagram.com/p/CbNpNClLCic/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Finally! A lap cat! #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjacktakescareofhismom #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes https://www.instagram.com/p/CaTaLjsLoo6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Jack-Jack says it's time to cuddle him, so I'll be posting more pins tomorrow. Doesn't Jack-Jack look great? He's been doing so well, and he's adapting to his new diet pretty readily. I've learned he does not like bits in his wet food. I mash it up as well as I can, but he'll lap up the broth - augmented with warm water - but most solid bits get left behind. He loves puree, tho. Not pate, puree. So I'm getting a smoothie blender so I can turn his wet food into puree for him. He does love the urinary diet dry food, tho. He took to that immediately. My monthly Chewy bill about doubled, but it's worth it if he's going to feel better. He's definitely gained some weight back, and he's got so much energy! Again, thank you to everyone who helped me pay the vet bill, gave advice, support, and vibes. Much, much appreciated. And as you can see, so worth it. #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjackisafighter #thanksforyoursupport https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ_SqwuOLR9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Guess who got a perfect report card at the vet? Jack-Jack's kidney values are all back in normal ranges. When he was hospitalized, he was literally off the charts on a couple of measures, which is why they were convinced he couldn't be saved. The tech was stunned and elated. Jack-Jack is in the clear. So he's home and does not need regular follow-ups. I'm to keep him on the urinary wet food if he'll eat it. And the Weruva is okay if he won't. We got a sample of the dry urinary food to try, and he loves it. Like, LOVES it. So we'll get some of that for treats, and keep going with wet food as much as possible. He's a little hero today. And again, thank you to all who made his recovery possible. Everyone who contributed. Everyone who prayed or put positive energy out into the universe. That mysterious person who paid $500 toward his vet bill. Everyone who bought something. Everyone who shared their experiences and expertise. Everyone who was kind about my beautiful boy. And thank you to the incredible staff at @northpennanimalhospital for their unfailing kindness and expertise. Jack-Jack and I will be celebrating his 8th gotchaversary this week with joy and gratutude. #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjackisafighter #thanksforyoursupport https://www.instagram.com/p/CZfVp1Pun2u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Jack-Jack is doing MUCH better. His energy is up, his appetite is better, and he seems so much more comfortable. He's finally eating the urinary diet but he's not enthusiastic about it. He does not like it when I'm out of sight. I'm even more convinced now that his steep decline at the vet clinic was due to depression and giving up when he thought he'd been abandoned again. This afternoon we go back to the vet for follow up blood work. He's likely to need more regularly scheduled vet visits to monitor his levels. Everyone's well wishes, suggestions, purchases, and contributions got us to this point. Thank you for giving my beautiful boy a second chance. Jack-Jack's gotchaversary is this week. Eight years since he came into my life, a wonderful birthday present then. And a joy now. #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjackisafighter #thanksforyoursupport #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes https://www.instagram.com/p/CZexCq_LgMg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Jack-Jack has always liked getting a personal serving of food on my bed, but this is extra special because he hasn't been eating as much as I'd like. The scoop contains a urinary diet dry food that I'm trying him out on, laced with some of his favorite crunchies. I've found a way to get more moisture into his diet by taking small portions of @weruva Mack, Jack and Sam, mushing up the fish chunks, and mixing it with a bit of warm water. Jack-Jack laps it up and even eats some of the fish. I'm giving some several times a day, with my bedroom door closed so none of the other cats bother him. It's so exciting to see him excited about food! He's definitely stronger! He jumped to the top of the cat tree after this, demanding loving! And now he's finished grooming and is snoozing contentedly. Again, thank you to everyone for good words, kindness, positive energy, contributions, and purchases! #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjackisafighter #thanksforyoursupport https://www.instagram.com/p/CZUkNfwFl8X/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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This boy has been commanding my time the past couple of days. Here he is cuddled up next to me while I'm working. He is stronger, drinking, peeing, and starting to eat. He's not only able to jump on the bed, he's been up the cat tree, and tried to jump onto his favorite perch (my kitchen stool), but can't quite make it yet. What a difference from this time last week. Pins will hopefully start listing tonight. More details - and lots of pins - to come. Thank you for your support, offered in so many meaningful ways. Jack-Jack and i are truly blessed. #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjackisafighter #thanksforyoursupport https://www.instagram.com/p/CY9jDdhrZLI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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He's sleeping in *my* spot, and taking up more than half the bed. I couldn't be happier. I could be more comfortable, but definitely not happier. #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy #myboyishomewherehebelongs https://www.instagram.com/p/CY3ERtQuf4R/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Just got this photo from the vet tech. Apparently his majesty made his displeasure at being poked to update his fluids known by taking a swat at her. And he is clearly feeling better. Let's hope this continues. And thank you to everyone who's sending prayers, vibes, well wishes for Jack-Jack's recovery. I think it's working. And thank you again for the donations. Omg, I am so blessed to receive such generosity, and to know so many wonderful people. Pin sales are coming, I promise. I'm on a cleaning jag working off nervous energy, and hopefully preparing the place for Jack-Jack's return home. Hopefully tomorrow. In the meantime, again, thank you. I truly am a lucky, lucky furmom. #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy #thanksforyoursupport https://www.instagram.com/p/CY0AbacLr9L/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Jack-Jack snoozes while I work. Today was the first time in nearly a month that I didn't have to take heavy duty pain meds. Still not perfect. But what a relief to get off prescription meds. On the mend at last. #jackjackisagoodboy #jackjacktakescareofhismom #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge https://www.instagram.com/p/CWHZpauLzec/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Snoozy boy. Jack-Jack is enjoying some peace and quiet while the gang is snoozing. Yesterday we tried to get the five remaining kittens organized to get them spayed, but they were not having it. I managed to get one in the trap, but he'd already been spayed. The rest of them were definitely not about to enter the trap voluntarily, and my efforts to catch them only freaked them out even more. It was hours before they chilled out. So we're back to the drawing board. Also, all the adult females now spend the wee hours singing the songs of their people. In my bedroom window. In lighter news, Shadow likes the fuzzy throw on my bed, and I've caught him rolling around on it a couple of times the past couple of days. While I'm in the bed. So it's cute. He knows it. #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackiscuteconartist #jackjackisagoodboy #catrescue https://www.instagram.com/p/CUF8fcorbJv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 3 years
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Jack-Jack had to help opening today's #pinmail. He especially liked the #bananafishpins pins from @cats_n_stufff but he also thought the box from @mo.pins was pretty cool. #pinsofinstagram #pincollecting #supportyourlocalartists #jackjackiscuteconartist #jackjackisagoodboy #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZr-dIrEah/?utm_medium=tumblr
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debwalsh · 4 years
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Working on finishing my contribution to the Hell Yeah Bottom Bucky Valentines exchange, while Jack-Jack snoozes. Sharing to AO3 tonight! Cos it's due today ... #debwrites #stuckyfic #catsofinstagram #catsarealwaysincharge #catsareassholes #jackjackisagoodboy https://www.instagram.com/p/CLkqBN-FnaQ/?igshid=1vcoyyw0oudvi
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