#jackie kennedy (mangle weed trio/interdimentional mall)
I'll explain what this is for after the poll is done
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Stupid scenario I thought of for the alien au
Michael: mikeeee what's omegaverse
Mike: WHAT?!?!?
Michael: I was watching The tiktok and this person is talking about "the omegaverse" and I wanna know what it is
Mike: ok that's enough human internet for today...
Michael: but I wanna watch cat videos
Jack: what is the omegaverse
Mike:... I'm not going to tell you guys that
Michael: also what's ao3?
Mike: it's a site where people write story's about their favorite shows and they can get... Weird
Michael: oh ok!
Jackie: if you're gonna tell us that at least tell us about the omegaverse
Mike: no it'll confuse you about humans and I don't feel like correcting anything
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Little coupley things Michael Mike and jack do (this ended up being a things they do in general too)
When they're around other people Mike always tries to act like hes not seriously considering grappling onto either Michael or jacks arm (in most instances it's jacks arm) while walking or something because he knows it's not seen as positively as just holding hands (he tries so hard to seem normal and has been for most of his life)
Michael tries to sit as close to them as he can to the point if they're just with friends he will literally sit on Mike or jacks lap even if there's plenty of chairs
Their wings feel different when the others touch them than if anyone else touched them and it's mainly to do with how gods angels and demons have "mates" and certain things are reserved for mates (like stroking the underside of their wings although that has an exception for family)
Mike barely takes care of his wings and whenever Michael sees mikes wings being messy he immediately makes Mike let him fix it and Mike ends up falling asleep
Jack finds anything they do cute, Michael just ate a serial killers organs in front of him? Wonderful! Mike just passed out and smacked his face into a table? Adorable also is he ok? They could do anything and say it's inspired by their love for him and he immediately goes "awee so romantic!" Even if it's making a heart of human intestines
Mike likes a random ass kids show that's in another language and constantly buys merch related to it but is embarrassed by it and hides everything under his bed but Michael and jack found out by accident by a stuffed animal poking out from under his bed (Mike tried to say it was Abby's or something but it was obvious it wasn't) and so they ended up getting him some merch they figured he didn't have and he got really embarrassed (again he tries to seem as normal as he can)
They hang out at Michael's house the most because everyone there was already used to Mike and jack before they officially got together but they sometimes hang out at mikes and never hang out at jacks because Michael and Dave may have some... Issues (Michael would probably stare at Dave menacingly)
Mike ends up getting super hot in the middle of the night because of his ice powers fucking with his temperature tolerance but doesn't move to try and get cooler because most of the time Michael is attached to him like a parasite and he wouldn't dare wake anyone up because he knows how bad waking up in the night affects people (he just has sleep issues and a lot of people can function normally if they wake up in the middle of the night but any little bit of waking up in the middle of the night even for a few seconds makes it hard to function in the morning/all day)
If they ever went to a carnival or something jack would immediately try and win Michael the biggest prize they have and try to get Mike something he'd like because Mike doesn't like bigger things and is content with small plushies but Mike and Michael would focus on getting the kids stuff and the kids would insist on them getting something for jack
Jack and Jackie have tried to have Mike and Michael try and guess who is who but Jackie stands with more weight on one foot and jack tends to kind of sway back and forth while standing so they know who is who easily
Michael has dressed them up in dresses and Mike tolerated it for Michael but Mike absolutely hated wearing dresses at any time he ever has but jack thrives on doing embarrassing shit to get a laugh out of someone (he also enjoys the embarrassing stuff because he's probably done worse at some point) but Michael noticed Mike hated the dresses so he ended up making less dress like things to have Mike wear
Michael's hobbys are art baking and making clothes mikes hobbys are watching the kids how I mentioned earlier and sleeping jacks hobby is being a weirdo /pos (he literally has no clue what to do in his free time other than whatever someone else wants to do although he'd probably make a garden if he realized he doesn't have to live by everyone else's activities)
Jack gets anxious if he's not hanging out with someone while they're doing something else so Mike and Michael drag him along to things they like to do even if it's for jack to sit there and look pretty (jack is very content to hold a single pin for Michael while he makes clothes as long as he feels like he's being useful)
Mike seems annoyed whenever Michael tries to crawl all over him or when jack flirts with him but he actually really wants to bury his face into their chests while they hold him and talk about whatever they want to for hours (unlike Michael he doesn't know how to drop his mask of "normal guy" with anyone and not even when he's alone because "what if someone just walked in right now and saw me acting not normally")
Sometimes mikes "normal guy" mask slips and he ends up rambling about something for about and hour and Michael will just be looking at him with all of his attention (which is hard to get from Michael because he absolutely will turn to look at something if it sounds like it could be cool) and then when Mike realises he's been rambling he'll apologize and get embarrassed but Michael will try and get Mike to continue but Mike has already forgotten what he was talking about (Michael loves hearing literally anyone ramble about something they really like but he rarely adds anything to the conversation unless the person wants him to and he knows if he tries to add anything to whatever Mike is talking about he will immediately stop)
They're probably all different flavors of nurodivergent but because I'm only diagnosed with anxiety I don't feel like I can really give them any other diagnosis without accidentally being offensive (I probably wouldn't be but I really don't want to on accident)
Michael likes to wrap his wings around Mike and jack and also hold their tails with his and because he takes really good care of his feathers his wings are always really soft and are enjoyable for Mike and jack to feel and he knows it (he likes stroking his own wings because of how they feel)
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Mmm drew Jackie for no other reason than I haven't before
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Jack wakeing up after Jackie had a girls night covered in glitter with a dress on:
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Werewolf time! My example will be jack and jackie
My version of werewolves look like just giant wolves (some can get taller than a 6 foot 4 person) and they usually have wolf instincts (they act more like a dog when in wolf form) the first time they turn it's very painful because their body isn't made for the turning process yet they do not loose themselves in the way traditional werewolves do although they do act slightly different due to random little wolf things and the enhanced senses, like a dog they could easily smell diseases and other things dogs are used for (trying to find missing people bombs and shit) although some instincts they can suppress like wanting to chew on things or clawing things but there are some that they can't like thinking of friends/family as apart of their pack or separate packs that they're in or if you throw something their brain immediately wants to go after it and they usually do and sometimes if someone says a command like sit or something they'd say to a dog if the person who is a werewolf isn't thinking they will listen even if the command wasn't said to them (think "golden retriever boyfriend" when you think of how werewolves are with any relationship) now onto physical changes, every werewolf gains muscles, wolf ears, and a tail (and the ability to purr although I'm just gonna say any supernatural creature can purr at this point) and some werewolves get taller after their first shift (this happened to jack that's why he's taller that Mike and Michael)
Things specific to jack and Jackie:
Because they have two heads on one body and only one head in wolf form they are mushed together while in wolf form and they're usually indecisive and Overly excited about things because of the fact they're basically fighting for control (they're both forced into control so it's like if you put two people in a small room meant for one person and one singular control panel and tell them they can do whatever they want when usually they have two separate rooms with an open window so they can talk and separate control panels)
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I'm trying to sleep because I woke up too early and have school later but I need to share a little story plot I made
So jack and Jackie live in a little afterlife because you know end of dsaf 3 but there's a very pretty forest surrounding the dsaf gangs house and they like to hang out there sometimes but it was always super quiet due to the fact there were no animals there so since they're a God they thought "hey why not make some fake bird noises happen" and figured out how to do that but at the same time they were thinking of two different birds and accidentally made two bird species' and once they figured that out they got excited and ran to go show the others the birds cause yk they're both really excited that they created two types of birds with literally the snap of their fingers and ended up making an entire ecosystem in the forest. All of the plants they made are completely edible for humans and they collected a bunch and gave some to Michael, and Michael ended up adding the plants to different recipes because they were good
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