#jackie i love u. thank u for asking despite not knowing shit about my gay little ttrpg podcast
obitv · 2 years
how are u doing martial artist but not heizou style? :0
WELL at first i was trying to make pyro catalyst work since i already have a basis there, but dakotas Entire Thing is kicking people and im pretty sure thats heizous burst? i had good ideas for what his na animations could be to make him look different to heizou (more like thoma, if i had to pick) but in the end i went. well. ok. hes a martial artist so what if i tried making him a physical dmg based kit instead? so i went with greatsword since it has a lot of raw power and strength (very dakota). while his nas are still with his sword (sad for me) his skills are pyro infused kicks that dont deal much dmg alone but give him a dmg boost on his next na/charged. theyre like diluc and have 2 or 3 cgarges by default that can be weaved in between his na string. then his burst gives him new charged attack modifiers and changes his charged attack to a series of kicks ^_^ like itto in a way but instead of infusing with pyro (bad from a gameplay standpoint bc having two dmg types like that would make him hard to build) he gains a sort of. maybe aura or stand (like razor) that deals additional pyro dmg alongside his kicks? the aura also gives him increased crit dmg. + i think his lvl70 ascension skill would be giving him an extra charge on his skill every time he defeats an enemy which makes him good in situations with a lot of smaller enemies (similar to childe but without the riptide mechanic) since dakota has that in canon anyway. if i had to pick a canon faction for him id probably say adventurers guild though i dont have a specific region in mind
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Girl I Met On The Internet, 5/6 (Crystal x Gigi) - Strawberry
a/n these chapters aren’t really that long but i keep taking forever to get them written and edited lol but anyway i hope ya’ll enjoy!! 
Gigi stayed at Crystal’s house for a while after their kiss. Crystal showed Gigi all of the art that was not yet hanging up on her walls, gave her a house tour, and introduced her to her cat Tic Tac, who Gigi instantly fell in love with. 
Gigi finally had to go when Crystal said her mom was on her way home from work, and would not be happy with Crystal if she found out she had someone over without permission. 
“Are you sure you’ll be fine walking home?” Crystal asked, watching Gigi put her shoes back on from where she was standing in the kitchen.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I live like, two streets down, actually so I’ll be there in like five minutes!” Gigi reassured her.
They hugged goodbye, Crystal walking her out and standing on her front porch until Gigi went out of sight. A few minutes later, Gigi messaged her.
gigi: i’m home and i miss ur cat
crystal: :o only tic tac??? not me??
gigi: yeah <3
crystal: you’re a loser
To Crystal’s disappointment, she didn’t hear from Gigi again until much later. Crystal had been debating getting off TikTok and going to sleep early for once when Gigi finally messaged her back. 
gigi: do u wanna facetime
crystal: YEAH!
Crystal balanced her phone on her history textbook that was still laying on her bed and grabbed Tic Tac, knowing Gigi would love seeing the cat again. 
“Hi!” Gigi waved, gasping when she saw Tic Tac in frame. “Who’s the cutest cat ever?”  
Gigi showed Crystal her room and her closet. Eventually, they both exited the FaceTime app to go on Twitter, but stayed on the call. They made it their mission to annoy the other girls by spamming them with pictures of frogs and other memes they had found funny.
crystal: frog in a hat frog in a hat
nicky: why not sheep? they are the superior animal!
crystal: No <3 but i fuck with you for trying
Jackie: Does this happen often?
nicky: crystal and gigi are always on some bullshit. just ignore them queen
jan!: nicky pls stop trying to steal jackie 
nicky: i simply breathed
“Hey, I think I’m going to bed,” Crystal yawned, “I’m tired. I would’ve been asleep by now if you didn’t want to talk.”
“Wait, before you go, do you maybe want to walk to school together tomorrow?” Gigi asked, coming back onto the app to see Crystal’s face.
Crystal smiled. “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
“Great! I’ll message you in the morning. Goodnight, ba- bitch!”
Being so tired, Crystal almost didn’t catch Gigi’s slip up. “Goodnight, Gigi.”
Being just friends was going to be difficult, Crystal decided before finally allowing herself to fall asleep.
Walking to school became Gigi and Crystal’s new thing. With Crystal’s mom’s permission, Gigi would join Crystal after school on days she didn’t have practice, often staying for dinner. Crystal’s mom met Gigi a week after they started doing this, and was very skeptical the first time she met Gigi, not expecting Crystal to have befriended a cheerleader, but quickly welcomed her with open arms.
After Gigi had dinner with Crystal and her mom, her and Crystal went back into Crystal’s room to get some homework done. Gigi’s mom requested her to come home after Gigi and Crystal finished Gigi’s algebra homework. They were both pretty bad at math, but Crystal insisted if they worked together they would be able to figure it out, which was debatable at best.  
“I don’t want to go. I’m too comfy,” Gigi complained, not wanting to get up from Crystal’s bed.
“You have to. Sorry.” Crystal replied, making Gigi stick her tongue out at her.
A few moments later, Gigi sat up, remembering that she wanted to ask Crystal something. “Hey, so before I go, I was thinking…”
“You think?” Crystal teased, giggling. Gigi gasped in mock offense, throwing a pillow at her head.
“Anyway, as I was saying,” Gigi continued, “I was thinking that we should have lunch together tomorrow. Only talking to you in the halls is not enough.”
“Yeah, of course! Do you want to meet me in the art room then?” Crystal asked, shutting her textbook and turning to face Gigi. 
“No. I’ll come meet you outside your class. What happens next is a surprise.”
Those words replayed in Crystal’s brain for the rest of the night. A conversation that happened in the group chat when Crystal was in the shower got her even more excited.
gigi: guys guess what
jan!: yeah??
gigi: i miss crystal :(
jan!: weren’t you at her house like an hour ago
heidi: hold up WHAT
heidi: miss gigi was WHERE????
jaida: what now
gigi: JAN SHUSH you ruined my reveal!!!
jaida: JAN YOU KNEW THIS??? and didn’t wish to share???
jan!: uh-
heidi: not a reveal DHGJSDH
gigi: i’m gonna ask crystal out and then after that i was gonna send a selfie of us revealing that we are dating AND that we live in the same town and everyone would lose their minds at the superior couple
jaida: now why would you announce that if she’s in here
gigi: SHIT
gigi: everyone spam the chat she doesn’t read up 
jan!: stealing your idea. we aren’t dating yet but look at me and jackie :-) 
jaida: nicky why do you hit on everyone who’s not available dgfhfj first gigi, and then you were a crystal stan and now this
nicky: why are you acting like this is a problem jai
Jackie: I find it hilarious. Jan only reserves that side of her when Ariana Grande posts a selfie. I’m chopped liver to her.
Jackie: ;)
gigi: jackie’s using emojis we did it gays
nicky: i am a homewrecker. jaida, find a partner and i will flirt with you too
heidi: nicky literally no one asked
jaida: well damn.. 
jaida: hey heidi you single??
Crystal usually didn’t read up, due to pure laziness and the fact that these girls could send fifty messages a minute if they wanted to. It was too much for Crystal sometimes. This time she decided to read up, and she was glad she did. They didn’t try hard enough to hide anything Gigi said, and Crystal was even more excited for the next day.
Crystal got up extra early that morning, putting more effort than she usually would on taming her curly hair and put on a tad bit more makeup than usual. She searched her closet for the perfect outfit, and finally picked out a hot pink jumpsuit with purple flowers on it, with a headband with the same design on it to match. 
She loved what she saw when she finally looked at herself in her full length mirror. Crystal knew this was going to be a good day; she looked good, and Gigi was going to ask her out during lunch. She was so excited.
gigi: im on ur street!
Crystal tried her best to mask her excitement as she walked down the hall and out the front door, not wanting Gigi to know she was aware of her plan.
“You look so cute!” Gigi exclaimed as soon as she saw Crystal.
“Thanks! You do too, we match!” Crystal replied.
Gigi was wearing a pink floral shirt with white shorts, and Crystal thought she looked very nice. Gigi always did, but it didn’t appear that she put in any extra effort, unlike Crystal did.
Crystal didn’t let that upset her, she told herself that the way Gigi dressed probably wouldn’t affect anything Gigi had planned. 
Due to Crystal’s impatience, the morning felt much longer. When the bell signaling that it was lunch finally rang, Crystal couldn’t hide the gigantic grin on her face if she tried. Right outside the doorway stood Gigi, and two other girls who were on the cheerleading squad. Crystal found this odd, but made her way over anyway.
“Hey, you ready?” Gigi asked, giving Crystal a quick hug. “This is Rosy and this is Symone,” Gigi said, motioning to the other girls. “I want you to meet them so we’re all having lunch together!”
Realization hit. There was no date, Crystal was way off. She really hoped her face didn’t show her disappointment. She tried to ignore it, Crystal was curious to meet Symone and Rosy. Gigi had mentioned them briefly before, but they must’ve been close if Gigi was introducing them.
“Just with you guys? Not Dahlia?” 
“Nope, she has a dentist appointment.” Gigi confirmed, and the four of them took off to the cafeteria.
Lunch was surprisingly nice. Rosy and Symone were way nicer than Dahlia ever had been to Crystal. Symone liked to paint, and Rosy loved Harry Styles so there was much for Crystal to discuss with them. Crystal didn’t like them as much as she liked her internet friends, but she couldn’t say they didn’t exceed her expectations. Crystal wondered why Gigi wasn’t always surrounding herself with cheerleaders like Rosy and Symone, who were genuinely nice and positive, but that would be a question for another time. 
Despite lunch going better than expected, Crystal was sad that she was so off about what Gigi had planned. She felt stupid, even though none of what Gigi had said hinted to only inviting Crystal to have lunch with her friends on the squad.
On their way to Crystal’s house, Gigi could tell something was off with the green haired girl. She was going to get to the bottom of it. 
“What’s wrong, babe?” Gigi asked once they got in Crystal’s room, both of them sitting on the bed. 
“It’s stupid, don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine,” Crystal lied, busying herself by petting Tic Tac, who had jumped up to join them on the bed.
“It’s not stupid if it’s bothering you.” Gigi pushed, wanting to help.
Crystal took a deep breath, and let it all out. “What are we, Gigi? We said we’d be just friends for now but I thought you were going to take me on a date during lunch today since you told the group chat about your plan but I was wrong!” 
Gigi had to take a moment to process everything. “I was going to try to clear that up by taking you on a date during spring break.” She admitted, making Crystal’s eyes go wide.
“Fuck… I’m sorry, I just-” Crystal mumbled, feeling awful,
“That’s why I wanted you to meet my other friends.” Gigi continued, “I think I’m going to come out to them before spring break.”
Crystal was shocked, “Gigi, spring break is next week. Are you sure about this?”
“Yeah. I need to. I talk to them about you all the time and I think they’re starting to get suspicious.” Gigi blushes.
“Even Dahlia?”
“Yeah, but she’s moving this summer so she’ll be out of her hair soon enough.”
“I think this is the best day ever, honestly.” Crystal giggles, leaning forward to press a kiss to Gigi’s cheek, making her whine.
“No. On the lips.” Gigi pouted. 
“I don’t kiss before the first date, Georgia Rose.” Crystal teases. 
“You’re so stupid!” Gigi huffs, tackling Crystal onto her bed, tickling her sides until she thought Crystal had enough. When Gigi finally stopped, Crystal lied there for a moment, still giggling even though Gigi’s manicured fingers weren’t on her anymore. 
“You’re so mean! I didn’t deserve that.” 
“You’re the one who wouldn’t kiss me!” Gigi whined again, flipping Crystal off.
“Don’t stress. G. Spring break will be here before we know it.”
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