#jack taste like dessert
x3no9 · 9 months
I made an animated gif featuring Giant Hackett and Jack. Basically re-drew it and animated it alittle with naughty dialog. ;)
See via the link.
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"Stupid" Things the TWST Cast Believed As Kids
I was going to post this without a preamble but it just looked wrong LMAO -----------------------------------------------------
Riddle - He just mispronounced a lot of words out loud. This is actually common in a lot of kids that read a lot, they don't know how to say a word any differently than the way they've pronounced it in their head, so some examples: (Ladle -> would rhyme with Saddle, Rhythm had over-emphasis on the first 'h', etc.)
Trey - thought butter was made from the fat collected off of cow butts ('butt' was also the only 'naughty' word he knew for a long time). The thing is he had probably seen his parents make butter. either by accident or on purpose and it still didn't click for him.
Cater - only ate black beans, (when they were served). when he was a kid because he thought they were the same as coffee beans. He saw his dad eating chocolate covered coffee beans and got mad when he denied him the Delight Of Caffeine at Three Years Old so thought eating black beans was like. A super sneaky way of being like his dad.
Deuce - Chocolate covered strawberries came from a special plant, he didn't think his mom just set them up for him sometimes. He ended up asking more than a few times when his strawberries were plain when they could 'go back to the store and get the good kind' and would call the strawberries without chocolate 'rotten'.
Ace - For whatever reason, he didn't think bears were a real animal. Just. Teddy bears existed. And of course when his big brother showed him pictures of real bears he thought he was messing with him. Ace will not admit how long it took him to realize that bears are real.
Leona - Falena told him once that vanilla extract comes from 'beaver butt juice' and it was in all the vanilla flavoured desserts he's ever had. Yes Falena was messing with him to get his portion of desserts because Leona was too grossed out to eat them. It managed to last about 6 months before Leona was fed up and researched the information on his own.
Ruggie - His grandma protected him best she could from food scarcity, so he genuinely believed she knew how to make something from nothing. Same with his clothes.
Jack - Refused to eat hotdogs because he thought they were made from real dogs and cried whenever he saw someone else eating hot dogs. Even when they bough turkey hot dogs he thought they added 'turkey flavouring' to the Dogs.
Azul - Thought cuttlefish were 'cuddlefish' and would get so SO upset when they didn't want to snuggle with him
Jade - When he first heard the word 'hermaphrodite' he thought it meant someone who just really really liked hermit crabs.
Floyd - Was SO disappointed to find out ice cream didn't scream while you eat it (I-scream)
Kalim - Used to try and eat really fast, so Jamil told him if he ate his food too hot his tongue would melt to the top of his mouth. (Yeah Jamil got in trouble for that one but it worked, Kalim savoured his food and he still makes sure his food is cooled down a little before he eats).
Jamil - Didn't eat yogurt for a long time because he didn't want to 'feed the bacteria in his belly'. That was his only reasoning.
Vil - thought candy cigarettes were real cigarettes, this resulted in him biting one of his dad's or fellow actor's cigarettes and Regretting it. (Even the fake ones are filled with like an herbal blend, you don't want to eat it still)
Rook - kinda sad, but genuinely thought termites were considered dessert. They were fairly rampant in his home so he would eat them any chance he got (raw termites supposedly taste like pineapple).
Epel - yeah he thought he was a werewolf, there isn't much else to add.
Idia - Thought that microwaving a spider/other bugs for a very short amount of time would mutate their DNA and he could keep it as a pet, despite many failed attempts, he continued trying.
Ortho - (insert ugly crying here thinking about baby boys early years) he really believed that one day Idia would find a way to bring the characters from tv/video games into 'real life' so they could have play dates with them. (Idia promised him he would try his best)
Malleus - He thought computers were a type of pet people could have.
Lilia - Used to think that the stars were really big glow bugs
Silver - Fully believed the storks deliver babies thing. Not because of Lilia, but because of a story book and it made things easy so he just rolled with it anyways, until Silver was old enough.
Sebek - That the fountain of youth was real - he wanted to drink from it once he reached his prime so that he could serve Malleus always.
Che'nya - Refused to believe that gum ever came from trees because he 'tried sap before and it didn't even taste like syrup so how could something sweet as gum come from trees'.
Najma - Thought she was able to talk to ghosts, it was just Jamil fucking with her lskjfhsldkjfsdf
Neige - Didn't know what owls were, called them tree penguins.
Rollo - Called ambulances 'Body Rescue Busses' because even as a kid he knew only God could save your soul. (you can take that seriously or as satire idc) -------------------------------------------------------- @fluffle-writes thank you for the compliments, and the motivation to write!! ljfkjdshflkjsdf
If you want to be on a taglist in the future lmk
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 5 months
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𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓬𝓵𝓪𝔀: 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓕𝓸𝓸𝓭
This is a series featuring the Twisted Wonderland cast in different scenarios where they show the Reader their love through food! Starting with Savanaclaw ♡ Enjoy! ♡
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𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓪 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓻
☆ When you're sick ☆
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⋆ You were fast asleep, having spent the past few days sick. You still felt horrible, spending most of your time coughing or sleeping. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt something shake you, a voice slowly sounding clearer as you begin to stir.
"Wake up. If I have to be awake then so do you."
Your eyes open slowly as you wake up, feeling groggy as Leona stops shaking you. He's sitting next to where you lay in bed, holding a bowl in one hand while the other rests on your shoulder. A smirk comes to his face as you look up at him, using his free hand to move some hair out of your face. He helps you sit up before handing you the bowl, cradling it to make sure you didn't drop it. Since you've been sick you haven't been able to eat much, either unable to keep it down or getting nauseous at the idea of food.
⋆ Your stomach growls as you look down at the soup he brought you, one of your favorites. As you sit there staring at it he nudges your shoulder, holding out a spoon for you to use.
"Eat. Even if it's just a bite."
You eat what you can, Leona taking the bowl from you once you were done. He comes back with a water bottle, holding it up to your mouth. After he made sure you had something to drink, he moved to lay next to you in bed, pulling you into his arms. You feel him bite your neck in affection before licking it, your eyes closed as you became drowsy.
"Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." ♡
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𝓡𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓑𝓾𝓬𝓬𝓱𝓲
☆ Sharing ☆
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⋆ You were at the park, sitting in the grass next to Ruggie. A box of donuts sat in front of you, more closer to him than yourself. A nearby bakery was having a sale that day, you and Ruggie deciding to split the cost and get a box of donuts to share. Since the weather was nice, you chose to enjoy them at the park, finding a secluded place to sit.
Each donut he took out of the box he broke in half, giving you one half while enjoying the other. You were surprised by this, expecting to just eat the ones you bought while leaving the rest for him.
⋆ He noticed your surprise, laughing as he broke another one in half. As he handed you your piece you asked him why he was splitting them this way, his answer making your face heat up.
"Well...it tastes better when I share it with you. Any food, really. That doesn't mean you should expect this all the time! I still gotta eat, ya know?"
He laughs, a grin coming to his face before he pauses, staring at your mouth. There were some crumbs on your lips, a little bit of frosting too. Before you realize it, he's already leaning in, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
"Wouldn't want any to go to waste, shyeheehee!" ♡
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𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓗𝓸𝔀𝓵
☆ Unexpected surprise ☆
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⋆ You felt exhausted, both mentally and physically, looking towards the clock. Your day had been horrible, with nothing seeming to go right. Your work was understaffed, with customers acting rude and angrier than usual. You just wanted to go home and crawl into bed, glaring at the clock as if it would make time go faster.
As you were ringing someone up you noticed a familiar face enter, greeting him with a smile as he made his way to the counter. He waited until you were free before he approached you, handing you a bag. You looked at him confused for a moment, Jack simply saying he got you something. You opened the bag to find your favorite dessert, purchased from a bakery you like.
"I was in the area. You sounded pretty upset earlier, so I thought this might help."
⋆ You were touched by the gesture, a smile coming to your face as you thanked him. You knew he must have gone out of his way to get it, the bakery you liked being located on the other side of town. You leaned across the counter, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. The tips of his ears turned red as he looked to the side, his tail wagging behind him.
"I'll be back to walk you home when your shift ends. If you need me to come sooner, just call." ♡
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I hope you enjoyed! ♡ Which dorm should I do next? ♡
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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pinknatural · 7 months
Pick out the biggest, reddest, juiciest strawberries. Wash ‘em real good. Lay them out on a tray covered in parchment paper. Pat them dry, and leave them out. Put some chocolate chips in a bowl, and microwave in 30 second intervals. After the chocolate is good and melted, pick up the strawberries by the stem and dip them in, coating them thoroughly before putting them back on the tray. 
Dean’s never made chocolate-covered strawberries before. Never had a reason to. It’s kinda nice, to dedicate all his focus to making sure the chocolate is covering up the berries evenly. To try not to get them to drip. 
Since moving into the Bunker, Dean’s found that baking is fun. He likes putting a bunch of stuff together and seeing delicious results. And chocolate-covered strawberries aren’t exactly rocket science, but he knows they’ll taste good and make Sammy happy and that’s all he really wants, right?
Plus, he thinks, gently placing another strawberry back on the parchment paper. He doesn’t think Jack has ever had a chocolate-covered strawberry before, and he can just picture the kid’s excited eyebrows at the taste. 
He picks up another strawberry, pinching all the leaves between his fingers so they don’t get chocolatey. He dips it nice and slow into the glass bowl, turning it gently as he brings it out of the chocolate.
“What are you doing?” 
Dean yelps, nearly dropping his strawberry. 
“Jesus christ, Cas, you snuck up on me!” he says, turning to glare over his shoulder. Cas is standing just behind him, staring curiously. He could’ve been there for two minutes or twenty. Dean didn’t even know he was in the Bunker, let alone the kitchen. “I’m not kidding about that bell, dude.”
“Apologies,” Cas says. He doesn’t sound a bit sorry at all. Dean rolls his eyes and turns back to his strawberry, putting it on the tray next to the other completed ones. Cas moves in closer. “What is the purpose of this exercise?”
“Chocolate-covered strawberries,” Dean says. 
“I see that,” Cas says. He sniffs, as if the smell disagrees with him. “But why are you covering the strawberries in the chocolate? Is it for a spell?”
“No, it’s a dessert. Like a candy, I guess,” Dean says. “For Valentine’s Day.”
“Ah, yes,” Cas says. “Unattached drifter Christmas.”
Something in Dean’s heart stabs, at that. He hates that Cas has heard him say that, or heard Sam reference it, or whatever. 
“Yeah,” he says, looking away from Cas’ eyes. The strawberries are safer to look at. “I guess.”
Cas’ big hands enter Dean’s field of view, and he plucks up a strawberry. Not one with chocolate on it. A naked one. Despite himself, Dean looks back up at Cas. It’s hard to not look at him. He has a very nice face.
“What does chocolate strawberries have to with the patron saint of bees?” 
“And epilepsy,” Cas says, squinting at the strawberry. “And the mentally ill. And happy marriages.”
“Uh, it’s more about the happy marriages thing,” Dean says. “Valentine’s Day is about love and shit.”
“And strawberries,” Cas says, nodding wisely, as if he understands everything. He sets the strawberry back on the tray. Dean’s not sure if he’s fucking with him or not. Surely after all this time on earth, Cas knows what fucking Valentine’s Day is. 
“You give the strawberries to your Valentine,” Dean says. “Or chocolate or whatever. Or those fucking disgusting chalky heart things. But Eileen loves chocolate-covered strawberries and so these are for Sam. To give to her.”
Dean told Sam to make his own chocolate-covered strawberries, but Sam said that either Dean could make them or he would buy some from the store. And Dean does not trust fucking Hy-Vee to have quality chocolate-covered strawberries. He picks up Cas’ naked strawberry--the last one--and dips it into the chocolate. 
“That’s very kind of you,” Cas says, watching him. “To help Sam out.”
“Whatever,” Dean mutters, holding the strawberry up so the excess chocolate can drip back into the bowl. “I wanted Jack to try some, too.”
“You say that like it will make me think you less kind,” Cas says. Dean is tempted to throw him out of the kitchen. But goddamnit, he likes Cas and likes when Cas hangs out with him and asks stupid questions about Valentine’s Day. But knows that Saint Valentine is the patron saint of epilepsy, or whatever. Ugh. 
Dean never knows when Cas is leaving, anyway, so he’s gotta take all the time he can get. He leaves his strawberries behind and fetches another glass bowl. The white chocolate chips are already out, beside the opened bag of regular chocolate chips. 
“I thought you said white chocolate was an abomination,” Cas says, watching Dean pour some into the bowl. 
“It is,” Dean says. “But it will look fancier this way, trust me.” He puts the bowl in the microwave, punches in a 3-0-enter then turns around to look at Cas. He’s inspecting the neat line of chocolate-covered strawberries. They’re a little messier than Dean wants, but hell, it’s his very first try. 
“I don’t understand why you would put the chocolate on the strawberries,” Cas says. “My understanding is that strawberries are perfectly good on their own.”
“Dude, bacon is perfectly good on its own and we put chocolate on that,” Dean says. He crosses back to the counter and picks up a strawberry by the stem, holds it out to Cas. “Go on, try it.”
He expects Cas to take the strawberry from him--chocolate end first, and then he’ll get chocolate all over his fingers and Dean will die a million deaths watching him lick the chocolate off. Instead, Cas does something a thousand times worse and leans forward, biting into the strawberry without taking it, like Dean’s feeding it to him or some shit. 
Dean has a vision of a picnic somewhere, red and white checkered blanket and all. The sky is blue and the grass is soft and Cas’ head is in Dean’s lap and Dean’s feeding him strawberries and kissing him between each one. 
But instead Cas just--doesn’t break eye contact. Just stares, as he bites into the strawberry, chews and swallows. 
“Good?” Dean says, mouth dry. 
Cas closes his eyes, licking his lips. “Mmm, very.” He straightens back up. Even though he licked his lips, he missed a little--has a chocolate mustache. Dean has the insane urge to lick it right off his face. 
“Uh, you got some--chocolate,” Dean croaks instead. He mimes with his own thumb. Cas swipes the chocolate and succeeds in smearing it everywhere. 
“Did I get it?” he asks, and his wide blue eyes hypnotize Dean into reaching forward and wiping the chocolate off Cas’ face with his own fingers. Then Dean licks the chocolate off his thumb. 
Then Dean realizes that the microwave is beeping and the white chocolate’s first 30 seconds have been up for a long time, and he should probably go get that, and he escapes across the kitchen. 
“The strawberry molecules and chocolate molecules are very pleasing together,” Cas says. “Do humans put chocolate on other fruits?”
“Yeah,” Dean says, stirring the white chocolate frantically. If he doesn’t look at Cas maybe Cas will think that what just happened was normal, and that Dean isn’t fucking insane. “Uh, apples, bananas, pineapples. I think I saw it on kiwi once. Uh, maybe orange slices.”
“Fascinating,” Cas says. Dean puts the white chocolate back into the microwave. “Yes, I think Jack would like that very much.”
“Good,” Dean says. He goes to the fridge, gets a beer. Opens it on the side of the counter and takes a big swig. The microwave beeps.
It’s all melted. Dean grabs a spoon and goes over to the berries. He is not confident about this part at all, but crazyforcrust.com said to use a spoon. And hopefully he can get, like four or five good-looking ones for Sam, and the rest can be for him to pig out on on the fourteenth alone in his room while he tries not to wonder where Cas is. 
He dips the spoon into the white chocolate and covers it, then raises it over a strawberry and zig-zags over it, letting the white chocolate drip and drizzle overtop.
“See?” Dean says to Cas, who he knows is watching. “You can hardly taste the white chocolate this way but it looks good.” Well, it doesn’t look bad. Dean’s sure they’ll look better as he goes.
“I see,” Cas says. He points to the drizzled strawberry. “Are you giving that one to Sam?”
“No,” Dean says. “That one was just a practice one.”
“Good,” Cas says, and he picks up the strawberry by the stem. Dean’s never, ever seen him go for seconds before, but he makes a mental note of it. But then Cas turns the strawberry around, unmistakably offering it to Dean. “You should have one. You made them.”
“But--” Dean starts to say, and then Cas brings it up, so it nearly touches Dean’s lips. He looks at him with the same kind of focus he gives to a hunt, or smiting demons. 
“Eat it,” he says, nudging Dean’s lips with the fruit. Dean opens his mouth and bites into it. Maybe Dean would lay his head on Cas’ lap in their picnic, and Cas would feed Dean. 
The strawberry is good, probably. Dean’s not really sure what it tastes like. All he can see are Cas’ eyes, boring into his. 
Dean swallows. 
“You don’t have any chocolate on your face,” Cas says. He sounds disappointed. Dean can’t unpack that. 
“That’s ‘cause the chocolate is less melty,” Dean says, mostly on autopilot. He feels a million miles away. “Cause it’s starting to harden.”
“Okay,” Cas says. “Can I help with the drizzle?”
“Oh,” Dean says, shaken out of some kind of trance. “Sure. Get a spoon.”
Cas fetches one. He holds it like an instrument of war. Dean loves him so fucking much.
They drizzle white chocolate over the strawberries. Cas does it so precisely his drizzles look like they came from the store. Dean’s drizzles improve. He makes a couple decent ones. For Jack, he guesses, ‘cause the ones Cas made should probably go to Sam.
“I gave you a strawberry,” Cas says out of nowhere. “And you gave me one. Does that make us Valentines?”
Dean freezes. 
A moment later, his heart restarts and he looks at Cas, who is solemnly drizzling. Then he looks innocently up at Dean, and Dean realizes that Cas has absolutely been fucking with him this whole time. Absolutely knows about Valentine’s Day, absolutely ate that strawberry out of Dean’s hand on purpose. Dean narrows his eyes at him. Cas tilts his head. 
“You’re a menace,” Dean grumbles. 
“That’s not a no,” Cas says. 
“You’re right,” Dean says. “I guess it does make us Valentines.” Cas smiles, a tiny, private thing, and then looks back down at his drizzling. 
“Good,” he says quietly, and Dean ducks his head, cheeks warm and heart fluttering, and he lifts up his spoon. 
It’s kind of cold in Kansas in February, but Dean imagines him and Cas wrapped in blankets,  feeding each other chocolate-covered strawberries in front of the TV. This time, he thinks, he’ll actually taste the strawberry. And you know what? Dean’s sure that those strawberry molecules and those chocolate molecules are gonna be fucking fantastic.
Especially if he gets to kiss them off Cas’ lips. 
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parvuls · 3 months
Subj: Restriction on Pies and Pastries Supply to PVD Falconers
Mr. Eric Bittle,
It has recently been brought to my attention that you are responsible for the pies and various pastries that have been delivered to members of the NHL team, the Providence Falconers. Unfortunately, the high fat content found in pies and the like poses a significant risk to athletes' physical fitness. It is vital for hockey players to maintain optimal physical condition to ensure their peak performance on the ice, and therefore the team’s win.
As it is my duty to oversee their dietary requirements, I ask you to cease the distribution of such food items to the members of the team immediately.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Jack Zimmermann
Providence Falconers Nutritionist | Providence, RI
Subj: Re: Restriction on Pies and Pastries Supply to PVD Falconers
Dear Mr. Zimmermann,
It’s really nice to make your acquaintance. I actually had to message Alexei just to make sure this wasn’t some prank from one of my friends - I couldn’t believe an actual NHL staff member reached out to me! He assured me you’re the real thing, however (although I’m not sure how you got my school contact info?).
About the pies - you have nothing to worry about. Firstly, I only use the very best products, so anything your boys are getting from me is high quality. Second of all, I explicitly told the boys that I would only make the deliveries on cheat days. They better be smarter than to lie to me. 
I’m a big fan of the Falconers, and I would never do anything to harm their chances! On the contrary, I do believe having a pie waiting for you at the end of a hard week gives more motivation for training. So actually, I’m helping y’all out :) 
You’re very welcome, and good luck against the Devils!
Subj: Re: Re: Restriction on Pies and Pastries Supply to PVD Falconers
Mr. Bittle,
I appreciate your reply. However, I feel that I have not made my stance clear enough.
Hockey is a very demanding sport. Cheat meals are meant to benefit our players, not provide them with an excuse to consume excessive amounts of sugar and fat. Nine of our players had received deliveries from you in the last 3 months. In my estimations, that comes to about 216 baked pies. 
You must not be aware of this, but regular consumption of saturated fat can lead to heart disease and stroke. I advise you to look into investing your time in less harmful pursuits. I attached a list of recommendations for preferable culinary interests and other hobbies (if you eat even a portion of what you make, I highly recommend taking an interest in physical activity).
Please write back to me with confirmation that you will no longer deliver to members of this team.
Jack Zimmermann
Providence Falconers Nutritionist | Providence, RI
Subj: Re: Re: Re: Restriction on Pies and Pastries Supply to PVD Falconers
Mr. Zimmermann,
Unfortunately, I can make no such promises. Your players are counting on me, and I’d hate letting those sweet boys down. But just give it a few more months! You’ll see their game won’t be affected, and we could put all this behind us. In fact, I bet you’ll even see some improvement :)
Thank you for your concern, but it’s honestly not needed. I’m definitely getting enough physical activity, haha. Actually, I’m the captain of a Division I NCAA ice hockey team. And look, I’m doing just fine!
Also, I did take a look at your list. Flourless protein brownies?? Poor man. If that is what you consider a dessert, it’s no wonder you’ve got all these misguided views on pies. I had real brownies delivered just for you this morning, so you can taste the difference yourself. If they’re not on your desk by this afternoon, Thirdy or Poots must’ve gotten to them. Please let me know so I can make another batch.
All the best,
Subj: Final Request to Discontinue Pastry Deliveries 
Mr. Bittle,
You’re a hockey player who bakes a dozen pies a month in his free time? This is unacceptable for a sports team on any level. If possible, I would like the name of your team and your coach. Your staff should be made aware of the risks involved in not supervising their players’ health. I am more than willing to offer my services for a free-of-charge seminar about nutrition. 
I have made my position about the deliveries very clear. If you cannot assure me of your cooperation, I will be forced to speak to security and restrict entry of food into our facilities without my approval.
I don’t wish to resort to forbidding you from future contact with team members, but if it is in the best interest of the team’s success, I will.
Good day,
Jack Zimmermann
Providence Falconers Nutritionist | Providence, RI
Subj: (no subject)
Dear Jack Zimmermann,
I would like to see you try.
Bless you heart,
Eric Bittle
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tinyfantasminha · 11 months
Playful Dress~
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Voice lines:
Summon Line: I couldn't care less about class right now. I'm about to enjoy this amusement park to the fullest!
Groooovy!!: I don't really want to be on stage but.... Nnngh, fine, I'll go!
Home: What are you waiting for, let's go!!
Home Idle 1: I can't take my eyes off Fellow whenever he speaks. He's got that charisma and charm and... Is his tail fluffier than Jack's or is that my imagination? hmm...
Home Idle 2: I don't usually eat a lot, but they got all kinds of juicy and fried meat here and they smell so tasty I kinda want to taste them all... Am I starting to act like Leona?
Home Idle 3: It's a shame Idia isn't here. I would drag him to the haunted attraction just to record his priceless screams.
Home Idle - Login: T-There's a churro stand here too? Stop tempting me, I had enough greasy food for today...! But one dessert wouldn't hurt...
Home Idle - Groovy: I wanted to avoid the water ride, but everyone is going and I don't want to be the only one left. I wonder if Fellow has anything I can borrow to protect myself from the splashes.
Home Tap 1: Lilia and Cater were gushing over me saying how adorable I look in this outfit. But Lilia said he still looks cuter than me...! Hey, who do you think is the cuter one?
Home Tap 2: Ace thinks that I can't handle the roller coaster! I'm gonna show that brat and ride every roller coaster in the park!
Home Tap 3: When Grim gets excited like this, it's very draining to keep babysitting him... Ah, you'll look after him for me for a while? T-Then please...
Home Tap 4: It's kinda rare to see Jack this excited! He's been wagging his tail and smiling a lot and... 'Why have I been noticing that??' Uh— nothing!
Home Tap 5: This park is huge isn't it? We can easily get lost here. I don't want to be left behind so um, I'll stick with you for a bit if that's okay.
Home Tap - Groovy: Since we have to wait in lines anyway, I wanted to take pics of myself because it's not everyday I get to wear cute performer clothes. I feel embarrassed doing it infront of everyone else though...! You say you'll take the picture for me? But— ...Ah well, okay!
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dotster001 · 11 months
For Tuna:Blackmail End
A/N: for those who asked if I was still doing endings to "for tuna"....yes. I know it's been a while, but I'm slow and have depression! I'm sorry 😭
Part One Part Two Part Three Choose another ending
"Congratulations Leona! Don't blow this."
"It's dishonorable," Jack muttered as he listened to Grim and Leona outside the door.
"Heh, yeah," Ruggie said, not really listening. 
So you were going to end up with Leona, huh? He had his suspicions, Leona had to be one of the wealthier students at this school, but it didn't make the sting any less.
Grim was smart. Whatever story he would spin, you'd no doubt fall for.
"I gotta go," Ruggie muttered, walking away from the door.
"Ruggie," Jack called after him, but he didn't want to listen to what the goody two shoes freshman had to say.
He needed to clear his head. He'd never have been able to be with you. He didn't deserve you, and even if he did, he couldn't support you. Not when he was already supporting his granny, and all the kids in his area. You certainly were also capable of working and helping to support him and his family, but legally, you didn't exist in this world. It would be hard.
Especially if Leona rescinded his invitation to continue working for him after graduation. Which he would, if Ruggie "stole you".
Ruggie realized he had wandered himself over to the courtyard. He sat under a tree, leaning back with a groan. He rubbed his tired eyes, trying to get the image of you on Leona's arm out of his head.
Man, he must be hallucinating. You were burned in his mind, and in his ears, apparently.
He felt someone standing in front of him, and cracked open an eye. You were smiling at him excitedly.
"Can't you see I'm trying to rest?" He snickered.
You rolled your eyes. "You hang out way too often with Leona."
"Well he is my esteemed employer," he laughed. His eyes flicked over to your hands. "Whatcha got there?"
"Oh! They're dandelions. Before you come at me, they're seeding, it's too late to eat them."
"Then why are you holding them? And so gently, may I add."
You gently, slowly, handed him a seeding dandelion. Then you sat down next to him.
"Blow on it. Make a wish."
"Just trust me! This is one of the only ways we can do magic where I come from!"
He sighed, but you looked so earnest. So he made a silent wish, and blew on the dandelion, just as you did the same.
"So what did you wish for?" You asked sweetly. He opened his mouth, but you grinned wickedly. "Just kidding! You can't tell me, or it won't come true!"
He rolled his eyes. "That's not how magic works. Besides, my wish is never going to come true anyway."
"Not with that attitude!"
"Not with any attitude. It isn't going to happen."
He leaned against the tree again. You sat quietly, scrutinizing him.
"Well, I wished for a man."
Ruggie snorted at your abrupt change in attitude.
"Any particular man? Remember, if you tell me it won't come true. Shi hi hi."
"Oh hush," you snorted. "Let's see, he's kind."
So not Leona, Ruggie thought with an internal, evil snicker.
"Someone who'd help me fix the dorm, even if he's already super busy. Someone who goes out for a snack, and comes back with a dessert that tastes like sardines. Someone who accidentally started my cat son on a pointless quest to find me a wealthy bachelor so that he can earn mine and Grim's love with tuna."
Ruggie blinked a couple times, slowly mulling over the clear description of himself.
"Yeah. Huh. Still not a wish that's gonna come true?"
He bit his lip, looking off into the distance.
"It can't come true," he tried to sound calm, but he couldn't ignore the bitter tint to his words.
You stiffened. "Oh. Any particular reason why?"
"I can't support you, Y/N. You deserve the world. And I can't give it to you."
"Well, you're thinking super far ahead. I won't even graduate until a year after you. Plus, I don't need supported. I'm a big kid. I can work."
"You deserve the world," he repeated, looking over at you with palpable heartbreak in his eyes. "And my one chance to give it to you will go away once we're together."
"Dude, you're completely losing me. What the fuck are you on about?" You raised a brow.
"Leona offered me basically a lifetime gig with him after graduation. But he's as in love with you as I am. And he's not exactly the most reasonable dude on the planet."
"So you love me too?" 
He rolled his eyes. "That's what you got from that? Of course I love you! I wouldn't fix your shoddy building for free, now would I? I'm not that good a person."
"Sure you are," you said softly as you pushed a stray piece of hair off his face.
"You're missing the point! Leona-"
"The Ruggie I know wouldn't be worried about the jealous anger of a kitty cat who isn't even dating me," you said sternly, and his mouth snapped shut. Logically, you were right. But-
"The Ruggie I know, would join me as I take a trip to Savannahclaw with the intention of blackmailing his ridiculously wealthy housewarden, so he can keep his job and date his true love."
He couldn't even remember the trip, or how it got to this specific point, but damn, were you sexy snapping at Leona about this.
"And another thing!"
"Sevens, shut up, herbivore. You're hurting my head," Leona groaned tiredly. "And my heart. Do you really think I'm this cruel?"
"Huh?" You seemed just as startled as Ruggie felt.
"Sevens, you clearly love the guy. Just cause I'd definitely treat you better, doesn't mean that I'm an ass who would punish Ruggie if you both feel the same way about each other."
He gave a pointed glare at Ruggie. "Does he feel the same way about you?"
Ruggie nodded quickly.
"There. I'm not a monster. You're a good worker, it'd be stupid to lose you over something like this. Just be careful," Leona snickered, and leaned in close, his eyes predatory, his smile smug, "you slip up, I'm going to be right there."
"Fair enough, shi hi hi," Ruggie extended a hand to Leona, the both of them participating in a handshake.
"Sevens, you two are so difficult to understand," you muttered. Ruggie turned towards you with a grin.
"Now that I have my future secured, you wanna know my wish?"
"What was it?" You asked, clearly having a guess.
He stepped close to you, nuzzling his nose against yours. "You promise it'll come true?"
You hummed.
"I wished for a box of a dozen donuts."
You turned on your heel, stalking away, and he laughed after you. "Obviously I wished for you!"
"Whatever, Ruggie."
He chased after you gleefully, for once looking forward to the future.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @neech @kazumify @owlisbuffering
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hxjikonn · 2 years
A/N: To the anon who requested a Vil, Leona, Trey and Jamil x Fem!Reader who opens a dessert shop and gives them free stuff. Idk what happened tumblr crashed and I lost ur req while writing but here it is!! I hope you see this ><
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Sweet Tooth
☆Staring☆: Vil Schoenheit, Leona kingscholar, Trey clover, And Jamil viper
Synopsis: You open a dessert store and it’s pretty obvious there’s favoritism at play
Warnings: lil harmless Cuss words, some JP terms
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Vil Schoenheit
You better believe he’d be the first person to promote it on social media the moment you open it
He’d be posting the desserts, the store’s comfy aesthetic, YOU working cuz he’s so proud of you he could cry
He made your work uniform and makes you look pretty every single day before you open. Periodt.
Would bring the whole population of Pomefoire there and tell them to leave the best reviews or else they might just have poison in there tea
Usually limits his intake on sweets but when you feed it to him he just physically cannot say no.
He insisted on paying multiple times but when you smile at him and say no he just shuts down and agrees
Ace and deuce would notice it though and is hella salty about it
Deuce: Y/n why does Schoenheit-senpai not pay??
Ace: It’s called pretty privileges Deuce *gives you and Vil the stink eye*
You: Correction! It’s “pretty boyfriend privileges” :)
Vil: *smirks* Stay mad~
He doesn’t insist on paying anymore but he does pay you back when you two go and dates. It’s his turn to spoil you then.
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Leona Kingscholar
Three words: Smug. As. Fuck.
He would just walk behind the counter and point at the dessert he wants and you give it to him.
Doesn’t forget to say thank you and kiss your cheek though. That’s a must.
He enjoys the feeling of the first years glaring on him cuz he has boyfriend privileges😭
Would literally stand behind the counter with you while eating a cookie or a cupcake and grins at Ace and Deuce when they pay💀
Your shop is his new favorite spot to nap in, he’s always there, in fact he even “claimed” a spot for himself that only he gets to sit, sleep and stay on
Would always bring Cheka there when he visits, cuz one: he knows he’d be distracted with the desserts, and two: he can charge his brother for all the things Cheka ate
Is proud of you for being so hardworking but often pulls you away from the counter and FORCES you to nap with him.
He doesn’t like it when you over work. Usually he tells Ruggie or Jack to take over for you while you rest
Orders the entirety of Savannaclaw to go there at least three times a week and buy something or else they’ll be sleeping outside the dormitory
Would be clinging on to you when you’re baking cuz he likes it when you feed him the desserts you make and ask if he likes it.
He did want to pay but when you told him he could pay with cuddles instead he couldn’t pass off the offer.
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Trey Clover
He’d be the proudest boyfriend ever. Literally the loudest person cheering in the back when it was the grand opening
Brings his family there so they can meet you taste the sweets you make. This man would brag about you for HOURS.
Bring Riddle, Chenya and Cater there too.
Helps out with baking, serving and cleaning but asks you not to pay him. Instead your smart ass came up with an alternative
He washed dishes? Boom free cake. Takes order? You make him matcha latte. Helps you out in the kitchen? You feed him ice cream.
He noticed this of course, but when you defended yourself and told him you only want him to taste the desserts you made he couldn’t debate you any further.
Would notice that Ace and Deuce were glaring at him when you gave him free stuff so the humble part of him tells them that it’s because he works along side you, but the smug side of him ALSO tells them that it’s “boyfriend privileges”
Literally loves it when you’re in work clothes and you have icing or flour in your cheek🥹 he can’t help but take pictures and set them as his wallpaper
Would always complement you. It’s either he complements your skills, or your hard work, or just tells you you look pretty from time to time.
Just feels so proud of you and so happy you’re his girlfriend.
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Jamil Viper
This man would make sure you have anything and everything you need a month before you even open your store
He’d also tell Kalim cuz he know Kalim would probably buy everything and empty the store in a matter of minutes
Would take his sister there when he has time. He’d mostly brag about how great his girlfriend is to her (sibling things)
I believe this man would quite literally fight you so he can pay. Much to his demise though you keep on denying him.
Jamil: How much?
You: How much is what?
Jamil: my bill?
You: oh yeah about that…umm no.
Jamil: huh?? Wdym no?
You: I mean no you cant pay…this store has a “boyfriend doesn’t get to pay” policy.
Jamil: *puts money on the counter* take it.
You: *pushes it away* I don’t wanna break store policy baby.
Jamil: Love…
You: Yes?
Jamil: Let. Me. Pay.
You: Not. A. Chance.♥︎
Deuce: Me and Ace will take the offer-
You/Jamil: No.
Would use his signature spell on you, but you got mad at him for doing that and gave him the silent treatment for week.
You said you’d forgive him if he lets you give him free stuff. Defeated, he agrees and you happily indulge him with sweets.
You’re a smart ass but he is too. So instead of money he paid you with affection
He’d bring you water, give you a seat when you’ve been standing too long, massages your shoulders when you’re tired, kisses, would fix your hair and make it look pretty so it doesn’t bother you, and a lot more
He also takes over when you nap in the break room.
Is literally the proudest boyfriend, so if there’s anything he can do to make your job easier he’ll do it, cuz he loves you so much.
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A/N: DID NOT PROOFREAD THIS!!! plus this is my second time rewriting this since first attempt was failed cuz tumblr crashed on me😭 anyways I hope the anon who req this sees it!
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dragonpastels · 8 months
Master post time!🐢
since I seem to have lost all control, I thought I'd put together this post to organize everything for you peeps!
Cracked Conscience
After Donnie has some rough few nights fighting the purple dragons him and the others are greeted by... A quite interesting version of Donnie's future self? What could this mean?
Main Comic
Chapter 1. Drama and Dragons
Chapter 2. A Different Shade of Purple
CC Ref Sheets
Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Colored) Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Linework) Tech Maintenance Fit Ref Sheet Evil Donnie Early Fit Ref Sheet
Future Leo Ref Sheet
Outdated: Evil Donnie Ref Sheets
Q&A With the Hidden City's Most Wanted!
Do you have a burning question to ask our wonderful host? Like their favorite color? What did they do today? Or deep philosophical questions? Or do you just want to give them unwarranted gifts? Well, here is your chance to ask until the feed drops!
⚠️Warning by submitting a question you accept the risk of the following: kidnapping, experimentation, dismemberment, collection, emotional damage, death. Any or all of these may occur per the host's discretion. This contract is legally binding and cannot be broken or altered.⚠️
4th wall breaks (Jack Horner Animatic Related) You're all on my list You Heathen Brother Opinions
Shiny Rock Bribe
Can I Pet him? (Bad Ending)
The Poke/Jupiter Jim Marathon Time!
Snack time with Insults for dessert!
What if I got in a Sparring Match?
Does he like plushies?
How many times have you set a building on fire?
A gift of flowers
GMF: Genetically Modified Furbies
How much sleep have you gotten? (why are you gray pt. 2)
IT'S 15 Rip Bozo (why are you gray pt. 3)
has he always looked this way?
the universe decides
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Color Reveal Saga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
about the color thing
jobs for hire
Still not kidnapping
Can I dig in your walls?
I wanna study him like a bug
music tastes
CC Year 1 Anniversary Mini Masterpost 🎈
CC Animatic Corner🎞️
Year 1 Anniversary Animatic (villain/character voice line compilation)
A very important message
Jack Horner Animatic (read disclaimer) Disclaimer: I recommend reading through Chapter 2 of CC. Although a few things have changed/are no longer canon. There are still a few scenes that are relevant to the comic. Therefore I recommend reading through Chpt 2 first to be surprised
How to Train Your Turtle
You like How to Train Your Dragon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Well, you're in luck! Because these boys are now dragons and poor April is stuck with them after crashing on their island.
Chapter 1. Stranded
Ask Shenanigans
Dragon Logs
Dragon Shenanigans
Pre-Besties April/Donnie dynamic
Mikey the cuddle gremlin
A shiny rock for Donnie, tasty book snack
Have they heard music/do they like it?
will they have mutant forms/can Raph change his size?
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sunshinehaze1 · 1 month
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Pairing: Jack "Whiskey" Daniels x f!reader
Summary: You and Whiskey are partners both professionally and personally. After a close call on your most recent mission, you take care of Whiskey.
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MDNI. established relationship, m!oral, penis pronouns, no use of y/n, a decent amount of "Baby", "Sweetheart", "Darlin" and "Sugar" for a fic with <3k words, allusion to unprotected piv, inappropriate use of company-owned communication devices 😏
a/n: This was written for @joelmillerisapunk PPCU Body Worship Writing Challenge for her follower celebration! 🥳 I was given the prompt of Agent Whiskey and cock worship. Thank you, as always, to @80ssong for beta reading. 😘
word count: 2,324
ao3 | ml
“Agent Whiskey, what’s your status? They’ll be back in less than an hour.”
“It’s almost finished, sweetheart. About another twenty minutes to complete the download.”
You’ve worked as a communications analyst with The Statesman for the last few years. On your first mission, you were assigned to work with Agent Whiskey. Your first impression was that he was cocky and arrogant but dripping with charm and handsome as hell—a devilish grin topped with a well-trimmed mustache, jeans that highlighted both assets, and that black Stetson. You knew you were in trouble. After several missions together, the professional and personal lines began to blur when, at the end of an especially harrowing mission, an evening of drinks to celebrate the success landed you both in Whiskey’s bed. Now, a year later, you both are madly in love. You love spending time together and are so lucky you get to work and play. Even with spending most of your time together, things haven’t gotten stale. You’ve been able to keep the passion in your relationship alive. 
Whiskey chimed in on the comms, “Sugar, whatcha thinkin’ about for dinner tonight?”
You respond with a teasing lilt, “Hmmm, I haven’t thought much about dinner, but I know what I want for dessert.” 
The line went quiet. You know you got to him and patiently await his response, “Baby, everything alright?”
Clearing his throat, “Um, yeah…I’m here, all good. Dare I ask what kind?”
“Oh, ya know, only my favorite kind. One that I like to savor. I start by getting a little taste with my tongue before I take the whole thing in my mouth to enjoy fully.”
You can hear the hitch in Whiskey’s breath. Dirty talk over comms isn’t very professional, even if it isn’t explicitly covered in the employee handbook, but it was just the two of you. So you didn’t see any harm in some playful teasing. It’s not like you cross this line often, but you love to find ways to keep Whiskey on his toes and the spice alive.
“You can’t be talkin’ like that. You’re distractin’ me.”
You chuckle, “Baby, what did you think I was talking about? I was talking about a popsicle.”
He growls, “Who do you think you’re foolin’? I know that dirty mind isn't cravin’ a popsicle.”
You giggle and return to the task at hand, completing this mission and getting your beloved out safely. You’re looking forward to accomplishing your own mission when you get home. Pulling up the video feed, you notice the targets have arrived sooner than anticipated. Pushing the panic aside, hoping it doesn’t register in your voice, “Whiskey, baby, they’re back. We need to get you out of there.”
Whiskey watches the status bar creep along on the screen. It flashes that there are still two minutes left. He feels his pulse quicken when you tell him the targets are approaching the room he’s in, but he’s not too concerned, given his training. Whiskey knows how he’ll get himself out of this. Kingsman don’t go into a mission without meticulously mapping out every scenario with a plan to get out. Mercifully, the download speeds up, and he quickly disconnects the drive, pocketing it.
Watching all this transpire on the screen, your heart rate speeds up, and your temperature rises. The clock is ticking as the targets continue their approach. You watch Whiskey scramble through the room's back door as the doorknob turns on the other door. He runs down the hall and out of the building, jumping into his Bronco. Pulse racing and sweat dripping down his temple, he’s thankful he made it out. Once he’s finally caught his breath, he opens the comms, “Baby, how you doin'?” 
“I think I should be asking you that! But I’m good; I’m glad you're safe. How are you?”
Whiskey sighs, “Sugar, I’m relieved; that was close, but I got what we needed.” 
“A little too close. Now get your sexy ass back to headquarters and take me home!” 
“Yes, ma’am!”
Whiskey pulls up to headquarters, surprised to see you waiting outside for him. He greets you with a tip of his Stetson and that delicious smile, “What’s a sweet girl like you doin’ outside? I was going to come inside to get you.” 
You slide into the passenger seat with a smirk, leaning over to give him a smoldering kiss. “I couldn’t wait any longer. Let’s get outta here!”
You love riding in Whiskey’s Bronco, especially on cool nights like this. The wind whipping through your hair, Hank Williams crooning, twinkling stars in the clear night sky, and your man beside you. You don’t take moments like this for granted, and it's even more meaningful after such a close call. Whiskey is humming along to the music, and you gaze at him adoringly. You scooch along the bench seat to get closer and feel his warmth. His arm, perched over the back of the seat, wraps around your shoulders, tugging you into him. You let out a contented sigh, basking in the sense of safety and love you feel for this beautiful man. 
With Whiskey’s attention back on the road, you move your hand to his thigh. A smile spreads across his face. You both are so attuned to each other that you don’t need to look at him to know his reaction. The feel of the stiff denim, while your hand moves slowly up his leg, sends goosebumps up your arm. Your fingertips lightly brush over the sturdy material, and you feel his cock grow as you tease him. He lets out a soft groan, which encourages you to keep going. Looking out at your surroundings, you know you’re not far from home, but you plan to take advantage of every minute. His jeans are growing tighter as you tantalize him by rubbing your hand over his bulge. Your mouth watering in anticipation of what’s ahead, you breathed, “Baby, I can’t wait to taste you.”
God damnit, your teasing will kill him—and you, if he’s not careful. He needs to stay focused. Through gritted teeth, he steels himself, eyes on the road. Pressing down on the gas pedal, he finds the right speed between his intense need to get you home and getting a ticket. He needs to get out of this car before he loses his mind. 
Finally, he pulls into the driveway, thankful to have made it home in one piece. He’s been on a hair trigger, and one more minute in the Bronco with your teasing would have sent him over the edge. Whiskey quickly exits the truck and runs around the front to open your door. You kiss him on the cheek when you step out. With a wink, you coo, “Such a gentleman. You better not be so gentlemanly when we get inside.”
Whiskey rolls his head back with a groan. “Sweet girl, if you know what’s good for ya, you better get that sweet ass inside right now.”
“Yes, sir,” you tease.
God damn, this woman is perfect. How did he get so lucky?
You hurry inside, Whiskey close on your heels. Your laughter is infectious as he begins to grab at you and whips you around to face him. He leans in for a searing kiss, and warmth spreads through your body as you feel his bulge pressed against you. You need this man; you want to worship him and show him how much you love him. Locked in a passionate kiss, he moans when you back him further into your shared home and lead him to the couch. Whiskey gets lost in your seductive eyes as you release yourself from the kiss and kneel in front of him. You run your hands over his bulge, holding his intense gaze as you unbuckle his engraved mini flask belt buckle. After whipping the belt out of the loops, you eagerly unzip his jeans and start to peel the obstructive material from his body. He quickly flips off his boots, and you pull his jeans down his legs and off. 
Eyes blown wide with lust, you take in the sight of the outline of his cock through his boxer briefs. As many times as you and Whiskey have fucked and made love, you have never gotten used to how big his cock is. You nuzzle your face into him through his boxers, running your nose and lips across his bulge, inhaling his musky scent and feeling the wetness of his precum through the fabric. He sighs, and you look up through lidded eyes, “Is this all for me?”
He grabs your chin between his thumb and index finger to get a better look at you, “Sweetheart…unngh—goddamnit…it’s all for you.”
Your hands travel up his thick, firm thighs. When they approach the waistband of his boxers, you slip your fingers inside, eager to unwrap your present. His hard cock bounces out against his stomach as you pull them down. You start to drool when you see his uncut length, a Pavlovian response. The tip glistens with his precum, and you sigh with adoration.  
“Baby, he’s so beautiful and perfect,” sealing your compliment with a kiss on the tip. 
You lean back and lick your lips to savor the taste of his precum. Even though you are ready to devour him, you want to take your time to focus on his pleasure. You wrap your hand around his length, admiring how hard it is, and delight in the knowledge that it is all because of you. The veins of his shaft create a beautiful landscape traveling underneath his soft and silky skin. You take his length and rub it across your lips and then your cheeks, moaning at the feel of him over your skin. A groan emanates from Whiskey’s lips as he watches you with rapt lust. He is eager to get inside your warm, wet mouth, but he wills himself to be patient. In the end, he knows it will be worth the wait. 
As if you sensed his impatience, you begin to reward him by peppering him with soft, wet kisses. Slowly, up and down his shaft. Careful not to miss an inch; you cover his length with your wet lips. In between each kiss, you lather him with praise. He’s being so good for you, so patient. You tell him how perfect his dick is. How much you love it, the feel of it, the taste of it. Whimpering your name, Whiskey runs his thumb along your cheek, lust glistening in his soft, brown eyes. Unable to hold off much longer, you begin licking his cock at an agonizingly slow pace. Teasing with kitten licks at the tip, leading to slow, long, broad strokes with your flattened tongue from base to tip and back again. He feels your hot breath on his balls when you reach the base of his shaft with your tongue. He practically begs you to move your attention there. You gently cradle his balls in your hand as your tongue continues its journey along his cock. You sit back on your heels and look up at your man, “Tell me this dick is mine. He’s all mine, isn’t he, baby?”
“Oh…f-f-fuck, me. Yes! Baby, he’s all yours. Do whatever you want with him.”
Your desire to take him fully has reached a fever pitch, overtaking your will to draw this out as long as possible. You begin to slide his tip in between your lips, and he lets out a breathy moan, finally feeling some relief. As you slowly take his length, inch by agonizing inch, you hum sweetly, sending shivers up his spine. He watches you take his entire length when your nose bumps into the coarse hairs below his belly button. Breathing through your nose, you hold your mouth still for as long as possible. Enjoying how full you feel. After a few moments, you pull off his length, sputtering as you try to catch your breath. 
He takes the back of your head into his hands and coos, “Darlin, you look so pretty with your mouth full of my cock.”
You feel a gush of slick wetness in your already soaked panties. Sucking Whiskey’s dick has always turned you on, drawing your pleasure from his own. Eager to have him back in your mouth, you wrap your lips around him again. This time, with vigor, you slide him inside and move up and down his length. Bobbing up and down on his cock as you find your pace. Unable to control himself, his hips thrust into you, causing his tip to hit the back of your throat. He tries to pull back, but you grab his ass and hold him there. You don’t want the feeling of fullness to end. 
“Sweetheart…”, Whiskey trying to form coherent sentences, he mutters, “Baby…fuck, you’re doin’ such a good job suckin’ my dick. My sweet, dirty girl.”
You moan at his words of praise and continue at your relentless pace, only slowing down when you feel your jaw begin to tighten, but you pick back up again. Whiskey is about to explode; he’s begging you to slow down, to stop even. He’s been holding off for as long as possible because he wants to come inside your warm, sweet pussy. You finally oblige his request and pull off of him. Looking up at him with wet puffy lips, blown out, cock drunk eyes, and the sexiest smile he’s ever seen, Whiskey pulls you up to your feet. God, he loves you so much. He devours you with another toe-curling kiss while he removes your clothes and the rest of his. Dinner long forgotten, he lowers himself to the couch and brings you onto his lap. He looks at you with a teasing smirk. 
“Sugar, I need you to sit this pretty pussy on my cock and ride your cowboy until you’re screaming my name!”
Thank you for reading! I'd love to know what you think. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. 🫶🏻
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hayleythecannibal · 5 months
Twisted Minds: Act II- Chapter Nineteen Futamono
TW: Crime scenes, Gore, Implied Death, Death, Talks of Attempted Murder/Assassination, Cannibalism, SMUT!!!, PnV, Oral(Fem recieve), Cheating
Warning this is Fem!reader. You can also find this on Wattpad and A03 under the name @HayleyMarieOfficial. Comment if you want to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @punkin-time @miaowkitty @gabriella-aesthetic @urlocalfanficwriter @dilfdemolisher
Twisted Minds Masterlist
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“You're moving smoothly and slowly, Jack, carrying your concentration like a brimming cup.” Will says as Jack approaches his cell. "Hannibal Lecter, And Y/N were almost murdered by an employee of this hospital. An attendant we believe killed the bailiff and judge in your trial." Jack says with a cold tone. "He killed the bailiff. He didn't kill the judge. That was the Chesapeake Ripper." Will says standing when jack comes into view. "You know this?"
"He told me."
"And then you told him to kill Hannibal Lecter and Y/N. "
“Wait did you just say Y/N? Nothing I said made that happen, Jack. It just happened. Is Y/N okay? Please tell me she's okay Jack.” Will says panicked about his Girlfriend. Does she think he had her killed? Are her Injuries life changing?
“Y/N is okay. Few deep cuts and lacerations. Some blunt force trauma. But overall she’s out of the hospital and stable. But you dont seem as broken up about Hannibal as you do for Y/N.” Jack says as he watches the curly haired man panic. 
“There is a common emotion we all recognize and have not yet named. The happy anticipation of being able to feel contempt. I love Y/N. I would never. Wish her harm.” Will says seriously. “You have contempt for Hannibal.” Jack says, its no a question its a statement. “I have contempt for the Ripper. I have contempt for what he does.” Will says as he starts to pace. 
“What does he do, Will?” Jack asks, curious to what the man will say. “What does he do? What is the first and principal thing he does? What need does he serve by killing?” Will says with a chuckle, not a funny chuckle, but one of irony.
“He harvests organs.” Jack says confused. 
“No. That's only the action of what he does. Why does he need to do? The Ripper kills in sounders of three or four, in quick order.  Do you know why? I know why. Y/N certainly knows as well.” Will is confident in his thinking because it's the only option. 
“Tell me.” “Because if he waits too long, then the meat spoils.” Will says as he steps closer to the bars. “He's eating them? Hannibal Lecter is Garret Jacob Hobbs? A cannibal?” Jack says, its almost humorous. Comparing Hannibal to Garret Jacob Hobbs. Its comical. Its like comparing a Lion to a leopard. One hunts for fun while the other Hunts to eat. And the eating is just the dessert for Hannibal. The main course was the hunt.
“Not like Garret Jacob Hobbs. Hobbs ate his victims to honor them. The Ripper eats his victims because they're no better to him than pigs.” Will says, oh how he wished to be at home with His dogs and Y/N. Hannibal would most likely try to turn her against him. But Will knows that would never happen. Y/N is a lot smarter than she looks, she always has a plan. Always thinking. “With the exception of Beverly Katz, there's no connection between Hannibal and any Ripper victims.” Jack says, “No immediate connection. He likely identifies his meals years in advance, earmarks them, then waits with the patience of a python.” Jack looks at Will in frustration.
“Hannibal Lecter is not the Chesapeake Ripper.”
“Who else do you know with unusual culinary tastes? If the Ripper's killing, you can bet Hannibal Lecter's planning a dinner party. You and I probably sipped wine while swallowing the people we were trying to give justice, Jack. Who does he have to kill before you'll open your eyes?” Will says, but we all know who. 
Y/N watches Hannibal cut the heart into morsels for the skewers. We can see the bandages on his arms as he cuts. He scrapes pieces of meat into a bowl of marinade, one by one.
“Funny how we revere and romanticize a simple pump. Merely a muscle. Yet such a potent symbol of life and the things that make us human, good and bad. Love and ache.” Hannibal says as I take the pieces of heart meat from the marinade and skewers them with pieces of vegetables between each morsel. The bandages around our arms bind us together in our experience. “All of them skewered.”  I say, the irony honestly.
“It's a thematic dish. My heart certainly feels skewered.” Hannibal says as he turns to me.
“You have the scars to prove it.” I say as I touch the marks on Hannibal's neck where he was hanged. As he grips my Forearm softly, careful not to hurt me. He admires the bandages that cover my sutured arms. “So do you, I feel as though that noose were still around my neck. It's strange to have nightmares. Never used to.” He says as he grazes my hand with his thumb. The nightmares. Mine are different from his. I killed a man. Yes, he wouldve killed me and Hannibal but its different. Its been so long since i shot someone. Almost 12 years since I Killed, Took my first life.
“Don't make the mistake I've made.” I say softly, “Which is?”
“Being your own psychiatrist. I'm always psychoanaylzing myself. Its always one step forward and three steps back.” I say as i stare at our matching wrappings. “It's the safest course. I'm metabolizing the experience by composing a new piece of music.” He says as he sighs. 
“Harpsichord or theremin?” I ask politely,  “Harpsichord. Stravinsky said, "A true composer thinks about his unfinished work the whole time; he's not always conscious of this, but he's aware of it when he suddenly knows what to do." Hannibal says fondly, “Do you know what to do?”
“I need to get my appetite back.” He smiles at her and raises his glass. Sips red wine.
the man-tree on the horizon, asphalt stretching toward. a PD CRUISER, then another, an AMBULANCE and then an FBI CRIME SCENE VAN. An ever-increasing cordon of flashing lights and POLICE OFFICERS. Finally, a BLACK SUV rolls in.
Jack takes in the scene. Looks at the tortured figure built into the tree, his frozen scream. JIMMY PRICE and BRIAN ZELLER are starting to assess the tableau. They talk. Jack just stares. “He's been literally grafted in place -- these are living roots.” Jimmy says in awe of the Rippers artistry. “He's got varicose vines. Threaded through from his heels, under his legs, his back, through his torso and out his fingertips. Followed some pretty tricky endoscopic surgical paths.” Zeller points out. 
“Chesapeake Ripper usually cherry- picks his organs. He took every last one. Except for the lungs.” Jimmy says as he hears a car pull up, A black SUV.  “Stocking his shelves.” Zeller says turning his head to look at the car.
“There'll be something about the lungs. Why else leave them?” Jack says as he  steps forward and looks at the corpse. The artfully-arranged flowers. It offends him. “The time he devotes to what he does. He takes real pride. Belladonna for the heart, a chain of white oleander for the intestines, ragwort for the liver.”
“The flowers are all poisonous.” I say stepping on scene. The looks i get are ones of surprise. “This is judgment. Ripper believes his victim was toxic. A poisonous man. Who is he to moralize?” I continue, It feels weird to be back so soon but I have lives to save. I watch as Jack stares at the body like it speaks just to him.
“He's the eye of a storm. Working in a place of calm while the winds blow us all over. He's so damn certain, it makes me sick.” Jack says as he turns to me, I give him a soft smile. I know hes been through a lot lately.
Standing on a foot ladder, Brian Zeller runs a small CHAINSAW through the branches rising out of the Tree Man's head.  Y/N L/N, Jack Crawford, and Jimmy Price  All wearing PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR, speaking over the chainsaw BUZZ. “His name is Sheldon Isley. Baltimore city councilman.” Jimmy says as Zeller ceases chainsawing to add: “Ripper's a politician now.”
“At least a conservationist. Five, six years ago, Isley brokered a woodlands development deal despite the disapproval of the EPA.” Jimmy says, he himself is a conservationist. “Councilman Isley paved paradise and put up a parking lot.” Jack shrugs. “What he paved was an important nesting habitat for endangered songbirds. The son of a bitch.” Jimmy says as we watch  Zeller reach into the branches and pulls out a nest.
“Autopsy gave us what you'd expect from the Chesapeake Ripper. Pre-mortem surgical dissection, latex glove impressions, body posed before rigor set in.” Zeller says, and I nod, the veins in the legs clearly well- at least to me. Point out the cause of death. Drowning. “What have those lungs coughed up?”
“Water. Councilman drowned. Lungs are filled with aspirated water.” Zeller points out the Tree Man's legs. I smirk internally, still got it. Today I’m alone on this case, well besides jack. “He was standing in water up to his thighs for forty-eight to seventy-two hours prior to his death.”
“To feed the tree?”
“It's possible.” Zeller says as Price guides Jack to a microscope with a video feed. “Here's the exciting part. Tree Man actually bears fruit.” A PLASMA SCREEN: Curious, geometric single-cell creatures flick back and forth. “Diatoms. Unicellular colonies. Good as fingerprints. No two water sources have the same diatom population.”
“The water in his lungs gives us a location of death. Show me.” A map of Virginia. “Fifty-mile radius -- here.” He traces a circle in the Virginia woods. Jack stares at it, contemplating his next move.
“You understand the reality of Beverly Katz's death. You understand your role in that.” Hannibal asks the emotionless Will. “What was my role?” Will tilts his head in question. “Beverly died at your behest. You're as angry with yourself as you are with whoever murdered her.” Hannibal claims.
“Actually, I'm not. I'm singularly angry at whoever murdered her.” Will says confidently.  “You tried to kill me, Will. It's hard not to take that personally. However, if I were Beverly's murderer, I'd applaud your effort.” Hannibal says, He knows how to hurt Will. He wont hurt someone per say but it will Anger Will. “I'm no more guilty of what you've accused me of than you are of what I have accused you of.” Will says Defiantly.
“Jack Crawford believes you were responsible.” Hannibal says almost in a reasoning sense. “Where does responsibility begin and end, Dr. Lecter? With a final act or the events that led to it?” Will asks with a raised brow. “I don't expect you to feel self-loathing or regret or shame. You knew what you were doing and you made your own decisions. Decisions that were under your control. And they got someone you love Hurt. “ Hannibal says in a darker tone. 
“You think I'm in control? I would never Hurt Y/N. Not Intentionally.”
“I think you're more in control now than you've ever been. You found a way to hurt me, Will. I wonder how many more people are going to be hurt by what you do.”
“I'll give Y/N your best.” It's a veiled threat and they both know it. “Good-bye, Will” He turns his Back to Will, not amused...
TECHNICIANS wheel a sheet-covered body into the morgue where Tree Man now lies on a gurney.
Another gurney is wheeled into the swiftly-filling space. Zeller and Price waiting to receive it.
Jack Crawford watching this escalation of bodies through the glass.
The STRING QUARTET plays Mozart's "Dissonance" as a party is in full swing with well-heeled GUESTS. Four SERVERS emerge from the dining room, one then the other coming INTO FOCUS as they pass through FRAME, like dancers in a chorus line, and head into the room. The servers spread through the crowd with platters thatguests turn to take food from, creating a swirl of movement through the room.
 amidst the crowd and through them. As servers move on and two guests turn to chat, they
reveal Jack Crawford, newly arrived. Jack surveys the room.Hands take morsels of food from the servers' trays and pop them into their mouths. Teeth bite and gnash. Jack watches as they chew and swallow -- going SLO-MO as they chew and then back to NORMAL SPEED for the swallow.
He can see Hannibal talking to two guests. Y/N is nearby. She’s talking to Alana.  Alana takes an hors d'oeuvre from a passing tray, a morsel of meat on a pick, and eats it.
Dr. Chilton approaches and saddles up alongside Jack, eyeing the hors d'oeuvres as they move through the room. “Prosciutto roses. Heart tartare. Beef roulade. Needless to say, I won't be eating the food.” Chilton says uneased with the dishes. “Dr. Chilton.”
“Hannibal the Cannibal. That's what they'll call him, you know.” Chilton says amused. 
“Not according to Abel Gideon.” Jack says weery. “Gideon's caused me enough trouble today. The fact that he lied to you makes me even more certain he was telling Will Graham the truth.” Chilton eyes the roast pig's head on the buffet table. “Why did you come here tonight if you're so convinced?” Jack says 
“Darwinism. I don't want him to think I suspect anything. Keeping my mouth shut on the whole affair.” Chilton says as Jack watches Hannibal. The server returns with a Tupperware
with a lid. Jack takes it in his hands. “Help yourself.” Jack takes a latex glove from his pocket and uses it to place food into the Tupperware. Hannibal glances across the room to see Dr. Chilton watching the exchange curiously. As Jack seals the container, Hannibal smiles sadly.
“Eat it soon or it'll spoil.”
Jack holds the food container as he greets Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price who are emerging from evidence processing. “Test this.” A DISTINCTIVE NOTE of a harpsichord punctuates the exchange.
The room has been tidied, but evidence of the party remains. Y/N sits at Hannibal's harpsichord, doubling the KEYS she's playing until it becomes clear she's performing a slow, dreamy version of "The Swan." Hannibal slides next to her. She smiles and he watches her for a moment, then starts playing his composition at the opposite end of the keyboard.
“The ending to my composition has been alluding me. You may have solved my problem with "The Swan."” They smile as they play, hands crossing over the keys, pushing their shoulders together.
“If only all problems could be solved with a simple waltz. Jack's treating you like a suspect.
He's pointing fingers in the dark.” I say, I wish i was scared of what i knew Hannibal was capable of. I know what he is and who he is. “I've walked away from Will, but I'm still trailing his accusations.” Hannibal says.
“I cant walk away. No matter how much I wish I wanted to. He’s my partner.” I say softly as my fingers grace the keys. “What does walking away leave us?” 
“Each other.” Hannibal looks at Y/N, admiring her, appreciating her. Y/N turns to face Hannibal. He feels her gaze and turns to her, their hands stilled on the keys. His hand reaches up and grazes her cheek softly, she leans into his touch. He kisses her softly, leaving her room to pull away. And pull away she did.
“This- This is wrong.” I say softly, though my body says otherwise. My hands rest on his chest. “What is so wrong about ones affection for another.” Hannibal says as he cups my face in his hands. “I’m with Will…” I say as I close my eyes. “Will needs to learn how to share.” He smirks. And Kisses me. One of his hands trail down to hold my waist. As my hands slide up to his hair. 
HANNIBAL LECTER'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT- We stumble into the Bedroom, Hands clawing at each others clothing. Desperate to be relieved of them. He kicks the door behind us closed. I smile into our lustful bliss, He leads us to the bed without his lips ever leaving my skin. His touch scourches my soul, leaving handprints that shall never leave my being.
He pushes me down onto the bed. He’s in control. He possesses my body, mind, and soul in this very moment. I'm afraid he'll never release me. I sit up, my hands going to the buttons on his dress shirt. His lips leave a trail of bruising marks on my neck. His hands unzip my backless dress. I kick off my heels that should've been discarded earlier. The straps of my dress fall down my shoulders.
Hannibal’s dress shirt, suit jacket, and vest have been discarded to the floor by now, leaving him in his belt, pants, and what's underneath. He pulls the straps of my dress to reveal the skin beneath. I quickly go to cover myself, but he grabs my wrists gently but tight enough to stop me.
Hannibal gazes down upon my body, my dress now joining my heels on the floor. I advert his burning Gaze. “Perfect, you are a masterpiece dear. A Living piece of Art” He says as he takes both of my wrists into one of his hands, the other lifts my chin to meet his Gaze. I flush red, feeling the heat in my cheeks and the pooling in my panties. Glad i'm wearing lace. He unpins my hair from its style, my curls fall framing my face. I bite my lip, he pulls it free with his thumb and kisses me hungrily. I moan into the kiss, Hannibal takes the opportunity to bite my lip drawing Blood from it. I gasp and look up at the much older man, He smirks and strokes my cheek. My hands go to his belt, my eyes never leave his. One of Hannibal’s hands trails down my body, coaxing shivers from my body. His fingers dip into my panties, my Breathing hitches. “So wet. Does Will ever make you this wet?” He asks darkly, I nod softly. There had been a few occasions where Will had Aroused me to this extent. 
He looks at me like I'm Prey. Like he could eat me alive. And let's be honest, He probably could. He pushes me down, and Tears my panties off me swiftly. I gasp as he spreads my legs and kneels before me. The sight of it makes me somehow wetter.
Its like the Devil kneeling before an Angel. I lean onto my elbows to watch as he kisses up my legs, my head falls back as he softly blows on my heat. I softly Whimper. He litters my inner thighs with kisses and hickeys. Then finally he brings his mouth to where i need it most.
Hannibal's tongue licks a stripe up my pussy. He groans at the taste; “You taste Divine.” He smirks and then attaches his mouth to my cunt, drinking me in. My hand tangles in his hair as the other grips the comforter tightly.  “Fuck…” I moan out the profanity, I feel him smirk against my heat. He grips my thigh with one hand as the other trails its fingers along my entrance. He pushes two long fingers into me, causing me to buck and moan out other unintelligible profanities and words of praise. 
He hikes my leg over his shoulder, my hand tangled in his hair softly tugs him closer. Im a moaning mess, He sets the pace with his fingers and curls them, expertly hittling my g-spot as he attaches his lips to my clit. 
“Oh Fuck! Hannibal.” I moan loudly, Alerting him that he found it.  If he had neighbors they'd surely hear me. I quickly feel the familiar burn of an oncoming orgasm, my pussy clenches around his fingers and he pulls way causing me to let out a pathetic whimper.
“Not yet Butterfly.” He says softly as he removes my leg from his shoulder. He leans over me and Kisses me softly, I moan softly at the taste of myself on his lips and tongue. I Kiss along his jaw and down his neck. Politely not leaving any marks. My hands unbutton his pants and i bite my lip. I knew it wasn't right. I Love Will. But there's just something about Hannibal that coaxes the dark and dangerous part of me out. 
I flip us over and straddle his thighs as he watches me with a dark smile. I kiss up his stomach, abs and chest, until I reached his lips. He grips my waist and kept me pressed to him in our passionate kiss. Until i pulled away. I tugged at his pants and he allowed me to take them off. I hear him chuckle darkly.
“What?” i ask innocently, I look up at him softly. He cups my cheek and his thumb strokes my cheek bone. “Such a good Girl.” He praises, I whimper at said praise. I focus on my task at hand. I look back up at him silently asking permission. My hands needy, grasping at his boxers. He shakes his head with a smile as he strokes my cheek. My eyebrows furrow confused. “Not tonight Butterfly.” He flips us back over. Hannibal chuckles. He strokes my hair and kisses me. I relax and sigh into the kiss. His hands explore my body, mapping out the soft skin. My arms wrap around his neck, and pull him closer. He kisses along my neck, his tongue tasting the salt on my skin. He pulls back and admires the work he has done on my neck. I reach up and brush the hair from his face. Hannibal looks back up at me and kisses me passionately. I wrap my legs around his waist, grinding up on his bulge, desperate for friction.
Hannibal moans at the action and pulls back to look at me. My face flushed. I bite my lip as he strokes my hair and tucks it behind my ear. I grind up again and he kisses me roughly.
His hands pin mine above my head, he grips them both with one hand. He lines himself up with my entrance. I moan and whimper, wanting nothing more than for him to be inside me. His other hand holds my hip, his thumb strokes the skin there. I feel his tip tease my entrance, I let out a pathetic whine. He looks into my eyes and then slides into me. We both moan, and he lets out a low growl. He bottoms out inside of me and I gasp. My back arches and my eyes roll back.
My hands grip the pillow, Hannibal releases his grip on them. He leans down and kisses me softly as he pulls back and slowly thrusts back in. I moan into the kiss and my nails drag across his scalp, making him growl into the kiss. His hands hold onto my hips tightly, I know they'll leave a mark. He thrusts into me at a slow pace, letting me feel every inch of him. He groans and moans, I love the sounds he makes.
His thrusts start getting rougher, more animalistic. My legs wrap around his waist and my heels dig into his lower back, pushing him further into me. The sound of our skin slapping is music to my ears, and i know that I can't hold back anymore.
I gasp and moan. I claw at his back, and he buries his face in the crook of my neck. His breath is hot against my skin, his teeth scrape my skin and I whimper. Hannibal thrusts harder and faster, hitting deeper with every thrust. I cry out as the all too familiar burn starts to form, my toes curl. Hannibal groans, his cock twitches inside me. I can tell he's getting close, too. His pace gets more erratic and less rhythmic.
He bites my shoulder, marking me. Claiming me as his. I scream out, the pain and pleasure overwhelming my senses. I feel him cum inside me, hot and sticky. The sensation of it sends me over the edge, my orgasm hits and i cum on his cock. We ride out our orgasms together, he slows his pace and kisses along my neck. He releases the skin of my shoulder from his teeth. He licks the blood and cleans the wound.
Her skin is in stark contrast to the crimson bedding. Hannibal sleeps soundly next to Y/N. After a moment, he opens his eyes. He watches Y/N. He finally stands. He takes Y/N's wineglass from the bedside table. With a white cloth, he wipes the rim, then sets the glass back down. He snaps his fingers close to her ears; she doesn't stir. He looks again at Y/N’s sleeping, then leaves.
l he lies propped up in a hospital bed, curtains drawn all around on an oval frame. His face is bruised. IV drips and monitoring are hooked up to his body. A THICK BANDAGE around his TORSO. We HEAR the door to the room open and then slowly close. Gideon's eyes open as FOOTSTEPS squeak on the floor. He sees a tall SHADOW behind the CURTAINS as it approaches.He watches as the shadow moves toward the foot of the bed. SLOW and TENSE. The curtains are drawn back and a tall figure in surgical scrubs, gloves and a MASK stands before him. He pulls down his mask to reveal Hannibal Lecter. “Hello, Dr. Gideon.”
“I knew you'd come.” Hannibal smiles at Gideon.
Early morning light begins to creep through the windows.the curtains surrounding Gideon's bed, a GHOULISH SILHOUETTE hangs beyond them. A FLASH ignites behind the curtain, the silhouettes of TWO MEN examining the body. Jack Crawford as he approaches. He opens
the curtains to find Brian Zeller taking forensic photos of the body as Jimmy Price dusts for fingerprints.
THE BODY It seems to be floating on his belly, horizontally suspended two feet above the bed. His skin is pinched/stretched/pulled many different directions by WIRE FISHING LEADERS. Each line ends in a handcrafted HOOK -- the barb pushed through the skin of the dead man's back, arms and legs. But that dead man is not Abel Gideon. Instead, it is a BALTIMORE POLICE OFFICER, his gun belt still around the waist of his uniform pants. His torso is BARE and opened, the skin held back in flaps attached by fishhooks. The contents of his abdomen on the bed below, his badge sits on top. The finger clip from the MONITORS is attached to his hand. “Put a heart monitor on the guard so no one'd know Gideon was missing, least for as long as it took the guard to die, which wasn't long.” Zeller says.
“Long enough.” Jimmy indicates the dead police officer. “Fishhooks. Hand-tied flies. Like the ones Will Graham used to make. This one has human hair. A tooth.” Jimmy says as he indicates the parts in the flybaits. “There's no way Gideon could have done any of this with his injuries, much less get out of bed.” Zeller clarifies.
“Last time Gideon escaped custody, he was trying to find the Chesapeake Ripper. Found him all right. And tonight, the Ripper found Gideon.”
Y/N asleep in Hannibal's bed. She stirs slightly and slowly opens her eyes. Hannibal sleeps quietly next to me. I stare peacefully at the ceiling, the morning after sleeping with a friend. What the Hell have I done?  As I begin to think too much, I realize Hannibal has opened his eyes and is watching me.
“You're awake.” I say with a soft sigh and a smile. “So are you.”
“Was thinking about What we did. How I betrayed Will. My heart is torn. And I don't know why.” I say softly as my smile starts to drop. He Caresses my cheek and brushes away a stray hair in my face.  “Of course your heart is torn. You love Will. But you also care for me as well.” 
“But I feel that is unfair. Not to me but to the both of you.” I say softly  “It isn't unfair, I know how to share. And I'm certain Will does too.” He kisses me, then stops and looks at me reassuringly: I kiss him back. BING-BONG. The doorbell rings. BING-BONG.  “Last time someone rang my doorbell this early, it was a census taker.” He goes in to kiss me again before BING-BONG and begrudgingly Hannibal rises from the bed, shrugs on a robe. Hannibal goes to the curtains and draws them -- revealing the morning sun and allowing it to spill into the room.
“I'll see who it is.”
three loud RAPS on a heavy oak door. The peephole goes dark, then -- Hannibal opens the door to find Jack Crawford standing outside.
“Hello, Jack.” Hannibal says as he  leads Jack into the living room. “What can I do for you?”
“Gideon took a fall down a stairwell last night. Was hospitalized. Security guard standing watch was killed in what looks to be another Chesapeake Ripper murder. Now Gideon is nowhere to be found.” Jack explains and looks at him expectantly.
“He escaped?”
“We know he didn't walk out of the hospital. His back was broken. Someone took him. Someone he knew. Where were you last night?”
Hannibal Hesitates “I was Here.”
“All night?”
“Anyone besides you can verify that?” Hannibal's quiet a moment. Then, from behind Jack: “I can.” I say wrapped in one of Hannibal's Button-ups, it goes down to my mid-thigh. Jack turns. He flashes surprise, but tamps it quickly.
“I was here with Hannibal all night, Jack. What are you accusing him of?” I ask as Hannibal reads Jack's frustration and perhaps relief. But there's a chance he woke up. Why the Hell am i not upset that i most likely Fucked the Chesapeake Ripper. “I'm not accusing him of anything. Only asking his whereabouts.”
“That's not all you were asking.” Jack looks evenly at them, nods, forced to accept that
Hannibal isn't the Chesapeake Ripper...
Brian Zeller stands in front of a monitor. Jimmy Price and Jack Crawford look on. “Not cows. Wagyu beef. I'd say, a hundred dollars worth right there.”
“Sure it wasn't Kobe?” Zeller asks his fellow tech. Jimmy rolls his eyes: “All Kobe is Wagyu, but not all Wagyu is Kobe. Least we know Dr. Lecter wasn't serving up people.”
“Want people? The Chesapeake Ripper was tying flies with them. Just like Will Graham allegedly did.”
Brian Zeller, Jimmy Price and Jack standing over a row of FISHING LURES taken from the security guard's back.
“Hair woven into the monofilament is Beverly's. Bone fragments from Miriam Lass. Veining from Sheldon Isley. Optic nerves and arteries from Judge Davies. A toenail from James Gray, our Muralist.” Zeller points to the DNA matches. A fly hook. Cleverly crafted, with bits of dark, organic material woven into the monofilament. A bone fragment. Veining coiled around hook and feather. An optic nerve entwined with bark.
“All Chesapeake Ripper victims.” Zeller says as Jimmy indicates four lures, in partial stages of
deconstruction, in individual grids. “These four lures here are almost identical to the ones we found at Will's house, made with materials from the exact same human remains. Abigail Hobbs, Marissa Schuur, Donald Sutcliffe, Georgia Madchen.” Jimmy points out.
“Will didn't kill any of them. There was no Copycat. It was always the Ripper. He's finally taking credit for those murders.” Jack realizes Will never killed anyone other than Garret Jacob Hobbs.
“May be taking too much credit. We found something else in the lures.” With tweezers, Jimmy plucks a curled, wispy wood shaving from one of the deconstructed fly grids.
“Madrona bark. It's a tree almost nonexistent on the East Coast. But this bark was peeled recently.”
Zeller gestures to the map of the area. “There's a small stand of madrona in Virginia.”
“Inside your diatom search area.” Zeller zooms in with his hand, à la an iPad. “Here.”
Moonlight on crisp white snow. The hulking black shadow of a heavily-built wooden barn stands stark against the white. we hear the low rumble of a car engine, to find a black sedan pulling up on the opposite side of the barn. JACK CRAWFORD and  DR. Y/N L/N Exit the car. Takes in the barn; the two heavy gate doors barred on the outside. Jack pulls out his gun and a Maglite and walks toward it, his feet crunching on the snow. Their breath frosts the air. Jack walks up the wooden ramp to the heavy doors.
Blackness, except for slivers of faint moonlight shining through the wooden beams. We hear the sound of the heavy bar eing thrown. And then the door opens and a piercing FLASHLIGHT BEAM.. Jack and Y/N silhouetted behind it as he enters the barn slowly. He plays the flashlight around the space, cautious. Tense.
Cobwebs and old wood. Heavy old machinery and hand tools. Dust in the air. A SKITTERING SOUND and Jack swings the light and gun -- catching a RAT scurrying for cover... Jack  and Y/N move on. Something shines in the beam and Jack moves toward it. A new steel padlock on an old door. Incongruous. Y/N looks around to be cautious of her surroundings.
A rending sound of wood and metal. A door opens to reveal a flight of wooden stairs, looking up
at Jack and Y/N.
 Y/N throws down the iron bar she used to force the lock. Jack Shines his light right at the bottom as they start down the stairs -- Jack moves down the wooden stairs, gun and flashlight before him. Y/N shines her own light to reveal a dark, low cellar space, the concrete floor dominated by the tops of two circular WATER CISTERNS.
Jack and Y/N scan the room, Their flashlight beams our only light source, casting harsh shadows and movements. Jack checks the room for danger -- light reflecting off dirt-smeared windows in the far wall; blackness reflecting back from the other side.
MOVEMENT Y/N stills as she hears it. Heart thumping. A scraping sound. BELOW HER…She moves to the cisterns, the old stone topped with much newer METAL LIDS. she pulls the first one off -- flashes the light into it – dark water rises a third of the way up the steep slick sides.
SCRITCH – The sound again. Y/N moves to the other cistern. Can definitely hear something inside... (AN: BTW i wrote the SMUT scene while listening to "I am not afraid anymore" by Halsey, and whew it really goes with the scene)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
Hello, how are you doing, and have you eaten yet? I found your post when I was looking for ror post and I really love the Isekai cafe reader!
Can I please request when the first time these ror characters first find her restaurant? They probably expecting a threat, but instead find it is a restaurant run by reader. After talking to reader and finding out about how the place come to be, they ordered a dish/beverage/dessert, which ends up as their favourite food/drinks/dessert but they end always visiting not only for the food because they were worried for reader being alone in the restaurant all day and tending to a lot of people.
Poseidon, Hades , Odin and Thor for the Gods
Adam, Lu Bu, Jack, Buddha and Sasaki for the human side please!
-You couldn’t help but smile, looking around your restaurant, it was such a warm and cozy feeling, there were seats everywhere, a fully stocked kitchen will all sorts of toys, and now all you needed was customers!!
-When the front door appeared all over Valhalla, some in seemingly random places, like in the center of a large field, many thought that it was an enemy attack, as the magic was unknown, even to someone like Odin who was so well versed in magic!
-Many approached the various doors cautiously, not all at the same time of course, weapon in hand, preparing for a fight on the other side of the door.
-When they opened it, they weren’t expecting to see a restaurant. They were even more shocked when you, a child, walked out from the kitchen, beaming brightly at them, “Welcome to my restaurant!”
-They couldn’t understand it, how could a child like you perform teleportation magic like this, how were you running a restaurant by yourself, and where was your family?!
-With each question they had another lined up! Nothing made sense!
-They knew that you had died, as you wouldn’t be in Valhalla otherwise, but when asked by Odin, your first guest ever, “What is this place?” you just beamed brightly, your hands on your hips, “This is my restaurant, this is what I got for my wish when I died!”
-That… did very little to clear things up but you ushered each guest to a table, asking if they wanted anything to eat or drink after providing them with a menu.
-It was one thing for you to be running this restaurant on your own, but when you took their order, something they made from more shock than anything, they didn’t anticipate you going into the kitchen and cooking it yourself!!
-He couldn’t help but peek into the kitchen, worried about you, but you looked like a pro, like you had been doing it for years!!
-The food was immaculate, the plating was stunning, the taste was out of this world, it was unlike anything they had ever had before!
-You were stunned to learn that your guests were actual gods or people from history, historical figures and warriors, and that your doors were opening all over their home of Valhalla!!
-You were in disbelief, meeting these new and strange individuals, who became regulars, getting pretty much the same thing each time they visited, except for Loki, who got something new each time, as he wanted to taste many different dishes.
-The doors never seemed to appear in the same place, but they appeared each day, so you got new people all the time.
-There was only one rule for your restaurant, no fighting- which made your place a neutral zone, there would be no fighting, or you would ban them, then they couldn’t enter ever again!! They couldn’t miss out on food this good and seeing someone so bright and warm as you.
-As time went on and you gained more customers day by day, except for the two days off you take a week, you gained so many new friends, you had never imagined having this many friends before, but you wouldn’t trade it or your restaurant for the world!
-They also learned of your past, how you had died so young, and you were given this restaurant, and you would remain inside it, being unable to leave, until you found a family you would feel safe with.
-You just had no idea that it was much closer than you thought!
-Poseidon- Gambas al Ajillo with various white wines with mini fruit tart for dessert
-Hades- Filet Mignon with various wines with Opera Cake for dessert
-Odin- Buttered lobster roll with Filet Mignon and honey toast for dessert
-Thor- T-bone steak with baked potato and chilled ale
-Lu Bu- T-bone steak with a full rack of beef ribs, no veggies and no sweets
-Adam- apple pie a la mode with caramel drizzle
-Jack- apple and cheddar pie with hot tea; sometimes will get a chicken pot pie
-Buddha- various desserts, will try several different types with each visit
-Kojiro- Unadon (grilled eel rice bowl) with melon bread for dessert
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - Beach Wear Vignette
"Lilia's Super Deluxe Uninhabited Island Special"
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[Uninhabited Island – Cottage]
Lilia: Here we go, Stitch. Time to start prepping "that" thing.
Stitch: Got it, okay!
Lilia: First, we need a large pot…
Lilia: Then we take all the fresh fruit we gathered, and… GO LIKE THIS!!
[squeezes fruit]
Stitch: Weehoo ♪
Lilia: Kufufu, doesn't it look delicious? Fresh fruit always tastes best raw or juiced like this.
Lilia: We'll just squeeze the mango and pineapple with magic, just like this…
Stitch: Yeehaw!
Lilia: Ohh…? You've got a tight grip on that pineapple there…
Lilia: Nice going, Stitch! You got some nice 100% Juice flowing almost instantly.
Lilia: Kufufu, then I'll leave the squeezing of all the fruit to you.
Lilia: But I can't let you show me up. Let's see, here's the clear water we pulled from the waterfall…
[turns water to ice]
Stitch: !!
Lilia: Surprised? If I use magic like this, I can freeze water no problem.
Lilia: But I have to make sure I don't get carried away and use too much. We don't know when Gantu might attack us next.
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Stitch: Yay!
Lilia: Have you finished squeezing the fruits already? Kufufu, you sure are a strong one, Stitch.
Lilia: …You are just like him.
Stitch: ?
Lilia: There's this guy named Malleus. He's descended from dragons, and his power is overwhelming.
Lilia: Even the hardest coconut shell is nothing more than a fragile eggshell in his hands.
Lilia: And he would also throw tantrums left and right if something didn't suit him.
Lilia: Like punching holes in the walls, or encasing the castle in ice, or raining down thunderbolts… To put simply, he was a pretty rambunctious kid.
Stitch: Bad boy appeared… Grr.
Lilia: I suppose so. There definitely are those who think he is a bad boy.
Stitch: Aw...
Lilia: If the people around him are frightened and try to avoid him, of course he'll turn out to be a rowdy kid.
Lilia: But, you know, Stitch. I think that it's okay for a bad kid to stay as they are.
Stitch: ?
Lilia: You may be hunted by Gantu just because you're a bad boy who likes to destroy things...
Lilia: But you've helped us so much with your amazing strength. The most important thing is how you use that power of yours.
Stitch: Ye-huh ♪
Lilia: …Well, I guess you could also say it also depends on the circumstances, too.
Stitch: ?
Lilia: Aw, but, I think that your aggressive and cute little self is just the most charming little thing!
Stitch: Oooh!
Lilia: Mhm, that's a good smile. Okay then, let's get back to the task at hand, Stitch.
Lilia: I say that, but all that's left for us to do is to add some more fruit juice.
Lilia: Oh yeah, we'll need a bowl to serve what we made. The shells are a little too small, so maybe we can make something out of the branches and leaves?
Stitch: Hah-ha!
[thock, thock, thock…]
Lilia: Oho, that's…
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[Uninhabited Island – Cottage]
Jack: Lilia-senpai, did something happen? Why'd you call us all to the cottage like this suddenly?
Grim: Sniff, sniff, sniff… Funyaa~ I smell something sweet.
Ace: Eh! Oh, is this some kind reward for all our hard work gathering fruits and drawing water every day?
Floyd: A reward? Well, obviously we should be getting' something, I've been working sooo hard~
Lilia: Very perceptive. You're right, it's a reward! Something I've prepared for each and every one of you. And it's…
Everyone: It's?
Grim: A frozen dessert!! …Like what?
Azul: He must be talking about a type of sweet made from freezing fruit juice and the like.
Azul: Since it's made of the ingredients found on this island, it could possibly be a sorbet… or perhaps a frappe?
Lilia: Correct. I'm treating you all to some cooooold shaved ice.
Grim: Shaved ice! Yuuuum, hurry and give me some!
Ace: Me too, me too! Every day's so hot, I'd been wanting to have something like ice cream.
Lilia: Kufufu, no need to fret.
Lilia: Now then, I'll take this bucket full of ice, and… DO THIS!
Ace: All the ice just shattered from that hand chop!?
Riddle: Lilia-senpai can even fell a large tree almost instantly. …Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore.
Lilia: Once you get a mound of shaved ice into one of the bowls that Stitch made for us…
Lilia: Drizzle some of the syrup we made from the fruits, and… IT'S READY TO EAT!
Lilia: Okay, let's start with you, Grim. Make sure you savor the flavor.
Grim: Nom, slurp, crunch, nom! Oooowee, it's so cold and tast…
Grim: URK!?
Ace: Grim!? Lilia-senpai, don't tell me you made the syrup out of that terrible tasting fruit…!?
Grim: Urgh, my head is numb… But it's so sweet and cold, it's crazy good!
Ace: Oh, you just ate it all tooo fast and got a headache. Sheesh, you scared me.
Lilia: Alright, everyone! I'll make one for all of you. [Yuu], what kind of syrup do you want?
1. Mango flavored! 2. Pineapple flavored!
Azul: I would like to have pineapple flavored syrup. It should have a nice tartness to it for a crisp taste.
Jack: I'll… try the mango. If I'm going to eat it with ice, I'd rather have a richer flavor.
Ace: Lilia-senpai, can I have both?
Floyd: Oh, is that allowed? Then I want both too~
Lilia: Here's the mango flavored one. And this one's the pineapple. And a combo for Ace and Floyd.
Jack: It's so cold and delicious. It's refreshing and I feel like this is a nice way to cool down.
Floyd: Yup. I thought it'd be nothing special 'cause it's just fruit juice over ice, but this syrup is pretty bangin'.
Ace: This syrup rocks! The parts where the mango and pineapple mix together is the best part.
Azul: What, really? Urk, I should have also chosen to have both…
Lilia: Kufufu, there's still a lot of syrup, you can have seconds. And it's all because Stitch helped me so much.
Stitch: Yahahahaha ♪
Lilia: But we have to make sure everyone gets their first helping first.
Lilia: Riddle, have you made a decision? If you're still having trouble choosing, you can also get both syrups.
Riddle: No, thank you, that's unnecessary.
Riddle: My mother always would say, "You cannot eat food made of ice, for they will chill your stomach."
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[Uninhabited Island – Cottage]
Lilia: Riddle, have you made a decision? If you're still having trouble choosing, you can also get both syrups.
Riddle: No, thank you, that's unnecessary.
Riddle: My mother always would say, "You cannot eat food made of ice, for they will chill your stomach."
Ace: Ehh! You gonna worry about that now!? There's no way she'd find out even if you had some now.
Floyd: You don't get it at all, huh, Goldfish-chan. It'll be even more delicious when you snag a bite to eat even after your mom says no.
Lilia: Now, now. It's impolite to comment on the customs of other families.
Riddle: Indeed. Therefore, please don't worry about me…
Lilia: Then, I'll make a special dish just for you, Riddle.
Lilia: I'll freeze the mango with my magic, and… DO THIS AND THEN THIS!
Azul: Oho, you've sliced the frozen mangos thin, almost replicating the shaved ice.
Floyd: And you served it in a coconut half shell as a bow. It's all decorated with frozen bananas, pineapples, and even flowers, too.
Lilia: Here you go, Riddle. It's a "Chilled Fruit Dish." There's not a single piece of ice on it.
Riddle: …Heh. This certainly is a dish "made out of fruit" and not "made out of ice."
Riddle: Thank you, Lilia-senpai. Then, I shall dig in…
Riddle: !!
Riddle: Delicious! The fruit just dissolves instantly as soon as it touches my tongue… This is the first I've ever had such a thing.
Grim: Funyaa~~! No fair that just Riddle gets some! Lilia, me too! Me toooo~!
Floyd: Ehh, I wanna eat some too. Goldfish-chan, give me a bite!
Lilia: Okay, okay, I got it. I'll make some for everyone, so just wait a moment.
Azul: But really… Who would even think of freezing fruit only to shave them? Lilia-san, that was a brilliant idea.
Lilia: I just tried copying this one snack I tasted during one of my trips to a tropical country.
Lilia: In the past, there was many a time that I had to make this sort of thing. When it comes to frozen desserts, I'm really quite particular.
Lilia: At first, I was only able to make simple dishes, like shaved ice with drizzled nectar or fruit juice…
Lilia: But there was this one guy who would just revel at eating the shaved ice I'd make him.
Lilia: I thought he'd get bored of continuously eating the same thing, so I tried to make it look more and more gorgeous, adding condensed milk or honey-soaked fruit to them.
Lilia: Back then, I wasn't very used to cooking, but I bet if I tried again now, I could probably make something much fancier.
Lilia: Alright, Lilia's Super Deluxe Uninhabited Island Special is ready! Come, eat it before it melts.
1. Let's dig in! 2. Thank you very much!
Grim: Nom, nom nom!! That rich, sweet flavor just completely melts in my mouth~!
Jack: It's more flavorful than just drizzling the syrup on the ice. This is the first time I've ever eaten fruit like this.
Ace: This frozen banana is also crazy good. It's got a way different texture than the raw stuff. You should try this too, [Yuu].
Lilia: What do you think, Stitch? Is it good?
Stitch: …
Riddle: He's looking very forlornly at his empty shaved ice bowl. Perhaps he would like seconds.
Lilia: Or maybe… Did looking at the cup remind you of someone?
Stitch: …
Riddle: Now that you mention it, the bowls that Stitch made for our shaved ice does have an interesting shape to it.
Riddle: It has a conical shape, as if for ice cream, or gelato…
Lilia: Hm. Well, that reminds me that I once saw shaved ice being sold at a food stand in this one tropical country in a similar conical shape.
Lilia: A tricycle carrying a silver box was parked on the side of the road. They were selling shaved ice to those walking by.
Lilia: Eating shaved ice with a ton of syrup on a hot day is the absolute best. You should try it sometime.
Riddle: Eating while walking is… Ah, never mind. Yes, alright. Perhaps if the occasion arises.
Riddle: Based on your anecdote just now, it may be that Stitch here is from a more tropical region.
Stitch: …
Stitch: …Ohana.
Lilia: I get it. There's a certain "someone" you want to share this delicious shaved ice with.
Stitch: Ye.
Lilia: Mhm, I understand that feeling well.
Lilia: The guy who would always ask me to make him frozen desserts was always the same way.
Lilia: It's not that he wanted to eat it because it was delicious. It's more like he wanted to eat it with someone he cared for.
Lilia: I'm the same way. I used to think that whatever I ate didn't matter, so long as it sated my hunger. However…
Lilia: Even those frozen desserts that I never thought would satisfy me would always be the most delicious when I could eat it with him.
Stitch: Yeah.
Lilia: Now that he's more or less stopped throwing his tantrums, I haven't really made him any shaved ice anymore.
Lilia: Maybe once we escape from this island, it may be a good chance to try my hand at it again.
Lilia: Oh, right. You should make this shaved ice for your loved ones as well. I'll give you the recipe.
Stitch: Great!
Riddle: Eating it with people is what makes it delicious, hm.
Riddle: Lilia-senpai, please teach me the recipe as well.
Riddle: I would like to make it for my dormmates who no doubt are fulfilling my duties while I am gone.
Lilia: Well, of course, I'd be happy to. I'll give you a proper lesson on how to make it, too.
Lilia: I'll have to tell them all about my adventures on this island. Kufufu, that's just another thing to look forward to this summer.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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celestiaras · 5 months
can we get a submissive ver with a dom reader? Let's say you gave him an aphrodisiac and... yk...
ft. ver vermillion x gn! reader — xsoliel, nijisanji en
╰₊✧ ver testing out some aphrodisiacs without you┊0.6k words
contains: smut!! dom reader & sub/solo ver┊aphrodisiacs, masturbation (ver), getting walked in on, slight voyeurism & teasing, handjobs
➤ author's note: on the shorter side and i misread the prompt unfortunately T-T i hope it’s still okay though!!
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it looked just like a standard bar of dark chocolate, but the fancy packaging it was stored in implied otherwise. supposedly, it was laced with an extra-potent formula to increase the erotic effects of the treat, but how strong was it exactly? you bought it after it caught your interest and decided to try it out with him, but then left to run a few errands and left him with piqued curiosity. he really shouldn’t have since he was waiting for you to come home, but he was just itching to open it and take a bite. he wanted to know if the taste of the cacao was altered, how strong it was, and how it would make him feel. with a little bit of deliberation, he gave in to the temptation and was gone a few minutes after the bittersweet dessert melted on his tongue (he’s glad he didn’t give in when he wondered if he should eat another one when it didn’t work right away).
it left him sweaty with need, taking deep breaths for air as a flame of desire was ignited and burned wildly within him. he couldn’t help himself from palming his length behind his pants and soon found himself stroking it in the middle of the living room while biting on the collar of his shirt. instead of keeping his horniness at bay as he had hoped, it turned out to increase his frustration even more as he only felt hotter and none of the edge was getting off.
now he was really regretting trying it out while you were gone, forgetting about the fact that he struggles to get himself off without your help. it just isn’t the same if you weren’t there with him, it doesn’t feel half as good without your hands on him and cooing about what a good boy he is or doing the complete opposite by degrading him about what a whore he is. he tried to imagine your voice guiding him through all of it, telling him were to put his hands and how to touch himself for a release, but it wasn’t even close to real life even though he was moaning your name like you were next to him.
he didn’t even realize that you already opened the front door and walked in on him in his own little world, the tips of his ears nearly as red as his hair and his head thrown back with his eyes closed. you were close to audibly giggling upon seeing him, so needy and pathetic when he doesn’t have his lover around to relieve him after acting in something like this alone. ver didn’t even look shocked when he finally noticed you were there watching him, not needing to say anything since his pink eyes said everything about how relieved he was that you were there and pleading for you to help him cum.
unfortunately, you didn’t really want to and would have preferred just to watch him jack off, struggling to reach his orgasm and panting like a dog in the process. he almost came on the spot when you slowly replaced his hand with your own, massaging his cock at a sluggish pace that had him begging you not to tease him and that he was already learned his lesson, but you told him that you weren’t quite sure if he was truly sorry. in fact, what you wanted was to admire how pretty he was with his skin all crimson and so desperate to climax for just a little bit longer even at the expense of his pleasurable agony. you were sure that you will buy more of the chocolates in the future and that they are going to be a more common practice in your sex life, completely worth it to see him looking like this.
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yuurei20 · 7 months
Jade and Floyd Info Compilation part 44: Each Other (pt2)
During Harveston Jade tries to memorize how to make a certain dessert that looks like takoyaki (Floyd’s favorite food) by watching a local vendor so that he can try making it for Floyd, and Epel offers to give him the recipe directly.
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Jade says, “I like it best when Floyd’s in his element, enjoying things as they come,” and that they have very different tastes: their parents ask them what they want for their birthdays every year, and thus far their requests have never overlapped.
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Jade will “reprimand” Floyd without apparently meaning to hold him back at all, which he does multiple times in the main story and various events and vignettes.
When Jade does give him a serious command it is not unusual to see Floyd obey, but he sometimes will not.
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Floyd takes a moray mascot keychain with him to the first Vargas Camp, saying that he brought it with him as a stand-in for Jade, who wanted to go, too.
When Jade goes to Vargas Camp 2, he brings with him a similar key chain of his own.
It seems it is not unusual for Floyd to borrow Jade’s clothes: Floyd mentions using Jade’s scarf for his dorm uniform and Jade’s labcoat for class.
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Jade comes closer to seducing Eliza during the Phantom Bride event than possibly any other suitor, but his efforts are sabotaged by Floyd pointing out that the flower Jade offers her is poisonous.
Jade does not try to backtrack, explaining that he has given her a highly toxic flower that would cause a person’s hand to break out if they so much as touched it, “but it doesn’t seem to have an effect on ghosts. I’ve learned something new today.”
Eliza slaps Jade for the offense and Jack blames Floyd for the failure. Floyd says, “I just didn’t like the idea of him sititn’ pretty while I’m stuck in slapsville.”
Twitter user kanna_tkrb points out that Eliza’s refusals of her suitors are the same throughout Phantom Bride (in the original game), with the exception of Jade and Floyd.
Eliza calls Floyd 論外, which is close to “completely out of the question,” and Jade “物騒” which is close to “risky/unsettling.”
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Floyd expresses concern for Jade not eating properly in two events, once in Beanfest and once during Halloween, where he encourages Jade to sit down and rest while Floyd fetches him food. Jade explains that his “fuel efficiency is lacking” (low blood pressure?).
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Jade is Floyd’s judge for Culinary Crucible.
Floyd adds a wide variety of ingredients that were not in the original recipe and, according to the chef ghost, doubles the size of the dish.
Jade eats the entire meal without issue, to the chef’s surprise.
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Jade’s appetite seems to rival that of Sebek: the two eat enough food for five people (“and they’re still goin’!”) at a marketplace in Harveston, and then they go back for dessert.
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Jade says that eating so much is why he is so tall (he is 1cm shorter than Floyd, whose eating habits we do not hear as much about, though Rook says he once saw Floyd looking hungrily at a school of fish).
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
The Marriage Pact Part 1
To Have and to Hold
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AN: I am so excited for this 😆
Synopsis: Jack brings up the marriage pact that the two of you made when you were seventeen on your 30th birthday
Pairing: Best Friend!Jack Harlow x Best Friend!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You were attempting to drift off to sleep since you were exhausted from everything that took place during the day getting things together for Jack's tour when you heard Jack’s voice interrupting you. 
This typically happened more often than not seeing as he still suffered from nightmares and would often come into your room whenever you stayed at hotels and if you two were home, he would be calling you. 
"Stink! I know you’re not sleeping! Get your ass up!"
"Well I was trying to be before you so rudely interrupted me. I am running on fumes seeing as I had to make sure everyone’s shit was together before this tour started." You answered as Jack walked over to the bed and pulled the comforter off of you.
He didn’t say anything for a few seconds and just peered down at you while you casually raised your middle finger up in his direction and all he did was roll his eyes.
“You’re staring at me.Creep. You literally see me just about every day and know what I look like. You’ve known what I looked like since I was born basically.”
"Uhhh because there is literally two minutes until your birthday and I am always the one to tell you happy birthday first. That was the whole reason why I came in here in the first place."
"Jack, it's not my birthday. But I should be used to this by now, always busting in my room unannounced." You said while shaking your head as Jack came to sit next to you as you were still laying down and peeking out from under the comforter since you had thrown it back over yourself. .
All he did was stare at you for a few seconds before shaking his head.
"You work too hard and although I thank you for it, you need a break. I know being my manager isn’t easy and that I constantly give you headaches. But, It's about to be March 21st, sweetheart. I will never ever ever ever forget my favorite girl’s birthday no matter what I have going on around me."
"Forgot your own birthday, but your best friend in the entire world is never going to forget it. You'll get the rest of your gifts later, but I have the cake, card, and one of them right now. So sit up so you can eat it. Oh, and happy birthday to my most favorite person in the world." Jack said while leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"Thank you, Jack Jack. It totally slipped my mind."
"I always got you, baby. You know that." Jack replied while pinching your cheek. 
"And I got you. Forever and ever." You answered before taking off the comforter and sitting up against the headboard as Jack made himself comfortable next to you while reaching over to the nightstand to grab the cake he got for you.
"I decided to switch it up this year since you've been having your obsession with strawberry flavored desserts so I got you strawberry cake with buttercream icing which I know is your favorite."
"Why are you so perfect?" You asked with your mouth watering at the sight as he handed it to you. 
"You're the perfect one and make me look good. Why do you think I wouldn’t take no for an answer when I told them that I wanted you to be my manager?" Jack answered as he set the cake in the middle of both of you.
“Because you would literally lose your head if it wasn’t for me. Been that way since we were little.”
“Hmm, you have a point.”
Jack did the honors of taking the first small piece from the cake slice first and holding the fork up to your mouth so you could taste it.
“Damn, I’m going to need a whole one now. Where did you get this from?” You asked as Jack got another fork for himself and began eating.
“Ms. Beverly. She made it without a second thought once I told her it was for you.”
“Aww, really?!” 
Ms. Beverly was your third grade teacher who had now since retired from teaching and runs an entire bakery in Louisville. The two of you kept in touch and she became one of your favorite teachers who had a lasting impact on you. You always knew that you could go to her when you needed to if you weren’t comfortable going to your parents.
 “Free of charge might I add, but I still left her a big tip. Probably bigger than what the cake originally cost.”
“Now, how in the world did you get in here?” You curiously asked seeing as the two of you were currently in L.A.
“Don’t worry about how I got it here. Just know that I did it because I know that this would make you happy. And you know how important your happiness is to me.”
“I literally hit the jackpot in the best friend department.” 
It was quiet for a few minutes as the two of you were still eating, when Jack suddenly broke the silence.
"Now you know what this means right?" Jack asked as you looked up at him from your birthday cake.
A tradition that had taken place with him buying you your own slice of cake or cupcake ever since you turned fourteen.
He would save up his allowance two months in advance just to be sure he had enough for when the time came to buy it.  
He was always the first one to tell you happy birthday ever since you could remember. It also helped that the two of you only lived a few houses down from one another. 
"What? That I'm having a cheat day and need to go to the gym an extra day this week?" You answered, but Jack shook his head no and had a somewhat serious look on his face.  
"No. We're both thirty." Jack quietly said and the both of you stared at each other for a few minutes before either of you said something.
"You… you actually remembered and you were serious?" You asked him as you put down your fork to give him your full attention.
"Of course I was serious. What better person is there to marry than my best friend who I know I can trust and won't let me down?"
When the two of you had turned seventeen, it was right after the worst break up that you could have ever imagined. 
Him cheating on you with someone that you were close to and you just knew the world was over.
It wasn't until you decided to go to a party and get drunk with Jack keeping a close eye on you that the conversation of a marriage pact was brought up the next morning when you had finally sobered up.
"If I were to propose to you right now, would you say yes?" Jack asked you as the two of you were laying on the floor in his bedroom staring up the ceiling. 
"Of course I would. You’re my best friend in the entire world and I know the last thing you would ever do is hurt me." 
"Then let's make a deal. If we're both single by the time we're thirty we'll get married."
You quickly agreed and simply thought to yourself that pact or no pact, you would marry your best friend in a heartbeat. 
You had reached the center of the cake when you noticed something hard that made a sound once your fork had hit it. 
All you did was look at Jack before moving the rest of the cake to the side and discovering a silver pear shaped engagement ring.
The ring that you told him that you had always wanted. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you stared at it for a few seconds before finally turning to look at Jack. 
"Jackman Thomas…." You started to say, but nothing else came out seeing as your heart was now beating a thousand miles per hour and your breathing was beginning to be erratic. 
"You know how much you mean to me because I literally tell you every day and I cannot go one day without being around you. If I’m not around you, we’re on the phone talking to each other or even sometimes just doing our own thing. Plenty of times we’ve called each other and we won’t even speak, but we just know that the other person is always there.  You have been in my life since damn near birth and I don't see myself without you by my side for the rest of my life. I was dead serious when we made that pact at seventeen. I want you to be my wife because I know no one else will come close. You know me better than anyone and I can share things with you and not feel like you’re judging me for any of it. So, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and fulfilling our marriage pact?"
“This is one hell of a gift. How much was this?” You began to say and Jack just smiled at you since he knew every time you got an ounce of nervousness in you, you began to ramble.
“Since when does that matter, and when do I ever tell you how much something is that I bought for you?”
“It doesn’t, but as you can probably tell right now, my heart just fell out of my ass.”
Jack began laughing as you were still trying to come to terms with what he had just asked you.
“Baby girl, I need an answer.” He said as you were playing with the ring in your fingers.
“You really want me to be your wife?” You quietly asked and all Jack did was nod.
“Till death do us part?”
“Through sickness and in health?”
“For richer or poorer?”
“Baby girl! At this rate, we should get married this very moment. You got me over here reciting vows and shit. And you know for a damn fact that I’ll always take care of you regardless.”
“Okay, okay, okay. I was just thinking out loud, sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. This is a very important thing to think about but I will tell you that if you don’t want me to be your hus…”
You immediately cut him off.
“Do NOT finish that sentence because I do. And my answer is yes.”
“Wait, really?”
“Well, did you think that I was going to say no?”
“Okay, well I was only 65% sure that you would say yes and that’s more than 50, so I thought to myself the chances of you saying yes are greater and that I might as well try.” Jack quickly took the ring from you and slid it onto your finger as you sat there admiring it. 
“You remember what ring that I said I wanted. Wait, how did you even know my size?”
“Really? Your best friend of thirty years now and you’re asking me if I know your ring size?” All Jack did was look at you in disbelief.
“Okay, fair point.” You quickly picked up your cake and the two of you finished eating as so many thoughts were running through your head and Jack quickly noticed.
“What are you thinking?”
“Well for one, our mothers will be very happy about this.”
“True. I know that had a bet going even if neither of them want to admit it. They’ve probably been planning for this since we were born.”
Your mother along with Jack’s mother Maggie were best friends and got pregnant around the same time and agreed that your mom would name her first born while Maggie named you. Seeing as the two of you were eight days apart, once your mother finally brought you home and got settled, Maggie of course came over to check on her and it was good that they had support systems in place that would help them navigate being first time mothers while also supporting each other. Maggie had set Jack in the bassinet next to you and you immediately took to him. It was almost as if the two of you were hugging and now have been inseparable ever since. 
“I definitely think that they have a color scheme in their head and probably even a location.”
“But, we have plenty of time to discuss that. There is absolutely no rush and seeing as I know tour is about to start we’re both going to have our hands full.”
“Are we… should we announce this? Like what are people going to say?” 
Now you were beginning to worry.
“Who cares what people have to say. We’re two grown adults who want to be married to each other. And I actually have an idea about announcing it, but like I said. No rush, and we have plenty of time. For now, the birthday girl needs to go to sleep so she can have energy for her surprise party later tonight that she has absolutely no idea about because she did not hear what I just said and Urban is going to kill me if you say something.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh and shake your head at him as you once again made yourself comfortable under the comforter. It was around 12:45 and you had to be awake around 7 in the morning.
“I promise not to say anything and I will act very surprised.” You said as Jack made a motion to get up off the bed, but you quickly grabbed his hand to pull him back.
“Where is my fiance going?” You asked and all he did was smirk.
“More than likely you’re going to end up back in here before the night is over so just stay in here.”
“Good point. I’m used to you sleeping crazy anyway.”
“What the? I do not!” You said in response as Jack took off his shirt and got underneath the comforter with you and brought your head to lay on his chest.
“You either steal the blankets from me, kick me, or hit me. I’ve been dealing with this for how long?”
“But… you always wake up well rested and you usually never have a nightmare when I’m next to you.” You replied while picking up your head to look at him.
“One of the many things that I love about you.”
“Ooh, tell me more. I want to hear all of this.”
“Later, when my birthday girl wakes up, don’t read your card until you’re by yourself.”
“Did you put money in it this year?”
“I put money in it last year!”
“Jack, you gave me a dollar.”
“However, you got a Givenchy outfit, two Birkins, two Telfar bags, Louboutins, and new earrings so I don’t want to hear it. I gave you gas money.”
“Don’t push it. I’ll take everything I bought you back.”
“Well you for damn sure not getting this ring back so you can forget it.” You replied while picking up your hand to look at it.
“Here you go, starting already.”
“I thought we were supposed to go to sleep? The light is still on.”
“We are, but I wanted to look at your beautiful face.” Jack answered while you rolled your eyes. 
“You are literally so full of shit. I repeat you know what I look like.”
“And you wonder why you only got a dollar.”
“Goodnight, Jackman.” You said as you reached over him to turn off the light and all he did was laugh.
“Goodnight future wifey.”
“I’m letting you know right now that I’m hyphenating my last name.”
“Whatever you want, babe.”
Your alarm blasted in your ear signaling that it was time for you to get up, but Jack’s arms were wrapped around you so tightly that you were unable to move and turn it off.
“Babe, move your arm.” You quietly told Jack and all he did was groan and hold you tighter if that was even possible.
All you did was sigh and try to pry his arms off of you with no use.
“You are such a big baby.”
“I’m your big baby. Five more minutes.”
“Then reach over and turn it off. But I do still have to get up.”
“No, you don’t. The birthday girl is relaxing on her birthday seeing as I literally canceled everything that you had scheduled for the day since I knew you had probably forgot.”
“No, go back to sleep.” Jack replied as he reached for your phone to turn off your alarm before settling back down next to you and simply laying on your chest as you played in his curls that you loved so much.
“Did you sleep okay?” You asked and all Jack did was nod.
“No nightmares?”
“No, and I was having a good dream before it was so rudely interrupted by your alarm.”
“You slept in my room, remember?”
“Yes and can we go back to sleep because we have a lot to do today.”
“Well how long can I sleep for?”
“Your hair and nail appointment is at 9, now go to sleep.”
“Nope, go to sleep. I’ll tell you more when I wake up.”
You did as you were told and woke up at around 8:15. You quickly hopped into the shower seeing as Jack had rolled away from you, so this was the perfect opportunity to make an escape. He was going to complain later, but you would worry about that when the time came. 
Deciding on your pink and white jumpsuit, you quickly got dressed as you now heard Jack stirring. You turned around to see him reaching for you and he quickly let out a sigh when he noticed that you weren’t next to him. 
“You left me in my time of need.”
“I-.... you were asleep!”
“So? Your point? Anyway, the car should be downstairs now to take you to get your hair and nails done. I’ll see you when you come back.”
“And be on your best behavior. You and Urban because good lord.” You responded while putting in your earrings.
“We will be! And we will not be getting ready for your surprise party later that you don’t know about because that part of the conversation last night did not happen. And I took all of your credit cards because everything is on me today. You’ll have your chai latte waiting for you at the salon. Your only job today is to relax and let me take care of everything for you. Come here so you can get your birthday hug.” You simply held up your hands in defense and weren't going to put up a fight as you walked over to Jack who was now standing and quickly embraced him. 
“Happy birthday my pretty girl.” He quickly kissed your forehead as you hugged him tighter and smiled.
“Thank you and thank you for everything that you do for me.”
“I think it’s the other one around, but for today I’ll take it.”
Jack made sure you got downstairs and into the car okay before going to bother Urban and to get ready for your party later. Jack was itching to tell him about the two of you being together or being engaged? Whichever one it was but since he hadn’t cleared it with you beforehand he decided against it. 
His heart just about jumped out of his chest when you had told him yes last night when he had asked you to marry him, because he honestly thought that you were going to say no. Little did he know that in the back of your mind, for the last few weeks you had been thinking about the marriage pact heavily and wondered if Jack had honestly forgotten about it. So when he did bring it up, you were almost at a loss for words. 
But now that you got him and he got you officially, you were going to do anything possible for your relationship to continue to thrive as you would soon have different roles. Going from best friends to husband and wife. 
It was around 5 in the evening when you finally returned to the hotel and sent a quick text to Jack letting you know that you were back in your room. As you walked further into the room, you caught sight of a black and silver dress along with a brand new pair of Louboutins sitting on the bed and simply smiled and laughed to yourself.
You went closer to see that there was a note attached written in Jack’s handwriting.
For my fiance (you are about to get sick of me because I’m saying that every chance I get),
Put this on and then text me when you’re ready.
Happy 30th birthday, baby girl 
Your future husband
Once you were dressed, you sent him a text as promised and within five minutes he was opening the door to your hotel room (since the two of you always gave each other keys to your rooms) and smiled when he saw you.
“Damn, you got a man?”
“Actually I do.” You answered while playing along.
“And he left you here all by yourself looking that good?”
“Bye Jackman. I am so done with you.”
“You look gorgeous as always. Did you like the outfit I picked out for you?”
“I do and it fits perfectly.”
“Now, are you ready to go to your surprise party that you didn’t know about and will act surprised once we get there?”
“Yes, and I can’t wait.”
The party was in full swing and you were mingling with all your guests seeing as Jack literally flew in all of your friends and family so it was a small and intimate setting which he knew that you would prefer. Crowds weren’t your thing and would quickly give you anxiety being around a lot of people. Jack noticed that you were now staring off into space and quickly pulled you to the side in order to make sure that you were okay as he could tell your social battery was slowly diminishing.
“We can leave whenever you want. Just want to make sure that you’re okay.”
“I’m fine, I promise. Just a little tired, but I know it’ll be worth it.”
“Should we tell them? I’m surprised no one has said anything about your ring yet.”
“How about when we cut the cake we do it?”
“As long as you’re sure. It’s only friends and family so I know they won’t say anything until we give them the okay to.” Jack said while moving a curl out of your face.
“I’m sure.”
“Absolutely positive? Because we can wait, I don’t want you to feel as if I’m rushing you because that is the last thing I want.”
“You worry too much, I’m fine. I promise and I’m sure. Now I can tell all the girls to back up off my man.” You said while laughing and wrapping your arms tighter around Jack as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“You sure can. First thing out of my mouth will be is I’m taken and spoken for.”
All Jack thought to himself was that he knew from an early age that the two of you would end up together. However, it seemed like any time he tried to make a move you had a boyfriend and the last thing that he ever wanted to do was come in between that since he wanted for you to be happy. 
Usually once your boyfriends found out how close you and Jack were, they always accused you of cheating and would simply break up with you. But you had it in your mind that your soulmate whoever that was would respect the relationship that you have had with someone literally since birth and realize that Jack was not going anywhere and would forever be a part of your life and you wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Jack remembers comforting you every time it happened, he would give you a chance to have some time for yourself, but before he could make his move on you, you were once again in another relationship. 
“Let’s do this, then.”
“Happy dirty thirty to my favorite girl in the entire universe. I just wanted to let you know for the millionth time today how special you are to me and….. We have something to tell yall before we cut the cake.” Jack started to say and you were now in front of him.
“Should we say something or wait?” Jack asked as he looked down at you to increase the suspense even though the two of you already agreed on it.
“Hmmm, I guess we can tell them since they’re eventually going to find out anyway.” You responded and shrugged at the same time. 
“Out with it already!” Urban yelled while looking between the two of you and Jack simply held up your left hand to show everyone the ring.
“Wait, what?” You then heard him say and for good reason. 
“I’m officially changing Y/N’s last name to Harlow.” Jack answered before grabbing hold of your face and then leaning down to kiss you as you eagerly kissed him back. Once the two of you broke apart, all you saw was confused faces around you. 
For that to be the first kiss you and Jack shared, you couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear.
The two of you have gotten close to kissing before, but Jack would quickly move away or you would.
Because deep down in your mind you never thought that he liked you back the same way that you liked him and didn’t want to set yourself up to be hurt in the end. 
“I… did I miss something?”
“Apparently I missed the entire relationship because WHAT?” 
“That ring is big as shit.”
“Did anyone know that they were together? Because I definitely didn’t.” 
And then you heard both of your mothers.
Jack made eye contact with Urban who was looking at him in confusion and knew that the both of you would have to explain this to him later.
He knew that the two of you liked each other and would tease the both of you every day about it and asked when one of you were going to make the first move and ask the other one out.
So, the fact that now the two of you were in front of him and you were now wearing a big ass engagement ring was reason enough to have him in his feelings.  
With the marriage pact, you and Jack simply kept it to yourselves not involving anyone else just in case that something were to happen, as in, one of you getting married. Jack knew that Urban was going to be hurt about this seeing as the two of them literally told each other everything, and would explain his reasoning to keep it from him later. 
“Let me see the ring!” Your other best friend Ariyana said while coming over to you and grabbing your hand.
“I’m so happy for you and knew that the two of you would eventually end up together. I’ll beat you up later for not telling me.” She said while hugging you as you laughed.
Jack gave you a light squeeze on your shoulder as he went over where Urban was as you were now conversing with Ari and both of your parents.
“Urb.” Jack started to say, but he immediately stopped him. 
“So, we’re keeping things from each other now?” Urban questioned as he now had his arms crossed.
“No, but we didn’t want to say anything until we were sure. I promise it’ll make much more sense once we both explain it to you later.”
“As much as I got on the both of you every single day all to find out that the two of you were together anyway?”
“Like I said, we’ll do it later. If Y/N’s too tired we’ll do it tomorrow, but like I said once we tell you it will make much more sense.”
“It better make sense, because right now I’m ready to kick your ass for lying to me.”
“I get it, but fix your face before Y/N sees you. Don’t upset her.”
“I’m the only one who should be upset, but fine.” 
“Will it soften the blow that you’re going to be the best man?” Jack hopefully asked while looking at him.
“A little, but throw in some ramen and weed for good measure.”
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